Saturday, January 25, 2025

Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are reading this to "them" who are implementing these types of MURDER operations through legal means of destruction and desolation row.

1. They--poisoned me from near infancy onward with bloating/hardening poison.

2. They--put my spine out of alignment while the microchip implant forced me into an unconscious state while in the Theta deep sleep state.

3. They--thusly forced idiopathic scoliosis upon me.

4. They--continued to poison me with the bloating hardening poison and have me raped, mutilated and my body put out-of-alignment so I could never heal.

5. They--used the microchip implant system embedded into my spine, due to the microchip implant system ranging from a "procedure" in my throat excused as a different "healing" name (non-consensual) plus surgeries for spinal correction due to the poisoning which put my spine so badly out of alignment. 

6. They--forced contrived "accidents' upon me whereby the microchip implant system forced my limbs (legs, arms) to do things while driving or running so as to cause an accident. Then, always (literally)) after such contrived "accidents' while completely unconscious severe and life-threatening damage was done to my spine, toes, teeth, gum tissue, etc.

7. They--denied me health care and then even when obtaining health care I was lied-to and misdiagnosed and given more poisons and more implants and etc.

8. They--continued to poison me so my body was huge, deformed and layers of hard poison created a literal endoskeleton shape of hard poison which I fight every day to remove with no blueprint for how to do so, whatsoever. 

9. Denied the type of radiology which would have determined this hard structure in my body, such as MRI scans.

10. They--continued to poison me with mind control drugs and hardening poisons until--after more than 55 years of it on a daily basis (to one degree or another, always mind control drugging to render me in capable of decisive action or control over decisions---).

11. They--forced me to have to fight for my life as people had me drugged, then teleported to have the poison pounded into my body from repeated rape and torture skewing defense bodily systems while pounding the poison into my body as often as possible through deep sleep rape---and this was done for the profit and benefit of the teams of terrorist attackers, the level of which extends to the "elite" of all countries and their leadership ranging to the lowest, if possible. There is zero wealth differentiation in behavioral patterns the deadly viciously is uniform throughout race, gender and nationality.

12. They--have "blamed" me for the situation "they" forced me into then denounced me in most derogatory terms for being in this situation.

13. They-are now trying to cut the tiny amount of money I am given, sub-sub-poverty, because I am fighting to not be repeatedly raped and poisoned and tortured TO DEATH as that was the initial plan from "them". Now they want me to be a "slave" doing sleazy porno tricks for greasy nasty hateful abusive men and women who are partying and laughing over the millions of dollars being handed to them for this system they must adhere to for their continued non-stop "success" at my expense.

14. They--continue to deny this system, they have been major news anchors and leaders of political parties and all kinds of charitable entities who just join in viciously blaming me for not doing what they want--for their profit and my death.

15. They--are now threatening other American lives besides my own due to the blood of the millions already dead from their system, now they want to enslave devour and go off to luxury fashion modeling shows displaying their utter lavish lifestyles kissing one another in congratulations on the cheeks.

I cannot be more explicit about the decades of me literally fighting for my life and the absolute extremes I have had to maneuver to survive this which I believe most could not have done. Besides them stealing my ideas due to being outside of their system, they will not pay me but instead laughingly threaten to have my subpoverty money cut off so they can have an empire out of your system of enslavement which you all support by never exposing how the mind control technology, death squads and the poisoning and torture really operate.

I am facing absolute homelessness because of the cuts to Social Insecurity because they put me into this situation and are trying to get more out of my life as their vessel of rape torture mutilation and hormonal highs out of being paid in millions and free every-handout so they can have a more Nazified Mafia society of social injustice while they torture people like me to provide them with ideas so they can continue to portray themselves as being heroes rescuing America from all kinds of exploitation and injustice frailties of the "Human animal".











They--have fractured parts of my body so that I am chronically unable to function but I fight to try to not be a weak pray to the vultures every day 

I can't expose my vulnerabilities but I am on the social insecurity chopping block as many others are. Every detail of my life is being questioned and I have had to circumvent their system to survive. They put blocks on going outside of their system in order to survive and if you do, they will kill you for it at the level they forced me at. 

I am blamed for my predicament constantly by them and they threaten my life on a daily basis for not giving them what they want out of me. In addition to being an abused, beaten poisoned drugged mutilated slave with microchip implants forcing tears out of my eyes every day, my body to react in ways my brain to not function clearly at critical moments my telecommunications constantly blocked so I have ZERO opportunity to get out of their enslaved cages of poverty. Literally I am blacklisted forced into dire poverty with zero chance to get out unless I am forced into denigration . The people who flout Democratic opportunity hope joy and equal opportunity no rape culture feminists unite as the major "heroes' of our society are calculated icons who really don't mean it. They are some of the most violent and oppressive closed-narrow-minded rape culture bigots racists racists who worship the system that put them into iconic status so others would believe that they truly are not trying to just kill them all, us all, you all, not them not they all.


Because no one wants to intervene with this death system, it is spiraling into an outright catastrophe and people are just becoming alarmed after years of blindly going along with the money America world domination paradigm philosophy. That means cutting certain people out but everyone agreed upon it. To have people who are drugged and raped is also a  social insecurity party game to most of them who participate and it is now considered a normative event in the realm of their entitlement entertainment haute culture vulture.


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