Stinking filth, all day, cleaning and cleaning what stinking sick people have been paid free rent, free bonuses, free promotions, free academy awards, free funding for their film projects, etc etc. It has been a never-ending cyclical rotation of celebrities and politicians and otherwise white male Nazi/mafia supremacists abusing, insulting, torturing, having my home made stinking, filthy, my body broken down, destroyed, permanently damaged from head-to-foot--my body infested with stinking hard poisons that I have been fighting to rid my body of since I finally realized after lifetime of poisoning that all the people surrounding me and at every restaurant and every home I have lived in, people have surrounded me and gone into my home and poisoned my food at every possible moment to slowly suffocate me to death with internal poisoning.
One decade of the torture in teleportation and gang stalking reaching crescendos of hundreds of people attacking me per day in every aspect of life, from driving and fighting to not get hit perpetually by drivers, to people endlessly pushing into me and attacking me in public places, to my sleep state of terror, rape and violence and abuse from wealthy millionaire and billionaire celebrities and politicians who are handed these technologies to "prove" that they are truly players in the global domination and master-slave society they truly are building while they go on in public about how they are fighting to save "Democracy". Huge public spectacles of their "fight" in large protected groups using rhetoric that someone else may have written for them.
Meanwhile, fighting for my life perpetually and for any human right, as all have been abrogated and stolen by this group, I sit here assessing the damage and the tortures never end.
thus, I went out shopping three days ago. I was stuck in a bank while, upon walking in, the waiting line ticket I was handed informed me that over 20 people were ahead of me in line. There were about 15 people, including those being serviced at the counters--the numbers were skewed and I sat for 15 minutes while two people were standing idly in front of the windows while the bank personnel just appeared to be chatting with the terror agents sent to attack me in this manner. I walked out and drove and got a business thing done in an internet cafe and then returned to the bank. As I walked in, the number was one ahead of my number--I got another number and it stated that there were once again 20 people ahead of me in line, although in the bank 15 people, mostly the same people, were sitting around with passports and numbers. I walked to a window and showed them my number, just one before the person being serviced in the other window area, and a white male came up behind me showing a number before mine. When another window opened up I walked up and two more white people began yelling that their number was ahead of mine (two numbers before mine). The confusion also mounted because, as always happens in public, my brain was being blasted by brain-altering technology as I could feel something akin to my skull being pressed inward and an inability to think clearly.
I had just come from trying to get something done in a business exchange between myself and a (terrorist) business in Miami Beach-- (the one and only business I have, which is basically a huge overpriced rip-off for a company in Miami which is not actually performing the business that I have paid for--I mean they are doing NOTHING--it's a mailbox company which has not informed me a single time for the past year about my mail. I had this problem in Orlando before I changed company. I had problems calling other mail services which lied to me, claiming they had 'street addresses" but offered me only "suite" numbers in the 2000's for commercial building areas--and the addresses they provided as "home addresses" were obviously manufactured mini-shopping mall "suite" addresses. They lied, they only allowed one service from one "company" which changed it's name a month after I paid for the year service--they never informed me of my mail. I can't keep chancing my address so I am leaving it, the business sort of informs me upon request but not always and they won't scan letters upon request even when I write three times.)
I was lied to by my bank yesterday when I phoned--so all business transactions are rife with delays, literal lies, absolute confusion and keeping me waiting and waiting for simple questions to be answered.
But, just returning from a day of being pushed into and people walking into me perpetually so my body was in a constant state of fight--people blocking my path every three minutes in public places, people pushing me, etc. My body "disabled" from internal poisoning, and returning to my room stinking and filthy and foul. The next day, cleaning with cut up clothing that has been sprayed with stinking substances so I have to have piles of clothing I buy at 2nd hand thrown away because the stink won't come out of the fabric. I clean the floors which are brown from stinking goo, brown in color, that has been sprayed on the white walls, the floors, my furniture--everything has a permanently staining stinking goo or substance on it. I use the cut-up pieces of cloth and there are clumps of hair, fibrous materials, objects I can't recognize on the fabric just with a small swipe on the floor. Using a mop is almost futile as the cloth is easier than constantly throwing away piles of filth in the dust pan and cleaning out the broom---
My body so injured from the poisoning, the hard poison, the fractures to my vertebrae so after cleaning I am exhausted and can't move any longer. Every single thing I have itemized as a thing I need to do or want to do has to be put on hold if I don't want to breathe in and step on filth and toxic scum sprayed, sprinkled or poured every single corner on every single thing. For the last three days--like today, I could not exercise I was so exhausted from bending in an excruciating angle to take a cup and literally scoop up cup after cup of stinking fungus-stained water that was poured into this sealed area under my kitchen sink. The mechanical arms are inserted from the very flimsy panel that separates my room from that next door--there is no wall, literally--they installed a series of floor-to-ceiling cabinets and closets that have flimsy panels that echo and slightly bend upon slight pressure or my thumb pressing into the panel--so cheap and when I knock there is an empty and hollow echo noise. There is no wall. I hear people closing cabinets above the sink on the other side of the wall--and they are closing the cabinet doors quietly, I can hear it and know they are being very careful and gentle.
Three days now of not being able to attend to much more than cleaning up this stinking filth.
There have been two men in the past half year who have been, I believe, responsible for much of this very nasty and filthy attack upon me. One is Senator Graham, and the other is Baryshnikov. In between, there has been the usual gang of pitt and his fellow cronies all greedily attacking me with ever-increasing hate, death threats, and violence for years but since Graham this kind of stinking and soaking filth and scum fungus saturation of my living space has been unbearable and literally poisonous in a deadly toxic level. This group, including pitt and co and mafia have been inserting fungus and semen and stinking substances into my vagina literally for years. Besides the poisoning of hardening substances, this toxicity has also been killing me, along with my natural immunity being lowered to dangerously low levels from constant violence and psychological hate and rape and abuse and poisoning and torture and then the people attacking me every time I am barely able to go out to buy what I need to continue to fight to remove this poison from my body so I can just try to survive and not be imprisoned like this any longer.
for all these years pitt and his crew have had me poisoned so I have remained dying from stress while so drugged up and incapable of physical movement--as the poisoning has NEVER stopped for a single day. Piles of liquid stinking poison stuck and bloating into my intestines for YEARS AND YEARS but never-ending despite over 3 years of doing Master Cleanse fasting every single month and the bloating resuming once I began eating again.
And it's still never-ending. I appeal to the world to have some compassion some kind of humanity towards me, I wait and wait and it's something like Baryishnikov--who was ordering sewage water to be inserted into my vagina while he kept trying to rape me and finally I succumbed basically with the threat of sepsis as a cause of physical breakdown and it could have been poisoning to death--and the tears welling up artificially in my eyes has not stopped since he began attacking me. He has been using the voice-to-skull to "instruct" me on body position while I am exercising. Because I have desperately needed exercise and he has helping me to get the physical therapy I have so desperately needed, he is demanding sex, my life, a baby, and claiming that I owe him every single goddamn thing upon immediate request for a bit of centering instruction based on his ballet experience and training and coaching.
His "punishments' are of poisoning in addition to the poison I already have been dying from that his good buddies in this contract have been ordering inserted into my body for all these years of them obtaining awards and free passes to every single thing; while they all claim I am unattractive and they so much more beautiful as they keep being handed millions and millions of dollars to portray their posturing Nazi liberal media promotions as I sit in a deadly daze from the poisoning that is never stopped.
The attacks on my body are never stopped yet one former president, I have now forgotten how many Senators have been involved either in teleporting me or through the social media triggering cyberstalking protocols that so many use to get a reaction out of me--and upon any click or reaction, they teleport me and abuse and insult me alongside their well-paid fellow celebrities and politicians. There are House Representatives who have attacked me alongside the celebrities. And I am endlessly writing about real physical torture and murder attempts that are never addressed by anyone responsible for society in America.
How can this be going on and on and on and on for years and years and still I must beg for torture to be stopped using my social media platform in an open appeal? Every time I write about torture, it's like a hormone high and turn-on for the sadistic sick organization which is also torturing me just exactly to obtain this kind of confirmation of their torture and that it's really harming me. They also gloat and are turned on that no one will back me up or stop them or defend me and they keep being handed endless copious amounts of protection and money to further this enslavement technological tyranny.