**For this series of posts--terrorist mind control+hacking-inflicted discrediting efforts--hacking, brain-altering technology blasting my cognition--etc deletions, hacks etc##) All the interminable usual going on, and on---discrediting/silencing. Every post it's the same.
***#2 I must add that ALL of my trials and tribulations are due to two Europigape white Nazi men, very wealthy, one from Italian Mafia but with strong criminal organizational roots in Paris, and the other with direct ties to English monarchy (Nicola Siervo & Danny Moynihan, respectively, but mostly it's all stemming from Moynihan, whom I met thrice for a total time period of 60 minutes. They insulted me, they drugged and tried abusive sexual advances and only because I was in their physical proximity and they organized a drugging sexual "come-on" skit to try to force this contract out on me. They were so condescending and nasty I thought they were absolute creeps and avoided them. That was in the 80's and 90's OF LAST CENTURY. They began teleporting me on a daily basis in 2007 and in 2013 I was dying from poisoning they ordered put in my body (which had been ongoing all my life but they increased it to death levels). They were teleporting and raping the poison as deeply into my body every night, taking turns. THey also took turns stealing concepts from me, verbatim in the case of English Moynihan, and he has handed this contract to the former wife of pitt the actor because her mother schmoozes with English aristocracy. The contract has entailed torturing and poisoning and mutilating and raping me so the H-wood terrorist "A-list" crowd can obtain ideas from me, destroy all my chances, steal my money, my cat, maim and break my body, and then slowly murder me with non-stop torture, abuse and violence and MILLIONS of people attacking me around the globe in a 24/7 non-stop torture situation. The black "activists" and rappers are fully partaking of this situation. One of them ( a female) has also stolen ideas from me. They always insert my ideas into the formulas of Nazi indoctrination programming, disguised as being "liberal". When any and all of these people assault me, they are fully supporting fascist white Nazi Imperialistic Euro-centric fascism and Nazism and Mafia total monopoly and control over the planet. They all get endless awards for it (prizes, incentives, promotions, mansions, tours, lead roles in movies, etc political positions--a most nefarious award system). All of these people assaulting me are following the same exact protocol system and they ALL support white fascist supremacy. (It's disconcerting when a leading black activist is fully attacking me, now threatening violence and assaulting me like all the rest. It was really oppressive and threatening violent Germans a few days ago, along with the Latvian, then the Americans are never gone, and English last week (three of them alongside all the rest, then rewarded with fashion appearances at Europigape fascist week). Etc etc etc. The Biden Administration probably was behind the Obama blind eye to this years ago, before Trump fully took over the contract. I thought Obama was the culprit but he's just another minion serving something like the Biden team which is partnered with the Trump team which is partnered with these fascist Nazis and Mafia out of places like London and Italy. The 4th Reich; they are all fully working with full fever to assist in the overtake of the US government and country itself. All these people I have written of, and today I just allude to another one. I fear that writing about them directly puts them into more promotional slots--it doesn't matter though what I write. They want to antagonize me and use subliminal messages to exert a reaction and thus they get awarded and promoted. They steal whatever they can, just as their white masters in Europigapeland have instructed them all to do (whites and blacks, it doesn't matter). Because I fought back against murder attempts, finally after years of asking them to stop raping/pounding poison into my body as they had me surrounded, poisoning me non-stop for that ultimate demise situation because I was a threat to their claims of superiority. This is being so fully supported by white males and their white female counterparts, especially the blondes, and then violently supported by blacks who are then awarded year--after-year in ceremonies and lead roles. The flocking of celebrities and politicians to come and attack me is non-stop. Not a single one of them gives a damn about anything but obtaining a haute culture promotion and of being accepted into the ultra rich lifestyle. Every single one of them is the same corruption and rotted conflagration of lies and dissemination of dangerously meaningless deception about how much they "care" about life and society, equality and freedom. It must be an unofficial prerequisite for any public standing in every community around the planet. Their systematic slow covert murder operation has achieved a total monopoly over power around the planet. The technologies I write of will cement that total control. I warn people not to ignore my situation any longer. ****
..but they put words into my subconscious, and when I repeated them, threatened me for saying them, only because there is a sliver of my acceptance of the terms based on the reality of how such persons have behaved. The denial is something like a mastiff drooling dog of hate breathing down on me while I am teleported--a female dog at that--(the group, in essence, like a huge female dog collective entity). Then calling me "racist" for repeating, under duress, years of torture, drugging and mind control, various statements that could be discerned as being "racist" but under this context it's just an observation based on now very outdated terminology that has been reversed, as so much has, into the "racist" bigot category whereas it used to be the terminology of anti-racist activist (long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away). The cop above has the force of law behind him and can behave like the Scorpion unit but well-behaved because it's broad daylight and video cameras and mobile phones are rolling. In my case, the dArk Web cameras are rolling and the applause is endless for every fallacious indictment against me for repeating the subliminal content, under torture conditions, that every gold-digging exploiter uses with this mind control/drug interface system to obtain their sleazy and greedy hateful promotions for their careers. I can only respond with silliness today as I am at a junction of endless death threats, torture and so I have to laugh just for a brief second because this stupid video (and YouTube page) was forced through the terror network onto my YouTube channel--threats and all--the customary bs that these bs artists always force upon me, especially all the threats and hate after they force a reaction, break into my privacy, torture me FOR YEARS without end, and when I call them something like "uncle tom/Aunt Jemima" as they hiss racist slurs at me, threaten, sit next to people who have raped and tortured me for YEARS using racist props and fascists and Nazis alongside them--(black people, famous "fighting against racism" people_) now putting these veiled threats at me because I clicked on a video they hacked into my system and thus, the entrance into threats, abuse and hate. I could write more directly but I am sick of the pig apes getting promoted for this system that the US Government STILL has done nothing to stop. Against me, day after day, piece of shit after piece of shit, endlessly coming after me; black, white it makes no difference. They are all uncle toms and aunt jemimas on the plantation serving their Nazi masters--whether black or white--they are programmed, they are slaves and mentally tied to strings--one and all, serving a hate system with huge warm smiles and getting to sit in the big house instead of amongst all the homeless and downtrodden middle classes who are declining into a wealthl/poverty system (field slave versus house slave).
This particular black male I make vague reference to is famous for his public anti-Semitic statements, which has been a cue to the black "activists" to follow. As an agent of white supremacy, he's done an excellent job of helping to create a discrepancy between blacks who are welcomed into the white supremacist hierarchy at the expense of following in the Nazi doctrine of spewing hate and (in my case) now threats of violence at me, ostensibly as "anti-semitism". Although I am not of that religion and have almost never been a part of that diaspora, the need for this group of dumb and scum to partition people into various categories and enforce that through lies, and torture (using this technology) to become the cliches that create "them" as being "superior". In my case, drugging to the point of disability and near-death and then continuing the hardening chemical poisoning while I have fought with all my life force to rid my body, only to have it poisoned endlessly for ANOTHER DECADE (am now fighting death every day as these parasites NEVER stop teleporting, taking one sleazy foul and lying piece of rotten shit, the blacks waiting for their chance, always threatening and abusing me after the white pig apes have endlessly raped, beaten, slapped and used rape as their mode of violation along with surveillance, torture, thought-reading--but these "activists" who are so famous are now getting their shot because I wrote a post about black activism regarding the Memphis murder by the Scorpion squad this past month. now I am getting death threats after, under torture, while busy doing something else, after YEARS OF RAPE, torture, poisoning drugging and violence, as this same famous man and known for making hate commentary about Jews and is on the ADL list of anti-Semites and is known for this--has sent his thug dumb and scum rappers to abuse, punch, threaten with violence as they surround the white bigots with love as they all call me ugly and stupid while I'm so drugged I can't move, my body so huge and broken down from poisoning they kept putting in my body as I fought to protect myself--and Biden always in the background for decades behind these black men who love and adore him--but I can't write about these sickening rotten pig ape whores and fake blathering spewing worshippers of blonde nazi culture--they sit alongside shit filth creeps who have used Nazi genocidal rhetoric at me and had me raped while stealing my ideas--this same "politically-correct" rotten and disgusting sickening piece of expletive along with his black hosts like Oprah, who are so welcomed into the fascist NazI media for their deceptions about how caring and alternative and how they are "fighting" against racism (but making anti-Semitic comments) are just now attacking me once more--the rappers who punched, threatened me for fighting against their objects of desire and friendship and love, fasist bigot white supremacists of Whorewood--sitting alongside them, as I keep screaming at them that they are fake, that they are supporting Nazis and fascists who have used Nazi death terminology aimed at me as these same rotten blacks do the same--they can't "understand" and use the mind control tech to blast my brain while I am in the middle of some engrossing project and it's like flies buzzing into my brain forcing their way in and I can't stop reacting. Endless parasites in never-ending rotation coming at me. THis same black rotten man has been part of this way in the background, but his rapper scum group have been more at the forefront threatening me because I am fighting for m ylife against racism. If only I could not react to the stupid YouTube videos, but I remain so ill from poisoning I sit in agonizing inertia and weakness after fighting to rid my body of the poison they all ordered put into my body to break my body down, my spirit and life. If only I could find a video today about diseased white and black piggies to put on as some commentary. Calling them aunt jemimas and uncle toms after years of their sickening Nazi collusion is a far cry from the actual terminology that can't even begin to describe the sinister quality of all of them (the black and the white pig apes who are part of this entire global system).
This black cop has a very good chance for a highly lucrative career on the H-wood Scorpion Force super-hero CGI team.
"ANTIFA Punk Mouths Off To The Wrong BLACK Gentleman & Gets OWNED". CowboyBebop444. January 8, 2023.
Video (skunk getting incentive reward for good cop/bad cop service) is from the same bat YouTube Channel (cowboy something 444).
"Skunk Eating Pizza". Cowboybebop444. January 29, 2023.
Don't call me black, mutha and sing like I'm sum dum pet on yo dumb-fun-tation---I'm charcoal cat color---can u dig it?! Not like carbon emissions, but charcoal and beautiful--shut the f*** up and stop that nasty singing--(white people really can't sing to cats especially with charcoal too-cool coloring). Nasty white man singing like i'm some female dog who enjoys this kind of pet-smothering humiliation--
"Funky Cat Jamming With Felix". Cowboybebop444. January 27, 2023.
Felix (my animal totem): "Meow" (translated into hacked language under mind control/torture and duress but what the terrorists teleporting and attacking me surely can't say they "don't understand" as they ask me to explain this for years and years--as) "SHUT UP annoying dumba$$ teleporting me. SHUT UP it doesn't matter if you're black or white shut up shut up dumb mf-ers. When will these bitches ever shut up and leave to their glorified dog houses and return my cat alive and stop their stupid noises at me which are not funny, cool and it doesn't matter if they're black or white so I'm an equal opportunity torture victim...meow shut the F-up shut up they are so nasty and annoying shut them up!! Meow--"
"Mew, Meow Cat Jamming with Felix". Cowboybebop444. January 25, 2023.
PIGGIES IN BLACK AND WHITE (non-discriminatory--)
"Piggies--The Beatles (LYRICS/LETRA) (Original) (+Video)". el perro beatle. September 14, 2018.
"Michael Jackson--Black Or White (Official Video--Shortened Version)".