Sunday, May 8, 2022

I was teleported and assaulted in a most stealth way last night as I was almost in a sleeping state--I had written a post yesterday about some Afro-Cuban drumming and was accosted by the usual parasitic Nazi "liberal" celebrity thug cartel who have all gone on taking turns assaulting me for over a decade without end; to leech information about voodoo or any of the other religions that Bata Drumming accompanies in ritual. My experience in Miami, mind you, was not my personal lifestyle choice but was merely what I was writing about in response to the horrid rhythmic computer thumping of 4/4 beats in most dance/techo/house music that is so popular.

 ***At this point I am going to stop correcting, the hackers have rewritten much of the post and I spent another x number of minutes trying to repair what hackers had made almost incomprehensible above. The hacking is so bad that this morning as I was logging into one of my accounts, I was standing up typing and without looking I can easily type whatever I want. I had written my password three times and it would not log in, so I had to sit down and click on the "reveal" tab and saw that multiple inserts were put into my otherwise perfectly--typed password thrice attempts. The keyboard is nearly inoperable at this point of dysfunction and so--the post below will probably read like a totally incomprehensible post in many places. They will have changed words as usual to alter the meaning as part of a discrediting. Well, I have a lot of work to do now and have spent far too much time writing this as it is and can't go through more work at this point.

The work I have to do of course is to once more work to stop them from teleporting me--this is the only work I have been doing for years is fighting in my defense, writing posts which reach no one except for Nazis and bigots (of all races and identities, as I wrote in this post, the objective is to incorporate as many people into the umbrella of this global operation so what they steal from me is being used to lure these seemingly "alternative" subcultures into the fold and then slowly program all into either serving or obeying or leading the Nazi cartel to continue to build their one-world Nazi 4th Reich-and that's the point of these expletives stealing my ideas and then torturing me afterwards and destroying all I am and have if possible).

Why read the book when you can get instant gratification by listening to this song which explains it all! Voodoo for Dummies! Make your movie off this video information.

Starring all your "liberal" Nazis in Ho-wood, another formulaic racist/sexist movie set to another seemingly original and "hip" theme (stealing the original concept and destroying the original deeming it inferior and stupid and ugly and unimportant and "minority" without deferring to the pig apes and so---here you go! The next Disney movie for adults in diapers put to the same old formulas and racist underpinnings of assumption but placed into the context of a seemingly and alarming original and sensational ground-breaking format/formula retaining the same old racism and sexism and hate and white supremacist motifs. Imagine all blonde Nazi children of your famous Nazi celebrities playing witches and Voodoo Priestesses in high school in Los Angeles and in lesbian covens dissing sexist mean and nasty men and appearing so tough and bold. Oh--that was The Craft but now you can add more of the blonde Nazis into lead position instead of the dark-haired because now the underground is being accepted by the over-downpressers using these themes to project themselves into any and all avenues of potential power and usurpation for any and all themes that can and will be used to destroy all until there is only one group dominating all. A slow assimilation into the mediocrity and weakness and hate of this thuggery cartel.

"DILIMAJERO--Voodoo for Dummies (prod. Citizen X)". Dilimanjero.  February 1, 2015.

The technology these leeches use to obtain information out of me operates like a weeny tiny mosquitos gently sticking it's blood-sucking apparatus under your skin so gently--they prod at my internal thoughts and it's like I am thinking to myself--I begin to see their (the celebrities who have gone on and on for years, years and years sucking ideas and stealing what I write endlessly, with ZERO payment to me, not a penny not a cent as they make millions off the seemingly original theme--like the wrong puzzle lpiece forced into a square slot, they then incorporate all the usual subliminal and conceptual symbolism of racism--absolutely every time--sexism and otherwise the white supremacist doctrine re-inforced into what appears to be originality and hipster egalitarianism of equality and freedom and placed somehow in the rubric of being anti-racist and open-minded--due to the ideas they steal from me but then the rest is sprinkled on with hate and mediocre stupidity very cleverly in-between the fake display of alternative lifestyle and choice). So they were attacking me to get information without having to do the work as I have done to obtain information on Caribbean African-based religions--which are associated with "black magic" on one hand and then feared on the other by the "good" Christian witch-burning American culture which loves a good witch hunt every single month of every single year.
I was slowly and gently prodded on information in the video as to what a particular display meant in the diaspora of this religion. I began immediately to answer like it was my internal voice thinking to itself--I then could make out very tentatively this double-vision/double-entity form of teleportation multiple-dimensional situation of being in two places at once: the usual criminal and rapist and foul nasty celebrities with their Nazi square and blank faces filled with the usual greed, smug smirking and greedy grasping to obtain more information before they began to destroy the subpoiverty income amount of almost nothing I get from being disabled, because their group poisoned me as they have not stopped doing all these years, in particular to keep me in a state of psychic and physical vulnerability so their insidious technology and usurpation and sucking and draining apparatuses can continue to obtain ideas from me in this very vulnerable sleeping or near-unconscious state--I began to realize what was happening, began to call them the usual hate words like "fuckers" and then I began to feel this sinking level of hate and disgust as I began to almost yell at them an endless display of hate--which of course they also relish because they feed off torture, sadism and the response they feed off energetically--and they also get promoted for me having these reactions because destroying the target emotionally is one of the prime tactics--and obviously the target appears dishevelled and then worn out and destroyed eventually and then they can claim that the target is emotionally ill and that they are delusional and schizophrenic and etc etc. So I reacted in this state because I was feeling good, hoping that my nighttime of wrapping my skull in at least 8 layers of various caps and strings and huge pieces of materials would stop them from inserting the nodes onto my skull at various places and inflicting their disgusting and vile nighttime sickness of teleportation on me. But I had not figured out the wrappings perfectly and I had to adjust them and they just loosened up most of the stuff last night and inflicted the English version of this hate contract: the English love to welcome you in with warm smiles and invitations, and then once your guard is down, the begin to immediately insult and berate you in the most nasty ways. I began to have a physical fight with a huge English woman and her huge English husband stood there--a group of people standing there watching on. My body has been made also so weak and deformed from all the poisoning, and of course the millionaires and billionaires who steal my ideas never can contribute a single cent to me having any kind of decent place to live--they have made my home stinking and filthy on a non-stop multiple-time per day stink and filth attack so that I am never without crud, greasy filth, stinking foul odors and all clothing is stinking and nasty--the floors are greasy everything has a coating of brown permanent stains on it. Etc there is so much filth I can't begin a list of it. But in addition, my entire body is broken down and I can't really fight huge people who are not "disabled" as this group has forced upon me with their covert poisoning and mutilations of my body. That is the payment they give me after they steal ideas. so I began to yell at them that they are pieces of shit, they smirked and gloated because this also is part of their endless quota for payment and promotion--a reaction of hate, the lowering of good mood and of peace and pleasant living for me--and then they inflicted this as a form of behavioral modification--adn they are all out smirking, having their filthy payments and their nasty orgies and luxury bs lives as the government continues to uphold them and this system as a way of enforcing an elitist group and a completely downtrodden group forced into mind control slavery in a way that Alex Jones hinted at in his ranting blathering (he stole most of his material from the real intelligent information-sharing radio host, William Cooper and I highly recommend people listen to h is lectures, i.e. on The Clintons using information that you have never heard on the news but it's all backed by research, so he claims)
but that is digressing---
so here is my response. I should not respond but I am trying endlessly to get any kind of humane response out of this planet. I know that only the most nasty perpetrators in the media have access to this writing of mine, and that I actually convince no one but perhaps there will be a few who will care once the s*** hits the fan and the problem is very much out and open to the public. So far people are so brainwashed into believing that they profit off this system of inclusive exclusion and elitism (so they believe).


*I just had to rewrite parts of this next section which hackers inserted the word "so" into the beginning of each and every paragraph. This is part of the discrediting hacker insertions that I must be on guard about, but cannot alter because the hacking and block to my accessing even a recovery CD for this laptop (here in Thailand I am lied to at every shop, I can't trust having anything mailed to me, and I can't find anything in any store, I think all the CD's are removed from every computer shop in every place I go beforehand). But I am stuck with this infernal hacking which is so discrediting.***

A conclusion, written hours after having written these posts upon waking from being drugged via skin patch (by mechanical arms), tortured and assaulted in yet another psychopathy teleportation skit and sucked as dry as possible beforehand by the parasitic leeches you all call your leaders and celebrities in order to make a more confined 4th Reich conformity to their authority and meaninglessness, repackaged as being bisexual as the main form of "alternative" and having a few black and brown people as being mere shallow representatives of their claim to a fair and balanced system. It is the integration of the global population which they represent into the white supremacist organization which they are asserting globally as a one-world system, defined in various idiosyncratic ways depending upon cultural differences of various regions.

The American version of this is in part being forced upon me. I have only participated in some of the sub-cultures available in the United States, but even in these groups there were always terrorists infiltrating the movement for the ultimate purpose of undermining it and then usurping and co-opting the entire movement. With, of course, the ultimate aim of incorporating any alternative lifestyle of political movement into the 4th Reich philosophy, only with a few superficial differences in appearance such as dyed red hair, nose rings, rainbow lifestyles, but the prevailing system of control remains firmly in the hands of those who enjoy watching on to the lesbian encounters and the various soft and hard options that they can now more openly choose, instead of remaining in the closet as they had hithertofore.

Thus, what is one of the most important key questions I am asked after the initial latching on, slow welcoming smiles and nicely positioned questions with the fangs waiting just below the fake openness of their snarling fake smiles, so well perfected from years of coaching and acting practice (including the minor players in this organization, they all learn from a basic playbook but some cultures are more adept at this than others). What they want is my opinion of these lifestyles, the INTERPRETATION is the most important because these mediocre banalities who posture and pose with perfection but are like plastic-coated fruit otherwise sitting on shelves and waiting to have their real lives for a few moments in the basking glory of public appreciation--so they have no real alternative opinions or thoughts. Their every action is something I can so easily predict and the blank staring for years as they ask questions demonstrates how little they have ever strayed outside of acceptable normative thought as ordained by their controllers. Obviously that is one of the main reasons they have been put into leadership position. (This includes most poignantly the politicians who impose their hate upon me as they laud and applaud the celebrities who are also helping THEM to portray a false promise of caring and sharing for The American People--most of whom they detest and want to see crawling and/or destroyed so they can usurp the rest of the resources of the planet but also have a dearth of slaves desperate to get out of hopeless poverty and calculated destitution to suck and clean for them on every level possible).

So they never stop asking me for my opinion, and then torturing me for having written it. And then when I attempt to write more on my Facebook or on this blog page(s), they then really torture me for having written anything outside of "yes, that's all great that you do" mentality, without question or circumspect analysis. But, they need this alternative point of view in order to continue the mass deception about how much they care and how alternative and meaningful they appear to be after they leech off ideas and steal and rob and destroy all alternative they can to their power-grabbing opportunism and global mass 4th Reich reach.

They never stop trying to force ideas out of me for even one single day using traumatization as the mean to procure information and teleportation to exert this kind of psychological and physical distress. They keep torturing me so I write in rage and once I begin to write, the technology literally opens my thoughts and creative aspects of my brain so I pour out ideas I wanted to not write about, which come out like my brain is in a sieve situation. Then they torture and disfigure and I have to fight every day to protect my body--and they go on doing this regardless of whether I write or not--to keep the violence and trauma going on--then they insert this tech while I am sleeping. As I am perpetually alone and attacked by society which is being told to hate me and so everyone does--they just go along no one comes to protect me or sees this as injustice or targeting--they see it as a free and easy witch hunt that they can participate in or just let happen because obviously I must have done something to deserve it, they tell me when I try to describe how I need protection.

They need my opinions but they do nothing but torture me for having my opinions. Then they torture me to obtain more ideas out of me. Then they steal all in their huge and ever-expanding group or leeches in both celebrity and political and media spheres--I hear my words chosen carefully echoed literally verbatim by so many of the YouTuber Progressives--the white males of this group who all love the most duplicitous Rep. Cortez out of NYC because she so acts her role of yelling rage and defending "brown" people so well while absolutely hailing sieg heil to the Nazi 4th Reich--and these types steal my words as they also are hacking and then sometimes they participate in the teleportation yelling and threatening me with vicious hate. And other media reps come in to play that role as well--all then soon promoted and held in highest esteem and allowed to froth their anti-Trump rhetoric while absolutely affirming him and his politics in private--and if not so, they are really just the fake opposition to the MAGA movement disguised as the Progressives. I am not referring to ALL the movement just those put into media representative positions. As for those in Congress--I have mentioned them before.

In order to continue the deception these boring and banal haters need an alternative point of view to sell off so they can continue to play actor-turned-politician for The Left while firmly adhering to every fascist and white supremacist dictate in their personal hate lives which is now being extolled by leadership to feed their misery by feeding off having instant torture victim(s) like me and by chance I also happen to have an alternative viewpoint in politics from my years of growing up around all kinds of different points of view and in searching them out all my life--which they keep and prevent me from participating by mostly MURDERING THROUGH COVERT ASSASSINATION those leaders who once stood for something other than fake posturing.

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