"The MARCH ViOLETS ~ Walk into the Sun". R. Underhill. September 3, 2010.
While you may at first have resistance to someone making fire and brimstone-style commentary which you may immediately turn off without listening, I took a listen because he makes a real argument based on obvious proof that he shows through the record being played onstage backwards--there is no hype and there is no organized religious propaganda except for the first statement in the first 30 seconds of the video and in latter parts--but it's a commentary and I am including this because I think this post entails a look at the darker aspects of what is being subliminally propagated by these movies and songs. There are more examples on playlist if you do a search for back masking in music. So do not be dissuade by the seeming religious hype this man is presenting until you watch and listen to his actual methodology for proving his point. Whether you agree with his spiritual and religious synopsis of what he proves to be an obvious parallel with mind programming techniques or spiritual dimensions--or not-- is your decision.
"stairway to heaven backwards". Butcher the Silence. April 14, 2013.
Every morning as I go about my morning routine I attempt to find unusual music I have never heard on the radio brain-portal consumer programming vortex and the consumer media blitzkrieg binding.
Every day I am "triggered" into internal reactionary thoughts regarding the endless, ongoing torture routine and the celebrities and politicians and "normal" anti-social civilians who engage in this torture/hate crime/murder protocol system. I am "triggered" into thinking about a slew of concepts associated with any and all ideas tweaked in these sons, many of which have never "made the grade" but are worthy of attention for one reason or another. Not wasted talent but wasted opportunity to promote their art, so I see some of these pieces by the now obscure artists whose music was left to be dust-gathering momentos of some past cultural time capsule which I have dug-u on the internet.
Today trying to get past all the hacking making the usual websites I use to engage in unusual musical sifting through the archeological digs sometimes brining up a gem, all was blocked and upon meandering through the hacked endless slew of musicians and people hacking their stuff into my YouTube stream, I just sporadically thought of a search term and got this song which has an album art cover in the first few minutes which brought up my former post concept about the film heading for top awards in the Golden Shower fascist programming awards circuit, 2022.
In the shadow of the Dog-God--in der schatten von der Teufel I should really say.
The Solar Deity awaits the 2nd or 3rd or even the 4th Coming of his new Kingdom, it will of course be a Patriarchy that has actually lasted for millennia and will be nothing new but the technology will enhance the darker aspects that fights for justice have brought to "civilization" which is grabbing foot and hoof onto the fascist applications of these covert technologies such as what encumbers my every thought and move on this planet--in a seamless system of virtual imprisonment.
This film In the Shadow of God which I said in an analytical frame was not anything honoring a DOG per se, of course it was supposed to be an "artistic" reference to a symbolistic journey of sorts, I must claim that I watched a review of the film because I can't undergo the hours of wasted time watching another terrorist "gang stalker" celebrity posturing in a respectable way of ethical proportion but really advocating something far more sinister and power-mongering, not to neglect to include English Imperialistic aspirations that this cohort from H--wood only vaguely hides in their vicious and deadly assaults upon me, and their smiling but condescending hand-outs to the millionaire and billionaire celebrities who are handed prizes that I am certain will be rescinded in the distant future or for their successive generations.
But In the Shadow of the Dog
God is the real reference as brain manipulation can be achieved by what is called "back masking" in the music industry--songs that are played backwards have "messages" that the brain actually can decode subconsciously. This has been a proven research study by such scientists who research these topics. I was brought to the realization of this by Eldon Taylor in one of his books, Mind Programming if you want a bit more information on the research conducted in this field. So do not claim I am "making things up". the brain can be manipulated even if words are written backwards or in a anagram (I'm not sure if this applies to all people but that is what the studies have shown for some of the subjects studied).
So in the shadow of God, so to speak. The shadow implies that which is under the blaring heat of the SUN--and from the film critique/analysis that I watched, there is a reference to a David lead character which I take as a reference to the lineage of Jesus which is supposed to come from The House of David--so the prophecies claim--if this is in the Bible I have not looked it up but I have read and heard in podcasts that this is either part of the Evangelical or Christian Identity (extremely racist, white supremacist religious organizations, claiming that the Throne of England descends from The House of David and that Jesus' descendants have been secretly incorporated into the English Monarchy and thus they are rightfully of a Deity descent and the inheritors of the New Jerusalem--look it up, London was also hailed as "The New Jerusalem".
That the lead actor in this film, Cumbersome terrorist actor who has engaged in symbolic representation in the triggering stalking aspect of attacking me--I can only imagine him sitting in the background or back rows of the interminable seating arrangements of the rows of celebrities and politicians observing me getting p-d off at being tortured and teleported while sleeping for the nth year of daily sessions of hate and rape and torture for the nth-year in a row (without a single day of it stopping, not one single day or night).
Like so many of "them", he's up for the nth year of his promotion in the fascist Nazi Golden Shower and other Nazi-dominated fasco faux humanitarian "art" awards programming--
I never felt anything but a mild revulsion whenever I would watch him "act" but he's English and of course the controllers of H-wood are in part, for my contractual purposes, English but there is a hefty dose of neighboring countries across the Channel who participate with loathsome disgustingness alongside their pudgy pudding leaders who have clasped onto the throne for so long--extended of course into the USA by the mind programming portal of Ho-ho-go-go-wood.
The Solar Deity is the central focus of the exoteric worship of many a pagan religion, some of which firmly advocated and practiced human sacrifice. The Illuminati culture uses the Sun as the central figure in their symbolic representations for "the masses" of the adherents.
"Top 10 Creepiest Songs When Played in Reverse". Watch Mojo.com July 6, 2021.
Another mind-programming techno-terrorist fascist is still alive and trying to be relevant by partaking in the orgy ritual of attacking me in teleportation technological tyranny and being promoted for it. As well as the expletive featured in the next video in the frozen image--all up for awards all obtaining world press and adulation by adoring terrorist gang-stalking fanbase worshippers. And then as I venture into the videos for just less than 10 seconds the first pump fiction singer has also embarked on the journey of attacking me for higher ranking and tours and promotions. And the list goes on far beyond just a mere ten, but their lyrics are being demonstrated as being shockingly malevolent and pernicious if played backwards. Talk about cults....
"Famous Songs In Reverse (CREEPY!)". Roomie Official. October 1, 2020.
"The Black Sun Historical Truth". Arith Haerger. June 16, 2019.
Black Sun (The Mythological Background of National Socialism). Thirstypioneer. May 23, 2014.
"Soundgarden Black Hole Sun With Lyrics". SonicSound TV. August 25, 2010.