Watching the damn tube because of the sense of endless attack, needing to hear if anything possible is going to stop this fascist Nazi group from taking over all the sides of all the sides---hearing the "Left" discuss how great things are going, seemingly. And while watching the stinking filth is being constantly injected into this tray--I have to pull it out from the nook in the wall nestled in the stinking foul cabinets which I cannot use due to stinking filth sprayed on everything whether outside or in, but if any enclosed space the smell permeates and then they spray such stinking permanently-absorbing filth on my clothing hanging on racks in front of my front door so the room stinks constantly of foul odors I spray and spray bleach water and fabric softener everywhere but this seme dead meat stinking ooze is being constantly sprayed
it sticks to the plastic defrost tray and it sticks to the porcelain of the toilet as I have had to pour it out 6 times all day--I pour in bleach and flower-scented cleaning stuff and within 20 minutes it is oozing with white dead meat semen stuff--somehow put into that tray behind the fridge. I must pull it out constantly. It is very heavy--the paint scratched off everywhere stains and literal holes dug into the front of the fridge so it looks like a pock-marked catastrophe--they have broken pieces inside the fridge--the room itself is completely broken down in disrepair completely, 100% from the endless daily attacks and the sick creeps working for the filth scum who order these attacks
all foul and dirty and nasty, but they all have cleaning people cleaming up their mess constantly
so they torture me to get a reaction and the torture never ends even if I remain silent until I finallly can't take it any longer
they drug and poison my food so the culmination of non-stop years of attacks constitute a lack of balance while I am shitting out the poison and sick from the poison ripping out of my body as they drug my food and all love friendship companionship is gone--
my body covered with poison and scars literally from being slashed pounded made crooked drugged and my hair gone my fingers slashed into the nail bed liver spots from so much toxicity my body is being slauthteredj
every day some hate so traumatic I write to get my brain into another gear because there is no companionship no way for me to move I can't get out of this room due to the hard poisons and fighting to rip them out--they are completely embedded into my spine in a huge piece similar to some turtle shell but half-broken latched all along my spine as they never-ending torture me before they win after they win the day after they win for ideas they have stolen from me
On the same theme of the "pecking order" the "food chain" and the "feeding frenzy" for down-pressor rights in the 4th Reich being fully implemented by all above--so they are paid in multi-millions for their effort to conform to 4th Reich standards of minority minion antisemitism and the murder of those who will not submit or agree to their supremacy claims and demands---(this group is torturing me for analysis of the symbolism contained in their Nazi-programming media--I have not yet seen any cultural interpretation of symbolism done by any of the critics they only focus on performance and basic theme as if there are no underlying programming messages embedded, whatsoever).
Jackie Chan (I did not want to write THE OBAMAS openly above) but now I will name names
he spent more than 2 months--I don't know how long but it felt like forever--attacking me as a vicious bully when my nervous system was under attack, I was drugged, my body huge with poisons (as it still is but then it was liquid stinking filth trapped in pockets inside my body which I have had to rip out using extreme exercises which I had to amalgamate myself from observing some of the videos which the Chinese Martial Artists hacked into my YouTube--and others which I discovered myself and then they began a barrage because if I clicked on one video, they could then justify teleporting me to torture abuse and more drugging poisoning and etc.
Chan the worst of the bullies
he is now coming out with his formulaic movie about the young (white Italian-sounding name actor) boy as victim of bullies, needing the ancient-knowledge nice old Chinese "victim" of racism--so it would seem something like a poor janitor or whatever--Karate Kid, is that the name my brain is currently under mind control blanketing and I only watched a few minutes of the movie back in the day--
it came out again with the Smith's son playing the poor little victim role and the Chinese "sifu" training him to be a fighter for righteousness (of course, all actors are horrid racist perpetrators of fascism when they possibly can obtain promotions for their movies based on formulaic returns of movie themes--for decades)
and, the pecking order movie that Jackie Chan has made, out of bullying me viciously to the point I had to write and write, he was yanked off feeding off abusing me as a parasite
and the movie trailer I saw is apparently about the former white privileged male who had starred in the 80's version (looking well-off, looking like a wealthy white male because in real life he is, probably)
and there is a young "victim" Chinese boy--teen I mean. I can only guess that the subject is of the Chinese boy being bullied looking for martial arts support to fight off the bad guys. My interpretation of the "message" of this film is that by bullying me viciously, Chan let it be known that Chinese, and males in particular, are on a higher level of the trickle-down Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich than me (representing the "bad" Jews who do not automatically conform to Nazi subjugationg and allow racism and antisemitism to continue, laughing at victims like me and trying to fully bring in every fascist white Nazi Mafia supremacist not only into their homes, their bodies and into Israel but into the world with me being the universal target--and I have not been associated with Jews just the cliche they are trying to endlessly foist upon me--as a symbol)_
that is the feeding food chain that the blonde Nazis of Whorewood and of the English Harlots team which has just wrought as much hate vitriol physical violence, the same principle applies--push her down (meaning me and all that I am supposed to "represent" and we are on the higher level of the death food chain of the 4th Reich)
and that is what I believe is the "real" message of the next Jackie Chan movie. They will probably say that they want to bring "martial arts" into America as Bruce Lee had done. Bruce Lee's widow is fully a part of this team, by the way. She has been personally involved in all these months of torture since I clicked on a series of Bruce Lee videos because I was searching for some alternative to the basic stretch videos that Baryishnikov had his employees hack into my YouTube, so HIS friends could be incorporated into the terrorism group if I so much as clicked on their hacked videos
hacking is very horrid now, pounding and rewriting backspacing is constant almost every word and letter
another set of hours cleaning, writing pounding on the keyboard and so much time wasted. Hopefully this will do some benefit to fighting in real time fighting not fictitious movie fantasy "fighting" or photo-op political "fighting" for a real cause that no one can be concerned against until the "wolf is literally breaking down the door".
"The Bags--We Don't Need The English". laminatedeffect. November 3, 2008.
"F**ck You, England". Dropout. July 4, 2014.
My nervous system I am unable to control for the 6-10 hours of non-stop torture abuse insults threats punching into my face death threats hate and hate
so they go on.
These grating yapping dirty ugly creeps, who sound so elaborate about women's power women's rights women finding power women fighting exploitative men through their wiles in that environment of sexual exploitation.
Endless violence from the Steven Tyler group associated with Stallone but Tyler is much more stealth than the Italians but of course, dirty filthy foul shitalina, the favorite of Whorewood with her antisemitism her brood of brown and black conscripts to being props used to imply she is not a KKK Nazi bigot with a lot of minorities surrounding her that she adopted--along with nasty racist bigot pig pitt who has done the same and his stupid greasy movies about gay black men and black men in Florida ---it's like a costume he wears for a pre-orgy race-based gay-themed top over the bottoms--
speaking of gay
The real abuse began when the English actor who is supposed to be this icon, Ian Mckellan came to abuse me. I said something in jest just brushing off his insult, and the gasp from Morton and being punched in the face by the black thug who plays an antiracist a la Civil Rights America, as they have to steal the memes out of America as they always do, and this group has been stealing my ideas for 20 years or loner
(this group meaning that Tyler is connected to shitalina and the rest of the English Crown, and the Italian Mafia contingent is just more viciously brutal than the conniving English who are much more adept at the machiavellian lying conniving power assumption with so many more people wanting to learn the art of deception and overtake that the English have perfected, all the while appearing benevolent and intelligent.
but if you get close, the articulation becomes hateful stupid insults that go on and on, as has happend to me under the one pretext of me responding not with minority awe and silenced acceptance that any bigot is more intelligent than me by mere assumption.
And so, beatings abuse, and it's extremely violently abusive, the contemptuous hate of this English pair of skanks who play prostitutes makes the characters in the 18th Century drama appear sophisticated and well-spoken in comparison.
I thought the roles--not the taller brown-haired one, I really never liked her character but the blonde yapping one always sarcastic I found entertaining--and then it came after hacking a video of her interview, which i heard and I heard someone who either does have some sort of training in how to appear articulate or it was a sort of script on the part of both as in person the endless insulting and "stupid" behavior but endless egging me on to obtain ideas so they can steal more as they are all doing, for decades
and thusly, it is more murder
every one is a vicious leech parasite looking to torture me into old age and death and obtain a boost for--I can assure I mean, I feel certain that their careers are not in a high position\they are latching onto abusing me to death every minute the abuse is like murderous hate and my nervous system my body is being remotely affected so I am breathing in an extremely shallow mode. I try to breathe and I cannot control my words my reactiosn my entire nervous system is being remotely assaulted into hate and negative states with an entire network of these microchips implanted in my brain, down my spine which has been literally cemented with the microchips buried inside the hard chunk of poison that is like ripping parts of my back out every time I finally manage to get some out with all the healing herbs and exercises I am doing
I am so exhausted and in pain from a recent release of some of the extremely hard poisons I can't take a shower I can't exercise or do anything I am too tired to cook--I spend so much of my life fighting to type and clean the stinkin filth and begging for this group of fucking shit, one sick creep after the next to be pried off me
dirty ugly filthalina and shit pig ape pitt are ALWAYS THERE. They are always being hosted by any president in power and always they are allowed to go on and on forever to my death
so asking to the infinite for anything out there to the endless ignoring of my fucking decades of torture openly done for Whorewood to see so more Nazi applicants can be programmed into murder using these tehcnologies and Nazi protocols and genocidal death threats using Nazi concentration camp murder and torture and rape of me is the prevailing operative norm by now
Please get this murder sick sleazy dirty crew off me. I don't know if they usually talk like intelligent people but they all, every one who rushes to abuse and insult me, talks like a stupid ignorant disgusting low-life trashy sick filth parasite--the things they say and do are beyond reprehensible there is no humanity there is no intelligence it is pure violence hate torture rape--they are not human they become sleazy dirty sick and disgusting and they remain that way for the entire duration of the teleportation adn that is EVERY SINGEL DAY FOR UGLY SICK SHITALINA PIGPITT THE PAIR OF SHIT
every day since 2013 every day without fail every day they are torturing me bringing on more German English black and Jewish Nazis and politicians
how the fuck this can happen with two stupid ignorant bigot pieces of sick s hit and supposedly well-educated "elite" politicians for years and years and years and years an dyears I can't understand except that people are openly saying how destroyed America has become.
No one can seem to connect the dots. The murder and depravity is non-stop and it's being programmed more and more sick filth shit creeps join in
Once more I appeal to the empty void of America to get this filth shit whore team off me and to stop this unbelievable torture and murder situation. This group has obtained oscars for years and they are going on and on because without this contract, as they were before, they were not --they were sinking most of the fuck scumbags who rush to assault me were in decline of their careers. All of them have spiraled to the top for full viciously stupid sick behavior demonstrations of Nazi death and hate aimed at me--
can't this fucking sick shit ever be stopped are there only greedy greasy sick fuckers in all positions of power in America?
I can see my hair literally turning more grey every day now--the poisoning the years of daily and nightly torture--but some creep sleaze raping poison into my body with athletic violence and hitting me for pulling away trying to get it to stop, telling him that I am very sick--I was so ill I was shitting poison out that had hardened into my body for decades--he pounded my body punched slapped and hit me when I kept saying NO_-every moment I was almost unconscious from sickness from detox the more vulnerable I was the more he pounded poison into my body. Dirty shitalina made sure to instruct him, knowing that from the 15 years of me writing about the filth apes she sent to rape me that it was pounding poison into my bloodstream and internal organs more deeply--and I cannot brace against impact
death threats being punched in the face from this German fuck--Obama Hillary Clinton all the presidents the senators rushed to congratulate him for abusing me to death like this and for trying to make me a gang rape (and he used gang rape as well0
ugly sick sleazy--dirty foul they love him for it
he's been so awarded
and next to the English skanks of this "feminist" group of white supremacist English Nazis, he's always there to punch abuse and laugh and get invitations he's glowing and ecstatic because his filthy career has been put into A-list Whorewood as a result-the dream of these Europigapes because their countries are just so lacking in originality they all want to take over stupid AMerica which welcomes Europigape fascists in completely allowing them to train in fascist nazism and they are handed EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN THING
I can't name how many brown and black sick fucks came to threaten my life in most brutal ways---around this German rotten sleaze slime
and so they are a pack of demons--and the English are a yapping bunch of pretentious scum
I am now ranting. but it's hours per day, and years of hours per day
my hair is turning grey the death and destruction of my body and non-stop paralysis and pain and then being abused slowly to death my food has been tainted and they are putting semen in my food (yogurt ) and replacing filtered water with nasty foul water--
and etc etc etc
and hours of abuse I can't block it out
my nervous system is rendered in a hypertense mode artificially I can't breathe at all in any moderation I can't control my breath to try to relax my entire spine has been operated upon and I realize from years of being spasmatically forced to drop things--they got my legs to pop up while I was sprinting on cement--my legs flew up-they have drugged me and my arm has flown into things in a spasm movement
they are so badly murderously attacking my heart, breathing and ability to think I fly into a violent rage every single day due to this and begin to scream in violent rage and hate for hours screaming trying not to react trying to breathe and I cannot get a grasp of my breath--I realize that this is an remote attack on my nervous system heart and brain.
They are making my hair fall out turning grey my body is wracked with poison I am stuck in this torture room in pain--the poisons ripping out of my body which were supposed to kill me, and shitalina and filth pig pitt were happily knowingly poisoning me to death, having one sick fuck whore creep pound poison into my body as I asked begged and for years now I have had to physically fight to get them off me as they literally rape poison as deeply into my body as possible
every fucking day they ask me if I "like" them, just that question makes me fly into rage
they smile at it, they laugh and go off sexually titillated awarded and praised
I remain writing fucking posts every day to STOP THIS FUCIING MURDER TO THE VOID OUT THERE OF FAMOUS FUCKERS OUT OF AMERICA to goddamn stop this murder I am innocent goddamn stop them finally take this equipment and destroy it and , unfortunately you all put Elon Musk into power he is developing MORE of these brain implants and he's fully into the torture regime as they all are--
as most of you all are
you have no idea what kind of "Serpentine Fire" you idiots are playing with. You have no idea what kind of pandora's box you are opening. Your instant gratification for power and gratification is a fault not something to enhance with this insidious technology. The absolute dumbing down and psychopathy factor is rising exponentially.
This whorewood group, and especially this stupid English group of dirty sick skanks, I call ugly they are out of racist stereotypes supposed to be this standard I can't subscribe to any longer. Women exactly like them, and it is monotonous repeats of cliche types coming out of these Europigapeland fascist Nazi countries--England being one
and their nasty stupidity is ongoing and it's like dirty rat hybrid leeches yapping and gnawing into my brain with ugly sick statements. For hours, ongoing non-stop the most evil and sick things any dirty foul crap creep could ever invent and they do it non-stop their ugly black holes in the middle of their blank stupid ugly dirty faces go on emitting frogs toads of words of evil and hate.
Dirty ugly shitpigapealina sitting there smug and smiling as usual--15 years of them torturing ideas out of me and they cannot obtain a single original idea, they are paid in millions with top fashion designers and production teams for years of hourly torture of me. Literally if they stopped for a single day their mediocrity ugliness and stupidity would not be able to get them past any finish line for any single endeavor.
They can't "win" the Oscars unless they torture me literally into hysterical enraged murderous reactions of violence because of the endless poisoning for over 15 years of rape poisoning non-stop beatings rape with politicians rushing to laugh with them and threatening my life for fighting to stop this sick fucking shit.
I have never done a goddamn thing to deservenon-stop torture rape only tried to compete and not let shit fucking pig creep Nazi bigots abuse and exploit me.
That is the Nazi 4th Reich you all put into power. They can't win unless they continuously abuse me and they can't succeed or have any single idea unless they extract it through torture out of me. They can' stop for a single day,not one. Once they "win" they continue without a single hour of cessation of torture of me. They keep "winning" and their circle of Engish shit and scum also are relying on this endless torture so they can infest America and you all want it to happen as obviously no one ever stops this and it continuously enlarges by the day.
And I am just trying to get them off me. Their filthy movies their ugly shit faces and stinking foul energy their ugliness their stupidity and it's forced upon me; then I have to meet the smug and ugly sick politicians who are a sick joke upon humanity. Then I have to meet these lying abusive violent podcasters who are all yapping about the evils of Musk and Trump now, an they HELPED TO PUT THEM INTO POWER and are violent white supremacist bigots--the black ones as well and Jews especially if they are in leading positions of power.
Still I cannot remain calm, I feel the external control over my nervous system as I drink the drugged energy drinks that they break into my room and replace what I have bought with drugged energy drinks. I need the energy drinks in order to wake up from the poison detox that they spent at least 13 years continuing so I would shit diarrhea black poison out every day and become huge, bloated and deformed with the poison compressing into my back as ugly shitalina laughed about it and the filth men she brought on in monthly rotation pounded the poison as deeply into my body as possible--all extremely turned on by it, filth ugly sitalina laughing and smiling about it hugging them all and being invited to the White House by Biden afterwards and by Schumer for supporting the Violence Against Women Act and at the United Nations.
The death squads are being more fully funded as this group grows.
So no one stops this inhumanity.
I cannot stop my reactions which are also being enhanced by creeps using extremely deadly subliminal content spewed into my subconscious while the groups of yapping and sick stupidity out of England are teaming up with the extremely murderous and violent German shit team who are using the tech to blast murder threats and insults and all name calling into my subconscious while the English are yapping hate.They all expect an entire empire out of this for just being sick sleazy ugly dirty and foul and abusive and then performing lines they don't understand nor care about. Endlessly promoted by the government and by Whorewood
i remain fighting a fight no one else will get involved with.
If you sick fuckers want a fascisst government with Europigapes controlling your country and lives, and I don't, I have already been abused into moving to the other side of the planet, and that is not enough for you goddamn fuckers you can't ever stop this or get it to be stopped.
So please, the technology and hate operation has been used by foul and evil Stallone and tyler and their filthy children wives friends and the circles enlarge constantly--since 1997 --it has been going on and on and on and on
what I said to Mk-gay-clown the Shakespearian Lord of the Cock Ring Flies was not rude, not "impertinent" it was just intelligent, not just playing him up and remaining silent as he approached me with sneering contempt so his career like all of them can more and more be funded by the take-over of the United States--they all gravitate to the openly Nazi scumbag who everyone appears to love for his sleazy sick violent assumption of just being as nasty and violent as possible and taking and grabbing--they have been waiting for the green light. No intellectualism about any of it. Nothing there but fake gestures of expected adulation because of the endless stereotypes that they have all been superimposed into. Meanwhile they strive to superimpose me into an extremely negative stereotype and when I am capable of responding intellectually, not out of spite just answering some statement made to exemplify his supposed intellectual "superiority" and I just made a comment adding to it but elaborating upon it in a way that is original and now "bowing " to some stereotype of the craggy white male "controller" of thought and intellect. The stupid lying violence of "victim woman" actor Samantha Morton her every role that I have seen is about a woman being oppressed by the male structure rising up through--machiavellian ruses and assumption to power.
It is empowering but alas it's only meant for white Nazi trash women who love watching me get poisoned raped beaten and my original ideas stolen--any performance of my part in demonstrating intellectual capability because their racism is so deeply entrenched into the structure of their culture that any expression of intelligence when expected to listen and just bow and agree by the white pig ape cartel which I never thought was great, intellectual or anything just watched the roles of how women evaded white male suppression, usually the racism is embedded into their tv shows as the only minority ever shown are blacks (representing a demographic minority in their country) but always depicted as agreeable and subordinate mostly sex object partners disposable but necessary.
And they expect that out of me.
thusly the yapping stupid trashy gutter trash talk of yet another blathering English endlessly yapping skank creep has been ongoin because the white vampire male the black subordinate "victim of racism" thug punching into my face the German rapist sleaze scumbag the 15 years of the torture and rape of MULTIPLE LORD OF THE COCK RING FLIES rushing likewise to assault me--one of whom "won" an Oscar for that stupid syrupy racist "antiracist" flick --what was it called, something about "green" but my brain is being blanked out--a white man racist driving a black intellectual to some event through lynch mob southern places and oh, how they became "friends' a "true story" etc won an award. That kind of syrupy trashy supposed "anti racist" crap dirty stupid racist bigot Nazi pig shit scumbag pitt has been "winning" awards for through his Anniston production company since they all began attacking me
but over 30 years of this Liv Tyler and her teams attacking me--and others from that movie as well, and then spiraling to THEIR FAMILY and friends, and on and on
so I am fighting to get t hem off me. I sold cigars at the Stallone-Tyler little cheesy club called "Bar None" as an independent cigar seller. My money was being stolen from my purse nightly while I was rendered unconscious due to the brain implant microchips as they stole my money, replaced $100 bills with $1's, and raped me and I was so drugged normally I would fall asleep nearly collapsing on my bed with my clothing still on, so drugged. I always had not enough money to eat, I was always financially desperate I could not count my money I was living in perpetual poisoning with bloating and hardening poison retaining the mind control drugs through the shell of hard filthy poison.
that is what dirty "feminist" Liv Tyler and her nasty Lord of the Flies group who, as they all do, took the anti-nazi theme that lord of the rings had intended and by putting Nazi filth trash from Whorewood and an ensemble of established Nazi thugs who can recite Shakespeare regardless their intention is racist highly smug and through the established cliches of their "superiority" any threat by me just making a statement, adding to the statement that Mk-clown made I embellished it, I was not trying to "compete" I was just adding but a gasp and shock from what has proven to be a most thug and stupid ox-like animal named Samantha Morton, who plays well at disguising her power motives in movies so it was intriguing for me to watch the machinations of Europigape power-mongering ploys for power (by women against men)
unfortunately, her assumption to power is based on the same system of men oppressing women and children and other men, but as long as it's not her, or rotten Liv Tyler, they are 1 million percent into DECADES of torturing me to obtain more and more. Most of these filthy creeps have their careers in decline--that goes for the German sick rotten fuck, that has gone for Dolly Parton who got endless plastic surgery and endless deals endless promotions it has happened to Helen Mirran and Jane Fonda. They rush to embrace the |German sleazy violent sleazy sleazy dirty creep and they are rushing to violently assault me for "insulting their friends" after hours of torture per day and me responding and writing
and DECADES of Liv Tyler being established as an "actor" and they all get huge chances at "winning" awards and endless promotions for just being nasty stupid and sick, endlessly unabashedly.
How can any of this denote any higher intellectual superiority--?
They are a serious threat to my body and life, I need anonymity and for them to be pried off exploiting me FOREVER FUCKING DECADES OF THE FILTH OF STALLONE AND H IS DIRTY COCK RING CREW OF TYLER AND ENGLISH ITALIAN GERMAN SICK CRAP RUSHING TO TAKE OVER AMERICA
this is not paranoia--I can't express how many Americans want Europigapes to fully control America and turn it into a Nazi death squad KGB concentration camp plantation with Europigapes put into highest office best real estate and instructing on the old school complete oppression and trauma-based torture control of the "old world".
-------Get them off me goddamn fuck off you Tyler group of goddamn white trash shit and your Europigapeland scum you bring in like flies to your cock ring power cartel, cock rock music that is disgusting I never could hear that awful cacophony.
**The tone of this post, and all posts, is written after about 3-4 hours of the usual English pest infestation of my private life in my morning routine of endless hate, insults and finally they broke through my attempt, after the 2-hour mark of the yapping dirty scumbag parasites who sit in chairs making murder statements when I am holding anything sharp, insults about my body while I am on the toilet, the detoxification of the poison that creeps like them poured into my body--including the filth prostitutalinapigpitt duo they lavish with love 'n joy for bringing ignorant mediocrity like them into more tv show awards and series and like the other English rapists and German scumbags they are put into the limelight ONLY for me having watched a show, in a drugged dazed attempt to ignore hours and hours per day after years and years and decades of this same formula going on day after day. So my hate-riddled ranting about Europigapes is part of the endless disgust and rage that I try to quell, but I am drugged. I have not yet reached the Nirvana stage of enlightenment under this unhuman stress of non-stop torture that I think has never been recorded in history of DECADES of torture of an individual to destroy and suck everything out of them and steal and rape and plunder while the target sits in sickness from a global network of poisoning rape terror agents who are just "normal" citizens who create the death that omits all higher intelligence from having any say or any life because only stupid dumbing down is all that they need to continue to thrive and jive turkey their way into the limelight, into political positions of power and etc etc etc.
It's sinking now, their structures are sinking. The global warming will create massive death of their Nazi pig ape cartels when the tsunamis hit Florida--or a huge hurricane--it is possible and not in the far-too-near future which ever it is feasibly a huge catastrophe in the making already a done deal. The culprits can go off back to Europigapeland with all the lucre they were handed for the rape and pillage of America. Literally making date-rape drugging "popular' which brought the way for gang stalking MK ULTRA torture of me into a huge undertaking as all the dumb lemmings try to be "elite" Europigapes in emulation. Little do they know that this behavior is highly frowned upon in actual Europigapeland but when the filth scum teams rush to invest and rape America, the full red carpet treatment is given. Stupid dumb swaggering psychopaths who are incompetent and dumb scum whores like pig shitalina need violent crews from EUropigapeland to feign being sophisticated with so much posturing lessions they emulate fascist Nazism and Mafia criminality which AMerica has fully embraced . Literally or figuratively, your stupidity in general has made a death zone of the dumb minions who invested and thought that they could be swank celebrities, get plastic surgery to appear more white privileged and now, they could just get the wrath of whatever--nature?? instead of more luxury plantation mentality 4th Reich-ism. But my tone is peppered with hours of hate, days of the same rat ugly sick filth rushing to get infestation allowances into America. My years of writing about how they rush to develop invest take over and they don't care if the country is wrecked, and Americans are so brainwashed to worship white Nazi appearances and culture they go along completely brainwashed. Anyone intelligent enough to not AUTOMATICALLY follow the directives to let this shit and filth completely infiltrate the country are met with death or elimination, being made homeless or whatever (they must flee the country). I am now halfway across the globe from having to get away from stupid sick shit like this, only to have more of the filth building building over nature, more brown and black eager greasy minions puffed up in Nazi poses glorified and promoted--the nature dying, the high rises non-stop, ugly dirty men investing their porno sleazy sons rushing to marry women they would never have anything to do with in their own country because they must invest with a native partner.
And I'm teleported to the sick SHIT AND FILTH of these Europigapes now, with stupid ugly dirty prostitutalina-shit-pig pitt the pair of brainwashed "puppet" whores who are so glorified--brining in every sleazy dirty fascist, the leagues of dirty filth minority pussy-gyrating scumbag whores rush to threaten to kill me as they lovingly glance next to the greasy filth rapist German scumbag they all nearly worship automatically which is why and how they were put into lead positions to see filthy shit instead of actual art. All sinking but no one notices they just gyrate like they are "Free"--symbolically or not.
Thusly, my tone is so "old" so embittered. Laughing and disgusting Nazi racists put into positions of power where they should be protecting their citizens but instead are putting murderous genocidal shit and filth into the country, using tactics of torture, rape and murder and being honored by the white supremacy idiot savants who claim they are otherwise for their public positions of fake representation of their own culture and country.
It is the same when the Americans of Florida wanted Nazis to control their art and culture scene so the blacks and Jews would be kicked out (killed). All must comply or face dire threat. The lemmings rushed and rush to attack me with murderous hate now when I am in Miami--but it used to be warm welcome, I did not outstay my welcome the trend became what I detail below--the United States decided to let the Euro surpass the U.S. Dollar and in particular the British Pound Sterling. No one mentions how this is a covert Imperialist strategy for the financial overtake of the United States.
Now hacking is very bad. Perhaps you can connect the dots, if possible. The stupid and ugly dirty English remain making the most stupid yapping hate murder remarks fully supported by the Senators and the House of Representatives. Most claim that they are "part English and part German" a huge mix that controls America. They will kill in order to "preserve" their heritage which is death squads pogroms concentration camps, ghettos and absolute open humiliation destruction of Jews so that America can NEVER once ever again be a threat to the instant assumption of white supremacy that all the shit who coagulate like a bunch of poison parasites infecting my life through this technology use to put in their death and hate and racism. I am now pounding with all my hand strength to get a single word out--I am ranting due to subliminal hate words these stupid ape death whores and pig filth scumbags are hissing into their dirty nasty microphones. They are or will be starring in Whorewood productions because the decades of these filth creeps mostly cranking out old ancient themes of royalty and Victorian crap which is fascinating (I love looking at the fashion, mostly they drape the costumes with American-made "feminist" plots which are just bs wrapped in white supremacy)
I can't pound this out any longer. Keep following the pied pipers off a cliff oh brainwashed and dumbed-down Americans. The cliff is sinking the idiot Europigapes and their American Nazi puppets are stupid as hell you should recognize that their soft-spoken well-heeled mannerisms and seemingly sophisticated allure is a cultural mandate they are forced to adapt to. They have never created anything they claim they are the owners of in cultural superiority. Because so much higher superiority art has been made (so often by Jews) they rush to get their parasitic leeching apparatus into controlling and sucking all money possible out of America, controlling the stupid greasy filth of Whorewood and Congress into more emulation of fascist Nazism.
I have "seen this movie before" on South Beach. The result is sinking buildings, dead aquatic glory of the nature that is dead and gone, and the deterioration of the coral reefs that the Nazi-controlled governor is not really paying attention to and is stifling any protest, and etc etc.
"Florida high-rises and luxury hotels are sinking, study finds". CBS News. December 18, 2024.
**I am going to just copy and paste videos of past years of violence on South Beach that NEVER, NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER EVER happened while I lived there before the fascist Nazi overtake once the Euro and Pound put in Europigape investment in the year that the Republicans stole STOLE the election in 2000 between Bush and Gore--from the Broward County elections and onward, the election was turned to Bush in 2000. That year the Euro was instituted as the more powerful and also especially the British Pound. The fascist rise had already begun as the investors and those in the Nazi 4th Reich know that this was going to happen at least one year before it actually was put into real financial establishment control and the Europigapeland invasion of Miami and of FLorida and the United States began in earnest. Now the crime and death is a common theme on South Beach. With all the mixing of races that had been the norm before the white supremacy league cast out the Haitians and replaced their hang out with Nazi biker bars (wet willy on Ocean Drive) drove the prices into hundreds of percent increases and etc which the Europigapes and in particular the English controlled, took over and here is the ultimate result because their (the 4th Reich Nazi Europigapeland league of filth and hate, they are not sophisticated they are not glamorous they have been handed through generations of people creating fashion which they emulate, they are worshipped out of trauma-based mind control programming by the victims)
and it's too hard to pound every word out. I spent a few hours fighting to type this out instead of getting what I need done. However, this theme must not be ignored as I am being attacked BECAUSE OF THIS SAME PROGRAMMING which I am trying to express is just the dumb being lead by the sleazy death parasites who are not classy they are not superior they are filthy trash and shit--sorry, that is all I have seen for years and years there is NOTHING superior whatsoever. They are training the rotten mediocrity of Whorewood into fascist take-over so THEY can take over and turn it into another death catastrophe of destruction. Their divide-and-conquer racist strategies are working extremely well, their take-over of the United States into a fascist colony of their control HAS ALREADY BEEN ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH THIS SICK STUPID INCOMPETENT MEDIOCRITY OF WHOREWOOD using MY IDEAS by the way. I am still being tortured and asked for ideas by the sick Europigapeland shit and no one can recognize the deadly threat they impose--so I am writing it is a relevant topic it is critical that people stop being brainwashed into handing control over to ENEMIES.
here is a slew of videos depicting what NEVER happened before the Europigapeland invasion which kept rotten dirty Stallone and Steven Tyler into power (the dirty daughter of Tyler is involved with the Europigape stupid shit whore group out of London so this applies even moreso today)
I am the ONLY PERSON writing or even thinking in this way. HERE IS EVIDENCE ABOVE AND BELOW I am an insider I sold cigars on Ocean Drive and throughout Miami Beach South Beach for over two years just prior to this invasion and I saw it happening through this filth of stallone and tyoer and many others
do not discount me although I am being discredited with hacking and mind control ranting-the pounding of every key is breaking my laptop and my hands are just exerting non-stop top strength to getany key out I am ranting--try to understand if anyone out there can get past their greasy selfish gaze for just a moment to try to look at the absolute destruction that has been wrought on Florida by this filthy stupid 4th Reich organization and it's white Nazi Mafia minions brainwashed completely so people like me cannot be a threat to their conformity to mediocrity.
**it is also nearly impossible for me to expand the video on the page, besides all functions being hacked like highlighting so I can copy and paste anything whatsoever on any page or format-I must fight to highlight codes, sentences at least 6-8 times for any single word or sentence or url link--now I can't expand the videos I click on the expand and it is blocked--this makes ranting for discrediting more possible because I spend so much time of my life fighting hacking and pounding and backspacing to fight to write one single word,,to get anyone to fucking think about what you are allowing to happen to the county in the endless smiles giggles of the white supremacist who are rotting the country and being called everything from Constitutional Democrats to Patriotic Christian Republicans they all adhere to fascist Nazi white supremacy death squad divide-and-conquer they get mansions estates they are all lying fucking scum--the celebrites are just greasy stupid ignorant filth and their are controlled by conniving dirty Europigapes who are sick and stupid as hell. They want death and crime and by allowing them to take control you are helping to destroy your own "crib" think about it goddamn do-nothing Americans who may care about your lives, if that is possible outside of trying to be as Europigape aristocratic as possible for your gyrating sleazy orgy lifestyles you hope will make you "someone important".
I had written just about 1-2 years ago that the sinking of the buildings was inevitable and it didn't take any genius engineer to figure that out.
The greed of the sleaze of Florida once the Nazi Mafia invasion took over not just Miami but the government as well of that State, the Nazi networks of poisoning and death squads using this disgusting technology and the manufacture of this sickeningly disgusting poisoning which I know is being used, and has been used, on many people (look at Andrea Dworkin to see her huge deformed body, her death ruled a mysterious source undiagnosed she just "died" somehow--it was internal suffocation of her intestines and it is obvious that no one looks like that rotund puffy bloated bouncy and I know what this filthy poison is, and I know the filthy sick shit whores who perform these poisoning tasks they took over the networks of Florida, they are completely in Los Angeles as well)
The sinking of the Trump Towers on Sunny Isles--there are two very closely situated, and I saw these towards as they were selling Trump in order to sell the buildings
and the dental exercise in terrorist gang stalking abuse was done by really creepy latinos--who in these awful Medicaid offices (actual offices not specified as being Medicaid but they accept Medicaid and they treat Medicaid clients with hate, misdiagnosing and when I called the Florida Medicaid complaint line I was told with a sigh by the woman on the phone that complaints of malpractice abuse insulting treatment and abuse were extremely common.
The nasty dental appointment with stupid questions and me being drugged before, during and of course eternally almost after were by Latinos who perhaps, eventually did buy into those luxury condos that Trump and his cohorts built, on Sunny Isles facing the Ocean. Thinkin that they really got it good in America a real piece of the pie.
All they had to do was berate, abuse and give substandard treatment, cut into my gums and make insults and get paid, promoted and can now live in the sinking condo that Trump and the other developers, all completely Europigapeland controlled not INDEPENDENT as you-know-who claims he is.
You can make the connection to that thing called "Karma" but....
it's too bad that it had to take years of the encroaching disaster for this to be officially recognized years after it should have never happened in the first place. Anyone with any inkling of soil content and the plated structure of the S. Florida coastline in that area would know how extremely unstable the sand structures really are. I knew it without having studied architecture but my father was in charge of a high-rise development in Florida which DID collapse (and kill construction workers). He told me that he was lied to about how the cement was being paid-for and mixed, and how "corners had been cut" but my father was out playing golf, because that is what the wealthy do when they are investors in Florida, aren't they?
Hypertension is a beeoch--I am dying from stress. I read on gang stalking websites that the goal of the terror groups is to abuse the target to death with stress and this group of filth is doing it. I just phoned the Social Security Administration and I was told by a chirpy no-nonsense bureaucrat that any letters sent to me within the Social Security Administration she would have record of. She told me nothing more than the COLA letter was sent out recently.
But the last time I phoned the same SS number, I was LIED TO yes they lied about the change in the log-in system which now records your exact location, your IPS address and time and everything is digitalized now.
She told me nothing else had been sent out. I asked her if disability determination was within or not within the Social Security Administration and she repeated chirpy annoyed "anything sent out by the Social Administration I would have record of and nothing was sent out" but her voice was crisp no nonsense no jokes allowed. I made a joke and I said out of stress relief: I though it was a Christmas present from YOU (meaning them) and she tried to hang up and I told her Merry Christmas and happy new year in a delightful tone and she said Merry Christmas and instantly hung up.
I don't know if she is lying or not. I was told a direct lie which lead me to have to pay a few hundred dollars as a result of the lie out of going in a tail-chasing fight to get past the hacking which blocked me from logging into this imperative site for my financial security which is very slim and always on the verge of destruction and always being threatened to be pulled away from me by the death hate team of Whorewood and now Congress-Whorewood, more sinister now ever increasing then the celebrities who are demonically possessed and evil and stupid but educated politicians sleazy demonically possessed and sick are far more sinister and nefarious and more murderous. Alas that America is sliding into outright sick sinister murderous politicians using this modern technology they all love what Elon Musk will provide them with--endless rape and torture victims endless date rape teleportation drugging victims--more orgies where their senses are expanded into ecstasy so they can "love" people when they have no capability to love in any sexual encounter--the drugging will permit the opening of closed aspects of the brain and nervous system
and I realize now that the package, sent from an undisclosed location to this mail service which, since I opened the box and they LIED to me about their services, now preventing me from knowing what mail I receive and charging me something like $500 to mail a bundle of papers--for example
absolute lies; they told me they would open and scan letters now they claim they are not "allowed" to open letters. I signed and notarized through much effort and abuse at a mail station with a predictable abuse situation the USPS 1583 form, and there are no webcams available in my area, and this group broke my webcam so it barely works--after NEVER having ever used it it behaved like a used 1981 experiment in technology
all my cameras are hacked to operate the same way
and so, I received a notice of mail package from USPS--no location other than Las Vegas, and a "bundle" but the mail service refuses to do anything but charge me about 1000% more, part of the terror racket operation all the filth scum and shit use to get their nasty promotions as being "the best"
and this mail service has been labeled as "the best mail service" in Los Angeles now, but it wasn't labeled that just 6 months ago when I opened this box an dhave been stuck with almost no access to my mail
I received this package no information on sender. Because it is Las Angeles and the disability determination center is in Las Vegas I made this connection, but the lying hostile agent on the phone may have not been so crispy clean honest as she appeared to be with her starchy voice, stiff and pressed compressed and punctual no-nonsense but lying nevertheless. I will not know until I have to sweat it out tonight waiting for a reply. I sent a request to the USPS to track the sender and asked the defunct terrorist mail service for the name of the sender and address.
told nothing but a cola, a little tiny cola adjustment of $20 was sent out to me a letter but no message in my account online yet
and they never send any letters that are deadly serious to the online account as well--you have to get it in person
and the next administration wants to cut social security from people who are on the brink of being homeless or dead and must have MORE money not less
it has taught me an unbelievable lesson which I already knew--looking at the f-ing government or the YouTube bs is worthless the news the anchors the society is just a dead drowning rat suffocating on it's platitudes it killed decades ago
watching any more of these lying politicians on any tv tube podcast and the rotten youtube podcasters is like self-punishment for me by now they are all attacking me all trying to use me all full of lies and total bullshit, the politicians are outright genocidal murdering sick fucks lying constantly and feeding off misery and death--stealing as much from the public and turning society into a bloodbath.
Update, next morning: response from my mail service, informed that the package was, indeed, coming out of the Las Vegas SSA administration for health care providers in CA---which is out of the Disability Determination Services general area of Las Vegas, perhaps not the same exact office but from the general information pool.
I had asked the sniffy spiffy woman, who was cheery and friendly but bot-like--if the offices for DDS (disability services) Las Vegas were out of the same Government agency umbrella as the SSA (social sec admin) she repeated a formula statement because she did not know: "any letter coming from the Social Security Administration I would have record of" (or a paraphrase of that statement, which she only would repeat). I must repeat that in addition to the endless hacking of the keyboard right now, my brain is also under attack now, as it was when I was using SKYPE to phone the general SSA 800-line. My brain jumped and skipped as I attempted for utter out any question--I wavered with "is it or is it...part of or not" as I stammered the question, immediately she nastily replied with the perfect bot voice "is it it or is it not part of the government what do you mean?" in interrogation "what a stupid question" type tone but pleasant computer blue voice nevertheless.
I asked if any letter coming out of Las Vegas, which I looked up is where Disability Determination for California does send out letters for all kinds of health care issues, including determination or re-determination. She responded with, "Any letter sent from Social Security Administration I would have information on".
She never answered the question but her tone implied that the question was ridiculous and "stupid" in other words, the tone condescending.
It turns out that the letter WAS from the Social Security Administration BUT out of the California-Nevada jurisdiction for disability services, claims, etc. My question, which I could not formulate my voice was not able to speak clearly, the attack on my throat with the microchip implant caused a slight disturbance but my brain was blocked from thinking clearly. I am certain this agent was aware of my situation as my phone calls in particular to government or other lending institution agencies (or anything else) are always re-directed with the hacking of all telecommunications devices (except in rare instances when I am in a hilly place, such as driving alone at night where I am not followed with vehicles next to a very dense wooded area and rocks and boulders and hillside could block signals of remote attack technologies--at such moments I find that I can actually "sing" my throat is not being blocked as it always is when I am attempting to sing, or speak on the phone. I know that the remote attacks relaying block signals to my brain, throat and nervous systems are not in full service at such moments. Wait until the network of satellites penetrates the skies for full and total tracking and attack upon the next generation of microchip implanted poor souls, poisoned by this hateful life-screw organization of wealthy fools who want all people to be their tools.
So, as I wrote above, yesterday, I could not trust what this perfected vocal bot-like person was ejecting out of her orifice yesterday on the phone, and it has proven to be correct, my apprehension of being lied to.
Fortunately, it was more innocuous I obtained a bit of information about a State partnership of Nevada and California.
Otherwise, the gamble is now how to juggle the system so that they cannot attack me and lie--not sure how in the world I can do that. The lying by government officials, institutions education establishments (i.e. financial aid from my university which forced a loan on me which I never requested and lied to me about how it operates and why--so drugged I was being murdered at the time because this organization of hate and racism could not tolerate me being well educated beyond drugged-up stupor and I just "accepted" the loan mostly because I was not in the area, could not go into the financial aid office directly I had already received the money and I was told I can't backtrack and change. I had signed the form because I was always in need of money instantly for survival as I relied on loans to live along with everything else--and I thought it would not be so bad and FAFSA had always been reliable. I am now blocked from receiving my Masters Degree because afterward, I was informed that the loan I had been given must be, in part repaid and I would not be able to receive my diploma for years of graduate study until I paid the pot of fools gold at the end of the rainbow.
It was the poisoning which lead me to have to rush for my life to try to get the poison out. More than 12 years later I finally found perhaps a few people not so engrossed in the murder protocols to actually care enough to stop the poisoning--and it could commence at any time.
But, that is how the system operates to murder--one thing goes wrong, the dominos fall the target gets shut out of everything but the worst are the steal attacks on health. The extremely and nearly impossible microchip implants are perhaps impossible for the majority of people to comprehend or begin to asses whether they have been inflicted or not. When the attacks come, they come in very rare instances when the target is otherwise preoccupied with basically trying to save their lives from some catastrophe (such as almost being hit by cars).
but, my writings are just ignored. Everyone happily is following the mad piper off a cliff in the name of convenience and luxury modernity and innovation and controlling others, at more private levels of having victims to easily steal, rape and rob from or murder, etc etc (and of course, orgies with people who are consenting where senses from the drugging(s) are so enhanced that the participants are in ecstasy no matter what happens--all sensation is heightened at least --i don't know, ten-fold under this influence. People who are numb and sexually repressed or oppressed can be induced into the greatest love passion possible for people who are essentially abusive, whom they don't like never would want anything to do with.
For children who are susceptible this is a hate crime beyond mere social conditioning that puts people at huge advantage or disadvantage, usually for their entire lives.
And the laughter of the people put into power over this "God-like" power over others in the realm of the brain, one of the frontiers of expansion of tyranny and abuse of power---
I am an extremely capable and talented person, my body has been poisoned all my life I have been denied health care along with the rest of the dead, homeless and desperate--now that a white male has shot a CEO people are recognizing that it's not just a "loser" category and you "did something to deserve it" I heard mostly from the stupid Latino scum who are part of the terror hate group (I sound like it myself right now but trust me, I am referring to South Beach and Miami-and that is what mostly women told me, as undoubtedly they were told all their lives that if they didn't suck up to white males and women they would get what they "deserve" so they put that on me)
sorry to sound "racist" but I am referring to actual comments not my hate diatribe resentment--the ignorance is astounding when someone is a target. Their warm comforting is so similar to the Oprah status which still, for me having recognized it as a plantation style acquiescence, I am tortured for having just written and told her that, and now i see it in so many of the instances of how people react to my targeting and torture--it's my fault. Now people can see that it's not my fault and the white male they call "good looking" is now a hero (to some, to many apparently).
But, still I am poisoned I am writing to get more of this fucking shit off me as they are allowed to go on to my death, slow horrid torture to death.
Why the fuck won't anyone stop this when they put Musk and Trump into power and have been hosted at the Oscars and Golden Globes ever since? Are there no legitimate artists in Whorewood who actually can represent culture who are given a chance any longer? Why must everyone acquiesce to this filth group and the shitty movies, highly glossy produced Hallmark cards of simplistic stupid glorification of bigot Nazi genitals and psychopathic self-grandizing.
They must have me traumatized every day so they do every single fucking thing to accomplish this, while they are in these categories for awards for the 2nd time this year from ugly shitalina, who has been so viciously having me raped by this filthy German sick stupid fuck with everyone from Senators lavishing praise and surrounding this dirty filthy creep fucking stupid ape with adulation and support and threatening my life for defending myself against brutal rape.
Again I must fight the impossible tomorrow when they attack me as I am falling asleep, to just before I wake up after they inject my bladder with drugs and poisons and mutilate and smear stinking filth into my skin and clothing, rip things out of the fabric and all kinds of filth is scattered around my living space every single night so all I can clean iwth the hard poisons in my spine,that they kept pouring into my body to keep me dying, hysterical and writing ideas for over 15 years
so I can't clean up their stinking filth. While I get agitated and enragedwith stinking dead meat sprayed on my clothing--the substance--the creep in the room below at the very instant I recognize the stinking foul destruction of my clothing ihad just cleaned, she makes a horrific coughing noise or stupid crazy sneezing noise that is the same pitch and level as screaming--literally screaming a sneeze at the moment i think and recognize that I have been attacked and must endlessly clean some stinking filth from clothing I made by hand and am wearing--I keep only a small number of clothes for daily use because of the endless rotation of having to clean stinking odors off so much every day
and it goes on and on. living in squalor and filth which I have never created. Ugly filthy dirty filth shit whore men and their shit women rush to beat abuse and insult me. I fight back and they destroy more but they destroy it regardless of what I do or not do, it has been ongoing all my life.
The stupid smiles of the white trash bigot shit like Klobuchar, Graham who screamed in fascist hate that they love their "system" and death threats and then stinking poisoning and filth this greasy nasty fucking lynch mob advocate with instant immunity for the Georgia election case,which has since been dismissed and all happened after his violent hate directed at me
and it's now another rotten fuck from Congress openly putting Nazi trash from Europigapeland into attacking me with full sneering laughter and hate at me--for what fucking reason? I am defending myself only.
I am writing about how sick and evil this group is, what destruction they are doing to the country.For this my ideas are stolen I am tortured to death.
They have forced me into so much poverty distress and torture I can barely survive. They want a baby out of me I want them dead finally.
I am stuck with them threatening to destroy my financial subpoverty income which is unsurvivable. They block all financial earning capability not only with sucking my life force into old age every day and slow abuse to death, my nervous system in utter chaos and rage and hate this is murder--everyone laughs can't wait to join in to the murder rape and torture
I am stuck with no ability to defend myself in any financial way
fucking Klobuchar spoke and hacked her fuckin bullshit on my youtube about AI election and disinformation by the "bad" actors and she is defending "The American People"
first chance for the 2nd time in teleportation laughing with sinister stupidity this bigot trashy thing was laughing about the endless State-sponsored terrorism that she fully endorses. The election AI threat is just a threat to her thieving off the economy just like rotten Pelosi and the rest, they are all alike.
so I am being abused to death with literally every ability to earn money blocked by mulimillinoaires who can't formulate a single independent thought or idea so they torture me for FIFTEEN YEARS and then steal my money poison me into paralysis and are demanding a baby out of non-stop torture which shit like Klobuchar are laughing about--the hate and murderous racism is unbelievable
all lack of justice and the private anonymity of this horrid technology allows and enables the WORST OF HUMAN CRUELTY and they are embracing a stupid immature ape German sick fuckwhois just telling them to become more violent and more parasitic and more low-level scum than they have been unstopped by any and all of the dirty cartel of criminals who are cheering this on.
"winning scene Schindler's List". RealXFool. May 5, 2013.
I read through this post--it reads choppy and disjointed due to words deleted constantly but reconstructed to appear as if I just miss a few conjoining words once-in a while--but no, hacking and gluing partially deleted sentences together-it remains. No one will even stop the hacking, take the vile technology away from this dirty group. AFter 15 years of shitwhorealina and pig shit pitt going to the oscars whereas before this contract, not so much at all and the rest of their shit group---but endless oscars year after year--the movies completely forgotten never mentioned ever as being great no one talks about the shit movies that won the rigged Nazi contests ever again--
but it's not enough. Over 30 years of rotten disgusting parasite Stallone filthy mafia goon squad attacks upon me with his dirty foul Italian shit scum, who are able to wear top designer fashion and imitate through great posturing lessons all the gestures of wealth--and Moynihan who since 1987 has been having me poisoned raped and then when I finally called him a "pig" after I was fighting for my life, the poisoning commenced they threw me in prison for a situation they created---I did nothing wrong they created the problems all of the millions they forced upon me with non-stop English based shit rushing to attack me to defend white male rape entitlement culture and the English Crown having full dominion over America---through this group of fucking shit you all keep allowing to go on and on in the name of racist overtake and return of white supremacy apartheid--you have all put horrific racists into power but first you did it through the disgusting "woke" team of Whorewood, They can't just be satiated with over 30 or 15 years of undeserved awards from ideas they have stolen from me-ad every day they just torture me to the point of desperation to get the unending torture to stop--day and night, in deep sleep--the German is a particularly disgusting slobbering greasy prick filth parasite who uses my most vulnerable moments of sickness or falling asleep to beat attack and assault me--absolutely a vile stupid sick parasite no ideas nothing but demand that people observe the trauma-based racist ideology of Nazism and genocide
they all bow down, the most stupid of the brown and latino and black skanks who postured and gyrated (with a few exceptions, can't name them but the most decades' old ones, endlessly dirty J-lo has been a part of this attack on me, made aware of her inclusion of this since 2006 or so, and that dirty foul skank is still and violently so--the longer they are allowed to torture the more they thrive hormonally on more and more, they can't get enough they are addicted they are former cocaine and other drug addicts.
But, no one, basically, could give a fucking damn. I would write more on philosophical grounds but the little Jew-clicking Nazi slave BenS Shapiro will steal the ideas as he has been doing when I write about various topics such as the Roman Empire and it's decline, the very next day he posts a well-documented video on the history of Roman Empire and it's decline--but his internet is not turned off every few minutes, he doesn't have to pound every word out and have his writing half deleted. No, his sexist racism is thrilled that I am blocked, as all the racist hateful heel-clicking slaves of every kind of oppression possible, which they descry as stupid woke stupid creep loserville reactions to normal society and what is wrong with bitches like her--them--etc. So normal he is. And the ugly smile on his face when I wrote a slight criticism on a comment section to which the ugly sinister Nazi smile emerged on his face because the German ape filth they all gravitate to, despite all the "Fight for Israel and against Nazis' that Shapiro spews out, when he is not endlessly drooling over German philosophers--asking me which ones were Nazi precurros, which Ia answered and he is endlessly doing what they all do, calling me stupid blocking my ability to communicate torturing me profiting off it and going off claiming they are fighting Nazis. I can hear the clicking as they read my post and deny and work to torture me for having written about their Nazi activities in teleportation.
Is it worth fighting for a country which is not able to study any kind of deep analysis of the themes and psy-ops being continuously thrust upon them? when I do, I am tortured mutilated and that happens no matter what I do anyway, then the ideas are endlessly stolen by one sick fuck after the next--stupid, sick and formulaic lying filth from Congress and Whorewood. I was called "stupid" by klobuchar when I was not completely "up" on details of senate bills going forward which she is part of. That was her defense and obviously it was a childish remark lacking merit. I had to remind her that I am blocked and drugged on a daily basis from study reading and under non-stop torture information is being blocked and I am studying constantly who and what to turn to for any end or cessation from murder. Her being one of the culprits, she remained silent with hate on her face. And then, I was not able to remind her because my brain was forced and drugged into a state of hysteria after literally fighting against two men who were beating me as I fought to stop the violence--I could not thnk to tell her that I am not up to all the intricacies of her level of political savvy or knowledge because of the hacking and the drugging poisoning and torture. The reason she had rushed to get her promotion and next fucking face lift out of awards for her violence and outright Nazi posturing was due to the panel she hosted about AI and hacking so the next election she and her friends can continue to suck in all they can from the lucre of the United States, misrepresenting "The American People" who are referred to constantly by these death-creating 4th Reich abuser killing machine heel-clicking bots, incompetent at the level that is MOST IMPORTANT>
I have to backspace constantly---the hacking is so bad. Klobuchar, I predict, will have her hair once more lightened, and another face lift and then more promotions into another high-ranking cabinet in next administration--which some hope will be the last election and the last election was not actually the last election, I believe.
It is too impossible to pound out any longer
When Bloomberg and his "Half-Jewish" daughter, or whatever percent it is, the mother obviously a blonde white supremacist whom I was brought to in teleportation as the yapping screeching of "loser loser" from the daughter and like Michael Douglass, the insults about my patriotic quest for defense of my body, my life and the laws of the constitution were met with loathing mockery from all those who make their public appearances based on some resemblance to patriotic adherence or allegiance to the same principles.
I am not even fighting for America at this point but merely the principles of racism which is the foremost operating principle in this outlandish racist situation I have been thrust in.
The instant violence and hate from these clutching grasping expletives is unwarranted to the highest degree. It is just pure scapegoating and the dire need of these "minorities" to be included in the predatory, rather than victim status and "class" (race apparently is merged with Nazi identity in the 4th Reich, but adherence to white supremacy is the mandatory requirement).
I am screaming every day about principles that I have rarely studied but do so in the only way I can, from podcasts because firstly I try to blank out the yelling death threats and sexual insults about my body not being plastic-surgery enhanced enough, as they are used to in their Whorewood tableau--using that word is far too sophisticated even if they live in France--it's a shmorgisboard of just elaborate sensational wrapping that dissolves in the ugliness of their grasping for power and acceptance into the endlessly enlarging 4th Reich.
The snowball effect is now enormous, around the world. I do not see any improvement in how the world is being run from the envelopment of this insidious organization.
All I see are hateful heel-clicking minions who are smiling about sadistic murder as required for approval by the death squad organization I call The 4th Reich (and others do as well).
America has truly proven to me to not be worth fighting for. I tell these celebrities that they are ruining the country. They are all handed mansions overseas as their prize for having tortured me for years.
One of the people who did participate but was actually quite cheery about it was publicly descried as being "mean" and she was one of the nicest, if not the nicest of them all. Ellen, in other words. She moved to London and her house was flooded as if by divine decree. I would argue that she is honoring the wrong country and should move to a more decent place with more decent people. Sorry, that was my first xeonphobic remark as the onus of hate crimes against me stem from English full participation. My year(s) of living like Orwell down and out were met with extreme hostility by English outright racism and now more than 30 years or so of slow murder and my ideas stolen by a scumbag filth creep associated with the English Crown, and I find that apparently NO ONE in positions of high power have any concern about the sanctity of American identity and instead feel ashamed and yearn to be as Europigapeland possible entitled elite push down the poor laugh as they are being raped and killed, etc.
The few semi-legitimate who did nothing, one of whom did a lot to help murder me but also put Depp in front of the world as the hateful (possessed) spirit that he and his ilk and spawn really are--she was kicked out of the country for actually asserting actual real domestic violence concerns because she acted hysterically in front of the courtroom and everyone denied her (I actually read books about how prosecutorial witnesses in rape and DV cases are really discredited for losing their cool in crying on stand, or one book I read and heard from others that as a woman you must strive to appear not hysterical or it's a witch hunt and you are discredited).
Too bad Heard never studied such law cases nor actually read much about DV she just imitated what I had been writing about both of them for about 2 years.
I am now bereft of being able to study. Not only am I engrossed in rushing to the laptop to shut the yapping hate and death threats of endless daily hours and hours of abuse that begins--last night it was the moment I was falling asleep at about 9 pm because I am healing in sickness need to go to bed early. Then for over 2 hours it was me literally fighting body builder, martial arts "men" out of England and Germany--one has been issuing deadly assaults upon me and death threats after rape and violence, the other going along with him, as all of the group does they love this character and what he represents--"do as thou wilt" and their debauchery and lack of all self-restraint and the increasing hormonal addiction to torture and they are all just more disgusting every day with hate and violence at me. Any actual post I write about, such as what I wrote yesterday in disgust when, after trying to not react trying to get my books read which have gathered dust becuase I spend my life writing and glued to the laptop to get them to shut the fuck up finally after 4-6 hours until the only thing that stops me from screaming and rushing at them in violence is to get on the laptop. I am then stuck in a miasma of mind control whereby I just am directed, subconsciously, to sites posted on my YouTube--always looking for any relief from non-stop torture, the Democrats who hack their filthy bs on my YouTube are more than disappointing in disgusting behavior and collusion with outright fascist Nazi behavior--as with Biden who openly embraces them in photo-ops almost the day after they viciously assault me, Biden makes some public statement about what great feminists and Democratic representatives they are for the Democrat Party. It all could be hacking and they do this every day, creating what Klobuchar called AI insertion of Deep Fake but not especially in videos but in newspaper articles--. And, they are all, every single one of them, like vicious dirty subhuman animals clicking their heels and with now ugly sinister Nazi smiles as they laugh along with the Nazi German instructing them on visual sadistic Nazi gestures which they imitate completely.
So absolutely not worth fighting for when no one will even begin to analyze the behavior and the analysis is also frowned-upon in various ways as being "too woke" and etc.
Thusly, what had been touted as "deconstructionism" in the 80s which many in grad school (I took grad school classes in my undergrad work) and deep structural analysis is now "woke" bs that is frowned upon as being too diversity, equity and etc based and so discredited by the white expletives pig apes who are cheered on as the "intellectuals" of the media--
so no analysis is possible. When I do it, my ideas are stolen and I am dismembered for writing and then tortured for more ideas
and thusly, Klobuchar came to smile with delight at the torture rape and mutilation because I wrote an analysis of her fake deep into the Nazi regime while appearing as benevolent--benevolent dictatorship is an actual political term and used for older regimes just prior to the Enlightenment or Renaissance--now in vogue but just called "Democratic" as opposed to what is being called "fascism" by the Democrats aimed at Republicans--they click their dirty little "jew" heels in the same racist self-hating fashion that the Nazis sneer about how their slaves do the same.
I look so old and broken down from daily fighting stupid ape whores who are glowing with hormone-driven delight at beating raping and being promoted endlessly for the sick filth they are doing.
My hands have been slathered with aging chemicals my body is just sagging from poisoning my hair is turning grey I feel endlessly old from daily screaming in rage because of the hate and violence of this filth group which really "demands" that they suck out my sexuality while beating abusing and humiliating abusing raping and torturing me with my "consent' which I have never given unless I had no idea what they were doing. They had me so drugged I could not comprehend the malevolence nor the sickness they truly are.
I write about it and no one could care, not really. They just allow it all to commence and the downfall of society is not their problem.
Of course, the internet was turned off but the router remains "on" and after 5 minutes the WiFi signal shifted to "off" but it was off for over 5 minutes. This goes on at least 30 times per day as I struggle to not have screaming abuse poured into my brain
the fuckers doing this are out laughing about how much fun this is. My body is aging exponentially per day from the excessive awards season greed ugliness and the entitled demands of sick stupid greasy sick fuckers who are obtaining free millions for just being sick greasy pricks pigs rapists whores and performing like Nazi filth bucket shithead fuckers
that is my ranting at this moment! what ever
15 years of me warning the black nazis that they are helping Nazis come to power and they have all been awarded by Forbes and Time the Oscars the Golden Globes the Europigape fashion awards
I would like someone to stop all this destruction of my life body home and finances, but everyone is too grasping at free hand-outs by the sinister evil 4th Reich and thusly there are no politicians who are doing more than feeding off this contract.
When I look at which Democrat congress terrorists are trying to replace the terrorism of the other terrorists who endlessly rushed to attack me and the same day get interviews on CNN and MSNBC and other affiliates on the very same day as viciously attacking me. Replacing them on the (I think it is "Judiciary" committee I must think to myself "which one is less horrible?" and that is the best I can say of any decision regarding the Democrats)
as for the Republicans at this point I am sorry to say it's automatic after the sickening display of the Speaker(s) but worse with Johnson, it is far worse than deplorable the criminal lying evil sick debauchery in the name of Christianity is as appalling as the little black cap on Ben Shapiro's head while he is laughing just like Klobuchar and all the rest of the sneering laughing senators while they embrace the Nazi-referencing bigots, casting aspersions at me and then violently having me assaulted, fascist Nazi style, with the German scum piece of sick shit they all embrace. Every of the lowest of behavior he exhibits as the means to grabbing power.
I need and want this f-ing humidifier untouched. The shit whores are at the top awards for ideas they have stolen from me. My cat returned also and money so I can live in peace (for decades ) the sleazy sick whores have all been paid in multimillions
I tell them to combine their filthy stinking millions of dollars and actually compete in the market, but they are just over-paid scumbag shit whore bags who are not capable of "winning" Unless they use violence Nazis out of Germany and England so all will not only be paid so they can continue to just spend on their lavish sleazy plastic surgeries to perform more demonstrations about how they care about the disenfranchised the abused the silenced women of domestic violence the poor victims of black racism etc etc etc
"Husker Du live at First Avenue--1985". FirstAvenue7thStEntry. March 31, 2010.
A few weeks ago--here you have the typical reversion to estsablished underground music, which was mainstream back in the 80's-90's--the bands that did play were not old back in the day--it was never established older musicians looking for comeback--the audience knows all the lyrics and all the chords---it is another "throwback" and this appears to be the apex of what First Avenue can achieve for it's line-up, is aged and (I believe, as Metallica has done it's share of hacking their "stuff" into my YouTube as just more dinos looking for a restoration of their old bones--much beloved because there is very little that is played and known that is "new"--this trend continues, I am just looking up on YouTube First Avenue performances from THIS MONTH Decmeber, 2024 and that is the first that came up)
but let's take a peek at what the 4th Reich has reverted First Avenue into besides repeats of old 80's and 90's trend-setting mainstream...from this month
I can't find anything but repeats of repeats in the YouTube line-up of music videos from this year--my searches are limited. Every single video is a cover version of a 60's-90's subculture "song" which hit the top 40 as the "alternative". I find also that the WNYU line-up of the "alternative" sections for what had been completely unheard of originators and unique musicians is now completely rammed with established terrorists WHO HAVE JOINED INTO THE FASCIST NAZI ATTACK ON ME in order to have more dino documentaries about their rancid careers displaying them as mavericks (controllers and usurpers) of the former "subculture", while the real creative innovators are now ignored and replaced.
I must dig to find bands that are not covering established mainstream songs that were turned into the "alternative" and I find that the old archives of WNYU play those who actually were the original innovators, their themes and styles were stolen by the 4th Reich fascist Nazi fakes--entirely.
In short: all of this is analogous to the take-over of the "Democrat" Party not just in the isolated "Blue" State of Minnesota but at higher levels as well. That Klobuchar, who is part of the "team" of those who surreptitiously ordered the assassination of Prince, under directive by the emerging fascist New Order when Trump needed to ascend to power and the fasco "feminist" Nazi league in dirty mediocre Whorewood had to oust Weinstein, whom I believe is being poisoned to death in his cell but it's made to appear like health failure, as this group does with their covert assassinations after they discredit the personality target, in this case the "too many Jews in Hollywood" whining lament by the Europigape Nazis (especially out of England) I have met in foreign countries--I asked them how they knew about this, they spat in hate at me that they have "a cousin who works in Hollywood" etc etc. It is the same trend with politics.
I CANNOT FIND A SINGLE TEENY WEENY VIDEO ON YOUTUBE that doesn't feature an "old school" band or cover version of an old band that had "represented" in mainstream the "subculture" but which, instead, just stole the theme. The filth of Whorewood have been doing this to me for almost 2 decades with poisoning and drugging beatings torture for writing in my defense to get anyone to stop this parasitic stupid filth group---and the politicians watch on giggling and looking for mansions and elite status in ole Europigapeland, where they "really" took care of any upstart group with brutality and genocide--now being adopted by the U.S. political "left" not just the Repub side of the pub which used to be a political body politic perhaps bipartisan at one point in history.
I found a 3 year-old documentary about the Black innovators, Prince being just one. You will NEVER see these bands performing at First Avenue and then posted on YouTube--they are relegated to obscurity and their style stolen, as usual, by the culture which steals all they can with impunity and glorifies their every sleazy racist bigot mind programming duplicity as being elite because it imitates fascist Europigapeland mass murder theft rape and genocidal culture with snouts in air posturing. They have SOLD OUT AMERICA that is really the bottom line. They want NO INDEPENDENT creative threat to their wine-tasting mediocrity. The alternative and the "radical" concept of people having chances for creative independence out of control and racist hegemony of all invention that is stolen, endlessly by the 4th Reich formerly the 3rd Reich formerly plantation Colonialization Imperialism English Crown German fascism Russian brutality despotism--now re-imaged the Europigapes are stealing American memes of "feminism" in order to sell their white supremacy disguised as being almost "radical woke" the rehashing of history that empowers the fascist blonde Nazi women and their "fighting against racism" a la American feminism and civil rights assassinated originators--is the theme I am writing of today. The former movements originated by JEWS AND BLACKS who are not pitted against one another by the manufacturing of hate slingers. Europigapes are trying to sell this off, but they are being embraced by Whorewood for viciously and unapologetically racist Nazi and fully welcomed by the Democrats the Republicans and the sickeningly mediocre Whorewood scumbag mob. (not "all" I refer to those participating in this hate terror mafia Nazi contract out on me, which is fare more scumbags than I can even begin to write about--I only write about the most violent sleaze haters who are "in my face" constantly. As usual, typing is a stressful torture for my hands and it's so time-consuming.
"Where is the Funk? How Prince Created the Minneapolis Sound (feat. Jellybean Johnson of The Time)". Sound Field. January 2, 2020.
First Avenue "back in the day" of the mid-80's when hard core was a common theme. That type of music has been synthesized on various levels and regurgitated in the entropy line-up of current bands which litter the playlist of monthly bands, in a weak syrupy imitation of what First Avenue had been created originally in it's "Heyday" when JEWS AND BLACKS had created a club, in unison, working together, to create a modern epic of musical invention and open-minded alternative to the disco and top 40 entrails of flatulent music--of course, the "hipster" "youth" of today strive as assiduously as possible to rehash all those top mainstream bands which had usurped the alternative subculture and then to claim that I am not what was acceptable at that time (at least at First Avenue I had protection from the Prince and Jewish crew to express myself and be and feel welcomed) but, now it's only about their shopping mall and online ordering of the fashion which we had to scrounge and piece together from 2nd hand hip stores in order to not wear the horrid stifling fashion of the 80's which, in comparison to today, is much more fun even with the mainstream "alternative"
Anyway, reveries aside, (it has been told that every generation bemoans the loss of their culture and the onset of what they consider a huge defeat of culture in the next, and I must join in that list what I see is just a repeat of a repeat striving to emulate the 80's mainstream but calling itself the underground or striving therefore
attacking me for wearing "their" fashion and "trying to be a 20-something" so I have to remind these idiots that with their racist concepts they can't identify that this subculture was not entirely all white, not in Minneapolis back then, but only under the auspice of Prince and now the fascist racist Democrat "elite" have welcomed something perhaps like Ilhan Omar into First Avenue, but she is anti-semitic or labeled as such, and the label suffices. What the Jewish managers of First Avenue created is only seen in the hip atmosphere of the movie Purple Rain--it was not Prince who did this. Btw, my father was involved in the Minneapolis music scene and had invested in a radio station when he lived in Milwaukee--a one-hour flight away. My father an attorney also for Mafia in many times of his life-and the Purple Rain theme includes some references to Italians--and etc I wont' go further
this is about the transition of the targets of Nazi wrath who had created First Avenue to a great degree in the programming and atmosphere, not recognized except for Prince, but it was not Prince who "allowed" this freedom of expression and seeming lack of racism to thrive in that tiny oasis of an otherwise EXTREMELY RACIST WHITE SUPREMACIST MINNESOTA. The hateful comments about Prince made by Frat boys in beer conversations I heard from the boyfriend of a former terrorist roommate have stuck with me and condescending as they were, they descried Prince for his overt sexuality while they were raping me and attacking me, as Klobuchar is now doing with this team of rapists and outright racist abusers (including the black members).
So, see the transition of what they destroyed in the underground "black and jewish" club that is now world-famous, but now a weak and copy-cat horrid space I watch videos of the current Minneapolis who thrive off stealing the concept--as this group of mediocrity out of Whorewood, adept at portraying pornographic sexuality stuffed into a template of aristocrat elitism so plastic surgery modified packaged and computer concocted false personality traits that are defunct (not the funk for sure).
The entire mentality of every celebrity involved every politician is that I have zero human rights, and for me to question, defend myself or write about their crimes and traitorous behavior towards not only me, but the U.S. Constitution, the laws they break on a non-stop continuous basis like eating doped-up candy with applause and promotions meted out like more dope. They all behave like instant fascists after rushing to abuse me in the contract which enables them to obtain plastic surgery (as the senator above lightened her hair and got plastic surgery, I can tell) and like them all, the programming to become a violent fascist murdering bigot is compounded by the instant applause of the only group of human beings (so-called) on Earth: fascist Nazi Mafia who are rushing in droves, more like locusts to help the Americans who behave like doped up locusts on a feeding frenzy to devour the immense wealth they can endlessly procure out of all that is handed as a social engineering tool by the 4th Reich fully in control of all sides of every political farce; that is all this is, a complete farce.
They yell at me, white supremacist Republican men and Democrat Women, saying I am not allowed to "speak to them like that' in rage after more than one or more decades of non-stop torture, poisoning and destruction of my every chance to have even slight stability so I am not thrust into a turbulence at every attack with no basis or stability in which to make a foundation of defense. All I do is write every day to emptiness and nothingness. It goes on every day.
All I see is that the creeple attacking me are competent to push papers, say the lying lines they are instructed to repeat, are capable of performing their tasks and educated on these fronts. Otherwise, unexceptional, they must have a fascist Mafia death squad backing up their lack of ethical concern to disguise the true fact that they are scoundrel traitors incompetent to lead a fair and free society.
Their censure of any exposure of their lies, not with me but in general there are some of the lying podcasters who say that any open criticism of the Biden administration is a fear-factor in why there was so little opposition to that fascist regime all these years. That was Steve Schmidt in an interview and that was the most I got off the interview which stuck with me; otherwise it appeared as a fake pretense of being alarmed that Harris did not win and one of those "blame" podcasts which came out after all of them stated directly into cameras to mesmerize (Hypnotize, brainwash) the public by stating with absolute certainty that Harris "will win". I believe they knew she would not, I believe they were instrumental in achieving this lie as a force of deception. Perhaps people did not vote assuming their vote would not matter as much.
Schmidt of course is one of the participants in the attack upon me. My rage when seeing these scumbag creeple after scouring YouTube to get any kind of affirmation that there is anything but lying fascist Nazi Mafia deception agents who have infiltrated all aspects of the "opposition" to the tyranny they all really embrace so wholeheartedly but they continue to spew their lines because all the opposition has not yet been completely destroyed.
That was Klo this morning with the German rapist, the English man both physically attacking me. I had complimented one of the actors (female) who always plays a "strong" feminist in her many roles for English television (of course, she has played in a Spielberg movie, so many of the fascist Nazis who have viciously attacked me as she had her mininos to and the blonde Nazi bigots) all part of the Spielberg fame-making anti-racist league of posturing bigots--the lislt is so long. One of the most heinous I call Dumb Whorren MIrrage because using her vile name is so offensive by now, as she is. When Prince was (assassinated) she was featured wearing a purple suit/dress at the Cannes showing of Purple Rain with her fist upheld in some kind of mockery solidarity (mockery if you knew and understood the English fascist murderous bigot who is truly a Nazi of the English variety, as are all the English who rush to assault me; one of the rapists went from his career being obscured with no real notice, he hacked his f-ing video onto a music video I was watching from a Russian band--he rushed to violently rape me with his wife; he is now slated for a Golden Globe, and I doubt seriously he would have obtained this if he had not raped and beaten me using the disgusting formula that only sleazy scumbags would use, but for this filthy group, that is considered elitist entitlement and "shaming" of me, not any of these filthy whores of stupidity and posturing sick filth
He, of course, in his British Israelist hate for Jews and the Evangelical usurpation of Israel has played Jesus, the Jew in a dual role of being Satan revisited in the desert for temptation--
the theme being hate for Jews and another Holocaust in reality. Thusly, Klo the senate "feminist" Nazi is fully into this, and had two body builder martial arts "men" so-called physically assault me. They began just as I was falling asleep--they forced my throat to constrict making a chocking constricting noise--they began to physically beat me and I had to fight to get them off. Screaming in rage for a few more hours, it went on until I fell asleep and began even before I woke up the next morning. Klobuchar was there. The English team of Harlots all assembled after I had complimented one of them, she began the next to day abuse, use threats insults and got her team of blonde Nazi bigot skank men and women, the white male in particular in a hegemony English Imperialist posturing about his so-called "superiority" which he only implied as his right, as I fought this filthy creep who I only see as a dirty nasty bigot trying, as they all are, to insinuate instant programming for white supremacy, which most people through trauma have been and still are being programmed into instantly accepting without question.
Thusly the yelling pig ape skank who I had complimented began yelling fascistically while her blonde bigot scumbag began hitting me as the German rapist began hitting me and I had to scream and fight my way out of it with Klobuchar literally gyrating sexually with a demonic smirk on her vile face--she was so grotesquely stupid and sickly looking that the crowd of Europigape bigots stared in a kind of shock because it was so openly sick and creepy. I could tell they froze, the performance of trying to appear as fascist and happy and thrilled about bigot racist Nazi genocide imposed upon me by members of Congress they must demonstrate in front of the German scumbag slime filth that they have huge sadistic smiles on their ugly sleazy filth faces so they have huge smiles now. This program to use Nazi facial suggestions of sadistic delight in torture rape and murder has begun under the filth slime of this German sick fuck crap creep
the English are all instantly going along---and thusly, I had to fight this and I have to fight it when Lyndsey Graham and John Kennedy Ted Cruz and et al rush to appear as fascist entitled abusive genocidal Holocaust-promoting as possible.
And that is what was forced upon me. I wrote about Klobuchar after having been tortured yesterday for hours by the team of English shit and filth, absolutely meaningless stupid crap people relying entirely on the stereotypes of English supremacy that was the driving force of mass murder for a few centuries around the world. The propensity of these white trash Europigape pig filth apes to become instantly murderously brutally violent is so supported by the "feminist" white trash contagion I was forced to have in my deep sleep and waking state so I could not even try to ignore them--the physical torture from the torture technologies pointed into my bed from the room below has been used to create extreme torture and for years--it is where the teleportation technology is being used, I believe. The bed frame is unmovable it is literally bolted to the floor and I can't even see where the bolts are, the floor boards are above the base of the huge bed
and so, that is the weak and sleazy nature of these creeps. The Europigapes are relying on the necessity of the stupid ape crowd from America, the whores and pigs you all love with their sleazy psychopathic movies you have all loved, the sexualization of murder and crime to which they are heralded.They have zero original concepts or ideas, not a single one. The politicians yap constantly about themes that is akin to the terrorist "alternative" dinosaurs who play their instruments who have been paid in millions upon millions as they steal the image the style of the artists who are now invisible. All that remains is a copy of a copy which is awarded as being the originator but is a worse fake the a plastic-coated duplicate.