Thursday, July 1, 2021

Censorship and fascism in the current era of American Freedom clouded by bipartisan convolution. That is to say: all I am writing about in this post is due to an American State-sponsored version of an emerging fascist, Totalitarian technocracy.

 BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ. Film critique expressed by a white male who I listen to in the angst of knowing that if I write any such critique or think of such things I will experience a rain of attack and violence on many, various covertly ordered attack by my American Totalitarian-organized Big Daddy organization. Alexanderplatz is a movie multi-dimensional drama of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's tale of the lowest common denominator rising. It is now at the level that the United States has likewise risen to and is nearly full-fledged and full-blown. Let it be known that femicide is also a key factor in the film and can be on a similar plateau of fascist mentality.


Censorship and fascism in the current era of American Freedom clouded by bipartisan convolution. That is to say: all I am writing about in this post is due to an American State-sponsored version of an emerging fascist, Totalitarian technocracy.

As I am being literally tortured through all these invisible covert technologies and terrorist stalking groups--if I write any kind of critical review that in any way examines or paints any revelation about negative aspects of the prevailing culture I am tortured and attacked and maimed and brutalized. How apt then to put a white male's perspective who has been allowed to write any kind of negative review of the German culture alongside this movie review as my corollary cathartic which I cannot begin to either write due to hacking interference or due to brain attacks pulsed out or meted out to my brain's critical thinking capabilities. As I type the keyboard is becoming non-functional as I must stop writing and rewrite and backspace and my brain is always blocked ot the extent that I can only remember what I had wanted to write when I get away from the laptop or turn the system off. This critical revie of Fassbinder's Alexanderplatz is of a tone and level I could potentially write if all these attacks, threats and blocks were removed. This movie is an apt source to pit against my current situation and should be included in any analysis of what forces are being pitted against me.


BERLINALEXANDERPLATZ--Misanthropic Humanism.


JOY DIVISION. She's Lost Control.


A SPECIAL DAY--UNA GIORNATA PARTICOLARE. Sophia Loren & Marcello Mastroianni (plus Adolf Hitler plays a cameo role). 1977.

The traditional housewife--dying slowly as her husband is out frolicking around she's burdened with children and cleaning. Under fascism she must breed and bleed for country and big Daddy hovering over her to beat her down if she so much as says or thinks the wrong thing. Happy to be cleaning and breeding and obeying and under the protection of Big Daddy in His House. Dying, dying and looking for Mr. Goodbar. After years of teleportation and MK ULTRA rape, which is tantamount to being gang raped repeatedly for years in this technocratic "experiment" of the most base elements of human existence put into highest promotional level: Just for one day I would like my dream man to sweep me off the next phase which they plan on forcing upon me in the fascist "new world" Old World order: glorified, underpaid, abused and mortified mommyhood and obeying, cleaning, loving and being silent as the man goes off screwing around!  


A SPECIAL DAY--The Quiet Victims of Fascism (Film review).

Here is yet another review that a white male is presenting regarding the white male domain of dominance and domination (which I would be tortured and maimed and threatened for writing or speaking or uttering or thinking due to this wonderful new world of new world technology bringing back the old world.)


oH, oh 


AS FOR THE women involved, the fascist women of all races and smiling, suave and conniving varieties of all the flavors that men have mashed-up into their pockets for poker night picks and Bingo bonanzas --passing one to the next in drawings for highest bidder at lowest cost possible except for the candy arm which obtains the highest front row seat of all the rape and torture of the demoralized victimized targeted woman (i.e. MOI) and the children of these fascists learn and watch and perform and are involved

Oh, the story of OH

how I could go into the woe

the way they repeat what they sow

but that is another story


because for a woman like me, truly in the pit the mosh pit of this freak circus

would be to also examine his woman and her offspring

instead of always vilifying the male, as so often is the case

the focus I would make instead would be on the compliance of the woman

in the rape circus that her man delights in

technology now fulfilled long suppressed dreams

 of domination and conquerance.

Thus the white male is the only true source of critique

except for a few discarded feminists who sometimes

also play the abuser and rapist enabler

to keep the silence of the role of other women in the plots

and devices 

that men create--now a universal technological femicide culture

has sprung up, is silenced, the women who yearn to be free of their cultural role as fascist doormat

are thrilled

to see this oh spectacle they and their rapist violent men

have forced upon me

and STEALING IDEAS from me so they can appear as if they actually 


ABOUT any issue that they can't wipe away with a tissue

after the intercourse of discourse is not being recorded for cinematic posterity

Thus the men write about the other men in the club

the women remain as kind victims and sometimes caring and concerned onlookers who never participate

according to the male reviews

unless the subject is exclusively focused-upon in the male-created movie and cinematic and cultural expositions 

that dominate .


Last anthem for the night on the subject of women breaking free from the Old World prisons--some people have claimed no affiliation to Patti Smith after they once hung her photo on their punk strip-tease calendars on their hipster art-patched parched walls of photos of celebrities and other cool items such as dollar bills that could also be used to entertain at those 80's parties once they abandoned former chic hippie pre-punk Smith and turned instead to Blondie.


  NATURAL BORN American Rebel (killer)" I'm in love with the valley of pleasure, I'm in love with the infinite sea."



(gang stalking zombie robots who obey and do what they are told, and look what they wear look how much they don't care

about anything not even about their own lair

(global warming criminals

love virgin rape orgy criminals

ritualistic sacrificial criminals)


I was born on Friday the 13th, at 3 minutes before the end of the witching hour. I have a pentagram figure in my palm where the life and other lines cross. I am a mind control witch hunt target and a hated female figure of no reconciliation of both sexes and a much-desired contractual obsession-possession-compulsion item and therefore..."I was born to be Bad." 

Put in a technological prison. After being poisoned nearly to death, fighting and dodging terrorist cars hitting me in the streets, beaten, raped and everything but burned at the stake. 


Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Terrorist Report: June 30, 2021.

 My water pressure has been turned so low that I get what is less than a trickle, but more like droplets that are almost at the nascent streaming level when I use the shower (I can't use a shower head I use the metal hose because the water pressure had been turned so low to begin with I could not use anything that dispersed the water and had to use the hose to get any water at all.) Now the water level is so low in the shower that I can't wash my body or get soap off and it's at 1/20th of the circumference of the tiny metal hose. As for the bathroom sink, it splutters water in a forked series of mini-streams that are likewise so low that I can barely use it at all. The nozzle for the toilet operates at a much lower level but I am able to use it somewhat to get anything done in that room.

While I press on the levers and nobs to use the shower the kitchen sink faucet begins pouring out water (which eats up at least 1/2 of the water consumption that I need for these other functions in the bathroom). If I use any faucet or water source (including the "broken" washing machine outside) the kitchen faucet begins to shudder after I turn the water source off (trickling as it is) in any other location. The shuddering noise involves the entire faucet shaking and grinding at such a loud level that it really sounds like a broken train grinding to a halt. The noise lessens if I revolve the base of the kitchen faucet to an extreme angle and move the water lever to various angle. The moment I adjust the faucet base and then turn on any source again (including the kitchen sink faucet) the noise resumes because the terrorists on the other side of the wall to my left-hand side are adjusting the clamp that is creating this system of water terrorism. 

If I want to simply turn on the kitchen sink water source I have to spend at least 2 minutes adjusting the levers of the faucet--which never stops dripping a tiny stream and the stream turns into water pouring out if I don't adjust the bottom of the faucet at least 4 times in a row. No matter what, the terrorists on the other side adjust the clamp that is creating these problems to some other angle so that what stops this attack is then adjusted to some other position and I must begin the entire sequence of trying to stop the noise over and over. If one angle works one day it stops working the next. 

Asking my vacant landlord/terrorist who is creating these problems in the first place, according to his contract, entails what he told me the many times I have reported this when he was accosting me for ridiculous issues that also his group has created: he tells me to pay for the problem myself and does nothing and the problem has worsened. I have almost no water any longer, it's really at a few droplet stage which is on the verge of a tiny parcel of streaming water that is not adequate to do anything but get my hands wet. 

I also discovered that terrorists have been inserting piping/mechanical arms through the kitchen plumbing drainpipe so that when I sit in front of my laptop on the broken and chemically-treated table that is completely rusted and scratches and marks and the metal bars are completely rusted and stinking--etc etc

they are spraying chemicals on my hair as I sit in my endless sickness watching the internet as my brain is being pummeled with this technology which keeps me in a semi-comatose state while I write with near hysteria in hate about the OTHER myriad of attacks that are never stopped and continue and continue. I have to put stacked items on top of the drainpipe just to try to stop my hair from being completely damaged and falling out as they have been doing with these mechanical arms that are being inserted through the drainpipe from the other removable panel on the other side of the wall under the kitchen sink. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A clip/video of the racist bigot abuser/user teleporting me with his German girlfriend, holding hands. Two bigot ugly dirty Nazi pig apes in my country being told that they are incredible just because they are Nazi shit. There is the man nightly raping and slapping my face and insulting me afterwards; , telling her that he loves her and complimenting her on her beauty with praise for her personality and everything else that a man in love would bestow upon a women he wants and admires. With me there is only the exact opposite and this sleazy rotten pig ape Nazi whore is doing it not only because he's a racist piece of pig ape shit but because he enjoys torture and is a bigot shithead who I have been fighting to get off me for the last month: this filthy German Nazi pig ape has shown me without fail absolute disrespect at ALL times, hate, rape, violence, insults before and after the hypnotized "love" that he drains and sucks out of me then slaps or abuses and says continuous insults after he rapes me and forces a reaction of "desire" that is a sheer product of mind control exploitation. When I see this video and see the extent to his racist attitude and behavior I can only ask the world to get this ugly an violent bigot pig ape off me because all I have done for one month of rape and abuse is tell him to get off me and he pins me down and rapes me and I can't stop him. His plan to exploit me further with threats and no one defending me has forced me to write all these series of posts today because he's a really ugly personality towards me and I so hope he's destroyed GET THAT ROTTEN NAZI PIG APE WHORE RAPIST OFF ME GET DAVID GARRETT OFF ME I CAN'T STOP HIM AND HE'S JUST GOING ON AND ON WITH HIS PLANS TO FORCE A TRULY HATEFUL AGENDA ON ME FOR THIS PIG'S ENDLESS SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT--WHICH THE PIG APES OF WHOREWOOD ARE INDULGING THIS ROTTEN SKANK WHORE GERMAN NAZI PIG INTO JUST DOING WHATEVER HE WANTS. I SEE WHAT A DISGUSTING EXPLOITER AND USER HE IS WHEN i WATCH THIS VIDEO AND WHAT A CHEESY, GREASY AND DIRTY WHORE THAT PIG REALLY IS. i AM VERY UPSET THIS IS SOME PIG RAPING ME NIGHTLY USING THIS EQUIPMENT AND THEN EITHER HITTING OR INSULTING ME AGFTERWARDS AND i AM HITTING HIM BACK SREAMING AND THIS NEVER ENDS. hE WANTS TO FORCE ME TO GO TO GERMANY WHERE HE SAYS HE WILL HAVE ME RAPED BY HIS FRIENDS AFTER PROVIDING HIM WITH A BABY SO THIS BIGOT RAPIST PIG APE CAN OBTAIN ENDLESS DEALS AND GET MOVIE CONTRACTS PROBABLY. hIS UTTER HATE TOWARDS ME IS SO APPARANT WHEN i WATCH HIM WITH THIS GERMAN PIG APE WOMEN i SO HOPE THIS MAN IS DESTROYED FROM THIS ENDLESS INSULT AND VILENCE TOWARDS ME THAT THE PIGS OF WHOREWOOD ARE CHEERING HIM ON TO DO SO THEY CAN ALL GET TH IS CONTRACTG OUT OF ONE OF T HESE WORTHLESS PIECES OF CRAP FORCING SLAVERY, A BABY AND ABHSOLUTE OPPRESSION ON ME. PLEASE GET THIS ROTTEN SLEAZE SDUMBAG NAZI OFF ME PLEASE GET HIM OF ME PLEASE GET DAVID GARRETT OFF ME UGLY SLEAZY DIRTY GERMAN PIG APE GO DIE AND GO TO HELL. or hits me. I want this rotten German sleazy person off me and I can't stop him from his endless pursuit of trying to clinch this contract out of abusing/using and exploiting me in this teleportation hell. Will SOMEONE PLEASE GET DAVID GARRETT OFF ME PLEASE GET HIM OFF ME i CAN'T STOP MY REACTION TO THE H YPNOSIS AND TELEPORTATION HE'S ABSOLUTELY VIOLENT, NEGATIVE, SLEAZY AND A HATEFUL RACIST BIGOT TOWARDS ME. The hate and disrespect is theonly thing I have ever experienced from each and every pig ape teleporting me I just want some kind of responsible action taken to protect my rights as a human being. Please MAKE THIS BIGOT HATEFUL GERMAN ROTTEN CREEP STOP TELEPORTING AND RAPING AND HITTING AND TORTURING ME HE'S A SLEAZY HATEFUL RACIST RAPIST PLEASE GET HIM OFF ME. The difference in this nasty man's treatment of a German women he really wants and loves is 100% the opposite of every nasty, vilent abusivd action he takes againast me. I can't stand seeing this rotten pig ape with this German pig ape holding her hand while he's abusing me whenever he rapes me and I am hypnotized before and after to "believe" that I am "in love" with some hateful loveless scumbag who is really so racist such a bigoted piece of crap exploiting me. I have told him no endlessly for over a month this is never ending his greed is the only thing I know about him plus his hate.


A clip/video of the racist bigot abuser/user teleporting me with his German girlfriend, holding hands. Two bigot ugly dirty Nazi pig apes in my country being told that they are incredible just because they are Nazi shit. There is the man nightly raping and slapping my face and insulting me afterwards; , telling her that he loves her and complimenting her on her beauty with praise for her personality and everything else that a man in love would bestow upon a women he wants and admires. With me there is only the exact opposite and this sleazy rotten pig ape Nazi whore is doing it not only because he's a racist piece of pig ape shit but because he enjoys torture and is a bigot shithead who I have been fighting to get off me for the last month: this filthy German Nazi pig ape has shown me without fail absolute disrespect at ALL times, hate, rape, violence, insults before and after the hypnotized "love" that he drains and sucks out of me then slaps or abuses and says continuous insults after he rapes me and forces a reaction of "desire" that is a sheer product of mind control exploitation. When I see this video and see the extent to his racist attitude and behavior I can only ask the world to get this ugly an violent bigot pig ape off me because all I have done for one month of rape and abuse is tell him to get off me and he pins me down and rapes me and I can't stop him. His plan to exploit me further with threats and no one defending me has forced me to write all these series of posts today because he's a really ugly personality towards me and I so hope he's destroyed GET THAT ROTTEN NAZI PIG APE WHORE RAPIST OFF ME GET DAVID GARRETT OFF ME I CAN'T STOP HIM AND HE'S JUST GOING ON AND ON WITH HIS PLANS TO FORCE A TRULY HATEFUL AGENDA ON ME FOR THIS PIG'S ENDLESS SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT--WHICH THE PIG APES OF WHOREWOOD ARE INDULGING THIS ROTTEN SKANK WHORE GERMAN NAZI PIG INTO JUST DOING WHATEVER HE WANTS. I SEE WHAT A DISGUSTING EXPLOITER AND USER HE IS WHEN i WATCH THIS VIDEO AND WHAT A CHEESY, GREASY AND DIRTY WHORE THAT PIG REALLY IS. i AM VERY UPSET THIS IS SOME PIG RAPING ME NIGHTLY USING THIS EQUIPMENT AND THEN EITHER HITTING OR INSULTING ME AGFTERWARDS AND i AM HITTING HIM BACK SREAMING AND THIS NEVER ENDS. hE WANTS TO FORCE ME TO GO TO GERMANY WHERE HE SAYS HE WILL HAVE ME RAPED BY HIS FRIENDS AFTER PROVIDING HIM WITH A BABY SO THIS BIGOT RAPIST PIG APE CAN OBTAIN ENDLESS DEALS AND GET MOVIE CONTRACTS PROBABLY. hIS UTTER HATE TOWARDS ME IS SO APPARANT WHEN i WATCH HIM WITH THIS GERMAN PIG APE WOMEN i SO HOPE THIS MAN IS DESTROYED FROM THIS ENDLESS INSULT AND VILENCE TOWARDS ME THAT THE PIGS OF WHOREWOOD ARE CHEERING HIM ON TO DO SO THEY CAN ALL GET TH IS CONTRACTG OUT OF ONE OF T HESE WORTHLESS PIECES OF CRAP FORCING SLAVERY, A BABY AND ABHSOLUTE OPPRESSION ON ME. PLEASE GET THIS ROTTEN SLEAZE SDUMBAG NAZI OFF ME PLEASE GET HIM OF ME PLEASE GET DAVID GARRETT OFF ME UGLY SLEAZY DIRTY GERMAN PIG APE GO DIE AND GO TO HELL. or hits me. I want this rotten German sleazy person off me and I can't stop him from his endless pursuit of trying to clinch this contract out of abusing/using and exploiting me in this teleportation hell. Will SOMEONE PLEASE GET DAVID GARRETT OFF ME PLEASE GET HIM OFF ME i CAN'T STOP MY REACTION TO THE H YPNOSIS AND TELEPORTATION HE'S ABSOLUTELY VIOLENT, NEGATIVE, SLEAZY AND A HATEFUL RACIST BIGOT TOWARDS ME. The hate and disrespect is theonly thing I have ever experienced from each and every pig ape teleporting me I just want some kind of responsible action taken to protect my rights as a human being. Please MAKE THIS BIGOT HATEFUL GERMAN ROTTEN CREEP STOP TELEPORTING AND RAPING AND HITTING AND TORTURING ME HE'S A SLEAZY HATEFUL RACIST RAPIST PLEASE GET HIM OFF ME. The difference in this nasty man's treatment of a German women he really wants and loves is 100% the opposite of every nasty, vilent abusivd action he takes againast me. I can't stand seeing this rotten pig ape with this German pig ape holding her hand while he's abusing me whenever he rapes me and I am hypnotized before and after to "believe" that I am "in love" with some hateful loveless scumbag who is really so racist such a bigoted piece of crap exploiting me. I have told him no endlessly for over a month this is never ending his greed is the only thing I know about him plus his hate.

This group of hate, sleaze, racism and violence teleporting me out of Whorewood have stolen years off my life with non-stop dismemberment, disfiguration, abuse, poisoning, my body has broken down I have aged nearly exponentially they have stolen my cat and killed animals I was taking care of my home has been made a filthy greasy foul place I am being poisoned just by breathing in the filth they spray into the room every single day. This pig ape has gotten into this contract after nearly 10 YEARS of me being raped, teleported and raped, abused every single day, the one family member I had, my cat, stolen from me and she has probably died by now and that was the last friendly and loving sentient being towards me on this planet--besides the other cats that were either killed or taken away from me and only violence and hate has been forced upon me with thousands and thousands of pig apes attacking me just here in lovely Phuket on their Nazi holocaust-derived "vacations". Now this filthy rapist bigot Nazi pig ape has somehow obtained reactions of desire out of me but it is from torture and not from love. His behavior is always condescending, violent and abusive and after I "make love" to this wortheless ugly pig whore he slaps or insults me, as I have written above and this never ends. The pig is then into the Whorewood A-list cesspool and enjoying all the benefits of being welcomed into the membership and I sit here fighting to heal endlessly with no money no home all stolen from me and this filthy pig raping me using teleportation and then abusing and insulting me after he "opens" me up just so he can thrust more hate as deeply into me as possible.


THis rotten pig is telling me that I "must" go to Germany with this rotten pig piece of shit and I have never even had a single decent conversation with this pig except to tell him that I don't want him and he asks me endless questions and then rapes adn insults and abuses and hits me. I hope you die DAvid Garrett I can't stand you ugly sleazy whore please get this pig off me please get this filthy German Nazi pig off me and fuck Germany and these pigs.

Hackers are seriously disrupting this post--I am only going to copy and paste what I had written on Facebook because hackers have rewritten my post and added more insults aimed at me (such as pig ape German bigot above can only show her and not me respect--just what they rearranged of what I had written) I also can't discern where I left off above and the post below is very jumbled. I do not want to waste my life on another user and abuser like this filthy German scumbag will someone please have some compassion and stop this violence against me that not only this pig piece of sleazy and empty rotten Nazi racist ugly foul shit Garrett is forcing upon me but the entire gang of these actors and this organization in general. How much bullshit and violence must I have to endure for years and years and years like this?

"I'm not an abuser...." says the abuser who is being shielded from his violence inflicted upon me with almost a lifetime guarantee of more to come in the future and demands to go to Germany to be abused and tortured and gang raped and forced to have a "baby" and live in a small little Nazi enclave and get endless Hell perhaps until I die. Ha ha the article I just discovered just now because I have been avoiding all internet searches trying to not make it appear as if I want anything to do with him. What did I discover? Ha ha what a sick joke (on me and the world). The teleportation technology is PERFECT for racists, rapists, abusers and worse and this is so welcomed amongst these terrorist organizers and their drooling pornographic men and women who can't wait to destroy and rape and steal and suck out and discard afterwards with the press of a button. Fully automatic rape technology with full granting of permission by every top official in the US and the rest of the planet goes along.

David Garrett Reaches Settlement Over Alleged Ex-Girlfriend Abuse Claims.

(from article): Violinist David Garrett has reached an undisclosed settlement with his ex-girlfriend - who was suing the virtuoso for a reported $12 million over alleged abuse claims

 “'Ashley and I had been together from October 2014, she lived in my apartment in New York … I separated from her in February 2016 … I am not an aggressive person – violence is simply not something I’m into … ” Garrett stressed at the time....The 28 year old former X-rated actress last June accused the violin superstar of physically assaulting her and forcing her to do a number of humiliating acts during the course of their relationship – including drinking urine." 


Wow, wonder what kind of hell this wonderful person Garrett has in mind for me if I go to his little Nazi village in Germany, good old f-ing Germany. 

This is what untold numbers of women, children, boys, girls, dogs, cats and other assorted animals will face when teleportation is further handed to up-and-coming abusers, rapists, pedophiles, nazis, perverts, pornographic haters with murderous fantasies. But wow, last night he threatened me that I have to remain "silent" and only he can talk when I go to Germany to be his torture victim, sex trafficking victim/slave/abused torture victim/opportunity for advancement with Whorewood skanks, pigs and pig apes and then he can do whatever he wants and I can't sue him for it as he wants me silenced and not speaking out and tucked away in some nazi village where he can do whatever he wants to me and the entire country is going to back him up. This is just after one month of him teleporting me, which began thirty-three days ago. For the past 33 days I have done nothing but fight to get him off me.

Ha ha ha this man who claims innocence abuses me every single day. While I am sleeping Garrett lives out his fantasy dreams of getting away with his porno hate and violence fantasies.
Well, the US Government fully accepts and is promoting this technology with full blessing of women of Congress and former presidents and their wives and children--not to mention other various members of Congress and millions of citizens around the world who are so used to pornography, violence against women, and all that this unfathomable hate technology of teleportation is promising to every abuser, user, hater, bigot racist who wants to rape women they can't be seen in public with and etc etc and the boys and girls they really want to rape who are children or even infants.

But I can't describe how THRILLED the Whorewood women who have attacked me/stolen ideas are that this man is abusing and raping me. They love him, he is welcomed I can't imagine how many contracts he has been simply handed for demonstrating absolute hate and violence towards me as he wines and dines his beloved Nazi new friends in Whorewood, California. His dream come true, not just being welcomed into Whorewood and invited into the inner circle but then someone to abuse endlessly who can't sue him for violence and he is demanding now that I remain "silent" and never speak out if I am in public or with him or whatever--just silenced and shut away and tortured, raped and etc that is his plan for me and the Whorewood group is thrilled and love him already --the "Me Too!" women especially.

Good going America good and great job of providing for every abuser to vent his rage and hate upon helpless people who are sleeping. As for the orgy fantasy aspect, I have been told that this technology is "fantastic" by someone who had me nearly killed before and after endless teleportation and rape of me as the bigot nazi female was on an absolute power trip.

This man Garrett within ONE SINGLE MONTH has told me that I have no choice but to go to Aachen Germany, have a "baby" with him, have sex with his friends upon demand, the slapping, hitting and abuse has not stopped for a single day--he's being awarded, praised and is undoubtedly in the middle of new projects handed to him for participation in this horrid situation and technological rape and abuse racist situation. The women who have participated love him and embrace him with open arms.

For one month I have tried to avoid looking information on him up but now I see that this is almost a sick joke but it's not funny at all. I can't begin to express the irresponsibility and racism and hate of the US Government at highest levels and the cascading levels of terrorists who operate in the lower ranks of this hate global fascist Mafia/organized crime/Nazi organization.

All of these men participating in this hate crime using this technology upon me are violent Garrett is nothing original or unique whatsoever.


Motherless child ha ha ha

he wants
he demands
a child conceived from (merely one of) the devil's violinist(s) _there are so many wanna be Satan's and bad boys out there.


I have not watched this video (yet) but I do not need to.

1. Check
2. Check
3. Check
4. Check
5. Check
6. Check
7. Check
8. Check

can't not wait to undergo a sick relationship that I never "allowed" to happen with the giggling and smiling skanks of Whorewood so glad that after more than 8 YEARS of fighting for my independence, right to live in peace with some kind of decent life, and years of fighting their pig ape whore rapist men--now that very viciously abusive Garrett is here with his gang rape group and his controlling abusive manipulation and I can't "get away" and the US Government is fully supporting every rapist teleporting me, blocking my earning and silencing my plight and situation while I fight and etc

It is no mystery that this is a potentially deadly situation and that this man is a violent abuser who wants to completely imprison and torture me. The shit people who have teleported me for years are so fully welcoming him into their rotten fold because they want this contract and to see me screwed forever just because I have been fighting their exploitation and don't see them as being great celebrities but instead I have had to see the stupidity and sheer ignorance of this crowd for all these years.

What can I do but appeal once more to get another even worse one off me?




Similar to the woman in this photo: he has proposed "marriage" to me, telling me I must have a baby and live in Germany where "you can't get away" and I have an infection due to the terrorist attacks probably he ordered (but there are so many celebrity rapists, abusers and users involved by now it could have been any one of them but he is involved and has power over the attacks). I just want a "normal" relationship with someone who likes me at least to "like" not to hate and abuse for profit in some sick contact so he can get more deals or whatever the "high" is but it's destroying me-which they want--and the perpetrators are all laughing and telling him he's great. According to this article he's a regular porn addict and escort service gold-plated customer. Not really what I want in any man and not as a "father" to any baby which I also don't want with him or any one of these terrorists in this organization. I am a victim of serious sex and torture trafficking for wealthy freakazoid loveless bigoted men and their equally rapacious and sleazy wives, children, daughters and groupies of friends surrounding them plus government full support and all green lights for all involved. I just want a decent relationship with someone halfway my friend instead of a comlete enemy who is a porn freak abusing and exploiting me (plus it appears he uses cocaine which is an awful drug.

The Madwoman in the Attic. My silencing and crazy-making protocol system so omitted from public consciousness but "crazy bitch" syndrome is instead constructed as the dominant narrative by crazy-making men and their crazy bitch women. It was a book, it is a book, will it be burned in the future? Will it be banned or just ignored? I submit my programming detail and analysis in this post which I am not at ease to write any commentary on due to silencing of technologies, keyboard hacking terrorist hacking redacting and blacking of my brain by implants and remote technologies and drugging. (torture/rape/mutilation/dream teleportation psycho-trauma on a nightly basis, etc etc etc)

The Madwoman in the Attic

by Sandra Ellen MortolaSusan Gubar
Start Free Trial

The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination by Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar was first published in 1979. It is considered a landmark of feminist literary criticism. A second updated edition appeared in 2000.

The Madwoman in the Attic takes its title from the iconic early-Victorian novel Jane Eyre. In this novel, Rochester's first wife, Bertha Mason, has gone mad and is kept locked in an attic. Because Bertha Mason Rochester was a wealthy Creole woman from Jamaica, she represents a sort of monstrous "other" in the nation: passionate, exotic, and mad, demonized by the novelist and the characters of the novel. In Gilbert and Gubar's survey of Victorian female novelists and the portrayal of women in Victorian literature, they consider Bertha to be a prototypical exemplar of the "woman as monster." Among the major authors considered in the book are Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Emily Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, and George Eliot.

Gilbert and Gubar argue that, within the patriarchal environment of Victorian England, women struggled to create an identity as authors. As part of this struggle, their portraits of women bifurcated female nature into two extremes: "the angel in the house" (who was traditionally "good," submissive, and virtuous) and the "madwoman in the attic" (the image of woman's suppressed anger, rage, and power). Neither of these two emblems of femininity, though, are whole or complete women, and many novels by women would have paired characters each representing half of the emotional range—with the monstrous woman often channeling the author's genuine anger at patriarchal oppression.



An interview of the authors of The Madwoman in the Attic.

Monday, June 28, 2021

"Labeling her as Mad." (The Madwoman in the Attic). More on silencing: I am confronted with a classical musician of the male-dominated tradition out of Europ-a-land and his demand that I submit to being silenced so the Nazi/Mafia cartel terrorist organization along with the blonde, fascist Nazi women and their "Minority minions" who also cheer all of this on so they can play their seemingly "powerful and strong" minion roles and sleazy pornographic symbolism for all their media output go along--along with all the other suppressed and fully obedient slaves being programmed into the Old World fascist former genocidal regime and it's politics, and the arts and classical music I learned from having played classical violin and being fully attacked by Germans (in Illinois) taught me to avoid this entire genre or it's leaders. Now I am confronted with one more planning to take-over America and the minions of American Nazi and Mafia affiliation fully bringing yet another destroyer in to take over and control and abuse and rape and steal and Colonize. Threats abound in all directions as he scoffs and glares and demands while teleporting me and with the terror groups I am stuck once more writing to this empty page to the full audience of blank and silent silencers. I could not have written it more precisely (the quotation below) than a Wikipedia and 19th Century slave of domineering Europ-a fascist pre-Nazi culture. Ak those photos of Jewish women who held Master's and PhD qualifications in Nazi death parades marched through the streets naked and shivering as the filthy and brutal Europigapes (who I must deal with here in Phuket, stupid, brutal, sleazy and foul but with all the money they stole from people they slaughtered and the absolute compliance of most of the world including Whorewood, USA they have formed the further expansion of Nazi culture into SE Asia and into America as I see when I am teleported what stupid slaves have been put into power by fascist Nazi/Mafia cartel terrorists). Oh how the Europigapes during and preceding and after the Holocaust hated the intellectual Jewish women and their high academic performances and power and intelligence--all those "good mothers" of the Nazi men who served and obeyed and did their household chores and never got out of line--now the threat aimed at me these fascist Nazi women--part of this fascist Nazi terror mafia organization who want to become executives in their own right but must have their sleazy and hateful pornographic men rape and oppress me as they steal ideas I have studied and conceived of as their posturing #MeToo! blanket mind control programming to put themselves as the leaders of every alternative movement and control of media industry as far as their fascist Nazi/Mafia/fascist/sexist rapist male partners will allow and allot for them to play as underlings to them.


What most beauteous music and I have never heard of Fanny Mendelssohn and only searching for classical female composures because of this German classical violinist who is demanding that I be silent and do what he says to every single iota of his demanding fascist oppression to destroy my spirit and soul while the bigot fascist American Whorewood slaves and fully indoctrinated mind-controlled puppets try their best to emulate fascist Nazi mentality. Like a pack of hyenas but really more with pig-ape personalities. 

I thus sought this morning to discover female composures and it is very hard to find as I do not know of any names. It is so rare that females from any century have been put into any classical hall of antiquity where applause is given to the composures who were silenced, forced through a system of murder, imprisonment, stifled patriarchy and motherhood of such an oppressive nature that "hysterics" were not just a demarcation of women going into ranting phases of rage due to the suppression but women became mentally ill and confined sometimes into attics and other mental institutions due to the imprisonment that Europigape fascist woman-hating culture forced them into. This is now being threatened upon me with every kind of societal force (poverty, threat of murder, poisoning and rape and that is not a threat it's been an ongoing situation due to this technology with full societal consent).

With the bigot women laughing and giggling and watching on and giving hints as to how to penetrate and destroy as much as possible of me to their rapist men. The slave "minorities" watch on and don't even blink they are so brainwashed they can't feel much of any kind of fight any longer.

I now dedicate this to the women who have been silenced and I must fight and fight and fight alone alone and alone to not be forced into this horrendous predicament that is looming over me like this very large German man who is going to be handed endless promotions for using so much violence and threat upon me that I must "submit" and it's just a microcosm of the forces in Europ-a-land that have dominated for centuries (with genocide as being the end result).



"Gender and class limitations[edit]

Abraham Mendelssohn Bartholdy, as drawn by Fanny's husband Wilhelm Hensel

The music historian Richard Taruskin suggests that "[t]he life of Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel is compelling proof that women's failure to "compete" with men on the compositional playing-field has been the result of social prejudice and patriarchical mores (which in the nineteenth century granted only men the right to make the decisions in bourgeois households)."[17] Such attitudes were shared by Mendelssohn's father, who was tolerant, rather than supportive, of her activities as a composer. In 1820, he wrote to her, "Music will perhaps become his [i.e. Felix's] profession, while for you it can and must be only an ornament".[18] Although Felix was privately broadly supportive of her as a composer and a performer, he was cautious (professedly for family reasons) of her publishing her works under her own name. He wrote:

From my knowledge of Fanny I should say that she has neither inclination nor vocation for authorship. She is too much all that a woman ought to be for this. She regulates her house, and neither thinks of the public nor of the musical world, nor even of music at all, until her first duties are fulfilled. Publishing would only disturb her in these, and I cannot say that I approve of it.[19]"


Sigmund Freud: his views on sexuality were so threatening to the emerging fascist Nazism of Europe that of course he and his concepts were put on death lists by Nazis when the final takedown of culture began. My experience of living in Germany exhibited to me absolute Freudian sexualized familial relationships and immature Europigapes who never develop past a few of the Freudian oral or anal stages for their entire lives. Violent and stuck in corrugated pathways of domination and submission, they adhered to the usurper "friend/foe" of Freud in the take-over of Carl Jung whose philosophies have completely obscured the more relevant of Freud's especially in German culture and in American culture as well, for which many a feminist has fought for decades and died and been killed for centuries or millennia . People cannot grasp concepts of Jews unless it is sanctified by the Church and cult of Nazi approval (or my personal, very skewed and at this moment hyperbolic ranting mind control/drugged theory of their Nazi/Jew relationship of stealing and taking over any movement, the Nazis are into that so heavily at least from my personal experience of being around them endlessly all my life and attacked endlessly all my life and my concepts stolen my fight to have a career turned into near-death accidents and near-death poisoning and then near-death abuse while fighting to heal and I am just writing all of this from my very personal experience and this very emotional rant at this moment). Take it as an extemporaneous rant, but it is based in a very sordid reality.

Freud analyzed "hysterical" women, a pariah class of women who could not adapt to being forced into domesticated slavery, sexual annihilation, and drudgery for which some cracked eventually.

Labeled "hysteria" and thus, my years of being teleported (no evidence, all crimes promoted the perpetrators exalted in their careers and handed millions of dollars in business deals and awards and praise from the skank women who want to see women like me maimed, scarred up, broken down, raped, beaten slowly to death and emotionally and sexually castrated poisoned drugged and etc etc--in effect, your Nazi blonde women in Whorewood and their husbands (i.e. the Pitt gang which is now overflowing with all races, creeds and colors of participants).

The basis of power, the endless oral fixation of power (fellatio) and it's supposed humiliating subservience---which is supposed to imply the weak and powerless sucker as opposed to the dominating powerful rapist or "top" over the "bottom"

yes yes, no one can really associate Freudian infantile regressions with these characteristics of rape and power that are being forced upon me in this situation. The people involved all cling to their mommies and daddies in ways that break their own spirits and force them into lifelong emotional bondage to their childhood frozen stages of development. 

This power structure was so dangerous to Europ-a's that they wanted Freud dead, and his legacy is rife with insulting bias against him as if his ideas were absolutely passe. The structure of parents having a power differential of the mother playing domestic slave, the children in bondage emotionally to this structure their entire lives, and the larger macrocosm of the power of domination and subjugation is never questioned and Freud has in a sense hit the dust bin of history but remains alive like a parched dried out old scroll of antiquity in universities while Jung is fully embraced for his naziesque philosophies of Hermitic duality and bisexuality and etc etc (the esoterica as well which is reminiscent of Nazi occultism and arcane mythology).

Women in particular, as in the "programming" over me, met with full approval by Nazi women like Hillary Clinton who poses as an advocate for "women" and Nancy Pelosi who poses as an advocate "for the American People" (but not me and being raped and mutilated and tortured reminds me of the NY mafia from which this skanky rotten thing stems from, the hate of the "Italian-Americans" who of course have their own historical legacy of fascism and the utter sexualization of women and their bondage to various domesticated roles. Of course there is the Roman Empire and it's legacy which remains as a dominant force, and the "Italian-Americans" want only to resume the ancient anti-Semitism they had embraced with full genocide for 2,000 years which has spread like wildfire into all of Europe--and now into America. 


The situation being forced upon me with the "gang stalking" terrorism of "force multipliers" of millions of citizens who covertly operate as agents of terrorism surrounding me and attacking me in throngs of sometimes hundreds of people at one location, scattered around and even airplanes and buses can be used as terror operations. All to create a version of the old European system that created the "hysterical" female "disorder" that was used to incarcerate into mental institutions how many women for how many decades, years or centuries? Or they were hidden away in the attic, a situation that probably has not gone out of style. I am such a victim of this state-sponsored version of the old, enforced European system. 

If perhaps you read the book Tell of the D'Urbavilles by Thomas Hardy you can see just a bit of this in action, or to the point more Emily Bronte where a woman in the attic was kept in hiding (was it Jane Eyre?)



"Madness and mental illness are created to enforce power structures in society...women are disproportionally affected because Patriarchy has constructed what women are and what Woman is..."

MY SITUATION OF BEING TARGETED AND TORTURED, RAPED AND EVEN PART OF MY UTERUS SERVERED AND CUT OUT WHILE IN A COMATOSE SLEEPING, MK ULTRA STATE, IS A STATE-SPONSORED FORM OF ARTIFICIALLY-INDUCED 'HYSTERIA" thus to endlessly label me as deranged or histrionic--meanwhile the Nazi women and their adherent minorities attacking me likewise steal whatever ideas I can lament or rage out on any electronic form or even through thought-reading/hacking and thus they have ideas from which to continue to sell themselves off as being progressive feminists but who actually are setting women back hundreds of years while the system that has always operated to drive women into "insanity" is using them to "take over".

Ken Russell's Crimes of Passion.

Is sex-for-sale one of the few outlets for wealthy white women where they can actually not become hysterical, or become hysterical if they have a secret "other" life? Good thing for anonymous big city lifestyles and wig shops.


Post-addendum: I had written with a question mark that it was Emily Bronte who wrote Jane Eyre? (sic) however, now having taken time to look it up, it was not Emily but Charlotte Bronte who wrote that story of the madwoman in the attic. I had tucked away memories of reading Wuthering Heights as the sole proprietor of my memory cache regarding these English authors because of the racist element that Heathcliff portends. The endless discussion of racism has permeated so much of my cultural and societal observation that the more relevant feminist interpretation, like what most of society does, is swept under the rug in favor of the more male-oriented "racist" theme which, like patriarchal structures and thoughts, exposes "racism" but omits the "feminist" component to a large degree in the greater social discussion. Thus I had remembered only Emily and Heathcliff and forgot in my compartmentalized memory units the much more relevant (to my situation) story of the "Mad" woman in the attic of Jane Eyre. I find that I have suppressed many feminist references or perhaps they were brainwashed and mind controlled/drugged out of me. The persistent theme of racism dominates all. Feminism is like the madwoman tucked away in embarrassment, like a kind of taboo that risks censure and name-labeling of shame to be a "feminist". The technology inflicted upon me has made being a feminist cause for terrorist death squad attack that is always covered up by programmed women (who have covert racist agendas or trying to fit into the racist hegemony if they are members of the "minority" group).

Feminism, per se, is very dangerous to the prevailing status quo and must be convoluted and twisted entirely into it's antithesis, while still retaining the title of being "feminist" in this 4th Reich global terrorist mind control programming terror network.


Oh the silencing--the racist and sexist silencing by Big Daddy fascist Nazi terror organization with their rape enabler skank whore females cheering them on.

 CANDYMAN TRAILER 2 REACTION, WHAT IT MAY DO RIGHT/ Double Toasted Bites. June 25, 2021.

As for silencing, I am undergoing the oppression of the threat of EVERY SINGLE THING aimed at me to be silenced while the fascist, racist white women who have had their men torture and rape me as they watched on insulting and threatening me--that is Creep the Meryl piece of shit actor, and filthalina and her hubby and the rest of this zoo of pig apes with their Europigape whore partners--filthy and vile and dirty--sorry for the hyperbolia--excessive rage from YEARS of it going on and on

I am now confronted with the person manipulating me highly telling me with threat of EVERY SINGLE THING to be silent--to be something like a good slave obeying and silently doing what I am told to do (in their case, the situation of doing what one is told includes being murdered without protest).

Thus, just in light of this, I began watching this movie review and the small focus on the disparity between the K-rap that the "media" puts out about "woke" culture and the people LIKE ME who truly fight, are attacked, fighting for my life I have been for years while they are breaking my body and trying to break my spirit, mind and soul--"they" as in your crap actors you all adore who "represent" every kind of alternative feminist, anti-rape culture anti-racist culture who welcome in every fascist Nazi from every other formerly Nazi country to infiltrate Whorewood--one of them being the former Governor of California who is a most EVIL infiltrator and user and exploiter and parasite on the United States who I think has absolutely worked to deteriorate and destroy the US in order to capture politics and the economy with his nasty fellow Nazi pig ape whore ignoramus creeps
and so, this film review discusses the real fight versus the bs K-rap coming out of the media--with this film perhaps as an exception and a focus on the real horror of brutality that these whore pig apes I must deal with daily and nightly are inflicting upon the world

with bright, plastic surgery coated bs posturing smiles for cameras and the focus is more on them than on the real fights who can't afford plastic surgery and are mostly kept silenced in poverty but they march out and get killed in protests and are discriminated against and gang stalked and poisoned and targeted (many of them and undoubtedly the real fighters are all on lists and blacklists that go on around the planet of Nazi control--enveloping all in a shitty mediocrity of conformity and bs media output).

I suggest watching this clip and review for a very poignant review of the reality of who really are the heroes and what the bs actually promoting racism, sexism, Nazism, fascism really is (Whorewood, California with their bs Europigape fascist Nazi whores laughing in delight as the greedy, mostly stupid apes do what they are instructed to do and in targeting me they are stupid and stupid ignorant morons following orders with no excellent capabilities for artistic merit or leadership (my 10 years experience of them torturing me to obtain ideas and their general morass of assinine personality traits has demonstrated an absolute lack of all creative excellence) just stupid "puppets" of nazi scumbag whores who they and you all adore.

My ranting is over: I WILL NOT BE SILENCED AND OBEY GERMAN F-ER WHO IS TELEPORTING ME SO GO TO YOUR CREEP ACTOR mERLY AND SCREW THAT ROTTEN FOUL THING--there really needs to be a complete shift in the representation of Hollywood and I mean a total shift from ignorant Nazi/Mafia control to artists and people who care about society and about the planet and aren't sleazy rapist whores and pigs and apes in "real life" outside of their plastic-coated smiling fake performances and media opportunism.

I am under very strong mind control and the keyboard is very hard to type on (extremely stiff, and undoubtedly hackers will delete and rewrite much of this post which was written with expletives and rage and excessive hyperbolic ranting but over 10 years of torture that never ends--I was attacked this morning once more with threats of being silent and I just say I will NOT BE SILENCED EVEN IF I WRITE SOMETHING TODAY in this post YOU WILL NOT SILENCE ME NAZI FASCIST MAFIA IGNORANT PARASITES WHO HAVE TORTURED ME FOR YEARS BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO ORIGINAL IDEAS AND ARE BASIC RAPIST FASCIST NAZIS WITH MEDIOCRITY AS YOUR BASIC UNDERPINNING.

Even if this group and this organization has stolen all my opportunities and they want to put me into a domestic slave sex raped and gang raped and tortured position in Germany or elsewhere--which I am fighting to stop this contract and fighting to get support and all I can do is write these posts every single day (now over a decade of asking people to stop torturing and raping and abusing me and years of writing these posts on social media trying to obtain even a single support system and talking to people in any real-life situation is met with terror agents attacking and threatening me).

But here is the movie clip: oh the horror of "real life" and in this case, put to the screen in a horror flick I would have immediately dismissed as being a cheesy horror flick and I would never have begun to watch this movie. I watch this You Tube channel of film reviews for that reason, I don't have to watch the movies and it's just pulp movie stuff but there are real gems and the guys on this show are more than hilarious. I can't drink while watching them for example.

As for my ranting in excess, the mind control technology is blasting away at my cognitive functioning I can only get out more basic urges of hate and more basic language. It is in effect another form of silencing but while keeping the appearance of loquacious verbosity blathering ranting hate and expounding while cursing. No one really can get through it, I realize. They are connecting these more primitive urges with my brain's critical thinking capabilities in some fashion that I know is being done remotely and is not my sole form of verbal exposition.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).