Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The former rebels return to the oppressive mommies and daddies in the end, not just emulating but fully enforcing all the oppression they became "famous" for having sung and writhed in rebellion against//The would-be fascists out of America all disdain and hate American Democracy and all identify with a former Europigapeland Imperialist Empire as their main and only focus of striving to become and embed into the larger American vassal colony of Europigapeland cartel.//Update on the foul and rotten creep whose video mars my blog from my last post: what a foul and disgusting parasitic creepy and nasty ugly personality--the same as all of them, but with her demonic Satanism and creed as being something extraordinary (musically she is above pop music but on a level of modern that any Julliard could also perform; as for screeching octaves above one's actual vocal range, yes, she can do that too). But accosted because I wrote one post. The disgusting display of creep celebrity-after-celebrity (for years) who begin to viciously and violently assault me after I just admire their work, which now I throw away like garbage and trash which is what they try to claim I am only due to Nazi symbolic genocidal rhetoric that this group of scum has completely utilized in their hate pursuit---this MAGA celebrity Nazi crowd your favorite celebs and here is one who is "subculture" but completely mainstream and just as unjust as any white supremacist fascist male while claiming, as they all do--these rapist enabler women--that she is a "feminist" and "fighting with rage" for HER AND HER ONLY ascent into power in the male rape and hate dominion that hitherto they had been excluded from).

*This post has come out as being very disorganized, ranting and rambling--I realize this but the technology blasting my brain and the drugging that never stops being inflicted upon me is forcing this scattering of my thoughts and ability to concentrate. Added to that is the hacking so the keyboard is inoperable at times, I only imagine that after I publish the terrorist hackers will rewrite to discredit this even more. I just woke up and am writing this, in my usual seemingly effete effort to try to stir up any kind of resistance to this impending disaster of doom organization which you all belong--so incognizant of the real dangers of allowing this technology, these technocrats and the actors who play these assurance roles that all is okay and they are defending the universe against evil while in actuality they are perpetuating perhaps one of the most egregious and deadly systems of massive murder and suppression of intellectual and mental and emotional life--it won't be like "The Dark Ages" at this point it will be something more like planetary annihilation and absolute  destruction of all. I can only state that I am not able to write in any real and coherent way, the post is completely scattered and rambling and ranting in hate. I am being accosted in such unfair ways and now it's gone on and on with all politicians completely absorbed in defending this system to the point that I can't look at that body politic as anything but a truly evil entity and a sick joke on the founding principles of the American Revolution (and even that was amiss in it's reach of freedom, but as we try to get more token blacks into power and few other "brown" people, they adhere to the white supremacist legacy and the situation is coalescing into a multi-colored white supremacist global reach with all other skin colors participating fully in following the master's orders).


This creepy woman teleported me when I was exhausted from having driven around Phuket--literally miles and miles in a circle (many miles long this island is). I had been given the run-around by terrorists operating the hacking get-nothing-done network on my phone by my BANK PNC BANK and I was routinely lied to by banking representatives and I cannot get a single business transaction done by phone without being literally discriminated against and lied to non-stop by every representative by phone. There are English-speaking scumbags on the phone, perhaps all actually work for the actual bank but most of them don't have information on-hand about the functions they are supposed to be able to answer immediately. But somehow, I was transferred to a most nasty yuppie-sounding liar out of the headquarters area of the banking center in Pittsburgh)--that is a completely different story but as usual just one more prong in the endless attack upon me--24 hours a day, sleeping and waking, every moment I am fighting to not be poisoned to death--my sleeping gown was sprayed with stinking foul substances yesterday--my bed linens likewise--I had just cleaned them and my one blanket which were both sprayed with most foul substances of toxicity and stinking foul organic filth--on and on, the mechanical arms go on,. The teleportation to hate, stupidity, violence, death threats, abuse, it never ends, day after day. 

Back to the Greek creep who suggested that she would throw acid on filthalina pigalina's face for me--I was teleported only to the mention of her suggesting she would do this and would I like her to do this? I said yes--it was my immediate reaction to that pig whore who has been TORTURING and laughing watching on as pig after pig rapes and abuses me in front of her (the men who are vying for power due to her indelible connection to the English Crown and all the resultant promotions that this whore piece of utterly stupid and vile crap is privy to--not from HER but from her dearth of English Imperialist fascist monarchist filth parasitic vultures who ascend from the pit from whence they come (metaphorically-speaking of course) that very short trip by private jet across "the pond" is their horizontal arrival to the city of Demons in California...

I am digressing but the attacks are so simultaneous that it merges into one elongated ranting and rambling mind-controlled deviation from the point, which is that it's all interconnected anyway:

yuck, thinking of these creeps is disgusting

so I was teleported yesterday night after hours of being almost hit repeatedly by cars which would drive into the road while I was going in a normal lane, at normal speed (but at a fast speed and deadly under these circumstances)

driving into the road just as I approach at high speed in fast traffic in the middle of my lane--almost hit at night, during the day, all day, non-stop. The pandemic is now lowered to release the pig-apes into Phuket level so all the formerly disgusting pig ape whores who had left have all returned to have endless blocks to my every step everywhere I go--endless nasty Thai people who were never here during the pandemic are now back to find their dream mommy and daddy sugar plantation master--and vice-versa for the Europigapeland fascist scumbag whores who are truly deplorable

but nothing is so deplorable as Americans participating in this hate situation and the list of these people is endless.

Here is yet another one born in California but has a Greek background--so like all the rest, her identification is not with America but with this Europigapeland culture--fascist, sexist beyond comprehension--

and as I arrived at one of my destinations on the other side of the island of Phuket after having the usual cars with the insignia of the Italian pigape piece of rotten and ugly sick shit who had been poisoning me to death, obtained his nightclub here in Phuket after having torturing me for  YEARS and I am still fighting to recover my body because he raped/f***ed poison as deeply into my body whit his most ugly and vile disgusting 6-foot something rotten hormone-Nazi-growth disgusting body--and had me thrown in prison after THREE YEARS of asking him to please stop teleporting and raping me--as the ugly pig would not stop, would not stop, would hit and assault me physically when I kept begging him to please stop--as I was eliminated stinking piles of black poison that he had, in part, helped and ordered to be put in my body--every day it was me laying in bed, as I have done mostly every day for over a decade by now, paralyzed and absolutely sick--but this pig would not stop torturing and abusing me--in deadly ways--and his disco insignia followed me around in the form of cars blocking my path--as he does with this symbolic use of force into my life so this rotten pig ape piece of shit can continue to get free businesses out of this torture, rape and murder situation--as he is very much mafia and incorporated into the material fabric of the creeps in the entertainment field out of LA--the ones I have described endlessly now for months who are most nasty, pornographic, disgustingly abusive and violently threatening--the pair of them--homophobic but when it comes to the English "gay" "God" who is supposed to be such a kindly gay male and intellectual too--but scratch below the greed that is the most prominent feature and you will see a most loathsome and mostly ignorant bigot like the rest of the shit from that group---including and even more dumbed down is filthy pigalina the wife of pit.

Back to the Greek shithead who is now assaulting me, or did so yesterday--she is not an American any longer no--she is a Europigape who is filled with Empire and longings for a kind of master-slave imperialistic status--forget about the "sisterhood" of the Wiccan tradition to which perhaps many a hopeful adherent of that dubious sorority have clung to, listening to her music embedded but mostly with Satanic hails actually and literally to Satan. Of course, Satanic means self-absorbed and do whatever you want--ot people who are vulnerable, and suck up to those in power in order to one day hopefully supplant them. And that was her position and operating on an even more dissonant note than filthy pigalina--

but at this shop I was driving to--at the entrance, which is at the back of the building--it is a shop which sells natural therapeutic oils and soaps and shampoos from all-natural flowers and etc-there is a beautiful garden in the back--and rows of wonderful bottles of essential oils and fragrant flower soaps made by hand--and just at the entrance was a male in his 30's looking like Greek--the hair style, the skin, all very Greekish--and as I walked he was staring directly into my face in a most rude and bold way--with this "arrogant" nasty look trying to get contact into my eyes--I saw his look of assumption and I slightly imitated it and with a shrug of disgust kept walking and looked away immediately. These rotten pig apes can literally control my eyeballs at least for the second long enough for me to glance in an area I would not have done otherwise. Inside were a pair of older people--apparently his mommy and daddy--looking very Orthodox with the middle-aged women wearing some kind of Greek Orthodox headdress--the father in a long flowing sort of outfit very much like a Muslim dress--but not the ornate style. They obviously were not out of Islam and I understood that they were Greek--or perhaps out of Egypt, but doubtful (could have had Egyptian roots at some point in their ancestry). The stalker terrorists hovered around me and when I went to the front register to pay, of course they had left their products on the counter just so when the time had come for me to pay they would rush to push in front of me and stand right next to me (people do that the begin to rip threads out of my clothing, flick stains on my clothing and sprays on my clothing an dinto my hair).

As I left the shop the supposed Thai workers for this very tiny shop--which has something like two or three people in it at most--suddenly there were six or seven coming out with brooms and plastic garbage bags, ostensibly the symbol for the Nazi pograms of genocide that these pig ape scum subhuman pieces of shit use to symbolize that they really want to eliminate--mass murder--people like me. I stopped to pet the very scared and thin, unloved and worm-infested/flee infested neglected cat the "pet" of this place--as most of these Thai places where the stalking is rampant there is always some abused animal lurking in filth, abandoned but kept with shitty stale food in bowls as the symbol of their hate for nature and humanity and their greed and only materialistic focus as the main point of all life's expenditures and meaning. The wealthy can afford to treat their pets better but they have their minions who are on such a low level of connection to life and love--I was admiring the flowers and this tiny scrawny cat, obviously the pet, walked very timidly but obviously was walking out to get me to pet her/him---it happens often that animals follow me--I had never seen this cat before, it was hiding in the bushes and had seen me and came out as I came out--and I had to spend at least 5 minutes very gently trying to touch it's nose just to get it to not be terrified of people--and finally I began to pet him/her and she/he cried in need of affection. I always feel like I want to rescue these animals, and in the meantime, my most loved cat is being abused in this same manner by Trump and co. who have stolen her years ago and keep teleporting her to me while I see her degenerating in loneliness and neglect. Nature is dying like Autumn Leaves by now as these same life-screw whores continue their hate machine.

To be nearly hit the rest of my many miles of driving--going to the store--buying food--being assaulted by creeps non-stop as the borders have let them all in-- the endless hate and near-death driving and the sickness is now resumed while the death culture continues it's assault for absolute domination as "masters" over the universe that is unnatural as they work to kill and control--nature, people and the planet (which is dying and under threat of total annihilation by now due to their mentality of each pig ape believing that they are entitled to doing whatever they want--but in terms of America, they only can associate their own identities with fascist and Imperialistic Europigapeland former cultures of domination and megalithic vast Empire--so each greedy and selfish so-called American is only working to establish a pocket of a former Europigape fascist Imperialistic empire within their own little square orbit--but as a collective of absolutely rotten and nasty foul technologically backed murdering marauders. The stupidity is ascending and the vitality is dead. I am being sucked dry every day by these leeches because of their lack of connection to life and it's real beauty.


Each pig I just make a comment on or watch their movie or tv show is now being handed this technology. 

I then returned to sit in front of my laptop and do what I had sworn I should not do--not watch anything on YouTube. But I am drugged perpetually, all my food, and while I am sleeping by mechanical arms--and the brain-altering and subliminal messaging goes on full stop so I am endlessly barraged by these subliminal suggestions and mood-altering technologies which likewise block higher critical and cognitive thinking skills of analysis (which is life-saving, so the tech is very dangerously deadly).

I watched a few episodes of a show I have never wanted to see--Better Call Saul

I was teleported after watching NOT EVEN THE FULL EPIDOSE just clicking on a streaming platform to watch a part of this show because it appeared on my YouTube page (hacked in, obviously)

and I was then accosted by anti-Semitism by the jerk-off lead actor--it's all so disgusting they are all such creeps. All are told they are entitled to breaking, abusing, raping, robbing, threatening and all filled with hate and disgusting stupid displays of self-importance while they all act like a unison of the most dumb and foul mindless voracious life-feeding-sucking-draining parasites with very little imagination, no ethics or morality--absolutely no concern for America or Democracy and they don't want Freedom at any cost--they want an absolute autocracy of Master-slave domination so they can all only associate with Europigape fascist cultures.

As for the Europigapes, in a place like Thailand where this differntial has been inculcated in a non-traditional form of colonialism, by economic force but not directly in name as being a colonized country (colonized greatly by Germany, which is why Thais wear things like Swastikas and love Nazi culture and why the King and Queen of Thailand spend most of their time in the Black Forest of Germany at gambling and utterly ostentatious displays of their wealth in that wealthy region)--

so accosted twice by pieces of rotten shit whose tv show and/or songs I heard a few days ago (subconsciously I am trying to get rid of the pigs who have been assaulting me for all these years, but the pieces of shit who latch on whose songs and movies and tv shows I watch are just as odious, all follow the exact same protocol and the same behavior in a complete mediocrity of conformity so that they appear to be so incalculably incompetent for the roles of leadership--instead their are cogs in a machine of death who perform their calculations and roles perfoectly while posing as if they care--only for a few edited and orchestrated brief moments and even emotions can be drugged and technologically-induced and I am sure with all the mind control technology these pig whores all have now at hand, the most loveless and callous can now pour out tears and have their lips and cheeks pulled down for any facial mask, due to the technology and implants--as this has been forced upon me for YEARS MARRING my skin and face and eyes.


So the American but calling herself "Greek" creep, after asking me if I wanted pigalina's face scarred with acid--as I said yes upon the first second of being teleported, freshly drugged by the drugged food I had just eaten in exhaustion after having driven around all day, carrying extremely heavy bottles of liquids and fighting endless sick creeps blocking my every movement from around every corner at every single moment.

Her first intro to assaulting me, after her surrogate rapist male Orthodox would-be masters had assaulted me in the shop in Cherngthalay--where I was just buying some essential oils and fragrant fresh soap--not to be dirtied by some filthy creeps who are of the most basic misogynist culture, from which  this wench of "feminist" Satanic theme musical schizophrenia blasts out as the opposition to the forces that in her older years, like so many early rebellious people do--they always go back and even worse, to the oppressive old age that they first rebelled again

so there was this rotten looking creep with his mommy and daddy as the Thai slaves stood around protecting the pig who had just been rejected by my glance of wtf? as he glared into my face, into my eyes as these pig apes forced my eyeballs to look in his direction so I had to have contact--he was sitting at the entrance and it was unavoidable and I was in a very good mood looking at this most beautiful tropical garden, manicured but with the inevitable abused animal to signify what this owner and it's minions truly think of natural things, while they are peddling commercially viable "natural" products and all "organic".


The system of hate was the same between them all, these most conventionally Orthodox woman-haters: with a brief flick of their assumption by a glance or a demand, if I do not comply immediately with what they want to suck, drain or steal or obtain out of me, the hate and insinuations towards genocide and death begin. (The thus Nazi brooms and trashbags by the rotten Thais who were dressed in the store's outfits, given gladly by the owners and the employees--but not all of the employees by the way every store is basically and probably threatened with being closed or taken-over if they do not comply with this system which can destroy anyone or their business very easily if they don't comply until this is a global operation with a bunch of life-f idiots performing the most sinister and stupid acts of hate which, as I have tried to write, are part of the reason our entire civilization is going to collapse under the weight of this pig-ape assumption that ignoramus idiots put into positions of power, who have been trained to calculate, do sums and engineer all kinds of technologies nevertheless are deficient in the qualities and qualifications that true leadership entails--and it's all not in the superficial performance of following orders or even in feigning concern for basic human rights or the environment.


***To try to cap this off--the hackers went into this room yesterday while I was out all day and inserted tons of malware, and the technology is just blasting my brain and rendering it incapable of linear cohesion--plus the exacerbation of emotional negativity I know it being enhanced by the tech--the usual

I was asked by this by-now-formalized and ossified former rebel "Greek-American" Orthodox--hitherto outlandishly rebellions "Satanic" but adhering to the principles of slavery, domination of males over women, and all that entails with the most rabid racist themes underlying this once occupied country by the Nazis--and many collaborators there were and still are. In fact, I had Greek "Friends" when I lived in Stuttgart who were Nazi collaborators and they were allowed to get permits to live in Stuttgart precisely for that reason***


After I initially said, Yeah! Pour acid on filthalina's face--yeah--it was that instant gratification feeling of revenge--this very nasty Orthodox "punishment" for women who disobey--along with the honor killings and the poison poured on women's faces in the East who don't do what the pig males want or they just want to keep the dowry and get another wife or for whatever reason. The women are left scarred, the men go off boasting about how they are defending Allah or whatever the F they claim---

As part of this cultural oppression of women, but supposedly afflicting women in this way as punishment is part of the worst of the oppression culture of women on this planet (along with body mutilations--which this pig ape whore group has already done to me and is still doing--they cut out part of my uterus that is akin to a clitorectomy just like the most oppressive of the African diaspora and part of the worst of the woman-hating cultures--all fully condoned in Los Angeles in the most privileged white supremacist cultures you all cheer on as your favorite blonde and Nazi "feminsts" and "Me too" bs practitioners who sell out with all the slogans they have stolen from the real fighters and victims--in this case it is ME they have stolen much from, filthalina in particular.

But after a few seconds of thought, I realized that I was goin on the wrong track and that kind of violence was grossly uncalled for (I only began to associate this most draconian form of brutality against women and the Muslim and Orthodox religions of the East with this singer only this morning, as my mind has been occupied with withdrawing my money from a bank or ATM--as I am being blacklisted by every bank, every ATM won't operate, when I phone to get a temporary increase in funds I remain being lied to by bank managers who sound like growling predators happy to be engaging in discrimination in such an open way while I am here in Thailand--and the bank I went to as I have only one bank to go to in the entire island of Phuket--I was accoseted by groups of white male Europigpaes and the dumb and Nasty sneering and stupid Thai skanks who whine about me not having a phone number when I am trying to get a cash advance as people walk into me from behind, putting scratches on my purses and threads are hanging off once I get out of the bank

but back to the Greek "Satanist" who may still love Satnism, but is not aligned with any type of feminism real or imagined in the base and core of her--like all the rest of these perpetrators of this global operation of death and destruction for selfish self-serving but collective Empire)--anyway--I said that filthy pigalina should be put in prison for actual crimes against me, beaten and raped as she and this global group have done to me for YEARS 9plush all her possessions and ideas and work stolen from her, as she has also done--as her hubby pit has done, as his former wife participates in for their joint movie studio--and the rest and on and on

so I changed the form of punishment from her indoctrinated woman-hating acid-on-face torture and disfigurement, which this group including filthy pigalina has absolutely endorsed for years and my body is coated with scars and things cut out--my toe has been broken it's pointing directly into my other toes at more than a 45-degree angle--I would need real doctor treatment and I can't afford it or trust a single doctor or hospital on this planet so I am stuck looking like I have a deformed club foot almost

but, after initially wanting to destroy that pigape whore in any way, the suggestion was just a kind of opening remark but I am not really physically violent nor do I like to inflict violence

but I said that what this pig whore has laughed about having her vile rapist pig men and minions inflict upon me should likewise be inflicted upon her--more of the "an eye for an eye" makes justice and takes away the blind injustice--in this case, after more than a decade of this--yeh, there is no justice for these pig apes except for punitive measures so they understand the brutality of their ignorant violent misuse of technology--along with these very odious groups of idiots and thugs and scumbags who are part of these death squad groups who are likewise handed these same technologies who upon order by some "entitled" pig ape will do whatever to vent their miserable suppression likewise upon someone or anything else. (.el animals).


Because I began to disassociate with her and her notions and her demand that I give her something "in return" for performing this very nasty act of violence--I said that pigapalina was not worth selling my soul to her or anyone--no violence inflicted upon that skank would counterbalance being suppressed by yet another one of the same ilk--

not in those words but similar.

then began a hissing salvo of insults, threats and hate from this odious personality. Her videos are now a constant upon my Youtube Page--which I am scouring because my favorite radio station from WNYU has been taken over by absolutely mainstream fake alternatives after Scorsese granted part of a film college to NYU and thus, it seems, the radio station has been co-opted to numb down and dumb down the imagination and mentality to conform with lounge fake alternative horrid music.


'Hour of Penance--The Second Babel". Universal Metal Promotion. July 30, 2021.

The Second Babel Lyrics

Punishing the human beings for their perpetual defiance of truth
As the war machines devour the land, we round up all their kings in line
The haunting sound of a blessed genocide

I am the one
I am the truth

Burned alive, stay still
Bathe in the light, I am the one
Burned alive, stay still vile soul
Desensitized, I am the truth
I am the one

There's no worse treason than sheer disobedience
You had no freedom of speech
Rip out their tongues for this is the day
The second Babel will fall
Won't make it out alive
Foundations are giving in
You are voiceless forgeries
Mankind has lost his speech
The tower falls piece by piece
Crushing slowly refugees as rain

Mow down the skies
Unmask the dethroned
Basking in the sun of sooth

Dust you were and dust you will return as letters turn to naught and fade
Crawling like the naked beast you are and rotten to the core, afraid
The haunting sound of a blessed genocide

I am the one
I am the truth

Burned alive, stay still
Bathe in the light, I am the one
Burned alive, stay still vile soul
Desensitized, I am the truth

Wake up, worthless
Freedom has left you in chains
Slave to a superior domain
Torment endless
Freedom has left you in chains
Slave to a superior domain

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...