Monday, October 10, 2022

Concerning my former post last week about Karl Lagerfeld, modeling + celebrity Nazis/mafia/political liars in H-wood and D.C.-wood/swamp who have been promoted into celebrity and fashion "elite" status for following fascist/Nazi protocols in teleportation death squad activities aimed at controlling or destroying me: Neo-Nazi Fashionable Pawns or puppets of The English Crown and it's general Nazified international partners and celebrities and their spawns, so showered with acclaim by Karl Lagerfeld and his fashion fascist Hitler chic mind programming corporate sales and propaganda project? (I was by the way tortured and attacked viciously for having written that post. Today what Kanye West is being blasted for in the media supports my claim and I write more on the topic below--and Warum nicht write about it censorship politico-celebrity Nazis/mafia fascists? // "Jewish" (?) anti-Semitism?// "It all began at Paris Fashion Week last week...when Kanye West...." (see video below for the comment news clip made in London). On the interlacing influence of British-Israelism, neo-Nazi groups, and Black Nazi collusion with all therein (plus any and all other minorities, see commentary on Thais, and my years of writing about Jews even or so-called) collusion in all these nooks and crannies of money-making rap inclusion in the Imperialist genocidal 4th Reich scam/scheme.

**Please note that Hackers have been busy at it as usual deleting, rewriting and attacking functions of the keyboard and while I strive to copy and paste, they are inserting my writings in jumbled order--however this comes out, know that this is absolutely under attack for the nth time of censorship aimed at me and discrediting that never ends.


"Kanye spews hate speech against Jews on Twitter". i24 News English. October 10, 2022.

As opposed to what I interpret that rapper to have stated to the chagrin of Twitter readers on his post, Not all Africans are of Ethiopian origin....Not all Ethiopians by a wide margin are of "Jewish" (disputed" origin. It's a tiny country not bordering Israel, or former Palestine" It shares borders with Eritrea to the north, Djibouti to the northeast, Somalia to the east and northeast, Kenya to the south, South Sudan to the west, and Sudan to the northwest." (Wikipedia). It is not a "lost tribe" of Israel.

Supposedly former King of Ethiopia Haile Selassie is of the long bloodline of Israeli King Solomon.....pairing with Bathsheba, a foreigner and not native to Israel, that religion or race. I am not so sure that with all Solomon's 1,000 wives, the children of such a pairing came make a dramatic claim by the Ethiopians or blacks that they are "Jewish". If that were the case, the status of any census in America would increase dramatically for the number of "Jews" and lessen even the huge "majority" "white" population due to mixing of creeds and races.

According to the video below on the genealogical origin of Haile Selassie, with claims that are still used as argument that he and his country are a descendent of Solomon and thus Selassie was the "Lion of Judah" even a supreme or the supreme Jewish King, even the "King of Kings". A lofty claim. Based a bit on arrogant wishful thinking about who and what "owns" the Temple Mount and the Dome and Jerusalem and is the rightful "owner" of being "God's Chosen".

In the video below on the claims that Selassie and his organization made regarding having the "Lion" blood of Israel, the narrator cites controversial claims made against Ethiopian "Jews" who, as the video states, are reputed to claim they have or had no knowledge of The Holocaust. I have heard that argument here in Thailand before and it is echoed around the world in Holocaust denial groups, which are usually labeled as being Neo-Nazi.

I have found in Thailand, living here for a decade and reading the former "Hitler chic" articles in Thai-English newspapers, that when Thais who are in high school claim they don't know what happened to the Jews during the Holocaust, and they use this as an excuse for "why" they put on Hitler uniforms for a school "costume" day parade with Hitler mustaches and swastika flags (of course inspired by all the ex-pats living in Thailand out of "former" Nazi countries). The schools and the students and parents alike claim they "don't know'" about the Holocaust. There was something called "Hitler chic" in Thailand a few years ago. Obviously they pay for the images of Hitler, swastikas in places like Chiang Mai, as this is or used to be a fashion statement so the Thais know and approve. Here in Phuket I recall an outdoor market stall with swastikas imprinted on a tee shirt. The "Me no understand" excuse carries far, even into Ethiopia. It carries all the way to the US with the Holocaust deniers in their Neo-Nazi groups. It is glorified in the fascist fashion shows which I wrote of a few DAYS ago, to be tortured and abused in teleportation but thanks to Kanye, he has lifted the lies about how "alternative" this fashion fascist empire truly is, extending to what I had called various names concerning blacks who participate out of American culture celebrity-politico-wanna be celebrity-starz warz.


"Judaism in Ethiopia (c. 70-present)". Sam Aronow. September 30, 2022.


I "can't" write "controversial" commentary on this as Big (Brit) Bro is watching over my writing along with Uncle Spam---
tired of the knee-jerk reactions to my very authentic and honorably authentic writing commentary on my perceptions, which are not "ad hominem" but instead searching to uncover the distortions and lies. I may write in mind controlled/programmed ranting hyperbole but nevertheless I am not creating fictitious rants. (would write with much more academic and sobriety if this mind control technology/drugging were not the endless weapon forced upon me by Big Brit bro and uncle spam.
Just sort of follow the dots. Bob Marley's father was a soldering with a smoldering passion to unite with one of his subjects in the English overtake of Jamaica--the post-Colonialist expansion that underlines most of British modern history.
That also extends to Israel. British-Israelism, to be more exact. Was Bob Marley just only a "cool" anti-racist belting out his Rasta creed, or was he influenced greatly by the ENGISH claim to Israel? See video below and listen to as much as you can bear on British Israelism. This is part of the Neo-Nazi culture within the US and Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh had intimate connections with one of these groups in Idaho, a small city with an Israeli name--referencing their British (Imperialist) connections to "ownership" (my term, a paraphrase) of the State of Israel. This is why I consider many Evangelicals to be extremely anti-Semitic and really want to fund Israel but mostly get rid of the actual Jews and claim it as another one of the spiritual center States.

"BOB MARLEY LION OF JUDAH (CONQUERING LION) 'AFRICA UNITE'". conquererthefirst. August 6, 2011.

"British Israelism--Hour of the Time--Bill Cooper". Igor Zolski. January 11, 2016.

"Haile Selassi--The New Messiah--WW2 Biography Special". World War Two. April 28, 2020.

"What animal is the symbol of English Royalty? Why the lion?" Shelby on Safari. June 2, 2022.

"The Logos, the Lion, and The King of Kings: Discussing Biblical Symbolism of the Lion". Church of the Eternal Logos. December 15, 2020.

"Where the Bible refers to the Jews and the Lion, they really are referring to WE Christians who are the real Jews and the lions" (paraphrase of sentences delineating the use of lion iconography in Biblical text as he applies it to his personal Christian fellowship--in the lecture below). Kanye West in his Twitter diatribe to kill Jews: "WE (blacks) are Jews". He didn't claim to be "The Jews" but nevertheless, in the context of Paris Fashion Week and how promotions are meted out for outright fascist and genocidal statements, with the actors and their children following the hate rhetoric openly (or in private, they make sure to remain either neutral of anti-racist in all their public presentations) but the minorities are so often openly racist against other groups, and when it comes to Jews, I find it appalling and I have written of this countless times by now I can't recall how many years of writing about black racism with Nazi/mafia approval and promotions for their most virulent hate Nazi speech hissed in utter hate, into my face, by Blacks in the H-wood "A-list" clique. It is not openly stated as such by the politicians but implied with their consent and various replacement strategies for "why" they "hate" me ("radical liberal" is one of the statements made as rationale to attack me, but it's really hate speech disguised). I hope I have somewhat minimally clarified my position on this point because Kanye has certainly opened a window into this very discussion of black anti-Semitism-for-approval-and-promotion by white supremacist (Nazi fascists and other mafia bigot entities handing out this torture hate mind control technology to every fledging adherent to the 4th Reich protocols of the elders of the 3rd Reich).


I can't find the exact reference, but Thais who wear "Hitler chic" and call this "fashion". I can't recount how MANY ex-pat Germans and really fascist 4th Reich people live in Thailand. This atmosphere brings out the Nazi. Thailand is a wonderful "paradise" for 4th Reich "master-slave" society. It is much more hidden in America but once in a while people like Kanye while he's in fascist fashion zone in Paris let it all hang out. You can be assured he was fully applauded by the Europ-a's and will get more huge promotions and mansions in France for his hate rhetoric. This is ALL I have experienced from the attacks upon me by the celebrities in H-wood of all skin colors who also rub shoulders with Kanye West.

"Thailand's Nazi pop culture phenomenon/DW Story". DW News. March 12, 2019.

Another, more honest and revealing type of fascist fashion show in Thailand. Paris Fashion Week would be like a Disney fantasy fairy tale dream come true for all and any of these women...(trust me, it is real)---as is living in Europe and the main objective for many a Thai women is to snag a white Euro-p-a male and get sent to live in Europe. The BIG MONEY the big prize the big FASHION....They show their allegiance, they show their affinity, they shower Nazis with absolute devotion when they come for their "master-slave" vacations or get visas to live here on a permanent basis. Kanye is really no different just appears like a "righteous" advocate for something--not sure what at this point but not as bowing down as the Thais but still symbolically he's, at best, a most cowardly and most fake "Lion" (especially of Judah, as are the English bigot fascist 4th Reichsterz). Jah wohl, das ist die WAHRHEIT. And neither are the American neo's who fund Israeli endless war so they can divide and conquer, eventually, inevitably--as an adjunct to the English Crown in their 4th Reich globalist Imperialistic takeover grab of that region. All claiming "rights" to the "divinity" of a pretty long extinct empire based on a religious-based dynastic succession (industry). 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

On the cycle of victim uprising formula to sell violent usurpers and fascist haters/genocidal Nazis/fascists/mafia etc. Endlessly utilized in politics and in the media.

 You can see this formula in so many movies and political shows (I mean, political actions and speeches, completely theatrical in nature).

I had not been able to write about how the blonde Nazi women who attack me, as I wrote of in my last post with dumb whorren mirrage (H. Mirran, her nomenclature is anathema she is odious and disgusting so like the rest of the pig apes I can't use her real name). But this applies to the pig wife of pig pitt, filthalina and Depp's former wife. All of them, including and especially what's her silly name, the blonde from Australia who was the wife of Cruise--the actor--

all make movies about being victims of male supremacy. That is their Nazi entitlement "fight" against the men who they want to surpass in leadership role. Period. The rest is a concocted lie. They are rapist enablers and love watching their filthy sick pig men rape women like me. What used to be either sex trafficking or drugging/date rape is now being grasped like a starving voraciously unnatural animal to an artificial teat--this teleportation, the gang stalking (without which, these people could never hold top positions but now the system is so entrenched it is an anomaly when someone in power is not a member of this sick and death squad cult group of fascist and Nazi/mafia organization with "humanitarian" pretensions on the "Left" side to sell off the ruse.


These women who happily attack me in the vile and disgusting ways that they are, then touted as being "superior" by every minority possible--black men worshiping them like the slaves that they are, black women hugging them and cheering their careers on. Jews like Raskin yelling at me to not write on my private blog about how they have raped and disfigured, stolen and tortured my cat, killed animals, forced me to eat, breathe in and have fungus inserted into my hair, every orifice, and breathing it in because I was fighting for my life to stop the break-ins while I am unconscious--all of this the blonde bigot piece of shit daughter of that actor pig sicced on me when he was done raping and beating me (before turning to his wife, who also paired with the spawn piece of shit years later---attacking me and then sitting in the packed rows of shit creeps from whorewood and their political and other benefactors watching on from the sidelines, approving and promoting the mediocrities who torture me for  YEARS in order to obtain ideas about equality and fairness that never are part of their hate structure and system--thus they can't think of any idea without having to steal it that pertains to selling off fake altruism--their role in Whorewood along with politicians like Raskin--now attempting to run for President endlessly blathering out his Democracy jargon.


Thus, the victim role which the blonde and white supremacist and their following of minority minions use is of being victims of sexism. The Me 2 group of celebrities who attacked me have been at the forefront of that systematic hate formula. They began this movement after about two years of me writing incessantly about feminism. Three of them personally involved with the rapists and fascists and openly-blathering Nazi types are all now "advocates" for "women's rights". All of them continue to attack me; not one appears to consider me being raped, beaten and tortured by their men who don't actually attack them when they are all together--and don't actually say much against them in public--but that is the gist of it. 


The victim turning into defiant and righteous fighter, usually "kicking a$$" in the media entertainment news and political speeches operates on all levels also in movie scripts and plots. The person who gets cremated or brutally killed has done something obnoxious and rude and nasty to the peaceful, kindly and innocent protagonist. The brutal murder is justly justified in this manner. This theme continues on to "sell" both sides of the fascist and Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich and I had to add this as it's been one of the main selling points of pieces of shit like H. Miran the dumb whorren mirage, and filthalina, the wife of rapist, beating, violently abusive Pitt on all levels with so much violence all my body is covered with broken pieces and parts severed out and skin and hair absolutely mangled by chemicals that I fight every day to quell. Permanent damage by these "feminist" the piece of shit wife of pig pitt operating for the most incompetent United Nations about what a great feminist--so-called--she is or was hired to represent. They all know, these pigs at the UN, what that stupid rotten ugly skank is all about and yet, you can hear how fake and pretentiously incompetent they are in their last general assembly last month in all their self-appraisal of how much they are helping the planet to achieve peace and fairness.

Update: Barysknikov is just another fascist posing as a gentle humanitarian artist. With all the pampering from the fascist Nazi clique like the people who have raped and poisoned and disfigured me out of London and etc, he's just a hater who defected from a situation where he felt the $$$$ due to him was not forthcoming from the closed-in Iron Curtain. So much more $$$ to be obtained out of European and American and etc audiences. He's not just another abuser with the same "entitlement" racist agenda following orders. another bot. His dancing was extraordinary YEARS ago but now he's fizzled because he's so bloated with greed, narrow-minded contraction and that you can see on him and I have seen it. H e's a tricky basturd but otherwise he's just another hater who used to be a most extraordinary ballet dancer.

 I realize that in my last post, I had given yet another scumbag the benefit of the doubt when I kindly complimented this Nazi ipigape out of Russia about his dancing the "magic". Two days later my knee still hurts because he was yelling/barking orders at me constantly (it is happening in teleportation with ugly men, large and bulky but it's him ordering them to do it)---he included a clip of his modern dance with dumb whorren mirage the rotten piece of s*** out of London, a filth creep who has had her boyfriend rape me, he's had the group of blonde Nazi whores out of Whorewood assault me with death threats because after years of that parasitic fake "liberal" latching on with her boyfriend to assault, poison, mutilate, steal ideas (she has participated in that because she's just another mediocrity with pretentious affectations and a lot of $ poured into her infiltration of whorewood--much coveted by the fascists of Europigapeland and so she is instructing this former artist on how to block my speech while pig ape men yell orders at me, follow me around, women hit me from behind in shops (in teleportation skits) and it's all the same formula of attack that dumb whorren mirrage used months and months ago, with the entire crew of shithead pig ape filth from H-wood attacking me most viciously for her benefit. She is, as I wrote, closely aligned with the former monarch of England--and still working with the next administation of Imperialism with the wave of Europigapes crashing into America to help slide the greasy pig apes of America into a fascist dictatorship a la Hitler. The American neo-Nazis, so inspired by Nazi pig ape shit like these clebrities continue to cheer the filth and crap on.


I am under hypnosis and while in deep sleep, always drugged, always sick, always in isolation, always always under vicious attack by pig ape shit using this teleportation hell technology--with policians endlessly coming in to yell at me to just "submit" to fascism and totalitarian oppression without fighting back--I just got assaulted by a Democrat who wants to run for President--along with fascist Oprha and anti-Semitic Bloomberg, this next one blathering about Democracy endlessly and has attacked me previously after asking me for advice on how to avoid poisoning--then immediately afterwards insulting and attacking me. Joining in with the rapists and Nazis, this Jewish politician is very firmly in their pocket. And thus it all goes endlessly from one to the next.


I had wanted to assume that Baryshnikov had some genuine artistry beneath his very well-trained modernized and adapted to Capitalist society veneer but I find another replica of any scumbag who gets a hold of this tech and then strives to get another promotion by simply yelling at me or using this technology to stunt my vocal chords, which they do with the threat microchip, I am silenced I simply cannot speak and under hypnosis. I don't know the pig ape pieces of shit who are teleporting me either--and because I am not naturally "paranoid" I don't know to have my guard up with caution and reservation to listening to what these pieces of crap are yelling at me about what I should do. 


It all happens like a film edit: I am blacked/blanked out, I "wake up" in an unfamiliar situation, usually with groups of people "mobbing" me on all sides. They then push me, yell or tell me with yelling hate to do something. I cannot "hear" their hate in their voices until after about the 15th second of the attack, but by then I have already begun to "follow" what they are doing. They tell me that what I am doing will be for my benefit or that every situation is just a normal everyday thing or that it's a friendly environment. They lure you in with invitations and then attack you once the technology has blocked your speech (brain attack/microchip implant attack on vocal chords). In these situations, and especially while teleported, I literally can't speak. I think of the defense I want to do and it is literally wiped from my memory immediately and I remain silent in a blank state. They are coursing electricity through my brain to a level of a slight electrocution so I am just tabular rasa. The ugly men who teleported me last night are the types who I could compete against in a place like higher education, who are so happy to be able to poison and drug and  have me raped and silenced and taken out of society--to be a "sex alave" endless abuse and violence rape and hate victim with facsist Nazis of the wealthiest dispensing with these weapons for every greasebag wanna be fascist Nazi of America gladly joining in. The army is ever-expanding. The incentives, bonuses and awards are like an endless cornucopia. The blacks who are "fighting racism" are some of the most violent and outspoken advocates for white supremacist fascist Nazism. The Jews do not lag behind in that respect but they are not as openly violent towards me as the Blacks. Latinos are nasty and Asians are absolutely into the game--I mean in terms of a generalization. At the helm are people like Baryshnikov who I take as a representation of an image installed into the media of someone coming from an "oppressed" place who "escaped" by fighting autocracy by skipping a concert and defecting out of CCCP when the $$ and the fascist network handed him the scripts for him to follow, just like his good friend Dumd Whorren Mirrage. Her style of attack is exactly what she foists upon the rest of humanity at every intersection of opporunism possible--she eludes a charming display of bulls** of warmth and friendliness and concern about all the oppressed. Then she waits to see what vulnerabilities to attack and exploit, and when there is no one looking she goes for the nugget of the opportunity with the greed of any vulture possible. When you try to have a conversation all she has to say is repetitive blathering talk which is just like beehive jibberish about herself and her money and her power and she exudes this with an embellished greasy form of "grace" that people like B-kov also exhibit. If you do not have any interpersonal experience with them and only see the distorted lies that the fascist Nazi media, much bolstered by the unanimous fascist autocracy of the US government, then you will see that they really have nothing to say or have nothing but rapaciousness as the core. In short: it is a lie. I was wrong, but only for 2 days. I am getting a bit better at more quickly assessing the pieces of shit because it's been the exact same pattern for over a decade. And to add to that: in short, I am failing at being adept at discerning the shit tactics they all use. But why? I am not stupid in that respect as it's been a pattern of attack that I have had to confront for well over a decade, in fact all my life. The problem is that my BRAIN is being so disaffected by the technology I literally can't think clearly while I am under these forms of attack. I also can't speak because they are blocking my ability to speak. 

I realize that every post I write only draws more pig ape approval of their fellow pig apes in the form of applause, promotions and so the pieces of shit never stop for years or decades endlessly attacking me. The piece of shit Baryshnikov has ugly dirty whorren mirrage the creep behind him, and the tactic she uses was used against me and it's like this rotten ugly piece of parasitic filth from London is never gone with an endless line of blonde and facsist white supremacists coming to violently attack me, just like dirty black Nazi oprah did when I called her an aunt jemima for the YEARS she had already particpiated in rape and torture of me. Because Malcolm X has been mostly silenced by the black and white nazis who control all the issues in the media and in the press, the terms HE--Malcolm X--used to denote the sell-out the minority minion Nazi enabler like oprah and now the defector out of Russia--anything they have that can be used to exemplify their "victimization" in the endlessly decrepit formula of the poor underdog rising out of oppression to fight because they are black, or defected. All are defecation clinging to the Nazi empire which uses them--as symbols of how "great" and "fair" the US is and the Western alliance of post-fascist surging into Nazism right now alliance truly, in reality is but always cloaked by crap people like this who are still held in reverence because they grabbed opportunities to flaunt themselves as being heroic victims fighting against all evil. That is also the usual theme of these shitty movies coming out of Whorewood, now that they are using DGI to draw out inhuman qualities out of basically spoiled but muscle-bound actors.


So, the "help" that this barking orders bigot fascist with his entourage of Europigape fascist "liberals" like this rotten ugly woman who is being so honored by the entire group of pig shit that is attacking me--along with the spawn piece of shit from Depp--oh how they love these blonde women who beat, rape their fathers and boyfriends and partners rape and mutilate me--filthalina operated for the English in this capacity for almost a decade againstg me along with pig pitt--they have only received Oscars y ear after year ever since, mansions and politicians like disgusting and ugly Raskin who yelled at me for writing a post about how the pig spawn of Depp was absolutely lifted up by shit like German Nazi Lagerfeld because of her absolute violence towards me along with Depp the rapist beater in their quest to have that rotten ugly blonde filthbucket creep put into lead roles and modeling awards and etc--I was yelled at by Raskin, more of the creeps who teleport me for their endless promotions all completely into the fascist dictatorship but they all have "black" friends so that makes them appear not racist--(these are all for their public photo-op presentations, the mind programming stunts they all make in public with their black lovers or friends hanging off their arms in smiling hugging embraces). People like disgusting Oprah who has been further poured iwth billions of dollars. She has spent millions on other poor blacks, so I have heard. But the blacks are working to change the racist feeding frenzy eating devouring order by trying to join in with white supremacists in this Nazi push to eliminate the Jews. Jews like Raskin are so fully indoctrinated into this and I grew up with "Jew" exactly like him from the East Coast, and it could be the Midwest, the South or the West Coast it is all the same programming--

and that programming in it's blonda white male supremacy has also reached the well-funded and indoctrinated Baryshnikov--I just wanted to have some kind of actual artist around me instead of poseurs, parasites and fakes endlessly thrusting hate and rape  and my body being beaten, raped, mutilated, poisoned, attacked, hit by cars and when I try to defend myself they continue to attack me.


Last night B-kov the bot from Russia asked me why I wanted to kill dumb whorren mirrage--it was the first thought that came out of my head and he is "listening" to my thoughts and attacking me for them--so well adept that creep is with KGB tactics, what an agent he is of dictatorship and fascism and Nazism and Russian secret service tactics--operating with the other London infiltrator of America dumb mirrage the ugly skank blonde creep so tightly associated with the English Crown.

I told that pig that his pig friend had her pig boyfriend rape me and she attacked me for years and was absolutely thrilled with having the opportunity to push her entitlement in my face with at least 30 pieces of shit attacking me in teleportation for her--for months it went on because I called her a piece of shit instead of "Dame" but to me she is just a dumb whore and a mirage of fake pretentious concern for humanity dressed up with so much $$ and favoritism poured into every facsist whore with blonde or dyed blonde hair who represents this upcoming Nazi surge around the world. Fully embraced by so many of the "Jews" of America who are so endlessly obsequious towards these low and dirty pig apes. 

He patted me condescendingly on the shoulder when I said that, and last night it was an entire might of ugly men yelling orders at me in the type of "edit" situation where I "wake up" in some situation after having been in a black, sleep void. It is things like me backing up a huge fat car on a very dark road with no street lamps so I could not see behind me. I was told to back up the car (and this was after leaving some dirty and foul place in a house, messy, dirty, filthy and stupid nasty people attacking me in some way as I tried to leave and I got in this car and drove out onto this blackened road). A man who said he was someone I had known decades ago (it may have been him but I could only see a vague figure with the same color hair) he told me he would "help" me to back up. Thinking this was "helpful" in some way, I followed his first instruction. I could have done it myself but I though and was programmed into believing that this was a friendly help gesture. He began yelling orders at me. I could not think to say stop yelling, I could not talk, I was completely silenced as my ability to speak was blocked out. this is exactly the tactic that dumb whore mirage used on me months ago. I write about her, I had forgotten to add, that B-kov the bot included a clip of his White Nights movie back in the 80's (oh how he wants now to get contracts to play again, and me writing about him now may help him to achieve this, but it doesn't matter what I write, the pigs who join in on this terror operation all get instant promotions regardless of how I react). . Dumb whore mirage was there "crying" watching his modern dance take which was not something to cry over--his dancing back in Russia may have been, and the few years following his defection may have been, but he's now a "capitalist pig" operating for fascist Nazis coming from a totalitarian system in which he also was fully indoctrinated earlier--or he grasped this philosophy after he defected perhaps--the money, the power all he can accumulate here in the West--so much so many dumb Americans to exploit and create the same kind of brainwashing effect upon, as he did to me. If I had not been used to decades of other pig apes it would have taken me much longer to figure out what a sleazy and nasty creep he is beneath his tricky-dicky pretense by condescendingly patting my shoulder and then ordering OTHER people to do what he had forced upon me two days ago. i was tricked then, I am not now. He used the subliminals to attack me without justification. It was not the "rival" English DJ artist who was also following orders and attacking me simultaneously. I have never even written about him except to extol the music he made over a decade ago and the transition to thump thump culture and how originality and off-beat underground art and culture is inevitably turned into mainstream mediocrity and the sharp alternative themes are erased and turned into easy-listening and placating moral righteousness of fakeness.

But this trend is now extolling, subconsciously, fascism and genocidal murder death squads at this point.

most of you fully want these systems to increase and thrive absolutely. I write this because I hope to reach someone who is outside this system, and hopefully they have access to my writing. Hacked and distorted as it is, you can get the point easily.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Mind control 101 primer which all participants teleporting or trying to become part of the intimate circle of attack upon me should have been told or don't realize or don't care about or don't care to take the time to research.//On some intricacies of how mind control technology/drugging/death squad haters and minions operate and one of their more pervasive principles on control and power.//The more seemingly "free" a society becomes from physical domination Totalitarianism or fascism, the more the controlling power "elite" must resort to mind control://To a dissident from the CCCP to a discontent with the USA from the USA: I had one of the most magical but typically simultaneously--from splinter intruders trying to stop the magic-- intrusive teleportation/voice-to-skull experiences yesterday

 "Mikhail Baryshnikov--Don Quixote.flv". Lourdinha Campos. March 25, 2012.

Professor Noam Chomsky elaborates (briefly in this brief video) on the difference between the physical violence utilized to control under a Totalitarian/Authoritarian rulership, versus a more "Democratic" society where violence used to curb behavior must be relegated to MIND CONTROL AND THOUGHT CONTROL--. It ties in with my discussion, below--so, to Russia with love from America---Mr. Chomsky relates KGB style tactics versus the American version of the less violent form of almost the same concept for behavior modification with negative force used in both examples for deterioration and erosion of human contact and love and positivity--for the benefit "of the State".

"Noam Chomsky--The God That Failed Transition and Controlling the Public Mind". Chomsky's Philosophy. November 4, 2015.

I cannot state how incredible it was to have Mikhail Baryshnikov (oh my, have to look up how to spell this--and I almost got it right the first time but just changed the "i" to a "y" before looking it up---

I had written a post about wanting peace with Russia in this "proxy" war with Ukraine (I will use that rhetoric as I was responding to an American commentator living in Austria but who also had worked in the Soviet Union before it merged into Glasnost---

The threat of Nuclear War and this general hostility which is increasingly escalating. 

Within that day, as I did my part-stretch/tiny bit of ballet (like almost nothing but a few little exercises and stretches that I fight to do with all this poison in my body hard against my spine and etc).

Baryshnikov has put some of his videos on my social media throughout years of this experience I have had; most of it awful but if you take a distant perspective it could be called "interesting" if you are not the target of so much violence. But, he let me know it was him with this vocal subliminal voice-to-skull communication and as I began to stretch, he began to give me his most professional, masterpiece-in-the-flesh instruction on how to do the stretches correctly. I can't emphasize the difference between what a great talent and artist like this is in comparison with people who are giving classroom instruction to at least 20 other people and have very little time to really look and observe all the body movement and what needs correcting. But when you are with a good dancer, you don't even have to know how to dance the steps and you will be carried by the dancer; and so it was that I had a most incredible experience from one of the greatest ballet dancers in the world--and a few hints and I could feel the extreme change in my body and mood and mentality. 

I was at the same time being attacked by another person who is vying for complete control over me and this contract. 

Now, these people are using surveillance and mind control on me when they participate in this situation. I am under "truth serum" effect constantly and whenever I say or do anything that they don't "like" or doesn't agree with their control structure, they attack me for it as if that is going to somehow prove to be behavior modification. But there are people who also use subliminal command sentences or subliminal messages that I literally "repeat" in thought or vocally. It happened as he was giving his instruction which was so helpful. I first thought to myself in some kind of self-pitying way about how much damage has been done to my body and how many YEARS non-stop I have been fighting to get this poison out--this was a mind-set I don't have while doing these exercises. I am focused and fighting really 100% when there is no voice-to-skull communication and I am not "hearing" anyone on their techno-contract experience over me which mostly they benefit from and never me, to the opposite of course. This was the first time any of the people attacking me have ever actually said or done ANYTHING that was beneficial to me, and with this man, this highest deemed zenith of ballet around the world person, Mikhail Baryshnikov, I felt my body respond immediately in a way because he knew how to train, he knows without thought what the body must do, how to correct, the body lines, and I felt like I was on a wave transformed into a graceful tract of alteration and elevation.


But then, with this "negative" thought that just popped into my brain, and it was a lowering of the energy field and level, he began to tell me with sternness not to succumb to this kind of negative emotion--but it was more like, "NO! Don't go there"--and immediately a word came into my subconscious and I had no beforehand knowledge that this word was of my choice. This is what has happened infinite number of times (it seems to me, at least a few thousand times in my lifetime) that words and behaviors are "commanded" to me in my subconscious which I repeat, often verbatim. I have written of this many times. Thus a word came to my subconscious and he responded as if I were calling him openly that name and he began to become extremely combative--trying to find the right word to use. He was highly offended and I tried to let him know that I am a mind control target and that this was installed into my subconscious. It was done by a competitor who wants to cause a schism and the few moments of a kind of bliss ended abruptly into the usual person using the teleportation to begin yelling at me. This then continued when I went to sleep with someone else--but probably the "skit" was "ordered" by the competitor who tried to cause an abrupt end to the happy lesson I was feeling blessed in having received, even if it lasted only 5 or 10 minutes before the inevitable break and disruption and negativity.


I came to a few conclusions afterwards. 

One was in being very careful to not succumb to negative emotions although that is impossible considering how my brain waves are being endlessly altered by the tech and microchip implants. Mr. Baryshnikov, please know the range of technologies that are being pointed into my brain and body and probably upon you as well. I have stated also many times that this is not an "experiment" focused on me, but also on the people operating the technology. I have forgotten my statistical and scientific methodology terminology but there are various studies where there is not just one variable but the variables can also be those who are performing, so they believe or are lead to believe, the instigators of the "experiment" who could really be the real targets of the experiment, or vice-versa. Please note that I am being subliminally affected and there are many malicious people following these protocols. One of the main protocols is to isolate me endlessly from people and anyone, anywhere, who is friendly towards me or helpful is very quickly dispatched and removed from my presence by this organization.


The people operating these technologies appear to not really fully grasp the operating principles of how these technologies are being used and how many other people are involved. They blame me for reacting under hypnotic and other mind control influences in ways that are far too honest and they think that torturing me for having been forced into honest or hyperbolic response to their invasion and violation of my privacy or my home or my body or my life is somehow justified. It is like barbaric torturing haters attacking me by forcing a reaction and then torturing me for having responded like a natural human being to stimuli that by nature makes people fight or flight. As they have left me with no way to fly away and I can't even look away and I have tried to block out these voices using these voice-to-skull tech along with the mind control stimuli and I am basically put in a corner and I respond sometimes violently to the accumulation of YEARS of endless violence in this manner being forced upon me.


It was wonderful, but alas as anything with any other human being that has happened in over a decade, within the first few minutes of any positive exchange someone comes to come in between and uses subliminal commands to make me say or do something or the other person does it or someone comes along and influences the other to treat me with disdain and it is always stopped almost as soon as it began.


Mr. Baryshnikov, it was very helpful and I thank you. Please understand how I am being manipulated and just as you gave me tips for my body, I will give you tips on how this situation is operating: it would lessen the strain if you understood these types of attacks that are being continuously aimed at me and how subliminal commands are one of the most crucial elements of this horrific mind control situation I am forced into. The same can be said probably for those who think they are "controlling" me, who are likewise probably being controlled with subliminals and that is undoubtedly what is being observed and analyzed if there are evaluators assisting with these teleportation and voice-to-skull situations. Know that there are many malicious people who want to block "competition" as I think happened when I was instructed to "think" this word. I would not have even said it openly. It is not my fault that you are listening using this thought-reading tech that subliminals are being conveyed into my brain which my brain interprets like a computer receiving instructions. I had no time to "think" about whether to actually "say" this word or not, it just popped immediately into my brain. It wasn't a choice. Because this has happened to me uncountable times in my life and in ways that always put a block between me and others, I think that is what happened. You should understand what you are dealing with, and that goes with everyone else. They are so eager to "blame" me for reacting to the transgressions of my privacy and my life that they are told are their "entitlement" and not only that but everything else of my body and life is "theirs' to break or destroy or suck out and destroy--so they are told and paid for as well and promoted of course.


This technology is a crime against nature and against humanity. Like all this insidious organization does in it's ultimate crusade to control the world. They are life f-ers and that is a fact. This technology and it's misuses go hand-in-hand with a culture and a planet out of sync with how to live in a sustainable way with one another and with nature. These people who teleport me are so quick to begin yelling at me for the things I say or how I react while they are actually the ones who are violating my privacy and my life and my "gut" reactions are forced out of me honestly and they are trying to completely destroy me on every level. I still see them all getting lead roles and huge promotions as they smile huge smiles for cameras. So its' amazing to me how sick and dangerous and vile they are and yet they are still putting out every conceivable movie and lecture and speech about how they are "fighting" for every positive aspect of sustainable life on the planet after getting these promotions to utilize technology and forces of great violence and hate, racism and sexism and all the 'isms' that drive their gism spasms when they are in private. I am not referring to that great ballet giant Baryshnikov when I write of all this negativity. I actually was not in a negative state when that sentence came out and then you responded and that word popped into my brain but I know that there are people also using subliminals on me all the time who want all competitors pushed out of the way. Understand how deadly this technology is. But I also never think in such despairing mode when I do my exercises and I believe that self-pitying sentiment that also came out suddenly without prior thought was input using mind control technology.


Of ALL the actors and artists who have ever been involved, I have to say that Baryshnikov, in my opinion, is the greatest artist I have ever met--because I have briefly studied ballet and I understand the level of work, genius, I can't begin to describe what an authentic work of art his ballet is and that there is no faking and nothing but pure art and dedication and I have the highest respect for his ballet and dance work. As on a personal note, I have no idea but I felt this magnificence when he gave his ballet and stretching pointers and I feel like it was a grace note in an otherwise death pall dreadful teleportation experience of grasping usurpers and greedy grasping who are not close to the art of being an artist in the depths of their hateful spirits.

So thank you for that experience it was a brief touch with some kind of immortality and divinity in terms of art and it was so uplifting. I hope you understand that I am trying to explain what kind of Orwellian death this technology can really be and is and how it is used by very hateful people. 

The tech can also be of great benefit, and that brief few minutes of instruction by the great Barysknikov was one of those moments when I feel like there was almost a divine reason for all this physical pain, in that I got one of the most talented experts in that field literally carrying me in some way into a much more refined state of body knowledge and I felt like I was being carried away into this more graceful state. That is what an art or any kind of "master" in their particular field conveys in their art and also when they are training or helping someone out who is their pupil or student--

For once, at least one time there was something not a complete drag in this teleportation endless hell.


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The food chain feeding frenzy: It is dangerous for me to continue to write, but I am under "mind control" in order to extract my writing. The conundrum is further compounded by how the terrorists (celebrities of H-wood and politicians in congress of both parties, famous in Progressive and Right-wing extremist circles all operating as one unit attacking me with the same agenda and the same Methodology.

 They have absolutely no compunction in further torturing me for descrying their "favorite" symbols of "radical liberalism" in the media as entertainment factors selling the "alternative" while fully supplicating themselves to the fascist and Nazi/mafia agenda of "One power to rule them all" Eye of Sauron effect. I could write with more academic flavor but the flavor is stale and I am spicing it up with other entertainment clips (if you could call Tolkien's Lord of the Rings as entertainment and not a moral play drama allegory about Nazification of the planet and impending one-world system of technological control abounding in "evil" forces devouring and subjugating as a constant).


That I have in the same one week experienced men of black and white skin color absolutely defending women who are the rape and violent enablers of the white rape male supremacist cliche that they are fully a part of is amazing. Both this morning in teleportation and just two days ago I said in this defensive violent and anger mode (I believe the people controlling the mind control and teleportation technology are forcing my brainwaves into this lowered state of cognitive rage and hate instead of calm and deliberate analysis--so necessary to deal with these irrational hate parasites attacking me--as they use any and all excuses mostly the most insanely stupid to attack me, most of it incorrect, absurd and irrelevant and not really anything I am actually "guilty" of in any way. From the music I listen to which is otherwise considered artistic, but they claim it's bad taste and only because I listen to it and then they continue to insult me. The point is just to insult me in everything I do unless it is as mediocre as they deem their underlings non-threatening to them will do for the sake of conformity and safety. Thump, thump marching orders and etc.


But TWO OF THESE outspoken advocates of "liberal" rights--both from "minority" (minion) groups who are supposed to "represent" have shrugged and softly smiled in between snarls of hate and insults and threats at me (in teleportation) while I fought with them and the women they adore or are defending because they represent the female rape enabling for men like them to present as their allies in their "war" on racism or injustice (as I wrote, all absolutely operating in alliances with the most fascist and oppressive players in the field of threat that now looms over America and the planet in all it's inter-lacing intersections of power and control). 


They shrug callously when I say that these women have capitalized on me being raped by their white supremacist men (from Europe or Europhiles fully incorporated into an international fascist/mafia global alliance working for a mind control and financial and every other facet of takeover of all media, operations and government. I say this from having been a target and having to move around the USA and then the planet for years and have found this first-hand in my face in a DECADE of teleportation experiences with people of higher and higher influence in American and world politics/media. Thus, this is not a conspiracy theory, in no way, shape or form. I just don't have the evidence to back it up, as this is so secretive that "everyone" knows but remains silent and keeps me suppressed in order to retain even the slightest semblance of revelation openly about how they continue to exert their control, even if they are on lower ranks of the system. 


It happened again today that I wrote about a female who has obtained a decade of career advancement by her father and then her own participation in brutality towards me in all these various means of covert torture/rape, theft (of course she has stolen ideas from me and concepts and used them to sell a fake altruistic persona about her greedy and basically programmed into entitlement stance on how she is entitled--with full Europi-a fascist and mafia support and absolutely endless money poured into her plastic surgery Nazification appearance, along with the rest of them. The "opposition" is attacking me for writing about their endless concealed fascism and Nazification and their crimes, which they elaborate upon when they can use it to project themselves as being fully into fighting against all evils of the planet especially when it comes to racism or sexism. They shrug in front of the sitting rows of the celebrities and those in the background who fund and monitor them all to make sure, damn sure, they are conforming to the "agenda" of absolute deadly violence heaped upon anyone who won't easily accept the lies they project and want independence of thought and action, outside of their control or system.


Again and again in the same week I have been yelling--in teleportation-0-at men, or making statements using every kind of analysis at my disposal while in this state, mostly unconscious and not being able to cloak my words in politically correct subtleties--which these haters also exploit to torture me even more for saying such honest blatancies while in the state they force me into--while for years all I have done is shout to leave me alone and stop doing this, finally. 

It is amazing, and they defend these women with absolute hate directed at me. The blondish Nazi women who have been handed titles about how they conform to the most Nazi iconography and thus are showered with awards for the plastic surgery alterations in their facial structures, eye color and hair color and body shape which they are paid in millions to work into these shapes--handed every thing possible for their appearance and they shower me with mutilation and blemishes and then the "liberal" and other fascist men laugh and mock how bad I look in comparison to these women showered with money for every day daily additions to their appearance while I am poisoned, cut into, damaged permanently by the mechanical arms and the minions poisoning my food and body and home so I breathe, eat and am forced into filth, poverty and sickness while they mark up my body with chemicals and destruction to my health and beauty. 
The rigged "beauty contest" while I am also in a state of enraged defense with my "back against the wall" also helps the smirking and smiling bigots to sit back glaring in hate and telling these men who adore these women and rape and beat and abuse me--but it's not necessarily out of "love" for these women as they are, but for what they DO for these rapist abuser men. The "minorities" are some of the most violent in this respect of insulting but the actual violence is done by the more silent white supremacists who just have armies of these minions at their disposal who are themselves of such low self-hating loathing that they eagerly await an opportunity to unleash the hate that hate brought upon them, ordered upon others, by the haters.


Having to deal with this very issue twice just in the last four days, I sit here thinking about somethings I heard on another "liberal" podcast detailing power structure, written by Sociologist C. Wright Mills and power/society and control. This podcast just popped up after I wrote my last few posts today and essentially echoed many of the disjointed, mind control blocked phrases that I had written, despite whatever the terrorist hackers had done to dilute my writings but their inevitable deletion hacking interventions and rewrites of my words--deleting grammar, deleting parts of sentences and then pasting the rest together, etc etc ad nausium.


They hail these woman who support their hate towards women who don't play the "sexualized goddess" role, which essentially is a very short-term enterprise of "worshipping" a woman until she is disposable, or receives youth-enhancing plastic surgery well into her senior citizen years (some of the celebrities have done very well at this; but I have been put into the position of not being able to afford the healthy food I need to just heal from all the poisoning and abuse they shower upon me every single day without exception. They also keep using mind control to try to extract more ideas from me and then torture me for writing about what sickness they are towards me and in general).

I wrote of the women who perform the cheerleader roles for the male rapist promotional schemes. They are indispensable to the rape culture status quo and thus are highly coveted and cherished. The blonde women in particular because they exemplify a huge market for minorities to fund their investment schemes in making everyone have to conform to their standards of beauty--as part of a racist scheme to control people through self-abnegation and/or loathing because these images of these women are so constantly thrust into people's faces as the one and ultimate concept of what is to be honored and respected. Thus the "righteous" minority advocates (one is "jewish" the other is "black") have defended these women who uphold their own unprincipled assimilation into white supremacy facsist/nazi/mafia political or media participation as icons in their own programmed "right". One of the major events of this hate crime upon me is for these plastic surgery endless beauty-treatment celebrity Nazi women to have all these men shout into my face that these women are so much more beautiful than me, and my claims and the reality that they have violently assaulted me when I finally reacted to their participation of rape and torture upon me; all of them have stolen ideas from me, all these women, all sat back smirking or helping as the bigots yelled racial slurs into my face; all got lead roles in movies shortly thereafter and endlessly afterwards to this very moment; all coveted and when I write of their sickness And crimes I am assaulted and mostly by the "darker" minority men who absolutely love these women to the point of abject slave worship and "hate" upon me like the most violent of slavers possible, of course dumping their misery upon me and feeling lightened after the burden of so much kneeling in abject worship to violent controllers who so carefully have used mind control of torture, murder and rape and abuse upon them and their mothers and females in order to get these men to assault women of their "kind" because of this very well-established mind control trick of assimilating the victims into the victimizer culture.


So I am endlessly beset with men who yell hate and insults at me because I write posts about Nazi culture, have defended myself while they are attacking me in their "victimized" minority status in order to get promotions for more blathering clown acts about how they are "fighting" racism and sexism for more political leverage and especially in the entertainment and media (even YouTube) o-sphere-o-rama circus.


It is revolting, and it's gone on for years and years. It seems like everyone on the planet only respects and loves Nazi women who party and dance while their vicious men and enslaved minority minions do their violent dirty work for them, and these women are doing the dirty work for their white rapist racist men, but because they are collateral beneficiaries of the huge outpouring of money and promotions, they are almost considered to be at the actual power level of the white males who sit back watching the entire feeding frenzy for a bit of power that they throw into the general feeding frenzy pool.


Mind control: lecture about how to control "The Masses" by someone not inundated with mind control technology. Noam Chomsky on "The Hume Paradox". From industrial revolution to the digital revolution, mind control evolution encapsulated. Dare I add my own thoughts and risk more torture from the State/Mafia/Nazi/fascist/death squad/pornographic rape 'Me 2" culture USA+ fascist Nazi/Mafia international partner mind control apparatus, surveilling, hacking, stalking and monitoring my every thought, action, written and spoken word with resulting torture and punitive control for saying or thinking or doing the "wrong" thing, which is a negation of their hate crime corruption body politic along with body porno rape culture media politic body of lies and sleaze pretentiousness about being "free and equality-minded'??

 "Noam Chomsky--Hume's Paradox". Chomsky's Philosophy. June 30, 2016.

"When you get to the freer societies, there's a lot more concern about what people think. And that has been understood. That is part of the reason for the rise of the Public Relations industry in the United States. Public Relations industry is propaganda industry of Business, which was/is an American was created in the early part of the (20th) century, to try to, as they put it then, to control people's minds...anyone can understand that without having read Hume. They understood that without being able to control people's minds they would be in trouble. the business press it was written, 'The greatest problem facing industrialists is the rising political power of the masses. Realize the business press is very Marxist, super Marxist. All the values are inverted.  But they believe in class struggle, they talk about 'the masses' and 'beating down the masses'...In fact, business press reads like Maoist tracts, except all the values are inverted. They understood that you gotta control people's opinions because, as Hume put it, 'Power is in the hands of the governed, if they ever realize it'.


What more can I add to years of writing these posts about how the tremendous time, money and effort has been poured just into this prototype mind control teleportation/gang stalking/paralysis poisoning/isolation gang stalking terrorism and torture and mutilation and rape and violence and death threats contract out upon me just so a kind of template can be made for furthering the distortion of a two-sided dialogue in American society instead of a one-sided fascist Nazi/mafia control system based on the deceit that there are opposing factions in society. The mind control effort by the H-wood celebrities in partnership with politico, international mafia/Nazi "elite" fascists posing as Democrats of all races, ages and gender identities and the entire mix of my ranting diatribes for the past many years has detailed the extent to which people will go to not only participate in this huge effort to quell the potentiality of uprising against their sexist and racist genocidal hate culture of false political opposition. But also that this continuation of a very long policy of mind control--now very pronounced in media and entertainment news, YouTube commentary as "Progressive" but really operating with the fascists, rapists, Mafia and Nazis of all ranks of political and business culture.  


I struggle to write this post about mind control as the mind control technology is, through the due diligence of the military-industrial-university-backed and funded scientists who created all these forms of brain-mapping technology to blast my brain so I can't think clearly or write with the detail that would at least shadow seminally what Chomsky is elucidating in his lecture on how mind control is necessary to continue the military-political-fascist-Nazi-Mafia-Death Squad-entertainment complex mind control apparatus on a global level. Just so people are not self-empowered and obey and follow the instructions--as ALL the teleporting minions do to the point that NONE of them has an actual personality. They are like a formation of bot holograms repeating the same hate formulas that the last bigot fascist Liberal Radical Democrat followed alongside his fascist Nazi (so often Europ-a in origin) counterpart has instructed or also attacked upon me in their mutual quest for their greedful gain and promotional thrust and power grab and P-grab position on the Nazi/fascist/Mafia rungs of power for the ultimate c-ring phallus maypole dance of power tower phallic symbol they all revolve around, raping and hating and abusing and stealing and killing to get higher and higher.

"Night On Bald Mountain--Fantasia (1941) (Theatrical Cut)". Oliver Hayhoe. July 29, 2014.

Georgia's main football celebrity man, Herschel Walker's potentially aborted campaign for the US Senate: The hypocrisy of the gang stalking/death squad culture wars (both sides are almost equally as guilty): Will Warnock's campaign get a boost in this "expose" campaign against Republican opponent Walker to tip the Senate majority in just a few little weeks? The political leverage knives are out with Sica knives to carve out more space for Democrats in the Senate race in Georgia. Every seat won or lost could mean a complete change in American politics for years to come. The stakes could not be higher for every cut and slice to fell and abort opposition. //In the "end" of the upcoming election mess, the "winners" will keep the death squad culture intact without changing an iota of the promotional fascist/Nazi/mafia controlling entities which bring about these "divide and conquer" strategies as protocols for their minions to follow. The minions all continue to obey and follow the most hypocritical murder operation using covert technology that the world has ever experienced. It may bring about the ultimate death of millions of people. None of the candidates so far, much less the elected officials, will even breathe a word about this death squad culture they all operate from within in order to gain access to the lucrative money and power cartel which rules them all with death threats abounding if they do not conform and suppress those like me who do not want their death and murder culture to continue to rule our planet. I am not a lesbian, by the way!!! (see post about Velma the lesbian cartoon character I posted today).

 Politico: Walker’s team knew of an abortion allegation months before it surfaced.


"Hershel Walker's son SINKS his OWN father's campaign". Brian Tyler Cohen. October 4, 2022.


"Disney's Fantasia (1940) T-Rex vs. Stegosaurus Dinosaur Battle". Popcornbones. October 1, 2017.

This is not to indicate that T-rump will "win" or his minions such as Herschel Walker in the upcoming next 2 or more election cycles---it's just a cartoon! To my, in my position as victimee of the celebrity/political just grab 'em by the p-valley entourage with their international fashion fascist power backers, they are ALL neanderthals living in a pre-apocalyptic dino age of brutality disguised as fashion mind control programming entertainment and predatory technological prowess. That means that in general the media power structure and political bipartisan system is really the T-Rex and the rest who are subjected to their bs posturings are the prey, but don't understand it because they live in a cartoon fantasy world of delusional suspended disbelief.


The ("Left") media is headlining the true or perceived foibles of various candidates whenever possible---. to just be a bit fair to the changes that people go through in their lives, from one advocacy position to another. Even if Walker won the seat in Congress, he would vote against abortion although he may have paid for one abortion earlier in his life. People do change. I am not advocating for Walker but only for the choices that people make when they have the possibility to do so. I think keeping in that frame, people should understand that the CHOICE is important. The alternative side is that people consider abortion to be murder. The people who are fighting against this "murder" of embryos have also operated clandestinely to have me murdered in their hate campaigns against "radical liberals", the label they now designate in cloaking their anti-Semitism and hate-based death squad culture. Since so many people participate in this crime (including so many "liberal" "Democrats" then I say this with absolute confidence that what these anti-abortionists claim is "murder" is what they fervently support for ADULTS in real-life terms. Basically, everyone knows that for the most part and denial-silence remains the most important tactic.

Biden's Admin has sent, so far (and counting and more to come) $14 BILLION to Ukraine, not a NATO country and unaffiliated with the United States except through various globalization contracts for a few "elite" investors and political jockeying in that zone against Russia.

 "Biden visits Puerto Rico, announces $60 M in aid". ABC News. October 4, 2022.

Puerto Rico is a United States territory and will receive $60 Million for aid in the destruction of it's country after the last hurricane. The electric grid in Puerto Rica has gone through brown-outs and various aging deterioration that was left, just like the Jackson, Mississippi water systems, in disrepair but hanging on a thread of functionality. There was a piece on Democracy Now about this subject, which did not exactly meet the US headlines or even bylines as far as I could see from my limited all-free subscription prices and my hacked internet capabilities.
The prioritization of foreign entities as partners with US "elite" interests extends from the US Government to Whorewood cloaked fascist Nazi/mafia "liberals" (so similar to the politicians when they teleport me as well).
The "agenda" is an elitist v. enslaved impoverished population while will have no choice but to "service" the bigots in order to have more than corrugated tin roofs or homelessness if they aren't perfect subservient dumbed down minion bots serving the sleazy and rapacious dumbed down bots who control them, using technology to make anyone outside their marching order thump-thump four-square paradigm either submit or get horribly mistreated or murdered through various tools like suiciding, accidents, poisoning and just impoverished lack of opportunity to access.
Both Jackson, Mississippi and Puerto Rico citizens who are affected by deteriorating electric and water grid disfunction have made it known amply through their political advocates. In both cases, the breaking-down aged system are just patched up with a few band aids, which easily ripped off when hurricanes hit. In both cases, the determination to leave minority citizen areas in vulnerable infrastructure positions remained as policy and remains now. The $60 will just repatch up the already deteriorated systems which need complete overhauls, plus more money to repair the mess because people didn't have the money to build stronger edifices or have resources for protection as wealthier communities do have. The money being sent for Ukraine will build entirely new living and infrastructure needs for white (supremacist--in many or most cases of the people I have ever met of that ilk) living upgrades including the most modern electric and water supply systems. The money also is going towards advanced military upgrade warfare--to a country which the US only wants to use as a "wall" against Russian influence. I am neither pro or con to that issue but only the gross amounts of money being poured into a foreign country for polluting gas and oil production hegemony over Russia instead of the tax-paying American dependents or citizens who are actually helping to fund, through their taxes, these foreign investments so people who want oil Big Money can have another new mansion someplace in Europe or even in Ukraine--this is the trend I have seen in being exposed to the ultra wealthy who have no soul or compassion whatsoever, but are put up as icons representing these issues by a most corrupt system in America. The money is ample and the systems that are on the verge of breaking down all over the American dependent islands and States and vulnerable, under-represented communities remain victims of environmental poisoning and collapse.

Mind control programming in the media, a la fascist/Nazi/Mafia indoctrination into rape/racist/genocidal culture conformity: There is a great element of reverse psychology to all this, which I do not elaborate on in this post but I add it as a brief mention at the onset. How I wish people would take a more introspective look at the entertainment celebrity culture pretentions about being "liberal" however it may help to assuage the alarmist "fearful" arguments of the ultra conservatives. //The perceptual shift of representation of "powerful" women from the 70's to our now anti-abortion/fascist, pornographic society. Women who are intellectually adept and don't pose in pornographic posturing and revealment of their sexuality as blatantly as possible "must" be "lesbian".//Velma from Scooby Doo as an upgraded "lesbian" character.

 Huffington Post: New 'Scooby-Doo' Film Makes It Official: Velma Is Queer

When I watched Scooby Doo back in the 70's, Velma was like so many of the activists who were NOT LESBIAN who wore sandals, long necklaces, and turtle-neck sweaters. It was a type of intellectual fashion statement. The women were not anti-male sex whatsoever and in fact wanted loving and positive relationships with other men. There may indeed have been lesbians within that fashion/political niche but I never once heard or saw anything of that not flamboyantly sexualized intellectual group claiming they were fighting for lesbian rights, but rather for human rights and the end of war. The ultimate reversal of a former anti-sexist trend in the backlash against Feminism, in addition to ending Roe v. Wade, is the presumption that a woman who does not flaunt her erogenous zones, exposing her breasts and sexual curves and highly effeminate traits must be a lesbian, for how could she be otherwise, according to the most sexist representation of women now available for male and female consumption and imitation. Thus, an "intellectual" woman who is passivist against the Hawkish War and pornographic culture that has completely over-run all varieties of media entertainment and even in political realms--the women who are of the "liberal" and "anti-war" front must also pose as sexualized women when they get a media promotion. A woman to cover her body up to her neck, must be, therefore, according to the pornographic representation of women that has been put forward by the men who role fashion iconography who really want a reversal of all the feminist and women-strengthening movements of the past 50 years to be absolutely reversed.
The front of "Velma" being a "lesbian" will be touted as some "freedom" and "feminist" statement, especially when her object of desire is a "Black" cartoon character, making her even more "radical and liberal" enemy and hateful and unattractive--and just look at how dopey and stupid she appears in her silly cocked-eyed representation in this clip from the dumb and dumbing down movie that is coming out, (pun intended). Again, there is a reversal of a serious movement making the object of rebellion appear dumb, sexually deviant and almost obscenely unattractive and dyke food for consumption and elimination. It is a psychological reversal intended to make women only want more to emphasize their sexuality and body parts to not be as "ugly" and "stupid" as Velma who appears like a kind of dumb and ugly thing in this clip from this modernized remake of the former Vietnam War protest-era intellectual which was desiring of male love and affection--from what I experienced having been around University anti-war protestors all my childhood in the 70's at the University of Illinois where my parents went on marches, got arrested, and had meetings and parties with all levels of students during that time; up until the mid-70's. I was directly exposed to that culture and saw many women dressing exactly like Velma, who never mentioned lesbianism as far as I knew in the very adult situations I was (the only child) around--my brothers and sisters mostly stayed away but I was fascinated by them and heard what they were saying, even at a very tender, young age of 5 or 6.
The same women who were passionately in love with their husbands who wore the same sandals and long-necked sweaters and funky hippie necklaces got DIVORCED once the macho disco cult arrived at the late 70's. They were just following trends dictated to them to follow. They went from the intellectual male-loving culture to the "Me Generation" to the "Me 2" media porno rape culture enabling, divorced and orgy enablers who are so scant in intellectual prowess and must rely exclusively on displaying their breasts and thighs and genitals whenever possible to obtain any kind of permission to appear as "independent" women at all.
The next culture wars cartoon character (symbolic) log on the bombshell fire storm--2nd in the same month--one was a black mermaid the next is a lesbian on a crush on another (and it's apparently a black cartoon character) and oh my, will the former Scooby Doo fans become enraged and claim this is a transgression against the 70's cartoon franchise?

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A tiny vignette on mind control encapsulated into a "strange experience" "documentary" about a mind control "cult". Sex, Lies and the College Cult (movie/documentary). I take this film more to be fiction encased with the "factual" representation and all the droll-sounding major newspaper reporters who cashed-in on making this documentary so avidly droning on about how odd this "cult" "was" (meaning it's an isolated experience and not ubiquitous). The lies about how widely operated and manufactured mind control sex trafficking and cultist programming permeates all societies I have ever lived in (around the planet many times) continues in this documentary that takes it's special status as telling "truth" about one isolated situation. I know this is a completely well-conceived operation that has an almost blue-print catalogue for programming handed out to those who operate the drugging, technology and protocols. In my last few college years (in Minneapolis) I experienced almost point-by-point the exact situation except that there was not "real" father but a "father figure", extremely intellectual personality that had a group of people half his age (I was probably the prime focus of the attack but it had become a "social group" which went out partying and this "father figure" would pay for group restaurant parties and spend $$ like he was swimming in it every day. He was obviously being well-funded somehow. Other members of this group included some white male associated with a Nazi organization but it was all cloaked and lied about. The situation never progressed to the stage of the video example below, probably because I had enough protection from my family to not have the need or belief system to want a father figure living with me to be trapped in this type of situation. The situation I am now forced into, however, is almost exactly the same with violence and threats abounding from men of ALL ages wanting to be my Big abuser controller mind programmer/rapist/pimp Daddy "father figure". Because I did not succumb to the programming to ever actually decide to put myself in such a situation it is now being "forced" upon me. Or they are trying to force an actual domestic violence type rape/pimping/barefoot and with baby discarded sex trafficking toy/victim instead of my years of grad school and a career and my own life which I could build for myself if not thwarted to this degree by actual violence and drugging and etc. I am only copying this video for the purpose of one day elaborating upon this theme, but for now hacking is making typing arduous and nearly impossible to get much out (can't type, keyboard is being endlessly blocked) my brain is always under attack so I can't think clearly while I must struggle to type. I am then abused, beaten, raped and threatened and assaulted physically both while in a comatose sleep state and teleported to more abuse simultaneously in both altered physical states from this same organization which funds and supports men like this "big daddy" figure in the documentary below. I know that this form of technocratic torture and covert sex trafficking via teleportation, microchip implant and organized terror/stalking/poisoning and all the ugly whistles that scream silently in the inner ears of the torture victims played like crystal flutes of slavery by the oppressors who want to reinstate virtual slavery that is a virtual reality organized technocratic "new order". '

"New Videos Show Alleged Sex Cult Victims Assaulted & Manipulated by Lawrence Ray". Law&Crime Network. March 31, 2022.


I would very much like to one day write about my experiences without the keyboard being hacked so I can't write, then my brain being blocked so I can't think clearly or complete my thoughts as my memory is being blocked and hindered along with cognitive functioning. Then the resulting torture for having written anything that would question or "threaten" the operation as documentaries like this "Sex, Lies and the College Cult" must be contained within a "unique" situation that only weirdos and vulnerable kiddies are sucked into; rather than entire families, organized political machinery, government funding, organized crime, pedophiles, rapists, racists and their minions all fully participating in these operations on a global scale. P.S. Please do not relegate the problem to a few middle-aged males, because women of all ages are thrilled to participate as torturing chauvinists alongside their male counterparts of torture and rape and abuse. Oh trust me, women "get off" on being rapist enablers and want to rape as well. Just to help add this because so often the problem is listed as a situation of males and not how women absolutely participate in the violence and intimidation and rape and torture. The documentary also details that this perpetrator's daughter was the one who allowed and welcomed her father into this sex trafficking cult dorm living situation in the first place. She helped to "groom" her "friends" by enthusiastically describing her father as a highly intelligent, but sadly victimized by evil enemies who wrongly accused him of crimes wherein he was imprisoned for a while (not sure how long) and post release had nowhere to go. Like a guru, he utilized personality improvement lectures (I had experienced all this K-rap myself in the same program in my college years, food was paid for and parties and the entire programming for me was almost exactly the same, but I deviated by not actually allowing the situation to get to this horrid point). The point I made above is that now this violence is being forced upon me endlessly by evil and nasty people who are famous for their output in the media---or politics---so they appear fresh and dainty for the public after their all-expense beautification treatments and this group pays and pays unlimited amounts to bolster their "good" torturing rapists and abusers who utilize this mind programming, sex trafficking systematic hate crime apparatus. Now I can't "get away" from "them" as they have a global financial blacklist apparatus in addition to a global drugging/poisoning apparatus plus a global mind control technology fence encompassing the planet like an electronic mind control fence (or perhaps just in the more densely populated countries--maybe in some remote country somewhere the problem is lessen or non-existent? Hopefully this is not an inescapable problem with a global electronic network that no one can ever escape from if they become targeted for technocratic slavery/enslavement.

It is not some random dude creep who just happens to independently discover a system for mind control along with all kinds of assistance and professional psychological mind programming tools at his/her immediate disposal.


I have to add that I was very seriously injured in the time period when this middle aged man who would pay for groups of students in college for meals at very nice restaurants; paid for parties, had sex with many of the women and used all the gang stalking mind control rhetoric with "trauma-based" ugly nasty stories about his "childhood trauma" as some of his repeat stories--all part of the "programming". He had a list of self-help stories to tell, all very similar to the programming above. After I graduated he appeared to me in cities I moved to, actually across the country. There was a very serious "accident" after I rejected yet another hateful user who used all the drugging and poisoning and mind control tech to program and exploit me--while this man was not far away in the background urging me to "love" this person who I actually had to get rid of. After I did that I was put into an "accident" that nearly killed me--a very long story about that because it lead to a huge change of life course for me out of the mainstream into the "underground" life existence which I have never once regretted doing so to me it was a "good" thin in the long run. This ability I have had to make a good out of an imposed "bad" situation has lead to my technological "imprisonment" with teleportation terror, rape and torture which would make the abuse above appear like a one-time horrid bit of violence instead of ongoing never-ending nightly rape, beatings, abuse, hate and insults with groups of A-list celebrities and politicians and for over a decade; after attempts to poison me to death; and after accidents intending to murder me by "accident".

It happened to me because I would not succumb to the programming. They force it on the target through these "covert" operations like teleportation, microchip implanting, mind control technology and drugging and poisoning and of course, endless gang stalking and blacklisting that keeps the target isolated and unfriended without solace, support or sanctuary anywhere around the planet for privacy or security. They force it even if the target is sleeping and teleported and unable to not respond to the violence--as happens every day in the teleportation I experience; regardless of the amount of self-esteem that target may have. Their goal is to crush and break the initial spirit and happiness and independence of the target and instill their agenda, which is absolutely nothing anyone would ever choose unless they were already abused into believing that this was their "natural" state. I think very few people are born to believe that they don't deserve anything but bs all their lives, it is inculcated by systems. America has been a country of supposed "freedom" at least in the mythology endlessly touted; America itself has now become a target of mind control programming complete with trauma-based mind control. However, people are still unable to disclose the private situations and thus the problem remains silenced and the people who try to disclose it are either labeled mentally ill or victims of a singular "cult". This is why the people "in power" are so loathe to relinquish this system, expose it or call it what it is; an ever-expanding systematic form of destruction of human life by those who want control and power over huge swaths of the population--and for other pretexts and reasons that amount to selfish need to exploit and use and steal and rape and rob and murder.

The documentary makes the entire problem appear like a one-time plot instead of the ever-expanding catastrophe-in-the-making that it truly is. If people believe that it is only a few random weirdos with "high IQ" capability to exploit, instead of an actual PROGRAM with instructions that people can follow like a recipe, then people will dismiss the reality and of course when people claim they are being mind controlled, the usual response is denial and accusations that the victim is mentally ill or delusional. Documentaries like this above are simply like a diversional tactic to make people relax their pensive alarm at the potential for technological violence that gets spun around in "conspiracy theory" circuits and circles. It is real, it is more than common at this point but it's still being advertised and sold as a unique sort of individual little weird cult situation instead of a GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED terror operation.


Monday, October 3, 2022

The AmericanTaliban is also hunting me along with the witch hunt conglomeration factory establishment of bots & snots, ltd.,GmbH, Inc, Ltd....

 "Khruangbin--Maria Tambien (Official Music Video)". CASSIUS. July 18, 2021.

But this video is more about Maria Tambien ("Maria too") taking off her head scarf and dancing and then the Taliban clamping it's big Bro concerned male supremacy under the dictatorship of white supremacy foot down on the backs and heads of brown and black women mostly, with white females expecting entitled relief from what the others must endure (oppressed for bigot whites to rape and exploit as sucking/f-ing/f-over slaves and white women to use as cleaning, ego-feeding slaves feeding their entitlement racist agenda so they can still claim they are feminists while their brown and black "sisters" have to be less beautiful, less affluent unless they absolutely support white racist parameters of behavior,thus feeding the ego-driven entitlement agenda.) THey have damaged MY HAIR so badly I can't wear it down any longer it is no longer presentable. It is the same thing as the Taliban, operating under the guidelines of various politicians and "leaders".


"Protests about Iran's repression of women's rights held around the world". CBC News. October 2, 2022.


"Einsturzende Neubauten Yue Gung--(Fuettern Mein Ego)". GMAIUSCOLA. November 26, 2009.

It all boils down to parasites lurking in the hidden recesses looking for those to devour for the feeding of their egos (futtern=feed) (mein=my) ego. Racism and sexism, but largely racism combined with sexism is one of the most established parasitic feeding opportunism that retains it's form even after the initial leading parasite dies off--generation after generation almost on cue they perform the imperialism and oppression tactics that reverberate and then come back like a new strain, often organized and sold off as a modernized version of cooperation between sexes and races....(i.e. the expletive parasites attacking me and their entire silent and covert methodology and modus operandi of hate and oppression. ** the hacking is very bad and I must fight to get the letters to print out so this post will probably be very deleted/ the terrorists of course.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).