Saturday, May 7, 2022

I need a small house with private swimming pool, walls that are not studded with removable panels or tiles next to terrorists living a few feet away from me using every technology to torture me. I need a private home with a garden/walled-off and swimming pool and SOME GOVERNMENTAL PROTECTION and for this hell to be stopped.///Hackers rewrote and deleted parts of my last two posts. I was not able to write coherently and what I could write was partially deleted/rewritten, redacted but ALL is ultimately censored and never reaching into the mass world of the internet--only to the criminals who are happily participating in this crime or do nothing to stop it, who also just happen to steal ideas or concepts I write because they too--all these "liberals" who profess their anti-corporate theorizing--all you and you know who you are--

 But otherwise, I cannot write clearly due to the emotional stress combined with the technology blasting into my brain to cause cognitive blocks and emotional exacerbation of a kind of hysteria, but the subject matter and years of this going on and endless mutilations and destruction of my body is the onus of this hysteria, but mostly, it's because no one is stopping them or this and/or defending my basic human rights and this is being upheld by the Executive Branch of the United States government, in this covert teleportation hell that they are also funding where their fangs come out openly and the dirty and lying underbelly is exposed and their fake smiling "We care about The American People, Democracy and Freedom" bullshit is silent and the drooling hissing of their evil and pernicious real personalities comes to the fore. I can't write about them or this without going into excess due to technology exerting a very disruptive block to critical thinking;  and even if I could, it would be rewritten upon publishing on this blog format.


I NEED A HOUSE WITH A SMALL GARDEN, A PRIVATE WALL AND SWIMMING POOL. PLUS A CLEANING SERVICE AND PRIVACY and $$$. The celebrities--the list is now so long that even if I could quote ten of them, I would "forget" the vast number of them if I tried to make a list. If the main perpetrators would contribute $100 /month to helping me to live in such a place--the cost in Phuket is approx $1000 per month, perhaps a bit higher but not much and if you make a long-term contract for rental the cost goes down of course. These pig whores are all multi-millionaires. The pieces of shit have been paid in more millions simply to torture me. They also have stolen my words, phrases, storylines, and I can't write anything any longer except these pathetic posts about the hate they inflict and violence which is met endlessly by silence. when I have writen my concepts, as this group poisoned me so badly all my life I can't function I am stuck in semi-paralysis. But these pig pieces of shit have stolen my ideas and made millions off them. If just ten of them, those who have made so much money in part from having stolen MY IDEAS which I wrote of, expressed verbally but never wrote, as I don't write my ideas any longer so the shit like pesce and deniro are endlessly hacking into my brain/thoughts and extracting ideas, responding to what I am thinking, and they make comments on what I am thinking to myself so it's like an easy transition to respond to them because this technology is so damn nebulous and evasive in terms of concrete reality--it's so deceptive I can swear easily that many people are being likewise brainwashed and manipulated but they have no clue--the technology is so dangerous. But all of these pigs could and should be made to contribute money every month--just $100 per piece of shit--and I could live in a place where I can exercise because my body by now is so flaccid, the muscles have deteriorated, the stress they inflict upon me is enough to literally kill someone and cause severe illness and body dysfunction from the endless hate and stress these shit parasites are dumping on me and then they suck the life out of me, the joy, peace and happinss they suck it out every single day and then pour hate upon me--

I need a swimming pool and I need this poisoning of my water, food and air to be stopped so I can live without being poisoned or drugged any longer. I have liver spots all over my arms from the sheer poisoning of my liver, which I am constantly trying to detox, but I am so sick from over 50 years of poison being poured into my body that I can't even heal fast enough to deal with the additional poisoning and stress that this group of fuckers has been pouring into my body, food, home and life for over a decade without end--after all the other fuckers in America and around the world where I have been endlessly running to find a place to live without some kind of stress level--(not understanding of course all my life wtf is going on and why this repetitive patterns keeps playing out in exactly the same way with people--whom I now understand have always been following a set of protocols of behavior, with little-to-no deviations around the entire planet in behavioral patterns in conjunction with this operation and the systematic forms of brutal psychological violence along with the drugging and technology to get every parasitic feeder a bit of energy out of exploiting and attacking me--and how many others in my position? I can't know but I think the numbers of exploited is growing and will continue to grow unless someone in authority actually begins to care about this situation. So far there is not enough alarm for anyone to care.


But if there is anyone who does care, please make these fuckers PAY me for all the years of this violence so I can begin to exercise. I have been sitting alone in rooms--I had a very loving cat La Moux--they stole her years ago. They literally killed every living thing I took in or cared for so I am now living in a space where if I water plants inside my balcony I am threatened by the landlord with eviction and/or calling the police because the terrorists who are spewing filth into my room every single day and into my body are "complaining" that water is being poured into their balcony--lies of course. All animals have been brutally killed or taken away from me that I loved and cared about. Every single business and place I go is packed with people flickiong things on my clothing and into my hair from behind, the cashiers abuse me when I hand them money--long lines of people violently almost attacking me on all sides--no matter where I go, which country, which business, and every attempt to make a phone call is diverted to terrorist agents posing as employees--or some of them are actual and real.

Obviously this system is extremely popular and to such an extent of advantage to every scumbag parasite on the planet that no one will admit it's even going on.

But I know that many good people still exist on this planet but they are    pushed to the background in every situation. I experienced during the pandemic the true friendliness of the Thai population once the skank parasites went back to their villages and all the millions of Europigapes were stuck in quarantine and I could experience the real thai culture of Phuket. I was greeted with friendlinss at least to a somewhat normal level. But now that's all receding once more as the pigs come to the fore with their hate and vicious deadly violence.

While the planet is burning, facing extinction and dying and fascist leaders are growing and human rights are suffering, animals are becoming extinct and goddamn you stupid goddamn fuckers out there reading this can't you see the fucking connection between what I am writing about and how much the planet is suffering at the hands of these utterly sick and evil pieces of shit who have wrested all control over the planet?

Friday, May 6, 2022

This contract out on me is to break my spirit because I was being MURDERED BY SOME Europigapes and by the fascist Nazi/Mafia bigot American system (with so many Latinos just like Rep from NYC Cortez, the "spunky" skank who you all confuse as a "progressive liberal") and just as she participated with hate and negativity in a teleportation hate skit and about two years or more of her endless videos on my youtube and social media as all these scumbags put their crap onto my system and if I click on anything they begin to teleport me--ostensibly this is supposed to mean I am delusional and schizophrenic if I try to write about it--much less I must forget entirely about trying to report this on any real platform to any person in authority. But the brown and black along with the ultra whites--the combination remains the same from NYC to Phuket where it's much more open and in plain view instead of so disguised by false rhetoric as it is in America. I told them, these Europig fascist ape pig whores that they have no right to do this to me, I fought. I am now under non-stop assault by the white pig celebrities to enforce this very system that I have absolutely no rights whatsoever on this planet for any protection or human right to defend myself. And also to not feel beautiful ,happy, to have anything beautiful or nice, all is broken, stolen and destroyed and opportunities destroyed (and if I get a chance to grab an opportunity this organization has me hit by cars or poisoned so I am dying, need health care which they also take away and deprive me of and go on and on trying to break me in every way to "accept" not just 2nd class status but something like NO STATUS for anything but abuse and degradation and a repeat of genocidal Holocaust society now enforced by pigs like Pelosi and Biden and every president in power since I was born. When will this shit ever be stopped if there is nothing but pieces of shit put into power. Filthy vagalina pigalina the dirty and filthy wife of pit--who tried to knock my teeth out because I wrote on my private facebook page that I want justice and the he and this group STOP being promoted into highest rank for Oscars for non-stop torture of me--they cut out part of my uterus they killed my cats they h ave tortured me non-stop and filthy vagalina pigalina is a representative for the United Nations after having done all this violence and slow murder and disfiguration and destruction to my life, health, my body my cat my home stealing ideas from me non-stop so that dumb and rotten filth whore can pose as being not just a skank slut but also as someone "liberal" in order to get put into some higher political position. What the fuck is going on in America that this is being championed by shit like Hillary clinton who also thrust her phallic intentions into this mess, obtained a surrogate movie role, was invited to the Met Gala with names of famous women on her dress like she's a goddamn feminist--the feminism she entails like all these other filthy bitch whores is to cut down women like me and only have obsequious women deferring to them, and then put into power but only if they firmly follow all the tenants of white supremacist adoration of these pig whores and vicious abuse and assaults upon me. For example, see Rep. Cortez from NYC and her media push and her adoration and deferment to the nazi women who are helping her also to get skin whitening and plastic surgery and more media presentations of entertainment venue level. It's disgusting and it just keeps going on and on and on and on with this most disheartening display of utter shit having been put into main power positions in America. All opposition is truly gone to the fascist emergence. The liberal presenters in the media, many of them are fully aware of what is going on and aimed at me and they fully go along with it and are probably glad about it. All I have done is asset my right as a human being to compete, do my best and try to win and not be fucked, abused, drugged, raped, disfigured because some piece of shit nazi bitch doesn't like me having any chance to compete. That is filthy pigalina vagalina the slut whore who is a vile and evil piece of pure shit that you have all allowed to get away with this, along with fucking pit and the rest of these pigs who you just keep on nearly worshipping because they represent white supremacist Nazi culture posing as liberal humanitarians and the deception goes a bit too far. What is wrong with America that it's just allowing every kind of criminal to be put into power like this? Don't any of you care at all about a real state of peace and decency in society?

 I've been writing these sickeningly desperate posts for over 8 years or longer to one piece of shit pig after the next to please stop, please stop--or please help. Nothing but endlessly more and more to entertain the fascists who read my posts and think this is fun and great and they want to see more women like me being raped, mutilated and destroyed by shit like filthy pigalina who should be made to pay me for the years of her stealing ideas directly I have written about on my Facebook page. And her English partner Danny Moynihan who stole verbatim my ideas and words, and the list goes on. I just watched part of a movie that pit came out with called War Machine and he and his group STOLE verbatim--VERBATIM words I had written about Obama because I was incensed that he wasn't stopping this and could have and surely did not--(must go along to get along).

They quoted me verbatim while that rotten fucking Nazi blonde creep pit was having a little family of cats I was feeding slowly mutilated and brutally killed--my uterus partially cut out and it fell out while I was in the shower--as I was trying to get him and that foul nasty parasite-lina wife of his off me--and they are still going on with their shitty rotten rat daughter--so reminiscent of Depp's disgusting rat daughter--the same mentality almost the same kind of petty and dumb skank who is told to expect instant gratification and fame out of beating and abusing me. The huge family of these pigs has gone on and on winning and being put into the United Nations to represent the real covert Nazi/Mafia criminal enterprise that has been building up--with stinking and foul Pelosi jumping on into the mix and the Democrat Party of course following along--of course with rotten Hillary Clinton endlessly posturing using the feminist angle as a crutch--as long as it's blonde and white supremacist women who get the few slots that the corporate men are going to hand out as long as they can slowly deteriorate all the feminist wins in the legal battles--right now it's abortion--but slowly and surely stupid whore bitches like Clinton and filthalina are going to destroy absolutely the entire real feminist movement and even rotten bitches like them in the future will not have a chance to have any positions of power. Of course, even if these foul fakes understood this, they would not care as long as THEY got in their lifetimes the chance they truly could not give a damn. But definitely when it comes to me having a home, career, happiness, beauty, love and my chance which is legal in the United States, through this system of endless criminality=--these "feminist" whores can insert their male surrogate rapist penises into my body and fungus as well with silicone insertions under my skin to make me look covered with cysts and entire body by now has broken bones jutting out, skin has red pimple scars everywhere--my skin has been so badly chemically treated due to the orders of these pig whores that I look like I have been scarred by some chemical explosion on my skin in patches--and etc etc etc


When I see what is going on in the United States from afar, I see a country absolutely in decline but with the most corrupt becoming ultra wealthy and people going crazy. I suspect there is much mind control going on with these technologies that sinister Elon Musk definitely has at his disposal with full permission of crap like Pelosi and the rest of Congress of course really wants to undermine Democracy and all that entails--but only as long as THEY get to have a bit of power before they confiscate it from any other group that isn't so violently corrupt they can't force their way into power like ALL of the celebrities and the entities backing them have proven they are utilized in their ascent from the lowest gutters into the highest levels of vile and filthy sewage that is coursing through America and spewing it's hate onto the rest of the planet--of course as a not-recognized colony of Europigapeland--America is just following orders so the real stink is coming from fascist Naziland Europipapeland where much of this stinking mentality was born and was carried and is being carried into America with full red carpet treatment.


I am being tortured like this because I am standing up for any and even an iota of human dignity and rights that this group of SHIT is endlessly trying to take away. Politicians join in to encourage them and to threaten me with death. 4 years of Trump and his skank wives having me hit by cars because I asked for justice, read tarot cards to Trump telling him that something very bad was coming for him and it was coming somehow from behind his wife--I was just reading and trying to figure it out--that was my 3-minutes of looking at some cards and I was talking out loud in teleportation--and that resulted in weeks of fungus being inserted into my ears (a murder attempt) and cars nearly hitting me on all sides and a car hitting me and death treats multiple times from the shit that Trump married

and on and fucking on and on--I just sit here fighting for my rights as a human being because I was being MURDERED and I resisted and finally called the shit men who were taking turns teleporting and raping and poisoning me to death --whom I had never harmed, who just didn't like me, who just stole ideas from me for years and kept having me poisoned and put in accidents and being blocked from all my endless attempts to have a career--and home--they have not stopped trying to "break" me to "accept " being treated like shit and humiliated and abused adn poisoned and raped without fighting back. THis is being fully endorsed and then in concert with these pigs are filthy pigalina, now a United Nations representative who has feed off having me beaten, raped, laughed about it, stole my ideas, has committed so much violence and has been feeding off torturing me for so many years after the Europigape men who handed this bitch whore this technology--along with pig who is just also horrific but as a psychopath he's very adept at putting on charming smiles and seeming affable--just purely a psychopath--

but on and on--there was Depp and his girlfriend-turned-wife now in court battling out their mutual dysfunction now turned into a tabloid saga--and I have been this perpetual target for years only because I am asserting my right of being a human being not violated every moment by some sleazy and disgusting foul thugs out of Whorewood who have been handed this technology as part of a fascist scheme to insert the worst and most pretentious fakes who are now actors--the entire political spectrum is now oriented towards performing like an actor--and so--I must ask if there is ANYTHING LEFT OF AMERICAN SOCIETY OR ANY COUNTRY ON THE PLANET WHERE I HAVE SOME PROTECTION FROM THIS SHIT? 

"Hello from the gutters of NYC" to Whorewood, USA. A bad trip down sewage lane USA: WILL THERE NEVER BE JUSTICE OR PROTECTION FOR ME AS A TARGET of: TELEPORTATION PERPETUAL VICTIMIZATION BY THUGS, WHORES, PIGS AND SCUMBAGS WHO FEED OFF DESTROYING MY HEALTH, BODY, HOME AND STEALING ANYTHING ELSE THEY CAN USE FOR THEIR CRAP FAKE PERSONAS IN MOVIES AND APPEARANCES. THE UGLY and sick trolls I have been writing of are just perpetually being allowed to inflict their ever-increasing violence upon me in this morning routine that has gone on and on for YEARS. The sick and putrid pig ape scum cheasy greasy pair deniro and pesce--not just them--vile pit's wife, and pit--also for YEARS along with Oprah for YEARS AND THEY JUST ALL LATCH ON AND FEED PARASITICALLY ON TAKING THEIR SICK VIOLENCE FANTASIES OUT UPON ME TO BREAK MY BODY, SOUL AND SPIRIT.

"Summer of Sam--'Hello from the Gutters'" (of NYC to Whorewood, USA). 

WILL NO ONE EVER STOP THIS OR GET THESE PIG MEN deniro and pesce OFF ME? Disgusting, foul, stupid, dirty, nasty, ignorant and really evil and rotten a pair of decrepit foul and demonic so-called 'men" who are so vile it's disgusting. The filth of Brooklyn and the mafia and their nasty, pornographic violent mentalities that you don't EVER see in these shitty and glorified movies made by other "Italian-Americans" in the movie biz. Scumbags that defy imagination. Really they are more like sex trafficking loser thugs who taunt and use every kind of dehumanizing pornographic reference like a pair of moronic adolescents who were incubated on Hustler magazine and other porn mentalities including the violence and ugliness that their entire spectrum incubates by the age of 5. They are merely the base and most honest lowest common denominator of all the celebrities who have been inflicting their filth upon me all these years. Endless stinking foul crap poured into my hair, skin, body, furniture, every day there is a foul and stinking mess poured and sprayed on various places in my home and on my skin. The list of damage to my body is endless by now just from the years of these shit and filth celebrities--the women in particular like filthy pigalina the skank and rotten whore piece of shit, like all the evil "step-mothers" in the Disney movies she plays a hero in, the fake hero of the "witch" which is a theme she directly stole from me when I wrote about a feminist interpretation of Sleeping Beauty--by the way--and turned it into the endless racist-theme of glorifying her banality but posturing plastic surgery success--but she and others like HIllary Clinton have made sure I have had fungus inserted into my vagina, hair, skin, food, etc on and on objects inserted into my body while I was defenseless-including rape. Then endlessly having these rapist pig men who are bigots and whores who join in and rape, beat and abuse me in front of that smirking and smiling filth whore, who has just conscripted in the last few years out of more than 10 years of these same filth actors going on and on to destroy me and have me broken so it is apparent and then to force me to be some mind-controlled object of derision and not fighting back against endless open discrimination, insults and threats--the usual that most Jews I have had to see as part of this group take like their inheritance as they go along to get along.


So they got these filthy and stupid scum actors of Mafia movie fame--violent, and sick and mentally ill on many levels but those levels are "acceptable" in a sick society that is perpetually at war, kicking homeless into death, destroying countries and covertly killing off MILLIONS of people as "collateral" damage for the profiteering off technologies and all for an elitist international criminal fascist cartel that they all belong to. And at the near to the bottom of the top layers of the psychology of this group are these two actors who are the open and honest vileness, sickness and stupidity of them all--but like an open syphilis sore, they ooze out the violence and filth that this group really is and to the core of their unprincipled hypocrisy.


I.e., as I was making some cake in my one and only cooking apparatus--because the filth pig apes pour fungus and mold and brown and black grime and make all the metal parts rusted of each and every appliance I get---immediately, they begin to destroy the interior and rust it out and put brown and black crap into all the cooking appliances within the first two days of bringing yet another one new home. But as I was cooking, I did what almost everyone does when they are making a cake (I was making it in my rice cooker, which I must resort to to cook every single thing I want to eat). I was pouring out the batter and I had to taste it to see if it was right--so I stuck my finger into the batter while these pig scumbags had, as they ever EVERY SINGLE MORNING, WHILE i AM IN THE SHOWER, THEY MAKE THE MOST SLEAZY AND STUPID COMMENTS--but as I was tasting the batter ugly pesce said with the stupidity that they always say together (as a team the lowering of morality, ethics, intelligence like a mob mentality the dumb brutality levels heighten while any kind of intelligence lowers)--he said he would beat me if I did that if he were in the room with me. I had been trying to ignore the hours of their endless attempt to prod a reaction out of me (the pigs get paid and promoted for every day they successfully use the mind control technology, in addition to nightly drugging of skin patches and also my food is always either made foul and nearly rotting even though I buy it fresh (they remove the food with the mechanical arms, through the very loose sort of netting I made on the patio and I am too exhausted from YEARS of fighting perpetually to stop all of this to almost no avail--injuring myself while doing so, spending my money I needed for food to do this--as the pigs made comments on my every move--in particular pesce--so I responded and I could "see" them even while I was in my room here in Phuket and they were in the luxury place that they were using this tech--there were as usual the filthy celebrities of whorewood sitting there watching in silence--they got this pair of most vile and nasty scumbag whore pig apes to assault me in the most degrading and threatening ways--and they are threatening me now with brutal violence like a pack of scumbags from any low gutter--and that is what they essentially did to Brooklyn and I swear they have discredited the place where my grandparents and parents did everything they could to get away from shit like them and their shitty nasty "Italian-American" fascist Nazi most racist and sickening society. Spike Lee did not even BEGIN to depict them as they really are. Lee attempted to humanize them. There is no humanity they are foul and rotten to the core--and they are only the reality of the celebrities who have been destroying everything I am and have worked for.


For the nth time, will someone PLEASE GET THESE FUCKER PIG APE SCUMBAGS OFF ME--please goddamn please where is my country how disgusting that t his is being forced upon me by politicians and these foul and shitty disgusting actors while society keeps cheering them on. Filthy vagalina pigalina has made sure I am disfigured so the rapes where people would rape me and then insert fungus into my vagina, then put my hips and spine out of place so when I woke up in the morning my body stank, my hips and spine were in so much pain I could barely walk and I could feel the injuries to my body--along with the lifetime of hardening poisons put in my food covertly by everything from my participatory family to everyone else in society--or they just did nothing and never bothered to alert me to the life-threatening situation I have always been in--living in a dream and watching these shit celebrities playing authentic fakes for movies and thinking that American society can't be falling apart because look at all the benevolence that these pieces of shit in Whorewood keep cranking out and getting awarded for.


So I must wrap my body up in so many layers but still they are smearing absolutely damaging chemicals on my skin--nightly. My hair is barely growing back--they put so many horrific chemicals into my hair that there is a huge patch of nearly nothing all along the crown of my head, extending on both sides downward to my ears-only a little layer is on top of mostly balding patches of skin due to the YEARS of them damaging my hair follicles. I have to wear over 5 layers of items wrapped so tightly around my head that I got in indentation into my forehead from wrapping so much so tightly to try to stop the mechanical arms from gingerly getting into the caps, and layers of material I use having to go into some kind of engineering version of analysis in order to figure out how to absolutely stop mechanical arms from entering into my hair zone--night after night it's gone on but since the last few years of more and more of these women who are put into the glam section of society --they have made damn sure to endlessly hiss that they are more beautiful as these violent chemical destroying nightly raids on my body have ensured I am covered with blemishes, my body is completely scarred up, my face is sagging from depression and from sickness and abuse and hate and all I love taken from me

and then after more than a decade of this going on and on, I have this pair of pieces of pure shit deniro and pesce going on and on with the most nasty and ugly, sleazy and violent threats, abuses, they grab at my body they make the most disgusting comments and the rest of the pig ape celebrity shit whores sit there staring because they want this contract out on me and will do everything possible to break me so they can get this deal. I am trying not only to not be put into a slave situation but also to not allow more Trumps, more fascists into positions of power. But the more I fight, the more of these shit celebrities join into the game of abusing, threatening, raping, slapping, punching, ordering the pig apes here in this condo and in Phuket to viciously slowly murder me with non-stop stress and poisoning--and abuse so the stress level just alone is a continuous slow murder situation.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

THE VULTURES HAVE LANDED IN UKRAINE! I should say, some of them are hyena-vulture hybrids who also have strains of pig-ape hybridization mixed into their otherwise swinish greasy plastic-exterior coating posing as "Democracy-loving" and "Fighting for Freedom". The next endless war summons the hybrids out of their posturing mansions to play more roles for the cameras while milking the United States and bringing in more fascist Nazi/Mafia Totalitarian indoctrination disguised with huge smiles of benevolence/malevolence behind every curled up corner of their greasy blood-thirsty sucking apparatuses (aka "lips"). What the "liberal" (Nazi-Mafia-backed/white supremacist/Oreo Supremacist minions) won't blather as expose analysis of the news and the blues (all of them against The Jews, including The "Jews" who play all the diminutive roles of self-abnegation when necessary, as they do and they DO. What they are telling you that I have seen and they all know--from my teleportation hell that has been forced upon me.

"Pig Destroyer--The Diplomat (Official Video)". Noisey. October 26, 2012.

*Hacking has been obstructive during this entire post attempt in typing fluidly. That means terrorist hackers will be as usual redacting/rewriting/deleting commas and grammar/inserting confusing words and etc. I have had to struggle endlessly to get anything out during this brief little post. Whatever mistakes they insert after I publish is from them, intended to discredit me (that's all they do in everything I am).**


 I am in such a state of torture, under so much duress, that it took me quite a few days to begin to even think of how rotten one of the main culprits is: the vulture is nearly wetting her pants to continue another "endless war" but now transferred from Afghanistan into Ukraine theater. Trailing along with skank appeal and posturing is another vulture hybrid who also sometimes exhibits more of the pig-ape whoreness in her daily dealings (for years) with torturing and extracting ideas out of me so she can present herself as being not only an ardent "feminist" (but laughs while I am being beaten and raped by her good male friend --not just her husband--oh yes, they are still married and "in love" just divorced by now. Usually the emphasis was on her sexual enhancements on her endlessly carved and chisled by plastic surgery body--some parts enhanced, some parts removed, some parts cut out, and viola! That was the main focus on this greasy and dumb rapist enabling skank. But wait! It's had a dearth of new ideas ever since the decade of torturing me with teleportation information extraction derived out of non-stop torture. Now it's the most humanitarian person on the planet, based on ideas I screamed in rage about how corrupt and sleazy and purely shitty and vile and a disgrace these empty and meaningless parasites really are in terms of every human righr, which they hold no sanctimonious adherence to in their private dealings.

Thusly, the pair of vultures swooped down into Ukraine in the same week period. That is the only period they will have this month. Blood issuing from their fantasies as the trickle of sexual froth slightly wets their foul and dirty fake mouths as they embrace all the blonde and Nazi children claiming that the $33 Billion in addition to the endless millions the US is sending Ukraine in aid is only going for the little blonde Nazi kiddies who are suffering so much (the descendants of the Ukrainians and Poles and Nazis who slaughtered members of my family in that region, who once were the Burgermeisters of a tiny village named after the lost Austrian Empire which founded and then floundered in this enterprise. Hugging the descendants of Nazis and drooling and frothing and twitching and twerking in delight, the "sending you billions of dollars in the next forever war until 'it's finished;'" means a long and dragged out war where the hyenas are once more, as pig-lousy did against me during the relief legislation coming to spew death threats at me while sitting next to the Austrian Nazi who referred to me in Nazi terminology--as his peers out of Europ-a-land have all done --the famous celebrities--who come to get their free deals and red carpet treatment as they reveal how violently they truly desire another Holocaust circa 1939-1945 but instead of all European Jews killed off--it's going to be American Jews and the pig apes of Europigapeland from Phuket to Whorewood are drooling their pants like their ancestors did to see what they can steal and rob and kill and maim and murder and suck all in for more endless wealth in order to fulfill the global hegemonic role that the United States has so eagerly participated in--this Nazification of the planet. The Ukraine profiteering exploit is another example of unifying this Nazi/Mafia/criminal cartel and expanding beyond former NATO borders. The vultures are swooning in ecstasy and travelling for photo-ops with their greasy and fake hateful smiles which they must force but the promise of and endless flow of money into their coffers (their private off-shore and tax-free accounts no doubt) bring on huge smiles as they hug the "Jew" out of Ukraine put in that position because now no one can claim that Ukraine is a Nazi State if a "Jew" has been put into the lead position.


The next hyena is not in Ukraine but is dealing with a $100 million potential counter-offensive in her war to obtain fame and lucre out of the contract that put her in fame slots along with her counterpart Nazi white supremacist bigot sluts whom I refer to above, who are just t wo examples of a mega-contingent demographic the spans the globe (they really all look and act the same to me).

She's been undergoing mind programming into traumatizing victim mode---so when she's on the stand she appears genuinely traumatized. I can assure you that the few years these two violent rapist hyenas were attacking me, they were both glowing with dopamine and other assorted sordid hormones out of the glee and delight of torture, rape and being thrust into main profit and award mode--they obtained Golden Globe status, they won various awards as all the criminal thugs who are part of this acting political spectrum do. I can see now that it is distraught on the stand--it's face curdled in an agonized mask that an actor studying method-acting cannot replicate--so it appears but of course she is an ACTOR and has already made millions off this propensity to assume various shades of grey and all appears natural. She stands to lose $50 million, but also stands to gain $100 million. All the mind control training she obtained by torturing me is paying off so well it's almost unbelievable how many millions she has already obtained in this deal and contract out on me. I feel relatively assured that her psychiatrist or the people who participated with her are using the very same "trauma-based" mind control perhaps even in her sleep with similar mind control drugs and technologies (handed to her gratus of her former boyfriend the big technocratic sensation you all love as much as you love warm chocolate chip cookies laced with LSD).


Oh, to go on about him and his dealings with China before and during the pandemic--and the technologies making a possible dispersion of air-borne particles and viruses possible for this huge leap into multi-billion dollar status and a huge chunk of the China auto industry now under his domain. But that is venturing into real vulture corporate evil that is threatening as the vultures are all constantly threatening my life in at least 6 ways every single day for my writing. Which is ignored, silenced, censored and then any part or word or phrase that some bigot posing as a "liberal" commentator can also steal while smirking that I remain silenced and absolutely oppressed in every way contrary to the First Amendment. As one of the victims of the new but so-far disguised fascist Nazi/Mafia criminal enterprise of the technocratic United States where actors can pose as leaders and vice-versa, technology enhancing the suspension of disbelief and cognitive dissonant surrender to every lie and obvious graft politic and politician turned actor turned media sensation.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

I didn't have a dream (maybe Martin Luther King, Jr. did). Teleportation temptations, enhancements, programming and potential pitfalls: Eddie Torres had a "dream" encouraging him to be famous, that seemed so real that he thought it was reality.

"Eddie & Maria Torres Performing Fiesta a la King By Tito Puente at Manhattan Center NYC". Eddie Torres. (Date video published not included).

At the age of 16, one night He was immersed in a dream; told by either his programmer, "higher spiritual self" or some dream catcher entity, who/which said in clearly understandable language that he would be famous for his art/dancing/music and would play in front of the Tito Puente band as a star in his own right. Believing that the dream was a voice of the divine or some force of a higher knowledge than his own slumber-scape, He worked to achieve that end and attained it.

Was the "dream" a teleportation situation? I know the technology was around even back as far as 1978-79 because I know it was used on me directly at least once. I have to wonder if I have ever dreamed in the real sense of my own organic existence from birth until now.

But this is a way to subliminally program people either for their enhancement or fail. Considering what I know of the greed and self-serving interests of people who are part of this terror operation, I doubt the tech will be used as a beneficial enhancement for the majority of people. As it has been used on me, it can be used to steal intellectual property and then through al l the telecommunications blocks, prevent them from being able to publish their own material, even if they can visually "see" that the product has been "published" that can be a fabricated visual deception by use of hacking tricks and gimmicks. They can easily be blacklisted and denied any acceptance while those who steal are uplifted into prominence instead. The teleportation can be used to hiss hate into the mind of the extremely susceptible sleeping person, who if unaware of the teleportation tech, will "believe" that they are not talented, qualified or all the negative hate phrases that I have heard directly hissed along with endless violence by those who steal the ideas (first they state that the idea is "stupid" and then they steal it, and then block my career at every possible junction of potentiality).

It's another day of laying out the potentialities of the destruction of Free Will, Free enterprise, freedom of thought and freedom for personal attainment and cognition that this terrorist organization is (in)directly threatening the planet with.

In this case, whether the "dream" was "real" or something like subliminal programming, it has improved the quality of life on this planet so for this case, it's a very good thing.

All I can say with my extremely limited Spanish is: ESTO ES MUY SUAVE!!

Monday, May 2, 2022

Killing rare species of animals is something the fascist Nazi terrorist "gang stalking" celebrity team you all cheer on, with full permission of the politicians who claim they are the most hip defenders of Freedom in the world: The "Gang stalking" Terrorists, from both the local fascist Nazi/Mafia Phuket branch but upon order of the H-wood celebrity/governmentally-sponsored Nazi/Mafia "leadership" and/or both-- either killed or took away a mating pair of gigantic and fascinating and extremely rare lizards that I admired who lived on the hillside outside my patio on the third floor which faces a steep hillside almost parallel at 90-degrees--either they killed them (most likely) or took them away (doubtful). THis group of psychopath life-f****ers ordered this done "because" I wrote or responded in rage and hate and/or mocking humor to try to deflect their hate and violence that has been perpetually foisted upon me for years---and only because they are instructed to dump and pour hate and violence upon me so they can flaunt huge posturing smiles when they get awarded for their movies proclaiming themselves as heroes of universal proportion in their movie roles...or governmental posturing as those politicians who most viciously attack me in teleportation alongside the celebrities are most outspoken in public about protecting "Freedom and Democracy" --yee haw. Only because I made contact with these lizards and formed a kind of communion with them. I threw food to them, and I enjoyed their presence and they would come and stare at me when I would go onto my patio. Only for that reason, either they were killed or taken out of one of the last refuges in Phuket where such creatures could thrive as if they were living in real nature. The terrorists also blew up the entire hillside outside my window where birds had nests and insects and butterflies and flowers were. They then continued to pour chemicals on the hillside forcing it to be barren for at least another year. The desecration of nature is like the abhorrence for human nature and the unnatural mind control programming for a death culture that this group is entertaining onto the planet but the result is such barren wasteland destruction of LIFE. More of the Life-f*** series today and why this terrorist operation must be stopped--but who will do it if everyone is transfixed upon watching these terrorists perform their stunts of enthrallment and people are so stunned into unnatural sensationalism that they can't differentiate any longer between unnatural death culture and a life-sustaining system?

 "World Risks Losing 1 in 5 Reptiles as Human Activity Destroys Ecosystems, Says Report Author". Democracy Now! April 2, 2022.


The list of animals I have just loved and taken care of who were either brutally killed or taken away:

My "daughter" cat La Moux, my most precious and only family I have left--loving and fun animal, most beautiful. This group took her away after I began fighting to get the first celebrity who began this H-wood contract out on me with his years of rape and torture and violence alongside his partners (wife, daughter) and a host of others--and then his friends in H-wood participated as well and are still at it. But they stole my cat after having her thrown in the swimming pool and took photos of her drowning as they then took her away from me (they rescued her at the last minute). That was years ago, they put cat videos on my YouTube channel every day. I have done nothing but beg them to return her for all the years they just keep her away from me. I think she is dead by now, she was born in 1999. This was my child, my soul-mate and beloved and cherished partner in life--as silly as that sounds, a much preferable sentient being to the terrorists who are foul and sick and unnatural life-f**ers who are your favorite fantasy life-f*** figures you confuse as heroic and fantastic.


They had a frog which I kept under a bucket as a "guest" on my porch, which would come out to greet me when I came in (this was at the last place I lived). The pig apes ordered their Thai minions who were constructing a building outside my window (part of the endless decades' long series of buildings being under construction right outside my window--over and over, for years and years this has gone on. They would throw cement at my front door, and they bashed the frog in with a huge stick and left it dead on my porch. They then left dead animals in front of my door. They killed a family of cats, but only gouged the eye out of one of the kittens only because I was feeding them. They smashed the spine of another one of the kittens and killed the mother cat while she was still feeding the kittens (who were either gouged or brutally crushed to death and left slowly dying on my front porch by the pig apes). There is a bit more, a lot more (a lot of dying insects left in front of my door by the Europigapes who are still participating with the life-f**ckers in Whorewood, USA who wanna be all things aristocrat European fascist Nazi Mafia (pig ape whores).

Why no one will even begin to stop them, I still can't understand. The stupidity of what is considered "great" in all these societies who continue to put such absolute life fuck sick psychopathic stupid personalities into lead positions of power is just beyond my comprehension any longer.

The growing list of The list of criminal offenses brought to public attention committed by the celebrities who terrorize me using these technologies and their terrorist "gang stalking" minions: The small, only partial list of criminals and crimes without punishment out of this terrorist contract out on me.// What does this tell you about psychopathy and this technology and "gang stalking " terrorism being foisted upon me by people who sink into criminality and are awarded for it in this fascist Mafia operation to brainwash and destroy targets, so fully exonerated and funded by Governments (my own in particular): I finally did the research on my motorbike rental (former) agent whose daughter was arrested but skipped the country. She was allowed to fly out of the country after a drug possession charge. The network of the order of ("The Illuminati") surely takes care of their minions who participate in this terror contract out on me. Oh yes, her mother (the rental agent who verbally and in other ways assaulted me while my brain was lumped into a metaphorical state of damp clay) while I was in their shop--got her daughter into modeling out of the instant happy ending massage/motorbike rental bar girl life. Into top celebrity status. Down into selling drugs during the pandemic. Up out of risk for a 33-year sentence by just flying away with full permission of the good ole boy network.

**Hacker terrorists have altered my writing in this post--I re-read a few paragraphs and saw the usual grammar deletions and rewrites, but I am too weary of the hacking and pounding and backspacing and retyping endlessly so I am not going to alter their alterations because they just hack and do the same after I revise--


This woman in the Phuket News photo below, Amy Jacobs, is the daughter of my motorbike rental shop owner Porn (the shop is called Be2Win--in Rawai, Phuket). The first day I was in that shop to rent a motorbike, that daughter was a plump adolescent with cut-off shorts reaching nearly to her crotch, a tee shirt, and a gooey shiny face smiling as she twisted like she was about to go to the bathroom but was just ecstatic that I was going to be something she fed off to obtain her dream of becoming a movie star out of the hate and violence this contract entails, which is now an ongoing, never-ending saga of one celebrity after the next already millionaires or billionaires attacking me to get more and more and more and more (never-ending latching on to attacking me with never-ending promotions for them all). But voila! There is this thing called the Law of Spiritual Retribution--in my book of imagining---and the boomerang effect not only of their personal lives but in the public sense has been made apparent in at least 4 distinct cases (which remain, for the criminals, only a blight on their careers and finances but cerainly nothing they are going to ponder or reflect upon as being "wrong" in any sense. The lack of real legal repercussion and the endless celebrity over-awed protected status of these criminals enables them and the system to continue. I submit this little post now as a kind of tiny list of the repercussions on the very slim level left that remains of public censure for crimes held by those who are put on lofty clay pedestals due to their abilities to titillate and entertain:

More twists unfold in Phuket’s Amy Jacobs arrest.PHUKET: The ensuing saga of Phuket girl turned model and Thai TV celebrity Amelia “Amy” Jacobs following her arrest for possession of drugs in Bangkok on Tuesday took another twist yesterday after Thai media reported that she has denied the drugs were hers, and that she was just holding onto them for a friend she has declined to name.  


"Arrest Warrant out for former Thai-Dutch tv star, now facing 33  years in prison for drug trafficking". Thai Examiner. August 22, 2020.

I truly think that a 33-year sentence for possession with possible intent to sell is far too extreme. Even a year is far too extreme.

I am simply stating the results of this endless debauchery and degradation out of exploitation contract using brain-altering technology, combined with this incentive system that I have seen exhibits more deleterious effects upon the users of the tech who go ape-crazy like pigs to obtain more and more. The excessive addictive quality of instant gratification and promotions into top awards, after obtaining beautification like plastic surgery and instant awards for being nasty, mean and becoming addicted to attacking me (or any target) so vulnerable in this mind control situation.

The papers did not mention the name of the mother, only the Europ-a (obviously white male) out of Holland. I was lied to by Porn, the mother who I finally reached a kind of peace pact with on a certain psychological level after she made her final test of me when her daughter first was arrested--I was accosted with glaring looks of intimidation and threat by a bunch of the friends of this former "happy ending" bar girl to becoming a top Thai beauty contest winner-turned actor (who has the connections to land her into film and the media who are likewise attacking me)?

I just want to reiterate the list now of famously corrupt people who became openly so after having "enjoyed" instant promotion to elevations that blew their minds apart into spheres of pseudo-royalty entitlement until they crashed with illegal activity (the yearned-for entitlement system of being allowed to break all laws and civility of society is still honored silently by this system up to the top ranks of law enforcement, but at the obvious public level, pretenses have to be retained so the list of people being arrested or creating severe crises in society is growing):

--one punched his wife and the spat turned into a global hissing contest of celebrity tabloid years of legal contests--still brewing at this very moment in history. In other words, domestic violence which is still a crime on the law books, but not enforced while these celebrities first rape, beat and torture ME but if it happens to one of the fascists or their minions and held up to scritiny in the public light--it is still then unavoidably held as a crime, but not really. They all get away with it in one respect or another, although their careers are tarnished.

---the next one on the list--tried to overturn an election and had people killed in the process but claims it wasn't his fault. Tried to unravel the fabric of society and Democracy in one fell swoop that is still in the process of unraveling and still with very few repercussions and legal challanges presented to the person--although the sword of Damocles appears to hang over him, he's out partying it up trying to recapture all he claims was stolen from him.

--another one slapped someone in front of millions of people in full view of that pernicious media "academy" of graft, fascist programming and racist hegemony. He's getting away with the crime, and although his movies may not be shown, he remains standing as the good ole boy network with the women equally as pernicious of that organization cheering him on as a chamption for women and etc--(transferring the old excuses to pardon rapists from that crime to the crime of physical assault with his slap at the Oscars).

---another one got a divorce from his rapist cheerleader #me doo! wife, because he hit his adopted son in such a way that for years there has been tabloid gossip about this child and mother trying to stave off the father--(but they are all together like the Brady Bunch when I am teleported to them). There are NEVER blemishes or accusations or any gossip about any of THEM in the tabloids, they are beyond even law and order constraints to the public--assault and all crimes are fully exempt when it comes to the blonde and bigot Nazi actors. Yet, still, they are tarnished somewhat by the event.


That is four people who have had direct contact with attacking me who have reached infamy for their crimes that they probably assumed would never be publically exposed because they had been so "entitled" to committing every crime against me for YEARS and were promoted to endless heights as a result. Even after their public exposure, they are protected endlessly and get away; in this case, literally allowed to fly out of the country and go elsewhere--in order to avoid prison time for a sentence that really--I agree--is far too harsh and absurd and I think she and they all SHOULD have been arrested for the crimes they were committing against ME.


Just as an aside--I was endlessly insulted by Porn who would stare me down and comment on my dress style--which is almost exactly like what her daughter appears to be emulating in this photo--but for at least one year Porn would comment on my necklaces (just like the one her daughter is wearing above) and the style I wore (I didn't wear tee shirts like that, above, though). Her daughter was completely in Thai style when I first saw her in Porn's shop--she has also lost a lot of weight since she first began her dive into this jive of attacking me--had a lot of coaching and assistance from this global Nazi/Mafia group which Thais completely flock to and conform to like lemmings. Thusly, I have dressed just like this woman who appears in the style I was condemned for wearing by her mother--but dressing just like in the photo--the exalted daughter of Porn who is not a glamorous type but wants to be--who ran Be2Win, where I was there being confronted with my fashion style--then obviously they imitated it--while my brain was blasted, I could not think clearly, it's like my brain was in a vice, which is what I experience every morning while the celebrities viciously attack me and I respond to every comment and barb and insult and can't stop--it's like being stuck on a loop of loopiness--that is how awful the mind control is, which no one who knows of my situation is even slightly worried about. But back to this situation: I responded to every question impertinent and rude--which is what the terrorist celebrities use upon me when they teleport me in my sleep or very sick (every day, I am sick from having been drugged/poisoned by them and prior to them all my life the same people, just different faces and bodies and names)--but she is dressing just as I always have. The celebrities likewise torture me and tell me what I am saying or writing is stupid, they torture me physically in permanently damaging form and then steal the ideas and then continue to torture me in order to obtain more ideas and awards in like fashion--for years, they are addicted they are endlessly thrust into the spotlight they never stop --but Porn would INSULT what I wore as her daughter stopped wearing her Thai style and began to imitate me (I am making a conjecture but I saw her before and after the contract out on me and I know she changed and adapted entirely to how I dress--as some kind of "Western" fashion which is now attributable to "Millennials" or whatever name of the generation blah blah it is now called--as slang--and I dressed like this from the time I began being influenced by Prince in the 80's--not really changing in all that time. But she would insult me endlessly and grab my body as I tried to ward her off--now seeing for the first time I have begun to research her daughter--I never even ever looked up her name--I only knew she had gone from a pudgy bargirl existence to being Miss Teen Thailand within the space of 2 years after having done the usual with her mother aimed at me (the mother did all the work). I never looked up her name, or what she really looks like. I would faze my eyesight out with all the photos on the walls of the motorbike shop. I heard about her drug conviction and arrest and sentencing but until today I did not even know she had eluded her sentence and skipped out of the country. I do know that Porn is no longer in the shop. Her ladyboy hate surrogate who is viciously nasty but with a touch of friendliness to continue this nebulous rental agreement--but s/he tells me that Porn is up in the North of Thailand--obviously out of the country with her daughter protecting her--or something like that.

But today I began to look this up after years of not having any interest in knowing about yet another terrorist risen to huge (unjustified) heights--but Thailand loved her anyway because she and her mother faithfully serviced and then served the interests of the Nazi p-a-culture that has completely infested my own country (these celebrities are operating with the programming of the pig ape Europigapes to try to force me to be some kind of free sex slave--not even a prostitute but all for "free" and they get to mutilate and dismember and poison me slowly to death and if I react in rage, I get thrown in jail, my cat taken away, my home made filthy, my body full of blemishes, no one bothering to even interfere or help or support me in what is now an electronically-induced form of severe and violent sex trafficking via teleportation and brain implants--but beyond that--(and my fashion which she adopted, as the celebrities and their Europigape influences who verbatim stole stories and words and ideas I wrote until I can't write anything any longer except for these posts). I swear that is the reality and not some delusion on my part.
The list of celebrities who participate in attacking me, who turn around to get arrested or put on trial is now overwhelming to me. The level of global attention their acts of violence reach are major news stories published around the world. Yet no one seems to be able to connect their increase in violence with their participation in attacking me and this technology which is so cherished by those in power (who really want society to rend apart so they can divide and conquer).

Prior to the contract out on me, their public personas had been relatively jovial, at least formally in the presence of the public.
Does anyone recognize a certain pattern here of impending doom for the continuation of allowing this situation to continue to envelope the world in criminal becoming more violent and hateful after the next who participates? All becoming more violent and criminal the longer they are handed carte blanche to commit these crimes against me and for their promotion, held aloft with cheers and parades afterwards, even after they commit the crimes that are fully exonerated by those who hand out these awards and promotions who also hold the reigns of criminal justice and law and order in society.

DOESN'T THIS APPEAR A BIT DODGY, SCARY, WORRISOME TO ANYONE WHO HASN'T BEEN ABLE TO CONNECT THESE NEFARIOUS DOTS of this heinous crime being committed against me and the people who rise up in influence and how it affects them and the society around them?

Sunday, May 1, 2022

As flagrant representatives at the apex of "conspicuous consumption culture", You celebrities in this assault hate teleportation Nazi/Mafia torture/terrorist organization influence mass corporate consumerism and consumption by the endless advertising of your immense wealth, energy-wasting mansions and jets and cars along with emphasis on Europ-a-fashion which only extols and praises Europ-a fascist fashion.//Which then trickles down into...Climate Change and climate change deniers who are inter-connected to....Your (collective) "gang stalking"/murder/assassination/mind bomb implosion control machine with the resultant "entitlement" of luxury and plantation master-slave mentality (but put in such delicate and evasive terms for media consumption to portray our most wonderful "modern" society as being "enlightened" and "moderate" and so open to all kinds of mutually-assured destruction politics and policies (but mostly assuredly for the targets you plan on mass-extinction/murder.//I really care about fish, sharks, coral reefs, and swimming in clean water and drinking it too. There are commercial fishing nets that span something like a football field--I have heard--but the problem that scientists are warning about is carbon emissions. Not only that, but if there were a nuclear war, the catastrophic damage to the environment would negate all your marching in protest against curbing carbon emissions.

Climate Change Is on Track to Wipe Out Most Ocean Life Accelerating emissions may cause a catastrophe, but limiting temperature rise to 2° Celsius would reduce the risk by more than 70%, according to a study in the journal Science. 

**These fluffy, furry critters facing extinction are cuter than you, and according to your scale of entitlement, those who are better looking as an exterior visual are more entitled to survival than the uglier and wrong featured/colored animals/humans.  As in, when blonde Nazi models assist their white Nazi supremacist male pig ape hybrid "humans" in torturing and assaulting and raping me using this wonderful technology of teleportation, they get global attention once the hybrid vicious subhuman beats and rapes her--but me, no because I have the wrong color and am not of the fascist life-f*** group to which 99% of you readers belong to (regardless of your superficial color, once you participate in this global death organization your color is purple and that is okey-dokey to the white supremacists--as long as you understand you must defer to them and if necessary, become expendable when your resources are something the Nazi bigot pig apes want to suck and drain or steal and rob and kill you for. But to continue--animals are becoming extinct and the last time I observed the global power structure, it was and has been this odious group and global organization of filthy white supremacist pig ape whores (mostly out of Europigapeland with America trailing like obedient vassals waiting to be trained in how to be sluggish pigs with a plantation/slave state replacing the current defunct Democratic unified one-party system (aka "Totalitarianism"). Save the nice animals who are not destroying the planet--that is cuter than you (all). And I am more beautiful and cute and wonderful than you (collective) as well. Yes indeed, your attempts to break me have not worked but I still won't look in the mirror because of all the damage you have collectively done to me, as part of your global drain on everything to suck out machinery. (There is too much hacking for me to insert all the hyphens necessary for that last statement--the keyboard is operating like it's been glued down--the keys I mean).


Stop throwing away plastic bags but save them and re-use them as often as possible. Your superficial "glamor" can sustain the looks of dismay from the petty fashion fascist police that you don't have new bags in plastic every time you buy something at a store.

Stop buying into the canned fish corporate crisis for marine life--meaning stop buying canned tuna and other fish because the extinction could mean these beautiful animals you otherwise know only as meat in a can.

Stop taking long, luxurious showers and baths and wasting water.

Stop claiming that climate change is a "liberal" "woke" fabrication.


"We need IMMEDIATE action to stop extinction crisis--David Attenborough, BBC". September 23, 2020.

For all you Europhiles who are scanning my posts to see what you can steal but first deride in my posts (torturing me for anything you don't like because you can't stand to see me think critically on any level that threatens the lies that are perpetuated about your posturing greatness which I find abhorrent).--here's a white ENGLISH male who doesn't seem to come from the Bigus Dickus Prickus geniological line you all claim as your natural born killer inheritance (white lines blocking your mind that you grind into your brain and then spew out onto me in the waste product of your wasteland). Here is a white English male with a "posh" English accent, so instead of insulting him as you do me automatically (but then steal idea after idea because like the white lines that are stuck in your mind and brain, you can't compete unless you are a mind drain pain). Here HE is, the white male out of Europ-a-land telling you that you are truly an ignoramus ape-pig-species with self-fulfilling self-destructive and addictive "entitlement" parasitic characteristics.


"Time To Wake Up 282: Chamber of Carbon". Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. April 7, 2022". 

Here's an American Congressional politico with much more ado about the fine lines of the problems--i.e. the Chamber of Horrors Commerce Carbon-- warning about not caring about the sniffing "Conservative" rebukes of the dreaded "woke" culture and a claustrophobic anxiety out of fear of being labeled "woke"---WAKE UP greedy and selfish rapist life-f-ers who are part of this technocratic dystopian nightmare coiling it's serpentine fangs around my life, and around that of the planet (what they do on the micro level is the same as what they are destroying on the macro level). We are just on the verge of a 2nd Coming (reference to Yeat's poem, which is more about Satan being reborn than any child of a beneficent God you may hope would arise out of the ashes of a nuclear and environmental collapse landscape)---


"'The Second Coming' By W B Yeats (read by Tom O'Bedlam)". SpokenVerse. November 21, 2010.


"National Lampoon's Deteriorata". Veronica Gwyinn. September 10, 2016.


"What Now? You who would destroy the earth". Your sadist rape machine technology like the blow-up doll in this music video image is exactly a parallel to the life-F** machine that is enveloping and destroying the planet. Although most of the celebrities assaulting me claim they protest and are Green adn etc, they truly are very happy to kill animals to make a power point in their attack upon me, dispose of people and life like it's their personal slave, and with all his posturing you can thank all the technocrats who are fully supported by all the others in "power" . In particular, for the personal life of a free society going to Hell, you can thank Elon Musk for helping it along into a system where people with the rape and life-f** mentality of what I continuously call pig-apes, which means exactly a de-evolution of the intellect and normative values that have been the adhesive of what already was a dysfunctional society in many aspects. But scared of those who formerly were oppressed and humiliated by the neanderthal slave masters of old who can't stand to see any form of advancement for people like me--they will destroy any and all in order to retain what they consider to be their natural born killer advantage based on a new set of technologies that will blast your brain into a lower form of reptilian functioning, perhaps mammal level if you are lucky, and then if you are considered "elite" status you will be "allowed" to use your cognitive functioning at a cerebral cortex level--if you are "lucky" that is and entitled and privileged.

No one has any fear for this kind of brain tweaking, no one has a clue no one cares about my "rantings" of warning--but in addition to this kind of Brave New World scenario--the technology threatens to actually put into real-life hierarchical formation-- along with all the other technologies that he is not emotionally mature enough to handle without creating more disaster on this planet and on Mars as well; having been teleported by him I can attest that he is lacking in the prerequisite philosophical basis for true equilibrium required to responsibly handle such deadly technologies--which are being bandied about by psychopathic celebrities intent on creating a Holocaust Nazi society with me as it's apparent mind screw-over target (for more than a decade without a day of me experiencing peace and no torture/rape/abuse--Musk behind much of it for so many years now and he's still there but placed on a global pedestal for his salesman posturing learned from the acting coaches in Los Angeles).

"Crass--What The Fuck? (1981)". fmcrass. November 11, 2011.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

****Ordo Ab Chaos****.//I recall An old-school phrase: "I need some b**Ls**t repellant". Update to that: I need some greasy and foul pig-ape whore cesspool remover for permanent stains on my life. The usual celebrities I have been writing of their exploits in exploitation and their filthy and vile attacks, which seem to endlessly entitle them to awards and more and more presents from this culture and this global fascist organization which has full control over all beauty pageants, awards prizes i.e. Golden Globes/Oscars--and etc they control and dominate. The excessive glib psychopathy accompanying this kind of power has enabled every low and vile personal filth antic to become a beacon of imitation with a host of followers, all vying for equally desired top positions, or anywhere along the food chain this organization has created.

 The technology they use to absolutely be as disgusting (which is never satiated, their filth and disgusting personality structures are in full open wound spewing of their filth aimed at me, endlessly there is nothing I have done to them, they are just empowered and emboldened by having such an easily accessible victim (in the criminal justice, legal sense) to wreak their inner turmoil and lack of true connection to life and to the beauty of life--they pour out their filth on me and blossom from the societal awards they are presented (plus all the beauty treatments, plastic surgery and endless millions or in some cases, from the parasite pig apes who have latched on to this contract out on me--one of whom I mention below--they obtain BILLIONS of dollars and endless media focus so-much-so that they are akin to top Governmental Executive Branch power--but they are just greasy and dirty foul business men and women. The actors are no exception to this. Selling lemons but polished by their promoters as being chunks of pure gold to the public. The public of course also lives in a mire of filth and decay so they swallow it all whole without a glitch.


Rotten and foul Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesce--with foul and ugly H. Mirren that essence of putridity that Illuminati whoredom has regaled at every year that dirty and foul thing has participated in this hate contract out on me--since at LEAST 2013, if not earlier. I had never even heard of her until this contract and her inclusion with her rape partner out of Ireland-=-the actor Neeson. Neeson was not immediately attacking me, but Mirren with the usual Pesce/DeNiro duo were and have not stopped attacking me (Mirren has been too busy endlessly getting promotions and top media attention since her violent and mind-f** misuse of this technology upon me, months ago but she is not stopping. She brought in--I mean she as the representation of the English Crown system, which obviously rules over H-wood and American politics to a degree that could be designated as a master-colony servitude discrepancy at this point--but it's being done so slightly and quietly. H-wood is one of the main receptacles of this power transfer, but it's also been done in the US Government very covertly for at least a century if not longer. I am listening to documented sources explain how all elections in the United States are controlled by what is called, "American Royalty"--originated from the Roosevelt family but the structure of the organization stems back to Europe in the 18th Century (and they obtained this structure from "secret" information about ruling, dominating and traumatizing societies for centuries, if not millennium).


But they are trying to chip away at my sanity. Ugly and filthy Mirren is so disgusting to me at this point that her close-up, tunnel-vision enforcement of her literal enthrallment that she can participate in this contract for years, when I call her a piece of shit once she gets literally at least 30 celebrities to call me horrific names, threaten and then have the terrorists where I live mutilate my body even further (I now have almost no more hair on my head--they made my underarm hair stop permanently--) but the stupidity and ugliness this creepy woman and this duo of absolute violent and psychological hate filth out of Brooklyn--the kind of mafia psy-ops attack that is effective I must say---it's sickening and disgusting to the max, but they use it with this subliminal technology so as I have written of for a very long time--when I am naked, when I am on the toilet, when I am in the shower (they attack me--this entire group, one taking turns with the next--every single time I am relaxing my very damaged body in the shower, needing to heal and relax, and they use this tech which is like a kind of mental "glue" adhering me to responding and not have any way to unfocus off these unwanted, absolutely unglamorous parasitic celebrities who hiss hate and voice-to-skull hate and attacks--I can't disassociate from their ugly faces and stupid and nasty vile commentary--I respond immediately and can't stop. I believe this is being achieved by a very pernicious form of mind control technology, in combination with the nightly drugging and the drugging of my food I also cannot stave off. Not with thousands of people just in my vicinity waiting to attack me and they do in coordinated attack squandrens--upon cue, with me never having done a single thing of harm to any of the people attacking me. My " crime" has been to defend myself.

But I respond immediately and I am not able at this time to stop responding. I try--so DeNiro grabs my breasts and body making derogatory comments about my deformity due to the poisoning, lack of exercise and the endless hate and negativity these ape whores are inflicting upon me night and day using these technologies. 

It is now 4 pm my time and the pig whores are sleeping or out having their luxury dinner parties and laughing about how they dance around, grab my body say filthy and stupid things. You readers for the most part are enjoying my endless years of writing about the filth and hate and violence--as most of you absolutely approve.

I waste my time in writing this post today, but just writing it anyway. Since I can't exercise to relieve my body of the stress, because they begin the attacks while I am in deep healing sleep mode--using teleportation of course. Then they extend the same hate for every moment of my waking morning routine--non-stop they go at destroying my mood, energy, sucking out life force and feeding off hate and violent negativity. Especially these rotten older people, but the younger and more energetic ape whores i.e. the spawn of these rapist male celebrities and their Nazi "feminist" whore wives who are vile and nasty--like Mirren, they imitate her, the Crown creates this trickle-down mentality of absolute entitlement to rape, pillage, steal and then dance around in joy when the "victim" is screaming in rage to stop after --what is it now? YEARS of day and night attacks.


Other thoughts I had today: pondering about how every time I write about how a high political female character (Pelosi and Clinton) attack me, Biden the prez can be seen either hugging them or claiming they want to reinstate them into power when any next election comes around; ALWAYS posted on my social media or hacked on my search for news information (entire webpages are hacked, the templates altered, and the hacked articles regarding those who are attacking me appear). Each and every time these women attack me, Biden is in some way promoting them within the week and this is put on my internet for me to see--always boldly placed somewhere at the top of immediately eyesight of every page-hugging them, conferring with them--and this is the only time I have ever seen Biden acting in this manner specifically to any female in any prominent position. When he advocates a certain female to be selected or elected to an office otherwise, he does it in a formal, much more distant way of recommendation.

Biden is so much a part of this entire terror situation. It must be of no news to anyone who is "in the know" but it's disturbing that this monopoly of top leadership positions has been handed to such infantile and emotionally incompetent personalities (not referring necessarily to Biden, as he appears stoic and proficient in many other ways, as a leader of this rank must be). 

How I would like to see freedom to put people who are ethically engaged in the pursuit of real "Democratic" principles as defined for all in the US Constitution. Who would immediately stop this kind of sick and utterly vile torture situation being forced upon me--for no reason--I just wanted to compete and succeed in society. I am standing up for myself and demanding some kind of accountability to these most greasy and greedy foul and sinister parasitic whore pig apes --with DeNiro I have not demanded any kind of compensation for the idea he and his crew obtained out of me for the script and concept of Joker--(they took one concept from me, and "traumatized" me in order to obtain it--since the protagonist of this film was a "traumatized" victim of all kinds of oppression--they wanted to hear my response--I put it in a self-sufficient form of "positive thinking" which of course they turned into a miserable degradation of their endless descent into portraying misery and then offering up a false solution to the problem they actually created. 

Ordo ab Chaos.

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...