Thursday, May 12, 2022

I find there is no celebrity put into power who does not conform to this organization and is not of the same rotten fabric which is rotting the fabric of society to such a huge degree (along with their partners in the governments who accompany the huge deception of turning a once Democratic society into a fascist colonized vassal state of Europigape centrism and Fascist Authoritarianism and all those other nasty "isms" associated with completely oppressive and genocidal murderous corrupted elitist regimes on this planet throughout all history. The technologies they are employing to help to bring this about is bringing about such a backward digression from all the progress of the last few centuries that the result will be truly a barbaric technocratic Totalitarian state of petty tyrants and dictators. That is truly what these celebrities have been programmed and bought into replicating. //I formerly recant any and all complimentary commentary I have made towards any living celebrity. I have not discovered one that is of a genuine and legitimate character in terms of human development. As this was a "half-full" comment, I will add that I discover instead that they are malevolent and mentally deranged (mind controlled) specimens of voracious greed, selfishness and vileness on a personal level. They firmly believe that I am to be thrust out of normal society and forced into an enslaved and denigrated position in society with no human rights whatsoever. Something to be insulted, raped, beaten, tortured and forced into sex trafficking via this teleportation torture that my government has forced upon me and my family and obviously millions of others will be and are victims of this hate crime system. The celebrities are more than a disappointment as to the fake morality they all espouse of caring about human beings and representing any kind of noble ideology. They only represent the same mentality as the Capital Rioters in headdress of Satanic possession to dispossess the multitudes of their identities and empowerment in any kind of Free and Open Society. They all obviously bow like slaves to the Monarchy that filthy pigapewhorealina represents along with Pit--these actors who have not stopped inflicting violence and terror, rape and absolutely racist hate crimes upon me with the full backing of both the English Monarchy and the nasty actors who are a part of this team, along firmly with all the top layers of American society, of course trickling down in both countries and all countries into the crevices of society where the behaviors and actions and personality typologies are all exactly the same as the posturing, pig-sniffing-the-air celebrities and politicians.

As I was just accosted by a rotten and ugly most foul evil Satanist celebrity whose music I only admired for one day just to try to get another person who SKREECHES AND SCREAMS in hate and violent vocals about "White Male Supremacy" and how women are victimized. Within one day of me writing about how much more sophisticated she is than the pop musicians who have also participated and in general, the really mediocrity-uninspiring spate of pop music that is just untitillating enforced titillating--but the crowds throng to it, so they must be excited by all that masturbatory gyrating stuff on stage and not overly concerned about the quality of the music. Some of the singers can belt some tunes out, no doubt. I still compare good singing to very original but mostly to trained voices which are exceptional--brought up in classical music tradition. This is not being snobby but just a fact of how special a truly trained musician is as opposed to a kind of gyrating pop sensation who enthralls because of a fake and posturing position about how "free" they will make you if you buy their music and glamorize them.


But within one day this skank disgusting rotten woman out of a "Greek" heritage, of course American by birth--skreeching about how men and in particular white males are destroying women--in her Satanic revelries about how she is free and is fighting to be free of the white male domination society--which really is the darker-skinned men of her Greek culture who want to be free of their minority status so they hail the Golden Dawn (a "Satanic" organization, the Golden Dawn was back at the turn of the 20th Century, replete with English and Illuminati Satanic practitioners but turned into a Nazi occult subcultural group--then turned into a Greek Neo-Nazi movement).

But within one day this creep had conjoined (at the hip) with filthy skankalina the Satanist of the same fabric but with a larger reach of her gyrating hypocrisy because of her alliance with the English Monarchy--which everyone in this celebrity alliance surrounding me bows down to in allegiance--this also includes the politicians who all perform their act of subjugation to that promotional entity by insulting, threatening and then having my body and home destroyed--as they take turns--my life just turned into a continuous fight to clean stinking filth out of my body and home and to fight to not be mutilated into complete deformity by the people inserting these mechanical arms

but this Greek "Satanist" who was playing a mind control game by trying to entice me into a revenge sort of scenario by offering to have acid thrown on the face of filthy pigalina--in her Easternized hatred of women, the acid-throwing on the face "righteous" Islamic punishment for women who step out of line--indoctrinated so deeply into her roots of familial subjugation of women but that is supposed to be a highly revered cultural norm and thus correct. She began with trying to force some ugly nasty guy, although not ugly and old, but the look on his face was both ugly and like a demand for instant subservience on my part. Just because I have dark hair and my skin gets darker in summer months or in tropical climate, do not confuse me for your cultural slaves in your embedded racist doctrines of servicing white male supremacy and their creep women--as this group did within a fraction of a second--to try to force this upon me, and then this woman trying to lure me into a trap that she and filthy pigalina had both devised

I want people to understand that Satanism is very dominant in the upper circles of this English group which has attacked me for all these decades. The painter Danny Moynihan lured me into his trap when I was living briefly in London by leaving a painting (his work) of a set of animal horns laying on a chair in front of an open door in the background. AT that time, it was the late 80's, paintings like this had permeated the culture that I had been around in Minneapolis--I had absolutely almost no training or understanding of Satanic culture or symbolism at that time, and actually had none until this group began to seriously threaten my life--decades later. That means I have never been an adherent of Satanism or of occult "black magick" practice, although I had brief brushes with experimentation in what I thought would be investigative into writing about this topic one day. 


But the symbolism was SAtanic and I asked for this picture that was leaning against the garbage bins in front of his flat in Chelsea--I lived in a "bedsit" across the street--and because I am under a state of memory block, I cannot remember the name of this street in Chelsea, London--I think it was Redcliff Road--yes, that was and is the road.

He began stalking me and for the last 40 years he hasn't stopped inflicting his Satanic brood against me. In the last 6 months prior to all of them "winning" top awards in the US field of awards, which they have been slowly usurping and have indeed taken over completely--a non-stop revolving door of English very Satanic practitioner haters--whose movies are packed with symbolic representations and anti-Semitism and all is really superficially packaged as being a positive enlightenment of entertainment thrills or of "dramatic" but "heroic" movie lackluster titillation--underlying it all is mind programming and essentially Satanism is a large part of it.


In this recantation of my former praise of certain actors I can only state that my years of having to be around them has shown me that the troubles that America is only slowly waking up to (the loss of abortion, the horrific crimes against Democracy, the seemingly inept political landscape where policies that would help the population out of poverty and the slums and denigration that the bigots are trying to force upon me by destroying all the work and opportunities that society presents but with this force of gang stalking, literally destroys in every and all targets with full applause by society, the police, and in particular by the US Congressional representatives and Senators who fully are in conjunction and agreement with all the various layers of media from top media enterprises to the lowest of the social media players who have passed through the tests of approval by those on top who only allow, essentially, one single mentality to thrive but it appears to be a bipartisan or dualistic fight for freedom and equality in a balance of power.


So there are no more celebrities screaming about feminism, freedom and equality left--NONE that are popular now in this time.

The skank Satanist who is a low-class whorish fake was trying to put something like her cousin out of Greece into a male domination slave-master situation--the Thais around him were acting like absolutely bowing and ingratiating slaves-which means this pig creep male was expecting to be served immediately by me because I have this dark hair and my skin is darker in the sun--as even white pig apes have sometimes if they don't get red from too much sun exposure--I see all kinds of shit-brown colors on the skins of Nazis out of Europigapeland for months leading up to the end of the high season when the shit finally gets on planes and stops polluting this environment with their hate and instant gratification demands by the groveling and smiling whore slaves out of Thailand who obey and smile and love their masters so openly it's disgusting. The pig apes then become more demented in their assumptions that I must likewise become an instant groveling slave. All I do is fight to not appear in public with stinking clothing because of the groveling slaves spraying stinking filth on my clothing so the bigot Nazis can smile and feel assured that there is no competition coming from people like me who aren't going to willingly play their nasty master-slave game.


So yet another slave who is screaming in her American freedom that she is a Satanist and thus not a Greek Orthodox slave to a white male master, is bowing with hate but like a parasite finding it's level with yet another parasite, filthy skankalina was hissing into another Satanic practitioner's ear to play some sick game, try to force a most abusive and nasty Greek male as my "master" by this ugly look on  his most disgusting and nasty face while I was entering a shop that he had placed his revolting body in front of just to stare me down with  a look that was hostile, nasty, condescending and ugly and putrid at the same time--as I was held aback for less than a fraction of a second and made a kind of face and walked on while the throng of slaves then laughed and surrounded this creep while his mommy and daddy surrounded him with protection and attacks upon me by more slaves--as always, I was one person because no one will associate with me any longer so I am always alone--and always sick from their poisoning, and then I was surrounded on all sides by  a minimum of 20 people in this attack circle. 


Teleporting me later that night, after hours of being nearly killed by cars, pushed into, attacked as white bigots sat languidly while their slave brown-skinned/black-skinned minion whore slaves were viciously attacking me for their promotion by their master white pigapes--their masters they love--just like this creep in California was trying to force her own Demons of slavery to men who oppress and abuse, embedded as it is within her own defunct culture--but such an "old" tradition such a "wonderful" Mediterranean Culture how wonderful it all is from the perspective of Americans who see just a tradition out of Europe and not the reality.

But trying this bs on me, and then operating in a most nasty way with this endless Satanic practitioner who has been welcomed for her evil and violent rape and torture practices towards me into the United Nations, the United States Government and all the Senators and the representatives and all of the celebrities treat this skank like she's the most incredible--it is a stance I have never held, but I can say that plastic surgery has done a lot to create an image and posturing bs has done a lot more to propel this skank whore into a very highly undeserved position of power and it's being pushed by the Satanic entity called The Crown--an entire association but of course allied with the English Monarchy--just as the English Monarchy intimately also allied with the German Nazi Party under Hitler, they still do to this day.


I have, with my experience, quite a bit of commentary about these actors and their movies and my analyses of them, but I am under too much threat and don't want to get more demons attacking me if I say I liked their acting or hated their movies--they come with hissing hate to try to crush and destroy me if I say I like them or hate them in their roles--but all I can say is that the positive attributes they all feign to have is an absolute deception and the evil they portray is nowhere as evil and vile as they truly are in their private domains.


And this all trickles down to the lowest dregs of society which is influenced by this group and the movies and the governments which help to create the social fabric which they can jump up and down on like it's a springboard for their absolute disdain of  humanity and for any level of society lower than the absolutely wealthy or "powerful".


The down fall of America continues as more and more entertainment news centers around the English Monarchy. The evil and unraveling of society into a white male supremacist culture is coalescing daily and increasing. I have written of the politicians like Clinton who have helped to bring this about, and they are still being upheld as some kind of authority about politics or society. I can't explain how appalling all of this is from my position. 

I find there is no celebrity put into power who does not conform to this organization and is not of the same rotten fabric which is rotting the fabric of society to such a huge degree (along with their partners in the governments who accompany the huge deception of turning a once Democratic society into a fascist colonized vassal state of Europigape centrism and Fascist Authoritarianism and all those other nasty "isms" associated with completely oppressive and genocidal murderous corrupted elitist regimes on this planet throughout all history. The technologies they are employing to help to bring this about is bringing about such a backward digression from all the progress of the last few centuries that the result will be truly a barbaric technocratic Totalitarian state of petty tyrants and dictators. That is truly what these celebrities have been programmed and bought into replicating. 

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