I do not focus on that rotten and ugly skank out of personal motivations primarily--yes, the situation is of a personal matter but it's not a personal dispute it is a part of an overarching system of systemic oppression not solely based on racism but purely of a racist and white supremacist origin, played out in it's finite tentacles of the power structure by every skin color possible on the planet and all genders in between the spectrum of plasticity.
I seem to be the only person who doesn't think this piece of rotten greasy plastic-surgery modified shit is "beautiful" it seems this is the image that is supposed to be "beautiful" on this planet--to me it always, from the first moment I saw it's image on a poster and the association of a porn star from a magazine that was put in front of me in Germany, covered with innocuous doctor office paper (it was in a doctor's office where this porn mag was put in front of me on a waiting room table) and she looked like the same prostituted porn object I had seen in this magazine--and upon proximity from the years of this dumb and rotten piece of filth teleporting and having me raped, endlessly mutilated permanently with the most damaging chemicals and bone breakages and rendering of my hips and spine out-of-alignment, my hair gone, fingernails and toenails inserted with metal objects NIGHTLY for YEARS--and on and on, poisoned daily with my body and food and clothing and furniture sprayed with toxic fungus and filth--every single day for DECADES and not able to keep my windows open until only recently--thus poisoned and my body is entirely toxic and in a state of being broken down and perhaps dying from toxicity--but all I have seen from her are the actions of a skank whore who has been put into a position of power by another bunch of whorish Satanists, who have co-opted the symbolism of what "beauty" and "sophistication" are supposed to look like (from centuries before, in earlier writings and in art and through genocide and etc, the Imperialism entails a complete military-financial and mind control programming destruction of anything that formerly had might and power on this planet).
Thus, from my lessons in history, my studies of Medieval writings and art, and a background in literature and some history--and my world travels from "Freedom and Equality Democracy America" to post-colonialist Thailand and in post-Nazi Germany--from what I know of this organization and it's operations of oppression and mind control, the person who has tortured me to steal ideas about freedom and feminism and then turn them into her huge money-making Disney apparatus of roles that portray her as "fighting" for freedom (for Nazi women and their minions, who must remain minions in order to have any semblance of non-slave status whatsoever, and the rest are relegated to slavery and oppression with her and her organization put at the forefront of all power on the planet, representing false ideology all the time they are paving the way for fascist Colonial Imperialism and Nazism all along the Watchtower of societies around the planet--) her theft of ideas out of my ranting about their injustice, their sexism, their intention to put me into sex trafficking technocratic/gang stalking powerlessness at a level of pure slavery and with the imposition of every threat of murder around every corner in every transportation attempt to go to a store--etc the threats are non-stop and with the full participation of millions upon millions and all law enforcement and all governments up to the highest levels--and so, years of her having me raped, beaten, disfigured and tortured as she watches on smiling and laughing like the whore that she truly is, undignified and ugly, but presented in such a skanky fashion with so much plastic surgery modification to every part of her skank anorexic body that all seem to be enthralled at the mixture of English posturing of aristocracy and the fellatio blow-up doll of instant sexual gratification that she appears to be which is an instant turn-on for these would-be master men whose prime focus of their real homosexual eroticism are of people giving them what they truly want--on their knees of course--and she presents a kind of instant gratification on that level but with a socialized performance of being graceful and soft-spoken. With the ideas she has thus foisted out of me, she then is put into this United Nations and media role as some exemplar of feminist attainment in equality and freedom. Every injustice I have written of she immediately turns into her huge media hype sensationalized, UN-backed "mission" of "rescue" with her not really talking into any mic but just presenting the plastic-modified version of a fictional sexualized hero--but using the ideas obtained out of years of torturing me which she listens to attentively in a chair sitting next to her former husband who is always telling me that he is going to force this baby out of me but he's truly only doing it for her and for his power ascension and for his children and friends--obviously doesn't give a damn, and he lets me know this all the time and she sits silently watching it all, making hateful comments occasionally and then assaulting me once in a while--the physical attacks from all of them are constant. So my piece of antagonism against these women, the latest the dark-haired American but who only really identifies with Greece, is like filthalina another Satanist but the former has made it openly known, the latter only made a movie dressed in a kind of Satanic outfit that the obviously aware Walt Disney portrayed (through his studio artists). So with all the ideas she has stolen and been promoted into very high ranking in politics (with her English Crown league right behind her waiting to incorporate themselves, their business and all that lucre out of this contract through me, like intravenous junkies they will get high for every award and contract that she pilfers out of this contract and usurp more out of the United States going directly into their Imperialistic veins--a huge gold mine this has been for all of them out of this endless decades of attacking me that originated with Danny Moynihan, whose father was a Royal portrait artist back more decades ago so this is all the connection to the Crown I refer to, it's all a bit involved and complex but not too much for anyone doing any bit of investigation, if anyone ever will, into this situation).
So while she is torturing me endlessly and through all these people and celebrities and politicians vying for power and promotion by attacking me without end, for no reason whatsoever, because the pig apes don't like me, don't want "Jews" to rise up in any influence and power and for the old traditions of anti-Semitism in Europigapeland that have lead to pogroms and the Holocaust to remain as never-ending cycles in history---and so many Americans yearn for this as well, and the Jews themselves are fully an integral part of this system of entitlement and will do everything to sell people like me out so they can remain in their positions of power.
But while she is stealing my ideas I have studied and formulated for my freedom and equality, she and like the rest, are forcing a system of absolutely NO HUMAN RIGHTS whatsoever upon me. People were hissing this at me here in Phuket (English people who pretended they were working for "The Tourist Police" when I tried to make a formal complaint about a rental situation where I had paid all rent and downpayments and some English people came barging in with about 10 Thai slaves telling me that they had rented the place and for me to get out. The rental agency told me that these English people had first right to move in, and I had moved in and it was my first week in this place). This was when Danny Moynihan, this English piece of bigot ape shit was mostly the main teleporting rapist--back in around 2008-2009--and I was hissed at by the English pig scumbag in the police station who was wearing a fake police uniform as a translator that I had "no rights"). And etc.. I have been attacked here in Phuket by English and Europigapes who insinuate that I am a prostitute (while I told them I am studying for my Master's post-graduate degree online, which I was) as they try to force this role of being a sex trafficked non-human-rights victim. But the whore skank in Whorewood has been taking the ideas I obtained from my years of studying feminism and domestic violence both in grad school, undergrad and from my feminist background because my mother--who has also sold me out in exactly the same way these whores in Whorewood are doing, once they obtain freedom from the abusive males they want to divorce, they can't wait to impose slavery for other women like me, dark hair or skin, to be enslaved and beaten and raped by the abusive white supremacist males these whores all claim they are fighting for "freedom" against.
And that is my reason for focusing upon this skank, because it is always at the front row of every attack by this group of expletives who sit in rows attacking me, taking turns in the never-ending revolving attacker situation and more are added it seems almost every week.
These are the paramount procedures of her every action--so let me explain why I focus on that rotten piece of filth; and it's not because I am "jealous" or have this unending "grudge" based on some sort of competitive premise of trying to "be just like" or trying to conform to the system of racism that she epitomizes along with the other blonde and black and latino and Jew and Asian skanks who all proliferate around her to attain some kind of recognition by the forces of promotion that she has been put in conjunction to and with.
That the US Government and people like Hillary Clinton are participating in having this rotten skank steal ideas from me, then being a part of a system where the worst of sexism is aimed at me after these whores get out of their oppressive roles (filthy pigalina got out of her marriage during all these years of her attacking me ,using the premises she stole of feminism and against domestic violence that she obtained from endlessly attacking me and listening to my rantings and reading my writings about how they are sexist, the domestic violence they all exhibit on a daily and non-stop basis--but then trying to force such a system of absolute crushing dehumanization and stripping me of everything and taking, stealing and robbing and then using it all as her superficial snake-oil presentation of her being all these things that she has stolen from me--and wants to make sure I am broken so completely. Her every action that has been an open gesture towards me in these teleportation hate assaults are of her having men either verbally or physically assault me--usually it's rape as she watches on--they beat and abuse and insult me simultaneously as she watches on smiling--an ugly skeletal grin that pit sometimes has as well on his nasty face when he's hitting or abusing me--(he had done this a few years ago but has since stopped, but watches on as others do it--for him, ostensibly, just like filthy pigalina the skank they are all in love with)
and her endless pitch at me is that she is more beautiful. I have been fighting the endless deterioration of my body and health from the years this whore and group have been attacking me through their proxy minions--before Moynihan handed these celebrities the keys to this contract (the toys, the technology that the children are misusing for their power)--he was just poisoning me to death but kept my body in a a kind of non-blemished state probably because he was raping me almost nightly and didn't want to see his victim so marred--I was bloating up but I suppose the increase in my body size didn't bother him because of the huge amounts of money he was being handed and deals for his endless rape. But once filthy whorealina got a hold of this contract, the real deadly and damaging destruction of my body internally and externally began.
And it's still going on. The hair has been chemically damaged on my head from the top of my skull down both sides and to the edge of my skull at the bottom--at this point I can't remember names of all the parts of the skull because my memory is being stunted by the tech
scars, blemishes, non-stop rape, disfiguration and her coming out with the ideas I have written of regarding women not being victims of rape and assault as she is being handed more promotions into political leadership and so are her allies and the actors as well.
While I sit here in the filth they spray and fling into my body and home i can never clean or get out, the mess of my finances an I have gone through not being able to actually phone my bank or get my mail information for years--all financial opportunities blocked so these pig whores can call me a "loser" and then the rape and demands that I gratify the immediate rape and murder fantasies of every ugly pig piece of shit that wants an instant gratification promotion handed out by filthy pigapewhorealina and her crew and the Europigape Imperialist Nazis who have been pushing her into the forefront of all that is hypocritical and a delusion so they can continue to sell off hope for freedom while they are installing a most deadly and genocidal world domination Nazi and fascist regime that is so technocratic and deadly it can result in the extinction of all life. AS these are life-fucking whores they cannot see the inevitable result of their death system they only think that their attempts at "green" technology somehow assuage them of the real responsibility of respecting life and other human beings.
**the hacking has been very bad during all my writing attempts today. I just cleaned out the system but malware was inserted into the hard drive of this laptop by experts even before I took it home. The shop where I bought this laptop told me they had to order this "on sale" unit, and all the computers in their backrooms somehow were gone and I had to wait days. Meanwhile all this harddrive hacked malware has been integrated into the system so every little system restore function I use is almost meaningless. Meanwhile, they lied to me telling me that there is no "recovery disc" and that Microsoft and Dell did not use a recovery disc for this unit. There are no shops in Phuket where I can go and purchase a recovery disc and I would have to pay another $100 for another copy, which of course would be sent by mail and that would mean it too was hacked and made negligible so I have absolutely no way at this time to procure any kind of real protection. If there are downloads online, I seriously doubt hackers would not block the real kernel of the components I need for protection to also be downloaded. I am lied to at every shop, every phone call to Microsof, my bank, Dell computers international, etc all calls I make are diverted to terror agents. I have tried to phone Dell in Thailand and I get people who answer the phone, and then remain silent while I ask for help and they then put me on hold and then hang up the phones. Not just once, but every time I try to get anything done. This is part of the dehumanization and stripping me of all human rights, all ability to compete on the market, and all is done in plain sight, with the full backing of every business and law enforcement possible, with NO ONE helping me to obtain evidence or a support system and all the support systems I do find are fake and filled with people attacking me at every nuanced vulnerable moment.
that is the system that UN-backed filthalina is helping to sponsor--with their full permission and kisses and hugs on top of those that US Government officials are also heaping as they are all "fighting" for Democracy and "The American People".
But she has been at the forefront stealing my ideas about freedom and women's rights and then turning around and not just destroying my rights, but also laughing as the minions destroy my body, taking away every single thing possible that could possibly give me an iota of strength or health or beauty or happiness.
And every single day for years as this filth machine inc continues it's endless assault upon everything I think, say and do and have and buy.
Still absolutely no response from anyone in Whorewood to my defense while they are all giving to charity and fighting every kind of injustice for their self-promotional presentations and photo-op celebrity status (and tax avoidance).
No response from all the Congressional members, the top-ranking military generals I have also been teleported to by Trump years ago--nothing of any defense from a single one of them. But one of them has been going on and on (actually two of them, but pit as the male representative of the English branch of this hate organization is at this point almost like a pawn compared with what I see as being behind filthalina the skank---really she is detestable to me.) and she tried to lure me using this other "Satanist" just two days ago by offering through her an act of extreme very nasty violence as a kind of enticement to be "enslaved" by someone who appears to have a very nasty and hateful personality and the slavery she entails is of an even more oppressive ugliness based almost on a version of Islamic Law or the older practice of Chinese foot-binding and the otherwise paralysis of women into abject enslaved powerlessness and all that entails.
I am fighting apparently in this I am completely alone. The US Government fully wants me in this position, and society appears to yearn for this as well and only wants people like me to have my ideas stolen, my body ravaged and made disfigured an ddestroyed and in particular, with no health care (and they have made sure that in Thailand I can't afford even a single doctor's visit and I am stuck with ZERO health care whatsoever) and they continue to block all earning and all health care while filthalina continues to use every idea I write of for her personal position as a "savior" and "hero" and that is why I focus on that ugly and sinister piece of shit you all love and worship out there. That is why I just don't give a damn about what any of you like or think about me, as I can't respect your opinions or your movies or your politics any longer and I truly belive more in myself than I ever have in the past.
This is not about competing with filthalina the skank, it's about a system of absolute injustice that no one will rectify because all of you want lying whores to rule over you and see a plastic surgery completely modified fake as being the equivalent of the deified image you all want to believe in. It's really a fellatio fantasy merged with an illusion of grandiosity and elitist English Imperialism.
Danny Moynihan, the English pig-ape skank parasite who handed this contract out to the H-wood crew, of course stole idea after idea from me and verbatim used them and sold them off as his concepts---he was or is an art dealer in addition to his foray into US media--using these artists, with the English mother of skankalina who already had contacts in that industry from decades of inserting fascism and Nazism (through the daddy) albeit disguised as being open-minded but conservative--even making movies about mind control NO DOUBT what a joke on society--or a support system for the threatened white male supremacist order which needs these technologies in order to quell women like me) and so, Moynihan saw that I wanted to compete--I told him I wanted to be a writer--and in threat, he could not stand to see a woman like me have any chance to sell an idea or have success that could overshadow his mainstream mediocrity and the repetition that he and his group of their endless formulas present as the epitome of modern art on this planet. With this as his and their and your motivational thrust at me to destroy me (and people like me, probably mostly women you put into your sex slave oppressed minority group you want fucked, raped, and disfigured and destroyed and then forced into menial slavery and made impregnated with no chance and only beaten, cheated on, abused and then slowly destroyed in ignominy--THAT IS THE CONTRACT OUT ON ME but first the boring mediocrities must steal idea after idea from me so they can be presented as being "original" with all their hate racist formulas superimposed on the original ideas they steal from me)--in London, back in 1987--Moynihan the perpetual parasite behind the decade of skankalina and minority minion crew-- he tried to rape me after having me drugged (this was in London, I was there on a post-graduate-from college gift from my conspiring parents and grandparents, all being promoted for having inserted all the microchips and playing their roles and also of breaking the rules--then conforming to the system once they achieved the level of attainment they wanted after they "rebelled") but....it's all so complicated I could get lost in diversions and tangents which are still critical to the entire story.
I had told Moynihan while he was trying to rape me that I wanted to be a writer and thought I had a chance. In his white male privilege threat, which you can easily read of if you read the book he wrote (and made the movie out of just a few weeks after my initial mind-controlled contact with him in life-threatened desperation to get health care outside of the United States, because Moynihan and the rest of this group had ordered my slow execution from poisoning but people could still "experiment" with the microchipped MK ULTRA rape "slave" endlessly while I was being poisoned to death, slowly)
and so, the theft protocols of my ideas and then flaunting the stolen finished product to me in various forms (now put on my social media front page version in ways In cannot ignore)
and this all began with Moynihan--out of London, associated with the English Crown crowd which has been assaulting me non-stop during the last awards season with one rotten hater after the next out of London--all threatening me with death, using Nazi terminology and genocidal remarks that Nazis would use during the Holocaust--which is their real unspoken mentality just cloaked with fake polished and learned behavioral mannerisms that earlier generations had created and they merely mimic--but it's conflagrated with the hoped-for iconography of "sophisticated class" only due to this seemingly "refined" way of speaking and an accent.
And this violence has not abated since all those years ago, and it was actually very bad before Moynihan but the English component, now the Italian mafia because I sold cigars at a club in Miami that Sylvester Stallone part-owned called Bar None--with the Italian mafia creep who could only rise to manager of a business in South Beach until his latching onto torturing me endlessly for years and years and he's still here trying to get what he cannot attain otherwise without this contract--
and on and on, more and more latching onto this contract and their promotions and endless hate, violence and insults and millions of people attacking me worldwide--literally this is no exaggeration as you all know.
And yet, I still can't give you pig whores what you expect and demand you have taken away my freedom to pursue my talents and have blocked my transition to a career and the planet is re-inforcing this. That doesn't mean in my opinion that you are superior in any way, it only means you are far too threatened by real equality and freedom of competition.
But I am adding this just as information in case one day someone actually will work to stop this system as in the future many more people than already are suffering will be crushed and destroyed and/or murdered by this group. The survivors or those who begin to understand the truth may want to know how it happened and how it began and by whom. If this blog and my writings remain somewhat intact, and if perchance there is anybody out there right now who gives a damn about any qualities of freedom in society, perhaps you can read my writing and begin to understand that t his is not fiction or a ranting hysteria and that you should be f-ing concerned about continuing to allow such thugs and skank whores to be put into your leadership slots and that you all just allow this to go on endlessly is almost a mystery to me on how sick and ignorant people can be. That you all assume you are going to endlessly profit off this system is also a dumb assumption I can see on your part.