Tuesday, January 21, 2025

To No one, as there is no one here (except me). Update on the attack on my life, this time financial. It was forced on January 14, so last week. As I suspected and knew, it was done recently and my mail was rejected at the mail service I have used for months---returned my money suspended. They are demanding either a redetermination--I am chronically disabled, this group crushed my lumbar and cervical vertebrae the medical records state chronic and permanent disability which means there is nothing that will make me "Normal" or capable of doing much, but of course they will try. I am s tuck most of the day in pain and unable to even do anything but they want to squeeze everything out of me, the tiny subpoverty included from SSI Disability. I could not obtain Social Security Disability, which would not force me to live on subpovety "Welfare" subsistence, but instead some livable expense and able to live abroad in order to survive but on SSI you are forced to have repeat reviews--but I am disabled they still are forcing the qualification for welfare upon me. They are not supposed to. They also either did not k now or lied but Social Security administration has changed various rules for food budget and you don't have to report on whether you have assistance for food or help, but this woman asked me if I did. It is listed on the website as a recent LAW that changed the policy, right below the main top portion of the main Social Security Administration page (ssa.gov) but she did not know this. I did not need to remind her for fear of the usual recrimination for knowing more than the person put into some position to deprive me of something like basic service and survival. That is how they have forced me to live. I now have to wait to phone this department in Hollywood to speak to a man to make some phone interview where all kinds of questions will be asked and I could lose everything. Even with medical records, they will force me to have to fly to America where I have literally nowhere to go, no money to survive on, and a physical condition that will make me extremely sick and in threat of extreme physical decline or illness from stress to my spine.

3 hours later of bureaucratic targeted stalking bs (repetition of the same events for most calls proves that this is not just the normal bureau bs)

on hold for 45 minutes from Social Security--the woman made me repeat my number 3 times (the repeat of simple id numbers and spelling of my name, which often requires screaming letters and repeating and this is part of the hell target frustration stress that they force on me every time possible, in foreign-speaking places or people they "No understan" usually the most basic of words, etc etc but just writing this down for no one because everyone is no one reading this

then, after of course she asked me about food supply, which is now not part of any determinability under this new law, whereby food costs and assistance are not deduced from recipients but she asked me if I had any financial help for food and was ready to deduct from my sub-sub-poverty using an outdated law (was she really working as a legitimate agent for Social Security or an agent posing as one, who had worked here but no longer works there?)

she then relayed me to phone the Hollywood office toll-free number to speak to a mr carrera, who answered with gruff annoyance without giving his name, curt and cold. He then told me that I had to phone another office in another place and gave me the wrong number (it was a toll-free but only had access to extension numbers and office hours, so I was stuck having to phone the toll-free number again. The message stated a 120-minute wait time, which probably means more like 150 minutes wait. I phoned at exactly 8 am and had to wait 45 minutes to speak to an agent---.

I can't find the toll-free number of the field office and I can't make the call using my voip so I am stuck having to wait and be refunneled to yet more lying agents who may or may not legitimately work or are working but the terrorist agents who are being redirected to lie to me always given wrong information; always I am directed to some lying hateful agent by this hate group. 

Hacking of course is ongoing. My Tor browser is being hacked and it worked for about 1 hour and is now no longer working. 

The internet connection has only been turned off 4 times for the past 4 hours of fighting to get my money re-instated.

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