Saturday, February 11, 2023

Nazi affilition Straight Outta Whorewood : So many bigots claiming they are "Jews";//Extreme racism/genocidal aspirations to overtake Israel, the Holy Land, in the form of Nazis representing "Jews" & More (and more and more and more and more....) "Christian Identity/British Israelism" 4th Reich Nazism in H-wood I read of today, and experienced yesterday, and it's been spreading with no one observing or commenting on this trend except for me that I know of, in recent times that is: Another white supremacist, bigot actor playing a Jewish woman for an upcoming movie--or getting the role of Susan Sontag--a most intellectual. The actor in question has threatened me with death/violence if I ever go to LA because I mocked her lesbian pro-Paris skit on SNL which is part of the Nazification of Los Angeles and American culture. I wrote a comedic self-post on my facebook and on this blog as a post commenting on her utter hypocrisy and that she has participated in the triggering and social media campaign of cyberstalking and huge posters of her were placed on hair salon entrances in plain view from the road--enlarged to be visible like a billboard almost in front of a tiny little hole-in-the-wall non-descript Thai beauty parlor--bigger than any other advertisement--right on a curve so when I had to drive on this road, close to my home, her face and triggering stalking inclusion was highly visible. I made a few comments on her awful acting and hypocritical lesbian platform about being hipster and etc because I was drugged, under mind control and these actors are thoroughly disgusting at this point at the nauseous level of disgust. She immediately rushed to assault and threaten me with violence with the usual pit team of rapists, beaters, murdering attempting expletives always sitting in their chairs mentally masturbating as I am threatened and beaten adn raped for this audience of foul fakes in H-wood.///Within 2 months of her threats aimed at me, she was, like so many of the violent people assautling me have obtained--lead roles in modeling campaigns for Parisian houses (like Channel and etc)--and now she's playing a highly respected intellectual who is a New York Jewish woman--Susan Sontag. Also, not ironically, I have written posts about Sontag quite a white ago (maybe last year, not long before she assaulted me for writing one joking post about her, one day--to respond without any intellectual response other than sick sleazy and stupid threats of death and violence). The thug is now playing this very highly respected poet and feminist interpreter of culture. This is the endless onslaught of highly unintellectual trained apes who also are akin to pigs and whores who are playing highly sensitive and creative Jewish people who they would otherwise condemn to death. The other woman who threatened to kill me is playing Golda Meir in a film coming out this year. Because I am writing about them now, expect them to be up for awards just because I am reacting to the utter inanity of this entire usurpation of Jewish culture, Israel by fervent genocidal Nazis who claim they are defending "Jews" but truly are aiming at controlling the Holy Land. British Israelism/Christian Identity is at the background of this racist invasion and overtake. The overtake involves as usual genocide, a technocratic version of genocidal remakes of the Holocaust (all the actors repeat Nazi slogans about concentration camps and threaten to kill me; as of late, it's a slew of Black activists joining on in with their German Nazi bretheren for acceptance in order to push another group down and stomp them out if only to be elevated upward in the Nazi hierarchy of acceptable targeted victims of persecution. I'm waiting for a movie portraying Jesus as being black from Africa coming out next year for Black history month---

 "William Cooper--British Israelism--The "Christian" Identity". Watchman's Archive. August 4, 2013.

This person who will be playing Susan Sontag, is just another sleazy opportunist psychopath who is playing a most intellectual genius of feminism and of empathy towards humanity and life. It is appalling that such a vacuous sleazy expletive has been chosen and partly because she has proven her extreme violence towards "Jews" in the form of me being now the perpetual target of anti-Semitism in Whorewood (and everywhere else around the world, not excluding Jews to any degree and many times in my life it's been Jews, even and including those out of Israel, who play the white domination blonde supremacy game even more visibly than the more concealed version the groups such as Germans have adopted now that Nazism as openly expressed is not "allowed" but is a secret society endlessly working on spreading it's virus worldwide and has accomplished it thoroughly in Whorewood, USA.


That a dumb imbecile of a creepy and sleazy hateful skank is being chosen to play Susan Sontag because with vocal training and imitation she can sound a bit like the original. It's even more appalling that out of England/London a most virulent white supremacist bigot who has been chosen to portray the "liberal" causes of concern about every minority oppressed group possible is playing a role of someone fleeing from Nazi persecution that engulfed all of the places like London which is, like Germany, working to conceal it's fascist Nazism with fake skanks like her--and her American wanna be Parisian and Londoner Europ-a cohort in this terror operation out of H-wood (but stemming ultimately out of London and Italy--at least as far as stealing my ideas and poisoning me to death and raping and abusing me slowly into either a coma or death with a feeding frenzy of the lascivious opportunistic meaningless expletive forces from H -wood who are welcomed with open arms, legs and money poured into their coffers for their covert operations of exposing how much they adore Nazi genocide if it can only happen to people like me (who have studied Susan Sontag in feminist classes in undergrad college courses, unlike the dirty nasty skank in question who is playing this feminist and deconstructionist Sontag, whose level of intelligence is so far above hers, and her stoic placidity of intellect is far above mine--and it's just acrimonious to see this endless spate of Nazis controlling the media with blacks and jews and Latinos endlessly spewing death threats at me because Nazis will put them in roles, even playing Jews. This has also played out in Congress with Santos, of course. Santos is the result of Long Island's affinity with accepting the dictates of the Nazis who control them, some Jewish and others in the 5th Avenue dictatorship of financial control (with much Mafia input of threats and domineering violent pressure).


I read today about yet another legislator in Congress surreptitiously claiming to be Jewish. How they "hate" "Jews" (or me, because I'm not a blonde and lighter skin and I also think of them not as being superior only because of their posturing antics and because they demand instantaneous "respect" and claim that they are innately "superior" (this also coming from the blacks who have fully incorporated themselves into the white supremacist strata, always glorifying in their racist victimhood as part of the profit-incentive strategies for leadership roles and monopolizing that hugely profitable enterprise. I just had a most disgusting experience with one, not claiming he's "Jewish" by the way but openly expressing great hate for Jews as his lower echelon ranks of admirers and followers who are trained to obey instantaneously all follow suit. They, in turn, get to push Jews down and claim they are superior and are absolutely embraced in the private hate sessions that are the death throng endlessly surrounding me every single day in the teleportation hell. The "black" activism of being fellow victims-in-spirit towards Palestinians is, in my opinion, a guise by which the black Nazis can openly rationalize their extreme and virulent violence towards Jews, which has been espoused for decades by many American prominent leaders of the black rights brigade of righteousness (often claiming they are adherents of some religious group and are sanctimonious as hell about it--pun intended). I find that the hate of such people towards Jews who do not conform to the hierarchical structure of white supremacy and play the roles expected of them is vicious, indeed. At the top always stands a smiling white supremacist bigot with arms folded, smirking with glee about how his divide-and-conquer strategy for murder is operating so smoothly now. H-wood is once more promoting this version of Nazism in the disguise Nazi actors playing strong and powerful Jewish women. In reality, they want "Jewish" women like me to be brutalized, beaten, raped, maimed, tortured without end, suffocated with poison, body mutilated to appear "fat" and broken down and without teeth, hair or any kind of structure, stability or home or any single thing. The blacks who sit viciously trying to beat me because after YEARS of torture I called one of the white supremacist black bigots an Aunt Jemima, a stain upon their own hypocrisy, has unleashed a torrent of rage and violent threats and abuse from the most highly situated black "activists" who could care less that I have been put into the plight of the Palestinian also oppressed by Jews who are white supremacists. They could not care that racism is involved. They are all simply following the dictates of the British Israelism Agenda, with their "compatriot" sympathy for Palestinians and their "rage" as expressed that "Jews" are really like "Nazis" and racists and that this is "Apartheid". In following, they claim that if Israel under the "Jews" treats Palestinians in this fascist manner, then what more would they do to them in America? I think by their reckoning, the Palestinians are the racist version of the "Jews" who are oppressing "blacks" in rental situations in NYC and thus the hate and death threats towards "Jews" (like me) is at a height now and growing in sentiment. Palestinians and Jews alike, who are, like the Blacks attacking me and their entourage of inclusion into the 4th Reich charade of fighting against racism by becoming multi-millionaires and attacking ME for promotion--are a product of Imperialistic British Israelism subsumed into various facades of lying public relations rhetoric and political brainwashing by media--.


"Kanye West Explains Why He's JEALOUS of Jewish Culture". HipHopDX. October 26, 2022.

"I Said I Was 'Jew-ish': Rep.-Elect Santos Admits to Lying About His Background". December 27, 2022.


See Paul Newman play a nice Jewish blue-eyed boy with his blonde lover, directed by an Austrian who was not Jewish. Much featured about the English control over the Middle East. Lavish and romantic, a drama tale of heroic H-wood British Israelism. What I admired about the film after having watched it a few years ago (i.e. circa 2014) was that the reality of how Germans and Europ-a's was a small inclusion in a scene of how Palestinians are being armed to sabotage the unification of the groups into a solid whole Israeli society. It is the first glimpse, from a Germanic non-"Jewish" director, into the reality that I personally heard about when I was invited to a German-only discussion about Evangelicals hosting funding for their Church activities in Israel. The same people in this meeting, many of whom were around 80+ years old, had been members of the Nazi Party (please note, I have lived in Stuttgart, Germany for 5+ years and was invited to such "Church" Evangelical meetings by people who truly were members of a secret Nazi society. All had their eyes on controlling Israel. The old people, I was the youngest in this tiny little old woman meeting after the larger lecture on Israel and Jewish history (of oppression)--the oldies all said that the 3rd Reich was "the good old days" longingly, "when everyone was so tight-knit and close"-- as the women in the room murmured their assent to that sentiment. I gleaned the direct impression that funding for covert military activities for the continuation of the endless strife was being conducted by the German post-Nazi-era "Evangelicals" in Stuttgart (this meeting was held in a small suburban little village--I was invited because I was renting a room in a huge, old house from this 80+ year old former Nazi who invited me to her share of the huge house and talked and talked about the past of Germany--all in German of course. I am not making wild conspiracy theories about any single thing I write, the only problem with my postings are that the hacking and mind control make it impossible for me to elocute my ideas logically and calmly with accurate grammar and composure.


The same divide-and-conquer strategy applies today, and the push for white supremacist identification with Jew-ish ness even when it involves another race but that which has been embraced by the white supremacist cartel over (in the case of politics it's Santos). In H-wood and in activism it's hate for "Jews" due to claims of Apartheid politics by the State of Israel against Palestinians. I believe that the "Jews" who hold the reigns of "power" in Israel, and from my personal experience of absolute hate aimed at me by the dyed-blonde Jews both of NYC and of Israel, is that they have fully been indoctrinated into the mind programming that is also now being undertaken this year in a kind of double-whammy of two blonde Nazi "white" women playing Intellectual and Strong Jewish women for movies where they are supposed to "represent". Women like me who also are intellectual and strong are put into endless confining categories using drugs, mind control and this Nazi system of crushing any ability to compete in order to only push either the minority minions spewing anti-Semitism (of a most violent version, in private with me it follows with adherence to Germanic Nazis using holocaust death threats at me for fighting for all and any human rights which are all abridged and stolen and crushed by them and their controllers--their Nazi "friends" in this teleportation terror operation they all gleefully partake in for their nasty and sleazy promotions into higher jockying position in politics or the media.)


"Exodus (1960) ORIGINAL TRAILER (HD 1080p)". HD Retro Trailers. July 10, 2018.


In a slight moment of clarity, as I walked away from this brain-zapped zone in front of the laptop and I could think once more (although I can't type as usual, hacking is blocking functions, so I must fight to pound this out)--
I remembered that I had been mentally blanked when writing about the American "lesbian" actor (I used quotes because I consider any label made about these actors as something dubious in integrity and also I am honoring the lesbians I have known who are much more authentic in their lifestyles and claims--or so I believed when (I was around them, casually but connected in groups, organizations and spent time going out with them for fun, as I am not of that orientation myself but I am loathe to include this actor in the sort of "real" lesbian categorization I associate with the women who have not attacked me who are lesbian, unlike these outta Whorewood who are intimately connected with appearing as sexualized porn object by a mostly male structure of extreme racism and sexism that Whorewood is, as I have seen it in this hell of teleportation torture and those therein).


I had not been able to grasp into my memory to write what I had actually been thinking of. I wrote a (in my opinion) humorous post about her hypocrisy of making this SNL skit with women having sex regarding the depiction of the unsexy quality of these stupid jock American men screaming for food from the women in the kitchen to give them cheesy oven-packaged fodder for "the game". What I noticed was that in the middle of this pornographic display of immediate "love" tratification between women as opposed to the stupidity of the scene of these American men screaming at the tv "game"--they began to seductively talk in French to one another, these now "elevated" women--talking about how much more lofty their lives had just become. I picked up on this as an interpretation that by speaking French, that implies that the stupidity of American culture and it's sexual limitations and frumpy male sports domination is nothing in compared to the depiction of French culture as being on a whole nother level of sophistication in culture. I interpreted this as a Europ-a sponsored mind programming display intended to shame and bring a sense of inferiority into the minds of the "hip" SNL viewers. This is the kind of programming that I heard incessantly when I lived on South Beach and worked in a "haute" French restaurant for 2 years. I heard it endlessly from the French neighbors who used the terror operation against me, that as an American I had "no class" and only the French had "class and style". This was echoed in due form by this American actor who then rushed to physically threaten me with almost death threats with glaring hate for having written not only this interpretation but that her cyber stalking and triggering of me was a part of this Europigape 4th Reich infiltration into H-wood and it's puppetry of performers who only yearn to be "classy" by dressing, performing and opening all portals of power and control over to the Europigapes to wrest control. They are all handed mansions, and parties and invites and orgy invitations to the glistening halls of post-Holocaust splendor and austerity measures forced upon other countries, the darker skin hued former colonies and etc who are nearly bankrupted by international banking and mismanagement (with internal Neo-Nazi groups vying for power in government, just like in America).
Within two months of her death threats or threat of violence should I ever appear in Los Angeles after having written a short post, very glibly written with jokes on my part, about her inclusion in this 4th Reich programming of inferiority of Americans with Europigapes especially of French put into an almost ethereal category of superiority--she was then handed the "lead face" of a fashion house, which is happening now or whenever, I really don't know if it has already happened or not but she was handed this. Two other females who violently assaulted me were likewise handed such lead roles in France for similar violence against me, immediately after their inclusion in this group (they used minorities to attack me and their male partners i.e. father, boyfriend, etc, or mothers in one case but with the father behind smirking--he's now known for his slapping propensities at the Oscars--another black nazi by the way with the "lesbian" who is of a most mainstream white supremacist Nazi fascist fashion orientation).

She is now being offered lead role to play an intellectual Jewish woman and I find it a most reprehensible affront. The only women being "allowed" to play "Jewish" women are inevitably white, with blonde hair and blue eyes. That is what can only be ascertained as having "superior" qualities according to H-wood, when it comes to "representing" and those of the darker skin colors had better adapt with some good hair and skin lightening products (which they can then sell off in Paris for Fashion Week as representatives of the same Imperialistic 4th Reich minority minion inclusion).  But better yet, the minority minions, if they retain their dark skin and hair tones, should necessarily hug and schmooze with the Nazis when they make their violent anti-Semitic forays at me, demanding "respect" out of me while I am hissing in defensive rage, derived literally from years of non-stop torture and murder attempts, while drugged, that their tv shows and lectures about equality and feminism are all such hypocritical sick jokes on society. When I finally, under mind control drugging call one of them an Aunt Jemima and then under non-stop torture from her and her most bigoted racist white supremacist partners in the H-wood circle encircling me with torture, I must "explain" not just for one year, but now it's literally years of blacks who are prominent coming at me demanding why I said that (once) and never apologized. Nothing about how the people they are standing next to are using Nazi terms and torture, absolute discrimination against me bothers them. They are incensed that I "called out" their lies and hypocrisy and are dying to kill me for not bowing to the pressure. One of them claimed that I was some kind of upstart not respecting my "superiors' as I fought back against the most sleazy and sick and stupid labels and discriminatory sexist and hateful cliches of hate labeling that one tried to force upon me. They then resorted to violence as the last resort because they had not logical or intellectual argument to really stand on. As I wrote earlier (yesterday?) it is a fascist group, that is a fascist response. Not that anyone reading this "cares" as most reading this are fully into this group, it's operating principles and are keen to get their own promotion out of slowly torturing and poisoning and raping and beating and abusing me to death so they can be promoted as being advocates for "Isreal" and (blonde, blue-eyed) "Jewish women" and for "Palestinians"--if they could, they would blame me for what they call the Apartheid situation in Palestine but I have nothing to do with it in reality so they just use the one time I called this woman, who after more than 2 years of participating in having me beaten, poisoned and raped, has since increased the torture and poisoning and has brought on a slew of other blacks who are spitting at me that it's ME who is the racist, that all of t his is because I'm just a "bitch" who is a racist and THAT'S WHY this is happening to me and they spew death threats and violence and then they hug their German and Nazi friends who are instructing them to dig deeper and just lash out at me because it's ME who is the racist bigot and it's only ME. 

The divide-and-conquer strategy is operating according to schedule in the Middle East, unrecognized as an Imperialistic strategy to create endless war and division so that finally, the white Nazi group can take over control and probably they hope that some huge war will wipe out most of the "undesirable" people who look like "me" so only another blonde-controlled colony with a lot of minority minions obeying orders is what you would call "Israel" in the future. They are likewise fomenting this strategy upon the US from "within" and I am writing about it now. I am struggling to write it, the hacking is very bad and the keyboard very nearly inoperable due to the impossibility of typing with keys not operating due to hacking. My ranting is, as usual, foremost due to my brain being under remote attack by their mind control tech as well.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...