Thursday, January 9, 2025


"Remembering Genesis P-orridge: A Beacon of Artistic and Occult Wisdom". MagickMe. January 22, 2024.

This ties-in with the recent environmental catastrophe: the "depopulaton agenda" due to lack of resources after the ravage of nature post climate destruction. The devouring locust "elite" population must continue to devour all they can to excess and thusly the elimination of "worthless feeders" through so many facets of extermination is the plan---
(cutting off Social Security, making masses of people homeless and providing no resources truly to help them get out of the rut, etc etc diseases viruses and economic collapse as well which will be consolidation of power--which is what just happened with Covid).
The interview, as the man giving the interview with P-Orridge said, was "prescient" but truly it's just clear rational analysis and study into patterns and modes of power consolidation, tactics used for many moons.
Just by the way, I wrote the above while listening to the interview. After I posted this, I was listening while doing other things and heard that Genesis had equated the hate mentality that I just explained after being abused by Snoop Dogg, with the never-ending German Nazi terrorist sitting smug with his new career stepping punching bag rape toy --me--using me as his Nazi symbol to inject Nazism into America with full applause--and also was Denzel. I said essentially this same sentiment, analysis of the devouring conquering worm paradigm of the "elites' which Whorewood conveys through it's false distortions of compassion and fights against injustice and equality (or where they are most comfy, the movies about psychopaths sleazy skanks and evil which they also play so well it is tantalizing as they also play compassionate heroes in other movies, their endless repetition of mainstream appearances have led the gamut of false pretentiousness to being "good" while they play "evil" so authentically)
but Genesis equated "them" to being LOCUSTS which I just wrote above, and said and wrote earlier.
I felt a sort of connection to Genesis while he was performing and he actually moved from his front "stage" performance to getting closer and closer to me, literally giving eye-contact and moving towards me while singing. I felt a very VERY POWERFUL presence from him, but I kept my distance. I feel, listening to him, that he is a kind of "Kindred" spirit in some way (not in all ways but there is a connection)
People like him are rare, or I am having a very hard time connecting with anyone I feel any connection to in this "tethered" constraint mind control torture situation.
But I explained a similar sentiment to Snoop Dogg with Denzel listening in, the German listening to see undoubtedly what he could steal in his "passive kindly compassionate" display for the public while he plays a very convincing Nazi and Stasi agent in his most famous roles.
Expect Snoop to come out shortly with statements such as, "we have to learn to not consume so much..." or, "the need to have too much is creating climate change global warming dire emergency etc".
I told H-wood through these people that they are programming the masses to purchase as much unnecessary image-related products as possible and have a lifestyle that is generating so much catastrophic waste into the environment. I could not say it anywhere as clearly as I am fighting to pound every key out with now, I was hitting him screaming and enraged knowing they were abusing me to produce a reaction with my ideas which they are endlessly stealing. They abuse me to obtain the ideas, they don't ask me they first torture me so I am in a state of rage after 15 years of this every day I am ready to really kill them and I try every day.
They go on and on every day, every night, the entire non-stop grabbing exploiting abusers--which Genesis refers to in this lecture along with the "locust" analogy, is just so apt they truly are programmed to emulate the Feudal "Dark Ages" of "landed aristocracy exploiting the peasants" and literally this is a correct correlation.
They have to abuse me in order to obtain ideas they could just simply ask me for in pleasant situations but by now I absolutely do not want to help any more of these leeches abuse me knowing I am being murdered and they pay nothing they assist in the destruction of my body and life happily smiling and laughing and then being praised for it later on.
This morning, freshly drugged while sleeping, it was the shitpigalinapit pitt pair who are so revolting but they never go away. Their endless rigged awards spree and non-stop violence towards me with so many death threats so many murder attempts so much destruction of my life and body and home and my cat and everything possibly they could destroy without murdering me outright through the covert death squad teams they have done--to a smaller degree or larger.
Today my plants dying on the patio, for writing in reaction to non-stop torture and they torture me if I don't write as well. They get more praise and money and promotions for abusing me into writing.
So here it is for today.
Amazing that someone out of England I find fascinating, only as long as it's dead and not an opportunist--probably because he was not he is currently deceased (murdered covertly_ as opposed to the teams of those his own age rushing for years to attack me extremely viciously, violently death threats abounding violence hate and torture. They all assume the "landed aristocracy' pomp mentality that Genesis refers to in this lecture. He/She (I forgot that Genesis was a she in this interview) should know, she and he both were in revolt against this system. They were kicked out when the alternative lifestyle was no longer tolerated as the country swung into Tory and conservative mode, particularly under Thatcher-Reagan (conjoined at the hip kicking out the hipsters).
Over 15 years of this same group of filth parasitic scum raping beating torturing me on a daily basis--in one rotation of abuse after the next, after one highest-ranking politician after the next rushes to join in so "slavery" through teleportation and death squad formational murder and oppression is secure private safe from all exposure all media and all comply with this. Victims who go along are themselves targeted eventually, which none suspect or they apparently don't care because this group has been allowed to feed off everything on the planet and has taken it over. They are so constantly abusing and consuming everything they can steal out of me and suck out and drain. I tell them every single day that I will kill them if possible that I wish them death--I used to be an extremely happy and positive person. They go on laughing they are glowing for their interviews for the movies they stole the ideas out of from me for over 15 years of daily torture. The presidents the senators the "Democracy" representatives are all violently abusing hitting threatening my life for defending myself for over 15 years, every day under life-threatening attack.
The locust-pig-apes are now looking for sentences and themes to torture out of me so they can represent concern about climate change as they have no concern about anything but their endless sucking draining lifestyles. As with the media and political speakers who shout out that "we need to fight for Democracy" what they mean is YOU FIGHT for them while they remain safe participating in the crimes and overtake and destruction of the country which they have invested in and are full members of (providing fake opposition)
and that goes as well with the Whorewood scum who are torturing me now to obtain original ideas from compassionate people so they can be portrayed as mavericks concerned about human life and the environment and how YOU can stop wasting stop purchasing so much except for their movies, and their paraphernalia they are selling (perfumes, cars, posters, luxury restaurants, their investments and their promotional merch with their names advertising the products).
And so, another day of me screaming and hitting the ape locust pig scum screaming that I CAN'T STAND YOU over and over for years and years day after dayj
they obtained more ideas
I remain seeing more plants killed on my patio because I am not providing my entire life for them to suck out without a happy subservient agreement screaming and fighting and trying to kill them in teleportation if only I could
I wonder at all if there are ANY PEOPLE on the planet any longer who are not fascist Nazi supporters or participating in this violence as I have not found anyone and those who make the claim that they are against a tyrannical system do not intend the fight to be for me, only for them and their group.
The people like Genesis who may have just been another abuser if he were still alive, I cannot find where I am. And all avoid me they don't want stress and I have been so blacklisted that the automatic assumption to abuse and hate me remains with the scumbags who are so hateful that I really have upped my self esteem in comparison to them.
They are trying to force me into accepting abuse without resistance as they mutilate and abuse and mock how I look after their endless violence using these technologies and non-stop daily violence and abuse. They are feeding off torture like rabid locusts feeding off life force. They now have ideas about climate change to promote themselves as being intelligent and compassionate, once more. I am still being hacked so I can't type on this or any computer system without literally pounding and struggling every word with extreme hand pounding down, they want me silenced only trash white pig apes are supposed to "represent" any concern about anything any superior concern any intellectual superiority only the stupid whore apes who really are disgusting locusts are only "allowed" to steal ideas and present them as their own.
The people are so programmed by this deception I myself have undergone so much torture because I try to not fall into automatic assumption about "all" members of a group being a callous worthless sleazy sick low-level parasitic filth abomination but I have to make this assumption after years of watching these fake shitty movies and tv shows (and news anchors and programs) and then being assaulted literally to death but barely surviving every day is a murder attempt through non-stop hate form the sleazy hateful bunch always increasing their numbers who rush to be promoted and asking me through torture for more ideas about why they are so ugly and sinister and what they are doing why it is "wrong". The ideas are always then transferred to the culprits offering the antidote, which I also am tortured into revealing. They torture me every minute possible at all the most vulnerable moments while I am sick from the poisoning and drugging they keep pumping into my body.
No one ever gets this German lout locust pig ape off me, it's now half a year of me screaming NO to this ugly creep as he's always there. He has been completely welcomed by all the politicians participating in this. He is absolutely an infiltrator an Imperialist and a Nazi-mentality colonialist with his nasty group of friends and his extremely wealthy group backing him none of the grasping greedy sleazy stupid f'ers of Whorewood can resist the endless money being poured out for their every despicable act.
Their vile locust mentality is also destroying the United States--just in case no one can ever f-ing figure this out but none of you apparently cares or can connect these dirty dots.
After years and years and years and years and years of writing every single single single day and night about rape torture and murder poisoning abuse that this group of sick filth has endlessly dumped their old age their misery and sucked my ideas out--the mafia the nazis the Gottis the Deniros the shitalina pig pitt and their endless Europigapeland associates urging these filthy stupid ape whores to be more violent become more like Nazis more like concentration camp killers more like fascist abuser rapists with entitlement to do whatever they want. All politicians rush to join in as they all yearn for mansions in Europigapeland they are handed everything for allowing all the Europigapeland fascists into America as many as possible if the sleazy scum politicians can get a free deal out of just agreeing with this scheme. Of course, their dirty children are promised empires as well, as they are much more violent and abusive than the dirty filth parents until it is literally violent stupid people of younger ages with dumb and mostly silent ignorant dirty Americans who were trained to actually be citizens following law for the shitty sexualized Nazi and Mafia programming that is endlessly injected into the sphere of mind programming through the media. Politicians are literally on subordinate levels in this arena the sleazy meaningless actors have more sway in power terms than the politicians, literally.
Whilst I am fighting to pound letters out, my brain is likewise inundated with attacks on my nervous system. I am dizzy, feel nauseated after the effect devours my body--a feeling of dizziness fuzzy vision sick when I stand up after pounding and pounding on the keyboard so my fingertips are numb and my biceps hurt.
Can't elaborate without cursing most of the time as the internet is turned-off constantly as well as what I write is half-deleted and rewritten or words revise to discredit me.
15 years of detailing this and still it is ongoing. Still the creeps are awarded for ideas they steal from me, gloating like criminal psychopaths about me screaming in rage because they torture me to obtain the ideas, they torture me to get funding, they torture me to help them include more ideas into the original concept they tortured out of me, they torture me to get into festivals they torture me to get more funding then they torture me murderously at the awards season after the violence of politicians during their campaigns, smiling lovingly at the German dirty filth fuck who is a foreigner with aspirations to program America into following in the 3rd Reich's plans to incorporate America into the 3rd Reich--now the 4th Reich.
I am now very dizzy it requires 100x more slowed down effort to pound any of this out without resorting to non-stop cursing because my brain is under so much attack as well as my nervous system. I actually can really write at a very high intellectual and artistic level but this has made it impossible. That no one ever intervenes really is a direct corollary to the death ravaging Los Angeles right now. Connect the dirty dots, connect the life fuck mentality I have been describing the absolute sick collusion of rotten politicians who are trained in legal manipulation of law and lawyers are trained in how to lie and deceive and configure oppositional points of view to concepts they know to be false.
I can't pound out any longer. 15 years and this is still ongoing without anyone stepping in to stop the endless locust overtake of the country and the planet. Everyone has been programmed into the locust pig ape mentality of consuming devouring raping discarding killing and abusing. Sneering in hate at the homeless through a system these ape whore pigs have developed so they have endless luxury entitlement while laughing at the deaths in the streets below those rotten Hills. The death now they have sold through the blank ugliness and sick grasping greed that they ALL envelope in their every waking and sleeping moment and then passing it down to the trickle-down economy of the vicious minions below who also want both to survive the massive extermination-in-process and also to be part of the luxury wealth divide at the devouring locust level instead of the devoured level of lesser and lesser capability for survival. If anyone doubts this is a growing trend I suggest that even the "fake news" media are covering this increasingly the trends for destabilization of the economy the end of social security the growing homeless population with NO REMEDY offered by the corrupt and rotten government.
Can't fight the dizziness and the endless pounding and hacking. The hackers will be rewriting this, I can't fight it any longer for the moment. So much time wasted in fighting to pound this out to the blank abusers reading this for laughs and giggles and to steal ideas and to see how they can jump at any opportunity if I post a video of a song the singer rushes to attack me. If I post anything about black culture or a black artist the blacks rush to abuse and yell and threaten my life for their endless promotion(s) Etc etc etc

So to continue the endless repetition of the torture upon me, which far exceeds any of the tortures of any illegally detained prisoner on Guantanamo, who are denied Habeus Corpus, are tortured beaten probably sexually assaulted attacked by dogs water torture deprived of human contact. One recently released has spent 20 years in that prison with zero charges ever indicted against him.

I am in a torture situation of unbelievable injustice. Laughed about by all the advocates of Democracy and Justice in America who have any presence in media or culture or government. Laughed at, punched in the face threatened with mutilation after they are mutilating me. Raped repeatedly at least 30 times per year or many more by rotten ugly scumbag white trash filth that the pigpitalina pair bring into the torture situation. My property destroyed frayed stinking broken stolen without end I live in squalor and the filth is sprayed into my home literally multiple times per day, every day and night.
My body is packed with poisons that are so hard I can pound my fist against the hard ledges that jut out of my back literally embedded from my hips--into the hips not around but completely encased in hard poison--upwards in a huge shape like a triangle that extends 2 feet in diameter across my spine--up into my shoulders and into my neck and then up into my skull--extending into my fingers and toes along my crooked legs from hard poison and my crooked spine
and they torture me as I am trying to exercise with methods I had to develop myself after being raped, abused and threatened with murder by all the physical athletic stars who jumped to attack me because I was watching martial arts videos

one of the most abusive is starring in at least 2 movies now within the usual window of some next abuser rushing to attack me, only because I was trying to study martial arts techniques in strength and exercise--I have tried to study Tai Chi, every class a hate and abuse experience leading to ugliness and the classes became packed with attackers so as to just make all learning impossible
but beyond all that digression as I am under this attack as I always am when fighting, literally fighting to pound every word out and to think clearly--always "forgetting" main points and digressing due to this attack on my brain and cognition from their remote systems and the system of implants in my brain and all along my spine, where these poisons have hardened to retain them in my body along with mind control drugs which are rendered every day to get every day some abuser some promotion and to increase this contract so by now everyone wants Elon Musk to create a world of masters and microchipped slaves, most of whom will have no cognizance their entire lives that they are being manufactured as some kind of farm animal to be put into various states so they can be forced to "Make love" to some rotten porno creep and lovingly obey abusers and exploiters. Or they can easily be killed if they don't comply or the person wants to just have more fun after the date rape drugging microchip experience and rape and murder someone using covert methods.

These vile creeps have not stopped poisoning and raping and torturing me for information every single day and night for over 15 years. Today Snoop Dogg, who has done this before many times, must have things repeated at least 7 times in a row. Some of them get the concepts after a few times of me screaming and trying to not repeat or help this group to steal more ideas. I respond instantly without any forethought my brain is so inundated with drugs and poisons my nervous system has no protective barrier. They go viciously to murdering me daily with abuse and then information extraction. EVerything from what herbs I use for healing so they can profit off that, as they all do steal all ideas for any venture possible, not just YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS OF ANNUAL ideas stolen for their movie concepts, usually verbatim stolen from me but usually taken from scriptwriters and authors who steal the kernel and then inject the 4th Reich death and white supremacy agenda.
I have been writing this for years and years and thus far the American culture has only laughs and back pats for the vicious violent haters who you all worship and rush to join in the profit enterprise
so I will continue to say that this mentality that you have all imbibed regardless of your superficial personal political and paradigm fronts, all revel around money acquisition and the need for display of monetary power and influence.
The technology has enabled the most voracious of psychopath liars and abusers to wrest control over all institutions until there are no more protections against their graft and exploitation schemes. That so many people are left out literally to die in the streets is completely negated in all mainstream except for a very small number of interviews with some Christian advocate who probably is a grift agent as well, in my not paranoid state I realize that very little is authentic which reaches multiple media exposure representation status.

Thusly, you are all so accustomed to seeing people literally dying in the streets from this system where the abusers get more and more and the "losers" get death in the streets, now made illegal by the 4th Reich court system (Supreme, the biggest example)
so my deterioration is nothing to any of you. The point made by many of the gang stalking website people is that the mind control is used mostly upon women, and the vicious murderous aptitude to destroy and kill off older women is why no one "cares" as older women are supposed to be non-sexual and serving only to please their little spawn and the spawn of their spawn. The movies now are about the murderous bigot white supremacists who fear losing their sexual grip on the population in league with the aging baby boomers who all want to suck the life out of the planet in order to retain their post-wwIi wealth displays--they are so programmed by the Nazi theft of untold billions of dollars (back in the 30's) from genocide they are some of the most ferocious in terms of putting me down so they can feed off destroying other women, but the rape men are putting them as the advocates of feminism as they torture and rape me to steal ideas

years and years of rape and poisoning I am aging and dying every day as I scream in rage for the next day to get the fuck off me to pigs whores and apes who are so ugly and disgusting as they keep latching onto this contract coming back, Snoop Dogg extremely abusive violent using his "street thug" murder persona to threaten my life and abuse me with such hate the black Nazis are extremely violent---that includes Candice Owens and the Obamas, including Michelle, are probably the most violent and outrageously corrupt of the black Nazis ever put into power, and they were put into power exactly for this reason in order to further the aims of total white supremacy overtake. The multimillions of dollars and mansions they have accrued yearly and now more from having broadly smiled at the German rape hate thing I can never pry off me despite every day from day #1 screaming NO get off me as he beat punched raped and my entire living space has been literally turned into a complete destruction zone after his endless hate and violence upon me for months and months now. He is ensconced like a permanent disease upon this contract with dirty ugly people under his instruction punching my head and face--like StevenTyler--only for calling his daughter a slime after 30 THIRTY YEARS of him profiting off having me beaten raped poisoned mutilated my 6 years of grad school turned into 15 years of shitting poison out barely managing to survive and all health care denied me by all professionals.
All financial earning blocked.
And still not a single person can ever stop the German. YOu all want Germans to invade America why don't you pay them for it instead of allowing them to punch rape gang rape and torture me with the ugly pair of Nazis you all worship as celebrity peddlers of influence with all foreign fascist entities like the English Crown and the Nazi empire with endless bottomless money to pay off all the money-grabbing exploiter haters of H-wood
and thusly
the fires of Los Angeles. Now people are stopping to question how and what to say about it. They got snoop dogg to abuse and threaten me with hate and violence. This is after years and years of daily abuse going on for 16 hours per day. Every night every day hours an dhours as I fight to shit poison out while they are poisoning drugging and torturing me constantly all day every day all night. Maybe I get 4 hours of no abuse that I can hear or see through the thin veil of this teleportation and voice-to-skull but they are still hissing"bitch stupid die ugly kill yourself" literally in loops the rest of the time.

And for what crime has this been done? Because unlike my family which offered their children and themselves to be abused and used by these creeps, I refuse I saw my family get slaughtered and poisoned to death after total compliance. I saw people far inferior to my parents force themselves on my parents who were instructed to split up, abuse their own children and maybe they would be allowed to excel in an area where they actually were far superior to the Nazi haters who have been handed all control by a rotten government that has sold America out for decades.
and thusly, this hate group of grasping sleazy greedy rapist less-than intellectual blankness of hate and selfishness are influencing the planet in how to grab rape and kill for their luxury and "beauty" as the women feed off having other women raped for their sense of "superiority" they revel in watching me be deformed they instruct as much deformation of my body as they can--the amount of destruction to my body is ongoing and I cannot stop the endless cuts into my skin I can't block my entire body out of the reach of their mechanical arms and I can't block the mechanical arms. Any metallic screen I might have over a doorway they will inevitably cut open any hole they can drill that I plug up they rip out once I leave the room.
I spend mu life cleaning up stinking filth they are spreaying non-stop on clothing furniture the floor the walls
I am spending my life fighting to use the internet to express this outrage that you all watch patting the haters on the back for performing for your mutual benefit because you want a master-slave society using these technologies. You all want your freedom of course but me having a chance to be beautiful successful independent and compete is far too outrageous for people like Lindsey Graham, John Kennedy (of course the senator yelling with hate at most of the minorities who are trying to gain entrance into the Federal judicial system in the nomination processes you can watch on Forbes online)
and etc the list of grizzled old white men in the Senate, who partner with white "liberal" "feminists" like Klobuchar who is a vicious and violent murderously smug murdering bigot out of Minnesota, the place that Derrick Chauvin had been allowed to torture people in the streets if they were black and to kill in public just because the entire system allows them to get away with it. I learned that this is also allowed to a great extent by Walz when he and Harris waltzed into the situation of torture and rape. I had to scream at Harris to tell her that her platform revolves around women not being raped and abused, but according to Cardi B that only means black girls like her and Jewish females killed if the Nazi wants to get off on it.

And thusly, I write to the f-ing void of America for yet another day that the filth apes are gratified they will get more promotions snoop dogg will be hugged by more blonde women he will be invited to hand out awards for the golden globes as he was after he threatened to kill me, he was then invited within one week to hand out prizes at the Nazi Golden Globes and that decision was made after he viciously yelled and threatened gangland style to have me brutally killed, just as Cardi B had done literally looking into the violent rapist German's face for approval just as Harris had done, just as Obama had done.

They are influencing the nation and the world to appear with mansions cars jets lavish costumes their every movie and song is about gratuitous sex lavish lifestyles wealthy or fighting to get more or the really hypocritical "fight against injustice" that is the lynchpin of their endless facade of being respectable people.
One of the most disgusting of sexual perverted abusers who did not rape me but for about 6 months every time I took a shower disgusting comments were made about how I was washing my body, etc by Robert DiNero, who has been handed a much younger woman and his life has changed entirely after dumping his viciously sleazy ugly old man hateful self on me, as so many of the Nazi women have dumped their old age fears by pouring hate upon me and having me beaten and raped by men they have lavished with praise and promotions afterwards.
they are urging society to become like them, and they are also encouraging in their every public profile their mansions their yachts their private jets their millions and millions of dollars.
their fake and mostly stupid movies about how "great" they are are so sexually laden and women aspire to be "feminists" with cleavage and sexual "freedom" rather than actually caring about not having murderously violent rape culture so they can feel "empowered" after they sold out as prostituted symbols to the men who are the haters they claim they are fighting against, as long as the hate is diverted to me they are overjoyed
and besides influencing culture consciously but mostly subconsciously in all these respects
the grabbing and hateful greed that they truly are is transmitted through these fake hypocritical roles
the environment is like "a pussy waiting to be fucked" as the Scarface character said in Scarface, the actor a non-stop decades of abuse and torture and rape against me, the director also participating in this
the mentality that anything that is seemingly vulnerable is just ripe to be raped and exploited, this is the schemata that is displayed in all the mafia movies all the stupid con man movies all the murder movies
and the environment, nature, is something that is to be fucked it's a pussy waiting to be plucked it's something that is soft and penetrable it can be exploited too. Bury it in cement kill the trees and build for the lavish entertainment of the plantation wanna be owners and their slaves will clean and build the plantations for the rape men and their nasty women who want rape victims and cleaning slaves out of the disenfranchised--they want a world divided by black and white mostly skin color and the genocide is ongoing to a startling degree

but nature is dying their grasping sickness whether as in Germany they "care" about preserving nature, nevertheless when the rape abuser Nazis rush to take over every other country on the planet, as they have done and are currently engrossed in this project of beating raping and torturing me so shitalina and pig pitt, who have no concepts or ideas they are blank and meaningless hateful rapist abusers who expect everything to be handed to them. Lacking any understanding or concern about the concepts they are torturing out of me, they use it as a prop to sell themselves into more political positions at defunct places like the UN.
and the planet is dying. Los Angeles has had so little respect for human life that they planted trees only in the wealthy hills areas which are now burning. The less affluent have cement and endless buildings upon buildings and a cement unnatural environment where they are dehumanized in places where Snoop Dogg claims his "domain" which is unhuman cruelty hate and vicious violent dehumanization in racist terms that he has fully absorbed from his lineage and it is clear he was handed this by his environment, which is devoid of nature and trees and respect for life. That was a deliberate plan of dehumanization by the construction of Los Angeles, I believe as the money has flowed only to the top, and everyone yearns to be in those burning hills they revolve around emulating the "master abuser"

and the movies project this as well.Thusly I remain begging for my life online to stop the endless torture. As I yell in rage and near agony from 15 years of people who never read have never studied, and if they have such as Klobuchar or Harris, they studied how to manipulate and lie with their law degrees. They answered by rote questions for mandatory literature classes if they took them, but probably they cheated and got the Cliffnotes.

and I am stuck writing this every day. It is murder through stress and abuse, plus detoxification of poison that I shit out and then I am drugged regardless so toxic buildup plus hate being threatened with murder every day by rape culture men who I never got around just watched movies or tried to understand if, or where, any sort of support system might come from but there is absolutely nothing in H-wood, not a single group or person not any of them could give a damn about the repercussions of this technology the effect upon society they are locusts grasping for more and more and more devouring their ugliness and insect feeding frenzy is a true parallel to the fires due to the global warming due to the lack of connection to love, life or respect for humanity. The grasping pornographic sleazy sexual "allure" that these hateful parasites emit is just part of a truly evil deception.

I have to see them as they are and not the plastic surgery that is a plastic fruit display that you all see.That is why I say that they are not beautiful they are sleazy and hideous and disgusting and foul.

The death of the environment is the death that they are selling. It is the same death that the United States government is also selling and forcing upon the rest of the world. Behind every politician in that not-"August" body of corpus rot is a sleazy lying degenerate only working for approval of Europigapeland billionaires to fund their next luxury jet ski tour in the South of France and to have sex slaves in these locations on their holidays away from America.
when the south of france gets inundated with flooding they will just revert to the Swiss Alps and continue their foray into the lying deception selling death and murder en masse. they are so blank and unaccountable for the ramifications of the hate and sickness and death that they imbibe and they all congratulate one another like lynch mob abusers--like the recent gang murder in NY State upon the handcuffed black prisoner--they smile watching the lynching of me commence. They rush to threaten my life constantly sexual abuse rape and death threats from all the top politicians endlessly being pushed in the media, at highest levels now in government.

Not a single one gives a goddamn about the environment or life, they are smug about the millions of dollars they accrue from their dark schemes they are making millions and millions of dollars and all exemptions from legal repercussion from their crimes by having pushed this agenda

they are the impetus behind all the screaming winds and floods and fires they are the hate which is projecting this death upon the world. They clutch grab rape and believe that the planet is their personal rape "pussy" to fuck and exploit.

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