Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Terrorist Report: September 7, 2022. Stinking foul substances are being poured into my drinking water gallon jugs--every day they are poisoning another jug--these are very heavy for me to carry and I can't get out to refill them because of the sickness from their other poisoning (which has been ongoing for years while they torture and attack me constantly). The water was clean yesterday--I had to pour out two other gallon jugs yesterday and the few remaining were clean--now stinking. They use the mechanical arms overnight to destroy my property, my body and my food and everything else they can steal or destroy that they want or don't want me to have (including a healthy or beautiful body or happiness of any kind in my personal life). This is dangerous it is disgusting--it is true to form for this group and their minions--foul, stinking, sick and disgusting. This has begun under the greasy terror of Graham that disgusting nasty and filthy personality--it has been waves of filth sprayed onto clothing and my food and he's as nasty as he is in his latest appearances threatening the country with riots if his fascist Nazi overlord doesn't get away with every Dictatorial crime so he can grease his way into more contracts such as the one out on me. More people to terrorize, rape and destroy the pig apes can't wait they are funding it direct from the Senate under nasty ugly greasy Graham. His attack is as foul as he is. This is now ongoing daily. I am in too much pain to have to go out and replace this water which took me huge effort to lug up this huge hill, carry from the parking garage (using a little luggage carry cart, the wheels of which have been stuffed with grease and objects so the wheels barely move so I must drag the cart behind me to get it to move--they have done this also daily with my office chair I sit on, every day htere are strings, grease and hairs packed into the wheels). He is disgusting, this is disgusting. This is my life-saving water I need every day--they are destroying my ability to heal. This pig ape greasescumbag skank whore Senator has been affecting my healing since he greased his way into attacking me but the pig apes from Whorewood remain attacking me as well--he only was added as another sick and rotten stupid ape pig parasite to get his deals, out of testifying or without any threat of incrimination--the pig has greased his way into that relief valve by attacking me--he's been attacking m yhealing process and putting his foul stench into my home and life. Please get that ugly disgusting rotten dirty foul thing off me--and the rest of these filthy ugly sick pig whore apes --the entire operation--not just the actors but the whole thing is as rotten as the stink they perpetually throw into my home, life, food, etc. But Graham should be in prison along withTrump they are a foul and criminal partnership and nasty and disgusting and rotten. They have been pouring filth and violence into my home and life for YEARS without end. to the cheers of the Nazi pig apes of America and around the world.

 As I have been writing this the ingress of this regress (the good ole boy network philosophy of all kinds of hate crimes, exonerated--the KKK which was his opening salvo in his by now endless attack upon me, my home and property--not as dangerous as the pig ape filthalina and pig pit the celebrity terrorist connected-at-the-hip not hipsters--always together attacking me, the physical mutilations and attacks were non-stop with them along with filth and stench--I always associate these attacks with what these "people" really are behind all their superficial poses and fabricated appearances.


When I think of the funding that is accompanying all the years and decades of these attacks--Graham the greasebag notwithstanding since I don't know how long he's been in the Senate or in politics--and could not give a damn "my dear" to look it up because it's just Gone with the Wind and meaningless to me, as he is. But the threat he has forced upon me reminds me of the threat to my life that the United States Government with "men" (so-called) like him helping to fund these operations through their covert black-op and operative network--formerly known as the KKK--which he alluded to in his rush to threaten my life as the very first thing he yelled at me before demanding that I have a baby with him so he can get endless free deals, out of testifying or not with any threat of criminal punitive accusation--that is something that just happened he has to testify but he won't have to plead the 5th now because he's not going to be held under criminal charges--which I think was a threat prior to his endless demonstration of fascist violence towards me. Endlessly attacking me while I was bedridden as a surge of putrified horrific poisons that have been stamped into my body by the hardening process of the government-funded poisoning effort to quell my every attempt to have any single thing in life so the fascist white supremacist pig apes can make their claim that only they, only they, are "superior". How many more people will be poisoned with covert hardening/bloating poison and how many have died already as a result with no diagnosis made by examiners after their "mysterious" deaths? (I can name Andrea Dworkin as one obvious example of this, seemingly I am the only person on the planet able to identify this crime and modus operandi). However, many others will be poisoned in like manner in the future--imagine what this group would do to people like Serena Williams if they could only get a chance to do so--they will in fact! The threat you all ignore.

But when I see how Graham has been attacking my health, just like all the rest of the pieces of expletive like filthalina and pig pit--years of my body being poisoned so I could never heal--as I fight and some if it gets out finally graham has come in to attack my drinking water, to make my home so filthy I must bend over constantly to clean filth that is being sprayed everywhere to the point that it's so toxic I must clean it--while being bedridden--and his violence in teleportation while I was absolutely sick was only like repoisoning while I was detoxifying from the filth that this greasy piece of nasty filth Graham and his ilk have ordered people to put in my food--which they happily did--for profit and for a surge of hormonal "power" which they also feed off. I can only imagine that the sudden blast of violent rhetoric by greasy nasty Nazi Graham (I mean KKK Graham) was "allowed" and promoted by the Nazi fascist network that promotes all the pig apes and whores (both male and female of both labels) and thusly he was "allowed" to threaten "riots" because Trump needs to be exonerated from his threat to National Security. I wonder if any of the top secret docs he absconded with which are missing contain any information about my plight and this ongoing State-sponsored terrorism? Which nasty agency of the US Government, shadowed by Graham who is on both the Budget Committee and also on the JUDICIAL committee (I don't want to look up his information or see his greasy ugly face any longer, so I think the title of the other committee he is on --don't know how many committees in the Senate he is involved with, but he should be taken off them immediately as he is a pure criminal misappropriating funds for terrorist activity such as paying pig pit and filthalina to have access to abusing and poisoning and violating and threatening me and yelling and putting violent teleportation skits with yelling and abuse and hate that is so ugly and sinister it is a reflection of his appearance--which is sickening considering what type of nasty and completely rotten personality he has. THe same can be said of pig pit and filthalina but they are consumed with constant physical upkeep while Graham probably is more involved in his spare time with pursuits of erotic and inebriative pleasures of "relaxation" such as using, abusing, and exploiting women or whatever his preference is. People like him fund and appropriate money (elected to government) for purposes of their KKK Nazi agenda--which involves mind control in order to keep people "like me" in the "place" that the Europigape Nazis put them in so they could not rise up in Europe or anywhere and ever prove that they are more competent in any way--as happened in Germany prior to the holocaust. Leaders in all professions after decades or perhaps hundreds of years of Jews fighting for legal equity in Europigape society--only to rise up into affluence and position due to the strength of their struggle--(but blinders on anyway to the extremity of the hate that was underlying the "modernized" society that Europe seems to exhibit but is rabidly violent and grasping and violent underneath--some of the civility they "learned" came from Jewish culture in the first place (ahem--Christianity stemming from Judiasm and it's values--not entirely but much and most--even what Jesus preached). But Graham and his family in that Southern plantation Nazi zone, when he teleported me just so they could make sophisticated threats at me to comply with just meekly agreeing with any and everything they said (they were "polite" in that hospitable way, but exploitative--only to be followed up by violence by that ugly sinister creep which is now me fighting endlessly to protect what I ingest-I must keep everything in plastic bags with series of strings and rubber bands to try to protect against being poisoned by mechanical arms which rummage through my home every single night ripping and tearing things, spraying stinking filth into whatever, my clothing is all rancid even if I have never worn it or just cleaned it--the things I use to try to stop the endless mechanical arms from entering my room are sprayed with brown grease, are frayed, etc this is ongoing EVERY SINGLE NIGHT along with terrorism via teleportation--my body I must wrap with layers of clothing and tied into impenetrable wraps using rubber bands--all I do is clean up filth, fight to get the filth out of my body so I am not stuck sitting here being blasted with mind control tech so I won't write these posts any longer but can instead go outside and actually do things on this planet--but they continue to poison and drug me so I remain just stuck herre-with stinking filth every single day to clean up, hateful ugly men trying to force this baby contract out of me--all of them disgusting sleazy creeps on a huge power trip--all completely unattractive and sinister ugly people with no appeal whatsoever--that goes for the entire organization and all 20 million of these gang stalkers--or that must be an extremely conservative number of all the parasitic opportunists who participate in this global hate operation and organization. They are all disgusting, they act like vile and filthy parasites, their mentality is of filth they poison and pollute the planet their policies and politics leave the planet dying and gasping for air and societies dying in a mire of muck and hate and corruption while they bask in the grift that they have perpetrated upon anyone or anything they can. On a personal level they are filthy and disgusting and when they get a chance to unleash this filth they  keep pent-up, such as in teleportation, they are most foul and disgusting. This is what happens in prisons, in death camps, people let loose their ugliness that they have been inculcated with by their nasty parents and abusive environment--all couched in glamorous civilized pretense of normalized normative values--bereft of real integrity. 


So Greasy Graham then and his family attacked me for not saying with soft agreeable submission that Christianity is a perfect religion and only according to what they believe. I made a very polite observation about Christianity, just questioning some of the basic premises about sacrifice that Jesus himself did not talk about--but this has been adopted by the Church as a main focal point of their very edifices and symbolism. The early Christian symbol was of fish, not of crucifixion and it's endless death gory scene. For just saying this, I got a reaction not of overt hate and hostility but it was a kind of over-reaction and claims of moral supremacy that I was confronted by. This all happened while I was in deep sleep, very ill at the time from detox, and under hypnosis. 

But that was the one and only time Graham was in any way acting in a decent manner towards me. Otherwise his reactions are that I have zero human rights to defend myself. After his initial violence towards me I began to call him names, to which he hissed that "you can't talk to me like that" and more violence ensued. For this, he got out of any threat of criminal punishment in his testifying role for the Georgia Grand Jury to which he must submit, I think it's supposed to happen tomorrow. I listened to legal analyses last week where they all believed he must cite the 5th in order to not have to testify--but THIS week he's exempt from any legal criminal incriminations from the court and so he got "off the hook" while he was dumping his crap on me in every way possible in order to prove what a violently nasty good ole boy he is. He would say that what he's done is nothing compared to the violence he really could commit. But in addition to a decade from the actors and the pig apes prior to them who were murdering me and stealing ideas I wrote of, and torturing me for saying no to their rape with endless waves of greasy nasty ugly old white Europigape men (you have to see what kind of greasy and nasty filth piles on the shores of Phuket and in Thailand in general with swaths of concentric circles of little brown Thais bowing and viciously attacking me--only rivaled by similar groups in the US to the more affluent similar types who can conceal their congealed rotten muck that --like the poison in my body, is trapped beneath a hard layer of hateful but superficial appearance --sometimes it looks glamorous as in the case of filthalina who has been dumping her filth on me along with pit all these years--but in a succession of them, the violence is just too much accumulation and the poisoning of course has been killing me and I need to HEAL  (you goddamn f-ers out there doing this). 

But the United States government keeps having Biden lecturing about Freedom and how the Democrats are so benign and harmless and always fighting for Democracy and Freedom. How Pelosi and AOC and Raskin and Sanders have all profited off attacking me with often death threats, hate and full support for their Republican fascist Nazi brethren I don't know exactly but of course they don't really give a damn about Democracy or Freedom. 


So I have to remain writing about their crimes in hopes that there is perhaps something or someone out there who can stop this next seriously deadly threat to my health and life. My health is now very poor, my body has broken down to a very deadly point from years of torture, poisoning and the trapped poisons in my body are so toxic I can't imagine how I have survived all of this. My body is in very bad shape and this pig scumbag grease Graham, like the crap US government he represents, has been attacking the things I need for healing in my most vulnerable state. I can't get out of this room often and he's attacking my water so I must lift and carry and get out while I need to rest and heal. He is so foul, what he has been doing is so disgusting, but it's just another sick and foul parasite attacking me to get another promotion for his rotten life and prosperity--in this case, the pig needs to get out of the crime against the United States in the form of election fraud and attempts to overturn the Georgia electoral process for the 2020 presidential election. That goes in hand with Bloomberg and Oprah and H. Cliton who were all running for president in 2016 against Trump who have ALL viciously and for months or years (Oprah) attacked me in disgusting ways. Dirty and nasty Oprah has ordered violence, poisoning and stinking filth sprayed on everything in my home, body and room for me calling her an aunt Jemima after years of already participating in this violence against me and also stealing ideas I wrote of for her fake production of some plastic performance in a movie based on a book I wrote a very small review on--(on my Facebook page). She, like all the rest of these parasitic pig ape whores, has never paid me not just for what they have stolen, but for the years of damage and violence. AS I have written endlessly, if these greedy and sleazy ugly and in most ways stupid parasites could have just grouped and contributed $200 each as the group of these pig ape whore celebrities attacking me and/or stealing ideas and profiting off my ideas in millions for their finished product--but much derived from my initial concept which they just hacked and stole from my personal writing--then trying to have me killed when I wrote on my personal and blocked facebook page for justice and for them to not be awarded any longer for these activities which are part of their entire promotional protocol system (systematic racism, incorporated). If they had just each paid out $200 in their greed and pigish selfishness and sleaze and hate, I could have been able to afford to live in a place where I had access to a private home with a swimming pool Instead they have re-poisoned me to the point of endless poison stuck in my intestines, mutilated mybody, smeared damaging chemicals on my skin (I think filthalina had a large part in the mutilation and disfigurement, while pit the pig was enjoying having my bones broken and parts of my body severed out while they kept having my hair fall out with chemicals they sprayed into my hair).


So now Graham, in order for that ugly nasty greasebag to get exempt from being criminally liable for making his call to Raffensburger (sp?) and trying to elicit more votes for the Trump side that didn't exist (legally or otherwise)--now exempt from legal liability while he was not last week. Filth, filth sprayed into my home, my water, and this next filth and sick attack has begun with filthy greasy graham attackiung me. They always want me to write about this as my reaction only enables them to more promotions for being "successful" abusers and users--the goal of this shit organization of Nazis and fascists and their nasty greasy minority minions.

I am always now seriously fighting for my life and writing in hopes that somehow this shit will be stopped--the shit they are doing and the shit people that they are in their shit organization pumping shit into the planet and into society.

Do any of you actually care about any of this filth that they are doing, of course you don't care about me but what about the entire system you all consider to be such a wonderful stepping stone for your own greed and selfish careers and lifestyles? Do you really think, as the planet is drowning as the planet is burning that your system has really been a success? Maybe you should do something to stop them and stop this system as it only encourages people to disrespect life, as pumping stinking filth onto whatever possible is part of the environmental crises and these pig apes you all are--or your friends or you are silent and do nothing making you a accomplice to the filth group--their filth is really destroying the planet--their pollution for their profit, their enslavement, and you are all watching it happen and can only begin--BEGIN to think in any way feasibly reasonable only when your nasty selfish lives are at stake--and that will be when it's too late.

Meanwhile I have to now fight for my life, to protect my water somehow and I really can't do it. I have to go shopping and I must lug all these gallons of water into this little stinking, grease-coated room with everything broken, stained, stinking and rotting and on the verge of collapse (every piece of furniture is almost broken, sprayed with fungus and mold, etc) every appliance is on the brink of breaking--my clothing is shredded, they use sandpaper on the fabric so it's frayed--continuously everything is under attack). When I see the planet stinking with pollution I see only a direct correlation. When I see the manicured lawns of the filthy pig apes attacking me, I understand that their bowing minorities are mowing the grass and pruning and cleaning up the filth of these pig apes who are being handed "slaves" due to their globalization policies under fascist racist bigot Cliton the violent skank you all keep in Democratic power position and in the media. Thanks to the globalization policies and the prison industrial complex that filthy Cliton the pair of fakes have installed into American society--the greed and corruption and racism has exploded as well as the prison population. The filth that has ensued is global and has global ramifications. Then there is the environmental collapse from the greedy investments that the wealthy pig ape whores you all cheer on have been making for all these decades. They also could begin campaigns of training the dumb and dumber wolves in Sheeple clothing to conserve and begin to protect the environment but of course all they do is promote endless GDP conspicuous consumption. Behind them are the greasy pigs like Graham in his Budget Committee paying them out so he can have a chance to also spew his greasy filth on me to get it out of his endlessly corroded system, absconding the $$ from the US Government black ops funding (for whatever, terrorism perhaps?) to pay out these skank filthy nasty celebrities so he can also pump his vile ugliness out onto me. I am being murdered by their filth and mental illnesses and their hate and racism. 

I must then continue to write these posts, which are then scoured for content by the pig apes to steal as their "humanitarian" campaigns--like the rotten women like filthalina and Heard who are both "anti-domestic violence" advocates, paid in millions for these roles, who have both and still both participate in rape and torture of me--they sit in the rows of celebrities when I am teleported, filthalina sits next to the violently rapist abuser who then had most of my hair permanently chemically treated out--or it was her doing it--because she kept me poisoned as this huge German pig scumbag raped the poison repeatedly and daily into my body--pumping it in as hard as possible and hitting me for saying no while pig pit and filthalina hugged him, along with Shitnegger the huge terminator parasite Europigape coming to exploit the US along with his fascist Nazi contingent out of Europigapeland--they are all repugnant.

I must continue to write as they all read my posts and get more deals. I try to reason with this do-nothing group reading my posts who all think this is fun and titillating to read or if they "care" they "can't" do anything--but as only this sick group has access to my writing it's the former and not the latter.

Still I must continue because I can't protect my water supply. I have to go and get the jugs of water, drive them on motorbike and lug them four flights up to my room, carry them through the narrow packed little area I have since I can't use the closets because they are sprayed with toxic filth to the point I can't use them any longer--so everything is stored on the floor or on the stinking sprayed couch--all is covered with water-resistant plastic in an attempt to thwart the stinking filth that is sprayed on everything. But the ability to just drag this damaged cart with the water to the back of the tiny room is very strenuous, and then I must leave to buy food. I thus can't protect my water while I am out shopping. I have to carry so much with me everywhere I go when I am finally well enough to leave--I have to carry my food around with me in an attempt to stop the poisoning and drugging. It's so much and so heavy my injured body can't sustain the weight of all the bags I must carry in addition to at least 2 weeks of food and materials I must buy in the one day I am well enough to go out shopping per 2 week period. I am at this very tenuous stage of detox at the skeletal stage and it's hard poisons latched into my spine in every direction and it's just painful to sit in one spot all day, much less lug and carry huge heavy bags around with me just to protect my life, property and belongins so not everything stinks perpetually or is poisoned with permanently staining or damaging chemicals that this group, via these filthy scumbag pig ape whores you all cheer on as your celebrities and favorite posturing bs artist politicians--on both sides of the aisle all are despicable all are deplorable.


Please get them the FUCK OFF ME goddamn for the 10th  year in a row on a daily basis I am writing this once more--trying to convince you smug fuckers out there that what you are approving of is also threatening your own greedy and sleazy and disgusting lives as you sit back and pat these pieces of shit on the back for this "elite" fascist Nazi behavior--the result is the poisoning of society and the planet's resources with your stupid pigs "on top" on top of the burning pyre you have all helped to create by doing nothing as you continue your massive consumption lifestyles of the rich and filthy pig ape whores. on the planet of the pig apes you all have created and are creating.

PLEASE STOP THIS FUCKING CRIME AGAINST ME GODDAMN YOU FUCKERS READING THIS ENDLESLY DOING NOTHING TO STOP THIS OR THESE PIECES OF SHIT YOU ALL CLAIM ARE SUCH WONDERFUL "FRIENDS" OF YOURS. Dumb creeps out there you all are worried about the impact of the sleaze and filth and violence you and they are all creating, even in your enclaves of wealth outside of the filth and chaos you are all bringing onto the planet it will come back to you, dumb fuckers reading this STOP DOING NOTHING stop this crime against me stop this sytsem stop being stupid do=-nothing fuckers participating in this sick system with these rotten creeps you all want to control your society your country and your lives? How stupid can you all be to continue to see the utter damage that they are doing even to your own cities to your own society and yet you continue to watch and do nothing? 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...