Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Fascist violence (being punched in the face by German thug boyfriend of dirty shitalina) post Golden Showers award. The fascist response and violence post my post regarding the FIFTEEN YEARS of this foul dirty leech skank scum feeding energetically off rape and torture of me for all the 15 years she could get any and all white trash Europigapes into the skit scenario of raping and beating slapping poisoning and having my home made stinking if I tried to get them off--in drugged (dying) sleep and barely cognizant mode from endless druggingi poisoning. I wrote two days ago that this filth should not be awarded. I returned from a long day of shopping and being assaulted by non-stop blonde white Nazi apes on their "holidays" being serviced like plantation masters by a brown wave of subservient programmed loving bots; nothing not an iota any different from the billionaire/millionaire black and brown and "minority" programmed hateful agents of American politics and media puppetry.//The knee-jerk fascist response was a gloating smug violent fascist display to prove (for more awards) that any written response to years and years of 24 hour torture, every award these dirty foul leech whores have obtained in the last 15 years or longer have been stolen from my writings which I could not even retain---all written on Facebook in the endless struggle to get even a paragraph out within a 15 minute fight to get the keyboard to work, backspacing as everything is blocked. So drugged (dying) I could not function could not concentrate. All my possessions, every single thing broken stolen and all electrical gear frayed all writing stolen. I could not figure out how to stop the invasions into my living space while in a comatose teleported state I only could resort to writing my idea on Facebook. They "programmed" me to write my ideas as well. I was so drugged my body was a square shape of hard poisons with layers of cellulite and poison raised into just disgusting protruding masses of poisoned mutilation. //I could not use a Flash drive to save ideas I could not write more than 4 paragraphs and this is still true now. The effort to pound and write while my brain is also fraught with electronic blocks to cognitive processes left me with almost nothing but a few sentences.//The ugly sick sleaze skank with a group of the Europigape trash sitting in rows and the controlled American whores who also have attacked, viciously and otherwise, coming to watch the German once more punch me in the face as they are all telling me, that means politicians who have been retained in the last rigged election and those promoted into higher ranking or the Senate--al backing this German Nazi-spewing filth rape violent abuser (Obama being the most openly supportive of antisemitic violence against me; although I have nothing to do with Jews or that community and that black Nazi uncle tom had Jews in his administration you can believe they are as stupid in terms of obeying white supremacy as he is). Stupid in terms of just blanking out consciousness and following the dangling promises of more multi-million $ mansions more tv interviews more book tours more promotions more invites to the Met Gala to wear a stupid dress "Tax the rich" etc.

 The ugly trashy creep skank whore said complacently that "I won" but that ugly sick stupid whore never "won" any single thing. The months of having this German trash filth creep who they all love and gather around to vent his sickness his violence and woman-hating racism out on me as they laugh party they all go off supporting him they love him, all the gyrating skank shit from the last circus Harris campaign have been elevated--Jlo looks ever-more white and glowing with happiness after threatening my life and abusing me with the German ape slime standing smiling. She has been attacking me out of the Miami region since at least 2006, if not much longer (I was invited by email to a "party" which had a list of guests and her filthy name was on the list)

I am digressing now, but the endless foray of celebrities and politicians viciously assaulting and abusing me with this German sick fuck standing smiling and smug as hell--coming to control America

and that is exactly why ugly sick stupid shitalina "won" because for over 15 years she got the "Jew" out of Whorewood, got more "Jews" from Whorewood to gather around and get Oscar invites--such as Spielberg with his blonde Nazi skank wife--attacking me, after I posted on Facebook about West Side Story he came out with his "award" movie which is really boring and although technically well-done

but for years he was handed Oscars or nominations while his presence in this murder situation I have been living in was just a stepping stone for him. All the crap actors (male & female) who obtained international recognition for the movies that Spielberg cranked out are now openly viciously antisemitic and racist--the black creeps (Oprah just rushed to violently attack me last week--the years of her being literally championed in Whorewood after her vicious assaults upon me for years was met with all top prizes--being told she could yap her "strong black woman" bs--but just another sniveling dirty minority minion if you take out the years of her being coached in how to yell out "bold statements" about how "strong" she is. I just had to get attacked because I fell into the same trap of wanting to believe that there is something honorable and decent in dirty cesspool whorewood when Denzel Washington hacked his similar  yapping "I'm so strong and righteous" absolute bullshit from his videos on "motivation" which I had never searched for, never wanted to actually have anything to do with him because he came to the teleportation one single time I said with anger "not another one" he made a sad face and then I never saw him again until just three or two days ago because I began to watch Gladiator--knowing that I should not, that the director is a lying fascist bigot shit creep and that all his movies are projections of some grandiose facet of the Nazi fascist 4th Reich display of power and overtake of society. The theme is very long, the attacks on my brain and keyboard are too strenuous for me to type and get any of this out. I am now ranting as usual the rage is a sickness that is surging out due to the stress of fighting to type the frustration that I am always curtailed while sick stupid meaningless filthy shit have stolen my ideas, the rest of America participated in me being raped poisoned and left with NO HEALTH CARE to survive--so they are trying to kill me now using stress and violence non-stop and poisoning and drugging plus now they havea someone urging all the rest of the shit to just punch me in the face, as he keeps doing as I fight back this filthy creep is being handed every single thing possible to train more of the shit from Whorewood into the most violent fascist Nazi behavior as possible. Full cheers from the old white trash men from Congress and the black dirty filth who are part of their false "diversity" appearance.

Oprah has a void now in the endless promotions that she achieved from about 2 years of violence poisoning and torture of me as a plethora of black scum shit rushed to join in because I called her an Aunt Jemima. 

Because Harris did not win, that ugly sick bloated creep prostituted meaningless crap has to attack me once more to continue the endless "strong black woman who made it but grew up poor black like in The Color Purple bs that Spielberg along with violently disgusting Whoopie goldberg who began hitting me as I fought back.

I am now rambling and ranting, typing is now almost impossible the blocks to all keys and fighting with all my hand to get anything out


pounding as the keys won't operate, so stiff I must literally exercise my hand strength pounding pounding down my biceps are working hard to pound my arm and hand down


And the stupid shit who have drugged poisoned and s tolen my ideas are awarded by the 4th Reich for bringing a non-stop plethora of white Europigapeland trash and meaningless mediocre shit into America to train more Americans to punch rape torture kill steal and become fascist "aristocrats" afterwards.

Thusly, my writing in rage that this filth creep, who said she "won" but I never checked, I only wrote the post to try to get anyone who may care about America and about the country to stop this endless snowball effect of greasy greedy sleazy stupidity only following orders from a trash heap they and you all worship called Euro-land

a most foul fascist dictatorial group with genocidal aims and aspirations to devour America, destroying it using their filthy stupid puppets of Whorewood, who put Trump into power and now everyone is not shy about saying that America is trending fascist.


And that is all I can get. My ability to actually type and write is always blocked. The white trash bigotry which comprises most of you reading this, or the black jewish latino asian or whatever components without which this genocidal regime could not encompass the earth, are all smug as these "awards" are handed to smug stupid whore apes who, in this situation forced upon me, have done actually nothing but feed off the hormones of non-stop daily and nightly torture upon me, as they are energized into feeling not only supremely privileged but that they can never be stopped, that the endless progression of power through criminality is so empowering and they are addicted to the endless free theft and violence they can't even stop if they ever had any pangs of conscience. Thusly they keep rushing back taking turns abusing raping punching beating and they now have a most stupid foul German filth scumbag who is their thug beating punching raping and making a huge display of it in front of the smiling brood of scum.

They have all been handed every free red carpet all money for their productions paid in multi-millions. They are ASSURED at the very least highest nominations for all awards categories and festivals. They are assured that top production teams which they could never access are at their disposal. The Black ops funding (drug smuggling human trafficking which all these filth scumbag whores are completely familiar with, most of the shit attacking me are current or former cocaine addicts alcoholics sex addicts workaholics pedophile incest victims or promoters--)

all completely a pack of vicious hyena-like smirking laughing vicious sniveling weak parasites that I must confront in this technology tyranny that is so embraced  by the current president, who just seamless continued the same violent from Trump, who was intended to "win" this time around and the pig apes let me know that they knew at least one month ago before the election who was going to win. Unfortunately the technological aspects that Elon Musk has at his grasp, which Trump ensured he would have back in 2016 when Musk and Amber Heard and shitalina and pig shit filth stupid ape pitt handed Trump has now ensured that hacking into elections is private and silenced, just like this teleportation tyranny is silenced, fully approved of and everyone knows but the news sources state that teleportation is being experimented upon little bytes of computer bits in emails and perhaps teleportation of bytes of info can one day be achieved.


Of course, I wrote beforehand that dirty ugly shitalina would probably "win" the Europigapeland Golden Shower (p$$ on America award for every traitorous anti-American American who helps put in more fascism through the mind programming of these insidious sleazy sick "movies", more Nazi programming more "Illuminati" programming more symbolic representation (ancient symbols often) used by "secret societies" which I have been studying for years I recognize the intent and purpose but most people have no inkling)

All "awarded" by the "Foreign Press" for bringing in as much foreign control into the U.S. as possible. The endless teams of Europigape shit who operate behind "my wine plantation in France" dirty ignoramus shit pig ape pitt, the "I'm part German part English" skank Nazi-spawn dirty ugly sick shitalina

I am hacked, blocked can't function they are handed MILLIONS to promote my ideas, but to suffuse them with Nazi and secret society symbols (all handed to them by their teams, they have no idea about anything whatsoever related to art, symbols or any single thing--because they are not intellectuals they are not compassionate they are not artists they are performative models who have been handed every plastic surgery to enhance a Nazi-esque appearance along with every dog and whistle Pavlovian dangling carrot to project this mentality onto the void of the blankness of the increasingly less intellectual and discerning public through these vile movies.


The movie that this filthy dirty skank has been awarded for, as she said she |"won" but she won nothing, it was rigged it was pre-determined and it was months of being raped and beaten with her bringing in a filthy stupid vile creep from Germany making "I will kill you in a concentration camp" style endless spewing of hate after violently raping and beating me in front of the teams of sleaze filth and shit whom I have been fighting off for years. 

That is why this ugly dirty stupid shit whore was "awarded" whether the "prize" went to that filthy whore or not. Another dirty whore also was vying for the top position. The theme of elderly Nazi women trying to relive their "power" is a common theme. This is yet another "victim" ploy about Nazi women not being as sexual and alluring as previously and the injustice of the "youth culture' as these vultures use every pity tactic to make their filthy movies. Jane Fonda also is a huge component of this theme, and it was nuanced as well in one of the movies that hit it big--

with actors part of the attack situation who know knew and although they have not shown up in front of my face, their videos and photos have appeared regularly (except for one I am thinking of, but she is very close to pig ape pitt).

And so my non-intellectual ranting post has come out. The German ape filth parasite keeps coming punching into my face from a side angle as I sit here fighting to clean the filth and pick out the dead leaves of a very beautiful plant that they are poisoning every day, as they have not stopped killing all my beautiful plants on my patio for the past 2 years--the landlord took away all my beautiful vines 4 years ago, I had no plants as he threatened to evict me if a drop of water appeared on the patio below--and that was a fabricated lie in the first place--just another attack upon all that I have and do that is beautiful and could make me have something other than destroyed shabby stinking dirty filth--my body covered completely with scars from nightly assaults as ugly shitalina has been handed top awards along withg dirty stupid smug shit pig ape pitt

and they are surrounded by Europigapeland filth dirty creeps who, if I display any intelligence they instantly rush to beat and yell as fascists for hours. Any display of equal or superior intellect or training is met with a hail of violence. 

As they keep on attacking me for every THOUGHT I am thinking to stifle all that is superior and great about me, which they keep asking me for ideas so their mediocrity can be bolstered by original ideas as I never believed in their mainstream k-rap rap I never liked any of them

one of them I "liked" but hated for over a decade until I was paralyzed (this was back in America, but this team has been torturing me through Stallone and his vile Italian team, and French and etc and then Tyler who was more in the background with his English teams--)

and i can't struggle to fight to pound this out any longer\I can't even think or write my really great ideas and I did undergo 6 years of grad school and I did get good grades but some professors even discriminated against me and gave me D's when all other profs gave me non-stop A's. I was being killed my last semester and was so ill I could not finish my papers I had to go to this place where I am now and have not been able to do more than fight to get this poison out of my body for the past 15 years as shitalina now has a U.S. Govenment-sanctioned rapist German Nazi-spewing ugly sick filth thug creep to punch abuse rape and threaten to kill me in front of them all--smiled at by Obama, embraced by all of these shit whores who keep using my ideas to get their shows into highest orbit

Pig ape pitt's dirty production team with his nasty violently racist wife, ugly anniston, not sure which one of them uses the pretense that they "care" about black victims of racism but it is a theme they have used for years- pig pitt probably is a closet homosexual with preferences towards brown and black uncle tom types who grovel with love at Nazi "tops" (he's probably a bottom a lot in the closet).

And, the stress upon my body and the stress of poisoning and the stress of always being alone the stress of never being able to have even one single cat for any companionship the stress of fighting for my life constantly the stress of fighting to "not react" as the hate sentences are being pummeled into my brain on a non-stop basis (all kinds of hate words are issued in a streaming non-stop hissing hate attack into my brain through the cochlear technology forcing the hate directly into my brain, all day, hissing hate words and then this German thug they have put into this attack constantly coming at me suddenly from a side angle to punch my face--I fight back, the pig got his reaction, the pig ape whores got their reaction. Me writing 2 days ago to not let this filthy dirty whore shitalina "win" another rigged contest for an idea she stole from  me, as every year she comes out with my ideas, or her friends do, as they are awarded for it. This is not to say that they didn't embellish the bs wrapped around my original concept with all the money that production and costumes can buy

but, for writing about this the team of fascist imperialist English, I believe that is the crowd of shit that was in the rows of chairs watching as t heir good Nazi buddy punched me in the face as ugly gloating smirking filthalina told me that she had "won".

This is not my response to the "win" as I wrote months ago that the Golden Shower awards (p##ing on America awards pi@@ing on concepts of actual "freedom" cloaking all fascist ideology into the semblance of egalitarianism)

but that probably she would win in that domain of bringing in as many fascist Nazis into power cartel reach connecting Whorewood with Congress as possible. The members of Congress I have seen all are firmly into "I'm part German and English" welcoming red carpet committees to bring in as many Europigapes into America as possible. They want fascist totalitarian methods of how to quash to quell to imprison and to rape women they don't like to put the most foul lying skanks into  "feminist" position whose goal is to become as wealthy "aristocracy" as possible, which means their ugly dirty men must have victims to feed off, as the women feed off watching other women get trashed in their stead--racism is the conduit through which the endless line-up of victims is handed to the bigot men

In places like thailand, this combination is met with investment opportunities so the hate and genocidal facet of the actual mentality is diverted into the brown women and men attacking me for approval, as it is in America to the same exact proportion as any "Developing country" Banana republic 3rd World plantation system.


The fascist tyranny of dirty ugly shitalina, whose every movie about women's power, based on ideas she tortured had ugly shit white trash men rape and beat out of me, is met by more violence so that the next goal of Oscar win (but I predict she will not "win" in that race) and than an entire EMPIRE based on me, this prototype microchip implanted endless target of hate, racism, sexism and bigotry will be "controlled" by some dirty foul bigot white trash ape or it could be from any race or skin color, but just for s**ts and giggles, make it a German Nazi sleazy fuck crap parasite thug, they all laugh and agree upon this irony of the representation of all that they publicly are endlessly awarded for portraying.

By the way, if ever any of them project "emotions" for these roles which are hailed as "great" acting, you had also not doubt that the brain-attacking tech and other technologies (I have heard that microwave technology is used to force tears out of eyes, or the arsenals that these filth creeps have at their disposal, with Elon Musk's satellite capability that can indeed beam into human bodies through walls)

but the fake emotions that they portray can appear as "real" due to nervous system attacks so they can be artificially-rendered as sobbing, crying, terrified, elated, etc

these emotions are also artificially induced into my body as well

yesterday I had a horrible attack on my nervous system deflating my energy into a "depression" brainwave zone. It was a remote attack, I never feel this way it was absolutely an anomaly.

This was ordered by the German filth scum, as well as teams of blonde white trash crap following me around in stores, blocking my path. .They got another little dirty German-looking boy, around age 11, to stop in front of me as I was pushing my cart in a very busy section of a grocery store--he began flailing his arms in circles his hands in fists as if he was beating someone. They are instructed, these walking goon attackers to sway until they are walking directly in front of me, I believe the "voice to skull" technology is being employed as most of them are not holding any devices--but thanks to Elon Musk and his satellites and his 15 years of involvement in this horrible technological crime wave that he helped to accentuate with Trump putting him into power--but not just Trump, oh no. The list of wealthy magnate type personalities extends to some of the most notable Wall Street types--my brain is blocked and the name of a most famous American investor is blocked but the funding for this operation is well into the wealthiest in the world arena of funding. The performative people like Musk and Trump are just the show-spokespersons for the entire take-over drama skit unfolding as the news anchors refuse to even begin to report on the actual reality. 

An endless barrage of blathering lying protects them all.

The technology is being dispersed to them all. New ideas they can steal endlessly from the creative type people, like me, who want nothing to do with any people of this group, as none of them I ever liked except one under extreme duress and isolation and he portrayed, falsely, the "alternative" movement but he's a fascist empty meaningless boring yuppy money-grasping fake--but with acting skills, no doubt about that. Probably he's one of the top or best of them all. A total destroyed brainwashed programmed bigot in private.

And that is all for today. I tried to remain silent but they are attacking me  non-stop with hate and drugging all day until I write. They then get more promotions to me responding with unendurable stress. No friends no love not a pet nothing but vicious murdering people surrounding me at all times in every place, everywhere.

Yesterday while I was paying in an area where there is supposed to be a division line of the waiting line and the payment area, while my back was turned from the payment zoned-off area and the cash register, as I paid after putting the items back into my cart, someone literally ran and took out the huge 4-box pack of tissues from my cart. It was obviously a huge item. The woman at the  cash register later followed me as I was beginning to pack all my items into my bags, with the greasy hormone rush ooze on her face that is so characteristic of shitalina the grease stain who every day of torturing me she gets a boost of hormones much more powerful than all her plastic surgery renovations

and thusly, I also could not "remember" that I had bought this item. I am so blanked out in public that I "forget" items, forget to pick things up

but this payment area is a tiny little space at the back of the store. The huge item of 4 boxes of tissue paper is nothing anyone could "forget" to pick up as there is about a 3-foot area to put items down., the cashier then places them to one side, one foot to the left, so there is no way that I "forgot" to pick this item up.

and the endless attacks on my brain, which is ongoing right now so I am cursing rather than writing clearly with any kind of sophisticated analysis--it's just fighting endlessly to pound words out with my entire hand pumping on the keys to pound as hard as I possibly can

pounding on the keys only means that 80% of the letters appear. I hae to then rewrite backspacing, which is more endless pounding down

my shoulder, my biceps and arms are now sore from this

meanwhile, the sleazy stupid ignorance of shitalina and this dirty mediocre German scum filth ape are being hailed, not for their originality or creativity, but for their absolute conformity to the authority of this group of sinister mind screw operators and wealthy genocidal--probably mostly out of England from The Crown, Ltd conglomerate controlling as much as they can in America through these conformist, absolutely empty meaningless scum creesp who have relied on either attacking me to obtain non-stop top quality production teams, costumes and every thing from advertising to promotion to being ensured year after year for 15 years that the glossy most top production of all will be sent directly to every festival all media will be instructed because they are all aligned into this system to hail the "acting" of the shit whores who have no depth no soul no creativity just sleazy empty and blank bigots and sexist rapist scum.

and they got me to react, which means they will get another day of awards. I tried to be "stoic" but the endless stress on my nervous system, with being physically assaulted repeatedly told they would kill me making murder statements for every sharp object I use to cut paper with every moment anything and everything I do they either ask questions about, to see if they can steal any concept or healing idea as they have done constantly for over 15 years.

As with every other day, I write, more filth shit and scum from Congress, Whorewood, MSNBC or any other goddamn crap media company (mostly aligned with "The Left")

rush to join in. They mock, abuse yell fascistically at me hold guns at me threaten my life as I fight back, they get promotions they are invited t o dirty Biden's white house so stained with greasy incompetence and collusion with fascist Nazism by now that it's impossible to pretend it doesn't exist with the dirty outgoing Biden admin. Unfortunately his partners are still in the Senate and in the House, Many of those elected in the rigged elections under the Trump admin, all working assiduously to ensure the continuation of fascist Nazism. 

I remain writing to a void of incompetence but skilled at lying blathering bullshit operators who hail and award the filth I am writing about, every day to them only being awarded more for me writing not less.

They don't stop endless death threats being hit tortured drugged and abused every day for non-stop hours, every moment they are hissing hate words punching into my face abusing me and making death threast. I am non-stop cleaning up stinking filth that they order their filthy creeps to spray on everything. I am assaulted non-=stop everywhere I go at almost every single moment. I am fighting every day to get hard poison they are still making jokes about how deformed my body as as the main focus of all their attacks, as if not having a perfectly plastic surgery-created body is a crime. It's the only thing they can use against me as any attack. Meanwhile, dirty ugly shitalina had her German whore pig boyfriend punch me in the face for writing in rage, that was drug-induced, from over 7 days of being stuck in a torture chamber room, shitting poison out she and they all ordered put in my body to paralyze me, as they attack me without end day and night without end now endlessly being punched in the face raped without end death threats are constant. 

And they are never NOT awarded for the ideas that they stole from my writings, changed them into the ideas from some movie called Blonde it was supposedly based on a book. All of the ideas that they are now or in recent years have been awarded for I wrote on Facebook as the only means of getting anything down that was not going to be destroyed or stolen by the endless teams of shit rushing into my room to rape steal and destroy and break my computers my body and my life.

That was over a decade ago. The books that were consigned to rewrite my ideas, I suspect, were written in the last few years and then turned into these movies--they can then claim that the ideas were adapted from books, but I suggest the books were written as a template based on my ideas that they all stole from as early as 2013--

but I stopped writing my creative ideas, as few as I could manage to get ou t. I wanted to equate this experience with violence against women. The dirty rape filth cheerleader whore pimp prostitute team has been going on a holiday of stealing these ideas which they could never formulate, having their Nazi teams assign the writings of books and scrips based on the idea(s) they stole from me in relation to the endless rape torture and murder and hate attacks from them (all, a non-stop rotation of shit whores coming back after the endless awards and deals have run out they all return to get more).

I can't pound down any longer. To get and alleviate this deadly stress, as they have stopped the nervous system attacks which literally are being electronically conveyed along my spine, creating a sense of rage and hate--as yesterday they forced a severe sense of depression which I never have--they can artificially induce various reactions of extreme sexual passion for scumbag ugly pigs--and this German scumbag ugly stupid sick pig and his ilk have these technologies at their disposal. The looks of delight from the groups of shit,. filth and crap I fought and fought to get off me as they abused insulted and went off being invited to lecture at the United Nations for every humanitarian concept (but ultimately that agency is probably funding every genocide on the planet).

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