Monday, September 12, 2022

Prescience or (common sense) prediction: At the beginning of 2022 I predicted (not using tarot cards or divination) that Queen E would pass. It has come to pass. What will transpire with the Crown terrorist core connected to H-wood, I wonder, with this new but entrenched/programmed change of rulership? To me, all that matters is the key to the former Queen's prescription for covert 4th Reich policy disguised as benevolence and "free", which in my opinion is/was Keynes. Neo-liberal politics and policies which brought about the wealth divide, and thus encouraging a despotic rulership of white supremacy versus a planet of desperate immigrants; resulting in the rise of fascism--these are significant elements and factors involved in the (what I perceive as being the significant legacy of Queen Elizabeth's policy) formula for the continuance of the Neo-Nazi movement.

"Roundtable: Amid Tributes to Queen Elizabeth, Deadly Legacy of British Colonialism Cannot be Ignored". Democracy Now! September 9, 2022.



  • British economist John Maynard Keynes is the founder of Keynesian economics.
  • Keynesian economics argues that demand drives supply and that healthy economies spend or invest more than they save.
  • To create jobs and boost consumer buying power during a recession, Keynes held that governments should increase spending, even if it means going into debt.
  • Critics attack Keynesian economics for promoting deficit spending, stifling private investment, and causing inflation.

*****PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS BLOG POST HAS BEEN PARTIALLY DELETED OR REWRITTEN BY HACKER TERRORISTS WHEN I TRIED TO READ THIS POST AND SAW HOW BADLY IT HAD BEEN OBSCURED, I WAS DISMAYED BUT THIS IS SO EVER-PRESENT IN ALL MY ATTEMPTS TO WRITE ANYTHING. This is very hard to get through, this post because of all these hacker deletions or rewrites. I am under a siege of mind control tech so I can't "remember" all the phrases I had written exactly. I just will leave this as is. I write such statements for almost every post I write as this is always the case. I do not want any post that has been so badly redacted to be considered my inability to express my self in a serious way.


An explanation for my vague interpretation of economics and of this subject:

The subject of Keynesian economics and the application of policy as regulated by PM's and in conjunction with the Queen (of late) is of course something I have no privy access of information--the concepts I wrote of above could easily be disputed when you read any basic history of Keynes and his actual policies and politics. The Socialist government of England is not as far distant as the US equivalent in it's aspirations for global domination/dominance. Less or more government regulation of the economy in a global atmosphere, far outpacing what Keynes had written of in his early 20th Century books on economics--however, to issue is of debt and that, in effect, is what Keynes recommended as sound economic (and thus political) policy. That America could in the near future be beholden to China for it's bankrupt status of it's national Debt is something only briefly mentioned in many a media lecture on policy and of the state of the Union. A country going into debt if there is an economic downturn, which would, theoretically, straighten itself out (one would hope) with the spur in investment and the flow of capital and all that other economic jargon which I have not been trained to repeat up to this point in my life (of being blocked and drugged all my life and forced into subpoverty income so the necessity to study economics for me has remained at a most basic macroeconomic level, and very basic at that. One cannot deny, however well-trained one is in current economic (mis)management that the burgeoning debt crisis of the United States has reached past critical mass, but this is so mostly ignored by the media and one must go into extremes in order to focus on this issue which is of such paramount importance to the stability of the US. I make my statement regarding Keynes mostly in light of the mismanagement of debt and national debt, along with the "Trickle-down" investment philosophy that has spurred an elitist resurgence of what is now openly called "semi-fascism" by President Biden. Make no doubt that this rise in "fascism" could not have been made possible without the reliance upon all these decades of Trickle-down adaptations of earlier Keynesian models of economics. To delve into this topic would entail that my internet not be hacked, my keyboard operable instead of being hacked so I can barely write out a single word or statement, and the attacks on my brain also be stopped. I also require adequate search information as my internet searches are met by results of 10 items on Google for very vague topics on politics--almost all of the time the search engine results are blocked so I get one or two pages of results while the Google search result states that there are thousands or hundreds of thousands. I can't access information, in short, or not very well. Much of what I do access is controlled and skewed in content (or redacted or simply rewritten--Orwellian style). What Keynes could not have predicted or did not predict were the mind control and other nefarious misuses of technology that now permeate the fabric of stability in economic disparity that the mishandling of his philosophies and economic politics had earlier prescribed as tentative solutions to the greed, the conquering worm, which can wind itself around almost any concept and turn it into a devouring regurgitated reshapement of it's former self.


One media "fix" to the legacy of Keynesian economics is of the huge National Debt to which the United States is always on the brink of collapse into bankruptcy and inability to pay of even the interest on the debt. Massive efforts to divert public attention from this near fatal collapse of the US and it's currency leadership around the world (which is not something that is undesired but instead highly but secretly desired in order to bring into the world this chaos of economic failure of the US Government, which would enable a take-over by the fascist contingent --many of whom are heavily armed with assault rifles and the like)--but endless focus in the media upon #45 has made attention on this most urgent issue completely buried and obscured. If it wasn't Bill Clinton and his sexual escapades making headlines to obscure other trifles like wars and economic collapse, the formula to keep the "masses" occupied into focusing on other issues remains. But my point is Queen E--from all my encounters with people connected to the English Royalty (one of whom was poisoning me to death, stole ideas, and is behind the H-wood English-backed celebrities who have tortured and stolen ideas from me non-stop, all making open anti-Semitic Nazi statements about having me killed in concentration camps and all those other fascist statements). I take it then that they are merely emulating what they were trained and programmed to think and behave like coming from the top, the mentality trickling down like Keynesian economics, from whence comes my connection to the fiscal fascist policies which have helped to bring about our current near-fascist take-over of the United States. It's a very long take of economic disaster, which is elaborated upon by many a scholar and hinted at by Progressives and many others alike--hailed as stolid foundation for future politics by the likes of the fascist-take-over Party vying for complete take-over of elections committees and a future of their making, by-passing the US Constitution whenever advantage for power is possible. Keynes and his "trickle-down" economics. I believe this was extoled and brought forth originally by The English Crown, Queen E in particular as she probably condoned every policy that the US then welcomed in as their partnership in world domination ensures mutual economic stability (albeit non-parity in currency, so the English can stroll on into the US and purchase as much as they want, which they have done to the delight of the fascist contingent and their dumbed down minions in the US who latch onto every statement and believe in it, when they are instructed to do so. All "good" little programmed minions rewarded (Perhaps temporarily and fatally so).


Yes dear readers, it is possible to predict something (for me) without using crutches such as tarot cards. I "felt" that this would happen and first it was her husband and then Her. I am neither happy nor sad about this passing (well, I am not neutral but I don't want to appear callous). My goal really is to see if Charles is going to continue the legacy of post WWII fascism (disguised as it so cleverly has been in the circles of concentric power trickling down from the top-to-the-bottom tiers of UK society. How they attack me whenever possible and all following the exact same protocols but not all have access to the most sophisticated mind control technologies, and who is controlling the lower and bottom tiers, I wonder when only they have use of these minute highly covert and sophisticated technologies at their immediate disposal? Rhetorical question, my dears reading this...).


But I did write this, it was at the beginning of this year, in January or just prior to the New Year. Where it is, I can't really bother to look up because I can't stand to see months and years of the same railings and rantings I have divulged in, in my endless years of attempting to garner sympathy. I realize that the thrashing torture victim is more of an entertainment spectacle than an object of pity, unless they are of the established bigot appearance which everyone is "supposed" to consider far more worthy of law and legal protection then their darker hue fellow human beings (which they dehumanize as often as possible, those who consider the law only and realistically established for their defense and counter-offensive tactics and the rest have no rights, as deemed by their creed and this terror system of systematic racism is surely assisting in this social engineering project of prison population culture/no rights for me and so, my writings have only amassed spectators and no protection, or so it seems. Hopefully more people of the oppressed layers of dehumanization will stop nearly worshipping their oppressors and finally begin to establish their real-life majority rule of equal protection under law and whatever else can come of stopping the mind programming into white supremacy that things like the media are endlessly thrusting out into the mental sphere atmosphere.

I think of the Queen of England and of the utter and in the highest circles, extending into the lower, of absolute racist Nazism and I do believe that this mentality and paradigm is a remnant of the complicit Royalty to the Nazi cause preceding and ever-present ever since--tricking down as it were. The "trickle-down" theory is of English origin in the form of John Maynard Keynes, which has brought about "Neo-liberal" economic policies and politics. I could write an essay on this subject and indeed a book but  hacking and blocks are making it arduous to simply type this out. (Nota Bene): after I got up from this laptop, away from the brain-altering tech blasting my brain in front of this laptop screen--I "remembered" the name Prince Philip, husband to Queen Elizabeth. Whilst in front of this laptop his name completely escaped my awareness. Once up and away it came roaring into my consciousness from "memory retrieval" my brain compartmentalizes--this happens to frequently, almost for every post I can't "remember" how to spell, or names, or ideas and they all come back at odd moments while I am away from this laptop space. The WiFi doesn't have to be turned off for the effect and the memories blocked to resurface while I am in another physical location.--I just read the first sentence of this paragraph and saw that hackers had deleted parts of the post--"the queen and her utter.." and then there was a change of ideas -this was hacked, but I can't "remember" right now what I had originally written---I could add something but I leave it in just to make this point made about how discrediting the hacker tactics and attempts are. I can't "think" while I am writing and fighting to get past the obstructions of hackers blocking keyboard functioning--which is at 100% of the time obstruction while I type, and thinking is hindered at probably a 40% range of cognitive ability by their tech of torture/hate and discrimination.


Reflections after watching the Democracy Now video (above) on the British Colonialism that the passing of the Queen has brought to public attention. As explained in the video by the experts of political commentary out of England: Queen Elizabeth dictated policy to her Prime Ministers bereft of any records being taken of the exchanges--the policy conformations were held weekly, PM-after-PM for the duration of the longest reign of this Queen for all the years she was capable of such undertakings. As I imagine, and now that I have had a rest from being blasted with mind control tech so I can think slightly more clearly than in the part of this post written earlier---I think of global dominance and of particular the forte of London life: global banking and financial English hegemony. That the rich/poor divide was widened under the guise of benevolent Reaganomics under the "auspices" of Keynesian-influenced "Supply Side" Economics is without dispute an historical fact. I spent a bit of time in London around Cannon Street stock brokers and bond brokers--(the equivalent of Wall Street, in London Town). The collusion of Americans from Wall Street with these Cannon street partners was made apparent to me, as I was of course the gang stalking MK ULTRA target (while sleeping or drugged in particular). I am not merely making some random "conspiracy theory" about ecomomic merging of English interests with American adaptation of English-born Keynes and his post WWII economic philosophies. The "yuppie" boom was in full upsurge when I was in London and the desire to "enslave" while becoming ultra rich in the supply side "Trickle-down" economics farce (leading to our now on the verge of debt crisis economy that is so largely ignored by mainstream media and only recognized when a new debt ceiling is being voted on by Congress). I do not merely focus on debt and the fiscal and financial policies that lead up to our now fascist-leaning country (economics has played a significant role in shaping this current ultra-violent trend, lead on largely by those who have felt that white power has been diminished by equal opportunity and also that their power en masse has been diminished due to globalization--free market neo-liberal policy--they attribute this to Democrats but it was first instituted by Reagonomics--Supply Side--harkening from Keynesian concepts in rulership or using the "elevator" of inflating and deflating to make the economy shift to fluctuations in favor of the Demand that pouring money into the wealthy (cutting taxes) will somehow "trickle" down onto the poor. It has never worked but it has helped to create the "entitled" wealth class and the white fascist poorer who want to establish a fascist system similar in scope to Nazism (which would become a Socialist system if they actually applied the real politics to their desire for genocidal conditions and the poor and minorities to "keep in their places" far beneath them. THis is the endless oppressive force that is applied to me daily and nightly by the terrorists you have put into lead position who are teleporting and their minions of all races who fully support this. I believe that the "bottom line" has more to do with current events than the history of Imperialism at this point in history with our digital and electronic global networking. The Imperialism has become a financial weapon in which to continue to instill colonialist aspirations. The English with their banking hegemony in London have applied these principles of shifting value of inflation and debt--basically I believe the United States leadership was instructed to follow these policies and have not stopped following them--by circuitous route from the edicts that Queen Elizabeth (perhaps) dictated to her Prime Ministers in these private sessions that NEVER were recorded. This is a "theory" on my part, but regardless, what I have seen of the players in the leadership roles who are of lessor status than the Queen but who are familiar with her Crown enterprise and how much they nearly worship and deflect and are deferential to Europ-a's particularly out of England proves to me how influential The Crown has been on American policy, and in particular in adapting an English version which ultimately put
England's Pound Sterling and in far more clout and worth than the US Dollar--formerly the world's currency, now in dispute that it can hold up for even a few more years. These are the thoughts that come to mind foremost when I think of the Queen's passing, in addition to the people associated with the Crown who have tried to murder me or threatened me with death for calling them names after they had me raped and stole ideas and tortured and poisoned after they profited off my ideas and/or just profited off torturing me so the Europ-a-backed fascist organization would promote them into awards and lead position in politics or in the media entertainment or for whatever thing they wanted to gain for proving what good subjects to The Crown they were and are--adn other fascist organizations and covert groups--not excluding the US Governmental agents in this respect. But they all nearly bow in deference to English royalty and that proves how much influence that entity has over American culture, it's politics and this has reflected in global misery for those oppressed by all these Imperialistic forces (America acting as a regulator for Imperialism--while England takes a break from doing the actual dirty work. That would place America into the minion role, and I certainly have seen only A$$-grubbing expletives coming out of American celebrity and political life who really bow down to Europ-a influence. The Clintons are some of the most apparent of those if you only look at how Clinton studied at Oxford --and out of fighting in Vietnam--and undoubtedly was "programmed" there--my brain is going completely blank on the type of scholarship he obtained--the mind control is absolutely affecting my memory at this time and cognitive processes so I will stop now). I only want to emphasize how directly the English (Crown) has applied pressure and affected policy in the US. I have been writing about how these celebrities torturing me are operatives of the English Crown for years. I see the effects of English policy in our massive debt crisis by having taken the pill of illusion and chomping down on economic policies that have lead to division and destruction and chaos. The English come in to take control once their policies and politics of chaos have done the job. The greedy are rewarded and the rest want mutiny and "civil war". Etc etc the dominos were always put in this configuration. It's getting too difficult to type and the usual hindrances are forcing me to have to stop wasting time fighting to pound letters out and to think clearly...

Circa 2 hours later: RHODES Scholarship. Yes, that is what Bill Clinton obtained for, 1: escaping military service for the Vietnam War. 2: programming into English service as an agent of globalization. 

But notwithstanding, I could not access the name of this Oxford scholarship until well long after I had clicked off this blog and even though sitting in front of this tube, when trying to "remember" the name came immediately. They are using the tech while I write on these posts and as time progresses the effect on my brain becomes more and more pronounced until I am just ranting in expletive hate phrases. Endlessly backspacing and now they are forcing that upon me as well. I just wanted to write this, as my writing is fraught with these blocks to my brain functioning. I wonder if I ever will be able to type at my real speed (lightening quick) and think clearly (can explicate well enough without sinking into hate diatribes replete with curses and name-calling--yes, I truly am capable of all that).
Wonder if I EVER will not be attacked like this when typing and writing ever in my life--

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...