Friday, July 1, 2022

A mind and mental trip and trick from Constitutional Republic to "Democracy" to Lincoln to Elvis to painted faces supporting white male privilege to the sadism of entitlement via Passolini via Marquis de Sade. A journey through a power vortex of disintegration.

 Re: my posts today. Please note that ALL and each and every post I write is constrained by real-life threats and actions of violence which prohibit me from writing--plus theft of my writing, verbatim and ideas by people who are titillated at teleporting and torturing me before and after the information extraction sessions after the abuse and rape/torture sessions under teleportation and in each moment of life where I live. I cannot write my thoughts, get into creative detail or expand or expound any further than copying ideas from others, as this won't be stolen from me--and I won't be tortured as much for having written something similar in vein but in my own words--their silencing and also suppression is absolute and absolutely enforced in all world systems. One of these clips regarding the Passolini Salo movie regards the children of the fascist leadership (representing today's celebrities and politicians and the layers of society which uphold this very same system that is so silenced and disguised in our society--but which is in the process of being fomented to an alarming degree and embraced like a new drug by the addicts who control your lives and by you yourselves)--the clip below on Passolini describes how in Salo the doors to the chateau are locked, so the children can't coalesce and try to determine a resistance or cohesion. This is the same system of absolute surveillance that thought reading and every form of monitoring of thoughts, actions by computers and surveillance systems and covert technologies allows these wealthy people who are being promoted to gather the type of elitist paradigm whereby rape and torture are almost considered commonplace and their right--and any and all rights of people like me are negated so completely. It is a global system whereby no one can gather under any roof however clandestinely and try to navigate any form of defense or resistance. It is the same as Salo and this is what Passolini was referring to in his film, It also was one reason he was assassinated by probably--undoubtedly--someone from this insidious organization that has had me poisoned and tortured for most of my life--if not all. Passolini made this film in the early 70's, and it holds even more true today with more enhanced technology and the cult of personality that celebrity politico-society enables. But I am not able to write more in detail, and never am able to. This writing at this point is an exception and any time I do write anything going beyond copying and pasting what others say is met with torture, and then it's stolen or copied for someone else to use as their own idea. I am tortured for writing it nevertheless while they are promoted for stealing it. 10 years of this going on and on....I can never write more than a few sentences at this point and never elaborate on my thoughts or expand my creative concepts any longer.


These were a series of posts I wrote on Facebook/META today and they are all tied in a string of tenuous tentacles leading towards the source of the onus of the evil that confronts me, to which, to wit, you are a part of whether you participate or not therein consciously.


All integrated, whether from the present or the past. All a confluence of power struggles and the structure appears to fluctuate always towards the same hierarchy using the same means: brute force, deception and lies aka propaganda in our modern terms.


As it is almost the 4th of July and the United States is awaiting it's barbecues and parades and fireworks (as Congress is allocating billions of $ to a war overseas on the pretext that our "great nation" is always, always defending "Democracy") while more American children will be run over in the streets by those who deem them unworthy of having a pot or home or medical care or food or any worth post Roe v. Wade (or pre). As my situation remains silenced, a wonderful harbinger of the future of entitlement, aristocracy which will lead to the types of disregard for life, sexuality and human worth depicted by Passolini when fascism took over the planet (it has worked it's way into America slowly but surely only with a superficial veneer of "Democracy" which is a word bantered about incessantly mostly by those who want demagogue leadership).


 I (seriously) accidentally discovered this clip when doing a search for BIG MAMA THORNTON. Well lookee' here, what came up? Judy Garland in black face sangin; Sweet Low.

This has zero racist, policial, socio-political or anti-witch commentary it's JUST a video that I thought I would share becuz I know ya'll all care so much!

"The Black American National Anthem--Judy Garland". Bissenses Swedish Retro Vintage and Film Art Production. February 18, 2017.


...'cuz I was just watchin' a commentary about the new Elvis movie made by an anti-cracker league out of the South (Texas). They talkin' bout how Big Mama Thornton's song was stolen--appropriated was the term--by Elvis. So I did a search for Big Mama Thornton and ya'll--this is what came up I swear on my papi's Bible this video above. 


"Big Mama Thornton--Hound Dog (1952) Blues". warholsoup100. May 1, 2011.

"...and (big) Daddy I know, you ain't no cool cat--you ain't nothin' but a Hound Dog, sniffin' round my doe"--

"Elvis Presley--'Hound Dog' (October 28, 1956) on The Ed Sullivan Show". The Ed Sullivan Show. September 10, 2020.



CATS RULE (even if dogs are bigger and can destroy cats, not often but sometimes. Cats are still closer to the divine than Dogs).

"You Shall Not Pass, Dog". happymedulla. December 6, 2013.

Please make the bad guys return my Cat La Moux they stole--alive, healthy and happy to ME immediately!
  • Like

"Rule 12: Pet a Cat When You Encounter One./Jordan Peterson". November 8, 2017.



"1776 The Vote 1972". allenjpl. November 4, 2012.

The singing is awful (in most of the songs for this film) but I remember this movie above all others as a Declaration of Independence theme that somehow captures a certain mood I find admirable. Here the issue before taking a vote for revolution is white male independence versus slavery economy. Oddly, or as expected, things in America are still almost exactly the same now as they were back in 1776--just with a variety of painted faces representing the same factions with a larger demographic representing the same split--some are still royalists and want to be a part of the Empire once more---as was the case back then.


It's UNalienable, not IN ALIENABLE. Show me a politician or celebrity who holds these truths to be self-evident and then goes about supporting this constitutional imperative for ALL people and I will be born again on the 4th of July, 2022.

"The Declaration of Independence (as read by Max McLean)". Scott Bacher. July 3, 2012.

"Actors read The Declaration of Independence". MrJohnnyfarragut. May 30, 2017.

No less than THREE of these actors in this clip have personally participated in the torture teleportation sessions---a few have acted in concert with the internet triggering style of "internet surveillance/stalking" and I wonder how they reconcile this public performance with their behavior towards me? (I actually really don't want to know or hear the bs they would say).


"Lincoln On Democracy--Lincoln (2012)". Alexander Gould. August 17, 2017.



Post Roe v. Wade and the Old World Order re-established in the good ole USA. "Get those poor, f-ing wild children in the streets out of MY WAY!!" sayeth the wealthy land estate privileged (Right to Life women included). Ahhh...the good ole aristocratic days when white males could rape with impunity as they can now using teleportation. Ah! What a time it was and will be again I know you are all working towards that "Utopia" for your technocracy which is constantly being fomented with each day that your enslavement technology and system remains protected and silenced.

"World History--A Tale of Two Cities Clip--3 Estates.avi". Kevin Verberk. November 22, 2009.

One really must READ THE BOOK by Dickens and not rely on the movie depictions. The book is an entire drama that is similar to the less obnoxious parts of the Marquis de Sade's sadistic writings (which do not reflect what the movie Quills displayed---) the books are where the realm of fantasy and utter darkness in all it's manifestations are revealed, the movies are tamed down to an almost unrecognizable component.

"Walking With Passolini Making Salo His Criticism Of Power". William George. August 14, 2017.

...but Pasolini really did reveal the darkness of aristocratic fascist sexual abuse and murder--which is so protected and protracted via the use of this terror technology being forced upon me--if only I were able to think clearly and not subject to endless surveillance and torture for my writing by this global surveillance society operated by men of the ilk and their insatiably nasty women comforting and consoling these men who obtain the partnership of plenty and proprietary vulturism---

"Encapsulating Evil/Salo, or The 100 Days of Sodom--Shocking Cinema". The Kino Corner. April 13, 2021.


Thursday, June 30, 2022

"We're the Christian Taliban".//What happened when I wrote a post years ago on the impending threat of America being turned into The Handmaiden's Tale. What hasn't happened to the "opposition" to this system ever since.

 "'We're the Christian Taliban' Right Winger Openly Admits What He Is". Waldorf Nation. June 30, 2022.

My last post today, with no commentary just a reflective musical post added to the testimony at the J-6 hearings yesterday--plus a little emoticon smiley face---engendered a reaction of a hate attack by the expletive minions performing the proxy terror operations forced upon me by your favorite leaders of America--as I type this, the hackers are blocking functions, there is a lag time of about more than one minute for the letters to appear--as I type this, nothing has shown up on the page since I wrote "the favorite leaders of America". There was a "filth" attack with debris, hair and nasty stuff placed in front of my patio door by the mechanical arms that swoop up or down from the rooms just above or below mine--or they lift up panels on the ceiling of the patio--and it's just endless filth and hate and ugliness from this group. I can't comment on any single thing unless I completely demonstrate adoration for abusers, users, haters, bigots racists haters murdering bigots and never write a single derogatory thing about people who have been slowly murdering me for years and their leadership--those who represent them. Still waiting for what I just wrote to appear on the page---once having appeared, a slew of typos appeared which I must correct.

This video reflects on the tv show The Handmaiden's Tale. I had written a post about how this book was one of the aims of this terror organization while I was in the midst of being raped by Depp and with Heard right there--it was in the height of their mutual rape and abuse and torture season--along with his nasty daughter and the French contagion contingent that has embraced these celebrity terrorists, as the media continues to glob onto the trials and gossip and I remain a mute topic, denied every single human right on this planet by all authority figures I request assistance or help from. A few months later, maybe 6 or 7, as per usual for years with ideas and books and subjects and verbatim theft of my writing, the show which is mentioned in this clip, The Handmaiden's Tale--became one of the foremost iconic Right Wing Christian wanna be goals that is now openly expressed by the armed and ready fascist contingent which really have these celebrities and so many of the politicians as their actual and real representatives in Congress, law enforcement, and business and with the technocrats as part of this team exalted into major power positions, now they have a world enclosed electronic fence of control over lives with the advent of these surreptitiously encroaching (upon independence and freedom) technologies. People like Alex Jones, fully aware of this impending serfdom and master-slave complex being fully fomented by your leaders, is ensuring that white privilege remains as the control factor and that the slavery goes fully onto people like me. That is why I have always written that when T-rump assaulted me sexually and has never stopped the torture, poioning and violence to my slow death for all these years, he was embraced by the Republican faction which has the most weapons, influence and $$ power lobbies who assault and threaten with murder if they don't get their way. The result has been that I unfortunately wrote of a possible impending doom and it became the reality that has spurred this movement on into the potential for in it's culmination. What this "Progressive" commentator above--Waldorf---is neglecting to write about is how white supremacist women embrace this "slave" system (The Handmaiden's Tale pseudo-Christian/religious NWO system) is because they see women like me being beaten slowly to death, poisoned slowly to death, denied health care by the incompetence of racist health care practitioners (of all races and creeds and skin colors) denying me information that they know about--, are aware of my poisoning--with almost no exception this has been the case when I have gone to any and all health care practitioners around the world basically fighting for my life--all of this is embraced by the people up to the top of this system--the celebrities, the wives, members of the J-6 Committee who are fully indoctrinated into this system but, like the Jones contingent, do not want to be a part of the "slave" quotient of the population and so they are fighting the overtake of their personal domain but still fully welcome in this slave society that some want to turn into a replica of a Mormon-style but Slave society based on "the good old days"--and they want to overtake the Government, maybe trying to adapt their overtake by continuing a replica of "Democracy" but ONLY FOR THEMSELVES BUT...never for me, or people like me they yearn to crush, break, enslave, force into sex trafficking via electronic torture, gang staling and absolute global discrimination. All people against this system have been or are being either brainwashed to say or do nothing, or are already dead via the plethora of murder tools this group has to disguise their covert assassination activities --or mass murder, if you will (that's coming up next in history if you continue to allow this group of sickness to devour the planet with all their hate, greed and this technology that is being sold off as a wonderful wave of entitlement and luxury for the "future"--if there is a future left.


I thought I wouldn't comment on this, as the threats are so endless and I am stuck sitting here with no resources to defend myself or get out of this endless enforced poverty that these most despicable terrorists have forced upon me---but I have commented--I am sick of you expletives torturing me for writing about your disgusting system and then stealing the concepts and ideas and profiting thereof, but still depriving me not just of every aspect of financial solvency but stealing, destroying and making filthy and stinking everything I can barely manage to pay for so I m7ust endlessly continue to pay to renew what should have lasted.

the hacking is very bad--sick of you f-ers out there, your crap system your stupidity and hate and the filthy system you are creating. Sick of hearing about the continuing expansion of this system while the people who actually are responsible for having brought this group into greater power are all being applauded for the pretense that they have been and always are fighting such fascist and racist entities while fully establishing them as leaders--with the help of their friends from overseas, of course.

Every time I watch the news I see this progression and the lack of clarity on the part of the seeming "opposition". Waldorf sure as hell knows about my situation and his videos, like the rest of the mostly white male Progressives, have plagued my internet social media page on YouTube for many years. Some of them teleport me and are more violent than the fascists, or almost as bad--really the same. They are as false representatives as you can get for any "opposition" to white racist bigotry and that includes their "brown and black" minions alongside them. When Waldorf says that "most women do not want slavery" he is ignoring the absolute racist quotient of these bigot white supremacist women, such as the Illinois candidate who screamed with T-rump smiling his hate smile behind her, that ending Roe v. Wade was a success for "white culture".--meaning minorities stuck at home pregnant, with racial discrimination covertly operating i.e. blacklisting and gang staling networks of blocks to employment or independent financial resources for women (like me) and being ignored by everyone as they cry out for help and get only more exploiters jumping to participate in the "witch hunt" as a precursor for The Handmaiden's Tale. You can include so many of the "liberal" and "Progressives" who fully participate in this--plus a huge heaping pile of Democrats in the Party who are established--the "feminists" and I won't mention her name again, now seemingly running for President once more (who could that be?). She is a public figure spewing out all the cliche feminist statements (for white women and their "good" minority minions who support only them) who was full-out gung ho (ho ho) about handing me over as a Handmaiden to her hubby to exploit in that awful fashion of forcing unwanted children out of me, only to be abused and discarded afterwards as I think the plan really is and their intentions towards me.

So I am still writing about it--to the blank silence--but it's being read, and responded to by filth and threats. Silence from the Progressives, silence from everyone everywhere except for the disgusting creeps doing the filthy ground-level attacks and then there are the "entitled" who are having great fun slowly abusing me to death using this technology that is being handed out by the extremely wealthy bigots representing global fascism and the 4th Reich--of course, one of the most prominent amongst them is from a country that has espoused Apartheid and this technology is going to enforce not just sex slavery for women, children (including boys) aimed at Minorities and people like me they/you all hate and want to see degraded, destroyed, beaten, raped endlessly abused to death--but a planet of master-slave entitlement only for them. They have all the angles of the debate and plan usurped for their back-and-forth do-nothingness that is a shallow representation of a bi-partisan agreement for a collective overtake of existing freedoms.


My post earlier today (on Facebook/META):

"We need these women (Liz Cheney & Ms. Hutchenson) to take care of these BOYS".

"Surprise Testimony from Former Mark Meadows Aide Cassidy Hutchenson at Hearing". ABC News. June 29, 2022.

"Ha Ha Ha (7")". Flipper--Topic. November 22, 2014.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Unbelievable attack on my bank account access: lied to and my every communication to the bank is intercepted. I've been lied to consistently in the hours of phoning about this and being told something completely different each and every time, that only the "chat" message center reps can remove this block to my account. Once there, I am referred to phone appointments with managers. It was managers who told me that only the chat message department would remove the blocks. I got the block removed 2 weeks ago in the chat/message center, only to have it removed by the terrorist org, who states now that the former chat rep was sadly incorrect, and that I must wait 2 days to phone a manager. Three weeks ago this situation was forwarded to the "manager" department responsible, which was going to make a decision to remove the block. Days later, I messaged the "chat" rep who took the block off. Back on this week, now I'm sent back from "chat" to a "Manager" who will gladly handle this for me if I just wait 2 more days to have to phone them and get another run-around. The block is a complete scam and is put on the account upon request by the client (which should be me). It is an extreme 2-step verification process and these terrorists who I am forced to deal with all tell me that the entire banking system is now reliant upon this process and there is nothing that can remove this block. Once I am in my account and go to the screens where you input information, I can't change anything, the pages won't function and the pages freeze and I can't get anything else done to stop this. I can't actually phone and reach any branch or system around the planet, the hacking is so obtrusive, dangerous for me and again yet another very simple thing has been blocked from my access--which is just accessing my bank account while thousands of miles away from any real bank branch.//Then there is the endless muck and filth spewed by the regional terrorists I must clean endlessly. Every single thing is broken, stinking and sprayed with brown greasy substance that clings permanently with stinking odors--on every single thing.//and my body: glued into a hard shell internally, my skin botched and broken down--my hands look like I've had chemicals eating away at the skin and that is exactly what has been happening night-after-night;// Too add annoyance to pestilent activity: celebrities continue to block access to various information/shows/music archives and instead insert videos of themselves or "articles" using the same template as the original so it appears like another story but it's just fodder bs. Not able to access things I really want and am infested with their information, endlessly and continuously. When I perform a "ping" request in the Command Center of my computer, the sites that are blocked are actually performing but all is blocked by this external hacking terrorist source. I can't access banking branches, get information, am blocked from access--when I do get reliable information and clear up the problems they just re-insert the problems, make sure I can't access legitimate agencies and continue to have my information blocked. I can see clearly when I do internet checks--as basic as my computer skill are, I see very obviously that the system is hacked and the sites will actually come up as legitimate but are being externally blocked.//While I am being continuously lied to and given the run-around by all these agents operating from within the legitimate systems, Not able to think clearly due to brain-altering tech blasting into my cerebral capabilities almost to an extreme.// In addition to all that, all other communications are blocked, destroyed or deleted; all messaging to the bank's "message" service (aka "chat") is fraught with deletions of my words, unable to think clearly my brain is being meddled with by technology as I attempt to thwart endless hacking disrupting the keyboard--must constantly backspace while being led around in circles by lying agents).

 This current problem with this bank has been ongoing for over one month. I cannot access my bank account and it's reaching the emergency level of block to access of my account. I am completely unable to connect to any single reliable person and all telecommunications are sent to people lying endlessly to me and blocking my access and information about every single thing I attempt to locate or obtain. Obviously I am stuck not being able to have any internet financial opportunities. I am still being insulted for not having money by millionaires and billionaires who are enjoying watching me stuck in poverty as they torture me without end while all watch on allowing it to happen. I keep hearing their public messages about how they are fighting for a free and fair society. They have let me know that this does not apply to me whatsoever in any capacity, for any single thing on the planet all is being denied me except for basic survival and a bit of filthy living conditional access while still being maimed and mutilated, sliced into while sleeping and my skin doused with extremely damaging chemicals. I believe the hardening poison is not being inserted into my body any longer and yet, the years of being poisoned--I mean the decades--I mean the lifetime of it---have kept me stuck as a torture victim and the filth and hate and ugliness from people who go on and on and on and on for years and years and years without end, daily, is still ongoing with full cheering applause and vicious threats aimed at me by the "leaders" who claim they really care about America and it's "people", which of course does not include me, according to them when they are gathered conjoined in private with their hate and nastiness. Aimed at me perpetually. They are addicted to this. Meanwhile, All I can do is continuously fight to not be dying from toxic shock, to try to not have my skin, hair and body mutilated and destroyed while I'm unconscious while I'm being teleported-trying to retain any kind of decent attitude and fighting now to just access my bank account. When does this injustice ever end? When will it ever be stopped by anyone? In addition to all that, My mail service I paid more and more than the last defunct service which stopped informing me of mail, participated in terrorism and in cutting my money off--stealing money from me and etc etc--now I have a similar or same situation coming out of a "mail" service I paid a lot for which is not reporting my mail and won't respond to any questions I have and it's not even a mail service--my calls are being re-directed to individual agents of the terrorist organization and I am not even phoning a mail center when I try to get my mail information. I was lied to when I set-up this mail account, and had not understood how universal this internet hacking terrorism really is. I tried to set-up an electronic mail account which advertised a "street address" but when I phoned the number to set it up, the "street" address was listed as apartment #2000--or Suite 508--something in some high numerical region that was absolutely implausible for being a street address. I was told to phone a mail service independently to request a more lower number street address after a few weeks of all my attempts being turned into hacking terrorism and wrong answers and no responses, only to pay a high fee and get my mail not sent, not delivered, the service is not a real service, I am lied to on the phone--and so I am stuck in an extremely tenuous situation whereby I am blocked from ALL communication and banking services and all attempts to destroy my body, home and finances if I slip and don't watch every angle in a 360-degree 24/7 version of absolutely watching every single possibility of attack--and of course I can't alone. Not with my brain always under attack and my body always drugged and the possibility of this toxic muscle-stiffening/bloating and murder poison that has been polluting my body all my life is still a life-threat that has not been stopped by anyone. 


*In re-reading just the first paragraph below I see already that words have been deleted from this post--to make it nearly inarticulate in parts. I just had to minimize the parts that were copied and put into largest print size just now above. Every single communication attempt I make is blocked in one way or another. There is also this microchip implant in my throat making it almost impossible to talk at times when I have only verbal communication to resort to. When I try to hand-write anything they make my nervous system shake and I can't write legibly. It's like I am barely able to write a few paragraphs--my hands cramp up almost immediately and it's "painful" to write more than a small page and my hands and arms are in pain--they have so much microchip implant stuff internally placed in my body--so I can't speak--I can't use any electronic system all is hacked unbelievably. I can't reach my bank I get terrorists on every system who lie to me and block access making it literally impossible for me to access my bank account. While I was on this "chat" service with my bank, the terrorists kept stopping internet access, and they do this continuously while I am surfing or doing anything else on the internet. The system is so slowed down I can barely use it. I can't do a restore operation any longer for fear of my information to accessing my accounts being removed from the system and then I will be completely blocked. I am thus lied to so constantly I can't get anything done with this new bank, PNC which is supposed to be one of the larger banking systems in the US. Supposedly there is no option to access your bank account, according to all the lying bs con artists who are terrorists in charge of this financial terrorism aimed at me--but according to them, there is NO WAY to access any bank account without getting a phone verification 2-step process and nothing and no one can override this. Two weeks ago someone overrode the system and stopped this mess within ten minutes. Today I am once more blocked from access. Spending a few more hours on this chat session, I was told lie after lie about how I have no options but to phone another bank manager, as I did three weeks ago to be lied to and kept on the phone waiting while they could not find the chat app, or tell me correct information for 2 hours on the phone. None that I was told was correct and I am given completely different information on every phone call. There is no information posted on how this system works and I can't look up the information in any way, shape or form online that I am aware of. So much is hacked and blocked I can't get anything done. 


This injustice aimed at me continuously is still being supported by people in the US Congress who are "fighting" the Insurrection and "Defending" the Constitution who know exactly what is being done to me. That I am not being poisoned with life-threatening stiffening poison after years of writing about being paralyzed and stuck--while they all jumped in to get their deals and promotions and left me to be poisoned to death--but still, this is still being fully supported by those who claim they care the most in Congress and of course the celebrities all fighting for love, freedom and all that good stuff they are denying me with all their endless promotions out orchestrating every single bit of this hate terrorist activity and life-threatening poisoning and mutilation at my body, home and life.


They--the terrorists--have inserted a two-step verification process that must be manually requested--but is constantly being forced into my system and every attempt I make to have this removed is lied about. I am told that I MUST receive a phone call verification for each attempt to access my account online and that is the one and only way for me to get around a "one-time" password verification process ("this must be requested" is what the alert states when I try to access my account--this 2-step verification process must be requested by the customer and I can't get anyone to take it off).

I got someone in the message center who removed it immediately two weeks ago. She told me she had reset the system and that the problem was eliminated and it was a permanent fix to the problem. Two weeks later I get only agents telling me that this woman was misinformed and that for the 4th week in a row I must request assistance from managers, who then tell me that I have to make contact only with the message/chat service. They tell me that I MUST have a code sent via phone in order to access my account and there is no way the "system" will get around this. All is 100% lies constantly. .While fighting to type, I tried to copy and paste information because when I try to get the "system" to send me emails of the chat sessions, they are never sent. I copy and paste onto my email and "send" and all is deleted by the terrorist hackers so I can't get a copy of what had just transpired.

I can't access internet cafes and phone this bank because internet cafes are closed at 7 pm, and there is literally no person in Phuket I can trust to try to access my personal banking information on their system. Driving around this island at night is very deadly for me, as people are waiting essentially to hit and kill me especially at night. They drive with headlights off and swerve into me from all angles--sometimes they have little carts attached to the sides of their deadly contraption motorbikes so there is a knee-level metal frame being driven into me with headlights off. This has happened very frequently and they swerve into me in the darkest parts of this very poorly-lit road system here in Phuket. That is just one example of how dangerous driving is for me at night here. 

There are no internet cafes open, all closed due to Covid and it's still a residue of the pandemic that hasn't been taken off as a restriction. 

I know that the entire situation has been fabricated and it could be fixed within 15 minutes by a real and competent manager or employee of the bank, if I could only reach them.

As I write this, I am unable to "remember" how to spell very basic words. My entire brain is being swamped by their brain-blocking technologies.


This is sick and ridiculous. It's just never-ending.

"Grey "Puke...celluloid s***...Keep in line, horizonal hold, Keep in line, vertical Hold...The army are on the news tonight, Real Wars, Bullets, Death"...a complexity of the Military-industrial-misogyny-media-consumer-martial sports complex--et al, etc etc etc. The neurologically numbed/dumbed-down technocratic empire.. RIP JAMES RADO---generator of a generation---co-creator of HAIR (the musical, duh) and inspiration for hairstyles for generations! Instigator of teenage rebellion and alternative lifestyles of the infamous and famous alike (mostly the infamous):

 "FMHF James Rado and Florence Story". Dresden PR. April 24, 2017.

I saw HAIR on Broadway for the 10th Anniversary---I was offered a joint by one of the actors going into the ticket counter line---the actors went around pre-show into the entrance and sidewalk area of the theater and made funny comments and said all kinds of silly but hippie things (like offering a 9-year old a joint-me that is).
It was the first time I had seen a naked man on a stage (and the last--of course, not in film however)
To James Rado--you are and were a true maverick and inspiration, a creator, a generator of independence on a personal level and to instigate rebellion against a military-industrial-consumer complex-driven society that is and has been very sick for a long, long time; at least an Aeon or two.


"The 5th Dimension/AQUARIUS~~Let the Sunshine In~~(Extended)". MrHaagsesjonny. February 1, 2021.


Correction: I think I was more like 13 or 12 when I saw the 10th Anniversary of HAIR on Broadway--It was 1976 as I recall--couldn't have been a latter date but maybe it was 1977 actually--yes---I felt very young when I encountered the funky hippie actors and the naked ensemble on stage as the ending of a scene and I think it was the end of Act I.

"The final scene from Hair (remastered audio)". Gary Brown. December 8, 2016.

Correction: I think I was more like 13 or 12 when I saw the 10th Anniversary of HAIR on Broadway--It was 1976 as I recall--couldn't have been a latter date but maybe it was 1977 actually--yes---I felt very young when I encountered the funky hippie actors and the naked ensemble on stage as the ending of a scene and I think it was the end of Act I. (p.s.--I am trying to "align" the script to the Left but hackers are preventing all adjustments, thus all writing is in a "center" mode which I cannot block--attempts to change to Left alignment have all been blocked. This is just one more example of the hacker intrusions I endlessly experience whilst attempting to type and write and surf and get anything done on the computer--not much and all extremely slowly).


"Jimi Hendrix--The Star Spangled Banner (National Anthem) (Live at Woodstock 1969)".  Looky Lambert. November 16, 2012.

Don't forget about our martial sports-military-consumer culture addiction. Of course, don't forget the (dis)honorable mention to Fox News in this SNL clip--making the entire situation a complexity of the Military-industrial-misogyny-media-consumer-martial sports complex--et al, etc etc etc. The neurologically numbed/dumbed-down technocratic empire.


Lyrics to Crass' ANGELS

Angels Lyrics

The angels are on TV tonight, grey puke, celluloid shit
The army have sent a mission to Ireland, just to see to it
Kojac is on the streets again, grey puke, fucking shit
The army say they seek peace in Ireland and they'll see to it

That they keep in line, horizontal hold
Keep in line, vertical hold
Keep in line, brightness
Keep in line, contrast
Keep in line, vision on
Coronation Street is on twice a week, grey puke, fucking shit
The army say they seek peace in Ireland and they'll see to it
The army are on the news report
Real wars, bullets, death
They're beating the fuck out of someone they caught just to see to it

That they keep in line, horizontal hold
Keep in line, vertical hold
Keep in line, contrast
Keep in line, brightness
Keep in line, vision off.

"Crass--angels". AnarchoAlan. July 29, 2007.


Friday, June 24, 2022

Noise/drilling/hammering/pounding terrorism for the 4th year in the tiny studio in the room directly beneath mine. The drilling is like a saw drilling through metal--screeching high pitched noises, going on for hours. Pounding with hammers in the room directly beneath mine. THis has been ongoing every single year in these same rooms for the 4 years I have lived here. The hammering goes on for 8-hour stretches. The drilling is less frequent but extremely loud. Every single year when the expletives on their endless months of vacations during "high season" are here, the drilling stops but there are other noise attacks and very many thefts, and other such nasty attacks. Many things I am looking for now have been stolen (such as lighters to burn out the grease and strings and hair that terrorists are packing into the rolling wheels of my new office chair--essentially breaking the wheels--packed so tightly I have to use an elongated lighter to try to burn some of the crap out--stolen--I had three lighters stored in a specific place; all stolen. Other things stolen as well (rings, especially--the terrorists steal anything they like that they can get their hands on in my room--and clothing, if it's nice, the spray with filth that is permanently staining or rip or use sandpaper and ruin the fabric or shrink the clothing to child-size. But the hammering and chiseling and pounding and drilling is constant and every year during rainy season---two years ago they went on for 2 months straight, 8 hours per day. My laptop had been broken and I could not write anything. I was being poisoned (to death) with hardening/stiffening/bloating poisons plus harsh mind control drugs, and this has also been the policy for decades against me). Also, drilling, construction and all the other attacks have been a constant in my life for decades as well. Wtf that I must live with this bs constructed by psychopaths put into power and their disgusting minions who will do anything.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Another "wtf" media experience: The J-6 Hearings Day #4. Gang stalking acknowledged but never labeled as such. People are being attacked in public in gang stalking terrorist activity I experience every day and night in my own little torture chamber but it's much worse than any of the targets explaining their travails for the committee have ever begun to experience. All is kept silent within the framework of the attempted Insurrection and never goes beyond a survey of how dangerously sick the United States has become. No commentary on how technology is allowing such activities to go on and on--at least by the media in these endlessly repetitive talks by the talking heads chosen because they are "good" and obey and follow orders and don't report anything outside of the purview of what they are told is acceptable. If I were not blocked by hacking terrorism and every other kind of conceivable block to every single thing I attempt to do on this planet-_I would be publishing information on this subject but I am threatened with murder and death by now from leading politicians and celebrities who want to get this contract, force a baby and traffick me off to being a rape and abuse victim they are something like pimps capitalizing on.//Gang stalking of politicians who would not go with the "plan" to create false electors. Gang stalked ballot counter whose claims her life has been shattered. No commentary on any news outlet about these stalking and organized terror groups-all is relegated to "right wing" nuts and not to organized crime and yet organized by whom and for what? Thusly I am not just censored but threatened with death by leading politicians for writing about how viciously ugly, sinister and corrupt they are when they teleport and participate in this hate terrorism aimed at me, and funded by you know what....? Ignored in it's organized terrorist aspect and only limited to being the chaotic actions of a "mob". Then ignored by the media. The reason why of course is that this system is too precious for the top "leaders" to have exposed in any form, and society approves of this system and thus it remains just another "story" as a collateral consequence of the attempted Insurrection and nothing more, as far as the government and media are (not) concerned.

  Completely threatened for writing my posts. Teleported and sleeping while being threatened with death, by "top dog" politicians and celebrities of course. Otherwise all the famous peeps teleporting and/or attacking me claim they know nothing and I am not here but won't stop attacking me, for some reason I guess it's all about the $$. Well, all my aspirations gone for writing, creating or having anything left. I have thoughts about the J-6 fiasco, and I can't write anything. Constantly under threat and torture conditions after I write anything. I was being murdered--literally slowly killed via poisoning--before I ever began to write anything on Facebook/Meta or this blog. But I will comment on one thing: Gang stalking is very evident in the J-6 Day #4 testimony, but never acknowledged as such. The terrorism I have barely survived and endured from that # 4+5 is what white, black, male and female also endured by the terrorist goons who want to coerce through gang stalking terrorism their agenda. I would write more, but the threat the sword of Damocles hangs over me constantly, I am sick of no one ever responding except to participate in this hate crime, and I'm sick of the media ignoring the situation that is blatant in the hearings: people are being assaulted, terrorized in their homes--by gangs of thugs who are organized. Why can't the media begin to focus upon this? Now I write no more--sick of expletives stealing my ideas as well. I still can't use the internet to try to earn any money online, stuck in a nasty situation. Waiting for Godot to rescue me by now. Society has been overrun by greedy, needy, sick and psychopaths. What more is there to say? (A lot actually! but I can't! sick of being tortured and then seeing my ideas stolen by people who think what's happening to me is great! Their every action in the public eye is of love, compassion, caring about society, the underdog--and laughably--Democracy and Freedom. Mob violence is the Democracy they all endorse. Horrid to watch this veiled distortion displayed in the televised hearings where all the platitudes (for re-election) are spurted out by the grave and serious committee. I would write more but it's very threatening to have yet more and more politicians approach me with sleaze, hate and violence because I only write the truth and the reality which has been revealed in the testimony on Day #4, but alas, members of that very committee participate in mob violence such as the victims and targets experienced when they would not endorse $45--or they just worked to count ballots and were targeted (for the crime of counting ballots while Black). Easy targets, "minority" women are---so ignored, unless they testify for the sake of helping colluders retain power by supporting the "underdog" who, if it was in teleportation, may turn upon with vicious hate just to get another promotion! Oh, I can't write more, not "supposed" to--only hope one day what I write will be used to stop this group and all the torture and violence and injustice I have had to suffer will somehow be rectified by this situation and my plight not being ignored or used as a stepping stone for expletives who are rich, famous and then I can't say more about what they are--just tired of their bs and their hate attacks and then they steal my ideas--constantly--non-stop for years. I have tried to stop writing and they increase the torture to get me to continue to write, just so they can demonstrate how "miserable' they are making me. My hair isn't growing back-they damaged my scalp so badly--I am fighting now just to try to heal everything all ove rmy body that is still being attacked while I am unconscious and "sleeping"/teleported. sick of these sick people and their sick technology. Gang stalking has been exposed in the hearings but no media outlet will begin to touch on this subject, even the term "mobbing" or "gaslighting" or anything relating to "gang stalking" is being 100% IGNORED BY ALL the media outlets and no one will touch this subject whatsoever. How much more dumb and stupid must I endure from these peeps who are attacking me for writing about reality and their actions while everyone else keeps partying it up like it's 1999 and they just can't give a damn--even when it's right in your blank faces in these committee hearings still no one will ever expose this system--so reliant upon it, the terrorists are so supported so beloved by the administrations one after the next, the top expletives who pay for all the stratification of ignorance and hate but qualified to compute and repeat and obey and follow orders. I am not supposed to write, but not writing almost cost me my life before I began writing. Yes, this is a very mixed-up post--very elongated--I'm not trying to write in a linear fashion but more of a round-cyclical front-and-back not writing but still writing type of loop about this most disgusting poop that you are all duped about (it's going to bring a lot of people down). The perpetrators and criminals are all laughing it up at their swank schmooze parties as they are applauded for their hate crimes. Nothing is revealed, the victims who are acknowledged are still not being labeled as being victims of gang stalking organized terrorism. Why? Because if anyone ever followed the trail of evidence it would point to: guess who and what? So scared, they must keep the secret. They are threatening me and attacking me for writing about their crimes. I am not writing this. No, not me,. I am just typing and fighting hacking and just writing like it's 1999. Tired of expending my energy to do-nothing absolutely disgusting people who are hacking in and stealing/reading and etc my every post and attacking me for what i write and then stealing the concept. It's unbelievable how sick this all is. Even when this s*** is right in your faces for the J-6 hearings, you still support and defend this system. Now people are making commercials about killing "RINO's" and you are still silent, obeying and doing nothing. Even when people of moral conviction are being targeted for following the Constitution and not allowing crime to settle into the fabric of society at the highest political level, you still continue to treat life like it's your criminal playground always there for your exploitation and blind obedience to following that golden carrot dangling in front of you. I write to the hackers and thieves and other expletives who are reading this today--in the future, I hope at least that I can get a glimpse of society that is not a disaster on every level except for posturing bs and moral apathy leading to societal catastrophe. But I can't write about it, I am threatened in every way and no one ever intervenes. Even when people are making highly publicized statements about targeting put out by "The President of the United States" (as the black woman testified at the end of the Day #4 hearings) you still can't make any news segment on gang stalking, organized terrorism within the US directed by US citizens towards other citizens for various rationalizations---. All is kept silent. The trial leading to the trial is too damning and the top level politicians are threatening me now for writing any single thing exposing the slightest about their real participation in creating a terror fascist society. The threats now are as they have been for years: violent and life-threatening, near or at rape and sexual assault level--me fighting and actually viewing "them" as being unworthy and that I am actually a great person and all my former insecurities are much alleviated by the realization of how sick these people are who are committing these violations against all the law and society--but en masse it's millions of these creepazoids so what the future portends with such put perennially into power is precarious. I will probably write again in the future. I am trying to stave off writing about how awful and sick these personalities are. No one has defended me, and now it is clear that the United States is falling into a serious fascist problem and the news remains calm about that aspect, silent and they are threatening me about writing about their crimes. The road leads to them, the path that they created leading to the road paved with fake good intentions leading to the hell they are creating. All these "Democracy and Freedom" bs artists and politicians. And all their followers and all "the American People" who are like rabid psychopaths who can't wait to go out and kill, kill, kill whatever they don't like. I was threatened with death for exposing the truth about a politician by another politician--and it's just sickening to have to endlessly be exposed to how rotten and putrid the underlying principle of their power structure truly is. I've been writing about it for years, and the silence remains blasting in my ears: no news nothing new, the J-6 committee hearings and the commentary is only focusing on the same plot formula and not delving into how organized the terrorism is. I am censored and threatened and attacked and without end--and by the media and by the politicians who are supposed to protect and defend the Constitution. They treat me like I am a criminal for defending my human rights as expressed in all laws and the Constitution and that the problem is me for not allowing them to humiliate, torture, rape, mutilate, poison and steal and rob whatever they want from me with zero compensation adn all I have destroyed or stolen. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

"NO, my first name ain't BABY....." The letter for today is P (I have drudged up many adjectives that suit the theme beginning with the letter P). SEX is actually a normal biological function and not a dirty life-screw activity except for all those male and female sub-animals who enjoy such pornographic, life-hate-screw P-proclivities. The Black Widow P-proprietary P-propensity of nasty boys with nature reversed: Today, An appreciation of Janet Jackson's contribution to fending off those NASTY BOYZ:

 "....It's MISS JACKSON if you're nasty!"

"Jane Jackson--Nasty (Official Video)". Janet Jackson. January 31, 2022 (sic).


"Salt-N-Pepa--Push It (Official Music Video). October 6, 2009.

And an honorable mention to the ladies who told us to PUSH IT real good but not as the whore the nasty boyz want you to be which is their nasty boyz _P-porn P-projected P-projectile(s) onto the ladies (not all women, mind you, just those who are not NASTY like those NASTY BOYz (little boys with big weapons can't wait to go to war in the bedroom, in the bathroom, and against women and children too! Nasty in every location around the world): PUSH BACK women dignified women don't let them push you DOWN! TO THE rapist male enabler women< I can't find a song about you just yet and am sticking to the "feminist" but still want to enjoy love, sex and passion types of women as normal and happy experiences~!

Sunday, June 19, 2022

JUNETEENTH: While our "fearless" (in front of clicking cameras) leaders are putting on the coached "brave" speeches about how equal and anti-racist they are on this new holiday, they are covertly implementing a form of slavery and racism that is so promising to reinstate the worst of any slave society has ever achieved in history: Yeah for the Team for making racism a holiday---because while they are supporting one group in their fight against racism, they are merely shifting the onus to another group. Microchip implants, anti-Semitism and etc all that I encounter every moment of every day--thanks to the people who just made Juneteenth a legal holiday! Yeah Team!

 "Juneteenth". The Lincoln Project. June 19, 2022.

And the truly irony is that so many BLACK people participate in these hate attacks. Often while they are making music about being victimz of racism by the very people they look to in admiration who are handing them tools and promotions to inflict the racism they claim they are victims of onto another group/person/etc. I do not just imply the usual perpetrators I have been writing of at "the top" of the celebrity pile, no, I mean at bus stops, and everywhere else that is "poor" in America the list of discriminated-against blacks is astounding in the percentage who attack me for leverage, for a free deal, to be welcomed into the ranks of the bigot racist white supremacists they flock to this contract. Alas, the problem at the "top" levels is even worse, or at least as bad as the most desperate. But the celebrities I deal with have come from lower economic status and so thusly behave like those at bus stops and in ghettos--still in the same mentality even though they "got out" they are still psychologically in the same place but striving to become the bigot instead of victim. It is the intended consequence that the puppet-handlers have intended with their every nuanced protocol algorithm that the robotic life-feeding-off parasites latch onto as their open-door policy of acceptance into the perpetrator class. Everyone wants to be included--almost. Gratitude to the less than 2% of humanity remaining who is not of this mindset nor involved in these travesties of injustice that are so meted out like dope to drug addicts high on violence and negativity which they feed off and pour out and dump out upon just by the click of a button. Now they can all cheer and YEAH for the Juneteenth holiday what a GREAT NATION AMERICA IS LOOK AT HOW EQUAL AND FAIR IT ALL IS!
The only people who did NOT attack me who are black in America are those who are very pious Christians--from the black community. I give them a heartfelt thanks and blessings that I am capable of garnering at this point of endless travail and hate and hardship to their souls and lives who actually do have the SOUL and LIFE to not attack and torture someone else in the way they claim they are victims of. Reverse victimization is a true plight, problem and a serious reality that is being completely ignored for the most part. The deceptions continue.
It is hard to watch the "leaders' who have participated violently with great murderous abuse upon me who are yelling with coached speeches about how "this day" will be commemorated because they are so very hipster and "woke" like a broke society.


Oh, what a deception they are playing. Oh how many want to shift racism onto a different culture, and how blacks are exalting in this new shift. I am referring to years of attacks from so many various groups, but nothing more hypocritical than this black-on-white anti-Semitism I encounter every single time I am involved in any "mixed" group with blacks in it. Sorry, the nomenclature: African-Americans? I don't like that term. I consider all to be American.

I also have to restate as I have done many times in the past: I do not consider myself as being "Jewish" this is a label that this group has foisted upon me because I believe I do not conform to the "good" stereotype that they demand of that race--which is to be subjugated, or accepting of lower status. The list of attacks is endless. Last night I was once more subjected to teleporation by one of the famous politicians I had written of yesterday--SHE was furious and made reference to how much better my brother is/was compared with me. My bro sits smiling in a drugged/drooling daze while his "Italian-American" wife makes anti-Semitic racist jokes--like my other step-mothers who make similar slurs and commentary while the men sit around silently smiling and obeying.

Once more, I remember some of the very honorable black people I have known in my life--again, most of them were staunch religious and pious folk of the Christian faith--beautiful people, beautiful souls. I also include the whites I have known who mostly have been religious and faithful to the belief system that life is a spiritual matter and that Love for your fellow human being transcends Hate in so many realms of existence. Without such people our society would sink into even lower standards of barbarity thinly veiled by these lies and bombastic public speeches such as I see on the media today by the very politicians silently and secretly creating an awful horrendous death culture of "master/slave" implanted microchips, gang stalking, murder by electronic weapon, etc etc and all of the Congress members who teleport me are fascist and vicious and that is on both sides of the Party system which is not a bipartisan affair so it seems. It's just bad and worse, as far as I can tell from my position as State-sponsored would-be victim slave sex trafficked by teleportation and drugging/microchip implant tortured fighter. Attacked on all sides for fighting for human rights--today seeing the bs with all the fanfare put out by so many attackers who are murderous bigots with both black and white skin and all shades in between.

It is an awful deception upon humanity, this American Dream nightmare that I encounter and know but everyone else knows too. The shift of victimization towards other groups is ongoing, the blacks are jubilant that the S*** of racist attack against a group is flying in some other direction--or so they hope.

**When I refer to "Christians" who are kindly and lack the vicissitudes of snarling hate that confront me continuously from the wanna-be hip and elitist and in gated-community and wanna get out and out of the closet and etc ad nausium--,and I mean not just in America but worldwide--I do not neglect the other religious organizations or belief-systems outside of Christianity, but because that one type of religion has been the most pronounced in general congeniality when it comes to dispensing of the milk of human kindness in the form of simple kindness, which is so precious. Even when they are aware of the situation forced upon me, they go out of their way to be kind towards me. I had experiences like this while living in various cities/towns along "The Bible Belt"--in the "South" and in other Northern cities with Christians going out of their way to make sure I knew that not all people were involved in this hate situation aimed against me--although they never warned me, they were truly kind and helpful and made sure to show me extra kindness although I had no idea why they singled me out at the time, when I accepted their various offers (hiking in beautiful nature, going places, etc). I find that the philosophy of loving one's fellow human being should take precedence every day, but especially as a global holiday. There needs to be a "gang stalking" awareness Day as a national threat listed on some list of threats to National Security. But oh well, the very people bombastically shouting their slogans about how cool they are for making Juneteenth a holiday are busy making damn sure they get invited to the right elitist "parties" like highest bidder on the auction block for enslavement with this new technology everyone who is "anyone" is almost swarming to have access to--if anything to just get more promotions and $$ out of this huge and for now, free deal! The same people making this holiday are implementing a most disgusting form of slavery and brutish enslavement with theft, rape, robbery, and murder on the menu because they are so thirsted for new victims to aim their racism and hate at, as they replace one group for another.

As for the milk of human kindness occasionally spurted out by a few very rare Christians, (but how wonderful their kindness is in the midst of the miasma of hate that this same government and society is creating a maelstrom of absolute hate and slavery with entitlement and privilege as the hallmark of those who participate in the hate)--as for the Christians who have made my life something like what it should have been if people were more attuned to the beauty of caring about human beings and of concern for the condition of the planet: I have not experienced that from any other group or religion in such an immediate or accessible form. You have to be invited in order to be welcomed in some religious circles. But I mean only a VERY SMALL percent of the "Christians" whom I have encountered in my life. AS for my own "religion" so-called, I find I am excluded in a way that is singularly obnoxious on the part of the "Jews". It gets worse from those out of Israel even, not as a whole but those who have been a part of this hate crime against me. It's not black-and-white, cut and dried. There have been very kindly Jews. The most loving and kind were those out of Europe who were senior citizens when I was just a small girl--meeting them in places like New York around my larger family and their associates.

The trend now is of absolute hate coming from that group I am supposed to be associated with. I do not mean the rare few individuals who go outside of the intolerance that is being ordained and handed out as absolute conformist dogma regarding me as some outsider they must openly demonstrate hate towards.

I think the messages of love and tolerance are truly spectacular and should be the focus of a real holiday=love for all, give love and that should be made a holiday. Not Valentines Day, which is supposed to honor romantic love, but love for humanity day. Oh yes, all those religious holidays which avow they deal with the birth of god-like figures--who represent love in it's idealized form. No, I mean love for humanity on this planet. Do good onto others Day as a holiday. Christmas has been designated as a day of this kind of surrogate cleansing ritual once per year, but it's more associated with gross commercialism for the majority, I think.
I had "forgotten" about some Jewish people in Miami Beach who went out of their way to hand me assistance at very important points in time--it was always without warning, at the precise moment I was alone trying to figure something out (mostly like moving from one hell landlord to the next, or getting out). This person, a Jewish male, whose motorbike shop I bought my Yamaha from, had a poster of a Rabbi on the wall. I had experienced great and severe hate from some of the Jews on South Beach--those who had the most proximity to the "Haute" culture. But it was this small group, mostly of males, who helped me out very kindly. However, they would not take up my requests to hang out--they looked downward silently I had no idea what it meant. They could have warned me that my life was in danger. AS with all the other "good Samaritan" types who have occasionally done good deeds to help me without thought of remuneration or reward or promotion (I think, I hope they did it out of kindness) these people never warned me that my life was in danger. They left me to go onward fighting but they believed they had done their "good deed" and left it all at that.

When everyone lets someone in a perilous situation like gang stalking go on without any warning or help, they are laying out the groundwork for a master-slave society in which they themselves may fall victim to. No one believes this could happen to them, as so many participate and all are eager and willing to create a slave society in the United States that is unseen, denied by ALL involved and involves promotion. Like the American Dream it's too good to be true for those currently dancing in the streets now that "slavery" is almost done and over with in America, or at least there is a day in which the history and sadness of slavery for blacks is honored while at the same time it's being enhanced with all it's cruelty, murder, rape, theft, block of opportunities elsewhere for other people to be attacked therein. The web is complete and the encirclement of attackers is a global and universally seamless operation by now to the victims. The world of "perpetrators' keep the silence and the secrets of this new slavery technologically enhanced and kept quiet about. How many blacks have attacked me my entire life I can't begin to count any longer. Today these same people are celebrating this "new" holiday and they would go at me again with snarling hate if given the chance--I have no doubt. I recall all the black celebrities and their endless movies, songs and dances about being victims of racism and how much HATE and vitriol they pumped at me like an injection of some toxic substance. In fact toxicity is all I have been surrounded by for years--in all forms. I'm still sick from it, and I'm still being injected daily.

The leaders, fearless cowards, can't=--they "can't" even begin to defend me because it's just too scary to actually fight against racism or slavery they all participate or keep quiet. It's like I am the problem as far as they are concerned because I am fighting for everything they are shouting about in front of cameras now which they claim they represent. Such a sick and sad situation. I can't celebrate this day or this new holiday. The former slaves are gladly helping the white supremacists to create another form of technocratic slavery. And it's a huge proportion of that demographic and my trials and tribulations of moving across the United States to find some kind of sanctuary and then around the planet has shown this to me so repeatedly.

Once more, I honor those who are genuinely human beings of caring and compassion. Mostly these are people who have FAITH and hold onto the LOVE that is a universal constant towards other human beings.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).