Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The US and the Holocaust & The Disclose Act. The dark secrets, the dank sickness, the silence of the dark forces who operate in daylight and appear like light shining heroes of civilization. The Jews remained silent when they should have spoken up. They remain silent now. The Dark Money forces if quelled may still operate in the dark, but at least some effort to make politics and the power structure exposed to the light of justice may be the only solution to the dissolution of global society and in particular, of the United States.

 "The U.S. and The Holocaust Trailer". Idaho Public Television. September 9, 2022.


"Senator Whitehouse Delivers Remarks on His DISCLOSE Act At Senate Democrat's Weekly Conference". Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. September 21, 2022.


If only The Disclose Act would act to serve human interests instead of the inhumane, I would not still be in this situation of being the target of every group possible (many of which are happy to shift the burden of discrimination and targeting onto me or the "group" they think I "represent" and thusly I have zero advocates in any sphere of society still despite over a DECADE of famous and influential people reading my posts and the sickness remains)

--I am still trying to drink contaminated water that the terror group put in my drinking water supply. My tap water is cleaner than the foul and stinking mess I brought home from the water purification machine down the street from where I live. Years of obtaining water from this source have never resulted in a single problem until the Senator I have been writing of with his violent and hate and filth attacks are so egregious that it's like living around a source of constant filth and hate--and no one will ever get him off me, he continues with actors yelling in violence at me, as he had mostly nasty foul men doing for weeks until I kept writing about it, but he keeps popping up in the teleportation violence, hate and threat skits as I endlessly tell him he's deplorable (it came to an endless yelling bout but he's too busy now capitalizing on he media attention and security he's garnered by this insidious organization which is promoting every bigot and hater who participates--thus blacks, Latinos and Jews and Asians and every single group inbetween doing what I wrote of above--shunting the hate onto me as they feel relieved to participate in racist attacks with their former abusers now their partners--there "Must" be victims of hate and racism in the world and now with this technology they can shunt the responsibility onto targets that remain unsheltered from support groups. Apparently coming from the most oppressed group which has a few select wealthy but hands over their culture and children to be sullied and attacked and murdered--The Jews--all remain silent; in particular those of official political capacity.

Thus I have to clean stinking filth that is sprayed on clothing, the floors, my body, I can't bend to clean it from the lifetime of poisons poured surreptitiously into my food and drinks all my life plus the drugs. I can't refill the water jugs at a different water filter system (meaning I would have to drive longer distances) because I am in pain from the detox healing as the poisons have been coming out of my skeleton and intestines for the past year as opposed to layered in various shelves and pockets into my soft tissue--(that was only detox for a decade) but I am now unable to move most of the time, as I fight to get more out. I thus buy 2 weeks worth of food and fight to eliminate poison and as it rips out of my spine and intestines and closer and closer to my bones and vertebrae and bone structure, I can't go out and bend and lift heavy water jugs.
this kind of stinking unbearable filth began with this foul bigot cracker Graham the US Senator who is a most ugly and nasty foul dirty personality but of course protected by other Congressional terrorists like Pelosi and former politician H. Clinton ---both of whom very viciously attacked me or ordered violence against me to get their own nasty and dirty promotions. Not excluding the endlessly filthy nasty Mafia out of Brooklyn, deniro and pesci and now they include other nasty actors and that group which is a criminal organization claiming they have some "Italian" heritage and thus they are not just mean and dirty nasty criminals who have been protected in their international cartels of crime and violence by the US government for decades and now operate as some covert "arm" of the government to do the dirty work for dirty senators like Graham.
My clothing splattered with stains, my chair is being cut into the wheels are stuffed with grease and hairs and threads so I can't roll it; I have to lift it up and bend over and literally dig into the tiny crevice between the plastic covering of the wheels and the wheel axles in order to pull with fingertips and great effort to get this stuff out--or burn a lighter into that area, and the wheels are being burned off at this point--from having to do this daily for 2 months. I bought it a few months ago, it has a 5-year warranty.

And those are just two very small examples--the room is filthy and stinking the stink and filth attacks go on daily. I spend literally hours every day either fighting to heal my body which is by now covered with scars, cellulite hanging off the hard poison pockets that are latched onto my legs and spine--my body unable to stand straight it has formed a kind of turtle's shell into my back and I can't bend, lift of move most of the time. My room has filth embedded with grease and brown goo sprayed on everything including walls, furniture and everything has a foul and disgusting smell. I poisoned myself potentially fatally by closing the windows and doors at night for at least 5 years in order to stave off pigs coming into my room and raping and dismembering/disfiguring my body every single night upon order of all the people I have been writing of for years.
I spent over 2 years fighting to keep them out by pounding metal hooks into plastic-laminated cabinet doors that cover all walls of this room. I have recovered the floor boards 5 times in the years I have lived here. I now sleep with the patio doors open as the mechanical arms wreak stinking filth and havoc into my room and body every single night.

Why must I live with this endless filth and hate? Why does no one ever stop this group of disgusting parasites feeding off my ideas, dismembering and raping and abusing me in return--making my home and property filthy and disgusting; blocking all financial earning so I live off sub-poverty and have no way to earn even a single penny as all is being blocked while they make money off the ideas they have stolen from my writing about how sick they and this system is. They laugh and get more promotions--they are constantly put into media attention and focus and it's been years and years and years of people knowing about this and never intervening but only participating and mocking, insulting and then attacking me to get their own nasty and foul promotion out of this contract.
I was teleported 2 nights ago to pit who played some silly skit with my cat, La Moux, laying on a bed really crying as I ignored her because I could not see her, I was busy dealing with pit and his skit and of me going from a filthy and nasty room to fly with my cat on some plane, with dumb white nasty women saying with scorn and hate, "YOU are connected to brad pit?" with mocking hate--I made a joke, they stared in silly ways and then the scene shifted to this filthy and disordered room--like where I now live--forced into living in squalor, sickness and filth by this organization to which you all belong and thus will never stop them or this situation--

my cat, looking miserable as this inhuman group has had her ribs broken, her body broken down, has tormented and tortured her because I said no to pigs who were teleporting and raping me--that was the nicola Siervo pig ape piece of shit I was writing about a few days ago--then the next day the mafia creeps along with this rotten actor who played in that anti-hippie movie which pit won his oscar award for after a years of abuse and torture, my teeth nearly knocked out, by pit under his orders--torture and abuse from him for a year and that was because I asked for JUSTICE and him not being endlessly awarded oscars for his violence along with his wife--who has become a politician flouting "feminism" and "justice" as they sat abusing me for asking for JUSTICE and that they not be awarded and promoted any longer--on my private Facebook page which is blocked from all people as I have no friends any longer--and they have been hacking into my facebook page to steal ideas for years--and then pit won an oscar and then handed me over to other rapists to abuse like graham, who is as nasty a bigot KKK-advocate as any psycho creep bigot--but put in sentatorial position and now heralded endlessly since his vicious attack upon me in media exposure--a relief for his testimony in Georgia as well--and then I wrote about the reality THE TRUTH about what the disgusting ugly Italian creep did to me and this foul actor DiCaprio began yelling with vicious hate at me with greasy and disgusting ugly sinister Graham standing watching, delighted as I was forced into this confrontation while sleeping, sick and always struggling with poisons and drugs always in my body while pigs like this endlessly attack me--night and day--now for over a decade--AFTER Siervo went on and on with murder and assault attempts for years prior to this group of disgusting and foul crap--

they had my cat's body crushed and me thrown in jail because I could not deal with legalities where I lived and they had me hit and robbed at a massage place--going ot the police, they put me in jail and then the shit Europigapes where I lived in a tiny enclosed community had my cat's ribs broken as they put her in the jail with me and she screamed in agony the entire night--then they sent me to America to be abused and tortured in a hotel for weeks and then I returned to Thailand where I was endlessly abused day and night--and this was for calling Siervo a Pig after years of him poisoning and raping me while I write every day to stop--as he went on hitting, assuaulting and raping me endlessly until after YEARS of writing him emails and phoning his office and writing posts and posts while he also was stealing ideas from me--just calling him a pig finally after four years of this pig scum and the shit from H-wood is yelling in rage and hate at me for their dear Italian piece of greasy and vile shit I wrote the TRUTH ABOUT not writing in hate but honestly without cursing as I now am. THis is the tenth year of endless stinking filth and violence just poured into my living space--it was done endlessly all my life but not to this stinking and foul extent--realizing what has happened in the last decade, now there is ZERO legal protection for me and no advocacy and all the stalking groups I have turned to for help have attacked me because they are all manufactured traps--or my attempts to reach anyone using telecommunications have been met with diversions to the communications to terror agents so I can't actually even reach any support system or group. This happens every time I fight for my life in the US so it's not confined to where I am now after fighting to get out of America, the shit from Whorewood are trying to force me to return by manipulating my love for my cherished cat and they are all in relationships, in love iwth other people have mansions jets and are extremely wealthy but won't fucking leave me alone finally.

Will any of you ever, ever ever ever ever step up and do something to stop this sinister group, ever? For them to pay me for the damages to my body and life and home and health and for me NOT TO HAVE TO have a "baby" with some man who has tortured and maimed and abused and raped and insulted me endlessly for years (pit) and all of them are exactly the same following the same instructions have no personalities and all are as foul and sick and disgusting as the next one or the last. Perhaps they treat their girlfriends with concern, but with me it's foul and rotten abuser haters with agendas of endless promotion out of abusing and raping and making my home and life as miserable as possible without making me completely destroyed. The "promise" of going to live with one of these hater men and thei rnasty wives is the promise of endless misery for me and endless promotions for them.

I still am living with cleaning up stinking filth, throwing away clothing that is splattered with stains and marks, ripped and torn. A beautiful sling around bag I made with very beautiful Thai fabrics has been stained with bleach, the fabric has been ripped, it was sprayed with so much fungus I could not keep it wrapped up any longer lugging it around with me to try to salvage this beautiful work I did--it had beautiful ornamentation that I made by hand for hours which is now partially ripped next to the once shiny and beautiful satin fabric stained with bleach. Even though they call me every name possible about how I am such a "failure" as they continue to poison my food and water and make my body, life and health an endless strain on joy, beauty, health and success I continue to have to write these goddamn posts to ask for some reprieve from this crime that has been endlessly forced upon me. That some Italian mafia grease sleaze creep who rose from being a perpetual manager of nightclubs to owning huge venues on South Beach after years of endless violence--along with some French scumbags who owned a single restaurant--I sold cigars indepenently at both of these places and the owners surrounded me for years YEARS and are still having me attacked for just writing about the truth of how they operate--to be yelled at by DiCaprio this ugly stupid thug actor yelling and spittling into the screen and held up as some great actor is a joke on theater and performance in general-but for the next pig scumbag to attack me with pit standing there as the endless benefactor of these sets of creeps he sends to attack me--and then using my cat, who is my life, the only family I have left, as manipulation to try to force this contract upon me of him and his nasty family and dirty nasty ugly wife who has been having me mutilated and poisoned so I have remained with poison stuck in my intestines, stuck sitting here writing about violence and all the pieces of shit who attack me behave like i have aboslutely no right to defend myself nad must remain silent and take it all and do what these rotten pigs are demanding and stealing and robbing my home, life, money, my cat, my ideas, myt health, they rape and abuse me immediately afterwards when I was so drugged up I "made love" passionately to pigs who were murdering me in return--now viciously defended by shit like decaprio and this greasy ugly rotten scumbag Graham this filth degenerate KKK scumbag along with pit's former wife's father who obviously is a huge racist KKK proponent absolutely defending the MAGA movement and SO ARE THEY ALL in Whorewood.

But for me to watch black people who are famous but who know about what is being done to me, who remain silent but still claim they are victims of endless racism while they are only too happy to have me get the bs that they are grouping together to try to stamp out; this includes Kamala Harris who teleported me alongside very violent Oprah who sat next to the Italian-American (they call themselves) Mafia greasy filth who have not stopped attacking me endlessly along with their real Italian grease pig shit handlers since 1996-this has not stopped for decades from Stallone and Siervo and now under Trump it's been deniro and pesci and it's a group of sleazy and disgusting thugs--only to be matched but then a notch up on filth and hate by Graham--who really is a very nasty and ugly sinister personality. Pit is there with my crying cat to manipulate me into him and his filthy greasy ugly wife who has sat smirking and glaring in hate as she orders my body made broken dfown--broken toes, broken teeth, my hair chemically treated out so permanent huge bald patches remain--metal objects inserted under cuticles every single night for years--nails turning yellow and black with huge bloody cuticles every day enlarged and the nails have stopped growing--scars from chemicals put on my skin that make me look like I've had poison poured on my skin--it looks like I'm a burn victim in places--etc

and after greasy shit like Graham, and the filth of the mafia pit seems at least not filthy and disgusting compared to them--I have no options I am stuck with no earning capabilities and am in pain and sick and I am stuck with fighting now to obtain clean drinking water--graham is poisoning my food my water is digsusting--it smells like sewage water has been put in it. They put this in the water purification machine immediately before I go to the machine so the water only tastes like rubber hose contaminates have slightly polluted the water. A few hours later, the foul fungus and whatever sewage like particulates begin to ferment and the stinking foulness literally seeps into the plastic containers--one of which I had to throw away.

In addition to YEARS of this, I am now dealing with this most sick and foul person Graham who is there with stupid pigs like dicaprio yelling, ugly disgusting men yelling in rage and violence at me--only because after many murder attempts by Europigapes like Siervo out of Italay whom I met just a few times by selling cigars independently because I was being blacklisted from ALL employment so I began to work independently--now that is something you can't do on South Beach the mafia and fascist Nazis from Europigapeland have completely taken over not only the city council and the culture but have closed off even most American businesses from thriving. The Americans who do make it must absolutely participate in gang stalking terrorism, and the "Jews" there who are considered successful many of them have most nastily and openly attacked me with hate and near violence and discrimination as the Europigape fascist honor them with being allowed to have businesses on South Beach and in Miami in general.
This is the prevailing atmosphere of the United States and around the world in general. But I have been fighting FOR MY LIFE without having done these pig pieces of shit any harm--but shit like dicaprio and the endless leeching of pit on me for this contract have been non-stop approval and defense of these eurpigape pieces of shit with shit like Graham yelling in hate at me because I am writing--not being "silent" about their crimes as you all just continue to allow this criminal element to rule over your country (if you are American, most of you are not reading this I suspect).

The hacking is so awful and the mind control is now at a raging blast into my cognitive functioning--the struggle to get words out and pounding dfown endlessly because the keyboard is so stiff and hacked has made this now too much effort to continue. I am cursing and ranting and with all the interruptions I can't finish my sentences some of which have been left half-written in this endless struggle just with the hacking and then the blocks to my memory and cognitive functioning.

I ask for the TENTH YEAR in a row WILL ANYO0NE EVER GET THEM OFF ME AND FIGHT FOR JUSTICE FOR ME so I am living in peace without this shit going on any longer and me paid and compensated so I can live in a decent way without this violence from some shit people endlessly forced upon me because these pigs really need people to abuse and the blacks are fighting back, but the Jews continue to deny that they are victims or maybe they are but won't do any damn thing but hand me over on a silver platter for Nazis and fascists to have a victim to torture, rape and discriminate against because all the other groups which were their former fare and meal tickets to feeling doped on and high on racism now must look for niches of unprotected (me--because the Jews are very happy to offer sacrifices for their own selfish interests).

Watch the video below to see how the Jews of America kept silent when they should have been speaking out against the Rise of anti-Semitism in Europe. Because they said that by speaking up they may increase the violence against Jews in Germany (and Europe) but in fact they wanted to protect their own interests as the Nazi pig apes of America and this insidious network of shit creeps instructed them to lay down and say nothing so American Jews would be spared an equal rise in violence and of course by remaining silent American Jews would get their own version of promotions--(i.e. my family is a part of that group and absolutely profited during WWII in a way that is despicable--they quit their little Lower East Side business in pet supplies and suddenly moved to very swank Great Neck and never had to work again--just by selling my mother and then her children to this Nazi program--with Jews of the wealthy working with German Nazis who moved from Germany to America and the Jewish-Nazi collaboration continued and I am a by--product of that very same collaboration--a sacrifice if you will).
Thus I have no support group,, I have no group to defend me and once more I appeal to this world to please stop this violence against me. Again I urge this not only for my sake but so no more dictators and fascists rise to power in the US--government and in H-wood and elsewhere. And why the hell is the US Government working with mafia organizations in the first place This also arose very patently during WWII as well and that was to put down Mussolini but re-instate mafia in Italy while the Mafia and the Italian networks helped General Patton to deal a major blow to fascism. THe result is the RISE IN FASCISM in the United States but decades later; in the form of adulation for Nazis, white supremacy and racism as fully endorsed by this 'Italian-American" most racist, absolutely deferential to blonde Northern Europigapes to a degree like personal body guards in a cult obsessed with appearing with blondes, supporting nazi iconography and appearnace and absolutely attacking me for these blonde bigot women who laugh as the pigs viciously rape and beat and abuse me for their benefit--the men as well. And they are using m ycat as leverage to force me to continue to sit here cleaining up stinking filth, my water is so disgusting after putting bleach in it just because I can't go out and replace the water just yet and have been sitting here still crapping out poison and sitting in pain--my body is getting thinner and thinner but the poison is latched completely to my spine so I must literally rip poison out of my body to the level of my spine--along with the poison comes muscle and other tissue--I remain sitting here unable to outside just to alleviate the stress as they continue with subliminal hate phrases and teleportation hate skits and endless stinking filth sprayed and poured onto my body, clothing, bed, furniture, everything I must wrap up my food, every single thing in layers of bags and rubber bands and strings--I spend literally hours every day opening up these bags and fighting to protect my body--it requires most of my day to get through it all--in the morning I spent over one hour just putting things I wrap around my body away--I can't go out of the room because I as I hand up the clothing I wrap with strings and pins around my head to protect my hair from being permanently destroyed--they spray stinking filth on the material if I leave the room as I hang it up because at night they are spraying my clothing with stinking foul sprays--non-stop this is a non-stop attack every single day. I have to wrap everything up in double plastic bags with layers of stings and rubber bands to stop them from opening up the bags and spraying the most stinking and foul substances on every single thing I wear.

I am now fighting to type even single words--the hacking is so awful I can't get anything out any longer.


"The Scheme 18: Leonard Leo's $1.6 Billion Payday". Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. September 14, 2022.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...