Sunday, September 15, 2024

What Whorewood and the "history" machine never tell you: 97% of "white" upper class Eastern European partners with Nazis were slaughtered. A stark warning that is suppressed and censored due to the need for American upper wealth to do the same (and also to focus solely upon Jews as the main victims of the Holocaust). More information below: + Terrorist physical assault; terrorist celebrity rigged awards, and a momentous fact that I have never heard before about the 3rd Reich mass murder machine and probably you have not either. Yes, white wealthy coordinators with Nazi overtake were also mass murdered because they believed the lies the Nazis told them, that they would "solve the Jewish Problem" and the antisemitic bigots also believed the huge, dripping wide-eyed pupil-dilated German psychohpath Nazis when they offered a wealth and theft ransacking of the Jewish population. They were instead murdered along with the Jews. Never heard this before, but it is purportedly a solid fact. All in combination with the (stupidly greedy) celebrity-politician grasping frenzy coordinating with the 4th Reich Europigape cartel thug genocidal money-overflowing crocodile smile partners coming to usurp and overtake dear ole "Democracy" (only in name and expressed purpose)-spewing fascist dictatorship (in reality) America. The program for a pogram is intrinsically integrated in the fascist social engineering contract with endless millions of $$, awards without end for the continued programming for white supremacy (using minorities to further this aim) and the lying corruption and $$-grasping of the bigoted politicians (minorities used as front-pieces for how "Democratic" the Constitutional Republic truly is....(not). All ties together with awards, endless assault upon me for every sleazy dirty ape gets a huge promotion for this "private" but oh-so-publicly displayed violence against me; they all chatter in interviews and in pulpits of microphone celebrity camera appearances and in their chambers televised about their indignation that some people are violating "free speech" and whatever the cause they create like inflation out of thin air but secretly perform far worse than any of the people being grilled by the politicians for public display--

I have not watched through this entire documentary but I have listened to the many parts featured on the Hour of the Time. The information on the slaughter along with the Jews of Poles by the Germans after the 1939 invasion is included in this same documentary but if it is in this clip below I do not know. It is the same voice and has at least for the first half of this video the exact same information and music, presentation but if the "3 % of aristocracy Poles remained" after German mass killing of them is mentioned I do not know.

A lot of meaningful information is usually omitted in cases where propaganda relies on a seemingly thorough account of an historical event but if the same "powers" are still staging a total take-over, which they still are and their avowed aim of destroying America remains but the greedy myopic tunnel vision of all those I encounter who are the "leaders" of America prevails. They are put into power because they are so easily bought out and sold out and only look to how much they can obtain by collaborating with Nazis. They believe every lying deception and do not want to know about any doubts such as me warning them that I know Nazis much more thoroughly than they do. Due to me being discredited constantly and mind control into discrediting situations because they keep drugging and attacking me and literally everyone goes along on one level or another--they listen not. The parallel to the Poles was very striking when I listened to "part three" on Hour of the Time this morning.

This should be shown instead of Schindler's List, which also omitted things such as the victims were partnered with resistance from within the camp. That was never shown, instead there was only one single "heroic" person who gave the green light for the Jews to sabotage weapons production. It showed that Germans were either very evil or had capacity for "good" while the Jews were ALWAYS portrayed as victims incapable of self-defense. Those who have been covertly assassinated for all the preceding decades since the "end" of WWII have been slowly poisoned to death or put in "accidents" or "suicided" or whatever--simply eliminated through this most disgusting system that the politicians are gratified the American participants laugh and giggle over. They do not know, and are not informed, that Nazis overtook countries and killed off ANYONE who posed a threat to their wealth accumulation solely for the German State and also anyone capable of competing against them. They also stole the wealth of the aristocracy in Poland, and that means in other countries as well. It WILL happen in America as well if this non-stop social programming for Nazi overtake does not stop and is controlled by any reasonable intelligence within the United States.

"The Occult History of the Third Reich (1991)--SWE subs". Jacko TV. August 26, 2021.



One little, but significance artistic aside: Tolkien, author of Lord of the Rings, was very astute in representing in quasi-mythological/semi-political terms the symbolism of the Nazi overtake, which was during Tolkien's "reign" at (Oxford/Cambridge?) as a professor --please note that looking items up online is fraught with hacking disruptions so this is  just from memory) but, Tolkein, whose "Sauron" and the "Eye of Sauron" was a direct reference to the "All-Seeing Eye" --of course, you see this every day when you hold a $1 bill in your hand and look at the eye above the pyramid with the "Novus Ordo Saeclorum" (New Order). The all-seeing eye was a direct assimilation of Illuminati symbolism as of course the pyramid. It is the "power behind the power" it is the "black sun" of the Nazis, the esoteric spiritual "power" behind the light of the Earth. The invisible powers that control the world can be a more concise vague description. The Nazis are an offshoot of the Bavarian-created "Illuminati" just as Hitler rose to power in Bavaria. What Tolkien was expressing is apt to my post here, which is that "There is only one Ring OF Power and Sauron does not share". When people assume that friendly handshakes by former Nazi enemies means that All-American open-minded friendliness and that seeming acceptance of a "Democratic" system means that the former enemy has fully been indoctrinated and embraces these formerly vilified concepts as political structure are deadly in the enigmatic disguise of lethal fascist policy of One power one group ruling over all. Allegiance with any of these players in the political theater is watered down by performative displays which are so readily consumed in all forms of persuasion.

"There is only one lord of the ring, and he does not share power." (clip below).

"There is only one lord of the ring". AllsekBUL. December 7, 2022.

 Firstly, a formerly (probably) working class "hero" from another 4th Reich Europigapeland country, who has been behind the scene of attacking me that I know of since at least 1984-85, and never stops having me drugged, programmed so he can use any excuse to assault or try to get this contract, physically assaulted me after the many times in the past I have told him I don't "like' Him have yelled about the 40 or so odd years of his involvement in this torture rape and murder contract out on me.  His public appearances all revolve around his humanitarian concern for "oppressed" Palestinians and wishes that the Jews of Israel would just "go back to wherever you came from and leave the poor Palestinians alone". His attacks upon me have involved using American wealthy Jews out of NYC to gang up on me in order to gain acceptance by the 4th Reich. EAch and every single one caters like slavish devotees to the religion of white supremacy and the 4th Reich fascist Nazi/Mafia dictatorship. If I were a staunch Christian following the actual protocols of that religion, I would have a merciful and charitable compassion about the suffering they must be undergoing in the dregs of their subconscious to have to betray themselves by acting out as fascist Nazis. The consequences of this always show in the appearance of these types of people who have imbibed and ingrained self-loathing as a consequence of acting out for the benefit of inclusion in Nazi wealth culture and hegemony (for that truly is what is ruling America in almost all strata of society at this point).


I told this male in the deep sleep, albeit drugged up and in serious detox state, that because I watched his 70's and 60's videos hacked onto my YouTube screen of his performances which are musically proficient. Although I have stated in my "get away from me" tirades on other occasions that his every song I have heard always pays tribute to Nazi and "Illuminati" symbolism and iconography (they are intertwined, Illuminism and Nazi methodology and symbolistic iconography). The emotive state one has is hypnotic and hypnotic music is also another form of mind control and inserting various programming elements into the more lax and susceptible minds of the listeners. I told him that the "men who are part of this contract are ALL abusive and disgusting" to which, I was blanked out in sleep so it was blackness and nothing, then being hit by him in the face as I jumped to defend myself and hit back. What came out of my mouth was not prepared for so it probably was inserted into my subconscious and in that state of extreme vulnerability, rage and all is remotely afflicted upon me by mind control tech and drugging interface, plus subliminal commands and phrases so I began cursing at him. That, too was a discrediting device to make me sound crude, and thusly the entire thing was of me for about the 15th time telling this terrorist that I don't like him don't want him go away but finally in exasperation saying that they are all abusive and disgusting. It was the honest experience and it is the actual disgusting reality. Without even deviation this is the case for 100% of the "people" joining into this fray of greed acquisition dehumanization rape mutilation attempted murder without end poisoning drugging and endless hate.

Before I could try to attack me in the rage I was forced into, spewing hateful ugly words which--I have NEVER used the series of words that came out of my mouth automatically and in the frenzied "traumatized' state of having been hit--from the black void of them blocking my consciousness to the "sucker punch" this foul abuser who has disguised his every Nazi proclivity by humanitarian expressions, as a former "hippie" entertainer but like almost all of that "generation" who are involved, they are the ones who sold out, pushed the actual real artists down and out, stole ideas and concepts and have been credited by the 4th Reich as "representing" and they also push out the real artists who are relegated to archives if they ever are heard from again.


Watching the next award season photos on Huffpost and seeing the blonde, dyed blonde and Nazi cohort of creeps who have viciously attacked me. One of the worst of course is the minority minion with dyed blonde hair--had people threaten death upon me for the mind control and the subliminal reaction that was forced out of me in a saturated with drugs and poisons state that I have been in for most of my life. The man who played a skit of dying horribly who has been part of this situation for at least 15 years also has "won" and his attack upon me was just 2 days ago. They come just before the awards circuit rigged ceremonies and viciously attack me and then a few days later they "win" somehow.

The line-up of the blonde women who have attacked me for years were as usual there. I know they are stealing ideas from me but I have never watched their stupid rotten show except for one excerpt for a few seconds and hear the "woke" black client at a beauty salon saying things that I would have said. I did not want to look further as any click or view on my part brings the lascivious sleazy greedy scum instantly into teleportation. But they "win" nevertheless. I suspect they have been stealing my ideas as I scream out daily "why" I can't stand these filthy bigot Nazi lying cesspool life-energy-sucking parasites.


The country in which NINETY-SEVEN PERCENT of the upper tier of the "aristocracy" (but it really was an oligarchy) was in Poland, during the Nazi invasion and collaboration with various death squad groups coming out of places like dear ole poor victim State Ukraine (some of the most brutal murderers who collaborated with the Nazis, sent to Poland for mass executions and extreme brutality upon those in concentration camps).

97% of aristocracy (oligarchy, a despotic regime of enforced rich-poor society with "entitlement" were wiped out during the massive restructuring social engineering of German and 3rd Reich expropriation of wealth and services and land and gold and diamonds and art and the elimination of competition. 

I heard this from a highly credible source--it was featured on William Cooper's Hour of the Time and it's title is, "The Occult History of the Third Reich". It is an actual documentary which Cooper and his group never created. The statistic of 97% of Polish aristocracy being killed off is in the mid-section of the very long documentary, but the beginning part details the Eugenics attempt at programming Germans into white "master race" supremacy along with Tibetan occult philosophy and predictions about a "master Aryan" race, which the Germans literally stole, twisted the actual Indian heritage of that "Aryan" race into something being Germanic.

There is no doubt that Cooper, a most fastidious documenter for all his lectures and shows, would not have included this documentary if it has not been vetted for mis/disinformation first. As I am very sick today from detox, I am too tired and from being hit yet again by another mind screw operator in my deep sleep, running in the middle of the night to detox horrific hard poisons I have "ripped" out of my back and spine from exercise yesterday and from herbs and powders that I use as detox decontaminants. 

The documentary is very revealing of what has been omitted from the public discourse, which makes the Jews the focus of the genocide instead of the other targeted groups. That white Polish aristocracy were targeted at a 97% extinction has been completely omitted from the major discourse and there is almost never any mention of this. You certainly will never find it in the Whorewood endless decades of glorification of Germanic Nazi culture and the "victim" narrative of t he weak and defenseless (most of the movies portray this) Jews. 

The Germans who are now handing the greedy grasping and basically myopic Americans, meaning they only view everything through the lens of a tunnel vision. All you have to do is hand a huge prize and a warm fake smile and that is all they can see and understand. They perform every act of Nazi terror with lavish glee and delight that they are not "victims" but they certainly portray this constantly in their public presentations, as their main personality public persona.

The Nazis USED the wealthy Poles, not just to help coordinate the wealth theft of the victims (which then turned out to be  WHITE UPPER CLASS Poles) and they too only saw that the Germans were going to assuage their vain conceit at hating Jews for being MORE SUCCESSFUL through ability, despite centuries of pogroms and hate and segregation and absolute open discrimination against them.

That Jews accumulated so much wealth, which the Nazis just plucked by the full partnership of the wealthy Poles, in the beginning of the war in 1939--but then, that the information that the upper wealthy were also slaughtered by the Nazis is NEVER NEVER NEVER MENTIONED anywhere. 

the Nazis also despised the Middle Class, in principle because they only wanted a Master-Slave society, and nothing in the middle with "Burgeoise" morality of decency and equal chances in some degree had to be wiped out. 

But also, the Polish aristocracy believed with the warm psychopathic warm crocodile smiles of the German pig ape scum that they were going to SHARE in the profit of the genocide and wipe out the Jews and then become share-holders in the wealth accumulation.

No, the Germans had to steal ALL and also eliminate anyone not of the "master race" German and Western Europigape tribe--such as what is now deemed the "inferior" white races of Eastern Europe who now all march in Nazi gear with Nazi slogans so that the "West" NATO will pour money into their attempt to join in the NATO 4th Reich fully-integrated Nazi machine. For any further doubts about this, look at the increasing Nazi affiliation that is ongoing in Western Europe politics and in elections.

There is more I can say, but just to state that the PARALLEL of what I have constantly referred to as the "stupid sleazy sick pig ape shit" (in so many derivations of this sense) for the stupid ways they are puppets to Nazi overtake of America.

Following exactly in the footsteps of the stupid Poles who could not understand that when you partner with a psychopathic lying murdering bigot but you are not necessarily included in their designation of being "superior' they may also do what to you that you are helping them to do to others. The Poles, I read in a book about the German Spy network (I read this book while I was living in Stuttgart, and it was about the spy networks that first went to Poland so that once the invasion took place, it was a piece of cake to obtain full compliance by the wealth of Poland because they really wanted to "get rid of the Jewish problem".

The exact same is ongoing in America. 

I am exhausted

You can look up The Occult History of the Third Reich but I will include it here anyway. It is very long and has a lot of fascinating footage. I am listening to the podcast so I know this information from Hour of the Time (HOTT) is obtained from Part 3 about 1 hour into the presentation. For the video, I am not sure exactly where it is.

But that this information is never put out in public view and has been suppressed by the omission of it from the discourse about Jews being the main target (Cooper identifies this as a propaganda attempt to justify the U.N.'s endless support for Israel, which is also not about Jews it's about the Christian Identity/British Israelist overtake of the Holy Land, which in America is known as Evangelical and it's push for Trump to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel and etc. 

As this English attacker upon me for decades has stated in his Piers Morgan interview, "The Jews need to go back to where they came from" which is the attempt to eliminate the "brown" people and the "subordinate" races and install the "God's chosen white race" as the principle owners and controllers of Israel and the "Holy Land". It has been an expressed goal of the English Crown ever since King Henry VIII split from the Roman Catholic Church and designated himself and his lineage as the true descendants of the House of David and thus the real and only race which should inherit the status of being the superior God's Chosen to rule and control the center of three major global religions (think of all the $$$ they will obtain if they consolidate and control--thusly, to divide and conquer is a huge strategy and I dare say, it's being used very successfully in the U.S. with the stupid apes of Whorewood following every fascist Nazi directive with the disgusting rotten corruption of the political "leaders" following in turn for the sleazy greed corruption to "line their pockets" and obtain endless nominations and to be voted into power--somehow, Trump is probably correct when he says that elections are rigged and he should know from his Whorewood-Congress-Whorewood half lifetime of experience dealing with both entities. Whorewood is now on par with every other powerful branch of government in controlling who and what is put into power and for how many decades. Proving affiliation with fascist Nazi dictatorship by attacking me in teleportation is now a fully functioning promotion machine that never is stopped or stops.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The sickness of this sick group from whorewood. Every time I collapse in sickness from detox, which is regular as I am fighting to regain my body mobility and survival adaptability to non-stop 24/7 torture and attacks harassment blocks to all I do and harassment without end. But in deep healing sleep this German filthy abuser parasite leeches onto sexually abusing me and I am not able to defend myself and I must just go along because I am sick, in pain my entire spine is fighting to loosen a hard shell of poison that the prostitutes who are STILL using MY IDEAS to sell as their concept as urging this filthy pig fuck to go ona nd on while I am at my most vulnerable. I got a streak of grey hair last month from fighting while I was literally shitting hard poison and toxic goo out of my body which has been stagnating inside the hard shell latched onto my skin, literally ripping flesh off at cellular levels and infusing toxic shock into my blood stream and nervous system while this filthy pig just beat and raped me with the audience of shit watching on--all the filthy whores and pigs I have been fighting and fighting and fighting for years and years watching on telling this filth fuck pig that he's wonderful. All doors are opening for the sick fuck, and he is training whorewood into more grasping greed Nazi 4th Reich mentality, as if 15 years of being paraded and given plastic surgery without end for them all and their filthy stupid shit spawn were not enough to induce them into every single fascist behavioral modification program possible as emulation puppet parrots. //So ill I could not fight any longer as the endless threat of being punched in the face and beaten for not performing sleazy hate acts of sex while in deep sleep, sick beyond belief fallin asleep in the middle of the day because I can't go on any longer the sickness is unbearable. This has happened to me so frequently that all the years of fighting to heal the mutilations on my body which I strive every night to cover, are all ripped and slashed when I just simply collapse in need of healing sleep during the day. The German pig ape parasite then leeches onto sexually exploiting me, and also while in deep Theta sleep as well. Because I have experienced NOTHING but torture, with my cat stolen and all animals I loved killed and mutilated and taken away, and all literally every single human being on the planet completely going along with this sick filth 4th Reich group in attacking me or allowing it to happen and glibly looking the other way--everyone left alive is delighted by this system.. They mutilate my fingers while this fuck sleeze creep is raping me and it's not rape it's pornographic sexual abuse which I can't fight off. Because my ENTIRE SPINE is in the process of fighting to loosen a hard shell like cement latched to every single vertebrae, which ugly sick prostitutallina and pig filth pig pitt and their shit children and endless circles of friends all the circles of whorewood hell A$$-hole listers and beyond belief--just me fighting constantly saying no without end and politicians galore. LEECHES. PARASITES. SLEAZY SICK ROTTEN CRAP MEANINGLESS scum so paid so overpaid for the shit that they crank out and so often stolen from me while they are just handed MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF DOLALRS. They just broke yet another thing I need for healing so I have to spend more of my less than $1000 per month to repurchase what they first sprayed with brown permanently staining goo (a humidifier, this week is broken) and then they broke it completely. They sprayed fungus inside it and the brown goo was sprayed almost immediately upon arrival, once in my room. It has brown stains like all the other white things in my room, the walls are brownish yellow they were pure white when I moved in. they are all non-stop stick filth and muck coating my life with their sickness and hate. It is now a popular pastime for the celebrity sick fucks to gather around and watch this filthy creep rape me, as they all want to emulate the dirty filthy German fuck cartel which they welcome in with everything available for them to plunder, as they are being trained in fascist Nazi ideology. That is the Biden, Harris and Obama and Trump team of shit from Whorewood and the aforementioned scum. The rest just allowed it all to happen and they created the conditions upon which this is now progressing into a destruction of the culture and the country. No one can give a damn they just listen to the blather crap of the candidates and wish for how things "used to be" nothing will ever be as it 'used to be" the destruction will continue. The sick fucks will continue to bring in every destructive Nazi sick fuck to divide and conquer and b ring in more rape culture. This is the same "me too" group of Nazi skank whores who pulled Weinstein down only to bring in fascist Nazi bigots to rape and torture women while the shit like ugly prostitutalin who is stupid and sick and revolting as hell, with posturing bs that everyone loves and the English crown backing that filthy dirty sick skank and her entire group of rotten rape Nazi bigot men and their "feminist" "me too" skank whore wives--it's so revolting. I am now the perennial target for just saying endlessly no and then they ask me "why" and I write it under drugging and torture for which non-stop shit gather to mock and laugh at my situation and mock and insult all the ideas that they steal and push as their own "fight against tyranny" to sell more bs to the public, along with their politician scum cesspool parasitic liars. This German creep is like a complete parasite absolutely digging in with every vulnerability that I have, every moment I can't fight I am in pain he rushes to abuse and rape and sexually abuse me. The sexual violence is treated as a "heroic" example of "bitch-slapping" me, while I am in the throes of "making love" but I am fighting it the entire time. Every time I try to pull away he begins to punch and slap me in the face and head and breasts. I am so ill because of the poison the group of shit poured into my body for years that I was so strained physically last month my hair literally turned grey from stress from fighting this filthy dirty fuck pig. Now i am just playing along because I can't fight this while in such utter sickness from poison literally ripping in all directions in the latched-on areas along my

 ENTIRE SPINE--my entire spine has been surgically operated upon THREE TIMES the hardening bloating poisons have latched onto every vertebrae. I can't fight some huge body-builder thug rapist Nazi pig ape bigot who is told by ugly shitalina and pig pitt and Nazi Whoopie Goldberg the black plantation rep along with dirty foul oprah all the blacks and whites who  have called me racist and all these terms that they actually are--as I fight and fight and have fought them off me one by one for 15 years

until this german fuck who has been told he is entitled to every single thing and the group of shit support this ideology.

If you stupid fucks reading this truly want a Nazi 4th Reich group of Germans pouring into America to rape and plunder then congratulate your sleazy cohorts in Whorewood for what they are doing.

Otherwise, can't you goddamn ever do anything to protect your country and any semblance of a free and decent society?

Thursday, September 5, 2024

More mechanical arm mutilation of my gum tissue while sleeping--report.//The terrorists have a system whereby the attacks, when they are recognized as such by the target, who tries to diminish the effect, is given a substantial lowering of the effect almost to appear that the particular attack has stopped. The mutilation or other system of multiple attacks is focused on another part of the body, or the life of the target (no matter what, something is being slashed, smeared with damaging chemicals, poisoned or assaulted on my body, every SINGLE day/night). They have lessened the more severe cutting under the very thinly sliced line above my gum line, it is a clear laser slash into the gumline but done at such a tiny depth and width that it almost feels like just normal gum tissue decay or erosion. However, my teeth are literally perfect and only due to the attacks on my teeth and every single part of my body, a German dentist forced a "filling" in one of my molars although I had no cavity he did an X-ray and told me it had to be filled. Under mind control, I did whatever and thusly without any single cavity my entire life, this German f*** had to mar me in any way possible. //The slashing of my gums has gone on for years, but it stopped until Obama returned to attack me (or was it Trump, or Harris, or the German s** next fuck or the Gottis or was it any one of the expletives who just feeds off torture and violence on every level they possibly can, being paid in millions and promotions worth millions or billions and then stealing my ideas as part of the Satanic Coven bargain they all latch onto for as many years or decades as they possibly can. //They lowered the intensity of the slashing so that it's almost imperceptible, but the damage is being done nevertheless. They would do this when I spent about 3 years figuring out how the door was being opened and from where and it took me months to not be in physical agony to pound hooks into the plastic-wooden doors--more like plastic, to attempt to block the mechanical arms from breaking into my home. If I blocked the sink cupboard beneath the sink, with hooks that were excruciating to pound in, it took all my body strength because of the cheap plastic faux wood doors which had part wood in some hard nearly impenetrable plastic coating--cheap but supposedly long-lasting. All the doors have been broken, but before they were broken, the apes would pour stinking fungus water literally coating the bottom of the cupboard about 2 inches so I had to spend 30 minutes opening the hooked latches with strings and the rubber strips into the huge 1-inch gaps above the door frame and door, and then cleaning it out but I did this for about a year. The terrorist in the room on the other side of the most flimsy particle board 2mm-thin thing separating the pipes under the sink from the room where they are just attacking me non-stop with "through-wall" torture technologies and everything else possible. But they can insert a tube and mechanical arm and spray stinking filth into the cabinet floor, and then because they made the doors almost broken, the hinges sprayed with stuff to rust the hinges completely the doors bent misshapen and now there is a 1-2--inch gap where they spray filth on my hair from behind or anything they can if it's not protected. That is just an example. But, they are also slicing into my gums using whatever mechanical arm(s) can traverse the space from wherever the endless portals of entry are to my mouth--so perfectly done, there must be a tiny camera on the end and incision tools and cutting and laser tools (probably very tight-small lasar to cut) they have also literally cut with laser tech into the formica under the cupboard so roaches can swarm into my room, because they cut out about 4-6 inches of the base, and also along the edge of the kitchen countertop so the insects can go from the interior of the walls--or being injected by the creep in the next room, it's all possible and probable.

 I spent a long time sleeping with a gel pack covering my mouth all night--my skin became so destroyed from saliva as the microchip implants were tweaked and I was "drooling" under the gel. When I first began to tie this around my mouth, it never was wet and that lasted about 2 weeks and then the terrorists did their hate storming activities to create this next destruction of the skin on my cheeks. So I stopped and now they are cutting into my gum tissue again. I am saving my cheeks only for my gums to be slashed every single night, albeit now on a much less evident level but I can feel it every time I eat. They have eroded and cut into my gum tissue to the root in some cases.

I must emphasize that this is not "normal" abrasion or dental problems on my part of my perfect teeth I have enjoyed all my life. It is slashed gum tissue and I know this from waking up tasting blood and the gum tissue swollen and tasting bloody and reduced until they cut all the way down to the roots of the gum tissue--all around my teeth. And they are doing this now, but at a smaller intensity the cumulative effect is to make my teeth rot or fall out. I h ope the pig apes all have horrible everything who are doing this and ordering this against me. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

"One small step for scumbags, one giant leap for loveless rapist pedophile bigot abusers" the teleportation "sex" enforcement of men who the target loathes but responds to with utter "love" while the brain and body are not just "suffused" with drugs and poison and hormones of stress, in my case perpetually for over 15 years, but illness from poisoning, and torture and mutilation and abuse.

"Tina Turner--Acid Queen (Tommy) (1975)".

 "Gil Scott-Heron--Whitey On the Moon".

Once more, I fought the German last night saying NO and "die and go to hell" and that I can't stand him, as he forced himself on me when I was so exhausted from the 2 months of torture from banking block to my finances to the rape and beatings and abuse to the years of non-stop poisoning and torture and abuse and hate every single moment this group of fucking shit can do it they do.

I responded in a sudden rush of passion because my brain is under a compartmentalized brain-alteration inflicting my sexual areas of brain function to the EXTREME and I mean the utmost passion possible as if in deep throes of love and desire for hateful fuckers slapping my face and calling me bitch. Shit bitches that they are, prostitutalina is the main proponent with the filth of the "feminist" Clinton, Pelosi and the United Nations' Womens' whatever they call it--the speaker for Women's rights but the most anti-Semitic rape enabler who ousted Weinstein in order for Nazi rape culture to inflict much more serious harm to the targets than the mere groping and demeaning insults of Weinstein. This is mutilation torture rape and all is exonerated by the shit of Congress-Whorewood and I only get death threats and abuse from the members of this phallo-centric rape murder Inc. operation called "Congress". They actually resemble a Frat Party on a drunken orgy stripper night with yelling insults and nasty commentary but in their case, it's like Hillary, shouting as violently as possible at me that they will have me killed, that their 'system" is beloved throughout America and they are proud of it. 

So, I responded in a deep exhausted in-pain sleep state, fighting to protect my already completely damaged body parts (fingers mangled no nails grow any longer the cuticles have been literally cut out of the fingers, and etc, on down my body are scars and blemishes constructed in this demoralization and destruction campaign, which ugly prostitutalina has organized with jeering hate aimed at me by the endless line-up of sick shit from your favorite wonderful tv shows and movies and Congressional promises to relieve everyone of their most ardent hate targets (me, it appears to be the worst from all angles--although my policy throughout my life has been to "love" humanity I see this has been a huge mistake as that is misconstrued as feeding frenzy target practice of susceptibility.

So, I reacted in this most passionate way after about 2 hours of him harassing me while I was putting everything away from hours and hours of fighting the attacks and the blocks and obtaining my money and etc. In a near dazed comatose state, he began his sexual assault and I have been freezing and not reacting but suddenly a surge of t his ARTIFICIALLLY-INDUCED energy came over me as I reacted in a frenzied daze of reaction.

I could see him smiling and looking behind me at a distance so the filth fuck crew of ugly prostitutalina, shit pig pitt, Roman Polanski has a lot riding on putting Nazis in power so he can return to Whorewood or whatever, he's absolutely on the side of me being abused, enslaved and tortured by the Germans for his promotion. It's an all-too familiar set-up for me while I fight with my might and fury I am still teleported to sick creeps and I can't stop reacting while in that state.

The line-up of shit sitting behind me watching on chairs must be immense. The whore German has no compunction in performing acts of sexual violence and depravity while I respond as if I am agreeing with it. My body is put into an excruciatingly implacable sexual desire as he manipulates every single thing possible, a truly well-trained parasitic user but the group of the shit are the same parasitic quality so they are all fully in line.

I do NOT like this fucker, I am NOT attracted to him, his sleazy nasty abuse Nazi sexuality nor his fucking blathering bullshit that he spews about Nazis and his orgy Nazi friends coming to gang rape me and the shit of Whorewood currently, for the 15th year in a row, being applauded by shit like Hillary Clinton who has partaken of this contract so her tv shows and Broadway stints are cheered on by the death squad minions who are all part of this global profit-sharing enterprise.

The giant leap is that all of these sleazy sexual objectifying scumbags are as loveless as a porto-potty, and they resemble this in the spiritual muck that they inhabit and which they order their equally filthy loveless minions to pour into my body and home as often as possible. The spiritual manifesting into the filthy muck that they truly are on a spiritual level. 

The giant leap is that loveless scumbags can abuse women who don't comply with Nazi white supremacy, enforced with brutal violence by the criminal mafia organization(s) --and the media so enforces organized crime all the minority minions strive to emulate wearing Gucci and Italian clothing as symbol of affiliation with the "Italian-American" mafia.

Thusly, the loveless porn purveyors are now being equipped with such disgusting rape technology that it's like a holiday in hell for them to vent their hate for women "like me" who can compete, and must be sexually abused

and the theme from stupid ugly dirty prositutalina has been that I am a stupid bitch I am a whorew and she is the most beautiful and elegant and intelligent. The shit pig apes shout this at me with her sitting smug as through that vaginal portal they all obtain their promotions. They all rush to her for the deals and all literally do and say whatever they are instructed to say. The ugly stupid whore, I mean this 1000% percent as from the first day that ugly skank teleported me I told her I NEVER thought her beautiful, talented and always thought of her as a porn object, without any real emotion and vacant and nasty. Now, those terms are complimentary to what that sick filth ugly whore truly is. Without the endless facial reconstruction and the gastric bypass surgery she obviously has had, and had redone and redone and everything artificial, she would have the sagging jowls of her nasty Nazi father and the shrunken body of her mother by her age. Instead the millions and millions of dollars poured into her posturing bs with MY IDEAS stolen every single fucking yuear while I am poisoned and tortured

so the rape technology is not just for the enthusiasts of sexual violence, the men but the women who claim they are feminist but just have to make sure the opportunity is only intended for white supremacy and to augment that, as a prop, are a few token other minorities. Jews very far and in-between and then other races such as Native American or Alaskan, f**that they are never represented. Only the voting demographic is represented as I wrote in an earlier post, it's all about propagandizing for political votes on all sides.


The giant leap of rape and loveless scumbags forcing victims to "love" them through drugging, torture and discrimination so they are desperate, open for mind control manipulation, false promises which this German sick fuck has been doing non-stop about how wealthy he is, and how much I can get (like nothing, just I could get German social benefits he told me, which, if you are being targeted that means deadly health care intending to kill you, and then other horrid situations so it really means nothing, and the same is even more true in America a most deadly country to be sure).


Terrorist Nazi Mafia stink filth report: the foul and filthy Nazi Mafia pig ape scum ordered their hate-filled nasty minions to smear a filthy vile substance on my freshly cleaned bedsheets while I was out being attacked in banks (money ripped off by the exchange rate being literally altered by the ATM machine, which was individually hakced) and having to deposit money for rent at a bank, waiting nearly 1 hour while people who, as always when I go to depositt rent, approach me taking their cameras out and filming me, right in front of me as I am doing other things in my backpack--literally aiming their cameras at me in the bank, keeping me waiting as long conversations take place between terror agents sitting in front of the very willing bank employees who sit for over 30 minutes, ostensibly opening new bank accounts and asking questions--30 minutes per window, and people who had just walked in being welcomed to the windows after I have already been waiting for 45 minutes--the "numbers" generated are freshly created and have never been used before, each one requiring 15-20 minutes to get their money, etc. //Returning to this stinking filth mess, my clothing ripped and stained, the bed linens I just cleaned 2 days ago with foul permanently stiinking odors so I have to bleach and hand wash again--they broke the washing machine the landlord included years ago so it doesn't do anything but fill up and then drain--obviously with no money I can't buy my own, etc. So II have to hand wash and the mess is everywhere, from years of spraying filth and daily lspraying and debris and gunk and filth and sticky brown goo everywhere. I am so exhausted from the poison filth they put in my body that it's nearly impossible for me to clean the basics and I am only able to just endlessly stand straight and wash endless buckets of stinking putrid-stench clothing every day they spray my clothing. //The assault in teleportation continues along exploitation and sexual abuse and humilliation and dehumanization. Fully supported by all the filth of Congress and society as far as I can tell. Filthy, they/you all are, not me.

 "Gil Scott-Heron--Whitey On the Moon (Official Video)". Ace Records. August 19, 2014.


"Tina Turner--Acid Queen (Tommy) (1975)". --VOS Music Rotterdam. February 27, 2019.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Terrorist financial fraud thru an ATM, report: I literally was scammed by hacking on an ATM which reduced the exchange rate by about $20 which should have remained in my bank account. The exchange rate is 33-34 baht/dollar. While I was at the ATM a man was lurking behind me, and I know that many terrorists of this organization use portable weapons (electronic and otherwise) and can affect my brain or body and/or perhaps also technology. But the bank's ATM ripped me off, of course programmed by the terrorist operation/operative. They gave me a rate of 31 to the dollar and the actual rate is 33-34, depending on the bank. They actually stole more than $20 from me I was only loosely calculating because while I know the exact amount that the bank took out in dollars, I don't want to know how much they should actually have taken out (a lot less, for me $20 is a lot and can buy a LOT in Thailand, relatively speaking). Thusly, the ATM was hacked and manipulated to rip me off. I used to not be able to use ANY ATM in Phuket for about 3 years because all ATMS blocked my card and my bank showed no threat to my card or any attempt to withdraw money. The ATMS, literally every single one, was hacked the moment I put my card in. And it happened today.

 I find it so typical that what I write meets with absolute silent apathy and lack of concern by all who are aware of this situation.

You are all so smug and content can't imagine anything could ever happen to you. Otherwise if it's happening to someone else tra la la life is greater for you, right?

Not to worry! Only other people will be ripped off, blocked financially if the pig ape cartel doesn't like them. This is the fear that "conspiracy theorists" have projected will happen as a consequence of too much technology. You will shut out and shut down from literally all survival needs on the actual market and will have to rely on black market and other forms of transactional survival, if you are able.

Not to worry! 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Terrorist mutilation report and filth report: they are cutting into my gum tissue once again using precision lasers or very fine sharp objects (which they use under my cuticles as well). I felt the sensation of sharp incisions when I was eating frozen food---which had not happened for a long time but the hate expletives funded by all the criminals of Congress are once more damaging my gum tissue, which they have sliced to the root and sliced of layers of gum tissue until there is almost no gum tissue covering the roots of my teeth. //I had been sleeping, for about over one year, with a gel eye sleep patch over my mouth, but once I began to use Retinol the salivation was irritating my skin to a horrible abrasion. I stopped wearing the mouth protection but they have begun to cut into my teeth once again.//stinking grease is being sprayed throughout my living space, every night while asleep as they use the mechanical arms, injected probably through the kitchen sink area--the door they broke so I can't close it and there is a huge crack. I stuff colorful decorations into the crack of the door and they are sliced into pieces on the floor in the morning, every morning they cut more off (I use holiday tinsel, ironically). //My room stinking of fried grease sprayed in the bathroom which has debris and pieces of candy wrapper and hard pieces of something and rubber bands and gunk everywhere, stinking with foul excretions behind the toilet (the panels of the wall tiles are opened in that area, as I pasted silicone and paper objects all over the walls to stave off these attacks but this group has forced various cracks through which the mechanical arms are inserted all day and night to spray and make my home stinking with fried fish grease and mook gunk junk. Hairs in puddles of grease are on my patio with debris as well---everywhere and filth and dirt covers the patio if I just water plants and put some laundry out, because everything of fabric is likewise sprayed while sleeping and while I am in other rooms as well. I had to throw away another piece of clothing because it was so foul and stinking after I had cleaned it, and hung it up. The stench is everywhere in this room. In the morning, first thing when I wake up, the room stinks so badly from foul grease and stinking substances behind the toilet, which has a 1-inch space and a box-shaped structure that was made for this purpose of me not being able to do more than spray behind it, one inch space means I can only spray water and cleaning fluids into that area, but they open these tiles and inject filth and muck and objects, hairs and grease on the floor, walls and everywhere. My "kitchen" floor has been literally gouged through the PVC flooring so that the bare wooden planks are all that is left--they have done this behind this chair I sit on in sickness from the poison t hey have injected into my body through food and insertions into my bladder for most of my life, but since 2011 into a huge deformed shape hardening and suffocating me internally as they kept poisoning me while I did fasting for 10-day stretches literally every month for over 2 years and my body would bloat up almost instantly once I began eating again as the diarrhea and stinking goo of the blotaing/hardening poison was constantly being re-inserted. So I remain here, still partially paralyzed but fighting as usual. The floor has been turned into a small pot hole right behind the wheels of this chair on the floor, there is a half-inch sort of "crater" and also they broke off one of the wheels of the chair, and sliced it using a precision laser so there is no way I can replace it, it was severed at the ball junction of the hole to which it has been inserted into, but they glued the ball that was stuck in the hole of the socket so that I can't even try to pull it out so the chair is on a near crater unbalanced and etc. I now have to sleep with something covering my mouth again, and the damage to my cheeks from YEARS of them forcing tears out of my eyes, which the Retinol has exacerbated in particular from the saliva (they increase the saliva, when I first began sleeping with this gel eye sleep shade over my mouth, I was not drooling in excess but the microchip implant in my larynx has enabled so many various mucus and throat-constricting manipulation from remote terror tech, that t hey then began this huge salivation so the skin was caking with damage from the retinol (a seriously strong vitamin--B--which must never be used on wet skin and causes damage in combination with water). //So the choice between trying to heal my cheeks which this same group has ordered years of hours of tears pouring out of my eyes--while driving, while laying in bed suffocating from internal poisoning--(plus heart palpitations as well and endless other abuses and tortures, that was from 2011 until Trump took office, so the Obamas and their sick tyranny--replaced only by the vicious sickness of the Trump tyranny (his entire famliy not just him, which is the Obamas as well, a family affair for all the tyrants- and their children and spouses also get bonsues and promotions and movie deals and entertaiment deals and interview deals out of attacking me as well.

"2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)--From Bone to Satellite Scene (1/6)/Movieclips". Movieclips. February 1, 2019.


"Pig Destroyer--'The Diplomat' (Official Video)". Noisey. October 26, 2012.

 "Waiting For The Worms--Pink Floyd--The Wall--4K Remastered". PinkFloyd4K. May 29, 2021.

 The sexuality of the pig ape 4th Reich leaves much to be desired. There is no analysis of the sexuality any longer, the intellectuals have mostly been exterminated and dumb and meaningless has replaced the "analysis" critical machine (bot programming). Yes, they need people to sexually torture to feel alive, yes they do. Apes who copulate in a frenzy but seemingly they can "Love" but what really feeds them is down-pressing and destroying others. The consumer plantation system also feeds the emptiness when they can't buy enough pornography and the sex trafficking slaves don't suffice (they never do it's never enuf for the pig apes to suck in and parasitically suck everything out of...perpetually). The "good" citizens always watch in apathetic sometimes fake despondency and redundancy saying they don't know what to do....(doo doo). Feeding off it vicariously any way...

"Empty Spaces/What Shall We Do Now?--Pink Floyd--The Wall--4K (Remastered)". PinkFloyd4K. May 29, 2021.

The damage to my teeth is now becoming serious, they have cut so much that just chewing I can feel the holes were they used laser to cut into the gum tissue just above the edge of the teeth line---slices into the tissue are detectable by touching the gums

I used to have perfect teeth and gums, by the way. All of this destruction of my body for some pig whore apes who need to torture me because they can't "win" otherwise. The greed and sickness that no one is concerned about because society has gone along with this as well.

What Whorewood and the "history" machine never tell you: 97% of "white" upper class Eastern European partners with Nazis were slaughtered. A stark warning that is suppressed and censored due to the need for American upper wealth to do the same (and also to focus solely upon Jews as the main victims of the Holocaust). More information below: + Terrorist physical assault; terrorist celebrity rigged awards, and a momentous fact that I have never heard before about the 3rd Reich mass murder machine and probably you have not either. Yes, white wealthy coordinators with Nazi overtake were also mass murdered because they believed the lies the Nazis told them, that they would "solve the Jewish Problem" and the antisemitic bigots also believed the huge, dripping wide-eyed pupil-dilated German psychohpath Nazis when they offered a wealth and theft ransacking of the Jewish population. They were instead murdered along with the Jews. Never heard this before, but it is purportedly a solid fact. All in combination with the (stupidly greedy) celebrity-politician grasping frenzy coordinating with the 4th Reich Europigape cartel thug genocidal money-overflowing crocodile smile partners coming to usurp and overtake dear ole "Democracy" (only in name and expressed purpose)-spewing fascist dictatorship (in reality) America. The program for a pogram is intrinsically integrated in the fascist social engineering contract with endless millions of $$, awards without end for the continued programming for white supremacy (using minorities to further this aim) and the lying corruption and $$-grasping of the bigoted politicians (minorities used as front-pieces for how "Democratic" the Constitutional Republic truly is....(not). All ties together with awards, endless assault upon me for every sleazy dirty ape gets a huge promotion for this "private" but oh-so-publicly displayed violence against me; they all chatter in interviews and in pulpits of microphone celebrity camera appearances and in their chambers televised about their indignation that some people are violating "free speech" and whatever the cause they create like inflation out of thin air but secretly perform far worse than any of the people being grilled by the politicians for public display--

I have not watched through this entire documentary but I have listened to the many parts featured on the Hour of the Time. The information o...