Saturday, May 14, 2022

It never was the hip generation. They always were fakes co-opting the subculture and turning it slowly into white supremacist Nazi elitism and white male entitlement to do whatever they want and get nearly worshipped for it. I find them so revolting and I too grew up around this type of culture back in the 60's and 70's and so I know and understand how far they truly deviate from any and all of the former culture that they infiltrated and now own and control via this horrid media Nazified empire that they have been put as representatives of as former wanna get high and f*(** musicians and now wanna be Nazi white male entitled and rape culture that they are truly working to infest into global dominance through the media.//Another appeal (almost desperate) to pry another (English) pair of parasites off me (plus their counterparts, the remnants of The Beatles--in particular the clown with the psychopathic huge grin who is a truly evil parasitic version of white male supremacy operating with them)----very famous ones but not worthy of respect or the endless adulation that has been poured upon them. They are only in power due to the ripping apart of the former hippie and feminist movements and for brining in white male supremacy and also a touch of English Imperialism. I can't describe how many of the rabid Nazis and rapists in America who have assaulted me (from that generation) adore this group of what I consider to be mediocrities and now from teleportation sick and disgusting parasitic and "evil" foul participants in what is a collective of them--(and a planet of the pig apes as well who do their bidding). What a miserable world of creepazoids this is endlessly attacking me. I still can't imagine that any of them are truly happy but they LOVE to pour misery upon others to feel bolstered in their collective hate organization. That is what they truly love, and it is what they love to do in order to feel any pangs of "love". This is another rape attempt scenario they inflicted upon me in teleportation for telling then yelling at them after more than 10 years of this pair of s hit attacking me to get off. They keep coming back and becoming more and more violent. One of them tried to smash my head in a car door and that was months ago. That ugly foul dino rotten old man is still attacking me along with the mafia goons the celebrity whores and Nazis and bigots and rapists racists and then their shitty movies and songs get great reviews in the English duo's magazine: Rolling Stone--an endless perversion of "subcultural" art that is an offense to the genre, as these ugly rotten men are an offense to me perpetually but they are still being honored with this status because of their Nazi/white male privilege and woman-hating songs and the "free to do whatever I want" stance which white male culture has so latched onto. Of course they have stolen 80-90% of their imitation music from black American culture but turned it into Satanism. They are credited with having destroyed single-handedly "The Summer of Love" in California with their nazi white trash Hell's Angels and murder of a black man--intrinsically racist but still adored in American society.

 I wish someone would roll them away from me and this situation. They had some creep try to rape me last night in the teleportation situation. They interchanged various disgusting situations of me being around white shit trash male who had me "living" in slum conditions where I was a kind of sexual partner--basically, the sex trafficking which this pair of scum shit have profiteered off for at least 10 years latching onto this contract. One of them latched on with Depp, so many years ago. Endless videos of that ugly old man of The Rolling Stones, not the ape one who sounds like an ape hooting, but the guitar player who formerly advanced all the intricacies of heroin addiction and blood cleansing and black magick Satanism (back in the 70's, when he didn't openly look like a rotten ugly scumbag but a younger scumbag, so he was a bit more on the youthful side and more famous). Now he's just rotten-looking and even more foul and disgusting in teleportation. Like a spat-out piece of hard meat the devil couldn't quite swallow even, he looks like he is, completely foul and disgusting on his internal inner demonic state of being. The other ape-pimping one is more silent but more of a conniving businessman, and thus was brought into this situation in order to play friendly (the usual English deceptive role they all use) and then viciously attack once my guard is down. Please "mind you" that I am always in a deep sleep, under hypnosis, saturated with mind control drugs either pouring out in detox or from the freshy poisoned food this group of shit endlessly orders put into my food (the organization has never stopped doing this, I am always trying to not be drugged but the drugging and sickness is a daily event and their vicious violence and hate always accompanies and is increased when I am most sick and vulnerable. They are true disgusting parasites on every level. Today is no exception. I am very ill from detox and the rape and hate has been a constant teleportation device while I literally have been sleeping in sickness for an entire day--my body fighting to rid of hard poisons that are like a shell and tiny pieces finally come out of this huge internal shell only to suffuse my body with deadly toxins-and at these points, as this group of perverted and loveless pig ape whores always has non-stop 24/7 surveillance on my every thought and action, it's usually a geriatric English pig ape whore parasite who has been endlessly glorified and is partners with the wanna be aristocrats of America and fledgling fascists under training who are under tutorial apprenticeship by one or another of the endless line-up of dinosaurs out of London and English who are most viciously "entitled" to rape, torture, murder, steal ideas due to their mediocrity and banality and endless lack of creativity as they are handed ALL and always never stopped by my own sick and endlessly deteriorating government--always-a dearth of Senators and Representatives take a circular tour around this situation and spin out with whatever they too can suck out of attacking me and getting a promotion out of it).


So, for the last few weeks, since the most rancid one of them tried to have my head smashed in a car door after I said, after repeated sessions the nights before, that I don't like him, I don't like them, I don't like their music--their Satanic stance is offensive and in this context of this situation they are most sickening parasites because of course Satanists love victims to torture and feed off if the victim is "helpless" and when I am teleported I can't get away, I can't ignore the pig ape whore parasites I have tried but I only see in a tunnel vision, can't see where I am, and am surrounded by them in a formation of violence, abuse, insults, threats, rape and hate and it's every single night and for over a decade without a single night of it stopping (or almost).


I keep telling them with increasing hate that I don't like them, until it's me endlessly telling them how and why I find them offensive. Their music, their misogynist and white supremacist entitlement posturing and their imitation of American black musicians *(they had their fans throw garbage at Prince--they had the Hell's Angels guard a concert for free and a black man who was with a white woman was stabbed to death--they have imitated and then stolen black musicians' music for decades and like so many of the racists, they are awarded top money for the music because it's being played by white racists who also happen to break down the feminist movement of the 70's. At this point, because I am endlessly telling them I don't like them, it's like they are there every night now asking the same questions and I keep answering in different very intelligent ways and they are putting rape scenarios with people literally trying to rape me as "punishment" for saying I don't want them, get out, go away, you are not cool, I don't like you". The ugly rotten one with the darker hair tried to smash my head in a car door (I was teleported to him in a prone position on the ground with my head in the car door axel as he was trying to smash my head--murder me in other words--because after I had told them about how I don't want Satanists around me in this situation, that I find them racist, etc--they asked me for the "real" reason as if this was not "real"--(proving how incredulous they are that anyone can't like the shit and crap music they play and their personalities and the English white male privileged destroy the hippie and the black and the feminist movements combined crap that they represent and also foist into the entire music and media industry with that magazine Rolling Stone which always features interviews and articles with the pieces of shit in this coterie of celebrity terrorists who participate in torturing, raping and violently attacking me. 


I told this ugly creep that i want America to retain it's sovereignty. Of course, that is understood that I am tired of pigalina n' pit the duo of terrorists with their endless swarm of English and French, German, and Austrian bigot and openly Nazi actors besieging, raping and assaulting me using openly murderous genocidal Holocaust rhetoric when I tell them I don't like them, their movies or want anything to do with them. I also begin to fight them to stop attacking me after years of them having already done so with me not saying anything because pigalina n' pit are always at the forefront--they are just the minor terrorists in the background but they come to the fore once pigalina n' pit are "tired" of endlessly assaulting me and getting the same result: I can't stand you, me now telling them I wish them death (that has been going on for at least 2-3 years now).


As all of these filth celebrities and politicians are fully willing to sell America off to fascists and Nazis and want a completely substrata of people groveling in deference to the wealth that they have obtained by the money from the genocidal Europigapes and their affiliates from other countries where their endless loot is stored and also the more modern forms of theft and misappropriation that have been ongoing in Congress and trickling down to the whorewood celebrities and their endless affiliation with what are openly Nazis but it's all done in private, and always aimed at me in these teleportation skits.


So the ugly thugs, pigape parasites who resemble dried up dinosaurs are Nazis too, literal and symbolic in any way you want to package it, they "represent" alternative culture with their mediocre magazine that always props up sloppy alternative white music and plays into the "we have some black friends and we review them we are open-minded and not bigot Nazi white supremacists after all, aren't we" and that is the bs that they have been selling off for decades.


One of the stupid skits inflicted upon me today was of me riding a bicycle along some wooded road, a two-lane little asphalt road (black tar I think more than asphalt)--there was an opening for what looked like an estate---into the woods. It looked like an old horse and buggy trail, with the pathway in the two-wheel grounded down dirt and a little bit of grass growing in the middle--like it had been an established road, and thus I believe I was being teleported outside of the US and perhaps to some older estate in Europe--where one of these pig apes lives or has one of their undeserved mansions obtained as their loot for helping to destroy all these former threatening movements--the co-opting of alternative culture has been even a CIA operation and this attack upon me is fully a part of that process of subverting all the former alternative movements and installing pig apes like the Rolling Stones into perpetual top position as if the crap music they come out with is more than a half-century of phenomenal splendor--it's orchestrated packaging of absolute reverse of all former movements contrary to Nazi power. They remain a top symbol of this reversal of the former threat to pigapedome. I was probably teleported to one of their castles or estates in some Europigapeland place, where they had these white males try to rape me in a succession of sick and disgusting dream skits in teleportation where I was always poor, living in sleazy and dilapidated and filthy conditions--as the protocols of having mechanical arms or people entering into my rooms to flick filth, grease, rape my body and pour chemicals on my skin, food, drugging and making my living space so filthy and toxic chemically that it is a slow murder process--and I can't stop this it's so perpetual and non-stop-and they re-inforce this with blocking all my financial earnings WHILE STEALING MY IDEAS to claim as their own--as the Rolling Stones has done with black musicians out of America--and so highly praised for it.


So after months of telling them to get off me, literally non-stop and they won't stop attacking me they believe firmly from decades of being endlessly touted as something more than life that they can do whatever they want (to women who aren't wealthy, and then even so) and now I am forced into abject poverty, living in squallor and endlessly subjected to rape, torture and abuse while shit like pigalina has been stealing all my ideas, Moynihan has stolen verbatim on and on my writings until I can't and won't write creatively any longer

and they are just going on with this expectation that they are ENTITLED to do whatever they want. The rotten ugly English Londoner who viciously attacked me in more than one way (having her Irish boyfriend rape me as her proxy, with her being put into lead position for YEARS afterwards and the Irish never stops being put into main lead role in movie after movie for all the years since--and that was years ago)

with me telling them to get off me, that years of them attacking me means that they are only shit to me and nothing to respect--and I am being threatened with death and things are stolen, broken I am raped and beaten in teleportation and the pigs are being more promoted as they increase their expectations of abject slavery, poverty and silence for years of torture from them. 


I need some kind of assurance on some level that America is not heading entirely in the direction of this kind of genocidal regime of Imperialistic colonialization. If you read books and do research on how Europigape colonization actually happened, it was something along these same lines of absolute murder for any oppressed victim of the regime speaking up in protest after years of all being stolen and taken away from them.

That is their plan for America and it's being honored by the expletives in America who also yearn for a culture just like the older Europigape fascist Imperialistic colonizers. They want the black and feminist movements crushed and gone. When the Nazi women and their "good" minions are "fighting" for "feminist" rights they mean people like me crushed, beaten as their replacements and them put into respected and protected positions of entitlement to also crush women like me by having their own proxy pig ape rapists rape and torture me for them. They are absolute advocates of rape, mutilation and they love watching it happen to women they can't stand to see have a chance to compete against them, who they want to believe are supposed to be frumpy, ugly and inferior to them and brought up to automatically assume that mantle of suppressed inferiority--as has happened with their various styles of programming and mind control for millennium.


A target of these types of pig apes out of Europe is America with all it's "freedom" and this is a completely well-funded and organized crusade to quell and destroy any such movements. For some reason I appear to have become a symbol of violence by this group because I do not want my body, life and my hopes and aspirations to be taken away absolutely and completely forever due to this racist program that no one seems willing to stop or even care enough about to make publicly known in any outcry so similar victims are not abused and poisoned and tortured raped and/or put in accidents and murdered.


Please get The Rolling Stones and this rotten creep McCartny and probably Ringo as well off me, I have tried and tried for months now and years with McCartny and they all keep latching on. 
They all--these dinosaur former "hipster" musicians have gone on participating in this most foul racist and rape violence against me in mind control programming and teleportation for years and years participating in this. The rotten pigs got movies made about them in the form of documentaries for the last many years they have all participated in this. They keep going on and on to get more and more out of this deal. I find them so revolting and I too grew up around this type of culture back in the 60's and 70's and so I know and understand how far they truly deviate from any and all of the former culture that they infiltrated and now own and control via this horrid media Nazified empire that they have been put as representatives of as former wanna get high and f*(** musicians and now wanna be Nazi white male entitled and rape culture that they are truly working to infest into global dominance through the media.


I have to sadly wonder if John Lennon had not been assassinated (probably by some CIA COINTELPRO operation/MK ULTRA assassination pawn they used to do the murder) if John Lennon would have likewise been a rapist racist advocate clinging to attacking me in this contract out of a desperate need to cling onto power and influence and discarding all his former extremely ground-breaking philosophical stance on respecting life and love. I think he would have not participated and that is why he was assassinated and why shit like McCartney is still shoving his goofy psychopathic clown grin and posturing bs antics into the media, and why this Rolling Stones pair of satanic scum is still being revered because this upsurge in hate and racism and Nazi culture is so important to those who have stolen the power from the people and turned it into an aspiring monopoly of extreme fascist import into the utter destruction of The United States, turning it into a petty dictatorial fascist colonized playground for Europgiapes like these scumbags out of England and their counterpart Nazis out of the Continent who are all vicious and drooling Nazis when they are protected and in their natural environment of grabbing and raping and abusing to get power and steal and rob and take over America. 

I am a patriot in this sense, but the Patriot movement of America that helped the friend of these Europgiapes and their American collaborators are abosolutely unpatriotic and fully participate in these hate crimes according to dictate protocols derived from the older protocols of the elders of Nazism and colonialism, which these rancid musicians are a full representative of, clinging to the former images of having been open to taking drugs and having orgies as their sole identification with "freedom"--now turned rancid into rape and murder and absolute theft and fascist dictatorship control over America. 


I forgot to finish writing about the stupid skit that was forced upon me when I was on this little road probably some place in England or Europe where there was this older horse and buggy trail leading undoubtedly to some private estate off a small tar road. There was a kind of official person, I could not see clearly, a huge SUV type car and me on my bicycle (the power differential of me on this little bike and a huge car and a person in something like a guard box looking official). The SUV was sitting on the road and not moving, the guard told me officiously that I had to "stop for the King". This was the first minute of my awareness of being on this road, in this situation and while sleeping, detoxing and sick. I waited for probably 15 seconds, saw nothing was happening or approaching and so I tried to ride my bicycle to enter into this path. The next thing I knew I was nearly being raped as "punishment" for not following orders and obeying a colonialistic reverence for English authority and for royalty. These pigs are now going into a kind of mind control level of assault based on torture, rape and endless abuse (all day the Thai people of this condo were shouting outside--literally for 8 hours non-stop while I was in an unconscious but semi-aware daze--all day a stink of rotten fried fish permeated the entire area of this condominium--they shouted literally without pause for over 8 hours while I was in this healing detox state of deep sleep. I was in deep sleep even when teleported. I am very, very ill from poisoning and they just exacerbate the violence when I am in this state--always.


Calling them parasites on every level is all I can say about them. Their claims of royalty and elitism are a farce considering that their music isn't even good much less great. That goes for the acting and the movies of most of these creepazoids who attack me.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...