The whole situation of torturing me while in a deep sleep state, as under hypnosis in deep sleep teleportation I used the b-word to express the disgust the revulsion and automatic recoil towards this vile dirty thing that has leeched on and latched on just like a vicious disgusting parasite and using my ideas I have written while just laughing and partying over my demise--making jokes about it, and having countless sleazy creeps come to attack me. One of the rapist men is nominated for a golden globes award obtained out of raping and beating and abusing me, last year.//The person who put this nth number of rotten nazi ape men to rape and beat and abuse me; This same creep is being awarded for the 15th year in a row of stealing ideas from me and along with her husband going to top festivals and awards for these ideas, rehashed by their Nazi crew writers, claiming all as their ideas. Torturing, poisoning me into a huge poisoned deformed paralyzed shape of near death for over 15 years of partying over feeding frenzy life force paracitism (sic)--never giving me even a break and going full frenzy on the feeding of my ideas and life to obtain every year more and more awards. A non-stop rotation of sick crap creeps are flocking to join into this huge Nazi empire of movies which, for over 15 years have been derived, in part, by the tortured writings, interrogation including poisoning me to death and asking questions after trauma-based abuse in deep sleep teleportation of rape beatings homelessness abuse yelling screaming---literally day after night after day--and going off laughing and then torturing me brutally for fighting in my defense to get off me, get off me as they latch on daily and nightly, bringing one greedy life-fuck screw-fuck scumbag after the next to assault and brutalize me. They got black Nazi antisemite of this endless black Nazi group out of the activist sell-outs of the 70''s and 60''s the list is so long it is disgusting and revolting--the Smiths whoopie oprah farrakhan and then the newer generation of just hateful violent blacks--and along with the filth of MSNBC who have rushed to be exonerated and join in the fascist news media, I was assaulted with gestures of violence which this vile black nazi sharpton used under direction from the Nazi-spewing german filth fuck rapist who is a vile and sickening example of the worst of mankind who is exalted by the sickness and stupidity of the filth shit group who have stolen my ideas and trashed my body and life to stop me from having any single chance whatsoever. Along with them are the countless operations of all the trashy haters of the planet having performed these tasks all my life so the problem is not this slime group but it's mostly all of you reading this and your concentric circles of hypocritial crap who have sold everything out that AMerica should have been and is now on the verge of absolute implosing--because of this group, this very group and your do-nothing stance on getting actually involved and actually really FIGHTING instead of blathering blabber about how you are making public statements about fighting stealing ideas because you all apparently have none and just copy what the real activists were murdered for stating with so much courage that NONE of you have.
When will any of you actually fight for anything regarding the loss of America and this impending doom that this stupid sick group is presenting which none of you can recognize you are so blinded by obtaining your wealth position?
When will this fucking technology be taken away from shitalina and filthy fucking pig shit pitt and this group of fucking scum and this torture murder operation ever stopped by my fucking goddamn "Demoracy" goddamn shit government?
How many more defunct sick sleazy lying politicians and corrupt MSNBC shit whores must I deal with who are trying to be included in the Nazi 4th Reich--and the blacks are just disgusting examples of inclusion in violent racism they are abominable and disgusting at the level of the media
goddamn Sharpton looks like a shrivelled rat little weasel and he truly is one in the behavior he shows in this heinous "EVIL" situation this fucking "reverend" and also Farrakhan calling himself "minister" they are truly evil and lying scumbag corrupt criminal thugs and scumbag hateful corrupt evil shit on almost every level just lying shit and filth--revered for being fake and sick
and no one still has any sense to stop this fucking shit situation so I write for the millionth post to nothing, you are all just waiting for them to destroy the country to your stupid a$$ fucking applause and gyrating glorification of death and stupid sleazy whores put into positions of pretense out of stealing my ideas, and anyone else's ideas just so dumb slut shit can be put into lead positions by a completely corrupt and incompetent set of politicians who truly revel in killing the citizenry and stealing the wealth of the nation--openly in many cases. you are sick fuckers to have allowed this to go this far, and you still won't do anything goddamn sick fuck America
And I ask that someone intervene and stop this tyrannical murder and this technology and for me to live in peace. THey should be forced to pay a lot of money to me as well not only for stealing my ideas they hacked and stole and tortured with poisoning and drugging for over 15 years, but for poisoning me nearly to death and non-stop torture and rape and of course, bllocking all financial earning.
I realize that for over 15 years most of the so-called leadership of America has fully supported and championed this contract out on me. The reverend the fake lying disgusting ugly sinister thing came at me hissing with hate to defend the white supremacists using Nazi themes to threaten to murder me and it's been ongoing for 15 years while countless blacks have rushed to be included in the Nazi regime that is now openly unfolding as a result of this very same group putting Trump into this contract whereby the rape teleportation and torture murder operation has put Trump into this position of promising men and women that lynch mobs are no longer a thing of the past.
How many more years will it take for anyone to step up and feasibly , even rationally even with any ethical concern much less not waiting until more and more people get murdered in this horrid torture enclave of the most vile and rotten criminals put into power
how long will it take for anyone to stop this What will it take more fascist Nazis openly put into power who participate in this taking over government and H_wood? Blacks joining in like vile dirty lying hyenas with the hyena white trash vulture whores, hybrids of every vermin possible and glorified by an entirely racist country and planet overtaken by the worst of society put into the highest positions.
What will it take for anyone to ever stop this tyrannical regime and technology?
"Great Day in December--The Swan Silvertones". John Maria Strong. January 6, 2016.
"96 Tears". Aretha Franklin. November 9, 2015.
"Prince--Mary Don't You Weep (Official Music Video)". Prince. September 20, 2018.
At the end of the last sentence before I could type a "?" into the rhetorical question of "why do you think after 4 years of a concealed bigot P@@y tour political facade has the public become so apathetic towards protesting the murders of brown and black people in the streets and the culprits, the white supremacists, are completely exonerated and only a tiny blurb in the newspaper is available and it's ignored in the mass media so fully "woke" ono the "left"?
The hacking has been so obstructive that every word has been a backspacing and pounding as hard as possible exercise for my hands
I am merely conveying to the blank and hateful who are just reading my posts in order to steal ideas, upon repetition of the bot phrases you all are instructed to say and repeat--and for what purpose? Well, programming the desperate into not believing in your constructions of fake concern, so inevitably the lack of protest is met with the surge out of dire necessity to go to some other promise of someone mouthing "I love blacks I love Jews I love women" who doesn't say "I care about blacks I care about Jews I care about women" and in the end
I remain writing to a black wall of complicity to the death torture hate regime which so successfully in the past 4 years turned so many people off from protesting murder in the street, and have embraced murder through private techno-terror means of people like me, which they did before the George Floyd murder in the street without any protest or concern whatsoever but as now, fully cooperating and coordinating as the ground-level minions--the Blacks and Latinos and all other races are the vicious supporters of plantation genocidal Nazi fascist KGB death squad society.
The white bigots have mostly to sit back smiling and laughing as the "dominos" fall into place for the structures they have created.
But I did not say the "b-word" and that is not my language, it is theirs. They forced this on me to discredit me.
Not that anyone cares about how people will be discredited into saying and doing things that destroy their lives under drugging and mind control tyrannical hate groups forcing this on them.
No, all of you are watching your screens enveloped in the luscious scandalous exposure of the new Trump picks, their salacious rape scandals and etc
which is the usual diversion used by politicians to detract attention from concepts such as surveying the past 4 years of the indoctrination into acceptance and passivity of allowing murders and white supremacy to continue to influence the brown and black and Jewish populations. Undoubtedly this will NEVER be discussed by any of the major news networks, and absolutely never by the "intellectual" left podcasters who hack their drivel analyses of how the Democrat Party "lost" (but they are fully into the death squad white supremacy gang stalking aspect for they are constantly hacking their drivel musings replete sometimes with lawyer-trained "legal analysis" on my YouTube channel(s).
It's not the algorithm, I can almost 100% assure anyone dubious of my claim, of course, since you are all hacking into this page because it's not being allowed on to the open web system...
But I don't use those terms---the most "offensive" is that I used, probably under mind control, aunt tom & uncle jemima but because the characters I have been dealing with so aptly fit those titles I am using them despite a plethora of blacks rushing to abuse me as they instantly get promotions to be at white Nazi 4th Reich Mafia events and are featured being embraced by white 4th Reich enforcers of the death squads, the "normal" citizens without whom the black and brown and Jewish "victims" real victims would never have been threatened with murder if they didn't comply.
All voting Left and Right, alternatively it doesn't matter.
No mention of these trends. No mention of mind control or social programming the apparent incompetence is sometimes mentioned but only aimed at the "leader" and not the entertainers or the programming of the media. Not a word is issued it remains a sacrosanct protected mind control tool.
I remain being tortured to death, not necessarily under the orders of the leaders but by the hate plantation bigots and their minions who have watched those Nazi concentration camp movies and yearn to emulate the plantation murder episodes. How the people who performed those tasks back in the 30's and 40's of the last century were programmed into this behavior also remains a "silenced secret" as nothing is ever mentioned. Not a single documentary is ever made about questioning the Nazis and Ukrainians and Russians on how, exactly, they were all trained into performing these murder tasks.
Now, I know: the "secret" must remain untouched and unexamined so these trends of genocide can continue. Society demands it when the underling groups aspire for freedom, equality and an equal chance in the societies to which they have contributed under duress and racist hostility for centuries.
**Circa 3 hours later---2 hours or more of one of the MSNBC Black Nazis abusing me in teleportation---non-stop using the endless "formula' of trying to evoke a violent enraged reaction out of me for writing about the lies, hypocrisy and deception of SOME of the anchors absolutely anchored in promotions for having assaulted me in teleportation for more media acceptance, approval.
This one calls himself a "reverend" and "represents" black people so any cue I make as to referring to any group means that anyone from this 4th Reich group has "Justification" to assault me because obviously I mean them. I never mentioned Al Sharpton by name, I only referred to the inclusion of that organization in this assault upon me, in coordination with various layers of the "piece of The American Dream Pie" that so many make reference to, in more private conversation but in public their every concern is in revealing injustice towards "Their" group.
However, I was using concepts that a BLACK WOMAN of the Progressive movement had said outright, hinted at and in her podcast which I watch I glean the direction of this "underground" Progressive stance whether "legitimate" or not it is a questioning of the acceptance of a bipolar system which is deranged and defunct (funct emphasis on)
So, in order to obtain his approval rating from the endless Nazi hate expletives sitting in the rows of chairs, from my post above I have been abused by him with a barrage of questions with physical intimidation gestures aimed at me. The b-word used endlessly, death threats from the "reverend" and I am now writing about him, which means he will be promoted for my reaction.
He is trying to evoke an rage response out of me. I am trying to ignore him but he is asking probing questions that could, if used constructively, be used to explore these concepts of what role the media has in responsibility to ACTUALLY REPORT ON A LIFE-THREATENING SOCIAL ENGINEERING DEATH SYSTEM THAT this teleportation mind control truly is. Instead he is on a gutter level of using barbs the German has been instructing all the gang to call me the b-word constantly and to use violence against me--this amount of sexist and racist hate has been ramped up almost exponentially since he began his assault upon me--I can't even remember now how many months of this endless sickness of that vile person has been inflicted upon me, but this group has lavished praise awards and sexual favors money and promotions into America for his violent inclusion in how to murderously assault me---and anyone else they hate and want to suck ideas sexuality and everything else out of---
and so Sharpton, I have told him that I respect his tv show but he should be reporting on the reality of this system. Instead like a rabid leech he is gnawing at me endlessly with his mouth and violent gestures and death threats and the b-word and on and on, as they all do every single day until Ibegin to scream in rage to get off me
Once they achieve this level of rage trauma hate and me explaining ideas that they endlessly steal, they finally go off laughing and alleviated of their stress, they appear bright, shiny and new for camera photo ops and I am fighting the aging process of daily abuse to death as they take turns every day. They drug me in sleep mode and abuse me so that the drugging the isolation the torture the death threats the financial ruin my home I must clean stinking filth from having been poured sprayed and my body broken from endless attacks poisoning murderous attacks on my spine and deadly poisoning internal suffocation and paralysis.
And so, I write this because he will not go away nor stop I have responded very politely, using humor asking him why he is so discriminatory towards female dogs to which he responded with death threats because I was making mirth of his endless abuse and the use of the b-word.
I suggested to him that he, like so many others, is also a victim of mind control but alas they don't care if they are or not. The only thing is to abuse me to prove how much they love white supremacy while they feign rage about racism towards their "group" to which ZERO COMPASSION is aimed at me because they are programmed to hate "Jews" and despite everything else, they partner with observing Jews of the religion and of the diaspora, but me not willing to be confined to the cliches the stereotypes and the limitations of that group they are assaulting because it is a threat to the 4th Reich regime.
They are trying to implant misery hate abuse on me every single day and that even my own ideas can be stolen and profit in millions made out of them by people who have nothing but hate and race entitlement cliches and racist stereotypes that they are trying to inflict and enforce through death threats poisoning drugging mind control and endless global death squads to which the "Reverend" belongs. Asking him exactly which "God" he is praying to and services because of the ugliness and hate aimed at me, non-stop he will not stop going on and on and on and on to elicit any response .This is my response now, for having written the honest truth about their group this organization the mind control system that is NEVER REPORTED ON NEVER REVEALED and using formulaic abuse to induce trauma upon me, this "Reverend" is anything but Hope, Change or Joy or Love with any Christian or Muslim or Jewish faith behind a single iota of his every utterance of death hate racism sexism and everything else.
A gnawing parasite on me, as usual today. I have responded with great finesse and laughter at his b-word insults because it's so ridiculous but they respond with really serious death threats and it's the endless refrain he makes to my every response to his every abuse and insult and threat.
I even cried when he talked about black people being killed by police because it truly saddens me I truly care. I care and so I am writing about the system that he is supporting which is concealing how people are being brainwashed into not doing anything but bow their heads in silence, the response that this 4th Reich is fighting to create. I am writing before this group attempts to shut down any controversial questioning of their dominance of hate and murder and death and fascism Nazis white supremacy death squads concentration camps and plantation master-slave society sex torture mutilation and murder and pedophilia--all of that is all that I have seen of all these expletives and their aims, their secret desires in the 15 years of being telpeorted to this endless rotation of hate and sickness and all that they are building is exactly what I just wrote above.
I am trying to not respond, and what I told this "Reverend" before I said "Peace and Love, Reverend" is that I hope someone is listening somehow to what I am saying, because I believe these endless abuse teleportation episodes are being recorded so the expletive attacking me is on record as proving it's adherence to fascist murderous response to any questioning or revelation about how lying corrupt they are--and they all are, every single person in these rows of chairs to one degree or another. They amass and the energy they share makes them on the same level so the corruption just is a snowballing effect.
I hope someone will hear what I have said and try to not engage in the "thrill" of having a victim to torture, as this human propensity to have "witch hunts" and lynch mobs and targeting is a 'sport" sort of pressure valve for the suppression of rage that these people undergo every time they have to pretend and lie to themselves that the oppressors who represent the groups they claim they are fighting against demand subservience and outright demonstrations of devotion--regardless of the money they accumulate and the status, the internal mechanisms of suppression make for a release by dumping this pent-up rage upon me--but it's any target will suffice as the need for this is probably the tantamount trait amongst them all.
"Freud was right about REPRESSION". Atlas--A Road Map to Meaning. January 20, 2023.
"Sigmund Freud and Defense Mechanisms". David Franklin. February 24, 2016.
Because this is a mostly unethical ("Godless") group, working with a deviant entity that is striving to release the Kraken into the hearts and souls of the planet in order to let free all the suppressed violent tendencies using racism sexism and absolute discrimination without a speck of concern about any loving grace towards humanity or anything else but their bottom line and their promotions, and the cohesion of a criminal organization which is using mind screw techniques developed by savvy psychologists and other types and versions of "shrinks" who have combined with advertising agencies to just wrap people around a hateful decline of civilization using it's discontents as leverage to use mind control and torture trauma tactics for obedience to their criminal usurpation.
I have now given a huge font of ideas to the meaningless who steal ideas from me and annually are at the Oscars for the ideas they torture out of me, literally it is non-stop year after year. Some of them are awarded 2x this year for ideas they have stolen from my ranting and writings. Every day they are abusing me into premature greying old age and death and not a bit of any remuneration in any respect or any kind of thanks is given. Instead more torture. I was teleported to another violent situation in deep sleep as I struggled after detoxing (meaning elimination of hard poisons my body struggles to soften and eliminate after paying my sub-sub-poverty income that they are constantly threatening to cut me off from and my rent my mail and all I need to survive in this technology society is rendered almost mute and impossible to use for me--every app on every smart phone is blocked, literally even the cameras--all mail all finances are blocked)
and so, they have obtained their repository of ideas out of me today, as with every single day the accumulation of hate and torture near death endless rape abuse heatings and torture only requires a bit of violence to trigger my response. I am trying to not respond, but because NO PEOPLE WILL TALK TO ME except to exploit or abuse me, I am so discredited by the lies and the absolute subservience of what remains of "society" that all people literally on the planet participate in attacking me, whether it is to ignore me or to really poison and try to kill me, as is usually the case with cars nearly hitting me every time I drive and the drivers, usually the black or brown, are observed from the sidewalks by white bigots watching intently as I swerve just at the last minute, nearly being killed. The white Nazi Mafia criminals, your "Normal" white supremacy types which have dominated the planet, watch as if frozen while after I barely managed to not be killed, they stop freezing and watching as I see that they are watching the entire murder attempt unfold as I barely manage to survive.
This is the same structure of the just detailed attack by the MSNBC host whose every focus is on black people---has made many, like all the famous of the "activist" blacks I have been assaulted by, openly Antisemitic remarks to the public for which they are told to refrain from, as the hate gushing from them towards me is only equaled by the violence upon which they are advised by their peers watching in the chairs, a white audience almost completely
and so, it never ends. They torture me, I cannot take it my body is being drugged and poisoned every day. I remain detoxing every day or every other day chunks of poison that never stop coming out as my life revolves around cleaning the stinking mess they have mechanical arms pour into my room--and fighting to get the filthy poisons out of my body so damaged and broken down, aging every day from hate and abuse as these vile performers ask me daily if I "like/love" them because the "program" is to force loving servitude for people murdering me. Literally that is the contract out on me.
Then, any criticism of the lies and injustice of the operations of those responsible for news reporting that I write of is met by, in this case, not just yelling and screaming but physical gestures of violence, with the extremely violent rapist German obviously instructing him on what to do, with the newer addition of this martial arts English dude who is tall and athletic and well-trained in fighting and boxing and etc--attacking me as well physically.. And of course the usual crew of rapists poisoning bigots and abusers for over 15 years and behind them all are the people who have been in the background profiting off organizing the entire endless seamless torture and murder contract for over 30 years in the case of Stallone, Moynihan (connected intimately with English royalty) and etc---the father of the endless latching-on sucking dry abuser has been assaulting through various means my family since 1975--etc etc they latch on to this contract and nothing gets them off.
My writing about how it is the responsibility for anyone to report on this system is met by the typical fascist response by the "reverend" of utter fascist racism and sexism.
And they go on to suck ideas out of me, so more anchors more people feigning being protectors of society and spiritual leaders combining politics with the nation
are just effete liars and bigoted Nazis of all skin colors. It's truly sickening when they claim that they are "Jewish". I forgot to write yesterday as the hacking was so severe and the attacks on my brain were so severe that behind Netanyahu was the English "helper" and "concerned" humanitarian whose name is now completely blanked from my brain---my memory right now is blanked out completely.
He is allied with Piers Morgan, and of that ilk. He is often in discussion about wanting Muslims to be gone from England (those protesting) and always in discussions about how to protect Israel. His antisemitism is open and obvious towards me, and with Netanyahu he urged him to sexually assault me, to abuse and yell at me and after that Netanyahu has been granted all permission to kill the people who the English would slaughter if given the chance once again--the brown skinned who are in the "way" of their development of Israel as THEIR holy land, populated by white supremacists with the Jews doing the dirty work for "them" by killing off the brown skinned and worshipping white supremacy.
It is the same with so many of the attackers in this situation regardless of which "cause" they claim to adhere to.
they are using "trauma-based" mind control to daily evoke responses of rage and endless abuse so I respond with my ideas which have been the source of what they hand then to their approved-of writers, who reformulate all into their agenda of pretended concern and help--but truly a psy-ops programming to induce all states of trauma and the release from trauma is to further adhere to the actual progenitor of the abuse.
That is the main point of the programming which these people who are supposed to represent any kind of information-disseminating are "supposed" to be responsible for as semi-gate-keepers.
Democracy Now has shown of many actual journalists who report on "sensitive" topics like climate activism who are "disappeared" in places where death squads are openly operating in tandem with government forces.
It has been a global phenomenon for many years that covert killings of journalists is countries that are not "developed Democracies" are being reported on.
The point of mind control is for a country like America where open killings is frowned upon and thusly these covert operations are so highly touted and welcomed.
OF course, they are threatening me with death for writing about how they are not writing about these types of mind control operations. Death threats without end from the "victim" who is always featured with families of those murdered by police or acts of injustice. How readily he applies his violence towards me in this similar situation. Is it a Freudian suppression of the admiration for those who get away with such crimes, in a subconscious love for the abuser which this contract out on me is "supposed" to be forcing upon me?
It is otherwise known as Stockholm Syndrome. Can the "Left" really be just traumatized victims "hating" their abusers but really working to emulate and achieve confirmation by them but being paid to bring more of the lemmings to the cliff dancing to gyrating songs about freedom of genitalia meaning abortion? (that was a huge cry against the last campaign which also was not so mentioned the excuses and rationale left out the purely insulting aspects towards those who were supposed to just dance around in joy assuming that this meant that their lives would be improved if they just danced to some pop songs while "fighting" for equality.
The meaninglessness of the lack of ideas, of any actual fight against corruption and injustice and the endless echoed slogans---
and thusly, they abuse and traumatize me slowly into old age and death and then suck ideas out, and use violence intimidation and death threats once I react by writing about the concepts that they are forcing upon me because they have no idea whatsoever what they are really doing when they are just following orders.
I try to bring some other concept into play such as the depth of the conditioning they are attempting to program (everyone, not "me" but this is a protocol system a set of attacks and traps they all just follow without any thought or understanding)
the greed aspect means that they suck the ideas out but continue the actions without end.
I actually apologized to Reverend Sharpton and told him that it was not my intention to insult him personally but that I believe this concept of revealing the reality of mind control techno-terror operations is critical for society. It was as if throwing a ravenous rabid animal a bone he took it as a weakness and began more death threats. The look on his face, and his vision extending beyond me, his gaze of focus obviously on his "superiors' sitting in the chairs, bestowing what I assume to be English Crown and other foreign-influence and 4th Reich incentive-rewards for demonstrating not only sexism racism but Nazi antisemitism with death threats. All logic and compassionate dialogue was canceled out with hate and abuse. I lapsed into a few insults and tried to rectify and not engage in the hate level they always strive to force upon me. They rape me from behind they punch into my head and face from side angles just as I am being put into a "conscious" state while teleported in a deep sleep state--my body split in two physical entities of the prime and the secondary.
I told him that I bore him no enmity but finally I just said I was glad that I had written this as he has proven it is imperative for society--I believe of course--that this is stopped and I wished and hoped that there would be some actual concerned human beings who have access to these situations who are alarmed at the raging ugliness and violence with which this situation has been ALLOWED to de-evolve by everything from MSNBC anchors, former senators and Congress people, their wives, their benefactors and the Whorewood entity which has endlessly put every abuser into positions of awards
this year the cycle of the English-controlled females is very much English-Commonwealth dominated as usual. EVery single year Nicole Kidman is put into the top Oscars awards and she is one of the most nasty and sadistic of the gleeful dancing cheerleaders of this group. Her delight and joy at watching me being beaten and poisoned and raped to death is disgusting. Equally so are the people controlling the H_wood apparatus of mind control fascist Nazi programming.
No mention of the H-wood Trump collusion ever in most of the news media the brief connection is sometimes made, but then ignored.
Either way, the programming into vicious murderous genocidal fascist Nazism and Mafia criminality should stop being ignored en masse by not just the media but by the participating political entities involved in supporting and funding this horrific mind control genocide antisemitic Nazi/Mafia system.
...and now, the cursor has disappeared from the line above, I can't move the cursor and I am resorting to beginning here----
the hacking is contributing to the sensation of my head being in a spinning wheel just dizzy and when I stand-up, I am literally dizzy my vision is blurred the attacks on my brain are constant.
The shit whore apes are trying to force a contract of poisoning and raping the poison into my body by "entitled" white trash pig ape shit, mostly from Europigapeland whom I met mostly in MIami, stemming from the celebrity shit filth of Rambo and his French and Italian degenerate scumbags who are glorified in Miami because they are "Europiean" and so "classy" they can afford top designers to conceal the real stupid trash that they are. All they have to do is pay for designers to create an image illusion of class, to which Americans in particular the former "redneck" Floridians rush to worship, literally they worship these f-ers and the attacks upon me to replace me and many others for a total Europigapeland infusion taking over every business and residence with non-stop scores of realtors out of EUropigapeland and Russia is absolutely now taken-over
I was targeted for the American hate they have of the old world of genocide pogroms and endless crushing of Jews to be re-installed into America and I can remember all the years of the American parents of my former good friends in grade school telling their children in front of me, with derision, that "do you want her to really win any longer?" and the programming began for hate with English FROM ENGLAND programming the bigot Americans. As opposed to the lies of the trashy filth of Whorewood, I didn't grow up in their mediocrity mainstream suburbs I grew up around Ivy League professors I was around very wealthy and established people who have since been murderously targeted for destruction with full support of the bigots who have run the U.S. government and eliminated all threats to their take-over long ago.
The parents of my friends, also Ivy League educated tenured professors (the man who "programmed" me in the MK ULTRA is renounced for his linguistic series of books on educating children on language acquisition which includes tools for programming in learning and mental acquisition of implanting ideas and ways of thinking and perceiving. His name is Richard Anderson, from the Department of Psychology from the University of Illinois. His nasty daughter Rachel was programmed into my brain by my Nazi mother to be my "best friend" and this was a lying abuser programmed by her years of living in ENGLAND while her father was on sabbatical in England being awarded for his programming into being mind fucked and then fucked by mind fuck scumbags who are stupid as hell porno sick fucks fromWhorewood.
It was the ENGLISH who began a campaign against my family and myself. AT least one of the groups, and my posts writing about this overtake is because IT HAS BEEN HAPPENING and filthy stupid dirty shitalina and her nasty father (the father first) were part of the movie Deliverance and my father, the professor a poet and Vietnam activist, were in literary consortiums in Atlanta being featured as promising writers by the author of Deliverance, James Dickey in 1975 this happened. The filth English fuck who raped and poisoned me for years, named Danny Moynihan, out of ENGLAND is married to the skank daughter of the pig ape shit (forgot his name, I think it's "ford" but he also directed Exorcist 3, which of course would be fitting for the demonic mentality and spiritual morass of these a$$-scumbag shit whores who are evil as sick muck)
I am now cursing. It has taken years of writing about this repeatedly and I do hope that after Trump Obama Hillary Clinton et al have participated in this heinous contract out on me, including Musk, that someone is fucking listening at least partially to this.
The father who directed Deliverance is the father to the wife of Danny Moynihan who is a part of the Royal Crown establishment in London and England. He has attacked me since 1987 but I believe much earlier as my father was creative and unique, so these stupid filth hate whores decided that many original ideas could be sucked out of my father, who made sure that he was a part of my London "green card" visa stay in England and in Euroland which I obtained after graduating college. I was put on a street, Redcliff Road, across from Danny Moynihan in a bedsit. I never chose the location I asked a realtor under drugging for a little room to rent with a garden backyard, which this had in Chelsea. Ever since Moynihan stole ideas from me back in 2009 until now, dirty ugly English-mother spurted out sick shitalina and pig pitt have been following what MOynihan had done to me by stealing my ideas, having me poisoned to death and fucing the poison intom y body every day
"Pornography Andrea Dworkin 1991". Robert Jensen. November 17, 2011.
HE'S' NOT FUNNY but still a part of the psycho-clown posse of scumbag Whorewood fascist Nazi Mafia murdering bigots !$$$$$$$$$$$$$ // Even the designated host has been a parasitic leech on me in this hate pornography contract sponsored by lascivious whores, depictions of MY IDEAS by sleazy stupid lascivious whores who are instructed on exactly what to say derived from MY WRITINGS ON THE TOPICS THEY HAVE STOLEN, readjusted to make "them" appear intelligent and not stupid sick sleazy psychopath scumbag pieces of shit crap---and every aspect has been dominated by filth stupid ugly crap representing my ideas or people participating in this major Nazi hate crime against me, or knowing about it and going along, hugging the filth and crap in Whorewood to show that they are in solidarity---it's all a porno show all ideas that are great stolen from me (by the filth endlessly "winning" the RIGGED AWARDS very similar to the political rigged awards)- WHO WILL HOST THE 2025 OSCAR S-WEINER AWARDS? I see on the ever-terrorist Whorewood main site for propagating fascist Nazi actors and their vile movies, that interviews with the terrorist filth who are pretending to be intellectual, sensitive and culturally sophisticated while having me tortured raped and beaten on a non-stop basis for over 15 years in order to prove that they are violent sleazy prostituted sick filth--honored by the ideas they have stolen from me, and making sure I am penniless always fighting for my life against oisoning and being made homeless in a global network of cyber-terrorism blockage of all finances as they are using MY IDEAS to promote their filthy dirty ugly sick selves for movies that are in the Oscar's penis awards line-up of fascist Nazi displays of fake advertising for humanity---to still full applause by Congress-Whorewood which goes along happily with delight that if they participate they get monopolies investments in the media empire of filth and hate and mass murder. The hacking is so bad that I have spent 30 minutes fighting blockages to everything and WiFi DOS attacks, constant while fighting the hacking disruptions blocking keyboard function every second I am typing fighting pounding down unable to remember what I was about to write all blanked out by mind control tech blasting cognitiion as well. THey should be in prison you are still awarding this group of vile filth and shit who are stupid and ugly as hell. Every day they need to torture me into this contract where they have me raped by ugly sick pig fuck men who then abuse and lovingly are embraced as they insult and abuse me and lovingly hug the filthy whores who are funding their mediocrity into power positions. Not just hosting the Oscars but in every facet of politics and society possible. The interview of the ideas for the upcoming Oscars contenders the interviews are of stupid ugly skanks stealing my ideas that I wrote originally and repeating them as if their own concept. Otherwise, they are constantly murdering me on a very slow level or sometimes eyr quick murder attempts with cars and trucks hitting me or almost--escaping within a fraction of a second in one case--and to force me through torture to repeat that they are "beautiful" and "superior" to me as they deform abuse mutilate with full government appaluse as the rotten politicians also profit off this contract AND ARE RIGGED INTO POLITICAL POSITION FOR MONOPOLY AND NEPOTISM AS WELL. I need to copy and paste this to my blog entry but the hackers are blocking copying and paste function so it's impossible to do so for all I try to search for online, looking for new survival routes because my living situation is now a death threat of a landlord screwing me over and not renewing a contract but saying he will once it expires and not to worry don't ask questions. This is what the filth ape whores are doing because I can't say that I like them or they are beautiful or anything but that they are sick stinking sick ugly shit--for over 15 years it's all I can say, I an't lie helping this group of filth is the same thing as committing suicide But no matter how much I fight and write more politicians rush to join into this so they are constantly being handed me as a torture-to-death abuse victim to feed off and exploit with politicians rushing to aabuse me for not allowing my own murder and telling filthy stupid ugly shit stealing my ideas and destroying my body and beauty that they are "superior" and more beautiful and that my ideas that they steal are THEIRS and that I deserve endless sexual violence and abuse as they also are stealing my ideas written and stolen about sexual violence against women. What the fuck when will anyone ever begin to not support fascist sick Nazi takeover of death squads and destruction of the United States and full takeover of mediocre sick filth put artificially into control positions while they only want to exploit and destroy and suck dry the entire country watching it go down as they build death factories and plantations of slavery which everyone is cheering on, especially those slated to be the slaves? Cheering it on believing that they are "superior" because they so lovingly embrace the abusers and oppressors in poblic, calling it "Joy" and "hope and change" in the process.??wtf stupid fuck A$$-MeriKKKans
**Hackers turned the WiFi off (router lights all on, the signal for WiFi showing connection---but hacked off while I was writing this--so they have deleted and rewritten much of it--I can't go back and re-edit due to hours of just fighting to write this out--internet turned off in the middle of ordering items online so that ordering any simple 3 items that are too heavy for me to carry due to the endless injuries this group has forced upon me with poisoning and accidents they ordered as hits upon my life---and internet turned off constantly while ordering 3 items which required over 30 minutes to get the internet back on, every time I logged-in they would log me out, and etc) and now the internet is back on, or shows that it is--and that is why I cannot earn a single penny and the pig ape whores, who can't create a single unique idea that isn't a sick sadistic stupid violent teleportation skit are still making millions off MY IDEAS AS I remain now on the brink of homelessness with non-stop leaders politicians who have been paid in MILLIONS for protecting this Nazi bigot system remain attacking me with hate and full protection for their beloved celebrity Nazi group posing as humanitarians and unique creators, while the ONLY MOVIES that they are put into Oscar and award winning roles ae from IDEAS THEY STOLEN FROM ME---
I am now dealing with a life-threatening situation of this landlord, a completely violent personality, sexual harassment and abuse person, and because I have been stuck without any income earning beyond perhaps prostitution, the only avenue left but really sex trafficking slavery--while shit whores from Whorewood and Congress and media news anchors and tv show hosts, pop singers all being paid in mega billions millions for their participation in this INTELLECTUA THEFT CONTRACT and murder contract rape and pounding of poison into my body by ugly sleazy white trash bigot Nazi performers so that the trashy filth nazi women can pose as caretakers of feminism and against rape culture by "the dirty Jew" Weinsteain--and for years of their forged pretense at being intellectual American analysts entertaining and persuading the public into being representatives of culture fighting corruption rape culture white male supremacy and etc. All absolute lies. The hacking is non-stop and the next paragraph was partially deleted I know that, but the hacking and the cursor is moving to other parts of the page into other paragraphs while I am typing--and I can't go on. But they are still this year, as I have been writing of for years to silence and full permission, are making millions and being awarded for my original ideas while they are killing my plants mutilating my body every single day--having dirty foul pig scum shit men come to rape and beat me as they lovingly embrace them, this group of shit, in particular if they are from Germany or England--and then, my home is made broken down and filthy every day, and the landlord is working with them to threaten my life, lying to me constantly about renewal of the lease which he agreed upon at the end of October, then remaining silent as I wrote twice more politely about what was happening with the lease renewal which was met by one-day "I"m selling the property be at the unit to show the apartment an agent will show them they want to meet you". I know what the ugly pot-belly rotten old men and their pumped up rotten dirty porno-whore sons and daughters are like now, mostly from EUropigapeland one of them is in the group of shit from Whorewood now, I have seen his ilk endlessly for years and years with sleazy dirty trashy prostituted brown-skinned minions who help them to absolutely invade this country, raise the prices, and institute fascist Nazism into the country and I have seen the psychological overtake of the types of people brought in as the prices rise and the levels of prostitution are put into more entertainment mode.
I am now pounding my entire hand down to get letter s to print out, the pages are being deleted the cursor is moving my writing is being deleted and once I publish it will be re-arranged half-deleted half-deleted sentences strung together--
but my ideas stolen, sometimes in phrases, but for over a decades entire movies made out of concepts stolen from my writing, done under murder conditions of non-stop torture rape and teleportation torture and poisoning, blocks to all earnings stuck shitting poison out while being raped beaten and abused for hours upon hours day after day dof year after year by a non-stop never-ending group of celebrities with politicians--and so on and on it goes. The landlord, kin operation with this team, from the top echelons of society under the umbrella of the "real" controllers---have instructed him to not renew my rental contract which is finished in February. The renewal date is on December 10, and the landlord refuses upon pain of evicting me instantly to not ask questions about what is going on. He tells me that he has sole the unit but the new owner will allow me to stay under normal conditions. I ask him for details and if the price will remain the same, and if the new owner will allow me to stay under new conditions why won't the owner give me a contract now instead of waiting until the contract expires in February? I get told to not say any more, and that in February the landlord will come to my apartment to renew the lease. The years of his teams in this building of literally breaking every single item that I am financially responsible for looms over me. THey are breaking cabinets the sink the toilet the floor has been literally cut out behind the chair I sit on--there is a huge circulalr one-inch hold in the floor that they cut out. I just put silicone in the sink cupboard under the kitchen sink area (just a broken and sautered broken area across the 3-foot area of the bathroom--) and they shrunk the size of this room by inserting huge cabinet structures which have replace the actual walls--but to continue, the room has been completely sprayed with stinking brown permanent staining goo liquids which nothing gets out. EVerything is brkoen and stinking and brown and stained and shattered they have broken the patio doors and the railing and every single thing. all performed by the landlord's team of abusers who are using mechanical arms to slash my skin pour fungus into my hair body food and mold and etc constantly to murder me in this covert fashion while the celebrities are constantly going to the Oscars with ideas they stole from my writings on FAcebook because all my property, especially computer gear and all telecomunications, are broken and made stinking and functions don't work, all is hacked so I tried to write my ideas on a "safe" place, my blocked "no friends" facebok page which they ahve been stealing ideas for over 15 year, and before that this same contract was headed by English Crown member Danny Moynihan, whose father was a Royal painter, who has handed this to the English-backed skanks of Whorewood, and from Australia. The programming using my ideas and turning them into Nazi glorification is still ongoing with nonstop awards prizes ranging in millions of dollars I remain with hair greying from poisoning and torture and mutilation and all blocks to survival literally taken away.
And, while I am searching for yet another place to live, because I am blocked from using the computer without non-stop WiFi black-outs, DOS attacks that are literally ever 2-5 minutes at times when the hacker terrorists are not working (they get free rent in this emptied-out condo where I am a torture victim, the room with constructed panels on all sides so mechanical arms can poison pour filth slice my body steal items spray dead meat substances continuously on my clothing dump debris much grease shit and filth into any and all places poison my food and open the front locked with multiple locks to scumbag whores can break into my room while I am in the shower and while I am in deep sleep with the brain implant literally blocking my immediate consciousness while I am teleported to rape hate and torture abuse and the most vile and sick stupid mentally ill "skits" performed by the dumb scum minions of the stupid sleazy ugly whores you all champion as your heroes of society.
The internet is fraught with the triggering videos of the whores pigs and shit who have been torturing me for years. The filthy ugly Nazi German rotten fuck is ALWAYS THERE to instruct the shit whores on how to smile with delight as the Germans did in photos over dead Jews they beat and tortured to death. This is now being done by the filth team who is endlessly feeding off my ideas and going to the Oscars for them and of course they all are put into top consideration by the Nazi-Europigapeland dominated Golden Globes which is a Whorewood construct of agent infiltrators stationed in California who are part of the general Whorewood take-over. The Oscars even with the Jews and Blacks put into governor positions are retained in these high-ranking positions for the ability to perform lies and claim they are dedicated to humanity while they are installing death and technological tyranny. I have mentioned at least one of the governors, not sure if she is still in that position I strongly urge people to use a different VIEW of critical analysis of movies rather than pop culture bs con artists who sound so hipster "woke" like jive turkeys in teleportation and the juxtaposition is the catch that wins them the endless monotonous monopoly to which they endlessly gain acclaim.
The only great themes that this group has come out with HAVE BEEN MY IDEAS which have been funded with millions of dollars in production glamour visual effects.
But besides all that I have been writing about, this morning while searching for another place to live, because this landlord under instruction created a hateful attack situation of not renewing my lease, saying he was selling the apartment, demanding that I be in this room to be attacked by some greasy Nazi filth scumbag of this hate dirty trash organization and I told him, with his ONE-DAY WARNING after telling me in writing that he would, indeed, renew the contract due on December 1, which he refuses to do, saying that once the contract expires he will renew the contract by selling the apartment to someone else--or maybe he may decide not to--he later wrote after I sent a few questions in emails and asking for some assurance besides a written email, that I can remain staying here if a new owner buys the unit. IT was a hate exercise in screwing me around. All the blocks to my earning plus the poisoning which has been continued with torture and raping poison into my body as I scream to stop killing me while I have been writing for years and years and years and years that I am being poisoned to death as more and more and more shit whores who are performative filth in congress and in Whorewoood joined to abuse rape and torture me with every lying pretext possible as justification
they insert phrases into my subconscious and after I repeat them, they then get scores of similar scumbags to assault me because I "said" this thing to one of them, and therefore every opportunist scumbag "has to defend their friend" as they all obtain endless tours (if they are musicians) endless more movie deals and more media exposure and election "wins" in rigged contests, I feel sure now that the elections are far from being legitimate and the fake 'opposition" is fully bs as well, allowing it all to grease it's way into a complete and total fascist Nazi dictatorship and mass murder machine, being put into operation every day as this continues without any real opposition.
My searches for new places to live are polluted by the videos of the filth shit who are endlessly teleporting me, their filthy whore movies their sleazy dirty old dino men who proclaim how their area is so wonderful to live, and in the midst of their videos they implant videos of the very ugly sick skanks who have been paid in millions and billions over 15 years of murdering me through poisoning torture and rape--I try to click the f-ing videos off and the cursor and page are frozen while the video continues to play. I avert my eyes to not see the ugly sick stupid next piece of sick filth from Whorewood who is trying to trigger me, as they did because I am writing this because they blocked my earning I am stuck fighting to not become homeless they have made millions off my ideas they have blocked my mail, I literally cannot obtain mail information and I have been lied to perpetually due to this global network
I cannot earn money and I can't get information online because ALL INFORMATION is being blocked and diverted. Every phone call is diverted to a terror agent. EVERY PRESIDENT has come to abuse and assault me either through the candidates that were aspiring to be president (on the rotten Demo side) and the Repugs are just happy that the Dems are such easy stooges and that their lynch mob plantation mass murder Nazi concentration Camp Russian Gulag system has prevailed and now all there is to do is to continue the mass programming for depopulation by inserting these same Nazi-established performers and politicians into mass subliminal programming "forever" into the population.
So I can't get rid of this shit filth they inject their ugliness into my sleep and waking state, and they are injecting liquids into my bladder while I am sleeping so I get up in the middle of the night having to urgently urinate--it's not from what I ate or a bladder problem---I know this 100%
they have injected stinking sewage water into my bladder as part of a sepsis murder attempt and they are insering now water after years of me crying out that I am being killed--it required years for anyone to stop this form of poisoning into my body directly--as my body shows signs of poisoning, liver spots cover my arms and blemishes from being sliced and slashed and smeared with damaging chemicals and knives--and so after 3 times of huge amounts of water coming out-plus drugging in utter sickness and exhaustion in a deep sleep from poisoning and drugging, in an unconscious state I ripped off the layers of gloves I use to protect my fingers from being slashed into the nail bed, every day they slash cuticles off my fingers, slash the nails halfway down the vertical middle, uplift nails from under the nails--and there are bloody bulges on my fingers every day. I have begun to use so many layers of stiff materials to cover my hands that after 3 poisoning and drugging injections into my bladder through tubes going through my vagina, in utter sickness and in need of sleep, in drugged sleep state I took all the layers off so they could then inject directly into my blood stream the drugs and they teleported me to the SICK AND STUPID SKITS which these filthy performer scumbag whores truly are capable of creating--the ideas they steal from me they are being awarded for, but they create hate death and stupid sickness as the REAL creative output they perform every day upon me
literally they must steal ideas because what they really are and what they truly create is sick stupidity and ugliness and death
but no one can understand this, I am the "stupid target" and people in particular women are "shamed" into being "stupid did something to deserve it" discredited. Any semblance of intellect is thusly reduced to the victim who did something to deserve it level of negation of all that the woman truly is
and sometimes the man as well, much more pity is showered upon male victims but not necessarily, mostly men remain silent due to the endless shaming of victims to exonerate the perpetrators, which society honors constantly with showers of awards.
So, they are blocking my every ability to survive while they are making millions still off my ideas which I wrote many years ago on Facebook , realizing years ago that my ideas were being stolen year after year, I stopped but still my writing is still being stolen in political context because now I write about politics-so the MSNBC and CNN and other news anchors rush to participate, stealing a few phrases to sell off the bs lies they are constantly perpetrating; they remain in monopolized positions of endless mind programming as well. Partnering directly to viciously abuse me as the perpetual target of all of American society by now and death squads of Europigapeland completely immersed in death culture as they created this system and have reveled in it for centuries--at least the last century the last entire century of technology enabling mass production of murder but now combined with mass communication entertainment news media and entertainment production of effete lying scumbag political leaders.
So they have been threatening to cut off the subpoverty income I can't live in anywhere any longer on. My years of ideas they have stolen have been met by mutilation torture and me literally FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE ON A DAILY BASIS and grey hair my body covered with scars and mutilation and poison they laugh about it and the teleportation for their endless promotions is never stopped.
While searching for a new place to live their ugly sick fucking videos are hacked into the bullshit podcasters who partner with the shit and scum to let me know that they are going to sic their death squad networks upon me no matter where on the planet I run to try to survive this massive murder operation of the planet.
I am now ranting in rage as usual because the tech brain implant torture system is being beamed into my brain--as I sit here with drilling and non-stop continuously hammering in the room beneath mine--for over 6 years there has been non-stop hammering on the walls with drilling and pounding for days and hours per day--8 hour days for months while my laptop had been broken by the filth who are still sitting in the chairs as I scream that I can't understand why they aren't dead that I wish them horrible deaths--all obtained out of first PTSD because of the endless politicians and celebrities who rush like sick locusts to feed off my life and my ideas and to ask me endlessly for more and more concepts, which Obama did for 3 days of non-stop hateful interrogation.
The culprit is not my lack of restraint--I find that my breathing is literally being "controlled" into a shallow state of rage and nervousness so I cannot "breathe" except shallowly and I cannot shut them up, I "hear" all kinds of "bitch" and "die you bitch" constantly being hissed into my barely audible consciousness like a soft hissing noise (of demons) and because I can recognized it as being part of the subliminal torture mind programming "behavior modification" I try to "ignore" it for hours and hours of it goin on and on and on and on constantly. The sick fucks of Whorewood yet again this year put in the line-up for awards derived from ideas I wrote of regarding women and the male-dominated society which abhors elder women. The trashy prostituted skanks of Whorewood are making me old from this nervous system attack poisoning and rape and torture on every level as I react and cannot stop screaming, they smile and watch feeding off the energy of the sense of power the sexual thrill I obtain. I feel my body aging while they are feeding off my energy--they suck and drain my beauty my life force and my ideas constantly\
They get filthy, dirty ugly trash pig shit "men" to use this extreme drugging and brain microchip implant to force a reaction of "love" out of me while they are slapping my face and shoving their filthy pig penises in my mouth while I am in an intoxicated brain--suffusion of delirium not able to get away not able to do anything. I scream to get the fuck off me afterwards they begin to punch me in the face as the group who have been stealing my ideas derived out of love and compassion are laughing and smiling at it all. Instantly they are invited to more United Nations functions as representatives of every humanitarian concern possible as dignitaries and Ambassadors and representatives.
And so, not only is the PTSD which I cannot negate because they are issuing non-stop streaming subliminal subconscious phrases about the FIFTEEN YEARS of daily torture into my brain so that it surges up like a plague repressed in some egg laid to hatch like something from an evil sci-fi movie--I try to stop all the reaction and my breathing is artificially not in my control--shallow, not able to breathe deeply even when I struggle to.
I realize that ALL OF MY REACTION is part of a mind control drug/microchip brain implant interface integrated system of abuse and psychological torment. I am aware of meditation and of breathing, but in this state I literally cannot breathe I tell myself not to react as the reaction comes automatically while I am struggling to breathe, concentrate realizing that they are sick filth parasites and are literally being paid to use this tech to destroy other people and assume power for the endless induction of shit and Nazi filth into positions of celebrity bullshit mind programming with non-stop Europigapes from England and Germany and France (Italy, mafia, all criminal sick scumbags all have fake "liberal" facades of caring about environment women's issues politics etc--all completely a lie--one of the worst is Obama but they are all disgusting because you can so easily interchange obama with oprah and farrakhan and the blonde Nazi feminist league they all use the same methodology all are hailed endlessly by the media and by society which subconsciously knows that they are pushing for a Nazi agenda. America wants fascist Nazis on such a level because of the programming out of Whorewood and from the lack of competency and actual authenticity of the fake shit from the Democrat party so that by now the "audience" is not brainwashed and tricked any longer as the fake dangling carrots of hope and change are just small petty change nothing there no one trusts or believes and they should not
But they --the society the audience--still trusts and believes in the celebrity bullshit endlessly being spewed out. It's non-stop political celebrities vying for media spotlight next to the celebrities almost hand-in-hand on every single major newspaper in the country that is "free" it is a mingle of celebrity fucking bullshit mediocrity making stupid one-line statements about politics (written never by them, or rarely I assume because in the teleportation they are sick and stupid and sleazy and vile as hell).
It is really intended to be IMPOSSIBLE to negate the brain-alteration of nervous system attacks with the brain implant that was forced into my body around age of 2 years.
I KNOW by now that these sick sleazy disgusting creeps you all cheer on who have fed off my life force my ideas and feed every day off me screaming in agony to get the fuck off me screaming in hysterical rage--my body aging and breaking from the h ate and hate and abuse--as they have non-stop hours and hours of "bitch die you bitch" and any thing I do they make murderous statements about slamming my head into things and etc-with the onset of this German scum filth piece of shit they are now "allowed" to become something out of Lord of the Flies.
After the usual strenuous attempt to pound every key out and fight the subliminal tyrannical response of hyperbolic rage and cursing
after walking away and over 30 minutes later
having explained only a fragment of how the duplicity slingers of Whorewood and Congress-Whorewood operate, they use trauma they use torture they use drugging they use killing of pets they use block to all finances they use gaslighting and then...after years of torture
to exonerate themselves, as they are always doing, Obama tried to force me to use the "n-word" in order to justify his own 15 FIFTEEN years and counting with his vicious money-grabbing wife and partners (Biden of course and family and co) with all the abuse, Obama used all of the triggering I mentioned above, so that I was as I do EVERY SINGLE DAY screaming in rage, my body breaking from daily hate hate hate hate hate hate hate these filthy sick fucks who are "leaders" of America pour on me, their stress their old age their misery--Mike Johnson used the excuse that I listen to "Witchhouse" music, which is just techno with a slowed-down beat and more synth but it was termed as such by some underground group and the name stuck
and I use that music to do my exercises because of the very gooey nature of the synth and the heavy beat, but anyway
they are using any version of whatever they sell off as the bs they use grab and keep power--coming out every 4 years now is Obama with the race card and he added another word to his "hope and change" slinging---joy of course which he only has when he is raking money in for his iperformances and being in the spotlight--which he's addicted to so no chance of him ever actually being anything but a sleazy nasty abuser
so I found myself trying not to say the n-word in the middle of a drugged torture mind control session. That was after this expletive got a German to beat rape and torture me. The partners of Obama are the most openly racist in the Senate, John Kennedy, Ted Cruz and Hawley just to name a few who rushed to join in, telling me that I liked being punched and slapped in the face, breasts and chocked in a chokehold while t his German sleaze fuck whore crap creep was sticking his prostituted filth member in me while I was super-saturated with unbelievable drugs, under torture and agony from poison ripping out of my body as he looked up to the crowd of Whorewood sitting congratualting him. Yelling at me every day for over 2 years before they got this violent sicko Nazi sleaze fuck, it was Obama who pushed him on me, smiling at this sick sleaze and they all want the German Nazi and his ORGANIZATION to have partnership with them in Whorewood--which means Congress as well--all fully endorsed by the entire Congress members who have rushed to assault me--that include "I'm part German" Kinzinger, Jamie Raskin, AOC, MTG et al
the list is goddamn long. Adam Schiff, of course and the other members of the side-show J-6 Committee did various things like hack their interviews with equally pernicious MSNBC on my channel
many people are involved who I can't see or who are not included in the actual torture rape and beatings death threat sessions which are a daily occurrance against me and nightly and with the poisoning and all the times cars have driven into me and my brakes and handlebars manipualted by remote terrorism almost killing me
so, it was used by nefarious Obama--that is the nicest thing I can say about him as being nefarious
and it was used by Oprah as wel, I did call her an aunt jemima after more than 2 years of her stealing the idea I had written of A Wrinkle in Time to portray herself as being AGAINST a techno-terror regime, but she is an integral component of the actual real terror appratus.
The extent to which black Nazis of this filth entertainment political spectrum exhibit entitlement to use the most odious blatant racist remarks and death threats at me--moreso than the white trash bigots due to their elevated status--all contrived--as being "victims of racism" and the blonde Nazi filth shit whores use the "victims of rape culture m@ and everything else in their endless movies about being 'victims".
they use constant trauma-based murderous torture--no exaggeration it is murder--and murderous every single day, and with the addition of this filthy vile German sick filthy fuck the death threats are not sickening and they all love this filthy ape for it
the embrace him for allowing them giving them permission to become more and more sleazy sick dirty and murderous. Ugly plastic surgery creep who I can't write it's name any longer is the most sleazy sexual abuse advocate who is featured in every Me2 type bs operation but the real intention was to eliminate the Jewish mogul and replace him with the 4th Reich cartel of criminal sick rape scum whores in his stead--
Weinstein rotting so his empire is NEVER regained the discrediting for his sexual proclivities are a mere shadow fragment of the actual sick psychopathy of the blonde Nazi whore men and women who he was just emulating to be a "power player" in dirty filthy lying endlessly sick Whorewood. Connected like congenital twins to Congress Whorewood.
Other ignominious scumbag slime who put the German dirty ape rape on me are the post-terror-upon me recipients of endless plastic surgery post-menopausal hyena representatives of international Nazism (aka Globalism to some) are Jane Fonda, who with her plastic surgery and ugly yapping reminds me of a hyena every time she hacks her rotten ugly face on my pages--and is friends with the German ape scum and sicced him on me as well-all friends with Obama. All the 'I love black" Nazis white supremacists
and then there's sick dumb whorren mirrage who you know as helen mirran the filth prostittued English favorite lying representative of every "cause" relating to poor Jews, along with her rotten Irish boyfriend boytoy user who starred in that Spielberg movie--who is friends with all of the above--I recommend he use this GErman sleazy fuck as his next anti-Nazi hero in his next pitifully Vaseline-coated bs movie about human rights
as he has participated and does f-all nothing about this situation, as far as I can tell, but jump to join in and profit off it, which he has.
"Marianne Williamson ROASTS the Democratic Party". Sabby Sabs. November 28, 2024.
IT's coming out now post-partum Democrat Party that the people I wrote of who participated and profited off this torture Nazi/Mafia contract are lousy louse and it's coming out now with their reactions and hostilities and a$$-kissing behavior to all they claimed they were against.. The list is long, it's endless recrimination for me writing about it, but so many and so much of what I had written about, warning educating letting people know, including that Biden was not doing a good job, for which I was threatened with death by Bloomberg for weeks after saying what is now evident and what WAS NEEDED AT THE TIME to stop the current fiasco.
They---these terrorist politicians, aspiring promotion representatives, senators, presidential candidates, all billionaires millionaires or after attacking me obtain more millions---
all worked to further the Trump take-over with feigned chagrin at the J-6 episode which is now being dissolved into a misty forget by history, a few references may be available if the planet survives much longer, which is apparently becoming a global threat due to this 'system" that the life-rape haters all cling to for their endless "obedience" reward contracts for a lifetime of following orders and using death squads to further a fascist take-over of the United STates by the enemy from without and within (they are the enemies)
some mentioned in the video above, and I mean all the candidates and politicians mentioned in this video above have participated in teoleporting me, with death threats mockery laughs insults and complete compliance, just as Trump has done had done and continues to do.
And they all go along. They made a mockery of justice and allowed this criminal gang to come to power, as they rake in the $$$ and retain their positions.
Using this system of torture heaped upon me as ways and means of obtaining candidates for 3 ELECTION CYCLES and voila! here is the result. Total catastrophe candidates that many want nothing to do with, many are shocked at the corruption but no one will point to the real epicenter (Whorewood/California)
No one mentions or investigates the sleazy sick corruption rigged awards and vile sleazy fascist despotism of Whorewood which is where both Harris and Trump originated (their political bids for power out of torturing me and laughing participating and non-stop death threats and giggles and cackles and jokes and smirking enthusiasm as they get more and more 4th Reich promotions out of performing the behaviors of incompetent in terms of Democracy anything
supported with death threats by all mentioned and many not mentioned but IN MY BLOGS AND IN FACEBOOK for the past FIFTEEN YEARS of me being ignored but "everyone" wants to participate in this contract. People read my posts and then after the damage from the expletives has gone so far that people can only shake their heads, while I have to sit in silence saying to the screen "I told you years ago". But everyone continues to support this "system" of corruption but reports as if it's all a shock to them. The saddest part is that in my lifetime of fighting to live in peace, every single place I have gone around the globe terrorists were waiting to poison abuse rape and make life so impossible that I searched for yet another place. Never having a single concept of this global 4th Reich system because of the people like all the news anchors who have participated but NEVER investigate or report anything related to this global threat of mass murder overtake. That is exactly all that it is.
My landlord is threatening to "come here" to my unit, where he has ordered so much destruction of the property that it's been literally lasered cut in the formica the cabinet doors have been literally bent out of shape, hanging off the hinges. Huge cuts into the door frame have been made. The floor under the endless rape, and the attacks from the German Nazi-mentioning hateful thug for the creeple who have had me raped while in deep sleep drugged state, finally beginning to fight back so they obtained a violent rapist Nazi-referencing (constantly) CONSTANT DEATH THREATS boy-man who is being championed by Obama & Harris by all theWhorewood celebrity nazis you all have been programmed to believe care about human rights from over 15 years of them stealing MY IDEAS REGARDING their torture and mental sickness emotional spiritual--writing in a drugged frenzy from torture and poisoning and being murdered hit by cars non-stop torture heart palpitations from electronic torture weapons tears pouring out of my eyes for hours from the microchip implant in my throat operating with the brain implant operating with the remote tech drugging interface to damage my skin and eyes--and on and on, broken body and scars blemishes cut into my skin NIGHTLY for 15 years, since thisWhorewood plastic surgery group of skank shit joined into the fascist Europigape group from England and Italy with the Whorewood thug you all know as Rambo or whatever--his name is anathema
and so, the German the most violent and abusive on a true open level of smut filth abuse pornographic abuse sexual slavery concentration camp references and etc constant life-threatening violent threats constantly as he is surrounded by all and smiled upon and showered with prizes for this behavior
my hair turning grey from poison shitting out of my body every day for over 15 years--I mean OVER 15 years the poisoning to death has been ongoing for at least 30 years but deformation of my body much earlier accidents fractures and etc constant but total bodily deformation slicing my body pouring filth into my body has been a total destruction campaign from the pig pittalina shit pair and their odious friends and partners, all showered with top plastic surgery and beauty treatments so they are working to absolutely destroy me in every way possible but leaving me broken and devestated because this German hater is demanding that I just provide him, as their violent thug who will "not take no" under orders from filthy ignoraus shitalina--who is trying to win the usual yearly annual Oscar from this group at large who has been stealing my ideas for over 15 years and going to festivals and awards so they are not depicted as being sleazy foul ignorant Nazi Mafia hate but with my ideas, original and caring and unique and expressive and etc
but, the landlord as their proxy has sexually abused me has groped has endlessly insulted while my brain has been blasted with technology so I am in a dizzy tither of giggly incapacity mental states
threatening me after having this unit completely broken down--the German ordered not just shit and urine to be sprayed into my bathroom daily for weeks--through the tiles behind the toilet from the room on the other side--
but literally ripped out the top layer of the floor boards behind my chair, after they broke one of the wheels of this office chair
and the landlord will not send me a rental renewal he has told me to "do not write again I will renew the contract in February when I come to Phuket" which means the lease will already have expired.
they have turned off my internet constantly while I'm fighting to type and surf for over 6 years of me living here so earning money online is impossible. All services are blocked to me my phone calls are rerouted to terror agents I am lied to perpetually by all services no matter which country I phone.
I am stuck as a torture prisoner of attempted murder and rape by this vile landlord who can come in demanding anything and physically assaulting me as he has done. I am stuck with no options almost
not sure what he will do
please make him just leave a contract in my box and fuck off
I can't afford to live anywhere any longer and they have blocked almost all legal and financial avenues of solvency for me for over the 15 years of this hell from vile and foul whorewood. They expect a complete control over Whorewood after establishing black brown jewish and media anchors along with a non-stop rotation of politicians on all "sides" joining into this 4th Reich fascist Nazi enterprise---controlled from my observation absolutely from Euro-land with extremely violent white supremacists who always play "gentle caring non-Nazi" roles in movies, as these expletives do using MY IDEAS for over 15 years and mutilating torturing and abusing me to death..
IT IS NOT A MATTER OF ME GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT for the torture to end. No, they suck out and then continue the poisoning and abuse to death. This is no mere conjecture on my part, it is a ritualistic slaughter contract in which the exact same behaviors and actions have been a protocol formula fastidiously followed by one and all who join in.
I need actual protection from the landlord from theWhorewood group and to live in peace. I am being treated like a criminal under capital punishment on death row constantly attacked viciously by almost everybody,literally around the world. Everyone wants to get into this system everyone joins in like vicious real "vermin"
So more and more grey hair appearing as the stress from detoxifying CIA or Government laboratory horrific poisons which are so foul and toxic---murder. Plus the sleaze and greed hate and racism and selfishness of Jewish Nazis Black Nazis Mafia Nazis Jewish Mafia Nazis Asian Nazis Latino Nazis Latino Mafia Nazis and the list goes on and on.
My hair greying, my body wracked with poison and slices into my skin my skin covered every single inch with scars that are tattooed into my skin--my hands doused with damaging chemicals as with my forearms and arms and legs--red pimple scars from outbreaks I never had until the Whorewood plastic surgery expletives got a hold of a victim.. Their racism is of murder and mutilation rape and torture to death--to destroy my beauty my joy in life as they feel "better and better" huge smiles new plastic facial coverings as I am aging and my body is breaking down, they have a rotational list of celebrities boxers singers of all genres coming to insult my body after they poison and mutilate it and etc
it is every day for hours and hours, while I"m sleeping and all day and the stinking filth I am forced to clean non-stop every direction my living space is filthy, blackened foul broken
and the landlord who has been promoted for ordering all of this through his teams, is coming to viciously abuse me, can do a lot of damage because this group forced me into DESTITUTION with all legal avenues blocked, all financial avenues blocked, all protection instructed to abuse and insult me if I ask for help or try to report this
but everyone else participating.
If I had any information on this system I might have averted a lot, but the people responsible for reporting on this system to alert the public have instead put a fascist Nazi dictatorship into power and that includes the "Democrats" who sear they find Trump abhorrent but nevertheless, when it comes to participating in this contract, they are all "on the same page' all perform the hate giggles laughs and insults mocking me insulting how I look laughing joking and abusing punching hitting me and torturing me as I beg online for YEARS for the poisoning to be stopped---ignored completely as I wrote for YEARS that this is murder, and it is STILL MURDER
I hear now the commentators who hack their reports, always mentioning (on MSNBC) some movie reference in relation to politics, but using the same actors who have participated in this contract out on me and rappers and etc, sometimes it's rap music lyrics, sometimes actors but most of the references are pointing at the terror 4th Reich black Jewish antisemitic white supremcy performers who put fascist Nazism directly into power so it is not concealed by "change and hope and joy" any longer.
They continue to spew out similar motifs in Whorewood of celebrity feminism with Hillary's endorsement and participation in her media productions along with the Obamas--all fully helped put Trump in power, and they continue to be paid in millions for it, and they can never get enough of sucking the country dry for more and more and more and more and more and more. They take turns to get more and more and more and more out of attacking me in a never-ending succession of hate. My grey hair is growing daily by now.
They are CONSTANTLY lying in the chat, and the agents are not Lazada or Shopee agents, or if they are, they have been hired specifically for this task and all business is re-routed to them by the actual companies. As I can't tell whether it's pure hacking or as usual the company hired agents of terrorism and allow this to happen, it's anybody's guess because the result is still the same.
Because all phone calls are literally hung up after I press the prompt for English, I get a recording about business hours (8-5 pm for customer service) and all calls are then PROMPTLY HUNG UP. I try to other foreign language prompts to try to press buttons to receive an agent and they began only putting the hours of operation in other languages as well; my first attempt to reach a foreign language agent (not English) had the list of prompts to press for various departments (as I understand enough to know the numbers and that this is a list of departments to choose from, and the difference between the much shorter hours of operation message) so they just blocked all calls and I can't attempt to get past their hacking in the other foreign language call centers for the same company.
It is all probably being done manually but like everything else, they have access to all templates for all newspapers online, all businesses and all phone calls can be rerouted to fake agents who then pass the information to actual agents, or are hired from within and re-assigned to attack me.
There is as usual non-stop hammering in a room below mine--all day literally for 8 hours yesterday, for months and months hammering and pounding and drilling in various rooms on all sides of me on all floors to constant drilling and pounding so the entire building shakes has been ongoing since the last team of white trash pig ape terrorists from Russia Germany England and wherever the f-ers of the Whorewood group come from, as the team is dominated by foreign interests going through the greasy slime filth of the American "leadership" lack thereof.
Whichever rapist sleazy sick fuck from whatever country, russia, germany england or whatever is forcing it's filthy self on me in teleportation a team of trash white f-ers arrives to spray stinking filth steal my property if it's new and they want it, Nazi style
to have me raped beaten mutilated and being poisoned to death\
while the sick filthy meaningless ugly shit shit of Whorewood are CONSTANTLY being paid in millions and billions for the IDEAS THEY TORTURED OUT OF ME FOR THE PAST 15 YEARS ORCHESTRATING AND BEING PAID AND APPLAUDED FOR ALL OF THIS infiltration process of fascist Nazi mafia overtake of the United States through their sleazy ugly sick greed and stupidity, endlessly promoted as they posture and pretend and lie and I am this endless symbol of "resistance" only because I actually am stating the concepts of law and constitutional rights and equality and feminism as opposed to what sick trashy ugly shitalina has been and is endlessly being invited to Biden the bigot Nazi's white house to promote "feminism" and at the United Nations the Nazi entity of world domination featured in NYC---stealing ideas about rape and torture against women as she absolutely lovingly embraces every rotten white trash pig fucking ugly sleazy greasebag slime whore male from Europigapeland who wants fast access to non-stop promotions out of America the land of the free pussy for rapist Nazis to come and plunder by way of filthy endless pussy-promoting ugly shitalina the stupid filth bitch whore who has been featured with MY IDEAS as opposed to the sick shit and filth she truly is--but comounded by Pelosi and AOC and all the rest of the Demo-rat machine endlessly promoting her for their graft and lying exploits to be kept in power endlessly because they fully endorse rape and fascist Nazism.
So, because I keep saying no with no protection no help and all of Congress endlessly supporting this, the new elected the old fucking dino death squad fuckers like Senators Graham Kennedy Cruz and Hawley, and then now California senator just shifted from the House because he fully participated in this hate crime against me even though he is supposedly "Jewish" but of course, Jews supporting Nazis has now become the Israeli trait for their survival and the AIPAC secret motto so I remain with no protection as the murder continues and the discrimination and abuse constinues to my slow murder
I need these delivery services to obtain the healing herbs that are necessary for me