Friday, July 22, 2022

Endless death threats from Petty, tyrannical foul and stupid pit pig the "actor" and filthalina his skank whore parasite companion in crime. Endless torture and violence for years and no one can get this pair of filth off me.

 I've spent 8 years telling them and then screaming in hate that I can't stand them. 8 years of them having my body polluted with people raping me and inserting fungus into my vagina, hair and on all linens and clothing. 8 years of them passing me around to Europigape fascist "actors" who threaten and yell at me as the Americans hover around them waiting for instruction on how to become more fascist, Europigape Nazi style. In the 8 years of their terrorism they have cut out part of my uterus via their proxy terror agents. They have inserted hardening poison into my body every single night all this time and constantly claim, after hours and years of torture and abuse where I am continuously screaming in hate at these pigs who teleport me, as they go off afterwards laughing and partying in their new luxury deals and promotions derived just from behaving like sleazy and sick foul apes using modern technology. They have killed animals I took in after they stole and nearly killed my cat, La Moux, who they keep hovering as incentive to be returned if I just allow them to have access to controlling everything I do, with threat of making my body tortured with microwave torture, implant torture technology (i.e. heart palpitations that are DEADLY), tears streaming out of my eyes constantly due to the microchip implant in my throat---chocking on food while eating as they constrict my sphincter muscles--also while drinking. Endless death and rape and hate while sleeping in teleportatoin as the pigs have their nasty and foul minions insert deadly poisons into my vagina and into my bladder--every single day.

After more than 2 years of this and seeing how many movies and ideas filthalina the skank whore stole from me derived out of this kind of non-stop torture, covert of course, as they get pounded with money and millions of dollars and promotions endlessly and non-stop Oscars for pit pig the filthy stupid sick psychopath thug--I wrote on my Facebook page that this should be stopped that this pig was getting Oscars only since having participated in this crime against me--and then every year since he's been featured in one way or another at the Oscars, either through the dumb movies his production company cranks out about how anti-racist and sexist they are, or whatever--he's been put into lead Oscar winning role ever since. I wrote that there should be justice and he should be stopped and this practice of awarding them for this crime should be stopped.

He began a campaign of deadly torture whereby Melaina Trump yelled at me that the car that drove from the side of the road and hit me, causing me to fall on my chin on the pavement while driving at around 45 mph, and it was a death threat coming from that rotten skank of Trump's because I asked for JUSTICE and that this pit pig stop being handed Oscars. After this group then tried to have my lower teeth knocked out (they went into my room and smashed my teeth in a way that they were loose, on the verge of falling out--then they came in nightly to cut the gum tissue away to the bone so the damage would create literally a toothless gap)

The pig then tortured me every single night until the next Oscar Season, where that stupig and sick pig filth got awarded an Oscar for supporting role in a movie that Tarantino also stole a concept that I had written about Charles Mansion but turned it into an absolutely racist and anti-peace movement violent movie where pit pig killed his wife and was just granted permission for every kind of ultra violence possible in this tawdry and mostly stupid flick, where blonde white Nazi culture of Whorewood was saved in a stupid twist of the real-life events. I had originally written that I believe that Mansion was an MK ULTRA product of that horrid Congress which has since expanded on mind control and torture technology, handing these terror instruments to blonde Nazi filth of Whorewood to extract ideas. Pit pig has stolen verbatim ideas from my writings and instead of any kind of recognition or thanks,just continued to pummel my body with poisons and torture to cause multiple systems in my body to collapse from stress.


The pig has taken people who attacked me in Jr. High school who I never really hung out with--one of them raped me while I was sleeping, a nasty white trash creep from Geneseo, NY as the group of people who surrounded me, she being one, put endless violence upon me. Filthy pit pig had her teleported to me to use the technology to torture my body if I said anything she didn't like. First asking me about health tips, and then when I said I thought she shouldn't drink coffee, she began using the technology and gang stalking groups to torture me. Pit pig then had them teleported to me --the other one being a white male who sits in the legs spread position that filthy stupid pit pig sits in with filthalina the whore next to him, glaring in hate with ugly beady nasty eyes--(but so changed once the big boys she prances around topless to impress are there all attacking me and loving her for making them feel any spurt of sexuality--her one and only forte--the filthy whore has stolen so many ideas from me and had me disfigured as payment for so many years and has constantly harped about how much more "beautiful" she is than me. The entire ensemble of scumbag whore actors shouts this at me and make fun of my bloated, crooked, scarred up body, which this group of shit has forced upon me in the nightly raids, rape and dismemberment and disfigurement they have created.

They have also had my hair mostly chemically treated out so huge balding gaps have remained on my head for years--my hair poisoned with chemical crap so it's nasty and gnarly every day. They had my toe broken so it's pointing to an extreme angle and jutting out. They have blocked every single iota of earning so I can't afford any health care whatsoever.


I have been writing about this pair for over 8 years begging people to get this pair and pile of shit off me, for so many years. They keep being awarded heavily by the shit like greasy Graham and now McConnell has joined in, making stupid coughing animal noises at me. When I make a joke telling him he isn't a turtle as everyone says, but really a bullfrog, he yells that I am the b-word. I begin telling him that I'm not barking and making stupid animal noises as he is, and the fight got underway at that point. They then tried to "invite" me to meet their friends because this pair of rottten parasites on the US, who are very much anticipating a re-creation of the Old South with plantation style slavery albeit modern technological torture and brutality, as greasy Graham has been only brutal--as they all are.


And I am asking this world once more to get these sleazy and stupid pig ape whores off me, for the nth year in a row.


And not to replace them with anyone or anything but this situation being stopped, them having to pay me restitution, and my safety and security assured, my own house in my name in a decent and safe location and this sick crap being stopped against me.


The pigs also have teen instructed to never have anything to say to me. For all these years these pigs have never said a single interesting thing or had any kind of conversation. What they do is use the technology to force a happy, friendly "truth serum" effect upon me, they ask questions about the concepts they want to use as their own material, after they get some answers they then change the brain-wave function to hate and rage and begin to punch, abuse, insult and threaten me. I respond in rage and screaming in hate at them. This has gone on for years and it's still ongoing every single day. They then feed, vampire style. of the energy of hate and watching me yelling in rage makes them feel splurts of power and sexual gratification and hormonal highs--last night when the friend of pit pig teleported me and used TORTURE on me after I told him nicely and politely no about him using me, after he extracted ideas from me because my brain was put into friendly "truth serum" mode, while I lay in agony here in Phuket due to the years of poisoning that pit pig who handed this tech to the next piglet star to exploit and abuse and torture me in, with increasing death threats because these pigs have been granted immunity from all law for so many years that the threats of murder are now the next step in their de-evolution and into the fascist Nazi realm, and this too has been carefully crafted to be an integral component of fascist Nazi genocidal training. The pigs then project these fascist attributes in their every pig sniffing the air posture and their movie crap while having stolen concepts about justice from victims like me, they then spout all kinds of bs in order to promote yet another Big Lie that fascist blonde Nazi culture in Whorewood is actually a benevolent, caring and concerned entity--and it's the ruse people like Pelosi have used as well in Congress--to the delight of the greasy crap like the Repug continent that has come to bash and instruct pigs like pit to punch into my face in a rapid succession of blows. The actor last night looked smug as hell as he sat with his arms outstretched on his huge couch while I stood shouting in rage at him, silent and grinning in a smug delight and feeding off the rage he created. He had jolted my leg, the one with the seriously painful swollen poison, so that is spasmed and this was done while I was sleeping and he was abusing and accosting me. I began to yell in hate as he glowed with satisfaction and fed off the hate and negativity The lesbian skank creep undoubtedly was there too, the one I wrote of a few days ago, just from having written a little joke and not really about her, but knowing subconsiously that she's a creep and part of this team. The come to threaten me with pit pig there urging them to shower threats and murder and death threats at me. I think that ugly pit pig is still trying to force a "baby" out of me. I so wish him and filthalina every kind of destruction and for this group of shit in Whorewood as well. That is how little I think of them, and their stupid movies are a complete waste of time. The masses of dumbed down people in America don't know the difference between art and consumer shit and bs crap any longer. But they exemplify fascist Nazism packaged off as humanitarian anti-racist/anti-sexist but ultimately are the worst kind of atrocity-bringers and are as deplorable as the most foul of the Insurrectionists on January 6, 2020. My brain is now under attack and the keyboard is made stiff, keys won't operate, I must pound down to get anything out--my thoughts are reaching hysterical hate mode because the technology is blasting into my brain. The pigs are reading t his--the culprits--and laughing and bemused and glad about the rage and hate they engender. So far, for years, NOTHING has been done to stop this or t hem. They are so emboldened, imagine if the January 6th rioters were allowed to completely get away with their crimes and then promoted and paid in millions for every kind of breach of law and sanctity of life and property. That is how these pigs are, and worse than the rioters. Yet you remain putting them in lead roles and allowing them to continue indefinitely. Nothing is being done to stop this technology. The creeps being handed these technologies are incompetent and sick and foul parasites and should NOT BE HANDED THIS TECHNOLOGY ANY LONGER. It must be stopped IT MUST BE STOPPED this onslaught of torture technology handed out to greedy, sleazy and immature stupid and foul parasites any longer. It must be stopped.


I cannot see, therefore, any single positive thing about these parasitie whore scumbag creeps. I see them after their daily torture sessions on me out laughing and schmoozing and making jokes and commentary. I see the public statements they make which are obviously written by some scriptwriter about how sensitive and incredibly artistic and meaningful they are supposed to appear as. All I have ever seen of them is this pit pig threatening me--oh yes, he also raped me in a very violent way, threw baseballs at me, has been threatening to kill me in increasing ways for the past year until it's death threats constantly coming from that red-faced scumbag fake posturing piece of pig meat and filthy stupid skankalina.


They've also had harsh chemicals lathered on my skin so the skin looks like ancient parchment--curdled up and with chemical splashmarks all over my forearms and hands. The list of scarring and blemishes is non-stop. There is always a black and blue mark on my thighs, every morning. Slashes are in my skin, constantly. Every night they ensure that some cut or damage is made to my body, without fail, night after night.


When will this shit be stopped? When will crap like Senator Graham this violent and threatening creep and that contingent including Pelosi ever be exposed, put out of office or stopped endorsing these facsist Nazi genocidal technologies anda torture groups?


Talking about Graham, I am watching the news seeing that another detainee of Guantanamo who was never put on trial, never given any protections, was tortured and probably waterboarded--is being released after something like 20 years of longer of confinement. No Habeus Corpus for him. No charges ever brought against him.

There was Senator Graham at the Ketanji Brown hearings referring to the detainees (prisoners) of Guantanamo as deserving of death and all torture. Almost shouting this spitting in hate. Nothing like cruel and petty and unjustified racist torture that makes these terrorists feel entitled, and "superior" over their helpless and perhaps innocent (as I am) victims. Graham then cited some recidivism statistics that were a complete joke on how the cycle of recidivism operates. The quote was something like 25% recidivism rate for those released from Guantanamo. The fact that about 4 people had, at that time, been released makes the statistic less than relevant. Unfortunately, Katanji Brown agreed and said everything he wanted to hear. That's the good girl doing and agreeing with statements that would make any undergraduate of Criminal Justice shrink in awe and disbelief by the use of such maladaptive statistical skewing of fact. But torture and death for people not indicted on crimes, not charged with crimes, but only suspected of "terrorist" activities but never held on trial--this is what Graham is endorsing for me--in his most racist proclivities--and loves the idea of more and more of these technologies being dispersed to every b-word female of a darker skin complexion (or white) who doesn't agree and submit IMMEDIATELY to what he wants, claiming that he's very important and you "can't talk to me that way" as I was screaming hate and insults at him after more than a few weeks of his hate and violence and torture. Smirking with delight and feeding off the hate he engendered and the misery he has caused, gloating and smug, he's off with his new promotion feeling entitled as NOTHING also has been done to quell the fascist violent KKK aspirations he and his Repug faction have for re-instating various forms of plantation slavery, torture and partnering with fascist Nazi operations, in particular in Europe. I have no doubt that the prize the pit pig got from Graham after he tried to take the contract over was stolen from the US Treasury or whatever funds he could so easily graft from out of his role on the Budget Committee.

Include Pelosi endlessly into that stream of theft and graft, and the endless H. Cliton into that as well. Her facade of being a "feminist" is only a ploy, or only intended for white women and some of their minority minions but only if they are gratifying, non-threatening to their false claims of superiority and then they all steal and rob from "The American People" to fund this ever-expanding fascist Nazi system of violence and torture, graft, slavery, etc and it's still being protected by Congress as a whole.


Just as a note: a 25% recidivism rate is far below the US national average, which sits at around 75% for criminal re-offenses--called "The revolving door". What Graham cited was a skewed statistic intended to justify his racist violent insatiable need to have slave to beat and torture, passed down generationally by his KKK predecessors as he personally yelled at me before grabbing at his genitals--before trying to force me upon pain of torture to go to some remote hamlet in the South so he and his family can exploit and torture me to the fullest. But otherwise, that Congress would sit and listen patiently and not disagree or cite real criminal justice, DOJ statistic was unbelievable to me in this case. That someone vying for a seat on the Supreme Court would go along passively in this outright deception of misused statistics shows how much deference this fascist group of thugs has created in all their counterparts who appear as the oppositional forces to their racist and fascist policies and political blatherings. Add once again Pelosi and Clinton to the list of the "feminine" touch of bs'ers who play these roles par excellance--not really so disguised to people who can view these puppets put into power with any realistic lens..but endlessly put into power. Clinton once more is vying to run for President. It was her malfeasance and corruption that lost the campaign to Trump, but the Dems keep re-installing that corrupt fake. I think obviously they want the Graham faction to endlessly have power and sway, as they are really not very anti-fascist and I have to unfortunately see this in teleportation in increasing bouts of terrorist attack by members of Congress on "The Left". But "the Right" is really their true affinity and what they owe their real allegiance to, and I feel certain that is a truism.


Correction to the post above: hours later, after more deep healing sleep--thankfully no teleportation that I can remember just deep sleep I need desperately. A crying baby of course below my room to remind me that this contract is still hunting season upon me by men I detest and can't find a single positive thing about any of them.


Ketanji Brown JACKSON and I was under an influence probably of drugging. I am still being drugged at night but don't know exactly how it's being done. I wake up in a daze. But also the brain-altering tech whilst I sit here writing blocks cognitive function, exacerbates hyperbolic emotional hate reactions--my brain waves skewed into rage and hate mode by the tech--and subliminals pounded into my brain so I repeat hate phrases (unless you are a torture victim, you can't understand fully this kind of ranting but to an outsider it may appear as being hysterical or "immature". I can never remain calm and composed, and I write early in the morning just fresh from having been poisoned/drugged and tortured all night by teleportation murder/death/hate/homelessness/rape and violence skits these expletives create for me. Instead of real sleep, something I have rarely had for well over a decade.


I only wrote Ketanji Brown in the above post, because my brain was limited. Once I got up and began to wash something in the sink my brain shifted to realizing I had her name incomplete. I knew it immediately once I was off the computer. But under this influence of brain-altering tech I could not access my memory and recall her name fully.

The creeps do continue to spray stale and nasty fish substances on my clothing while I am sleeping--on my backside, on the sheets and around my crotch area. I have had to clean this wrap-around garment twice today already, once yesterday, and I was too ill to clean anything for days prior to just being able to get up yesterday and do only a few little things like endlessly cleaning up the stinking filth this group pours into my body and life. The crap in my body is putrid and I will have to suffer through more, for many more months or another year or longer, to get it out completely. I expect that the entire time I am struggling this group of filth form Whorewood and the politicians involved will continue the 24/7 onslaught of hate and violence and poisoning and drugging to keep me paralyzed, sickly, dying and suffering without end begging for help to a silent audience as this crap is NEVER stopped. But with this kind of paralysis, hard poisons latched into my spine, all financial avenues cut off all internet attempts to earn money blocked, all telecommunications diverted to lying agents who discriminate openly and lie perpetually and I have no recourse. All condoned by the Government by people like this Senator who really is just one of many in that branch of the government fully supporting these terror weapons, death squad (lynch mob) activities and discriminatory and murder operations that remain unchecked, unreported, and with the filth from Whorewood completely rushing to join in on the sickness of this contract all filled with smug elitism as they press buttons and torture my body and keep me poisoned and insult and steal and rob and perpetually call me stupid after they steal ideas, telling me to shut up when I express any original idea and then stealing it. Endless subliminals of hate and violent insult aimed at destroying my personality. The government under people like this senator keep funding it, waiting for their chance to reverse not just reproductive rights but ALL human rights with outright slavery enforced through these systems and weapons. They are exceedingly "proud" of their "system" (as this senator called it) and the fact that NO ONE reports it in mainstream media but all are involved or know something about my situation--or many do, and they too join in--

well, I keep trying to warn people about allowing dumb apes have violent weapons in their possession but people just want slavery, torture, mutilation, abuse and lynch mob groups to ravage and rape and steal and kill so they can plunder and rob all covered by the silence of everyone on all levels of society who either say nothing or approve fully. Any opposition stamped out, often with death.

Petty, deadly tyrannies using modern technology of torture, exploited by petty, kinda stupid (on the most important levels of responsible leadership) thug celebrities and politicians.

 Every day the thugs are having their minions spray stinking fish oil on the rear part of my sleeping clothing--on my crotch, in other words. Every single day I wake up smelling stale and stinking fish oil emanating. I wash the item daily, and when I wake up from being teleported and abused while fighting in deep sleep to heal, the stink has once more been sprayed on my clothing. I have a secondary piece of clothing I use for when the first is drying; they spray that too with stale odor substances. While I was in the deepest pain last week and bedridden every moment, they sprayed foul and stinking odors on my bedsheets. This has been ongoing for YEARS and YEARS without end. When will anyone ever put a stop to this filthy and disgusting behavior by people of the same quality?


Teleported to yet another knda stupid thug out of Whorewood. I was "praying" and this man teleported me in the middle of  a prayer, grabbing my hands and lifting up his in a gesture of something like Christian Salvation. I have a connection to Egyptian mythology and ancient religions, and this parasite used these concepts, as also S. Jackson did as well, to porray himself as an evil villain in Moon Knight, based very loosely upon Egyptian mythology. All belong to the same sick and stupid crew of violent and sleazy celebrities who yearn to torture, maim, abuse and torment for a power high and of course they keep getting huge bonuses from white supremacist bigots like Greasy Graham the Cracker Senator who is a violent and abuser racist bigot--and I was subjected yesterday to the hate and insults of Mitch McConnell yesterday as well. Their end statement was that they would kill me because I didn't obey/bow in servitude and answered in anger to their insults and abuses. 

But I was told that pit pig the scumbag thug had passed this tech on to this man who has played evil villains in the last two movies/tv shows where he was featured (again, one of which I think was derived from having stolen concepts from me regarding Egyptian mythology/religion of antiquity). He sat in a black room, in which was encased a large white snake---no windows, something like an enlarged hearse atmosphere. He tried to pat me on the back and I told him to stop and pulled away but I was very polite about it. He then tried to procure more information out of me about various Egyptian topics and then once he got a few ideas out of me, the torture began. The usual protocol of these repugnant parasites who steal ideas and then not just not pay me afterwards but torture and are killing me via poisoning and toxic shock to my body and all property stinking of unimaginable toxic substances, which they want me to breathe in (so they have been inserting hardening/stiffening/bloating poisons plus mind control drugs, stinking sewage water and whatever else into my bladder via my vagina, spraying stinking foul deadly toxins on my furniture, regularly/daily on my clothing so I emit stinking odors non-stop and every day and all day. Once I clean the clothing, they spray it while it is hanging up outside or if I fall asleep they spray it immediately while I am unconscious while they are still abusing me slowly to death in psy-ops terrorism that truly is slow torture-to-death.


The malevolent creep asked me if I wanted to "be" with him, and I very politely, after talking with him as if he were an intelligent person I could communicate with (I haven't had that luxury for over a decade, confined in bed and stuck with these stupid and foul, sleazy whore celebrities and rotten white Nazi pig ape men out of Europigapeland for over a decade as they poisoned me into paralysis and ketp going on and on).

But I said "no" very politely, very gently. The pig then ordered my body here in Phuket (as in teleportation there is something like quantum entanglement going on where I am two entities but split in different locations--one body the prime having the sensations of taste, sight and all those basic primal functions, but still able to vaguely see, and eat but can't taste anything I don't know where the food goes while I am in that state)--but, I told him NO politely and in a very gentle friendly way. So he had my body here in Phuket--thanks probably to Elon Musk or pit pig in the audience watching on--twitch my knee so it jumped up while I was in this deep sleep healing phase and the poisons have expanded underneath my knee caps to the point that I lay in bed for days on end without being able to move my legs--it's excruciating to get up and do basic things like go to the bathroom. I must clutch onto every object in order to try to put my weight on it--limping and unable to bed my knees. 


Because I said no this ape creep attacked the injury that his buddies, pit pig and filthy skankalina had increased all these years by having more hardening/bloating poisons and toxic substances and stinking foul substances inserted into my body--to keep me so stuck in semi-paralysis I could not get out of this room for more than 3 times per month--literally stuck in a semi-paralyzed state being tortured with these teleportation weapons most of the day and night by this crew of shit and filth and crap--by now that is all they are to me, including the creep politicians who are inept at their job descriptions and anathema to the United States, the Constitution and all that America represents. They are the worst representatives of thuggery and criminal exploitation being handed deadly torture weapons by Congress--people like greasy hateful Graham who hasn't stopped sleep deprivation while I am literally fighting for my life to heal in a most sick and desperately ill condition--torture for anything resembling a NO to the every stupid suggestion of what they think I should do, wear, and of course never utter in speech because it makes them look less then superior because they are stupid on very important levels. In terms of lying, conniving and scamming they are extremely capable and that, I think, is the main reason they were elected or put into these high-ranking positions. Representing of course the emerging Nazi and fascist orders that have emerged under their joint manufacturing bigot, Trump--and now a cascade of fascist Trump imitators have been put into office or are running using the same antics and platforms. The Nazi 4th Reich is being expanded with billions upon billons of $$ by Biden in the NATO alliance, and the filthy creeps who teleport me are assured that their every uncivilized reaction of abuse is justified because they are supposedly "superior and elite" personas without any law, justice or restriction EVER placed upon them, and especially in connection to this new techno terror torture system which they gravitate to and are addicted to. Their every insecurity and failure is now projected in torture upon the target. That I have achieved a lot on my own without pigs like this trying to control me, as they poisoned me so I can't enjoy the fruits of my labor and instead they are trying to force me into a sick and violently deadly domestic slavery with baby situation to stop any and all progress I may have, is amplified by their white Nazi female supremacist agenda of having blonde women or their surrogate minions who bow and do what they are told minions put in these positions while I am blocked and tortured and told I am forced to have a baby with some sickening and ugly pig I would rather kill, at this point from years of rape, torture and violence.


Can anyone ever get these sick, pestilent, stupid and foul parasitie pig apes off me. They never demonstrate anything but thuggery power grabbing--they have no higher intelligence or learning that I can see. It's very easy for me to circumvent the shabby insults they make and their arguments. Their response is always violence using the filthy and sick crazy and disgusting minions (always minorities, always brown-skinned thugs doing sick and disgusting things, told this makes them somehow "superior") and then the torture never ends, they never are STOPPED from trying to force this hate agenda on me.

The thug actor malevolent creep who teleported me last night has also stolen concepts from me, and tried to steal more, then when I politely responded with a NO his response was to torture me making my very excruciatingly painful knees spasm and jump up, using these microchip implants in my body/spine from multiple surgeries--the hardening poison now encrusted dangerously into my spine so these are huge clumps of hard-as-rock poisons affixed to my spine and down into my hips, under my knees, into my legs. This group of shit has only been issuing extreme noise campaigns of shouting and screaming underneath my window for 4-5 hours per night, making my body twitch in the most painful areas, teleportation skits of death, hate and violence and abuse, and then endless screaming and yelling bouts of arguing which has been ongoing daily for over 4 years non-stop with this group, which keeps trying to get me to allow one of these incompetent and stupid sick putrid thugs to abuse and control, poison and maim and force a baby out of me and go off with his lovers to parties as I am beaten or murdered afterwards once they get what they want---I keep trying to get any or some kind of relief, support from anybody to stop this. It's not like giving in will stop the torture and murder attempts, in other words.


So they are really stupid and petty ignorant thugs being handed these technologies where their pettiness can be unleashed and torture for any slight thing the torture victim says that goes against what the dumb and stupid thug wants the slave object to say or behave like is met with violence and sometimes deadly force using gang stalking, poisoning which they will achieve whether they stick it up your anus or vagina, put it in your food, inject it into your body, they will find ways unless you have seal-proof living conditions and avoid places where they can poison you from a close distance.


I am stuck in poverty and they have taken literally all from me, so now they are taking just plain sleep from me while I am fighting literally to save my life from their recurrent poisoning which they gladly inserted into my body, with stinking urine and other drugs and chemicals to slowly murder me while torturing me for hours upon hours every day using the surveillance/voice-to-skull technologies to insult and abuse me every moment possible (deniro and pesce were like disgusting foul demons in that regard, for which they have undoubtedly been handed endless money and awards and prizes and promotions for the crap and shit that they are and do--of course, racism their prime motivation).


Thursday, July 21, 2022

William Cooper Website blocked--all podcasts on every webpage with his material has been blacklisted on my computer system. The hacking is unbelievable the interference is non-stop. Pages won't open for 3-5 minutes, the browser freezes with almost every click.

 **Correction to the post below: I could not "remember" this while I was writing about Cooper, but he was part of the Intelligence Team for the Office of Naval Intelligence, Pacific Fleet. He debriefed top secret and classified documents for a number of years and had access to information, some of it he claimed may have been a ruse regarding the UFO issues so these ideas could be dispersed as being authentically from the government. Otherwise, his credentials are more than honorable and upstanding in all respects. I can find NO ONE in this group of celebrities or politicians who can begin to match the level of higher intelligence or authenticity that Cooper had in his lectures and admonitions to not allow this sinister group to take over. They are taking over now.** When I write these posts, the information I need to clarify my concepts are blocked as rage and hyperbolic statements come pouring out, probably inserted subconsciously by the technologies which insert hate speech and foreign thoughts into the target--I repeat stupid crap all the time in teleportation that is programmed into me. for example, the Pelosi incident where I began to say that "I can't reach the water" (because I just want to go swimming in a swimming pool to exercise my flatulent muscles) was met by, the black male who I think works in P-lousy's office having me repeat--"I must go to the earth for the DEATH and life cycle" as I reached down to touch the grass. Totally inane and stupid mind control programming which I did upon hypnotic suggestion while teleported (in deep healing sickness that these pig apes have forced upon mein the first place).

I listen to William Cooper's Hour of the Time broadcasts on the mp3 collection on the Hour of the Time website. I have not been able to copy all the podcasts as they range in the thousands. I had begun to copy a few posts at a time since I can't sit up on the laptop for more than a few minutes. With the hacking I must wait and wait to even open a browser for more than 5 minutes plus minutes drained waiting for the spinning and freezing to stop.

The website is now blocked for every podcast on every browser. This has only happened in the last week, so I attribute this next attack to that nasty man who I wrote of who wants to put me into slavery on his plantation in The South-beating me to death either slowly or quickly in the process. 

Cooper has been thoroughly discredited in many circles and many false statements have been made about his lectures and political commentary. He was part of top Intelligence for the Naval military on the Pacific Fleet command. He had access to top secret briefs which he delineated to his higher command on a daily basis in intelligence briefings;. Amongst other notable talents and successes in both business and for his personal strength to go against the prevailing lies and deceptions. I have accused Graham of being a liar with his contradiction of his oath to the US Constitution in his attack upon me. These terrorists have the belief firmly entrenched that the law doesn't apply to me unless it is punitive, and then that doesn't apply to themselves of course they are above the law, but only they get the full benefit of Constitutional protections and are able to sue and get police protection when they are robbed or attacked. They have treated me like I have no rights whatsoever and this has been applied on a lateral and horizontal level in and on all levels of society for so many decades. I am not the only person in America suffering from this plight, but many of those turn around viciously to attack me so they can get more leverage in the hierarchy.

But now this is blocked, this website. I have tried to use the private Tor function on one of the browsers which promptly was rejected. If I cleared my system I may lose the access to my bank account--and I can't access my bank account on any internet cafe browser, only on this laptop for one single browser and that is iffy. 


The crimes against me are so piled up in number and the leaders of America continue to allow it to fester and go on and on. This is the f uture of America they have all been trained to silently put into action. 

William Cooper warned about this "New World Order Totalitarian Socialist " system that will crush asunder any and all opposition to it's power. Cooper even got into mind control issues and people being programmed. This is too threatening for the scumbags assaulting me in Congress of course so they are blocking access. The censorship and Orwellian process is being exacerbated by a Senator who is most nasty and vile in all things --at least as far as I am concerned. Probably and undoubtedly cheered on like a hero by his fascist bigot KKK entourage back in the hole they come from in The South. Cheered on in the Senate and by Biden for this as well, who handed out permission to go and break and beat and rape and rob and insult and torture and more promises and hand-outs for every pig ape involved--the angry latching parasites who have globbed onto torturing me fo ryears were sulking until out of the greasy bag of incentives a huge award and prize was bestowed so this ugly sinister man could have access to forcing a "baby" out of me while I finally got to the point, much earlier than with most of them, to get off me, finally getting to the screaming stage as this pig ape scumbag sneered and smiled and thought it was fun and funny. Can't get away from the greasy filthy pig apes when they teleport me continuously day and night, every time I am vulnerable and in pain, so they make me sick and frozen and paralyzed so they can continue to just milk off this contract and me frozen and tortured non-stop--for over a decade by now.

So they have cut this off. Can't do a system restore function because they have blocked access to my bank account, I could lose the last connection to my account if I do anything to the system. The pigs on the phone who ar3e terrorist agents claim that wen I do anything to my system it "triggers red flags" and the phone verification process is demanded in order for me to access my account. 
The phone verification process is OPTIONAL and it must be set up in my account settings, which I have never done. The pig apes on the phone refuse to do anything as they lie about how the "system" is blocking access because I have changed something in my system (like doing a system restore). I can't reach this bank. There is also a central number for the headquarters of this bank, and I can't reach it. The phone number is blocked on Google and I get a "wrong number" response when I try to phone any actual bank. 


The "feminine touch"--what a relief (sarcasm).

 The contract, or teleportation torture, has been taken over by some women from Congress. At the moment I don't want to say whom. One is a Senator, one from the lower chamber. The skits are now becoming increasingly menacing and dark--in the last day or two of this next shift from violent rapist men, bigots with their women behind them stealing all and any concept from me about women's rights in order to project themselves as being hip and not fascist Nazi symbols. All the "good" in the world is "supposed" to be only coming from that group, and so people will constantly associate benevolent feminism and all human rights to the very people who are trying to take all and as much away as possible, hoarding as much as possible for their whore lifestyles.


The dreams are now of me going into something like group showers with women, in something like a modern day concentration camp. How wonderful the female touch is! Also, kitties dying is yet another theme being forced upon me. And then there are women coming at me punching into my face with sinister evl faces. how nice instead of a male rapist it's a rapist enabler woman! The female touch is certainly an improvement, albeit really incrementally only slightly. I'm sure as time progresses, like all the criminals who get hold of these technologies, the violence will increase as the hormonal need for more titillation and more violence becomes an addiction on the part of the wonderful Congressmembers and the incredible actors who are scripted with every kind of benevolent speech to utter out--always written by someone else of course--about how much they care and are fighting for justice, equality and their constituents or fans.


My laptop is so hacked I can barely use it. I spent over 10 mnutes waiting while every click on the browser became a frozen spinning cursor and the page freezing. The hackers disconnected the laptop portal repeatedly while I was trying to type as well.

I still can't perform a factory or restore function because I have only one browser in which to access my bank account and the last time I did a restore function, the 2nd option was blocked afterward. I'm not going to take chances so it remains a completely hacked and blocked system that I can't EVER do a restore function on until I return to the US and go into a PNC bank and try to have this resolved where they can't openly lie as they do on the phone--long distance where all calls I make are diverted to terrorist agents who lie and hang up and keep me on hold and lie perpetually.


I am bedridden to a degree that I am unable to move. I am sitting up but it's excruciating. I had to check on my financial situation and thus far the pig apes haven't taken my money away for this next month. 

They poisoned me for so many years via insertions into my bladder with hardening and stiffening/bloating poisons while I was fighting ceaselessly to remove the LIFETIME of this poison out of my body--I have been exacting in protecting my food--but while asleep and in the unconscious mode where my brain is shut down partially so I can't feel anything in my "prime" body--the body is literally split in twain in a way that I appear as if "whole" in the teleported state, but things like sight, digestion, taste and other faculties are diminished or completely not functioning. But while they teleport me to their hate and abuse skits, I am inserted and maimed slightly every single night--a slow murder, basically it's murder. The people who ordered this are out being celebrated to this moment still. The Congressional members continue the contract out on me, albeit using the "nice" feminine/feminist touch of gracious abuse without males threatening to beat me or rape me. How nice. Although I was "in bed" in some weird situation with a stock broker, and the stock market was supposedly being displayed in German on the side of a huge building which resembled the main train station in Stuttgart. I lay there stiff and not wanting to be next to this person, not even being able to see him. I was then teleported to the concentration camp shower scene but something like a modern day gym (because the pig apes haven't yet constructed their desired concentration camps for mass murder yet so they are using real edifices but making it out like it's a modern-day concentration camp I am taking a hot shower in with a lot of other women surrounding me--always clustered in between pieces of shit everywhere I go never having space or decent human being around me. All loving animals either killed off or stolen from me.


That is the feminist/feminine version I am now subjected to. The teleportation began in a friendly manner yesterday, while I was in a deep healing sleep. It has since degenerated into abuse and death scenes of kittens and women now punching into my face. I lay in bed in near agony as the hard poisons which got much worse from the decade of MORE hardening/stiffening/bloating poisons plus horrific mind control drugs pumped into my body directly into my bladder every single night--so the damage internally is so great that my emtire back has hardened into a shell that my body is trying to expand--my knees are being attacked by poisons directly swelling up underneath the knee caps. It won't recede, I just sit here fighting and sleeping for hours, being subjected to the utter sickness and depravity of the people responsible for being leaders of society.

I can't get to the bank to pay rent, I am sitting here helpless. I have no one to help me whatsoever, all my time has been spent confined in near paralysis because the pig apes from Whorewood kept pumping poison into my body as they also had me raped, my hips and spin put out of alignment, my hair damaged, my skin doused with disgusting damaging chemicals, my food poisoned with fungus and other substances, my money stolen from my purse every month so I was even in more dire straits financially--and on and on and on adn on the abuses are just showering on in non-stop and for years and years. But if someone had stopped this group I would e able to somewhat heal instead of sitting here in near deadly paralysis trying to starve the poisons out of my body so I can n nominally move.

Meanwhile, in this deep healing state, I am being subjected to more torture psychologically now with hints of violence punching into my face by more rotten creeps using this tech as the pig apes who have been handed these technologies are being championed--prizes and awards handed to them because the Senator wanted to wrest control over this contract--as they continue to advise on how to torture me to the wonderful tenderness of the women from Congress now having the time of their life torturing me--these people become addicted to just pressing a button and having someone to beat, abuse and rape and threaten endlessly.


Meanwhile, the Nazi 4th Reich takeover continues. Biden is pumping money into the Northern European fascist Nazi alliance aka NATO. My ten years of living in Phuket have shown me the Nazi proclivities of Europigapes especially from the north and the utter slavish adoration the dark people have for serving and obeying them. You can add any mixture of lighter-skinned other groups such as Jews who want to be as white as possible into that mixture of obsequious adoration slaves serving and hissing in absolute hate at people like me--who just want to live life in MY way and not have to undergo crushing of my spirit and personality in order to not threaten the Nazi pig apes in any way. Serving and servicing worthless pieces of shit who are users and abusers and murdering bigots who want to exploit me and then slowly kill me off. That is the option available to me if I am "good" and not a "Loser" as the half-Jewish rat wanna be pig ape shrilly shouts at me because her daddy is the most groveling slavish minority minion--also being used as a mascot for the slave representation of Jews on Wall Street. Any concern about humanity is void and meaningless and an embarrassment to all of them, and only "snooty" disdain and elitism is the one and only mode of existence. This also is anathema to me and I find them to be effete as human beings and part of the destruction of the United States.


These are the people who have been elected as the representatives of culture. All of them are on a death power trip with crushing mass murder as one of the ultimate goals of their coalescing system which is coming to a mass gathering in the form of the new NATO Europigape alliances, the fascist Repuglicanism and the reversal of decades of fighting for womens' rights--which these rape fascist pig ape celebrities all claim they are fighting for--but really brining about mass poverty and rape and forced impregnation because they all feel more entitled and "beautiful" in comparison to the miserably struggling women who are writhing in poverty and despair underneath their endless whorish hoarding of wealth, being handed out to them for being "good girls" by the fascist men like the Senator from the Carolinas who wanted to drag me into his pit and beat the s*** out of me to death, ultimately, after forcing a "baby" out of me.

He's now off grabbing his "rewards" for his week of slithering into my consciousness while I was in the agony of this poison expanding internally and into my knees. I lay in bed in agony as he sat next to me in teleportation talking softly to me. I advised him on health issues, which is part of the protocol they all ask me for advice from the years of me struggling to heal from the poisons they themselves completely supported being put into my body. After extracting the information, the abuse and threats and violence, sexual abuse and hate begins. They give nothing, and take as much as possible. 

Even though I detest them and tell them this constantly, they continue to clutch and grab on--8 years of telling pit pig I can't stand him and his filthy whore wife, years of telling all of them who teleport me I can't stand them. They grab on and never stop. They keep getting every top award possible every business they could never obtain until they began torturing me in this contract.


How sick America now is should be evident but no one cares, they only are concerned with what THEY can get out of joining into exploiting this contract, in the hopes that more and more people will be microchipped and teleported for torture, rape and information extraction, more women kept pregnant and not able to compete--or they hope, dying from complications from pregnancies because access is now being shut off from even life-threatening pregnancy complications. You can thank filthy pigalina for this, as she and pit pig personally are responsible for having put Trump into power. She ben off on her "feminist" crusade (ALL and almost ALL ideas stolen from my years of ranting and writing about feminist issues as these whores all participate with their "feminine" touch of cheerleading the pig men to beat and abuse and torture me extremely violently--they love watching it, they feel so empowered and emboldened and superior for it--the half Jewish screeching rat coming from the nasty Jewish sell out old man from Wall Street has been one of the most nasty offensive screeching haters of this entire group--

The feminine touch, how wonderful it is.

How sick America is, a dying country I really believe there is no chance for it to recover any longer. Biden is a disaster and worse is coming up in the Repug Party because Biden really is a fascist conservative playing both sides of every issue but ultimately betraying the "Left" by using one or two Senators to muck up his agenda--oops, how could that happen!--and then allowing all this gerrymandering to continue, and alas, the country will be beset by a feudal fascist Nazi dictatorship soon. The technology being used upon me continues to be passed around like a joint at a drug addict party to Senators and Representatives and celebrities--all with full permission by Biden, and of course T-rump, and then Obama did nothing, and of course this situation has been endorsed by every administration all my life.


Approx. One hour later: I have decided, whilst laying in bed in agony as the poisons don't abate the swelling into my knee caps--(three days now completely stuck in bed in excruciating pain--now over 2 weeks of this ongoing while parasites teleport me to exploit this new weakness--and this extreme sickness was brought about by the poisons not being inserted into my bladder as they have been for over a decade--nightly. The shock to my system has resulted in something like the poisons trying desperately to expand in order to shift--).

But besides that, I decided to list the names of the women from Congress who have conjoined with the rapist throng of celebrities and fellow politicians: of course P-lousy pig-lously Pelosi the absolutely anti-Semitic "Italian-American" fascist Nazi--blathering in warm tones of concern about helping people while her caucus just can't get any legislation passed--as she rushes to leech money out of any and all legislation she can by inserting her death threats and rape enabling hate into this group against me, sitting alongside the most virulent of fascist Nazis out of Europigapeland turned Republican in American politics. The Repugs claim they "hate" Pig-lousy but they truly love her for her duplicity and racism. She even has a black male in her team, who acts something like a friendly bouncer for elite parties. He was involved in a skit yesterday where he excluded me from a private party, acting as a bouncer. Telling me that I could go to the "big house" on the hill and watch free movies and get free joints to smoke. I declined this offer and they had me repeat really stupid insane things about not being able to reach "water" (because I really need a swimming pool to exercise my muscles and I can't get access--the price is truly affordable here in Phuket if I could not be blocked from earning money online I could feasibly achieve this effort, but the bigots want me in poverty stuck in a tiny cramped and toxic stinking filthy dishevelled room where they can insert every kind of toxin and poison into my vagina and into my bladder every single night without me having the slightest chance to defend myself. 

But the bigot Pelosi is undoubtedly the "female" behind the aggressive, face-punching antics. The genocidal Nazi shower scenes and the stock broker scene which was brought about by nasty Bloomberg and his rat stupid idiot blathering daughter. Most offensive to me in all respects at this point. Their most well-rewarded point for which they have been paid in millions is to never question the prevailing fascist Nazi paradigm, for which they serve and obey and support fully. Everything else is to be scorned, crushed and broken according to them. I do not exaggerate. 


I think the other woman, Klobuchar (sp?) who also included her name into a skit that was forced upon me yesterday in one of my many hours of deep sleep in pain and agony---I think it was piglousy who inserted these hate and rape male violent antics into the last few hours of the attacks, and so I write this now.


The "Italian-Americans" I have come across all my life are rabid racists and virulently genocidal in their aims. I was accosted by most violent and disgusting deniro and pesce for YEARS until only last month. Their sleazy and putrid commentary--making imitations of me urinating the poisons they probably order to be inserted into my bladder--their comments endlessly about how my body is ugly and bloated how unclassy and ugly I look compared with filthalina their mascot who has endlessly had me disfigured and stuffed with chemicals inserted into my viscera so the poisons would get stuck in my intestines, endlessly stuck and poisoning me--amazing I have not died from sepia. That is how hard I have had to fight to cleanse my body every month, and have been doing detox sessions once per month for over 2-3 years and still the poisons lingered until Bloomberg came and stopped the poisoning over night. He and his rat then began a campaign of abuse and violence that almost exceeded what his partners had been doing until they too were a threat to my life. But in this ensuing time, I have exercised a bit and a clump of hard and stinking foul poison ripped--literally ripped--out of the side of my body. Parts of this clump extended into my neck, into the vertebrae. And thusly, after greasy Graham cracker first came at me lunging in hate, a few weeks ago, screaming about the KKK and how they want to lynch people like me, grabbing his genitals and hissing in hate abou this penis as if this is an insult to me and not to him. While I was in the throes of agony he then greased his way into my sleeping and near comatose agonized pain situation of laying in bed, last week, this is now 2 weeks of this agony pain going on and on day after day all I can do is lay in bed while they torture me, as they always have and kept me in paralysis and sickness blocking all access to me protecting myself--)

But then suddenly I was going to go to some redneck Nazi place where I would have a baby with this greasy ugly pig scumbag and his Nazi KKK family were going to glob onto the contract, every kin folk getting promotions and deals as they all jointly abused me to death--

And glowing with joy over this, Pig-lousy the pig ape skank who is the Speaker of the House of BS, loves watching it all unfold. Waiting for yet another chance to get and take out of this contract, along with H. Cliton a few days ago, lunging on in to abuse and attack me as well. The people who are fighting T-rump are joining into these fascist Nazi sessions also to appear as if they are not really against the Nazi fascism that is really emerging openly, they are just fighting T-rump but are still part of the racist genocidal fascist team. That includes the Jews I have mentioned earlier.  And then there's a lot more of them who aren't famous but all are doing the same things on their local and State levels (or international).


The "Italian-Americans" I have always encountered were dead set on destroying me, and having my family become servants and slaves for them. My brother sits smiling as his "Italian-American" wife makes anti-Semitic jokes in front of my family. He is violent and abusive to me in return because I resist these pig apes and he bows and scrapes to them. I see photos of him now grey, looking sheepish and ugly, completely worn down and broken in and like half a man, if that at all. The old Europigape fascist oppression of Jews, by all means, must be re-instated in America and the Italians are some of the worst minions in respect to keeping this arrrangement of endlessly oppressing jews into deformity and ready victims of plunder and genocide and pograms and massacre with all stolen as the Jews silently go along to the slaughter.


that is what they are trying to do to me, Pig-lousy being one of the most vicious in her threats, but the pig apes of Whorewood have taken her cue and are acting like vicious fascists towards me after th congressionial members like Greasy Graham and pig-lousy act like deadly Nazis and are making now references to concentration camps once more.


Every time I write about these disgusting expletives they only get more promotions. However, I continue to write about it because I want the world to know as much as possible in case some people don't want this kind of oppressive destruction of America for the benefit of people who truly are NOT superior in any way, shape or form. They are adept at lying and manipulating and crunching numbers and obeying and not questioning and fighting for the system which keeps them in perpetual situations of power. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Yet another nasty, violent "rich & powerful" ugly old man rushing at me with absolute oppression, violence and threats and more violence to get this contract of slavery, hate and torture/murder/rape/sex slaves for loveless disgusting old men and t heir skank bigot womanfolk whores.

 I am now calling Graham the Senator that rotten bigot Biden sent out, with full approval as the Bigot network is fully supported by that fake fascist "liberal" Democrat--I am calling Graham Greasy Graham Cracker, an ugly greasy old man who resembles a bag of outdated greasy potato chips---etc etc as he keeps pushing his agenda, which I said no to it seems like a decade ago but it was only last week.

That was only after ugly old man Bloomberg and his nasty rat daughter rushed at me reaching out to my breasts with a look like Golom in LOTR--but in his most grimacing hate look--screwed up with black eyes his hands gnarled out reaching at my breasts with hate and staring at my huge protruding abdomen with distaste and hate. Telling this pair of rotten parasites that I have been poisoned for years, and by the people they are bowing down to like pit pig and filthalina, who gladly had me poisoned daily and I think the poisoning has begun again. The rat daughter so anxious to appear like she hates and hates me and loves the bigots was screaming "loser" at me endlessly about every 5 minutes using the "voice-to-ckull" technology. Her voice so shrill and nasty and ugly just the vocal sound alone was enough of torture.

But then Graham appeared to relieve the heart palpitations that Bloomberg and his rat forced upon me--(or probably Graham had this done himself, only to appear as the rescuer in order to take over this contract). He then handed the sulking pit pig and filthalina some kind of deal whereby they glowed with satisfaction and then came afterwards to plough punches into my face while I was in a teleported prone position as pit the pig stood over me in his salvo of blows aimed at my head (two days ago).

Now it's another ugly rottten old man, Graham who ordered this violence upon me. The oppression of suppressing any criticism, any kind of speech that isn't deemed appropriate for people like me who this group of incompetent mediocrity are trying to force into a sub-legal right status with no rights whatsoever on any level--making a joke about their lesbian skank partner in this crime, just another scumbag actor in that entirely huge ever-expanding group--I made a slight joke, they converged around me to yell that I was insulting her, they had her glare and threaten at me, and I fought back--and then they got pit pig to punch into my face in blow after blow while greasy ugly graham then handed pit the pig and filthalina the whore more and more and more and more rewards and deals and money.

He is an offensive bigot, but behind him is bigot Biden. This year has seen Pelosi, Raskin, Kinzinger, AOC and I'm trying to recall if that is the total list of people assaulting me under the protection of the Biden Administration---was that all? There was H. Clinton last week coming like a piggy on steroids to get another free deal and promotion out of attacking me, as she did last year along with the other ugly and sick disgusting old men deniro and pesce, most foul and mentally ill parasitic shit as people put in charge of daily psy-ops and physical torture. Really rotten and foul ugly old men--just one after the next--sent out and condoned by the rotten old bigot man on the top of this pile of crap--Biden.


Wondering how much better it would be if Kamala Harris were to step into interim president role. Perhaps old man Biden will have another stroke or die? AT this point, I so hope so and wish for Harrris to assume the role as president. How much worse can it get with her ta the helm in terms of bigot ugly white trash pig ape old men attacking me with their sleazy and stupid women and children tagging along to suck out as many crumbs from the contract as they are allowed to grab? 


to Senator Graham--you are repulsive and your exhibition of the violence you intend to pour out upon me, and already are albeit in a much waterred-down version of violence--so far he's had people screaming and shouting in the room below mind until 2 a. m. every night while I am in the throes of a healing crisis--which is a term for feeling extremely ill while healing as the poisons or injury has to get into it's worst state in order to open up and be resolved. Laying in bed unable to move as the hard poisons latched in serpentine designs under my knee caps are expanding so it's excruciating to even bend my leg. Getting out of bed is a chore, and I think they are inserting liquids into my vagina/bladder once more to cause me to have to get up repeatedly all night. While I fight to sleep and heal, the shouting going on for 4-5 hours per night which is people making creepy noises, screeching at times, their vocal chords going into ranges of noise that sound like metal scraping on metal, slicing the air and nerves. Shouting and shouting continuously, non-stop for 5 hours every single night. Complaints to the landlord are useless.


But it was this punching action by pit pig that demonstrated to me the plantation mentality of slavery that Senator Graham, sent by President Biden--and every person from congress who has come to assault me has the absolute assurance the condescending insults and threats and threats of murder and violence are all welcome--as they insult and attack me while I am begging for help, telling them I am being poisoned, asking for protection, they go off getting their deals, I am faced with slow murder and not being able to defend myself. 

That is what the REAL BIDFEN is all about. I think that the Manchin and Sinema "problem" of blocking the "progressive ' legislation that Biden proposed in order to get elected was a scam just as Biden blocked--with his fascist Nazi Senator friends like Graham and the rest of the Repuglican caucus--the legislation for real security and progress for minorities and poor people blocked while Obama was in office--with Biden sitting on the dais behind Obama smirking in contentment. The scam should be revealed how Biden always uses a few opposing senators to block needy legislation that might actually create a society of benevolence and equality. Instead the money is pouring into a new world order NATO alliance and people are dying in the streets of America, still getting shot and killed while unarmed in the streets, and Biden is out saving Ukraine, where he has had investments in the past and oil, is pouring American money into that country and the media goes along for the ride in sympathetic condolences for the "victims". The victims of America are rarely cared about so much as the victims in Ukraine. Me as perpetual victim of administration after administration is of absolute no concern whatsoever to any and all parties involved. Congress members even Raskin "fighting" Trump and the Insurrection is abusive and nasty towards me when I write about his malfeasance and crimes against me, against the Constitution and against his oath of office. I write this about Graham and he sends pit pig to punch into my face repeatedly. 


So I hope Biden is gone and immediately and Harris replacing him. AS for Graham, he's a real violent personality but talks softly and uses violent stupid people to do his filthy work for him. The usual white supremacist trick. He's very repulsive in every way in my opinion. I can't say anything better about pit pig and his filthy whore wife except that they take much more concern about their bodies and health and that is not as repugnant on every single level as Graham who is really unhealthy and looks very bad and acts like he's a toxic sinkhole waiting to devour me.


There is now a baby crying underneath my window--as symbol of the "baby" some ugly old man and his filthy kinfolk want to exploit out of me. That I am saying and screaming NO in perpetua to one after the next has no bearing on anything---they just keep coming at me, like cockroaches or bats emerging from their dark and dank pretenses of being upstanding citizens.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Pumping poison as deeply as possible into my body and using rape as pumping action. The fascist pig ape "famous" male actors' tactics as trained and instructed by the wealthy Europigapes who had me poisoned slowly to death for years while they kept pumping poison via rape into my body via teleportation and while my body inert in the "prime" state, pumped by vicious ugly pig ape Europigape "neighbors" and their minority minions so raped in both states. Waking up entirely sick from poison being pumped as deeply into my system as possible. Daily I wrote asking them to stop, first politely then more desperately until now all I do is call them pigs and whores and that is the only definition I have for them that is the nicest on my list of words. As I cried to stop, every day, they tortured me for saying no to their sexual abuse and exploitation. They wanted me to never say no while they were poisoning me to death via pumping poison into my body, murdering me in a slow, deliberate and horrific way. They stole my one and only loving, and kind family member I had left, my cat La Moux because I said no to greasy, rotten disgusting Depp after 2 weeks he stole her and they have kept her as a torture tactic manipulation object ever since--that was eight years ago. If she is still alive, that would make her 24 years old now, waiting for me to pick her up for eight years. When will this injustice be stopped? How sick and primitive in nature this country truly is, people cannot gauge solely based on the lying crap and smiling bs these subhuman creeps crank out in the media and for politics.

 Not only that, but the rat spawn of Depp got her entire career and spate of plastic surgery out of this contract out on me. The pig sacrificed my "daughter" so his  multi-millionaire-funded and backed rotten and ugly stupid spawn could get free entrance into the hallways of public notice. The Europigape fascist fashion industry embraced her every spitting and physical assault upon me. I had spat on Depp's face after the years of telling him to stop raping me in teleportation. Of course, the pig would not stop, the parasite would not stop. I reacted in utter "ecstasy" under extreme drugging, torture and the inability to dissociate from this teleportated, hypnotized state in that teleported, sleeping state. I finally was able to mentally program myself to not react sexually, so the pig began to beat me with punching and slaps. His girlfriend-turned-wife watched on giggling and sneering in hate. I wrote of feminism and domestic violence issues constantly for almost a year or longer in connection to them and these pig ape men who teleport me. The women of this pig ape crew have since stolen the feminist concepts, using them as their platforms to be projected into more media prominence as representatives of women-against rape and violence. They all continue to sit on the chairs in the rows watching me get raped and beaten. Filthy dirty rat spawn of Depp began a campaign of spitting on me, fully embracing his rape and torture of me. Ever since she has been put into lead roles in major Whorewood movie productions about roles of equality,  concern about the planet, etc. She also stole concepts I had written of on other topics and used them as some platform for her advancement as being somehow unique and not just another dumb slut coming from a protsituted greasebag out of Whorewood with millions of dollars already in their bank accounts, but attacking me and enforcing subpoverty income upon me while they continue to pump poison into my body, blocking access to ANY health care whatsoever, and then torturing me every day and every minute possible--and THEN feeding off the hormones of torture and violence (adrenaline, dopamine, etc etc and just power highs).


That is is clear from the one month of one of these haters having stopped the insertion of poison into my body so I can finally begin to excruciatingly eliminate the poisons as they continue to torture and beat and abuse me in this healing state--endlessly it's gone on and on for years and years--but somehow you can see that obviously one month of the insertion of hardening and muscle-stiffening poisons not inserted into my bladder has effected a huge change in my body from external appearance--and the internal damage is so great I fear really for my life at this point the poison is now sinking even deeper into my body as it's a malleable substance that seeks for every vulnerability to settle in. Thanks to the US Government for that, all my life. My cat should be returned to me, please have her returned she is barely hanging on to life waiting endlessly for me to return as she is my loving and wonderful daughter and only family left. They have taken everything else away from me only because I won't comply with being slowly poisoned and raped to death and submitting to false idols who are stealing ideas from me only to appear as if they have anything to say other than the trite usual formulas they have been repeating endlessly in their crappy and stupid movies and output.


As for the politicians: they helped create the Insurrection in one form or another by allowing this situation forced upon me to continue. It was this group of whores from Whorewood who helped put T-rump, their buddy, into power. His actions of rape and violence against me proved to the masses that he's going to install a fascist nazi dictatorship and they yearned for him to fill that pivotal role. Now there is a spate of others doing the same actions and behaving in even more violent ways--running for Congressional and major State and Local seats, along with those controlling election outcomes.


But please have them return my cat La Moux to me alive and healthy. I also can't picture being forced to be a slave of any of these people, the current lead person in control has proven he's very violent and wants to re-establish a kind of brutal plantation slave system of beatings and violence--this was proven last night in the teleportation skit where pit pig did an action he has never undertaken before--but he's now very willing because after EIGHT years of me telling him I don't want him or like him, and his nasty ugly wife, he's ready to commit every kind of violent action upon me because that rotten pit pig didn't get what he wanted, and that's the only reason. He's been handed Oscar awards for the first time in his career ever since participating in this hate crime against me, for roles in such mediocre movies they are never shown again and no one cares about these stupid and awful movies that keep "winning" these top Oscar awards--for the most part. It's as rigged as the rigged political system these pig apes are trying to create for the United States.


It is all intertwined--the movie industry and politics. Very intimately intertwined and its' all interconnected to the tentacles of society in all the trickle-down pyramidal formation that these organizations operate upon.

Not that I'm telling most of you anything you don't know as you know more about it than I do. I am merely summarizing and tying thoughts together, hopefully I can reach someone who wants some semblance of a decent society instead of a  Games of 
Thrones fantasy fictional world that is going to be nothing like the tv show. But more sinister and ugly and nasty--and the slavery is not going to have Abraham Lincoln to come and rescue it in the future, as these types will be "culled" and massacred out not only by the mind reading tech and brainwashing capabilities at hand by these groups in this pyramidal trickle-down structure, but also the kind of education required to create a moral and ethical stance on human freedom and equality will be stamped out, but replaced by hallmark card sentimentality formulaic represenatives who mouth the formulaic victim impact statements but won't actually QUESTION or threaten the power structure. They, in turn, will help to bring out those who really care so they can be pin-pointed and eliminated.


I realize most of you reading this truly want such a system to be fully implemented and it's in the process of being installed as I write this; me being one of the prototype targets of the practice session for the upcoming open-season on "liberals" and "Jews" and anyone who you pig apes don't like or want questioning your crap and death system.


Just to add a little bit on the pile of injustice, a topic I have been writing of for the last year since it happened exactly one year ago. Another huge, apparently (in my opinion) hormone-Nazi-growth Europigape fascist posing as a "humanitarian" and "loving/passionate" life-affirming celebrity but a musician--whose video turning a Mozart piece I know very well into a rock n roll transposition--I copied and pasted it alongside his movie stint playing a virtuouso violinist--because I played classical violin and thought this was extraordinary (meaning outside the norm)--and this pig creep RUSHED immediately on his private jet to get involved in raping and torturing me. Pumping the poison that filthy pitpigalina knew, as she controlled the rape and violence endlessly being forced upon me here--knowing I was being poisoned with deadly toxins that form clumps of black, stinking chemical reeking crap which stick into my bones, intestines and everywhere else--rotting and fermenting inside my intestines for YEARS and fighting ceaselessly to get them out as the pigs continue to have it inserted into my body directly while I am sleeping--turned on, excited, glowing with joy over it, feeding off the violence--they unleashed this sexual predator whore slut male German fascist Nazi upon me as he pumped as hard as possible the poisons into my body. He kept trying to hypnotize me into repeating that "this is healing my body" as I repeated it in a drugged daze. I was so completely drugged I could not handle the ongoing banking/mail assault upon me as my bank was sold out and bought by PNC and my debit card expiration date ended one month before the transition--it should have not expired at such an early date--only 2 years they gave for the expiration date when I had the cards reissued before the older ones expired. It was calculated by the BANK to create this one-month gap so I would have to pay the highest price (and they made it the slowest delivery possible and tried to prolong the "next day highest rate Fed Ex" price to me waiting for over 2 weeks to receive my new debit cards, while I had zero money. ) But so drugged up I could not function even on this financial level and lost $200 in the process of paying fees and then paying for expedited delivery which was blocked. As the pig filth kept teleporting and raping poison as hard and deeply as possible into my body, because the pigs instructed him to do this out of Europigapeland--his peers and Nazi buddies and partners--the Americans like pit pig and filthy Europigape-backed filthalina were EMBRACING this pig, along with s-negger and the rest. He remains a stoic partner of them, always there sitting advising and waiting to get more tours for his performances out of this, perhaps another movie deal, etc etc etc. The pigs never stop feeding off this it's now a complete feeding frenzy.

Because I finally kept saying no, as he would beat and rape me for saying no, as I felt increasingly very seriously ill, drugged up with pain killers, the usual daily dose of amphetamines so I could function but not realize how badly I was really internally dying and being murdered and constantly poisoned--

I said no, then began yelling no, as the pig continued. finally hitting him after one month of this, as I felt nauseous, sick and disgusted, I began hitting him back finally and calling him and his greasy dirty rape member pig meat and a piece of shit. The pigs then had most of my hair PERMANENTLY chemically treated out so my scalp felt like burned but greasy rubber---whatever they put on my scalp has left no hair growing for one year. I have had to sleep with a system of head wrappings and layers tied, sealed with rubber bands, etc for this past year and the hair still won't grow back.

the pigs who raped me are still being cheered on, the Senator is now presiding and instructing them on plantation types of brutality which they are also embracing. They are all being paid in millions of dollars by this Nazi and fascist group which is meeting out these contracts and awards. Don't forget fascist Nazi H. clinton in the mix here, as she ran to get involved in yet another scam attack upon me. The last time she joined in and I didn't agree to be the sex slave of Bill she ordered the skin between my toes severed and cut into every night--that went on for months until it felt like my toes were being severed off. I have slept with things tied around my ankles with socks sealed with rubber bands to stop the mechanical arms from severing nerve endings in my toes and slowly cutting my toes off. They also inserted fungus into the cuts as well.


That is the pure shit that is running America today, in both politics and in the media. For her efforts, Clinton is being handed once more a run at President, polluting the Democrat Party once more for her fascist English-backed endless pursuit of imperialistic rule over America. Her husband was programmed at Oxford during his years studying there, in order to avoid fighting in the Vietnam War.


Agents, all, of one or another Europigape country who all have combined to create a united fascist Nazi front with America as one of it's prime psy-ops targets for complete take-over.


Of course, this senator Graham I have told really from the first that I don't respect his version of the fascist Nazi empire in it's American iteration. He, of course, won't stop having babies crying underneath my window as symbol of the contract he and his family so dearly want to covet, instead of Whorewood spawn attacking me it's going to be Southerners trying to instill another new techno version of slavery in The South along with Congress also in it's iteration of being having taken over completely on all sides.


Full funding, full support, no admonition even for any of them. ...and they are just beginning to be trained in how to manipulate these technologies and the ready and standing back goons and thugs waiting to go out in a Game of Thrones "trial by combat" scene waiting to slay and kill for loot and feudal dnastic (fascist tyrannical) rulership kingdoms.


But back on down to the Southern new techno slavery plantation system that Senator Graham wants to install via his inclusion in this endless cornucopia of funding and pay-outs by participating in this hate and torture/murder technology/protocol system I find myself trapped within and without any support whatsoever anywhere and everywhere around the planet.

I have also told Graham I will not be a willing subject of his exploitation of me. He continues as all of them do to push the agenda without fail, without end, without cease or desist.

It's a nice break to not have pit pig and filthalina coming at me as they have done using one pig scumbag after the next to assault me while they sat in posturing Game of Thrones postures with full backing and all $$ support of the Europigape fascist Nazi cartel which put out this series (Game of Thrones) not without understanding of the ultimate impact it would have on viewers and their aspirations for power and hegemony. The endless disdain for everything American and the endless worship of everything Northern Europigapeland. But I am telling him once more via this post that I do not like or want him, you so get off me. Of course I 've said this and he continues, as they all do. The rewards for going on and on far outweigh any consideration of me as a human being. The laws and rules of the Bill of Rights only pertain to the pig apes who believe they are and only they entitled to having respect and property and availability to compete in the market--controlling it all as a result.


Asking for about the millionth time for intervention and an end put to this hell situation by anyone out there or people who can see a bit of the impending doom this group is putting into real-life practice in real-life terms.

No one seems to care in all of whorewood and especially in Congress. They really want the utter destruction of America and to be ruled by Europigape fascist parasites. They all assume that when they are handed their little fiefdoms and kingdoms by the Europigapes who carve out little sections for each fascist Nazi Imperialist group to control and rule over, that they will retain these titles and get the plantation system going up now a complete mind and body fenced-in partition for them to exploit endlessly. Sex slaves galore! Abused, downtrodden minorities servicing them with good ole uncle tom and aunt jemima smiles and obedience as they turn around viciously and attack people like me for their masters. I have Jews playing these roles but because they have inbred with blonde fascist Nazis they assume they truly are entitled and above me and with all the oppression capabilities with all my years of achievement and struggle these pig apes have negated every single thing I have done, all my ideas they have possibly stolen from years of information extraction through torture, they have done over and over and over for yeas and years. I struggle right now just to type this, as usual the keyboard is juxtaposing the letters I type so I can't go quickly and must retype and backspace endlessly. Just another version of blocking my capabilities, which is all this group is about, and then claiming I am a "loser" as a result, and as they steal ideas from me, being paid in millions for this mind control torture system, they are plastic-surgery enhanced told they are supreme and can do whatever they want and get away with it.

That is what politicians like Graham are fully endorsing and have endorsed all my life. This perpetrator and very violent man who is playing kinda "nice" but employing shit like pit pig to violently punch into my face while I am sleeping and in a prone position--as I wrote, this  has never happened in all the 8 years of this going on, not like this in this very ostensible violent way. Due to the new inclusion of Graham, I only can eliminate the other variables and attribute this new form of violence to him. It's plantation style violence, just a segue to other forms of beatings and whippings that his family and inheritance have kept alive in the KKK meetings that whisper such penalties into the ears of the supplicants who bow to the burning cross while calling themselves Christians.


Pit Pig ("actor") assaulting me with fascist, Nazi tactics in teleportation last night while in my usual deep healing sleep state, prone, on the ground level as he stood over me punching violently at me. Undoubtedly instructed to behave this way by the ally and friend of T-rump, a senator (Republican this time, not Democrat) who is trying to force this "baby" and slavery contract upon me. The entire fascist Nazi entourage will benefit if any one of them forces this contract upon me. The Nazi contingent in America will also get great backing and their iconography whores in Whorewood will continue to represent fascist Nazi overtake of America while the Senators on all sides completely come to milk off this contract as much as they can.

 I went to bed at 3 p.m. yesterday after eating the first real meal in over 8 days. I slept 15 hours as my body was transitioning from a hardened chemical block fixed into my back/spine/hips/knees/legs/skull and as part of it literally broke off a few days ago, my body has struggled to get this cement-hard chemical block into another malleable form so it can continue to struggle to get more of it out--or at least have mobility. 

The fascist, Nazi-style silencing tactics used by the lesbian actor yesterday were just a prelude to the endless violence that pit pig and his filthy pigalina ugly skank wife have used against me for over EIGHT YEARS (and longer, they have been in the background and part of endless violence for over a decade, perhaps longer but that's another story). The parasites continue: under instruction pit pig was violently punching downward at me as I "woke up" in my teleported state to some situation where this violently stupid ugly pig was punching in a deadly violent salvo of blows aimed at my face. The pig has never behaved in this openly violent form until now, so I assume the new input of this friend, partner and ally of T-rump, the senator from one of the Carolina States, was instructing him on what HE would do if in that situation. For the benefit of the lesbian skank and the rest of the Europigape-dominated crowd of fascist Nazis and would-be Feudal overlords-in-waiting (along with the "Right Wing extremist" throngs of military-armed "militias" out there waiting for another Insurrection and chance to mass murder in the streets ofAmerica, spurred by pig apes like these actors and the senators and people behind THEM).


I responded by trying to kick him in the face, in my prone, just put into this waking state as he was punching downward leering over me as I was put on my back and "woken up" in teleportation, while my "prime" body was in deep healing sleep in this torture chamber room which I have fought to protect myself in as the pig apes watched gleefully masturbating no doubt privately over the years of watching me get raped, beaten while in deep sleep from their minions while they teleported and raped and beat and abused me in the secondary state --simultaneously.

All of this because I wanted to compete, be beautiful and didn't think that wealthy nasty abusive insulting Europigape men who wanted to exploit me were anything but creeps and avoided them--even silently. And the fact that this organization is killing off and destroying anything and anyone which doesn't either bow down to them (if they are a minority)  or "allow' them to roll over them and "win" in every competition claiming that they, as representatives of the Nazi ideology, are innately "superior". All must agree or get destroyed if they are not part of this structure. Minorities rush to defend their "masters" on all occasions. They get promoted as well for their efforts to sustain this image and pardigm.


Thusly, for MORE promotion pit pig and his group assaulted me in fascist Nazi style, as usual using tactics of injustice--as in when the person is sleeping, vulnerable, unaware, from behind, from oblique angles, lying, using mind control weapons to block cognitive function as they insult while the target can barely ascertain what is going on, but appearing functional as only parts of the brain are affected but core functioning is not (or sometimes is, as nervous system is also shaken and etc).

Lying, cheating and stealing, robbing raping and murdering. That is their forte, it's all they are about. 


I was going to add a kind of odd synchronicity I saw about pit pig yesterday, (although synchronicity is supposed to mean something positive, in this example it's not). 

I saw a title of an article in Politico:

French Prime Minister Macron said of rising anti-Semitism in France: "It is showing itself on the walls of our cities” when they are vandalized with swastikas, he continued. “It is infiltrating social networks ... it inserts itself into debates on some TV shows. It shows itself in the complacency of certain political forces. It is prospering also through a new form of historic revisionism, even negationism.”--

Ironically, as this very article came out (or I saw it listed on the left-side scrolling down the front page of Politico online yesterday)--there was a breezy photo of pit pig smiling and waving to the French crowds in Paris as his stupid violent thug movie came out to theaters where the fascists and Nazis came also come out to "support" their "good" ("stupid American") actor who supports their fascist uprising and overtake of the United States--pit pig smiling and beaming as for years his every major move which has been heralded by the media and advertised is a direct result of this fascist, Nazi protocol system. That pig ape sits with his dirty foul legs slightly spread as he beckons in Europigape fascist pig creep after whore to assault or rape me, with filthy "feminist" pigapealina smirking and smiling as they rape and beat me, lovingly gliding her whorish hand over the faces of the men to rape and beat me. They pump poison into my body as well, as she continues to have my body poisoned with insertions into my vagina into my bladder with hardening and stinking substances that I must urinate out all day but the stiffening poison remains into my muscles so the other stagnant poisons remain in my intestines killing me "softly". 

This morning I awoke and my body stank, and I realized that the pigs had sprayed fish oil on the crotch area of my clothing while I was in this deep sleep. They do this regularly and my clothing is continuously sprayed with stinking odors which I must endlessly try to get out. The substances are laboratory enhanced with permanent staining and absorbing properties so the stink never truly gets out. Every month I must throw away piles of clothing and other broken appliances and objects that have been completely broken, made ugly, shabby and stinking and foul, paint scraped off, metal made brown with rust, clothing rubbed with sandpaper, stinking odors coming out of clothing after cleaning with bleach, baking soda, etc nothing completely gets it out. My subpoverty income spent in fighting and cleaning and repurchasing items.

The pig apes like pit pig getting paid in mansions, jets, millions of dollars for this fascist Nazi protocol system.

The pig is now being told he is wonderful as usual by the Europigape cartel that has taken over the United States. The Senator is also getting his share of the bounty, along with the Dems who came before him to assault, threaten and pump up the fascist Nazi Europigape actors who have taken over the reigns of disgusting and dirty, filthy Whorewood.


The fans who are only part of these organizations of terror and fascist Nazism, those who remain after all the "culling" operations of eliminating anyone QUESTIONING their false claims of superiority--anyone outside of their "entitled" Nazi ranks can't make pithy and smart observations about how stupid their tv shows, skits, songs and public personas really and truly are. Killed off, only adoration of this clump of foul and pestilent mediocrity remains.  The fans cheer it all on and want these fascist Nazi actors to continue to sell off their impending new order of Feudal fascism with law and order only applied to the fascists and their minions who obey and serve gladly, bringing in hoards of wanna-be's into the fold. The rest get covertly massacred.

Supported with these weapons of silent torture and murder by Congress, now skewed completely into the fascist and Nazi orientation---

and so I write about this again to the blank and staring people reading my posts.

My years of writing about how insidious, stupid and what tragedy these actors and politicians are for America and it's failing system of equality and justice have only brought on more opportunists and parasites and emboldened the usual pig ape suspects to become more violent and behave in more ostensible fascist Nazi ways of oppression. The Insurrection is tied to pit pig and his sleazy and dirty, stupid ugly creep filthalina whore wife, English Crown-operated blow up doll--turned into United Nations "Humanitarian" representative but bringing in every fascist Nazi overtake possible around the world--, but no one will care to recognize this as they continue and now I have a Senator advising this pit pig to become even more violent and more like the fascist Nazi he and his group need to implement the slave system that once entitled them to operate as slavers with beatings, rape and pillage of black slaves for a few centuries, unimpeded by anything until the Civil War. Now that there are these technologies, they can once more dream of Dixie Rising up along with this entire global fascist Nazi cartel that no one will recognize in the media or do any research on. The subject is entirely taboo in the media. 

Now that the Insurrection is being filmed in all it's lies and deceits by the J-6 Select Committee, there is ample room for any questioning of the entertainment media's effect on how people behave. That Game of Thrones indelibly affected the impact of the violent when the call for "Trial by Combat" was issued as a green light by the closest rep of T-rump in this entire group, and they all went out ready to hang and mass murder members of Congress--perhaps people should stop clapping and applauding these creeps finally in the media and begin to put limits on the types of violence and sleaze being put out. As for the Senators and the politicians, the groups of Americans wanting "civil war" and bloodshed are so great and the gerrymandering so far-reaching--the future seems like a red tide of blood is just waiting like a dam to be opened up.


Keep doing nothing about it, do-nothing expletives reading this. Your system of death and destruction is surely at hand if you continue to allow this to fester on and on.


Meanwhile, I have this violent senator who is trying to force this contract out upon me. The faces of the pig apes from Whorewood are so repugnant to me that I am physically ill when I see them--I feel like I am going to vomit literally--almost at that point. A revulsion of hate comes over me. Wishing them death is like a daily practice in mantra meditation for me. That nothing is ever done about this cruelty or injustice aimed at me by ALL of Whorewood and ALL of Congress and ALL of American society is a damning testament to how ready and willing America is to install fascist Nazi leadership into power indefinitely, bringing down the Constitution only as a parameter of concepts only confined to fascist white Nazi culture and the rest are prime hunting season.


Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are ...