Thursday, February 16, 2023

Why mind control and torture technologies are so popular amongst even the most religious of Americans and their "Patriotism" (whose faith is tested but remains firmly in the nice, comfortable grey zone when they see what is happening to me): "According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about one-third of Americans experience hypertension". America the Sick Society and technologies being "developed" (with me as the perpetual victim/scapegoat/target of teleportation, death squad violence and absolute violent hate by those who espouse love and American hegemony as the "shining beacon on the hill"_, and these technologies used to alleviate the pathologies (but which actually exacerbate the pathologies): According to scientific research by the CDC, Vast numbers of "Americans" are uptight and violently disposed to stress, aka "experience hypertension". Another "reason" why teleportation rape/torture and violence is so popular amongst Americans and their fascist allies from former Nazi countries (who adopted fascism after WWII) along with a whole "new" subset of their colonialist/enslaved minions being paid-off to perform roles of savvy independent citizens who have risen above all that racism, so they claim:

 "Just Take 1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar A Day To Keep Arteries Clean and Lower Blood Pressure". Health Maestro. November 21, 2022.

Benefits of drinking a small dose of apple cider vinegar daily included in video below. But why drink vinegar when you can dump your hate, vitriol, sense of powerlessness and psychological toxicity and poison onto someone else who is defenseless by the technologies that are so popular and being handed out like candy to psychopaths?
But the promise of teleporting someone to torture affects the promise of those one-third of high-strung Americans with a hope of having someone to torture and abuse in order to deflate some of that "tension" through violence upon a helpless person struggling to understand what is going on in this most vulnerable state, where (the hypothetical) "you" cannot turn away or be silent as you are forced and compelled to interact with people attacking you as you can't differentiate between that and a waking state. What a great stress-relief plan it is for these hyper-tense, poor suffering Americans.
But seriously, I can attest to the hate and violence that appears to be Pent-up into the very arteries of the people attacking me who, if they don't attain immediate satisfaction and deferential submission from me for their every murderous exploit of my body, life, all I have worked for, my property they can just destroy, break and steal if they want, all rape and violence imposed upon me with zero protection from the law or government that has a sustainable comfort range of survivability. All I see are people hissing in violent hate who have imbued all that "striving for success" stress, poured upon me as they are happy, joyous, smiling, delighted afterwards, especially when they obtain PROMOTIONS WORTH MILLIONS OF DOLLARS from those who are meting out these stress-reducing and "stardom" packages for every nuanced and overt act of despotic fascist violence, upon moi of course, daily and nightly.
They get put into lead position and smile broadly after they also obtain all their plastic surgery renovations and face structure modification to appear more Nazi---with endless coating of the hate wrinkles that had preceded the violence endlessly foisted upon me. Many latch on for YEARS without end and lose weight, get lead everything heaped upon them in praise with accolades as being "the best"--especially when they steal my ideas.
I am taking just a little bit of vinegar per day. Perhaps this will help me to reduce the stress of murderous hateful attacks upon me every day with violent screaming into my face while I am teleported (even while in waking state) and I simply cannot "turn" them off, I can't "look" away and it would require the most stoic zen practice to remain unbending in the face of an endless Nazi storm forced into my teleported state which I can't look away from or not respond to. I am trying to learn techniques to avert my consciousness from these miserable hateful people who are attacking me without end because this contract of forcing most unwanted further exploits from me is unbearable and stressful to the point of murder on their part against me. They are unbelievably "stressed-out" but they literally suck the life out of me and drain their "stress" out on me every day. This in turn helps them to assume a "confident" posture for cameras and for the lights of the spectrum of public approval appearances and administration.
I would deign to state emphatically that America is a very sick culture at this point. The stats for hypertension should be a huge indicator of how badly the culture is affecting the health of it's very highly unprotected citizens, many of whom cannot afford health care, which of course adds to stress and the calamity of facing death if they don't comply to this system (by the simple lack of affordable health care). The agenda is fully in concert with this in keeping with stress as another covert form of mass genocide which is blanketed out by political ideology (such as being "strong" versus having access to affordable health care).
Suggested is a tablespoon of vinegar. I hope it will work for me against my seemingly stressed-to-the-max (but not those who have tortured me for years, they are all happy and glowing after YEARS of having access to torture; they appear rejuvenated, they have reduced the stress that formerly was on their faces --they are smiling after screaming at me, spewing filth into and on my body, maiming and brutalizing my body every single day with poisons and outright physical mutilation which they feed off energetically as surreptitious violence which they can monitor on their mobile phone video screens). Oh the stress reduction. The technology is so popular the more and more people come to indulge in partaking of this new form of sports torture and rape and violence for stress-relief.


**In re-reading this post, hackers deleted words or ideas, or changed grammar at some points but otherwise it was not as badly altered as in some former posts which had halves of sentences deleted, then pasted onto other half-deleted sentences with words rearranged, etc .....It takes too long to fix all the hacks so I leave it as is, hacked and partially deleted/rewritten but it's readable you can get the point.

LAST NIGHT I was exposed to the murderous pathology of a terrorist who has obtained such a high standing in finance and technology from having obtained access to this technology, in order to more fully advance it, ostensibly for the greater health of the "entitled" with their minions who, hope, they can also obtain higher standing within the white supremacist fold, on a permanent basis or at least as long as they are alive on this planet for their generation and THEMSELVES.

But, exposed to a murder description of someone being electrocuted with "his eyes popping out from an aneurism due to the electrocution". I was further subjected to a blonde-haired woman telling me that I was homeless and although she had told me I was invited to sleep on her couch or something, she had no choice but to kick me outside in the pouring, freezing rain.

Those were my "punishment" teleportation skits for having lost my temper after years of telling this man that I am not interested in being exploited by him and they all use the teleportation to ask me "why" as I, through remote monitoring of my brain and mind reconstruction (aka mind control) am forced simultaneously into a "truth serum" response and also an enraged, uncontrollable violent hate reaction (justified from years of their torment, torture, murderous poisoning of my body literally every night while sleeping--as of late I am not urinating at least every hour with stinking fluids coming out because the last spate of people attacking me are not in "control" over the torture and mind control, although the general procedures remain. They were having stinking poisons inserted into my bladder through my vagina every single night--for years--deeply inserted so I was urinating at least twice in the middle of the night and then every hour for at least 5 hours every single day---now it's like normal after this change in "control" has occurred. These same people who inflicted this, plus MURDEROUS POISON inserted as well (bloating and hardening with suffocating poisons and extreme mind-blowing mind control drugs forced into my body every single night in order to induce hysteria and slow MURDER--I believe the drugs are still being inserted but not the toxins directly inserted into my intestines as has been the case for at least, a minimum of 6 years non-stop (I began trying to save my life from poisoning back in 2011, and I am still fighting to rid my body because they have kept poisoning me). These same people have obtained plastic surgery, awards for their roles and the roles in society they have only dreamed of before entering into the fray of this contract out on me--now they are glowing, with new plastic surgery, weight loss, glowing from the hormones of torture and pumping their stress and hate and pent-up rage upon me--literally every day for years. They only require a response out of me that they also induce through subliminal mind control and drugging and endless torture, so that if I call them names, don't say they are so much more beautiful, superior and in every unconceivable way far better than me, they viciously attack me, and they go on literally for years and years and years after having spent years and/or months and months attacking me in order to justify this murderous increase in torture. Because they go on and on and on and on, day after month after year--often basing their violence upon me using this hate phrase I used once in order to try to get back or defend myself--then their "friends" and allies use the pretext (as in I am "racist" and I have attacked "blacks" and thus every black entertainer and aspiring leader can attack me using this same pretext--after years of torture from the person I spew the hate sentence out on, who is so light and happy now, had been formerly obese but now is thinner and lighter and looks glowing from all the years of attacking Me in this most vulnerable to defense situation--in teleportation you are essentially forced into a tunnel vision and you can't move and get away or refocus your attention. They get in your face directly and begin yelling. You are put into a rage and hate mental state by the brain-altering tech and drugs and years of torture and duress and deadly stress and poisoning and lack of love and affection and friendship or support from any single body on the planet--directly, they all, if anyone is there, must act behind the scenes so I never know if anyone is actually there for me in any capacity anywhere on the planet any longer. Those who had formerly supported me are dead or they were attacked, lost their businesses and unleashed rage upon me because they were so attacked for having shown help, friendship or whatever at me to try to protect me).

I was screaming at this man not only because I have been saying for years, and months, that the answer to being exploited by him, for his further promotion and after years of him watching placidly on as his allies rape, torture and mutilate and poison and torture me with the technology he is very keen to help further into the "elite" culture so more people can be victimized or killed off for the stress relief of the "elite" who can then assume leadership roles indefinitely (formerly called Monopolizing).
There are ethical factors involved as well, as in this is a highly unethical situation and I am not willing to help further the plan to increase this person, his businesses or his status or those involved in this most sick situation. I think this entire teleportation and gang stalking death culture should be deemed a real threat to national security, but instead I am silenced and censored in order that the "security" of these terrorists is protected from their Open Season upon the general population, many of which/whom believe they will never be targeted by their leaders as they have been so helpful in helping them to obtain power, which they assume will trickle down onto them indefinitely in this monopoly structure/pyramid schemata.
This morning I woke up thinking about my cat, La Moux, who was my soul mate, my child, my beloved animal I could love and have love reciprocated and they have been using her a a hostage to try to force more and more out of me, keeping her away from me and I wake up with a cat in the room two floors beneath mine crying in pain--every time I walk near the patio doors and outside this cat is being harmed so it's crying in pain, there is also a baby crying--the two symbols of what they are using to manipulate me into first forcing a baby out of me, and my "child" cat I yearn for being held as she is so old she is dying and waiting for YEARS for me to return--. She was part of my emotional sustainability which this group of absolute hate and violence stole so I have nothing, all and everything but hate only surrounding me at every single moment possible. They won't return her, after years of obtaining original ideas out of me, destroying my property and peace in life, and they won't even return her and I remain writing about this asking anyone to please have her returned before she dies of old age or sickness (she is now well over 20 years old, I assume perhaps still alive as I was teleported to her a few months ago, with the actor who has alleviated his stress upon me for nearly a decade with his very nasty wife, both of whom have tortured me to obtain ideas for their movie plots and have returned all they have gotten with torture, hate, abuse, terror, destruction, poisoning nearly to death, body mutilation and they are off in a glow of hormone ecstasy with millions of dollars, being considered at the top of the realm of this most highly touted mind-programming industry of the media and they have paid me ZERO for all that they have obtained out of me, literally they only destroy what little I have and what peace I have). But....I am trying to salvage my life and that of the United States from the ravages of the onslaught of this murderous hate system and it's stress-relief system of pouring rage and violence and stealing and robbing which is of such high national security interest that it cannot be ever revealed, much less halted or stopped; it's popularity has grown out-of-proportion to the ceiling that is going to crash very soon (relatively speaking, like the debt, there is also a debt of unbalancing societies checks and balances that this system bypasses for power and control, until eventually psychopathy will be not a covert strategy but will become the normalized outpouring of fascist "stress" onto the population by "the elite"/"superiors". Because they lack heart, soul and compassion they must torture me in order to obtain ideas. I remain dying from stress, and that, too, is part of the general genocidal programming upon the population. It is well hidden behind various disguises onto the public which believes it's just related to the stress-factors of a highly competitive system but only those who are "weak", due to some imagined "loser" characteristic, rather than technologies and poisons and death squads that are all fully ordained, funded and functioning on all levels--and those who are outside of fall prey to.

I also need to add what had been blacked out while I was fighting to type and think during the course of this post--I walk away from the laptop and "remember" what I was going to write but which is always blocked:

I described being attacked by Blacks in the media, but I didn't get to the point, and I have been writing of this for years as it's an ongoing situation where the same broken record is played as justification for violence and death threats and violence aimed at me. I called one of them a term that Malcolm X used, as far as I remember, about the continuation of the slave-master plantation system that was antebellum South (and part of the North) in the USA. The "good" servant who mollifies the problems of the "masters" of the plantation, are there to aid and comfort the insecurities, listen to the problems, provide comfort food and love and support. In exchange, they get to live in the "Big House". One of them who had been in the forefront of attacking me for YEARS and had stolen an idea from me, who was slowly introduced into the inner circle (because the whites could not break through and they thought and hoped that perhaps this woman could penetrate what they could not). She began by praising God and Jesus in a demonstration of her pseudo-religious posturing. Having lived in the South, I understood the repetition of this "Amen" sort of response with her fellow black older female friends in unison. That very shortly left when I didn't respond and was in a blank slate mind frame wanting her to not be there but not able to get rid of her (it has taken Years to achieve that, and she in the meantime has gotten the usual dose of plastic coating, facial reconstruction) and finally, after understanding that she not only had fully operated behind the scenes to attack and profit off me, made a movie about an idea which I had written of, but fully protected and hugged and loved the white folk who were viciously raping, and torturing me (by that point, for years, but that was YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS ago they all latched on). Finally I called her this "name" that Malcolm X had used, as I remembered, in a sermon on how blacks comply with white supremacy and help to foster it's continuation while appearing as if they have inclusivity in the higher echelons of the white power structure.

I was then subjected to YEARS of violence not just from her and her fellow white rapist abusers who help to promote her (especially the mafia) but, so many other Blacks came to assault, threaten and participate all claiming that I am "racist" and viciously threatening and attacking me. The woman in question has since been revered even moreso and is glowing with satisfaction in the industry which has fostered this "echelon" of blacks who hiss anti-Semitism formerly in private, now in public and get accolades from various sources.

Trust me when I write that this is a form of stress relief as well, to pump the cesspool of repressed rage of racism onto another group, and then get hugged, praised and showered with money for these reverse racism efforts.

I have since been nearly violently threatened by many who have all claimed that I am "attacking" blacks as they spit and threaten with ugly violent looks on their faces (the whites are mostly smug and slightly smiling as the circles of their minions surround me for having said one time years ago that one of them, or more, is that old plantation surrogate role of the larger system which has not essentially changed).

Oh the stress release for attacking me, and years of repeating the questions of what I meant by this, that I am "racist' with death threats because they turned the phrase I said into me actually claiming that they were these archetypical roles instead of what I kept repeating, that they are playing these roles because of the racist system to which they defer and promote and defend and support and help sustain--to which I am just endlessly attacked by more and more blacks, and no matter what I say they revert back to the one and only thing they can use against me which is that I must have used the N-word am a racist bigot and you know those "Jews" of New York and how they attack "Blacks" and I am pushed now into that category although it's absolutely erroneous. Anything to justify their violence attacks upon me as they all then go off stress-reduced smiling with top awards, year after year. They flock to attack me. All look like a heap of weight has been lifted from them after they attack me.


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...