Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Spineless with a protruding gut, not "gutsy". That is not me, with my crooked spin and poison hanging off my abdomen from people like Hillary Clinton who have poisoned, drugged and attacked me because I threatened the status quo that has sheltered and protected and promoted them (for really, in real life behind the photo-ops and blathering bs lectures about how great they are, orchestrated scripted blathering for public consumption) but in REAL LIFE they are absolute upholders of the worst of sexist rape culture and violence towards women. They want only their own to be spared so they offer people like me as a replacement sacrifice to be raped and beaten instead of them. For this, they get tv shows exhibiting (falsely) how much they are 'advocating" for "women's rights". //It never ends, this sickness I must witness and everyone else knows about but just leave to the silence of the sheeple to protect.//She condoned rape, torture and mutilation and violence towards me by extremely sexist men and fascist Nazis of all walks (of fame out of Mafia & H-wood) to endlessly attack me. Has she obtained this starring role in "Gutsy" because she has the "audacity" to appear as an advocate for "all" women in this role which she may have obtained by participating in this media-promotion scheme of terror torture and violence via covert technologies and "gang stalking" to which she fully approves; has participated with both Trump and Graham in this violence towards me as a "guest" being handed access to this semi-walk of fame media promotional free deal! Need I write more about the absurdity to which I view this show? How and why I, and only I, must be singled out like this as some target by women who claim they are working to help women of all types achieve independence but by being "allowed" to put out such a show she demonstrates fascist rape culture enabling and violence towards me--which is ABSOLUTELY unjustified. If anyone is "gutsy" it is me and not that blob of pretentiousness usurping the feminist movement. I am absolutely a women that has threatened the status quo and Hillary Clinton has fully participated in this "witch hunt" rape for demeaning my entire life contract to which she fully agrees and approves of and profits off. To make this show of farce about caring about "women"s" issues is beyond incalculably disgusting. But no one else can ever or even begin to vocalize this and it seems that the universal acceptance that I must have "done something" to deserve murder attempts by rapist after hater--my body wracked with scars and hair gone body crooked my cat stolen (probably dead by now) my finances blocked endless violence by her friends from the Mafia and from Congress--and from Whorewood and it never ends--the bs of these people and the media presentations of them as being somehow not DEPLORABLE.

 "Gutsy--Official Trailer/Apple Tv+". Apple TV. August 23, 2022.

Hillary Clinton: *Hackers put this entire post in blue (see next paragraph below) with underlines and I never clicked on these functions and I cannot get rid of this creepy underlined blue portion--the hacking is as usual as bad as it always is. Thanks to Hillary joining in the "fun" and looking like an ape feeding off violence---like all the rest of the pig apes, like Trump smirking and smiling as I am under non-stop torture she has joined in that cause and voila! She's got a tv show with granola type-looking women exclaiming how "free" they are to express their independence and individuality for this tv show called "Gutsy"--but if someone like me, truly independent and actually capable of saying NO to the likes of screeching, nasty and racist bigot Clinton who exposes this immediately upon acting in concert with Trump, the mafia agents like Pesce and Deniro, and then Graham--and she's got a tv show now with her starring in it as some heroic salvation for "women" to admire as she travels around with her bottles of snake oil to sell to the world about how much she advocates for independent women. I suggest that most of the women in her shows would very quickly gang stalk, poison and participate in white male supremacy rape of me for their ow promotions as well as Clinton has done. I know the general fabric of many of the "types" who are like recurring cookie-cutter creeps so I look at these "independent" women and see basically programmed stereotypes which have "won" public acceptance because they are actually nothing "new" or threatening. their appearance and clothing and style are nothing dramatically original these "types" have sprung up at least 30 years ago. That Clinton is putting such types out now as something "daring" is a joke of sordid sorts. These are the types of ingratiating "minorities" that the white supremacists "allow" into the folds of society. I am so unwelcome that women like Clinton are a direct threat to my life. After he screaming and yelling my body was cut into in such a way--every night, and for months until I have to still wrap my entire body while sleeping to stop them from literally slicing the skin between my toes to the bone, night after night until probably the blood flow would have been severed altogether. That was what happened after Hillary joined the violence in this teleportation bs contract that still no real actual "feminist" in the throng of rapist enabler skanks actually are--they are such fakes it's disgusting. They represent a tailored version of acceptable weak women who pose and blather on about how strong and independent they are. Not a single one of them would have the strength or "guts' to stand up for their rights if they were in my situation and certainly not a single one of them would ever stop this fascist white male supremacy hate crime against me, and certainly not f-ing Hillary Clinton the weak and screaming parasitic vulture.

Clinton: Another false idol of the media fascist Nazi worship programming guide to pretentious anti-racist/sexist "woke" culture (I must borrow from the fascist terminology to describe Hillary Clinton after her violence aimed at me, not just a few years ago but just last month alongside Linsey Graham in his quest to quash his appearance to testify for his crimes--all focus on attacking me as if I have done the most immeasurable crime possible and all must destroy my body and home and life without end for years and years without question they all do this with so much hate it's unbelievable. My crime is for actually having been "gutsy" enough to fight for my rights as a women to not be sexually trafficked via modern technology that all these politicians have been funding and supporting like Hillary Clinton--a criminal whose past entails murder and larceny and fraud and etc--put into the media as some kind of hero. For her complicity in rape and torture using modern technology upon me--endlessly and always at me--never ending hate directed at me because I am "gutsy" enough to say NO to being raped and tortured by scumbags who have been put into high positions of power. And going on for years screaming NO after their death threats and mutilations and poisoning and rape and putting me in jail for calling them names after they were poisoning me to death and raping the poison into my body. Then finally resorting to writing these posts on Facebook and on this blog in order to document their crimes; each and every post resulting in more violence towards me; that takes GUTS to do for a DECADE. Goddamn but Hillary Clinton came at me with some blonde bigots just last month in order to get more promotions out of participating in this--the blonde wealthy pieces of crap who look like something like Silicon Valley organic "fair trade" coffee fascists sitting at Starbucks in the Muir Woods somewhere and pretentiously discussing some facade of culture but becoming apes and pigs when they participate in covert torture--the guise of "liberal" cool alternative absolutely disappearing once they participate with the Nazi politicians and in order to get their tv show appearances---


When I write of the "type" of women who join in on the Hillary bandwagon, I also can include my own Mater Deploritatus---(sic)--that "semi-divine" status of motherhood that all the violent rapist enablers like Hillary and Graham mention as someone I should turn to as salvage for the crisis they have forced me into. My mother actually worked for the Clinton Campaign during the 2016 election cycle in her Phoenix "feminist" brigade. My mother has had me poisoned and poisoned me herself all my life from infancy onward. My mother handed me over to very bad people to do bad things and she laughed about it, similar to how Hillary ACTUALLY reacts to such violence when there are no "politically-correct" onlookers who she must continue the great lie to. Hillary was handed access to this technology used for rape and torture of me by her good friend Trump, and then a few years later by Graham, her good friend in Congress. Just like Biden, bigot Biden. But going back to my mother, she belongs to the cadre of "feminist" so-called who are rather repetitive in their hypocrisy (towards me in particular). My mother is a direct threat to my life, just as Clinton is (as I wrote above, physical mutilation began that could have made me lose digits and this only was for not doing what she wanted as her proposed "minority minion" and just automatically saying "yes" to anything and everything these parasitic vulture murdering bigots want to do to me because the US government under her control ensured that I would have no protection. The murders and death squads that she herself used for her own protection against her fraud have been completely bypassed--the cocaine orgies that the Clintons indulged in back in the Arkansas Governance have been all but obliterated in the past memory of short-term media retrieval.


Not trying to besmirch her "reputation" to the "liberals" out there, but I am only referring to my situation. The endless parade of these women who violently assault me along with rapist men who then pose as being "feminists" like Heard, the former wife of rapist abuser pitt and now Hillary has been well-trained in her exploits of the feminist movement so she was in that biz long before she joined in on the "fun" she apparently thinks is thrilling to participate in when she lets down the real violent woman-hating racism that truly lies behind the fake and well-postured facade that the media has painted her out to be. That goes for filthalina and Heard and so many of these other "feminist" women (laughing giggling former wife of Cruise and etc-they are repugnant--going far and above the label of Deplorable--disgusting but repugnant and sick and sleazy and stupid and violent upholders of white male rape culture more than 100%. Adored by the fascist Nazi controllers of the media, and also pit appears to have a stake in Apple, I think or maybe it's his former wife but they kept putting items from Apple in my path (this is a long story on their triggering and the items they put via their terrorist network so I know they are stalking me by using these symbols--the "Apple" logo was used for at least two years without end. Yes, of course, pit and co. were of course there to assist Hillary in exploiting or abusing me and passing me on to the next abuser who also got his/her role, award or tv show--and on and on that went on nightly for years--they are all at parties right now, I am struggling to make my hair regrow and get this poison out of my body but I am in pain and still stuck as a torture victim unable to move or go anywhere to alleviate this stress they are constantly forcing upon me so they can get more and more and more and more free promotions by just abusing me without end because I am "gutsy" enough to say no, as they are not that strong trust me they are absolute contributors to the destruction of feminism---in it's real form of fighting against tremendous violence from the rape white male and minority minion network. They call me "dangerous" they call Hillary Clinton a "feminist" because she's so compliant to their real agenda of racism combined with rape and if it's aimed at me the nasty women of the racist rapist men will laugh and giggle and dance and prance around and try to destroy me alongside their men.

Biden's new "biomedical research" government agency & "Be Wary of how criminal minds work."--Cut 2 The Chase TV. Thanks US government for helping your criminal wealthy white supremacists with their money-oriented, money-fixated, money-flashing minority minions (i.e. rappers from H-wood but living in Beverly Hills mansions) behave like the North Hollywood stalking gangs. In similar stalk/target and attack mode/and/or torture/murder attempt/murder mode/steal everything possible not just for $ but for the high of power mob using your modern technology: teleportation, microchip implants which includes GPS capabilities just like microchipped animals (and criminals). Mind control poisoning and drugging, mind control voice-to-skull technologies, thought-reading technologies to ensure that stalking and targeting and theft are more successfully concealed than just a simple gang-land shooting in the street; leaving absolutely no evidence and all police and law enforcement protection for all these "entitled" criminals to "enjoy" plunder, rape and torture and murder with full approval and funding from US Senators who have racist genocidal agendas and presidents and other Congressional members of Congress. Society applauds the criminals understanding even if subconsciously that they are worshipping something criminal and violent but these criminals "flex" their power and money in ways that make people want to emulate their criminal behavior but it's all cloaked as being sensational celebrity and politico theater and supremacist indoctrination. In the video below the rapper shooting/stalking/targeting vid from North H-wood, is a small blurb about Biden's "New biomedical research government agency--aimed at "protecting ALL Americans". The biomedical equivalent perhaps of Homeland Security, protecting ALL Americans with endless surveillance capabilities. Operating in tandem with microchip implants, undoubtedly. "Be Wary Of How Criminal Minds Work". In the "hood" there is no pretense, but in the hood of H-wood supremacy entitlement, Inc/GmbH/Ltd. et al and from Congress and the municipal, State and Federal Levels this kind of mob violence, stalking, theft, attempted murder/murder is cloaked in benevolent disguise but covertly behaves like any ordinary thug operation. Coming from the eternal target, I KNOW that the only difference is in the nomenclature of the "elite" versus the "hood".

 "LA Rapper Wakko The Kidd Shot And Robbed After Flexing On Instagram".  Cut 2 The Chase TV. September 6, 2022.

"President Biden Giving Update To 'Cancer Moonshot' Initiative". MSNBC. September 12, 2022.


 As I wrote yesterday regarding trickle down economics, this is not a bottom-up but a bottom-up trickling down policy of stalking/torture/theft being performed by US Senators, celebrities who already have millions of dollars attacking a disabled person who has been forced into sub-poverty income, but has ideas they want to steal and so torturing the ideas out, rape and violence without end in order to obtain "Original" ideas. The politicians need all kinds of "get out of jail" or help getting elected stepping stone leverage so they join in. The Nazi KKK types need victims to abuse so they can demonstrate how the rest of the country can do the same if and when they are able to use the technologies to perform their hate crimes (which of course includes theft of property and wealth). There is no difference between the criminal behavior explained in this video or what I have had to endure coming from the white Nazi supremacists living in mansions, flying private jets, who have no need to go out and steal but need ideas or someone to bash to feel empowered in order to pose as fascists pretending to be humanitarians.

Monday, September 12, 2022

September 11, 2001. I was living in Gainesville, Florida. I took the student bus from student housing in the SE quadrant of Gainesville into campus almost daily (to the library, as I prepared for Grad School entrance exams). There were signs put up above the bus driver's seat, depicting students standing in a staggered line formation. Underneath the photo of the Orange and Blue adorned students was this statement: On September 11 there will be a "free pass" day and no bus passes or tickets are needed. This is to celebrate..."" (I can't remember the excuse that was written for the waiver of passes or tickets--only on that one day, and this sign had been put up at least two or three weeks even prior to September 11, 2001. If you can connect this to any other conceptual notion of how prepared the University of Florida was for a potential disaster planning event......And by the way, there never was prior or since a "free day" for riding the bus in Gainesville as long as I lived in that city.

It is impossible for me to write more than a few sentences without mind programming/obstruction of keyboard taking over. I re-read parts of my last post and it was "redacted" meaning words had been deleted, I could not "think" and I had to backspace and rewrite so continuously while my brain was blotted out from short-term memory that by the time I got through backspacing and rewriting my thoughts were completely scattered. I imagine that subliminals are being pumped into my brain at high-speed delivery while I am fighting to think. I tried to express (in case anyone read through the entire post I just wrote, it's so discombobulated) that I can only "remember" ideas once I get away from this laptop and this physical spot in front of the laptop. I know that my brain is being "blanked" out while I am writing and "they" are inserting subliminals to change what I am typing out. While I fight to write about the terrorism and torture of these haters who are assaulting me using teleportation and "voice-to-skull" technology, "they" make my brain dwindle in analytic function and a huge swelling almost tsunami of emotional rage overrides all intellectual concepts. I say and write things that are "immature" which I have never really succumbed to until I was tortured non-stop and then I got into that ranting after more than 3 years of it. Please do not judge me entirely by these posts, as they are rife with huge interference. This is the best I can do to try to salvage my attempts to write clearly without huge emotional hyperbolism. It is IMPOSSIBLE to simply think and write clearly I can only manage a few sentences at the beginning of a post before the effects just swoon in my brain and I am overcome.

Prescience or (common sense) prediction: At the beginning of 2022 I predicted (not using tarot cards or divination) that Queen E would pass. It has come to pass. What will transpire with the Crown terrorist core connected to H-wood, I wonder, with this new but entrenched/programmed change of rulership? To me, all that matters is the key to the former Queen's prescription for covert 4th Reich policy disguised as benevolence and "free", which in my opinion is/was Keynes. Neo-liberal politics and policies which brought about the wealth divide, and thus encouraging a despotic rulership of white supremacy versus a planet of desperate immigrants; resulting in the rise of fascism--these are significant elements and factors involved in the (what I perceive as being the significant legacy of Queen Elizabeth's policy) formula for the continuance of the Neo-Nazi movement.

"Roundtable: Amid Tributes to Queen Elizabeth, Deadly Legacy of British Colonialism Cannot be Ignored". Democracy Now! September 9, 2022.



  • British economist John Maynard Keynes is the founder of Keynesian economics.
  • Keynesian economics argues that demand drives supply and that healthy economies spend or invest more than they save.
  • To create jobs and boost consumer buying power during a recession, Keynes held that governments should increase spending, even if it means going into debt.
  • Critics attack Keynesian economics for promoting deficit spending, stifling private investment, and causing inflation.

*****PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS BLOG POST HAS BEEN PARTIALLY DELETED OR REWRITTEN BY HACKER TERRORISTS WHEN I TRIED TO READ THIS POST AND SAW HOW BADLY IT HAD BEEN OBSCURED, I WAS DISMAYED BUT THIS IS SO EVER-PRESENT IN ALL MY ATTEMPTS TO WRITE ANYTHING. This is very hard to get through, this post because of all these hacker deletions or rewrites. I am under a siege of mind control tech so I can't "remember" all the phrases I had written exactly. I just will leave this as is. I write such statements for almost every post I write as this is always the case. I do not want any post that has been so badly redacted to be considered my inability to express my self in a serious way.


An explanation for my vague interpretation of economics and of this subject:

The subject of Keynesian economics and the application of policy as regulated by PM's and in conjunction with the Queen (of late) is of course something I have no privy access of information--the concepts I wrote of above could easily be disputed when you read any basic history of Keynes and his actual policies and politics. The Socialist government of England is not as far distant as the US equivalent in it's aspirations for global domination/dominance. Less or more government regulation of the economy in a global atmosphere, far outpacing what Keynes had written of in his early 20th Century books on economics--however, to issue is of debt and that, in effect, is what Keynes recommended as sound economic (and thus political) policy. That America could in the near future be beholden to China for it's bankrupt status of it's national Debt is something only briefly mentioned in many a media lecture on policy and of the state of the Union. A country going into debt if there is an economic downturn, which would, theoretically, straighten itself out (one would hope) with the spur in investment and the flow of capital and all that other economic jargon which I have not been trained to repeat up to this point in my life (of being blocked and drugged all my life and forced into subpoverty income so the necessity to study economics for me has remained at a most basic macroeconomic level, and very basic at that. One cannot deny, however well-trained one is in current economic (mis)management that the burgeoning debt crisis of the United States has reached past critical mass, but this is so mostly ignored by the media and one must go into extremes in order to focus on this issue which is of such paramount importance to the stability of the US. I make my statement regarding Keynes mostly in light of the mismanagement of debt and national debt, along with the "Trickle-down" investment philosophy that has spurred an elitist resurgence of what is now openly called "semi-fascism" by President Biden. Make no doubt that this rise in "fascism" could not have been made possible without the reliance upon all these decades of Trickle-down adaptations of earlier Keynesian models of economics. To delve into this topic would entail that my internet not be hacked, my keyboard operable instead of being hacked so I can barely write out a single word or statement, and the attacks on my brain also be stopped. I also require adequate search information as my internet searches are met by results of 10 items on Google for very vague topics on politics--almost all of the time the search engine results are blocked so I get one or two pages of results while the Google search result states that there are thousands or hundreds of thousands. I can't access information, in short, or not very well. Much of what I do access is controlled and skewed in content (or redacted or simply rewritten--Orwellian style). What Keynes could not have predicted or did not predict were the mind control and other nefarious misuses of technology that now permeate the fabric of stability in economic disparity that the mishandling of his philosophies and economic politics had earlier prescribed as tentative solutions to the greed, the conquering worm, which can wind itself around almost any concept and turn it into a devouring regurgitated reshapement of it's former self.


One media "fix" to the legacy of Keynesian economics is of the huge National Debt to which the United States is always on the brink of collapse into bankruptcy and inability to pay of even the interest on the debt. Massive efforts to divert public attention from this near fatal collapse of the US and it's currency leadership around the world (which is not something that is undesired but instead highly but secretly desired in order to bring into the world this chaos of economic failure of the US Government, which would enable a take-over by the fascist contingent --many of whom are heavily armed with assault rifles and the like)--but endless focus in the media upon #45 has made attention on this most urgent issue completely buried and obscured. If it wasn't Bill Clinton and his sexual escapades making headlines to obscure other trifles like wars and economic collapse, the formula to keep the "masses" occupied into focusing on other issues remains. But my point is Queen E--from all my encounters with people connected to the English Royalty (one of whom was poisoning me to death, stole ideas, and is behind the H-wood English-backed celebrities who have tortured and stolen ideas from me non-stop, all making open anti-Semitic Nazi statements about having me killed in concentration camps and all those other fascist statements). I take it then that they are merely emulating what they were trained and programmed to think and behave like coming from the top, the mentality trickling down like Keynesian economics, from whence comes my connection to the fiscal fascist policies which have helped to bring about our current near-fascist take-over of the United States. It's a very long take of economic disaster, which is elaborated upon by many a scholar and hinted at by Progressives and many others alike--hailed as stolid foundation for future politics by the likes of the fascist-take-over Party vying for complete take-over of elections committees and a future of their making, by-passing the US Constitution whenever advantage for power is possible. Keynes and his "trickle-down" economics. I believe this was extoled and brought forth originally by The English Crown, Queen E in particular as she probably condoned every policy that the US then welcomed in as their partnership in world domination ensures mutual economic stability (albeit non-parity in currency, so the English can stroll on into the US and purchase as much as they want, which they have done to the delight of the fascist contingent and their dumbed down minions in the US who latch onto every statement and believe in it, when they are instructed to do so. All "good" little programmed minions rewarded (Perhaps temporarily and fatally so).


Yes dear readers, it is possible to predict something (for me) without using crutches such as tarot cards. I "felt" that this would happen and first it was her husband and then Her. I am neither happy nor sad about this passing (well, I am not neutral but I don't want to appear callous). My goal really is to see if Charles is going to continue the legacy of post WWII fascism (disguised as it so cleverly has been in the circles of concentric power trickling down from the top-to-the-bottom tiers of UK society. How they attack me whenever possible and all following the exact same protocols but not all have access to the most sophisticated mind control technologies, and who is controlling the lower and bottom tiers, I wonder when only they have use of these minute highly covert and sophisticated technologies at their immediate disposal? Rhetorical question, my dears reading this...).


But I did write this, it was at the beginning of this year, in January or just prior to the New Year. Where it is, I can't really bother to look up because I can't stand to see months and years of the same railings and rantings I have divulged in, in my endless years of attempting to garner sympathy. I realize that the thrashing torture victim is more of an entertainment spectacle than an object of pity, unless they are of the established bigot appearance which everyone is "supposed" to consider far more worthy of law and legal protection then their darker hue fellow human beings (which they dehumanize as often as possible, those who consider the law only and realistically established for their defense and counter-offensive tactics and the rest have no rights, as deemed by their creed and this terror system of systematic racism is surely assisting in this social engineering project of prison population culture/no rights for me and so, my writings have only amassed spectators and no protection, or so it seems. Hopefully more people of the oppressed layers of dehumanization will stop nearly worshipping their oppressors and finally begin to establish their real-life majority rule of equal protection under law and whatever else can come of stopping the mind programming into white supremacy that things like the media are endlessly thrusting out into the mental sphere atmosphere.

I think of the Queen of England and of the utter and in the highest circles, extending into the lower, of absolute racist Nazism and I do believe that this mentality and paradigm is a remnant of the complicit Royalty to the Nazi cause preceding and ever-present ever since--tricking down as it were. The "trickle-down" theory is of English origin in the form of John Maynard Keynes, which has brought about "Neo-liberal" economic policies and politics. I could write an essay on this subject and indeed a book but  hacking and blocks are making it arduous to simply type this out. (Nota Bene): after I got up from this laptop, away from the brain-altering tech blasting my brain in front of this laptop screen--I "remembered" the name Prince Philip, husband to Queen Elizabeth. Whilst in front of this laptop his name completely escaped my awareness. Once up and away it came roaring into my consciousness from "memory retrieval" my brain compartmentalizes--this happens to frequently, almost for every post I can't "remember" how to spell, or names, or ideas and they all come back at odd moments while I am away from this laptop space. The WiFi doesn't have to be turned off for the effect and the memories blocked to resurface while I am in another physical location.--I just read the first sentence of this paragraph and saw that hackers had deleted parts of the post--"the queen and her utter.." and then there was a change of ideas -this was hacked, but I can't "remember" right now what I had originally written---I could add something but I leave it in just to make this point made about how discrediting the hacker tactics and attempts are. I can't "think" while I am writing and fighting to get past the obstructions of hackers blocking keyboard functioning--which is at 100% of the time obstruction while I type, and thinking is hindered at probably a 40% range of cognitive ability by their tech of torture/hate and discrimination.


Reflections after watching the Democracy Now video (above) on the British Colonialism that the passing of the Queen has brought to public attention. As explained in the video by the experts of political commentary out of England: Queen Elizabeth dictated policy to her Prime Ministers bereft of any records being taken of the exchanges--the policy conformations were held weekly, PM-after-PM for the duration of the longest reign of this Queen for all the years she was capable of such undertakings. As I imagine, and now that I have had a rest from being blasted with mind control tech so I can think slightly more clearly than in the part of this post written earlier---I think of global dominance and of particular the forte of London life: global banking and financial English hegemony. That the rich/poor divide was widened under the guise of benevolent Reaganomics under the "auspices" of Keynesian-influenced "Supply Side" Economics is without dispute an historical fact. I spent a bit of time in London around Cannon Street stock brokers and bond brokers--(the equivalent of Wall Street, in London Town). The collusion of Americans from Wall Street with these Cannon street partners was made apparent to me, as I was of course the gang stalking MK ULTRA target (while sleeping or drugged in particular). I am not merely making some random "conspiracy theory" about ecomomic merging of English interests with American adaptation of English-born Keynes and his post WWII economic philosophies. The "yuppie" boom was in full upsurge when I was in London and the desire to "enslave" while becoming ultra rich in the supply side "Trickle-down" economics farce (leading to our now on the verge of debt crisis economy that is so largely ignored by mainstream media and only recognized when a new debt ceiling is being voted on by Congress). I do not merely focus on debt and the fiscal and financial policies that lead up to our now fascist-leaning country (economics has played a significant role in shaping this current ultra-violent trend, lead on largely by those who have felt that white power has been diminished by equal opportunity and also that their power en masse has been diminished due to globalization--free market neo-liberal policy--they attribute this to Democrats but it was first instituted by Reagonomics--Supply Side--harkening from Keynesian concepts in rulership or using the "elevator" of inflating and deflating to make the economy shift to fluctuations in favor of the Demand that pouring money into the wealthy (cutting taxes) will somehow "trickle" down onto the poor. It has never worked but it has helped to create the "entitled" wealth class and the white fascist poorer who want to establish a fascist system similar in scope to Nazism (which would become a Socialist system if they actually applied the real politics to their desire for genocidal conditions and the poor and minorities to "keep in their places" far beneath them. THis is the endless oppressive force that is applied to me daily and nightly by the terrorists you have put into lead position who are teleporting and their minions of all races who fully support this. I believe that the "bottom line" has more to do with current events than the history of Imperialism at this point in history with our digital and electronic global networking. The Imperialism has become a financial weapon in which to continue to instill colonialist aspirations. The English with their banking hegemony in London have applied these principles of shifting value of inflation and debt--basically I believe the United States leadership was instructed to follow these policies and have not stopped following them--by circuitous route from the edicts that Queen Elizabeth (perhaps) dictated to her Prime Ministers in these private sessions that NEVER were recorded. This is a "theory" on my part, but regardless, what I have seen of the players in the leadership roles who are of lessor status than the Queen but who are familiar with her Crown enterprise and how much they nearly worship and deflect and are deferential to Europ-a's particularly out of England proves to me how influential The Crown has been on American policy, and in particular in adapting an English version which ultimately put
England's Pound Sterling and in far more clout and worth than the US Dollar--formerly the world's currency, now in dispute that it can hold up for even a few more years. These are the thoughts that come to mind foremost when I think of the Queen's passing, in addition to the people associated with the Crown who have tried to murder me or threatened me with death for calling them names after they had me raped and stole ideas and tortured and poisoned after they profited off my ideas and/or just profited off torturing me so the Europ-a-backed fascist organization would promote them into awards and lead position in politics or in the media entertainment or for whatever thing they wanted to gain for proving what good subjects to The Crown they were and are--adn other fascist organizations and covert groups--not excluding the US Governmental agents in this respect. But they all nearly bow in deference to English royalty and that proves how much influence that entity has over American culture, it's politics and this has reflected in global misery for those oppressed by all these Imperialistic forces (America acting as a regulator for Imperialism--while England takes a break from doing the actual dirty work. That would place America into the minion role, and I certainly have seen only A$$-grubbing expletives coming out of American celebrity and political life who really bow down to Europ-a influence. The Clintons are some of the most apparent of those if you only look at how Clinton studied at Oxford --and out of fighting in Vietnam--and undoubtedly was "programmed" there--my brain is going completely blank on the type of scholarship he obtained--the mind control is absolutely affecting my memory at this time and cognitive processes so I will stop now). I only want to emphasize how directly the English (Crown) has applied pressure and affected policy in the US. I have been writing about how these celebrities torturing me are operatives of the English Crown for years. I see the effects of English policy in our massive debt crisis by having taken the pill of illusion and chomping down on economic policies that have lead to division and destruction and chaos. The English come in to take control once their policies and politics of chaos have done the job. The greedy are rewarded and the rest want mutiny and "civil war". Etc etc the dominos were always put in this configuration. It's getting too difficult to type and the usual hindrances are forcing me to have to stop wasting time fighting to pound letters out and to think clearly...

Circa 2 hours later: RHODES Scholarship. Yes, that is what Bill Clinton obtained for, 1: escaping military service for the Vietnam War. 2: programming into English service as an agent of globalization. 

But notwithstanding, I could not access the name of this Oxford scholarship until well long after I had clicked off this blog and even though sitting in front of this tube, when trying to "remember" the name came immediately. They are using the tech while I write on these posts and as time progresses the effect on my brain becomes more and more pronounced until I am just ranting in expletive hate phrases. Endlessly backspacing and now they are forcing that upon me as well. I just wanted to write this, as my writing is fraught with these blocks to my brain functioning. I wonder if I ever will be able to type at my real speed (lightening quick) and think clearly (can explicate well enough without sinking into hate diatribes replete with curses and name-calling--yes, I truly am capable of all that).
Wonder if I EVER will not be attacked like this when typing and writing ever in my life--

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Terrorist report: my internet turned off by terrorist organization. The router and laptop work. I logged on this morning and within 3 minutes the WiFi connection was broken and has been completely turned off. I need this specific internet connection in order to access my bank account. They did this to me two months ago and it took a month to get the internet restored and much struggle to access my bank account. I am blocked by the terrorist hacker part of the hate crime organization from accessing my bank from any other computer except for my laptop and only on one single browser. I get blocked on every other computer and certainly not on any internet cafe. It should work immediately but they have blocked my access to actually phone this bank properly and get this cleared up; they created the problem in the first place and hours and hours of being on the phone and being yelled at and lied to non-stop and the problem remains. It is a situation of double verification that is an "optional" feature that the bank client has to set-up. I have never done this and this group refuses to unblock this obstruction to me accessing my bank account. Furthermore, I cannot phone even the fake representatives of the bank by internet phone due to the time difference and when internet cafes actually close--due to Covid they are no longer open and the few that are close between 6-8 pm Thai time, and so I can't even try to phone this bank to try to obtain access to my account in any way whatsoever. I need this block stopped and for the internet to be turned on again in my room. The terrorists have ordered their minions where I live to block the connection; they need to tell them to reinstate this connection asap.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Tentative correction to my last post about this vile filth attack on my drinking water. It may not be the senator just his cronies out of the mafia from Brooklyn. Yes, a New recruit, seemingly someone important in the organization with a lot of clout and experience in such matters as intimidation and threats and etc---I don't know his name, and can't look it up. All I know is that he played in the first Godfather movie trilogy and was killed off as an abuser to the sister of the Pacino character by a wire strangulation while he was kicking the car windscreen out of this movie car (flimsy material obviously). "Killed" in the movie for abusing a woman; promoted in real life by the same actors who had him killed off for abusing a woman by abusing me and dehumanizing and defeminizing me and probably very proud and puffed up about his "power" in getting away with yet another act of violence and EVEN promoted. Oh how the mafia has thoroughly enjoyed participating in this hate crime against me--how many years now has it been ongoing?

 Yes, now that I think about it (when away from the laptop, I recall all kinds of ideas I had wanted to write but are blanked out by the brain-altering tech always inhibiting my conscious and unconscious cognitive processes). But, he got involved because I clicked on a video he had made about his first murder as a nice, sweet little boy. It's a very dramatic story. I don't know how much is truth but I watched this video and that same night I was teleported to him. Obviously he's part of the crew from the pesce/deniro gang and from the same "hood" relatively speaking. As I wrote a few days ago, he teleported me once, I was frazzled by the energy he emitted and it was of a very high intensity vibration that I could pick up that was of a low energy negativity--meaning something similar to the slow movement of a predator inching towards me for better aim---with as I described it, stagnant energy of cold blood or something congealed or dying. I don't know why, I though maybe he was ill or had some internal problem (cancer perhaps)? Or just in a predatory mood and I felt this deadly coldness portending death in some way--eerie, something that may make you feel like a ghost or zombie was approaching but staring at me, I felt looking for vulnerabilities to exploit. I have seen this kind of stalking predatory approach in the past and know that when they get the chance they are vicious-these types who act like this. And I think the filth in the drinking water is under his orders. Wonder what kind of huge deal he's getting out of this. I have seen people get new businesses after they committed horrible acts upon me--they get construction and new offices and new businesses. The more ugliness and hate they inflict within bounds (keeping me alive and seemingly in a "normal" state to outward appearance--but slowly being destroyed, slowly deteriorating from poisoning and abuse and stress that "no one can see, tell or talk about" but it's never-ending so it's really a slow murder operation nevertheless. Regardless of who takes the lead "role" in attacking me, they are all murdering haters who participate in this violence against me. On one level or another, they truly could not give a damn about me and are absolutely sucking out everything they can out of me. Then they demand a "baby" out of me so some hater and his group/clan can get huge promotions that must be extremely important if senators and a former US president and celebrities who tell me endlessly that I am nothing and etc etc blah blah (after, of course, they block all my avenues of self-sufficiency, poison me into near comatose paralysis for over a decade and take away all I love, my body racked with scars from nightly assaults they inflict through their proxy haters/minions (usually minorities or poor white trashy people).


So it may not have been Graham specifically but he is part of the team and knows what is going on and is responsible nevertheless. Or irresponsible if you actually need a more precise definition. 

They have dehumanized me into a status of "slavery" and thus no rights or laws are determined by them to apply to me in terms of any kind of respect for human rights. They have been torturing me to obtain ideas about human rights for them to sell off as their fake personas for over a decade, by the way (as you all know since I repeat it at least 30 times per week in these posts). 


It is disgusting. The attacks from the Brooklyn mafia crew have been utter darkness and filth, sleaze and abuse that is putridity personified. I think it was them, with the "blessing" of Graham and the rest of the celebrities because they also profit off all the violence and my endless reactions so they all "prove" to their benefactors how miserable or enraged they make me with non-stop , by now lethal, attacks due to the accumulation of violence, on this slow but steady level--every single day, and night, every day every week every month every year for well over a decade by now.


Still not a single response from Congress or society to defend any human rights on my part. I find it rather scary that people can't connect my torture and mind control exploitation to a possible threat to society or even to themselves/yourselves. How unduly confident you all are that it's only a problem for me but never for you....cuz you are too important and too special, too intelligent and you won't let it happen to you. As the saying goes, "good luck with that". And I used to think that way too while it was happening to me as I was unware completely. The mind control is so subtle you have to be gang stalked and tortured in order to begin to understand how it's affecting you. You can go through your whole life not feeling or knowing that you actually are a victim of mental coercion and mind control. Probably those of you who suspect think your lives are well and fine and there is no problem. They will find a moment when you are at your weakest to get you to do things or neglect to do things so they can stick that knife into you at the precise moment you are completely confident you are safe and you trust in your partners--your fellow terrorists and abusers and haters. Oh well, I am writing to blank people who are happily watching this happen to me and will be shocked if and when you discover that you have been exploited--if you ever discover this but probably you don't want to know. 


Yes, I really truly wish for some responsible entity or person to remove the deniro's and the pesce's and their organization from their hate and porno filth and muck and intimidation tactics endlessly aimed at me. Whatever the name of this "made" dude from that organization is, get him off me too. I think he's the one ordering this attack on my drinking water. I now have to protect all my water--I have all food wrapped in double plastic bags with strings in various knots and rubber bands and I spend at least one hour every day unwrapping and wrapping all these plastic bags in which I have to keep shampoo (my hair was falling out every time I used my conditioner until I bought a new bottle and protected it in this double-wrapped fashion--my hair no longer falls out--almost completely maybe one strand of hair falls out now whereas when I didn't wrap the shampoo and conditioner up my hair was falling out in clumps. The hair loss is permanent because they damaged my hair every single day in my scalp for over 6 years--literally every single day--and prior to making my hair fall out, they damaged my hair every day for at least 20 years or longer. I must bundle everything up, my shampoo, every single thing I use for my body and I can't do it all. I remain with scars all over my body and damage that needs corrective procedures or surgery to try to repair the damage. The skin on my hands has been doused with some kind of permanently damaging chemical the skin looks like it has scales almost like I have worked with acid on my hands for years--it looks very bad--it's h ard for me to look at my body now. And they keep on poisoning and cutting into my body every night while I am sleeping and "can't wake up" due to the attacks on my brain and sensation and it probably always happens while I am teleported. It's like a sick and dirty "toy" for them to play with, and the mafia are really truly used to abusing people they appear to be addicted to it. 


Please get them OFF of me. They are all connected to Trump and it was under the Trump terror regime (only after the Obama terror operation and the other terror administrations--not just pointing at Trump because he's being accused now of being a fascist in the media--openly--no, oh no, this has been ongoing fascism covertly directed but the mafia is--it IS--a facsist organization and so integral to the United States government. They are all like buddies and partners in this operation and I see they all are on familiar terms with one another (cliton, pesce, etc and Graham). How creepy that the US Government colludes with organized crime. But it's sickening to be a target and to have to "feel" or sense the utter depravity and be spewed constantly with the filth they pour out on me as their internal psyches and souls are like cesspools of psychic filth and spewing darkness. I can "feel" it with this man who has just joined, and now this filth has manifested in the tainting of my water with sickening substances--it reeks of fungus and rubber tubing laced with all kinds of raw nasty unfiltered water substances--taken from some untreated water source--stinking and fetid and rotting. This has begun since this mafia expletive began his intrusion into my life for his filthy piggy profit. They are all dirty and foul piggies--I mean ALL of the people who attack me in this situation from the little minions to the top "players" (who are not "top" since they are all performing terrorist acts according to protocols that someone else or some group is then paying and promoting them for--who create the protocols but each filth player creates his/her own nasty and vile filth attacks based on their own inner psychopathic mental derivation from normative balance of mind/body/spirit. They are so dirty internally they manifest that filth onto me. It's worse even with the mafia it's like continuous black stinking psychic filth endlessly spewed out on me and they have very bad energy. I never did anything to have to be constantly dumped on like this by sick and vile people I never wanted anything to do with--like being in prison around the worst types of rotten and foul people who have nothing but bleak blackness in their hearts--that includes people like rotten skank filthalina and pig pitt--and etc--not just the mafia the celebrities are nasty and foul but the mafia has a lot of "baggage" of filth and ugliness they re-create this in their nasty attacks which are a constant cesspool of stinking filth I am stuck with--and in pain and can't bend and clean it all so I am stuck--I used to breathe it in every night, all night trying to stop the break-ins and rape and disfigurement and I breathed their stinking foul stuff into my body every night for over 6 years as well. This is why my body now is so broken down, perhaps on this slow dying downward curve of sickness due to these foul pig ape whores who are so filthy and foul in every way--mentally, intellectually and in all their sleazy porno needs because they lack soul love--they cling to their kiddies it seems and that makes them appear as if they are "loving". 

They stole my cat, La Moux, who was my salvation from the hate I am endlessly having to thwart or divert. I am stuck now being slowly killed. Please get this stinking foul group of filth-flinging porno-abuser rape enabler sex trafficking criminals off me (and whatever other crimes of violence they commit).

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

But no such "luck" in getting any of you celebrities/politicians or parasitic opportunists reading this now (maybe not in the future) from endlessly going along and vying for jockeying position to attack me as well. Once again Ari Melber from MSNBC has flaunted the "anti-racism" which another black rapper spewed out, but got so much more attention from having spewed out racist memes at me with German Nazi rapist (raped me in teleportation, physically assaulted me when I said no as he also kept pumping his hate and poison into me while I constantly said no) that was August Diehl, the German Nazi actor who always plays Jews in his movies but is rabidly anti-Semitic--with Jay Z and bouncy the wife making anti-semitic hate Nazi/genocidal comments while the German pig ape watched on smiling. Filthy and stupid nasty pair of black Nazis, like Oprah, S. dog and the rest (don't care about spelling their stupid monikers correctly)--making endless hate racist comments, being hailed by the media--in this case Melber appears to be 'jewish" but is yet another advocate of this Nazi system, for which he has been put into "radical liberal" MSNBC as a commentator, along with the "feminist" woman who assaulted me--not physically but verbally--very mild in comparison to the other "victimized" anti-racist blacks who are violently assertive in pumping racism-for-promotion by actual Nazis white supremacist and are hailed endlessly in the media, given (bouncy the skank gyrating skank whose performances I always thought were sleazy and dumb except when she performed in Destiny's Child, which was not just her solo but her solo is a skanky and dumb sleazy event always in every performance I can't watch it--America loves it, they hail her and endless cover shots of her on magazines ever since. So no "good luck" in you pig apes reading this EVER doing anything but fully participating with full hate and/or silence to this egregious system you all think is just part of your wealth and luxurious entitlement as you assist in rape and attempted murder (and in other cases you are indeed participating in murder) of course as you all step over the dying homeless in the streets of your nasty sleaze greedy city of LA and want to P$$ on them with hate and disdain--wishing for concentration camps to just get rid of them--you could care less about me, this is entertaining for you to read. But I write anyway, perhaps one day this will be recorded as to the fuckers who helped to destroy America and the planet, if anything remains after your greedy pig ape culture has raped, sucked fucked and destroyed anything for your endless "entitlement" Beverly Hills luxury lifestyles (and whatever other mansions and estates and millions/billions of $ of holdings and assets you asses have accumulated from your dirty dancing movies and political cartels of criminality and utter bs cranked out as being legitimate.

"America's Failed Drug War Shredded in Epic Jay-Z Verse on 'God Did'--Broken Down by Ari Melber". MSNBC. August 31, 2022.


Here is yet another example of why you fucking pig apes reading this will NEVER stop this crime against me: here's a black Nazi idiot (when I met him and his --other--girlfriends in NY somewhere--his "crib" one of his mansions or penthouses--the dumb women around him were more stupid and nasty than he--I said only one thing and it was innocent they all reacted like I had said a crime. I told the rotten woman who began by hugging me that her manner of speaking was similar to how my grandmother used to talk--a social mannerism of speech pattern that implied a kind of party socialite personality--I felt the pattern and even before I saw Jay Z in my teleportation state, I knew I was around New Yorkers. I told this dumb skank he had hugging me (as I tried to pull away immediately from another parasite latching on to me in fake friendly overtures to get the tentacles placed into this contract of sucking everything out of me possible and destroying the rest, as these pigs and you pigs reading this all do and participate in)--I told her that she sounded like a New Yorker and I think she asked me how I knew, and I said she sounded "like my grandmother" to which her face went into a grimace of shock and hate and disgust--like it was the worst insult possible. To me she was the trashy and dumb thing with the ugly grandmother and herself just another rotten trashy person who I thought was dumb and stupid and basically just an inferior person--but she seemed to automatically assume that about me and my grandmother. My grandmother was blonde with blue eyes--naturally. Half Nazi half Jewish and her mother was fair skin with light brown hair--from Hungary. Mixed completely. My grandmother was a socialite and was as beautiful as a model when she was younger. She had many men surrounding her constantly up to her 50's. But this rotten stupid thing associated with rotten stupid Jay Z could only think of how I look "darker" because I inherited my father's more swarthy complexion and in the utter bias and racism these group of "black and brown" scumbags out of NYC automatically inferred was of something "black or brown" (which they obviously are themselves) and the hate, the self-hate came to the fore when they turned it onto me and immediately assumed that my grandmother must be some shoddy "brown or black" idiot like themselves with their frumpy grandmothers. My grandmother had her closet full of minks and diamonds and gold--was always so primly dressed I have never seen her without her hair in perfect coiffure she literally never did anything out of social graces even in the most personal moments I have never seen her do any single thing that wasn't almost perfect in appearance. She also was an artist--a painter--her paintings put in museums and things like that--modern art, self-taught. At parties constantly for most of her life (had her hair done one week before her death from a prolonged illness). 

But regardless of these trivialities, the racism that these idiots have ingrained into their under-educated personalities with their little one-liner rhymes about racism that sell to millions of one-liner attention-span racist enablers who also, like JZ and bouncy, assist and are minions to white supremacy whenever they can get away with it.


The reward for this overt racism is a black Nazi being hailed by a Jewish Nazi for "liberal" MSNBC which people like DeSantis are claiming is a "radical liberal" lying fascist fake news pulpit for other "radical liberals" who should be shot and killed if possible (the latter implied).

However, they are all working together when you take down the spotlights and cameras, they all have the same essential agenda but appear to be on opposing sides in a chasm that widens almost daily. You can thank Whorewood in part and in large part for helping to grease the path of this seeming political divide, where violence is now openly expressed but the "fight the power" rappers keep up their acts of ritual for entrance into the halls of wealth and power. No good luck in ever getting a single one of you who endlessly hacks and pirates my internet and puts your f-ing crap onto my youtube page so I will click and you can then join in the group and pour your filth into my body and home and life and everything else while sucking out what is left of me. As I am currently dying from stress and poisoning and being polluted there is not much left for anyone to suck out of me. But here is an example of why no one of you fuckers reading this will ever do any single thing to help me or stop this situation--or maybe a few little things which last for a day--as part of the joke played upon me in thinking that writing these posts have any effect on anyone in terms of stopping this violence and murder of me. No, you all must get your free deals as well. Here's nasty and dirty one-liner dumb and dumber fan =base rapper Jay Z being hailed by either incredibly incredulous "Jewish" fan who keeps putting these black men who are overtly anti-Semitic onto his shows and hailing them for the bs crap rap they crank out constantly--before they go to their mansions or penthouses and then "hate" in order to get past the gate of white supremacy ritual permission. They are so exalted by this Nazi-operated media conglomerate operation it's unbelievable--and having a college Minor degree in English Literature and coming from a family with a step-father who was a PhD graduate of Literature and a Big 10 professor, I can assure you that the real artists are paid a fraction of less than 1% of what these dumb, self-loathing racist enabling black "tough" rappers are being paid and promoted for. 

That is why my posts are completely a waste of time, but if you f-ers out there could get this greasy fuck GRaham to stop having my water poisoned and my food poisoned at least, at least so I can try to not die from more poisoning. The stress of the endless years of non-stop attack day and night of course is killing me as well but none of you can do a damn thing, can you? Must get your next free deal, mustn't you? Fuckers.

Terrorist Report: September 7, 2022. Stinking foul substances are being poured into my drinking water gallon jugs--every day they are poisoning another jug--these are very heavy for me to carry and I can't get out to refill them because of the sickness from their other poisoning (which has been ongoing for years while they torture and attack me constantly). The water was clean yesterday--I had to pour out two other gallon jugs yesterday and the few remaining were clean--now stinking. They use the mechanical arms overnight to destroy my property, my body and my food and everything else they can steal or destroy that they want or don't want me to have (including a healthy or beautiful body or happiness of any kind in my personal life). This is dangerous it is disgusting--it is true to form for this group and their minions--foul, stinking, sick and disgusting. This has begun under the greasy terror of Graham that disgusting nasty and filthy personality--it has been waves of filth sprayed onto clothing and my food and he's as nasty as he is in his latest appearances threatening the country with riots if his fascist Nazi overlord doesn't get away with every Dictatorial crime so he can grease his way into more contracts such as the one out on me. More people to terrorize, rape and destroy the pig apes can't wait they are funding it direct from the Senate under nasty ugly greasy Graham. His attack is as foul as he is. This is now ongoing daily. I am in too much pain to have to go out and replace this water which took me huge effort to lug up this huge hill, carry from the parking garage (using a little luggage carry cart, the wheels of which have been stuffed with grease and objects so the wheels barely move so I must drag the cart behind me to get it to move--they have done this also daily with my office chair I sit on, every day htere are strings, grease and hairs packed into the wheels). He is disgusting, this is disgusting. This is my life-saving water I need every day--they are destroying my ability to heal. This pig ape greasescumbag skank whore Senator has been affecting my healing since he greased his way into attacking me but the pig apes from Whorewood remain attacking me as well--he only was added as another sick and rotten stupid ape pig parasite to get his deals, out of testifying or without any threat of incrimination--the pig has greased his way into that relief valve by attacking me--he's been attacking m yhealing process and putting his foul stench into my home and life. Please get that ugly disgusting rotten dirty foul thing off me--and the rest of these filthy ugly sick pig whore apes --the entire operation--not just the actors but the whole thing is as rotten as the stink they perpetually throw into my home, life, food, etc. But Graham should be in prison along withTrump they are a foul and criminal partnership and nasty and disgusting and rotten. They have been pouring filth and violence into my home and life for YEARS without end. to the cheers of the Nazi pig apes of America and around the world.

 As I have been writing this the ingress of this regress (the good ole boy network philosophy of all kinds of hate crimes, exonerated--the KKK which was his opening salvo in his by now endless attack upon me, my home and property--not as dangerous as the pig ape filthalina and pig pit the celebrity terrorist connected-at-the-hip not hipsters--always together attacking me, the physical mutilations and attacks were non-stop with them along with filth and stench--I always associate these attacks with what these "people" really are behind all their superficial poses and fabricated appearances.


When I think of the funding that is accompanying all the years and decades of these attacks--Graham the greasebag notwithstanding since I don't know how long he's been in the Senate or in politics--and could not give a damn "my dear" to look it up because it's just Gone with the Wind and meaningless to me, as he is. But the threat he has forced upon me reminds me of the threat to my life that the United States Government with "men" (so-called) like him helping to fund these operations through their covert black-op and operative network--formerly known as the KKK--which he alluded to in his rush to threaten my life as the very first thing he yelled at me before demanding that I have a baby with him so he can get endless free deals, out of testifying or not with any threat of criminal punitive accusation--that is something that just happened he has to testify but he won't have to plead the 5th now because he's not going to be held under criminal charges--which I think was a threat prior to his endless demonstration of fascist violence towards me. Endlessly attacking me while I was bedridden as a surge of putrified horrific poisons that have been stamped into my body by the hardening process of the government-funded poisoning effort to quell my every attempt to have any single thing in life so the fascist white supremacist pig apes can make their claim that only they, only they, are "superior". How many more people will be poisoned with covert hardening/bloating poison and how many have died already as a result with no diagnosis made by examiners after their "mysterious" deaths? (I can name Andrea Dworkin as one obvious example of this, seemingly I am the only person on the planet able to identify this crime and modus operandi). However, many others will be poisoned in like manner in the future--imagine what this group would do to people like Serena Williams if they could only get a chance to do so--they will in fact! The threat you all ignore.

But when I see how Graham has been attacking my health, just like all the rest of the pieces of expletive like filthalina and pig pit--years of my body being poisoned so I could never heal--as I fight and some if it gets out finally graham has come in to attack my drinking water, to make my home so filthy I must bend over constantly to clean filth that is being sprayed everywhere to the point that it's so toxic I must clean it--while being bedridden--and his violence in teleportation while I was absolutely sick was only like repoisoning while I was detoxifying from the filth that this greasy piece of nasty filth Graham and his ilk have ordered people to put in my food--which they happily did--for profit and for a surge of hormonal "power" which they also feed off. I can only imagine that the sudden blast of violent rhetoric by greasy nasty Nazi Graham (I mean KKK Graham) was "allowed" and promoted by the Nazi fascist network that promotes all the pig apes and whores (both male and female of both labels) and thusly he was "allowed" to threaten "riots" because Trump needs to be exonerated from his threat to National Security. I wonder if any of the top secret docs he absconded with which are missing contain any information about my plight and this ongoing State-sponsored terrorism? Which nasty agency of the US Government, shadowed by Graham who is on both the Budget Committee and also on the JUDICIAL committee (I don't want to look up his information or see his greasy ugly face any longer, so I think the title of the other committee he is on --don't know how many committees in the Senate he is involved with, but he should be taken off them immediately as he is a pure criminal misappropriating funds for terrorist activity such as paying pig pit and filthalina to have access to abusing and poisoning and violating and threatening me and yelling and putting violent teleportation skits with yelling and abuse and hate that is so ugly and sinister it is a reflection of his appearance--which is sickening considering what type of nasty and completely rotten personality he has. THe same can be said of pig pit and filthalina but they are consumed with constant physical upkeep while Graham probably is more involved in his spare time with pursuits of erotic and inebriative pleasures of "relaxation" such as using, abusing, and exploiting women or whatever his preference is. People like him fund and appropriate money (elected to government) for purposes of their KKK Nazi agenda--which involves mind control in order to keep people "like me" in the "place" that the Europigape Nazis put them in so they could not rise up in Europe or anywhere and ever prove that they are more competent in any way--as happened in Germany prior to the holocaust. Leaders in all professions after decades or perhaps hundreds of years of Jews fighting for legal equity in Europigape society--only to rise up into affluence and position due to the strength of their struggle--(but blinders on anyway to the extremity of the hate that was underlying the "modernized" society that Europe seems to exhibit but is rabidly violent and grasping and violent underneath--some of the civility they "learned" came from Jewish culture in the first place (ahem--Christianity stemming from Judiasm and it's values--not entirely but much and most--even what Jesus preached). But Graham and his family in that Southern plantation Nazi zone, when he teleported me just so they could make sophisticated threats at me to comply with just meekly agreeing with any and everything they said (they were "polite" in that hospitable way, but exploitative--only to be followed up by violence by that ugly sinister creep which is now me fighting endlessly to protect what I ingest-I must keep everything in plastic bags with series of strings and rubber bands to try to protect against being poisoned by mechanical arms which rummage through my home every single night ripping and tearing things, spraying stinking filth into whatever, my clothing is all rancid even if I have never worn it or just cleaned it--the things I use to try to stop the endless mechanical arms from entering my room are sprayed with brown grease, are frayed, etc this is ongoing EVERY SINGLE NIGHT along with terrorism via teleportation--my body I must wrap with layers of clothing and tied into impenetrable wraps using rubber bands--all I do is clean up filth, fight to get the filth out of my body so I am not stuck sitting here being blasted with mind control tech so I won't write these posts any longer but can instead go outside and actually do things on this planet--but they continue to poison and drug me so I remain just stuck herre-with stinking filth every single day to clean up, hateful ugly men trying to force this baby contract out of me--all of them disgusting sleazy creeps on a huge power trip--all completely unattractive and sinister ugly people with no appeal whatsoever--that goes for the entire organization and all 20 million of these gang stalkers--or that must be an extremely conservative number of all the parasitic opportunists who participate in this global hate operation and organization. They are all disgusting, they act like vile and filthy parasites, their mentality is of filth they poison and pollute the planet their policies and politics leave the planet dying and gasping for air and societies dying in a mire of muck and hate and corruption while they bask in the grift that they have perpetrated upon anyone or anything they can. On a personal level they are filthy and disgusting and when they get a chance to unleash this filth they  keep pent-up, such as in teleportation, they are most foul and disgusting. This is what happens in prisons, in death camps, people let loose their ugliness that they have been inculcated with by their nasty parents and abusive environment--all couched in glamorous civilized pretense of normalized normative values--bereft of real integrity. 


So Greasy Graham then and his family attacked me for not saying with soft agreeable submission that Christianity is a perfect religion and only according to what they believe. I made a very polite observation about Christianity, just questioning some of the basic premises about sacrifice that Jesus himself did not talk about--but this has been adopted by the Church as a main focal point of their very edifices and symbolism. The early Christian symbol was of fish, not of crucifixion and it's endless death gory scene. For just saying this, I got a reaction not of overt hate and hostility but it was a kind of over-reaction and claims of moral supremacy that I was confronted by. This all happened while I was in deep sleep, very ill at the time from detox, and under hypnosis. 

But that was the one and only time Graham was in any way acting in a decent manner towards me. Otherwise his reactions are that I have zero human rights to defend myself. After his initial violence towards me I began to call him names, to which he hissed that "you can't talk to me like that" and more violence ensued. For this, he got out of any threat of criminal punishment in his testifying role for the Georgia Grand Jury to which he must submit, I think it's supposed to happen tomorrow. I listened to legal analyses last week where they all believed he must cite the 5th in order to not have to testify--but THIS week he's exempt from any legal criminal incriminations from the court and so he got "off the hook" while he was dumping his crap on me in every way possible in order to prove what a violently nasty good ole boy he is. He would say that what he's done is nothing compared to the violence he really could commit. But in addition to a decade from the actors and the pig apes prior to them who were murdering me and stealing ideas I wrote of, and torturing me for saying no to their rape with endless waves of greasy nasty ugly old white Europigape men (you have to see what kind of greasy and nasty filth piles on the shores of Phuket and in Thailand in general with swaths of concentric circles of little brown Thais bowing and viciously attacking me--only rivaled by similar groups in the US to the more affluent similar types who can conceal their congealed rotten muck that --like the poison in my body, is trapped beneath a hard layer of hateful but superficial appearance --sometimes it looks glamorous as in the case of filthalina who has been dumping her filth on me along with pit all these years--but in a succession of them, the violence is just too much accumulation and the poisoning of course has been killing me and I need to HEAL  (you goddamn f-ers out there doing this). 

But the United States government keeps having Biden lecturing about Freedom and how the Democrats are so benign and harmless and always fighting for Democracy and Freedom. How Pelosi and AOC and Raskin and Sanders have all profited off attacking me with often death threats, hate and full support for their Republican fascist Nazi brethren I don't know exactly but of course they don't really give a damn about Democracy or Freedom. 


So I have to remain writing about their crimes in hopes that there is perhaps something or someone out there who can stop this next seriously deadly threat to my health and life. My health is now very poor, my body has broken down to a very deadly point from years of torture, poisoning and the trapped poisons in my body are so toxic I can't imagine how I have survived all of this. My body is in very bad shape and this pig scumbag grease Graham, like the crap US government he represents, has been attacking the things I need for healing in my most vulnerable state. I can't get out of this room often and he's attacking my water so I must lift and carry and get out while I need to rest and heal. He is so foul, what he has been doing is so disgusting, but it's just another sick and foul parasite attacking me to get another promotion for his rotten life and prosperity--in this case, the pig needs to get out of the crime against the United States in the form of election fraud and attempts to overturn the Georgia electoral process for the 2020 presidential election. That goes in hand with Bloomberg and Oprah and H. Cliton who were all running for president in 2016 against Trump who have ALL viciously and for months or years (Oprah) attacked me in disgusting ways. Dirty and nasty Oprah has ordered violence, poisoning and stinking filth sprayed on everything in my home, body and room for me calling her an aunt Jemima after years of already participating in this violence against me and also stealing ideas I wrote of for her fake production of some plastic performance in a movie based on a book I wrote a very small review on--(on my Facebook page). She, like all the rest of these parasitic pig ape whores, has never paid me not just for what they have stolen, but for the years of damage and violence. AS I have written endlessly, if these greedy and sleazy ugly and in most ways stupid parasites could have just grouped and contributed $200 each as the group of these pig ape whore celebrities attacking me and/or stealing ideas and profiting off my ideas in millions for their finished product--but much derived from my initial concept which they just hacked and stole from my personal writing--then trying to have me killed when I wrote on my personal and blocked facebook page for justice and for them to not be awarded any longer for these activities which are part of their entire promotional protocol system (systematic racism, incorporated). If they had just each paid out $200 in their greed and pigish selfishness and sleaze and hate, I could have been able to afford to live in a place where I had access to a private home with a swimming pool Instead they have re-poisoned me to the point of endless poison stuck in my intestines, mutilated mybody, smeared damaging chemicals on my skin (I think filthalina had a large part in the mutilation and disfigurement, while pit the pig was enjoying having my bones broken and parts of my body severed out while they kept having my hair fall out with chemicals they sprayed into my hair).


So now Graham, in order for that ugly nasty greasebag to get exempt from being criminally liable for making his call to Raffensburger (sp?) and trying to elicit more votes for the Trump side that didn't exist (legally or otherwise)--now exempt from legal liability while he was not last week. Filth, filth sprayed into my home, my water, and this next filth and sick attack has begun with filthy greasy graham attackiung me. They always want me to write about this as my reaction only enables them to more promotions for being "successful" abusers and users--the goal of this shit organization of Nazis and fascists and their nasty greasy minority minions.

I am always now seriously fighting for my life and writing in hopes that somehow this shit will be stopped--the shit they are doing and the shit people that they are in their shit organization pumping shit into the planet and into society.

Do any of you actually care about any of this filth that they are doing, of course you don't care about me but what about the entire system you all consider to be such a wonderful stepping stone for your own greed and selfish careers and lifestyles? Do you really think, as the planet is drowning as the planet is burning that your system has really been a success? Maybe you should do something to stop them and stop this system as it only encourages people to disrespect life, as pumping stinking filth onto whatever possible is part of the environmental crises and these pig apes you all are--or your friends or you are silent and do nothing making you a accomplice to the filth group--their filth is really destroying the planet--their pollution for their profit, their enslavement, and you are all watching it happen and can only begin--BEGIN to think in any way feasibly reasonable only when your nasty selfish lives are at stake--and that will be when it's too late.

Meanwhile I have to now fight for my life, to protect my water somehow and I really can't do it. I have to go shopping and I must lug all these gallons of water into this little stinking, grease-coated room with everything broken, stained, stinking and rotting and on the verge of collapse (every piece of furniture is almost broken, sprayed with fungus and mold, etc) every appliance is on the brink of breaking--my clothing is shredded, they use sandpaper on the fabric so it's frayed--continuously everything is under attack). When I see the planet stinking with pollution I see only a direct correlation. When I see the manicured lawns of the filthy pig apes attacking me, I understand that their bowing minorities are mowing the grass and pruning and cleaning up the filth of these pig apes who are being handed "slaves" due to their globalization policies under fascist racist bigot Cliton the violent skank you all keep in Democratic power position and in the media. Thanks to the globalization policies and the prison industrial complex that filthy Cliton the pair of fakes have installed into American society--the greed and corruption and racism has exploded as well as the prison population. The filth that has ensued is global and has global ramifications. Then there is the environmental collapse from the greedy investments that the wealthy pig ape whores you all cheer on have been making for all these decades. They also could begin campaigns of training the dumb and dumber wolves in Sheeple clothing to conserve and begin to protect the environment but of course all they do is promote endless GDP conspicuous consumption. Behind them are the greasy pigs like Graham in his Budget Committee paying them out so he can have a chance to also spew his greasy filth on me to get it out of his endlessly corroded system, absconding the $$ from the US Government black ops funding (for whatever, terrorism perhaps?) to pay out these skank filthy nasty celebrities so he can also pump his vile ugliness out onto me. I am being murdered by their filth and mental illnesses and their hate and racism. 

I must then continue to write these posts, which are then scoured for content by the pig apes to steal as their "humanitarian" campaigns--like the rotten women like filthalina and Heard who are both "anti-domestic violence" advocates, paid in millions for these roles, who have both and still both participate in rape and torture of me--they sit in the rows of celebrities when I am teleported, filthalina sits next to the violently rapist abuser who then had most of my hair permanently chemically treated out--or it was her doing it--because she kept me poisoned as this huge German pig scumbag raped the poison repeatedly and daily into my body--pumping it in as hard as possible and hitting me for saying no while pig pit and filthalina hugged him, along with Shitnegger the huge terminator parasite Europigape coming to exploit the US along with his fascist Nazi contingent out of Europigapeland--they are all repugnant.

I must continue to write as they all read my posts and get more deals. I try to reason with this do-nothing group reading my posts who all think this is fun and titillating to read or if they "care" they "can't" do anything--but as only this sick group has access to my writing it's the former and not the latter.

Still I must continue because I can't protect my water supply. I have to go and get the jugs of water, drive them on motorbike and lug them four flights up to my room, carry them through the narrow packed little area I have since I can't use the closets because they are sprayed with toxic filth to the point I can't use them any longer--so everything is stored on the floor or on the stinking sprayed couch--all is covered with water-resistant plastic in an attempt to thwart the stinking filth that is sprayed on everything. But the ability to just drag this damaged cart with the water to the back of the tiny room is very strenuous, and then I must leave to buy food. I thus can't protect my water while I am out shopping. I have to carry so much with me everywhere I go when I am finally well enough to leave--I have to carry my food around with me in an attempt to stop the poisoning and drugging. It's so much and so heavy my injured body can't sustain the weight of all the bags I must carry in addition to at least 2 weeks of food and materials I must buy in the one day I am well enough to go out shopping per 2 week period. I am at this very tenuous stage of detox at the skeletal stage and it's hard poisons latched into my spine in every direction and it's just painful to sit in one spot all day, much less lug and carry huge heavy bags around with me just to protect my life, property and belongins so not everything stinks perpetually or is poisoned with permanently staining or damaging chemicals that this group, via these filthy scumbag pig ape whores you all cheer on as your celebrities and favorite posturing bs artist politicians--on both sides of the aisle all are despicable all are deplorable.


Please get them the FUCK OFF ME goddamn for the 10th  year in a row on a daily basis I am writing this once more--trying to convince you smug fuckers out there that what you are approving of is also threatening your own greedy and sleazy and disgusting lives as you sit back and pat these pieces of shit on the back for this "elite" fascist Nazi behavior--the result is the poisoning of society and the planet's resources with your stupid pigs "on top" on top of the burning pyre you have all helped to create by doing nothing as you continue your massive consumption lifestyles of the rich and filthy pig ape whores. on the planet of the pig apes you all have created and are creating.

PLEASE STOP THIS FUCKING CRIME AGAINST ME GODDAMN YOU FUCKERS READING THIS ENDLESLY DOING NOTHING TO STOP THIS OR THESE PIECES OF SHIT YOU ALL CLAIM ARE SUCH WONDERFUL "FRIENDS" OF YOURS. Dumb creeps out there you all are worried about the impact of the sleaze and filth and violence you and they are all creating, even in your enclaves of wealth outside of the filth and chaos you are all bringing onto the planet it will come back to you, dumb fuckers reading this STOP DOING NOTHING stop this crime against me stop this sytsem stop being stupid do=-nothing fuckers participating in this sick system with these rotten creeps you all want to control your society your country and your lives? How stupid can you all be to continue to see the utter damage that they are doing even to your own cities to your own society and yet you continue to watch and do nothing? 

Monday, September 5, 2022

Lessons in "How to Play the Game". Not funny or fun but having-a-thrilling good ole boys time abusing and using/killing and raping/plundering and exploiting blast of violence fascists & Teleportation terrorism: proving once again, the MAGA actors Trump puppetry and fascist overtake (with the Europigapes in the background instructing them on fascist Nazi protocols) proving as always that they are NOT FUN and not FUNNY whatsoever. Their antics are based on the premise that they are entitled to endless monopolizing the industry, with the promise from the bipartisan political buffoonary of fascist bringers-on of the next wave of the 4th Reich into overt appearance without the frills of pretense--the aim of the outright MAGA proponents. Their entire paradigm is being indoctrinated into the minds of the viewers by the skanks and violent expletives of Whorewood, GmbH, Ltd you all call your "celebrity" "beautiful" heroes of salvation for your apathetic lackluster ability to analyze and understand (this is for the viewers and the fans who may be persuaded to begin to rethink their initial assumptions about how sexually grandiose these celebrities really are. I was teleported to another mind-manipulation of oppression, racist hate, and injustice aimed at deflating any sense of self in myself. It is years of this ongoing without a single person intervening to stop this from Congress, but only sleaze politicians rushing to get their private pleasures out of the promotions available. How disgusting to have seen the Speaker of the House and a complete array of former presidential candidates from the Democratic Party (2016) who are overtly fascist and disgusting and violent and absolutely soldiers of fascism when they get a chance to pump their hate into the target who is not compliant to the technocratic fascism and slavery they are really endorsing in this contract.

"The controversial photo album showing the smiling assassins of Auschwitz". SBS Dateline. June 10, 2019.


Their every action is to block my access in this form of discrimination and oppression of my spirit and abilities. Just the act of typing is so fraught with disruptions and my body is so attacked by the microchip implants so my fingers literally can't move to the keys when I try to press them (or the "pulsed" remote technological attacks aimed at shutting down various targeted regions of my brain so I can't move, my motor skills are afflicted, my cognitive processes are diminished into a ranting hyper-emotional rant by the end of every post I fight to pound out),.


Last night after having written my post about how not funny the celebrities are--because after I wrote my post about my Uncle's comedy and the H-wood "Golden" years of family-sitcom and socio-political revelations for the "Positive"--I got a slew of videos of the celebrities on my YouTube page "playing" with their screaming and laughing children--they were above the average of having "fun" they were akin to hyper-excited and playful in a way that was theatrical and hysterically laughing in a way that seemed pretentious but constructed. It hit a spot in me like a target trigger--of the children of the rapists--their partners in this endless violence against me, as the ever-lengthening list of celebrities never dwindles but in fact grows on a monthly basis. Their children are being taught that they are entitled to having people to torture, rape and steal ideas from and then crush them like candy when they are threw with them (sic). 

The rotten creep children of the rapists for the past decade--your (sleazy) rapist "romantic" lead men--two white males and their endless rotating concentric circular swarm of lessor celebrities vying for jockeying in this lucrative contract--of rape, abuse and etc. Just as a little aside, yesterday I saw that Tiffany H. was accused of molestation of a minor--or rape, along with some other woman. This is one of the minority minions who has completely performed her role in assaulting me, using anti-Semitism as her platform. When I hissed at her in rage (in teleportation, not really able to hide or disguise my emotions while I am in that state) she laughed and said, "Yes" to my accusations that she is enabling rape and racism--and does she agree with this really?--to which he laughed and glowed with joy and almost shouted "yes" and then later that year was put into various awards red carpet and was promoted without end. Her legal accusations of raping or sexually abusing some other woman is undoubtedly a "rite of passage" into the halls of sleaze that are part of the indoctrination and ritualistic rites of passage into the Whorewood "elite". When I watch them playing with their children--like the rotten spawn that was spewed out by Depp and now Pitt and his rotten ugly wife--who made sure in this injustice to mutilate and poison my body so poison remained stuck in my intestines while I was tortured non-stop--a shock to my immune system, creating collapse, my skin breaking down as they smeared poison on my skin and inserted objects under my skin (every night for years) poisoned my food and then stole ideas I screamed out in rage as they glowed and fed off the violence and the hormones of sexualized ecstasy that they then emit in their every fake appearance of being benign social protectors of the "weak" and mostly--for the skank women, as "feminists" as two women who participated in the rape and mutilation and poisoning and theft of ideas have become "ambassadors" of feminist ideology after--AFTER--they tortured me in order to extract these ideas which I studied and they have not. AS a result feminism is on the brink of collapse as abortion and all kinds of equality is "on the chopping block" by the MAGA organization which really only wants an "elite" group to control all with everyone underneath them either compliant to stepping down and back in obsequious deference (even if they get promoted in having done so, but always as an inferior and always a supplicant to the fascist bigots posing as "godlike" fascist pig-sniffing-the-air elitists for their photo-ops).


Keeping in this tradition of breaking down any attempt for me to fight back, in teleportation, their favorite new tool and stepping stone break-your-body and bank-account tool for those they target--they had me "playing" some stupid game of "cards" but it was plastic bags I was shifting around, and I was told that this was "fun" as I made jokes and I "lost" in the last round and tried to laugh and have fun with it as it was a "game" as I was instructed--don't know exactly what the hypnosis entailed but it was most definitely of minion worship for blonde bigot pig ape culture. Suddenly there was a blonde woman in her 20's-30's--excessively groomed with expensive clothing and looked like she had decades of beauty treatments behind her. She had cards in her hands and not plastic bags which were in disarray, as they had with me in this "game". She said with this "confidence" that was scripted and she was of course told what to say--for this "power-over" "game" which was nothing short of violent psychological hate and NOT FUN by the way--as they never are, but with their hyper-children they can "play" because they can express their hyper immaturity and lack of restraint--which they have harbored inside as they torture, rape and plunder. You must see photos that have circulated online of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp guards who took photos of a picnic outing they had in the midst of the atrocities--they were laughing in a very glowing exaggerated way--thrilled, huge smiles, playful in a way you NEVER see Germans behaving--like frenetic and frantically glowing with excitement because of all the violence, the stress release, the money and power they were accumulating (which has resulted in Germany controlling the financial EU with all it's resulting punitive austerity measures, for so long and it's a direct result of all this loot they plundered from MILLIONS of people they most brutally massacred). But not really off the point of how much "fun" these filthy and greasy scumbag celebrities and politicians like Cliton are having as fascist Nazi America is showering them with parties alongside their rotten shitty children--all glowing with joy as the violence towards me is NEVER stopped by a single one of these pig ape whores and parasites.


So this rotten not fun blonde woman with long, straight hair looking very polished and wealthy and that she is "entitled" began to state calmly that she always keeps her cards very neatly away and plays and wins--while I sat smiling because I was under hypnosis to "believe" that this was a "fun" game and that it was harmless. This same sort of programming has been ever-present all my life but now I am sick of pig apes like her and the group forcing this endless crap upon me. The entire thing was a contrived power-over "game" which had nothing but hate and no "fun" except for the smirking scum skank who "played" this unfair game upon me, who felt a surge of power and as usual was "glowing" from the hormone "high" she and the rest of the group of crap from Whorewood all obtain--along with their hyper-nasty crappy children--when they are instructed by the US Government and it's endless line-up of politicians and law enforcement personnel that they are being handed all of this so the "game" is always tilted in their favor.

With the endless block of my telecommunications I can't perform a single business transaction-even when I am in the United States and even when I go in person they are ready with terrorists at every single business who take the role of the employee--or operative or government official or they have their network of corrupt cops so I can't ever get legitimate legal protection or support.


Their "game" of not being fun but they are mentally masturbating to every game they play in this fashion--is always that they break and abuse mentally, psychologically, FINANCIALLY and sexually and in every other way their opponent and this mind control technology is one of the tools they are using not only to perform this upon me in their decade of violence that is non-stop (every single night there is hate, death, rape, sexual violence, abuse, insults and humiliations without end as they keep trying to break me completely while politician-after-politician jumps in to see what he or she can obtain out of participation--oh how the Democrats who operate alongside Biden have been more openly hateful and vicious even than Trump--making him appear like a kindly but kind of nasty attacker in comparison to their death threats and screaming hate at me when I just resist even slightly their abuse and threats--which they begin immediately --and like Tiffany Haddish, they get patted on the back and put into  higher levels in the organization of hate and violence and death for their every rape, assault and act of bruality --then they get more attention and more money and more promotions out of it but they are put in front of society as being "bad" which only gets more adulation. Depp is one of the most perfect examples of this. I dare say Elon Musk had a great hand in major mind control operations to push public sentiment away from Heard, (my "theory").


AS they get away with more and more of these crimes, they are laughing and giggling ever more openly like the Nazi guards who were creating ways of murder every day that encompassed the most brutal crimes of murder and dismemberment. They are all being encouraged to have parts of my body mutilated or sliced or cut out or off and they all glow with more energy afterwards. Like those photos of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, they are playing around (with their not-fun children) who are being trained to become the next generation of parasites upon the planet.


When I wrote yesterday about my (Great) Uncle (brother to my paternal grandfather)-- who had a strong work ethic, ingrained into him by his family and surroundings in New York, perhaps brought-over from Europe (they were 1st Generation or 2nd Americans)--compared to my Hollywood Hills indoctrinated (wanna be eternally slacker) cousin (who actually is something more like a transitional younger generation to my father's age group)--who used me in that H-wood way but not as viciously as the expletives I am now dealing with. My cousin, in fact, warned me about Whorewood and shook his head "no" about the peeps there, but would not elaborate (because he knew we were both under non-stop surveillance). Because my family--my uncle more specifically--represented an "attempt" to unify races, to form a level of understanding between the earlier versions of MAGA (The Archie Bunkers--but NOT FUN OR FUNNY in the modern context) with the Jews, the Blacks and whatever else--who were the outcast, those slated to be crushed like candy as a game--for consumption, to be supplicants to bigot pig apes of 4th Reich outward appearance as part of a global minion army fighting for their promotions by enforcing white supremacy albeit even if in disguise as being "activists" fighting for "equality" (or a chance--just let me abuse your targets and we don't care and will glow with joy and agree to do whatever it takes--thanks Tiffany you just encompassed, as representative, the entire spectrum of sell-out culture. How I hope my teleportation "sessions" have been kept in a videotaped recorded archive so one day perhaps these experiences I fight to elaborate upon with all the obstructions to my keyboard and brain will be backed by real evidence. For now it is just anecdote and part of a blog where I can't even feel safe to compel myself to put my "real name" in this blog--although I mentioned my "uncle" using his name, so discovery of who I am will be a no-brainer to anyone doing research, should that ever happen in connection to this blog or this subject matter, which is of such CRITICAL IMPORTANCE AND IT IS NOT A GAME and it is not fun).


To try to re-connect the dots that were lost--as I fought to try to post the video (above) I realized I had not "finished" my thought about my cousin--the brain-altering technology just blocks my ideas. 

Let me finish: my uncle and his group represented an attempt to connect the disparate groups into a discussion that was centered around comedy--done so extremely well by the actors in All in the Family--. My family later on was targeted, I believe, by the fascists of H-wood because of exactly this desire to unify the opposing sides of racist divide. They want endless splitting/divide-and-conquer to reign as one of their prime operating principles of tearing down in order to build up their power structure with bowing slaves who are told they are "free" but only if they obey and do what they are told to adulate the bigots who are by rote supposed to be entitled by automatic assumption without having to really compete against anyone outside of their "entitled" group. I tried to say that this mind control system and embedded technology, remote mind control blanking out of function and capability of the brain, and all their manufactured (by the Governments of the world) in order to establish a one-party rulership that appears diverse and multi-racial (so they can diffuse any claims of racism--ie. the Ukrainian leader Zelinskyy is pointed at as being "Jewish" and therefore he certainly cannot ever support any kind of fascist Nazism in Ukraine that people like Putin are accusing him of doing. This type of black and white reasoning for public brainwashing consumption was so rife at the onset of the conflict beginning in March when these claims of Ukraine Nazism were put into the mainstream media to dispute.

But it's just another tactic and use of a manipulated political theater--as I have written so often, this "program" (which is tied to pograms of the past) is to inflict me or any "minority" with Nazi blonde ideology iconography worship and to intermarry with a "handler" pig ape with blonde hair or "fair" complexion only to be manipulated, perhaps slowly poisoned or abused to death albeit so slowly it appears like quickening of aging process---as filthy pigalina and pig pit have been forcing upon me with endless insults to how I look ast they have kept poisoning and abusing me non-stop--day and night--

but this is how they "play" and it's not for "fun". The "game" last night--or this morning, where every single thing was "rigged" in favor of the pig ape Nazi who was so smug and glowing with satisfaction is no less of the hormone high you can see in the photos of the Nazi guards above--thrilled with the injustice, feeding off abuse and torture and suppression and oppression--laughing and smug and glowing and sexualized and glowing with hormones of highs from murder, rape, torture and theft--psychological trauma that remains as the prime time indoctrination that these pig apes from Whorewood are now dancing with their little spawn children because they know that their "game win" is assured and people like me are just going to be endlessly tortured in their deep healing sleep state and abused by their terror operations--ideas can be pumped out through thought-reading technology and poison and drugs administered through meals and injections and fake prescription pills and etc to the people they want incoherent enough to appear somnolent but also zombiesque enough to walk and talk as if they are just not capable. That is the state they have also mostly forced upon me, but claim they are inherently superior after all this poisoning and drugging that has been non-stop for decades to quell my every attempt at having any single thing. I remain nearly homeless and always on the brink of being put in jail for things I have never done--their favorite "minority" diffusion of power game-and microchipped so I can't sing, talk or think clearly expecially when they are attacking me.


But back to my cousin--he was attacked in Whorewood and basically "fled" to Portland, probably assuming it would be hip and alternative and not fascist and outright nasty racist like the H-wood Hills and LA in general. Instead, as I know very clearly, it's just a pretentious granola type of fascism that appears as being "liberal" in Portland and the racism is very strong in that place--despite all the social programs put in place. It's just a more "mellow" version of hyper-nasty LA. My cousin used this attack system upon me in order to be granted some kind of re-entrance into LA and thus he got his inheritance--oddly very shortly my Great Aunt died after he had attacked me--he got loads of money and abandoned his photography studio in the very wealthy area of the Pearl District (he lived in the more elaborate neighborhoods--always with wealth at his disposal). I was at his disposal as well and creeps from LA converged upon me when I went to his photography openings--by invitation. Nazis and fascists out of LA coming to re-instate the "threat" to the hate divide that they are always creating in the media in order to keep the "Civil War" looming as a threat in order to divide and conquer and slash all hopes of integration between opposing factions within the US. Only if you obey, serve and attack for the "master" will you be "allowed" to enjoy the status that Tiffany Haddish is now "enjoying" after having suffered being nearly homeless in Los Angeles and has "learned her lesson" in how to "play the game" for "fun".