Friday, July 19, 2024

This German rapists is going on and on forcing his sleazy porn rape upon me while in deep sleep, freshly after injecting drugs in my body somewhere, and then going at me with slaps, sleazy sick porn abuse, and the audience is the French, English and American pi gapes who have joined into murdering me, getting deals for their shit tv shows and movies, and they sit in rows watching as this sick dirty German ugly creep sticks h is filthy greasy pig penis in my mouth while my body is put at the height of an artificial, drugged sexualized state that is uncontrollable. I repeat and do what this disgusting ugly stupid pig is demanding because my body is in agony from the attack on my central nervous system which is used to create an artificial "desire". //He was sent to attack me by Black men and Jewish men who have made bs presentations about how "yes you can" and "I am a victim of racism" highly publicized and over-paid promotion of a false oppositional narrative intended to assuage the population into a false sense of security.//The post I wrote yesterday about this group of German, English and French sick and rotten fucks, who consider that their mediocre acting capabilities and lack of soul, love and compassion which some may believe are prerequisites for acting capability--all scions or nepo-spawn of former actual performers and artists--(I'm not sure about the rotten ugly French skank but all coming out of wealth and "entitlement" ) so the only single way they can be promoted into any high performance is through their parents and money, and akin to their lack of actual real and highest talent, through the "aristocrat" rape and abuse of someone who they are trying to poison, mutilate and endlessly abuse into claiming the Europigape classification of "lower" as they are just supposed to be automatically deemed "upper". Blacks having proven endlessly that they are fully hip to being square with the Nazis, they are getting a boost, as are the Jewish nazis who viciously abuse me endlessly like vicious grasping hyenas snarling yapping yelling constantly. //They ask me endlessly for my opinion which is ATUALLY ANTI RACIST, ANTI RAPE AND ANTI FASCIST. I have become the one sole abuse totem for promotion because they torture and rape and abuse me, i scream I can't stand them, the pig ape men come back and back to rape me as long as the huge amount of sexual energy they emit somehow triggers a reaction out of me in deep sleep, albeit while I am awake I scream that they are ugly, stupid, I can't stand them and this is all an artificial construct they nevertheless make performances, sticking their friends genitals in my face as well (the german pig ape is a disgusting and foul piece of shit and his friends are coming for rape as well) as the shit from America who have been born and raised in Whorewood--are sitting smiling because of the Europigape indoctrination that has permeated Whorewood they are fully as abusive as any overlord of a Feudal tyrannical murder regime--so they attack me because under non-stop torture, I am actually genuinely expressing resistance agaisnt fascism, Nazism and mafia and their culture. No one else is even slightly authentic in their vicinity all the posturing bs operators of Whorewood are outright liars--and this is becoming apparent with the Democrat Party and is openly so with the Repugs with their lying non-stop deceptions about almost everything, in plain sight. Therefore, because shit whorewood must continue to manufacture a false deception about being "woke' they torture me to obtain ideas. The pig apes then steal the ideas and brutalize poison and mutilate and abuse for hours each dy to prove to the 4th Reich "Dark Money" donors that they truly are antithetical to anything but a complete fascist, Europigape take-over of the United States. This includes the lying shit that Obama and his ilk are--that is the lead Democrat Party members really absolutely fascist Nazi and racist, only that racism for blacks now entails absolutely attacking Jews (i.e. me) and I am now the most sought-after promotional stepping stone for every single mediocre sick fuck and every established rotten pig ape of Whorewood and their international Europigape shit coming to TAKE OVER AMERICA

 They want absolute power and control

the sleazy ugly dirty German pig ape piece of rotten shit, handed over to beat and rape me from Obama after I said, under teleportation torture and drugging, that the 14 years of Obama having assisted in non-stop torture, attempted murder, poisoning and rape along with rotten dirty Biden and Hillary makes him a Black Nazi. In response, characteristically, he sent a German piece of sick dirty stupid shit to stick his huge filthy penis in my face and slap and abuse me and then grovel with love to the English and French shit whores who have participated in the poisoning and mutilation of my body for over 14 years.

So I write this because i NEVER liked fucking Whorewood. I have been against Whorewood all my life. I have never liked any of the actors or politicians who have rushed to assault me

My perspective is what they all claim to represent but in reality are absolutely 180-degrees antithetical to every single nuance of all that I scream in reaction to this outrage that has also helped bigot shit Biden and Obama the most foul lying filth and the endless line-up of Democrat and Repug creeps coming to fascistically abuse and torture me while they are constantly asking me "why don't you like t this?|" as i scream out the answers every single day for hours, they steal the idaes once more. Over 14 years of this going on every single day with at least 500 Whorewood celebrities, hundreds of thousands or even up to a million of pig ape Eurotrash and Russian shit attacking me viciously while I am in public in just the past 14 years.


The German filth bucket of Nazi expectation of instant affirmation that due to the endless decades of Nazi programming, he is automatically to be assumed as being "superior" while at the same time, this group has endlessly thwarted my every single thing in life that I worked on for my success---literally from growing plants, to having a pet, to having any pets, to having my body health as it's been mutilated poisoned with intention to internally suffocate and paralyze me by the shit now coming to violently assault me for reacting in rage after they have been promoted for years and years for this behavior and terrorism--both Trump, Obama who are essentially partners in this power game have come at me with vicious violence for not putting for an awe-struck obsequiousness for the bs that they have done to me but are applauded by society because so many society members are fully as vicious or much more than the two "leaders" and then there's Biden who, fortunately, is probably too infirm to participate or something like that but sends endless Dem party proxies like hillbilly hillary trying her best to appear as grandiose as possible--

all the feminist lines that dirty hillary has used in her former iteration as an aspiring Democrat leader were derived from Jewish feminists as they has happily assualted me using Nazi race protocols so her "feminism" can further be promoted and awarded in a stupid tv show about "women"--some brown or black even, but all obsequiously bowing to Hillbillly Hillary the rape enabler and murdering lawyer cocaine party orgy skank and lying Democrat endless icon.

The French skank creep who assaulted me yesterday, and then told the German rotten ugly sick fuck to rape me in front of them all sitting in chairs watching as I was asleep, teleported, drugged (I woke up much later than usual today I was so drugged-up to induce this response)

I had written and I had to scream at this next sick ugly Europigape trash parasite that America is great or was great because of opportunity and not a closed Aristocracy boring mediocrity exalted by money and lack of opportunity. If anyone wishes to ask for any proof of this, please read the numerous Charles Dickens novels focusing on this theme (i.e. Little Dorrit, but you must watch the very hard-to-find 1980's English version and not the Vaseline bs version of the "romance" that came out in something like the 2000's--badly overting the entire social-block and aristocracy theme although, of course, not omitting it but refocusing on the more trivial aspects. The usual Whorewood bs tactic especially when they adapt serious novels of the 19th Century which came out when "radical" ideas were at the fore in Europigapeland spurring concepts such as Socialism, Communes, Communism and revolt against Imperialism and Colonialization (and slavery and the slave trade).


I screamed at the sick ugly French piece of crap, who is co-starring in a tv program about an American lead historical figure, which should center around the American revolution, but instead focuses on concentration of becoming as adapted to French aristocracy entitlement and thusly advocating for a Europigape cartel take-over of the United States NOW in this current epoch. 

To support this thesis of mine, they came to watch as the disgusting and putrid German filth rape porn f*** stuck his filthy greasy pig penis in m;y mouth, slapped my face and had his friends rape me likewise while I was unable to move--my body saturated with artificial electricity-induced immobility unable to think and my body forced into the highest state of sexual passion possible--completely not organic not induced by any desire for this filthy ugly stupid pig piece of shit from Germany who, because he forced this reaction out of me, is demanding that I move to Hamburg and be a sex slave rape torture and murder object for his filth group of Nazi shit to endlessly torture to death. That is what Obama the sick fuck handed over to me. The tv series I saw this putrid sick fuck appear on is about Nazis during WWII, and he has come completely with every Nazi cliche, antisemitic trope and the fucker who is sitting alongside the French whore is Jewish--out of Whorewood. Smiling with a sadistic glee once I "woke up" and began screaming and hitting this filthy ugly German piece of ugly shit, as they all laughed and watched on. .They forced my response of why I do not want Europigape Nazi shit to infiltrate my country--as I wrote above--I want NOTHING to do with this group nothing with the Whorweood celebrities who have proven to be anything but artists, anything talented, beautiful and desirable in any definition of the endless bs promotions that appear next to them that they have been paid in millions to believe about themselves.

I screamed at the rotten pair of shit, the Jewish |American scion of a famous actor now fully immersed in Nazi takeover so his lack of talent can be augmented by endless monopoly.. The Europigapes have convinced Americans that only they are superior and Aemricans by definition are inferior, especially me they all point to me as being of the Nazi cliched definition of slaughterhouse design.

I screamed that America should remain a place of opportunity and not nepotism with Europigape shit coming to demand that they are superior and hand all over to them, which is what the shit of Whorewood have been doing, including rotten shit Obama so his bs with his family can be endlessly script-written by Whorewood professionals so he can continue to sell the shit that "yes you can" but it only means "yes I can" and to me, it's a fascist response after more than a decade of him profiting off this contract on me. 


One hour later--remembered what was blanked out of my brain by the mind control tech; which I had thought of, so the thought-reading tech picked it up. The hacking and brain obfuscation was so intense as I began to rant that the whole thing was forgotten by the time I was pounding and fighting to rant clearly at the end of a very short post.

I had written that Obama's famous motto of "Yes You Can" (or was it yes we can?) I had transposed after a few years, by the time I had written this post on Facebook in around 2015 or so--probably earlier but within that time frame)was the I realized that Obama and his family were profiting off this contract that many years ago. They never openly participated in the teleportation until a few weeks ago--now the hate and the promotions for displaying outright Nazism and black antisemitism are so profoundly accepted, because, as I wrote above, there is NO RESISTANCE whatsoever in Whorewood to this takeover and the lemming skanks of Whorewood are jumping to the tune of money being poured onto every crap rapper who is a black victim of racism, now openly making antisemitic statements, in their movies and towards me (always first towards me).

Obama appeared, I was outraged from yeras and years and years of so many politicians being promoted for this contract of establishing a fascist Nazi regime with Blacks, Jews and so many other "minorities' fully complying---

but back in 2016, I had written in one of my Facebook posts, because everything I owned was being ransacked daily and destroyed or stolen so any written record, any USB stick, everything electronic is broken or destroyed an/or stolen (all my documents, almost all, have been stolen by this group or sprayed with brown goo and fungus repeatedly)

I was writing my creative ideas on Facebook which is how so many of the ideas that the shit assaulting me (pig shit pitt filthaprostitutalina and et al maggot robber and so)

I wrote that Obama's real phrase was "Yes I can" for himself, really as it's not a secret that he lied about almost all his campaign promises and funded the elite banking class (white privilege to which he has become a symbol of black Nazi participation) meanwhile still making the Nazi-trained postures about how incredibly elite and what promises of salvation he offers

and I wrote about this, and literally pig pitt stole the exact words, literally in which not his character but another character stole verbatim what I had written for the movie War Machine. That year that Pig pitt had been participating, because I said no to abuse sex from him so his crap family and himself could have more Oscars (but torturing me without end for the next 9 years has left him with a row of Oscars and awards) but, he stole it all for his movie titled "War Machine" (was that the actual title as I could not give a....)

that year he had part of my uterus severed out as punishment. He would have the ugly skeleton face when he told me that he was instructed to have parts of my body cut out as punishment. His group also killed a frog that was like a pet, killed every single cat I took care of who came for food I would give out, and was murdering me with poisoning and toxic shock, plus the enver-ending nightly rape,a buse and torture skits that are the non-stop never ending torture of me from this group of stinking filth and shit that you all worship because there are no other options and they are put into constant rotation and no one even mentions this in society that this is an absolute tyrannical monopoly over the influencing of the society by way of Whorewood. That Trump came out of this group still remains a silent acquiescence to the fascist overtake of the media--influencing Congress in ways that can be visibly seen as the rise of fascist Trump and his murder machine, inc waiting to come out and kill and rape and plunder openly using the tech, rewriting the Constitution and etc.

The bigot shit who are currently raping me with the American filth from Whorewood who have grown up with entitlement and they have all been trained that Europe First is the golden Rule--that includes Trump by the way.

They are trying to institute Nazi supremacy and that includes the French and English--all supported by the 4th Reich American greed and sleaze machine. Anything to stop me from having a chance to compete and win. I use "Me" to refer to the people they can't stand to see be able to compete against them and win. The German pig ape scumbag who is currently beating raping and having me drugged is the perfect example of the institutionalization of Nazi mentality brought-about by this  contract on me, which really is the impetus that put Trump into power.

His demand that I must pay homage to a Nazi cliche stereotype as opposed to actually observing whether he truly is capable or not is being enforced by torture, poisoning, drugging and rape and the pig ape shit of Whorewood, including the most famous of blacks, jews and feminists of that utterly despicable league of bullshit con sleazy snake oil rape and meaningless soullless shit possible, made to look attractive with millions and millions of dollars of facial reconstruction, plastic surgery, endless money poured into them and their images.

Me handed to them carte hlanche as a victim to torture, but who actually believes in equal opportunity and is against nepotism and for the chance for people to be able to have decency, free thought and freedom and chances to compete in the market--not in the white male entitlement approval zone but wanting to legitimately have one's own belief system outside of that boxed-in set of cliched stereotypes that they endlessly rely on for their claims of innate "superiority" without having to test the bullshit lie.


So now the 4th Reich has at it's disposal, endlessly handed out to every fringe and deadly group around the world, poisons, a litany of mind control drugs and technologies many of which are portable so a target can be chased around and every form of visual and electronic surveillance is used to attack the person using the mind control tech while the person is under surround attack by a host of terrorist scumbags who truly are sick and stupid, but that is in keeping with the general lack of actual and genuine capability of the leaders of these groups, extending to the highest ranks.

They have as their foundation a system that has already been established under law and constitutional practicality so they are not on shaky ground, not yet. 

What i have seen of the Europigape countries wiith theiir endless push to overtake America is first, for the Nazis, to foment a continuation of the genocide against the Jews, but then to take over and steal as usual all the Jews have worked for, their ideas and when it comes to me, to steal ideas because the filth from Whorewood are unoriginal and boring and sleazy and at the core, quite stupid as human beings just overpaid, told that their entitlement makes them supreior, and now with technology and torture and the emergent death squads that Trump and covertly the "liveral" sides all have at their disposal, the next genocide is slated to occur in the United States pretty soon. It will not have people transported to death camps but murder through poisoning and drugging within city limits or even in their own homes. 

The German scumbag pig ape now endlessly raping me as I respond as if I am in utter love to some worthless shit stupid ape, is transfixed on using brutal violence against me for not adhering to the Nazi claim of Master Race. With this tech and the group of dirty filth inferior shit, as I believe he is as well ,they can force a pasionate loving reaction out of me as this pig filth is beating and abusing me while I am passionately "making love" because my entiire body is transfixed on this immobile drugged and nervous system attack while the years and d ecades of torture4 and abuse and pain from poisoning have left me needing any kind of human sensitive touch.

This then is taken as an "insult" to me and never to the fucking pig ap epiece of shit nor the filth that is sitting in the rows. .That they are put into movies or tv shows is supposed to mean that automatically they are almost godlike and beyond any good or evil, beyond reproach and like Trump their asinine partner (as well as Obama, and Biden) they are all above any law they can get away with.

This is what they are now programming into Whorewood with the aid of the Jewish rotten fucking old man who played the concentration camp victim and the German shitbag scum who played the Nazi who was helpful to the Jews in a few select sexual enslavement cases. Every single aspect is a total lie about the performers and the production and everything that comes out of Whorewood regarding defending victims of racism, rape and elitism is a load of k-rap. 

I warn people endlessly as rotten Jewish Nazis of the media rush to abuse and insult and grab at me and yell fascistically at me and instantly they are promoted as well.

I warn people and have been doing so and the blacks who all join in are promoted and given oscars and movie roles and production companies. 

I then call them all whores as being paid to torture and rape someone makes them prostitutes. They return this that I worked in a feminist establishment which was working to counter the male rape culture. They can never understand this. But they will steal the ideas and ugly prostitutalina will certain steal it to sell as her "feminist" concept, just as Hillary had been and still is doing regarding the concepts of women's rights that she stole from other Jewish women.


The English pieced of shit female who joined in along with the rapist German fuck whore scumbag and his filthy dirty friends--she has partnered with Amber Heard, and the spawn of the rapist who was poisoning and beating raping me every day or every other day, in teleportation pushing me off heights from behind, teleporting me to Cannes so he could sexually abuse me in front of an audience, etc

she is now worming her way into the next violent Europigape-based rapist piece of shit. Her every platform for public attention is what a strong feminist/lesbian she is, so outlandishly sexually alternative with lesbian girlfriends--her boring media personality is offset by her modeling fame by the white trash German pig ape who pushed shit like her and the black english nazi into fame by using the skank Nazi woman as his posturing agents of propagnada for Nazi icongraphy--including the black most vicious and nasty stupid skank who has assaulted me not only in teleortation but also in Miami with some Italians watching closely by and she thereafter was featured in a major, of course Jewish-owned, modeling magazine (Ocean Drive--now destroyed because the Nazi 4th Reich kicked the Jewish originals out and there is almost nothing left but a horrible boring magazine with almost no content and zero originality--but they stole the original item and turned it into a thoughtless and drab reconstruction--which is what the Europigapes have done constantly since Hitler told the dumb pig apes that they were somehow 'superior' so they killed off their intellectuals and Jews and nothing much remains so the pigs have to come toAmerica to kill off the Jews, kill and steal ideas from the intellectuals (which I consider myself to be) and then kill them off (the rGerman pig ape is constantly threatening my life and rushing to punch me)

I told the English skank that I would not be flattered by an invitation to see a dance concert with her, as if her years of partnering with every fucking real bitch, not me but the real bitches as the rapists define women to be, after all the years of watching me poisoned and begging for my life for someone to stop this, she is now partnering once more with a German fuck who is raping me. I told him that it would not be a "social life" for me to be pushed out of targeted isolation and non-stop hate from dumb and shit scumbags who are all told that their violence makes them "superior" in human quality terms. Today he raped me brutaliy and had me gang raped, the skank spat at me, the ugly German pig ape rushed to violently punch me in the fface after I fought back and then began 2 or 3 hours of me screaming in rage about why I can't stand them.

This goes on every single day. Fully supported by the Democrat shit establishment, handed over from Obama to Trump to Biden. 

If anyone doesn't want a serious destruction of the United STates with a host of Europigapes and their stupid ignorant American mediocrities of Whorewood endlessly cranking out more shit and boring awful movies and fake elitist festivals for boring "artistic" movies which are made by Nazis whose only claim to superiority is using murder and violence, non-stop lies, stealing ideas and blocking opportunities--and then claiming old Nazi slogans about their elite Nazi status only because it has become a programmed paradigm throughout all the years of shit Whorewood pumping out this image and now they are putting outright Nazi-spewing bullshit pig ape German and English and French shit into Whorewood, who absolutely control the rotten shit coming from Congress who all want more movies and tv sh ows and interviews and media coverage and mansions in Italy, France and Germany. .America can fuck off and die, they could give a damn about America they are all working actually to destroy it from within. Literally they are being paid to do this by the Europigape trash whom they worship because of the Nazi iconography, the worship of French fascist fashion and the worship of the English royalty.

I wonder how much more destruction to the United States it will take before what I am writing now, as I have been only writing will will happen, has happened and is continuing to happen with untold endless violence aimed at me. The people I warned who then attacked me are now coming out publicly repeating what I had warned them of earlier, but never an iota of assistance to me for having been correct and in warning people to stop the conditions before a total catastrophe of society befell. They still allow this situation to go on, so they are all lying when they claim that they are concerned about the direction the country is going.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Very critical podcast below--please listen to the origins of organizations such as the Nazis, and the same protocols operate upon this system that is being inflicted upon me now. It concerns a famous/infamous German man named Adam Weishaupt who only carried-on arcane information on societal control as part of "secret society" controls used by ancient regimes The information applies one million percent to the current power struggle within the United States, the destruction that appears to be just a mystifying series of "mistakes" by legislators, and a system of control over the population using chain-of-command death squad operations upon the needy, as exacted by the greedy. Please listen you will see absolute connections to the current series of disasters that have been deliberately orchestrated to finalize the complete take-over by the 4th Reich. Because I am constantly, every day, being so badly drugged and tortured I cannot render, with hacking rewrites, this information without digressing and ranting but Cooper, formerly an Intelligence Debriefer for Top Secret and Classified material for the Office of Naval Intelligence has done the job articulating the essence without flowery rhetorical tapestries misleading into "word salad" miscomprehension.//I woke up, as I do in the middle of the night, with my blanket completely off my body, in a freezing cold state. Every night my body is injected, slashed and inserted with various toxins and drugs in various areas of my body--internally being poisoned and drugged each time I sleep, with all foods I eat and all drinks--either contaminated, made stinking foul or deteriorated, and then the damage I wake up to is irreversible. I can't even remove the green and black nails that were inserted, injected and lifted up perpetually for years. There are days after such poisoning when I detox the endless years of recurrent poisoning and I just can't move any longer. I can't protect the few parts of my body that I spent 30 minutes wrapping with layers of protection each night and I literally cannot stay awake. I fall asleep in mid-day unprotected as they inject slash and destroy what I am fighting to heal from years of terrorists barging into my room while I can't wake up, in teleported non-responsive mode. Once i have to eliminate what they inject into my bladder because my blankets are off, I must undergo being made homeless, raped, abused and fascistically yelled at by the most prolific of the "Democracy--against Trump" personalities and then there are just the outright fascists not hiding anything in plain sight any longer who join in with the "liberals" who become successively more violent as the timeline of their promotional ascent into lead media roles persists as they continue to assist, give advice on how to screw my mind and poison and rape my body and mutilate and torture and they all go off with huge, glowing smiles being awarded for each and every single media and journalism and political prize up to the very top of the lower ranks of the actual power hierarchy. I had written years ago that you reading my posts would regret not having done anything to stop the onset of fascism and Nazism with Mafia mass criminal enforcement extending into police brutality. But no regrets on anyone's part. The people who helped put Trump in power have been handed so many media and prize promotions and multi-million dollar estates that they joyfully rush to glare in hate at me, if I say that blacks are working to support white supremacy and are black Nazis, as their token smug reprisal, they get white German fascists using concentration camp imagery and enslavement as a public display for all the expletives who have stolen my ideas about women's rights, domestic violence, any and all phrases they can't think of with all their ivy-league scriptwriters who tell them what to say, who themselves are instructed on how to reformulate old formulas in new and original ways and means. I learned a lot about that aspect of reformulating mass messages when I worked for The Arizona Republic at the Editor copy desk.//However, no one appears to regret whatsoever having helped put fascism into full viable "power" as a leading force of utter destruction of all hinderances to unleashing as much violence as they want upon hapless and helpless members of the population--the KGB and Stasi methods of surveillance and internment but now using localized home punitive prison cells with endless torture using the means that I have described for over 15 years, as administered by local groups of thugs posing as religious leaders, spouting religious concepts, and political egalitarian concepts (the same thing without referring to a deity but instead the glorification of their personal identification with the all-powerful "good" as a replacement for a divinity).

**2 hours later, firstly fighting the hacking as what I type doesn't show up for at least 20 seconds---seeing that the very first sentence had been rewritten (I wrote "please listen to the origins..." but hackers rewrote, "please listen on the origins") and I have  not read any further so I know this post is endlessly rewritten/hacked. Also, I had written in a memory mind control blank that this is a 2-part series. I meant that the video has two of the Hours of the Time but the entire series has three 2-hour parts. The first part(s) below are more "weak" than the culmination synopses and the direct center core of the matter. One is lead almost gently into a brief historical time-line and a few societal correlations. I just spent 10 minutes looking up the spelling for correlation (I am also not a wonderful English spelling bee, which adds to the inability to look words up because more than 10 minutes of my laptop being remotely hacked and wrong spelling of correlation was included--I typed it in correctly the first time, the red underline spelling check appeared, I tried to look it up and the entire browser froze. The terrorists often use red spell check alerts for words I spell correctly, but have more than one syllable. The white male expletives are constantly trying to tell me that I am not supposed to have any higher intelligence than a 3rd grader and that listening to  Mozart is "above" me while them that it's above them--and they use spell check for any word that is not corollary with the expectation that I cannot challenge them in any sense and must be at some "slave" level. The non-stop poisoning of my body and brain with such sickening drugs that I cannot have any focus or concentration and am put into various states of near incomprehensibility--literally--has ensured that I have been stuck writing these posts which are then rewritten so as to further skew the perception that I am "crazy" and delusional hysterical ranting a "bitch" and just a prostituted slave with no intelligence that could possibly have come from an Ivy League background, accepted to Cornell, played classical violin in an adult symphony at the University of Illinois by age 13, and have completed a Masters Degree for which I don't actually have the diploma or "degree" because the financial aid office at my university forced a type of loan I had not requested, thusly forcing me to pay a percent of the loan before my records could be released so as to accepting the actual degree and diploma. Meanwhile, the poisoning was so severe that I had to go to the emergency room at a hospital, I could not walk the poisons were so extreme (murder attempt) that I could not hold my head up the poisons had extended into my cervical vertebrae and I have spent the next 13 years fighting to remove the non-stop recurring poisoning that has been ongoing from your wonderful celebrity Oscar Mafia-Nazi "liberal" politicians and celebrity worship society which claims it is fighting for Democracy at all times, at all costs. But now digressing fully

below is only one part of the Cooper lecture series and the rest are titled Adam Weishaupt on the Hour of the Time website under "MP3 Collection/William Cooper" (not the precise quote--it is almost impossible to navigate the computer). But I got completely into a digression about the endless attempts to thwart any sign that I have any kind of intelligence, as the abuse and poisoning and hate continues. I must also state that I have recently been taking Kratom to help muscle tightness and pain and I am more sensitive and reactive to the mind programming and digressions. I have completely gone off track but the entire situation encompasses so much of life and everything else that it's all inter-connected anyway. Society is under mind control assault. No one will begin to investigate nor reveal any single iota of this actual real-life threat to society. The renumerations for participation far outweigh all other considerations such as concern for the ramifications and the actual proof of the near-destruction of the last Electoral Count proceedings at the Capital and also "Democracy" and near-murder of the Vice President due to how the mind programming is undoubtedly being used by "both sides" on basically the entire population in one form or another. H-wood is a huge component of advocating white supremacy, fascism, Nazism and Mafia criminal glorification, and sexual exploitation and rape culture. It's very disguised by "pc" posturing and plots and scripts that appear to be "against" but other factors such as the full participation of the actors in violent hate rape culture in their "promotional spare time" to assault me, for instance, provides a subtle but persistent psychological influence upon the viewers and listeners, who pick-up the intention of the person unconsciously or subconsciously while all adhering to the superficial but false outward appearance. 

"HD William Cooper Hour of the Time Weishaupt's Order both parts january 13, 1997". THIRDWORLDASSASSIN. March 28, 2019.

Doing a 3-hour system reset to this computer and afterwards, having to spend an addition 30-45 minutes fighting to get any internet access to simply download this browser which is the "best" of the other browsers at blocking a tiny fraction of the endless hacking and dumping of files and malware and phishing and etc on this laptop

I'm really sick of the apathy of America and I just wonder if all the concerned people who are not under some technological influence of mind programming exist any longer.

I have posted my thoughts on William Cooper's Hour of the Time MP3 collection many times. One of the songs that Cooper plays extremely often has the lyrics, "And I'm proud to be an American..." and this is one of the most often-played songs in the Hour of the Time.

For years pig pitt shitprostitutalina had me tortured to extract ideas I could barely begin to derive from the interruptions of them screaming at me with hate and insults for the 1-2 hours of each podcast. Non-stop jabbering insults and hate which I could not stop responding to. I was sent videos from the Asians who are participating in this offering spiritual meditative practice to have self-composure but somehow this heinous technology obliterates the premise that voices injected through the cochlear and into the brain while the brain-compartmentalized aspect of this tech blocks out other aspects that could, potentially refocus the thoughts and one is susceptible to the abuse and not able to restrain the reactions that after hours turns into me going into rage to get them to shut up finally. I try to listen, meanwhile, to refocus my brain, onto the lectures and I know for certain that the same song that TTrump always plays for his "Patriot" base is the exact same song played on Cooper's archived broadcasts. 

In addition, themes are also taken from Cooper such as WACO--wherein Cooper, who had a Press Pass, was one of the few protesting the BATF's use of mass murder, and the deceptions that occurred to justify the mass murder. Many hours of the Hour of the Time are dedicated to this theme. I was interrogated by shit pig pitt on this theme of WACO and that rotten pig passed the info to T-rump, who was the presiding torturing top cheese (but not really at the very "top" of the power structure) and, thusly he as usual stole these concepts. 

What the pig apes have never copied from me, that I derived from Cooper, is that Cooper himself spoke extremely often about the infiltration of TRAITORS from within the "Patriot" community and spoke very often about unconstitutional militia (i.e. the Montana Militia--"MOM" which included felons within it's ranks, which is against the Constitution on how militia's are supposed to be conducted and which and who could be allowed to have military-grade weapons for defense of the United States as auxiliary function to the officious military and police State of the local, federal agencies. As back-up and reserve for any serious threat to the country.

This, as every single other thing the 4th Reich does, has been turned into it's obverse. They co-opt and usurp every single possible movement that had been an original attempt at independent and individual rights, and instead they steal the ideas (which is all that the expletives from Whorewood have been doing at me) and then turn it around into another mind programming, all-inclusive brainwashing effort to gather all various factions into one predominant mentality or paradigm with seemingly opposite "sides" but which are never any threat to a corrupt regime.

I will just state that Trump has used WACO for a purpose of appearing like a "true patriot". I can assure you that he only worships Europigape aristocrat fascist Nazi and I know this 100%. Why anyone can confuse his two fascist Nazi Europigape wives for anything that is "making America First" is unbelievable to me. Clearly he could give a damn and displays his true affiliation just by his choice of women, and those he rapes and those he hands every single thing possible to, in order to consolidate a political alliance with, perhaps, Russia regardless of who is in power. That is theoretical on my part, this last bit but one can figure it into reasons why Trump is such a lying deceiver but everyone loves him for it. 


I don't care if no one is reading my posts, the posts are so rewritten and discrediting I understand how no one could get through any of it. But the terrorists have my posts in original form, which is an endless information sucking source for really rotten and hateful fascists to steal concepts and then regurgitate them out as their false dissemination of concern for "Democracy" "justice" and any other concept they are selling--


on the brink of homelessness, fighting for my life to heal, and I write another post as no one gives a damn about America or the Constitution although so many are making big noise about it, they continue to allow this most ruthless unconstitutional system of torture of me, which is thus the beginning of a violent bloody despotic techno-tyrannical regime


It's now over 25 minutes of trying to download the video above (Weishaupt) and the hackers turned my WiFi connection off just as I was clicking on the video on Youtube. The router lights are all on, the signal shows that the WiFi is connected, but no internet and a ping operation shows no connection. Getting up, going across the room, turning the router off. Turning the laptop off on the other side of the room. Turning the router back on, which turns on ever-so-slowly around 3 minutes sometimes longer as it never connects and I have to repeatedly turn the laptop and router on and off-going back and forth. This operation alone takes more than 10 minutes of waiting and walking and doing other things, waiting to get internet back on. Then the speed of every click has been slowed down to the dinosaur age of broken-down hacked and pirated signals in a developing country. That is the speed of every click on a tab I have to wait for over 3 minutes sometimes for anything to appear. Any click on anything entails the computer freezing. This is after multiple cache clearning on my part, 3-4 hours of doing a reset (can't do a complete restore because I am literally unable to obtain a viable recovery disc here where I am. I am lied to, every technical gadget or camera/phone I buy is hacked somehow probably through remote blocking. Every recovery disc doesn't work.I am openly discriminated against in every single technical place, and kept waiting as a line of white trash pig apes arrange to sit in chairs as I enter, keeping me in a mind control storm of blanketing my brain so when the inevitable attack comes from the brown and black minions, I am unable to respond with any calm composure. But anyway, besides having to pound every key to get any letters to appear which even if I pound as hard as possible they still won't operate

I have to get up, physically to wait for any page I click on to appear. I do other things, looking around for the actual page to appear and I get up do things and then do other things waiting and waiting.

it's now 5 hours of trying to get my computer to work nominally and I have not yet been able to download the video above, which I do have saved on my little music player (sports music player with earphones) but I want to listen to it on my speakers. The speakers were remotely turned off constantly so in the middle of sentences the speakers made a huge loud noise, turning off and then 30 seconds later some ugly horrid noise emerged and the soundtack commenced, and this happens every 10 seconds repeatedly until I turn the entire laptop off. Then they turn the WiFi off. and I have to get up and down turning off the router and computer all over again.

This is endlessly a chore and interruption of the many things i need to do in my life, which are very nominal but 90% of my life is spent dealing with sickness filth and interruptions and hacks financial emergencies that Trump has generated all the years of his violence at me, and then the poisoning of my body which entails 100% of my time and my life.

Zero percent of any help or support that is visible to me all the years of this going on.

No one is concerned whatsoever about the ramifications of this terror and torture technology being put in the hands of genocidal fascist Nazi and Mafia fakes and phonies who espouse every concern, and it's so transparent but no one cares. They want a lying fantasy and excuses to commit genocide against their neighbors, just as the Nazis had done, the latest example of this program (besides in Serbia and Yugoslavia, another one of the little reverberations of the Nazi genocide protocol system that "no one" really mentions they only mention the Germans who are held, really "secretly" by the "liberals" in "highest esteem" and are nearly worshipped by Americans. 

So, there is no concern. Everyone expects free  free free free free fun schadenfreude abuse rape plunder murdering people you can't stand getting those "bitches' who want equal rights and freedom from domestic terrorism to be stopped--kill the bitches, only allow blonde NazI women to have beautiful love and sex no matter how pornographihc or sleazy they are, it's all beautiful and wonderful. Brown and black and minority women are sluts, whores to be used, abused and exploited and if the bitches want this system to be stopped--the pig apes just can't WAIT to rape and kill them afterwards.

No one is concerned because the promotions and money is so free and like flying around to everybody behaving as viciously sick and stupid as possible; being told all the while that this is the mark of elitism and you are not downtrodden any longer. You either hold the whip or you are beaten. The mark of the superior is the amount of freedom to inflict fascist domination upon and then steal and kill and rob and claim superiority afterwards.

The lectures by Cooper above (two series in one video) articulate centuries of careful planning so that religious matriculation into the larger "group think" of the "Communist" centralized "One World Totalitarian Communist/Socialist system" will be amalgamated into one set of beliefs. The deterioration of religious fear of an ethical arm of divine justice being obliterated, any crime is therefore acceptable under the new 4th Reich religion. Take it from there, Mr. William Cooper so you must listen to the lectures to get a much more organized and less chaotic, perturbed version of what I just wrote and much more excellently articulated--I am always in a state of awe when Cooper lectures just for the capability he has (had of expressing complex theories and ideas in a most accessible way. 

If only he had not been assassinated there would be a person (if not drugged into incoherency as I have been) at least some commentary that isn't like a continuous performative banter that drones until you can't absorb the fake intentioned "information" word salad--as I find with so many of the modern commentators in these YouTube podcasts on all sides. They all appear very articulate but getting at the real "meat" of the matter they are left with the garnishings embellishing on concepts that misdirect attention from the very serious issues that they want to negate and conceal.

not so with cooper--a "must listen to" lecture because you can just identify the current candidates for president for example and their stances, and other aspects of our current "divide and conquer" strategy that Adam Weishaupt constructed many centuries ago--Cooper claims that the American and French Revolutions were a direct result of Illuminati organization as well as the Nazis and now the same strategies are being absolutely used as a pattern in the United States, but adjusted for the mentality of the U.S. instead of 18th Century Germany, and etc. He also attributes Martin Luther's Protestant Movement as another splinter group of the larger Illuminist structure that has world domination as the main goal.

More seriously deadly threatening harassment from the violent, rape-orchestrating, poisoning, murderous landlord again---I got a message that he had phoned me at 9:45 pm. I received the message this morning upon turning my phone on only because I am receiving a delivery. This absolutely violent and criminal landlord, just as all the landlords I have been forced to pay my money to with no options (internet always hacked, options deleted only one or two options appear for any rental opportunities--everything putting me in a labyrinth of hate and torture by each sick landlord situation. //I wrote the landlord a few emails yesterday because the electricity had been turned off for about the 40th time in the past manty years I have lived here. They t urn off the energy during 90+ degree weather for more than 5 hours at a time. They never give notice, and claim that the electrical grid exploded, they are checking on something, they give no reason they pretend they can't understand. Again, yesterday they turned my energy off so my food was left in insecurity and they have forced me to spend HUNDREDS of dollars I had saved to try to not be cut off from my money due to a vicious deadly attack that Trump, MSNBC anchors associated with Biden (Morning BS show) and so with all that, I have to budget my income by 1/5 less so all food in my freezer is something I can't easily replace, as every single month a percent of my sub-sub poverty income is spent replacing what is broken, destroyed and/or stolen from this group which is perpetually breaking into my room, with mechanical arms or outright when I leave, and just stealing, breaking ,destroying whatever they want (but ordered to do so, they all follow directives which is why, under surveillance, the terrorist teleoprting me who are billionaries and millionaires spend hours watching every single thing I do in order to take away what is vital to me, destroy, poison and thus what tiny money I do have they force me to reduce by sometimes a huge fraction.). The energy was shut off except for the internet. After having been viciously raped with torture and abuse and then being called "bitch" after I was forced to "Make love" with my utmost passion to some jerk-off scumbag who I had screamed instantly upon first sight to get off me, that he's disgusting and etc but under deep sleep, hypnosis, drugging (non-stop) and under years of torture and mutilation of my body with hate, hate hate abuse and torture surveillance and abuse from thousands upon thousands of people in every public setting often being hit directly by cars, etc (Trump ordered this, or it was really Melania bolonia) and so, the electricity had been turned off. I wrote letters to the landlord (emails) stating that the manager will not respond to any emails and will not provide a phone number. That this has been ongoing for months and years and it happened last week, last month, two months ago, and on and on. I told him to finally repair the problem. He countered with threats of eviction, threats of calling the police, of breaking my door down if I don't answer his knocks instantly without any prior notice (all illegal by any standard of tenant law)j and yelling as loudly as possible with sexual abuse, insults about how I look, threats abuse when he does enter, touching me and sexually abusive and etc and under the pretext that I am destroying the propoerty of the people below me in the rooms below. But he wrote that I am pouring dirt on the clothing of the people who rush in to ransack my livin space and yell and make ogly sinister "coughing" noises when I approach my patio and they shout for hours outside and just are disgusting, all under the same contract as this landlord.

 I then spent 2+ hours lifting up the mud-saturated mold and fungus riddled tiles that I had place under the potted plants that are empty, with fungus/mold and urine saturating the soil. The mud was everywhere. The landlord wrote that I had to remove the pots from anywhere near the ledge of the patio. In order to make space, I discovered that his group of minions (obviously the Thais under the orders of the white supremacists--putting fungus, filth, urine etc on my patio under the tiles and in the soil of the potted plants, all plants slowly killed off for the past 2 years.

In removing the tiles, I tried to put them in garbage bags, I had only the cheapest black bags so they ripped and I managed to use my little luggage cart to roll them (one wheel, as with all furniture that has any wheels, the wheels are taken off, a layer of strings and greese makes the movement of the wheels impossible--me, not being mechanically inclined and always too weak from detox ripping poison out of my back and spine and intestines--just can't manage to take off the wheels to of course, one wheel didn't work but I lugged all off the ten sopping filthy  mud-caked saturated tiles, completely soaked with mud on all sides dripping with mud. I had plants that grew 3 years ago. Since then, I have tried to pot plants using only one single soil to try to regrow as the soil became so toxic that when I was ttrying to get it out of the pots the stench was unbearable (like a urinal)

Otherwise, the terrorists have caked mud and soil underneath the tiles. I put them in the maintenance elevator lobby area, (separate from the main elevator area where the trash is carried out in the elevator to the ground floor)

I was stalked by teams of Thais who rushed to walk in block formation at me as I was in the hallway lugging this thing which I had tried to keep as covered in the ripped plastic bags, and I cleaned all the mud I could but they had a 4 year old little kid walking directly into me looking down at his toy phone---as the terrorists all do, the adults, in the huge walkways of public areas. They walk directly into me. I kept walking ahead only swerving a bit as the parents just told the kid to walk into me. 

Then, this morning, after the threat of eviction, phoning the police and I removed the filthy tiles that this landlord organized to have mud caked underneath so it was always filthy, stinking, mud-soaked, the tiles sprayed with yellow goo, brown goo, then soaked in mud so they were completely destroyed. If they had not done this, the tiles would still be white and clean and there would be no mud. 

He then tried to phone me very late at night, absolutely as usual unprofessional and extending beyond any boundaries of landlord behavior for such a situation. That I had written about the electricity being off and constantly being turned off, with the manager never responding not giving me a contact phone number--the f-ers here have no main telephone number because the condo is empty except for me, and all the filth terrorists in all the rooms who are able to attack me 24/7 if their "master" white pig ape Nazis are sleeping or out for their orgy parties on paid and all accommodation-paid Nazi master-slave party experience in Thailand, courtesy of the 4th Reich.

And this man is now the same ogre that he was under Trump, under Biden he stopped knocking on my door just as I was naked and stepping into the filthy shower area I fight to clean but they have sprayed black goo that never comes off-nothing gets it off unless I use a professional acid type of solvent and even then it would entail extreme labor which I cannot do.

But, he has knocked around 8-9 pm and demanded that if I don't open the door instantly he will break the door down. That was under the sickness of Trump.

Now, with 4 months to go for the election, Biden is allowing for all and every act that Trump had done earlier and this landlord, who had finally stopped being a psychopath smug giggly violent abuser organization Russians to go into my room while I was in deep MK ULTRA teleoprted sleep state, rape and eject their filth into me, plus fungus, and then into my hair, and my food saturated with hair, fungus and my MONEY STOLEN so I was on starvation diet plus all I bought was poisoned and drugged. I spent years fighting to guess how exactly to actually block the entrace because everything I did was removed by the expert and professional mechanical arm operators--they have top computer-generated AI precision. The use lasers to cut out the kitchen formica so there are broken slabs around the sink area and under the sink they have cut out huge parts of the hard cement wall so that cockroaches could more easily penetrate my room from that area--

etc etcd

so he's phoning me now at almost 10 pm and I had put these tiles in that area because the cleaning crew can take them out. I am sure he was phoning me with more threats about putting stinking mud-soaked tiles, although placed on the ripped and saturated black plastic cheap garbage bags, ripped almost in half, and then piled up, wiith more plastic bags trying to make it not a mess--I'm sure this landlord, who has created ALL THE PROBLEMS that he is accusing me of, tried to literally abuse and threaten me in any way possible verbally with whatever threats he could.


I almost died from fighting to stop the endless break-ins to save my life. i had begun, under Covid when the bigot Nazis were forced to leave during quarantine--so before when I pounded on the completely impossible faux wood panels, which are plastic coated cheap and disgusting--they would complain, pound on the walls, etc for me hammering while for years they have used drills in the rooms beneath mine, the landlord claiming that there was no pounding and no drilling. I used twist-in metal hooks, pounding them all into the plastic-coated fake wood panels in order to try to secure them from being opened on the other side of the wall. The damage to my body, which I am still fighting to heal (permanent damage to my scalp with permanent hair loss not from stress but from poisoning and the endless mutilation of my body by the rapists who rushed to go into my room, no matter what I used to block the panels and front door--_) finally resorting to hammering into every single of the endless cupboards (the entire room is full of cupboards with flimsy panels separating me from the room next door--easily opened from the other side. i would walk to one side of my room, return and stinking stains were sprayed on some object while my back was turned--just a few feet away with no one having broken into my room because the panels on all sides were opened constantly (also from the ceiling there are huge h oles bored into the ceiling for the light fixtures--literal holes in the ceiling which means from all sides they can insert these tiny mechanical arms, only a few millimeters or centimeters wide but they are flexible and can inflict great damage and inject lethal toxins and poisons very easily.

I had put artistic posters on the floor and water-proofed them with packaging tape. I could clean this but the terrorists came and sprayed grease on the floor in order to remove parts, rip and shred and destroy the art. I had used a chair to get into the top cupboards facing this absolute portal entry of the kitchen area. The chair legs slipped while I was bending into the cupboard to twist this metal hook into the cupboard (all these cupboards are now completely sealed off in my desperate attempt to stop the destruction of my body and the rape and poisoning and money loss from constantly, daily poisoning rape and mutilation just from people entering--they also can kill and destroy using just the mechanical arms)

I fell backward but I had a huge artistic bag of plastic bags next to the table (sprayed, the metal of the legs of the "kitchen" eating table rusted and destroyed and ugly and what i use to cover all the ugliness is sprayed, stained, ripped and shred no matter what I live with stained stinking shredded furniture and all the decorations)

my head missed slamming into the edge of this very sturdy table within about one inch. I fell into the huge bag of plastic bags it cushioned the fall

so, I almost died fighting to not be raped and mutilated and my money stolen and my property completely destroyed. They sprayed so much stinking filth on my clothing that no matter what, I could not leave this room no matter if I cleaned the clothing the night before, it was stinking in the morning. Every piece of clothing this is done to, every day, all day, as often as possible. When I go outside in public, the terrorist spray ink and stains on my clothing from behind me while I am paying, at bank tellers, etc

This landlord, because I got angry from YEARS of the electricity being turned off non-stop, began a counter vicious attack of threats, and then this kind of dangerous harassment by phoning me almost at 10 pm under the pretext of landlord concern for the dirt that I was removing from the pot, throwing it off the patio with my arm completely extended as far beyond the ledge as possible--the claims with photos that i never looked at, of clothing with mud stains he wrote, and threats and etc

and now endless harassment.

All of this from the filthy stinking shit you all worship out of |Whorewood, the blonde Nazi pig apes who have STOLEN MY IDEAS verbatim for years and have not just not paid a single penny, but have been torturing poisoning raping and keeping me paralyzed my body huge and deformed dying from poisoning and stress as they gather to violently threaten me to 'GIVE them" more free and easy promises of this empire they are forming with the Gonressional members who are likewise promised a huge cartel without threat of competition.

For some reason, this group of millionaires and billionaires cannot actually compete without using me as their main objective of everything free handed to them by the 4th Reich for "successfully having used" mind control torture, gang rape torture mutilation poisoning and violence using this sick and filthy system you reading this now all belong to--your cherished support system your free and easy promise of continued "success" by attacking me and anyone else and performing all acts, no matter how heinous, for your continued promotion.

For some reason, these ultra wealthy cannot actually combine all their wealth because enough is never enough and for free an empire only by torturing me into saying that I love some filthy abuser rapist scumhag bateful bigot piece of shit I abhor who is abusing humiliating abusing poisoning torturing raping with prostitutalina watching on smiling as they scream that she is more beautiful as I fight to clean my home fight to not die from internal poisning and sepsis fight to get my hair to regrow fight to endlessly pack and unpack the items I eat to try to stave off more poisoning trying to heal my body which they have had chemicals smeared on put in accidents put my hips and spine out of alignment pumped fungus into my internal organs injected silicone under my skin had my teeth knocked loose cut into the gum tissue broke my toe had part of my uterus severed out stole my cat poured stinking filth into my body and home and food for over 14 years in addition to what the pig apes had done earlier all my life (but it has become deadly toxic attacks since this filthy porno Whorewood group took over back in 2012).

I'M STILL SAYING NO TO THIS GROUP BEING HANDED MORE PRESIDENTIAL POWER TO THIS GROUP BEING AWARDED OSCARS FOR THE MAFIA VIOLENT GANGS     which are being exalted for their role in ultra rape and violence and assumption of more and more "power" in the media. I have yet to meat a single person from that group who has any capability for leadership position in art or in politics only that they are highly organized, manipulative, and they have a few directors who are of that descent but their movies in every sense perpetuate glorification of ultra violence and organized crime and mafia and Nazi mentality.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Threatened with eviction and the police being called on me for having watered my plants, which are not plants it was a newly planted pot of soil with new seeds for FOOD because I can't afford to eat. The bitches of Whorewood, maggot robber, shit ugly prostitutalina and filthy bitch pig pitt, the rapist scumbag Nazi trio have orchestrated I can't even count by now how many filthy and dirty Europigape Nazis to stick their greasy filth pig penises in my mouth, while in teleportation, with drugs that render my consciousness so weak and susceptible, and then technology affecting the nervous system to enhance an "addiction" mode of "passion" completely artificially induced, all of it. It is date rape drugs exponentially enhanced with technology to make the nervous system go into absolute addiction mode. The shit filth "men" so-called are nothing attractive, beautiful or anything but disgusting crap towards me. They ply filthy prostitutalina with compliments constantly as she is in control of parceling out prizes from the English Nazi portal of social engineering for propaganda into the 4th Reich. All these Europigape dirty foul "men" are yearning to be included in the Hollywood "elite" and get out of the less-than "superior" German, French and less affluent media systems which render them desperate for the money and approval of Whorewood. Doing "anythning" for advancement, they rush to beat, rape, abuse, insult, slap, stick their filthy pig "members" into my mouth while I am force into this ugly position, drugged my brain put into an uncontrollable addiction mode--they can manipulate me endlessly during, before and after. They all call me "bitch" and slap abuse insult and have me mutilated, tortured, poisoned and they body shame. Shitalina the ugly prostituted real bitch demands that they all openly declare her so much more beautiful that I am an ugly deformed bitch stupid a nothing they beat rape and abuse in front of her. The years of that ugly dirty sickeningly disgusting ugly trash shitalina has stolen my ideas, as wel as the other English-commonwealth skanks like maggot robber-all enhanced with endless compliments and derision towards me after they force me to "make love" to ugly sinister pig filth "men" who I can't stand, don't like, in this current case I don't even know the name of this sick dirty creep following the same protocol as I fight while I am awake to get him off me--and this has been ongoing for years this exact same situation and it goes on at least once every month--from one fucking ugly dirty Europigape with a huge penis absolutely murderous in porno Nazi fantasy violence, as is shitalina and pig pitt. Once again they forced, along with the filthy Mafia like DeNiro and the rest of the Gottis and etc--but they forced another creep on me who is this German scumbag who is so routinely disgusting I knew exactly what he was going to do but I could not control my reactions from years of fighting and fighting non-stop torture, poisning and my body fractured and poisoned and tortured without a single friendly or loving person or animal near me. They stole my cat 14 years ago and she is probably dead. That was my family, my love and they are just shit to me, this group. I have told them for years I don't think ugly prostitutalina is beautiful or more beautriful than me. Her one obsession is to have me raped in front of her as she is either grimly smug, or smiling and she lavishly embraces the pig shit who is raping and beating me. The pig men then make the same comments about how much more "beautiful" she is than me after they extract my utmost passion because as a physical human being I also need positive energy and they force so much pain, abuse and hate upon me with no solace no friendship and living in a fucking hell of non-stop abuse and torture in every single living situation for more than 50 years of my life never able to find a single place to live in peace. Paralyzed now, in pain and always unable to move and fighting every day to rip hard poisons out of my spine and body as the shit abuse and abuse me for 6-8 hours just in verbal waking teleportation, then hours of death scenes, rape and homelessness and abuse in deep sleep using teleoprtation--I succumbed to a filthy dirty creep who raped, stuck his filthy penis in my mouth, slapped my face, the excessive drugging and the technology literally causing an unbearable sexual reaction out of me, nothing whatsoever to do with this man, his atttractiveness, I was just malleable and I said whatever as he manipulated and abused and hit and raped and has not stopped. Using master-slave language now and concentration camp language, or symbolism, partnering with the "Jewish" Nazi who also starred in this film which really is about a jewish man confiding in a blond woman and thusly his "story" can be told, almost anecdotally, but only under the supervision of a Nazi of the 4th Reich--and that is the only way the "victims' can have their stories "safely" exposed. This same man has unleashed this vile deranged Nazi bigot absolutely immersed in recreating an SS concentration camp master-slave rape scenario very pornographically violent towards women. This filthy prostitutalina has been stealing my ideas about rape culture, violence towards women, stories by Andrea Dworkin and has been welcomed endlessly by the Biden Admin to the White House, greeted by Schumer for the legislation about violence towards women-=-and all these bigot Nazi men, the "Jewish Nazi" and the Biden hate organization, as every single person associated with the current regime is viciously violently fascist towards me on both of the sides of the one-sided 4th Reich regime. And so, I have been writing because the rape and violence and the participants, who all "represent" the "liberal" establishment (I really do not want to enhance their promotions by writing their names, unfortunately this is how the protocol words but they will be promoted nevertheless just that if I write about them specifically it appears that they get more permission to advance as fake "democracy" pundits but operating fully to advance a monopoly of power along the lines of fascist Nazi/Mafia dictatorship, mass murder, genocidal mind control tyranny, etc .

 Because I am saying no, have been saying No to rotten men who teleport and rape me, after decades of rotten men performing "liberal" and "friendly" roles but then date-rape drugging me, sexually exploiting me, and then callously dumping me with hate, using antisemitic commentary and making a mockery of my sexuality until by the year 2000 I was finished and had determined to remain celibate until I actually had established a "real" relationship.

That began 24 years of non-stop teleportation rape by this filth shit organization until now, I am dealing with every single president of the United States, it's wife, it's children, it's followers, and then the presidents, the nominees for president, from the "other" side and this has been ongoing for 14 years non-stop.

I have literally been physically fighting to get them off me and to stop the endless drugging/extraction of my utmost passion and loving sexuality which they then use beatings, abuse slapping and poisoning as their only response, then verbal abuse instantly after I am forced to "give all my love and life force" as they demand that I compliment them. Then, these are all turned into video recordings, the recordings are passed around as "dark web" pornography but selling me off--the pig shit from Whorewood have obtained millions and millions and millions of dollars from all of this PLUS THE IDEAS THEY STOLE which also, because the ideas are so outside of the Whorewood limited mental boundaries, outside of the safe "good girl" zone that the porno-prostitutes are "allowed" to think along, but if they torture and abuse the ideas out of me, they are allowed to make huge-budget blockbusters by Disney and etc using the ideas I have been writing of .

Because I told ugly shitalina that I don't consider her anything beautiful, she has urinated on me, had at least 30 men rape and beat me, and has been awarded top "women's advocate" by the UN and by the White House by Trump and Biden alike. 

After having written about this for years, it's still ongoing and is going on right now.

Therefore, trying to stop this filthy German fuck pig ape from more rape and beatings, I am fighting him now in teleportation. My body is so broken down from years of poisoning they have broken everything in my home and body. They are trying to make me die from internalizing the hate and abuse and so I write to get the stress out and to try, once more in vain, to get any response of humanity and it is zero, nothing from all the leaders of the United States and from everywhere.

Today the pig apes once again turned off my electricity for hours. They never alert me, they just turn it off. I have to parcel my monthly budget to the point that every bit of frozen meat that is destroyed will destroy my plans for the month.

I just put more soil in pots on my patio to grow vegetables. The filthy dirty Nazi pig ape was constantly asking me about every single thing I did, only for the purpose of destroying, poisoning and taking away any single thing I like, do or to learn about my healing methods so this filthy pig can steal any idea possible and if possible, profit off it.

I have been doing self-massage, so the pig under threat of being beaten in teleportation and he began hitting my breast while I was doing self-massage--he told me that in addition to giving him fellatio twice a day, I must now massage his whole body as I am doing for myself, because I can't afford to pay for massage but this filthy pig can. I began to tell him I am not his slave, he hit my breasts and continued the rape while I was sleeping. His porno sexual energy is so heightened at his concentration camp pig ape fantasies that in my pain state, my spine glued with hard poisons that I must fight to rip out every day and then deal with endless hate, torture with electronic weapons, adn the hate of shit creeps surrounding me.

I then began to deal with the older pots of soil that had been doused with fungus and urine. All plants I have grown for the past 2 years have been killed slowly and methodologically with fungus and urine put into every plant pot. I was very carefully throwing out the stinking soil and holding the bowls of filthy soil outside the patio bars of the balcony, making sure that I did not spill anything on the levels below. Freshly planted pots with vegetables I had just finished yesterday while this German shit pig ape was makin every comment every action of surveillance to observe what to destroy if I didn't sucki his filthy pig thing and love him as he is insulting slapping raping and abusing me with ugly prostitutalina watching on, giving the pig filth ape free promotions not for his acting but for being an agent psychologically transmitting Nazi mentality through the agency of media representation (usually, as this filth pig scumbag has done, claiming they are "shocked" by what the Nazis did, but can't wait to replicate it with a huge erection and sadistic cruelty and abuse and death threats and increasing violence aimed at me).


The electricity was turned off again today after the huge gathering of the black "liberal" politricians and the "feminists" who have had men raping, beating and their black and brown and white trash minions deform my body, pour poison into my body until it's completely deformed, broken down, slathering damaging chemicals on my skin, hair until I am unable to even look at my body any longer

the ugly bitches then called me a "bitch" and began the abuse and torture as I yelled that they were all shit and their crap moves and lying political expressions were so much shit to me and I will not help them if possible

they turned off my electricity

I wrote letters to the landlord demanding that this endless electricity turn-off be stopped. He responded that I had "ruined" the clothing of the shit terrorists in the room beneath mine--no one lives there, I know because I can hear everything around me and know no one is there. It was the usual lie. the threat of not only eviction but of calling the police was made as response to my angry set of emails about the power being turned off-as it was turned off last week, and the week before that, and the power is turned off at random at least once a month for over 5 hours--my food spoiling, me forced to leave as the heat is unbearable in this  hot box metal torture chamber with stinking fungus everywhere the stench is unbearable unless I have fans blowing constantly. 

I now am going to throw the pots out, as this next "punishment" for fighting back at the ugly bitches who are just turned on and addicted to the hormones of torture is an endless addiction that they can't even stop if they "wanted" to. The endless awards and free deals these pig shit whore bitches are handed constantly--constantly they are "awarded" at the Oscars, constantly they are handed every production cost. The shit movies they made before they obtained this terror technology from Rambo and the Mafia Miami filth who were pounding poison into my body and raping me to death with poisoning for years, as they are still partners and the awards that both Trump, Obama and Biden have handed them all, with Hillary just disgusting obtaining also awards at the same time for her shitty fake "feminist" women tv shows.

So the "punishment' for me fighting once more and writing in what is unbearable, which to the filthy ugly pig ape bitches attacking me is a non-stop "fun" joke and free everything to worthless pieces of shit who have millions and millions of dollars and can't fucking pay for their own production costs, and before they latched on to endlessly assaulting me they NEVER WON these awards at Oscars. It's been non-stop torture to death for me and them being handed invitations to the White House, every single Europigape mansion, deal, vineyard, all production costs paid for the shit movies that are put into top notch production with shitty themes and my ideas permeating most of the productions, if not blatantly stolen from me. for writing about the theft they bring in more Europigape shit whore bitch "men" who rape stick their filthy dirty pig meat into me slap abuse insult and call ugly prostitutalina so much more 'beautiful". 

All I do is fight to heal from the decades of Nazi bitch pig apes like shitalina the blondish white Nazi filth who make sure I am bloated, deprived of health care, while they are having filth pig men rape the poison into my body. The men are so turned on by murder in this way they can't even stop.

and i just wrote some posts and as usual knew that no one fucking will do anything and if so, only such a meager expression but usually any reduction is a ploy to get me to believe that writing actually makes a difference. The shit stupid ugly bitch whores then steal as many ideas and profit and are paid to steal the ideas and are handed awards, automatically no matter what as the productions are the  highest paid elaborate sets possible.

That the United States is in serious decline for the filth that thes group of stupid ape bitch ugly whores have handed to their fellow performer Trump, with now Obama, Hillary and et al just wallowing in how much Trump got out of torturing me, so they jump in as viciously racist, sleazy and disgusting or even worse than trump in that regard. The sexual violence aimed at me under the vicious antsemitism of biden and obama is far worse than what happened under trump.

And still, no one can even bat an eye. The expectation of free everything for joining in or doing nothing is so high and the destruction of the society and the planet continues unabated.

I am threatened with police action and eviction for throwing fungus and urine saturated soil out of my patio, my arm at full extension dumping the dirt as far away from the ledge as possible. Any clothing they claim the non-existent neighbors below me were "ruined" hanging out to dry would have been inside the patio at 3-4 feet from the ledge that I extended my hand and arm over to dump thick and clumpy soil--which would not drift down but were solid saturated pieces

but the endless lies the landlord has used to attack me. The years of this group killing my plants. 

so I now must remove all the plants. I was trying to grow food to eat. The German sick fuck ugly bitch pig ape was just watching every single goddamn thing I was doing--he also brought on a rape posse of German pig apes to assist to probably the piece of shit making the questions was one of his rape accomplices.

Endless "you are a bitch and (shitalina) is much much more beautiful than you" as this filthy  ugly sick creep has been embraced, handed promotions, incentives from the English-Crown controlled media 4th Reich "empire" that has only increased with the advent of this tech and me being the PERPETUAL POISONING TORTURE DRUGGING ABUSE VICTIM

and this is now "woke" this is actual real racism and real sexism.

Black Nazis proliferate as usual, watching on. Former presidents current presidents former house speakers current  house speakers endless representatives and senators so many celebrities I can't count them if I wanted to any longer\ but under Biden it's been non-stop rape and rape and rape. The rape whore ugly prostituted skank from Whorewood, shitalina, has been completely awarded, praised, invited multiple times to the White House, pig pit has obtained filming at the British race car elite party for his welcome of everything Enlish and 4th Reich into America with him receiving mansions, more billions, endless Oscars year after year for allowing the 4th Reich to proliferate. The politicians have obtained mansions, ensured political hegemony and relevancy. All rail against Trump but operate alongside him in attacking me.

When the fuck will there ever be "the adult in the room" regarding this sick fucking hell that so many know about, and only wait in line to participate. 

The United States is now openly a failed state and yet the stupid pig apes continue, assured that they will always have their Europigape and Whorewood mansions and elite entitlement and their nepo-shit spawn as well. 

And there is, is there--nothing out there that has even an iota of human rights concerns about this situation, not just about me-as this group is constantly pushing and craming into me, no one fucking cares about me, that this is happening to me is "normal" that I am a slave to be raped and beaten disfigured tortured to death with a baby forced out of me so another piece of worthless shit you all worship as a celebrity of lying posturing politician can obtain a virtual empire, and all the rest are assured that they will also be handed the same.

So I now have to throw away the potted plants I just put seeds in yesterday because this filthy German piece of filth was watching for anything to take away, destroy and every possible opprotunity to stick his pig meat in my face slap it and call prostitutalina the ugly parasite so much more beauitful. Yeras of that parasite feeding off torture, hormone addicted to violoence and shit pig pitt being handed every production cost for huge budgets that are slated without question to "win" the Oscars.

An empire of sleazy and meaningless celebrity shit has rushed to join into this new cartel. 

The one involved in politics in a most visible way right now has been part of this for years. He is playing his role in swaying the "sheeple" into following the power cartel of H-wood and the White House as a direct conduit of opportunity for Whorewood production for the nepochildren and media coverage of every fake, lying expression of solidarity with the victims of this 4th Reich to which they are firmly dedicated to making people destitute, disempowered (but not as much of they are "black" or "good" Jewish Nazis doing what I am fighting to not participate in, allowing for racist Nazi abuse to be the only pattern that my life is "allowed" to exist within).


90 min later

discovering that the artistic tiles I had put on my patio--stained with yellow goo, permanently stained years ago so I put two layers after the terrorists destroyed the first layer. Making sure that there was no dirt whatsoever under any of the tiles

this same landlord threw items yelling in my room as loudly as possible so the Nazi terrorists could gloat with joy at the fascist abuse upon me, as he tried to break the trellis I had made, removing all the beautiful flowering vines I had grown for over 3 years which grew to the top of the patio on this completely-covering lattice structure I had made by hand. Yelling with violent and throwing object threatening police action saying that I was pouring water on the clothing of the creeps below my room who were going into my room, spraying stinking filth, goo, raping and dislocating my hips every single day--making hateful ugly noises every time I walked onto my patio which they still do, but two floors beneath this room. The room beneath mine has been vacant since Covid. 

The two layers of decorative tile upon which I put the 4 large pots for plants had NO DIRT under them when I first began the new project to grow more plants 2 years ago. Every single plant has been killed for the past 2 years, but I really can't afford to pay for vegetablers and I am trying to do ONE SINGLE THING THAT NORMAL PEOPLE ARE ABLE TO DO WITH THEIR PATIOS WHICH IS TO GROW PLANTS. The sick filth terrorists, prostitutalina and shit pig pitt and the rest, joyfully stole my cat from me, broke her ribs, tortured me and used my cat as leverage and now 14 years later, the last time I saw her she had been so badly abused she screamed and cried, clinging to my leg in terror after Rammstein reacted to my post observing that the sexual abuse allegations were in line with every single sick fuck who joins in this teleportation who later has a law case for rape and assault and abuse--

they then had my cat tortured by Baryishnikov--who also had used a retractable knife to stab me in the abdomen because I was fighting off the two German women who are now partnering with this German rapist male--and as I tried to get him off me on the first night of rape, the german women surrounded me and stared at him expectantly. In came a group of Germans gang raping me with this vile German scumbag who I kept screaming to get off me. but in the deep sleep state my body also needs some physical contact and yes, even sex.

But, today, after this endless outrage, I had to remove the two layers of tiles and I see that at least half an inch of solid black dirt muck had been placed under the tiles. This is part of the endless stinking filth so my living space is saturated with fungus, mold (thusly another covert murder attempt, in addition to non-stop poisoning of the most horrific poison, so combined cancer or sepsis would inevitably result, the terrorist pig ape Nazis and Mafia shit all hope. Meanwhile filthy ugly prostitutalina has been profiting off this contract and had posters of her filthy ugly face wearing the "Satanic" costume of that Disney movie from which she derived my analysis of |Andrea Dworkin's Woman Hating book--all stolen by that ugly and sick stupid skank piece of white trash--glorified and plastic surgery coated for all her life and sexualized but so devoid of actual sexuality that it turns her on for me being raped but giving love in a deep sleep teleoported state to men slapping my face while sexually abusing me as she watches on, lovingly caressing their ugly filthy pig faces in a sexual action and then the stupid apes get tours, get lead roles, and they are all flouting how antifascist they all are, constantly and how much they are fighting violence against women.

But now, after lifting up the 10 stinking, blackened filthy tiles which had been pristine even when the landlord took away all my plants, trying to rip apart my trellis (spanning the entire patio, built all by hand in successive attempts for years the terrorists rush in and rip off pieces and shred parts and spray stains on it and all artistic endeavors I make and all clothing I make by hand as well)

So it's a pile all the way across my patio of 1/2 to 1 inch thick fungus/mold stinking black muck because the terrorists make sure to spray, pour and put filth under every item so the filth accumulates.. They spray mold into things--I had to throw away a dish soap dispenser in my bathroom yesterday because it was riddled with black fungus on the bottom. That was recently done as I refill it very often and it was sweet and pungent a few weeks ago, now gone it's coated with black fungus on the bottom (or mold)..

This goes on and on and on. \When I was in uncongnizant "compliance" to this group of foul shit, years and years ago, the filthy pig men would drug, date rape me, arrange for sex meetings disguised as "friendly" outings but almost never performing a single act of romance--but I was under, always the delusion that this was an opportunity for a real "relationship" and never, for one second, considered any of it one-night sex sleaze abuse exploitation never had the inkling this was happening to me. The creeps all played the "liberal" facade that the shit now attacking me also play--absolutely sleazy, loveless but they can caress and play out the actions but they suck out life force from me via abuse so they can "feel" anything after years of torture they are pumped up and paid and promoted and they are addicted to watching me get tortured and raped. I am now cleaning up stinking filth once more, which is all I do every single day as the filth is everywhere, coated on literally every single inch of this tiny room and ALL clothing is saturated with foul substances.

Once asleep, I will be raped again and in a drugged and extremely "sensitive" physical artificially-induced "erotic" state. The pig will force his greasy filth into my body in a most ugly way, slapping my face while his violence is his huge turn-on. .The audiences will watch the "porno" experience and I will be fighting to not react but not being able to control it, and when I try to pull away he begins punching and hitting me and I am extremely sick and exhausted from physical violence abuse and torture froom years and years and years and years and years an dyears an dyeras and years non-0stop every day night ongoing never ending. Shit rotten Obama and his wife and the Whorewood group were there observing and smug because I called Obama a |Black Nazi a few days ago, enraged j ust as I was with filthy shit Oprah who also stole my ideas, hugged prostitutalina and like all the Black fuckers are absolutely engrossed in racism against me, smug, laughing and being awarded invited and living in mansions alongside white trash rape culture of the Me 2 bullshit operation to oust the Jewish director and replace him with white nazi rape filth bigots and the me 2 shit whores all lautghing and partying because they can now become the abusers, just like the black shit can become the abusers, and obama has been there all along waiting for his opportunity to exloit me continuously as has been ongoing for at least since 2013 or 2012--with Hillary and et al

I tried so hard to find any politician who would protect or just stop this, that when Trump began running on the platform that he was so independent he didn't take any money from Dark Money donors but instead was a patriot and etc lie blah blah, I only CLICKED on a photo of him hacked on my Facebook page, and years later he is trying once more to have my money stopped for not wanting him to continue to  destroy my life, to destroy my country, and to destroy the environment, and I just want something finally that is not a fucking sick disgusting piece of rotten lying shit finally in control or in power in some respect. 

I now just have written the 10,000th post about this ongoing shit hell and still I doubt anyone will give a damn. The main point of all this is that no one will intervene, that means that my legitimacy as a human being is now negated by "the establishment" and reinforced by the Jewish lying shit like |Ratskin who is the puppet yapping about Constitutional Rights and being one of the most vicious and abusive bullying violent physical assault sexist unconstitutional creeps but they are such rotten and foul corrupted evil filth.

It is unbelievable what "evil" is there. So  I must clean up the representative of what they are, muck, filth, piles of shit and they are all wiped clean and promoted by the obviously incompetent Biden and the absolutely corrupt Trump, by the really evil duplicitious Obama that the liberal Nazis adore because like Oprah he so cleverly plays "liberal" while enforcing white supremacy and elitist entitlement with all his banker bailouts he could not fool all the people all the time but still the liberal Nazi folk still adore him--as they also hack their bullshit onto my youtube channel to likewise get a piece of the fascist pie which they all secretely devour as much as possible out of. The list of the "liberal" personalities involved in this, with Obama and the rest of the "|Demo-rat crew" is just sickening and pathetic. The state of the nation is now in utter near ruins and absolutely as a result of this contract out on me, which has brought out the most corrupt and insidious fantasies of sexual and violent exploitation while allowing for mediocrity skank whores to be promoted by stealing my ideas as they destroy jmy body, beauty, my life, my cat my most loving cat was all I had left and they still won't return her. They are demanding a baby out of me. I pray for their destruction every day the thought of having anything to do with helping this group of shit to continue to wreak th is destruction upon my life, my country and my planet is abomination.


Obama has fully imbibed the fascist mentality from so much white supremacist approval for his participation and full endorsement of this contract out on me, which I believe actually helped up Obama into power for a few reasons I will not elaborate here as it will sound, even moreso than the "rantings" I write under mind control and hacking and blocks to my brain by remote tech and assault and stress and ranting rage because 14 years of torturing me is never enough for this group of filthy shit. 

Because I told Obama after the debate fiasco from Biden that I believe he has been part of this violence aimed at me for many years and I was enraged about how he's coming back to now in-person participate. The training for absolute cruelty and dehumanization that is part of the package of genocide Nazi training has been thoroughly inculcated into the Obamas (wife and undoubtedly children as well, as usual these scumbags all have their rotten shit incompetent children on board).

So, because I was angry, did not pander to the fuck I never liked, I thought Obama was a black antisemite and saw in him the many upwardly mobile who attack me, have attacked me. Unfortunately this is so classic repetition that it's sickening. Gone is the erudite posturing that made Obama appear to be less of a goon thug, but now he's just like rotten hateful violent material that has absorbed entitlement to the core of his fabric, frayed and tattered but resewn with mind programmed Nazi protocols so it's a patchwork of cognitive dissonance--almost--but mostly just lying and posturing and "fighting" for black rising with the inevitable scapegoat that racism relies upon foisted onto Jews completely. That is the aim, that is what the culmination of the Black Rights Movement has resulted in, in terms of what the 4th Reich has culled and eliminated of authentic persons fighting against racism, and only installing those, including Jews, who will fully implement antisemitic policy disguised as all kinds of benevolent posturing rhetoric.


so he urged this German scum filth puke to beat and rape me because I made the usual, under hypnosis, teleportation and truth serum, correct observation, as I had done with Oprah, that these are fixtures of post-modern slavery refurbished into articulate and educated polished knobs which are used as portals for deception that there is "change" but f-u to me from Obama as my years of fighting and the advance I had made was when I was out of the jurisdiction of Obama and the point is to destroy all I have ever done--while the same shit crap people are endlessly stealing my ideas, being promoted for insults abuse and rape--and so obama got a German fucker who loves black people, the Germans love blacks the blacks say--they say that Germans are so wonderful and they are not racist. They are only racist towards me, the blacks gloat and accuse me of being the problem and that they are superior to me because the Germans treat them with such love and respect. Therefore, because they are so brainwashed by white superioirty, they are in a sort of delusional heaven of being included in what they consider to be the elite and are furiously looking "down" at me when I am actually fighting racism; as none of the fuckers who teleport me ever have. they make statements and then they join in with the 4th Reich--this includes all the minorities and the white trashy skanky feminists who are rape enthusiasts for the same reason that Obama got a good friend a German to rape and beat me--watching on, entitled and gloating along with the English Crown skank portal prostitutalina who is also handing rotten obama tickets to ride the 4th Reich train out of london.

I never want to help this fucking group of fucking shit to have any more advantages. They have been ONLY obtaining advantage for brutality towards me and the longer I fight the onset of the fascist nazi takeover the more people join in--I mean, the more pieces of pig ape shit join in---

the country is on the brink of economic collapse, the homeless situation has exploded, the "civil war" is on the brink as well, the constitution is on the brink, the environment is on the brink, the U.S. Dollar is on the brink

and ALL OF THIS HAS OCCURRED SINCE THIS TECHNOLOGY WAS HANDED TO TRUMP BY OBAMA so the rotten Obamas could make tv shows about black psychopathic mass killers on killing sprees because that is all that they learned as presidents and the children of presidents is how to adore mass consumerism and gyrating black nazi pop singers and how to kill and how to have a power struggle with the approval of the 4th Reich German Nazi imitation machine.

I so encourage people if anyone is reading this to have different people put into power and stop stop stop repeating the same mistakes of the same people returning to run for president because if you stop believing in the liberal mythology that these pieces of rotten shit (Hillary, for example) is a "hero" as some call her--I can't understand--for exactly WHAT is that skank dirty lying murdering bigot rotten creep a "hero" because she copies and imitates feminist jargon? Because like Obama she flouts "liberal" freedom but is really a money-raking vicious murderous bigot like Pig-lousy is as well?

Americans love this fake rotten shit. The more sugary bs they spout, the more they are beloved. That goes in exponential triplicate for Trump.j

The torture is not going to stop despite my writing once more and writing and writing and nothing ever changes this onslaught of shit pouing on me every day for hours with absolute hate. All I am doing is trying to ignore these fuckers and get them off me, have them pay me for years of blocking my ability to have self-sustaining income with poisoning and torture and they had people put my hips and spine out of alignment every single day after raping me--

how much more absolue torture before anyone actually gives a fucking damn? They care about Palestinians but could not give a fucking damn about this endless antisemitism (and I am not of that disapora or religion, actually trhey are trying to force me into a category so they can dismiss my every attempt and capability due to just demanding that people who are not as white as this page are somehow supposed to never achieve more than the pig apes without playing the subordinate role--which I have tried to do but the pig apes were killing me anyway so now I just can't stand them\don't want this shit in power can't stand them am trying to not let them have this huge contract if I just can't fight any longer\why the fuck can't anyone ever intervene goddamn you rotten fuckers reading this just allowing the utter destruction of America to continue like this

Friday, July 12, 2024

The clutching, greasy, incompetent, leech gauntlet of one dumb sick rape cheerleader minority victim white supremacist black Nazi latino antisemite Jewish rat filth spewing "intellectual/lawyer/Congressional bs-slinger": stopped, but not even, just a few hate skits, after hours and hours of rape and physical assault which I could not control the drugging, poisoning, the neuroterrorist attack upon my nervous system, while sleeping, after more than 14 years of poisoning to inflict paralysis, hard poisons latched into my spine, extending throughout my body into my intestines, fungus injected into my hair/vagina/food/furniture EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR YEARS, endless verbal and phsical abuse for JUST SAYING NO TO BEING RAPED AND MURDERED BY ONE SLEAZY SICK FILTH MAFIA UGLY DIRTY FUCK GOON WHO i ONLY MET ONCE IN MIAMI AND SOLD CIGARS IN A NIGHTCLUB, AVOIDING THE UGLY GOON THUG ITALIANS/GERMANS/AMERICAN SHIT but going to the "alternative" "boys" I was poisoned, drugged and abused by THEM because every single original and intellectual art, political and in every form for anything original that questions the prevailing 4th Reich--all, literally ALL has been usurped by 4th Reich terrorist operatives. Slowly murdering via poisons that create cancers, drug additions that CAN be induced by the drugging and subliminal technologies, and a myriad of other ways and means as orchestrated by THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT UPON IT'S POPULATION. The end result is a line-up of a gauntlet of stupid ignorant and disgusting incompetent mediocrities relying on old memes and old formulas for appearances of being "alternative", fighting for "Civil Rights" but fully supporting death squads upon any individual who is then put through a societal gauntlet process whereby they are slowly poisoned and tortured and abused to death. Often by the Nazi partners they believe they have chosen. The prevailing normative process of the Jewish targets of murder that believe they are "lucky" for having a Naai partner goes thusly: the former protesting victims of racism have abusive and insulting sex with the women of their own kind or of other minority groups. Fighting to assert victimization as a plank stepping-stone into higher media and societal jockeying for a place "in the sun" of the 4th Reich, once they achieve total victim status they are handed, as a reward for endlessly screwing the women of their own and other minority races with contempt, they "get" as a prize a Nazi/Mafia thug female (or male) who they can then appear in 4th Reich "society' as being fully welcomed. These are often then drugged so as to completely disassociate their meager psyches into the more fully-entrenched figure of the 4th Reich white supremacy racist agenda. Slowly they appear to deteriorate, the "partners" they have as their "controlers/handlers" insult, abuse and look for how much of the huge amount of money or influence the (I will take Jews at this point) the Jewish Nazi has accrued for all his pandering to the 4th Reich, with his blonde Nazi expletive on his arm lovingly embracing her with adoration, complimenting her as she makes Nazi antisemitic jokes as an aside to the groups who sit in agreement, the Jewish sits silently, nods his head and continues to look for upward mobility within the 4th Reich. At this point, I am thinking of the most foul-mouthed and sick and stupid Michael Cohen as a very recent Gotti/DeNiro/Pesce/Biden/Pitalina vicious attacker upon me, along with Ratskin from Congress, as prime examples of this hideous programming training system and the suppressed insult from the years of being insulted and humiliated by the Nazi blondes they pour with unleashed frenzy upon me with violence and sick stupidity that is so obviously racist and sexist--but as the spokes-victims of racism, they pour out the misery they have stifled and excused with loving sheep smiles at their oppressors.

@ 2:32 minutes into this clip from Barry Lyndon, a scene unfolds depicting the Gauntlet, a punishment enacted by the Prussian Army (call it German/Austrian/Hungarian if you will plus other Slovak country members).

In this case, the punishment was for desertion, which could be considered as a corollary to saying "NO" to being raped by scum thug "soldiers" of the 4th Reich. Wealthy Euroopigape pieces of low and ignorant dirty crap who were brought up from the lucre of the genocides and holocausts stolen by their Mafia/Nazi parents, for example. Desertion from a system of abuse, humiliation and whites-only could be the "crime" that I have unknowingly committed due to the endless media push that America is a "free" country, there is a "Black" president with a "woman" running mate and etc how free and Democratic and "open" the society is (not). Tortured for "believing" in the media, school and societal lies that have dominated my life and surrounded me. The torture for not "following" a system of slavery so ugly white trash pig apes can be promoted for drugging and raping and poisoning and stealing from me while their Jewish, black and Latino Asian and every other race supplies the ignorant white trash pig ape with a death squad system, all fully being awarded, paid with free food, rent, etc and promotions "they have the money, what do you have?" is what one of the more honest of the dumb |Black plantation minions said to me, so used to rape K-rap music being touted as "empowerment", following the $$ dollar bill slogans of the rap K-rap like JayZ and Beyonce and etc (out of Compton etc etc etc). So, they have put me through the gauntlet. I finally succumbed to human desire excoriated by drugging, poisons and brain-altering tech inflicted upon me while in deep sleep, nascent sleep, drugged waking states, under over 14 years of beatings, torture abuse discrimination top politicians coming to threaten mu life as they steal money from the public for their personal ultra wealth enclaves in places like San Francisco and California and etc (all has happened, 100%).

Here is a depiction of The Gauntlet process. There are little videos on YouTube detailing the more historical context. This is being exacted by the Nazi-influenced Mafia-controlled thuggery of the United States entertainment media news podcasters on YouTube and the top tiers of the U.S. Congress who I have been assaulted by for so many years (Trump and using deadly violence for me saying no to that incompetent stupid sick thug putting shit and crap into political leadership roles to destroy the United States so more Nazi Europigapes can take control through the puppetry of the greasy and slimy incompetency and greed of all the blathering idiot savants you currently see in top head spin and social influencing positions. All founded on a pile of lies, truly despicable.

Here is what the pig apes have truly turned Due Process into--a gauntlet of secret society dumb scum minions torturing beating raping for saying no to a death directive to destroy Jews to destroy the United States and it's sovereignty. The greedy apes all expect to be awarded top positions once the sleazy and foul mediocrity of Europigapeland and it's agents come to take control. They worship these types and I abhor them. I have lived for far more years in Europigapeland and been around the sneering duplicitous pig apes much longer than any of these coddled and ignorant politicians and celebrities combined. The flattery has turned them into absolutely stupid and sick vicious Nazi Mafia if only to get more and more and more and more free everything handed to mediocrity who are put into monopoly systems of entrenched power. Soon they will all be replaced. The Jews, I suspect, who have viciously attacked me, i.e. Cohen, are probably on a death list which will be implemented eventually once their blathering fake opposition is no longer needed. 

"Barry Lyndon--The Deserter (Part 7)". BarryLyndonVideos. December 1, 2015.

"Barry Lyndon 1975--Prussian Army During 7 Years War 4K". iRobotic Cinema. June 14, 2023.

I was listening to a podcast by Hour of the Time about "The Occult History of the Third Reich". This was not a product of William Cooper, but only the soundtrack for an actual black-and-white archived set of footage taken from the 30's-40's Nazi rallies and movies and screeching yelling pontifications by Hitler and his associates. The esoteric symbolism of the Swastika  is brought under analysis and the historical background of this highly and currently ubiquitous symbol is delineated (for Cooper, it is the representation of "The Sun" from ancient Egyptian sun-worship, handed-down to our current generation and is detailed as the force of this long-standing historical sun-worship which Judeo-Christianity makes many slight references to). Bringing back the ancient regimes, the Germans along with all their silent partners of the European and American, Japanese, and everywhere else on the planet--all joined in all are joining in now all have joined in the 4th Reich is fully established and only waiting to rear it's dragon/snake head out of it's long-dormant (only 80 years) burrows. Coming out of the Borough of Queens, New York--the New City which was established along the lines of the old ancient regime (Novus Ordo Seclorum), the benevolent dictator is being heralded as the new messiah by the old world order in order to establish a much larger pan-dictatorial order which will be "new" because the last existing self-sustaining "Democracy" must fall in order to fulfill the long-standing indoctrination for dissolution. 


I am at this point sort of rambling because of the attack upon my brain. The need to quell any alternative opinion using this most embraced technology, torture death squad system has been enacted at highest branches of the failing tree. They expect a new branch and a new tree to grow out of the death they are now incurring.

Back to the documentary of the Occult History of the Third Reich. Characteristically, the narrator was English, his accent of the "highest" of social classes. The music of foreboding yet Wagnerian bombastic crescendo and timpani drums rolling out the echoes of thunder approaching and heightened drama unfolding

the tenor of the entire 3-part series is of a nobility of England following in the usual template that the media news anchors of "today" also follow: present an antipathetic murder regime but do it in the most grandiose of "elitist" fashion.

I was trying to drown-out the endless HOURS of the Gottis and DeNiro and Pesce and Shitpigalinapitt and the rest of the goon dumb scum squad of murderous leech bigots taking turns beating and poisoning me to death with endless poisoning of hardening bloating poison I can never get out of my body no matter how many diets, starvation, fasting, exercise--it is glued into my spine has formed a hard "shelf" and is latched into every single angle in my vertebrae interconnected to my lower abdomen which perpetually juts out as the hard shelf sticks out of my back--

they did this and had rotten vicious sleaze "celebrities' pounding the poison in as much as hard as possible while still poisoning my food with the murder poisons. I can hardly understand how this behavior is deemed "elite" but I was told that this implies the "right" to commit all crime with exoneration and to be "above the law" and thusly privileged to inflict utter violence and murder upon ANYONE they don't like. Jewish women being a prime target as the racist injunction to hate and abhor Jewish women has been in effect ever since Nazi women and blonde white supremacists have claimed the Virgin Mary as looking like and coming from their sleaze and sexually violent cultures--Germany, France, England, Scottland--et al. No mention of the history of sleaze, rape and elite rape and extortion of the lower classes by the elite which brought on various revolutions, and the various world wars in order to break the grip of England upon other countries such as Germany.

No matter that their cultures are steeped in history of rape and genocide Imperialism and Colonialist concentration camps and genocidal technologies. No, the image of the blondish man and woman as pure, pristine and  holy and Jews being "dirty" and foul and rats and vermin and enemies that must be crushed goes hand-in-hand with the usurpation of the images of Jesus, Mary and all other Saints as being white and blondish and never actual Jews from that part of the world. This has also transformed Israel into a mostly blonde-white-skinned State after the darker haired Jews fled from death and racist hate out of all of Europe with America fully welcoming in Nazi protocols until now, that presence is fully established within the United States. My experience of sexual abuse from Netanyah with Douglass Murray from England has only cemented that observation of reality plus my lifetime of having to undergo all the attacks by various Jews who are integrated into this system.

But somehow, the ugliness of Michael Cohen, the long-time associate of dirty filthy lower-than crud Trump, the blonde bigot--as Cohen stated he could not "Understand" the malevolence of Trump for the 10 years he had served as a yapping hateful vile rat who people who were accosted by the lowly hateful servile sick creep that Cohen truly is, called him a "f-ing jerk" and that is probably the most innocuous of titles for him, and for many another brainwashed traumatized idiot savant working for the 4th Reich calling itself a "Jew". Some practice the religion and others truly don't. It makes no difference in terms of their vicious violence and absolute servility towards Nazism and attacking ME for doing what they can never do--even begin to resist. The rewards they have all obtained, in billions of dollars, a team of blonde Nazis who work "under them" and/or just being seen as being acceptable and "above" the Jew who is hated by the world because all otther mentalities have been killed, decimated and what only remains is a long planetary line-up of programmed bots doing what they are told and thinking what they are told to think and obeying and even though the planet and their own country is falling into a chaos that is irreparable, they only assume that their "masters' know what they are doing, and in the end, the destruction of the United States means that the "losers" will be dying in the streets but they will continue their aspiration for Haute Living and lead roles in shit stupid meaningless computerized-scripted movies--where they can even have the tech force tears out of their eyes just in case they actually can't "act"--and that last part is absolutely a fact of how mind control tech can affect tears out of a person's eyes no matter what the person is doing, feeling or thinking.


IN the hate gauntlet endless torture series of the shit scum Mafia and Nazi goons, who have been stealing my ideas and parceling them around to rape enthusiasts also stealing my ideas about women's rights--just so the stupid skank creeps of the rapist whore men don't have to furrow their ugly brows to read anything and concentrate and/or have to reconsider the sleazy stupid roles that they imbibe and have embraced to further absolute destruction of the feminist movement, women's rights, abortion, the right for women to remain as self-sustaining in any financial arena, they are all actually working to tear it all down, but stealing my ideas so as to present only blonde Nazi and black nazi and jewish nazi women (dying their hair as blonde as possible) who will "represent' the fight against sexual violence--while cheering it on, being awarded by the 4th Reich in every stolen idea they obtain out of torturing me and poisoning and having me raped to death, for years of me screaming ideas in torture sessions every day for 6-8 hours and then 4 hours of abuse in deep sleep and stinking filth, hate attacks on my body via electronic weaopns

and all because some group of white pig ape shit apes out of London told the stupid apes in |Whorewood to gather around all the stupid sleazy ignoramus wanna be A-listers, promising them every top role and presentation if they comply with attacking me because I did not submit to being poisoned, raped and abused by one piece of English/German/American wanna-be Europigapeland aristocrat after the next.


Michael Cohen, I told the dumb, scum shit of the Gottis, DeNiro, the pigshitalinapitt gang of stuipd  thuggery, stealing my ideas verbatim for over 14 years and being put into lead position in stupid rotten Whorewood as a result

I said that Michael Cohen should be the one narrating this glamorization of Nazism by the English "elite" voice of Oxford top intellectual quality--I said that Cohen should be the narrator with his sneering contemptuous voice and his hyped up fake acting (he so wants to be a famous celebrity  he's abusing me to obtain permission to go on and on with his yapping bs but assaulting me for defending myself against rape and racism of Trump, plus his cascade of ignoramus shit from Whorewood, blacks threatening to kill me because white supremacy is their one God after Money, Cohen rushed to yell furiously "bitch" at me then began a few days of 6-8 hours of this most disgusting hate parasite endlessly screaming the most ugly and sick insults at me

I had told him that when I said that he should narrate the Nazi documentary, it was a compliment as the glorification of Nazism and the Swastika is apparent when it's done by an "elite" English Oxford voice with Wagnerian music in the background, it evokes a kind of programmed "need" to instantly "respect" the opinions of pig ape white males coming out of "elite" intellectual institutions who can be the most sordid scum rapist murdering bigot shit but polished with an "elite" accent. I believe in this case, of the documentary, the glorification of Nazism was done very almost non-concealed but done in terms of opposing Nazism, in effect, it actually glorified and reveled in it. I find most English are absolute Nazi white supremacist bigots and these are those born of the latter generations who did not experience the blitzkrieg, had to fight for their lives in the subway "tube" zones and experience Nazism and fight against it. 

The preceding generation loves Nazis in all of Europigapeland due too the endless "free" entitlement situation of endless free weeks of paid vacay in places like completely Nazified Thailand with almost literal slaves serving like the dream sex free slavery cleaning and sucking  minions that the Nazis have created with successive genocides in SE Asia.

The disgusting heinously fake "hippies" of former celebrity fame, w ho have all obtained new documentaries, endless circuits of rehashing out their former personas as being the harbingers of love and peace and anti-war but they actually do nothing but get glorified and get documentaries and appear in concerts packed with cheering fans--but for having tortured me as part of the 4th Reich.

They had been part of the larger protest movement against the 4th Reich taking over SE Asia but now all have obtained mansions in Thailand for having brutalized and arranged for racist Nazi/Mafia brutality against me. I do hope people get the link of how hypocritical this all is, and that is to say the least about what and how they operate and are.

Michael Cohen jumped up to viciously attack me as I wrote about this deadly assault, as his sickening self-absorbed hate and self-hate was pouring on me every minute for the next 3-4 days of endless vicious deadly assault from this disgusting parasitic leech, operating next to the other foul and disgusting leeches as DeNiro is a most ugly and dirty parasitic filthbomb of shit who has been endlessly awarded every year at Oscars for the hate movies he is starring in; all programming the world for psychopathy and Nazi culture implementation disguised as being "benevolent" exposures, via "art" for systems and programs for indoctrination for the programming of for death squads and psychopathic criminality as being "Justifed" by the endless "victim narrative" that Whorewood is continuously selling off as justification for "ultraviolence". Trump following suit as I listen to the hacked podcasts of the "conservatives" who claim that Trump is a victim of "disloyal" judges and politicians who "betrayed" him--nothing more said about what or how the betrayal was or is, so I only assume they mean those persons who were not violating the Constitution to which they swore an oath and instead did not comply with Trump's psychopathic directives to violate the electoral process voting, the add thousands of votes in Georgia so he could "win" (instead of being the LOSER) and etc etc.

So, this is very jumbled, my brain is being assaulted NO ONE CAREES no one could give a damn that this is happening to me.

But today, as I had only a slight abuse situation because I reacted to rape with passion because of YEARS of what really is a socially-programmed group of dumb sick thug goon putrid mediocrity who truly cannot think are stupid and rotten and have been placed deliberately for these very reasons into top political and media and news media positions; all trickling down to the local death squad units who are the most murderously violent waiting for the final signal to unleash their pent-up rage that people like me could compete against them and win without cheating, and that I was very beautiful, a top athlete likewise winning over the Nazi and Mafia goons, and so the vicious death squads at the lower levels are just waiting to rush to mass murder en masses following in the wake of all the glorified Nazi documentaries that glorify Nazism which I had been analyzing verbally for the dumb stupid shit scum of the Gottis the dumb shit of the Jewish Nazis like Ratskin--verbal diarrhea crap about the Constitution nevertheless at the most basic level the amount of suppressed rage and the need to be visible and "allowed" into the 4th Reich as the symbol of entitlement and racist violence against me, then with blonde skanks on his arm lovingly adoring him for having helped implement antisemitism upon me, who does not observe anything about Judaism nor have I been in the diaspora so now I am this symbol of all that is hated about "Jews" only because I just don't try to grovel in deference and sublimate rage and then wreak deadly violence upon people like "me" who are resisting and saying NO to this bs empire of crap.

Michael Cohen rushed to violently assault me for as long as his pent-up verbal diarrhea has been sitting stagnant in his foul and permeated old man psyche so ugly and filthy--the stench that comes out of his mouth poured out upon me

instantly interviewed, along with rotten Ratskin who has done the same, and in fact urged rotten Cohen to join in 

I said to stupid ugly Cohen, this filth bomb waiting to explode on any Jewish woman not groveling to Nazi rape men and women as he has been doing (probably ALL HIS LIFE as this program is fully implemented in New York even if the followers of this paradigm are "Democrat" they truly adhere to Nazi death squad society and all are promoted into highest position as a result--Schumer being one example).

He had to viciously assault me because he probably felt the racist insults of Trump within my stating that his sneering jeering contemptuous voice was denigrating and grating--as so many have said in these awful interviews endlessly appearing for MSNBC and CNN and other "liberal" outlets. That Cohen has been so thoroughly welcomed by these otherwise 4th Reich fascist media institutions should make the viewer wary but the viewers are fully absorbed by the endless lies and mis-directions of fact and relevant focus when it comes to actually revealing pertinent information.

The gauntlet was a German military invention of forcing a miscreant soldier to undergo a line-up of other soldiers who would beat him with sticks or worse as the punishment could result in death, but the targeted "bad" soldier had to try to run through this line of beatings which also served as a humiliation and programming mechanism to threaten anyone who may consider being independent, not fighting a sure suicide campaign and not following orders implicitly. 

I can only imagine the jeering guffawing laughs of the beating soldiers and the endless abuse and discrimination the abused soldier, if he should survive, had to endure probably even after he left the service, if he survived the incompetency of Generals and bad decisions of his "superiors" only to be also assaulted in a likewise manner by his fellow lower class neighbors and friends and family and spouse and children.

Oh, how the 4th Reich continues a tradition of the scapegoat the target who dares to defy a suicide order so that Jews won't be "murdered" they will be killed by poisoning and being forced into rape thugs pounding the poison into the body of the "bitch" who "deserves it" for saying no to being poisoned and raped to death while the dumb Nazi and Mafia shit men and women steal the ideas because the resistor is, under torture, stating why, they ask "why" constantly (that was all that rotten Black Aunt Jemima Oprah did for years--she has been cheered, awarded and that Affirmative Action has been taken down means NOTHING to that bloated sleazy stupid mediocre ape who is so beloved--and this has been a pattern for the rest of the Black family who join in who do the exact same, all claiming that I am racist and thus "deserve" rape and beatings and death threats from them--for using the Malcolm X lecture on how the Plantation System is still in operation in the Black Community"

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...