"William Cooper--British Israelism--The "Christian" Identity". Watchman's Archive. August 4, 2013.
This person who will be playing Susan Sontag, is just another sleazy opportunist psychopath who is playing a most intellectual genius of feminism and of empathy towards humanity and life. It is appalling that such a vacuous sleazy expletive has been chosen and partly because she has proven her extreme violence towards "Jews" in the form of me being now the perpetual target of anti-Semitism in Whorewood (and everywhere else around the world, not excluding Jews to any degree and many times in my life it's been Jews, even and including those out of Israel, who play the white domination blonde supremacy game even more visibly than the more concealed version the groups such as Germans have adopted now that Nazism as openly expressed is not "allowed" but is a secret society endlessly working on spreading it's virus worldwide and has accomplished it thoroughly in Whorewood, USA.
That a dumb imbecile of a creepy and sleazy hateful skank is being chosen to play Susan Sontag because with vocal training and imitation she can sound a bit like the original. It's even more appalling that out of England/London a most virulent white supremacist bigot who has been chosen to portray the "liberal" causes of concern about every minority oppressed group possible is playing a role of someone fleeing from Nazi persecution that engulfed all of the places like London which is, like Germany, working to conceal it's fascist Nazism with fake skanks like her--and her American wanna be Parisian and Londoner Europ-a cohort in this terror operation out of H-wood (but stemming ultimately out of London and Italy--at least as far as stealing my ideas and poisoning me to death and raping and abusing me slowly into either a coma or death with a feeding frenzy of the lascivious opportunistic meaningless expletive forces from H -wood who are welcomed with open arms, legs and money poured into their coffers for their covert operations of exposing how much they adore Nazi genocide if it can only happen to people like me (who have studied Susan Sontag in feminist classes in undergrad college courses, unlike the dirty nasty skank in question who is playing this feminist and deconstructionist Sontag, whose level of intelligence is so far above hers, and her stoic placidity of intellect is far above mine--and it's just acrimonious to see this endless spate of Nazis controlling the media with blacks and jews and Latinos endlessly spewing death threats at me because Nazis will put them in roles, even playing Jews. This has also played out in Congress with Santos, of course. Santos is the result of Long Island's affinity with accepting the dictates of the Nazis who control them, some Jewish and others in the 5th Avenue dictatorship of financial control (with much Mafia input of threats and domineering violent pressure).
I read today about yet another legislator in Congress surreptitiously claiming to be Jewish. How they "hate" "Jews" (or me, because I'm not a blonde and lighter skin and I also think of them not as being superior only because of their posturing antics and because they demand instantaneous "respect" and claim that they are innately "superior" (this also coming from the blacks who have fully incorporated themselves into the white supremacist strata, always glorifying in their racist victimhood as part of the profit-incentive strategies for leadership roles and monopolizing that hugely profitable enterprise. I just had a most disgusting experience with one, not claiming he's "Jewish" by the way but openly expressing great hate for Jews as his lower echelon ranks of admirers and followers who are trained to obey instantaneously all follow suit. They, in turn, get to push Jews down and claim they are superior and are absolutely embraced in the private hate sessions that are the death throng endlessly surrounding me every single day in the teleportation hell. The "black" activism of being fellow victims-in-spirit towards Palestinians is, in my opinion, a guise by which the black Nazis can openly rationalize their extreme and virulent violence towards Jews, which has been espoused for decades by many American prominent leaders of the black rights brigade of righteousness (often claiming they are adherents of some religious group and are sanctimonious as hell about it--pun intended). I find that the hate of such people towards Jews who do not conform to the hierarchical structure of white supremacy and play the roles expected of them is vicious, indeed. At the top always stands a smiling white supremacist bigot with arms folded, smirking with glee about how his divide-and-conquer strategy for murder is operating so smoothly now. H-wood is once more promoting this version of Nazism in the disguise Nazi actors playing strong and powerful Jewish women. In reality, they want "Jewish" women like me to be brutalized, beaten, raped, maimed, tortured without end, suffocated with poison, body mutilated to appear "fat" and broken down and without teeth, hair or any kind of structure, stability or home or any single thing. The blacks who sit viciously trying to beat me because after YEARS of torture I called one of the white supremacist black bigots an Aunt Jemima, a stain upon their own hypocrisy, has unleashed a torrent of rage and violent threats and abuse from the most highly situated black "activists" who could care less that I have been put into the plight of the Palestinian also oppressed by Jews who are white supremacists. They could not care that racism is involved. They are all simply following the dictates of the British Israelism Agenda, with their "compatriot" sympathy for Palestinians and their "rage" as expressed that "Jews" are really like "Nazis" and racists and that this is "Apartheid". In following, they claim that if Israel under the "Jews" treats Palestinians in this fascist manner, then what more would they do to them in America? I think by their reckoning, the Palestinians are the racist version of the "Jews" who are oppressing "blacks" in rental situations in NYC and thus the hate and death threats towards "Jews" (like me) is at a height now and growing in sentiment. Palestinians and Jews alike, who are, like the Blacks attacking me and their entourage of inclusion into the 4th Reich charade of fighting against racism by becoming multi-millionaires and attacking ME for promotion--are a product of Imperialistic British Israelism subsumed into various facades of lying public relations rhetoric and political brainwashing by media--.
"Kanye West Explains Why He's JEALOUS of Jewish Culture". HipHopDX. October 26, 2022.
"I Said I Was 'Jew-ish': Rep.-Elect Santos Admits to Lying About His Background". December 27, 2022.
See Paul Newman play a nice Jewish blue-eyed boy with his blonde lover, directed by an Austrian who was not Jewish. Much featured about the English control over the Middle East. Lavish and romantic, a drama tale of heroic H-wood British Israelism. What I admired about the film after having watched it a few years ago (i.e. circa 2014) was that the reality of how Germans and Europ-a's was a small inclusion in a scene of how Palestinians are being armed to sabotage the unification of the groups into a solid whole Israeli society. It is the first glimpse, from a Germanic non-"Jewish" director, into the reality that I personally heard about when I was invited to a German-only discussion about Evangelicals hosting funding for their Church activities in Israel. The same people in this meeting, many of whom were around 80+ years old, had been members of the Nazi Party (please note, I have lived in Stuttgart, Germany for 5+ years and was invited to such "Church" Evangelical meetings by people who truly were members of a secret Nazi society. All had their eyes on controlling Israel. The old people, I was the youngest in this tiny little old woman meeting after the larger lecture on Israel and Jewish history (of oppression)--the oldies all said that the 3rd Reich was "the good old days" longingly, "when everyone was so tight-knit and close"-- as the women in the room murmured their assent to that sentiment. I gleaned the direct impression that funding for covert military activities for the continuation of the endless strife was being conducted by the German post-Nazi-era "Evangelicals" in Stuttgart (this meeting was held in a small suburban little village--I was invited because I was renting a room in a huge, old house from this 80+ year old former Nazi who invited me to her share of the huge house and talked and talked about the past of Germany--all in German of course. I am not making wild conspiracy theories about any single thing I write, the only problem with my postings are that the hacking and mind control make it impossible for me to elocute my ideas logically and calmly with accurate grammar and composure.
The same divide-and-conquer strategy applies today, and the push for white supremacist identification with Jew-ish ness even when it involves another race but that which has been embraced by the white supremacist cartel over (in the case of politics it's Santos). In H-wood and in activism it's hate for "Jews" due to claims of Apartheid politics by the State of Israel against Palestinians. I believe that the "Jews" who hold the reigns of "power" in Israel, and from my personal experience of absolute hate aimed at me by the dyed-blonde Jews both of NYC and of Israel, is that they have fully been indoctrinated into the mind programming that is also now being undertaken this year in a kind of double-whammy of two blonde Nazi "white" women playing Intellectual and Strong Jewish women for movies where they are supposed to "represent". Women like me who also are intellectual and strong are put into endless confining categories using drugs, mind control and this Nazi system of crushing any ability to compete in order to only push either the minority minions spewing anti-Semitism (of a most violent version, in private with me it follows with adherence to Germanic Nazis using holocaust death threats at me for fighting for all and any human rights which are all abridged and stolen and crushed by them and their controllers--their Nazi "friends" in this teleportation terror operation they all gleefully partake in for their nasty and sleazy promotions into higher jockying position in politics or the media.)
"Exodus (1960) ORIGINAL TRAILER (HD 1080p)". HD Retro Trailers. July 10, 2018.
In a slight moment of clarity, as I walked away from this brain-zapped zone in front of the laptop and I could think once more (although I can't type as usual, hacking is blocking functions, so I must fight to pound this out)--
I remembered that I had been mentally blanked when writing about the American "lesbian" actor (I used quotes because I consider any label made about these actors as something dubious in integrity and also I am honoring the lesbians I have known who are much more authentic in their lifestyles and claims--or so I believed when (I was around them, casually but connected in groups, organizations and spent time going out with them for fun, as I am not of that orientation myself but I am loathe to include this actor in the sort of "real" lesbian categorization I associate with the women who have not attacked me who are lesbian, unlike these outta Whorewood who are intimately connected with appearing as sexualized porn object by a mostly male structure of extreme racism and sexism that Whorewood is, as I have seen it in this hell of teleportation torture and those therein).
I had not been able to grasp into my memory to write what I had actually been thinking of. I wrote a (in my opinion) humorous post about her hypocrisy of making this SNL skit with women having sex regarding the depiction of the unsexy quality of these stupid jock American men screaming for food from the women in the kitchen to give them cheesy oven-packaged fodder for "the game". What I noticed was that in the middle of this pornographic display of immediate "love" tratification between women as opposed to the stupidity of the scene of these American men screaming at the tv "game"--they began to seductively talk in French to one another, these now "elevated" women--talking about how much more lofty their lives had just become. I picked up on this as an interpretation that by speaking French, that implies that the stupidity of American culture and it's sexual limitations and frumpy male sports domination is nothing in compared to the depiction of French culture as being on a whole nother level of sophistication in culture. I interpreted this as a Europ-a sponsored mind programming display intended to shame and bring a sense of inferiority into the minds of the "hip" SNL viewers. This is the kind of programming that I heard incessantly when I lived on South Beach and worked in a "haute" French restaurant for 2 years. I heard it endlessly from the French neighbors who used the terror operation against me, that as an American I had "no class" and only the French had "class and style". This was echoed in due form by this American actor who then rushed to physically threaten me with almost death threats with glaring hate for having written not only this interpretation but that her cyber stalking and triggering of me was a part of this Europigape 4th Reich infiltration into H-wood and it's puppetry of performers who only yearn to be "classy" by dressing, performing and opening all portals of power and control over to the Europigapes to wrest control. They are all handed mansions, and parties and invites and orgy invitations to the glistening halls of post-Holocaust splendor and austerity measures forced upon other countries, the darker skin hued former colonies and etc who are nearly bankrupted by international banking and mismanagement (with internal Neo-Nazi groups vying for power in government, just like in America).
Within two months of her death threats or threat of violence should I ever appear in Los Angeles after having written a short post, very glibly written with jokes on my part, about her inclusion in this 4th Reich programming of inferiority of Americans with Europigapes especially of French put into an almost ethereal category of superiority--she was then handed the "lead face" of a fashion house, which is happening now or whenever, I really don't know if it has already happened or not but she was handed this. Two other females who violently assaulted me were likewise handed such lead roles in France for similar violence against me, immediately after their inclusion in this group (they used minorities to attack me and their male partners i.e. father, boyfriend, etc, or mothers in one case but with the father behind smirking--he's now known for his slapping propensities at the Oscars--another black nazi by the way with the "lesbian" who is of a most mainstream white supremacist Nazi fascist fashion orientation).
She is now being offered lead role to play an intellectual Jewish woman and I find it a most reprehensible affront. The only women being "allowed" to play "Jewish" women are inevitably white, with blonde hair and blue eyes. That is what can only be ascertained as having "superior" qualities according to H-wood, when it comes to "representing" and those of the darker skin colors had better adapt with some good hair and skin lightening products (which they can then sell off in Paris for Fashion Week as representatives of the same Imperialistic 4th Reich minority minion inclusion). But better yet, the minority minions, if they retain their dark skin and hair tones, should necessarily hug and schmooze with the Nazis when they make their violent anti-Semitic forays at me, demanding "respect" out of me while I am hissing in defensive rage, derived literally from years of non-stop torture and murder attempts, while drugged, that their tv shows and lectures about equality and feminism are all such hypocritical sick jokes on society. When I finally, under mind control drugging call one of them an Aunt Jemima and then under non-stop torture from her and her most bigoted racist white supremacist partners in the H-wood circle encircling me with torture, I must "explain" not just for one year, but now it's literally years of blacks who are prominent coming at me demanding why I said that (once) and never apologized. Nothing about how the people they are standing next to are using Nazi terms and torture, absolute discrimination against me bothers them. They are incensed that I "called out" their lies and hypocrisy and are dying to kill me for not bowing to the pressure. One of them claimed that I was some kind of upstart not respecting my "superiors' as I fought back against the most sleazy and sick and stupid labels and discriminatory sexist and hateful cliches of hate labeling that one tried to force upon me. They then resorted to violence as the last resort because they had not logical or intellectual argument to really stand on. As I wrote earlier (yesterday?) it is a fascist group, that is a fascist response. Not that anyone reading this "cares" as most reading this are fully into this group, it's operating principles and are keen to get their own promotion out of slowly torturing and poisoning and raping and beating and abusing me to death so they can be promoted as being advocates for "Isreal" and (blonde, blue-eyed) "Jewish women" and for "Palestinians"--if they could, they would blame me for what they call the Apartheid situation in Palestine but I have nothing to do with it in reality so they just use the one time I called this woman, who after more than 2 years of participating in having me beaten, poisoned and raped, has since increased the torture and poisoning and has brought on a slew of other blacks who are spitting at me that it's ME who is the racist, that all of t his is because I'm just a "bitch" who is a racist and THAT'S WHY this is happening to me and they spew death threats and violence and then they hug their German and Nazi friends who are instructing them to dig deeper and just lash out at me because it's ME who is the racist bigot and it's only ME.
The divide-and-conquer strategy is operating according to schedule in the Middle East, unrecognized as an Imperialistic strategy to create endless war and division so that finally, the white Nazi group can take over control and probably they hope that some huge war will wipe out most of the "undesirable" people who look like "me" so only another blonde-controlled colony with a lot of minority minions obeying orders is what you would call "Israel" in the future. They are likewise fomenting this strategy upon the US from "within" and I am writing about it now. I am struggling to write it, the hacking is very bad and the keyboard very nearly inoperable due to the impossibility of typing with keys not operating due to hacking. My ranting is, as usual, foremost due to my brain being under remote attack by their mind control tech as well.
"Champaign, Illinois Walk--Sesquicentennial Neighborhood". LOMAS ATX. September 19, 2020.
The video now shows clearly (to me, with my well-accustomed and trained eye having grown up here) that the area has been refurbished and renovated and completely spruced up since I was there last--long ago. I see from the photos of houses on my street which have been utterly refurbished with modern interior design (the neighbor's house I played at, slept-over and etc is a different place altogether and priced probably astronomically higher than the selling price back when I lived there-=-and changed so drastically in the interior you would never know that the mother of my friend--Angie Trinkle--watched Days of Our Lives, had rollers in her hair all day, the father a fireman and the interior very basic, old school architecture).
But you can see the beauty of the area. I miss it very much. The house I grew up has been downgraded by the evil step-influence that took it over. It used to have vines growing on the side, with flowering bushes and trees, paint on the window sills, a flowing creative spot. Now it looks something like a sad and tarnished prison lot with a black iron spiked fence around it and gravel instead of the luscious growth of green grass where we played and jumped through the sprinklers in summer. It looks like the entire building has sunk into depression from the looks of the Google Map from what the Nazi expletive did to modify it into a mediocrity). I want my old home back and want to make it alive again--!
Unfortunately, this video appears to meander through many of the streets but bypasses my street (White Street) within a few blocks at a certain point in the video.
I still claim that Champaign is not a loathsome corn field with idiot rednecks although, as I have stated endlessly, the Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich made sure that the creativity and extraordinary culture that grew out of the anti-War era was crushed and the Nazi rednecks took over with their mediocrity middle class of conformity fascists. They poisoned me and my family and used mind control to drive us apart and OUT. My step-father, the cool and alternative literature professor was poisoned to his death and attacked by the stalking terror Nazi group and his work and legacy removed from the record of public awareness. He was once a pivotal personality whose work and intellectual and creative/poetic genius once helped white bigots to "fight" to not have to go to war. His "reward" was being slowly killed by the 4th Reich and being almost "forced" to marry some blathering Nazi fascist pretending to be alternative (when I first met her and she needed my approval to begin to latch parasitically onto my step-father, drug him with mind control drugs, and slowly crush him into conformity and then obscurity). But her remained. The Nazi/Mafia cartel then re-absorbed my childhood home and turned it into an ugly squat building resembling a prison yard, which is what the Nazi my step-father married is all about and what this group of the 4th Reich and it's organization is all about. Putting people in prisons, either mentally, emotionally, classifications of "inferior" to their self-proclaimed and unjustified "superiority". The advantage they have is through poisons, drugs and technological brain-altering swamping of cognitive functioning. Plus murder and assassination operations that remain concealed and covertly operated and funded.
If I am ever not completely thwarted in writing by hacking interference (endless fighting to simply pound letters out, hacking disruptions of keys so I must backspace and rewrite, brain-altering tech blasting my cognitive functions and mood and etc) I may one day actually write decently about such operations or my history or experience and be able to combine factual research in order to quell the endless discrediting efforts by this hate group forcing their unwanted influence upon my every waking and sleeping moment, endeavor and even thought-hacking and response and etc.
I wonder not "If", but "how many" Homeland Security or other surveillance operatives frequent this little "alternative" cafe in order to ascertain the "radical liberal" element at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana? In order to locate, isolate, drug and poison and input various technologies into the target who appears to have a "radical" or otherwise undesirable affinity or trait, in order that "behavior modification" can be slimmed down like laser technology with or without implants. If the person is too radical and too liberal or just the wrong "race", creed or whatever, they can be "gang stalked" to death without even the target being aware of the operation!! Places like this are very great at grooming surveillance operatives, perhaps in their tender college years looking for an upgrade once they "grow up" and are out of the protective arch of college lifestyle and politics?
This joint might get you in the mood for some 'o that microbrew made in Cham-bana area. If MJ smoking is legal outside, what a great place to light up and get down to the groove, lounge-like outdoors (at night, what a good spot to relax and get into the groove).
This place must be close to campus. If you're an artist with a sketchpad, a good place to sit and render your masterpiece during the day.
If you're a writer, a good place to sit and dream your cognitions into a masterpiece work of lucid fluidity.
If you're sick of square and squat places to go, your masterpiece of living enjoyment for a few hours can be spent at this spot.
If you're a square you can become more curved in this spot.
"1013 W. White St., Champaign, Il 61821". Champaign Life Residential Group, Brokers KW TREC. August 13, 2020.
"Singing Circada". Rob Carlsson. August 5, 2016.
(This is the one and only video I could find on YouTube that has a brief glimpse of the approximate block I grew up--it's one block away but my house is not shown but it's just a few relative inches away from the panning of the camera long-shot down the street. The huge trees are also blocking the general view so my house may be in the opening shot briefly). **also, hacking is horrendous and blocking my every attempt at all I do online. Pages are popping up as I type, the computer gets frozen and stops operating, etc etc. It's constant and I can't do anything but wait. The nighttime terror of teleportation continues from people I consider to be mentally sick and disgusting as "human beings"--famous, "activists", "actors" "tv anchor people from MSNBC (again, it's now a total of 3 of them attacking me with sickness and stupidity for the past few years, another one just got added last night). I was teleported and raped again two nights ago. The sickness of these creeps is without end and without barriers from affiliation or race or skin color--**and just now, while writing this, another page popped up, the system crashed, the page froze, I had to wait 3 minutes to try to even close windows---. But they are repetitively disgusting and sick and stupid and immature. It's intolerable.
Back to reminiscing, and also pointing out how absolutely anti-American these traitors are when they claim I am "nothing" and my background is something like a "loserville" existence as they plunder, rape and torture to gain promotion. They steal ideas I actually worked and studied for all my life so they can appear as false representatives of any kind of introspection, analysis or interpretation of meaning, which they appear to be absolutely in the private teleportation torture they subject me to. They ask endless questions, going on for a decade, and coming out with movies focusing on subjects I had, under torture, expressed or wrote of or even thought of (one of the psycho creeps out of Whorewood has begun an internet campaign of attacking me because I literally thought something about him and compared him to a Latino male artist--as both had married the same woman, another performer in H-wood--and assumed that the white male is a bigot but I only thought it. I got a slew of his photos forced and hacked into my every social media and news story from newspapers online--meaning the templates of these papers online are likewise hacked with insertions of the pig apes whose faces trigger only disgust and loathing when I have to see them as I try to ascertain the news from this far distance away--it's a never ending assault on my privacy and every Constitutional Right possible in the Constitution limiting government surveillance and imposition and torture and etc. These pig ape whore scumbags who scream at me that I am "nothing" and they are "superior" who have me raped, beaten, tortured and terrorized literally every single night going on for more than a decade now with this tech that no one will even begin to stop or question or pose any limitations on--is still an ongoing circus event for the stupid and filthy sick and mentally deranged power-mongering pieces of crap who are just flocking to get their free Mafia/Nazi 4th Reich promotions out of attacking me. Why it must always be me and endlessly and non-stop I can't qu ite understand the sickness of this all. So I have added videos about this town, which was indeed taken over by the 4th Reich so what you see is a milk toast version of the Nazi mediocrity which turned what had been extremely vibrant, and "liberal" into a very mainstream society with the underpinnings of white supremacy and Nazism built into every placid milk toast video and news story with many people who appear absolutely non-descript and cut out of square molds instead of what had been extremely individualistic when I was growing up. I put all these videos on because the sleazy and foul disgusting creeps from NYC, LA, Paris, London and other parts of the world appear to have no class, style or anything but bombastic bs posturing with all the millions and billions of dollars that have been poured into their facades as having original ideas and representing American culture, while they truly are selling out the country, act like filthy sleazy and stupid bimbo whores every single day and I can't find anything every single day of being teleported to them to contradict this. I input the street I grew up on, the videos about all the Nobel Prize winners from the U of I, there are artists and ideas still resounding in the Champaign-Urbana area although it has lost so much of it's former very swank culture and looks like fat, boring mainstream white Nazi culture. I was viciously stalked there before leaving, my family was as well. But it's not a "nothing" town, even now with all the influx of Nazis who have taken mostly all over. It's now a technologically-based town, it used to be art, music and poetry with activism and Civil Rights. The Nazis and Mafia have made sure to take it all over and turn it into a robot-invention space with "radical liberals" killed or pushed out. My step-father has received almost no mention in all of the records for his work and the meetings he held and the activities he was featured in, my house being a central ground for activism and anti-war gatherings and parties. The neighbors obviously were not pleased as well. Once the war against Vietnam was over, the war against my family and me began in serious deadliness. It has culminated in the shit and filth of Whorewood and the political and news and crap of this group which has infested the main information and political channels of American society. Obviously through covert mind programming, poisoning and MURDERS. They are still going about it now. The death threats and threats of making me homeless after years of stealing my ideas and destroying all I have and all I love--this is their "payment" to me unless I provide them with a "baby" so some filthy rapist pig ape and his filthy shit wife can obtain a huge empire reward for this kind of sickness imposed upon me. I add the videos of champaign as a kind of response to the hate they keep throwing at me that because they are extremely wealthy but seemingly very narrow in mental and emotional and especially in intellectual scope *but trained repeat monkeys in stealing ideas and claiming them as their own, adept at performing the ideas as if they genuinely mean it--when it comes to me, however, the fascism emerges the stupidity is foremost and the ugliness of snarling sick evil creeps is all I can see of them.
it'I grew up on block (to the East) of the opening shot of this video--West White Street. This is the1000 block, I grew up on the 900 block of West White. You can see the most gorgeous canopy of trees hovering over the red brick/cobblestone street. For most of the year it's like an enclave of natural beauty. In winter the evergreens are always fresh and darkly abundant to provide some sort of green tree atmosphere. The street lights are almost of a Victorian style, with round white glass which is a soft luminous glow at night. During summer the entire area is alive with singing circada in those huge maple and oak trees. The sunlight is splayed between the leaves when you walk down the street under the canopy of those huge leaves and tall trees forming a shelter over the cobblestone street of West White--Champaign, Illinois.
**with all the hacking and blocks to the keyboard and freezing of the internet the DOS attacks and the length of time for videos to emerge and the waiting for the videos to stop being blocked and frozen by some jerk-off scumbag in some room next to mine, sent by the U.S. Government, to surveil and make sure I can't threaten white pig ape society with their endless array of black wanna be white supremacists endlessly lecturing and performing about what victims they are of racism--participating in the rape, torture and death threats against me using anti-Semitic slurs or behaving in like manner if they are especially prone to have to be pc in any situation---but fully supporting fascist Nazis out of Europigapeland whom they shelter by attacking me as surrogates of white supremacist Nazism, with Mafia et all as well---it's so disgusting that I have to be in the middle of such filth degenerates and have to be targeted like this without end--it is without end. They are so detestable it's endless disgust and hate by now--from one of them to the next there is literally almost no difference except that the Europigapes, the origin of fascism, is truly deadly violent and out to truly kill and rob and destroy America and take it over--with these stupid and ignoramus clown possee pieces of shit from Whorewood and the media waiting to get their welcome mansions in Europigapeland as their rewards. What a pile of shit it all is. Champaign, Illinois, is absolutely not exempt from this same pattern of stupidity and sickness. My step-mother who stole my house is a Francophile who speaks fluid French and her only objective is to live in France. Because she became the "handler" perpetually insulting and poisoning and drugging my step-father until his personality was unrecognizable to me after a few decades of her hate and poisoning, she was handed trips to Paris and talked endlessly about her "superiority" and how "stupid" "Americans" are. She grew up in something like a trailer PVC-coated home in Springfield, Illinois to a Methodist Preacher father and her family was completely lower-middle-class white conservative. Some of the actors attacking me come from similar backgrounds, but intermarried with Europigapes or the spawn of such and are now posing with pig snouts in air as being far, far "superior". They assume that Champaign is something as trashy and low as what they grew up around and are from (and really are behind the plastic surgery modifications and training in posturing as Nazi agents for the media).
This attempt to write a few posts has taken me HOURS to get through--literally I have had to wait and fight to pound out every post and wait for hacking and freezing to stop and turn the computer on and off for over 3 hours to write the total of 3 pages worth of prose for these posts--
it's all so slowed down by hackers that just clicking on a page requires one minute for a page to appear. etc etc the interference has always made my writing impossible. In the middle of writing pages have literally popped up and froze the page, this has happened at least 6 times in the course of writing just a few paragraphs and my brain of course is being subsumed by electronic manipulation at the same time.
**Correction to the post above: 30 minutes or so after having finally fought to post all these posts, to eat after a horrific detox that has lasted for 2 days so while in a toxic shock sleep state, unable to protect my head or body or hair, as the terrorists teleported me to stupid and sick skits because that truly is what they are behind all the posturing benevolence there is extreme malevolence--but this thing my step-father married back in around 1980--who wore hippie clothing but was a member of a fascist covert operation. I had no idea or clue whatsoever about any of it, and was drugged myself into a near stupor from interior hardening poisons combined with mind control drugs, that had been forced into my body, at that point, almost all my life (perhaps year #1 I was not poisoned). //She is not from Springfield, the "big city" capitol for Illinois. She is from Peoria, which is the home to Caterpillar, Inc--tractor factory now an international corporation. Peoria is a farming community. My brain is so blanked and the stress from the internet being turned on and off rapidly without end for 2 hours of struggling to type and think made it impossible for me to think clearly any longer as I fought to type out just a fraction of my ideas (less than 50% or lower). This woman, like the celebrities, has turned being involved in this pyramid Nazi/Mafia promotional organization into a self-proclaimed Europigape aristocratic inherent "superiority" from a "fake it until you make it" struggle into a posturing pig-sniffing-the-air daily acting performance. The stink of their foul lies hovers after the masks are pulled off when they let it all hang out in teleportation sadism under the approving ever-watchful surveillance cameras and "eye" of the Nazi/Mafia organization which keeps putting "elitist" mind programming into them, and "loser" programming into me and whomever else they don't want to see have a chance--at life, essentially. Most of the expletives who are now attacking me come from something akin to small-time and have intermarried or intermingled with lucre-dripping fascists who obtained their wealth from carnage, rape, robbery and genocide (now often euphemistically referred to as Austerity measures by banking). The famous and famously anti-Semitic black activist who just attacked me, along with the Jewish tv anchor who just attacked me who are "defending" both the black entertainers who hissed genocidal anti-Semitic "go to a concentration camp and die" scripts at me while Germans stood behind them smiling (now endlessly awarded year-after-year in the Nazi/Mafia monopoly) alongside now recently really threatening and two nights ago rapist Germans who are behaving in Nazi patterns with the full smiles of the bigot actors who have not stopped stealing ideas from me and having me brutalized, beaten, mutilated, parts of my body severed out, and then starring in movies which are derived from themes they stole from my rantings and writings and --I have stopped trying to create any written expressions other than to document this endless crime and criminality against me in this blog and my facebook page. They steal ideas they hack out of my thoughts and are torturing me now for what I am thinking--because I have stopped trying to write about them, and needing any excuse, they are now attacking me for what I am thinking, which they can hear like a broadcast from this cochlear technology "mind reading" misuse of funding and tech which is fully approved of to the degree that politicians are fully attacking me as well for not complying with every law being broken, every constitutional amendment broken in aims of creating a total surveillance Nazi/mafia world domination scheme with monopoly of every single thing only for them in a master-slave universe for all enterprises on the planet.. But....in reaction to me writing about the blacks and the Germans, I get the Jewish anchorman and the black activist working together to defend the German Nazi fascists who are promoting them all. All I have done to any of them is exactly zero. I clicked on their videos perhaps a few times because they have obtained already a monopoly on information and for any seeming "resistance" so one has no where else to look for any contradictory analysis or output anywhere. All has become completely monopolized, and the former underground news scenes appear to be dead or taken over and usurped by extreme fascist Nazi organizations. Certainly informants are operating and flooding any alternative news sources that are "underground" such as zines. The zine I worked for which had a very strong political bent--the manager was killed by "cancer" which I believe was more the product of a laboratory assassination chemical mix after the years of my own poisoning. Either way, I am writing this for posterity in case there is EVER anyone who may want another perspective to the singular point-of-view that is being sold off in a multi-faceted version of the same propaganda being sold in various flavors and skin colors and seeming racial affiliations. But this woman who really oppressed my step-father until he was unrecognizable to me after a few decades of her drugging him---he was a diabetic and had to be injected daily. He complained of headaches for many years when the mind control operation kicked in. His "disease" was easily disguised by diabetes but underneath it the mind control drugging alone was probably fatal to his kidneys which could not filter out the mess that was constantly being fed to him. Even if he was not outright poisoned the toxins in the mind control drugs were ample for being considered a slow murder operation. I am not an expert on this subject I only have seen the results. I am very sick every day from the poisoning which has continued in unbelievably concealed methods to keep me paralyzed by the shit you all applaud as your sleazy Nazi celebrities. But most of them come, on one side of their families or another, from what is termed "white trailer trash" and they intermingle once they become famous for portraying heroic middle class people in these crappy movies--all "fighting" for righteous causes based on a certain "middle class" morality--they mingle and intermarry with fascist Nazis who are absolute infiltrators of the United States--using these puppets and scumbags who are only interested in appearing as haute as possible--and all that has to be done is for the pig ape fascist Nazis to dangle a few gold-tinted parrot tidbits in front of them as rewards and then mansions and castles and private jets. The slew of these sleazy and foul parasitic users and liars is now the norm and not the exception from the endless line-up of crappy famous "leaders" of the destruction of America who have teleported me for over this past decade of me constantly saying NO--LEAVE ME ALONE LEAVE ME ALONE NO NO NO NO and they never stop. It is now me writing about how disgusting these people are, and the minorities who are "fighting" against the same injustice I am writing of are attacking me because they consider it a threat to the deceptions that have put them in the frontline position they have been kept in--and any questioning of them is now at the point of murder--complete fascist style. This is what America has turned into.
The only conclusion I have come to, and I am not alone in this, is that the entire gamut of American power positioning is a fully controlled Nazi/Mafia operation using a slow distillation of deception in order to be part of a global 4th Reich. When so many politicians in the U.S. Senate, one former U.S. President who rose to power the month he began teleporting me after losing all the earlier primary campaigns, nearly losing the entire prospect, then being catapulted into this most powerful position after beating and raping me in front of the blonde woman who stole all my writings about domestic violence which she and her famous "A-list" celebrity boyfriend-turned-husband inflicted upon me (and now his daughter is as violent and disgusting, with her French model mother behind it all, with movie deals for her and all the rest involved in this one family unit)--but, besides just Senators on both sides of the Aisle, then there's House of Rep politicians, and a former Secretary of State (a "feminist" whose racism precedes her "feminism" to a huge degree) and her husband also a former U.S. President, and then the current Vice President of the U.S. getting involved as her daughter is now a Paris fashion celebrity model (for being the daughter of....and a participant in the 4th Reich Nazi model--she of course claims to be "jewish" or half Jewish but truly could not give a damn, obviously).
And on and on. When so many of high rank are involved, with the Senator of S. Carolina coming at me with KKK/Nazi death threats as his introduction and then demanding that I go to S. Carolina to have a baby with him and his family which was oppressive from the very first 10 minutes of the 15 minutes I was teleported to this family unit which was expecting a huge deal of $$$ and power out of this contrived arrangement. And then the Senator who had run for President out of Texas threatening to rape me. Then the two "Democrat" candidates for U.S. President, one thrusting her filthy vagina into my face when I called her an Aunt Jemima for her years of stealing my concepts for her own movie starring roles, hugging the Nazi-spewing hate celebrities who are half white trash America intermixed with trashy white Europigape Nazis whose wealth is derived from the Holocaust and other such genocidal exploits--hugging them, and endless talk shows about her compassion and money doled out for her "humanitarian" concerns, concerned, she hissed at me, that "black girls should have a chance" so she tortured me so "black girls" can have a chance. The black girl who got a chance from her violence towards me which has still been ongoing, with another spate of black rappers and a famous activist or two endlessly threatening and abusing me because I said this concerning the Nazi inclusion of this famous black woman who has not stopped having her black caucus endlessly threatening me after the white Germans (especially when Germans rape and threaten to kill me, the blacks are there like shit on flies or flies on shit--whichever)--my years of experiencing black americans at the barracks in Stuttgart has shown me how absolutely enthralled blacks are that Germans play a very nice game of deception which the blacks devour like it is a reality: that they are beloved by Germans. The psychopathy of the Germans has been utterly swallowed by the blacks who place Americans into racist roles but certainly not the wonderfully smiling Nazis. As long as the Nazis tell the blacks to viciously attack the "jew" which is supposed to be me, alongside the "Jew" who is an open adherent of the religion and the race (which I am not and have always been shunned by that group) but...the sickness is a twisted labyrinth of unbelievable complexity in lies and twisted acceptance of those lies materializing into fascist behavior by blacks and Jews (and Asians and Latinos) towards me.
But when so many are involved, and when the Republicans state that the Democrats are "Socialist" and have just passed an act in the House claiming that the U.S. will reject Socialism, but the Republican "Freedom" Caucus openly accepts Neo-Nazi groups, and the Nazis were actually Socialist---
and I experience lying deception after lying deception in this most unpublicized sickness that has enveloped me and my life, I can only state that the thrust of the U.S. Government is Nazi fascism coming from the Right, and Socialism on the Left, and inbetween there is only mind control programming and propaganda against both sides but equaling a total inclusion into a Nazi/Socialist State. The gradual decline of "Democracy" and by the very people claiming to be it's pundits--such as Raskin the eager participant in fascist racist anti-Semitism aimed at me, who is not of the Jewish religion or the diaspora, not involved in either in any way--but Raskin is! Oh yes, and what an act he and all of these "minority" pundits fighting for "Democracy" really are for this fascist overtake. They obtain fame and endless monopoly on the lead role of being played as the righteous advocates for the fight against Nazism and fascism. They are some of it's most furious advocates in the private pyramid scheme of promotion being foisted upon me--for attacking me with death threats, poisoning, rape and violence non-stop literally every single day and night on and on for over a decade; just with the teleportation alone. Otherwise decades of stalking and poisoning and murder attempts from the post-Vietnam War-era years when my step-father fought to protect white Nazi males from having to fight for their country, leaving it to the blacks and minorities who are now attacking me for a promotion into higher standing with the white fascist groups which don't want to have to fight to protect anything but their own suburbs against people like me and the blacks who are protecting them from moving into their neighborhoods or being able to compete and win without having to grovel as deferential mind-programmed slaves beforehand. My fathers both were groveling to the Nazis and got to live in the suburbs and in very expensive housing (my Yale-educated biological father) but could only compete as long as he was married with Nazi white trashy women, coming from lower middle classes, who stole all they could and poisoned my father(s) to death slowly and insulted and made anti-Semitic jokes and were handed so much money for it and stole all inheritance from me and it's all been fully supported with poisons, drugs and technology by the U.S. Government for so many decades.
Now, I would like to stop writing these posts because first the expletives are torturing me to get me to write, then they torture me for having written. Can someone just finally please stop this sickness being forced upon me and these psycho creeps attacking me? Is there nothing of humanity left in the U.S. culture or it's government any longer, was there ever anything of that variety for "minorities" such as "Jews" in the U.S.? There has almost never been that in Europigapeland and it's sickening that this fascist Nazism has been so fully embraced by the U.S. and it's government. Of course decades of killing off anyone opposed has done much to foster this disgusting disgrace upon the U.S. and it's obvious decline. It's about to break economically, racially it's a fascist genocidal sickness that the people I have just referred to have only helped to bring into fruition, whether they want to admit to it or not-they undoubtedly truly do not care they are capitalizing on the positions they obtain huge swaths of land and power and money out of the deceptions they pose. They back every death threat and rape the white Nazis inflict upon me and when I call them names for it, more of their "friends" come to violently threaten and attack me. When they can't use logic or mental manipulation to try to break my determination because they are ultimately kind of stupid on a personal level intellectually--they can only resort to drugging, mind control and violence. Essentially, that equates to "might equals right" and that is fascism. That is what the "Left" adheres to. The Right just comes out directly with death threats and uses of poisoning and drugs and death squads. If the country collapses, which some on the "Right" are trying to achieve outright along with armed Martial Law and a complete break with law, then real death squads will roam the streets and the blacks and minorities who have helped to bring this all into fruition will be laughing at their orgy parties while the people who sent them money in charity drives will be dying like flies (murdered in the streets and in their homes for the fascist Nazi/Mafia take-over).
I don't want to write any longer on this subject, so can anyone ever stop this terror campaign against me it's gone on and on literally every single day for over a decade in this 24/7 manner. Can't a nyone ever stop this ever?
20 minutes later, after having unplugged the internet and then remembering I have to include this; Yet another point that came back to my memory because I was struggling so hard to fight to type and think while fighting to think and type out the last few small pairs of paragraphs: The "Left" and "Right" in America, is now a struggle between "Nazi/authoritarianism" and "Socialism/radical liberal/woke"
The death squad surveillance teams who are being funded by both "sides" of the system that has completely already obliterated the U.S. Constitution when it comes to microchip implants, racism, and surveillance---in my situation--this system originates or at least was in full practice in former Socialist and Communist States. It was implemented with great death squad success under Stalin. It was carried to countries in the former Soviet bloc behind the Iron Curtain. It was carried over to Germany and probably was an offshoot of the Gestapo under Hitler. It was fully in effect in the U.S. in good old Champaign before I was born. It was ongoing but at a much lesser level of murderous violence as I was growing up because my step-father had a dominant position as an anti-Government protester, mostly so white supremacist middle class and upper class males with their Nazi cheerleader females would not have to actually risk their lives in defending the corporate interests of war or for any other reason. The absolute hate being directed at me, and at my step-father, which bowed my family down to the ground of groveling for acceptance, with me being microchipped I was always slated for being a sacrifice so my family could obtain acceptance into more affluent American suburbs instead of being restricted. They have had to intermarry with members of the Nazi party, some of these are Latino, Italian-American and blondish but bigots all and all following the same protocols of the elders of fascism. I had no idea that this was expected of me as I was intended to be a perpetual rape victim while sleeping and unconscious or drugged and into a false narrative of mind control subliminals and brain-mapping tech to excite sexuality that I was "in love" with ugly putrid and rotten men--some young but really old at heart. for ultimate parasitic consumption by these loveless filthy energy-sucking creeps who were handed lead roles for their involvement in this "experiment".
I have been trying to not write for months and years but once I determine to stop, the tortures become deadly and I must write in order to try to get them to stop or cease at least for enough time for me to heal as they are truly murdering me with torture every day I must write and beg for it to stop. this is of course sexually exciting for most of the people reading this, which is of course also why this system is so popular. With all the willing skanks and whores you all have created with your pornographic media and entertainment programming, to get someone who hates you to respond with love is something you just can't get enough of. The loveless and ugly hateful scumbags who attack me so they can suck my life force out of me through sexual abuse and violence are just empty and meaningless whores and their females are the same kind of sick scum and whorish nothingness, glamorized by plastic surgery and endless money and promotional mind brainwashing by the modeling industry to promote only their image as being "beautiful". With me, by now, most of my hair has been destroyed so I'm mostly balding, my body is covered with scars from nightly attacks on my body while I'm teleported and unconscious and I have no money and no future even after having spent SIX YEARS studying for a graduate degree. I have spent the last decade trying to detox from poison that is continuously being put into my body in various deadly covert ways. If I try to stop writing, which they threaten my life to stop, they then begin electronic torture, and violence and things going on which are unbearable and often life-threatening until I do write. They get awarded for causing distress and trauma and they never stop.
*There was a lot of hacking/keyboard blocks and I see when reading some of the post that words have been deleted by hacker terrorists to discredit me. I am not going to rewrite, and typing is so arduous due to the freezing blocks on the keys, the pad and the DOS attacks are almost constant (pages freeze, etc) . The endless exacerbation made me frustrated and the brain-altering attacks with the compounding of blocks, endlessly backspacing and retyping and fighting to think--and I got into a ranting hate spew--this is part of the mind control to discredit me as well.
"Prince--Nothing Compares 2 U (Official Music Video)". Prince. April 19, 2018.
I find them so stupid and sick on a personal level it's unbelievable to me that they are famous for any single thing except their plastic surgery facial remoldification to appear like Nazi icons, which are all trained endlessly in physical coaching to performance and editing appearance.
So here's to the places I have lived, where original and great artists and some mediocre and some not-famous have emerged, thanks to the former independent artist and music scene. I fight to not help this group of parasitic expletives create a 4th Reich fascist nazi/Mafia conglomerate, international media and political-entertainment cartel. I appear to be alone in this. So think on what Prince and some of these musicians brought to the world, even if you have never heard of them, they were at least allowed for a short while to not be immersed in this sell-out prostituted media/entertainment/political machine which is truly bringing about the destruction of American society and culture (and the planet in so many covert ways to turn all into a monoculture of conformity to fascism with lots of skin colors helping to sell the bs mythology they are selling. Kicking all independent artists out unless they can easily steal ideas from them and then oppress them into non-existence).
They then tell me that they are "superior" to me and that I, under threat of murder, death, violence and torture, have to "obey" and show "respect" to people I consider scum and lying sick and sleazy parasitic oppressors and tyrannical fascist nazis with their mafia enforcers and gang stalking scumbags.
I so wish people would stop allowing this to continue but none of you can lift a finger or do anything. You just watch as the chaos unfolds but feel secure in your gated communities or mansions while you help to create the dismal conditions that America is now facing, due to your inertia and lack of actual meaning.
This is so much more vital, so much more energized and profound than all the Sinead O'Conner attempts to white-wash this song for commercial viability of Prince.
But ugly, sinister, sleazy, stupid and sick parasitic scum mostly whores and fakes and sell-outs from the "A-list" of expletives who teleport me and attack me with the most dehumanizing filth and crap and I have no idea why--I am fighting for my life after years of murder attempts by poisoning--europigapes from London and Italy were pumping poison into my body by raping it into me as deeply as possible. I asked them to stop for over 3 years until I began to call them pigs--since then, they have had me put in jail, broke my cat's rib cage, cut out part of my uterus, poisoned me non-stop with stinking foul hardening poisons and it's gone on and on for over a decade--poisoned me non-stop--and the shit from this media shithole of celebrities--if I watch a shitty video, hoping that the stupid lies they crank out about how they are "fighting" for "Democracy" and equal rights, feminism and peace actually amounts to them, personally, having any integrity. They rush to beat, abuse, yell at, threaten to kill me with shit pig pitt and shitalina sitting watching smirking and smilling because they've gone on and on doing this for a DECADE by now it's nearly 10 f-ing years of no one ever stopping them. All their movies year after are a product of my ideas they tortured out of me, almost entirely. Their "awards" are due to this contractout on me. They are no constantly threatening murder and torturing me without end and brining one filthy sick and rotten Europigape piece of shit after the next to threaten to kill me. It's gone on and on and on and on.
I watch these bands out of Champaign and Minneapolis and think of how this international 4th Reich is trying to spread their hate everywhere, now using technology. Soon there will be zero creativity in the United States if this technology, Elon Musk and the rest of this shithole group gets the monopoly they are trying to obtain by torturing me into being subjected to yet another rapist piece of expletive forcing this contract out on me. For all my life I had no idea what was happening to me. Now that I know, I am fighting to get these fucking pig whore creeps off me and they are threatening me, haven't stopped mutilating and poisoning me and abusing and raping me--
it's unreal, surreal, unbelievable. Sick as hell. All of you reading this are part of that sickness if you continue to allow it to just go on and on and on and on and on and on. Don't allow these pig ape whores to get their monopoly out of this contract out on me. Stop the 4th Reich monopolizing of music, art and culture. Let independent people and artists have a chance. And fuck the Grammys, this is my response to the black Nazis--formerly called Aunt Jemimas and Uncle Toms, but now I'm threatened endlessly for using those terms that murdered Malcolm X used in the past---the house slaves for the white supremacist plantation of Whorewood and the White House is helping to create this global white supremacist plantation.
There will be no more Prince artists, there will be only black Nazis and their by-product of fake "equal rights" activism endlessly being crowned "kings and queens" as they posture in Nazi poses and help assist in neo-Nazi celebrity torture. Fuck Beyonce and the shit out of this group. This group I believe helped in some way to create the assassination of Prince because I wanted to get away from them and go to Minneapolis and I tried to contact Prince and he responded--in this stalking purview of insanity he responded, and 2 2 weeks later he was assassinated. TEN YEARS LATER the same pigs are attacking me and I am giving the same response I have been giving for OVER 10 YEARS which is fuck off and I don't like you and you are shit and now I am screaming I hope they die. Can't anyone with a sane mentality left on this planet ever stop this fucking group of shit and pigs and whores, ever? Including the politicians participating--so many. So sad. They are destroying the fabric of American culture and turning it into a fascist Nazi/mafia cartel subcolony of Europigapeland.
R.E.O. Speedwagon (from Champaign--or nearly so) practiced supposedly in a garage 3 blocks from my house on White Street; on Church Street--in S. Champaign "old" district--cobblestone streets, beautiful iron-molded lamps and huge elm, oak and maple trees (many cut down because of the mediocrification of the culture and the Nazification 4th Reich influx into all American). Church Street was and is on a more busy main street so loud noise would not have inflicted damage to neighbors (I guess) in my neighborhood everyone would have been upset.
Listen to the words by R.E.O Speedwagon in this video (below), listen to the mentality that has helped to create me, which has inspired these fake sell-out filth celebrities to steals ideas about humanitarianism, (which tey lack entirely to the marrow of the plastic surgery modifications). This band sings of a mentality that I grew up around, however hypocritical it may have been and how many people actually participated in Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich gangstalking terrorism against me and my family in that same community (If I ever met or bumped into members of this band, they were older than me and also there were a lot of dudes dressed like this --which I miss as the fashion now is extremely ugly and boring for men with their square short hair cuts and ugly clothing frumpy, boyish baseball hat or hoodie fashion, or boring ugly square suits or straight and square jeans and etc....all square and ugly the fashion of men being attractive--for much of America--has also died/been killed off/ out). I believe this is also intentional by the 4th Reich Euro-p-a-zone so that only Europi-a-land has the "fashion" center--Paris (which the Nazis intended, with Germany for manufacturing, East Europe for take-over with Ukraine always in the sights of the Nazis for decades or centuries). Back to the subject of music. LISTEN to the words--it's reverberating to back "home" for me. What I experience of the trashy sick celebrities in L.A and the other major city sleazy operators put into "winner" positions is a losing proposition for culture and art. After they poison, drug, maim and torture me (for more than a decade now with this technology) they can't stop calling me a "loser" also after and especially after they ensure I am financially blacklisted and blocked from all internet transactions and physical mobility and all health care and food that isn't tainted or poisoned and sleep without hate and torture and life without endless violence and all blocked from me. The entire world is now becoming a "loser" due to the hate and incompetence of this posturing as "superior" 4th Reich group.
"R.E.O. Speedwagon--(Golden Country) Check it out Gary eats frets for breakfast". crazytfc. September 12, 2012.
"Phil Strang Remembers Record Service/Memory Space--Richmond Family Welcome Gallery". University of Illinois Alumni Association. June 12, 2021.
INteresting---I know, I mean I used to know a dude who became an actual musician long after his band lost it's fame (he was, or is, my age and a classmate from kindergarten through grade school, hanging in a circle of peeps striving for a life of career and fortune--all of us in my little quartet of "friends"--until around 8th grade--his parents "hippies" and friends of my parents---turned into gang stalker terrorist despite all the years of being in school together and in much earlier days playing as friends) but... the lead singer of one of the bands mentioned in this video. Apparently this band had no chance for publishing or any recognition until it was pushed into prominence by this Champaign/campus indi distributer and local record sales shop/owner. This is the difference between the former "hippie" and alternative scene and corporate entertainment 4th Reich monopoly.
I never knew that Dan Fogelberg had his help by this record independent distributer in Champaign. (I also grew up 3 blocks from where the band REO Speedwagon rehearsed in their garage, but only heard of them once I left Champaign). All these people became famous just as I left Champaign to move to Upstate, NY-- but the industry was just beginning to boom---. I still find the curtailing aspect of corporate control over artistic output sad and confining in my teleportation portal experiences in H-wood. I have come to the conclusion that: Desperately needed: Independent artist representatives drastically needed to quell the endless monopoly of corporate media entertainment recurring genre/style/performers (controlled by, and mind-programming for the 4th Reich).
**Correction: I walked away from this spot in front of the laptop and realized I had written the direction of my street, which I grew up on, wrong. It was not "South" it was West--West part of Champaign (the west is the best). I am so dazed my memory blotted out by the tech blasting into my brain as I sit here I can't "remember" the most basic information that I have known all my life. The hacking right now is horrible, I can barely get words out the keyboard is being blocked very badly as well. I am ranting into these posts because of the absolute violence being inflicted upon me by pig pitt and the shit shurrounding him. The politicians are also counting on them abusing me into "submission" so they can all obtain this contract out on me for forever pig ape 4th Reich control over politics and the media and entertainment and what remains standing of society, if anything remains soon--
The German pig ape scumbag cock rock creeps whose band is just another death trip and hate Nazi thuggery--I put on one song on my YouTube because it is a hate song about someone who is asking the dumb pig apes if they will love them forever and marry them forever and etc and their answer is NO loudly over and over. This hate song has become a kind of anthem for our loveless current pornographic death culture. They are extremely famous. I just want fucking pig pitt off me and I put this song on because he's a piece of sick crap Nazi filth who is endlessly being promoted for his posturing oreo cookie presentation of having black "pawns" surrounding him, plus endless golddigger every other kind of minority. The more he accrues power through years of torturing me, the more these types of meaningless creep people of all races, nationalities, associations and party affiliation flock to get a piece of the endless multi-million dollar enterprise that the blonde Nazi pair of shit have been handed. President after president have come and gone fully supporting this endless hate contract.
They are keeping me awake now non-stop with the microchip implant in my throat being closed so the sphincter muscles contract, making a horrific loud noise, waking me up. They are attacking my nervous system endlessly so I also can't sleep. I am always sick, extremely so, from detox and I must sleep. This kind of throat attack began with the German pieces of crap from this awful band who are threatening me with murder and violence now non-stop. Pig pitt does the same with the endless sleazy skank rape cheerleader filthy pigalina sitting next to that rotten pice of crap. I have only told them for a decdae that I can't stand them. I am now screaming at thjem I hop they die. They never stop. They keep being handed every kind of crutch for their mediocrity after stealing my dieas in order to produce extremely expensive shitty movies about the themes they stole from me and turned into them being heroes fighting these causes which they themselves personally are fully implementing in real time.
This Nazi German band, I now realize, are behind these huge bulky bodybuilder thug men in the shopping malls who do body slams against m4e as they pass, where they appear with a crowd of the usual brown-skinned minions who block the path all walking in a formation against me. The huge ugly white pig men seem to sway to get out of the direct path into me that they are walking, with every space on all sides taken by some dark-skinned minion also looking in every other direction except for directly aahed as they are all walking into me. At the very moment I am within their body zone they swerve and literally slam their ugly pig bodies into me very hard-. The last time this creep literally did a body maneuever to slide into me just at the very last second as he passed me--slamming into me with all these pieces of crap surrounding me at the same time. I had no way to move or block him.
In the teleportation the dirty ugly huge pig German man with his crappy band members, who make nasty faces when I describe living in a plush situation in Stuttgart, with the intention they transmit to one another that I should never have anythintg but filth, mpoverty and violence and torture before they do the Nazi thing against me--the ultimate. They are pigs out of Berlin, a most ugly black city for me, when I was there and the people I have met who are Berliners they are vjiolent and Nazi and if they feign that they are not, it's the usual German pig ape pretense to be non-Nazi. Without exception for at least 85% of the people from that shitty place. They are repulsive. As they threaten to kill me, pig pitt the piece of shit and filthy pigalina sit smiling and watching me as I am teleported, asleep, or very sick, or just waking up, or drugged_ always) and I can't not respond to the attacks. These fucking pigs (all of the people teleporting me) attack me to glean information out of me to use against me or use as thei rown concept. i can't stop talking, I am just stuck with my eyes trained on these worthless fakes while in my "prime body" I am doing things, but in the teleported state I am frozen and can't t urn away--it's s dual situation where I can see two different realities at the ssame time; like watching a very thin projection of the shithead crap who are teleporting me like almost a mirage but I can also see my immediate surrroundings. In the teleportation I can only see the person, and I think this is intentionally done my vision is manipulated in that state.
The German violent scum are now having people literally pounding into my body, threatening me with violence for contradicting them--nazi style--threatening to kill me, as pit pitt raped me last week, he's brought Europigape after Europigape in a succession of shit coming to violently assault and threaten and yell at and berate an dinsu lt and torture me for YEARS.
All I did was put one video of the pigs form this shitty band on my blog and facebook page just because I fan't get rid of sh it pig pitt and his fucking creep wife (wives). The song is about telling someone they can't stand them. The video to the song is literally about killing the person (the woman) who is demanding a lifelong relationship with love and etc...the shit that pig pitt is trying to demand--not lifelong but a "baby" because it will give this filthy ugly sick pig more endless power and awards while he's murdering me--my hair is gone now, it won't grow back, years of torture with me telling them I think they are whores, shit and filth and crap every single day and they continue and continue. Now they ahve brought in German s hit to threaten my life and assault me like this--they smile and laugh. They keep being protected, the current administration is just like the lastl administration except that Trump is not participating in the teleportation; instead it's Democrats threatening to kill me from Congress, with some of the most stalwart of Trump Senators coming to threaten me with rape and murder.
I'm currently studying the Holocaust because it's Black History month and I am going to study what is remiss in American culture at this time. There is so much emphasis on Black victimization that the fakes are taking the lead in promoting their victimization while they are fully members of the global Nazi 4th Reich Party. I have not stopped writing about this for years. The attacks by Oprah with these pieces of fascist filthy shit I have written of, she has only been showered with more money and top positions in the endless monopolies that all of these pig apes obtain while I am blocked from earning even anything on my blog to have some money coming in.
I am studying the Holocaust because all my life I have only heard about black people as the main victims of racism in America. Racism against me has been predominant all my life but cloaked in pretense of acceptance as I was poisoned and raped so often it's probably incalculable. People would pretend to be a friend just to steal and screw my chances over and destroy my opportunities, without end this has been the case. I have been lied to about this all my life. The actual history of how Jews have been persecuted for millennia has been kept a kind of silenced theme in my family and in school and in society. It's always about Blacks. The Black Nazis are so pompously insolent about attacking me for pointing out their hypocrisy and so awarded for threatening to kill me, for abuse, torture and their endless assaults and violence against me when I call out how they fully support racism and like the blacks who just killed Tyre Nichols, do so under the behest of white supremacists. It was also black men who helped kill Emmitt Till, by the way, for the same power principle of appeasing white fascist murdering bigotry.
I am watching a documentary called "The U.S. And the Holocaust". It is sad and it contains information and graphic detail and footage from that period that is most disturbing and echoes the current spate of celebrities and politicians who have fully aligned with the Nazis and have now incorporated it fully into all everywhere. It has taken 80 years for this organization to learn to suffuse their fascist intent with a parade of fake con artists selling victimization and congenial sympathy with huge doses of "lieralism" sprinkled on top of the pile of stinking bs. The support for "Israel" is likewise a hoax for the Evangelicals to take and wrest control over the Jews ==exterminate them and create and fund a never-ending proxy war of divide and conquer between the Palestinians and the Jews--as every government in the U.S. is just a puppet regime for Europigape fascist Nazi 4th Reich controllers, it's even more controlled in Isael. The Nazis in Germany then claim that it's the "Jews" who act like Nazis but it's the same people who covertly fund the wars in the Middle East with full hopes of taking over the Holy Land in a 4th Crusade for the 4th Reich expansion and global domination scheme.
Years of begging this empty void of the readership, whatever it is, to stop p;ig pitt and filthalina has resulted in NOTHING happening. They are just pried onto attacking and making my body stinking--poisoning me to death and abusing me to death while everyone watches on as they get oscars and every shitty movie made from ideas they stole from me, literally every single year for a decade with absolute high-gloss funding by the Nazi cartel that controls Whorewood. I have lost most of my hair and it won't grow back because I was fighting another German piece of sick shit LAST YEAR trying to get pig pitt and shitalina off me--a violinist--who raped and raped the poison into my body with his disgusting Nazi hormone-growth pig body until I began calling him a pig and screaming to get his pig penis out of me. He and the shit pig pitt gang filthalina hugging this man slowly murdering me as she has ordered my body to be poisoned to death and paralyzed as they constantly torture me and have my body made stinking and poisoned to death- with horrific poisons I can't begin to describe hos disgustin g they and the poison that really comes from them is--
but he was pounding it into my body and would not stop. I finally began screaming "pig" at him and fighting him literally trying to punch him in the face to get him off, get him off--that was after a month of writing that he's raping and beating me with filthalina lovingly lswiping his face as he glows with satisfaction---they made my hair fall out to the point that my scalp was a gooey rubbery mess with hair falling out in clumps. A year later the hair as grown back less than 1/4 of a centimeter--just stays at this very tiny growth and won't grow back. My toes have been broken by them. They had part of my uterus severed out. They have killed animals I love. They have made my home a toxic and deadly place to live in. They have had me hit by cars and I nearly broke my neck as they then punched, raped and slapped and tortured me--only for having written on my facebook page that this shit of pig pitt endlessly "winning" rigged Oscars and being endlessly invited year-afte ryear fo this crime should be stopped and I wrote that there should be justice. I was hit by a car, pitt the pig raped and tortured and threaened to kill me, Melania Trump told me she had ordered the hit and would have me killed if I wrote something liek that again. They then tried to have my teeth knocked out and pig pitt tortured medaily for a year until he won another Oscar for a movie that was based on an idea I wrote of concerning Charles Manson. When will this hell and shit ever be deemed a threat to national security by any legislator or politician or member of whorewood or anyone on the planet? They put Trump into power and he nearly destroyed the country--but no, the next administration just continues the contract but with THEM reaping the awards and deals with the same pieces of shit endlessly torturing me and causing MORE damage to my body as the hate and abuse is now at this crescendo because the shitty stupid movie that pig pitt wants to have put into more awards is so banal and dumb that the Nazi Golden Globes is the only awards ceremony so far that put that piece of shit creep and his creepy movie into top awards category--only because it's a Nazi promotional organization with the Foreign Press fully applauding filthy pig pitt for having put Trump into power so America can be turned more quickly into a fascist Nazi state with Mafia and the utter loss of actual freedom and rights and turned into a literal fascist dictatorship.