Sunday, January 12, 2025

Tsk tsk---celebrities look UGLY from a few DAYS merely of losing their homes and make-up artists and sense of superiority due to an "act of God" as the technical definition of an unforeseen catastrophe is labeled for various legal entities (except fire insurance claims for those with flood and other disaster types but no exact "fire" insurance). They look distraught, some have their make-up on in interviews but they look like Tik Tok malpractice fakes trying to put on far too much.//Some of the same have watched me become H OMELESS but not just homeless but poisoned and tortured nearly to death as they flung their selves and their hate upon me, endlessly laughing as ugly plastic surgery skank parasite filthalina inflicted with ugly sick pig ape shit pitt endless 24 hour torture while laughing at my struggles as they continuously had dirty nasty minions destroy MY HOME STEAL MY MONEY POISON MY FOOD every SINGLE DAY FOR YEARS TO MURDER ME WHILE BEING PUT INTO OSCARS FOR IDEAS THEY STOSLE OUT OF MY DRUGGED RANTING WRITINGS TRYING TO be in my creative mode rather than hysterical. Now I can only rant because all years of writing to divert my mind into themes related to this terror you ALL have watched and supported them inflict in and out of los angeles they stole---and the creeps who support and still support this foul team are ugly without their make-up artists and stylists. Their pock-marked drooping with depression faces for having undergone for ONE SINGLE WEEK what their wonderful partners have forced me into for over THREE DECADES AS THEY JUMPED TO JOIN IN.//How ugly dirty ugly sick s hitalina and pig ape pitt the filth pair would look if for just one week they inflicted one day of abuse that the pour on every single day without their props, their mommys and daddys also joining in telling little stupid whore shitalina and pig ape dirty dumb pitt that they are good little children (mommys and daddys profit off the crimes) and so, they are told they are "good" endlessly by big brother as well who is just another big daddy rape culture dirty old man structure, ugly without the props of scriptwriters and make-up stunts and plastic surgeries without end and gangs of idiot scumbags propping up their rancid poop personalities and ugly selves, always adorned with artifice. Withoout such, they are putrid-looking and foul to behold and I see it nowl. They laugh as I am being raped beaten by this filth trash dirty German ape who is STILL du ring this crisis abusing and threatening my life while yet another crew of Nazi blonde Oscar aspirants have taken the place of apparently busy shitalina pigape pitt maybe their rotten undeserved houses mansions and properties are burning right now. How ugly they truly are you can see in these more candid camera interviews, their sagging depressed faces their overly-layered make-up resemblances of what make-up artists do the women who do this truly appear like distorted clowns. But they can't stop even while Whorewood is burning, they just gathered around other scumbag whores to inflict the rapist German who is a loser mediocrity they all adore because there are no boundaries to the criminality of his dirty Nazi posturing and all boundaries taken off to becoming absolutely violent vile and repugnant is all they are about. As Trump takes power, and this German ape filth scum whore was invited by dirty Obama to help his wife family and his dirty self alongside Trump, giggling as they all are, to get more tv interviews more grasping of more elections and the endless donations which they all suck out for their next spate of mansions and investments, stealing raping robbing and all the presidents sitting for the Carter funeral are all fellow criminals rubbing elbows as one dirty nasty crime unit. The celebrities look like people who have been crying, as I have looked from over FIFTEEN YEARS of daily torture extending from deep sleep to hours of waking to m y body being mutilated my food poisoned my cat stolen my home made deadly toxic stinking and poisoned. Hundreds of filthy white trash pig apes and their nasty Obama-replications, and Oprah replications and Farrakhan self-righteous bigot hypocrites attacking me and Jewish Nazis rushing to prove their affiliation. They laugh and scream in unison that ugly whore prostitutalina is "more beautiful" after her 15th monthly plastic surgery treatment or beauty treatment per month while I struggle to heal every day as they torture me into depression rage and old age, every single day. They forced this German ape fuck whore piece of sick ugly dirty SHIT upon me and I reacted out of years of torture, while I was shitting many chunks of layers of poison out I was extremely ill so they inflicted violent Nazi rapist upon me as they all laughed and watched while this ugly filth whore ape punched my face slapped my face called me bitch and I was poisoned drugged and my brain and nervous system under the most strong mind control effect of sexual desire while I was saying NO NO NO as he kept slapping hitting punching while he looked at ugly shitalina for approval as they all gathered around him. That was after 15 years of torture being stuck in rooms shitting poison out sick and abused without end by non-stop dirty trash pig men who raped beat slapped and abused me and all gather like rotten parasites. Now they appear like ugly dirty losers ugly and sick without the prop of feeding off someone to abuse the props of the empire of hate handing them millions to project fake "strength and superiority" when the "chips are down" they are a bunch of pathetic weak clowns.

The real LA term would be: when the chips are down

These whiny-ass bitches are a bunch of clowns

how weak and pathetic they truly are, how emboldened the sleazy rape ape scum are with technology where a person is the equivalent of bound in a translucent near-blind state as they rush to punch and slap from side angles or rape and force their filthy penises in my mouth slapping my face and calling me bitch, on my knees as the same ugly sinister apes have their hair blown back their make-up on their sense of entitlement handed to them by Trump, Obama, Biden and the rest of the rotten rat administration swamps that just are a carry-over of the last swamp-ridden rat crew which preceded them all. 

How ineffectual they are in a crisis. How they love to dump hate and misery onto others. How they call the homeless that they exploit to have their imbalance of wealth as a pivot that the government creates a wealth gap, which these rat whore pig apes equate with some kind of superiority due to being able to pretend they are bold, charismatic and strong when in effect they feed off the misery of others and the dirty pairs of creeps, the Depps the pitt shit group are all weak sleazy dirty and the preidents are just disgusting and weak if they are put into a crisis they must rely entirely on the strength of their underlings to prop them up, constantly.

When I had to deal with Oprah for the years that she tortured me, preceding her first presidential run, and then her MOST STUJPID AND IMMATURE CLOWN ACT for the Harris campaign, which turned off a LOT of black people who felt insulted and probably cost much of the Dem vote as the stupid circus that Obama fully ordained, as he is now a vile "entertainer" celebrity bereft of any single vestige of compassion and decency, in collaboration with the hate death mentality of the Whorewood Murder, Inc group., which put Trump into power because it is controlled by Nazi internationale--mostly foreign and all must comply with what the Europigape shit instruct them to do. Without their pretense that they are fashionistas with haute Parisian style, they are just ugly. weak and hopelessly helpless

Oprah., just like the really blank and hateful Liv Tyler along with her violent daddy who put little nepobaby into mainstream movie blockbuster attention but ever since., she has not been in such a high-ranking visibility

and I asked her, because I have been a teacher and I grew up around a professor if she ever has read any books on feminism because Harlots was about women's rights not merely around prostitution but in all respect, she played a higher-ranking wealthy aristocrat.

Nothing, blank and a stare of "I don't have to" 

and Oprah, I asked her if she had ever done a "risk assessment" and she had not, of course. Her response was that her "staff would do it for me" 

and that is how they all operate as "symbols" put to highest responsibility but because they truly are not working to educate themselves and only appear to facilitate a fantasy that they want to  be identified with, not daring to extend their minds beyond mediocrity which is what Whorewood demands--no one really thinking no one really strong no one actually embracing the concepts they are selling (out) because the 4th Reich wants to quash all real sentiment and put empty meaninglessness in it's place, thus killing off the concepts completely (now "woke" is a joke, as the Nazis intended to put people not knowing what they were doing as representatives of these "woke" ideologies).

Once the facade is torn down even for a weak they are weak and stupid and ugly./

how they laugh and shout that ugly shitalina the rapist whore is more "beautiful" as they continue to degrade my life with torture from the German ape sick ugly filth crap they all worship because of the money he and his Nazi group are handing out so this mediocrity ugly sick fuck creep can use shitalina and pig ape pitt, who are mediocrities by themselves only visually symbolizing the need for white trash of America to pose as being elite Europigapeland aristocrats.

The Europigapeland aristocrats are all from Socialized countries where Nazi Socialism ironed them all out into conformist mediocrity and laxity in in-depth analysis--those in the Whorewood domain I have been subjected to. This is to say that the myth of Europigapeland superiority is truly a myth. I grew up reading literature out of England that generation was killed off during, preceding but especially AFTER world war II when England truly hosted a Nazi revision in their country--calling it various other names but Nazism has risen there just as in Germany and France. The sleazy fuck who has directed THREE SKANKS (one out of Israel but is probably a U.S. citizen now or dual citizenship) and the two other American-born have ALL viciously assaulted me laughing giggling and being put into a Spanish post-franco fascist Nazi directors trilogy about women I WROTE OF, all fo them Diana and Jackie and Maria

all have assaulted me, their goal and their win was through a fascist Europigapeland spaniard\

the current line-up of wanna be endlessly "winning" rigged awards for torture and rape antisemitism blonde Nazism in partnersihp with the German dumb fuck ape have assembled now that the fires have ripped dirty ugly shitpigape alina finally off me, only to be replaced but the desperate for fame mediocrity |German boring sleazy creep-and these scum dirty apes of whorewood do not understand what a creep he really is, they only see "wealthy" German man offering every promise of money to everyone out of his Nazi Swiss bank account reserves from the Nazis, and all the black pussy-gyrating scumbags rush to assault me., that includes Oprah who was just doing that last week.

But their stupidity and weakness is showing by the one single week of what they inflicted on me every day is now visible in their depressed unkempt faces.

Some of them. Some of LA remains. The German ape scum remains endlessly because he is a talentless scumbag shit whore from Europigapeland, the perfect company for ever-increasingly mediocre and sleazy sick Obama and Trump who has been glorified for all the Nazism that the Whorewood establishment has used THROUGH HIM. 

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