Monday, January 20, 2025

A victim ofo perpetual, lifetime government State-sponsored terrorism: today I must phone a government agency which has cut my money supply due to an act of terrorism from the multi-millionaire and billionaire celebrities because for over 15 years I have screamed NO to being enslaved and poisoned raped and abused to death while they torture me to extract information so they can steal it to use as their concept. Year-after-year they have gone to the Oscars with such ideas, re-written by their 4th Reich writers there in H-wood (probably mostly from abroad in Euro-pa-aland) and reformatted into the 4th Reich concepts they are promulgating through "entertainment". For fighting in my self-defense against ONGOIN MURDER due to not only poisoning, as I had been unwittingly doing what they wanted, albeit not 100% compliant due to not believing that I should be abused and used, so I fought to get the abusive leeches off me, the mind control and drugging kept me in a particularly vulnerable state of lack of preparation, awareness and being mentally alert, my decisions not "My own" all boundaries bypassed by the interface of mind control drugs and microchip implant remote tech subliminals.//Fighting for over 15 years, in the past 4 years they have stopped my monthly subpoverty payments for the lifetime of my spine being fractured while drugged and comatose to forced "accidents' to hardening poisons interlaced with mind control drugs injected into food and my body constantly, literally every day until they added a severe hardening agent to solidify the more malleable plasticine poisons into hardened rock-solid structures gluing my body into a hardened, disfigured shape, suffocating my internal organs and llymphatic system, while torturing me using teleportation terorism so that by now all I do is rush at the abusers every day screaming that I wish them death trying to kill them as they laugh at the utter hysterical element they have fed off energetically and are glowing with hormones of torture violence which they feed off daily (and get promotions and thrills and money in unbelievable disproportion to their actual quality for what they are vying for): for fighting and fighting to stop being put into henously abusive murderous deadly situations, the latest is a rapist violent death-threatening Nazi-concentration camp wanna be pimp, my money through the mail service I had in Los Angeles and the government agency have stopped my payments this past month, with no mail accessibility on my part the service lying to me, lying about service overcharging me and now they have fully partnered with the 4th Reich celebrities to block my life sustainance so I can continue to fight as I have for 15 years (20 years) to get this poison out of my body and to get them off me. #right now the WiFi has been once more turned off, ,although the router lights are all on, which happens anytime I try to write about the crimes being endlessly inflicted upon me which is fully supported by all government offices and agencies. I am also lied to by the Government agency I must phone today in order to try to have my money re-instated. The reason for the $ being cut off states online that there is a "change of address". I contacted this mail service last week asking for any recent mail., they claim they ":cannot open letters" but promised me upon opening the service that they would open and scan letters upon request. Once I paid the much higher-than-average price for their service they then just outright told me that they cannot open letters they can only tell me that I have mail, and will not open and scan. They kept me in the dark about my mail. I tried to find any other service and could not, they all demand credit cards and I do not have one. All other similar services to the company I used, and note that my internet is 100% hacked, monitored and under surveillance, all calls are transferred to the 4th Reich agents who lie, deny and attack me usually with lies, denying information lying lying denying services, etc. The only way for my "address incorrect payments suspended" (for which I depend for my very life) would be that mail was returned or there was an alert sent to this agency by this group or their agents (most likely) or the mail service returned mail (also likely but same as the last mention, instructed to do so, while lying to me that I had no more mail). This agency (government-affiliated) also sent me a mailing by USPS tracking, which means this service had to sign for it, and thusly although I had told them that this must appear strictly like my home address, they didn't care or the entire situation was fabricated so a tracking number for a mailing that I did not request from a government-affiliated agency had a different designated recipient in the name and that info was transmitted too the government agency. Nothing like this has ever happened before and these types of mailings by USPS tracking are extremely unusual, from my experience and I knew instantly that there was something seriously amiss. The mail service refused to tell me the name of the sender as well, they just said it was sent from a certain location in general. I MUST FIGHT FOR MY LIFE TONIGHT WHEN PHONING THIS AGENCY to try to save my life from all money I need to survive being cut off. They may force me to have to go into their offices, I would lose everything. The expletives of W-wood saw my reaction to the fires as I was thrilled that hopefully the rapists murdering poisoning bigots Nazis rapist mutilating abusers who for over 15 years have fed energetically off torture, used my ideas every year and have obtained through the 4th Reich/government collusion to have the best production all the best that money can buy the best acting coaching best costumes money can buy and promises of automatic assumption to all the top nominations possible. all that the 4th Rich can shell out to the officials who I suggest are not pristine when it comes to being paid for a slight quid Pro Quo in return (as in lots and lots of money being handed out for all the 15 years of this endless life-threat torture heaped upon me every single day there is a new actor pop singer politician rushing with hate to find any excuse to viciously attack me) I was thrilled that hopefully the actors would lose THEIIR homes after years of having fungus mold opison people raping my body breaking into my home while they teleported me to bein raped as they have destroyed stolen like demons dancing around a fire laughing glaring with hate, every day for over 15 years. This morning once more despite my endless efforts to stop the teleportation and the nightly mutilation of my body (huge red welts remain on my fingers I sleep with layers of protective clothing to stop the endless destruction of my fingers, toes, skin, scalp, teeth and the rest they slather chemicals on, inject liquids laced with mind control drugs into my bladder every night so these sick parasites can continue to teleport and torture me every day to DEATH. now they have blocked my money and I must fight to save my life. This has never happened before, and usually there is a letter from some agency asking for more information not just money cut off. This has happened twice when German men were beating raping and insulting me while the endless group of celebrities watched on laughing smiling and gloating feeding off the violence and glowing with hormonal parasitic energy. Fighting fighting to get the latest one off me, I have been told by celebrities that "you have no choice" and "I can't wait to see you not be able to fight back any longer" as this current German abuser has told them all that he will force me to be amenable to being poisoned raped destroyed gang raped by his father friends and partners in Germany where I will have "no chance" and etc. All the members of the W-wood team have encircled this violent abuser with love friendship and offers of every invitation to have sex with them to be worshipped all minorities rally around him with love and obedient supplication. Nazi/Holocaust survivors rally to him for the contracts he promises his Nazi 4th Reich group can offer as they all viciously abuse me in front of him, in front of them all. Presidents have come to violently glare in hate at me; those who claim "hope and change" but not for me, happily they indulge every Nazi fantasy of take-over of the United States with them as partners getting more tv and book deal promises for the endless continuation of their media celebrity performances, either for upcoming political events and preesidential campaigns or movies and tv deals and book deals and laughing and laughing they all join with the upcoming administration like rubbing elbows schmoozing and really demonstrating absolute cooperation between the ersatz "left and right". Thusly, they have all orchestrated, for their endless grift greed and sleazy nasty enslavement of people "like me" to be microchipped and beaten poisoned my career completely gone from y ears of being poisoned and tortured they have gone to the Oscars for over 15 years in a row either the same two celebrities or the ever-enlarging circle of adherents to this contract, each taking turns rushing at me with vicious hate. and for fighting back, they have cut off my money after abusive dirty nasty rape while I was dr4ugged, asleep and abused by a German. I had t o fight to get my money reinstated. They have tried to cut my money off again twice in the last 6 months. They have used their influence to have this mail service lie about services overcharging for my attempts to get the information I need costing me hundreds of dollars on a sub-sub-poverty un-survivable amount of sub-sub-sub-poverty income. Around the world they have forced the income to be unsurvivable in all economies of the planet, almost. //They have been repeatedly threatening to cut off my money using the lying hate that they all use to intimidate and torture me. MTG hissed at me after her sexual assault that "it only takes a letter" and I have been told multiple times that I will "have no choice" and cutting my money off while I am deadly ill and fighting to heal, after years of them trying to murder me via poisoning, is another sure way to have me killed making it appear like some "failure" on my part. I beseech anyone to intervene not only in THIS situation but in the entity of the entirety of this inhumanity, ongoing criminal State-sponsored terrorism the enslavement of humanity the mind control and rape and destruction of all the progress possible for human beings and that I am paid by this group so I am not endlessly in dire threat of murder by money being cut off for defending myself.

 I have written about this threat in another post, and today I do not want to write the specific name of this agency but on the other hand, it is Social Security, the very agency that the government has been chipping away at while increasing billions and trillions for their military-industrial-entertainment complex (all intertwined as mind control is a huge factor in compliance).


My family has benefitted in millions off this contract out on me, these celebrities the politicians all have profited in multi-millions and the latching on to this contract by more and more and more and more politicians, celebrities and all their underlings (i.e. the mail service in Los Angeles) are all working for their collective selfish-self interests, promised endless free promotions and money for abusing targets and helping to destroy finances and life denying health care to targets while poisoning them to death raping the poison into the body of the inert comatose drugged brain-altered victim teleorted in deep sleep so all sensation is gone in the "prime body".

thusly impacting any resistance to poisoning a life-threat. 

This has been ongoing for 15 years just from the celebrities, the people who handed this tech over to them (English and Italian but connected to the celebrities out of Miami Beach and Los Angeles) had done it to near-death for years before handing the endless money-making machine of stealing my ideas and then poisoning and torturing me into physical decline, deformity and death while they feed off hormones of energized sexual titillation and are paid in multi-millions by the 4th Reich.

I appeal to anybody to not only stop this block of my money, but also to make these celebrities or my family pay for this violence against me so I am not helplessly stuck with no access to earning money (any internet attempts are blocked my typing is just hacked so badly I can't even write out or use the internet it is constantly being turned off and when I contemplate paying for a service, which I have done  before when I was studying online for grad classes, in this same system, the same hacking was continuous they turned the signal off while I was in the middle of working constantly, every day. 

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