Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Looking at photos I took before I ever knew I was being poisoned and attacked to death. People who even were part of the terror operation had broad happy smiles when I took their photos. My joyous personality was a positive even with the negative terrorists. I recall now how beautiful I was before I had to fight for my life against violent rapist murdering bigots teleporting me nightly with destruction of my joy and beauty and talent as their main goal for their promotions.

 I appreciate myself more for having looked at past photos, which I could only save on Facebook because of the endless theft of my property, destruction of my camera and my photos and my documents and theft of my money and destruction of all papers, identification and property by the terrorists who break into my home on a perpetual basis (now done with mechanical arms, where I have to fight for my life every single moment to not have my body destroyed by mechanical arms spraying toxic deadly chemicals into my hair from behind, into my food, slicing and cutting into my body, etc).


All these years of the Nazi group and their minions insulting every single thing about me with their ugliness and hate and stupidity being a promotional "award" event of highest repute for the 4th Reich parade of pomposity. Seeing my skin so damaged from years of chemicals being poured on my body while in a deep sleep--the wrinkles from chemicals have left my hands scarred, my body covered with scars, and my hair mostly gone because in my joy of living I refuse to be crushed in spirit by hate bigots. They have crushed and broken my spirit however many times as I was drugged, tortured and raped and beaten and nearly killed every time I said NO to some bigot scumbag who drugged and then forced a reaction of love, which these pig apes never returned but instead they treated me with hate, stole my property, got me pregnant (date rape drugs and mind control brain-mapping technology)---leaving me essentially to die a horrible death from a baby breaking my body with the hard poisons latched in a criss-cross pattern along my spine. No money for either caring for a baby if I weren't killed by having it in a normal pregnancy, and no money for an abortion as all finance really was stolen and blocked. Thinking of how loving, kind and fun and beautiful I was towards absolute shit and rotten crap filth parasites who I never even KNEW I was drugged so badly I "fell in love" within minutes after they handed me one drink. I can't describe the total body sensation of these drugs, but without understanding or even hearing about mind control and how these operations work, the target will have no other option but to assume that the overwhelming sensation is of a reality and that somehow this trickery is "real". 

And now I have lost my cat, my life my home my career because I have only loved myself enough to say no to being abused and exploited by sleazy and creep men and their nasty mothers/wives/children/friends so they all can mutually profit off this sick and dirty, sleazy exploitation torture/rape/mutilate/steal-from and perhaps murder contract of mind control, brain-mapping mind control, microchip brain implant mind control and a master-slave society that the 4th Reich truly wants to slowly instill with a brutal take-over of the Government, probably as one of their real main aims in order to more fully enable this system where law will not have to conceal it's purpose with rhetorical platitudes any longer.


The one and main goal of the celebrity women who have gone on and on and on and on for years and years and years ordering their minions to have my body poisoned to the point of hard poisons hardened into my neck, crapping poison out in huge stinking clumps of black diarrhea for YEARS without end as they continue to insert tubes into my vagina, into my bladder, poisoning my food whenever possible, and then as my body is dying and bloated, scarred up my hair gone my face sagging from depression as they stole my cat they have told the world to avoid and attack me and everyone remaining alive is part of this organization so all comply immediately. Sagging in depression, endlessly fighting to get poison out of my body so I am not in this extremely vulnerable position of being bedridden or stuck in semi-paralysis and fighting to not be poisoned and begging for help. I was a very happy, positive and beautiful person. The one aim of some of these blonde and nazi women is to abuse and destroy and poison and rape me so badly I can't be anything but broken and under non-stop threats and yelling--the men who rape and abuse me yelling at me that these women are so much more beautiful than me--that's the only goal as well as profiting in millions off stealing my concepts and blocking my every move towards my own career or even earning any money, calling me a loser and bitch in the process.

These ugly people are glowing, smiling, titillated, high on power trips and hormones. I look at my old photos today and see what a very beautiful person I am and have been. If only my country would stop dehumanizing me as some microchip implant experimental torture victim slated to be used and discarded after completion of the experiment and/or whomever wants to exploit me for purposes of expanding the master-slave plantation of supremacy into all areas of the planet and in all corners of freedom and beauty and peace from people who are not "supposed" to be "allowed" to compete, win and be more beautiful, talented, intelligent or loving and free than these pig ape whores you all adore, who feed energetically off the violence and are handed huge piles of money and awards for their ever deed of destroying my life and happiness and beauty. They are thrilled that my face is now sagging with depression, there is a huge swath of grey hair now from poisoning and torture that has gone on and on in a deadly non-stop fashion because I used to be very beautiful, competed and was at the top of what I attempted very often, before I was poisoned nearly to death, abused now for years without end due to this technology tyranny you all embrace.


I have a right to live my life without these sleazy and disgusting pig ape whores feeding off destroying me. I am still dumbfounded that my country is such crap that I still can't find any politician or person in society who will actually confront this issue, consider it a threat to society, and stop this situation and defend me and help me to live in peace. I watch on the news, from my runaway location after years of torture and poisoning and lack of health care in the US, how the weather is now a disaster, death is abundant everywhere--the cost of living is so high that homelessness is a pandemic in the streets of many cities--the corruption of the politicians is tantamount--the celebrities remain untouched by any criminal charges and hold more power than presidents and politicians to the point that the politicians rely on the approval of the actors in order to promote their lying and fake dissemination of political rhetorical deception about "Democracy". The movies are mostly banal and silly and stupid and psychopathic and sleazy and unprovocative intellectually (except for a few of the movies in question). Most of the acting is pretty mediocre the themes are psychopathic and death and sleaziness are the main sell points of most of the films.


To have a government which does not intrude on the privacy of human rights, the sanctity of one's home, and that sexuality is a private matter to be decided by people who are consenting and the ultimate goal is not to harm another in the process. I am beaten raped and tortured by sleazy dirty filthy sick wealthy people because of the life I embrace which has made me beautiful, happy, creative, talented and willing to compete and not bow to Nazi pig apes who I can beat if possible I will in competition. Destroyed and poisoned and beaten adn raped and told I am shit and nothing a loser a bitch beaten abused with technology of sick haters insulting me every moment in my home for hours and hours, day after day, their goal is to break my spirit so I can't compete with the intention to win any longer, and no competition in fact nothing but stagnation, my body destroyed, my property stolen, stinking and foul with stinking putrid laboratory-created permanent stinking substances perpetually sprayed on my  clothing, all furniture--to poison me in every orifice possible every day as long as possible until the ultimate deadly disease finally sets in or  I kill myself or etc--their goal.

"Lydia Lunch--The Gun Is Loaded". Wiseblood 1966. April 7, 2012.

This joyous person--Prince Rogers Nelson-- murdered by the pig ape Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich organization in Minnesota--one-two years prior to George Floyd--The REVOLUTION---

"Prince & The Revolution--Let's Go Crazy". Prince. July 7, 2017.

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