Thursday, January 12, 2023

3 days of non-stop cleaning of stinking filth that has been poured, sprayed and sprinkled on every single thing in this torture prison room I have been forced into and really can't get out of. All finances are blocked due to the global terrorist operation.

 Stinking filth, all day, cleaning and cleaning what stinking sick people have been paid free rent, free bonuses, free promotions, free academy awards, free funding for their film projects, etc etc. It has been a never-ending cyclical rotation of celebrities and politicians and otherwise white male Nazi/mafia supremacists abusing, insulting, torturing, having my home made stinking, filthy, my body broken down, destroyed, permanently damaged from head-to-foot--my body infested with stinking hard poisons that I have been fighting to rid my body of since I finally realized after  lifetime of poisoning that all the people surrounding me and at every restaurant and every home I have lived in, people have surrounded me and gone into my home and poisoned my food at every possible moment to slowly suffocate me to death with internal poisoning.


One decade of the torture in teleportation and gang stalking reaching crescendos of hundreds of people attacking me per day in every aspect of life, from driving and fighting to not get hit perpetually by drivers, to people endlessly pushing into me and attacking me in public places, to my sleep state of terror, rape and violence and abuse from wealthy millionaire and billionaire celebrities and politicians who are handed these technologies to "prove" that they are truly players in the global domination and master-slave society they truly are building while they go on in public about how they are fighting to save "Democracy". Huge public spectacles of their "fight" in large protected groups using rhetoric that someone else may have written for them.


Meanwhile, fighting for my life perpetually and for any human right, as all have been abrogated and stolen by this group, I sit here assessing the damage and the tortures never end.


thus, I went out shopping three days ago. I was stuck in a bank while, upon walking in, the waiting line ticket I was handed informed me that over 20 people were ahead of me in line. There were about 15 people, including those being serviced at the counters--the numbers were skewed and I sat for 15 minutes while two people were standing idly in front of the windows while the bank personnel just appeared to be chatting with the terror agents sent to attack me in this manner. I walked out and drove and got a business thing done in an internet cafe and then returned to the bank. As I walked in, the number was one ahead of my number--I got another number and it stated that there were once again 20 people ahead of me in line, although in the bank 15 people, mostly the same people, were sitting around with passports and numbers. I walked to a window and showed them my number, just one before the person being serviced in the other window area, and a white male came up behind me showing a number before mine. When another window opened up I walked up and two more white people began yelling that their number was ahead of mine (two numbers before mine). The confusion also mounted because, as always happens in public, my brain was being blasted by brain-altering technology as I could feel something akin to my skull being pressed inward and an inability to think clearly. 

I had just come from trying to get something done in a business exchange between myself and a (terrorist) business in Miami Beach-- (the one and only business I have, which is basically a huge overpriced rip-off for a company in Miami which is not actually performing the business that I have paid for--I mean they are doing NOTHING--it's a mailbox company which has not informed me a single time for the past year about my mail. I had this problem in Orlando before I changed company. I had problems calling other mail services which lied to me, claiming they had 'street addresses" but offered me only "suite" numbers in the 2000's for commercial building areas--and the addresses they provided as "home addresses" were obviously manufactured mini-shopping mall "suite" addresses. They lied, they only allowed one service from one "company" which changed it's name a month after I paid for the year service--they never informed me of my mail. I can't keep chancing my address so I am leaving it, the business sort of informs me upon request but not always and they won't scan letters upon request even when I write three times.)

I was lied to by my bank yesterday when I phoned--so all business transactions are rife with delays, literal lies, absolute confusion and keeping me waiting and waiting for simple questions to be answered. 


But, just returning from a day of being pushed into and people walking into me perpetually so my body was in a constant state of fight--people blocking my path every three minutes in public places, people pushing me, etc. My body "disabled" from internal poisoning, and returning to my room stinking and filthy and foul. The next day, cleaning with cut up clothing that has been sprayed with stinking substances so I have to have piles of clothing I buy at 2nd hand thrown away because the stink won't come out of the fabric. I clean the floors which are brown from stinking goo, brown in color, that has been sprayed on the white walls, the floors, my furniture--everything has a permanently staining stinking goo or substance on it. I use the cut-up pieces of cloth and there are clumps of hair, fibrous materials, objects I can't recognize on the fabric just with a small swipe on the floor. Using a mop is almost futile as the cloth is easier than constantly throwing away piles of filth in the dust pan and cleaning out the broom---

My body so injured from the poisoning, the hard poison, the fractures to my vertebrae so after cleaning I am exhausted and can't move any longer. Every single thing I have itemized as a thing I need to do or want to do has to be put on hold if I don't want to breathe in and step on filth and toxic scum sprayed, sprinkled or poured every single corner on every single thing. For the last three days--like today, I could not exercise I was so exhausted from bending in an excruciating angle to take a cup and literally scoop up cup after cup of stinking fungus-stained water that was poured into this sealed area under my kitchen sink. The mechanical arms are inserted from the very flimsy panel that separates my room from that next door--there is no wall, literally--they installed a series of floor-to-ceiling cabinets and closets that have flimsy panels that echo and slightly bend upon slight pressure or my thumb pressing into the panel--so cheap and when I knock there is an empty and hollow echo noise. There is no wall. I hear people closing cabinets above the sink on the other side of the wall--and they are closing the cabinet doors quietly, I can hear it and know they are being very careful and gentle.

Three days now of not being able to attend to much more than cleaning up this stinking filth. 


There have been two men in the past half year who have been, I believe, responsible for much of this very nasty and filthy attack upon me. One is Senator Graham, and the other is Baryshnikov. In between, there has been the usual gang of pitt and his fellow cronies all greedily attacking me with ever-increasing hate, death threats, and violence for years but since Graham this kind of stinking and soaking filth and scum fungus saturation of my living space has been unbearable and literally poisonous in a deadly toxic level. This group, including pitt and co and mafia have been inserting fungus and semen and stinking substances into my vagina literally for years. Besides the poisoning of hardening substances, this toxicity has also been killing me, along with my natural immunity being lowered to dangerously low levels from constant violence and psychological hate and rape and abuse and poisoning and torture and then the people attacking me every time I am barely able to go out to buy what I need to continue to fight to remove this poison from my body so I can just try to survive and not be imprisoned like this any longer.

for all these years pitt and his crew have had me poisoned so I have remained dying from stress while so drugged up and incapable of physical movement--as the poisoning has NEVER stopped for a single day. Piles of liquid stinking poison stuck and bloating into my intestines for YEARS AND YEARS but never-ending despite over 3 years of doing Master Cleanse fasting every single month and the bloating resuming once I began eating again. 


And it's still never-ending. I appeal to the world to have some compassion some kind of humanity towards me, I wait and wait and it's something like Baryishnikov--who was ordering sewage water to be inserted into my vagina while he kept trying to rape me and finally I succumbed basically with the threat of sepsis as a cause of physical breakdown and it could have been poisoning to death--and the tears welling up artificially in my eyes has not stopped since he began attacking me. He has been using the voice-to-skull to "instruct" me on body position while I am exercising. Because I have desperately needed exercise and he has helping me to get the physical therapy I have so desperately needed, he is demanding sex, my life, a baby, and claiming that I owe him every single goddamn thing upon immediate request for a bit of centering instruction based on his ballet experience and training and coaching. 


His "punishments' are of poisoning in addition to the poison I already have been dying from that his good buddies in this contract have been ordering inserted into my body for all these years of them obtaining awards and free passes to every single thing; while they all claim I am unattractive and they so much more beautiful as they keep being handed millions and millions of dollars to portray their posturing Nazi liberal media promotions as I sit in a deadly daze from the poisoning that is never stopped. 

The attacks on my body are never stopped yet one former president, I have now forgotten how many Senators have been involved either in teleporting me or through the social media triggering cyberstalking protocols that so many use to get a reaction out of me--and upon any click or reaction, they teleport me and abuse and insult me alongside their well-paid fellow celebrities and politicians. There are House Representatives who have attacked me alongside the celebrities. And I am endlessly writing about real physical torture and murder attempts that are never addressed by anyone responsible for society in America. 

How can this be going on and on and on and on for years and years and still I must beg for torture to be stopped using my social media platform in an open appeal? Every time I write about torture, it's like a hormone high and turn-on for the sadistic sick organization which is also torturing me just exactly to obtain this kind of confirmation of their torture and that it's really harming me. They also gloat and are turned on that no one will back me up or stop them or defend me and they keep being handed endless copious amounts of protection and money to further this enslavement technological tyranny.


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Another brain-swiped-memory loss assessment of physical (permanent) damage to my body from terrorist attacks (during the Trump admin terror age of infliction): I think I may have been injected or poisoned with Covid--at least two months before the actual outbreak. It caused, besides severe illness (but could not afford to see a doctor or go to a hospital or even to buy food by the end of the month thanks to the billionaires and millionaires terrorizing and torturing me non-stop) also caused my hair to turn grey above my forehead--at the hairline.

 I have written of permanently inflicted/artificially-induced: hair loss (hair won't grow back, have a huge bald area from the nape of my neck to the crown of my head and extending nearly to my forehead, covering 60% of the top of my head--balding, a slight small "fuzz" of hair growth that remains at a 2 mm length and nothing else--I try and try to get it to regrow but they damaged the hair follicles so badly because I was fighting against being raped while being poisoned and being slowly murdered in this fashion--which the terrorist celebrities all deny endlessly as they continue to rake in the profits and bonuses and promotions and awards and contracts and deals and they continue the torture and poisoning and hate and violence.

I was injected, probably into my throat, with something that made me feel the presence of death. I had symptoms of Covid or something respiratory with extreme exhaustion and this sense of dread that death was literally coming over my body. It was something I have never experienced and it was not a kind of "organic" sickness from an illness. Here in Thailand people rarely come down with such colds or illnesses, or I never see or hear about it--EVER. This was two months prior to the initial outbreak coming out of China (and Phuket was not heavily affected by Covid, from the beginning to now it's not a serious outbreak situation despite all the tourism--for some reason???)

It happened from one day to the next, while I have been stuck in solitary isolation with no human contact. I was constantly being jabbed, sliced into (my skin, between my toes, into my cuticles so one finger is permanently mangled and the entire cuticle is now a huge gaping mishappen nail that bulges out.

My spine is crooked with fractures from poisoning of bloating, cement-stiffening hardening chemicals that have been poured into my body either through food or injected along with the fungus into my vagina/bladder every night while sleeping --going on and on for decades, the celebrities currently partying, having a blast, enjoying the endless awards, the ideas they stole from my writings and their repayment of near-death accidents, poisoning and torture and poisoning so I now have greying hair, my body has scars literally covering head-to-foot. My face has sunken down in a depression state and looks so sagging and I don't recognize myself any longer due to a DECADE of nightly terror due to teleportation hate, rape and violence endlessly inflicted upon me. Years of violence and etc.


But the last time I wrote about the constant tears being forced out of me eyes, so my vision is now permanently impaired, and my skin is permanently damaged and my eyes and my skin and face look sagging and broken down from stress, poisoning and tears forced out of my eyes---my skin covering my body having been plastered with damaging chemicals and not being able to afford to eat healthy food and my food being poisoned and hate and hate and hate and hate and violence poured upon me as these celebrities are out joyously partying, being told and hugged and celebrated by countless hangers-on who want a piece of this elaborate pie that the contract out on me promises for every one of the vultures---

the last time I described the tears pouring out of my eyes torture, just a few days ago, it stopped and then resumed the next day, and has increased ever since to literal torture non-stop for hours upon hours and lasting all day now every day on and on. I write again, it has stopped. How many more years must I write goddamn posts on social media to get the attention of politicians or anyone who has any kind of serious resolve that "Democracy" does not mean mob rule of thugs and criminals who have the larger group of power-grabbing sleaze greed and that, to them, is what "Democracy" means--(as those who oppose them get blacklisted or murdered so  there are no other groups left, only them and that is "Democracy"). I am tired of hearing the same politicians who are teleporting and supporting this torture of me blathering on about "Democracy" when they have photo-op interviews and lectures that can further their careers and personality celebrity status.



Terrorist torture report: tears continuously being artificially induced out of my eyes. Skin under my eyes and on my cheeks is permanently damaged from YEARS of this never-ending torture. It's literally all day, every day and only stops for a few short intervals and continues. If I laugh at anything the terrorists monitoring every single thought and the endless hacking of my brain creates a higher intensity of tears-attack so tears literally pour out and it's torture by now, non-stop destruction of my skin and eyes. //Filth and muck in a one-inch layer of fungus water poured into the area underneath my sink. I keep this area sealed with rubber mating and pieces of rope tied around metal rooks because of mechanical arms breaking through the one-inch cracks in the plastic-coated doors which spray fungus and filth into my hair as I sit across from the cabinet in front of this laptop all day, because of the filth that has been poured into my body via food and injections keeping me semi-paralyzed as I fight continuously to clean all this filth up.//My bathroom now a battle ground of filthy water being sprayed all over the floor in one-inch layer of muck and grease, hairs and stinking odors coming from the bathroom on the other side of the wall-they open the panels/tiles and spray this muck on the floor. They are also sabotaging the water spigot for the toilet which is spraying water, but only at random intervals. Always after I take a shower and am putting the towels and mops away (there is no window in this bathroom so I have to mop the floor after a shower). The terrorists then continue to spray water on the floor for a non-stop basis so it's always stinking with fungus water that is filthy and wet and never dries because they keep saturating the floor using these mechanical arms.//They broke the 2nd fan this month so I can't use the brand new fan I bought to try to dry this bathroom because I need it while I sit here in pain after trying to exercise and literally break pieces of the hard poison out of my spine and hips and muscles and intestines and etc---. //More endless abuse and violence with the teleportation and voice-to-skull subliminal and audible technologies which operate on a silent frequency to an outside--thusly I am supposed to sound "delusional" when trying to refer to this insanity truly psychopathic people are inflicting upon me, just because they don't want me to have a chance to compete and have my own choices in life, the one and only reason besides racism and sexism and rape culture and bigotry and Nazism and Mafia hate.

**Hackers were literally rewriting and deleting my words as I had just finished them. I wrote one paragraph and saw that the first sentence of this small paragraph had already been rewritten to discredit what I was saying. ** 

It took me over three hours to literally scoop out the filthy fungus water from the bottom of the sink cupboard area--I put plastic trays and then a huge bowl underneath the other warzone of the water pipes which terrorists always, in every living situation I have been in for years and years, destroy the rubber seals between the joints of the pipes so water spurts out continuously (thusly they then inject fungus into it and keep it soaking on a continuous basis--as they are doing in my bathroom).


I had to scoop out the bucket-loads of fungus stinking water and then clean the black chips of something that stuck to the trays (which they always put in the cabinet) use pieces of material to try to further mop up the filth and saw that an inch of water had been left to rot on the bottom wooden plank of the bottom of the cupboard--so it would not dry even after three hours of blasting two high-powered fans--which I just bought this month after terrorists broke my other two fans--in this tiny room I have to keep air circulating because of the stink of fungus and rotten filth that is also constantly being sprayed on clothing, walls, furniture, behind every object, into my body, etc

wondering what it will take for anyone to ever stop this terror attack upon me and how many politicians will it take until a decent human being is not rushing to join in and to NOT try to exploit or attack me while I remain asking the government to stop the dogs of greed they are partnering with in the private sector for this hate organization hegemony to further prevail and monopolize and kill off and rape and steal and rob---seems that there are very few decent human beings left, and none who will see this torture terror contract out on me and think it's wrong and then actually DO SOMETHING about it to stop it and protect my rights as a human being.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Inflatable Children. I refer to fun, happy little bodies running in joy and laughing at the most silly things and jumping for joy. Where can I buy one of these to accompany me on my terrorist organized chaos shopping sprees?

 "Inflatable Children--T.I.C."  unARTigNYC. June 14, 2010.

While this performance may appear "angry" and not innocent jumping spiraling children in public spaces who are NOT attacking me (yes, unfortunately the lessor demonic tykes participate by spiraling into me and hitting my shopping cart and spinning in front of me and doing things to my clothing from their little low vantage points).


yesterday during the endless and nearly countless numbers of terrorist "stalkers" walking straight into me, as I pushed my cart with all my heavy bags (carrying food and items that I can't afford to replace that I can't have the terrorist who always enter my home to wreak filth and damage to everything I have and own and spray filth and muck on everything, including into bags and etc etc)

but looking down at their mobile phones as some "normative" social behavior, (mentally masturbating because they were getting "high" on stalking/hate/"torture" hormones, so they were doing something akin to sexting) but walking straight into me--this happens every 3 minutes in public spaces. There were at least 50 people during my hours of shopping who walked straight at me, continuously. The rest would drift in front of me just as I was walking--always being instructed with eyeballs --people giving signals--or even perhaps from the voice-to-skull technology. Not all were looking down into their phones which also is a device for stalking and information on exactly when to walk in front of me as I am fighting to get around these people who spread out while I am behind them, blocking all access, etc.


But the children--the happy ones, not the miserable haters who may or may not have been emotionally poisoned by their violent terrorist parents who are part of this system, as so many are. They were on their vacation in Thailand--they were jumping for joy and laughing and dancing. The store I go to for my food has very expensive but very beautiful shops and even affordable (for targets of financial terrorism that I am) places to buy most wonderful and beautiful things. The food is the best for all shopping places in Phuket and at the same prices as all the little tiny mom & pop stores--but quality is much higher. It's a huge shopping mall with walkways over huge multi-laned roads (we would call them freeways, almost). In the heart of Phuket Town. It is my favorite place in Phuket--and I am not a consumer junkie it's just that there is a standard of high quality that even the worst stalkers can't so easily step-out-of-bounds although they do their best. They are probably most clever in all that they do in finding ways to make ugliness and stink as a psychic commodity that they use as a promotional stepping stone, and their antics in public and private are loathsome and disgusting.


But the children--laughing--wearing silly clothing of happy colors--with joy, utterly at all the beautiful and colorful items on display. The mall is celebrating the Chinese New Year and all the halls are decorated with very beautiful paper flowers and most wonderful items just as aesthetic fantasy-themed shopping wonderland. The children are just jumping for joy. I felt happy and light watching them. As soon as I began to laugh at a little girl (blonde, wearing a Barbie shirt and pants, very colorful very laughing dancing around in joy as so many of all the other children were--of all races, with their parents pushing huge carts of items they had bought to bring more joy to the children)--but immediately a huge, hormone-growth organized chaos terrorist began hacking-coughing to trigger negative emotions--my brain is continuously also under siege in these public places. I can't "remember" anything, I understand how to speak Thai numbers in shopping situations but my brain was a complete tabula rasa when it came to understanding what people were saying in how much something cost. 


The triggering noises, such as very ugly-sounding violent coughing and sneering coughing--there is a range of coughing noises the terrorists make in order to trigger anxiety--as always, whenever there is the vocal animal-gutteral coughing triggering "weaponized" physical noise aimed at me, there is a literal physical attack that coincides with the coughing; and thusly the coughing is a warning of a pre-emptive attack of some sort. I was later on bumped in a way by a huge bear-looking man who was in the middle of a huge group of both Thais (mostly Thais) surrounding him and me on all sides, blocking all paths in a huge open space--all spread out with at least three feet between each, but four of them in a row walking in wavering and more spread out formation as I approach. All looking into their phones or to one side and not "seeing" me as they walk directly into me. I was looking at something while trying to get the cart in the middle of this huge area as this bloated-looking monster style bear-looking "man" with arms stuck out at a 30-degree angle permanently from his body due to his huge physique from body-building (steroids? Hormones?). 


But the happy children brought me back to real life and the real energy that was so happily bestowed upon human beings and is the essence of sanity and life on this planet. 


While driving back, exhausted from endlessly being pushed into, walked into, attacked in lines, people instructing the Thais to ignore me while I stood in lines as they nearly bowed in worship to the blonde groups of Europ-a's who they helped like groveling slaves--while glaring at me in hate, ignoring me in line, etc etc. The people who do this are people I have never seen before. During the pandemic they were not in the shop and I was treated with great dignity and friendliness while the fascist terrorists were stuck in their rotten enclaves.


My bank, I mean the bank in Phuket which will service me because I use a Debit card and I get cash advances due to the limit of my debit card, the high double price of using ATM's in foreign countries, and whenever I try to get a 24-hour temporary lift of the daily withdrawal limit from an ATM so I don't have to suffer through waiting for HOURS in this bank as I am surrounded and the creeps perform attacks and make me wait and etc--but even when I phone my bank, I am rerouted to terror agents, even working from within the bank, who promise me that the limit has been increased only for the next 24 hours, beginning immediately. But when I get to any ATM, I am denied anything but withdrawing something like $300 (lower than my daily limit).

There is nothing I can do. I am being discriminated against non-stop by every single financial and banking and public entity and business, almost. Some people have stopped attacking me as I have gone to them for years and finally they have lost the schadenfreude aspect, seeing that I am a decent person and that the people attacking me are somewhat skewed in their humanity.


The adult members of this band above, Inflatable Children, which I just heard yesterday on an archived show out of NYC---with interviews and such---brought back this memory of the happy and joyous children imbued with the joy of living and of life--which the coughing triggering of the really kinda ugly frugly white male stumbling behind me in the terrorist endless surveillance (I am always being followed and attacked, no matter where, what time it is, or where on the planet)--but he dashed this high emotion. I think my brain is being monitored as well so when I feel happy they attack me, if I laugh at anything they trigger the "tearing" microchip implant in my brain/throat wherever this function is tweaked in my body. They must "stop" all joy immediately. They have stolen my most loving and beautiful cat and have killed all the birds behind my room on the trees--there are no birds any longer, no animals and I fed them and called to them and they literally landed on my patio--but all shot down and killed--birds are terrified to land here and this is one of the last few remaining spots in Phuket Town where birds have any sort of natural habitat. Killing life is what these miserable people of all ages truly love.


The band Inflatable Children to me reflects a kind of childish outpouring of rage. But it's happy underlying the crashing and throbbing chaos--in my opinion, but also I agree with their philosophy so I believe what they are putting out is a catharsis so that the true "joy" in living is not endlessly tainted by all the organized chaos slingers who have vested so much control over far too much. The interview I heard of him yesterday while I was driving was very inspirational, and about having your own niche in order to find some eddy in the stream of the hate bs slingers and their nasty assistant children.


Punk was, as almost every other art movement and political force on the planet has been--co-opted, usurped, stolen by fascists and Nazis and Mafia using violence to enforce the monopoly on all information and art cranked out as a uniform hate motif, usually disguised as sugar-coating by plastic-surgery modified blank plastic fruit human beings--so called.

Punk Nazi bands took over what had been political commentary. The overtake of the punk movement by Neo-fascist Nazis to make music about killing minorities and etc is one of the most visible examples of how literally all media and information content and political power has been likewise usurped. The other forms are so nefarious and soothed down by elevator musick accompanying the sugar-coated hate programming. The thump-thump malady of modernity music is another version of the drum beat of war and hate--as I have discovered as so many electronic rapists and bigot terrorists are fully immersed in electronic output of marching order thump thump music. It may have at one time been "experimental" and that, too, was taken over by subliminal messages, messages about male white superiority doing whatever feels good at any time you wanna do it--etc etc. It's a much watered down version of hate card core Nazi punk with a more wealth-oriented soothing thumpy bass line. In visual arts the deception is so edited and the coaching of these celebrity personality constructs is so pervasive that you can scratch below the surface and get only deflated children of hate sagging downwards and bringing anyone down with them as that is the only way to lift them up, even though they smile a hell of a lot. The experimental art form of the early days of film and movies is utterly taken over by huge business corporate interests and global conglomerates---which do not exactly "share" the "American Dream" mentality but certainly so many of these actors endlessly portray the values that sell in that hole of conformity that is so wasted in meaning, like empty calories they feed out to the bloated and obesity consumer death squads who wanna feel good, want a catharsis too--as long as it's all sugar-coated and plastic fruit surgery modified.


"Crazy but Not Insane". Warzone. September 15, 2016.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Terrorist torture report: endless artificially-induced tears forming and coming out of my eyes---my skin irritated to the point of this being torture. This has gone on for years, sometimes lessening. They are increasing this torture now every single day---for months for years. If and when any single f-ing politician will ever stop this, it will be a miracle of political integrity. Not a single one thus far for over a decade of me being teleported to them and their partners-in-crime celebrities has brought even a tear of compassion from a single one. They just laugh and gloat about their "system" which they all love. They fully endorse the filth celebrities who then endorse the politicians while they jointly have me tortured using US Government-funded torture technologies. The private sector in the form of Elon Musk has only recently exposed his fascist Nazi proclivities, but prior to his open consent for fascist Nazi "free speech" has fully been foisted into most wealthy position by all the celebrities and their "cool and hip" training coaching/training along with politicians endlessly putting him into power and endorsing his projects.

 Elon Musk has been behind this torture protocol system since at the very least 2012--he's been catapulted into highest grossing mogul ever since with his automotive electrical factories being conveniently placed in China and in Germany, amongst other nefarious countries whose policies are not exactly USA-friendly. Please trust me when I write this about German and it's "real" politics behind it's posturing NATO alliance money-hand out grasping polite sugar-coated psychopathy.

I watched the documentary about how manufacturers like Henry Ford actually chose to supply Hitler's emerging war machine with his manufacturing of tanks and other military war equipment which fully fitted the German Nazi machine for genocide and destruction. I thought of how Tesla has his factories in Germany, or his showrooms right in the downtown of Stuttgart--a place that hosts the world's most famous car manufacturer--Mercedes Benz, otherwise known as Diamler. 


But please stop this torture---my skin is permanently destroyed on my eyes and cheeks. My hair is not growing back from the chemicals that were poured into my hair not just for decades but after last year when a German violinist whose music I clicked on--a video--of him playing a "rock" version of Mozart--and he rushed to teleport me and began his fellatio-face-slapping calling me "bitch" and insults and drugging rape protocols upon me--of course, backed by the Germans and fasco Europigapes and the blonde filth spawn of Depp who is so adored by these fascist men because she exudes the sexualized hormone high of sadistic torture and all that money poured into that image. She has been feeding off my rape and torture and been promoted for fully cheering it on with her fascist Nazi mother whose aspirations for movie roles has also been fully adhered to by the French crap that places these skanks into power--

But the German was pumping and pounding poison deeper into my body--I protested so meekly I was so drugged and he was beating and raping the poison into my body. Finally after weeks of asking him to stop, I began screaming and finally in German at him. He finally stopped as the group of shit from Whorewood watched on giggling, laughing or asking why I didn't do the same for them? I was so drugged I could not function. They then had my money cut off--I had to fight for my life to have my monthly income re-instated--they created a problem which would have made me homeless. They then poured chemicals on my hair so hair fell off in clumps and huge, rubbery bald patches were covering my entire scalp from the top of my forehead to the nape of my neck--and it's still not growing back but there is a small fuzz--so it's mostly balding. They then continued to torture me, and after another year or two of begging online for torture and rape to be stopped, with more politicians joining in and then subsequently obtaining feature interviews for their "fight for Democracy" who laughed and giggled and told me to "obey" the blonde fascist skank whores who have been stealing ideas from me because they are blank sleaze filth parasites---

empty and meaningless stupid and sleazy--but plastic surgery modified to appear as a kind of template Nazi blonde appearance associated with "glamor" which Nazis after the Nazi empire poisoned the world with this philosophy--Whorewood has not completely and almost thoroughly adapted as the one and only protocol for "beauty" and this is associated with "high class" as well.

In modern terms, someone like Eleanor Roosevelt would never have been accepted into any high ranking position and America would have fully allowed for a Nazi overtake of the country (meaning Franklin would not have been elected for having an ugly wife but highly intelligent and compassionate and concerned for humanity--something that appears completely amiss in today's standards).


I am ranting I realize. I am also pounding each and every letter and backspacing and rewriting constantly the hacking is so bad. My hands won't move to the keys I want to press, and when I do pound them out other letters appear instead.

I am ranting due to that factor but the mind control tech has blasted my calm critical thinking capabilities into a compartmentalized void and the enraged subliminals the hate terrorists surrounding me are pumping into my subconscious while I fight to write and think. 

I miss out on 60% of what I originally intended to say as my memory is tweaked in the middle of writing a sentence I can't finish--etc etc.

This new 118th Congress is just the same politician f-ers who raped and tortured me in all the past administrations, but with a few new add-ons to the mass of corruption who have all been programmed into cheering on hate and torture technologies with death squad force multipliers doing their bidding--no one can get past the filters of being part of this fascist Nazi 4th Reich and ever achieve any position or level of "power" in any realm, especially in politics or it's relatively new twin, the entertainment/news media.//What I could not write yesterday in one of my endless "ranting" posts about the fascist Nazi pig apes from Whorewood and the fascist pig apes from the US government coming to beat, rape, poison, threaten ,torture and slowly murder me so they will get media endorsements from the bs entertainment/news fascist Nazi conglomerate global network (including YouTube podcasters---censorship is fully active no one can get past their censorship but it's supposed to appear as being "free speech").

 My brain was blasted as I fought and I am still fighting to get this loaded with so much malware laptop that I can't use most of the functions. I clear the cache at least twice daily. IT's completely corroded both with stinking permanently staining filth the pig apes sprayed on the laptop itself--the first time I left this room they just messed up the screen and the laptop surface (they did this while I was in the room with their mechanical arms spraying filth into my room and body).

While I was doing my exercises to try to get the filth out of my body that is as hard as cement and has glued into my spine/hips/skull/into my feet, extending into my arms--and it never comes out because they keep re-poisoning me on a daily basis--or they had been. One of the pig ape whores from Whorewood responsible for this was verbally abusing me as usual, the blonde Nazi dyed hormone-growth shit and stupid spawn of rotten filthy greasebag Depp--this filthy adn stupid skank who has been surrounded by these pig men who beat and rape me in front of her--formally it had been filthy pigalina--these rotten and foul Nazi women who are sexualized Nazi fascist filth are absolutely adored by the men who rape and insult and slap and punch me in front of her, as these filthy women spit and urinate on me alongside their filthy ugly dirty men--your celebrity heroes. The politicians Trump, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, Jamie Raskin, Adam Kinzinger, AOC, Lyndsey Graham, Elizabeth Warren (didn't teleport me but involved with internet stalking triggering attacks, endlessly since 2015 and never-ending and never doing anything to stop this violence against me while shouting about what a "feminist" she is)+ other members of the "Squad" like Corey Bush but installing ugly dirty hate videos making hate grimaces into the camera personally hacked into my YouTube channel--ugly and sinister.)

The list of celebrities is far too long to detail them all. As I sit here my brain is being blanked out completely--it took me at least one minute to remember the one name of Ted Cruz who had just a few days ago made threatening rape gestures at me and threatened me with such---my brain is absolutely blanked out while I fight against non-stop hacking.


But as I wrote yesterday, while I was fighting to rid my body of the poisons as I do every single day and have been doing since 2011--literally over a decade while obviously the pig apes keep having me poisoned. While I was listening to the havoc in the House for Speaker--and Jeffries began his adulation of fascist Nazi bigot Pelosi--and I was getting up--during the entire attempt to heal my body the whore skank stupid and violent and disgusting spawn of Depp was endlessly insulting my sagging breasts and my body's huge contortions of bulging poison that she, personally, has overseen as she has been elevated, obtained plastic surgery and has literally energetically fed off torture and violence in a power high that all the pig ape whores feed off as they press buttons, have me teleported to insults, every crime possible they commit with glee and drooling sadistic entertained schadenfreude as they all STEAL IDEAS from me to promote themselves as being anything but the blank and stupid violent dumb animal pig apes that they truly are. Over a decade of them poisoning, drugging, raping, beating, and stealing ideas from me as they try to extract information and ideas from me perpetually day after day, I have had to realize that I am dealing with absolutely dumb and stupid idiots put into power positions. This applies to most of the politicians who are just more adept at repeating slogans and platitudes about freedom and justice and Democracy and "The American people" is a phrase they have been so trained to repeat they are undoubtedly all brain-programmed mind control bots put into these positions. 

So, the poison that this filth --the real "bitch" which the "Italian-American" ugly filthy men call me when I resist, when I tell them no, when I tell them to pay me for the years of ideas they have stolen from me, as they have non-stop asked me for ideas until I am spent--and have accomplished nothing--my years of grad school my years and decades of study and attempts to be a journalist to get involved in anything has all been trashed by the trashy filth that is now endlessly being promoted by all media outlets as having higher intelligence and creativity (which they very often stole from me after torturing and poisoning and drugging the concepts and ideas out of me after torture--or just hacking into both my thoughts and my writings and blocking my every attempt to promote myself for even earning a single penny in any facet of life, whatsoever-endlessly calling me "bitch" and "loser" as they continue to beat, rape and torture me). 

The two pig ape Europigape shit whore parasitic "men"--so-called, who have been torturing, raping, beating, slapping, calling me bitch endlessly---yelling with fascist violence at me while the blonde filthy ugly and sick stupid psychopathic shit pumped out by Depp as his spawn sits endlessly being awarded and praised and supported and surounded with money and more plastic surgery (recently hormone growth so there is more of her shit on the planet)---to appear more and more like a "fashionable" plastic-surgery modified French fascist fashion doll image. This is what both all the politicians above and the celebrities surround with millions and billions of dollars in furtherance of the fascist Europigape infiltration of Whorewood, where speaking and being French is one of the most racist underpinnings of that shitty fake indoctrination propaganda Nazi mind programming citadel of scum and shit and fake shit pumped out to the public which buys into it. 

The plastic-coated shit has been lavished with protection by no other than Jamie Raskin, the "do you think they had my son killed because I am Jewish" whining lump of blathering fake ideologies for his hopeful promotion into higher political posturing, with a heaping dose of celebrity adulation and mansions obtained in Europigapeland with his dyed blonde "jewish" wife--perhaps their sacrifice can be redeemed after all by fully lavishing love and defense of me just simply fighting to get a rapist scumbag parasitic piece of shit off me after more than a decade of these pigs being promoted endlessly for rape and violence in an utterly fascist Nazi program which all the above-mentioned and the list of celebrities and civilians reaches into the millions also participating.

So far not one single human being person coming to actively and openly defend me, not one around the planet all my life. 


so, the bitch, the real bitch dyed blonde fascist creep piece of filthy sleazy stupid shit who has made at least two movies based on ideas she and her facsist Nazi group stole from me or my writings---literally--(how can I prove this if my writing is censored or deleted after they steal the ideas, and Zuckerberg is part of the Nazi cartel and participates with all the politicians who are involved--I forgot of course P-lousy who has part share ownership in Facebook so obviously she instructed the "Good" Jewish nazi to delete or  help to protect all the people I have mentioned in my posts, like her. Touted as being one of the "greatest" Speakers of all time by the new incomer who obviously is also not going to do anything to protect my human rights.


So I am writing this to the empty air and the airheads reading my posts who are thrilled this is happening to me as you all laugh, allow them all to go on, and all get promoted for saying and doing nothing and also for helping to perpetuate this system as most of you can't wait to have your own victims to beat, rape and torture.


The Europigape men who were with the filth shit that Depp squirted out both have raped me with hate and violence. That would be the Latvian ballet dancer who has been extremely violent and disgusting and foul with filth and fungus attacks into my body and home--which is a dump of permanently stained filth and fungus and brown/black substances I can never scrub off with anything---everywhere it's everywhere. there is the London scumbag rapist who is a stupid yelling idiot but a tweaking electronic music performer--this is supposed to be "cool" because it's a "youth" instrument of thumping mind control--the lyrics are as sexist as all the pig apes raping me with their racist agendas of endlessly "worshipping" the bigot foul white supremacist women while denigrating, raping and beating down people like me then insulting me for how I look after their poisoning as they make nasty and abusive comments while I am fighting to exercise and break the internal cement-hard poison they had poured into my food up until at least last month---never stopping never ending. Endless insults with their shit technology the shit government of the United States has been handing out to these filth creeps and millions of scumbags who are part of the civilian corps of the fascist Nazi minority minion and white supremacist groups which are a global force multiplier for these pig ape stupid idiot whores at the top.


This morning I was subjected to the minions in the rooms below mine making triggering ugly animal "coughing" noises--which, considering the years of me having my body raped, beaten, put out of alignment, my food poisoned (murder, the intention) drugged with stinking sewage water poured into my water and food and room and into my vagina for years every day--while my intestines have also been partially severed so internal poisoning combined with sepsis--which is murder--but it's "invisible" and due to years of me being tortured and raped ONLY BECAUSE I COMPETED AND WON and was beautiful so now all I do is fight for my life and write these posts as top politicians continue to support this and get more promotions for their self-serving interests and fake promises of a beautiful wonderful American society.


A new administration was sworn-in yesterday as I was fighting greasy filthy stupid pig apes who have made sure I can't compete can't move and can't get anything done; I can't even clean up the stinking filth they order poured into my body and personal space and belongings it's so completely saturated and covering every single thing I am living in squalor and filth they ordered and forced upon me, making it impossible for me to bend and clean  up all this muck and filth--as they have their filthy ugly minions spray it into my body and home every day without end, without fail, day after day as they use the voice-to-skull technology to hiss insults about how my body is broken while they continue to poison and have it mutilated and block earning and health care and food I need for healing--I can't afford anything I am stuck in such poverty I am always on the utter brink of destitution and homelessness.

6 years of grad school behind me, while I was being poisoned to death while studying because this group could not stand to see me have ANY SINGLE THING of value on this planet or a place of security or independence--in America, the "beacon on the hill" bs blathering platitudes these apes who politically endorse the covert fascist Nazi cartels all spew into cameras and podcasts and into screens and microphones at every single given opportunity--and participating with the shit from Whorewood is their avenue for more and more advancements in that arena.


This new 118th Congress is just the same politician f-ers who raped and tortured me in all the past administrations,  but with a few new add-ons to the mass of corruption who have all been programmed into cheering on hate and torture technologies with death squad force multipliers doing their bidding--no one can get past the filters of being part of this fascist Nazi 4th Reich and ever achieve any position or level of "power" in any realm, especially in politics or it's relatively new twin, the entertainment/news media.


Years and tears of me writing about the filth from Whorewood poisoning and having me hit by cars, mutilating my body, raping and beating me and stealing ideas and then stealing my money, my opportunities, my private living space like a war zone of filth and fungus that I can never clean, my body so broken from years and decades of people fracturing bones and vertebrae and putting hardening and bloating poison in my body which seep into every fracture rip and tear in tissue--absolutely endorsed, protected and lavished with love from all these politician pig apes who are just a revolving door of criminality with blathering Ivy League diplomas on their walls about how educated they are--competent to spew out lies and platitudes in a way that appears calm and composed and elaborate (written mostly by their grad school staff).


Meanwhile, the real "bitches" are still being handed all access to verbally abuse and have me physically raped and beaten by the pig ape filth men who are enamored by the hormones of torture and violence that exude from the sexualized skank whore creep--but blonde, plastic surgery modified, endlessly surrounded by love and support by her fascist Europigape family out of France, with the stigma somehow that France is some kind of sophisticated superior culture--due to the endless wealth that parasitic country has stolen from it's Imperialistic and fascist Nazi exploits of the planet, and in the modern iteration, through the IMF and all it's lending catastrophic policies over it's formerly conquered territories and countries of black and brown skin descent. Jews endlessly tortured and slaughtered by the ancestors of the pig apes who are currently assaulting me endlessly--for years. The pig apes who join in because I clicked on some video or music video with their shit performances, which I liked or wrote comments upon under mind control drugging--as there is nothing in my vicinity I have not been able to go out for over a decade so poisoned and paralyzed as they continue to keep me literally a torture prisoner unable to walk or move due to the poison they keep pouring into my body and inserting, along with stinking sewage fungus water, into my vagina so poison me so badly internally I can never get the poison out--it's now 12 years of detox and my body is still stuffed with the poison--years of doing monthly 10-day Master Cleanses for over 3 years and my body is stuffed with poisons that were piles of liquid diarrhea stuck into my intestines and the bloating and poisoning has never ended. Obviously endlessly poisoned. The pig apes call me "bitch" and yell and threaten me to "shut up" when I simply say, calmly, that they have been poisoning me.

While I exercise the filth ugly prostituted whore but blonde, French piece of stupid sleazy and ignorant bitch shit from Depp continues on the path of endlessly obtaining promotions for her skanky shit self to be promoted after years of her filth and mentally ill father beating and raping me--only having to stop when Amber Heard just emulated and imitated the years of me writing about domestic violence while she too sat alongside the rotten shit daughter of that sick filth rapist creep and adored by the Jewish mind programmed crap that Jamie Raskin is because he's so programmed to love his murdering abuser he can only have eyes for that stupid piece of shit while giggling and laughing along with Kinzinger that I am so much less "attractive" than the whores and bitches who made sure my body was ravaged with rape and fungus inserted into ears, vagina, my room, my hair--everything broken and destroyed and stained and stinking and damaged on my body and all my property and all my years of asking for help has only resulted in every top politician fully endorsing this--Pelosi threatening to have me killed while she sat next to S-negger the thug Europigape Austrian fascist Nazi who I "rejected" and that is a death sentence according to the "first female Speaker of the House" who is a greasy and dirty rape supporting fascist Nazi of the most bigoted disposition. Her Black successor lavishing praise upon her, meaning he's also never going to stop the fascist Nazis and their protocols. 


I write this ranting hate post today with the very scant hopes that someone reading this will finally intervene--as I have been begging the planet to do for over a decade and only more pieces of shit join in to get their free promotions and then are promoted endlessly by this media corporate entity for their racist rape and fascist Nazi 4th Reich double-standard two-faced lying skills--all blathering in public about righteous freedom and Democracy and equality and peace and love and America the "great City on a Hill" that "beacon of freedom and equality" that they all gush from the blank holes in their rotten faces so corrupt and so hideous to me after having to really SEE them in teleportation. Even the plastic surgery younger model one who is this hissing and most stupid example of what plastic surgery and endless fascist Nazi programming into fascist Nazism can achieve--the support from the Europigapes to use her as a portal for their infiltration into America and Whorewood has made her this lavished object of endless hormone growth and plastic surgery and promotions and endless love and adoration. the rapist sleazy ugly filth men vicariously feed off the hormones of hate and violence she exudes and this "superiority" doctrine is also part of her pig-ape Nazi posturing--"pig sniffing the air" posturing these whore low-class women all employ. The stupid bitch creep like all of these low-class whores who have been lifted to the top for their absolutely violence towards me, who stole ideas because they are, at best, mediocrities and put into power through criminal exploits of their mommies and daddies--all calling me all kinds of names about how "low class" I am and eat like a "pig" because they keep stuffing my intestines with bloating poison so I am starving and dying from internal suffocation as the only thing that gets some of the liquid diarrhea stuck in my intestines is heavy food which I gulp down in a frenzy of starvation and sickness.


Silence, nothing--a new shit administration of ultra fascist Nazis have come into power in the House. The Senate contains fascist Nazi racist "Jewish" supporters like Bernie Sanders and "little brown girl" AOC who is fully in adoration of the blonde fascist Nazi women she yearns to accept her and continue to welcome her to the Met Gala every year as a "model" type posturing ape for glamor and cover of fashion magazines while claiming she is a "Progressive". Elizabeth Warren backing her as she created her own little circle of media-eye-candy black and brown minions like the white supremacist fascist that she also is, blathering about "women" all the time and "empowerment". Watching on and on smiling and putting her bs crap on my Facebook page every time I open that page her bs is pasted at the top of my page--(blocked her finally yesterday). Like all the politicians and celebrities who had "seduced" me with false hope, she and they all put out perpetually how much they "care" about humanity and how they are "fighting" to preserve human rights. With no one, literally, in civilian society willing to protect me, I have had to turn to higher authorities, only to see that either the shit has trickled down, or the shit voted their kindred kin folk shit up to the top positions. 

It's the Age of Progressive Politics and not POLITICIANS espousing Progressive Views who turn into celebrities (screw the Age of Aquarius I've known a lot of Scrooge-spongy Aquarius people--and I DON'T BELIEVE IN THIS ANYWAY but I still keep a kind of tally because it's kind of fascinating and a pseudo-religious "science"):): All of the astrology and psychic predictions that have (mysteriously?) randomly popped up on my YouTube channel (I was curious about some aspect, half-heartedly looking up predictions and now my YouTube is exploding with psychics and medium predictions from people around the planet I have never heard of)-- Every one says there is going to be a planetary shift of consciousness, really heading into 2026 with some Pluto Age of Aquarius type star trip into a New Planetary alignment (just trying to retrofit their words into something closely resembling astrology jargon, which I never follow and it's all like geometrical shapes and configurations to me as untrained in that field as I am). --------------------------

 "Psychic John Edwards on What's in Store for 2023". Maria Menounos. January 3, 2023.

"Stunning Psychic Predictions for 2023/John Arc Show". John Arc Show. January 2, 2023.

But all point to a huge paradigm shift into what could be called "Progressive" values of human concern about more financial equality and less emphasis on glamorizing a top tier of spoiled and pretentious individuals (that was the Up Uranus prediction--lol...)

This prediction from a medium I have watched on shows--a few times---famous for a while, or still famous (?) and he states clearly that some celebrities are not going to be slated for being "above the law" any longer--but he won't say whom or how many from H-wood.

Not able to philosophize any longer as I am under torture surveillance for writing or thinking anything adverse to the worship of celebrities and politicians and Nazis and their minions--
so I wonder if transparency is in "the stars" while the human beings will not be considered more deified than gods--after so many decades of this being a transmogrification of celebrities into get out of jail free card holders due to near deification status and millions or billions of dollars poured into this false religion of celebrity---.

I really don't necessarily "believe" in these predictions, I just find it "entertaining" to consider that entertainers will not be deified in the future, perhaps even indicted for crimes instead of being allowed to get away with every kind of sleazy exploitation orgiastic thrill-ride with victims being silenced or worse. Always protected, they are. Will that change? (That of course alludes to me in my situation, of course--in this highly coveted and nearly cherished rape and torture technological thrill-ride parasitic exploit that has been so protected for the enhancement of celebrity worship--as they steal ideas in order to project these views of being worldly and concerned about the Human Condition like goodly gods but are actual vicious criminals, rapists and thieves harboring sadistic murderous propensities the more they are revered the more disdain they have for humanity it would appear; the more they require public approval the more they are bereft of basic human goodness and the stuff that has made humanity strive for a more life-affirming cultural future).


The utter creep factor in factoring how long and how much trauma and disaster has had to ensue from draconian policies protecting wealthy usurpation of all resources, and the increase in greed and selfishness that has become the tantamount basis for so much of the woe and misery that has accumulated into the planet--until finally structures collapse and some die due to the neglect of basic compassionate human values. Money is poured into greedy exploits instead of the public welfare and infrastructure and needs of the people who are so brainwashed by celebrity entertainment and consumer indoctrination into the consumer machine.

That despite thousands of years of religious indoctrination and indeed--persecution--people still must have to deal with the dragon threatening to burn the empire down before they will relinquish the cherished top 1% which has only trickled down insecurity and disproportionate wealth distribution. This is now sounding like the kind of "radical liberal" diatribe that is also associated with "Communist/Socialist" ne'er-do-well liberal--by those who really worship National Socialism in their private reveries of the good old days back in fascist 3rd Reich Europe.

But what is required for people to stop worshipping the greed exploits of conquest leading to aristocracy entitlement has to be massive destruction of society in order for people to stop needing to have people to look up to as they also push others down (like me) because they cannot truly stand the concept of equality and freedom of opportunity for all.
I listened to Hakeem Jeffries speak during the final role call for House Speaker (this morning my time GMT+7) but it was nearing midnight back in D.C. Jeffries hailed of the promise of the American Dream being accessible to all regardless of ethnicity or skin color or affiliation with the societies which either block or award for programming and indoctrination (not his words, mine of course. No one will openly admit that people are blocked from entering into the doorways of wealth if they are not advocates for the 4th Reich--regardless of ethnicity, gender or status they are accepted only if they accept and further the cause of white nazi/mafia entitlement and vicious ferocious upper 1% entitlement culture aka The 4th Reich).

Will this mentality actually take hold after the homeless encampments of Hollywood are viewed as a symbol of the depravity and lopsided economic structure that is obvious. It does not take a "radical liberal" "Socialist/Communist" to understand the "Homeless crisis" in places like Los Angeles when the major who was just elected has made this a top priority for that city. Will this sort of "Progressive" concern for caring for the working class, the poor and lifting up people (like me) who want to explore their potentials for success and their own ideas, creativity and personalities instead of having to mesh and be enslaved by the dictates of an "upper crust" indoctrination in how to service them in order to get a few crumbs from their lavish tables of plenty? Have people had enough and the tides are shifting from glorifying the greed of exploiters glamorized while so many have become homeless and destitute in our "free" society of America? 

"Watch House Minority House Leader Hakeem Jeffries' historic first speech". CNN. January 7, 2023.

**I listened to this speech by Jeffries while I was exercising my very damaged body due to the celebrities and fascist Nazi/Mafia terrorist groups who have poured this filth into my body to stop me from achieving my potential and having mobility and freedom to pursue my career and life choices. But...I heard the name of P-lousy and I immediately jumped up as best I could in my injured physical state while doing these exercises as my body just cannot move in ways due to hard poisons latched onto my skeleton and muscle and tissue mass/intestines, etc--almost NEVER coming out and like cement I have to internally force to rupture and break off in little pieces--requiring YEARS to get out while being continuously re-poisoned with the same hardening/bloating poison by your wonderful celebrities you all nearly worship because they are plastic-surgery modified images of the Nazi machine you all truly worship and adore.
P-lousy is one of the worst people I have encountered besides the other Italian-American celebrities and the Italian rapist murdering fascist Nazi/Mafia--all extremely racist and violent, every single one of them and when they are protected they have a protracted amount of violence they never tire of pouring out like some rancid inner toxicity they all must imbibe from childhood onwards from a very violent and toxic culture.
I didn't hear Jeffries once more exalting on the woman who chose him to be her successor. He lavishes praise upon her just as the Congress does in this clip. I only know that I witnessed something like theft of Covid relief money from her and other California celebrities as she threatened me with very brutal violence for not willingly obeying men poisoning and raping me to death and abusing me to death in a sex slave technologically-induced contract that I was sold into prior to birth. Fully endorsed by P-lousy and so many other politicians--including Progressives.

I am not exactly endorsing Jeffries as much as the platitudes he expresses about people having a chance to pursue the American Dream even if they are left out. Will he also include me in this hopeful speech for political posturing? Will McCarthy actually care about "American" values when he gets more detailed information in some classified dossier about the torture and violence being dished out towards me in a never-ending rotation of politicians (his partners and friends on both sides of the "aisle" along with their celebrity and their dark money factions and funding shields against criminal charges?)

Like all of the people of Congress and H-wood grandizing with their coached and trained speaking voices--they all sound egalitarian and wonderful. The lecture that Jeffries so confidently and jovially pours out is some dream that so many actually are blocked from pursuing and they want a chance instead of the endless trickle-down philosophy and the mandatory minimums and the discrimination terrorist units and death squads that no one will openly recognize. No, America is a dream come true and the "Greatest Country" on Earth, according to most of these wonderfully-trained experts in "hope" slinging.
Nevertheless, unless "Democracy" gets more blows below the belt in the near future, the voters may chose for policies that will empower more of the disenfranchised who thought they would always be well and fine and that only the "losers" would be discriminated against and lose their jobs to overseas locations because their wonderful American upper wealth icons of all that America glorifies as conspicuous consumer success have all but sold everything out for their own luxury monopolies on power.

This is what I mean by the shift in politics. What it takes for people to understand that when they support greed and sleazy selfishness that there will be a reckoning eventually because this basis for a society cannot do anything but implode internally.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Surveying the discrediting and disfiguring cycles of violence and destruction aimed at ruining me and slowly murdering me--state-sponsored terrorism approved by Senators and House Representatives and Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States. Silenced or approved of by all of Whorewood, USA. Functioning as a GLOBAL terrorist unit with a central base of information and consent-approval for all terrorist activities with an endless surplus of money handed out like an overflowing cornucopia for all aspiring fascist Nazi/Mafia terrorists around the planet.

"The Diabolical Things Inquisition Did During The Witch Hunt". Copernicus's Galaxy. October 31, 2022.

 I have been begging anyone and everyone and writing for over a decade on Facebook/Meta and this blog for anyone, someone to please stop this murder contract out on me and to stop the poisoning and torture. I was just nearly raped by Senator Cruz two days ago after he stopped Barishnikov from violently raping and torturing me with the filth spawn of Depp's Europigape fascist approval marriage partner---for endless red carpet treatment for him and his spawn and partners in the film industry, obviously closely aligned with Europigape business interests and mind programming into fascist, Nazi/Mafia cartel conglomerate ideology.


Before Baryishnikov it was the endlessly latched on pair of "Italian-American" actors deniro and pesce, filthy and disgusting and natsy and absolutely violently nasty towards me--hours and hours every day of making derogatory comments about my body as they perpetually stuffed sewage water into my vagina through their proxy terrorist minority minions. They then also added some very sinister actor of their enclave who played a role in the original Godfather who was constantly calling me "bitch!" for every negation of their endless demands for me to provide ideas, services and anything else they demanded out of me "for free" without hesitation. The tortures they inflicted upon me for years included slicing into my skin between my toes nightly, inserting sharp metal objects under my cuticles, having my hair destroyed/damaged nightly with chemicals and being chemically treated out--and it's still balding in huge spots covering the crown to the nape of my head and it remains stagnant and non-growth nearly dead--including so many other abuses I can't get through the list. My uterus being partially severed out while I was in an unconscious state. This includes pig pitt and filthalina the actual real "bitch" whom they all adore and love. My ideas stolen by them all for years and years and years and non-stop torture sessions while I was deep asleep or in nascent waking state, drugged perpetually so they could obtain ideas, as they all did.

The list of torture, the list of people entering into this ever-expanding group is non-stop and my brain is completely blanked out as usual while I type this.


My hair is now covered with grey hair. Henna won't cover the grey. My hair follicles are so damaged that I can't use any chemicals to try to cover the grey. Henna just puts a horrid red tinge over the dead hair and destroyed hair strands and grey which is like wire threads and not hair any longer. 

My body, of course, shitting stinking piles of partially hardened and bloating poison out for 11+ years. I was shitting stinking diarrhea for years and years prior to understanding that I was being poisoned and that people were breaking into my home. Most of the time, I was forced into utter constipation. If you think this is a disgusting "conversation" in my one-way diatribe, imagine having to live through endlessly shitting out stinking diarrhea and poisons--then fighting to protect your food and not being able to do so no matter what you do, how many years you beg for help and the top authorities give authorization endlessly to sick and putrid filth people who never stop the teleportation hell and abuse and violence. 

They are now forcing me to respond in ways that are completely complacently accepting of being lied to and stolen from and raped and beaten into perpetual slow death. The piece of filth that Depp spawned last week had a skit asking me in a very "warm" friendly way why I was hesitant to not want to allow that ugly parasitic sexualized Nazi filth skank to endlessly pursue obtaining her career out of having me raped, beaten, poisoned, mutilated, forced into partial paralysis as stupid and meaningless greasy shit like her torture ideas out of me, have me beaten and raped and mutilated and poisoned slowly to death as the one and only remuneration for my ideas and all the years I have spent studying and working for a career. The years of grad school I was being poisoned by Nicola Siervo who has partnered with Stallone since 1996 or 1997 to have me raped by a successive group of scumbags out of Italy as they had me followed, my every effort to rise out of disability and poverty crushed as they raped, beat and poisoned and abused me using all these government-sanctioned weapons of mind control, poisoning and idea extraction for themselves--supporting filthy vile Depp and that pile of shit has never stopped instructing the Whorewood filth on how to behave in deadly fascist manner towards me. They all immediately are enthralled with all stops and blocks to their sadism unleashed in this training and mind programming process, which trickles down into society through their obviously fake posturing roles as benevolent heroes of society against oppression; which they all endlessly play when they are not playing juicy and "seductive" villains in the roles which do more to entice the viewers into these acts of atrocity than anything else they ever could have done to try to brainwash the public into fascist Nazi behavioral mind programming.


So I am endlessly staring at a huge pot of filth stuck in my body. The poison is almost exactly like cement that is tasteless and odorless that is poured or inserted into my food, into my vagina along with sewage and stinking putrid fungus-stained substances--also into my food and drinking water. I absolutely cannot defend myself in this situation

I ALSO AM BLOCKED FROM EARNING ANY MONEY and blacklisted from all employment or abused if I ever attempt to earn a penny in a legitimate job. People everywhere flock to join in the sadistic witch hunt and I am never left in peace to pursue any kind of financial solvency or live in peace. Anywhere and everywhere around the planet.


So my body is saturated and crooked with hard poisons that have bulged everywhere on every limb, blocking digestion and movement and functioning. My hair is now wiry and grey and mostly half gone in patches of baldness and my body has scars from poisons that have been smeared on my skin for decades. My toes have been broken and one of them appears like it has a severe case of bunyons, but it's been broken by the creeps at night while I was sleeping to appear as something that "naturally" happened.


I was teleported just this morning to a blonde creep forcing me to not respond with incredulity when I was in a "paris airport" buying a backpack. In the mind programming state, they told me not to buy the white backpacks because, I said following their verbal repeat commands, it would get dirty--due to stalkers flicking filth on my clothing and bags from behind while I am in public. They got me to buy a dark blue backpack with a mesh open back part--like a laundry bag type of mesh material--obviously worthless as a "backpack". The backpack had butterflies (the MK ULTRA symbol of mind programmed sex slave dummy type of "girly" under sex slave programming) and also a dumb owl--the "Illuminati" symbol--my mother the abuser who was part of this secret society had an owl placed on top of her Scottsdale house--as sign that although she was a "minority" she was fully in line with the agenda--you can see this very often with dark-haired women with darker skin and obvious not of the N. Europigape cultures who adorn these types of "dumb female" objects such as butterflies and owls when they make public presentations. My mother nearly shouted them from her rooftop.

But I was subjected to being told that I had to buy this expensive worthless butterfly/owl "backpack" at a very high price, and then some "French" scumbag who followed me around told me that it probably would be confiscated. I told him or asked how such a thing could happen. I was blanked out and the next time he told me this, smug and stupid and assured that he had millions and millions of fellow pieces of s*** operating behind him, he told me that it would be confiscated after I paid for it; meaning he would steal it and take it for free after I paid for it. I remained silent agreeing--all was done in a deep sleep, sick from shitting out poison state. 

Last week the filth daughter spawn of Depp, as I began to write but I am under so much mind control and keyboard obfuscation that I can't finish writing my thoughts--every post is half written my brain is blanked out as I struggle to fight to pound out each and every letter and "forget" what I am typing about in the middle of writing my thoughts'---

she asked me why I didn't want to allow that stupid and ugly sexualized parasitic dumb sleaze spawn of that rapist pig ape why I am so against just endlessly not fighting back and allowing them all to go on and on slowly killing me with my permission. I said in a drugged, mind controlled deep sleep teleported state that it's due to years of torture. She then had stinking substances forced into my mouth, I "woke up" with the stinking mess in my mouth as she glared in hate at me while I was spitting it out in a sink as she glared like a blank-eyed hate zombie staring in hate at me at the perpendicular angle that I could see, sideways, as she instructed me while in a comatose sleep, teleported and mind programmed state to look at that stupid piece of ugly trashy low-class filth, but adulated due to her endless facial reconstruction to appear like a fascist fashion Nazi image--her body completely poured with money and money and her model mother instructing her to beat and rape me--with fascist Nazism behind her every intention of overtake of American society with a heaping pileful of French and fascist Europigape shit right behind her. Behind them all is Stallone the greasy ugly stupid pig filth with the Italian bunch of greasy rapist dumb and dumber crap who have been attacking me for decades--and being handed clubs and venues to run (prior to their decades of attacks on me, like pig pitt, they were only supplementary managers who were so corrupt and sleazy and stupid and meaningless and disco thump thump dumb they were never promoted---never until they began torturing me to obtain ideas   mostly about  how Prince ran his club, which these sinister sick Mafioso filth creeps then stole for their own concepts in the clubs handed to them by the Florida fascist controllers of businesses--and also the French filth who accompanied them--literally stole Prince's concepts and took over the very venue he had owned before the mafia kicked him out--and I know this from the manager Prince had  hired who I spoke with just as Prince was literally kicked out of South Florida--didn't return except to play a few sets at the clubs that were stolen from him. His ideas stolen literally "verbatim" endlessly by these very same people who have trained the shit like the spawn filth of depp and filthalina and Danny Moynihan (the English intellectual property "art auction" thief" who also literally verbatim stole ideas from stories and concepts I wrote and had written which he obtained by endlessly having me poisoned and raped (by himself) as he latched onto teleporting me endlessly for years. 


As I was studying in grad school for years unable to physically move, all I could do was move and move from location-to-location from the mostly Europigape fascists or the American wanna-be Europigape fascists who tortured me in each and every house I moved to, until I finally left the West en toto and perhaps forever, as I really never want to return to the disgusting cesspool of greed and Nazism and corruption that the West is. In the SE Asian areas I can't understand their language and it's at least a respite from having to hear the bs that these filth creeps endlessly hiss in hate at me while my brain is incapable of critical thinking due to the endless drugging and poisoning and mind control tech blasting my brain functioning at every abuse situation. Right now I am endlessly backspacing and rewriting as the attacks continue even when I am writing "to myself" as mostly the people reading my posts are fully in compliance or agreement with all of this.


So no matter what I do or how hard or how many years I try, I can't rid my body of stinking bloating poisons. I can't get out of this torture chamber studio because they are blocking all internet functioning and I can't, literally earn money online. I have been publishing this blog for years with a YouTube link and not a single person has responded. I send out emails to people from my past and think that they will respond, but all personal emails are also being censored and blocked so I remain in absolute isolation.

The walls of all sides and the floors and ceiling of this trap room I am forced to live in are all cracks, panels which are opened from the other side of the walls/floor/ceiling. Mechanical arms penetrate every moment my back is turned.


right now I have a stinking mess underneath my kitchen sink area which I have to spend 2 hours to clean. If I don't tie rope around the metal hooks I had to pound with  every inch of my strength and bending and twisting my very damaged spine to get the hooks into plastic-coated cheap and stinking cabinet doors--because mechanical arms are sent thought the less-than-one milimeter dividing piece of endlessly soggy and wet particle board so the mechanical arm can slip through whatever tiny hole--the pincers or "arms" of the device can then open and slip through the huge cracks that have been cut into the doors and then from behind, as I perpetually sit in front of this computer because I am so ill every single day as the poisons are inserted into my body via my vagina or into my food (I seal everything but however they are accomplishing endlessly making my body bloated and poisoned must be from the inserts into my vagina and my drinking water when I can't protect it as I am out shopping). 

They spray stinking filth into my hair from behind as I sit in front of this laptop. They are opening a panel or one of the tiles in the kitchen area just above the sink. I have covered all three times over with materials to stop this but they get through it all whenever I leave the room they rip off everything and cover the vulnerabilities so I have no idea what is vulnerable upon return.


That is a very brief summation of the endless torture that has made my hair greying, which I cannot cover with dye and henna is impossible as the damage to my hair makes it so nothing will penetrate the grey wire they forced into my hair consistency from years of spraying this filth into my hair while sleeping and from behind--plus fungus, in my ears, my vagina, my hair and on my skin plus so many other attacks it's countless. 


This is, indeed, a rant. I need fucking support and years of writing about this torture and injustice has only been met with insults, mockery, more violence from the white trash shit of Congress and the Senate--the "feminists" and the "black and brown" minorities alike.

silence from Whorewood, completely approval of the shit people who have endlessly been doing this with full approval of all who are privy to this information.


I ask again that this injustice be stopped and that I am left to live in peace with financial recouperation of all they have stolen of my body and life--and so I can live in a place where my body is not endlessly ransacked with poisons and rape and mutilations and sleep deprivation and torture and teleportation. I need a home with solid walls and foundation and in some place where neighbors will NOT fully support and join in with these nefarious activities. Where privacy is actually defended and people who try to inflict this kind of sick shit are actually arrested and indicted and imprisoned for this breach of justice and the Law.

They have stolen my cat La Moux and a few cats (a family of cats I rescued) have killed off the very birds that fly outside my window and put thrash and crap all over every landscape backyard I have lived in for over a decade, here in beautiful Thailand. In America they forced construction in my vicinity for years. Here in Thailand the greasy ugly sick Italian Mafia group associated with Stallone forced three construction sites within a 40-yard circumference built in the same year, the first year I began the detox of the stinking poison diarrhea shit they forced upon me while raping it into my body--back in 2011. Now it's 2023 and this morning I shat out a huge pile of stinking toxicity so poisonous that I collapsed on my bed in a deep, sick state and while sleeping the people operating the mechanical arms sliced into my cuticles, cut parts of my hair and did whatever else while I was teleported to being silenced as people said abusive and insulting things and I tried to defend myself and was put into an "edit/blank" state before "waking up" while sleeping and sick from shitting out poison--to being silenced as they insulted me and abused me. It never ends, every time I fall asleep I am tortured, raped, beaten and abused by this group or their filthy minions performing the deadly attacks to destroy me in every single way except for outright murder. They have been attempting a slow form of what would appear to be a "natural" deterioration of me, and the label of being "mentally ill" which my mother assiduously forced upon me, which was forced upon me assessment when I applied for disability due to the poisoning--speaking with natural intelligent calm and composure when speaking to the psychologist who assessed me, who was extremely friendly/ This fake diagnosis was extraneously added to my file by the incompetent fascist component operating within the US Government, and not by the very friendly and helpful people who were part of the assessment teams. Some of them told me outright that I didn't need psychological "help" but really only needed to read a lot of books on the psychology of abuse and how to deal with it (as I recounted my family and it's abuse of me, which is part of the trauma-based mind control protocols this filth group instructed my very compliant and destroyed jewish nazi family to completely comply with, upon pain of murder).