Friday, June 4, 2021

This German dude teleporting me, David Garrett, is a bad trip down a stinking sewage rabbit hole.

 This German dude teleporting me, David Garrett, is a bad trip down a stinking sewage rabbit hole.


Stinking substances are still being sprayed onto my clothing that I wear while in this surveillance prison studio. I am still teleported to an extreme mind/body control experience by someone who probably is ordering this stinking crap to be sprayed on my clothing after he elicits a response of "love" out of me--I think. it's truly disgusting the entire thing. I can't control my reactions his handling of this technology and his teams operating with him are more powerful than I can handle at this time. I believe the effect upon me is due to technology, drugging and exploitation of my natural responses to certain stressors and stimulus. It's a very nasty and insidious form of mind control and torture. I have been cleaning my pillows, sleep wear and the one item I have in this room that I wear all day (a sheer wrap-around piece of cloth) and twice a day it's being sprayed with stinking and foul substances by these mechanical arms I also cannot stop despite YEARS of fighting to protect my tiny living space. My reactions to this person exploiting me are of absolute love and compliance and he returns it with this hate and disgusting nasty attack, as all the people teleporting me do the exact same thing. Why I must have to deal with this filthy disgusting contract and these people for over a decade or ever is still a mystery to me that my country is allowing it to go on unceasingly and that not a single person will come to defend me so I am living in peace. I have written this exact same sentiment for over a decade and it's still unbelievable to me how people are so callous to this kind of state-sponsored terrorism when it is aimed at me. What would it take for people to become alarmed or care about this situation? Would I have to be a blonde woman or a German man or a bigot Nazi for anyone to care? What will it take for this to be stopped? I was once again teleported to this German man while I lay in my bed in sickness as he teleorted and used every kind of physical manipulation to create a very helpless state of near intoxication in me as he basically used unsavory tactics at mind control and behavior modification for his power trip and his career advancement. I won't go into more sordid details but I am really helpless at his attacks and it's really disgusting to have to then turn around and have stinking fluids poured into my bathroom, stinking fluids sprayed onto my clothing so washing them out 6 times doesn't get the stink out. It smells like rotten meat with a permanent solution added to the mix so it never washes out and I have to throw clothing away and then spend money I don't have and then it just goes on. This is now happening in this last week of his endless attack and assault upon me with this endless demand for me to provide him with this huge contract of forcing a baby out of me (although the people he really respects in H-wood had part of my uterus cut out and he loves them nevertheless and abuses me every single day and then returns the forced "love" with this stinking foul spray toxic crap and then goes on and on--he;'s probably getting endless amounts of money and contracts out of this every time he does this "successfully". What will it take for someone to stop this violence against me ever? I can't control my reactions against this man but when he finally stops this attack and I have to clean up stinking clothing and my pillow and everything else that he is ordering to be made so foul it's putrid and stinking like dead bodies rubbed on my clothing and the stink won't get out--since he began this kind of non-stop assault on my bed and clothing and pillows has begun not once but twice a day or more. He then uses extremely nasty and abusive physical attacks of a personal nature along with insults and power trips and abuse and I respond like a drugged up (which they are also doing) kind of entranced thing while he's just abusing and using me for his career deals and I can't stop this man he won't stop and he's always attacking me to get this contract get these deals and he doesn't even really like me at all and I have not stopped trying to block him from this attack and he just goes on--of course he's being paid and promoted so he will never stop.

It is so disgusting and foul and nasty abusive dehumanizing and just endlessly a form of promotion for these people. He's defending people who have maimed and tortured and destroyed my life and home for a decade while stealing ideas form me. He wants them he wants this rotten woman who won't stop trying to get man after man to rape and abuse me as she watches on and steals ideas nad gets off on these men doing violence towards me as they love her and abuse me and they all go off laughing to parties while I have to clean up the poison in my body the stinking poison they order to hvae sprayed in my home and clothing adn this man is just going on and on abusing and using and having my home made stinking and foul. The bathroom is now under assault they are spraying something like sewer water into the pipes of the sink so if I am using the sink this stinking sewage stink wafts up from the drain and the hole where the water can pour out in the sink basin. I have had to stuff that hole with plastic and then put a weight on top of the plug for the drain and the creeps push that plug up from inside and the entire bathroom stinks like sewage. This German man is extremely nasty and abusive and I am really like helpless against his attacks and respond as if I am completley in love with him while he's just abusing me and partying and laughing with stinking foul pigalina and pit his lovers and friends (this German man is in love with filthy ugly pigalina and insulting me for her and attacking me for her because she is instructing him to rape and abuse me as they adore each other with full respect and love).

I am trying SO HARD TO GET HIM TO STOP AND i CANNOT AND I CAN'T CONTROL MY REACTIONS EITHER. This is the worst form of mind control I have experienced (or at least in a long time). I believe the Europ-a's are using a certain type of technology that many of the Americans don't have access to in order to get these kinds of reactions out of me but it's extremely nasty and deadly and vile and they all pollute my body and life with their nastiness, ugliness and hate. It's like a stinking demon forcing "love" out of me and then spewing his hate and ugliness into my clothing, home, mind, soul and psyche but me under this kind of mesmerizing assault where I am in the throes of "love" while I know it's not that and he's really nasty and sleazy and hateful towards me.

I really need support to stop this, I really need my country to stop these creeple finally I need this to be stopped. Where is anybody?

Thursday, June 3, 2021

The assault on women and their freedom is also part of the Nazi strategy and plan. I am getting absolute oppression from this Nazi German violinst at this time of his exploitation, but like my earlier posts today, the exploitation and oppression of women is also part of the Nazi plan. As I wrote in my last few posts today, the system of this Nazi overtake structure not only is devastating the environment in all it's Imperialistic conquest of all fragile ecosystems and dependent failed state tropical and "brown and black" countries, but women and abortion is another aspect of oppression and enforced "inferior" status. The goal is to have anything other than men, and more specifically white males for their supremacist roles. The wealthier Nazi women can afford to fly to countries like (Nazi, racist, Imperialist France or Germany) where abortion is legal and plentiful and fully accepted in society. In poverty-stricken places like The Philippines or THE UNITED STATES.

"Texas valedictorian ditches pre-approved speech to slam abortion law."  CNN. June 4,



This is my continuing rant but it's also rational and based in reality. Albeit not written in a concise or clear-headed tone, I admit.

The German man is using so much oppression aimed at me to be a domesticated house-slave, servant, sex slave and non-status breeder that all I can think of is the endless oppression of women I see in Thailand to be forced into the same situation. This country has embraced that role, but in the now Nazi-infiltrated United States the process is just beginning to reverse all the laws and rights that even white females had "enjoyed" up to this recent Nazi push in politics, banning abortion.

I saw this news clip in my morning tea/internet search and thought of the hate and oppression I have received from this huge, international group and in particular the Whorewood Nazi cartel that is being spear-headed by English-Royalty funded half-English Skank-pig-ape-alina and her rotten husband who is a violent bigot racist (despite their brood of adoptees out of various "brown and black"-skinned countries, their endless presentation of themselves as being icons of "liberal" politics but in reality they have and continue to foster and bring in absolute vicious and deadly fascist Nazis with aspirations of overtake of the United States).

Now abortion after 6 weeks is a threat to the middle classes of American white females and this class valedictorian is speaking out because her future is in jeopardy, as are the less-than-affluent white women and other races that are her partners in this fight to stop the backlash against women's freedom. That a white female of such high rank in academics (at the high school level) is making this speech has somehow made national headlines, however the problem undoubtedly affects women "of brown and black skin" disproportionately.

My situation if of my creative and writing out put being stolen by English bigots and Italian mafia fascists who have nearly murdered me, with this contract passed down to the half-English skank actor who has not stopped making movies (or for years had not stopped) based on concepts I wrote of, as this was part of the contract. The endless assault by her and the others of this American actor group who are fully integrated with fascist Europigapes who appear to CONTROL THEM FULLY are invested in making sure I have no career future and not only just in my chosen field (art, writing, music) but also for every single financial possibility on the planet except for the most menial tasks such as cleaning or subpoverty and low-income jobs where i can be exploited and abused and have no chance, then to be forced into having a "baby " with some fascist Nazi abuser who is denigrating and abusing and raping and exploiting me with any resistance met by mutilation, torture and my body and home smeared with toxins and injected and cut into nerve-endings and to the bone and then poisoned and drugged and attacked by throngs of hundreds of people nearly killing me while driving and all threats to my financial stability completely based on discriminatory practices that are tantamount to enforced slavery of the nearly worst kind. All silenced and backed-up.

Thus, in my usual anti-nazi foray I write about another news clip that has reached national and international attention. The part of my post above where I described The Philippines, where birth control is illegal, and drug dealing is a capital crime where the death penalty is enforced in a country of mass despair and poverty; in contrast to Nazi countries where women have choices of abortion and higher job posts. This is a most racist system of systematic oppression aimed first and foremost upon women (of "color") which is also enforced upon their men, but the hate that men display for women in these more oppressed countries is a reflection upon the racism that is heaped upon the men by the white supremacists who create these failed state countries that are dependent upon white plantation Nazis coming over the 'master" the economy over the hands of the indigenous populations. Incurring anti-abortion laws and keeping women as slaves is part of that entire racist schemata. The "jews" are also a part of this structure and skin color is of supreme importance amongst Jews as part of this color divide of who gets to have even a career or gets put into this "slave" class of "brown or black" servitude. The Black women I have met in this H-wood group are in absolute denial of all that I say as they also attack me alongside their white, racist, supremacist peers absolutely following in with all the propagandized hate attacks and the insidious protocols that keep me "in place" so white Nazis out of Europigape Imperialistic land can remain confident that their ancient regime system is being kept under enforcement, even under the guise of alternative cultural awareness (aka "woke" culture which is being mass produced by these completely programmed minions of such covert hate Nazi controllers who sit back smug and confident that with these alterations in the system they can once more remain "on top" of their raped and devastated countries and the women--even white, but of the lower classes--whom they want to "keep in their place" which is pregnant, without a career, and perhaps raped once in a while with resources also for battered women also being endlessly cut off by the political forces that are "cutting back funding" for such programs.

The environmental, personal and political filth that this Nazi-based global terrorist organization brings to the planet, in brief hyperbole.

"Sri Lanka faces environmental disaster as cargo ship burns for days."  Guardian News. May 31, 2021."


The filth and pollution that the Nazi global cartel produces which appears as random incidents but are all inter-related. The filth that is sprayed into my body and home is the filth that this Nazi-based organization really is at heart (or darkness) and in action and it is their overwhelming interior substance: filth and destruction and pollution of people, countries, the environment and all. Endless development for the apex of luxury for a few "master race" pigapes to exploit with plantations and endless imbalance of power is the real motivation and the real origin of all these other problems that are interconnected. This system trickles down into all aspects of politics, media, entertainment and personal life and down into the degradation of life-sustaining properties of water, air and life itself.

People see wonderful photos of Thai beaches in colorized tourist photo shots. They pour into places like Phuket to enjoy the beaches and appear to love swimming in the Andaman Sea, which is connected in huge degree to the Indian Ocean. My years of swimming at the South Beach, Miami beach, which is a "man-made" beach with imported crystal sands (I believe from The Bahamas) has shown me the effects of mass tourism on what was more clean water. The water on South Beach was so contaminated after the area had been massively developed with skyscraper after skyscraper (with resulting flooding on the beach, which "experts" attribute to global warming and not the effects of huge swaths of skyscrapers being constructed along the very sand-based shores of the tip of South Beach and along the Miami Beach corridor in general). And the last time I swam at one of the more remote beaches--Nai Harn Beach--was years ago when pieces of plastic stuff were floating in the water and I felt so slimed by the water I never want to go back and swim in that muck again, even though it appears clear, blue/green/azure and wonderful. I had experienced cleaner water in Miami which is now sullied, and the increase in tourism alone has made the waters in Phuket filthy but clean in appearance. But the real problem lies out in the less tourist-consumed consumer Paradise destinations like just up the coast in Sri Lanka and here is just one huge ecosystem disaster but there are many others that never make the huge news headlines. You can add Nazi sex and master race infiltration of SE Asia into this mix of destruction of the environment--as it has also happened in Miami and in Florida in general. If anyone in America is aware of politics you then know that Florida is a haven for Neo-Nazi activity both overt and covert. I am thus connecting once more a huge global problem with Nazi culture because people are not equating so many of these huge problems with the real cause or origin of the systematic problem that appears like random instances of discrimination or environmental damage.

President Biden calling for anti-Corruption plan. This sleazy and rotten most foul group of Whorewood actors and their associates in the political realm are 100% a part of the corruption that is destroying the United States.

Biden: Government Must Draft Anti-Corruption Plan by December 

This sleazy and rotten most foul group of Whorewood actors and their associates in the political realm are 100% a part of the corruption that is destroying the United States. Private financing, donors and financiers out of fascist Nazi/mafia cartels are part of the power structure that are left unaccounted for and unaccountable for their transactions that leave so much in the hands of the incompetent corrupt. The situation I have been writing of regarding my MK ULTRA terror/trauma-based torture and rape/violence/destruction campaign by these very actors and politicians are intimately connected to foreign groups which influence and affect elections, power groups and have completely infiltrated the Whorewood media establishment and absolutely control these foul actors I have been writing of for so many years to the endless silence of the United States apparatus that is supposed to at least protect my Civil Rights if not my Human rights--which none has done so far.

There is now an open call to examine and make transparent some of the flagrant excesses of corruption because the problem is now such a threat to the fabric of American Democracy and the country, which the Europigapes are determined to turn into a vassal satellite endlessly corrupt and rotten State servicing fascist Nazis like this German pig ape who is raping me endlessly while I respond as if I am in love but wake up feeling slimed and filthy and disgusted while this pig is being championed by the Europigape-influenced "influencers" in Whorewood as they continue to be put into leadership position.

Terrorist teleportation assault report: June 4, 2021. The German man I have been writing of for a week now is fighting to obtain this huge contract out of forcing a baby out of me and thus nightly rape, abuse, hate and violence inflicted upon me so he can get this deal out of the group who hasn't stopped passing me around to rapist Nazi abuser to the next for a decade--after years of Europigapes before them murdering me through poisoning while raping and obtaining ideas so their mediocrity can have some "alternative" selling points.

 It never ends. It is never stopped. I have to continuously write to try to reach to any decent human being on this planet who has access to my writing to please get another rapist abuser and this time a violent Nazi from Germany off of me. I do not use the term "Nazi" lightly at any time that I write, but in this case it applies even more stringently as he's absolutely prototypical from my 5+ years (and a lifetime of being around Germans in the US) experience of being targeted by this Nazi global network.

He has exploited my sexual drive, which is also connected to intimacy and love and passion. Because I have been blocked from literally ALL human contact that is not violent, sleazy, nasty, lying, fake and abusive and all animals I have loved which was my one and only form of any kind of positive sentient contact with any other being--animals maimed, mutilated, killed horribly if I love them--my cat stolen and I sit here surrounded by vile creeps attacking me for their white master race bigots who hand them little incentives to perform their hate tasks for them. In America it's lots of what are now MAGA types of the variety that want insurrections and civil wars who surrounded me with poisoning, death and rape scenarios. 

This man, David Garritt, whose name I really hesitate to write because it only entails a promotion for him, as me writing about how filthy, vile, nasty and putrid they behave towards me only begets them more honors, prizes, million dollar contracts and the like. This man is 1000% focused on all the deals, awards and prizes he is going to get from forcing a BABY out of me. He is now telling me, after one week of endless waking shouting matches where I tell him to get off me, I call him a "German pig" we both hit one another, and then when I am sleeping he uses fellatio and violence as my body is, through these body/mind control implants/remote technologies being exploited to the nth degree of heightened sensation and this man is some kind of rake based on European orgiastic principles of exploiting women (a la Don Giovanni) and I know the mentality, I have read part of the history and studied it at university and what he does is nothing unique but--in concert with the isolation, the years of torture and abuse and all my animals taken from me--pain from hard poisons ripping my flesh out of my body every day and sitting alone surounded by violence for years without end--as I am abused while teleported and attacked every time I go outside by a bare minimum of at least 100 people per trip--that would be almost an anomaly as at the height of "high season" here in Phuket I get attacked by something around 500 people while I go out driving and shopping for a few hours in one day.

This man is completely fixated upon exploiting this and is probably very adept at seducing all kinds of people--his sneering insults and racist derogatory remarks aimed at me before and after raping and abusing me while I respond with passion and all kinds of subliminal messages are pumped into my brain--beleaguered and stuck in a system of systematic torture and hate endlessly aimed at me with no support system anywhere on the planet (all the groups which purport support are agent-packed traps).

I thus appeal for the 5th time in one week to get DAVID GARRITT OFF ME get HIM OFF ME GET HIM OFF ME stop this teleportation travesty.

Using this system of abuse and sexual debasement and violence he is forcing me to say all kinds of promises while using sexuality as a weapon to manipulate me. I can only say it in this fashion as it's really a sleazy modus of operation that he's using but it's effective only for a very short time. He wants a lifetime commitment (until he's "finished" using and exploiting and abusing me and gets his free deals and contracts and a "baby" which I never want with any of these bigots and least of all him).

He wants me IMMEDIATELY to move to Germany and marry him and have a baby. I downloaded a film he starred in last week, or a week and a half ago, and since then he jumped at the opportunity to pump up his career, the gang of scum in Whorewood along with the Germans (i.e. Arnie Shitnigger the rotten and ugly sinister Nazi bigot who has been so embraced even into politics in California) had his arm around him--as the rape and violence is now increasing and it's just like a scene from some sordid European pornographic hate book (i.e. The Story of O--a French novelette that is particularly violent and misogynist but that is the exact mentality of these men--it's really all kind of Marquis de Sade in actuality). They may find this titillating and fun but I think of them as rotten scum and their Europig traditions just like their  holocausts, pograms and genocides are almost on the same psychological level of the degradation and torture and eventual murder of groups they want to oppress and claim they are "superior" to.

As all my opportunities literally have been completely blocked as these greasy creeps in Whorewood haven't stopped taking notes from the teleportation torture situations they forced upon me nightly for years and years--so in particular greasy ugly pigapealina can come out with idea after idea to promote her greasy and rotten skanky ugly whore self as being "feminist" alternative or anti-racist which is the most insidious lie about this skank even with her rotten adopted children--the same goes for rotten pit. But my point besides sounding vitriolic is how racist and obscene they are and that this is the mentality that has been fostered for years and promoted in this contract out on me. BECAUSE OF THIS GROUP TRUMP WAS PUT INTO THE LIMELIGHT OF THIS ORGANIZATION AND IN ESSENCE THE RACISM AND HATE THE TRUMP FOLLOWED IN ACCORDANCE TO THIS GROUP'S PROTOCOLS PUT HIM INTO US PRESIDENTIAL POSITION. Let me emphasize that this is the reality and I believe some politicians are aware of this but the real significance of this contract appears to evade those who are now "fighting" the Nazi movement that is exploding in America with all the threats of Civil War and carnage and death that will arise from the violence that this group in Whorewood really represents and has helped to bring into highest power in America.

They also are partly responsible for Prince being murdered. I have written of this before and I am now fighting hacking and it's another long story.

Last night after slapping, sticking his greasy penis in my; mouth and threatening me and yelling that I must go to Germany and marry him, although I have just been teleported by him for one entire week and prior to that I had never heard of his name. The signs for absolute domestic violence are more than open and glaring. That also is a kind of list of behaviors that signal impending domestic violence situations but of course the obvious hate and violence he has exhibited makes this a 100% probability. 

I obviously am not interested in him nor do I find him attractive, intelligent and anything I would ever want to spend a single moment with for anything. I respond as if I am "in love" while he's teleporting me out of various biological responses that are derived from this entire situation and the physical attacks that are endlessly aimed at me and the isolation and the endless complicity of society in supporting such a system. I struggle to find anyone who is not a part of this system and this German man is really one of the reasons that this system has been incorporated in the first place.

Of course, after forcing an act of absolute passion out of me only because I am human and have these hardwired responses to sexual desire, not because I know him, have any connection, find him attractive or love him--but after forcing this out of me, of course my clothing was sprayed with filthy and stinking odors because this creep didn't get 100% compliance in slavish devotion to be humiliated, abused, raped, tortured and insulted by some German Nazi hater who is in league with the smirking and laughing group of the same in H-wood who haven't stopped passing me around to Europ-a's who all do the same hate acts, and their American Nazi counterparts who all do the same things--as the United States is now facing mobs who want insurrections, Nazi fascist controlled governments, absolute murder in the streets, death squads, and etc etc if you just watch the news--and yet this situation of me being teleported and no one ever stopping it while those who are participating who are absolutely racist and anti-Semitic and usually very racist against blacks while blacks completely participate with them and call them their friends--while they also are anti-Semitic and very violent about it--but this is what is helping all these factions that are tearing the United States apart and it is very much centered upon this group which has so many connections to English royalty and to other various European fascist entities that are 100% dedicated to destroying the United States and creating a Nazi-based colonized inferior state controlled by them. 


And so my pillows and clothing once more, while I slept for over 12 hours last night because of this endless sickness and healing that these parasite pig ape actors are terrorizing me into never healing from--the poisoning that their predecessors who are still involved in sucking ideas out of me and abusing me to death slowly after and before extracting a baby and tortured "submission" to scumbags who I find are subhuman crap and nothing to be excited over or revered to any degree on any scale. Only because they are part of a Nazi group and have been also programmed to claim that they are superior while endless weapons utilizing mind control exploitation are forced upon people to believe in this huge lie. However, they are again spraying stinking and foul substances on my pillows and clothing while I sleep. Waking up in pain from the poison that these creeps put in my food (all my life, in restaurants, from landlords and neighbors and people I share apartments with and "lovers" who all abuse and use and discard me with hate afterwards) and....thusly, not to make myself out to sound pathetic but this is only a descriptor of their behavior and not my reaction which is not victim--but regardless, this rotten and foul sleazy sick bigot Nazi creep is ordering sprays of most foul stinking substances on my clothing after he elicits, through rape and violence, passion out of me and after sucking my life force out of me which I have tried to save and reserve for someone who I actually like if not love--(just endlessly raped and poisoned for the past 20 years and too ill to go out and meet anyone for over 20 years this has been the case--and the only people who surround me are those trying to exploit me, and the mind control poisoning and drugging and mind control tech make me think that utter users and haters are my "friends" and that I "love" scumbags--which is what this greasy and nasty foul German scumbag rapist is forcing upon me--however when I wake up and clarity resumes and I am not in a nascent or sleeping state, drugged up and under mind control--all the years of studying domestic violence and sexism and racism come immediately to mind and all the ugliness and sleazy disgusting foul manipulation that this pig ape German is using come like a rush of disgust to the forefront of my mind, as it is doing now. But I must clean absolutely vile substances sprayed on my clothing I was sleeping in, and inhaling. It was sprayed on my pillow and my clothing while I slept. If I didn't cover my entire body with layers of protection--literally every inch of my body is covered in something in this 90-degree heat so the mechanical arms can't slice through my fingers and toes, spray horrid chemicals on my skin, make my hair falling out and damaged and slivering tendons, arteries, veins, and damaging everything possible on my body while these pigs claim I am unattractive and that the pig apes in Whorewood they are operating with, whom they shower every compliment, kiss on the cheek, friendly loving compliment to are much more beautiful as they all get plastic surgery, more adulation, more cheers awards and praise while I get more torture and must clean non-stop just to not have to live with most vile stinking substances that never wash out. That is what this pig ape scumbag rapist whore has ordered upon me after I "made love" to this ugly and worthless piece of crap last night while I was in this 12+ hour exhaustion and sickness deep sleep. He has extracted literally as much passion out of me that i have and has returned it with violence, threats, physical assault, rape which is intended to be filthy and ugly pornographic humiliation while I respond with love and then this rotten and sleazy foul pig ape has my clothing and pillows sprayed with stinking substances, my food obviously is poisoned and drugged while I sleep and I can't defend myself. 

I can't get this rotten German pig ape whore off me and I tell him every day I don't like him. He and his country have used this technology upon me as a form of sexual humiliation/manipulation where I respond as if I am "in love" with some rotten scumbag who does nothing but abuse and exploit me--then insults me and goes off with his Nazi blonde lover and friends laughing about the rotten porno tricks they are capable of. If anyone has lived in Germany this is a culture of prostitution and sleazy sexual forays and they are absolutely racist to every nuance of their otherwise fake displays of being open-minded and "Democratic" (which they also are not but if they can have a system of equality for themselves they will certain try to create endless fascist systems of degradation and destruction everywhere else around the planet--like they are doing to the United States and this is why I write about the politics of all of this.)

My situation is very much connected to US politics and I urge people who don't want to be slaves to fascist Europigape colonists who are brainwashing these greedy, sleazy and rapactious mediocrities into highest positions of power to not allow this to continue and to block the transactions of this group, stop this mind control technology from being furthered on any level and all the technologies must be rescinded and destroyed and not allowed to be utilized on any level. All patents of these technologies must be eliminated this is a dire threat to humanity. Don't believe the false posturings of these German and Europigape fascists in disguise as being alternatives who come to get in with this rotten Whorewood cartel who are helping to destroy the United States and they really don't care as long as they get more promotions out of it.


and of course the rapist German parasite also ordered, after I was raped, that my finger once more be inserted with a metal object under the cuticle--in this area which has been punctured nightly for a few years--the other finger on the other side that also was routinely nightly punctured into the cuticle and under the nail no longer grows because all the capillaries and nerve endings and the nail itself is dead and there is a gap in my finger--the fingers are swollen and huge with damage to the tissue--and I cover my hands with layers of packaging tape, cotton pads covering the tips wound with packaging tape, then pieces of tissue paper covering it all and wrapped with tape, stuck into my hands so they can't break it off (but with solvents they easily unglue and then reglue it all back together). Then I have a layer of gloves and a pair of socks over all of that, and then a sleeping nightshirt that has been modified so the openings for the hands are sewn together and nothing can enter--they have to stick the mechanical arms into my nightshirt through the opening of the neck area and down into my hands--the mechanical arms can get through all of that, the expertise of the technology allows for all kinds of mutilation and the groups of "brainstorming" scumbags who are professionals in all kinds of mechanical and electronic operations work to see how to get through the very inexpensive tactics I use to defend myself against endless attack. My entire room is covered with materials and all cabinets are hooked together with rubber matting inserted into the huge cracks that the terrorists chisled into the cabinet faux wood panels of the doors. I can't stop this endless attack. Meanwhile another millionaire bigot Nazi scumbag, now a Nazi out of Germany, is having this done to me despite my over 2 years of fighting to defend myself in this tiny microstudio against these attacks and he's raping and hitting and abusing me nightly with death threats to provide him and his filthy pig group with a baby so they can further infiltrate nazi America and it's endless mafia/Nazi cartels of hate and destruction and then also get promoted for their nasty work--this includes his Whorewood cock rock bands he has played with who are just American Nazis with their swastikas and their crappy heavy metal crap that is all about power imbalances that they absolutely support when it comes to Nazi cartels operating with them to continue to put their crap cock rock into more media exposure. It's all really filthy and vile, but I write of the filth that they produce and the effects upon the planet that are inter-related to global warming, which is a topic that even Nazi pig apes can relate to but they can't connect the dots to how their own "friends" are also responsible for these problems because they must have their cherished master-slave plantations in all countries where they can exploit sex tourism and slave mentality in 3rd world beach locations and countries.


30 minutes later: I had my hair up in a bun, which I put up upon waking from my 12+ hours of sleep/healing and rape/teleportation terror exercise in power Nazi ordeal from this German creep who won't leave me alone and is so fixated upon obtaining endless promotions by participating in this sordid hate crime which he is thrilled to be participating in, and heaped with love and affection by skankalina pig ape and the rest of the rape/trauma/hate crew of Whorewood who have not stopped attacking ME for over a decade--to their endless Oscar awards and prizes and lead roles and movie concepts they derived from torturing me--adapted to their Nazi platform of disinformation and propaganda disguised as "woke" cultural output in "Entertaiment".

He also ordered stinking fungus to be sprayed into my hair. I just took it down and the stink emanating is awful. I just washed my hair last night and it was very flowery and wonderful. This filthy and dirty ugly sick German creepazoid is as filthy on a personal level as the filth he is spraying into my clothing, bedclothes, hair and the pornographic hate filth he is pounding into my body through the usual hate-acts that these sinister and ugly men are cheered on to inflict upon me--not by choice, and even when I was drugged and awake it was not by choice it is all to do with drugging/mind control technology and lies and distortion--. But that is yet another attack I can see now and I am sure there are many to come. This rotten sick creep threatened me very directly last night while raping and assaulting me and he is a really determined parasite that has latched on to exploit every single aspect of my life and ruin and destroy me with the full cheers of the "me too!" feminist skank women the racists and rapists who are lavishing affection upon this bigot racist shithole creep violinist David Garrett who is attacking me for calling this rotten skank a pigape and I only can say that this endlessly declining contract of violence heaped upon me by this group should be stopped someone should intervene something should be done about this. I am trying to list reasons why in these ranting posts but it appears that nothing is going to ever stop them, or will it? They are a threat to national security they have brought Trump  to power--believe it or not--they are handing this technology out to vicious fascist Nazis like this German scumbag rapist hate racist creep who is now a revolting stupid jerk-off in my opinion but of course the cock rock musicians in LA and all that crowd are cheering him on for raping me using such old strategies of racist rape I have witnessed in Germany and also directed to Turkish women and other immigrant women who get in the grips of these noxious German pig ape Nazi whore men who treat such women with the most degrading pornographic hate power fantasies--as this creep pig ape is doing to me with this whorewood group of scum absolutely cheering this vile filthy thing on and on, as they have done now for a decade. Behind them are the powers of the English Monarchy and other nefarious Nazi/Mafia power cartels that are infamous but are made glorified by this entertainment media mind cesspool that is constantly being handed to low-level mediocrities who must torture someone to steal concepts and then are glorified for having done so. 


20 minutes later: I just washed my hair and clumps are falling out. The stinking fungus they sprayed into my hair--which is wound up in a bun, covered with a cloth hat I made that is fastened under the chin, and secured with fabric that I wrap around the strap in multiple folds that I secure with series of safety pins--but they got into the back area because there is a tiny space for a tiny nozzle to slither up and spray these toxins and poisons into my hair. I noticed that the cupboard under the kitchen sink has been disturbed--the series of obstacles I push down on top of the rubber matting which is stuffed into the huge half-inch cracks that the terrorists cut into the panels of the door frames so every instrument could be inserted into my room through this opening. The area under the sink is always wet as there is a particle board separating my room from the next, it is so thin it bends inward with the slightest of pressure with a finger. They have made the particle board, maybe two millimeters in width--perpetually rotten and wet and they insert these mechanical arms through this opening. I have tried to tape off t his area and I can't accomplish this. I put beads that are on top of the objects stuffed on top of the rubber matting and this morning the beads were all over the floor--pushed up from the inside and underneath from the mechanical arms being inserted from inside the sealed shut cabinet under the sink. All cabinets and closets in this room are thus sealed and I can't use them so my room is a total mess where I have things stuffed under the stinking and sprayed toxic couches and on the floor in formation in this tiny room. My hair is once again falling out as they forced upon me for YEARS PLUS YEARS OF SPRAYING FUNGUS INTO MY HAIR/EARS AND OTHER orifices in my body. Plus spraying toxic chemicals on my skin and etc etc and trying to cut my teeth out by cutting gum tissue out nightly (I now have the gum tissue cut to my mandible on my lower jaw in areas that were sliced into nightly for months before I now must tape my mouth completely with packaging tape and I don't know if they are getting through that or not. My head is covered with this cap I made and altered and fastened and my body is covered in layers of tape and tissue and cotton pads and balls and layers of clothing just to try to stop this endless deterioration of my body pigs like this German pig ape scumbag and filthy pigalina his cherished Nazi partner in destroying are all being promoted so endlessly for. I write about this ugly and rotten sleazy creep and I know he's just laughing with his rotten stupid hyena friends and rotten family and colleagues and still getting promoted as I sit here waiting for his next more violent move while I wish him death by now. He's just a piece of crap that has exploited this situation only because I downloaded a move made in 2013 about Paganini that he starred in. He plays a Satanic sleazy whoremongering scumbag in the movie and that is his real fantasy played out with this teleportation hell technology that demonic scumbags in Whorewood are enjoying passing around to another nazi rapist pig scum-=-AGAIN, AND AGAIN FROM ONE TO THE NEXT ALWAYS AIMED AT DESTROYING ME. When will my country ever stop promoting and funding these rotten pig apes when will anyone ever stop them?

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Terrorist report: June 3, 2021. Stinking foul chemicals sprayed onto my pillows and clothing while I slept last night--as I was teleported and assaulted by this German violinist who is using most pornographic sleazy exploitation of torture technology to obtain this contract out on me. I fight and fight but the isolation, torture, poisoning and drugging and endless violence aimed at me with zero blocks from the U S Government or anybody on this planet has left me absolutely vulnerable. I fight and fight to get this next bigot Nazi parasite off me and he won't stop. He's complimenting the women who have laughed as they had me tortured so they could obtain information to use as their own, while their husbands and lovers raped and abused me as they watched on laughing. This pig ape German whore is telling me he finds her so much more attractive and "better" than me while telling me to have a baby with him, get marred and move to Germany so he can obtain more free deals out of this teleportation rape and torture technology which he is using like a torture orgiastic porno racist advocate.

*This is my 2nd posting of this entry, as the one I just published has been partially rewritten, deleted and changed to incomprehensible form by hacker terrorists. This post will also have been rewritten and altered by the terrorists but I am trying to revise it (and I did not get through the entire post as hackers are making typing very difficult if not impossible at this time.

THIS IS AN APPEAL TO GET THIS GERMAN RAPIST RACIST BIGOT PORNO CREEP OFF ME and I hate to write about him as this only has proven as "proof" of the absolute willingness of these teleporting thug group of celebrities and politicians to get more promotions and deals while I remain in homelessness, poverty and sickness that they have forced upon me --also living in filthy squalor that their terrorist minions pour into my home and body every single day that never ends as well as the rape, which is the "exciting" theme that many of you will only get titillated at by reading of my endless appeal to get racist rapist abuser and porno sleazy bigot off me in this heinous crime that no one stops or will defend me from so it is stopped completely.


I then woke up this morning to these horrific sprays on my pillow and my clothing. I hung up something outside to air it out and the mechanical arms used by the terrorists flicked horrid stains on the clothing and that also won't wash out. The stinking chemicals on my pillow I have sprayed twice with bleach/water spray to the point of complete saturation. When it dried the stink remained but subdued only a bit. I then washed the entire area with soap and after that dried it still stank like rotting meat had been smeared on it. I have again for the 4th time washed this area of this pillow and it's drying right now in front of the huge fan I have in this torture chamber room/surveillance death trap I have been forced into and can't get out of because my every attempt to earn money has been blocked by this global terrorist organization. My every internet action is censored or blocked. This post, like all my posts, has been partially deleted and rewritten by the terrorist hackers; I am now reediting and rewriting as I must in order to try to get all my thoughts out in staggered attempts and rewrite all the deletions and rewrites. I have just slightly rewritten this paragraph and the one below but I am not going to read through the entire post as hackers are making the keyboard nearly impossible to pound anything out on as it's made too stiff and keys/letters are being juxtaposed while I am typing.

The German scumbag creep--because it's now over one week of him raping me using this insidious technology nightly and even while I am in a very awake but semi-conscious state. The brain-altering technology is so awful that they can induce a semi-conscious state while I am in a waking state and teleport me to do their nasty work of information extraction and all other kinds of rape and fantasy racist rapist types of attack.

He's a very nasty, racist rapist porno freak kind of personality and I wake up from being assaulted in most ugly and "Humiliating" degradation scenarios that only a sleazy porno personality could contrive. With the backing of the Whorewood persona who haven't stopped with filth sprayed into my body, mutilation, rape, stealing ideas on and on for over a decade from me and blocking every single financial possibility I could ever attempt to achieve so I remain in dire poverty, being abused by them non-stop, raped and raped and raped both while I'm unconscious in this death trap room and mutilated and disfigured afterwards--but then raped while teleported simultaneously as my body literally is split in twain during these putrid sick teleportation episodes. But this German piece of trashy creepy scum forces the most sleazy nasty porno actions out of me as I swear all kinds of promises and love for a man who disgusts me on a deepening level day-by-day and I write and write about him and he's going on and on and on, which means he's getting more and more and more promotions, more love and respect from this group in Whorewood as he's helping them all to obtain more deals and contracts as a gang that is now so large I can't count them all any longer is operating to break my body, spirit and soul every single day while extracting every single thing possible out of me. This German pig ape whore Nazi is lavishing affection upon greasy ugly pigalina the whore rotten creep and this nasty man Pit, her "divorced" husband in name but they are always together attacking me like a married couple of sordid, porno sexually-depleted parasites who both have been going at me FOR A DECADE without end. *By the way, I am now re-reading this and hackers have changed spelling and words in parts of this paragraph which I am now correcting. For example, I had written "Pigalina" to mock Asswipe-alina the actor, but hackers rewrote it as pigaline--which may be confusing if my "immature" ranting is not confusing enough with all the hacker rewrites. I then wrote "and this nasty man Pit" and hackers rewrote it as "these nasty men pit" which is also confusing and leads away from identifying brad pit and his rotten ugly skank whore wife who he has divorced but endlessly they suck every bit of sexual energy, every intellectual concept and all creative ideas out of me as a couple like they are still married. They are disgusting all I have done since 2013 is tell them when they teleport me that they and their movies are crap, and all they have done is make sure my body is mutilated and my home made foul and stinking and dirty and disgusting as they then call me dirty, ugly and all other kinds of names while they have pig men like this German creep teleport and rape me and abuse, humiliate and violate every single thing about me then insulting me with derision afterwards and when I fight back, I am attacked and attacked. The millions of gang stalking Nazi creeps of all races and colors ensure that this is going on without a hitch. But because it's happening to me and I can't fight back, it's me who is denigrated by society and not them, who are promoted for their every repulsive and dirty, filthy vile action which is applauded and met with awards and million dollar contracts by this Nazi industry that controls seemingly everything and every body. This Nazi bigot violinist is now a repugnant ugly parasite I can't pry off me as he's sucking out my life force, I'm giving my love to a worthless creep who I now despise (which is the goal of this unnatural death group and why he won't stop and he's not only getting love from his cherished movie stars and the women are surrounding him, but he's pouring his disgusting porn racist hate upon me and I am fighting back only to get more torture and violence aimed at me). WHEN DOES ANYBODY EVERY STOP THIS GROUP AND DEFEND ME?

This nasty, German pig ape classical violinist who I have told to leave me alone and now am screaming in hate after these sleazy, disgusting abuse/humiliation/torture sexual rape porno fantasies that are extremely typical of German pig ape bigots and I have experienced them for years not only personally--using this same system and the same mentality the same racist hate scenarios and abuse and humiliation and insults but I have known of "brown and black" women who have lived in Germany who receive the exact same type of humiliating sublimating subjugation with these disgusting mama's boy German ape whores who frequent the prolific whorehouses of Germany on every single weekend and their sexuality is rife with racism and hate (not that American porno dumb dudes are any better in that respect) but the patterns are so identical from one German creep to the next that it's more than predictable and boring as well. But anywho---I am writing about this as usual waiting for someone to pry the next rapist pig ape off me--hoping that soon this entire spectacle of torture aimed endlessly at me will be stopped and I can live in peace and these pig apes face justice for their crimes against me and I also receive financial compensation for not just one decade for their crimes--just from this ever-enlarging group of s*** out of Whorewood but in general the endless injustice that my country has allowed to be perpetrated upon me by gangs of creeps that circulate these technologies, have information-sharing networks, every kind of surveillance possible to block every kind of attempt to have financial solvency and a decent life--all threats and murder and death and all is completely covered up.

I have told this German pig ape scumbag whore to please go bonk greaasy pigalina the rotten actor who has not stopped attacking me for a decade with her husband. If he adores her and sees this fellow bigot whore piece of S** as being "better" than me then go screw one another and leave me alone. But no, they won't leave me alone because of this contract out on me. Please let the Nazi pig apes go screw one another and stop allowing them to force their greasy pig ape penises in my body where I react with love to some nasty hater disgusting parasite who then orders that stinking sprays are put on my clothing that are manufactured in torture laboratories that are designed to create such instruments of torture and mind control coercion. They mutilate, poison, abuse and insult me immediately after they use mind control to extract a passionate love response out of me as they get promoted for it. This is one greasy pig ape after the next and all I do is fight to clean my body from their scars, poisons and fungus and the hardening chemicals and then all I can do otherwise is clean and clean their stinking poisons that they spray on my clothing and furniture because after multiple murder attempts by their predecessors who raped me using this system for years or decades they then tried to kill me off slowly in horrible ways--or in accidents and I am now screaming at them to get off me as they force sexual responses out of me in this decade of torture and paralysis that has not stopped for a single day with no love or support coming to me from anybody whatsoever--

Please America, stop this endless array of Nazi bigots, whores, creeps and parasites attacking me non-stop for years and years and years and years and years and years.

The hackers are now blocking the keypad so badly I can't type any longer. 

The creeps who are doing this to me, who are really the subhuman crap who really are those who should be pointed at and insulted, humiliated and shunned--who should be banned from being put into highest financial brackets instead they are adulated and awarded. Their sleazy hate crimes against me are used against me psychologically as further torture as they then insult me on every level possible for the violence they have inflicted upon me in the first place. They have mutilated my body so badly I can't walk any longer. They have made my hair fall out, my fingers are mostly huge and enlarged there are scars and parts of my fingernails are completely and permanently destroyed--my toes have all been broken they have put hardening chemicals on my toenails and broken bones and vertebrae and put hard chemicals in my body and inserted objects under my skin that I need surgery to remove--these are not things like cysts there are things inserted into my body. They have put fungus in my hair, vagina and food and all my furniture for YEARS EVERY SINGLE DAY as they also had rotten creeps break into my room, rape me, put my hips and spine out of alignment and then sprayed my room with toxic stinking sprays--stole money and broke and destroyed things every single day. That is just this group of shit in Whorewood and not to mention a lifetime of this. The racist rapist German psychopigape who is not stopping with his endless sexual energy extraction of me is now insulting how I look, the condition of the place I live in (he of course is following what filthy pigape-alina the rotten ugly plastic surgery modified piece of ugly and stupid sleazy crap is telling him to do--and that she's wonderful, he tells me (or hints at it_) that she looks so much better and blah blah and then he rapes me and then has my home and clothing sprayed with this crap after he has more metallic objects inserted under my fingernails so they are more damaged and already blood vessels and nerve endings are completely severed off (as this group also cut out part of my uterus and haven't stopped having my body mutiliated for a decade--also they have tried to have my teeth knocked out and they have made my hair so damaged and falling out that I have had to live with bald spots for years due to their damage. I now sleep with layers of items covering my head and pinned together and parts of my hair are finally growing back. Oh yes, they also have smeared damaging chemicals on my skin every day for years as well and caused scars, liver spots, and spider veins cover my legs as well the bones are crooked from all the spinal manipulation and they have forced tears out of my eyes also for years on a daily basis so my skin is damaged on my face--while my eyesight is very badly diminished due to all kinds of vision and brain attacks.

And this rotten German pig, like all of the men who participate in this, are showering the Nazi women like filthy ugly pigape alina with compliments as she and they all get more plastic surgery, more huge promotions, while they block my every financial attempt to earn even a meager amount of money so I am not living in such squalled poverty and desperation I must always buy food that is left out poisoned and on sale because I can't afford to eat. I take the food home and hairs are in it, it's moldy and that has been how I have had to eat for years because of this rotten group of stinking crap who are continuously attacking me so finally I will "break" and have a "baby " with one of these pig men who have raped and abused me, who all say I am not attractive, call me names, rape and physically slap, punch and abuse me, insult and torture me after they get some reaction of sexuality out of me, and it is NEVER STOPPED AND IT NEVER ENDS.

What is almost as disgusting is that by me writing about this filthy and vile bigot Nazi creep out of Germany who nearly ran to this group of shit in Whorewood so he could participate in this contract out on me (because I was drugged up and dazed and watched a movie he starred in--and wrote a post about it because I found his violin playing in the movie, the plot, sort of fun but I was being brainwashed and always am while I am in front of this laptop). 

He ran to join this group--and has followed the disgusting protocols that only the most ignorant and loveless scum would follow day after day for years and years. He doing exactly the same things so many other foul parasites have done to me while I am stuck in this state with zero support system of protection from anybody (or so it seems, or they can't openly make a real support system for me because they are scared or whatever--if that is ever happening or has ever really happened that people have supported me I have only a vague knowledge of--what people have done is so scant considering the scope of these operations it feels like nothing but I know people have actually done things to help me but right now it feels like "nothing".)

I am writing about subjects that are intended to cast shadow upon the victim as if they are to blame, which is what society always does anyway.  I wrote this thug's name yesterday and he has run to commit more violence upon me because he's getting promoted for me writing about his violence and sleazy pornographic exploitation which is disgusting to me. I wake up not only slimed from their toxins but the psychic energy and sexuality is so dirty and filthy and sleazy and ugly and stupid--on their part--not on mine but THEY GET PROMOTED I still am being tortured for simply defending myself and because "they" don't want to see me have any kind of standing, success or chance to compete or succeed and I keep trying to get up from this pit they have forced me into and they keep putting people to abuse, humiliate, rape and threaten me and the list never ends.

It is THEY who should be shunned, insulted and cast out not me. But that is now how this Nazi global structure has worked the brainwashing and compliance system out to be and thus I write hoping that the small fraction of people out there who also may have been victimized may eventually rise up and not only defend me but themselves and society even from this pollution that poisons the planet but is considered some kind of superior race or group only to the duplicity and violence they are being allowed to continuously get away with using these horrid technologies and brainwashing media and political exploits and channels of mind control programming.


32, 542 people held in custody by police have been killed in the United States "since 2000", according to an independent research group. How many more have been undocumented and are not included in this tally due to the covert assassination terror networks that are targeting me in this global systematic prison/hate/rape/torture/murder operation enhanced fully by technology/drugging/electronic weaponry and fully endorsed by celebrities and politicians alike? The trickle down of covert technologically and drug-enhanced mind control, targeting and brainwashing operations remains protected.

 Report Documents 32, 542 Police Killings in U.S. with vast undercount of People of Color. Democracy Now! June 1, 2021.

Statistically, in the US, every day one African-American and one Latino are killed while in custody by police violence.

As per my situation of being a targeted "gang stalking" victim (in the criminal justice sense of the word "victim" used for crime analysis and statistics)--as a victim I can assure that police 100% support ALL perpetrators and I receive 0% help or support from police (or anybody else). These types of targeting actions are covert assassinations and they are being condoned by police and higher political components of government (with all social agencies also operating with full coordination and participation). How many unreported murders and assassinations have already transpired due to this network which will poison someone's food at a restaurant (it's extremely easy to do and is fully participated in at every single restaurant, or nearly so). How easy to use remote technology to make someone's car or vehicle crash? How easy to obscure death records how easy to change information how easy to conduct surveillance and how easy murdering people either in custody or outside of it has now become. The problem is that mostly people fully participate in these actions through the networking, whether compartmentalized or not, and every component in the chain-of-action in this huge modus operandi system of crime and torture and murder operates on a seamless plateau of injustice and criminal activity. Fully greased into action by politicians and governments and trickling down into all businesses and even into private relationships (a target can so easily be duped into being in relationships that end up in murder but then are covered up). This is the new form of assassination (relatively new, it's not really very new at all). So far no information is being put out by media or really anybody about these types of covert activities. The death count thus remains at a much lower level than reported in these independent research findings and statistics.

Imagine how many unreported deaths will occur, have already occurred, with these gang stalking groups and technologies that are created to leave no evidence or trail? With th silencing of all communities, getting out any video to prove police killings (i.e. Floyd) will become impossible, making murder by police using these covert systems absolutely impossible to criminalize or prosecute.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Memorial Day, and the proped-up are honoring The fallen heroes buried in a sinkhole cesspool of platitudes uttered today in ceremonies of flags lifted over the rotting corpses of Democracy's deaths.

 THE GUN IS LOADED--by Lydia Lunch


Memorial Day, and the propped-up are honoring The fallen heroes buried in a sinkhole cesspool of platitudes uttered today in ceremonies of flags lifted over the rotting corpses of Democracy's deaths.

Supposedly (using a slang word) the politicians of Today are honoring the fallen soldiers who fought to protect freedom and Democracy. Not the same thing can be said of 99% of the politicians in Washington, D.C. when it comes to protecting me from THEIR SURVEILLANCE AND TORTURE/TELEPORTATION AND MK ULTRA TORTURE APPARATUS. In fact, like Pelosi, instead the laugh as they participate and they threaten and exploit (as well as grift $ when they are trying to pass bills and are using me to help them get acceptance from the Nazis in Whorewood who also are grifter actor/politicians.

He was a classic cock rock wanna be rocker making his move to be living in Beverly Hills moonlighting as a fascist Nazi cop killer in a uniform of fashionista fascism.

 Mz Neon ft. Lydia Lunch "Cop F**ker" music video

He was a classic cock rock wanna be rocker making his move to be living in Beverly Hills moonlighting as a fascist Nazi cop killer in a uniform of fashionista fascism.

He was a classic cock rock rock n roll star who always hits below the belt

He dreamed of living in Beverly Hills with his blow-up doll named velvet felt
who smelt
like a rat but looked like a plastic surgery welt

However his private pleasure true intention
was to be a killer cop wearing a Nazi uniform
and so I dedicate this song to du
because today I will try to hypnotize myself to
blast your private bits into little teenie tiny little knits
just like to stupid sheeple people cries
of the little creeps who cheer you on, your shitty little shits (fans)

and I am not one of them.

Terrorist mind control/teleportation rape, gang rape and torture, abuse and hate report: June 1, 2021. I had written a post on this blog which was not just deleted but the entire page was logged out while I was attempting to publish. This below is a obstructed-by-hacking post I attempted to publish on Facebook because I think that forum is not as easy to hack as this blog is. The Europ-a rapist Nazi hater is named David Garrett. I do not want to promote this disgusting creep by writing about him, as that is also part of the protocol. However he had me gang raped by his disgusting hyena group of bigot Europigape friends last night after now it's a week of having verbal fights with him after he has teleported and raped me non-stop night after night now. He is not going to stop and he is demanding a "baby" out of me and he disgusts me, and the disgust increases daily as he continues the assault and rape and violence towards me.


I had written so many things that were so crucial to this aspect of mind control, and have a much wider bearing than simply a hate rant against rapists (as rape just appears to be something that is accepted by the people "in charge" of society and they really want me raped to death and gang raped and tortured so that seems to make no difference). But the technological exploitation, perhaps the descriptions of THAT may spur some of you to take note and be concerned, as people can only identify a threat if it threatens them personally. True compassion is very rare and increasingly impossible to find as this Nazi organization infiltrates, brainwashes, kills off activists and whistleblowers, and puts only the most immature, sinister and vile into top positions of power to implement their absolute hate and death system where they languish in luxury at "the top" of the pyramid of hate and death that they have built below in this insidious social structure.
I am a human being driven by hormones, physiological drives that are hardwired into my genome, my neurochemical conduits and running through my brain, my body, my hormones, and my very essence as the urge to procreate is a natural and not pornographic drive. This group uses a kind of exploitation of this system to either dull or completely close off these types of sensations of the sexual urge or to amplify them to such extremes as it's painful and can thusly be used as a form of extreme coercion, threat, and manipulation of desire, thought and action that this group truly revels in and exploit to their every capability possible. The technology being used against me is weaponizing sexuality for purposes of control and exploitation in such an unethical way. Meanwhile their every pornographic fantasy is being indulged in as they drive my body and brain to nearly impossible levels in order to indulge in their racist hate and pornographic fantasies. These fantasies can range from mere humiliation to physical torture or to DEATH. Already this creep who is using this form of extreme manipulation has leveled a veiled death threat at me, of course in front of the greasebag group of a-hole list actors who perpetually are put in frontline starring roles, especially since they latched onto this most lucrative contract and never, ever will let go of me. This violinist from Germany, David Garrett, most anxious to be a cock rock superstar in America and the Europigape-obsessed Americans who want to have more castles, mansions, orgies, lovers and all promises of "aristocracy" handed to them as their reward for implementing the most insidious and heinous aspects of genocidal behavior through this technology, THROUGH their every subliminal message incorporated into their every mediocre, formulaic plot (with ideas they steal from me in order to make them more commercially viable to the yearning for "freedom" Nazi market of brainwashed, gang stalking consumers who are throngs of violence aimed at me by these actors and their counterparts, i.e. the classical violinist who portrudes his penis out and his pelvis out while he's playing as the girly girls and boys scream in lustful delight for his Europigape audiences because he's playing the cock rock idol for his musical performances. I have done my slight research on this dude and have seen at least one or two videos of him playing in this sort of pornographic, cock rock posturing. What ever. Underlying all that is a very sleazy personality who is pornographically-driven but the typical German bigot using the same words, formulas and expressions I heard on a near 100% recurring pattern amongst the Germans I was also drugged and exploited (that euphemism for rape) by when I lived for 5 years in Germany--speaking German, living only amongst German-speaking people.

I had also written, in my post that was completely deleted just a few minutes ago (and I don't want to spend any more time on these themes but I must, I am compelled as this is a threat to the United States and not just to my life at this point--it's a threat to the planet too but people may confuse my thought as being anti-Nazi but this system goes further into exploitation than people would imagine--).

but I had written that this is not just another Nazi coming from Europe to infiltrate and use and exploit, with the American celebrities, politicians (I have named them earlier,, from both sides of the bipartisan aisles of American Government-and they represent probably millions of Americans who fully participate in these terrorist gang stalking exploits as well).
But, it's really such an obvious NazI system at this point. This man, David Garrett, is so openly almost a Nazi and these actors are so fully embracing him, in particular this woman who has not stopped torturing, dismembering and assaulting me for a DECADE by now after stealing ideas from me using torture, drugging, poisoning and every kind of type of mental and physical abuse and violence heaped upon me. AS this new administration appears to be battling the Neo-nazi organizations that tried to kill Pelosi (or so they said) and tried to dismantle Democratic Electoral College processes--as their administrators in their State Leglislatures are trying to impede voting as proxy to these Nazi pushes for absolute control and racist operations in Government which hitherto have been veiled under gesticulating rhetoric and posturing that has amounted to effete allowances of brutality towards all sorts of groups--and towards me of course in this situation.

It should be so clear that this is a Nazi group of actors with their minorities playing completely into the Nazi game. I urge people if they don't want absolute hate and murder death squads to completely take over the United States to consider stopping this group and this technology being used against me.

I really can't think or write any longer. My thoughts are flowing out of my consciousness before I can use them]

Now I remember: I am forced into a systematic system of not just physical torture on all levels, partial paralysis from hardening chemicals and the detoxification which has lasted for a decade--plus a kind of drugged zombiesque type of living state prior to the detoxification where I was completely malleable to all kinds of exploitation schemes.
I am deprived of every single loving, kind friendship and all animals who are loving and fluffy and fun. I am isolated to a degree, with full participation and assent by society, into a state not only of endless physical pain, but then the endless torture from this group of actors, then they are using this technology to both stifle all kind of sexual desire but then to amplify it to such a heightened state that I can be manipulated to an nth degree by anyone who has access to the technology that forces such a reaction. I have had to deal with this same assault/reaction schemata many, many times in Germany and often in America. I know the patterns by now. With Germans the words spoken to manipulate--the sleazy and hateful ugliness of their sheer rotten, pornographic hate fantasies is never deviated in word or action by "them". this man Garrett, who I clearly identified immediately as being a stupid and sleazy scumbag parasitic rapist creep is no exception whatsoever. With a group of creeps who had then passed me around to be raped by last night while I was asleep, in this torture situation, under mind control, teleported and this techno-enhanced sex drive exploited to the max--the first day this group of stupid immature pornographic old men/children/mama's boys gloated, "I'm going to make you my slave and you will do whatever I want." I then glared at them in hate but was unable to speak--as they also shut off my vocal abilities at that time. That was done by this idiotic stupid creep on the first day of nightly teleportation while I was asleep. The next day I began my by now week of telling him I don't want him, which has culminated in yelling names at him in disgust in hate while he responds with yelling and then teleports and rapes me while my body is being put into an unbearable level of sexuality as a form of rape enabling. I really can't control it. He is despicable and in my opinion a kind of stupid rotten old man who is also a little boy. I won't go into more personal analysis at this point but he has plastered my You Tube page with his video clips and I have had ample opportunity to do a bit of analysis on him. HE IS NOTHING I EVER WANTED AND/OR WANT nor will ever want. I respond to him by absolute love because I have been forced into such torture by a group of vicious and rotten creeps from Whorewood who are so repugnant that this conniving and stupid stranger appears like a kind of respite, even when I know it's not and he's just another dumb creep but even more immature and rotten than this group of Americans--with his little boy rape fantasies of rape and gang rape with this group of Europigapes he brought along with him to join on in--with the Nazi Americans like filthy pigalina laughing and so happy as this rapist pig German creep is so loving and wonderful towards her and towards them all. AS she orders me to be nearly completely destroyed physically with all kinds of attack on my every single personal body part and sexuality and my thoughts and home and finances with the full support of "everyone" it seems.

For anyone out there who does not care about me getting raped endlessly but may care if pigs like this continue to be welcomed into the folds of your Nazi bigot Celebrity culture who are aligned completely with politicians who will alow for absolute bigot rape to flourish using this technology--and murder is very close to this system as they have tried to have me killed on numerous occasions for simply defending myself verbally in written posts.

I can't pound down any longer the hacking is awful. this man Garrett is a disgusting greasebag and these celebrities are rotten and foul. Do not continue to allow this crap to gain access to t his technology and get promoted for behaving like filthy Nazis any longer.

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...