Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Trying to be concise in my writing in an attempt at Trying to counteract the terrorists and hackers, who are being funded probably by "counter-terrorism" agencies of the 4th Reich terrorist organization.

 As I sit here in front of this extremely hacked laptop, which I just cleared out yesterday from malware and etc, and I do this almost every day and the malware appears almost instantly.  Trying to write in something like punctuated blocks of information, but my brain is put (artificially) into an open portal of instant stream-of-consciousness outpouring that is then hacked so badly it all is blocked from understanding.

I should try to write in simple block form. Once I start upon an idea my brain is attacked so I go into tangents and lose thread of focus and get "lost" in these diversions of concepts. The concepts are then stolen by the predators/celebrities or politicians who then incessantly either directly or through subliminal, non-stop repetition hate phrases of how "stupid" and etc I am, after they steal the ideas from me and they never stop poisoning/drugging and using this tech in order to get a kind of mental sieve operation out of attacking me in order to steal concepts and then torture me as "punishment' for thinking anything adverse to their "superior" output which I always find mediocre. Sometimes they appear exceptional but it's always in the form of the amount of information they can dish out (probably scripted, and information they have studied for years) which I am unfamiliar with (this pertains to MSNBC news anchor terrorists especially).


I wrote a comment on a post about the next Joker movie. I believe strongly that the pop singer female role is a by-product of "Italian-American" (they just call themselves "Italian" but for media purposes they include the "American" part but in "normal" society they simply say they are "Italian") so these Mafiose people put that horrid singer and lack of acting talent into mainstream non-stop monopolizing of starring roles, because she is a product of Mafia infiltration and she is one of the terrorists who have teleorted me. I wrote a comment about her last night because I think Phoenix's acting was immensly incredible, and although he hacked a lot of his videos on my internet as far as I know he was not personally engaged in attacking me amongst his more violent peers. He's definitely involved. He's not a mediocre acting talent. He's part Jewish. Whatever that means, perhaps he's half-hearted about his Nazi affiliation and doesn't consider his involvement to be anything abnormal or anti-Semitic in nature, or he doesn't care ********(most likely scenario). But I commented upon the next upcoming psychopath drama, very well portrayed by the director Phillips and by Phoenix, but because I downloaded Joker a few days ago, the original film, and deniro jumped to attack me and he emits so much hate, negativity and bad energy directed at me (his psychic waste product dumped on me) I wrote that I can't watch any more of these films, and that Gag is neither a great singer or actor. I am not merely writing this because she's part of the terrorist team absolutely committed to gaining more influence by asserting herself into attacking me in this racist and Mafia/Nazi cartel operation. She of course has been endlessly "awarded" by the Nazi-controlled Golden Globes for less-than-mediocre acting in a role of sinister and psychopathic content. 

That is why I wrote in virulent hate about mafia and "Italian-Americans" and the repraisal this group forced upon me for my reaction to YEARS of their violence and terrorism, in the form of a comment saying they "ain't no good" at acting or singing (to my taste) and I detest the Joker franchise due to them being included. The reaction was to have me thrown from a satellite and into a garbage  heap--laughing all the while. The psycho crap actors think this is a fun game, and while these are vicious enemies, for the U.S. Government to fully participate and allow such violence to be continuously forced and dumped upon me is some precursor to atrocities and genocide--and that it's never being stopped, that it's just going on and on, as the creeps become more deadly and violent and the list of them going to court for their actions is now growing longer and longer (Paltrow also has participated, and her Jewish husband very nasty about his groveling love for blonde Nazi culture of "entitlement"--to plow people over and get away with it, as the court on a lower level releases them endlessly to their lives of "entitlement"--that includes Depp the criminal rapist beater and abuser and his filthy nasty daughter).

This could be considered my "gossip" column post for the morning. It's just residues of psychic poison and filth from THEM poured into me and my sleep and nascent waking state every day. Every day I am drugged up so I react and then I write, and then they torture me for writing. When I don't write, they torture me to the point that I must write to get a horrific torture to be stopped. They stop it for a very short while and inflict other repetitions of other tortures again, and again, and again.

I beg for people to intervene literally every day, as I have done for a decade. Before that I was fighting for my life as they were forcing heart palpitations and tears streaming out of my eyes, either simultaneously or at  regular intervals, for hours every day while having construction of 3 buildings on all sides of me, the first year I was   detoxifying from poisoning so I lay in bed all day under this much torture. That is when I began writing posts begging for help to the people ordering the torture. That was in 2011. It is now 12 years later. I have reached top governmental regions of the same low-down hate system and have received only a tiny bit of relief from heart palpitations being stopped. Tears are almost constantly being forced out of my eyes, and that has not stopped (they must mar my skin and face and my eyesight through this, to make me appear droopy, sad and deformed at first sight of my face by all people. They must make me appear like I am deteriorating instead of looking healthy and happy, to coincide with the internal poisoning they have never stopped inserting into my vagina through my bladder or through my food. I am shitting black stinking poison out every day that I fight to break from the internal mess. It hardens and bloats and congeals very quickly, I think they add a quickening chemical to it when they poison me and they certainly drug me every day to force these hysterical reactions out of me. They then say I am a "drug addict" or whatever, always discrediting me and claiming only they are superior. I must add that the actors involved in teleporting and raping me all have far more serious drug addiction histories than I ever have had. The drugging they put in me is not vacay holiday and the drugs are extremely severe, but I think not on the same level as cocaine and heroin, which I believe many of the creeple of H-wood attacking me have been addicted to for very many years, in the past. Now they are addicted to torture, as it's a power  high and endorphin drug trip for them.


They are detestable, and the entire organization is a sick and filthy thing. Again, I stress that Biden and Harris are a part of this as is Trump and his organization and family. The people in their circles on all sides continue to flock to ravage and beat and abuse and insult and have my home made stinking and filthy as they orchestrate endless violence heaped upon me on all sides, all day and night, everywhere I go, and in teleportation I can't turn away from them or get away although I am constantly screaming and rushing at them to try to kill them and I can't even land a good smashing punch at them I'm so weak from their poisoning and mutilations making my body completely wasted and semi-paralyzed.

I keep wondering what it will take for Americans to get involved and stop this travesty of justice being perpetually aimed at me? If Trump being propelled by this group of actors into his position of power was not enough of a deteriorating force for American society, I wonder what it will take for people to begin to worry that this situation is of technology put in absolutely incompetent hands of psychopaths who have been trained by H-wood to perform fake roles.

#Most of the sentences and paragraphs of this post were hacked with portions deleted and then strung together. So many words and components were deleted it's impossible to understand in parts--I the hackers keep doing this after I correct and publish so it's impossible for me to get a correct post out---Another insanely-driven rant from 13 years of non-stop 24/7 torture from a pile of shit you call your celebrities and Leaders of society in America. The shit and filth you have allowed to pollute and destroy America. The shit that you pay millions and billions of $$ to for fantasies of equality and Democracy. The shit you adore because they are fascist Nazis and bigot Mafia filth, kept in power because you want a culture and quality vacuum to destroy the United States while you watch movies pretending it's all beautiful and a power trip for you as your cities turn into homeless encampments, the US on the verge of every kind of collapse. But keep cheering them on.

This post has been mostly hacked and partially deleted and rewritten, as usual to discredit me--by terrorist hackers. Every "mistake" or incomprehensible sentence is due to the hacking. I've read through almost to the end but could not get through it all because so much was deleted and strung together into rambling half-sentences with non-sequiturs. It's extremely discrediting but I can't endlessly fight to pound out every key due to malware on the keyboard and fight the endless partial deletions and rewrites that plague almost every sentence--so I will leave it as is, it's mostly comprehensible, I have tried to explain the discrediting attempt by this group of crap. They also added in a lot of curse words which I had not written in. I used the s-word once and they hacked and rewrote it afterwards almost every other sentence--and etc etc etc. My brain is also under severe "mind control" attack whilst I write, so I succumb to hyperbolic excess while I struggle to fight the keyboard hacking which makes typing almost impossible. I must literally struggle to get every key to operate as they juxtapose the letters while I type. I can't think clearly and my cognitive decline due to the attack on my brain by remote tech or microchip implant makes writing under these circumstances impossible as well. My posts always turn into hacked ranting diatribes. They also insert curse words constantly and add extra words to my cursing hate rants about the people murdering me and raping and abusing me every day while no one still ever stops this absolutely disgusting situation of hate forced upon me by just sleaze and filth you all put into lead position. Or you keep them there. Or you don't expose them or you do nothing and think it won't negatively affect you. Keep watching as they destroy America and Europigapes come in to colonize and ravage the country and take it over...while the crap "people" I write off go off into the sunset with all their orgies and luxury mansions in Europigapeland as their prize for destroying America while you have all applauded it on. But they deleted quite a lot from the original after altering the writing to make it almost nonsensical and ranting with curse words and slurring diatribe content--I wrote that the Brooklyn Mafia was put on this case of attacking me to death to "submit" to fascism and Nazism, just like Bloomberg who has embraced it and has been awarded billions, like ole Aunt Jemima Aperah who is one of the worst rape enabler, racist enabling white supremacist aunt jemimas of all the crap in whorewood, along with farrakhan who is a disgusting example of this, and etc. But they deleted how Trump did this, maybe it is part of the lower portion of this post, because I could not get through the post to read any more of it after struggling to correct and understand what was left of the rambling mess the hackers forced upon me legible and clear writing--it was angry, but not completely ranting misspelling and unclear--with words hacked and rewritten constantly---most deleted--etc etc and all strung together by hackers--I wish someone would just finally have some concept of actual "Democracy" in the United States and actually stop this endless murder situation forced upon me--how I jjust want to live in peace finally--wish that there was something in my culture that didn't absolutely conform to these creeps--but anyone against them gets killed or put out of society (made homeless or killed) so I "understand" You all just can't do anything because you have to retain your standard of living and etc. Just keep doing nothing as the last preisdent is indicted on multiple counts of crime in multiple states and in federal court because none of you could stop this back when it was feasibly possible back in 2015 and 2016--now years later, under your wonderful Democrat leadership you still can't do anything to jeopardize your security to stop these psychopath scumbags who are assualting me and being put into more power. Just keep doing nothing...keep watching as they destroy the environment, the economy and the planet so you can have your security in your little enclave of in that you do nothing and conform, or protest a few times in a few street protests, or go to political rallies safely surrounded by your friends as you go off to parties afterwards. The real fighting that people like me must do are left as "loser" activities silenced and ignored. People like Gloria Steinmen praise the blonde Nazi women for their songs and gyrating movie shows about how much they are "fighting" for acting credits and money royalties in these "roles". I fight for my life and am called loser, bitch, slapped, raped, threatened, nearly killed by cars, because I am fighting the need for your filthy men and women you all revere to have someone to beat to death in order to feel better about having to fake being decent human beings for their multi-millionaire lifestyle American celebrity leadership roles about Democracy and how they are all righteously "fighting" for your rights as well....

The next extremely wealthy white Mafia/Nazi pig ape is now taking the reins of teleportation and stinking filth and staslking torture, this is a multi-billionaire or whatever he is--a stinking nasty bigot Nazi who has built an empire out of Nebraska, only to circulate Nazism in that corner of the Nazi and Mafia outpost of America. The Nazis in that region are immense, and undoubtedly he's been handed money and influence to retain his grovelly fake humble financial empire through all the social engineering of the endless monopoly that all these worthless crap pig apes have been handed by every generation and every administration of all governments on the planet. Meaning, I hope finally after all the years of this shit Biden administration that the old men die off finally--that this is the next endless sucession of shit that Biden's administration has unleashed upon me, because Biden is such a fake and such a disaster on all levels. The few items of his administration that are congruent with the campaign "promises" that lying fake "Humble" grovelly old man Biden stuttered out, barely passing a few greed and graft Bills for shit like Pelosi et al to steal money from in collusion with the shit out of California and the shit out of Whorewood and the shit out of Capital Hill-scumbag-wood. Boy or boy am I writing the hate content that the greasy and filthy pig apes really drool to read, they are wetting their rape culture pants reading my hate diatribe right now. I am playing completely into what they want, their agenda of hate and misery by writing this.

I see that greasy and nasty disgusting Marjorie Taylor Greene is now in the throes of receiving her endless media propagandized promotions after just sexually assaulting me in a most disgusting way last month, or was it this month? Every time I get on the internet she has been interviewed by the major news shows and is constantly being quoted as if her opinion is meaningful. I wonder how many actual Republicans there are who are not bigot fascists in the House of Reps at this time who actually have something intelligent and worthwhile for society to offer, instead of that ranting death-rattling bigot scumbag whore Greene who did what Trump said he just "did" to women by grabbing them in the p-word and she's his neophyte in that respect. Extremely rapist disrespectful, and then the next day spouting out bs about how homosexuality is a shame upon American society. I think the bigots consider rape an act of power not an act of homosexuality, so she is exempt in being called a rapist lesbian in something like a prison atmosphere of torture aimed at me and fully coordinated by the Biden and Harris team. Did not not write endlessly that for the first month of their induction into power, back in 2020 or however long ago their hate despotism disguised as benevolent despotism Democratic Party failure (just can't pass the promises due to Manchin and Sinema lies, as part of a huge deception ploy to continue the endless fascist program for corporate fascist dictatorship in America). it's disgusting and lying, fake "humble pie" All-American bigot white supremacist rich old man hyena out of Nebraska coming to join in with rotten and foul deniro and pesce, dirty and disgusting filth parade of the endless championing of shit pitt and shitalina--both of them and the "Italian-American" shit pair of deniro and pesce--all having stolen ideas from me (not pesce, I think, not from the movies he has not put out in all these years, I don't know what he's stolen or done) but deniro, has tortured me to obtain ideas, and has tortured me endlessly before and after, has been poisoning me to death and abusing me to death, has done things like punching into my face extremely violently--(that was day #1) and I've been fighting to get them off me for YEARS and no president or administration will do anything but continue this slow torture-to-death situation. The pig ape pair from Brooklyn, who ensured that my family ran from Brooklyn because they turned it into a violent and anti-Semitic pig shit place of filth and hate, because the U.S. Government so fully supported the mafia and allowed the "Italian-Americans" to attack Jews, who had been prominent and also in the realm of Mafia--but ever since Lucky Luciano and his pact with the U.S. Government as a liason with Italian mafia and the U.S. Government, the shit filth from Brooklyn like this pair and ugly and sickeningly rotten Gotti inc have been having carte blanche in racist attacks upon Jews and my family ran to get away from shit like that. Only to sell me out to be tortured in their stead by this technology so no matter where I go I am confronted by shit like deniro through teleportation, and no matter what physical direction I turn while in this teleported state, I can't not have to see or hear that filthy ape spewing hate and threats at me, along with pesce, and filthy stupid pig shit pitt and shit-whorealina sitting watching with pig pitt threatening to kill me alongside deniro and the other shit and filth that is endlessly being put in front of me. I put a song by a German cock rock rotten band on my Facebook page, which uses a double-use of the German word that is both "have" and "hate" in phonetic sound---because I detest that ugly sick psycho pig ape and wish him and his ugly filthy wife death by now, after years and a decade of their non-stop mutilation of my body, poisoning to death, rape without end, and that pair of stupid shit torturing me to obtain ideas so their blank and empty staring plastic surgery modified faces (to conform with Nazi standards) can have something both intelligent and "alternative" to crank out so they can continue the "Democrat" "woke" narrative that American is a country of "freedom". The only freedom for them is what the fascists and Nazis all claim they are fighting for: freedom to fuck people over, rape and steal and kill with government approval based on racist terms and against anyone who is against them.


So I put this song on my facebook page about how I hate this rotten piece of stupid sleazy ignorant shit pitt and shitalina (it was intended towards pig pitt, because he's the male part of that partnershit in crime, trying to force a "baby" out of me so those worthless and meaningless twit idiot filth shit can obtain a huge empire with their rotten swarm of shit children out of endless torture and theft of my ideas so stupid and blank ugly sh it like them can sound original and that they are "woke".


Putting out this song by this cock rock German band, and since then, they have been included in the mix. After telling them "NO" for whatever they are demanding (they are never gone, they have latched on along with rotten and ugly black Nazi shit from Brooklyn, the supporter of white supremacy that ALL the blacks I have ever been exposed to in this hate situation of rappers and "activists" who are extremely anti-Semitic in order to have another group to push down in order to be levitated upward by the Nazis--and they are so adulated and awarded it's sickening to see. So attacked endlessly.

Now it's the "venerable" old man out of Nebraska and at this point I only see one of the huge conduits of fascism and Nazism into the Western region of the U.S.  through his fake posturing as being a well-balanced personality of humble means but really, in reality---he's vicious and nasty like all the rest. Only following orders. Doesn't appear to have much higher intelligence when it comes to anything beyond sucking money out and following orders.


My bathroom is an endless water-spouting stinking filth attack. Cockroaches are still being put into my kitchen sink, as has been happening for months now every single morning I have to deal with at least 6 cockroaches that have been put into my kitchen sink. 


I was teleported to a skit where I was thrown out of a satellite into some orbit where there was no oxygen with huge bags of black plastic containing, supposedly, garbage. I "landed" in some patch of grass behind something like a billboard and I was "told" in my sleeping and altered state, while teleported and in a deep sleep, that the bags contained something" important". I felt the usual desire to smash the face of the pig ape forcing this shit upon me, the ugly rotten white Nazi old man from Nebraska who is using this to gain his own promotion for his endless wealth accumulation and his anti-Semitism comes to the fore. 

It's amazing who Bloomberg, also a most vicious and nasty Jewish Nazi with his ugly ranting daughter screaming "loser" in a high-pitched sickness into my face while in this state, as I was literally dying from poisoning because deniro, biden, pesce pig pitt and shitalina the ugly skank whore were ordering me to be bloated, dying from internal bloating/hardening chemicals while insulting how I look and saying that ugly endlessly carved-up with plastic surgery shitalina the stinking stupid sick rape-enabler whore is more "beautiful" than me as I was huge, bloated and dying. They have been inserting sewage water and bloating poison into my vagina and into my bladder literally every night while I was teleported--for YEARS literally non-stop to kill me. Nothing but awards, cheers and accolades for them all. Ugly and sickening Bloomberg has been awarded by Time Magazine for his "work" for that year, which he did nothing but continue to have his Nazi Mafia team crank out financial news while his ugly sinister stupid daughter was put on Hauge Magazine partying on South Beach--the place where I was tortured, poisoned because I tried to have my own business and was raped and poisoned by Europigapes who are still behind all these filthy and ugly stupid sleazy American pieces of shit endlessly trying to get awards for the shit they crank out, mostly from ideas they have stolen from me and regurgitated into fascist Nazi propagandized "movie" content. The same French and Italian pig apes are still working with stallone and the mafia (not to forget to mention, which I always do, that ugly old sinister man pacino, who is a rabid supporter of this and has attacked me calling me that word that these ugly bitch whore "Italian" men call women who are not "good" who don't play the roles that support their takeover of Brooklyn, then the government, then the media, then the country,  and into a global takeover--the mafia out of Brooklyn with ugly and sinister Gotti leftover mafia and the rest of that very sick and violent, absolute groveling to blonde culture group of shit. You can see this slavish adoration of blonde women in all the "Italian" men, even if they screw and have sex with black women all they are "supposed" to do is violently support white supremacy and worship blonde women and men, and that is all they do.

so now it's the German pig ape cock rock band, dirty filthy pig ape pit and shitalina never ending that pair of crap I pray for their deaths every day but they never die or go away--now I hope that biden dies along with Harris and also that McCarthy does not become president--don't know what to do, they all so sinister, and their next brainwashed generation has been trained that all the corruption and deceipt is so amply rewarded that all the shit spawn of these filthy pig apes have to do is become more violent in their aspirations to become fully welcomed members of the American Nazi bund Mafia party.


That is my diatribe--meanwhile, Jewish Nazi, dyed blonde Gloria Steinem is praising some blonde Nazi bigot for being an incredible feminist this year--I am silenced and ignored. I fight now for the silenced trafficking victims of racism and torture that the global destitution organization like filthy shit Biden has orchestrated along with Harris at the Southern border.  You can hear Latin-based Senator Cruz  yelling in rage about his people being sex trafficked but he fully supports it happening to me with this teleportation and drugging and gang stalking apparatus which he must support because greasy Graham wants nothing more than lynch mobs to be reinstated into mainstream popular culture via the Republican Party using these technologies. So every pig ape piece of shit is being awarded and these Senators and this "Democrat" president and Harris are all fully on board with the agenda. 

**I have re-read this post up to this point, and see that ALL of the post has been rewritten and parts deleted; this post was badly hacked and redacted--the hackers deleted words in every paragraph, reducing most into nearly rambling rants--So to have to insert this again, as it was deleted but I will rewrite in italics (for my blog) : For the first month of Biden's administration, back in 2020--Every day of the first month Harris and Biden hacked their pages directly in front of my open Facebook page, literally both together at the top of my Facebook page every time I opened it. Harris operated with black Nazi aunt Jemima Oprah, now I will use this term openly because I used it once in rage after YEARS of that ugly dirty stupid filth bucket participating in fascist Nazi activity against me, stealing an idea I wrote of to promote herself as being alternative and open-minded but instead what a stupid and incompetent but organized black whore she truly is, endlessly put into power because she "plays the game" so well of grovelling in love to white Nazi supremacy while lying constantly about how much she is 'fighting" against racism. After he years of participating in stealing ideas and watching me get raped and beaten and tortured and poisoned to death, I called her an Aunt Jemima as she began her assault upon me. That brought on YEARS of her violence against me,and that brought on a slew of black uncle tom and aunt jemima dancing and singing and "acting" shit operators out of Whorewood (but oddly, not from Congress--except for sinister Harris who, with Ape-rah--attacked me and I said that Harris should be president under a deep sleep and drugged-up teleported state, and thusly bigot biden and his Nazi and Mafia "Italian" wife included her into their fascist Nazi cartel of power--with "Italian" Pelosi coming to threaten to kill me and cut off my foot alongside ugly and foul shit-negger out of Austria but formerly the governor of California.


The disgusting black leather-clad cock rock band from Germany, after I said NO to their request that I help them to obtain more money and power for their horrid music and stupid personalities of absolutely typical German fake "liberal" albeit Nazi culture underneath the fake facade--they threatened to kill me, they have sat in the rows of chair attacking me, they tried to have me killed in car accidents, and they have not stopped latching onto whatever other rewards they get for free for participating in this crime against me.


None of you continue to do anything about this, as you all continue to do nothing but allow this incompetent mass of shit to further destroy the United States and sell it out to foreign infiltrators of fascism and Nazism, which you all allow to come and take over because you assume that their control over the fashion industry over America, which has resulted in America going down in every respect, in addition to movie and media content, means that these pig apes are "superior". I also have the shit from MSNBC coming to violently assault me yelling that any stupid white piece of shit from Europe is "better" than me, yelling with hate. I call them pieces of shit and yell back. I sit yelling and trying to punch them and yelling every day that they are shit and to go away. It's been now years and years and years and years. Shit T-rump put the Brooklyn mafia out on me. Biden is keeping Trump's legal incarceration threats in the air until the very last minute of the next campaign cycle, so regardless, the piece of rotten, lying shit that biden and harris collectively are (with her Jewish, half Nazi "model" daughter who obtained her global modeling position directly after her rotting black nazi mother and jewish father fully supported this endless trafficking, torture and rape and theft of my every idea, every block to my financial security and all I have ever worked for blocked by poisoning and torture and mutilation of my body forcing me into semi-paralysis which I cannot stop. I am dying from poisoning that they continue to insert into my body so my body stank and stinking sewage water was coming out of my vagina along with semen for YEARS along with fungus sprayed into my ears and hair, into my food and on all furniture, constantly.

The same shit pig ape whores who ordered this are still torturing me. THe "reason" is that I fought the French and Italian pig apes who were having me raped, my money stolen and who were having me poisoned to death while they raped it into my body--and that was over a decade ago. They also are still behind the shit that biden and trump and all the rest are surrounding with love and warm affection--not to exclude the sick shit that bloomberg is, who had me dangling off a harness suspended from a helicopter flying over Manhattan--that was last year and the pig was awarded by Time Magazine as being one of the top leaders of America. The greay and ugly smug smiling pig ape and his ugly yelling daughter have since been endlessly pampered by the Mafia-fascist Nazi controlled media--

and all of you reading this are a huge part of that disgusting group, but I write this anyway. I am feeding the sadists who want to read of me being miserable from non-stop torture that no one will ever stop, apparently no one is ever going to do a damn thing but cheer on the rapist pig apes and continue to have them put into lead positions of power in the US with no resistance and all people just complying with this organization.

But I write this rant anyway, as it's a kind of relief for me. Hacking is very, very bad. I wipe out the C-drive almost daily with the "restore"
 function on this Windows 10 system--it stops the hacking for about 30 minutes if I don't use any social media or get on any websites--in effect, if I don't use the internet. If I don't use the internet they are still hacking in but not as badly as when I get online and the malware is downloaded from every site I click on. I am endlessly rewriting words that I fight to pound out. None of you ever do a damn thing.

I am neglected and tortured for fighting for human rights. The dyed blonde Jewish women like Gloria Steinem are just like Bloomberg but not as avidly violent about supporting white fascist Nazi mafia supremacy--they all know what is happening to me and continue to praise some women who come out with marketing fodder for sale about what "feminists" they are-- while I am the one literally fighting for womens' rights I get torture for it and ignored and told to conform to allowing bigot shit men rape and beat me so they can vent the hate they accumulate from the whores and skanks they marrry and are partnering with, as they are all viciously disgusting on the most deep personal levels when and if you get close enough to them for long enough the thin veneer of blonde "appeal"wears off extremely quickly and you can see the ugly sinister quality of that group. They need people to beat the life out of , and this sex trafficking situation of attacking me is a promise of endless rape and abuse of "minority" women or anyone they want to attack (any "bad" Bitch" women who don't do what they want). Or any children. Or any men, etc etc etc.

you all continue to do nothing but applaud them at every awards ceremony they are handed for following the Nazi Mafia system you all conform to as you step over dead people in the streets and say you can't understand how America has become such a wasteland, laughing about the "losers" in the streets and applauding Biden as he forces America into near nuclear war with Russia and is breaking all his campaign promises and can't pass legislation because he truly plays a lying game and got Manchin and Sinema to block the passage of these "radical liberal" Bills that the old goat pig ape had no intention of ever passing in the first place. But what they did pass, shit like "Italian" Pelosi and her mafia interests stole money from as they pursued attacking me as surrogates for Biden in this hate contract. And the cascading list since shit Biden the Bigot has taken over the government has not stopped in a rapid succession for all these years. 


After having gone through this post 4 times, fighting to correct and seeing that half of what I wrote was deleted--the other half partially deleted or rewritten/words omitted and sentences half deleted strung-together--as I struggled to understand what I had clearly written, seeing curse words inserted, and the explanations about hacking also doubled (hacked for repetition) I stood up and felt a wave of sickness due to the attack on my brain. I cannot see clearly, literally my vision is blurred because my brain was under so much pernicious attack by their brain-altering tech. Not only not able to think but feeling sick--it's called "Havana Syndrome" but this has been relegated to a long-forgotten news byte forgotten and dismissed by the media--and society. It's been "debunked" as a kind of myth. 


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Terrorist stinking filth report: April 4, 2023.

 Terrorists from the room on my right-hand side have immediate access to opening the tiles separating, barely, my bathroom from theirs. They also have installed a manual mechanical device on the toilet water bowl/spray nozzle t-junction so that when I flush the toilet, water sprays from the junction. I had resolved this problem by tightening the large metal screw at the base of the junction for the water nozzle, and after a while they adjusted their attack so that when I move the metal screws and the other components of the rubber tubing, they adjust the mechanism to make water spray uncontrollably no matter which direction I turn the screw. I understand that this is being done both with the surveillance cameras and also by twisting their device on their end when I stop the dripping or spewing of water. It begins again within a minute, mostly after I have stood up. Bending is hard for me to do with the hard poison they put in my food which bloats up and then hardens. They then open the tiles of the bathroom wall, on the lower section of the wall and insert hair, greasy dirty bits of creepy debris, filth and scum on the congealed water. For at least the last month I have spent at least one hour per day bending over with rags I cut up, cleaning the floor. They are now making the water spigot spray this filth, opening the tiles between the rooms of course to pour filth and grease and hair in the process, and now the floor is filthy and saturated literally non-stop. I can't use the bathroom sink because once I use it, they begin the spewing of the toilet and water spigot function while I am using a completely different water system conduit--I assume there is not just one single pipe connection all the water systems to the toilet, water spray nozzle and the sink area but at least the sink and toilet metal piping for this relatively modern building are not connected. They are manually doing this every time I turn the sink on or off, and the spraying of the water from the spigot, located close to the base of the floor, sprays out at least 6-inches to more than one foot in every direction--it comes out at a spray in a fan-shape. They also pour water onto the other side of the toilet, where there is a wall and a drain. The drain has been saturated with stinking fungus so if I open this drain to try to get the debris and water out, the room emanates with foul odors that are so stinking I have to wear a mask to breathe in the room. They are inserting tubes with stinking sewage air pumping it through the pipes of all the open water areas--the bathroom sink emits a stinking foul vapor when I use the sink for anything, but now they are adding water spewing with filth sprayed into it, constantly, every single time I use the water in any capacity in that room. I am so ill from poisoning, I have to use that room so frequently that I spend over 2 hours per day just cleaning up their filth by now in just that tiny little widowless bathroom.


Meanwhile, terrorists on the right-hand side of my unit, on the other side--Today, I had to spend hours fighting the spraying of stinking filth in the bathroom, and then cleaning the sealed off area below the kitchen sink, which I keep tightly sealed with rubber matting and metal hooks in the faux wood paneling to try to stop the break-ins through this next portal area. The tiny little wobbly panel separating my kitchen sink cabinet from the room on the next side literally has open holes which the terrorists stick tubes and mechanical arms so they can spray fungus and deteriorating chemicals into my hair as I sit at this table, less than one foot away from the sink area because this cubicle unit of terror and attack I am forced to pay rent for is so tiny they stick their mechanical arms through the panels of the huge row of cabinets on one side, and the huge panels on the other side, to insert huge cockroaches and destroy my body. I have therefore had to seal off this under-sink area by tying rope affixed to various metal hooks, which cost me much pain trying to pound into the half-plastic-coated fake wood doors--the terrorists made sure to have huge half-inch cracks in the door frame separating the doors so they could easily insert their mechanical arms through these cracks, leaving spaces so wide you can slip objects through the cracks easily when the doors are closed. I have to use rubber mats cut in strips to try to seal this off, and etc. Much of the damage to my hair, even after I began covering my hair while sleeping, was done while I was sitting in a drugged-up daze in front of this laptop because I was in too much pain to move, and from behind they sprayed my hair with horrific chemicals so the hair is permanently damaged, and so is my mostly bald scalp.


The other stinking filth is being put under my kitchen sink area, in the cupboard. I had to remove 4 huge buckets of water stinking and fetid on the bottom of the kitchen sink cupboard area, again, next to the floor area. I had to use sponges and buckets to try to mop up the layer of water that was left to rot out the bottom of the cabinet. This is being done every time I leave the room to go shopping, all 2x per month due to the poisons they inserted with stinking sewage water into my bladder and vagina for years while I was being teleported and raped, beaten and assaulted to obtain creative ideas and information so the bots and terrorists who are your famous "celebrities" and politicians can have some new ideas in which to put out their fake concern about human life and about caring about society in general. Their torture continues. Now the theme is constantly of killing me and making me homeless, along with endless threats, me yelling "shut up pigs" now to try to drown out their endless hate insults and death threats and abuse that goes on as they sit in the chairs, in the rows, watching me as I sit in on a stool being interrogated, beaten and abused by them while teleported, as I am putting all the layers of protective clothing and hanging blankets, pillows and everything else I use because at night the terrorist minions are spraying stinking filthy substances on my clothing/blankets, etc. Plus trying to make more hair fall out and permanently damaging my scalp and destroying all hair I may have left after years of them doing this; all the while they have been put into the Oscars and top position, the celebrities having stolen concepts they stole and tortured from me and blocking my every attempt to think and write creatively, and if I do, any concept they want to steal is given permission by the politicians as they all mutually torture me slowly to death.


Cost of electricity is going up, and I must use fans at top speed for hours and hours to try to dry the puddles of water that are now like tiny lakes in my bathroom and under the kitchen sink. I am now leaving the blocked shower drain--which I block to try to stop them from inserting more huge cockroaches, and stinking filth and attacking everything from this huge open source portal--I keep it blocked in various ways to no mechanical arms can get through without making loud noises so I would be alerted. Now I have to keep this open once more so the items I use to block the swamp of stinking fluids is not make horrifically saturated with the stinking water sewage stuff that is pumped into this bathroom while they are making the spigots spray out jets of actual "clean" water into the air, one foot, and then behind the toilet, and etc. Within a minute, if I walk away, the former water puddles are caked with hair, greasy and filthy dirty unidentifiable objects that appear to have been soaking in grime and grease. The room stinks as well. 

The floor of this unit I am tortured in is now constantly wet with dirty foot prints from the rubber shoes I must wear--I can never have cloth shoes in any place I live because this has been so ubiquitous throughout the years of my home being made openly stinking and foul. The filth attacks had been kept much more disguised while I was literally being poisoned to death and not understanding the huge enormity of the global system of attack, so the terror organization kept the filth and other "gang stalking" attacks at a much more ambient level, almost undetectable, but nevertheless very persistent and undeniable. 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Cockroaches are being manually inserted into my kitchen sink every day--at least twice per day. They are being inserted through the panels separating my room from the next on the other side. They put in at least 8 cockroaches per day. I have to take a tissue and scoop them out, not killing them, so they can "escape" into my kitchen area and the entire room is now infested. this has been ongoing for over three months or longer, every single day. They put in cockroaches while I am sitting in front of this laptop, during the day. I wake up and there are at least 6 cockroches stuck in the metal sink. This never happened for the years I have lived here until one of the terrrorists who raped and beat me joined into this group. As for DEniro, who physically assaulted me today, I was watching Joker, the movie that he and his team obtaind the ideas of calling the victim protagonist " joker" character "happy" by using me to obtain this concept through torturign and abusing me and seeing what responese I used. Despite years of that disgusting evil ugly man deniro and pesce and pitt and trump and filthalina dn the rest of these parasitic scum like Orphr and lal fo them obtaining ideas upon which they made movies where they are portrayed as being beautiful souls and good-hearted interesting people, they just keep torrtuing and abusing and beating and having me raped and my home made stinkikng and filthy with death and homelessness as the endless threat--pigs having babies pushed in front of me as they demand a baby otu of me--I tell them I hope they die that they are shit and pigs, they threaten to kill me constantly--it is mutial hate and wish for death on all sides--I hope they are destroyed I can't stand them or their crap movies or personalities any longer. This also includes "Italian-American" mafia crap in whorewood like Tarantino and the rest of that shit and filth. Tarantino also obtained ideas upon which he included his racism, vilence and hate through fake "woke" concept, that bs artis. Every actor in this horrendous troup in his movies perpetuallya re nasty violent bigoted anazi mafia racists filled with ugliness and lies. The cockroaches that they put into my home are like the cockroach videos of themselves they polauge and infest my youtube channel with. Every time I click on any of their shit videos they teleport and begin to rape, beat and torture me. The cockroaches that they are just increase like a breed of a hive of these parasites.

Another reason why I fight, or Mein Eigenes Kampf gegen Nazis und andere Mafia Criminalitater. It is the global concentration death camp vs. luxury resort world landscape of the 4th Reich with it's new technological instruments of social engineering and death squad universal system of seamless and unified, centralized-based, reliant upon repetitive protocols, torture and horrific slow murder of targets, sometimes individually and I assume as the technology and system grows, so will the numbers of casualties of this "system".// I was told that I was and am "lucky" that the people torturing me are only "them" who are jolly but violently disposed Mafia with instructions to promote Nazis and bolster their mutual empire, formerly called The Axis Powers (Italy+Germany+Japan). They said I was and am very lucky that I only experience nightly and daily torture from them instead of truly violent and murderous psychopaths such as murder operatives from truly sadistic sub-culture organizations. Apparently these must be likewise sponsored by those in "normal" positions of power in "society" just as "they" are in the group attacking me who are prominent in "entertainment" and "politics" within the purview of the United States, land of The Free and Home of the Brave.

 Why I fight, or Mein Kampf, mein eigenes kampf gegen Nazis und andere Tod groupen (excuse my Intermediate-level German language skills, or lack thereof).

*Nota Bene: I re-read this post after having published and realized that huge portions were simply deleted. I had to fight constantly to backspace and retype due to blocks to the keyboard function (they always increase the blocks while I write about them blocking the keyboard, ha ha). I wrote that the next generation, the children of these psychopath criminals attacking me who are yearning to unleash their genocidal fantasies based on the Nazi documentaries that they plaster on my YouTube channel and verbally assault me with when they teleport me--the children of such are being trained in becoming absolute despotic tyrannical fascists and nazis and criminals entitled to do whatever they want. Anyone competing against them who is not "supposed" to be superior by their cliched stereotypes and racist memes will be, as I have been poisoned and drugged into paralysis and killed slowly. If they could, they would rape as many as possible and kill them off. The rest of society has ALWAYS watched on doing nothing as this was very obviously happening to me and very many people knew, and now even more know and the same response is the ubiquitous response to these violent actions upon me. That is sort of the gist of what I had written which was deleted, as I can recall. I am ALWAYS attacked by "brain-altering" technology so it's impossible for me to think clearly and access my true capabilities cognitively  while trying to express myself. Literally there are "gaps" in my memory and ability to think. The ideas always come back to my consciousness when I am off the computer. Sometimes it takes hours for my brain to regain some semblance of normal intellectual functioning. But the attacks on the keyboard are very obstructive in the process as well. I now have to go up and correct many of the words I wrote which are underlined in red due to the blocks to the space bar and keys from malware and hackers. 

I had to nervously laugh when I was told that I was lucky it's just "them" and not truly deadly people who are part of this terror group out of famous and wealthy individuals merely striving for entertainment and media and political monopoly, rather than those who brutally sadistically murder those who go against their demands. Another such video appeared on my YouTube channel this evening, as I am too exhausted from the effort to try to break the internal poisoning through very careful and slow isometric exercises that I do every day, if only to break out a tiny small fraction of a little bit of the poison, which takes at least one day to swell up and then loosen if I eat the right food that is heavy enough for the adhesive poison to latch on and then pass out. The drugs and poisons that are then emitted into my bloodstream make it impossible for me to do more than sit staring into a screen fighting to gather the strength to do more than sit in a numb and sick state--to get anything else done. So I click on YouTube to find entertainment because all the movies and videos and reading material I have are all very "heavy" topics and my brain is too saturated with brain-numbing drugs that have congealed into hard pockets inside my body for a few years or decades, and have thus fermented or stagnated. I am very ill every day like this, and the fight to get this poison out and heal is a non-stop internal battle.


This evening a documentary about Mexican cartels was put on my YouTube channel. This is after I was told, yesterday during one of the attack and insult sessions that is ongoing every morning through teleportation with the celebrities and politicians sitting in rows as one after the next takes turns insulting, berating and threatening me--for hours, and it goes on every day, and it's gone on every day for years without end.

Hearing this, it confirmed the worst I can imagine of how deadly and dangerous this technology is and would be if it were continued to be put into the wrong hands, which the government officials deem to be the "right" hands. 

When I observe as the target and torture victim of the people who are the most smiling and gregarious of American media who are vicious and violent towards me in private, I can't imagine how much more sadistic and deadly those who are not "privileged" and are accustomed to death squads roaming the streets, such as in Mexico, being handed these technologies. Or those in the streets of Los Angeles, or those in the streets of Manhattan, or those in the streets of Lansing, Michigan who form death squadrons with military-grade weapons and allegiance to re-creating concentration camps in the New 4th Reich America this organization is working assiduously to put into power asap. Obviously destroying the semblance of the structure of a constitutional Republic is of first order. At best, it would remain "in name" only, and only then applicable to the most "entitled".


I try to stop the progress of this situation and the entitlement programming of those who, in my opinion, undeservingly, are put into highest position in various propagandized positions in society. As I wrote many months ago, or years ago, the most articulate and competent of these terrorists are those in the media, i.e. anchors and political news commentators. Underneath the Big Brother "Democracy" output are just human beings with foibles and cracks and chasms of personal prejudice that remain fastened to the race for power and supremacy. "By any means necessary", as I have learned "the hard way", is one of their secret mottos.


If me being basically gang raped non-stop for over a decade, part of my uterus severed out, my hair permanently chemically damaged so there is a huge bald gap covering at least half my scalp, my fingernails and cuticles mangled by sharp instruments inserted under them literally every single day for years until I have to wrap my hands and feet--yes my toenails smeared with hardening chemicals, the skin between my toes severed nightly until I had to wrap them with layers to try to stop this--after a very long time, a few years, of trying to figure out how to block the violation of my room by terrorists. They hide their attacks and mode of entry very cleverly. 

My spine fractured and hard poison inserted into my body. Poisons slathered on my skin nightly for years so it's permanently scarred from toxic eruptions and then whatever erupted from fungus poisoning and etc was "tatooed" onto my skin by more chemicals. And there's more and more violence to my body that has completely permanently damaged parts of my body, which I must fight every day to heal and then I must fight to not have more damaged every single day.


If this is "better" than what "could" be inflicted upon me, I realize that for the sake of humanity I am fighting not just for myself but for anyone else caught in this hate situation. I have no idea how many others are in this horrid predicament, but I actually found, in all these years of fighting, a sense of "patriotism" towards what "America" is supposed to represent. These people who are working out of greed, selfishness, racism want nothing more than to rule over a destroyed wasteland of what America is quickly turning into.


I can't describe how many of these celebrities and politicians literally laugh and are turned on, behave like the "evil" characters in the movies they play heroes of, are absolutely lacking in all moral and ethical concern for human life, the U.S. Constitution. I realize in their Nazi and fascist idealization of their organization that I am not "supposed" to enjoy the rights of any U.S. constitution and only they are "entitled" to get "freedom". The longer they have access to these torture weapons and covert technologies, the more violent and sadistic and genocidal they become. They are showered with awards and promotions without end for their ever-increasing "success" at this social engineering system of protocols based on a newer version of a global concentration death camp vs. luxury resort world landscape of the 4th Reich with it's new technological instruments of social engineering and death squad universal system of seamless and unified, centralized-based, reliant upon repetitive protocols, torture and horrific slow murder of targets, sometimes individually and I assume as the technology and system grows, so will the numbers of casualties of this "system".


So I fight it by sheer determination in the face of non-stop physical and every other kind of torture. But I am told that I am "lucky" that it isn't worse. This situation WILL become worse for society at large, and there is no doubt that if left unchecked that is exactly what will happen. I am treated like a witch in a hunt, a pariah, a criminal worthy of death threats for not complying with this system automatically and upon demand. I am informed that I am "lucky" for not having worse than Mafia and criminals and psychopaths who already have mansions around the world, private jets, millions and billions of dollars already at their disposal plus all kinds of public attention glued to their every move so they must remain extremely cautious about their criminal enterprise afflicting me, for their endless gain based on emulation of Nazi concentration camp and genocidal death squad actions and propaganda to bring "the masses" into the sway of their subliminal and symbolic mind control programming with their movies, political rhetoric and public "appeal".


I fight it as some kind of ostracized object who is treated with brutality for trying to not "allow" this situation to be further implemented. The result of it going unchecked, I believe, will become something similar to Mexican death squads in a culture that will become something like a "banana republic"--as I have held the belief that many of the Europ-a's truly want to turn America into a colonized death squad colony of fascism and destruction with the greedy and sleazy nasty celebrities and politicians sitting in luxury in Europ-a-land with their new mansions handed to them--which they already have been handed so they are completely sold out and brainwashed and they fully comply with the protocols. The rest of America, turning into a literal wasteland as the Europ-a's swoop in like vultures to implement a literal death squad society with these technologies. The constitutional "rights" of individual humanity will ONLY apply to the very wealthy. The other masses of incarcerated and homeless and slowly dying in the streets will remain with no rights for anything. Then the technologies and death squads will begin their ravaging of the country, for real.

I fight and I am treated with hate, violence, death threats by those "in power" and ignored and left to be raped, poisoned and killed by the rest of society which appears to only care about other people but no plight is "supposed" to be ignored. They all follow in the protocols.

I fight for what? I am fighting for something. Not just myself but for the notion that there was a country founded on principles that life can be something worthy of individual attainment if given the chance to compete and live in peace without endless monopolies of power blocking access to "the dream". These people and their technologies attacking me will not just take away "The American Dream" but literally life for thousands, millions and once they get a taste of death they will go on and on. I just envision this, and see it happening RIGHT NOW. I fight for some kind of justice for myself and for not allowing this. I am often very shocked that no one can perceive how dangerous this technology being used against me truly is, how absolutely fanatical about exploiting other people and raping and killing others will become a dominant theme. How many Nazi concentration camp videos these putrid criminals attacking me out of Whorewood have put on my YouTube channel and then threatened me with murder, plus all the bodily mutilation plus infecting me with fungus daily to slowly kill me, plus of course poisoning me with hardening and bloating poison and then teleporting me to nightly and daily terror and torture. I have been told that I am "lucky" that it's not worse. Unless someone stops this, not just for myself but for many others this kind of system will be a much worse deadly situation. 

I also truly believe, based on reporting in the news. that these types of death squad activities in Mexico are partially funded by agents of the U.S. Government. For instance, there have been reports of military-grade weapons used by Mexican cartels that are of origin within the United States military, and etc etc...


"Mexican Cartels' Insane Torture Methods". The Club. February 27, 2023.

 Meanwhile, the people (from Mafia out of Brooklyn, "entertainers" who have tortured me now it's gone on for years and years, periodically taking turns with a host of other Whorewood "celebrities") who says I am "lucky" is physically assaulting me, threatening me as usual. Violent, sleazy, nasty. But I am "lucky" it could be something like all the Nazi concentration camp videos they keep pasting on my YouTube channel, and the torture and death videos they keep posting on my video to threaten, intimidate and terrorize me on some level. I fear for society. I fear that the leaders are absolutely defunct as human beings and as leaders of any kind of society, much less a "free" society. They delight in death squads and making people destroyed, miserable and dying in sickness and poisoning and starvation. They love rape and sex trafficking. They claim they are religiously based but they appear to be more possessed by "evil" than anything else. The technologies are being dispersed like candy and what I have observed about human nature is that when given the opportunity to commit crime, people fully change. The more they are allowed to get away with crime, and if they are actually rewarded for it and promoted and paid for it, the more they become violently affixed to the principles that they have every "right" to do whatever they want to you with the weapons, poisons and technology they have even the slightest desire to do, like Nazi concentration camp guards who upon whim beat prisoners to death brutally--or Mexican cartels who create gruesome death tortures such as are in this video. The technologies they use can burn your body perhaps to death slowly--cause heart attack, but slowly, they can poison you with internal bloating poison so you die a slow horrid death. No doctor will provide a reasonable diagnosis as they are all forced to comply with this organization and many very happily do so. The list can go on and on how people will be brutalized and murdered by such people and even moreso by their children, now being trained that they can inflict death and destruction upon anyone they don't like who is competing against them or a threat of having more success than them, particularly if they come from a group that is deemed not "supposed" to be better, because only white Nazis are "better". They will artificially reconstruct a person to have no chance, to be malformed, to be sick, to be dying and then claim they are the only ones competent. If anyone disagrees they will be brutally killed and I think if this technology and situation is not stopped, the murders will be in public like public lynchings of old which one of the very nasty Americans of high political rank told me is a "system" which he and his "people" are very proud. 


"Lucky's speech Waiting for Godot". Laz Brezer. January 2, 2023.


"Chomsky-Foucalt Debate on Power vs Justice (1971)". Philosophy Overdose. July 21, 2021.


"The Doors--Strange Days (Official Video". The Doors. October 3, 2017.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Children used as weapons of hate and obstruction, deceit and attack, and other terrorist tactics.

 This is a continuation of the post written earlier today: children used to block passage while the "adults" create hate skits of physical attack.

One of the things that terrorists do while I am shopping, besides waves of people walking into me while looking directly into their mobile phones and not "seeing" me, is to have children either ram my shopping cart which I use to cart around the 4 heavy bags I always carry with me, by default, before buying anything else that I have to carry around with me. I therefore must have a shopping cart to lug around all those things like my oils, my shampoo, my food that is expensive to replace, etc  I carry it all around with me, plus any and all personal documents that are vital to my identity, and all because whenever I leave this room to purchase anything, the terrorists open my front door, gratis of the landlord who always gives them permission to enter (or the landlord enters along with a crowd of people) they go through literally every single thing and spray stinking foul substances, steal, rip, tear and break things. This happens, if possible, when I go to put trash in the communcal garbage, they enter whenever they can when my back is turned, or I have to turn a corner, etc. 


The terrorists utilize children as assault weapons. They ram and run directly into my cart to jolt my body. There are also microchip implants embedded into my back and rib cage. Not only does this hate organization alter my brainwave functions affecting mood, comprehension and critical analysis of the endless 180-degree assaults which are perpetually aimed at me, literally almost every single moment, but when talking face-to-face with any store employee who spends a lot of time pretending they can't understand English, while my back is fixed in one position, they come up from behind and spray and rip with little knives and spray items and etc...


Realizing that what I am writing is more likely to interest the sadistic proclivities of peeps reading this post as opposed to garnering sympathy or a shock about how sinister this operation is, I write anyway because perhaps one day there will be enough people concerned about the future of allowing such technologies to go unchecked, as has been the case every time I write my posts waiting for this to happen. That people will not see it as an easy climb in status and opportunity but as a threat to humanity on many vital areas of socio-political stability.


One of the stalking traps and assault "skits' that has been often performed is for the terrorists to form a human "chain" in the middle of a wide area in front of the refrigerated section of the market. The aisles are to the left, and the meat/milk/etc refrigerated products line the walls of the entire back side of the store. They form a bottleneck formation, with a little child at the end standing right in the way of the only small sliver of an open space, and to the right, rummeging in the shelves of the refrigerated section is always a terrorist "adult" who suddenly, just as I maneuver into the little opening, always in a  hurry to get it all over with asap because my body hurts from hours of driving and lifting heavy objects, and I am focused on going fast, through all the countless people in groups suddenly approaching me from all angles blocking my path so I must endlessly stop, maneuver, walk to one side with a huge, heavy cart, stop suddenly as the nearly jump from some side aisle or position to walk directly in front of me. This happens at least once every minute, at times in the interior of stores. As I walk through the little opening, the "adult" on my right suddenly lurches backward directly into me as I pass by. They do it at the exact moment I have almost passed them and am looking straight ahead because there was enough space to walk through, but within a fraction of a second, with perfect timing (vector analysis and instructions with a combination of the video surveillance cameras which are utilized and the people following me around with mobile phones giving taught instructions on exactly which SECOND to attack me from a side angle when my vision is focused directly ahead. Backing into me, but she hit the wheel of the cart but with a bang, lurching my body and the cart violently

The mind control takes over, during times of stress, or any emotional unbalance (could be a very happy moment as well, feeling relaxed is one of the open portals for mind control as well, which is why the terrorists always must drug me up perpetually in order to achieve this effect) but, I suddenly blurted out, "sorry" because my brain was frozen and blanked out, not "understanding" that this happens in almost every shopping trip. I am blanked out to the point that my brain is a literal tabula rasa--empty and blank slate where words are pumped into my brain in such a way that I blurt them out suddenly without any preconceived  notion of the words, without thinking them. It's very, very very horrible. I am blamed for things like what I am induced to say by people like the terrorists out of H-wood I mentioned today. This is one of the discrediting tactics that is used to destroy opponents. 

But my focus for this post was on children. Because it would look very bad for me to just ram my heavy cart into a 4 or 5-year old child standing in a spread-out row of people in a large public space, to try to get past the human chain created to block my path, I therefore had to look more at the child than the adult on my right. The concern was not to hit the child, even though they are trained as early as possible to attack for the adults and I see children being trained in gang stalking techniques all the time. 


What's very sad is that the group of men and women out of H-wood, or any group involved in this terror organization I term the global 4th Reich--are demanding under pain of forcing homeless or death upon me, that I provide some loveless, pornographic "sex slave" abuser with a "baby" so he, his wife who is thrilled her violently disposed hubby is venting his rage upon me instead of her, with the children watching on expecting to be Nepo-babies until they retire from their opulent careers all obtained from their rape daddy and mommy inflicting this deadly violence upon me, or anyone else who may also be similarly contracted for terror campaigns such as I experience (there must be many around the world).

They are demanding a "baby" out of me with one of these loveless abuser totally unappealing men--unappealing as the victim of their rape and abuse which they love pouring on and get paid more of what they love in return: money, promotion and power (then more "lovers" trying to get a part of the limelight and money and power).


So, with the theme of children, I must once more stress that this contract of forcing a "baby" out of me is a more repugnant concept to me after years of these same people taking my cat away from me, killing animals I love to "punish" me for saying NO endlessly and fighting unsuccessfully to get "them" to stop taking turns poisoning and raping the poison as deeply as possible into my body as they can, using teleportation and then having their minions break into my room and do the same thing while I am being teleported and my consciousness is teleported along with me--while they do extremely deadly damage to my body in the prime sleep state, and then psychological and sexual and emotional and intellectual violence in the teleported state, as much as possible. The action of pumping into my body and drugging me in order to induce a sexualized fake reaction, not based on reality but on the brain-altering technology interface with the seriously comatose-inducing drugging, renders me reacting as if I am deeply in love. These men slap and hit me as they are raping me in return, ordering endless destruction of my body and home for which they get more promotions. One of these are trying to force a baby out of me. Thusly, the terror Nazi/Mafia hate organization has taken away my family, then my adopted family (my cat) and then all animals I took in for shelter (killing them brutally) and then they have blocked literally ALL human contact and surround me with lies and instructions to avoid me, which all people do. There are penalties for helping or befriending me. Everyone obeys and follows what they are instructed to do. They are good little children being told what to do by Big Daddy and Mommy (mostly Big Daddy).


Otherwise, the terrorist children spin around and blast into my cart shaking me and the cart. This happens very frequently. It's always one of the little kiddies spinning around and jumping around to my left and the adult suddenly lurching backward to try to hit me while I am just at the point of having seen them, then as I am just behind them with my gaze affixed in front of me to try to get past the spinning little kiddie the adult steps back to try to ram and blast into me. It's very similar in style to the people body slamming me in huge groups approaching me in the large halls of the shopping malls, who suddenly lurch to one side to do a body slam. 


I can't imagine how loveless the situation of being forced to have a "baby" with one of these rape and bigot "men" and their wives and children would be for me. I would be insulted and berated constantly by the "father"--if I were not killed after they forced a baby out of me, that is (I suspect this). They need to do research on the offspring of the people inserted with microchips, I imagine. I can't imagine how the Nazi/bigot/mafia men and their nasty wives and children would turn the kiddies that supposedly would be "my" children against me. They already did this with my family, it is obvious they would force a hate child upon me in the next round of destruction to any potential I could have in this world for any kind of decency in life (meaning what they could program to assault me, the minions they use to make my home stinking and filthy, the minions they use to block all financial solvency for me, the minions they use to block health care and food I need to heal, the minions they use to have me constantly poisoned with deadly toxins and hardening poisons and drugs so I am being murdered but it is made to appear that I am mentally and physically deteriorating, the minions who create lies and threaten anyone who approaches me with love or kindness openly. 

And thus, that is the story of children and this group. They also try to train adults to behave like children who are "good" and "obey" without question the authority and the brainwashing that is used to lead them to believe that this is the best of all possible organizations and by joining in they get over what the organization took away from them in the first place. Their childish sense of beauty, wonder, love and respect for animals and human beings perhaps only killed in infancy in many of them, but still perhaps an integral component of human beings that this group strives to crush as immediately as possible in children so by the time they are strong enough to be used as weapons they are utilized in such manner.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Terrorist Report: March 31, 2023. My necessary and "survival" food staple of buying bread at the bakery of Tops Market at late night,- reduced to get rid of the old bread per day, 2-for-1, was blocked as I was Lied to and discriminated against at the "World Class" grocery store in the "World Class" shopping mall (Central Florista) yesterday. The pre-pandemic hate cluster of terrorism has returned and the "normal" of the haters returns to spew out their filth onto their targets has returned to a level of discrimination which is now at 80% in Phuket. But I rely on buying bread at this half-price deal, which has been a daily event at this bakery for YEARS. I was under "mind control" and as the Thai woman who spoke like she had marbles in her mouth and then could not "no understan" English, said with hate that every year the bakery stops putting bread out for sale late at night, and for the unforeseeable future there would be no more half-price bread. I have gone to this store for years and years and this has been the every day sale of bread. They blocked it, and I was accosted in the store with the usual team of the white male with his Thai female, making ugly nasty faces of hate at me while the white male--they are always huge from all the years of them devouring all the food possible through their Holocaust machine that has enabled them to just gouge and devour everything possible--like locusts--they followed me and blocked my every attempt to get things off shelves in the aisles. I kept going and not looking at the next ugly pair of creep, but they "got" me because they were standing at the junction at the end of an aisle so I had to turn, was stuck, as the ugly huge white male bent over and stuck his ugly body parts in the air as he bent down to "look" at something that was at waist level. The white Nazi Europigape sleaze creeps, filthy and nasty, do this often-they stick their disgusting bottoms out like they are pornographic posturing apes, and it's offensive and disgusting. I suppose they believe, and the creeps all believe this, that this is supposed to be an "offense" at me, instead of THEM being disgusting, sleazy and all the things they are trying to pour off onto me as if it's ME who is this, and not they who are behaving, in their porn and filth universe, like sleaze and crap. But I had to pay prices that I can't afford to pay, after feeling this sinking feeling because I was in the throes of mind control which was affecting my mood, energetic levels and of course my ability to discern the bs this Thai woman at the bakery was saying. Besides, I could not stand there arguing with her that she was lying, but all the people at the area lied and pretended they could not understand or speak English at this "world class" mall where they fluidly speak English and are helpful in groveling deference to the White Nazis as much as they possibly can bend and grovel they do.//Yet I cannot AFFORD to pay these high prices, and I also remained out hurting my body waiting for this late-night sale which has been my food staple for a very long time, which they are blocking from me. I can't afford to pay "normal" store prices for food. The millionaires and billionaires in Whorewood who have tortured me for their promotions have ensured I remain stuck in near-homelessness and unable to earn money online

 The hackers completely altered much of the grammar, changed words around, but I read through this post while it is in the "published" version and so I am too tired from all that has transpired to fight to change all the typos and grammar mistakes that hackers forced into my writing###

Tourism has returned to 80% capacity according to the Thai Authority of Tourism. The immense attacks has not regained it's former congealed mass of people doing and saying sick and stupid ugly things to me, but it remains now as a major factor controlling the Thais at these "World Class" places where I frequent in order to get food.

I was blocked, not just in buying bread, which my body very badly needs for healing--it truly helps me to have strength, which "rice" is not equal to in any way--but I was blocked from that and also in buying plants I made an entire trellis in my patio area --spending weeks (and years) on this trellis. The landlord created a lie to steal my plants and take them all away. Once I finally found a way to stop them from lying and accusing me of pouring water onto the balcony below by watering my plants on the ledge of the balcony with trays underneath the potted plants, by using non-porous plastic buckets which is not working very well but they now can't accuse me of this, I began work on this new trellis, the old trellis has unraveled due to direct sunlight destroying the fibers--but weeks of hurting my body but getting this done, and the terror network took every single growing vine in my vicinity out of all the orchards in the southern region of this island--all the people in all the orchards glowing with sadistic smiles and lied to me and took all the flowering vines out of their businesses just to lie to and discriminate against me)--but now it's bread, something I need for my healing and survival---now blocked because I truly can't afford to pay the normal very high prices (the prices are the same at the "cheap" Thai stores--the only really "cheap" prices are the outdoor markets which have these muddy dirt pathways--meat sitting on tables in the sun for hours, etc)--so I must go there to the "world class" store because  the price is the same in every store, in the Thai supermarkets often the prices are higher than in the "world class" shopping mall--so I'm not just going to the most expensive place--but they are blocking this from me now and they did it in a way that combined mind control tech, so I was blasted, could not speak was numb and frozen while I was being lied to. I kept a placid composure because I'm sick of looking like I'm dying from stress due to these excrement "people" who attack me who are not worth wasting my life force on by delving into the hate attacks that they just laugh about afterwards as they get paid--

but I could not say "you are lying" or defend myself as this is a universal action of hate and discrimination orchestrated by this ugly and odious organization. I spent a lot of money I need for other survival items just because I am fighting to heal my body of hard poisons and I need the bread for the healing. My money pouring out in what should have been half the price, but I must get it so my money was stolen again by this group, and I am on the brink of homelessness every single day due to the global chain of lies, discrimination, hacking and blocking of all financial aspirations and attempts, and solvency.

Upon returning to my room, immediately another parasitic opportunist who has latched onto attacking me, as they do here in Phuket as well as in America--as I was teleported to the violent and sleazy nasty black male who has, for decades, spewed out vicious anti-Semitism upon which Blacks in America have founded their food-chain and hierarchical ascension into "power" by following the reverse discrimination protocols the Nazis hold over them, with millions of dollars in rewards poured upon, with fanfare media embrace by the "white man" for the most bile-spewing hater who can speak lavishly to a crowd in the flavor of demagoguery--that would be Farrakhan of course, with Oprah as his shadow hater/compassionate helper of white folk with their problems---both using sexually sleazy hints, accusations or direct genital filth aimed at me after I called her--and by extension "them" I guess--as I never said "all" or whatever, just her, but an "Aunt Jemima" for which blacks in Whorewood have gravitated to accost and violently threaten me and hiss and spew hate at me, claiming I am the racist and with viciousness they come to get their promotions for promoting anti-Semitism amongst blacks, which has been now a popular promotional sport for ascension into the Nazi white supremacist welcoming fold and media attention for the years that I said this in hate the one time, after YEARS of Oprah having participated in stealing my ideas and putting a movie out on the theme I used, then hugging the white Nazi celebrities who participated in rape and torture of me  AFTER they stole the ideas from me for YEARS --every year). Farrakhan came, as he did with the Germans who espoused Nazism to me, defending them, attacking me in a sexual way but not physically (unlike Oprah) and then me yelling at him finally explicating how hypocritical he and they are---of course, they get promoted, I get tortured for it, and the torture began long before I was reacting in rage and defending myself, when I was nice and pleasant to everyone and not endlessly yelling and rushing to kill them if possible--too weak to do any damage whatsoever in this state of having been poisoned.) All of this ties into the Phuket scene, which is just a holographic representation of the expletives at "the top" of the chain, but trickling down to the stupid antics of hate aimed at me in the stores with the ubiquitous white males and their Thai "escorts"--or "wives" who they "love" and cling to (but many love going to the girly bars at night, and getting entrance into financial INVESTING in Thailand if they marry a Thai woman because by law purchasing property requires a Thai co-partner--or that was the law years ago when I used to have conversations with the Europ-a's, and now I have to assume that 100% of "them" are vicious lying and treacherous Nazis so I talk to none of them, if possible.

So, confronted by nasty white males and their Thai female escorts who make ugly faces at me, stick their dirty and disgusting porn body parts at me, claim that it's me who is the sleazy sex disposable object and make my home filthy, disgusting, dirty, disorganized, broken down and etc claiming that the cleaning ladies who are from their global minority minion supply chain --but they are "clean" and etc--but upon returning I was confronted with the American version of the Thai master-slave relationship when I was teleported in my state of utter exhaustion (for reasons I won't write but all due to the attacks on my body and my life, every moment, every day, killing me basically)--but they can teleport me in the waking state. While this is being done, a "truth serum" effect is forced upon me. I can't turn away from the people attacking me as my body is split into my prime body and the teleported state, simultaneously. I "see" the person teleporting me but have very little vision beyond them--they always get directly in my face and as I try to turn away they follow me like the parasites that they are. As I was fighting to get things packed away so the terrorists in my vicinity can't poison my very expensive food and put fungus into it, as they have done for years before I began to endlessly wrap everything in layers--as I do with my body as much as possible while I sleep--but with hate and psychological violence, threats of physical violence but aimed into my subconscious "hearing" capacity--and that was Farrakhan, who has intimated that I am some kind of the lowest prostitute possible and etc with his religious Taliban mentality, which is inter-connected to the anti-Semitism and the rape and hate contract by the Nazis forced upon me, which he thoroughly supports, moreso than defending women against rape and poisoning, drugging and torture. More than having any real moral conviction about the organization to which he defers and defends because they have provided him with an empire of militia-style paramilitary "fighters" and media exposure--the English and the Europ-a's in particular who are very much in favor of dividing and conquering America are very keen on latching onto the self-serving appetite for wealth, power and ascension into prominence that people like Farrakhan and Oprah truly are, at the core of their greedy and lascivious selves. This is the true motivating factor, lascivious greed and sleazy self-serving but collective murder for profit that the Nazis have employed very successfully around the planet. America being one place where it is now very popular, and Thailand has been turned into a tiny colonized "paradise" where the groveling is much more pronounced and open. In America, we used to have black activists like Malcolm X who would have denounced such participated with the oppressor, but in our death squad culture, these types have been thrown in prison for life under pretext or just outright murdered by covert poisoning/drugging/"accidents" and "diseases" types of murder machinations.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Creep-out. Not c'est chic or L'Freak. It's just Creep out. Creeped out endlessly and tainted with negative energy for hours every day, like a stinking film of poison forced upon my skin and body and atmosphere by creeps forcing themselves upon my every moment using these horrific technologies of subliminal assault by thought-reading tech (voice-to-skull) and the surveillance and of course they can also "see" through my eyes, so they know exactly what I am looking at). It is such a creep-out experience. Years of screarming at them to get off me years of going on trying to punch them to try to stop them. Years of screaming in rage to stop and go away. Years of writing about this horrific torture apparatus and only getting more opportunistic politicians and celebrities vying to obtain their own media promotion and new mansion in Europigapeland out of this torture of me. Whomever created this contract on me certainly understood the lack of true moral leadership that they chose and cherry-picked to "lead" America as they have swooped into divide-and-conquer. Behind the people I am going to vaguely write about in this post, is a host of people controlling these parasitic leeches feeding off my life and energy--the celebrities and politicians. The problem does not stem from them, but they are certainly odious creeps doing their "job" of torturing me with psychological violence every single moment they can mass together and attack me in large groups, all caught on camera undoubtedly and then all the hate they engender is being rewarded. They also feed off the power trip as they drain my life-force.//Never-ending Pitt, Pesce and DeNiro parasitically attacking, torturing and threatening me with death, violence, mutilation and actually trying to kill me as well through slow poisoning and near-death car and motorbikes hitting me or almost hitting me (if I swerve out of the way I will get killed type of near-death accidents). Endless hours of them using the "voice-to-skull" technology and the video surveillance of this torture chamber "condo" unit to literally comment on every single action, every thought I have they comment upon--it's the most invasive violation of privacy possible. They have poisons inserted into my vagina along with drugs every single night--if they stop for one night I can tell the difference (today it was not a stinking mess coming out--and I don't mean due to the OTHER poisons that were put in my food which hardened and congealed all my life, because the poisons they have inserted do the same thing but it takes time and pressure for the poisons to literally harden into a rock-like consistency--or structure, glued and embedded into my flesh and attached to my skeleton; that is what they keep inserting into my body and have done for over a decade--)

 Any time I use a pair of scissors or a knife, the subliminals are of gouging out my eyes,  cutting off my tongue, insults about my body and it being ugly and huge (due to their poisoning and leaving me unable to stretch or exercise for over a decade as they had the hardening and bloating poison inserted into my vagina and into my bladder and into my food and fungus sprayed into my hair every day and people coming in my room while I was being teleported in a deep, unconscious state and raping me, putting my hips and spin out-of-alignment and then stealing my money, spraying permanently stinking substances on my clothing and bags, ripping soles off shoes, poisoning and drugging food, leaving cockroaches in my room, etc etc the list is far too long for me to even remember and it has been ongoing and never-ending for over 12 years from one of them to the next--but pit and pesce and deniro have been using violent subliminal for years and I have to wonder if there is anything in America that actually doesn't want psychopathic murdering bigots put into more power--and if they are aware of this going on, if all the "Progressives" reading my posts actually are concerned about the future ramifications of allowing this "system" to continue to unfurl the flags of treachery upon citizens without defense?

I am so tired of constantly telling them to go away, years and years now of yelling that they are disgusting; rushing at them punching them to try to stop them. Nothing stops this tyrannical force of hate and violence aimed at destroying my spirit, soul, body, and everything else they want to use as their own they steal and then take what I have that empowers me from me as it's all sanctioned from one Party-line administration to the next seamlessly. 


I communicated with "them" (pesce & deniro) because I am sick of becoming sick from endless hate and negativity forced upon me while I sit in a stinking foul room with fungus and mold and poison endlessly surrounding me, my clothing, my furniture, and the vulnerability of my flesh and body has already shown that the breakdown of my immune system and my body and my vital organs is leading to not just pre-mature aging but death. I responded trying to not yell in hate as usual because I'm sick of them but more sick from becoming sick from the sickness they pour upon me.

That is part of the mind control operation, to simply, through years and years now it's gone on and on daily and nightly for years and years to break me, to wear me down so badly I can only limply try to not respond to the hate and stupidity and ugliness of these ogres and creeps and disgusting, sleazy and putrid rape whore pig ape men and their shitty ugly stupid filthy wives and children and shit partners who are as filthy and non-humane as they all are--the main perpetrators I refer to--the rotating list of pig apes from Europigapeland (the most violent and pre-disposed to genocide and yearning for another Holocaust and mass death extinction of Jews and perhaps other people who they don't like and want in their Nazi New World Order.

Thusly, the politicians, living in lavish opulence most of them, are happy to get more and more promotions and prizes as they happily engage in torture and violence aimed at me. One of the very nasty and dirty ones said mockingly that I should just keep writing but it's not going to change a "damn" thing, he glibly said as his status in the media suddenly became him in the news every day and that has remained for the last 6 months--almost every day, but very often. Although other members of Congress or former associates of high-ranking politicians (guess which one I am referring to?) have been indicted, this particularly nasty one (Graham) has been in the news more often than Roger Stone, or any of the others who are not predisposed to grandstanding public antics for attention and media coverage (i.e. Greene). Both of course have viciously attacked me. Probably according to them, they have not been vicious. I highly urge anyone with any kind of potential for that survival skill called "foresight" to actually not continue to do nothing about this technology and the potential for absolute torture to death and mind control that it poses for an absolute deterioration of mental and physical capability for many people. The people feel most smug and assured it's never going to adversely affect them do not understand that probably, in all likelihood, they already have been negatively affected by the use and misuse of this tech, and also they themselves may have been targeted long ago for the numbing and dumbing down that these expletives now currently endlessly assaulting me with threats for having ANY thoughts whatsoever--the only way I can negate the endless death threats and hate attacks for my thoughts that they don't like, which is anything I think to myself regarding any issue whatsoever. They want me a blank and responsive submissive mind control sex slave with no human rights, being abused, raped and passed around for disgusting ugly men to beat, abuse and poison because they want to damage me so that by the time they make the final coup d'grace (unlikely, the death they probably want to inflict will be horrible as they will laugh about it and watch it caught on camera, which they will put into an archive of deceased people they tortured and then destroyed slowly so it would appear they just mentally deteriorated and physically broke down--as my body is completely sick and drained of vitality and ability to move and function for the most part due to just THEIR poisoning of me for all these years and all the hate and violence has also broken my body down--the hours and hours every day of insults, threats for any and all thoughts I have, endless truth serum technology forcing me to talk as they punish me for talking, while they steal ideas I say and think for their hate movies and output while destroying me for having any thoughts whatsoever. 

Every single thing I do they comment upon. Every thought they comment upon. I am so drained by these ugly and sinister parasites I can't fight with hate and yelling in a subliminal form any longer, they are such energy-draining sucking dirty and nasty parasites they truly are not worth it. But not being able to block them out---this horrendous technology is a most disgusting misuse of scientific research. 


What Prince brought to First Avenue was a highly evolved and spiritual atmosphere with positivity at the heart, at least generated towards a larger audience as a group vibe in that small atmosphere that was Minneapolis back in that day.

 The types of people who flocked there were like a small private artistic community of the general Minneapolis alternative scene. It's not a huge club, anyway. It was always packed on the weekends. People didn't want to leave at closing time. It was a little tiny microuniverse.

I can't describe how disgusting the celebrities of Whorewood are in comparison with Prince or that scene. I can't detail how absolutely black-hearted and lacking in originality, style, cool or spiritual anything but black-hearted vampirism they all have exhibited all these many years of their making me old, deforming, poisoning and stealing ideas so their black emptiness has some kind of original meaning and of course the money keeps pouring in. The hate they all direct at me is not only unjustified but it's sickening and a lynch mob of sleazy filthy crap shitty scumbags directed at me--that is how I view them all by now.
I can't describe what a different universe of cool and art that Prince brought in Minneapolis compared with "top" city of Los Angeles, the hateful mafia Nazis out of NYC and out of the major cities of Europigapeland like London and Paris and Berlin. They are repugnant it's truly no wonder that the planet is facing extinction. There is nothing stopping the ugliness and hate, there is no more art it's just gyrating sleazy mediocrities that I see coming out of that sphere--musically and otherwise.
All I can do is try to negate all the death hate they pour on me constantly every day and night by watching some videos before these pig ape scumbag mediocrities break my laptop again because I can't tolerate their non-stop torture and violence which is murder on a very slow level--which you all are reading about as I write about it constantly and it just goes on and on with me screaming in rage at them that they are repulsive to me. When I watch the videos of First Avenue back when it wasn't taken over by the white Nazi Minnesota bigotry network with it's greasy and nasty Mafia backup and minority minion a$$-groveling terror squadrons.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Sometimes, love songs and romance are more important for society than swaggering criminal and pornographic psychopathic hipster posturing, which mostly is all I see being promoted out of Whorewood in all these sleazy and violent or racist bigot movie plots and directors, actors and etc...://The union of people in love, who will define commitment and safe passage to another level of harmony without the eddies of ooze pulling one away from the destiny that all truly strive for--so one would hope that people long for a union that is of love and not selfish ambition. Please do not let these greedy and unhuman people steal every single thing from my potential in life any longer--they have been stealing my ideas, torturing me to obtain the ideas and poisoning me to death keeping me paralyzed in order to endlessly exploit me. They have stolen my family member my cat, killed animals I took care of once she was gone, cut into my gum tissue every nigth ater trying to knock my teeth out, had me hit by cars so my jaw hit the cement as I was pulled down while the brakes were remotely blocked from functioning--they have broken my laptop, they have made my home a toxic filthy and broken-down waste death zone for so long I cnat remember when I didn't have filth sprayed everywhere, all the time, night and day, day after day. They have tormented me with murder scenes, rape and violence spanning for years and years on a nightly basis using tihs disgusting technology that the government continues to promote using Musk as their technocrat fascist Nazi. I have had every minority group assault me with vicious hate and I am never not tortured in every capacity in public life. They are now trying to force a baby out of me and are endlessly threatening to kill me and make me homeless if I don't provide some piece of shit with fu rther exploitation of me.

"Stacy Lattisaw Johnny Gil Perfect Combination". toninho marcal. November 26, 2018.

They have stolen my money, blocked my every attempt for financial earning. They have stolen my ideas and made millions off them--they have not stopped doing this for over 13 years and they are still being awarded this very year for ideas they stole from my writings, altering them in various form. They demand everything out of me to death to suck and exploit everything out of me before disposing of me/murdering me. Everyone acts like this is a fun game and can't wait to get their free promotion out of just abusing me along with this gang of filth out of shitwood. It could happen as easily anywhere else on the planet with any other group of shit. The longer you do-nothing f-ers out there do nothing and assume I must have done something to "deserve" this means that in the future even your dumb asses could be victims of this same drugging and mind control program. In fact, undoubtedly all of you are, including the dumb pigs attacking me out of whorewood.
Please get them off me without me writing post after post for years an dyears an dyears and years and years an dyears an dyears and years and years an dyears and years and years any longer goddamn what the fu ck will it take for any humanity to emerge out of this situation?

"Love on a Two Way Street--Stacy Lattisaw". Stacy Lattisaw. January 24, 2017.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).