"Earlier on Monday, dozens of government supporters rallied in front of Parliament, saying the student protests could threaten Thailand's monarchy, which they consider a sacred institution.
In a sign of a more coordinated opposition to the students, nationalist activist Sumet Trakulwoonnoo, 46, announced a new pro-government group, the Coordination Center of Vocational Students for the Protection of National Institutions (CVPI).
"We're setting up to remind youth groups, parents, teachers and officials about the danger to the nation from these people who are instigating youth to become godless and obsessed with Western culture, do drugs and hate their parents and teachers," Sumet told reporters.Earlier on Monday, dozens of government supporters rallied in front of Parliament, saying the student protests could threaten Thailand's monarchy, which they consider a sacred institution.
In a sign of a more coordinated opposition to the students, nationalist activist Sumet Trakulwoonnoo, 46, announced a new pro-government group, the Coordination Center of Vocational Students for the Protection of National Institutions (CVPI).
"We're setting up to remind youth groups, parents, teachers and officials about the danger to the nation from these people who are instigating youth to become godless and obsessed with Western culture, do drugs and hate their parents and teachers," Sumet told reporters."
To paraphrase: Satanically-controlled children protesting the Monarchy in the form of a militarized Senate and military Coup d'état Prime Minister with over 200 top military officials leading Thai Senate positions. Evil children who do not understand that they are POSSESSED by evil music and drugs protesting a good, gracious monarchy which represents a military take-over coup d'état!!!! Oh my. Children must be controlled.
Student protesters, royalists hold rival rallies in Thailand
2nd post:
Thai students in Bangkok protesting the military coup government. A brief synopsis of the current situation and discontent.
3rd post:
...and I'm just sitting here in front of frozen, inoperable pages as hackers force blocks to even opening the YouTube page--. I have spent now more than one hour fighting to open less than 10 pages, turning the computer off and on, fighting to click on sites. I just cleaned out the system yesterday.
the next video has a bit more coverage. Starts with a news anchorperson--I cannot decide if this is a Ladyboy or a female commentator?! Ladyboys are extremely popular in Thailand. My biased opinion on this is that the Nazis are really mostly gay and love having transvestites hanging off their arms instead of having to hide in their own native, European countries. Thais always adapt to what their controllers want out of them. Sorry, a very true but "nasty" comment on my part. This is an unfortunate comment I am making that is openly inpolitically-correct but absolutely TRUE SO TRUE it's painful for them but it is a horrid reality of the reality of colonialisation.
4th post:
I began to delve into the political reality of how opposition is quelled in an absolutely one-party (Totalitarian) regime when controlled by Nazis (or anything resembling this organization which has it's roots in millennial regime after regime). The outright corruption in this case, which I write of, is the looming and current fiasco confronting the United States. The same group which controls the Thai system undermines the US system. I have written of this for years. This is based on my observation and living in many countries and having to be forced to be around absolutely villainous Nazis and their partners in many countries. I have been thrust into their inner circles at times, and at other times and at this moment have seen how they operate politically and on an individual level. Micro always equates to macro in most systems (which is the As above so below philosophy that they create and believe in).
Outright accusations of being part of "an Illuminati Conspiracy" by Thai, but Nazi (=Illuminati) controlled Thai coup d'état court.
Future Forward Party with it's very good-looking leader--dissolved under disputed context of "anti-Constitutional" investment in the media--disavowed by leader of Future Forward Party, but upheld by the opposition coup d'état Prime Minister's court system.
Which would you choose for your leader? Old, cranky, crusty, nasty military Nazi-controlled military Totalitarian regime puppet, or young, pro-Democracy pro-Marijuana youthful intelligent good-looking guy who is also capable of efficient and more beneficent leadership?
further commentary on this subject:
After dissolution of Future Forward Party, Thai Constitutional Court bans all top leaders of the party from participating in any political party activities for max penalty of TEN YEARS
(again, hacking is making writing impossible--brain-altering tech making thinking nearly impossible except at basic levels, unable to access vocabulary or theoretical concepts). hackers are now blocking typing so badly I have to pound down, which always happens, on the keyboard so hard it is painful to fight to get anythign to print. Words won't appear on the page afte I type, with typos inserted after I wait and the frozen words finally appear. Etc etc all repeated day after day. I wonder how America has allowed such a system to become an overwhelming force of murder, rape and torture which is NEVER acknowledged even by activists fighting against a government they claim is a fascist tyranny under Trump. This also is parallel to the Thai situation, where the shouting, angry "youth" in the streets fighting for their "freedom" also allow covert fascism to intervene between their aspirations to become powerful in their career and financial hopes, but not to "allow" people "like me" to have a chance. this is not a victim plaintive complaint. Fighting to write white struggling to think and explicate the political happenings in Thailand, as paralled with American death squad culture, compared to the young Thai wanna be yuppie culture---inabiity to type inability to think due to their blocks. The people mostly doing the nasty work towards me are younger people. The older rancid ones instruct their children to attack me but on behest of the bigot white controller Nazi investors who pay them and tell them what to say, do and how far to bend over as they pump in the mind control programming for all generations.
This ties into the H-wood actors and Americans who take orders from their fascist Europ-ape controllers who pay them to perform the Nazi scripts which are relayed into the media mind programming brainwashing propaganda multi-billion dollar regime.
And here in Thailand, selling youth culture like Coke: good-looking very Westernized Thai personality, a media personality actually! Selling youth Freedom dope mind control brainwashing. The change will be demographic socioeconomic but definitely not who and what ultimately controls over these youth cultures (the predatorial Europigape pensioners prefer to have juicy young sugar children to sell their propaganda and also to be their investment portals and otherwise other portals).
….waiting waiting waiting for hackerz to stop blocking me fighting to just copy and download one YouTube page--took at least 2 minutes. 30 minutes later: frozen computer, pages absolutely frozen. This blog page was almost completely deleted before I could publish the mere scant content above. I clicked on publish and the page froze and then disappeared. I have not re-read this post to endlessly backspace and re-edit what hackers rewrote, deleted, pasted and then strung-together sentences and deleted parts of paragraphs.
It is impossible for me to finish this. At this moment I am able to type. But one hour of simply waiting for pages to stop freezing so I can click on sites to copy and paste here. When the day comes that this sick group is stopped from this tyranny, will be when Youth Culture isn't trying to be as fascist as their older, rotten generation but actually allows freedom for all, with absolute flexibility in leadership to the point that calcified older rancid corrupt generations are not taken-over by younger, not yet corrupted visibly but rotten and trained to be corrupt and rotten youth fighting for their "freedom" to exploit but not be exploited. That is the lesson the Vietnam hippie movement showed me, for a large part, and I was at first delighted that something at least not craggy and ugly and old was fighting for power in Thailand. THIS IS A DECEPTION. (the hackers just blocked function of the remote keyboard, after making letters appear in a string of repeats as in a line of rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr when I typed one single r). Back to fighting to remember what is also being blocked from my short-term memory.
The youth culture fighting against older hierarchies are, like the Vietnam era that I encountered, fighting to take the place of their corrupt parents and assuming corporate ownership instead of having to wait and be content to follow older hierarchical standards. It has taken me over 10 minutes to type out these last two paragraphs! I also noticed that in the interim of waiting, hackers changed tenses of sentences, so past tense and present tense were intermingled while I was waiting for the pages to appear.
I would have typed the above two paragraphs in less than 2 minutes if there were no hacking. That literally is how quickly I can type if not encumbered by their attacks. I write this because I cannot finish this post. I cannot publish it, I cannot click on YouTube to copy and paste the URL's. I cannot think to create a blog without writing about how I am being blocked. That is the only content that is not blocked, is writing about how I am being blocked. Otherwise, any real political thought is being censored by this hacking and brain hacking manipulation. Plus drugging and detox from decades of poisoning. Plus recurrent and non-stop poisoning and drugging, leaving me paralyzed and stuck in a room for years, breathing in poisons that are sprayed into my room daily, not having access to fresh air most of the time due to mechanical arms spraying more toxic sprays on clothing and blankets while I sit here at the farthest end of the room at this "kitchen" table. Not having a screen door and not able to afford it. Any screen door will be severed so mechanical arms are inserted. This has happened before. Thus I write about this drama and the fatigue of struggling to remain a happy person and always under attack while paralyzed and stuck in this position, in this place. Always waiting for someone to actually not conform to fascist, Nazi standards and actually support or help me (without being murdered or shunned away from me, and told all kinds of lies about me and always under threat if they don't follow orders). I wait for the time when this standard of behavior and these organizations are completely destroyed so people "like me" can write their political views on a blog and not be blocked from mainstream internet search and participation, in my "free" country of the United States (not really, is it?).
In struggling just to simply surf, type I cannot finish or even begin to explicate my ideas. The H-wood rapist teleporters and their consorts and CHILDREN participating but they "represent" youth culture--who aspire to become as powerful as their rotten, rancid controllers who train their parents on how to become fascist tyrants selling "youth culture" freedom in H-wood and in celebrity billion dollar industry portals of repetitious hype (from my experiences, ideas that are unique are stolen from people they can't stand and want to essentially see murdered slowly and tortured to death--all stolen beforehand--the usual Colonialist philosophy paradigm--never shifting, just calcifying from generation-to-generation). The H-wood is selling younger sugar children calicified geriatric power strategies. Pedophiles abound selling children as symbols of their control as the children are selling "freedom" from control but can't wait to oppress anyone they can. Generation after generation this same orchestrated cycle, a stress relief valve for society--ensues. One pressure cooker situation is
decompressed by youthful revolution, only to replace their masters and then sell of revolution as a billion dollar industry. Welcome to Hollywhorewood, USA. Welcome to Wall Street and Welcome to the White House Public Relations Department, USA.
Next video I posted on Facebook, which engendered this hostile DOS series of attacks, with the usual endless hacking and keyboard hacks and blocks:
"Thai student protests flare over opposition party ban"
next post, nearing the end of this struggle to relieve myself of this burden of thought--a burden because struggling to type makes it an arduous task of fighting to type and think due to all these extraneous blocks and impositions. Thank you Hollywhorewood, USA and propaganda 88 public relations White House, Inc.
I wrote on FAcebook:
Kidsz not on dope running for Democracy and away from (Nazi=Illuminati controlled, puppet string greed investors eating up all the natural beauty$$$$$) Dictatorship---
GO BABY or adults or concerned intelligent reformers GO BABY GO RUN AND DANCE AND RECREATE!!!
What a way to out-maneuver anti-protest tyrannical laws (put in the name of respecting the Monarchy--Lese Majeste).
and then, finally, I posted this video and then I spent more than one hour fighting to copy and paste these few paragraphs and sentences onto this page. More than one hour, nearing two hours to do just this little bit of typing and editing on this computer. I also can't change the font size as the hackers have forced this huge font to appear. I am exhausted from fighting to stop the endless changes to the page so this will remain at this HUGE SIZE.
...but in this way of absolute blocks to my laptop and my body, brain and everything else, I have many creative ideas for creative fiction, and I am absolutely drugged, blocked and unable to write or create anything. The W-H wood terrorists teleporting and attacking me are literally using mind reading tech to steal ideas because I am so blocked from even writing a basic theme or getting into any detail due to all these hacks. I wonder how long it will take, if ever, that anyone ever stops this attack on me so I can begin to write probably, at this point of decades of inaction in writing and any kind of career in creativity fields---just to get out a basic sophomoric story or creative writing or anything is really IMPOSSIBLE, literally it is impossible for me to accomplish anything the attacks come from all angles, all the time, non-stop, from more than a million people more than millions.
I also want to add, upon having clicked on the video, that the protestors are emulating a Hollywhorewood movie "The Hunger Games" and this three-finger salute as symbol of protest. How disgruntling it is to see that this fallacy of belief that Whorewood can actually symbolize anything but an oppressive fascist regime brainwashing youth culture into "freedom" protests so they can sell more movies, products and "youth culture" "freedom". Always undermining all with subliminal content advertising absolute racism, with absolutely fascist Nazi actors, writers, directors, producers...
I am so glad that this has upset these disgusting hackers and these creeps operating these attacks. I so do hope that what I write will inspire people to think along less fascist programming lines of thought.