Does ANYBODY ever stop to contemplate that these creepout freakout street/store/domestic pscho-explosions are technologically-induced by stealth social engineering technological operations to induce hysteria, chaos and hate in the population?
How will life change in the good old old USA for the Karens screaming in the streets?
What will all the "Karens" do if the police are blocked from killing people they don't like in the streets or in their homes, or profling--and for that matter, how are the blacks going to get promoted if gang stalking is actually stopped for their one-stop promotions into white Karen echelons? Oh, America is not as black and white as people are screaming in the streets about, insane and psychopathic America can't take the strain any longer so what will all the black and white Karens do if gang stalking and domestic terror operations are actually stopped? These are clips that are never or rarely being labeled as such for YouTube or Twitter but perhaps some of these so-called "Karen" attacks are actually domestic terrorist activities of targeting in "gang stalking" operations. Many, many black people operate as "Karens" too and Latinos and Jews. This is no joke but still left unreported and repressed as a deadly social phenomenon.
WHY don't I miss Amerikkka?
(YouTube video): "The Truth Behind This Big Alaskan Conspiracy Theory (HBO)"
The title of this post, making reference to "fallen angels", is not a religious introduction to spiritual possession, but rather makes indirect reference to the Nick Begich's book Angels Don't Play This HAARP, which is an expose on U.S. Government technocratic mind control and social engineering theories based around the HAARP facilities in Alaska. The claim is that the High Altitude Atmosphereic Research Project (HAARP) directs energy into the atmosphere in order to change lower Extreme Lower Frequencies (ELF's) in the lower Hertz ranges which can (and do) alter brainwave activity to affect emotional change in huge swaths of the population. This has become a highly accepted "conspiracy theory" which is considered a kind of staple since Dr. Nich Begich, Jr., ostensibly with an insider knowledge base, is son of former U.S. House Representative John Begich.
Nick Begich: Angels Don't Play this HAARP
Mind control mottos and slitherine forces telling you what to do to survive their brainwashing, mind control apparatus for pandemicocracy:
The Band "Fucked up" says that you are Normal people wired to deconstruct and trained by normalization normaitve roles you must obey in order to behave and BE GOOD BOYS AND GIRLS to perform your roles as defunct self-destruct bots. Nothing like the current situation to demonstrate how effectively no one is mentioning how mind control technology is driving the current "divide and conquer" catastrophe crafted comedy.
Don't write critical commentary unless you are a sanctioned and approved performer paid to do so. Shut up! Shut up and obey and love your paid representatives shut up and listen and believe and obey!
The snakes hiss at me, when and after they teleport and torture me:
Shut up and keep writing your ideas
Keep writing so we can read and laugh at your desperate pleas
Keep writing but shut up shut up
shut up and stifle your soul
or we will surely dump you in a 6-ft hole
shut up or die
shut up and obey
shut up and keep writing your ideas
so we can steal them and get promoted to the skies
as the stars of your spinning head
we would rather see you dead
but first, shut up and keep writing
when you eat, keep biting
on our poison pill, intended to keep you still
paralyzed to shut up and obey
when you protest we will make you pay
we raped you now you are a dirty whore
prostituted and discredited forever more
shut up because when we made you
financially disenfranchised
we obtained licenses for our media enterpirses
turned into outlet franchises
shut up and watch our movies
shut up and stop complaining
we are taking control and you had better think about loving our mansplaining
A FILM DEPICTION OF HOW TO TORTURE AND KILL JEWS--A LA THE HOLOCAUST. A VISUAL TRAINING AND INDOCTRINATION MANUAL, IF YOU WILL, OF HOW TO RECREATE THE YEARS OF MOVIES DEPICTING DEATH CAMPS AND HITLER. WATCH THIS MOVIE AND LEARN HOW TO TORTURE MAIM AND KILL JEWS. WATCH WHILE THERE ARE NO NEGATIVE REVIEWS OF THIS MOVIE AND NO BLACKS FIGHTING FOR JEWISH LIVES because Jews are not fighting for Jewish lives in H-wood. So indoctrinated and always going along like Lemmings with the Nazi pogram programming they also endorse. That is from MY experience of having been teleported to many of the most famous ones (with their blonde, Nazi friends and wives and extremely fascist, bigoted actors playing lead roles ostensibly "against" anti-Semitism). Oh, how the media has created this current "Democratic crisis" while the H-wood rat pack continues to flaunt their concern about "Democracy" and they all "love" movies like this, because it's "Independent Film Channel" endorsed, which means Jewish intellectuals sit around discussing it and scratching their heads and then helping the bigot Nazis in attacking ME, as a symbol for this little boy in this rotten and most negative training manual for Holocaust revival.
First off: I re-read what I had published on this blog yesterday. There were almost no mistakes in what had been very severely hacked and rewritten by terrorists. Because I am almost perpetually under some technological interfaced with chemically-altered state due to terrorist drugging and other technochemical interface influence, I cannot remember if or what has been altered or deleted. They have "corrected" what had been a typo-littered mess that hackers had created. I do not know if this hacker "corrective" measure was from "friend or foe", as I can only assume that anyone hacking is a foe, at this point due to realistic paranoia. ("Don't worry, be happy" or you will be labeled "Paranoid" and just not "fun" or "Happy" and "having a good day").
It is very hard for me to concentrate and get anything out without rambling, repeating or straying off-topic for any writing that lasts for more than 5 minutes. The surge (using a pandemic term) of techno-chemical interface is a deluge upon my consciousness almost immediately upon beginning to explicate my thoughts.
Because I have a small library of a few films, which mostly require concentration and focus to absorb the information, and the drugs the terorists force upon me make concentration requiring focus and absorption of information literally impossible. It could be that my brain is blocked, neural firing is under some technological assault while the drugs remain an intermediary between the drugs and neuron firing, however it has been and is being done, I cannot read, concentrate or even move as my body is still riddled with hard chemical.
I thus turned from my library of movies and video clips to the free streaming movie database which has the current list of death, hate, gloom, satanist murders, blonde female comedies about them having love while black movies are always about despair and fighting against racism, and the rest are "dramas" about fighting against corruption and solving death scenarios and fighting against impossible odds with the underdog theme. I then turned to a search engine and typed in "best movies of 2020". Never disappointing in the abysmal choice of boring, repetitive themed but for some reason, this year the list of never-ending repeats of the same actors has a variation and I am so thrilled to see actors whom I have never heard of. however, the plot never thickens as the plot remains the same, essentially.
this year a movie based on the book by Jerzy Kosinski, Painted Bird, the adaption of this book (which I have never read) has been brought, like Steven S's movie about the Holocaust, into "realistic" focus as a black and white film about the trials and tribulations of a lost "Jewish" boy (I don't know if the actor in question, the actor playing the little "jewish" boy is actually "jewish"---I am using a small "j" because these terms are losing their defining characteristics as boundaries merge between cultures and also the assimilation of Jews into Nazi culture--and I know this will offend many reading this but however I have some huge experience of this situation and it is WHY I am in the position I am in right now. And have been all my life.
The movie began with what looked like a very realistic--as in a real animal killing--of some small animal this little boy was running and carrying as it whined in pain and fear--then a bunch of apparently Nazi boys beat up the little "jew boy" and then burned the otter/muskrat/weird animal as I am a city person and don't know much about what animal this was thing he was carrying--I love animals I write this not to dehumanize the animal in question--they poured gasonline on the animal as it burned to death on camera. The little jewish boy lay on the ground after the Nazi boys beat him up, and ran away while the animal he was saving was in a fried clump. It looked like it had been an actual animal murder and not any kind of artificially-created situation by the camera crew. It seems obvious to me that the filmmakers were of Nazi ideology just on this point of filming. Killing beloved animals is a highlight and a fun exercise in power for these Nazi bigot thugs, and I know this first-hand from years of experience of animals I love being taken away, stolen, dismembered (eyes gouged out, slashed with diseases as they slowly died, spines broken--and all vet clinics performing their mafia-driven deeds of attacking me and even in slowly torturing the animals while they were laying in agony after I had to have them euthanized afterwards. I mean Thai people in clinics, little Thai children running to watch as the animals were being injected with killing drugs, to stare, laugh and point while I sttod weeping as an animal I had fed and saved and rescued had been slowly and brutally murdered while the "land of smiles" Thai children and their greedy and rapacious parents smiled while white bigot pig apes from Europigapeland sat comfortably holding onto their pets and smiling with hideously sadistic smiles, ordering all the eager and willing minority minion slaves to do their bidding. The usual configuration which I have had to witness for years in H-wood, with blacks doing this job for the white out of Europigapeland, and the white Americans who are at the "top" of the H-wood pinnacle of corporate and studio ascension to power also being traind just like the minority minions they disdain and really snub and look down upon, while they are recruiting them to assist in the massive deception of the media Nazi paradigm which is the dominant force of that huge brainwashing and mental manipujlation platform. ]
My thoughts meander a bit as the hackers are blocking the keyboard functions. I know that the hackers yesterday deleted much of what I had written about their hacking and some of my thoughts as well. They will do this again today.
I know that writing "Europigapeland" is a most discrediting action upon me part. However, when the fascists use silly and very nasty terms, this is applauded by these Nazi pundits, and the more basic and uneducated the bigot remarks are, the more people gravitate towards these orifices spouting out these offensive racist terms. They then get the minority minions to use well-educated and polite terms to delineate the racism inherent in the most vociferous bigoted remarks which hold much more sway over the public than polite rhetoric does, at this point in the indoctrination process. I am, remember, writing during the most tenuous election counting process as the hyped up vicious sheeple of the Nazi persuasion are repeating, verbatim the words they are told to shout as they march, assault weapons slung over their huge, beefy hamburger-fed bodies, to stop the "Democratic Process".
The Entertainment value of the entire decade is not lost on me with celebrities and coached politicians who become media celebrity icons abound.
I am now at the point of techno-chemical interface attack, combined with attacks upon the keyboard, where I am dizzy, feeling a bit nauseous, and unable to think with any clarity or cohesion any longer. I can't finish what I had intended to write at this point.
Again, I reiterate: no protest against this movie Painted Bird from anybody. I had read one Jerzy Kosinski book a long time ago. I recall that his book made me feel depressed and dismal. I didn't want to read or hear about more victimization of "jews" and I have never embraced this philosophy. This group attacking me has been using endless torture to try to affix this into my most deep subconscious makeup through all their hate attacks, subliminal attacks, and from these actors, especially the black "activists" who are "anti-racist" the most famous shouting, singing and dancing ones with endless movies about racism at their arsenal, sneering anti-Semitic hate insults at me with the white Europigape and the white blonde Ameican wanna be Europigape aristocrats (being put into these positions) standing glib and happy watching as their minoirity minions spew racist hate at me. These very same criminal minions are still being touted as the leaders in the H-wood "anti-racist" theology--as it is akin to a kind of marketing pseudo-religion by now there is almost an entire doctrine of the word "systematic" and other such oft-repeated terms bandied about which automatically imply that the person uttering these words actually cares about all racist concepts and hate groups instead of those who are part of their media and marketing cartels, which carry a brand of "fighting against racism" as one of their main media/entertainment planks for which they then RUN FOR OFFICE UPON .
The dynamic that really is being very carefully created, using the "Invisible arm" of the fascist media arm of the political fascist/Totalitarian?Authoritarian global age-old millennia control system, a brainwashing system enforced by political and religious all-encompassing tentacles--is of rancid young or old men with their conniving women behind them usurping power until it is a rancid and stale system of conformity to their authority. Welcome to Europigapeland throughout the millennia. They also control many of the Islamic States and you can be assured that the minority minion anti-Semitism is very much controlled by the fascist nazi Europigapes. The oppression of women is part of that same Europigape system while the Europ-a women all want to hold key positions of power. The racism of these parasites is the most under-expressed element and is the most pervasive, globally. America is in their sights. How the Europigapes have been reveling in the revelation that their infiltration into H-wood to program Americans into their ideology has proven so highly successful, that critical reviews of extremely racist movies are being expressed as supportive of them with no real confrontation about the more crafty symbolic representations of how murder and genocidal behavior can be inculcated through these seemingly "righteous" movies.
Another reason I am using the term "europigape" is because I was almost hit by a car yesterday which drove in front of me and then backed up to hit me as I was on a small, side street driving to Tesco. This was after I had gone to the bank where an extensive stalking scenario had been instructed to the "Land of Smiles" Thais at the bank, a cluster of people in a branch which is tiny, with over 10 "employees" standing around walking in front of me. As I pulled out of the parking lot finally doing my business there, a blonde younger male (30's, 20's) briskly walked to block my path to exit just as I was driving onto the road from the bank entrance. I could see him with black eyes (the glimmer) from my side as I drove to get out, and as I was about to speed up he walked just right in front of me, nearly going into a jogging speed to accomplish this right at the last minute while I was pulling out. I nearly hit him because he nearly walk-ran to block my path as I was about to go begin to drive. I wanted to shout something at him, but instead of shouting something like "pig" at him and thus ruining my otherwise happy mood, I only glanced at this rotten creep, seeing a Nazi haircut (shaved on the side, and it was a freshy cut style, looked like it had just been done to create this effect). The rest of the day, cars drove over the center line to almost hit me while cars and trucks maneuvered and swerved on my other side just as I was trying to not get hit, while I was driving exactly in the middle of the lane I was almost hit from cars passing other cars driving directly into me. In this particular instance, I was taking a short cut. At the intersection of this tiny neighborhood street (very tiny in Thailand)--a Thai creep sat on his motorbike looking into his cell phone, which is something the stalker/terrorist teams often do, is have an "eyeball" lookout giving visual information about my location and when I am stopping, turning and moving. Just at the second when I was crossing this tiny intersection, a black small car turned directly in front of me and stopped in the road just as I was driving. He began to back up into me as I was three feet behind him because he stopped "on a dime" just in front of me. I began pounding down on my horn as he kept driving into me and I had to grab the huge and heavy motorbike and run it backwards with my feet just to not be hit. I had to back up at least 6 feet as he kept backing up in front of me. I associated this attack with the bigot nazi pig ape Europigape who had nearly run in front of me as I was pulling out to block my path, because in their Nazi pig brains they believe that any resistance to their stupidity should be met with at least 50 times or greater violence as an extremely oppressive maneuver of power and control. Because I could not stop my motorbike and I was almost driving into this white Europigape whore creep, he was "retaliating" Nazi style with near murder, attacks that went on in this same fashion of people almost hitting me while I was driving in the same manner of entering to turn straight into me while I was driving at normal (high) speed in normal traffic, completely right-of-way, in the middle of the lane, doing nothing but driving. Cars turning and driving into me, and this one black car backing up to hit me which would have happened if I had not physically run backwards with this huge motorbike. This is why I call them pigapes and for other reasons of their grotesque and stupid attack scenarios which only rotten pig apes could conceive of or enact. There is such little intelligence in these people, although they be well-trained or instructed and can flaunt intellectual prowess, the underlying stupidity is explicitly apparent when they have tech which conceals their underlying pig ape qualities that are so covered-up by flowery rhetoric and well-trained social mannerisms.
Welcome to H-wood and the World of pig ape actors putting out benevolence, anti-racism, anti-rape culture, and pro-Democracy political pundits beckoning you to watch, believe, imbibe the subliminal content which is training you to create a death camp genocide in America. Watch this movie, it has no negative reviews of how it is psychologically training the masses being turned into violent pig apes to go out and re-enact these most entertaining movie scenes. VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE for these actors who are being trained into this mental manipulation and BELEIVE in them and LOVE THEM while the masses are relieved of having to concentrate or focus and just believe, watch and obey.
Being so drugged and under this effect, as I have been, I know how cleverly the manipulation is being conducted by these people BEHIND the performers who are vying for political power.
One Hour later:
After writing the above and stumbling off this chair in front of the laptop, I swayed in dizzy sickness due to the chemical-electro interaface multi-pronged attack on my keyboard, body and brain. One hour later I could "retrieve" the word that was blocked from my memory as I indulged into a hate and name-calling diatribe above. The word I could not access was "residential". I was describing being nearly hit by a car that had been instructed by a look-out terrorist, to block the road by stopping directly in front of me at the entrance to a RESIDENTIAL side street (tiny street, only small cars can pass each other, barely at that). I could only write something above about this being a neighborhood street, but when I got off, turned off both laptop and Wifi connect, one hour later words, ideas, phrases that my brain had actually formulated came back in a rush, like it my thoughts and more elaborate and much more rational ideas had been dammed up by a damning coalition of brain-altering manipulators attacking me (as they are..I mean as most of you are). And if you are not manipulating, you are being manipulated. The carry the stick or be beaten down is another fascist interpretation of power that the foreign infiltrators I wrote of above and in most of my posts want also inculcated into mainstream American thinking and then carried into direct and violent action.
What I had wanted to write, which I still am not able to do, as the much more positive, more analytical ideas just slip out of my brain and memory banks due to this tech/drug interface attack. The slow inculcation of America into Europ-a mentality, the old hierarchies of white male dominance are being slowly indoctrinated THROUGH H-wood and it's "alternative" tentacles of music, videos, and news and internet pundits.
The difference between the very old system and the "American" version is that the demographics of American society are now highly "Black and Brown"--these are terms that I find extremely offensive. It is just as the term "Melanonin people" was phonetically offensive, differentiating "normal" white people (or whatever "color" and the "Melanonin people" into some weird almost alien-sounding class of "underprivileged, which to me is what the terms "black and brown communities" automatically connotes to many people listening or viewing these propaganda pieces aired as "Democratic" values.
My brain is now a blank again. I had not even intended to write the above paragraph but it just came out because every other more elaborate thought had been blocked--such as, people should be aware that this subliminal programming is more highly pervasive than anyone can imagine. The subtlety and craft and stealth with which it is operated is so undetectable to anyone who is not aware of cautious of the systematic brainwashing and programming that exists in this modern technocratic bureaucracy of global impact and force. The pundits who claim they want isolationism must deal with foreign and very hostile enemies in order to cope with the international scope of business and media, which is now so highly infiltrated in America I can assure you. The people who are put at the front to represent America are mere vessels echoing what they are informed they must speak and say and do to the public. They are very highly brainwashed in my opinion and probably many or most of them are drugged and under some kind of technological impact that they refuse to acknowledge or even try to ascertain.
The main motivation for all of them is endless greedy ascension into effete layers of the power structure. Nothing else truly matters to them except gaining more power and prominence. Any speech, stance or public appearance is considered by them, from my YEARS of being teleported to them, observing their public displays of propaganda, that their main motivation is to cover their bankruptcies, their huge multi-million dollar expenses with all their gratuities and indulgences they always could do with a personal bail-out so they can continue to spend and be profligate rapists and abusers training to be murdering bigot Nazis and fascists. With every genocide this group accrues more lucre for more global investments, more apparatuses of control over desperation states like Thailand, where after banking fiascos the Nazi banks orchestrate, more bigots can go on endless vacations. The goal is to never have to work and for the ENTIRE PLANET TO BE TURNED INTO A HUGE NAZI MASTER-SLAVE PLANTATION. They require for this the help and complicity of the "minorities" and the people in these "disenfranchised" neighborhood, and countries. Another thing I was forced to "forget" while writing the above is that the people who are trying to physically attack me into compliance with their program/pogram are endlessly claiming themselves as victims of racism and sexism. These are the ones who attack me most openly while the real controllers watch on smiling or seriously intent and carefully monitoring and controlling the entire programming spectacle. The objects of control are really these attackers, the minorities the disgruntled women and the other outlier variables in these well-crafted formulas of control that go back long before the Nazi era. As alternative concepts, artists and people have emerged, especially in America, there has been a huge effort on the part of the "conservative" fascist Nazi mafia orientation groups to quell these movements and individuals, destroy the groups and media output and alternative fanzines and etc, turn it slowly into mainstream fodder, and then continue with the apparent guise of alternative content, fighting as always for "freedom" and "Democracy".
But I am now "spinning" in a dizzy brainwave-altering attack and I just wanted to get this out, in some form. I realize I had been ranting in the above, earlier part of this post. I had been sliced into, my feet are being cut into every night between the webbing of my toes, all of them, on my left foot where this group has broken my large toe and cut the webbing to the bone for over 7 years or longer so no blood flow goes into this toe, or not at that junction of bone connecting to the ball of the foot. Now they are cutting into all these areas to literally sort of slowly dismember my toes from my foot. I have spent over 2 years fighting to stop the invasion of these terrorists and cannot stop the mechanical arms from entering my room through undetectable areas, all areas are blocked off but I cannot, under this rental contract, literally board up the entire wall because this very violent, sleazy rapist Thai landlord and his helpers have forced me to sign papers making me financially responsible for every piece of furniture, which is all completely a fabricated wall partition covered with cupboards spanning the entire room on one side--literally every bit is covered by this fake partition. Some of the "real wall" remains in various places for the appearance of this being an actual wall. I can hear the people in the next room softly closing kitchen cupboards on the other side and I hear them talking like it's in this same room. But they rarely talk and are careful to not leave evidence of any intrusion. Thus, I was drugged by mechanical arms again last night. My writing reflects an initial enrage state from torture and slow dismemberment that apparently no one can ever stop or defend me from. The culprits go on and on laughing and gloating and smug and declaring that they are religiously righteous and defending Democracy and are against racism and care about women being abused and etc etc
I am going to end here as I spent most of my time writing the above by backspacing to correct. The hackers deleted the many times I repeated, yesterday, of how badly the hackers are forcing me to back and rewrite. All of that has been deleted by hackers and most mistakes are now being eliminated. After I write these posts I try to protect myself from discrediting, so they are rewriting to discredit in yet another way, by leaving almost no mistakes while I claim endlessly that hackers are creating massive typos and rewrites.****
Again, first off: I re-read parts of this title and post, after having published. Hacking is bad, repeats of sentences and partial deletions of concepts abound. The internet has been blocked as pages freeze and operations won't function. I sit as the laptop freezes and pages won't open, essentially endless DOS attacks. Sometimes I can see that the connection is turned off for less than 30 seconds (I see the connection icon at the bottom of the screen flicker between connected and disconnected often for these DOS attacks).
This post was written under hacking blocks to keyboard making writing something close to impossible. I am always, every single day, due to mechanical arms, and food poisoned in my refrigerator, and food pre-poisoned sitting "on sale" in stores because these criminals have forced such poverty on me they know I can only buy food on sale so I am always drugged up and attacked duress and "mind control" obstruction to my brain and mental processes which should operate like my nearly new laptop: perfectly. Not able to do this and I remain fighting to write this out. My purpose is like a campaign in itself. To stop these people from endlessly being put into positions of leadership in the media and in politics. I have tried to write about how sick and stupid and disgusting they are, and how incompetent. My writings only serve to get them more promotions, it appears.
And now, what to write in the body of the text after such a bold and lengthy title to this post. With no evidence this remains an "anonymous" blog written under no-name not even a pseudonym. Everyone reading this today, Nov. 4, 2020 knows exactly who I am.
I had to do it, it wasn't masochism but I had to see the bs operators out of Whorewood endorsing Biden. Some of them openly endorse Trump. The psy-ops spread of misinformation and disinformation in the guise of celebrity endorsements remains almost like the spread of the Electoral College results, or voting districts.
It is so foul to see their happy glowing faces. all I do every day is fighting to heal from the orders they give to dismember my body every night while I cannot defend myself. All I do is clean up stinking filth that is sprayed in my room while I remain in absolute pain fighting to remove hard poisons that none of them who have stolen ideas from me will help pay for any medical care. I remain unable to afford to buy food I really need, much less herbs or medicine (I can only buy two herbs per month, when I really need much better quality food and more, more medicine and they keep also breaking items I need to live on so all my money goes for defending myself and the rest of my life is spent cleaning up their filth as they glow with joy with the endless media promotions as they are "endorsing" Biden under the auspices and umbrella of the T-rump organization. I could not get to some of the usual suspects I just scrolled for less than one minute and had to close the entire page, knowing beforehand that I was doing something that would prove to be disgusting, and yet I had to see and it was worse than I expected. Probably it was a hacked page but probably not. The situation is so disgusting. Everyone in Whorewood knows (meaning "everyone" who makes the decisions, I think) and they all fully support this.
Just please remember that the categorical titles I use, like fascist, Nazi, mafia, Europigape, etc are all really just various tentacles of one huge conglomerate operation that has various other names in conspiracy theory circles. The "theories" have been proven to be correct and are not theories. It would take a lot of research on my part to actually connect these groups and I cannot do it with non-stop hacking on my laptop and all information blocked except for disinformation or misinformation or skewed knowledge or facts or data (all hacked into my every search by this insidious group of hackers and terrorists).
I wrote something else today in response to a Carlson Tucker clip about the "Hispanic" vote in Florida. I have spent so long fighting to type this single post out that spending time I really need to endlessly fight to heal my body, as I am now trying to scrub off the layer of slime and filth that was again sprayed on my clothing, my body and my shoes are sprayed with stinking fungus every night while I am sleeping as well. All I do is clean my body and home but I am too ill to do either or both most of the time, as this group besides entering my room and raping me, putting my hips and spine out of alignment every single night, poisoning and drugging my food, smearing disfiguring chemicals onto my arms, legs, into my hair, cutting into my gum tissue to make my teeth loose and fall out, every night and cutting to the bone into the webbing of my toes, now all of the toes on my left foot, every night. I sleep with layers of tape, gloves, mittens, covering my mouth, feet, hands and covering my legs which they cut into, my arms have slashes on them, the cuts are smeared with fungus and they become sores which are then sprayed with something else so they are indelibly scarred into my skin. That is a small list, but that is the nightly routine of these terrorists attacking me, under orders from these rapist pig apes in Whorewood who are gloating, smiles and laughs, beauty treatments, parties and top positions while I remain unable to type my ideas out or make any money as they are now trying to force a "baby" out of me. Seeing them promoted for endorsing Biden, who I have but should not have hopes that he will somehow be "different" than all the rest of the crap leaders and actually not try to force "sex slavery" unpaid prostitution plus theft of ideas I went to grad school and college to read and study by these under-educated whores out of Whorewood who can feign emotions but appear to have almost none, whatsoever. I know their policy is to be loving towards one another and then cruel and violent and murderous towards people "like me" and that is their Nazi philosophy that they are being inducted into. They appear joyous as they appear after their beauty treatments and awards. Academy Awards year after year. I wrote two years ago that I want this injustice of them being promoted stopped and for justice. They have not stopped trying to murder me for years, but they tried to kill me in an accident and since then have been slowly cutting my lower teeth out and my fingernails are black and falling out and my hair is gone. That is their Nazi "punishment" for writing on my PRIVATE Facebook page that they not be rewarded and awarded any more Academy Awards for participating in this contract out on me. After one year of non-stop violence, rape, torture and abuse from shit pig pit, he was awarded an Academy Award, with huge glowing smiles of "victory" and after h itting, punching, slapping, nearly killing me, his goons are still having my teeth slowly cut out every night while he's glowing with beauty treatments, having parties and still being promoted by all of whorewood. He has an arsenal of black rappers, black compassionate fascists, mafia haters, and T-rump all at his disposal. Seeing his rotten face with huge glowing plastic smiles is more than a disgusting example of how America has become such a sick and insane place. The gag gag fag hag singer who is a piece of sleazy nasty crap has also been awarded and so have them all--for partially attacking me but moreso for participating in training exercises in fascist misuse of technology to torture, extract ideas for idiots, sleazy whores and apes to obtain so they can continue to posture as if they are "alternative" with the full cheers of that pile of crap out of Whorewood who keep getting in line to also obtain these contracts due to attacking me using teleportation and all this surveillance and extraction of ideas using Voice-to-Skull tecyhnology (aka thought-reading technology).
Waiting for Biden to not be a lout but it appears that it's not exactly a promising fantasy on my part. Waiting for justice and it appears that Trump is perhaps not going to lose (but I think he will). What will change if Biden wins when these pig apes are puppets operating for fascist Europigapes who control them? And there is never any justice for me in any iota of any single entity on the planet and zero support that is visible.
If there is, and I am wrong: I just want these pigs to remunerate me for this endless decade of violence, my cat(s) returned (there is also a white dog I rescued here in Phuket which I would like returned) and for them to purchase a home for me to live in, alone, without any of them or this group ever bothering me again. Preferably, they should have no knowledge of my whereabouts. I want a beautiful home with people who are respectful and private around me, in a beautiful area within a city or place that is wonderful. And then to be left alone so I can meet or be with people I actually have some affinity with and for, or alone but with animals as human beings have proven to be absolute lemmings who have no real critical thinking capability and only follow the zeitgeist and will attack most viciously if they are only allowed by authority.
Just go ahead and look at the Entertainment celebrity endorsements today from USA Today and the list of "perpetrators" who have nearly killed me begins, as I could not scroll down beyond seeing four of them within less than one minute of scrolling and there are another 100 or so of them "endorsing" candidates.
misleading fascist Nazi actors endorsing the "liberal" candidate
in droves
a long list of them
who advocate for tyrannical despotism and technocratic authoritarianism and all the nasty isms that are akin to spewing genocidal hate spat out at hate rallies. They really are an atrocity wrapped in deceptive smiles--they are glowing from having tortured me for YEARS AND YEARS and these Nazi rallies really are many of their most ardent fans. They really are Nazis they really are fascist and they really are ugly sinister parasites. They have made me broken down and I remain now fighting literally for my life to stop this endless death and murder attack upon me, sponsored by Obama and Trump and Hillary and the Repuglicans and the Dems and Progressives. Wow, so much attention is being paid to me in order to crush my spirit and inflict this techno-terror upon other people who will be seduced and used and exterminated once everything possible can be sucked and stolen from them. I am just one prototype for this contractual "experiment". I can't express to people reading this how deadly this technology is, and how disastrous it will be to continue to allow these criminals to be put into lead, corporate, actor or political power roles and positions.
I have been writing of this for years and years on Facebook and now here, but I remain silenced, these parasites continue to torture me to obtain ideas just like what I have written here now, so they can use them for their fake appearances as being "alternative" and posturing for the illusion of choice and "change" but really are installing a fascist dictatorship controlled by foreign entities and geo-political and corporate interests who have no desire to see America as a free society with equality for people "like me", and most of the Americans participating in this want this for me or anyone like me either. However, they seem to not mind that these foreign entities want America to be a controlled vassal colonial puppet state for their systematic hate paradigm that has kept people oppressed and brain-numb and quelled creatively for millennium. That is another reason I am fighting because America is such a unique and special place and THEY ARE DESTROYING AMERICA as I write this now. You continue to allow this to go on indefinitely and to what conclusion?
Please let there be for once a real and legitimate political leader--who will also create a real media platform instead of fascist puppets posing as alternative pundits paid in billions to create a death system of fascist Totalitarian plague over the world.
...and even right now, as I fight to copy and paste what I had written, as I had only intended to write one short sentence, which turned into a lengthy hate diatribe (or lengthy in terms of Twitter size) and as usual, the hacking precludes any real writing for any length of time, *(I am now on the fourth re-editing phase of what had been correctly writing as I typed it out. There are so many deletions, rewrites and partially-deleted sentences strung together below, plus I got so involved in backspacing and retyping words that I "forgot" my ideas as I was fighting to pound them out correctly. Once I corrected and then published the post, the hackers just rewrote everything to turn it into a rambling mess---which I am not going to correct any longer. I had to rewrite for the third time just for clarity, because some of my claims are "fantasical" and could be used as claims of "delusion" against me. Hackers deleted and rewrote such claims (such as the Kamala claims below) which turned the sentences really into very damaging discrediting sentences. I tried to rewrite and now I'm going to stop, this is the 4th time I am fighting to correct grievous errors hackers have inserted into this text. The creeps out of H-wood are ascertaining what I have written they can use and steal, even if a few words, because of this disgusting contract out on me where white males and their hateful rapist female partners, mostly out of Europigapeland, want to see me destroyed, have an absolute fascist Nazi agenda of racism, along with other nationalities but they just can't stand to see me have any chance whatsoever; Americans are very glad to assist and partner with them, the "left" are very vehement about supporting this fascist nazi cartel and all the racist and rapist and sexist implications. I write about this today, so much is rewritten and hacked by hackers but I am exhausted from correcting a few paragraphs over and over for the last hour. I do hope what I write helps to stop this group and these people in the coming years and in this current fiasco THEY HELPED TO CREATE (not including Biden or Kamala into this process). I do hope finally there will have been enough chagrin and despair created by this group of incompetents to finally persuade the American or global public that this corruption and greed cartel controlling politico-media operations must be changed to a legitimately concerned and relatively at least incorrupt system where taking care of people like me is as important as the wealthy donors, at least to the degree that sheer terrorism and murder operations is not paid for by the US Government for State-sponsored terrorism. And if not by the US President or government including Senators and other politicians--and not excluding the H-list whores--that there is real concern about these operations of "stalking" and terrorism and MK ULTRA and microchipping. What I was blocked from writing below is that when Obama and Hillary allowed this torture, MK ULTRA, teleportation contract to continue unabated upon me, as the terrorism was extreme, deadly and has not changed in all these years of all the former and current administration(s)---meaning the leaders all endorsed these contracts--and because they helped and assisted and "looked the other way" but profitted and got promotions for it, along with their media representatives--that is how they greatly helped T-rump into power, because of his attack and rape of me, he was promoted into leadership position, as these jokers all are. this is written very baddly, I am literally pounding down with biceps and fighting to get every single word out as my brain is blockekd from fucntioning as well. They helped me to be tortured for their promotion, and they helped their "friend" T-rump get into power. The only reason they are promoting their Party lines is because of the continuation of the lucrative deals and power brokering which they expect to obtain from lifelong clasping onto the Parties that desperately need profound change in order to effectively lead a country so it doesn't descend into more death and chaos--the pandemic is the one and only reason why Biden is in this leadership position. Otherwise none of these creeple now fighting in the streets would care about anything other than obtaining more power if a Republican cartel ruled once more. That is a sheer opinion on my part. The rest of what I write is due to experience and observation of FACT but written so badly (or I mean published into such a dilapidated state by hacker rewrites and deletions).
even with the brain-altering tech making my brain unable to focus, remember words or what I wanted to write. These pig apes attacking me then torture me for writing about them in hate terms, which they are forcing using this tech. Yes, this is no excuse, yes, their technology CAN affect your brain so you become a ranting hate machine instead of an articulate and well-meaning observer. I had to copy and highlight the passage I had written (pasted below) and as always, literally always happens when I try to copy any URL, or paragraph, or word, I highlighted, as I let go of the cursor after successfully highlight, the entire thing was blocked so I had to do the same manual operation three more times before I could get the entire four or five paragraphs to actually copy. I have put the font size at "medium" and as soon as I began to type, I have to once more, or thrice more change font size as all attempts to do any kind of operation are blocked so I must backspace, retype, redo, repaste, change font size, all of these little operations at least three times in a row, for every single action I take on this laptop. I am now fighting to pound down on keys.
I wonder if ANYONE will ever stop this attack upon me. I watch this election and see the utter criminals who have participated in this attack situation upon me, who helped pave the way for T-rump, who they now castigate in their campaign lectures and tv and media presentations. The Hegelian Dialectic prevails--they create the chaos, pretend they are opposed to it, and then offer the solution to the problem they helped create: THEM IN POWER ONCE MORE. Oh, how wonderful it is to see how Americans always bite the bait and play into the game of these BS propaganda puppets. At least Obama is articulate and makes good political jokes. However, as a victim of years of his complicity in this "mind control" experiment forced upon me by almost every member of society in America ALL MY LIFE, I can only state that....watching them come to "the rescue" is revolting and watching Biden promise more than hyped up words of promise is a bit encouraging. He appeals to the more "common" workers but without all the pomp and circumstance of puffed-up Progressive Rhetoric. Many a media Progressive personality has also attacked me in teleportation. I wonder what the future brings to the table of the Master's plantation where these "elitist" "left" and "right" performers in both political and media sphere are concerned adn this situation forced upon me by THEM ALL, ON ALL SIDES. Except Biden has not attacked me per se or in any way that I know of. Kamala had videos put on my internet, I think (that means personalized photos inserted into videos presented as news clips or endorsements--not publicity photos, making weird faces that would never be "allowed" as media content, even in jest. ) she added one photo one time, or someone had it put there, but otherwise, she has not participated in this situation or...not much. I have to fight to pound this out, as the hacking is extremely obtrusive right now (throughout this post, and in all posts I write and have written for YEARS AND YEARS--all under the "liberal" administrations" but my intention is not to lambast Obama but I just got angry watching him lecture after years of begging for help I am still writing about rape and violation and torture which is NEVER STOPPED). When watching Biden speak, I have a vague glimmer of "hope" and it's not false, as many people have cited that they feel a legitimacy about Biden and I concur after listening to him speak=--to his base in Pennsylvania, his home state--not stuttering once, which to me means in some sense he is a very highly sensitive person and actually has a heart to back up his statements. Not due to stuttering but I feel that his verbal affectations are a sign that his heart is tied up in his words, at least to some extent (and I am writing this alongside the former sentence of a "glimmer of hope" in this, not sure if it is real but one can only hope). and I find that this glimmer of "hope" has the faint illusive shadow of reflection that perhaps I can actually enjoy living in a real place and have a career and have my cat La Moux returned to me alive and healthy (Trump has stolen her and threatens to kill her any time I write or express anything adverse to being raped nightly and dismembered slowly and tortured without end) and not be terrorized by the bigot K-rap both black and white and Jewish and Asian and etc etc who attack me with full permission and FUNDING and SUPPORT BY MY GOVERNMENT ALL MY LIFE.
Otherwise, I "discovered" by accident another spot where mechanical arms have entered my room to possibly open the front door and filthy rotten pig apes have gone in to rape me, insert objects under fingernails which are nearly dead, the nerve endings have been sliced into every single night for over 8 years by now. My body has had signs of rape for years and I have been fighting to stop this disgusting GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED RAPE CONTRACT where filthy greasy pigs who are handed free lodging in return to help shit like this K-rape group of crap out of Whorwood to continue to terrosize me using these groups and this technology and these assassination squads "gang stalkers" to help promote pig apes into more power because America is really controlled by fascist Nazis posing as concerned elitist power brokers (controlled by foreign entities, including and especially TRUMP).
This is all a complete mess, the rage and anger I have from over a decade of this going on every single day. I "forgot" to write that there is one spot on my "kitchen" area wall, which is just the wall facing the next apartment to my left, just at the corner of the wall facing the hallway and the non-existing partition between my room and the terrorist room next to mine on that side (on both sides, and on top an dbottom floors as well). They have been opening the tiles of the "kitchen" wall area to insert arms or actually put a small child into this room. And they continued to do so after I had blocked and stuffed everything in all the panels and cabinets--this one area I had pasted off with layers of construction paper and other objects glued to the corners. I had taped a piece of decorative but pvc-sort of cardboard paper like a wedge between the walls, and balanced a small round object, with a tiny bead on top of that. The terrorists had broken the two bunches of tape and removed the tiny bead balanced on top. I have spent more than half a year or longer, more like 10 months fighting to block the cabinets and panels and laying in pain as they continued to break into my room to put my hips and spine out of alignment and then poisoning me with hardening, bloating paralyzing chemicals as I have fought incessantly to stop this intrusion and rape and disfiguration. As I sat in this chair, leaning back and putting my legs on the table to watch videos a few days ago, I put my hair down (I keep it up due to the heat, but also because my hair is so damaged, greasy and nasty every day from these terrorists destroying what is left of my body, which is now completely coated with chemicals, scars, blemishes and my hair has been damaaged every single day for 20 years or longer by this group--to the point that now it's like a balding, greasy mass of nasty stringiness--it's disgusting to see it completely hanging in blotches, and etc etc. I put it down but behind my head as it hung over the chair. I sat up and a piece of tape had been put in it by terrorists with their mechanical arms. I spent more time trying to stuff more padding and balancing more items on the cupboard doors on the lower areas of this "kitchen" area, which is so small I can't push a chair out without blocking access to the sink. I then yesterday realized that they were probably inserting the mechanical arms through this corner area of the wall just at the level of the light switch area. I repasted and taped up the area, rebalanced the ball which had been pushed down and the tiny bead had been sent flying, even after I had re-arranged it. I am so drugged up continuously it is impossible to get anything done to protect myself and then function further. I taped it all up, rebalanced all the round objects on top, and last night I slept with the teleportation (threatening death to me, because of the anti-fascist T-rump music videos I posted, resulting in death threats from this entire group of fakes they all fully support fascism and Trump, especially those who scream the loudest against him in their public and highly televised speeches--meaning the most famous of the celebrities not the people actually being interviewed who are really fighting in the streets and in public (or even in Congress) who are not the celebrity brands put out as merchandizing propaganda.
I thus blocked off this, or at least made it so any intrusion through this area, as I have done nothing but tape this area up at least 7 times in the last year, in addition to countless, meaning over 100 other entry points just in a tiny studio--more like 300 entry points or more tha I must monitor. I was not raped last night. My body is different. I am now in a more enraged state perhaps because I was NOT drugged up into a comatose silly delirium.
Now this is what I wrote and the above was all done out of sheer anger from just the hacking and the fight to pound out my ideas as pigs are stealing them as I write them--My bicepts are so overworked they are sore from simply pounding down words and fighting to pound as hard as my hand possibly can to get any letters out. If I type more lightly the hacking creates so many letters that don't print out at all. This is a nearly brand new keyboard I am using. All is destroyed by these goverfnment-funded and sponsored terrorists who enter my room every tim eI sleep, or go out to get endlessly attacked and nearly killed while shopping. Every time I drive is an endless near death experience of being nearly hit from all side angles possible. It has not changed or stopped from the Obama era to this day under T-rump. And before, of course, under all the other precidents administrations of fascist emergence into American mainstream life. Americans have so heartily gravitated towards these torture and murder operations that I know the "left" and "right" to be almost a mere fashion statement instead of having any real political content.
And now, from having struggle with all my arm and hand physical strength to pound all of this out, as my motor skills are blocked by this tech so my hand also pauses in mid-air because I literally am paralyzed in mid-typing by this tech (this happens to me in public always, and while I write I literally can't move my hand--and they can also make me faint or pass out in one instant as well). In addition, as always when I fight to pound out and type, they also attack my brain so it's like I am floating, spinning and sick;, I feel the usual sickness and dizziness, slight nausea and faintness from the brain attack these paid-for terrorists have inflicted upon me as I have sat here fighting to get anything articulate out. This has been a ranting hate post but there is some content below worth reading, in my opinion. These terrorist attackers could not drown it all out. I got into rambling about these attacks just now because the intrusion is so profoundly blocking of writing and thinking and with all the other INJUSTICES i face on a perpetual nearly non-stop 24 hour, decades of violence and torture aimed at me only because Americans can't stand to see real equality they want power lobbies they want exclusivity they want fake icons to believe in they want cruelty, rape and torture to exist in the undercurrents of the silent operations they are so fully embraced in every community around the country and around the globe. All those who would have fought against this system have already been eliminated/killed/silenced. I remain sitting here writing about this to blank walls doing nothing but enjoying watching me fight alone and trying to just write out my thoughts without more injustice endlessly aimed at me with your consent. Now the US and the world is embroiled in a sickness that has been the real undercurent of the sickness of society that has blossomed into a pandemic, a spiritual and philosophical global world view of GREED with educated stupidity underlying all the superficial posturing.
*Nota Bene: after publishing of course hackers changed grammatical tense of words I had written so sentences were completely incorrect. There will continue to be this intrusion but this post was written correctly. Hackers have gone in and deleted and changed words. I am not going to spend more time endlessly rewriting my posts --I am not going to re-edit this I am sick of constnatly fighting to type and write as politicians and celebrities read these posts, steal ideas and then have what I write destroyed adn then continue to have me tortured adn raped after they obtain these ideas, FOR FREE leaving me fighting for my life on less than $700 per month, after MY GOVERNMENT has paid for poisoning and drugging and torture and these parasites are just sucking out and destroying all they can in my body, mind, soul and spirit an dhome and blocking all financial access to any earnings while EVERYONE JUST WATCHES IT SILENTLY DOING NOTHING TO STOP THEM OR HELP ME.
But to continue, as the keyboard is so completely out-of order, I must pound down on keys with all my hands and finger strength to get anything to type out--
to continue, I did not write my opinions yeatserday I only copied videos instead of writing antying, as I am fighting with all mjy hand strength to pound out right now, as keys won't operate and etc.
Due to TORTURE AND VIOLENCE for every opinion that I write on my blog and on this platform of Facebook: I can only publish videos that mostly white males have made about politics, in the genre of punk. These are the most political content that is devoid of greed and aspiration to become like the abuser that I have heard on record in modern history (except perhaps folk music too, but not as outright and direct as punk). I mean the obscure bands not the mainstream icons who have also attacked me and continue to be part of a K-rap force of really perverted manipulators of media content who are controlled by fascist Nazi, Communist death squad (as in the Communists that killed millions of their own kind with these death squads to control a Totalitarian-based government system, that kind of "Communist" which deviates completely from the real Communist lexicon but uses the same terms for a terror State control apparatus). These are the kinds who have mansions and are your media representatives, as powerful or moreso than the politicians themselves, and hold as much or more power to persuade and dissuade from REAL COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING. These are the cretins who have been torturing me to obtain ideas and then are torturing me before, after and during they obtain these ideas through information extraction via drugging, torture, rape and disfigurement/dismemberment every single day--for years.
When I listen to Biden speak right now about LABOR UNIONS and workers' rights and the future of building up more protections for workers as a commercial and political force, seeing this on some streaming platform I can access for free on YouTube, and then compare the PBS "special" about how Trump attracted celebrities and obtained his huge following by being a media celebrity for a s how I could not watch because I immediately ascertained that it was a racist program, vetting "good" blacks who conform to obeying principles of white supremacy, and in this "special" about T-rump on PBS, the "liberal" bastion of "independent journalism" sponsored by corporate media; featured in one spot (as I quickly changed the channel to see Biden speak) were extremely expensively-dressed with Europigape fascist Nazi fashion (meaning literally, as these are not haute couture but demonstrate inclusion into "elitist" Nazi European conformity--as usual, the perpetrators against me who are the "police" sent to physically assault me as the white Nazis, particularly out of Europigapeland, the celebrities who play roles against slavery in rotten movies supposedly about being against slavery and racism but aren't but so manipulative and so fake: black rappers (rapping about "Donald Trump, let me in!" with photo shoots of black rappers standing next to Trump with simmering smiles of pride at being welcomed to the Master's Table in the Plantation---
and thus, I can only copy and paste videos from old 80's white male punk bands (or covers by white females) because so much has been blocked to other nationalities that I was or am aware of (but exist, I am always blocked and most sources I do discover are always put in front of me with careful randomness seemingly--all part of this organization. But I put these videos on yesterday instead of expressing my real views. My internet, YouTube channel in particular, as I searched for political content relevant to the election, was like an infestation of the celebrities who have participated in TORTURE AND RAPE using this teleportation technology, the torture/murder/death squad "gang stalking" groups and the tech implanted into my body which they manipulate using remote controls systems.
I did not want them to steal any more ideas from me.
I hope that Biden will outpace sleepy Obama, who claimed yesterday in a speech that he was a bit "careless" in the last election cycle, and had "allowed" things to get "out of hand". Oh yeah, they all in the Democratic Party "allowed" this torture system to destroy my home and body and peace and they still allow it to happen, and they also helped to bring more blacks into the folds of the fascist white supremacists in H-wood, thus trickling down the economic concept of being all things Europigape fascist fashionable wearing "Gucci" and being invited to the tables of the white supremacists who control the stupid and dumb "celebrities" as they are then "fighting racism" by helping to attack me, being the physical attack units sent by the white bigots who sit quietly behind them while I am teleported as they physically assault me with violence and hate, and are like greedy stupid disgusting parasites operating for the more demure but more violent and stupid but trained with careful precision to appear intelligent white pig apes who control these stupid black pig apes. Obama, you are well-educated but you are still part of that system and I wonder if Biden can not create a second Obama term while I remain fighting for my life and none of the Democrats will ever stop Hillary Clinton from also torturing me, yelling with vicious violence at me immediately because she also wants to cling to power for an eternity in her life--while the Progressives also participate
and I wonder if Biden is anything other than another one of these.
So, I am writing my opinion right now, while the election goes on. I listen to Biden speaking to a crowd about real down-to-earth politics while the endless celebrity hype is associated with T-rump for the "alternative" "liberal" tv channel of PBS. This is really an endorsement for T-rump as all he depended on for his ascension into power WAS in being a damned whore celebrity for Whorewood, GmbH, with fascist Nazis Europigapes and the like (Russians, Communists, etc) and all they can do to try to re-establish his control so the media "liberal" channels can continue to "enjoy" the flowing funds for their fake news enterprises bringing "liberal" "alternative" news content to the public as opposed to openly biased FOX news or any other biased media output conglomerate like DW or Reuters out of Europigapeland, where lies are abundant and you can so easily see the lies being spouted on these Europigape channels. As opposed to the very cleverly crafted American "liberal" versions.
Well, I have gone into more concepts, written under duress, drugging, mind control and exasperation of hacking and backspacing and rewriting almost constantly. Years of torture by these Europigape-controlled filthy rapist creeps of the media, especially the (white) most "liberal" compassionate anti-racist anti-sexist rapist violent abusers who are NOT ACTORS they are performers who are put into these positions to help monopolize the media and control content so what is really "right" propaganda appears to be the alternative to near fascism in the media. (but they are more abusive than Trump even in real life, they are far more violent and ugly and oppressive than Trump is, personally from my experience--and that ain't saying anything as T-rump is controlled by his filthy and ugly nasty Europigape Communist-based whore wives who are loathsome parasitic hateful pieces of trashy gold-plasted shit, like the Europigapes that they try to emulate from their Communist countries that are now "Democracies")
How hateful they all are, if you could only see them as they really are when they have full and expressed allowance by people like Obama and Hillary who were just "careless" during the last election and just didn't expect this to happen. I believe they goddamn knew well what was going to happen and they welcomed it all in as they raked in the endorsements of the wealthy donors and obtained more mansions, businesses, deals and then are continuing to campaign for this dirty Democratic Party--which I hope will bring in some more conscious people during this election into the Senate and into the House and in more of the local domains of political control.
The Democratic Process should be guarded against the sheer power of propaganda that celebrity status affords these completely fabricated personalities who are absolutely devoid of intellectual and real critical content, on every level.
First the good news is that the letter that I just was sent from my mail service has not presaged ill tidings for my financial instability. Because the threat is so real, however, my anxieties were not unfounded and the level of threat is as high as my anxiety was when I wrote this morning, upon receiving the copied and scanned envelope with request for further instructions of whether to open and scan the contents. I had to wait, and in that interim, I was terrified of a letter that could truly destroy my life.
If that is good news, which it is in that nothing has changed and thus, good news for my financial insolvency.?! I remain teetering on the ledge and edge of a high rise modern structure of capitalist pissed list. I can remain rolling on the bumpy road indefinitely for now with an uncertainty that is a continuous roller coaster ride with death always hovering nearby at every bump and turn from the handlers who make the entire structure of my life's finances jiggle.
This next part concerns a prediction I wrote of a few days ago, last week during the Senate Judiciary Confirmation hearings. I had stated that the candidate, whose name I am loathe to mention at this point---would not be nominated. I want to revise that, not for appearance sake or credibility, but because I got an initial positive for her confirmation, but eventually I saw in my forecast that something very ominous would stop her and block this person in that position. I could not elaborate upon this as weird forces were surrounding my brain as I rambled on in inextricable ranting drugged up and terrorize state of mind, which had been confounded by drugging during the night through skin patches, slices into my body that I fight every day and cannot stop but I am trying. They are cutting into every toe webbing of my left foot now, so the entire foot is being cut every night, every toe, into the webbing of every toe is gashed and cut into every single night. I am tying strings around socks and I have taped packaging tape around all the toes, into the webbing of all toes, and for now I have blocked some of the very damaging cutting into nerve endings and such. Otherwise, they are cutting into other fingers and spraying damaging chemicals into my skin. I have to sleep with a cap on so they can't shred my hair any longer. Etc. thus, I wrote but was bombarded while trying to express this stressful confirmation situation, and I was blocked from fully writing about the prediction. It made me sound, or it makes me sound now (excuse me, but the attacks on my brain continue as I type right now) making this very hard to get out. At first I saw that she would be welcomed and embraced, but I saw that a sudden shift, perhaps an illness would overwhelm her and that she would leave in a state of disgrace or shame (perhaps on a private and emotional level). I saw sickness and a departure from her position. In the mist of writing, I wrote only about the second part. I realize readers would find this hard to believe but that is now the more full prediction. I truly am very blocked from writing. Sometimes when I write entire gaps where connective words should be are missing. Introductory words or cohesion between sentences are either deleted by hackers or my brain just skips like a needle bouncing on a broken record. It really has nothing to do with my innate intellectual qualities only is due to the drugging and mind control and technology.
The Weird, or Wyrd situation of predicting a very serious situation of global impact.
Another point before I stop writing as I am tired and sick, the detox is taking literally huge gaps out of my life on this planet and I remain just sick and sleeping and detoxing and fighting and writing about it. I wrote some funny posts on Facebook, For years I have been writing on Facebook and my words have been stolen, again and again, by these terrorist hate-filled actors and pop singers and writers and directors. I wrote once more, out of a drugged and sick desire to communicate. I believe what I wrote will in full or part be literally verbatim stolen. However, what I wrote was not connected to mind control per se, but to the election cycle at this time. I don't know what to do about this, as I keep waiting for some elected official to pull the strings whereby the local law enforcement are forced to have to defend targets from these acts or stop the criminals pursuing these actions. For now, I know that many of you reading this also know my Facebook identity and also hack into that social media platform as well as into this blog. I ask that more theft of my ideas are blocked and that in the future I am not hacked, stolen from, and that I can actually publish and get wide-spread acknowledgement or at least a chance to have access to the public stream of communication or the chance to compete in the open market instead of having people steal and block my chances on all levels.
My weird prediction, will it become a real accurate forecast some day?
Weird is a word used to describe fascinating esoterica, in some ancient languages, cultures and tomes.
THE NORMS, WYRD AND FATE "Wyrd is not an entity. Wyrd is a force."