Sunday, July 28, 2024

I am being very badly drugged while in deep sleep state. This post is about more silicon or other injections under my skin--there is yet another hard, tiny bump on my neck, which was swollen a few days ago (4 or so, maybe less) because it had been freshly injected. It appeared from one day to the next. I do not "break out" in hard silicone bumps that are obviously round and hard and injected--there is one above my knee cap that is huge and disgusting and another huge one on my left rib cage. For a few years I was denied health care while I had medicaid as the terrorists injected a humongous silicone injection on my chest. I know that these are being absolutely injected by this group. They are injecting little tiny bumps of hard silicone now. They put on underneath my left eye just around the left-hand side of the bridge on my nose. There appeared 4 days ago this swollen, now reduced from swelling bump on my throat very near the "adam's apple" area. //All of this happened (the latest bump) while this German rapist was having me abused by his partners, my clothing has been sprayed with foul substances (of course, the clothing I make by hand, every stich hand-made taking time and energy which I barely have left over from the 8-10 hours of teleportation abuse while asleep and awake--hours every morning of abuse, insults, death threats, rape and beatings and torture and then on and on. My body is mutilated as part of every f-er's contract who teleports me. To completely destroy my body but rape and suck out my life force as well while abusing me instsantly after they force this artificially-induced "love" out of me--just to screw in all the nails of this crucifixion that has been ongoing for decades. My sexuality and beauty are things to be destroyed by each and every single sick creep who joins in. The German absolutely going at me using every single possible attack he could but mostly sucking out my love energy while pouring hate and abuse and then he is being showered with money and promotions for this great effort on his well-experienced pornography and woman-hating abuse pasta history now being promoted--instead of acting I guess but the end result is more acting roles for his probably sagging career. Yes, they are desperately seeking stardom and to regain what they have lost or only touched briefly or watched as their parents were showered with (undo) fame in non-stop repeat roles of major movie roles so the kiddies are enthralled to help in torturing me to obtain their own movie stardom automatically, with a few auditions just to make appearances.//So once more, I truly need plastic surgery to remove alll these hideously deforming injections, plus money to live in peace and not always live on the edge of homelessness while rotten and stupid prostituted scum from Whorewood obtain millions for the ideas they have tortured and then stolen out of me--just to present themselves as the eternal victims playing heroic uprising roles as they all do.//Or, in the case of the German, his role in the movie I watched was of slightly repentant Nazi forcing sex slavery upon a prisoner in exchange for survival. He has no repentance for the real-life bigot scenario that is a shadow corollary to the Nazi genocide, as usual this is always the case. He ordered this attack upon my body, to inject another silicone implant while he was beating and raping me using "sex slave humiliation abuse" sex violence which I could not stop as the tech and the sickness I had been undergoing and his huge sexual excitement and the drugging and poisoning and detox made me unable to stop him from bearing down on top of me raping me using this fellatio humiliation method of domination while I was being slapped and punched when I said "no" and tried to pull away--punched slapped repeatedly until I stopped resisting.Then he had my body injected, had my clothing sprayed, created endless hate scenarios such as this delivery which was and still is very abusive and the chat with seller app has him or his group making very reminiscent very German style remarks that are like an infant screaming with hate rubbing it's genitals and screaming for mommy and daddy to take care of him and to wreak destruction upon anyone not automatically giving him everything possible. The smug assurance from the Whorewood group that he is the most entitled due to his Nazi posturing and belief system is very telling as it always is. Their first priority is to create a Nazi cartel and this German is really just fitting comfortably with all the hate and abuse and heaped upon me, of course. So for all my most passionate and forced love-making he had my body mutilated, had a very nasty attack made on my delivery service and threats and insults from the seller after I had so politely apologized and explained what had happened with the abusive, and lying delivery which was under the instruction of this German sick pig ape fuck. Then my home made stinking, and on and on with him constantly trying to extract passionate sexual love energy out of me and returning it with smug indifference and then beatings abuse injections spraying my home abusing and he's being promoted for this. His dream come true to be welcomed into Whorewood and voila! The Europigapeland cartel fanatic Americans are truly welcoming in a real-life Nazi totally in awe and in love with the Nazi image. They help to create the Nazi master race supremacy concept by their very awe at his violence against me.

Explicit and almost illicit material today because the endless apathy, delight at this rape and torture mutilation and evil endlessly arranged against me is never-ending. It is the tenor of American society at almost all levels. I will be explicit, which unfortunately will get the rapist promoted and the organizer(s) of this now endless cock-sucking abuse rape abuse humiliation mutilation endless non-stop abuse are now highly applauded after they orchestrated this violence against me. The Obamas and Harris worked to get a German Nazi-touting violent rapist to endlessly defile and force his penis in my mouth and the drugging and torture and mind control and abuse and sickness and 14+ years of non-stop abuse and hate which lasts at least 15 hours per day, night and day, while awake and sleeping--and that is only being confined to this room as the teleportation and subliminal hate messages and torture of my body/mutilation with all kinds of weapons has been ongoing. My years of writing about this has only brought on swarms of people engaged in fucking others over to get their deals and promotions. That includes Obama and Harris, but before them was "Germanic" Trump. Now they have brought in a most nasty German man and I am fighting to break and tear out hardened poison that is literally glued to my flesh and spine and hips and skull and feet and all joints and intestines all is corroded from the years of the terror organization of the 4th Reich.

As it turns out, dirty krapola who has ordained and watched on glaring with hate and condemnation at me for fighting for over 14 years to stop non-stop rape from celebrity scumbag, inc..has crooked Nazi-Hillary the bigot scum "feminist" who my mother can be seen in a photo in Arizona for the AZ women for bs shittary hillary campaign back in 2016. Just to make sure that my mother's exertions and full-support, financial and for her campaign in Arizona, was met with Nazi attack, this foul and nasty crap Hillary had my mother's daughter--being me--beaten, tortured and mutilated. It's nothing my own mother hasn't done herself to appease the murder, inc Nazi 4th Reich assaulting my family. But shit Hillary has no excuse. And voila!! It's Hillary's campaign advisor who is now advising Krapola and handing her access to this tech, to thwart Trump as Hillary has a vindictive itch to scratch regarding him, but with me, she has no excuse except for sheer sadistic exploitation. Just very sad that my poor mother supported that filthy piece of shit  Hillary. She would probably be supporting Krapola too just anything not to have Trump in the White House. Even when my mother was aware of my situation and that she had personally helped to put me in the position of desperation to click on the shit that Trump hacked on my Facebook page, which began ANOTHER 8 years of torture and attempted murder, with shittery Hillary joining in--and now handing this tech to Krapola, the criminal justice sadistic fascist racist nazi to have me tortured and raped by a German fascist pig ape scumbag and his group---as they must appeal to the Europigapes so the Clinton foundation can continue to wreck the United States with all their shit policies that have brought America and the world into unbelievable wealth discrepancy and desperation . Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholarship recipient and spent the Vietnam War fighting to learn how to drink gin & tonics with cocaine and marijuana in Oxford, England before having cocaine blizzard orgy parties and exploiting the dumb rednecks of Arkansas with the Whitewater debacle con rip-off. They are plants of the English Crown/Monarchy as are most or all of the shit who join in with this terror of me and the teleportation mind fuck apparatus for more victims of brain obfuscation such as how Biden performed for the debate that lost him his bid for president and put shitalina-Krapola-pig ape pitt & co GmbH into the most powerful position for the divide-and-conquer Europigape 4th Reich to inflict more destruction upon the United States. All involved will be granted more mansions and multimillion dollar access and monopoly for themselves and their incompetent shit crap little spawn pieces of shit children.

"Kamala Harris is deranged--Caleb talks with Kim Iversen". Caleb Maupin. July 26 2024.

This German man, his name is Uwe or something like that--I only looked him up when I watched The Tatooist of Auschwitz not what seems like aeons of rape and torture from the Obama cartel which brought on Harris. This began after I had to fight for my life to get the Trump cartel off me as they tried to cut my money off and they inserted a live shrimp into my ear canal. That happened during another episode of me falling into a comatose drugged-up sleep state because my food is so badly poisoned that after eating I collapse. The hard poisons I keep fighting to break and crunch out release stagnant mind control and hardening poisons that have putrefied into a toxic black mass and it goes into my blood stream and nervous system. I am so sick I cannot get up and put on the 2 layers of socks tied at the ankles to stop the mutilation of my feet and the slicing of my skin between my toes. I am so ill I lay down on this bed just needing to recline because of the nausea that is overwhelming and it's really literally fighting for my life at such moment to not die from toxic shock. They also have mind control technology directly beneath my bed, the frame of which has been bolted to the floor, literally and I can't remove anything to see what is under the wood panel of the box spring mattress-using metal as a conductor of the electrical energy as well.

Two days ago, after more than 2 weeks of non-stop rape and abuse from the German man, a host of the celebrity scumbag shit who have been raping beating and passing me around from one minority "victim" to the next and one bigoted openly Nazi filth shithead from Europigapeland or the Black but dyed blonde "victims of racism" completely only enamored with Germanic Nazi culture--

before Biden dropped out, this began with this German fucker named Uwe or something--I only looked at his name once and looked him up on YouTube to see if his statement about how 'shocking" the conditions at Auschwitz were met by any semblance of actual compassion. I only looked briefly on the video, less than 5 minutes.

It's now more than 2 weeks of nightly and daily rape, with him demanding blow jobs and that I drink his semen twice a day and provide blow jobs for his endless rotation of male friends and females as well. A baby of course to solidify his contract, handed to eagerly by Harris and the Obamas for their "Black" "first" con job by forcing me to give blow jobs to someone I fought, and fought and fought while this chunk of black poison began to loosen from the newly designed (by myself) set of exercises I have only recently begun. The exercises are an amalgamation of various martial arts stances and etc but I use them in a different formation and the effect is extremely powerful. I become so ill and weak and sick as this group ONLY uses this sickness, which they exacerbated so much so that I have been living with a square body shape that is hard as rock, jutting out of my back, my hips are completely hidden because the rock-solid black poison formation has been so hugely increased from the 14 years of this poisoning and torture murder protocol system


I am too exhausted to continue to physically battle a huge German MMA fighter, or so I think that is what he is. He has a body builder physique and has wrestling moves to pin me down. The utter filth shithole group of actors-so-called, the filth of pigshitalina and the dirty Jewish nazis who all marry as blonde and Nazi as possible and vent growling hate at me--they all sit smiling in delight as this Nazi bigot slaps my face calls me bitch abuses me in front of them after forcing me to provide this parasite with my 100% sexual passion of "love" and he keeps slapping my face brutally until I call him "master" and that I "love him".

I am in a zone of physical exhaustion from the poisons ripping out of my body--as they forced me to have to drive 40 miles because they told the endlessly compliant minority minion to close his shop just as I was arriving to pay rent. Telling me to return in one hour, I knew that meant 3 hours and I had, by that time, lost 3 hours in the morning because of the severe hacking on my laptop and I had things to do that were important to me. The entire time, as always every single morning, I was teleported to yelling fascist abusive rapists and Nazi filth from Whorewood--each and every single one of these siick fuck scumbag whores have played excessive roles of being anti-racist and anti-fascist and anti-Nazi, including this Concentration-camp slinging Nazi-mentioning German who is constantly using Nazi imagery of me being a slave him being a "master".


I can't keep physically fighting and fighting.

My hair was cut and poisoned two days ago because even though I gave this energy life fuck German pig ape my most incredible and loving passionate sexual energy and did all that he asked and was gang raped and told him I loved him, in the midst of endless slapping my face if I tried to pull away, endless slapping my face while his penis was in my mouth, endlessly being afflicted by tech that blasts my sexuality into the highest possible "desire" that is 1000% percent artificially inflicted by the drug-tech interface.

The shit and filth of Whorewood sit basking in delight that finally they have broken my body and spirit and will obtain this contract. 

Shit dirty Obama and Harris,  both of whom owe much of their success to having joined in with the celebrity shit cesspool in order to gain the 4th Reich international funding for their campaigns--now owe the hundreds of millions of dollars that dirty lying disgusting Harris has just received in only a few short days of having watched on glaring in hate at me, as Obama the fake disgusting rotten evil and ugly putrid creep had done because for all the 14 years of that pig scum black Nazi obtaining his backing from Whorewood for handing out the drugs, poisons and tech to shit ugly prostitutalina & co (from Europigapeland, the English Crown being one of the major contributers to the "success" of shit Krapola so they have a puppet established in California and then in Whorewood and then in the Senate and then in the president position--Harris having grown up in a colony of the English Crown, in Canada and her mother being a subject of Imperialistic colonization of India and the effect has produced a lying and slimy fake that has been coached for all these years awaiting the coup of mind control exerted upon Biden for this exact purpose.


As with Trump, once that dirty pig scum obtained this technology he instantly raped and beat me using the same pig penis in my mouth as all of the fucking pieces of rotten shit have done for so many years.

From non-stop poisoning and torture, the only pleasure I get is being raped and tortured with some dirty ugly pig scumbag sticking it's filthy pig penis in my mouth as it slaps my face, calls me bitch as the shit of shitalina watches on laughing and giggly and ALWAYS hugs these filthy men who then scream with hate at me that she is so much more beautiful. She made sure to have my body endlessly destroyed, poisoned and mutilated because after more than 5 years of that ugly prostitute blow-job facial constructed stupid prostitute had already been stealing my ideas and letting me know about it as the contract is for all of the shit who steal my ideas and are poisoning me to death and being promoted into highest media opportunity as a result---I told her that she was not beautiful I always considered her to be an ugly prostitute image and for the past 10 years or longer she has made sure to have my body compleely raped ravigied fungus put in my hair--and just two days ago, after a few WEEKS of the most love I can possibly give wiith my mouth as they make my vagina ache in agony from not having sex for decades (remining celebate back in 2002 waiting for a "real" relationship as these same patterns went on and on and I never wanted any of the pig filth who all date drugged and raped me but I believed it was my own passion. I always wanted to establish a "real" relationship and I was drugged to instanlty have overwhelming sexual desire for ugly scumbag pieces of shit who raped and then stole from me, destroyed my home, their wives, lovers and minority minions rushed to abuse and threaten and attack me.

So it's happening once more.

My years of writing about this has produced only Krapola into the president position and filthy lying not hero obama as this sort of "heroic" image for having done very little to actually prove "yes we can" to anybody except for the same wealthy donors who Trump has given years of tax breaks to.

So he will not stop. Because I was trying to get him off me, fighting again as the longer I respond the more the pieces of fucking shit and filth say that I "love" him. I was telling him to get his pig meat out of me, that he disgusts me that he is nothing to me. The pig had me drugged as I collapsed while putrid stagnant black poison had just ripped out of my spine and I literally was so ill that it was a matter of life or death to not have endless hate and stress and to fight non-stop constantly as i have been doing, increasingly physically so the shit whores are getting Mike Tyson to attack me, m aking his stupid ugly statements and denying along with that Black fake in Congress who made a rejoinder to MTG that was just immature and banal but it got her some fame--all rushing at me violently when I said that they were working for white supremacy.

So the black fucks of the plantation--the lead duplicity liars of Obama(s) with Oprah as always backing it all, and Harris the white supremacist imprisoner of poor blacks and fully gloating, smiling and giggling (on her first teleportation to me years ago) and now glaring as Obama had instructed her to do, to help bring into America and Whorewood the cynical lying evil of the German rapist(s) who make Nazism an open statement against me in teleportation--with full backing of the jewish shit who are trying to get their pro-French tv series into some higher category for awards and prizes--with the nasty ugly French shit coming to violently yell at me, and then ordering the German pig ape prick to violently rape me. They sit in rows of chairs watching on as my body is saturated with drugs and the tech blasting my vagina and brain into a heightened state while I'm fighting to say no as the slapping and the endless tech is blasting my sexual organs in a way that is irrepressible and impossible to overcome for me in all this sickness, physical exhaustion and poison and drug in my system that could kill me if I continue to have to live in a state of constant panic and hate with stress making survivability very low in the process of the healing.


After 2-3 weeks of twice daily most passionate, love-making blow jobs forced out of me, while being hit, abused, gang stalked, my home and clothing and food tainted, poisoned, stinking and my life as usual filled with violence and hundreds of ugly and sick fecal "people" attacking me using ugliness, hate and supported by every institution possible around the planet--especially from Trump, Harris, Biden, Hillary and Bill Clinton, RFK, Jr., Cornell West, Michael Bloomberg, and I am only mentioned the rotten candidates or actual presidents of the United States of sickness that have come and rushed to get movie and tv promotions from the English Crown, going through the very evil and insidious portal of rotten ugly prostitutalina and shit pig pitt, who have been awarded every year after stealing MY ideas non-stop while they yell "shut up" at me as they ask me for ideas, and then they yell at me and torture me for having any ideas that aren't perfectly adoring of the mediocre evil shit that they are continuously foisting upon the public shich loves them for the lies they cling to in order to assuage the lack of responsibility that Americans have for all this violence that has been ongoing.

The rotten shit who make commentary about the insanity of current political and societal events are fully aware and have participated in this terror contract upon me. All want a fully established monopoly to continue to divert the public from attention on the serious issues that really are the threat, and rather it's  more like endless sensationalism disguised as societal/political commentary.

**Hacking is non-stop persitent which means this post will be rewritten and mostly hacked and discredited by hackers.

After the most precious of my "love-making" which is only a combination of artificial stimuli, plus torture poisoning agony of my body and  being stuck with no support and presidents trickling down this shit column of greedy and stupid minions (pig shitalina are minions doing their best to posture in elite aristocracy postures and derived from my classical music background which the entire group is deriding because it's only supposed to be intended for white supremacy as image of elite classical operatic and musical entitlement. Me barred and excluded even when they steal my ideas from my decades of listening to classical music in addition to punk and goth and country (just a bit) and rock n roll and etc.

But the German scumbag parasite then had my hair cut out, my scalp damaged, and injection of sharp metal objects under both middle fingers which are deformed, the nails on my left index finger were sliced on all sides, the cuticles are gone so t here is only a sliver of a nail in the middle of that finger, and there is so much more I just write a tiny bit of the damage that they have inflicted

but after all these most loving blow jubs the pig ape German shit is hugging dirty ugly prostitutalina, insulting my body as part of the protocol system, is smug and gloating, has brought his wife/lover/friends to gang rape me with blows to my face, punching my breasts. and then cutting into my body after attacks forcing me to drive and carry such huge loads due to the 4 hours they stole from my routine in blocking every single thing. They also had people jabbing me with elbows as they walked into me and while I was paying at a cash register some huge asian man with his female partner pushed me aside literally as I stood while the woman was checking out my groceries, right in the middle--shoving a receipt and saying in Thai that there is a problem. She told him she was working with me, he bumped me again and walked to my otheer side and kept telling her to stop checking my food out and help him with some 'problem" with his receipt. I began to yell in a voice that was not mine, the mind control from stress permeated my boundaries of normal calm as I yelled and said "what the fuck" very loudly--which came blasting out of my mouth because it was being injected subliminally.

And more and more.

And so, a clump of hair fell out after I had been drugged and raped and tortured bullied beaten and abused while shitting out the poison that the Nazi filth of shitalina and her English Crown partners had poued into my body, as they, too, stuck their filth penises in my mouth, slapped my face, called me bitch and I told them I "loved" them while I was in a hyper-state of sexual all-engulfing "passion" absolutely artificially rendered and also from YEARS of non-stop torture by all the shit creeps on every level of society, constantly every single place possible i am under attack and all landlords, my family, and now Trump is having the sustaining life-supporting govermnmment agency lie and abuse me for his threat and coercion over me in addition to years of  having s hit ugly pig men (mostly the Europigape men are like this, so obviously this is part of the culture of porn that came directly from the genocidal porn of the Nazi soldiers and all the fellow Nazis from every other country all behave the same way--Americans are striving as stringently as possible tto emulate this as well.

They use some special technology upon me that is impossible to negate in the drugged and in this recent case--I am ALWAYS attacked while in deep sleep state or very sick from drugging or detox. 

The shit gang of Europigapeland controlled American filth, who all have their mansions in Paris, Italy or Germany or in some other "elite" white supremacy nazi country in Western Europigapeland--

watch on smug, delighted as Harris has inflicted this with Obama and Clooney who is thrilled that all the years of him urging filth pig pitt to violently attack me poisoning me and abusing me so that  boring mediocrity who is so famous for movies I don't consider even good much less great--can have an empire with his nasty Iranian Nazi wife who poses as a "feminist" supporting women who have been beaten in domestic violence and rape situations.

How disgusting, ugly and sinister they all are.

Can't ever get a single person to intervene.

But as happened with Trump when he sexually beat and assaulted me using the same Europigape tech and protocol system, his failing campaign rose within one month skyrocketing into highest orbit--just as happened in the last 3 days with Krapola who has been paid in multi-millions for her support of absolute CRIMINAL violence heaped upon me, as Obama has partnered with Hillary and Trump for all these years; all claiming they are opposing one another but all are rape culture fiends friends.

Can't anyone ever fucking protect my human rights and stop a criminal group from constantly inflicting their lying bullshit upon the |American public and society?

Friday, July 26, 2024

Terrorist filth report:

 The filth terrorist cesspools are putting feces into my bathroom through the portal of the tiles behind this contrived box area behind the toilet so I can't reach and do anything behind that area. I sprayed very strong cleaning fluids behind it this morning. The stench was gone. They put it in again. I keep the door closed to try to stop the mechanical arms from destroying anything possible in my room and body and it has worked until, as usual, the goon network had a "brainstorming" attack meeting (or whatever but they always find a way to attack any defense) and so this is the new attack

the stench is so foul that I must keep the door wide open to let it air out.

I am now under assault by one of the terrorists who is trying to clinch this contract in a very personal way---I am fighting not to succumb but they also forced me to so nearly harm myself yesterday by making me drive for miles in every direction because they kept blocking services at the shop where I must pay rent for my motorbike, at least 10 miles from where I live. I sent an email telling the agent that I would arrive soon, and the moment I arrived he/she (a ladyboy) was driving out saying to return in one hour. I had been so late because of other attacks that cost me a few hours that I had to deal with, that I drove all the way back, rushing to get things done before all the stores closed. I struggled so hard to get everything done that today I fell asleep in a near shock from having lifted and done far too much for my spine to deal with. and going to the bathroom that stank like feces this morning, trying to protect my body while sleeping (and much fewer teleortation attacks since I have begun to tie a rope around the metal hooks on the door so I could block the opening of this door) but now they are putting so much foul stinking shit in my bathroom that it's putridity to go in there and the stench lasts for a long time. They keep a panel open with the shit so it's always in the room--from the other side of the wall--the area behind the toilet is a construction that juts out from the wall, and one-inch remains of the area impossible for me to reach and I can only spray cleaners into the area to clean it at all.

I am trying to fight this man who is really using sexual means of a sort of entrapment and although it would seem like some sexual bliss all the while I know I am a target and the contract out on me is immense. I know that now Harris is behind this as well as Obama--having replaced Trump when I reacted in extreme negativity to Trump after YEARS of non-stop torture and poisoning (to death) along with Biden's team. So now the same people but just a slight change in outward appearance have arrived to torture me for their promotion.

And, as usual, no one is here defending me. They got my brother, who has attacked me since a very young age (3 or 4) and he's now a part of this torture. My family has always attacked me to obtain this contract, but this brother is extremely treacherous and a constant liar as well. There is nothing like kin to be your worst enemy.

This German man wants me to return to Germany with him, have a baby (part of my uterus was severed out and my spine is fractured I can't have children but they must have some replacement procedure to obviate all the damage to my body this same group, over a decade ago, inflicted upon me for saying NO as usual. All these years of my life being upended by one rapist torturing hateful murderous violent leech after the next, my love life has been completely destroyed my social l ife has been absolutely destroyed as has everything else. I am like putty in his hands being manipulated but I can't feel "safe" in any way around him or any of them.

My brother and family in particular. They have been attacking me to obtain their own promotions for all my life, and now that my mother, who was one of the big "Mommy Christman" for them, endlessly dispersing money she obtained from her exploits in her career, which was bolstered by viciously attacking me--as she is now dead, and I have remained AS DISTANT AS POSSIBLE from my family, leave it to filthy shitalina and pig pitt and this gang to force not only my most murderous and violent family, and i use these terms not lightly or with ease of just slight but absolutely they are murderously treacherous and told me they were "waiting" (for me to die and my brother, the attorney, to rake up the proceeds of the finalization of this contract out on me, which the parasite is doing now in teleportation with this group of hateful parasitic leech filth--the filth they put in my room, body and food is actually what they are.

I think my other brother, most violent and deadly as well, has joined with the prostitutalina and pig pitt group and now the German dude with Polanski--who has turned out to be a vicious pro-Nazi supporter if it means his career can be enhanced into Whorewood once more to participate in the rape of women and etc (to make movies about being victimized as a "Jew" ironically but unsurprisingly for the feces of this group, most of them make their entire livings out of playing "victim" roles, which is why they are constantly torturing me to death to obtain new ideas about how to elaborate on the victim theme)


And so the white chocolate pair, Obama and Kamala, consider them akin to a political married couple, are there urging shit to be put in my bathroom, and the German to rape me and demand that I rush to Germany and live there somehow in a rising Nazi State with absolute gang stalking death groups already long established for many decades, if not centuries (more like the latter).

the sex is extremely powerful but I can't trust anyone who is part of this group. I know they are all using me and I fight every day to remain autonomous. But he is attacking me in my sleep, and he and they all caused so much stress to my fractured body that all I can do is sleep all day, my  body unprotected while he rapes mr--or we have this form of sex which is like me the torture victim needing any kind of human contact and he is providing it through one specific part of his body--done very well I must admit but it's like absolutely being manipulated on every level and being hit for trying to pull away--being slapped and nearly punched violently for trying to stop it. Technology blasting my sexuality in a way that is irrepressible.

Now dirty f-ers reading this, don't get too excited as I know most people are without an iota of compassion or concern for the victims of this technology.

Alas, that is the sick and sad joke of it all. It's just a fun game for people to flock to in order to vent their violence and hateful porno fantasies upon people drugged, sleeping, teleported and NO EVIDENCE everyone remains mute and good little girls and boys saying nothing as Big Daddy and Mommy help orchestrate rape victims and torture victims and orgies done "online" in teleportation so alll the loveless parasites can leech off human energy, exploit and beat and rape and force total passion out of loving people (i.e. children who have no f-ing clue what is going on).

Not a single one of you could give a damn about any single thing whatsoever. 


Yes, pig pitt-shitalina the prostitute duo are very keen on forcing people who viciously attacked me whom I would never have any contact with from my past. Pig pitt brought in two middle school bullies who organized my family to be destroyed, they had my extremely compliant mother attack me viciously and my brother (the other one, not the other one I mentoined above) but they all came to attack me. Back in those days, there wasn't the sophisticated surveillance machinery that now exists so the terrorists had intercoms set-up in the house we rented so they could use CB radio or radio waves to hack into listening to my family attack me as i fought back. The community of Geneseo basically were so racist and antisemitic (as far as I know there were zero Jews in my school but I did not look but it was a very small school none were Jewish or made any outward appearance of it) there was ONE black kid in my class. Two people who had organized a lot of violence upon me, by ordering my extremely compliant mother and both brothers to viciously assault me (my family has always done this, always complied absolutely with every order handed to them by the 4th Reich; I was to be the sacrifice but ultimately my entire family has been poisoned, mind controlled and pushed down even if they have been amply paid for having handed me over to endless rape, poisoning and torture.

I had only gotten onto a website called "classmates" and added my name to that class, not even ONCE thinking of the two blondish bigots who pig pitt teleported to me to verbally assault me and then threaten to kill me for saying any single thing they didn't like; under the instruction of shit pig ape pitt and filthy ugly shitalina, prostuite pair of bs.

People should be wary that the celebrities, as filthy, stupid and asinine as they are, are nowhere as violent as the lower classes who are packed with suppressed rage and racist violence but not with the smug assurance of "superiority" that the wealthy bs operators of Whorewood have been caked with so they are fully packed-to-the-brim with smug entitlement to do whatever they want, with no law or legal redress (certainly not from any President from the last many decades, as all are involved and know about this).

Definitely not from Kamala, and NEVER from any of the other candidates from this years' endless repeat cycle of the substitute for Obama and the Trump tyranny and the Clinton feminist Nazi cycle and the cheering crowds who are gang stalking psychopaths just waiting for all the tech being forced upon me, to be handed to them to inflict more death and destruction upon others. These technologies and drugs are in ample supply so the pig apes who are being teleported to me such as my rotten and violent, murderous brothers (murderous towards me, absolutely 100% they are a definite threat to my life, I stopped contacting them over 20 years ago--they have rushed to feel  "important" but also to continue to profit off this murder contract on me. The f-ers from Geneseo, ugly and low-class trash, really on the level of ugly prostitutalina and pig shit pig if you just strip away the money and plastic surgery they are exactly the same--

So they force these filthy pieces of shit upon me. The German man is on a total porrnographic power trip over me and my every sleep state is met by a porn sex session where my nervous system plus the drugs and the constantly near-death and pain and agony in my body (ripping poisons out of my body which are hardened by accelerators that the pig ape terror group forces into my food and in my body so I have the clear, tasteless poison, they also inject or poison my food or body with hardening agents so the poisons latch on almost instantly to my muscular system and the already 3-inch thick "shelf" of the poisons latched in serpentine structures around, underneath and all over my spine and body from toes to the top of my skull. I have to literally rip them out slowly and part of my muscle mass goes with it, and then the deadly poisons recirculate in my body, plus they drug and poison me constantly.

Because they are constantly also threatening to cut off my subpoverty income and make me homeless, which would mean death without a doubt as I am too much pain to do anything but mostly lay in bed or sit in a chair all day--so I go shopping 2x per month only because I must eat to survive and yesterday they forced me to wait for 3 hours while they blocked functions and attacked me with the endless yapping hate from the next wave of greedy, welathy sick fuckers one raping me one threatening me Kamala sitting watching this debacle with a smug look of haughty superiority, absolutely enhanced by the shit of prostitutalina who they all take their "superiority" posturing from and the CONTACTS FROM THE ENGLISH CROWN AND MONARCHY who are putting this Canadian-trained (meaning programmed into English Imperialism for her formative years, another foreign-influenced infiltrator just like Obama's past history has foreign influence of Colonialist servitude for brown and black-skinned "minorities' and Obama is one of the most groveling in deference with loving enslavement delight at Germans--(as is Polanski)

and I am only in need of some kind of relief and the German man has this with his pornographic enslavement sexuality

meanwhile, they keep putting feces into my bathroom and the German man is violently raping me to break down and tear down all my resistance because of years of my life being destroyed and constantly near-death and agony from the poisoning and mutilation.

the filthy leeches are now jumping to get more out of me--the newer additions like this German man who undoubtedly is married or in a real love relationship. He wants a sex slave porn victim out of me with me nearly fainting in sexual weakness because of the tech and he is extremely strong. This is not a relationship and the pressure from Polanski (nearly joined with him beginning his entrance into this shit group is to spit at me with hate, only because I wrote a post about how great I t hought one of his movies was--so he spat at me and joined with the fasco Nazis although the movie he made was about endless antisemitism as a political force--which is what this contract is about on me but like all the other Jewish Nazis, the hate from him poured onto me is extreme but the German is truly well-trained in control and manipulation techniques. He joined in only because the "jewish" man associated with the Brooklyn Mafia made a movie about a concentration homosexual relationship with this German man who played the SS Officer part-time "lover".

As with them all, happily handing me over to be brutalized so they can continue to crank out the "victim narrative" to sell off the deception that they truly care about the rights of "the oppressed minorities".

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Terrorist putridity filth sprayed on my clothing report: every night I hand wash (because the cheap washing machine was broken by terrorists) but I hand wash the clothing I wear every day. The clothing smells sweet once I wash it outside. In the morning, there is ALWAYS, literally every single morning, a damp/wet spot at the bottom of the back side of the skirt I made by hand, the rest of the clothing is dry but smells like foul odors and there is stinking sewage water and fungus sprayed on the damp skirt just before I go outside to get it to wear in the morning. I am continuously spraying antibacterial fabric scented softener on every single piece of clothing I wear all day, multiple times per day. It requires over 2 hours to pack all the things I use to wrap around my hands, and head while sleeping otherwise they are sprayed with such stinking, permanently stinking foul substances that I have to sleep with layers of perfume, oils and fabric softener which never cover the smell. Therefore I spend hours wrapping items in bags in multiple layers of bags and cleaning everything that is also sprayed with foul substances while I am sleeping so I spend hours per day just to sleep without stinking odors around my head, etc. They put a dying cockroach on my bed last night. All of the pig pieces of shit ordering this to the filthy dirty minority minions surrounding me are being paid in MILLIONS with top deals, including my viciously ranting hysterical post on my other blog site (Vignettes #3 blog) because shitalina and pig pitt have been having me hit by cars, poisoned, tortured, raped permanently dismembered mutilated and then are paid in billions for this torture contract. Handing it out to the Biden Team as well as the Trump filth brigade of lynch mob Nazi KKK and the "libeal" Nazis who are as vicious but not as direct in appearance as the "righteous" Christians. I had I omitted quite a bit in my earlier rant because of the brain attacks so the information was blocked. I have been writing about this for years. So my clothing is putrid after I clean it, literally with sewage water poured on the bottom area of the skirt--every day literally every day. My clothing which I clean is sprayed with some stinking must spray--like foul and rotting clothing stench. Items that I have just cleaned are foul and stinking after a day of hanging up. Clothing I have not worn because my body is huge and deformed smells like a rotten urinal hanging in open air on a rack in my room--waiting for my body to diminish so I don't look like a chair is jutting out of my back. The scars on my legs and arms have made exposing skin impossible--that is what ugly prostitutalina has done--considered "elite' for it while she's stealing every single fucking year my concepts about art and feminism and women's rights and being awarded by defunct rotten Biden and championed at the Oscars by shit Trump with his Nazi cartel in Whorewood. Programming the nation into the stinking foul stench that they truly are, the country is reeling in filth. But because some pig Nazi fuck put this contract out on me, and the shit whores of both Congress-Whorewood and Whorewood, all working in unison now to program the country into fake altruistic Nazism versus outright despotic Nazi tyrannical dictatorship---the mind programming goes on unabated as the "first black" Nazi Aunt Jemima has been put into office by the Whorewood Aunt Jemima Aperah--I use that term aunt jemima for the YEARS of black pieces of rotten shit rushing at me violently and then being handed awards for stating that I am "racist" and the real problem as the Nazi-spouting bullshit celebrity whorewood group is making open racist comments as has Trump and they are adored by the Black Plantation goons and uncle toms and aunt jemimas. I use that term now openly as Cornell West is so disgusting that the terms just fit these incompetent scumbags so openly by now. It is utterly disgusting that I am attacked like this for having original ideas that boring stupid mediocrity plastic surgery and fake intellectuals who are rank and vile and ultimately stupid in the most essential ways are able to inflict their concentration camp porn fantasies upon me, and rape and beat because they hate their mommies and wives, and the shit children of shit celebrities are too dumb and mediocre to actually be top actors so they have to fake it by using this contract on me to "make it" by automatic promotion for demonstrating Nazi ideology using this methodology. The disgusting election for NOTHING is happening in 4 months or maybe 3. The result will be almost the same if Krapola becomes president, or the Democrat shit Nazi branch of the 4th Reich chooses another lying "Democracy liberal" scumbag to replace her. Trump is such a sack of shit as is his lying disgusting organization that even with gerrymandering, they will not win. But I remain absolutely ignored as the problems mount because no one has stopped this group and thusly the filth like Mafia thug Pig-lousy has been allowed to bully and put in rotten controllable half-dead and aunt jemima "feminists" into power with ugly prostitutalina shit pig pitt who are portal for the English Crown to manipulate and divide and conquer the United States through this very subtle sabotage through the influence of the media. Why no one is concerned enough about all this to begin to take what I write seriously or care about it, for those who absolutely know what is going on, your sleazy selfish greed is the ruin of the country.

P.S. dumb boob tube drooling reactionary but do-nothing violent civil war pundits and "alternative" Nazi fakes

it was your precious black Nazi man, Obama who has put this German Nazi-toting Rapist scumbag onto attacking me using concentration porn language and references to Nazis and the 3rd Reich.

I suggest that people stop worshipping the rotten fake Nazi Black group, which even Farrakhan has recognized as being absolute fakes and put in positions of power because they will ultimately undermine the actual real fight for equal rights. You can look up Farrakhan on the internet in relation to speeches he gave when Obama was elected. He was absolutely right. Some of the Black commentators on YouTube should look these lectures by Farrakhan up and then remind the gentle listeners that this applies even moreso to Krapola. She is not promising Hope and Change. She promises Black women get Hope and Change. An even more limited number of Black people are going to be swindled but they will vote to shift the undecided voters to swing the election in her favor.

I suggest you fucking "wake up" and find OTHER CANDIDATES and not the pre-selected McCandidates who all sound like robotic repetition bots like Whitmer and all the others who all repeat the same line the Pig-lousy and the Clinton/Obama fascist cartel tell them to trickle down through the media programming.

Krapola is expecting her dirty daughter, like the Obama Nazi cartel, to have access to modeling in Europigapeland, making movies, starring in series about "women" just as dirty Nazi rape skank Hillary has done--with her former recitations of what Jewish women had shouted to get some equal rights for women, which Nazi Hillary took as her own concepts and has run with them ever since but is fully dedicated to having Jewish women raped, mutilated , tortured, poisoned, and then murdered by Nazi shit whore men.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Terrorist mutilation report & asssault

 I detoxed a huge rock-solid chunk of black poison embedded into the huge left-side "shelf" sticking out of my back from the decades of poisoning that has been cemented by solidifying agents also poured into my food and injected into my body (for all the years of your Oscar-winning celebrities and politicians being promoted into President and replacing "the rapist Jew" Weinstein.


The poison coming out felt like layers of granite sliding off the interior of the huge, solidified chunk that also had loose black liquid poison at the core of the layers of the embedded "tube" of the total enmeshed layers of "tubes" interlaced throughout my back.

today, I fell asleep before being able to put the packed and inaccessible layers of gloves, socks and various other items I pull on my hands to block any knives that are always used to slice into my cuticles. They did it again, cutting into the areas of my cuticles that are so far pulled back from the nail that the shape of the nail and surrounding skin is unrecognizable in shape--huge, distorted. Cuticles cut so deeply out that nothing grows. Nails grow back in slivers , etc.

The German man who advertised his future enslavement incentive at me, as being very "rich" whatever that means---is obviously buying out the easily bought Brooklyn Mafia which includes the "Jewish" actor whose movie, which I should not have trusted, was about Auschwitz and survivors dealing with SS guards in semi-collaboration. Ostensibly for survival and all very "innocent" on the part of the Jewish man dictating his story to an Australian blonde woman who did not take notes but rewrote the story, which the Jewish victim, in the movie at least, claimed he did not read carefully through because it was "too painful" which can be translated into censorship and cutting out any incriminating revelations about Jewish Nazi inclusion with death camp maneuvers. 

The actor, very famous with the group of directors and actors who have brutalized, to use a very soft term for the attempted murder and endless near-death torture and poisoning I continue to detox from while they continue to have my body mutilated as often as possible every day and night with torture and hate skits and rape

the German who plays the SS has been violently raping me. He calls me "bitch" after raping me. I am put into a drugged up technological sense of irrepressible ecstasy while he is raping and slaping my face and calling me bitch. This is being shown through their Dark Web channels and there are rows of chairs of pig apes watching on as they smile because I defended myself against their racist comments and antisemitic maneuvers and remarks, disguised only barely by just stupid and sick "pulling out of thin air' indictments against me to justify not using outright Nazi language. The German uses this language but not as awful as the actual 3rd Reich because there are Jewish Nazis in the audience so he only uses the usual hate terms for women not supplying men, if the women are minorities, with instant humiliation sexual abuse access so if they resist they are "bitches".

As I wrote in another post today, women who are vying for Federal Judicial appointments at the Senate Hearings in front of the very white supremacist Senators, who deny that they are "racist" (one is married to an Asian Woman, I mean, he's not in the Senate Hearings but he's their lower-ranking, just below the fascist dictator leader but has an "asian" wife so he's obviously "not racist" ha ha.

Yelling that the brown and black women are an outrage, incompetent and I truly believe the women were all instructed to repeat the same answer as they all gave the same answer almost in unison, but individually that they had no idea what the 2nd Amendment was about because they had not personally dealt with that issue in their years of presiding as judges at lower levels of the judicial system. I believe they were instructed to appear more incompetent so as to not threaten white supremacy. All in order to appear non-threatening so as to be installed, or some of them at least, into these key Federal Judge positions. Otherwise, any serious knowledge that makes these woman marginally on par with the Senators grilling them would be an affront to their racism and thusly they all were instructed in what to say and do. It is classic minion performative instruction-based self-diminishment.

If these same women were in my position they would be raped as I have been endlessly by a succession of shit and dirty white trash pig ape scumbags, particularly out of Europigapeland, who all act and say and do the same things as one another, like the minority minions do as well. They would rape and call the women "bitches" and if the women attempted to defend themselves, they would be slapped beaten mutilated and poisoned beyond recognition. As I have been.

IF they DID succumb and cede any sense of independent self-assertion, they would then be poisoned and forced to be a "partner" with a white trash bigot who would cheat on her, insult her at odd times or more frequently. He would be handed promotions as the woman might get her goal of becoming a Federal Judge but on condition that she get poisoned, drugged and made to look incompetent in comparison to white trash bigot culture. I suggest that Kamala Harris is one such example of this.


As for myself, the German has been sticking his penis in me at any moment he can, because I react in the utter sickness and exhaustion of FOURTEEN YEARS of this ongoing EVERY SINGLE DAY with me fighting not only for my life but for fascist Nazism to not take control over the United States. The more I fight, the more people get invited to join into raping and abusing me so there is a non-stop, never-ending circuit of repeat and constant rapists trying to demean, abuse me "silly" into accepting that low standard of the quality of any and all relationships.

For this reason, they stole my cat, which was my one family member I could trust left. They have had me raped by men who were poisoning me to death for over 14 years while pumping the poison into my body as deeply as possible.

The Senators grilling with venomous hate all the black and brown women have joined in with the murder and rape of me, fully awarding all who venture into this capital situation with undo money and Oscars and awards. They are working indirectly with a notorious Mafia organization (i.e. The Gotti Family now fully immersed in this situation along with Scorsese and DeNiro/Pesce combo and more and more are there, in particular out of Europigapeland out of fascist Italian and French backgrounds and now a Nazi-themed rapist who has carte blanche to constantly  rape and abuse me. The goal is to force me to move someplace with some hateful nasty abuser murderous bigot so he and his wife and children and family of Nazis and bigots can be handed a huge award of profit, the Nazi pig ape Mafia cartel of shit-whorewood scum and filth and stupidity will likewise be handed this huge "empire" as I am now the endless target of sleazy, sick and disgusting creeps in a long never-ending line.

That extends to Trump, a most foul person who I never want to help be put into any power position ever.

I fight alone as usual. The endless greed and stupid sleaze of the members of this hate organization extend to discrediting me so that my endless years of writing every day about the sickness of this group goes unmet because my ranting and hacked writings in no way seems to echo the posturings and poseur behaviors of the plastic surgery scumbags you all cheer on as the endless rotation of Oscar-award winning losers as human beings. 

The life-fuck operators continue unhindered by any such thing as law or ethics or morality. The debacle of the Democrat Party is now so obvious and yet I remain being tortured for having fought to stop this group and this sort of situation which continues to unravel the fabric of The United States.

Friday, July 19, 2024

This German rapists is going on and on forcing his sleazy porn rape upon me while in deep sleep, freshly after injecting drugs in my body somewhere, and then going at me with slaps, sleazy sick porn abuse, and the audience is the French, English and American pi gapes who have joined into murdering me, getting deals for their shit tv shows and movies, and they sit in rows watching as this sick dirty German ugly creep sticks h is filthy greasy pig penis in my mouth while my body is put at the height of an artificial, drugged sexualized state that is uncontrollable. I repeat and do what this disgusting ugly stupid pig is demanding because my body is in agony from the attack on my central nervous system which is used to create an artificial "desire". //He was sent to attack me by Black men and Jewish men who have made bs presentations about how "yes you can" and "I am a victim of racism" highly publicized and over-paid promotion of a false oppositional narrative intended to assuage the population into a false sense of security.//The post I wrote yesterday about this group of German, English and French sick and rotten fucks, who consider that their mediocre acting capabilities and lack of soul, love and compassion which some may believe are prerequisites for acting capability--all scions or nepo-spawn of former actual performers and artists--(I'm not sure about the rotten ugly French skank but all coming out of wealth and "entitlement" ) so the only single way they can be promoted into any high performance is through their parents and money, and akin to their lack of actual real and highest talent, through the "aristocrat" rape and abuse of someone who they are trying to poison, mutilate and endlessly abuse into claiming the Europigape classification of "lower" as they are just supposed to be automatically deemed "upper". Blacks having proven endlessly that they are fully hip to being square with the Nazis, they are getting a boost, as are the Jewish nazis who viciously abuse me endlessly like vicious grasping hyenas snarling yapping yelling constantly. //They ask me endlessly for my opinion which is ATUALLY ANTI RACIST, ANTI RAPE AND ANTI FASCIST. I have become the one sole abuse totem for promotion because they torture and rape and abuse me, i scream I can't stand them, the pig ape men come back and back to rape me as long as the huge amount of sexual energy they emit somehow triggers a reaction out of me in deep sleep, albeit while I am awake I scream that they are ugly, stupid, I can't stand them and this is all an artificial construct they nevertheless make performances, sticking their friends genitals in my face as well (the german pig ape is a disgusting and foul piece of shit and his friends are coming for rape as well) as the shit from America who have been born and raised in Whorewood--are sitting smiling because of the Europigape indoctrination that has permeated Whorewood they are fully as abusive as any overlord of a Feudal tyrannical murder regime--so they attack me because under non-stop torture, I am actually genuinely expressing resistance agaisnt fascism, Nazism and mafia and their culture. No one else is even slightly authentic in their vicinity all the posturing bs operators of Whorewood are outright liars--and this is becoming apparent with the Democrat Party and is openly so with the Repugs with their lying non-stop deceptions about almost everything, in plain sight. Therefore, because shit whorewood must continue to manufacture a false deception about being "woke' they torture me to obtain ideas. The pig apes then steal the ideas and brutalize poison and mutilate and abuse for hours each dy to prove to the 4th Reich "Dark Money" donors that they truly are antithetical to anything but a complete fascist, Europigape take-over of the United States. This includes the lying shit that Obama and his ilk are--that is the lead Democrat Party members really absolutely fascist Nazi and racist, only that racism for blacks now entails absolutely attacking Jews (i.e. me) and I am now the most sought-after promotional stepping stone for every single mediocre sick fuck and every established rotten pig ape of Whorewood and their international Europigape shit coming to TAKE OVER AMERICA

 They want absolute power and control

the sleazy ugly dirty German pig ape piece of rotten shit, handed over to beat and rape me from Obama after I said, under teleportation torture and drugging, that the 14 years of Obama having assisted in non-stop torture, attempted murder, poisoning and rape along with rotten dirty Biden and Hillary makes him a Black Nazi. In response, characteristically, he sent a German piece of sick dirty stupid shit to stick his huge filthy penis in my face and slap and abuse me and then grovel with love to the English and French shit whores who have participated in the poisoning and mutilation of my body for over 14 years.

So I write this because i NEVER liked fucking Whorewood. I have been against Whorewood all my life. I have never liked any of the actors or politicians who have rushed to assault me

My perspective is what they all claim to represent but in reality are absolutely 180-degrees antithetical to every single nuance of all that I scream in reaction to this outrage that has also helped bigot shit Biden and Obama the most foul lying filth and the endless line-up of Democrat and Repug creeps coming to fascistically abuse and torture me while they are constantly asking me "why don't you like t this?|" as i scream out the answers every single day for hours, they steal the idaes once more. Over 14 years of this going on every single day with at least 500 Whorewood celebrities, hundreds of thousands or even up to a million of pig ape Eurotrash and Russian shit attacking me viciously while I am in public in just the past 14 years.


The German filth bucket of Nazi expectation of instant affirmation that due to the endless decades of Nazi programming, he is automatically to be assumed as being "superior" while at the same time, this group has endlessly thwarted my every single thing in life that I worked on for my success---literally from growing plants, to having a pet, to having any pets, to having my body health as it's been mutilated poisoned with intention to internally suffocate and paralyze me by the shit now coming to violently assault me for reacting in rage after they have been promoted for years and years for this behavior and terrorism--both Trump, Obama who are essentially partners in this power game have come at me with vicious violence for not putting for an awe-struck obsequiousness for the bs that they have done to me but are applauded by society because so many society members are fully as vicious or much more than the two "leaders" and then there's Biden who, fortunately, is probably too infirm to participate or something like that but sends endless Dem party proxies like hillbilly hillary trying her best to appear as grandiose as possible--

all the feminist lines that dirty hillary has used in her former iteration as an aspiring Democrat leader were derived from Jewish feminists as they has happily assualted me using Nazi race protocols so her "feminism" can further be promoted and awarded in a stupid tv show about "women"--some brown or black even, but all obsequiously bowing to Hillbillly Hillary the rape enabler and murdering lawyer cocaine party orgy skank and lying Democrat endless icon.

The French skank creep who assaulted me yesterday, and then told the German rotten ugly sick fuck to rape me in front of them all sitting in chairs watching as I was asleep, teleported, drugged (I woke up much later than usual today I was so drugged-up to induce this response)

I had written and I had to scream at this next sick ugly Europigape trash parasite that America is great or was great because of opportunity and not a closed Aristocracy boring mediocrity exalted by money and lack of opportunity. If anyone wishes to ask for any proof of this, please read the numerous Charles Dickens novels focusing on this theme (i.e. Little Dorrit, but you must watch the very hard-to-find 1980's English version and not the Vaseline bs version of the "romance" that came out in something like the 2000's--badly overting the entire social-block and aristocracy theme although, of course, not omitting it but refocusing on the more trivial aspects. The usual Whorewood bs tactic especially when they adapt serious novels of the 19th Century which came out when "radical" ideas were at the fore in Europigapeland spurring concepts such as Socialism, Communes, Communism and revolt against Imperialism and Colonialization (and slavery and the slave trade).


I screamed at the sick ugly French piece of crap, who is co-starring in a tv program about an American lead historical figure, which should center around the American revolution, but instead focuses on concentration of becoming as adapted to French aristocracy entitlement and thusly advocating for a Europigape cartel take-over of the United States NOW in this current epoch. 

To support this thesis of mine, they came to watch as the disgusting and putrid German filth rape porn f*** stuck his filthy greasy pig penis in m;y mouth, slapped my face and had his friends rape me likewise while I was unable to move--my body saturated with artificial electricity-induced immobility unable to think and my body forced into the highest state of sexual passion possible--completely not organic not induced by any desire for this filthy ugly stupid pig piece of shit from Germany who, because he forced this reaction out of me, is demanding that I move to Hamburg and be a sex slave rape torture and murder object for his filth group of Nazi shit to endlessly torture to death. That is what Obama the sick fuck handed over to me. The tv series I saw this putrid sick fuck appear on is about Nazis during WWII, and he has come completely with every Nazi cliche, antisemitic trope and the fucker who is sitting alongside the French whore is Jewish--out of Whorewood. Smiling with a sadistic glee once I "woke up" and began screaming and hitting this filthy ugly German piece of ugly shit, as they all laughed and watched on. .They forced my response of why I do not want Europigape Nazi shit to infiltrate my country--as I wrote above--I want NOTHING to do with this group nothing with the Whorweood celebrities who have proven to be anything but artists, anything talented, beautiful and desirable in any definition of the endless bs promotions that appear next to them that they have been paid in millions to believe about themselves.

I screamed at the rotten pair of shit, the Jewish |American scion of a famous actor now fully immersed in Nazi takeover so his lack of talent can be augmented by endless monopoly.. The Europigapes have convinced Americans that only they are superior and Aemricans by definition are inferior, especially me they all point to me as being of the Nazi cliched definition of slaughterhouse design.

I screamed that America should remain a place of opportunity and not nepotism with Europigape shit coming to demand that they are superior and hand all over to them, which is what the shit of Whorewood have been doing, including rotten shit Obama so his bs with his family can be endlessly script-written by Whorewood professionals so he can continue to sell the shit that "yes you can" but it only means "yes I can" and to me, it's a fascist response after more than a decade of him profiting off this contract on me. 


One hour later--remembered what was blanked out of my brain by the mind control tech; which I had thought of, so the thought-reading tech picked it up. The hacking and brain obfuscation was so intense as I began to rant that the whole thing was forgotten by the time I was pounding and fighting to rant clearly at the end of a very short post.

I had written that Obama's famous motto of "Yes You Can" (or was it yes we can?) I had transposed after a few years, by the time I had written this post on Facebook in around 2015 or so--probably earlier but within that time frame)was the I realized that Obama and his family were profiting off this contract that many years ago. They never openly participated in the teleportation until a few weeks ago--now the hate and the promotions for displaying outright Nazism and black antisemitism are so profoundly accepted, because, as I wrote above, there is NO RESISTANCE whatsoever in Whorewood to this takeover and the lemming skanks of Whorewood are jumping to the tune of money being poured onto every crap rapper who is a black victim of racism, now openly making antisemitic statements, in their movies and towards me (always first towards me).

Obama appeared, I was outraged from yeras and years and years of so many politicians being promoted for this contract of establishing a fascist Nazi regime with Blacks, Jews and so many other "minorities' fully complying---

but back in 2016, I had written in one of my Facebook posts, because everything I owned was being ransacked daily and destroyed or stolen so any written record, any USB stick, everything electronic is broken or destroyed an/or stolen (all my documents, almost all, have been stolen by this group or sprayed with brown goo and fungus repeatedly)

I was writing my creative ideas on Facebook which is how so many of the ideas that the shit assaulting me (pig shit pitt filthaprostitutalina and et al maggot robber and so)

I wrote that Obama's real phrase was "Yes I can" for himself, really as it's not a secret that he lied about almost all his campaign promises and funded the elite banking class (white privilege to which he has become a symbol of black Nazi participation) meanwhile still making the Nazi-trained postures about how incredibly elite and what promises of salvation he offers

and I wrote about this, and literally pig pitt stole the exact words, literally in which not his character but another character stole verbatim what I had written for the movie War Machine. That year that Pig pitt had been participating, because I said no to abuse sex from him so his crap family and himself could have more Oscars (but torturing me without end for the next 9 years has left him with a row of Oscars and awards) but, he stole it all for his movie titled "War Machine" (was that the actual title as I could not give a....)

that year he had part of my uterus severed out as punishment. He would have the ugly skeleton face when he told me that he was instructed to have parts of my body cut out as punishment. His group also killed a frog that was like a pet, killed every single cat I took care of who came for food I would give out, and was murdering me with poisoning and toxic shock, plus the enver-ending nightly rape,a buse and torture skits that are the non-stop never ending torture of me from this group of stinking filth and shit that you all worship because there are no other options and they are put into constant rotation and no one even mentions this in society that this is an absolute tyrannical monopoly over the influencing of the society by way of Whorewood. That Trump came out of this group still remains a silent acquiescence to the fascist overtake of the media--influencing Congress in ways that can be visibly seen as the rise of fascist Trump and his murder machine, inc waiting to come out and kill and rape and plunder openly using the tech, rewriting the Constitution and etc.

The bigot shit who are currently raping me with the American filth from Whorewood who have grown up with entitlement and they have all been trained that Europe First is the golden Rule--that includes Trump by the way.

They are trying to institute Nazi supremacy and that includes the French and English--all supported by the 4th Reich American greed and sleaze machine. Anything to stop me from having a chance to compete and win. I use "Me" to refer to the people they can't stand to see be able to compete against them and win. The German pig ape scumbag who is currently beating raping and having me drugged is the perfect example of the institutionalization of Nazi mentality brought-about by this  contract on me, which really is the impetus that put Trump into power.

His demand that I must pay homage to a Nazi cliche stereotype as opposed to actually observing whether he truly is capable or not is being enforced by torture, poisoning, drugging and rape and the pig ape shit of Whorewood, including the most famous of blacks, jews and feminists of that utterly despicable league of bullshit con sleazy snake oil rape and meaningless soullless shit possible, made to look attractive with millions and millions of dollars of facial reconstruction, plastic surgery, endless money poured into them and their images.

Me handed to them carte hlanche as a victim to torture, but who actually believes in equal opportunity and is against nepotism and for the chance for people to be able to have decency, free thought and freedom and chances to compete in the market--not in the white male entitlement approval zone but wanting to legitimately have one's own belief system outside of that boxed-in set of cliched stereotypes that they endlessly rely on for their claims of innate "superiority" without having to test the bullshit lie.


So now the 4th Reich has at it's disposal, endlessly handed out to every fringe and deadly group around the world, poisons, a litany of mind control drugs and technologies many of which are portable so a target can be chased around and every form of visual and electronic surveillance is used to attack the person using the mind control tech while the person is under surround attack by a host of terrorist scumbags who truly are sick and stupid, but that is in keeping with the general lack of actual and genuine capability of the leaders of these groups, extending to the highest ranks.

They have as their foundation a system that has already been established under law and constitutional practicality so they are not on shaky ground, not yet. 

What i have seen of the Europigape countries wiith theiir endless push to overtake America is first, for the Nazis, to foment a continuation of the genocide against the Jews, but then to take over and steal as usual all the Jews have worked for, their ideas and when it comes to me, to steal ideas because the filth from Whorewood are unoriginal and boring and sleazy and at the core, quite stupid as human beings just overpaid, told that their entitlement makes them supreior, and now with technology and torture and the emergent death squads that Trump and covertly the "liveral" sides all have at their disposal, the next genocide is slated to occur in the United States pretty soon. It will not have people transported to death camps but murder through poisoning and drugging within city limits or even in their own homes. 

The German scumbag pig ape now endlessly raping me as I respond as if I am in utter love to some worthless shit stupid ape, is transfixed on using brutal violence against me for not adhering to the Nazi claim of Master Race. With this tech and the group of dirty filth inferior shit, as I believe he is as well ,they can force a pasionate loving reaction out of me as this pig filth is beating and abusing me while I am passionately "making love" because my entiire body is transfixed on this immobile drugged and nervous system attack while the years and d ecades of torture4 and abuse and pain from poisoning have left me needing any kind of human sensitive touch.

This then is taken as an "insult" to me and never to the fucking pig ap epiece of shit nor the filth that is sitting in the rows. .That they are put into movies or tv shows is supposed to mean that automatically they are almost godlike and beyond any good or evil, beyond reproach and like Trump their asinine partner (as well as Obama, and Biden) they are all above any law they can get away with.

This is what they are now programming into Whorewood with the aid of the Jewish rotten fucking old man who played the concentration camp victim and the German shitbag scum who played the Nazi who was helpful to the Jews in a few select sexual enslavement cases. Every single aspect is a total lie about the performers and the production and everything that comes out of Whorewood regarding defending victims of racism, rape and elitism is a load of k-rap. 

I warn people endlessly as rotten Jewish Nazis of the media rush to abuse and insult and grab at me and yell fascistically at me and instantly they are promoted as well.

I warn people and have been doing so and the blacks who all join in are promoted and given oscars and movie roles and production companies. 

I then call them all whores as being paid to torture and rape someone makes them prostitutes. They return this that I worked in a feminist establishment which was working to counter the male rape culture. They can never understand this. But they will steal the ideas and ugly prostitutalina will certain steal it to sell as her "feminist" concept, just as Hillary had been and still is doing regarding the concepts of women's rights that she stole from other Jewish women.


The English pieced of shit female who joined in along with the rapist German fuck whore scumbag and his filthy dirty friends--she has partnered with Amber Heard, and the spawn of the rapist who was poisoning and beating raping me every day or every other day, in teleportation pushing me off heights from behind, teleporting me to Cannes so he could sexually abuse me in front of an audience, etc

she is now worming her way into the next violent Europigape-based rapist piece of shit. Her every platform for public attention is what a strong feminist/lesbian she is, so outlandishly sexually alternative with lesbian girlfriends--her boring media personality is offset by her modeling fame by the white trash German pig ape who pushed shit like her and the black english nazi into fame by using the skank Nazi woman as his posturing agents of propagnada for Nazi icongraphy--including the black most vicious and nasty stupid skank who has assaulted me not only in teleortation but also in Miami with some Italians watching closely by and she thereafter was featured in a major, of course Jewish-owned, modeling magazine (Ocean Drive--now destroyed because the Nazi 4th Reich kicked the Jewish originals out and there is almost nothing left but a horrible boring magazine with almost no content and zero originality--but they stole the original item and turned it into a thoughtless and drab reconstruction--which is what the Europigapes have done constantly since Hitler told the dumb pig apes that they were somehow 'superior' so they killed off their intellectuals and Jews and nothing much remains so the pigs have to come toAmerica to kill off the Jews, kill and steal ideas from the intellectuals (which I consider myself to be) and then kill them off (the rGerman pig ape is constantly threatening my life and rushing to punch me)

I told the English skank that I would not be flattered by an invitation to see a dance concert with her, as if her years of partnering with every fucking real bitch, not me but the real bitches as the rapists define women to be, after all the years of watching me poisoned and begging for my life for someone to stop this, she is now partnering once more with a German fuck who is raping me. I told him that it would not be a "social life" for me to be pushed out of targeted isolation and non-stop hate from dumb and shit scumbags who are all told that their violence makes them "superior" in human quality terms. Today he raped me brutaliy and had me gang raped, the skank spat at me, the ugly German pig ape rushed to violently punch me in the fface after I fought back and then began 2 or 3 hours of me screaming in rage about why I can't stand them.

This goes on every single day. Fully supported by the Democrat shit establishment, handed over from Obama to Trump to Biden. 

If anyone doesn't want a serious destruction of the United STates with a host of Europigapes and their stupid ignorant American mediocrities of Whorewood endlessly cranking out more shit and boring awful movies and fake elitist festivals for boring "artistic" movies which are made by Nazis whose only claim to superiority is using murder and violence, non-stop lies, stealing ideas and blocking opportunities--and then claiming old Nazi slogans about their elite Nazi status only because it has become a programmed paradigm throughout all the years of shit Whorewood pumping out this image and now they are putting outright Nazi-spewing bullshit pig ape German and English and French shit into Whorewood, who absolutely control the rotten shit coming from Congress who all want more movies and tv sh ows and interviews and media coverage and mansions in Italy, France and Germany. .America can fuck off and die, they could give a damn about America they are all working actually to destroy it from within. Literally they are being paid to do this by the Europigape trash whom they worship because of the Nazi iconography, the worship of French fascist fashion and the worship of the English royalty.

I wonder how much more destruction to the United States it will take before what I am writing now, as I have been only writing will will happen, has happened and is continuing to happen with untold endless violence aimed at me. The people I warned who then attacked me are now coming out publicly repeating what I had warned them of earlier, but never an iota of assistance to me for having been correct and in warning people to stop the conditions before a total catastrophe of society befell. They still allow this situation to go on, so they are all lying when they claim that they are concerned about the direction the country is going.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Very critical podcast below--please listen to the origins of organizations such as the Nazis, and the same protocols operate upon this system that is being inflicted upon me now. It concerns a famous/infamous German man named Adam Weishaupt who only carried-on arcane information on societal control as part of "secret society" controls used by ancient regimes The information applies one million percent to the current power struggle within the United States, the destruction that appears to be just a mystifying series of "mistakes" by legislators, and a system of control over the population using chain-of-command death squad operations upon the needy, as exacted by the greedy. Please listen you will see absolute connections to the current series of disasters that have been deliberately orchestrated to finalize the complete take-over by the 4th Reich. Because I am constantly, every day, being so badly drugged and tortured I cannot render, with hacking rewrites, this information without digressing and ranting but Cooper, formerly an Intelligence Debriefer for Top Secret and Classified material for the Office of Naval Intelligence has done the job articulating the essence without flowery rhetorical tapestries misleading into "word salad" miscomprehension.//I woke up, as I do in the middle of the night, with my blanket completely off my body, in a freezing cold state. Every night my body is injected, slashed and inserted with various toxins and drugs in various areas of my body--internally being poisoned and drugged each time I sleep, with all foods I eat and all drinks--either contaminated, made stinking foul or deteriorated, and then the damage I wake up to is irreversible. I can't even remove the green and black nails that were inserted, injected and lifted up perpetually for years. There are days after such poisoning when I detox the endless years of recurrent poisoning and I just can't move any longer. I can't protect the few parts of my body that I spent 30 minutes wrapping with layers of protection each night and I literally cannot stay awake. I fall asleep in mid-day unprotected as they inject slash and destroy what I am fighting to heal from years of terrorists barging into my room while I can't wake up, in teleported non-responsive mode. Once i have to eliminate what they inject into my bladder because my blankets are off, I must undergo being made homeless, raped, abused and fascistically yelled at by the most prolific of the "Democracy--against Trump" personalities and then there are just the outright fascists not hiding anything in plain sight any longer who join in with the "liberals" who become successively more violent as the timeline of their promotional ascent into lead media roles persists as they continue to assist, give advice on how to screw my mind and poison and rape my body and mutilate and torture and they all go off with huge, glowing smiles being awarded for each and every single media and journalism and political prize up to the very top of the lower ranks of the actual power hierarchy. I had written years ago that you reading my posts would regret not having done anything to stop the onset of fascism and Nazism with Mafia mass criminal enforcement extending into police brutality. But no regrets on anyone's part. The people who helped put Trump in power have been handed so many media and prize promotions and multi-million dollar estates that they joyfully rush to glare in hate at me, if I say that blacks are working to support white supremacy and are black Nazis, as their token smug reprisal, they get white German fascists using concentration camp imagery and enslavement as a public display for all the expletives who have stolen my ideas about women's rights, domestic violence, any and all phrases they can't think of with all their ivy-league scriptwriters who tell them what to say, who themselves are instructed on how to reformulate old formulas in new and original ways and means. I learned a lot about that aspect of reformulating mass messages when I worked for The Arizona Republic at the Editor copy desk.//However, no one appears to regret whatsoever having helped put fascism into full viable "power" as a leading force of utter destruction of all hinderances to unleashing as much violence as they want upon hapless and helpless members of the population--the KGB and Stasi methods of surveillance and internment but now using localized home punitive prison cells with endless torture using the means that I have described for over 15 years, as administered by local groups of thugs posing as religious leaders, spouting religious concepts, and political egalitarian concepts (the same thing without referring to a deity but instead the glorification of their personal identification with the all-powerful "good" as a replacement for a divinity).

**2 hours later, firstly fighting the hacking as what I type doesn't show up for at least 20 seconds---seeing that the very first sentence had been rewritten (I wrote "please listen to the origins..." but hackers rewrote, "please listen on the origins") and I have  not read any further so I know this post is endlessly rewritten/hacked. Also, I had written in a memory mind control blank that this is a 2-part series. I meant that the video has two of the Hours of the Time but the entire series has three 2-hour parts. The first part(s) below are more "weak" than the culmination synopses and the direct center core of the matter. One is lead almost gently into a brief historical time-line and a few societal correlations. I just spent 10 minutes looking up the spelling for correlation (I am also not a wonderful English spelling bee, which adds to the inability to look words up because more than 10 minutes of my laptop being remotely hacked and wrong spelling of correlation was included--I typed it in correctly the first time, the red underline spelling check appeared, I tried to look it up and the entire browser froze. The terrorists often use red spell check alerts for words I spell correctly, but have more than one syllable. The white male expletives are constantly trying to tell me that I am not supposed to have any higher intelligence than a 3rd grader and that listening to  Mozart is "above" me while them that it's above them--and they use spell check for any word that is not corollary with the expectation that I cannot challenge them in any sense and must be at some "slave" level. The non-stop poisoning of my body and brain with such sickening drugs that I cannot have any focus or concentration and am put into various states of near incomprehensibility--literally--has ensured that I have been stuck writing these posts which are then rewritten so as to further skew the perception that I am "crazy" and delusional hysterical ranting a "bitch" and just a prostituted slave with no intelligence that could possibly have come from an Ivy League background, accepted to Cornell, played classical violin in an adult symphony at the University of Illinois by age 13, and have completed a Masters Degree for which I don't actually have the diploma or "degree" because the financial aid office at my university forced a type of loan I had not requested, thusly forcing me to pay a percent of the loan before my records could be released so as to accepting the actual degree and diploma. Meanwhile, the poisoning was so severe that I had to go to the emergency room at a hospital, I could not walk the poisons were so extreme (murder attempt) that I could not hold my head up the poisons had extended into my cervical vertebrae and I have spent the next 13 years fighting to remove the non-stop recurring poisoning that has been ongoing from your wonderful celebrity Oscar Mafia-Nazi "liberal" politicians and celebrity worship society which claims it is fighting for Democracy at all times, at all costs. But now digressing fully

below is only one part of the Cooper lecture series and the rest are titled Adam Weishaupt on the Hour of the Time website under "MP3 Collection/William Cooper" (not the precise quote--it is almost impossible to navigate the computer). But I got completely into a digression about the endless attempts to thwart any sign that I have any kind of intelligence, as the abuse and poisoning and hate continues. I must also state that I have recently been taking Kratom to help muscle tightness and pain and I am more sensitive and reactive to the mind programming and digressions. I have completely gone off track but the entire situation encompasses so much of life and everything else that it's all inter-connected anyway. Society is under mind control assault. No one will begin to investigate nor reveal any single iota of this actual real-life threat to society. The renumerations for participation far outweigh all other considerations such as concern for the ramifications and the actual proof of the near-destruction of the last Electoral Count proceedings at the Capital and also "Democracy" and near-murder of the Vice President due to how the mind programming is undoubtedly being used by "both sides" on basically the entire population in one form or another. H-wood is a huge component of advocating white supremacy, fascism, Nazism and Mafia criminal glorification, and sexual exploitation and rape culture. It's very disguised by "pc" posturing and plots and scripts that appear to be "against" but other factors such as the full participation of the actors in violent hate rape culture in their "promotional spare time" to assault me, for instance, provides a subtle but persistent psychological influence upon the viewers and listeners, who pick-up the intention of the person unconsciously or subconsciously while all adhering to the superficial but false outward appearance. 

"HD William Cooper Hour of the Time Weishaupt's Order both parts january 13, 1997". THIRDWORLDASSASSIN. March 28, 2019.

Doing a 3-hour system reset to this computer and afterwards, having to spend an addition 30-45 minutes fighting to get any internet access to simply download this browser which is the "best" of the other browsers at blocking a tiny fraction of the endless hacking and dumping of files and malware and phishing and etc on this laptop

I'm really sick of the apathy of America and I just wonder if all the concerned people who are not under some technological influence of mind programming exist any longer.

I have posted my thoughts on William Cooper's Hour of the Time MP3 collection many times. One of the songs that Cooper plays extremely often has the lyrics, "And I'm proud to be an American..." and this is one of the most often-played songs in the Hour of the Time.

For years pig pitt shitprostitutalina had me tortured to extract ideas I could barely begin to derive from the interruptions of them screaming at me with hate and insults for the 1-2 hours of each podcast. Non-stop jabbering insults and hate which I could not stop responding to. I was sent videos from the Asians who are participating in this offering spiritual meditative practice to have self-composure but somehow this heinous technology obliterates the premise that voices injected through the cochlear and into the brain while the brain-compartmentalized aspect of this tech blocks out other aspects that could, potentially refocus the thoughts and one is susceptible to the abuse and not able to restrain the reactions that after hours turns into me going into rage to get them to shut up finally. I try to listen, meanwhile, to refocus my brain, onto the lectures and I know for certain that the same song that TTrump always plays for his "Patriot" base is the exact same song played on Cooper's archived broadcasts. 

In addition, themes are also taken from Cooper such as WACO--wherein Cooper, who had a Press Pass, was one of the few protesting the BATF's use of mass murder, and the deceptions that occurred to justify the mass murder. Many hours of the Hour of the Time are dedicated to this theme. I was interrogated by shit pig pitt on this theme of WACO and that rotten pig passed the info to T-rump, who was the presiding torturing top cheese (but not really at the very "top" of the power structure) and, thusly he as usual stole these concepts. 

What the pig apes have never copied from me, that I derived from Cooper, is that Cooper himself spoke extremely often about the infiltration of TRAITORS from within the "Patriot" community and spoke very often about unconstitutional militia (i.e. the Montana Militia--"MOM" which included felons within it's ranks, which is against the Constitution on how militia's are supposed to be conducted and which and who could be allowed to have military-grade weapons for defense of the United States as auxiliary function to the officious military and police State of the local, federal agencies. As back-up and reserve for any serious threat to the country.

This, as every single other thing the 4th Reich does, has been turned into it's obverse. They co-opt and usurp every single possible movement that had been an original attempt at independent and individual rights, and instead they steal the ideas (which is all that the expletives from Whorewood have been doing at me) and then turn it around into another mind programming, all-inclusive brainwashing effort to gather all various factions into one predominant mentality or paradigm with seemingly opposite "sides" but which are never any threat to a corrupt regime.

I will just state that Trump has used WACO for a purpose of appearing like a "true patriot". I can assure you that he only worships Europigape aristocrat fascist Nazi and I know this 100%. Why anyone can confuse his two fascist Nazi Europigape wives for anything that is "making America First" is unbelievable to me. Clearly he could give a damn and displays his true affiliation just by his choice of women, and those he rapes and those he hands every single thing possible to, in order to consolidate a political alliance with, perhaps, Russia regardless of who is in power. That is theoretical on my part, this last bit but one can figure it into reasons why Trump is such a lying deceiver but everyone loves him for it. 


I don't care if no one is reading my posts, the posts are so rewritten and discrediting I understand how no one could get through any of it. But the terrorists have my posts in original form, which is an endless information sucking source for really rotten and hateful fascists to steal concepts and then regurgitate them out as their false dissemination of concern for "Democracy" "justice" and any other concept they are selling--


on the brink of homelessness, fighting for my life to heal, and I write another post as no one gives a damn about America or the Constitution although so many are making big noise about it, they continue to allow this most ruthless unconstitutional system of torture of me, which is thus the beginning of a violent bloody despotic techno-tyrannical regime


It's now over 25 minutes of trying to download the video above (Weishaupt) and the hackers turned my WiFi connection off just as I was clicking on the video on Youtube. The router lights are all on, the signal shows that the WiFi is connected, but no internet and a ping operation shows no connection. Getting up, going across the room, turning the router off. Turning the laptop off on the other side of the room. Turning the router back on, which turns on ever-so-slowly around 3 minutes sometimes longer as it never connects and I have to repeatedly turn the laptop and router on and off-going back and forth. This operation alone takes more than 10 minutes of waiting and walking and doing other things, waiting to get internet back on. Then the speed of every click has been slowed down to the dinosaur age of broken-down hacked and pirated signals in a developing country. That is the speed of every click on a tab I have to wait for over 3 minutes sometimes for anything to appear. Any click on anything entails the computer freezing. This is after multiple cache clearning on my part, 3-4 hours of doing a reset (can't do a complete restore because I am literally unable to obtain a viable recovery disc here where I am. I am lied to, every technical gadget or camera/phone I buy is hacked somehow probably through remote blocking. Every recovery disc doesn't work.I am openly discriminated against in every single technical place, and kept waiting as a line of white trash pig apes arrange to sit in chairs as I enter, keeping me in a mind control storm of blanketing my brain so when the inevitable attack comes from the brown and black minions, I am unable to respond with any calm composure. But anyway, besides having to pound every key to get any letters to appear which even if I pound as hard as possible they still won't operate

I have to get up, physically to wait for any page I click on to appear. I do other things, looking around for the actual page to appear and I get up do things and then do other things waiting and waiting.

it's now 5 hours of trying to get my computer to work nominally and I have not yet been able to download the video above, which I do have saved on my little music player (sports music player with earphones) but I want to listen to it on my speakers. The speakers were remotely turned off constantly so in the middle of sentences the speakers made a huge loud noise, turning off and then 30 seconds later some ugly horrid noise emerged and the soundtack commenced, and this happens every 10 seconds repeatedly until I turn the entire laptop off. Then they turn the WiFi off. and I have to get up and down turning off the router and computer all over again.

This is endlessly a chore and interruption of the many things i need to do in my life, which are very nominal but 90% of my life is spent dealing with sickness filth and interruptions and hacks financial emergencies that Trump has generated all the years of his violence at me, and then the poisoning of my body which entails 100% of my time and my life.

Zero percent of any help or support that is visible to me all the years of this going on.

No one is concerned whatsoever about the ramifications of this terror and torture technology being put in the hands of genocidal fascist Nazi and Mafia fakes and phonies who espouse every concern, and it's so transparent but no one cares. They want a lying fantasy and excuses to commit genocide against their neighbors, just as the Nazis had done, the latest example of this program (besides in Serbia and Yugoslavia, another one of the little reverberations of the Nazi genocide protocol system that "no one" really mentions they only mention the Germans who are held, really "secretly" by the "liberals" in "highest esteem" and are nearly worshipped by Americans. 

So, there is no concern. Everyone expects free  free free free free fun schadenfreude abuse rape plunder murdering people you can't stand getting those "bitches' who want equal rights and freedom from domestic terrorism to be stopped--kill the bitches, only allow blonde NazI women to have beautiful love and sex no matter how pornographihc or sleazy they are, it's all beautiful and wonderful. Brown and black and minority women are sluts, whores to be used, abused and exploited and if the bitches want this system to be stopped--the pig apes just can't WAIT to rape and kill them afterwards.

No one is concerned because the promotions and money is so free and like flying around to everybody behaving as viciously sick and stupid as possible; being told all the while that this is the mark of elitism and you are not downtrodden any longer. You either hold the whip or you are beaten. The mark of the superior is the amount of freedom to inflict fascist domination upon and then steal and kill and rob and claim superiority afterwards.

The lectures by Cooper above (two series in one video) articulate centuries of careful planning so that religious matriculation into the larger "group think" of the "Communist" centralized "One World Totalitarian Communist/Socialist system" will be amalgamated into one set of beliefs. The deterioration of religious fear of an ethical arm of divine justice being obliterated, any crime is therefore acceptable under the new 4th Reich religion. Take it from there, Mr. William Cooper so you must listen to the lectures to get a much more organized and less chaotic, perturbed version of what I just wrote and much more excellently articulated--I am always in a state of awe when Cooper lectures just for the capability he has (had of expressing complex theories and ideas in a most accessible way. 

If only he had not been assassinated there would be a person (if not drugged into incoherency as I have been) at least some commentary that isn't like a continuous performative banter that drones until you can't absorb the fake intentioned "information" word salad--as I find with so many of the modern commentators in these YouTube podcasts on all sides. They all appear very articulate but getting at the real "meat" of the matter they are left with the garnishings embellishing on concepts that misdirect attention from the very serious issues that they want to negate and conceal.

not so with cooper--a "must listen to" lecture because you can just identify the current candidates for president for example and their stances, and other aspects of our current "divide and conquer" strategy that Adam Weishaupt constructed many centuries ago--Cooper claims that the American and French Revolutions were a direct result of Illuminati organization as well as the Nazis and now the same strategies are being absolutely used as a pattern in the United States, but adjusted for the mentality of the U.S. instead of 18th Century Germany, and etc. He also attributes Martin Luther's Protestant Movement as another splinter group of the larger Illuminist structure that has world domination as the main goal.

More seriously deadly threatening harassment from the violent, rape-orchestrating, poisoning, murderous landlord again---I got a message that he had phoned me at 9:45 pm. I received the message this morning upon turning my phone on only because I am receiving a delivery. This absolutely violent and criminal landlord, just as all the landlords I have been forced to pay my money to with no options (internet always hacked, options deleted only one or two options appear for any rental opportunities--everything putting me in a labyrinth of hate and torture by each sick landlord situation. //I wrote the landlord a few emails yesterday because the electricity had been turned off for about the 40th time in the past manty years I have lived here. They t urn off the energy during 90+ degree weather for more than 5 hours at a time. They never give notice, and claim that the electrical grid exploded, they are checking on something, they give no reason they pretend they can't understand. Again, yesterday they turned my energy off so my food was left in insecurity and they have forced me to spend HUNDREDS of dollars I had saved to try to not be cut off from my money due to a vicious deadly attack that Trump, MSNBC anchors associated with Biden (Morning BS show) and so with all that, I have to budget my income by 1/5 less so all food in my freezer is something I can't easily replace, as every single month a percent of my sub-sub poverty income is spent replacing what is broken, destroyed and/or stolen from this group which is perpetually breaking into my room, with mechanical arms or outright when I leave, and just stealing, breaking ,destroying whatever they want (but ordered to do so, they all follow directives which is why, under surveillance, the terrorist teleoprting me who are billionaries and millionaires spend hours watching every single thing I do in order to take away what is vital to me, destroy, poison and thus what tiny money I do have they force me to reduce by sometimes a huge fraction.). The energy was shut off except for the internet. After having been viciously raped with torture and abuse and then being called "bitch" after I was forced to "Make love" with my utmost passion to some jerk-off scumbag who I had screamed instantly upon first sight to get off me, that he's disgusting and etc but under deep sleep, hypnosis, drugging (non-stop) and under years of torture and mutilation of my body with hate, hate hate abuse and torture surveillance and abuse from thousands upon thousands of people in every public setting often being hit directly by cars, etc (Trump ordered this, or it was really Melania bolonia) and so, the electricity had been turned off. I wrote letters to the landlord (emails) stating that the manager will not respond to any emails and will not provide a phone number. That this has been ongoing for months and years and it happened last week, last month, two months ago, and on and on. I told him to finally repair the problem. He countered with threats of eviction, threats of calling the police, of breaking my door down if I don't answer his knocks instantly without any prior notice (all illegal by any standard of tenant law)j and yelling as loudly as possible with sexual abuse, insults about how I look, threats abuse when he does enter, touching me and sexually abusive and etc and under the pretext that I am destroying the propoerty of the people below me in the rooms below. But he wrote that I am pouring dirt on the clothing of the people who rush in to ransack my livin space and yell and make ogly sinister "coughing" noises when I approach my patio and they shout for hours outside and just are disgusting, all under the same contract as this landlord.

 I then spent 2+ hours lifting up the mud-saturated mold and fungus riddled tiles that I had place under the potted plants that are empty, with fungus/mold and urine saturating the soil. The mud was everywhere. The landlord wrote that I had to remove the pots from anywhere near the ledge of the patio. In order to make space, I discovered that his group of minions (obviously the Thais under the orders of the white supremacists--putting fungus, filth, urine etc on my patio under the tiles and in the soil of the potted plants, all plants slowly killed off for the past 2 years.

In removing the tiles, I tried to put them in garbage bags, I had only the cheapest black bags so they ripped and I managed to use my little luggage cart to roll them (one wheel, as with all furniture that has any wheels, the wheels are taken off, a layer of strings and greese makes the movement of the wheels impossible--me, not being mechanically inclined and always too weak from detox ripping poison out of my back and spine and intestines--just can't manage to take off the wheels to of course, one wheel didn't work but I lugged all off the ten sopping filthy  mud-caked saturated tiles, completely soaked with mud on all sides dripping with mud. I had plants that grew 3 years ago. Since then, I have tried to pot plants using only one single soil to try to regrow as the soil became so toxic that when I was ttrying to get it out of the pots the stench was unbearable (like a urinal)

Otherwise, the terrorists have caked mud and soil underneath the tiles. I put them in the maintenance elevator lobby area, (separate from the main elevator area where the trash is carried out in the elevator to the ground floor)

I was stalked by teams of Thais who rushed to walk in block formation at me as I was in the hallway lugging this thing which I had tried to keep as covered in the ripped plastic bags, and I cleaned all the mud I could but they had a 4 year old little kid walking directly into me looking down at his toy phone---as the terrorists all do, the adults, in the huge walkways of public areas. They walk directly into me. I kept walking ahead only swerving a bit as the parents just told the kid to walk into me. 

Then, this morning, after the threat of eviction, phoning the police and I removed the filthy tiles that this landlord organized to have mud caked underneath so it was always filthy, stinking, mud-soaked, the tiles sprayed with yellow goo, brown goo, then soaked in mud so they were completely destroyed. If they had not done this, the tiles would still be white and clean and there would be no mud. 

He then tried to phone me very late at night, absolutely as usual unprofessional and extending beyond any boundaries of landlord behavior for such a situation. That I had written about the electricity being off and constantly being turned off, with the manager never responding not giving me a contact phone number--the f-ers here have no main telephone number because the condo is empty except for me, and all the filth terrorists in all the rooms who are able to attack me 24/7 if their "master" white pig ape Nazis are sleeping or out for their orgy parties on paid and all accommodation-paid Nazi master-slave party experience in Thailand, courtesy of the 4th Reich.

And this man is now the same ogre that he was under Trump, under Biden he stopped knocking on my door just as I was naked and stepping into the filthy shower area I fight to clean but they have sprayed black goo that never comes off-nothing gets it off unless I use a professional acid type of solvent and even then it would entail extreme labor which I cannot do.

But, he has knocked around 8-9 pm and demanded that if I don't open the door instantly he will break the door down. That was under the sickness of Trump.

Now, with 4 months to go for the election, Biden is allowing for all and every act that Trump had done earlier and this landlord, who had finally stopped being a psychopath smug giggly violent abuser organization Russians to go into my room while I was in deep MK ULTRA teleoprted sleep state, rape and eject their filth into me, plus fungus, and then into my hair, and my food saturated with hair, fungus and my MONEY STOLEN so I was on starvation diet plus all I bought was poisoned and drugged. I spent years fighting to guess how exactly to actually block the entrace because everything I did was removed by the expert and professional mechanical arm operators--they have top computer-generated AI precision. The use lasers to cut out the kitchen formica so there are broken slabs around the sink area and under the sink they have cut out huge parts of the hard cement wall so that cockroaches could more easily penetrate my room from that area--

etc etcd

so he's phoning me now at almost 10 pm and I had put these tiles in that area because the cleaning crew can take them out. I am sure he was phoning me with more threats about putting stinking mud-soaked tiles, although placed on the ripped and saturated black plastic cheap garbage bags, ripped almost in half, and then piled up, wiith more plastic bags trying to make it not a mess--I'm sure this landlord, who has created ALL THE PROBLEMS that he is accusing me of, tried to literally abuse and threaten me in any way possible verbally with whatever threats he could.


I almost died from fighting to stop the endless break-ins to save my life. i had begun, under Covid when the bigot Nazis were forced to leave during quarantine--so before when I pounded on the completely impossible faux wood panels, which are plastic coated cheap and disgusting--they would complain, pound on the walls, etc for me hammering while for years they have used drills in the rooms beneath mine, the landlord claiming that there was no pounding and no drilling. I used twist-in metal hooks, pounding them all into the plastic-coated fake wood panels in order to try to secure them from being opened on the other side of the wall. The damage to my body, which I am still fighting to heal (permanent damage to my scalp with permanent hair loss not from stress but from poisoning and the endless mutilation of my body by the rapists who rushed to go into my room, no matter what I used to block the panels and front door--_) finally resorting to hammering into every single of the endless cupboards (the entire room is full of cupboards with flimsy panels separating me from the room next door--easily opened from the other side. i would walk to one side of my room, return and stinking stains were sprayed on some object while my back was turned--just a few feet away with no one having broken into my room because the panels on all sides were opened constantly (also from the ceiling there are huge h oles bored into the ceiling for the light fixtures--literal holes in the ceiling which means from all sides they can insert these tiny mechanical arms, only a few millimeters or centimeters wide but they are flexible and can inflict great damage and inject lethal toxins and poisons very easily.

I had put artistic posters on the floor and water-proofed them with packaging tape. I could clean this but the terrorists came and sprayed grease on the floor in order to remove parts, rip and shred and destroy the art. I had used a chair to get into the top cupboards facing this absolute portal entry of the kitchen area. The chair legs slipped while I was bending into the cupboard to twist this metal hook into the cupboard (all these cupboards are now completely sealed off in my desperate attempt to stop the destruction of my body and the rape and poisoning and money loss from constantly, daily poisoning rape and mutilation just from people entering--they also can kill and destroy using just the mechanical arms)

I fell backward but I had a huge artistic bag of plastic bags next to the table (sprayed, the metal of the legs of the "kitchen" eating table rusted and destroyed and ugly and what i use to cover all the ugliness is sprayed, stained, ripped and shred no matter what I live with stained stinking shredded furniture and all the decorations)

my head missed slamming into the edge of this very sturdy table within about one inch. I fell into the huge bag of plastic bags it cushioned the fall

so, I almost died fighting to not be raped and mutilated and my money stolen and my property completely destroyed. They sprayed so much stinking filth on my clothing that no matter what, I could not leave this room no matter if I cleaned the clothing the night before, it was stinking in the morning. Every piece of clothing this is done to, every day, all day, as often as possible. When I go outside in public, the terrorist spray ink and stains on my clothing from behind me while I am paying, at bank tellers, etc

This landlord, because I got angry from YEARS of the electricity being turned off non-stop, began a counter vicious attack of threats, and then this kind of dangerous harassment by phoning me almost at 10 pm under the pretext of landlord concern for the dirt that I was removing from the pot, throwing it off the patio with my arm completely extended as far beyond the ledge as possible--the claims with photos that i never looked at, of clothing with mud stains he wrote, and threats and etc

and now endless harassment.

All of this from the filthy stinking shit you all worship out of |Whorewood, the blonde Nazi pig apes who have STOLEN MY IDEAS verbatim for years and have not just not paid a single penny, but have been torturing poisoning raping and keeping me paralyzed my body huge and deformed dying from poisoning and stress as they gather to violently threaten me to 'GIVE them" more free and easy promises of this empire they are forming with the Gonressional members who are likewise promised a huge cartel without threat of competition.

For some reason, this group of millionaires and billionaires cannot actually compete without using me as their main objective of everything free handed to them by the 4th Reich for "successfully having used" mind control torture, gang rape torture mutilation poisoning and violence using this sick and filthy system you reading this now all belong to--your cherished support system your free and easy promise of continued "success" by attacking me and anyone else and performing all acts, no matter how heinous, for your continued promotion.

For some reason, these ultra wealthy cannot actually combine all their wealth because enough is never enough and for free an empire only by torturing me into saying that I love some filthy abuser rapist scumhag bateful bigot piece of shit I abhor who is abusing humiliating abusing poisoning torturing raping with prostitutalina watching on smiling as they scream that she is more beautiful as I fight to clean my home fight to not die from internal poisning and sepsis fight to get my hair to regrow fight to endlessly pack and unpack the items I eat to try to stave off more poisoning trying to heal my body which they have had chemicals smeared on put in accidents put my hips and spine out of alignment pumped fungus into my internal organs injected silicone under my skin had my teeth knocked loose cut into the gum tissue broke my toe had part of my uterus severed out stole my cat poured stinking filth into my body and home and food for over 14 years in addition to what the pig apes had done earlier all my life (but it has become deadly toxic attacks since this filthy porno Whorewood group took over back in 2012).

I'M STILL SAYING NO TO THIS GROUP BEING HANDED MORE PRESIDENTIAL POWER TO THIS GROUP BEING AWARDED OSCARS FOR THE MAFIA VIOLENT GANGS     which are being exalted for their role in ultra rape and violence and assumption of more and more "power" in the media. I have yet to meat a single person from that group who has any capability for leadership position in art or in politics only that they are highly organized, manipulative, and they have a few directors who are of that descent but their movies in every sense perpetuate glorification of ultra violence and organized crime and mafia and Nazi mentality.