MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction,
teleportation, technocracy, science fiction,
drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks,
gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage,
microchip implants,
behavior modification,
NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
I'm so sick of Europigapes and their American minions from major corrupted filthy sick and sleazy cities (LA & NYC) telling me that they are superior and I am a "loser" for having been poisoned and tortured by THEM for so long it's gone on forever for a decade-- and not a single one of them has EVER COME OUT with a single original concept--ever---not a single one. They all steal and imitate and following the dictates of the 4th Reich Nazi/mafia cartel, they try to kill off the original artists (I believe this group of A-list celebrities helped or participated in the assassination of the former artist from Minneapolis named Prince).
*There was a lot of hacking/keyboard blocks and I see when reading some of the post that words have been deleted by hacker terrorists to discredit me. I am not going to rewrite, and typing is so arduous due to the freezing blocks on the keys, the pad and the DOS attacks are almost constant (pages freeze, etc) . The endless exacerbation made me frustrated and the brain-altering attacks with the compounding of blocks, endlessly backspacing and retyping and fighting to think--and I got into a ranting hate spew--this is part of the mind control to discredit me as well.
"Prince--Nothing Compares 2 U (Official Music Video)". Prince. April 19, 2018.
I find them so stupid and sick on a personal level it's unbelievable to me that they are famous for any single thing except their plastic surgery facial remoldification to appear like Nazi icons, which are all trained endlessly in physical coaching to performance and editing appearance.
So here's to the places I have lived, where original and great artists and some mediocre and some not-famous have emerged, thanks to the former independent artist and music scene. I fight to not help this group of parasitic expletives create a 4th Reich fascist nazi/Mafia conglomerate, international media and political-entertainment cartel. I appear to be alone in this. So think on what Prince and some of these musicians brought to the world, even if you have never heard of them, they were at least allowed for a short while to not be immersed in this sell-out prostituted media/entertainment/political machine which is truly bringing about the destruction of American society and culture (and the planet in so many covert ways to turn all into a monoculture of conformity to fascism with lots of skin colors helping to sell the bs mythology they are selling. Kicking all independent artists out unless they can easily steal ideas from them and then oppress them into non-existence).
They then tell me that they are "superior" to me and that I, under threat of murder, death, violence and torture, have to "obey" and show "respect" to people I consider scum and lying sick and sleazy parasitic oppressors and tyrannical fascist nazis with their mafia enforcers and gang stalking scumbags.
I so wish people would stop allowing this to continue but none of you can lift a finger or do anything. You just watch as the chaos unfolds but feel secure in your gated communities or mansions while you help to create the dismal conditions that America is now facing, due to your inertia and lack of actual meaning.
This is so much more vital, so much more energized and profound than all the Sinead O'Conner attempts to white-wash this song for commercial viability of Prince.
But ugly, sinister, sleazy, stupid and sick parasitic scum mostly whores and fakes and sell-outs from the "A-list" of expletives who teleport me and attack me with the most dehumanizing filth and crap and I have no idea why--I am fighting for my life after years of murder attempts by poisoning--europigapes from London and Italy were pumping poison into my body by raping it into me as deeply as possible. I asked them to stop for over 3 years until I began to call them pigs--since then, they have had me put in jail, broke my cat's rib cage, cut out part of my uterus, poisoned me non-stop with stinking foul hardening poisons and it's gone on and on for over a decade--poisoned me non-stop--and the shit from this media shithole of celebrities--if I watch a shitty video, hoping that the stupid lies they crank out about how they are "fighting" for "Democracy" and equal rights, feminism and peace actually amounts to them, personally, having any integrity. They rush to beat, abuse, yell at, threaten to kill me with shit pig pitt and shitalina sitting watching smirking and smilling because they've gone on and on doing this for a DECADE by now it's nearly 10 f-ing years of no one ever stopping them. All their movies year after are a product of my ideas they tortured out of me, almost entirely. Their "awards" are due to this contractout on me. They are no constantly threatening murder and torturing me without end and brining one filthy sick and rotten Europigape piece of shit after the next to threaten to kill me. It's gone on and on and on and on.
I watch these bands out of Champaign and Minneapolis and think of how this international 4th Reich is trying to spread their hate everywhere, now using technology. Soon there will be zero creativity in the United States if this technology, Elon Musk and the rest of this shithole group gets the monopoly they are trying to obtain by torturing me into being subjected to yet another rapist piece of expletive forcing this contract out on me. For all my life I had no idea what was happening to me. Now that I know, I am fighting to get these fucking pig whore creeps off me and they are threatening me, haven't stopped mutilating and poisoning me and abusing and raping me--
it's unreal, surreal, unbelievable. Sick as hell. All of you reading this are part of that sickness if you continue to allow it to just go on and on and on and on and on and on. Don't allow these pig ape whores to get their monopoly out of this contract out on me. Stop the 4th Reich monopolizing of music, art and culture. Let independent people and artists have a chance. And fuck the Grammys, this is my response to the black Nazis--formerly called Aunt Jemimas and Uncle Toms, but now I'm threatened endlessly for using those terms that murdered Malcolm X used in the past---the house slaves for the white supremacist plantation of Whorewood and the White House is helping to create this global white supremacist plantation.
There will be no more Prince artists, there will be only black Nazis and their by-product of fake "equal rights" activism endlessly being crowned "kings and queens" as they posture in Nazi poses and help assist in neo-Nazi celebrity torture. Fuck Beyonce and the shit out of this group. This group I believe helped in some way to create the assassination of Prince because I wanted to get away from them and go to Minneapolis and I tried to contact Prince and he responded--in this stalking purview of insanity he responded, and 2 2 weeks later he was assassinated. TEN YEARS LATER the same pigs are attacking me and I am giving the same response I have been giving for OVER 10 YEARS which is fuck off and I don't like you and you are shit and now I am screaming I hope they die. Can't anyone with a sane mentality left on this planet ever stop this fucking group of shit and pigs and whores, ever? Including the politicians participating--so many. So sad. They are destroying the fabric of American culture and turning it into a fascist Nazi/mafia cartel subcolony of Europigapeland.
R.E.O. Speedwagon (from Champaign--or nearly so) practiced supposedly in a garage 3 blocks from my house on White Street; on Church Street--in S. Champaign "old" district--cobblestone streets, beautiful iron-molded lamps and huge elm, oak and maple trees (many cut down because of the mediocrification of the culture and the Nazification 4th Reich influx into all American). Church Street was and is on a more busy main street so loud noise would not have inflicted damage to neighbors (I guess) in my neighborhood everyone would have been upset.
Listen to the words by R.E.O Speedwagon in this video (below), listen to the mentality that has helped to create me, which has inspired these fake sell-out filth celebrities to steals ideas about humanitarianism, (which tey lack entirely to the marrow of the plastic surgery modifications). This band sings of a mentality that I grew up around, however hypocritical it may have been and how many people actually participated in Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich gangstalking terrorism against me and my family in that same community (If I ever met or bumped into members of this band, they were older than me and also there were a lot of dudes dressed like this --which I miss as the fashion now is extremely ugly and boring for men with their square short hair cuts and ugly clothing frumpy, boyish baseball hat or hoodie fashion, or boring ugly square suits or straight and square jeans and etc....all square and ugly the fashion of men being attractive--for much of America--has also died/been killed off/ out). I believe this is also intentional by the 4th Reich Euro-p-a-zone so that only Europi-a-land has the "fashion" center--Paris (which the Nazis intended, with Germany for manufacturing, East Europe for take-over with Ukraine always in the sights of the Nazis for decades or centuries). Back to the subject of music. LISTEN to the words--it's reverberating to back "home" for me. What I experience of the trashy sick celebrities in L.A and the other major city sleazy operators put into "winner" positions is a losing proposition for culture and art. After they poison, drug, maim and torture me (for more than a decade now with this technology) they can't stop calling me a "loser" also after and especially after they ensure I am financially blacklisted and blocked from all internet transactions and physical mobility and all health care and food that isn't tainted or poisoned and sleep without hate and torture and life without endless violence and all blocked from me. The entire world is now becoming a "loser" due to the hate and incompetence of this posturing as "superior" 4th Reich group.
"R.E.O. Speedwagon--(Golden Country) Check it out Gary eats frets for breakfast". crazytfc. September 12, 2012.
"Phil Strang Remembers Record Service/Memory Space--Richmond Family Welcome Gallery". University of Illinois Alumni Association. June 12, 2021.
INteresting---I know, I mean I used to know a dude who became an actual musician long after his band lost it's fame (he was, or is, my age and a classmate from kindergarten through grade school, hanging in a circle of peeps striving for a life of career and fortune--all of us in my little quartet of "friends"--until around 8th grade--his parents "hippies" and friends of my parents---turned into gang stalker terrorist despite all the years of being in school together and in much earlier days playing as friends) but... the lead singer of one of the bands mentioned in this video. Apparently this band had no chance for publishing or any recognition until it was pushed into prominence by this Champaign/campus indi distributer and local record sales shop/owner. This is the difference between the former "hippie" and alternative scene and corporate entertainment 4th Reich monopoly.
I never knew that Dan Fogelberg had his help by this record independent distributer in Champaign. (I also grew up 3 blocks from where the band REO Speedwagon rehearsed in their garage, but only heard of them once I left Champaign). All these people became famous just as I left Champaign to move to Upstate, NY-- but the industry was just beginning to boom---. I still find the curtailing aspect of corporate control over artistic output sad and confining in my teleportation portal experiences in H-wood. I have come to the conclusion that: Desperately needed: Independent artist representatives drastically needed to quell the endless monopoly of corporate media entertainment recurring genre/style/performers (controlled by, and mind-programming for the 4th Reich).
**Correction: I walked away from this spot in front of the laptop and realized I had written the direction of my street, which I grew up on, wrong. It was not "South" it was West--West part of Champaign (the west is the best). I am so dazed my memory blotted out by the tech blasting into my brain as I sit here I can't "remember" the most basic information that I have known all my life. The hacking right now is horrible, I can barely get words out the keyboard is being blocked very badly as well. I am ranting into these posts because of the absolute violence being inflicted upon me by pig pitt and the shit shurrounding him. The politicians are also counting on them abusing me into "submission" so they can all obtain this contract out on me for forever pig ape 4th Reich control over politics and the media and entertainment and what remains standing of society, if anything remains soon--
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