Thursday, January 5, 2023

My mother's obituary comments & My revolted reaction to the public display of news and the endless display of adoration for sex trafficking criminals, disguised endlessly as being advocates for the poor and oppressed. Bigots, Nazi/Mafia endorsed rapist expletives who are adorned in the media and in society. All have charities and claim they are noteworthy exemplars of righteous fighters for Democracy and charitable humanitarian causes, in their public performances so society can have both a fascist Nazi 4th Reich silently installed but the perpetrators who are most deceptive play these roles both for cinematic purposes and for the threadbare fabric of society. A revulsion as I read the commentary aimed at my mother for her obituary.

At long last, some media is publishing the concept that all is not white and right in the fight. Essentially, Cory Bush understands this principle as she, too, has at least one time participated in the media triggering "stalking" of me in defense of Oprah and my rage at her participation of this Nazi enterprise by the white Nazi supremacists of H-wood--her good "friends" and a political partner for the "strong black woman" caucus of American politics. Always sticking together with a mutual hate for Jews--black women so many---but she understands fully the principle and is aiming an attack upon a Republican fellow guilty of what she herself has participated in. Because she participated using a social media platform and there is no "evidence" but I obviously understood that her glaring into a camera with absolute hate snorting in disgust and putting that bs on my social media, understanding her otherwise posturing platitudinous position she always plays as victim in the media--the reverse rage and hate she displayed towards me, just for calling Oprah the sell-out black Nazi that she is, always comforting and hugging absolutely smug white Nazi supremacists in Whorewood who, like them all, play the "advocate for oppressed minority victim" role for their posturing very much paid with huge sums roles for the media presentations--the most violent people attacking me all my life have all done the same thing, have all played the same role for the sake of pushing a false social narrative that American society actually cares and the push for equality is actually "real" and not a constructed fabrication of actors playing their roles but really supporting a less monotone version of the same system of white supremacy. 

"Far-left squad member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) attacked black Republican Byron Donalds for being a “prop” who will push “white supremacy” as a member of Congress."--Breitbart (link below).

This is not just about my mother. On any given day, I can look at any news source and either the terrorist rapist teleporting sex trafficking fascist Nazi minions and bigots with black, white and blue skin are put on display for their humanitarian antics for publicity performance, as I stated they are "needed" by society so the ugly reality can be flooded with visual images of people showered with praise who secretly truly support a fascist Nazi 4th Reich world order.


My mother being one of these. I could go on about her mother, a first-generation America with both parents of fair skin and coloring. One of the most hated group ever on the planet, and the other from the most supported group ever on the planet--the fascist Nazi/mafia Europigape group which I detest fully after decades of unjust torture, poisoning and treatment from the American branch of their hate organization. They are so truly loathsome and violent that my mother, who had brought me up being programmed and drugged into this system, nevertheless took me away from the New  York scene of Jewish wealthy Long Island fascist Nazi adherents and placed me into a system of a Midwestern version of equality that I think is not equaled anywhere else on the planet--that I have seen or lived near. There was a righteous and religious sense of justice that prevailed during my formative years by the teachers and people in my community--up until I reached puberty and this onslaught of disco consumerism overrode the activism and anti-War philosophy that my parents had brought me up in as they were ensconced in this effort to stave off a hate and war-mongering society. Of course, it was a "role" ascribed to them as "Jews" whose role truly was to appease the white male and his bigot female partner from having to risk their lives fighting for a country, instead of the poor, black and other minorities who took their place once mandatory enlistment, aka The Draft, was made obsolete by Congress after a huge hippie fight by "the Youth" which then turned into the fascist contingent that is now trying to override Democracy and turn America into a white supremacist privilege country, with attendant minorities in row bowing and scraping but attaining a house in the outskirts of the gated white only communities. Only as long as they are adoring and fully service the whites and turn upon people like me with absolute vicious hate when called upon to do so. My mother, absolutely falls in line with that latter grouping. Her mother a blue-eyed and blonde half Europigape fascist bigot who literally used mind control to ensure her daughter, son and husband and grandchildren were poisoned, bloated, mind control as she controlled and divided and conquered and had the girls made disfigured and raped and robbed in order to feel superior. The Jewish community of Great Neck, Long Island fully held her to that stance and also viciously attacked me whenever I was in that area, to the point that I loathed the Jewish community as they only shot hate at me and this hate, I have discovered, is a universal event amongst Jews around the world. I am outcast and I don't even care about it. These are the types who lavish praise upon the terrorist celebrities with the most love and adoration possible for any human to display without openly bowing in slavish servitude.


My mother's creed along with my step-father was to say "okay" whenever possible to the requests to have me poisoned and raped and mutilated. It turned, as I grew up, into a gleeful hateful agreement as she glared in hate at me that I would have a body that could have been very shapely and beautiful, as I was very athletic and was not shorn down with self-loathing as much as Jews most often are. Trained to bow and submit and not pose a threat, the women especially are instructed to not make any bigot blonde pig ape women feel angry in the slightest and to not be beautiful, if possible. My cousin, a multi-millionaires daughter, was so beautiful and somehow died of "cancer" as most of my father's very wealthy and affluent side of my family has done--I believe poisoned by the pig ape Nazi cartel which uses poisoning so often when it comes to me and my family to destroy our bodies and self-sustainable equanimity and sense of self-identity.


My mother was obviously a mind control subject, and subject to torture and she lived in abject fear all her life. Having grown up from around age 13 upward, as her mother sold her and my uncle into mind control Nazi enslavement, moving from Brooklyn into very affluent and wealthy Great Neck, Long Island (very close to F. Scott Fitzgerald's Great Gatsby neighborhood, maybe a 15 minute sort of drive from where my grandparents lived) and my uncle lived in King's Point--drove his yacht from his backyard to Manhattan sometimes to go to work. Usually drove. They had a small horse riding area in their back yard, alongside the gold putting zone and swimming pool with club house on curves of the hillside, with Manhattan in the distance. That kind of money ensured that my entire family was subjected to every kind of indoctrination to not stick out as being beautiful, for the women. The beautiful daughter of this family on my father's side was killed, I believe, from poisoning as I nearly was and my great-grandmother who was always there partying with these people (her sister marrying the multi-millionaire, my father, the Yale Law School graduate programmed into serving the Nazi regime so they could all continue to "enjoy" the privilege that all the Jews of that area that I ever met had to submit to as downtrodden albeit very wealthy. The successive generations losing all that money that the parents obtained by selling out the country and then their children and succeeding generations so they, only they, could live in splendor. Their own parents coming out of the mafia-controlled areas of Brooklyn, having to deal with the violence of Mafia in order to appease the blonde, Nazi groups of Manhattan so they could live alongside them in mansions on Long Island).

Thusly, my mother had been abused by her mother, the blonde half Nazi/half Europigape daughter of a man who abused and discarded her own Jewish mother. Dying of mysterious situations (undoubtedly a tragedy and secret no one will ever openly discuss, something to be dragged as a secret to the grave, alongside my mother now burying her violence towards not just me, but both of my sisters--with my brothers also fully complying with the violence).


It was the trauma-based mind control that is supposed to keep people like my family appearing dysfunctional but "liberal" sympathetic victims trying to help the world and help the victims. The role is probably almost obligatory in part. My father never played that role, but his part of the family was of the upper wealth crust of Manhattan society of the Jewish ranks. They all of course give abundantly to charity, regardless and all are considered leaders in charitable compassion towards the downtrodden and the poor. Everyone except for me, who they made damn sure was poisoned and parceled out to pig ape ugly sleazy filthy vile men to be raped, abused, discarded and threatened basically all my life to my death. A situation I am endlessly fighting to have stopped but never succeeding in getting more than more vile people joining in to push me so far down I can never get out of the rut they forced upon me.


I could go into the utter brutality my mother inflicted upon me, especially as she partnered with the "Italian-American" mafia expletive after she left my Step-father in Champaign and moved to Geneseo, New York. The "Italian-American" force in that community, or I should say mafia, was very influential in a very negative, power-mongering fascist way. My mother and brother James turned into violent abusers to the point that I tried to defend my life from my brother attacking me. My body at that point had bloated up into a huge ball of poison that my mother had constantly been pumping into my body as she handed me food and glared in hate at me.

I could go on about her violence and the deception she has played all her life about what a wonderful and compassionate woman she is. Her main lie has been that I am just "mentally ill" and that has been her protection from me being able to explicate her violence and her utter CRIMES against me. This was instructed to her to do by the Nazi pig ape cartel that controls so much, and that has been carried on by various diagnoses when I applied for disability because of the poisoning and the fractures of my vertebrae that the violent rapists and pig ape whores inflicted upon me while I was unconscious, due to the microchip implant my mother and father both fully endorsed as they exploited and poisoned and handed me off to pedophiles and rapists to use and rape and mutilate and discard with hate afterwards. My family so fully complied with the violence against me that the Nazis had ordered, because I was beautiful, talented, at the top of every endeavor I attempted, and had to be put down. 

My mother is now known as being a "loving" woman who has "fought"  all her life to care about "women" and the oppressed. Her family law practice was all about helping women to secure money and safety after their violent Nazi husbands beat and cheated and abused them. Standing next to people who see what is happening to me and do nothing about it, like Gloria Steinem and also  Hillary Clinton (my mother hugging or arm-in-arm with them in photos, the "feminist" brigades she belonged to in her "fight" for "feminism" --but like the anti-Vietnam War "protests"--mostly parties with alcohol and marijuana and Beatles music and speeches---my mother and Step-father participated in, it all dissipated once it came to handing me over to their blonde Hippie friends to abuse and poison and have their children do the same. Loathe to see me become more successful than their rotten children in any endeavor ever again. Once the need to protect white males from having to serve in war under a Draft, my "Jewish" family which never, absolutely never not once observed any Sabbath or ritual of the Jewish faith all my childhood--were then turned upon viciously and my Step-father eventually and slowly poisoned and pushed into isolation and forced into an abusive marriage with a bigot woman of slurring anti-Semitic Joke behavior--just like my father, who was instructed by her very wealthy side of his family to also submit to being controlled (and poisoned slowly to death) as the nazi filth of America then stole all the money my much more talented and intellectual and competent family had earned by their own absolute superiority but downplayed with insults, discrimination and being forced to sell out their children so eventually, as is happening now, when the Nazis try to rise to power in the US, there is almost no opposition and so many "Jews" and minorities absolutely playing "welcome mat" personality to be stepped-on and stomped on if they get too strong or successful or too self-sufficient or beautiful or proud.


My mother was absolutely drugged and programmed into playing her role. But I look at what the people who also participated in this, the "Latino" Nazis who my brother married into, and the blonde Californians whose children all got the "love" my mother was not capable of openly showing to her own children. My mother abused every single one of her own children to the point that they all left home by age 13-15 or split up. My mother was an ALCOHOLIC for years and years and had endless emotional break-downs as a result of this programming. She truly had been very loving and caring and the force and threat of this Nazi organization imposing it's Nazi agenda is what I truly blame for all this, and certainly not my mother or father or even their own parents. I cannot neglect the hate of the "Italian-American" mafia groups, which added their hate, spitting filth and spewing muck into my home and life and body and mind and sleep for YEARS upon years. (At this point ,the hacking of my keyboard is making typing impossible--whatever I press won't appear, etc and thinking is of course blocked as my brain can only spew hate and vitriol when I try to write about the suppressed lies and distortions of reality that I want clarified).

I have been labeled by some of the "establishment" even when doctors did not diagnose me as such, the administrations responsible for protecting my family in this MK UTRA microchip implant and sex trafficking situation imposed upon me and thus, in accordance with the full compliance at every level by my family, they have also conveniently (for the perpetrator criminals such as my attorney, Ivy-League "feminist" mother) put me into some kind of mentally ill category for my physical disability report. The physical disability is of course due to hardening poisoning my mother and then everyone else everywhere else around the planet have poured, and have continued pouring into my food all my life. They also fractured vertebrae while I was in a comatose sleep (being teleported no doubt, and that is how so much damage is inflicted upon my body and I can't "wake up" as my consciousness is literally teleported to the teleportation location while in the prime body sleep state objects are inserted under my skin, I am raped, slashed and cut into and I feel nothing upon waking unless I get up and I am limping in agony because they keep putting my hips out of alignment as they pour hardening stiffening bloating poisons into my water/food or inject it into my vagina so it stays in my bladder or they just inject it somehow--etc etc they have multifarious ways of achieving slow murder, this group employed by my government).


I then see that the people who have teleported and abused, mutilated and tortured me are being showered with humanitarian awards--the skankalina along with pig pit is out with her newest boyfriend iteration--younger and younger now--as her plastic surgeries endlessly coat her into looking and appearing younger and younger while my hair is greying from the endless violence and poisoning and toxic hate and hate and hate she and the rest have not stopped pouring into my every waking and sleeping moment so they can be alleviated of their stress, in addition to being promoted into advocate positions for raped and abused women or minorities. Always hissing Nazi death slogans at me and laughing and giggling and smiling and hugging sexually the pig ape filth men who rape and beat me in front of them all as they sit in chairs smug and smiling and glad as hell about it--because I am fighting to get this to stop perpetually and have been doing this for over a decade--with no support and still no one ever coming to defend me. The blacks who participate who are always shouting about their fight against racism are some of the most violent dispositions when I am enraged as they participate and steal ideas from me and sit with their bigot white supremacy friends in anticipation of what awards and promotions they too will be handed for their role in this huge global deception that the planet is not a Nazi 4th Reich death cesspool in the making, with their consent and participation.


"Former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger will join CNN as a contributor now that the January 6th Committee has been dissolved."---his promotion, or one of the promotions, for participating in the hate crowd celebrity group in Whorewood, USA and participating in their own Trump-backed terror fascist Mafia/Nazi mind control torture for information and idea extraction out of me while poisoning and torturing and raping and beating me slowly to death through their global proxy terror operation to which they all belong--a global membership.

Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger to Become CNN Contributor

And then, of course, one of the "I'm German" American abusers who participated with the celebrities who they knew had been poisoning, having me raped or raping me, urinating on me, spitting on me, having my body polluted to death and abusing me to death, smiling and giggling about it and claiming that the filthy ugly whores who ordered all this upon me, the white supremacists with their black and brown slave adherents/"friends" and "lovers"--all so much more "beautiful" than me, as the stupid whores also stole ideas from me to make themselves appear as open-minded even intellectual advocates for women to not be raped and abused by men. But, laughing and giggling about it, the white supremacist is now partnering with CNN to be a political commentator. That was his promotion for his role in supposedly saving America from a Nazi infiltration, to which he belonged, but the establishment doesn't want that one set of conspirators to take full control they all want a partnership of racism and hate power-grabbing monopolies to remain in THEIR grasp not in the grip of Trump and his cartel. It's just a power struggle and not much more than that. Otherwise, everything else is a dress rehearsal for more performances while the fabric of society continues to be undermined and unraveled by these forces with superficial "heroes" presenting their blathering fodder about how "hard" they are "fighting" for "freedom and equality". 

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

I was seriously threatened with rape and violence which I had to physically repel (in teleportation)-- by yet another (previously written of involvement) Senator yesterday who teleported me while I was in the shower, in a very dark little hole/bathroom in this torture/surveillance chamber rut they forced me into. It was his response to my post on Meta yesterday regarding my hopes that Hakeem Jeffries would become Speaker of the House for the 118th Congress.

 This senator, an ally of the MAGA movement, a Southerner, someone very famous in the ranks of Republicans--I have mentioned him in the last month as joining on into the "fun and games" of raping/beating/threatening/stealing/destroying my ideas/body/sexuality/home/finances/freedom/independence and even my cat(s).

He warned me not to write a single thing again about the fiasco currently underway in the House of Representatives, where the "Freedom" caucus is holding up nomination for Speaker. The reaction I had yesterday was hopes that somehow the Democrats would surpass the Repubs and elect a Speaker and Jeffries has actually won more votes for that position than the splintered Repub side of the one-sided "aisle".

It is very hard to type at this time, hacking blocks to the keyboard and the mind control tech blocking cognitive and motor skills has once more put a dampening effect on my every attempt to think and type even a single letter. I am slowed down immeasurably, as usual by their attacks.


I was threatened with rape and he made threatening sexual moves at me while I was washing my body of the toxins from this endless 11+ years of non-stop detox, as his partners have kept the poisoning going into my body through water/food/insertions/injections into my body and environment. Stuffed with stinking, black and hardening/bloating poisons for all these years. Sitting in the shower, with the technology of this ephemeral teleportation and voice-to-skull tech, I can see both my surroundings and a veil of the person stalking/attacking me and mostly see their bodies but rarely the environment they are in or how many thugs are sitting in the rows of chairs partaking but not directly.


He began an assault on me and warned me not to write any longer. this morning as I turned on the news on my laptop connection, which is blocked/hacked without end so I can't even get news shows except for excerpts and small items that are carefully censored in parts. But, laughing to myself, he teleported me and once more made a rape gesture at me. This Senator has made speeches galore about how immigrants are being raped at the border, and yelling about it. He is referring to Latinos. I am not of his tribe and thusly, his tenuous interjection of restraint upon the last Europigape rapist violent abuser (Baryishnikov) was very easily rent as he threatened to rape me if I made any comments today.

I made a few anyway, but as usual so muted due to the hacking/brain altering interference in my thinking capabilities and typing is nearly impossible--the posts were like a curve ball attempt to aim at the center but only in such a small, nearly cryptic fashion that I could only copy and paste some video fragments from I Claudius and make references to the 1st Roman fascist Reich and the obstreperous 4th Reich attempt of a fascist faction of MAGA insurrectionist politicians and that ilk of 4th Reich openness, unlike all the concealed and disguised fake compassion politicians of the Left and those in the "Right" who remain silent but privately are as fascist and nasty almost as the outright fascists who attack me. 

But, I decided that once more, their attempt to steal and rob me of every single thing, including the Bill of Rights, I will continue to fight and in my little teeny little way I posted resistance and my endless struggle to not be silenced. Dirty and nasty Baryishnikov was threatening and beating and raping me endlessly for every post I wrote, along with the skank spawn of Depp the actor, his filthy nasty daughter who has obtained an entire career for the span of nearly a decade for this participation in endless rape and poisoning and mutilation and slow murder of me, as politicians keep piling up to obtain their promotions out of the media push for every fascist open or not (most disguised by "liberal" politics or rhetoric).


I decided today that despite not being able to think or type, I would cryptically write or publish some clips that OTHER PEOPLE have made concerning politics.

I have been writing about this situation that has unfolded and developed around me. I have been writing for years that the Progressive members of Congress/the Senate have partaken of the publicity and the promotions in a most awful, and nasty way. AOC, Bernie Sanders, etc. The Republican I refer to above, the senator is of course Ted Cruz (I mean Raphael, his real name). 


Hillary Clinton, of course, years ago partook of exploiting this contract out on me. Behind Hillary was William, or Billary as they have been referred to in the past. This coincides with the political analysis of David Feldman (below) in almost all he comments upon. The coherence of the Democrats and their united effort to vote only for Hakeem Jeffries, while the Progressives could also actually have splintered off and voted for a Progressive Speaker. The end-game, Feldman states, is that the Progressives are weak and almost ineffectual, and the Democrats as a whole are more akin to moderate Republicans. What I have written of is that people like AOC and Clinton and Sanders and Raskin and Pelosi are truly doing behind closed doors is absolute adherence to fascist MAGA politics. Their graft is unbelievable. The corruption is absolute. Their definition of "Democracy" is of their investment portfolios and the "freedom" to obtain riches from their coveted positions in politics.


I will simply copy and paste the opinion piece/political analysis which understates the dire emergency of this problem. What I write is monitored, I am raped, beaten, poisoned and tortured for my every post that isn't like a cheerleading recording of what their other minions shout out. 

The interruption of my fantasy that Hakeem Jeffries would be anything but yet another corporate fascist albeit minority minion to the white supremacist power structure, with an ever-increasing number of black and brown-skinned minions fully loving and supporting this effort. It is a global enterprise and therefore the organization of white supremacy by necessity requires people of every race to become their public advocates--usually while espousing viewpoints contrary to the fascist organization to which they truly adhere to when it comes down to the nitty gritty, the voting and the actual back-door deals that result in how the country is actually run and how legislation and money dole-outs is won.


Restricted endlessly, I just submit a few of the posts I put out on Meta today in my lackluster and incapable capacity to write with more elegance about such matters. I must repeat that I have attended graduate school with high grades (except for terrorist attacking professors and being drugged nearly to death because this organization is constantly either stealing ideas they torture out of me, silencing me, or disenfrahnchising me into a perpetual state of near homelessness and being flung into a sex trafficked endlessly raped, beaten and poisoned victim with no support and no government oversight of this travesty of justice that all these politicians fully endorse--privately of course. They all remain in power. I must submit that I have to recant my endorsement for Jeffries as I am endlessly in a blind delusional hope and desperate need to believe that any serious representation of "Democracy" or "Equal Rights" and politicians who can go outside of their cozy tribe identity and not laugh and participate in me being raped and tortured (including the "Jews" like Raskin, Stephen Spielberg, et al).

"The Mop Up For January 4, 2023". David Feldman. January 5, 2023.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

My mother died--passed last month and no one in my rotten family even informed me. They are part of the violence and MK ULTRA lie that has been forced upon me. Tortured, poisoned and then abandoned after years of torture by them to prove that they are good Jewish Nazis. Most of my family intermarried with "non-Jews" who are absolutely a part of this 4th Reich global enterprise.

 I can't describe how disgusting it all is. The history of my mother to me is like a horror victim tale of MK ULTRA programming. she made sure I was poisoned and screwed over, but sent me money because her controller mother ordained it, understanding that my family relied upon abusing me whenever possible to get their own promotions out of this torture contract. I have been their sacrifice all my life. The people who died who I felt real "other side" affinity for and have felt their loss in a panging sorrow that I could not be closer to them for most of my life were my biological father and step-father---both also immersed in being slaves for bigot Nazi nasty women who controlled and possibly poisoned them to death after obtaining their property and drugging them into death and compliance.

I write this in a grudging way, sounds bitter but considering the circumstances I can't not write with a ting of remorse and anger--I realize it's better to have a calm and positive outlook. But, my entire family has cast me as an outcast (scapegoat) and of course, after ensuring I was disabled from poisoning, claiming in hissing hate at me perpetually that I am lying about my body being partially paralyzed and that there is something wrong with my back--I reassured her constantly that I would not have a medical diagnosis of a chronic scoliosis and cervical and lumbar spinal fracture, spondyloslysthesis, and resulting disability if the X-rays were not accurately portraying the extent of the violence inflicted upon me by the nighttime terror that she has fully welcomed in order to get her own promotions.

Her grandchildren are all half-non-Jewish and were lavished with love and adoration. Their parents attacked me and told their children to have nothing to do with me. My siblings have all beaten, sexually abused and threatened and attacked me every single chance they could get for most of my life. 

I have to now add another reality: we were very LOVING AND POSITIVE very long ago. The hate Nazi system saw that I was very successful as a child, and that my family was loving and beautiful. They ordered that we be split up and intermarried with bigot Nazis of the 4th Reich--after using the formulas of trauma-based mind control which my family absolutely adhered to and followed implicitly in order to appease the wrath of the Nazis glaring in hate that I was brought up to be successful. The programming ever since from the expletives in Whorewood, now in the throes of unleashing the bigot hate that people are not expressly allowed to issue in hate language openly, but become ever-hostile and life-threateningly violent in the teleportation hate skits and sessions---so the endless programming to destroy my soul, spirit and body has been the ongoing aftermath of the program my family followed, without hesitation, years ago.


When my father(s) passed, I not only had visions of my step-father with his glass eyes removed (He had eye-removal surgery on both eyes, 2 kidney transplants, and clung to life tenaciously and was inbetween a world of cognitive dissonance and having to succumb to the pressures imposed by this hate organization for fear of being killed earlier than they had anticipated in creating his destruction and isolation and control).

My father, likewise married such a nasty bigot "German" American who had me raped not only by her sons but by others while I was drugged up, asleep--made sure my father cut off my college tuition and blamed me for it, had my brother forced into bankruptcy in a mutual investment my father and he had made long before he met this woman he later married who told him, instructed him to cut off his children and fund her children for their college and law schools. My parents have always been compliant to this Nazi program, sold me into this virtual slavery and slow murder operation and have been lying and denying it all my life. But in the afterlife, I can feel the presence and support of my fathers but absolutely nothing from my mother. I can swear honestly that I feel nothing for her and feel no regret that she is dead. My love for her is buried in my life thread history and it remains as intact as it always was. I recognize that she was a product of Nazism and herself was very badly abused by her half-Nazi mother who got something like Princess treatment by the Jewish community and then terrorized and controlled her own children in order to feel like a Queen over an oppressed race. 

That is the story that has been forced upon me. While I am not moved by my mother's death, I also understand and "forgive" and don't "blame" her absolutely but goddamn she went way overboard in her insanity of attacking me, and never stopped doing it. The children who claim they were by her side when she died also partook in attacking me, the wonderful "sweet" little children of the Nazis who my siblings all inter-married with. One of them has committed suicide, by the way, just to try to shatter the delusion that I am the only scapegoated outside and that the blame is not entirely on "me" because I exhibit this rage on an almost daily basis due to the sickness being forced upon me by distraught and neurotic people dissociated from Love and Life itself who are teleporting me.


But I could have used an inheritance as she forced disability and poverty upon me and left me to be raped and abused to death. The money is going to the children of the Nazis my siblings married into and with--who abused them as well in certain cases. Left now at the mercy of the expletives who have poisoned me further nearly to death all these years--I am so extremely ill and still stuck with greying hair and sitting here in a drugged and sickened daze, wishing I had my OWN HOME and now the one source that SHOULD HAVE paid me for the years of her profiting and benefitting off torture and violence towards me (the saga is very violent, her actions were criminal towards me, literally and as an attorney she had the Nazi resources to try to truly screw me over and did not hesitate to try out her options, as I had to run away and get out of Arizona altogether just to try to save my life from her drugged up mind controlled attempts to appease the hate of the Nazis of Arizona, who lived surrounding her and who were her neighbors).

Notes on an historical documentary: The U.S. and the Holocaust.

 "Oscars Film Shows Nazi Rally at Madison Square Garden". Inside Edition. February 15, 2019.

As I am feeling very ill from detox this afternoon, I will try to restrict this post. I won't post a copy to Facebook, which I usually do just to try to double copy my writing due to the hacking/censorship. This bit of contemplation is of a political and personal theorizing, and it's an attack on current politicians who are either residing in the U.S. Congress or just leaving it (today, in fact) as a new 118th Congress is supposed to be sworn in, but probably won't because of the fascist elements of radical Nazism in the House of Representatives. Horribly, this includes the "radical Progressives" who are not responsible for the upcoming fiasco of Republicans not able to coalesce into putting a Speaker on the pulpit of their tribunal-version of government, upcoming endless incriminations and declarations of impeachments for Democrats. All in response to what former Trump leader fuhrer had done to discredit the United States. All that the fascist Nazis on both sides of the proverbial aisle have been doing (to me and how many others) for so many decades?


Watching this very depressing documentary about the utter anti-Semitic hate and hate and hate and hate that I now  understand obviously abounds almost to a crescendo in the United States, sadly incorporating Jews in the prominent communities as well as blacks, latinos and asians and every other minority descent to a huge, staggering degree--the programming and incentive-based hate 4th Reich system has indoctrinated and included so many since WWII that I cannot still get a single politician or even a single human being to stand by me and just simply stop the endless swarm of violent rapist sleazy and filthy ugly nasty Nazi-based men of celebrity and highest political standing from assaulting me with their sneering and giggling bigot filthy dirty blonde Nazi wives, children and partners and friends egging them on, cheering them on, participating as much as they can, laughing and smiling--getting promoted for either participating or helping or remaining silent.

The documentary is extremely depressing in that I was always lied to about this dire situation which my family, in order to lift up their own status, sold me into literal sex slavery and being poisoned and mutilated slowly to death by scumbag after filthy creep all my life. Peddled, as it were. These are Ivy League-educated persons, my family, of highest levels of proficiency and I must honestly say much higher in skill and quality than the bigot filth that attacks me and claims they are far superior--only due to having the US Government fully support their every social engineering assault using this technology and the death squad system (and stealing ideas endlessly for at least over one decade and forcing me into abject poverty and deadly illness from which I am continuously struggling to heal as they continue to poison and teleport and abuse me, one sleazy ugly disgusting filthy creep male after the next, a never-ending line-up of them and their nasty and dirty foul bigot women standing cheering them on).


I had to pause this documentary at the point when the German-American Bund held a rally at Madison Square Garden with a heil Hitler saluting crowd of over 20,000 staunch white supremacists (perhaps there were some blacks also there? In the current iteration, there would be many Jews, blacks and latinos in the same sort of situation hailing Hitler and cheering on the spittle-driven hate-mongering lecturing Hitler-imitators).

I think of when Adam Kinzinger came with Jamie Raskin--as Kinzinger and Raskin asked me about ways of poisoning and I tried to warn them and tried to be helpful in their effort. I was of course asleep, teleported, drugged up, I have been and was at that time (maybe 8 months many creeps have attacked me since then and I have been so ill--I wrote about it, that's all I can say about it) but....after they extracted information which they probably shrugged off as me being "stupid" and "hysterical" and being poisoned could never happen to them (or not to German-adoring Kinzinger--but much more likely to the "jewish" man sitting next to him hissing along with the insults and mockery of me while Kinzinger stated with calm deliberate hate something about me insulting Germans and he's a German and thus---) they began insulting me and laughing and giggling like middle-school thugs as I also told them that I have been mutilated by the creep celebrities as the two politicians laughed and said that the women of this group who had been mutilating and poisoning me through their proxy terrorist minions were so much more "beautiful" than me---insulting me and then going on their nasty ways to being televised, interviewed as kind of the most theatrical "stars" of the Select Committee (aka January 6th Committee) trying to bring down Trump and the "fight for Democracy" as they all blather on like a commercial for some product they are selling  using advertising schemata for their push for power).


When I watch this documentary and understand how viciously Congress was during the time when real genocidal violence was just at the beginning stages--during Kristalnacht--when the Germans broke windows and raped and murdered Jews and then forced them to clean up the mess as people in Germany openly expressed murderous violence upon the Jews. From one day to the next. I have personally experienced this shift of favor to hate in my target experience. From one day to the next I had a huge group of friends and when the "word" came down to attack me, they turned away collectively and I have never had a friendly word from any of them ever since. This also happened with my family. It was when I had a shelf of trophies for swim team awards and blue ribbons. I was playing violin in a symphony by age 13 and I was beautiful and very happy and free. The Nazi 4th Reich terrorists made damn sure to have my family and everyone else participate in poisoning my food to slow and paralyze me slowly as my child body could not tolerate being drugged and poisoned daily, I could not study, my grades dropped I could not focus and I remain in that state  to this day. 


but to go on...I thought of Kinzinger when I watched the part 2 of the series from PBS--about how the U.S. Government dealt with the need for immigration. The names of the "Patriot" groups of established white supremacists echo the names of the current groups connected to the MAGA movement. They call themselves Patriots and they claim they are all about "freedom". They wanted to restrict immigration even further after Kristallnacht and anti-Semitism oozed out of the pores of American society and now it's a steadfast flow of hate embedded into every rivulette of American life, but usually denied as such. 

I have flashes of AOC, the big blathering fake, having me sitting down on concrete as she stood over me (in teleportation, I was blanked out, then "woke up" in this sitting position with her standing over me glaring down with absolute hate and hostility). I recall in Miami Latino women attacking me in so many places with the same hate and hostility. Always there is a bigot white supremacist telling them what to do which they follow like lemmings without question. Another perfect minority minion group following orders. I can't say anything but ditto for so many of the Jews I have met, in Miami and elsewhere, doing exactly the same thing. Dark-haired minority women are particularly vicious in their hateful antics towards me, for obvious reasons. ("It's not me, it's her, her, her get her not me. I'm a good girl. I will attack her for you blonde bigots I love you she is the problem" and that is the silent aura that surrounds these types, and AOC and indeed Jamie Raskin is just a male version of the same unuttered statement).


Now Jamie Raskin has cancer. I had told him when he and "German" Kinzinger, the American politician---that poisoning occurs by all the minority minions who operate in restaurants, they also break into your home using top professional means of disarming electronic devices and alarms, can break into every and all locks--with the expert professionals from the U.S. Government and their nefarious dark money enterprise partners, they have capabilities to break into every and all systems despite the most expert and professional of home security procedures--at least for the main majority of people who pay for these protections. You can rest assured that people who also are paid to guard and protect can so easily be paid handsomely to allow intrusions and poisoning while still collecting the money paid by the target, usually with a huge, warm smile. This is because the money flowing into such operations is endlessly. The billions and billions of dollars the US Government allocates to agencies like Homeland Security and the National Security Agency equips "anti-terrorist" protocols and I am very willing to bet that I am listed under some "terrorist" label as the funding for destroying my life, home and chances for any kind of private citizen life are utterly destroyed every single day with full governmental appropriation for spending and continuation of the surge of violence--undoubtedly to my death, that must be the protocol that has been established in my case.


Raskin, I told him with Kinzinger, that he probably was a target. That probably his son was murdered by being "suicided" and that I personally had been put under "suicide" programming. The pair of corrupticians both smirked and laughed. Kinzinger of course if fine but now Raskin has cancer. I warned him, he treated me with contempt and then told me to "obey" one of the filthy ugly skanks of the terrorist celebrity who raped and beat and stole my cat and made my home filthy for over 2 years, and is still endlessly feeding off this contract out on me as is his rotten ugly and stupid plastic-surgery coated filthy Nazi spawn daughter,. Raskin told me with his finger pointing in a fascist "obey" jabbing motion to do what she wanted to obey and not resist. Kinzinger of course went on his merry way obtaining so much promotion for his upcoming bid to run for President. The country and the people who know that they have been involved in this utter Nazi violence aimed at me interview him for public approval and he goes on as if he were a hero fighting for American Democracy--the slogan that Raskin uses perpetually.


The documentary about the US response to the genocide against Jews is even worse now than it was back in the 30's in Washington, D.C. Or it is almost the same. The documentary also mentions that Hollywood was forced to have every film monitored by the German consulate and if any mention against Nazis or Germany was made in a film, the Germans could have it banned in the US Theaters and in Hollywood. This remains today an affixed fixture of Hollywood movies and the production and the choice of actors.


I am glad that P-lousy is not in Speaker position but alas that nasty bigot thing remains in Congress, touted as being "one of the strongest" by this rotten and corrupt establishment. Kinzinger is gone, but what will replace him? There are supposedly more "firsts" coming in, just as P-lousy was a "first woman" Speaker. The "first" crew but fully indoctrinated in the "last" mentality--not just the dehumanizing but the full acceptance of Nazism, I fear, is just another colored skin and gender performance by the incoming 118th Congress.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Death Squad 4th Reich culture, how long ago did it actually originate in Champaign, Illinois?//Champaign man celebrates 104 year birthday.//Nostalgic reminiscing about a culture that I recall--don't know this man personally, he may be what he appears to be, or maybe not. But I remember people like him who were married and stayed loving or even in love with their spouses until death did part them. In Champaign, Illinois. This man was a WWII vet and Korean War vet. He danced with his wife and recalled his partnership with her crying (in the video). My own grandmother and father were in love for over 75 years as well and never parted and were in love past death. My grandmother kind of crumbled after my grandfather passed and could not stand to live without him. They partied and went out socializing until they just had almost no friends left to party with (all died eventually before my grandparents). But in Champaign, I remember these "older" types so vividly as having the backbone to have the moral stance to create a society that held onto values of creating a more equal society. Even though there was gross racism, albeit not as horrific in other places further South than in Champaign.

 "104-YEAR-OLD BIRTHDAY". WCIA News. January 30, 2022.

"'How 'bout Us' Champaign...with Lyrics". Jane Byfield. June 19, 2011.

So I watch this video and remember the kindly people I had grown up around, and these were the types of people who inspired and formed my view of the world--that people should "do the right thing", believe in a "higher power" of love and justice and clamp that power down on Earth in a way that society will believe and follow laws of concern for other human beings. I recall that there was very little violence as I grew up. As that mentality was replaced and the gang stalking 4th Reich terrorism rose up (because equality was too threatening, as the backlash response) and these older types died off or were actually killed off---Champaign has grown into a more criminal and violent place (the murder rate is higher than national average now). The industrial technological push of the university also hails for mind control tech advancement, implants and I can attest that the older more Christian people like this man were pushed into recesses of an outdated cultural norm.
So, without knowing this man, I say tentatively that he reminds me of the very warm and generous, spiritually positive and life-affirming, justice-seeking people in my neighborhood before the gang stalking took over in the younger generation (my generation and then successively a take-over).
I was very much welcomed and loved by people like this, who helped me to grow and have this moral baseline of respect for cultural standards of decency towards other human beings. I don't know how they viewed blacks as the neighborhoods were strictly divided. I think the immersion and threat to white supremacy that Federal offices such as Affirmative Action brought was a hate backlash that flooded myself and my family, back there in good ole Champaign. Possibly it was people like this nice old white male who helped to bring that backlash on. But my memories are of that generation supporting me and being welcoming and their younger Baby Boomer generation and my generation (on the cusp of Baby Boomers) was a hateful mass of selfish acquisition and an attempt to completely turn the Civil Rights movement and Hippie movement into a death squad, mind control 4th Reich hate death squad society.


"I was programmed at the xxx lab in Urbana, Illinois by..." --HAL 9000 AI computer (2001: A Space Odyssey) in it's dying throes during deactivation after it makes it's internal decision to murder astronauts on a flight to Jupiter. Programmed in the corn-field heartland of Urbana, Illinois, is the twin city to Champaign, where the University of Illinois has some of it's campus and the laboratories and AI research (as in brain-mapping mind control technology and experimentation) and etc other words, moi as the result of their experimentation and research and programming and mind control terrorism hate technology for rape and men and women who can't love one another unless they potentially have someone to victimize to release their mutual hate for one another only to appease the grinding disenchantment of their loveless marriages of convenience.

But the technology is also being used to crush the psyches of women "like me" who want to have The American Dream and want to live in a self-reliant and positive self-affirming fashion, wanting to have a career and self-independent view of oneself outside of fascist fashion racist roles. Tortured, raped and mutilated and poisoned perpetually by this hate organization which was fostered by the University of Illinois and it's tangent partnerships in the region (extending undoubtedly back to the central processing centrifugal force of the US Government and it's research funding for universities like the U of I in Champaign-Urbana).
The need to oppress women or other types of formerly oppressed people who rise or aspire to rise out of the boxes and cliches that are imposed upon them by racist paradigms is a tantamount force driving the hate impetus of this Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich hate organization and the huge gross amounts of funding and research and development being poured into these microchip implant/gang stalking/death squad/mind control operations. The basic lowest common denominator always rises to the top. Whatever rhetoric is used, it's a most basic principle of hate driving technological "advancement" but always cloaked in beautiful rhetoric about "progress" and "research advancement".

"2001: A Space Odyssey--HAL 9000 Death Scene, Deactivation (Movie Clip)". Eagle Burger. August 28, 2018.

The legacy of bad movies from the terrorist celebrities and their awful movies, funded by the corruptician awful politicians of the US Government.// You all wanted gang stalking, you got movies to match it's quality of life and substance.//I have to, and I must use other person's appraisals and critical reviews because of the block to my cognitive functions while I write--the "mind control" blocks my ability to think clearly or write in any elegant style, especially on topics regarding non-stop torture lasting over a decade EVERY SINGLE DAY and I challenge anyone to be able to even survive what I have and then write about it while it's still ongoing with calm smooth critical thinking capabilities while your brain is under critical thinking blocks and rage is accentuated by brain-mapping tech also blocking higher critical analysis and calm rationality.***

 "Overstuffed/A Mess/Grating/Bloated/Underdeveloped: Babylon Review--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. December 22, 2022.

"Jumbled/Stale/Tedious: Bullet Train Review--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. August 3, 2022.

Finally, a kindred spirit in film review (or 2-3 hour waste of time fodder much better viewed as trailers for -2.00 minutes):
This critic states that the movie is overstuffed for the sake of presenting itself as being larger-than-life---it's the director and actors smug and assured that they will "win" in the rigged MK ULTRA teleportation contract of torture and violence and thusly, there is really a mess of action surrounding the "star" characters with actually no real plot other than a fixation on smug pompous psychopathy for the sake of winning an award (assured in a rigged contest)--so much money poured into this production due to the 4th Reich Nazi blonde bigot star actors being endlessly portrayed year-after-year--the $$$ flows like the cocaine and drugs and alcohol that the actors both in the film and outside snort and the ego-highs they feed off with teleportation torture bs--the movie is just a shadow of the ugliness and mess they actual create in Whorewood---
But at last, a review that is a semblance of sane approach other than wanna be in the "in crowd" of media reviews (in the 4th Reich, you can't be antagonistic or critical of the blonde Nazi pig apes, whatsoever, not their movies or any kind of critical analysis of their so-called "acting" and the images they project--protected more than the US President for all their debauchery)
so I congratulate this reviewer for openly stating the truth---(he appears to have an accent, maybe he didn't grow up absolutely brainwashed into American dumb and dumber Whorewood programming?)


"Shallow/Spiritless/Hackneyed: Emancipation--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. December 8, 2022.

Here's another rotten teleporting terrorist (not even close to being on par with pig pit from the last review I posted and his sidekick couch casting skank from Australia, always with him in his sexploits to have her tied onto his vicious terrorism via teleportation--)
but on a much lower level of terrorism is this dude--who made the "mistake" of showing clearly the "real" face of the A-list whorewood crowd, ltd/gmbh etc
They get these lead role contracts every year for demonstrating what pig ape fascist Nazis they are, and the result is bloated, boring endlessly stupid movies which are put into awards categories with almost no competition---


"Hollow/Phony/Wasted/Too Schematic: Women Talking Review--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. December 3, 2022.

I only watched the trailer, a few clips on YouTube and an interview with the brit--looked so fake and horrid and absolutely not in line with this type of culture or the women involved or the era---just another "feminist" fabrication of women's so-called "empowerment". All the skanks of this movie would gladly watch me get raped if they could have this stupid show put into more awards categories--like the rest of the blonde Nazi and black Nazi cohorts in Whorewood.
Thank you interviewer for writing the obvious--I don't understand how America keeps applauding these absolutely stupid, meaningless movies and actors--as if intelligence had died around the world for any kind of art or output of anything beyond basic bs. Some extremely wealthy women out of Whorewood playing women who had to work HARD for survival---and probably were nothing like the depictions. As I grew up in the Midwest and saw how women were in this kind of rural farming environment I can state that this is a wealthy woman's feminist bs sandwich that people so long divorced from farming communities and the past would "believe" in.


"Muddled/Boring/Insignificant/Cannibalism: Bones and All Horror Review--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. November 24, 2022.

This movie, which I am grateful extremely that I had not to pay for even clicking on it, but the time wasted sifting through it was a waste of my life---
disgusting, a disgusting and sick movie about some creep female eating fingers and body parts and falling in love with a dumb dude played by an actor whose appeal I really can't understand as I think he's not even good as an actor but is starring in role after role for year after year. I think he has been in a very distant way a part of the terror group attacking me. I could go into how I believe this, as he has not directly participated in the teleportation that I am aware of, but he has put the social media triggering posts up--which would make me appear "delusional" for trying to describe the insanity that these "actors" force upon me.
I'm glad someone has the sense to articulate in a few words the inane stupidity of this sick and disgusting movie--which had no plot just a lone and creep thing who has a hunger for eating human flesh and finds a dumb thin boy to eat finally after trying to fall in "love" in a desperate attempt to find sanctuary for the "freaks" that they supposedly are. I see no symbolic representation of anything, and no meaning whatsoever--but there could be symbolic meaning--if only the emphasis weren't on mundane detail and someone being an outside finding another outside in a cold world of animal-flesh eating "normal" people.


"Worse/Bland/Annoying: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. November 23, 2022.

Janelle Monae (sp?) has been one of the intellectual property thieves (she stole ideas from me about mind control and put them into a short film with her starring as a hero) while in reality she wholly supported the rape, torture, poisoning and mutilation of me alongside pig pit and filthalina--now posturing as a black Nazi, which you can see in this film. Whatever the plot is, I believe this woman was put in that film because she postures in a Nazi pose but fits a "requirement" of diversity---
I don't say that she isn't talented as a DANCER though--or perhaps singer. She should stick to that, and not be put into the acting world but alas so many rotten people are there already she's just another terrorist alongside so many of the other black Nazis who have attacked me and garnered top roles and movie deals afterwards for her participation and giggling applause as the bigots hissed anti-Semitic and death threat hate at me while they all supported and threatened and yelled and etc at me and are now in starring roles in big movie plots with no meaning--sorry, but Agatha Christie is long dead and this is a bad remake--it does involve wealth and a chateau, so that fits into the formula but otherwise---for my personal reasons not interested. Even if the film is decent, I can't watch anything with indecent skanks or creeps acting in lead roles so.....NO. I mean NEIN, NEIN NEIN.


"Scattered/Unfocus/Hollow/Flat: The Fablemans Review--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. November 20, 2022.

FINALLY Steven Spielberg can make a fable: that his Jewish family is no longer Jewish at all, but Nazi's with a few nose extensions from the make-up departments, but otherwise blonde actors (one of whom has attacked me in teleportation, as has Spielberg and his Nazi blonde wife)--and after teleportation as well--what did Spielberg do about the Nazi-hate-death hissing pig apes attacking me who are his "peers' in Whorewood? NOTHING!! Nothing but play the same game in attacking me as so many others have.
When I watch the Fabelmans and hear an interview with Spielberg about how "embarrassed" he was that his grandfather shouted in front of his home when he was a boy, playing with neighbors, using his Yiddish Name, oh, poor Steven was utterly ashamed and said nothing and claimed he had no idea. That rejection of Judaism, while the guilt and the association of being in that most maligned group on the planet has made for this cognitive dissonance of a film that has sputtered out into just a fantasy by Spielberg to cast his memory in the light of a Nazified rarified ether of unreality. Forever more people watching this movie will never associate him with being "Jewish" but from short-nosed, blonde parents who are blank hamberger types of human beings just hate-filled meat (such as that creep who attacked me in teleportation playing the "jewish" father of the Steven character--who is so embarrassed and wanting and yearning for bigot blonde Nazi American culture to love his films--it's a theme you can easily see in the film throughout if you just paid attention).
Which is why, just like Babylon the movie jerk-off jack-off 3 hour cum festival of inane nothingness splashed into a colorful mash-up of shit---this movie has no real piercing anything just a bland portrayal of a stupid family that is so dumb it's completely unrealistic that it could ever have survived life itself--much less a movie about anything except for Mr. Spielberg reminiscing and the world having to either waste time or pay to watch it--
wanting to see something meaningful and so disappointing--
Of course, it's up for an Academy Award, just as Spielberg's films have been year-after-year since he began partnering with the pig pit thuggery gang in Whorewood--the Nazi gang he cowtows to but has his Holocaust offshoot victim association biographical society of Holocaust victim archives in interviews. Can't do a goddamn thing about the Nazism aimed at me. Up for an Academy Award alongside pig pit in his Babylon waste of 3-hours movie bs, and the rest of the pig apes in these other movies endlessly glorified although, thankfully, I found this one critic on YouTube who tells THE TRUTH.
(whom ever he is, thank you dude with your foreign accent and verbal agility that Americans lack entirely, apparently. Americans should be marching in protest over the stupid shit that is awarded or put up for nomination year-after year--but they don't, they all go along with it.
They deserve these stupid movies--I want to see REAL MOVIES played by very talented actors, directors and scriptwriters (i.e. Game of Thrones, a genius production in all respects and all acting capability, it is a work of art).

There are other movie reviews from this same team of reviewers from "Bad Movie Reviews"--one of whom is filthy nasty stallone--but he's so disgusting I can't even open the link or look at his f-ugly face and even seeing it on this page make me cringe in disgust. The terms, "generic/uninspiring/unexplored" encapsulate his stultifying position as lead thug for the meat packing department of fake heroes--the formulas he uses for his upstart generic code of movie-making is so repetitive but never-failing Mafia input and force into the media representation has been ongoing in Stallone's exploitation of me being raped by his Italian mafia thug partners ever since I sold cigars at Club Bar None which he and Steven Tyler joint operated back in 1997 or so---never-ending this piece of shit has been clinging onto repeating his formulaic thug rising to the top of a pile of shittery movie formulaic violence--ever beloved by the mafia/nazi industry along with the other disgusting pig apes from the American "Italian-American" mafia endless rotation of lead roles playing jokers and thugs and violent mafia and low-down rising to the top formulas. Endlessly exploiting and victimizing me for his lead roles as a hero fighting against oppression.
I can't watch the actual review this is my hyped-up hysterical rant review---as I can't think clearly. I am also endlessly backspacing and fighting to type as I fight to think without going into ranting and insult range of thought--which is extremely limited. The longer I write, the more the technology is effective in blocking my critical thinking and the more I curse and rant as this remote brain-altering technological effect sweeps over my cognitive capabilities---
The question is: do you people out there who may or may not be reading this actually want more of the same meaningless horrid actors and plots to be put in your faces for awards and movie lead roles with meaningless plots signifying nothing for the rest of your lives? How many more decades are the same corrupt and degenerate actors, all programmed, all brainwashed with millions of dollars in incentives to become more like Nazis and fascists as they pump this out to the public and it's endlessly being praised as the "best" for awards, year after year while meanwhile the United States is battling a fascist Nazi epidemic that began with this group of K-rap in the first place with #45 T-rump (but earlier, with the other presidents who want movie and tv slots and interviews and book deals and tours and news close-ups and media explosions --they are all in this together---) they also get nominated they get put into lead political position for participating they get exonerated on criminal charges for trying to overturn the presidential election. Lindsey Graham is still having my drinking water poisoned--or is this just part of the protocol that once a pig ape joins in, the torture and poisoning he inflicts upon me is thusly always continued even if they stop actively participating--I have not seen him hissing death KKK Nazi threats of killing me since Barishnikov began calling me a "bitch" for saying that I have been poisoned for years by his blonde Nazi skank celebrities he truly wants to screw, but can't because they are all with their lovers and he just gets to beat and rape me--as he took over, and continued the filth and stink and poisoning attacks but is helping me to learn how to try to break this internal poisoning up in my body--endlessly exhausted and still stuck partially paralyzed as I daily fight to get this out--my drinking water stinking of something like sewage but not as bad as Graham had done months before--but it continues. The people who have had part of my uterus cut out and my cat stolen from me and the cats I took in after than mutilated and their spines broken their eyes gouged out, my body poisoned with stinking foul poison as they laughed about how "fat" and unattractive I looked, as they forced and continue to force tears out of my eyes every day for hours--using this microchip implant and so many other tortures it's unbelievable--they are up for Academy Awards now once again, this year, as in last year, and the year before that, and the rotation of them continues (I didn't see bad movie reviews for some of them who are currently up for Awards), but I also didn't scroll down beyond last month as seeing them in these clips is somewhat nauseating and I can only tolerate seeing them for a short while and then I have to stop looking at their putrid faces in these bad movie reviews. Undoubtedly for all the months and years there are other "bad movie reviews" but it's too sickening for me to endlessly scroll down.

The essence of this post is that you all allow this system to go on, but the result is a lowering of artistic standards. That is the most articulate way I can form the words but typing is almost impossible due to hacking malware blocking keyboard functioning.

Terrorist report: January 2, 2023. Another year, another day of writing about poisoning and attempted murder. Poisoning is, indeed, attempted murder. My drinking water has been tainted and poisoned with some stinking substance. This has been ongoing since LIndsey Graham began his torture schedule to try to get out of testifying--last summer. Now it's a non-stop poisoning of my water supply.

 I can't afford to pay for bottled water supply. I use water jugs and refill them using a water filtrated system at a laundry mat just down the steep hillside from this torture, surveillance condo where I have been put--with no other options and all my internet searches controlled/blocked and thus only terrorist operations are my one and only choice. This has been also ongoing for at least decades, all my life. 

But I fill 4 one-gallon jugs, lugging them in a broken-by-terrorists leather bag, which I haul on my motorbike while I'm under attack by people entering the laundry place with the water infiltration system just at the doorway--so people come from behind and flick or do things to my bags or my clothing from behind while I am fighting to get water supply. I have to use a fold-out luggage carrier on wheels, one of the wheels, like the office chair I bought recently, has been so stuffed into the axel of the wheels with grease and hair and strings and hard material that it barely moves. I lug and haul this through elevators and etc to my room and I then leave these jugs in my room until I return at night--as I am so ill from detox I only go out to refill water once every two weeks--(the poisons are now at the position of completely along my spine and into my intestines, whereas for years they were stuffed into my intestines and bloating my entire body)--

But, when I am locked away in this room where I pay my subpoverty income to try to fight not to be poisoned and raped and mutilated by the terrorists operating as proxy for the millionaires and billionaires in Whorewood and their Europigape fascist Nazi network (and from what other fascist countries they are from, including the US network fully indoctrinated at every level of these terror operations in the street networks up to the top levels of "society")--

but, here I go trying to explain a typical day of fighting for my life while it appears I am just a "loner" not going anywhere or doing anything and disabled and keeping to myself. 


I lug up these heavy jugs, my body not able to withstand the stress to my spine with these hard chemicals and fractured vertebrae--all of these problems forced upon me by nighttime brutality by these terrorists for so many decades now--I put the water jugs in my room along the stacks of items along the couches which are piled with objects because I can't use any shelves, cabinets or drawers whatsoever as all are sprayed with odious, stinking sprays so any and everything is permanently saturated with stinking and foul, deadly and toxic substances and odors. Nothing gets the stink out. I then leave these water jugs in these spots along the floor next to the couches, the bags with packaged dry foods I store--etc. I leave and get nearly hit by cars driving to buy food and necessities as I am constantly attacked and threatened and harassed constantly while shopping; physically pushed into and boxed in perpetually everywhere at every minute. 

I return exhausted but because I can't get the water last, as protecting my food is of top priority--I then put all the huge water jugs in plastic bags, tie them with layers of strings and rubber bands to try to stave off the mechanical arms, operated by the minions in these rooms all next to mine; all under the orders of the celebrities and politicians who tell them how much poison to put in my food, inserted into my bladder into my vagina, into my drinking water, etc to poison me, perpetually. They spray toxic odors on all substances and material objects in the rooms, also, constantly day and night and into my clothing while I am sleeping. I am always saturated with poison and toxic substances. This is MURDER not just "harassment" or even "just" torture.


I have to stuff the cracks of the front door with various types of paper objects that stick into the cracks--the cracks in the doors are so large that bright light from the hallway makes the room look like some cheap hotel surveillance set for a porn flick. I have been raped in this room undoubtedly countless times while teleported and abused, yelled at and tortured by the celebrities in the other dimensions they force me into , in this teleportation hell that no one will ever stop it appears.

I have had to fight to understand that mechanical arms are being used in the first place. Because this group is at the point of not leaving open evidence, they do not disrupt my attempts to stop the break-ins by the creeps who have been following me around in the hallways for the years prior to me finally learning to block them out and stop the hips-and-body adjustments putting my spine and hips out of alignment so badly I was in absolute agony upon waking and staggering to the toilet because they inserted fungus semen into my vagina after, undoubtedly, raping me while I was unconscious. They don't just get through things propped up against the door, or locks or anything you may assume would make you safe. The mechanical arms can easily move any objects propped up, all locks can easily be opened. The mechanical arms are extremely proficient at top DARPA level of expertise. Thus, I had to learn very slowly how to defend my life by inserting objects into the cracks that are almost impossible to re-insert into the cracks of the door unless you use finger and hand pressure--nothing mechanical can use that type of pressure that requires these slight movements of the thumbs and fingers and hands--of course, my efforts at this ingenious defense are unrecognized, as are my efforts to survive decades of poisoning which probably no one has ever done before me, I would venture to say. 

Regardless, the expletives of Whorewood continued to have me poisoned. They are still poisoning me by this stinking foul substance in my drinking water. The water at the water filter refill station smells and tastes clean and pure. The amount of stinking fugus they put in my water is not evident until a few days later, once the fungus starts to replicate and grow and breed inside the bottled, and sealed in plastic jugs. Once I return, and the creep thug proxy terrorists for the pig apes in Whorewood enter into my room while I am out shopping, they of course inject my drinking water with stinking foul substances--not sure what it is--smells like very foul untreated water. 

I have to clean out all the jugs and water bottles I keep in the refrigerator--because keeping the water cold at least stifles some of the bacteria from breeding--but in the plastic-wrapped and sealed jugs it's now at the stinking and obvious state of breaking down into a fungus-stinking enclosed breeding ground for the poisons they are constantly pouring into my body which I absolutely cannot defend myself against. 


their shit movies are up for Academy Awards as  usual. They are up for top acting awards as usual. Lindsey Graham is clinking toasts with the Brooklyn Mafia who tell every available man who teleports and poisons, abuses and rapes me to call me "bitch" endlessly for any non-compliant sentence I utter when they demand more out of me for Free and for their benefit as they poison, abuse and rape and torture and mutilate me. They get free out of jail and prison cards from the Nazi enterprise controlling all these nuggets of society. The women make jokes about how "fat" I am and disfigured and how much they are so much more beautiful. The mutilation of my body continues endlessly. I must wrap my hair in layers of protection while sleeping or they will continue to make my hair fall out (permanently). My fingers are swollen and the skin on my arms and forearms and hands has been doused with harsh damaging permanently destroying chemicals so they look like lizard skin, parched in a desert and aged like I'm about 90 years old. The list of damages that the skanks make jokes about in my appearance, which they ordered in the first place or participated in, and it's all endless.


I fight every day now to rid my body of the hard poisons. I know that they will not latch onto my bones or spine if I exercise in ways that completely stretch out my spine. But the poisoning had gotten so bad that I could not stretch and the poison accumulated so badly that all exercise was pointless after a while. Their murder attempt I am still fighting against, but the poisoning to murder and destroy me continues. They are all clinking and chinking their champagne glasses in toasts for a happy new year, right now after their orgy celebrations about getting off from criminal indictments, and getting another year of Academy Award nominations as they have since they began terrorizing and having me raped, beaten and poisoned while they telepoted and raped, beat and tortured me and they are still going on and on.


the movies are worse and worse and more and more meaningless and shoddy but very expensive in production and design, costume and appear like expensive gold-plated plates of plastic fruit trying to posture like heroic glamorized heroes.

The politicians--well, The reigning terrorists claim that "Democracy" is on the ballet, as threats to "Democracy" from this very group and it's antics in power-mongering power-grabbing exploits and fun and orgies and torture and technological advance have put them into ultra billionaire status and fame and the masses swoon at their every movie and fascist Nazi movement.


The first sentence of my post written yesterday was so hacked I had to write a disclaimer underneath it--but add it here just to highlight how badly I am being discredited/hacked and my writing completely misshapen by these terrorist hackers*****every post, it is always the same rewrites, partial deletions and half sentences pasted together and much omitted or rewritten****

 **One day later--writing my next post today, but seeing that the "title" of this post written yesterday was hacked within 4 words of the first sentence--I had written "thuggery" but hackers discredited me immediately by writing it as "thugg"---they also deleted all the commas and punctuation so the first sentence is a strung-out elongated rant--and I have not even read further than the first part of the first sentence to see it completely altered by hackers*** the rest obviously is a complete confusion of partially-deleted sentences and fragments strung together and rewrites--


Saturday, December 31, 2022

The vicious teleportation thugg privately emotional and parasitic exploiter loser club has brought back the Italian greasebag cesspool who was raping poison into my body without end back in 2009-2013---would not stop, I could not stop it. He kept poisoning me with this bloating poison which the group of filth you are all championing as your lead celebrities and A-list whores in Whorewood---an Italian mafia who is a partner with Stallone the other greasebag who has profited off including his filth friends in Whorewood. I am teleported to the pig with the Italians and the Americans and the French and the Germans and the English all screaming into my face that I am a "loser" and a "nothing" and that I have no "class" as they steal ideas, pour hardening bloating poison into my body using their filthy dirty loser minority minions surrounding me in every home, everywhere. They steal ideas from me and use them to promote a lie that they are not mediocre but well-funded fakes who posture and have been plastic-surgery and hormone-growth modified to appear as Nazi iconographic symbols--coached in posturing, handed MILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS for this exploit manipulation. They are so extremely vile, violent and nasty and stupid and dumb emotionally and intellectually--but handed all this from the US government to continue to push and sell this image as Congress fully complies and goes along. So I am being assautled by someone who was murdering me years ago, I am still crooked, bloated and fighting to get the hard poison he f***ed into my body and would not stop until I began calling him a pig in my emails to him and my facebook posts--as he partnered with the English pig ape "aristocrat" who is part of the English Crown insider group--literally associated with the monarchy---and it's been them calling me horrible names about how much I have no "class" compared with them. They have sold off my ideas as their own for over a decade in order to sell themselves as having ANY ideas whatsoever that are not completely mediocre holographic repeats of what they have been programmed all their lying lives to repeat. They continue to attack me physically with inserts into my body, poisoning and deforming and mutilating and endless teleportation skits with abuse and hate thrown at me by scumbag creeps performing the tasks for the pig apes who are out partying at their new venues with their endlessly pumped-up millions displaying their newest Nazi plastic surgery facial modifications---

**One day later--writing my next post today, but seeing that the "title" of this post written yesterday was hacked within 4 words of the first sentence--I had written "thuggery" but hackers discredited me immediately by writing it as "thugg"---they also deleted all the commas and punctuation so the first sentence is a strung-out elongated rant--and I have not even read further than the first part of the first sentence to see it completely altered by hackers*** the rest obviously is a complete confusion of partially-deleted sentences and fragments strung together and rewrites--


The technology they inserted into my throat is being tweaked every single night while I am sleeping. It's a microchip implant in my throat, right at the "Adam's Apple" area of my throat. They can constrict the larynx and the sphincter that controls swallowing and mucus output. While in a deep sleep, but always when I am just about in the falling asleep state, my muscles are very relaxed, they force this contraption to shut so air is cut off. It makes a horrid loud grinding noise---waking me up in a start. They do this in the teleportation skits when they have me in a dazed and sick and tortured, under duress state as losers they employ have me "wake up" in the sleeping state, still asleep in one state, to a kind of hazy consciousness as I say or do something they instructed of me in this other teleported state while unconscious. The statements are usually very innocent and normal. Last night it was me handing something to some Asian male as I said something completely normal, requesting something--can't remember now. The creep repeated what I said staring directly into my eyes with absolute hate as I just said something handing him a piece of paper asking for some service or information. I had no understanding before or after this happened. But afterwards I decided I was going to glare him down for having been so rude. In the sleeping teleported state I confronted him as the pig apes made this microchip implant tweak in a long grinding noise as I spoke in the other state while in my prime body state this grinding noise was so loud it sounded like a freight train noise---it's hideous and of course makes me appear like I have this nasty nasal habit--which of course the parasites and loser filth group who are paid and paid and plastic-surgery modified and told endlessly that they are "winners" and are "in control" are handed by my government which endlessly watches on, supporting all of this. Perhaps the rape was stopped by one of the greasy filthy pig apes after years of them all going at raping and beating and stealing ideas and having my body poisoned as they were simultaneously abusing me to death--

never stopped by anyone.

It's going on now with some ugly greasy mafia scumbag I told I didn't like back in 1996--he has not stopped getting his endless deals and businesses from poisoning and raping and slowly murdering me ever since then. He orchestrated endless attacks upon me by Europigapes back on South Beach to the point that I had to move to Gainesville because he rose, from his exploits of this contract with greasy STallone and Steven Tyler--partners in this club where I sold cigars independently so there is no mention of my name on their records--but this greasy ugly manager from Italy rose to owning businesses, running them into the ground because he's a mafia thief and a mediocrity--then torturing me to obtaining ideas about how Prince created the splendor of his club---they would also be endlessly calling Prince a "loser" and someone with "no class" if they only could have gotten their greasy pig technology onto Prince before stealing all of his ideas--but instead they just had him assassinated when I tried to get away from them and used this insidious social media "contact" system and wrote posts to Prince and got this creepy response they all use--endless photos of themselves and their movies and crap on my facebook or youtube channels--completely all hacked, of course, All intended to make me appear as "delusional" if I try to report their insanity and how they use triggers and terrorizing to attack their target(s).


so they brought this filthy loser creep back. The pandemic made him lose a few of his spots on South Beach and he's always been there with Stallone, who makes a big loud-mouthed hate spittle attack at me about how I am a "nothing" and have never done anything and "what have you ever done" this huge thug meat-bucket of grease hisses in hate at me (just before another dumb tv show or movie comes out with him starring in it, and this contract as kept that filth into mainstream appearance ever since 1996 when he got his Italian mafia group to endlessly rape and assault me--the pig ape has his ugly wife and has to be more attention-prone to her, so he has gotten his greasy loser mafia group to assault me and they have not stopped, they are never stopped, and they have endless people supporting and working for them--in South Florida and now in Whorewood, USA).


The ugly greasy loser pig is named Nicola Siervo, he operates with some French parasites who also partnered with him to viciously attack me on South Beach, beginning in 1996 and ongoing ever since. They are Eric and Frances Milan, who obtained a virtual empire on South Beach after having violently assaulted me, and ever since, they all work with endless Latinos and white trash Europigapes to have me assaulted non-stop. Everyone complies or goes along with it, and the US government keeps funding it and them. Thusly, welcoming in fascist Nazi mafia--and of course, they all got the "Italian-American" actors into the group years ago with endless violence and hate.


this morning I woke up to a dead cockroach in my bathroom just in front of the door. They are opening the spigot for the toilet/spray nozzle at the bottom of the wall to it's spraying water all over the floor--they then open a tile from the other side of the wall (although I plastered silicone on every crack and put artistic paper covering every single tile from ceiling to floor, they just come into this room when I leave and rip it all off and keep on opening the tiles--and unless I coat the walls with cement I won't be able to stop this).

they insert stinking fungus water, putrid filth and grease on the floors which I have to keep bending over to clean--

my body completely riddled with hard poison which I fight every day to get out--as they keep poisining and torturing me. My clothing is all scraped with sand paper so it's ugly and deformed, with stains, tears and threads hanging out and stinking permanently staining odors sprayed on each and every item of clothing and material I have--on all furniture. Brown grease that also permanently stains is put under everything, sprayed on the walls, on the floors--and of course stinking fluids are inserted into my vagina. I  must sleep with layers of protection covering my entire head to stop them from cutting into my gum tissue any longer and from dousing my scalp with permanently damaging fluids to the hair follicles--the huge balding patch is still huge covering 60% of my scalp and they did this last year--nothing I do makes the hair grow back.

I have to cover my feet and then use rubber bands to stop the chemicals from being poured on my toenails which cause the nails to stunt and grow thick and then stop growing at all. This has been done for years and years and years.


Friday, December 30, 2022

The blonde Nazi boy-"men" must always be revered no matter their crimes. The apprentice has learned from the reality-tv-show "actor" turned President how to get away with every crime with a pompous psychopathic swagger--and they are all so famous and protected for projecting this image: The "awards" season of expedited, exponentially approved-of hate has begun--the yearly tryst of the same vile and violent, Mafia/criminal politicians and celebrities and white supremacist Nazis with their dark-skinned minority minions

"2001 a space odyssey". coldshouldermolder. August 19, 2006.


Just as the movie is being endlessly advertised for this on-spot slot for promotion just prior, immediately to the attention turning from the holiday onslaught in spending to the "awards" for "best" of the year---monopolized awards that are a recurring hail of hate towards me by the same perpetrators and vile and violent celebrity fascist white supremacist Nazi and Mafia parasites--every year, it's headed by the top blonde Nazi with his entourage of Europigape skank fellow "actor" casting-couch c***nts. This year is no exception except that I think much of the usual large gathering of the mass of the mess has been thwarted by some slightly more "benevolent" restraining order, perhaps by a politician who, unlike the huge bulk of all the "progressives" and outright MAGA anti-Semities for all these years, is not expressly an advocate of rape culture. It's amazing but there may be one in the entire gamut of all those who have endlessly assaulted me. I won't refer to whom I believe has been the kind and warm prick to the conscience of the group--which means, they are so hard and calloused that any prick will not penetrate any of their psychopathic tendencies.


Ironically, the worst of the pricks and pigs--who personally has overseen me raped and beaten for over 8 years, has tried to have my teeth knocked out, has had cats I fed and took care of in animal crisis care bashed in, their eyes gouged out--as "punishment" for saying "NO" endlessly to being raped, tortured and my ideas stolen so this foul and really kinda dumb American and his equally sleazy and nasty and kinda stupid dumb wife can be honored endlessly for the ideas they have stolen out of my rantings, drugged and hysterical, unable to type or write or think with all this brain-altering tech and torture aimed at me perpetually while the writing implements are blocked and hacked as well--simultaneously.

But this year, the main pig-in-question, leading the pit of the thuggery, for all these many eight years without end, has been insulting, teleporting and torturing me in order to promote a film--that was PROMISED to be put into the Oscar's gamut last SUMMER when Lyndsey Graham wanted to take over this contract of torture--which he did--as I could tell immediately from the highlighted glow of the pig couple of apes from Whorewood--that they were going to "win" awards or at least be nominated. They have been promised this for years, not just by Trump whom they very much helped to have put into power through this contract and all their Europigape handler associates who actually pull the real strings, are in control over the media and if there are "Jews" involved, they sure as hell do not "control" anything but their secretaries who probably are all blonde Nazi types they worship as they hiss in hate at me and fully support all the Nazi blonde fascist actors of this pit thug group.


But he was promised that this silly and waste-of a huge amount of $$ movie about the foils and fabrications of Whorewood are "exposed" supposedly. The movie looks like a stupid mess endlessly advocating for the Europigape-colonized actor out of Oz-land who has been partnering with pig pit for so many years and always put into Oscars categories alongside that pig ape American who endlessly appears to me with his skank whores he screws who are his acting "partners" as well. Glaring and hateful filthalina sits silently watching on, as all these wives of the married rapist pigs do as they torture me so the "feminist" wives can get handed a few crumbs so their aspirations can be met on some level as "reward" for as usual keeping silent and approving of their husband's debauchery obligatory "good ole boy" rape culture antics and exploits. It's truly harkening to approval in an homoerotic ritualistic fashion to the other men for their admiration and approval--a misogynist woman-hating exercise that has been a stepping stone in this new-fangled technological and gang stalking travesty that I have been subjected to. It is a travesty and a tragedy in the making for not just American society but the entire planet, poised on a brink of destruction because the technology and the incentive-based fascist programming is bringing out the most brutal and dumb dehumanizing behavior in the perpetrators and their assistants who also glean awards for their periphery hate antics. 


But, touted in the media now for this take on Whorewood, and how people get lost in the trash heap of expectations and debauchery and drug addiction and murder and etc...supposedly this is supposed to be a shocking sort of revelation. It's such an old story rehashed that one doesn't need to spend 3 hours to watch this fascist pair of scumbag actors go silly and crazy and hysterical and spastic to understand how stupid Hollywood is in it's current downward spiral of intelligence and intellectual output.

Understanding full well that not just pig pit and that ugly, beady-eyed Australian skank who has been partnering with that pig for years to obtain her own lead roles, endless promotions out of sheer rape and torture of me-- now considered a routine albeit ritualistic rite of passage for every fascist Nazi aspiring Europigape actress to obtain by sleeping with and cheering the rape by pig pit and his entourage of fellow crap and filth who are an endlessly increasing world of trashy low-life emotional losers who pile up on the chairs facing the endless abuse of me when I am teleported.

The director as well, losing his chance for Best Picture many years ago--(days and days and years and years of this pig pit endlessly torturing me to help his lovers/friends and partners and all the fascist group and Trump and etc so his rat children and family and friends and everyone can all have an endless monopoly in that lost and destroyed industry of brainwashing entertainment and fake liberal everythingland K-rap)

But, the director lost to the dumb movie honoring a poor, black child becoming homosexual with reveries of being held in water under the moon in Miami--lost to the pig ape's film company and why? Because of the grift and graft the rape teleportation contract the rigging of all elections that turned into the US Government policy in 2020--

the director now teaming up as a sort of catch-up for obtaining his coveted award that he lost to pig pit many years of torture for me ago---now jumping onto the bandwagon of stupidity and dumb and dumber mind programming technology (the more sophisticated the tech, the dumber and dumbness of the pig apes and their propensity for the most low-level brutality rises like all of their hormone-induced plastic surgery erections as posturing hard-but liberal Nazis for their stupid portraits and photos with the pig-sniffing-the-empty-air posture of "superiority").

I am ranting now, but I hope you get the point, if anyone is reading this or has gotten this far. It is impossible for me to collect my thoughts without going off into tangents or ranting due to the tech blasting away at my brain as I fight to think and collect my thoughts--all induced by tech.


The movie is ostensibly about the corruption of H-wood. The irony should not be lost at this point and the real portrait is nowhere near any kind of scriptwriter's desk. No contracts are being made about the real and current corruption in that whore industry of rapists-turned-top award leaders of the machinery and programming into fascist Nazi with black and brown-skinned minorities endlessly rehashing the Nazi slogans--some openly like Kanye, most disguised and secreted like Oprah and of course her good friend Whoopie just repeated her own version of a Kanye anti-Semitic remark--supposedly but I have not read the hype because I could not care about that rotten and bloated Nazi-programmed "liberal" with her "Italian-American" co-host who lavished praise upon most vicious fascist Pelosi for being another "Italian-American" which to me is just "I am mafia" but put into some subcultural context.


The the ugliness and stupidity and hate of pig pit and his ugly blonde Nazi lover-turned-endless co-starring skank actor out of Oz-land is appalling to me and that along with huge amounts of money poured into the making of this 3-hour frenzied hyped-up production---advertised, interviewed, lavished with praise, already on track for the awards--pig pit teleporting me and abusing, insulting and if he had the chance violently assaulting me as he has done for years (he tried to have my teeth knocked out the year I wrote on my blocked and private Facebook page that this piece of expletive should be stopped from being handed awards year-after-year for his role in torturing me--which began the year he began attacking me and has not ended since--and is still ongoing with full backing of newspapers like USA Today and the media establishment).

Like Trump, pig pit has learned from years of getting away with almost every egregious breach of the US Constitution and all law, heaped upon me every day with his filthy ugly wife and group of couch-casting skanks, mostly out of Europigapeland, all adamant fascist Nazis, blonde, bigots and so many black and other "minorities' so many of the "hippie" era (The rolling stones and bob dylan and the beatles) also fastidiously participating--.

They must be protected, the politicians must protect their assets for the takeover and destruction of a Constitutional Republic, not only relabeling it a "Democracy" (as in rule of the masses, meaning gang stalking rule, as "democracy" because the elimination of opposition has created a "mass" of violent and sleazy stupid ape pigs who use the tech handed to them by the government and it's scientific agencies and now private industry such as Tesla with his implants and his AI and his billions to influence and peddle more fascism)

but---they are all protected. Awarded, awarded for trash and filth--which is how I see them how they act. They call me this name all the time, they use every insult aimed at me after they destroy my body, home, finances and steal ideas because I grew up in a university environment with a step-father teaching literature but who was a hippie in the anti-war movement. My other biological father a Yale-graduated Lawyer, conservative but like my entire family, eventually dragged down (into death) by the demands of this Nazi pig ape cartel that has overtaken everything.

The utter criminal exploits are not even touched by this endlessly advertised film and the abuse and hate thrown at me as usual by pig pit this year parallels the English female onslaught last year as the woman out of London who got her friends to hiss "die in a concentration camp" language is starring, literally starring in 6 films this year, as listed on IMDB---one of them concerning a famous Israeli leader--a female--(such is British Israelism and the Evangelical-American push to take-over and control Israel, which is completely under the thumb of the "divide and conquer" German and English fascists who really covertly fund and support so much of the misery and death on all sides of all the conflicts).


As I wrote above, it is impossible for me to write in a linear and concise fashion or explicate my ideas while I am hacked and my brain is hacked and my keyboard is blocked and I must pound every letter on the keyboard with my entire hand to get it to print. Of course that also means that this post will be revised to discredit me--parts will be rewritten, deleted, etc.


I hope anyone reading this can understand through all the cracks in meaning the general  gist of this post. If and when any movie about the real stupidity and ugliness of Whorewood is ever written, it will be made by some rotten Mafia director with bigot Nazi actors and the script will read like the general victim-plot which energizes the public to such an extent that politicians probably use the same scriptwriters from Whorewood to make they lying campaign speeches about what victims they were growing up who then turned into super-heroic politicians fighting for justice and equality.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).