Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Another desperate appeal to "entertain" the numb and dumb people reading my posts about the future of technology put into the hands of stupid sleazy filth parasitic psychopaths who are paid to torture and abuse and rape for profit---when you combine this sick mentality with access to both technology and murder capability plus the capacity to air it livestreaming---you get something like sadistic thrills at slowly roasting animals to death and televising it for a live-stream podcast. Although this sounds like an extreme idiot psychopath, this is exactly what happens to people with access to the teleportation/drugging/rape/teleportation technologies that are so cherished by the "elite" useful idiots of American society and their dumbed down sheeple rapacious violent followers.

University of Louisville student investigated for air-frying live baby chicks 

The jump from having a sick stupid college student, drunk from orgy parties on the weekends and going to South Beach to get sucked and f**ed and traveling to Thailand to pay nearly zero for sex vacations and/or to any other destroyed colonized countries that our fascist Nazi alliance post WWII has destroyed and taken over in the 4th Reich hegemony plot to usurp and suck out the vitals of the planet for elitist luxury plantation life--

and as the respect for life flies out the window while the technologies are endlessly poured into the open market and the closed societies of covert terror apparatus. While every movie is about death and violence and revenge and blonde Nazi worship and Mafia glamorization and organized criminality and "cool" rebellion fueled by drug addiction and sex addiction and work addiction;  and the violence and cruelty movie mind-numbing fodder that the sluts and creeps of Whorewood and their Mafia Nazi conglomerate psycho scumbags keep pouring out about relishing revenge plots of mass murder and gun violence and sexualized "empowered" women in gyrating pornographic posturing akin to porn flicks about gun-toting chicks--and etc etc

But when the tech is spread far and wide enuf to this crowd of sleaze, you will get human beings slated to be sacrificial victims of slaughter,  being seasoned literally like the baby chicks in this video while they are drugged on mind control drugs, microchipped and numb and zombified, then as they are roasted as they clamor to try to save their lives the giggling and mirth of the sleazy filthy Nazi Mafia pig apes will be heard on the video tapes and on the live streaming mafia Nazi entertainment vlogs and dark web--as is already happening from YEARS of me being tortured in likewise fashion, as the violence of the shit people celebrities you all adore increases while they continue to get " high" off violence and torture capacity and the hormonal high off violence inflicted on a completely vulnerable person.

And when it comes to government officials, the propensity for exploitation of human beings and complete disregard for human life, the code of ethics and the U.S. Constitution to which they all claim they owe all allegiance flies out of sight as they burn and beat and abuse and insult giggling like the rest of the sleazy and sick and stupid celebrity pig apes. Then there are the "normal" people of society, like the undoubtedly white "Christian" filth creep who sprinkled seasoning on baby chickens and then air fried them to death in horrid, horrid torture live-streamed for thrills and "fun".


This literally will be the future of the technology that dumb and immature Elon Musk is cranking out to the billionaires so they can get their kicks by teleporting and torturing or murdering someone without any government censor or societal blocks, as people will simply follow orders and comply with elitist secret rape and murder policy, as they do uniformly now with full permission to the sleazy filth pig apes always cherished by society. 

What this undoubtedly white Christian-based creep did to these animals for an entertainment vlog is exactly what will happen and is happening now in the realm of teleportation and the videotaping of the violence and cruelty that always increases with each sleaze sick parasitic pig ape who teleports me. The longer they have access to the tech, the lower the standard of their humanity and the higher their propensity towards this kind of insane cruel murderous violence with psycho sick skits accompanying the acts of slow torture-to-death.

I continue to write these posts every day because the hell and sickness of the teleportation parasites continues for hours, every morning and while I'm in deep sleep. Every morning it's rape cheerleader, violent abuser deniro and his mafia goons instructing him to be brutal and violent towards me. they sit and instruct him, but they don't make their faces known to me but I know at least who one of them is (and pesce is also always there, as is the gotti family). He's extremely violent and a pest beyond pestilance.

 Right now the hacking is bad, and the page freezes constantly. I realize that although I don't want to write more posts, because it appears to be a waste of effort at this point to get anyone to respond in any way that defends my rights according to all laws in every country, which no one will defend while government agencies and officials and celebrities are breaching every human right possible in this contract and laughing and enjoying it thoroughly. It is now a huge hunt pack and sport game to abuse, slap, punch, insult and attack me using these weapons that ilk like Elon Musk have been put in control over to augment into reality so people who want to live in a fantasy paradise of control and rape and torture/murder capabilities without any culpability whatsoever are rushing to get involved, invest in, and control and own. The list is ever-expanding, and most of the people attacking me are some of the most vocal proponents of "freedom and equality" in the media universe that is of global proportion, and what America "represents" to the world.


Ever disgusting, ever violent and filthy and dirty and ugly and disgusting towards me, this foul-mouthed sleazy nasty fascist Nazi mafia parasite upon me never stops threateningly attacking me. The use of this technology is so subtle that every single thought I have he responds to using the subliminal voice-to-skull technology; that is, speaking into my inner ear. I can sometimes "see" him ephemerally but usually he's just constantly insulting my thoughts, if I use any sharp instrument he and his team make comments about cutting off my body parts with what I am  holding. They "instruct" me to stab myself, etc etc. I can "feel" it and "hear" it but this is being done on the most subliminal sense possible.


the people who literally love deniro for this type of violence are people like dirty nasty Anne Hathaway, who giggles and laughs, along with Tom Cruise and of course his former wife--the bigot blonde who is the most vocal about "fighting for womens' rights" ha ha--as long as they are Nazi women and not those slated to be beaten in their stead, as I am put into this position by their disgusting vile men like deniro just looking for someone to beat and abuse if possible so he doesn't continue to violate and torture the women he actually lives with or with whom he sticks his greasy and dirty body parts into, I can't imagine how violent he eventually becomes with each and every single one of them, eventually. Even the blonde Nazi pig apes whom he reveres like they are gold instead of bs at heart, greedy and sleazy as he is and his world of nasty goon who are too sick to be allowed to have access to this technology, but alas Biden calls himself, or his wife, an "Italian" and of course as people accuse the Bidens of being a "mafia" family I fear this is even short of the actual reality of innate criminality that this president now in power actually holds in reserve and brings out in situations like mine, where he can have his buddies who are psychopath killers, apparently, unleash part of the woman-hating filth upon me--every single day, day after day, now it's gone on for over 5 years without end. 

so, this morning, every single thing I did and thought to myself was echoed in the "mirroring" that these parasitic exploiters use (meaning all of them) in order to use ruses of pretended familiarity with the target they are preying upon . It's a tactic probably endorsed by all the business strategists to win favor and make friends with people you want to take down in business or in politics.


no matter how many years I write of the atrocities on a personal level these people fling into my privacy, no one ever interferes or stops them. The government relies on people like this to torture civilians who just happen to have microchip implants in them because the individual--myself in this case--is fighting for my basic human rights to even think my own private thoughts without "fear" of being tortured for not thinking anything but dumbed down approval of pieces of sick and sleazy stupid shit who are taking over the country and the planet who are bringing the culture and environment and society down into a primitive pig ape level of existence, and then stealing my ideas so they can hold up alternative concepts so people believe that they actually "care" about life and other human beings. 


Completely cherished by every crap government that has been in power for most of my life. Hillary Clinton is on first-name familiarity with them, and her racism is so far ensconced in her duplicitous contrived personality that it far overshadows her concern for anything but being kept in the power structure and in the limelight for her endeavors in "women's position in society for business success" as her seminars seem to always focus  upon . Her darker-skinned fans are always supposed to bow in deference to her and woe to those who don't. I didn't pretend that her insulting demeanor towards me from the very onset for her promotional status was anything but bs crap and although I didn't yell back or fight back, I just said a few calm words about her being hysterical and I just didn't know what to say so I basically said nothing. She began to have my body sliced every night while sleeping and ran off getting her tv show by the Nazi media for her fascist approach towards me. The mafia filth always backing her up. No matter which criminal is put into the President's office, the mafia under deniro and pesce is always going to be given precedent for opportunity to exploit because blonde Nazi women like Hillary Clinton rely on violence through their criminal agents like deniro to fully empower them as "women" in "power". 

As I wrote earlier, the most fastidious supporters of blonde Nazi iconography are these "Italians" from Brooklyn who are Americans rejecting their country and betraying it as they are actually traitors and the laws against betrayal against your country and sabotage should be upheld. But hillary only wants to have this blonde Nazi image affixed to her as being "superior" so her power trip over me under this fascist Europigape paradigm resulted in more bodily mutilations of me, and deniro is endlessly assaulting and threatening me. 

so I write these posts every day because I have to express myself in some way or another. There is always something I can focus on about the hypocrisy and deceptions and ruses being used to trick the populace into following in the footsteps of what Hitler wanted America to become, which it now is thanks to these Europigape fanatical traitor Americans. It's disgusting that Trump uses the patriot movement to enlist criminal terrorists into sabotaging the United States under all kinds of lies and hypocritical oaths to violence for the sake of a power grab take-over with genocidal racism and hate as one of the main vehicles of enlisting more fanatical zealots from the religion of the 4th Reich paradigm. The actors like Deniro are some of the most zealous of the upholders of white supremacy, even with his black girlfriend or children or wife or whatever. Sleeping with a minority and then disposing them later on, after obtaining a child, is not exactly the same thing as caring about equality in terms of racism. 

But I am slightly off because the black Nazi movement is supposed to mean that it's "Jews" or others like "me" who are to be considered the victims while the blacks are the preferred status "good" minorities who follow the Nazi protocols. I wrote of Clarance Thomas and his black Nazi actions and behavior and now it's coming to light in full spectrum of Nazi 4th Reich affiliation for blacks who really support fascist Nazism. The "Italian-American" mafia is just another adjunct of that former Axis power partnership between Mussolini and Hitler, reborn into a regurgitated state.

Deniro is just wetting his pants over all the nazi models and actresses who surround him with love and affection after he abuses and punches into my face and threatens me with brutal murder and insults my body and is so violently threatening as they sit back over joyed. Pig apelina and pig pitt are always there applauding him (of course, after the terror sessions are over). They tried their best but deniro is unashamed of his violence and is proud of it. He's always been trained and awarded for violent racism towards jews in Brooklyn, and my parents and grandparents told me stories of the mafia attacks upon them, but not very clearly as they were "supposed" to keep me ignorant of the deadly threat aimed at me that they hoped to avert by offering me up as a scapegoat and sacrifice for their own promotional status, which in turn became their own demise but in various other aspects other than being overtly attacked by shit like deniro as I am every single day--or they all take turns attacking me endlessly so he gets to go off elated with the young model pig ape whores who he loves who surround him with love, giggles and applause for his violence against me. Anne Hathaway is one in particular. I always forget to write about that forgetable skank who has been a part of this terror campaign against me. I wrote of her long ago, and she has not overtly participated but the photos of her with deniro with her laughing with him is  tell-tale as much as her standing next to him while he threatens to kill me and have my body parts severed off and etc....

I didn't want to forget about writing about her because she is still being given the limelight for her hate crimes against me, as is Tom Cruise who has "won" top award for a movie I think is probably not as great as all the pundits say it is, but I have not watched it. These movie awards are so rigged it's disgusting. 


When and if I can ever enjoy my morning or life without sick and violent sleazy pieces of rotten shit interfering with death threats and subliminal suggestion of killing myself and calling me bitch and loser and insulting and making comments on every single thing I do and think to myself and insulting all I say and think to MYSELF IN THE PRIVACY OF MY ROOM then I may stop writing these posts. The pieces of shit rely on me writing about them to further gather more awards for being disgusting parasites leeching off my life force using these weapons of destroying and stealing and rape and torture. 


I also usually "forget" to write about that Australian skank who has partnered with Tarantino and pig pitt for years and years to obtain her endless lead role capacity in Nazi 4th Reich Whorewood--what's her disgusting name--played opposite shit pig pitt in Once upon a time in Whorewood--the movie derived by Tarantino from posts I wrote about Charles Manson, and turned into fascist Nazi mafia hate against "liberals" in the guise of "dirty hippie" hate by the fascist blonde Nazi "elite" who always dominates top real estate around the planet due to their egregious hate genocide qualities and characteristics, endlessly championed by the Whorewood establishment, regardless of whether people who claim they are "Jewish" run it or the outright Nazi/Mafia cartel currently endlessly assaulting me for a take-over which has already begun (they all helped to oust Weinstein, and taking over his position, all of them absolute rape and sexual abuse fascist misogynists, particularly the blonde Nazi women who claim they are Me Too).

But what's her nasty dirty name and her mostly crappy hysterical acting qualities--Margot Robbie, I never think about her but when I see her endlessly ugly face being portrayed as some top "beauty" and actor -so-called then I have to think about this putrid creep who is part of the larger English Imperial colonized structure which is striving to take over H-wood through various colonized subjects like the Australians and the Canadians and etc. Their influence is of course enhanced by shit like Aprah and her crappy "black women empowerment" interviews with the English monarchy, playing that old chestnut card of "black victim" status which Aprah relies upon, as well as fascist Nazi black Nazi supporter Farrakhan.

Oh, I am now ranting, but I always forget to write about robbie who has thoroughly participated in the violence against me but has never actively assaulted me visually in the teleportation. I know that piece of creepiness is there, and pig pitt of course feels the blonde Nazi woman pushing against him in amorous flirtation and loves the attention just like deniro does. Their violence towards me always puts shit like robbie in these lead roles, and you can count on that as being a fact although, of course, from my position of being victim of highly covert, secret technology I have no evidence or proof of that, only in the actual results, year after year of her partnering with pig pitt and being put into lead position endlessly alongside him in roles and shitty stupid hate-themed movies which are supposed to be "quaint" and/or "cute" in all the merriment that goes along with their psychopathic swagger and jokes that are included in the films and the subsequent interviews of the psychopath parasitic scum laughing about their easy access to endless Oscar awards every year for just venting their racism and violence against me, endlessly and perpetually. 


There are manty others, of course. There is not just the daughter of Depp who is a most vicious and sleazy creep endlessly adored for the parasitic energy she feeds off violence, and then there's Martha Stewart, and there's Amber Heard, and there's Meryl Streep and oh ....I always forget to mention Tom  Hanks--and it is late now, I have been writing, there are so many of "them" smirking their way to the Oscars year after year tagging on the coattails of pig pitt and filtha shitalina the ugly creep pair plastic-coated shit.

What have I "done" to attract this kind of hate? Well, after the Europigapes who have passed this contract in full detail that they originated years ago (over a decade now, where they stole my ideas and then were poisoning me to keep me paralyzed and dying as they pumped poison into my body via rape--this group like deniro pesce pitt filthalina aniston et al have had the shit stalkes in the buildings next to mine rape me physically by entering into my room while they--the pig actors, teleported me so my consciousness was teleported, I felt nothing, and they shit breaking into my room thanks to all landlords who gave them keys, would also put my hips and spine out of alignment every night while I was unconscious--while they all kept me poisoned to the point of paralysis and inertia so my body is completely broken down and then they abused me non-stop in every conceivable way. Including poisoning and making my body and home and food toxic and inserting fungus into my ears, hair, vagina, food and furniture every single day in a lengthy murder attempt that I am still vulnerable to. They continue to drug me. This pig ape piece of filthy vile crap deniro has been behind much of the violence I just mentioned for well over 5 years, and pig pitt and shitalina for over 10 years, and the pigs who handed them the contract to torture me to death after extracting creative ideas go back to 1987 and 1996, when I met the two Europigapes, successively. 
But that's not enough torture for the shit that has been in control over the United States and so it goes on. Lynch Mob greasy Senator Graham ascribes all of this to being a "system" akin to lynch mob activity that he and his group are "proud" of. Yelling it at me and then poisoning my drinking water so dangerously it's almost a miracle I didn't die just from sepsis from his months of attacks upon me only because I said NO to being raped and or exploited by another bigot who wants immediate access to my never say ing to to one shitty ugly pig whore fascist Nazi pig creep after the next in something like a gang rape contract while they and their nasty wives, girlfriends and boyfriends and children all obtain huge promotions and money and awards for torturing me using microchip implants and lies and abuse and date rape drugs and poisoning and mind control technologies. One of the pieces of shit after the next. Me saying no after years of mutliple rape and murder attempts, they torture me for saying no and go on with deniro exerting torture for the sake of technocratic sex trafficking entitlement along with nasty and immature Elon Musk who, when he teleports me to his nasty and foul group of ugly old men in their billionaire yacht clothing (I think he had me teleported to some yacht orgy situation with ugly billionaire creepy old men on board) as I said, as usual, NO after years of "lovingly" in a drugged up stupor making "love" to men I ran from in disgust when I was not paralyzed, not so drugged I could think clearly and see clearly--ran from them, but "loved" them with all heart and soul while teleported and drugged and in sleeping dazed state while my brain was tweaked into a sexual frenzy--the parasites feed off it and then abuse, insult and poison me with intention of paralysis and murder. I am now fighting to stop this and I get people like Hillary Clinton looking for an easy monetary boost to her millions and or billions and media promotions so she assaults me violently and ushers in months of my body being sliced literally with knives every night between my toes and etc--every one of them brings in another form of torture so it accumulates into an entire body mutilation process that never stops. 


So my "crime" is in defending myself and they call me bitch and stupid and loser and nothing and a whore and a prostitute and a stupid ugly bloated old woman and etc etc they go on and on and on and on. My crime for defending myself and saying no, they are torturing me and they are being paid in millions for it, each and every one who participates. That includes also so many black "strong" women who were just featured  in this years' Oscars, and last years, like Tiffany Haddish although I think she was not in any movie that won a nomination, and another black woman who is so offensive I can't remember her name it is blacked out--she was in a movie made in England about wealthy white English and a murder mystery--she stole ideas from me as well and is to be seen with all the violent abusive white supremacy men assaulting me now--like Austin Butler, who sits smirking and making jokes about me sitting with legs open and apart next to pitt who always sits in that sleazy pornographic posture while he and shitalina sit glaring in hate at me like predators being handed terror technology to inflict more and more endless violence as they feed off it hormonally and get promoted without end.


My "crime" of defending myself, that is all I have ever done. Otherwise, the account of the English professor who stunted my attempts to actually live and have a career in Minneapolis is the same story of these pig apes and the years prior to them and after the pig ape in Minneapolis, it's basically the same set of people following the same patterns of behavior set in protocols by their elders who sometimes may be younger than they are, but wealthier and in more positions of power to continue the template of Nazi 4th Reich Mafia Axis power grabbing over the planet that has turned into a sum of humanity that has lost all touch with life in their cyberkinetic world of entitlement and "godlike" power and these are moronic humans with so much less intuitive knowledge than anything resembling a "god" capable of killing off the planet with the touch of a button. they are all, as I wrote earlier, tethered to those in the Oval Office and in top positions in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, where obedience to law is only a superficiality because they are literally handed all access to committing every crime possible without detection or law enforcement monitoring through these technologies that unraveling despot Elon Musk is now put into wealthiest man in the world status for helping to further develop and promote.


Still, although I am innocent, everyone continues to cheer absolute racist terrorists on as if they are heroes defending them against people like me who may have the ability to compete on my own terms and be successful and not willing to be exploited or turned into a groveling obsequious parrot puppet for them to oppress and suppress and sexually abuse upon their slightest sleazy whims in order to crush my spirit so only they can feel beautiful and happy on this planet--and I wonder if they are capable of those emotions without having to crush other people down in order to feel up. It seems that they rationalize their violence by saying amongst themselves that their violence is justified in the need to exert power and control and this is the only way to obtain it. Unfortunately, their grasp over the functions of nature will kill everything and everyone because they are truly out of alignment with life and nature in their quest for absolute power using these technologies to control people who just follow and obey-one of their most successful death and destruction claims to their superiority is that no one now questions them unless they are part of the duplicity deception of pretending to be "fighting" against tyrannical power grabs but are actually just the false opposition. 

My crime is in being actual opposition. In wanting to live my life in peace and being able to expand my life and creativity and to earn profit off my ideas and think originally and not be a "minority" to be suppressed or told I must obey and love the abuser in order to not be a genocidal target.

More continuation of the bitter reminiscences of terror "gang stalking" operatives in Minneapolis circa 1982-83--vicious, lying, and icons and plied with money and awards after each and every attack, upon me. For now, the rewards are so splendiferous that no one can resist them apparently. I suggest that in the future, once this system is more global and seamless, upon pain of death people will be obliged to participate with no rewards but only as soldiers for the "elite" instead of money being poured into every opportunistic sleazy rape and murderous scumbag on the planet, as is the case for now. But this is a post about Minneapolis and Bob Dylan using his influence to obtain white supremacist Minnesotans to help assert his daughter into fame and fortune by attacking me using this system.

 As always, I have to "remember" what I wanted to say, after getting physically away from the influence of the tech blasting into my brain while I sit in this one spot. As I was in another spot in this tiny cubicle room, I "remembered" that Bob Dylan was in the background of another operation that very same Freshman year I lived in the Dorms at the University of Minnesota. Oh, I was attacked from dawn to dusk and in the night obviously by "lesbian" fellow rape culture opportunists, but in the meantime, I was somehow associated with a white male, very homely, very attractive, very blondish with brown hair overtones in that 80's hipster style of one side being swept back. I have no recollection of ever having met him. I just remember that I was suddenly being invited out for dinners by him.  His conversation often veered into the category of having once dated Bob Dylan's daughter, "Maria" I believe her name was called ((I have never looked this up and I truly don't give a damn my dear and won't do it now). He talked of her almost every single conversation as I asked him about what Bob Dylan, the famous Minnesotan Icon at least in "Left" Minneapolis circles (which were very racist nonetheless). He, I think his name was "Ed" this good-looking, affable dude said his name was--tall, good body, fun, light, seemingly. I was pretty viciously attacked in that place, the dormatory and during that time frame. It was before Prince came out with his movie, and I was so drugged up all I could do during subfreezing weather was collapse in bed by nighttime in a drugged-up daze as my roommate in the dorm would poison and drug (and probably do worse) to me. I have no idea, luckily, what "they" did while I was drugged and unconscious and my brain was switched off to being physically assaulted. That is one of the good points about this technology, is that you are unaware of how disgusting people are truly when the disguises are off and torture is allowed in group frenzied hate settings.


This same dude "Ed" was also behind me in a concert, which was no coincidence, for an English band that is now currently part of the cyberstalking attack upon me. I have no idea if they sit in the back rows of chairs while the usual terrorists from H-wood endlessly assault me (and very often from Brooklyn)--but their videos and songs were plastered on my YouTube channel every single moment, ever day. I used to listen to their songs, they were very popular with the "Cure" type crowd (they also poured their videos on my YouTube channel every day for months, and occasionally still pump out a few to hack into my social media)--but, it was Depeche Mode concert and that band has now come out with a "new" album, thoroughly supported by the 4th Reich media conquest of mind programming that you all call "entertainment". 

But there was Ed with his blondie girlfriend standing exactly behind me, in this huge auditorium concert hall where Depeche Mode was playing to more than 2,000 people, I don't know, the place was a huge hall, the sound quality was almost the worst, and they looked tiny from the distance I was at with the "Jewish" dark-haired man who would shout in the surveillance room he and I were in, that he really wanted a "blonde with huge tits" into the microphone-covered air, while I was so drugged up I just sat and looked at him in an uncomprehending daze. 

But Ed followed me around with the Jewish man who ended-up threatening to kill me once I broke the orchestrated "relationship" off with him and he didn't get ALL the rewards he was promised if he could just latch on indefinitely to attacking me with my full consent and permission.


I hope people can follow all the dots and symbolic meaning so I don't have to "spell" it all out with the Jewish Nazis working in absolute collusion with the white supremacy that created murdering bigots like Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis. So very much I was exposed to with the "subculture" people were all nearly obsessed with becoming as "European" as possible and their one and only destination on Earth was to go to, live in and date and sleep with Europigapes. They programmed me completely into desperately needing to go to Europigapeland where the fascists could take away whatever they wanted as they programmed me with their Concentration camp arsenals of drugs and mind control technologies.

Oh, I also never "chose" the ugly Jewish creep who attacked me, I was introduced to him by the "Half-Jewish" friend I had while I was at First Avenue. I was hypnotized, and only, as in all the cases of the "men" who date-drugged me as I "believed" for some inexplicable reason that I was "instantly" in love with creeps I later think of as really disgusting filth forcing themselves upon me.

We all did a cameo on the same stage that Prince performed his routine for in Purple Rain --so I was also performing on the same stage--it was for a little stupid "contest" to do "air guitar" dancing to songs. It was spontaneous and we had never practiced--and I was "forced" through mind control to dance onstage without prior notice or practice to a song by Yello. People came up to me claiming that they recognized me afterwards, on the street (they said it was a "good" performance when I asked, not sure how much they were lying or instructed to say that and by whom, I wonder?)


Correction, as usual after having gotten up from the laptop and doing something else--I remember the band was The Art of Noise--a band that this Jewish terrorist who only wanted "A blonde with big tits" as he shouted it for the terrorist Nazis/Mafia using their surveillance microphones to hear as his "reward" for playing anti-Semitic hate rapists drugging bigot for their approval (he also was an aspiring writer, and musician, of course). 

The song was "Peter Gun" and we danced to it. I just kind of thrashed around with my stiff body and drugs feeding my brain--it probably looked extremely unimpressive and mediocre. It wasn't "fun" it was being mind controlled and an embarrassment for me afterwards. However, I was always welcomed in with a smile by the front doorman and I didn't have to pay sometimes to get in (the same doorman in the film Purple Rain--the huge white-blondish man wearing the zebra-striped clothing style). So, I actually got one perk from all the hate acts foisted upon me in the end, I got at least one club where I was welcomed and not attacked, which was the former First Avenue before Prince was killed and then taken over by milktoast white supremacists putting out really folksy but electrified fodder. I was actually assault once in a really sordid and sleazy way, which I expect everyone who profits off attacking me has to coordinate at least one time (which is far too much). I always avoided Prince even when invited through his grapevine network, to personally go to Paisley Park and meet him via an "artist" looking for promotion by using this tech and drug interface upon me (once they latched on, suddenly they were going to be recorded for the first time at Paisley Park and invited me to go along for "fun"). I always declined such invitations, subconsciously suspecting something amiss, just from the nervous polite energy and the cautious and reserved appearance of being casual I knew something was creepy and wrong with the situation, but had no idea whatsoever. I didn't want to be a screwed-over pop star girly object so I also declined and also Purple Rain is not exactly the "feminist" iconography that perhaps many today assume that it is. To me, at the time, it was a chauvinistic piece of sexual aggrandizing of male sexual exploitation put into rock style. Now it's considered a "classic". I only watch the movie to remember all the wonderful times I had at First Avenue seeing and hearing other styles of music than were portrayed in the film--but listening daily to Prince albums for the years that he was a rising star around the world--at least for a while I listened almost every morning to one of his albums (his earlier stuff, more based on the Minneapolis mentality than a Europigape/LA style which he adapted very quickly and turned into a kind of softened down version of his former, 1982-1984 more hard-edged, critical thinking and questioning normal hypocrisy image and experimental musical style).

"The Art of Noise featuring Duane Eddy--Peter Gun". Art of Noise. March 25, 2016.

A continuation of yesterday's post on the English Professor out of Minneapolis who used a pre-ubiquitous terror technology to utilize the already in existence drugging/poisoning/stalking/cyber warfare operation of terrorism to thwart my fledgling career in Minneapolis (to be a writer).

Now, instead of an England-born English professor using "gang stalking" techniques that were a bit less sophisticated in technological terms back in the mid-late 80's--now highly ubiquitous and ever-present in every telecommunications attempt I make to make my presence known in any capacity, in any version of technology and in vocal communication (the microchip implant in my throat  hinders vocal chord and constricts my threat while I am talking--and eating as well--and sleeping as they force this to close so there is a horrid noise which is so loud as air is completely constricted in my throat that I am always woken up just at the point of falling asleep--when the expletives don't attack my throat like this, I sleep with my mouth closed and don't sound like a snoring thing but when they attack me, the noises are horrific and discrediting, of course their endless aim of making me look bloated, crooked, so drugged up I can't think, etc)

But back in the mid-80's when this technology, already developed but not routinely handed out for the terror groups to use as access was not as open-source as it is now, the group used this professor to do what terrorist hackers do now on a regular and constant basis: they rewrite my words to discredit me. I wrote yesterday that this professor played a stunt so that a fellow classmate would "grade" my paper and then we would have to meet outside of class to discuss what elements of the writing the other student liked or didn't like. I have never had to experience anything similar to this style until I took online classes for grad school, 20 years after leaving physical classrooms. The highly unusual aspect of the discrediting attack was done in a way that my creative writing was literally rewritten in a mocking and sarcastic insulting way, making my points appear sophomoric and distorted into ridiculous themes. Now, this same exact protocol is being used by routine HACKING which is non-stop and has been for now years and years (over a decade). During this time, I, like everyone else I knew at the university, relied upon a old-school typewriter to type out my papers. The terrorists of course broke the typewriters so they clanked out very slowly and required repair and didn't work correctly, but nevertheless the hacking capabilities in this technological regard were not possible at that time in history. Now this type of rewriting and hacking is non-stop to discredit me, and any idiot can perform this action by deleting words and rewriting them. I had to point this out, as it was blanked from my brain while I wrote the post yesterday. The brain assault by tech to literally block critical thinking and cognitive train-of-thought--erasing short-term memory in bursts of blasting the brain (which leaves me dizzy and nauseous when I get up from the laptop after having to spend more than 6 times the amount of time fighting to backspace and rewrite what hackers are blocking--). No professors in classes are required now to completely rewrite or distort the writing of people under targeted surveillance and attack. Anyone can experience this type of rewrite discrediting now and I can't assume that I am the only one. I wonder if any of you reading this will stop assuming that it can't happen to you (because you are too beloved, special and important for all that hate you spew out against me).


The technology for cyberwarfare foisted upon the population for bigot 4th Reich social engineering had undoubtedly already been in use and in existence, but it's proliferation was not as ubiquitous as it has become now in the 2023 time zone. The person I did not mention by name, this man who wrote stories which I read, claiming he came from an English "working class" origin and wrote short stories about people struggling to rise out of their social class in upward mobility. He was definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing, to put it succinctly, or in other words, an aspiring "yuppie". The end of one of his short story books was a personal soliloquy about walking in the snow around one of the lakes in central Minneapolis (Uptown area), and thinking with relief about how he loved living in Minneapolis and was out of the English constraints of class warfare system. In retrospect, I realize that what he did was wholly an Imperialistic quest for lebensraum and power, and he used the classic centuries-old formula of Imperialism upon me, and undoubtedly many others. He was in no way as "liberal" as some of the professors who actually put me into a position of generating a decent reputation in Minneapolis amongst the writer's groups, one of whom truly bolstered my attempt to have a real career in writing and introduced me to publishers of Mpls magazines, gave me the reference to work as a research assistant at a writer's "guild" if you will, a "Loft" it was called, supposedly implying "lofty" intellectual writing. 

The English terror "professor" arrived not long after I had obtained the position. He was not slated to give a class in the "Loft" for that Spring/Summer of around 1987, but came on a sudden approval by the Loft administration. I was told that I could take these classes/seminars for "free" because I was working gratis (non-paid) as this assistant, working to try to generate a decent portfolio after the first month from having graduated from college with a degree in English Literature. The system had organized this terror operation, I so believe having observed how people suddenly flock to every class and thing I do in order to surround and attack me, so as to drive me out in any way possible and take away any attempt I would have for any decent position in society, under the aspect of society's demands.

I had forgotten to write the little part I wrote above about the ending of the English man's book on how he left England to live in America with his "beautiful blonde" American wife (obtaining his Visa and other legal means of citizenship, something I see endlessly here in Thailand, the legal interchange of mutual marital vows combined with legal Visa and citizenship and then infiltration and then overtake and then fascist Nazi ideology spread through financial incentive-based coercion and mind control programming with threat of being homeless and not having enough to live on, forever--i.e. working 12-hour shifts every single day of the week, which many Thai people in "wealthy" Phuket are supposed to live off, and these are the "lucky" ones in the tourist areas who also rely on things like "happy ending" types of relaxation for the fascists and Nazis who come on their genocide and holocaust-derived earnings to have endless weeks of paid-for, State-sponsored vacays).


Unfortunately, he has been so welcomed while the actual American professors who had so much more to say about writing, were so much more adept at intellectual output, writing and observation have been relegated to a type of scholarly silencing, left without interviews as this English bigot has been handed.  His showmanship for his "Pro-Democracy" fodder for interviews is so reminiscent of the politicians of the "Left" who firmly follow the 4th Reich protocols of attacking me while their pro-Europigape counterparts from Whorewood sit in their chairs basking in the endless billions of dollars being poured into each and every one of them by the Europigapes who come, occasionally, to threat me and yell with fascist hate at me as they pat their American "partners" with love and tell them to be more brutal, "don't take 'no' for an answer" is the theme. Endless prizes, mansions worth double-digit millions are handed to them. Politicians who have obtained not just funding for their own personal wealth accumulation but money for their covert death squad assassination groups--i.e. formerly known as lynch mobs in the South--bolstered by the MAGA movement, which was given almost carte blanche financially to operate openly with death squad activity (which is what I hinted at using the George Floyd analogy)--all stemming from this same group of H-wood celebrities I have been writing of who are being promoted by the 4th Reich in both Europigapeland and the American fascist contingent--"Left" in particular in this attack upon me, those shouting about "Democracy" more than anyone else in the media are almost those who more cynically come to abuse and insult me. Or they watch on and hack their videos onto my YouTube channel, play their music with the cock rock actors who raped and tortured and poisoned me, which reminds me of Bob Dylan, that famous "liberal" former "activist" who is now being handed a biopic movie deal to promote his false identification that loomed large during the hipster Vietnam era. He has participated in a collateral fashion and amongst the rape and genocide-Holocaust-spewing hate actors who beat and raped me--for years, and Dylan, out of Minnesota, formerly hung and played at the very same cafes where I went and had stalker terrorist "lovers and friends" play on the very same cafe stage--on the West Bank across from the main campus of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis--just next to the Mississippi River. The honky tonk joint sort of blues and folk place that perhaps still has some of that flavor, but now without Dylan except that his painted portrait hangs in main spaces in Minneapolis. In fact, the very writer's "Loft" building where I was assaulted on multiple fronts by administration and "students" and seminar fascist Nazi "Left" Europigape "leaders" is in the very same vicinity as the cafes where Dylan played his unwelcomed and booed performances until he, like me, fled Minneapolis in search of a big city like NYC where Jews had not been, at that time, so drugged and tortured by death squad mind control goons that there was still room for an outcast "Jew" being welcomed into their midst, with social commentary questioning the Nazi status quo (during wartime, when whites conscripted Jews to be the "intellectuals" defining why the pig ape fascist white supremacists shouldn't have to fight in war at all; oh, they were all so anti-racist and open-minded into orgies on drugs at that time and welcomed Dylan. Now, he's being welcomed for helping them to fight the "bad" minorities like me who actually are FIGHTING imperialism and racist indoctrination. His help has, assuredly, been enormous in favor of supporting Nazis and Mafia around the world as an icon.

"Icons of Filth--Fucked Up State". doedsredskap. November 6, 2008.

The band, Icons of Filth, is an English Band. They are singing about English politics. It has now been spread into Minneapolis, through Dylan and assorted others of the same basket, weaved in an insane asylum of power-seeking imperialist fascist Mafia Nazi 4th Reich promoters of an empire of filth and hate and death squads you all applaud after they torture me to obtain this high status for awards year-after-year. Promotions, movie deals, biopics now, you will see Dylan get kicked out by the Nazi racists of Minneapolis who wore hippie tye-dyed clothing. I feel sure that up to this point, the script will include that aspect of his "heroism" to fight racism and his victim status "fighting" against racism and all that bs k-rap, as he sits in his mansion in reality somewhere outside of Minneapolis celebrating the movie deal he's just been handed. The lead actor portraying him, part "Jewish" has also participated in this hate and rape torture anti-Semitic situation of teleportation and cyberstalking. He's been arm-in-arm, mouth pressed against mouth supposedly, if you can believe the gossip columns, of those who raped and beat me, and they are all celebrating this movie about this "folk" hero who was so instrumental in helping white males to not have to fight the endless war machine that ensued after Vietnam helped to turn Thailand into a Nazi prostitute vacation exploitation "paradise". I'm certain Dylan will come here to get his paradise treatment for being a good boy, soon enough in his celebration for his upcoming film, which will sell his records and his image as being a "hero" defending "Democracy".



Fucked Up State Lyrics

Life ain’t no fun in this f*cked up state
Where they teach you to love in a world of hate
This world they run & treat as their own
Using politics, religion, the queen on her throne
Give us lies & hide the truth
We never doubt so we don’t find the proof
Time to doubt stand face to face
They’ve stolen our world now they run the place
We don’t want your fascist state
We don’t want your world of hate
We don’t want your lies & cons
We don’t want to tag along
We don’t want dividing lines
We don’t want set times
We don’t want your deathwork nor its pay
We don’t want to do as you say
We don’t want your bright coloured bribes
We don’t want your f*cking lies
We don’t want your politics
We don’t want your violent kicks
We don’t want your nuclear power
We don’t want your doomsday hour
We don’t want to live in fear
We don’t want polluted air
We don’t want the atomic risk
We don’t have to live like this

Monday, April 10, 2023

Nostalgia through a sour lens of the crosshairs of targeting. Discovering that the trend of terrorist "gang stalkers" who are part of the vast mind information/control industry such as authoring, output, and social engineering via "art" who avidly orchestrated some terrorist activities towards me, was featured in a very small-time video interview for a show about "Democracy". It is an all-too-common theme. The man in question is a Europ-a white supremacist out of England. Sorry Englanders, but it has relevance to the training in fascist Imperialism that America is now undergoing in it's transition from being "Democratic" to a fascist, 4th Reich colony of Europigapeland--sorry to sound so "crazy" "conspiracy theory" but the pieces keep fitting into this larger picture.

 I won'/t say his name for fear of him being promoted, as all the terrorist celebrities get promoted the more I write of the violence and insanity they heap upon me in their striving to gain free and immediate approval for funding of their projects, awards and prizes are just being handed out like goodies from a cornucopia in this Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich social engineering situation that mind control is now an ever-increasing component of, in this puzzle picture that is taking global shape.


He was one of my professors at the University of Minnesota. He tried his gimmick on me, back in Freshman year. I saw an evil glint in his arched eyebrows that looked absolutely "possessed" with bad intention as he "invited" me to become a more intimate part of his position because he thought he could tutor me in some capacity. I immediately felt the threat even if I could not identify it outright. Many others who have played the same "game" did not have the obvious appearance of being nearly forthright in the plot to scam me (in worse ways than just playing games).

I looked him up today because I am looking in some of the old haunts of my past. It's hard to find many of the people I had known, the women mostly as their names are impossibly changed and because of mobile phones, their names are not listed on White Pages and few of them are listed anywhere at all, readily accessible on an internet search.


He had people rewrite my papers for a class. We were instructed to write a series of short segments and then hand them to assigned fellow students in the class to "grade" and write comments on, but only at the back of the paper. What he did was get a female who actually altered my story to "take the p*ss" out of it, to use an English idiomatic phrase, to mock it and insult it, but very expressly insultingly. I believe that this instructor, or Professor, actually rewrote my assignment to mock it himself and used this fellow Nazi/white supremacist as his prop for the take-down "skit". When I approached him about it, he said it was "funny" and I should just laugh it off. I didn't just laugh it off. But I didn't respond openly to his comment because I was saturated with mind control drugs to the dregs of my intestines at that point (and still am, decades later) and I was blocked from speaking, I literally was forced into a numbed and blank state of non-expression. 

I also got a tenuous position at a writer's "loft" in Minneapolis--a writer's enclave. I worked as a research assistant, upon the recommendation of a professor that placed me highly in other legitimate circles within the Minneapolis writer community. This English professor, however, began a gas-lighting campaign and I was gently questioned by the Loft's more aged staff in casual conversation during lunch. I was more highly drugged at that point, as always had happened whenever I obtained a higher position in anything of a competative nature, so as to destroy the opportunity for me--and then, as happens now, the pig apes of Whorewood and the politicians can then hiss in hate at me that I am a "nothing" and have never done anything, have never accomplished anything, and all I have ever done is stolen from me or blocked. I am always, if I obtain any position whatsoever, either put in accidents to try to paralyze or kill me or drugged to the point of near comatose mind control and then forced into discrediting situations. I "react" under these conditions with people literally speaking through me, and I lose the position also due to the gossip and discrediting campaigns of people like the Europigape who is highly "respected" because no one of the Minneapolis writer world will openly or privately express what a classical bigot he truly is. I was not understanding of how this situation was being forced upon me and didn't consider the fact of racism when he was playing his part. 

I also later contacted him many years later when I was living in Gainesville, Florida. I wrote to him and described the basic outline of how I was being gang stalked, but I had no official term for it, had never heard of it, and he wrote back with just a few nasty sentences stating that I was "neurotic". That is the classical response by the bigots who orchestrate the terror campaigns to drive the last few nails into the discrediting campaign aimed at completely paralyzing the target. The accusations of being mentally ill are the usual first knee-jerk reaction by these jerks who perform the drugging and discrediting.


What is remarkable in it's unremarkable repetition is how he has been labeled as a "liberal fighting for Democracy" by his fellow white craggy Minnesotan "liberal" fellow old grey men who lavish such praise heavily upon white supremacists of their own ilk. 

It follows the "liberal" "Minority" people (whose names I am tired of being tortured for writing) but who are not of white origin out of Europigapeland but are instead from places like The Bronx in NYC (I think that's where she's from?). Whatever, the part where she's from in her district where she actually dances like she's "black" while making her public appearances, but comes to glare in hate at me for fighting for my human rights. She's very famous for her "fighting for Democracy, Feminism and all that" she "fights" for in her theatrical performances for all cameras possible.

It's the ubiquitous social engineering template repeated from Minneapolis to NYC to Europigapeland fascist Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich followers. All the "liberal" fascist Nazis, who wear "alternative" clothing and try to appear like they are not trying to be wealthy and etc, but who strive to uphold fascist wealth entitlement culture nevertheless through mind control, which is a precursor to genocide. 


The bitter lens of seeing this man being so honored in Minneapolis. One of the blonde Nazi Minnesotan women who was in the writer's workshop he held, where I was a "student" writer alongside many others, and he got another woman to harass me who was a part of the general white supremacy culture of Minnesota--the culture that supported, and still thrives in supporting the likes of Derek Chauvin. When I watched the Floyd Trial out of Minneapolis and understood that Chauvin and Floyd had a mutual connection through both working as security guards at a club, I felt that the conditions of the murder may have been part of a "stalking" death squad operation that went too far. Expecting to get away with it, Chauvin walked away smug and sauntering like all the people attacking me everywhere I go, but nothing compares to the swagger of the politicians and the smug smirking giggling and gloating of the millionaire and billionaire celebrities stealing my ideas and torturing and poisoning and having me poisoned and mutilated every single day--for years. 


All of them claim they are "fighting for Democracy". All of them take their cues from fascist, white supremacists out of Europigapeland especially out of places like England, France and Germany. 


So this English, out of England, writer's Loft class for this non-profit also generated another attack upon me while I was in this writer's seminar. He got this blonde woman to "befriend" me who then hissed at me to leave Minneapolis and never return. The point is that the English take over and get rid of people "like me". Americans in droves follow this protocol system in their desire to destroy Democracy and instead turn it into a slave plantation system, whereby only white supremacists and the good plantation house slaves can obtain some semblance of "Democracy" and "fame" in this fame-driven culture, only and only if they obey and attack people like me (Jews) in order for the plantation slave system to be more fully incorporated under the watchful eye of the Illuminated Democracy white old crusty man's club with his nasty rape-cheerleader violent women and children following the same protocols they are being actually taught by the Europigapes like this English bigot who has since been so highly valued in the Derek Chauvin land of Minnesota.

The activists, the people who fought the racism i.e. the Minneapolis protests against the Floyd murder, never protest this English expletive--no, they are so brainwashed and can't even begin to consider that in his white cloud of white supremacists constantly surrounding him, his genocidal fascist Nazi proclivities are disguised under the frumpy "liberal" attire and "lofty" literature accolades the white supremacist culture of Minnesota has awarded him for his "work" on helping them to create a fascist Europigape colonized 4th Reich state of Minnesota. Prince's assassination included in this drama but that's another story I have written of in my Facebook stories, unrecognized as anything remotely legitimate. The endless Prince videos are posted like all the rest of the terrorist videos, by the people wanting to profit off this contract. They are "black" but don't give a damn whether the conditions for participating are based on Nazism or not, because if they get promoted for complying to the House Rules, they are then not relegated to being stuck in racist Minneapolis with no options and surrounded by discriminatory bigots on all sides of that white tundra.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

How covert murder operates. Cancer infection, hardening poison injection, pollution of the body--to death all done with secret operations of poisoning and insertion using tech and organized death squad operation in a seamless global murder and assassination system that the politicians can't even begin to stop and certainly don't want it stopped. The celebrities smirk and laugh and gloat about it. As my body decays from poisoning, they call me ugly, as I am dazed from non-stop torture and poisoning and drugging they call me stupid (after stealing ideas derived out of drugging, poisoning and torture) and then they all go off being literally swamped with money and red carpet VIP treatment afterwards. Awards and presenting awards is their lot. I remain fighting to not die from cancer, or other poisons injected into my body. Literally non-stop, this group injects and smears poison into my food, hair, vagina, furniture, my water supply so I am literally terrified to drink the water I get even if I bury it in plastic bags sealed so mechanical arms can't break into it, I fear contamination that is constantly being inserted into my body while I am sleeping, in packages I buy at stores. When I say I can't afford to buy food in random price ranges to try to stop the poisoning of packaged food, it's because of hacking blocks to all telecommunications so I am blocked from simple surfing the web and having a business online is literally impossible. I am blocked from all earnings, literally stuck not able to defend myself in any way, afford to live in a place that may have a bit more security, and I can't afford to buy food, and the billionaires and millionaires continue to psychologically and emotionally sexually literally torture me while I am teleported so my system is in shock from hate and violent reactions to their rape, beatings, abuse and I am forced to have to see them in a way that I can't even look away. I am stuck with people endlessly insulting and berating, yelling violently and abusing me every single moment they have me ina vulnerable situation--asleep, in the shower, while I am freshly drugged as poisons and drugs are inserted into my vagina with stinking sewage water and semen and whatever else--or skin patches, they keep me poisoned and drugged and then abuse and abuse me in this teleportation which goes on while sleeping, then upon waking for HOURS every day--so I end up screaming and screaming that for 10 years I have told them I don't want them, and they have tried to knock my teeth out, cut part of my uterus out, stole my cat, killed animals I loved and harbored, have made my home filthy and dangerously toxic to live in as they continue to spray toxins into my furniture, on my clothing and everywhere else they can literally day and night this goes on.//Terrorist poisoning and food contamination report: April 9, 2023. More of the disgusting filth that the disgusting filth do. Why people consider them "great" I can't understand. The hate is unbelievable and the need to target people and have massive witch hunts remains alive in our modern society, thanks to your "leaders" who nearly claw their way in groveling to have access to participating in hate crimes that go "undetected" because they have become nearly sacrosanct for social engineering---filth rising to the top instead of trickling down to the bottom.

 So speaking of filth tricking in various directions, I have lately been buying sealed packages of Korean Kimchi--the cabbage doused in red spicy vinegar sauce. The packages are in clear plastic, sealed in a way that the package must be either cut open or ripped apart. The inside of the package contains a very liquid baggie of cabbage soaking in this red spicy sauce, tied with a rubber band. Inside of the store, no one can open the package to poison it. 

I bought packages of the least expensive brand, which is half the price of the other brands on the shelves--my budget with all finances being blocked prevents me from truly being able to randomly select food so not to have to repeat-buy the least expensive items, thusly leaving my food intake vulnerable to poisoning due to predictability.

I have bought packages of this Kimchi three times in a row, so the fourth time, I bought many packages and brought them hope expecting to eat one a day--for two weeks, as I am to fragile and in pain to go out now as the poisons are at the most painful stage of ripping out of my spine/intestines/cervical vertebrae/skull/hips/tendons, etc etc. Nearing the end, but still far to go with all the hard chemicals that nothing breaks except very strenuous exercise which only releases a very small bit and leaves me so ill I can't move for days as the highly toxic congealed poisons come out.

The Kimchi has been tainted with creepy hairs and a taste that is rancid. The cabbage is at the stage of decomposing and rotting, and I feel slightly ill after eating a package. There is so much red spice in the sauce that I can't tell the difference completely, and I am so ill from detox and I have to buy food with a schedule in mind for how much intake I have per day so as to monitor the capacity of the fridge with the food I am able to buy for a two-week period. I have to regulate everything, and everything I buy has been mentally planned for a daily intake so I have exactly what I need per day, for two weeks. Otherwise, this has been another two-week stint of absolute sickness as I ripped out and broke off more of the hardened poisons which ever-so-slowly break apart once I do some very strenuous exercises. The poisons then liquify in some portions and I am internally poisoned with toxins and chemicals for "mind control" and muscle paralysis and sticky goo poisons that have fermented inside my body for, in this case at the low portion of my body interior--perhaps 30 years in this case. So ill I just gulp the food I buy, always sealing everything up. But this Kimchi was poisoned before it ever reached the store shelf and I am now feeling slightly ill because it's undoubtedly been poisoned and perhaps with more of the hardening/bloating chemicals which the expletives you all call your leaders have ensured are in my body so I remain paralyzed and doing nothing and going nowhere as they eternally abuse and rape and beat and assault me in these teleportation skits, which are never-ending--always when I am in the shower fighting to clean and relax, they come with hate, demanding that I submit and give them what they want, which is after more than a DECADE of them poisoning me and torturing me to steal ideas, then poisoning me and abusing and raping and beating me and murdering me, they are demanding a baby and me to just say "yes" and say that everything they say and do is wonderful without any critical thinking response, while they are stealing everything from me and killing me at the same time-and this is no exaggeration.


So I can't buy food that is of the lowest price if I need it for my body more than once, in a rotation with other types of food. I am in such poverty that I have to buy food that is individually marked down, like isolated packages with "reduced" price stickers--which means these are also poisoned even if they appear sealed in packages fresh from the distributor or food production source.


The next thing the expletives attacking me are demanding is a baby which is some kind of huge promotional boon to those all connected to this never-ending terror and rape and murder situation. These are nasty men and their hateful sinister wives and children who have had my body so deformed I look like a mangled square saggy peg fighting to get a rotund piece of a square poison shelf out of my back--cellulite upraised over the hard poison sags everywhere on my body and I have not been able to exercise for over a decade due to the bloating/hardening paralyzing poisons that these people laugh about as they call me ugly and insult how my body looks. They continue to have my food poisoned by the distributor so no matter what I do to protect my food, it's being poisoned before I ever take it home and it's sitting on a shelf--in the case of the Kimchi, it wasn't on sale it was poisoned only because my food purchases are endlessly being monitored so what I buy on a routine basis, because I can't afford anything but the lowest-priced foods, and then not even those, are always being poisoned before I take them home and then I am stuck endlessly sick and being repoisoned continuously. 


Endless screaming at pitt and his group this morning, yesterday to get off me. Throwing a chair at them trying to kill them screaming and fighting to punch them in the face to get them off me and stop this teleportation and demand for a baby. They have the people in the room two floors down who perform stinking and disgusting acts of sabotage make a baby cry or laugh every morning as I am putting my sleep clothing outside to air them, because the terrorists are spraying my clothing with foul and stinking substances while I sleep under layers of clothing wrapped around my body in ways that the mechanical arms can't insert metal objects under my cuticles any longer, make my hair fall out permanently, sever gum tissue on my lower jaw, slice with a thin knife between my toes every night, but they are still smearing, or have the capacity to insert smearing chemicals on my skin to damage it and insert tubes into my vagina and into my bladder with stinking sewage and mind control poisons and bloating chemicals to slowly kill me and make me toxic, huge, bloated, deformed, hysterically ranting in desperate pleas for government officials who pollute the terror sitting room of chairs in rows upon rows now of "important" people watching as one of the fascist celebrities or Nazi "liberal" MSNBC yelling screaming anchors, or a president a speaker of the house or a fascist lesbian Republican who wants to shoot and kill homosexuals with arsenals of weapons for "freedom" sake--

but they applaud, they join in. 

Their energy is stinking and toxic as well, like emotional and psychic poison pollution, so it's all stinking and foul and disgusting and nasty, every single bit of this.

That no one stops this or helps me is also a stinking effect of the toxic atmosphere generally destroying America and also many other places around the world.


Hackers as usual deleted commas, periods, changed and altered words all over the severely hacked paragraphs of this post. Much has been altered and appears like a run-off marathon of ranting. I.e. commas galore have been completely deleted in most of the sentences which contain more than one idea. The point is to make my ideas appear like ranting and rambling inconsistencies instead of the correctly written ones which were deleted and altered by terrorist discrediting hackers. More of the stinking foul behavior, as it all is. This is "supposed" to mean that they are "entitled" and "superior" but I only see low quality "people" using these tactics. I can't "buy" into the crap they spout about how they are far superior to me when they force this kind of discrediting upon me. Meanwhile, no one still has stopped this or them and they keep being paid for this behavior and promoted in this foul social engineering 4th Reich situation. Musk continues to be allowed to generate and produce more of these technologies. Global nuclear-thermal war is looming on the horizon of the planet's future due to the "leadership" vacuum I am now detailing which you all consider to be "elite" "star" quality actions of a "superior" elite class who is "above the law" and "entitled"--as they all claim they are as they steal my ideas and damage my body and steal my money and block my financial earnings on all levels and call me a "bitch and loser and nothing" endlessly in repetitions and for years and years. They then continue to hack and delete commas in my sentences, you can read sentences above with lists of descriptions in which I had put commas defining each on the list, and all the commas are literally wiped out. It's just on and on. Society thinks these "people" and this situation is wonderful. The politicians treat me with disdain yelling in ways at me as if I have committed a crime for saying NO to being murdered and raped and beaten and poisoned by people stealing all they can from me. Jews, Blacks, Lesbians, Latinos, Asians, there is no group exempt from this hate crime against me.


Even the comment section just directly above has been partially deleted. They deleted entire sentences and rearranged the order of sentences so there is a huge gap between one thread I was writing about, which they partially deleted, and then inserted other ideas I had written as separate points, mixing the sentences up and literally half deleting and then pasting sentences in the middle of other ideas. While I was writing about the hacking, they hacked the sentences about hacking which I was fighting to write about. As I wrote everything, as always, it came out to sight perfectly in sync with what I had typed. After I publish or while working they delete and rearrange sentence order, deleting commas, periods, parts of sentences, etc etc . They also have once more begun turning the water joint next to the toilet, right next to the floor, which separates the water to the toilet and to the spray nozzle--it began spraying just after a couple of music videos appeared by one of the pop stars whose song I put on Facebook a few days ago,  to exemplify how much I can't stand these rape men and their creep attitudes and personalities---after a series of her songs came on, I feared she was cyber stalking me and I only THOUGHT to myself that I didn't like her and needed to change the random video selection (I was busy cleaning up the stinking filth that is always sprayed in this room so my hands were wet and I never chose her videos or "liked" her YouTube page, I just copied one of her songs onto Facebook a few days ago. Now her face is at the front of YouTube every day I turn it on, her songs are coming on). Immediately after I thought that she was part of the terror stalking team, and I wanted her gone--I heard the tell-tale water spraying noise in the bathroom, as water was spraying in all directions at a rate so fast that the floor was doused within half a minute. They turn the water joint on the other side of the wall at random times, so when I check and the water is not pouring out, and walk away, I come back and water is spraying everywhere and the floor has 1/2 inch water soaking everywhere in half the room. I cleaned it up, made sure the water was not spraying everywhere, walked away and the water began again---it's of course being manipulated by a terrorist minion on the other side of the bathroom wall. Their bright white light is on their patio, all other rooms except rooms on all sides of me are black and dark as no one lives in any rooms except for those surrounding me, and two floors down, and a few rooms in various parts of the building as there are rotating groups of expletive minions attacking me at every given moment of the earth's rotation around the sun.

But the cheery sunshine and lolipop celebrities "punish" me for thinking any single negative thought about them, which they can hack into using the wonderful lolipop and butterfly technology that the governments around the world are keen on spreading far and wide so they can keep lists of the good and bad children of the world, and punish them accordingly for their thoughts, not even for their actions but for their thoughts, which are being hacked into.

And because I don't like these terrorists who attack me, because they are foul and nasty and sick and sleazy and vile and violent and stupid and ignorant and dumb and rotten and evil and vile--and violent and murderous and handed technology to embolden these tendencies and accentuate them as being "normalized"--

they then attack me by first pouring their videos onto my YouTube channel. They then hack into my cochlear and my brain to "hear" what I think of the crap they come out with, which I post on my Facebook page to try to make smoke signals to the world that the people or terrorists attacking me are crappy people, using a form of "entertainment" to try to give out this signal, as writing about how psychopathic and vile they are in serious or hyperbolic terms does nothing to sway anyone into a moral contemplation of how seriously dangerous and deadly this technology in the hands of those terrorist celebrities and politicians truly is. 

and for that, I get her music on my Youtube, and then when I think, "oh no, not another creep" and try to think about changing the channel to get another one off, wondering how much violence, abuse, death threats, attempted or real rape, etc etc this next sick expletive is going to force on me because I don't "like" the crap they come out with, or came out with. I just post their music because writing in normal terms for years hasn't made the slightest of impact on anyone reading my posts about the sickness that is being inflicted upon me perpetually. Trying to entertain psychopaths by posting songs like "You don't own me" has only brought a plethora of other "artists" who have copied the song for their own videos, then plastered on my YouTube channel. They don't give a damn that I am being sex trafficked using vile technology by their peers and "friends" in H-wood. No, they just want to add their own videos so if I click on them, and I don't like them, they can also "punish" me by having the minions surrounding me on all sides do things like opening the nozzle to have water spraying like a fan at high speed jet sprays of water on the floor so within one minute the floor is flooded and unless I rush to try to fight with the mechanism on the other side of the wall to stop the flood, the entire floor is flooded and the water keeps pouring out. That is the immaturity level that the celebrities and politicians are using which they claim is their "right" and their "superiority". 

I recall in kindergarten when teachers would tell children that acting this knee-jerk jerk behavior is not suited to little children and that real adults don't act that way. That, however, was in Champaign, Illinois. Not a "sophisticated" place like Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, London, Berlin, or Paris. No, in Champaign little children are taught that acting like a buffoon pig ape is not suitable for human beings. In the "Haute" places this type of behavior is the "elite" standard for Nazis and Mafia fascists, it's considered "haute"
 and once in a while dubbed "enfant terrible". However, their terrible is murder and massacre and mutilation, rape and poisoning, theft and endless torture and violence. 

But it's very much a shame that I can't write a sentence without it being partially deleted, commas especially but all gramma distorted or blocked or deleted. Sentences rearranged, put out of context and out of order, words deleted--and I still can't get anything or anyone to protect my rights as a human being to not be interfered with like this. 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

"Miami Beach commission agrees to “end” spring break in 2024" (Time Out/Miami). This post is regarding Sylvestor Stallone and his Italian partners out of South Beach, Miami plus the pandemic of Brooklyn "Italian-American" mafia like deniro and pesce and other assorted types who are in and out of the media profit partnership afflicting me and have been since I began to sell cigars at Bar None circa 1997, and before that French-owned restaurant The Strand, owned by the Milon Brothers who stole Prince's themes and had him kicked out of Miami by their Mafia partners who are all still behind torturing and raping me endlessly. Bar None was owned by Stallone and Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, who jointly operated the club in the Hotel Harrison where I lived and then worked as an independent cigar "girl". My "own" business, not controlled by a sleazy abuser personality. For that reason and others, I was targeted for endless violence, in addition to the contract forced upon me.//I was endlessly, as I still am, poisoned and drugged with hardening/bloating poison and "mind control" drugs, then raped and my money stolen nightly, almost while I was in a deep, comatose, MK ULTRA sleep state which they exploited and are still going on and on behind all the actors out of Whorewood). I have to add that the rape culture that now exists began when a certain German developer named Thomas Kramer arrived on South Beach to begin to pull down the former moratoriums on building high-rise buildings along the Southern Tip of South Beach, which he and his Mafia and Nazi cohorts obtained through the greed of the Florida (Nazi) party. The atmosphere became one of rape and abuse towards women. You can look up Thomas Kramer and see his influence in Miami, and how cheered on he was and still is. Typically, he was bolstered by the darker Italian brood, which always backs blonde Nazis and worships blonde like slavish devotees of that pseudo-religious sect of Nazi iconography. It happens in Whorewood regularly and I have to see it every day when these scumbags teleport me. They did this in Miami and it turned into a vicious Europigape and fascist place and all the former gentle and kindly artists were kicked out and replaced by Europigape fascists. The result has been a complete destruction of the former easy-going atmosphere, a place where I was welcomed by the elderly Jewish retirees who were likewise kicked out, probably slowly covertly killed off and their deeds and property stolen and rennovated into Europigape fascist property titles with exorbitant prices for their sleazy infiltration of America and it's political landscape. Destruction has ensued. They consider it "paradise" there. I now can't stand Miami Beach it's stinking and the fish are gone the water is greasy the people are outright murderous and violent in private "gang stalking" activities, which reverberates to the sleazy and dumb public who feel the energy and it is echoed in the violence that is now visible in a place that had been very peaceful before people like Stallone and the Milon Brothers obtained mind control technologies and rape and torture kits and allowances from the fascist Nazi Party of Florida to wreak total chaos on the culture in order to have their organized chaos porn and rape culture vacation fascist infiltration scheme in Miami and in Florida--and in Los Angeles and around America and around the world, essentially the system is being spread everywhere and the technology is being handed out everywhere around the planet for mind control operations to wreak rape and hate upon people like "me" who want independent life without violence and abuse from shit like these people, who are so adored because they are handed billions for their sleazy pretense that they are somehow "superior" while they destroy everything around them in order to create this mythology about themselves. I write this today because although Miami will not acknowledge what apparently is underneath the violence, they are still trying to salvage what is left of the place in respect to the throngs of people influenced by all the mafia and Nazi movies and celebrities pushing this agenda who are "seen" in Miami and crank out their violence and sleaze and conspicuous consumption wealth agenda for people to strive and kill and die for in the process.



These very same people who turned Miami Beach into a virtual rape and exploitation "paradise" for fascist and Nazi takeover (of Florida, indeed) are still operating behind the fascist Nazi "woke" "liberal" celebrities who partner with the "entitled" politicians who believe that no law applies to them as they are openly bigoted and violent towards me, with backing of the very same people who brought about this shift of Miami Beach from placid and generally peaceful, even during "Spring Break" to being a mass arrest and murder zone, year-after-year. It echoes the general Nazi/Mafia atmosphere. This is one of the reasons why I still will not "submit" to the "rule" of these stupid and sleazy dirty pig apes with their "Italian" mafia backing who are the same people responsible for bringing death and mayhem to Miami in this "entertainment" guise and through it, their further control. At least Miami has "woken up" to the basic threat of this force, but will still not acknowledge it as such. This is a large reason why I keep writing my posts, as hazy and drugged up and ranting with hyperbole and ranting and hacking intrusions to discredit me as they all are--with my brain suffused with remote energy weapons to block cognitive function, etc etc.

But finally some perturbed people are "waking up" to the devastation that the foreign investors have wreaked upon Miami Beach in all these years--of promoting licentious sleaze echoing their rapacious disregard for America and all that entails of responsibility--trying to promote a fascist "Bacchanal" atmosphere of Roman orgy times with murder on the menu---

finally there are some restraints imposed upon the otherwise rape and now it's kill Miami culture that the fascist Nazis and Mafia brought to the beach, which had been very safe, as I recall, all the years I walked around with a few hundred dollars and Cuban cigars along the beach and along all the corridors of South Beach without a single, not one single person bothering me or trying to steal anything. The people who stole were the Europigapes from Italy the Mafia, working in conjunction with the "jews" out of Israel, who stole my money once they drugged me while I was in the "alter" deep comatose sleep state, while they were handed keys to my living quarters and stole my money I earned by walking for hours selling cigars. I would wake up with formerly hundred dollar bills in a pile replaced by $1 bills, not understanding. I was so drugged I would collapse in sickness with my clothing on--sleeping in bed and being robbed and probably raped by Europigapes who partnered with Stephen Tyler of Aerosmith--(I always forget to mention him working with Stallone back in the late 90's in Miami Beach as they jointly had me endlessly assaulted, but it was mostly the Europigapes)
who brought THIS to Miami--as they took over with full consent of the Jews and the fascist Nazis alike:

Last post of a day of ranting: very sick from detox. One of the reasons I am essentially begging for my life for torture to be stopped, because I am very ill and this group of sleazy greedy parasites attacks me for their promotions and money-making greed contractual acts of torture, violence, rape and endless abuse using technologies that trashy Musk and the trashy U.S. government and it's affiliates and partners have heaped upon me, ostensibly because "you are the only one who has survived" who is reasonably rapable and exploitable for the tastes of the pig ape whore scum "men" and their equally repugnant "women" partnering "feminists" who cheer and laugh as I get teleported to rape, beatings, and endless fascist yelling of death threats and insults of absolutely violence hate into my face while I fight for my life to heal from the non-stop poisoning they all have profited off pumping into my bladder through my vagina or into my food/sprayed on my clothing, furniture and etc every day, day after day, for years and decades by now. With this repugnant grout out of H-wood, the situation is now reaching a FIFTEEN YEAR mark of endless death attacks forced upon me by these expletive unscrupulous psychopath expletives.

 I have begun doing self-massage and have tried massaging my internal organs going down the "Sagittal" zone of the body, or the "chakra" system. A wave of congealed and trapped poisons have inundated my immune and endocrine system and for the past three days all I can do is sit in helpless and dazed sickness, which feels like I am floating in a sea of sickness unable to ground my body from this sensation of death which I must fight. Meanwhile, the usual greedy sleazy vampire parasitic scumbag whores from Whorewood go on and on assaulting me as they always do, day after day, sitting in the chairs, in rows, threatening to kill me, threatening and calling me a bitch and trash and I am nothing as they torture me to obtain original ideas from the years I studied in college and grad school while they were out snorting cocaine at orgies after their scripted acting performance roles for movies, having obfuscated college and grad school for their "careers". 

They MUST continue to attack me to crush my spirit and break me psychologically, sexually, spiritually and physically every single day and every single moment I am in a deep sleep. Today the torture skit was of a Germanic couple of pig apes pretending that I am "in love" with some blonde German piece of excrement who had his girlfriend alongside him as he embraced her but played a skit that I was actually "her" but just viewing "myself" from behind in this dazed and deep sleep, which took up most of the morning and until 5:30 pm this afternoon, I was in a deep almost comatose sleep state. 

This was the "nicest" teleportation brain-altering mind control "dream" they forced upon me I think for years. Just to have me "love" some scumbag who I would never  open up to in casual conversation much less "love" completely, as they tried to program me into believing. So many people for so many years have approached me with absolute hate that one person not approaching me screaming as a fascist and threatening me and trying to rip things off my clothing and spray things onto my clothing and steal my money and block my brain functioning while insulting me is like a miracle of human decency if they are actually kindly towards me---and that was only for a skit to try to make me believe that Germans are lovable and that I love one of these putrid pieces of crap. Unfortunately, I refer to the Germans from this organization who are just the next generation of Nazis, but not in uniform. Their behavior is completely uniform, and that is their warfare uniform by now, their uniformity. Thusly I can make assumptions that this is a piece of rotten shit but only at the younger stage of rottenness, and although I was not beaten, raped or thrown off heights, yelled into my face that I am nothing a bitch and trash and a bitch and a bitch--as they slap rape and torture me and then they teleport me to their rows of chairs as I try to kill the people sitting there--not able to do anything, they teleport me to stop me while I am rushing trying to punch them in the face, etc. Yelling and screaming how disgusting they are, every day, and today while in this most deadly healing phase, it was just "love" from a bunch of shit trying to brainwash me into believing that these pig apes are not out to steal everything possible and then poison me to mutilate and make me huge, deformed so they can claim that only they are "beautiful" as they steal my money and call me a "loser" for not being financially solvent, while I remain paralyzed and stuck every day as a sitting duck while these parasitic greed sleaze filth bucket celebrities can't ever, for one single day, not once, ever, stop exploiting the contract for endless promotions and profit by just "letting" me sleep in peace so I can heal. No, I am supposed to look broken down so the blonde Nazi ugly filth whores can feel entitled and more beautiful, the men are so incensed that I am capable of competing against them that they want me drugged to the point of death while they claim I am "stupid" as they steal ideas I studied for and they didn't. 

They can't stop for a single moment trying to obtain more promotions and power out of attacking me. 

The politicians of course come laughing and assaulting me with more surety that they are entitled to doing this to the vulnerable public because they love seeing the homeless suffering to death in the streets while they go out snorting and drinking their alcohol at black money donor parties where the funding for fascism and destruction of American society is the main focus--mostly funded by Europigape and other foreign nationals who these rotten politicians only bow in deference to--because the only countries they care about are those which their ancestors ran from--or came to America to infest it with the planned world domination scheme and to make sure that no real freedom from the Europigape caste system ever takes root in the New World. I am an example of this, and the racist remarks are like non-stop tsunamis of splattering spittle yelled into my face from pig ape and his whore after the next, on and on, year after year, they never stop for a single moment trying to rob, rape and beat the beauty and health and peace and joy out of me.


I now realize that the teleportation terror "skit" incident of me being thrown from a satellite was not the product of the Nebraska terrorist financier I mentioned earlier, but Musk, dirty trashy Musk, filthy Nazi nasty womanizer psycho-techno-terrorist Musk.

 It is now over 10 years since Musk was brought into this contract by Amber Heard, after she was beaten by Depp, who beat and raped me in front of her and also filthy shitalina, the wife of pig pitt, et al. laughing, they could not wait to inflict their racist agenda onto me. Always it has to be me for some reason. All their race-based hate has only confirmed to me that it's THEY who are sub-human and not fit to breathe the oxygen of this planet and not me. Their years of unjustified violence due to their racist agenda and the promotional pyramid scheme that has engulfed my life by the stupidity and sickness of one psycho piece of expletive after the next has shown me how absolutely incompetent and unworthy they truly are; all of them regardless of race, age or country. The Europigapes are much more prone to violence than the American brand, and Musk coming from a colonized South African country is a knee-jerk jerk about his racist proclivity for instant death threats and attack. The first month he and Heard obtained the teleportation equipment from Depp, perhaps they stole it, I don't know, but it was in their hands. I was nearly killed multiple times within a one-month period  while driving. All of the near-death incidents involved my handlebars being remoted manipulated and the brakes not working with greased meat carefully arranged on the asphalt of a road while all the motorbikes buzzing in hazardous swerves around me suddenly parted so I had no choice but to nearly run over a rectangle plot of greased up meat (this was in front of a Thai outdoor market where meat is sold in the open on tables, literally in the heat hanging on tables for hours on end)--a huge double-wheeled truck, probably more than a12-wheeler, zoomed up from behind just as I nearly hit the patch of greased up meat (carefully arranged in a near perfect rectangle, obviously done by Thais). In the distance a white pig ape europigape was observing the near murder incident as I tried to swerve the handlebars in the 15 seconds I had remaining to save my life. The handlbars would not budge, they were being remotely blocked so I had to push hard to get to swerve just one inch away from the square of meat on the road, a very thin layer so the wheel would have slipped to the side and the truck which was about 2 feet barreling behind me would have instantly crushed my body. 

That was just one such incident that occurred that April, or May when Heard left Depp and Depp suddenly stopped teleporting me and reports of Heard claiming DV to the public were made globally. She then reverberated all the statements I had been writing of domestic violence for the 2 years of both of them mutually attacking me with violence and sexual assault (Depp primarily for the latter).

Musk of course was also involved with the tech, and the thing that perhaps, for that time, saved my life was me clicking twice on Donald Trump posts on Facebook and writing a comment. The teleportation by him began and the cars nearly hit me stopped for about one year, and then TRUMP began having me nearly hit by cars, as Musk ascended from being a Tesla salesperson to now a lealding manufacturer and etc due to the technology he used to try to murder me and is now using to inflict as much terror as possible for "truma-based" mind control bs that he's still being paid and promoted for by this rotten organization.


I thought I would add that, as perhaps some people are not entirely thrilled that he's welcoming fascists and Nazis into his Twitter den and all I have seen of him is an immediate violent reaction to any criticism I make of him, just saying "no" to him obtaining this contract by exploiting me is grounds, in his world, for using violence against me (as it is by this pack of German musicians I mentioned earlier today, and last week, and last month they are still going at attacking me just because I posted ONE VIDEO of ONE SONG which combined the German use of a phrase "you have" which can phonetically sound like "you hate" and then the rest of the song is about "you have asked me if I will marry and love you forever----no! No!" is the gist of this basic song, but the double-meaning in German is, "You HATE, you Hate me you hate me and will you marry me and love me forever--no no (Du hast versus du hasst).

And for that, I was again nearly killed by a car trying to ram a ton of metal into me from a side angle, body slammed by huge body-builder thugs in shopping malls while walking in congested "gang stalking" attack zones--and the fascists from Nazi-based, imperialist countries which form oppression and genocide for profit--these people from these countries like where Musk is from have immediate knee-jerk reactions to the slightest denial of their immediate demands. If you want to understand Trump, then watch Musk when he's not putting on his "cool dude" act for a camera and when he's attacking me. He doesn't yell or scream like most of these pig ape scumbag whore rapist shit men do in this teleportation never-ending drama of trying to subjugate me into accepting being murdered and raped by them with permission and consent. No, Musk just performs these acts of technological and electronic torture using all the technologies he's been handed by people like Trump and your organization in H-wood and the rest of the planet, in the name of preserving the ecology by the use of electric vehicles and space travel because the earth is going to implode and he's going to find a solution--living on Mars or in a spaceship or whatever because they will have made the planet completely inhabitable in very short order. Trust in them and their agenda, dear do-nothing minions reading this waiting for your chance to rape, insult and abuse me for your own profit agenda and promotional plots and plans for your shitty stupid movies about death and murder and sleaze.

I had commented yesterday as well on a Musk video about how his lack of paying taxes has hurt the American people and it's economy, and his colleagues as well. This was his response, a threat of murder which I believe has tried to implement in reality a decade ago. It was Trump who stopped  him. Who will stop him from murder in the future, because he isn't going to "change" this murderous fascist Nazi reaction to anything from someone he's been told is supposed to have no human rights who offends him in any way, or his friends or anyone related to his organization who he likes? How easily this greasy and dirty filthy trashy pig ape will have access to covert murder and he's not shy about using his trashy equipment, handed to him gratis of the American government, still enthralled with that trash piece of shit Musk. I hope he is forced with him mommy to return to Nazi South Africa and get out of the US. I consider him yet another infiltrator enemy of the country and it's culture and people.

Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are ...