Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The MSNBC "Morning Ho/Blow/Schmo" terrorist report. I had to add that last "Jewish" term to the list of pejoratives because I emphase how much these "Good Christian" MAGA and "formerly Republican" radical fascist fledgling Europigape-controlled bigot Nazis are so utterly exactly what they accuse the "dirty Jews" of being. The dirty pig ape is assaulting me non-stop with fascist behavior and intimidation using mind control tech and "truth serum" alongside his MAGA Congressional buddies in this never-ending terror campaign.

"Nineteen Eighty-Four--The Crime of Thought (1984)". Iamthe80sguy2. January 10, 2021.

"1984 (9/11) Movie Clip--Vision of the Future (1984) HD". MovieClips. April 22, 2015.

O'Brien (the "handler"):"The question, How does one man exert power over another?"--

Winston (the "target" tied down to a torture table): "Making himself up." 

O'Brien: "Exactly. Obedience is not enough. Power is inflicting pain and humiliation otherwise you cannot be sure. Power is tearing human minds apart and putting them together again in shapes of your own choosing. Power is not a means, it is an end. In our own world, there will be only triumph and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy"....when we can cut man from his past, from his own other men...there is no loyalty, except loyalty to the Party....There is no love except love for Big Brother. There are no competing pleasures...We control life, at all levels. We create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable. Or perhaps you will return to your idea that the Proletarians (nowadays termed "Progressives") will arise. Put it out of your mind. They are helpless animals."

Winston: "I don't care. Sooner or later I'll tear you to pieces" --George Orwell, 1984 (movie clip below). 

Most graciously delivered with soft-spoken assurance by the poet actor, incomparable, Richard Burton.

*Post script--written after this most destroyed post by hacker terrorism: I was blasted by drug and poison insertion into my bladder last night as I slept while being teleported, thusly feeling no sensation because my consciousness is taken to the teleportation spot where I am endlessly besieged by threats, violence and attacks. In addition, this post is destroyed by hackers utilizing in every word and sentence brain-altering technology, malware blocking key functioning, as I could not focus--my hands would not move as I struggled to type while my brain got "lost" in a daze of hate ranting. I could not think clearly, meticulously or analytically. I tried to read through this long post, which was written in segments as I got into such hate ranting states I could not think any longer--all due to mind control drugging/tech interface blocking cognitive functioning plus endless malware hacking to the keyboard. Upon getting up each time, I was so dizzy and nauseous that I had to stop and get a breath, the drugging inserted into my bladder has kept me in a state of exhaustion---yesterday there was no stinking fluid inserted into my vagina and I had energy to get some things done. I spent about 2 hours fighting to type and rewrite this post, as I had to rewrite many times and then struggle to find where I had written a last part, which the hackers inserted into the middle of the post. As I struggled to find the addition I had just written, the hackers would make the page jump so I had to spend time finding the post--rewritten, hacked and the writing into hysterical hate ranting due to all these attacks, more specifically to my brain due to the maladaptive effect of microchip implantation and drugging interface;//The terrorists deleted parts of sentences and repasted them to other segments I had written, literally juxtaposing parts of one paragraph into another and deleting other parts. i am literally struggling to move my fingers right now as the keys don't print what I struggle to press. They have made this an incomprehensible mess but parts are still readable. I am ranting, which is what they want, and along with the hacking obstruction/deletions/pasting-together of partially deleted paragraphs, restructured in various paragraphs and mixed and slashed and burned---it's all extremely discrediting. Pigalina has ordered my body to be mutilated so she and her hanger's on to this contract will all scream at me in hate that she is more "beautiful" as the mutilations and violence and torture aimed at destroying me is NEVER stopped. That was one point. she is an agent of the English Crown. That is another point I tried to make. All was partially deleted and repasted into other parts of enraged (by tech interference in my brain and cognitive clarity plus non-stop hacking to block the flow of typing, on a literal word-by-word basis I must stop and backspace and rewrite all and every single word or fight to pound down constantly to get anything out as hate expletives surge into my brain. Other points are that these "Christians" of the political spectrum are "fighting against the evil 'woke" 'socialists' are actually more akin to fascist Nazi National Socialist Communists than anything remotely resembling Christian Democratic Capitalism. There are many other points, but if you get past the drift of hate ranting and cursing and the mix-up of sentences partially deleted and repasted into other paragraphs not connected even to the paragraphs from the original--and etc. The usual hacking has gone on--if anyone is reading this. I urge you to please get that ugly thing Morning expletive from MSNBC off me. He's extremely violent and threatens murder and is physically violent and yelling as a fascist in teleportation.  He is taking over the attack situation from an actor who needs to have an attack person take the role over for him. He sits back as this violent and nasty MSNBC anchor is now viciously attacking me with the smug smiling of pigalina and the former rapist duo of the MAGA Republican House insulting me for over 4 hours yesterday--prior to me going to sleep where this murder skit and the cheap greasy rip-off skit and the homeless skit and the violence skits were all inflicted upon me by morning Ho schmo--this ugly sinister thing. I can't call them human names any longer, they are so inhuman and disgusting. That is the gist sort of what I wrote, very much destroyed by hacking. This preface will also, undoubtedly, be altered and rewritten as well. I tried to re-read this post--I got "lost" because the hacker terrorists literally deleted parts and repasted them in the middle of other sentences. This is somewhere in the middle of the post. I was describing the modus operandi of morning ho blow schmo but they pasted what pigalina was doing to me--into one absolutely confusing very long paragraph that finally I could not finish it. I try not to insult and curse, but the effect of the mind control obliterates any semblance of rational thinking. Since no one will take this situation forced upon me seriously and try to investigate or stop it, then what I write remains as a skeptical "joke" by the terrorists profiting off this accumulation of power and control by their central operational base of power. As I wrote below, it resembles strongly a centralized Communist system but with them as the less-than-1% wealth accumulation "elite" with plans to mass murder and kill-at-will anyone opposing them. My writing is a testament to how incompetent and stupid and sick they are on the levels of intelligence that are crucial at handling such technologies on a life-affirming basis. Instead all of you reading this want corrupt sleazy and rapist murdering bigots and their minions to destroy all existing forms of free thought and government. You all rely on me just fighting for my life to death while you all remain complacent and some make your YouTube presentations based on usurping ideas or what I am going through but never to try to stop it or make it public what is going on. You all plan likewise to jump onto the bandwagon of entitlement of excess. I know that by writing "please get this pig ape" off me for the tenth year in a row, nothing is going to be done, perhaps ever in my lifetime to stop this. I write about it anyway. So many other targeted people have already been murdered by this group, i.e. Myron May of Florida who made videos about his stalking and gang stalking victimization--soon to be erased from history only known as the "Tallahassee shooter" and the white men and women on that campus don't want his videos to be made more public because they want to honor the "dead" and not make this man known in any way (covering up the information which is accurate for his targeting program). All remain silenced. It continues. I know this will not be stopped, but I write anyway; perhaps dirty ugly Morning scumbag will be stopped because in the past some of these pigs have eventually been stopped from raping and beating and attacking me if I only write and write about their violence day after day for months and months--and finally someone else replaces them. Dirty nasty pig pit and filthalina I have been only writing about as whore parasites on me for a decade and they are still there, being honored by the filth that is ruling the United States in media and in politics with endless loving approval. They are still there, having my home made stinking, my body inserted into my vagina with stinking sewage water mixed with mind control drugs (so I react and can't tolerate the death and homeless and violent and abuse kits that go on and on and this morning ho scumbag is very expert in psy-ops, so dirty and foul and violently racist and sexist--so disgusting) but---I react, I write about it; the actor who was insulting me to get his promotion had this ugly monster tv anchor from that MSNBC mind programming channel (probably with subliminals while they pump "pro-Democracy" endlessly into the screen, the subliminals of fascist programming) but, trying to get a reaction out of me, I tried to ignore him. It is impossible to ignore someone yelling into your face with violent screaming extremely loud and ugly yelling going on and on for days and hours and hours every day--as he's doing, to help this next American pig scumbag actor obtain his award because he's connected with pig pit and shitalina, and with this duo all the Europigape fascists are converging, training their American useful idiots in how to be trained as smiling and conniving National Socialists with death squads, death drugging, mind control drugging, torture using all kinds of microwave and sonic and other technologies, listening to the target's thoughts and torturing them for their "thought crimes" and raping and abusing and with the press of a button the victim is returned to their original sleep state (or waking state, but with me so poisoned I can't go out except twice a month now, only to be almost killed constantly while driving as they had done for years prior to Covid). So I see that the post, even what I tried to write about the hacking rewrites, is rewritten. It's so confusing I could not get past a certain point. I am repeating this but they truly destroyed this post. 



I am writing this first thing in the morning because I need to get this out so I can begin my day. First, my WiFi connection is being turned off randomly, so this is a threat of them once again stopping the internet service so I must deal with the violent and abusive landlord because none of the internet service providers claim they can speak English when I phone or go to their offices, so I must endlessly have to deal with the groping, threatening and insulting landlord who is a Thai to have it reinstalled, just so I can perpetually write about the torture and violence of these pig apes so the radical fascist Nazi one-partisan Party of the U.S.A will promote them into higher "Left" and "Right" party positions. 


On the "Left" is Morning Ho/Blow that Schmo--aka "jerk" in other NYC "Jewish" terms and other suitable terms are piece of shit, idiot, screaming yelling creepy foul demonic scumbag parasite to the list. As he claims he's a "wonderful Christian" from Pensacola, where I was subjected, in the few months I survived near-death car death attempts, lack of health care, even worse which I won't detail, seeing how bigoted and racist that sleazy and disgusting place is underneath the beautiful landscape which these greasy racist creep city never created--they created the endless strips of fast food shops in succession and the ugliness of squalid planning--it's an ugly little city built inside a paradise of nature--where only the white wealthy can live in any kind of decent surroundings otherwise the blacks are subjected to shanty town style existence and racism is abundant. Out of that cesspool place comes most fascist, threatening, yelling and violent KKK/Nazi Morning Ho the blow job for your morning mental obfuscation where he spouts "Democracy" in an "All-American" Soviet operative fashion, but is a most violent fascist controlled by Europigape Nazis and behaves as if he's been trained thoroughly in that paradigm, which he has. Which is why he specializes on the "Left" frequency of that brain-programming channel MSNBC, befriended very closely by ole Uncle Joe the demonic leader of the Democrat radical Nazi surge of hate against me, working always with the Trump MAGA.

but anyway--subjected to another man supposedly "drowning" in a teleportation skit, after the hours while I was awake and trying to clean and fight ot heal my body from the endless terrorism they all inflict on a non-stop perpetual basis, ordained now by successive presidential administrations with the inept political backing and millions of violent creep scumbags attacking me in every public and private place possible. Subjected to another man being drowned, as I was in deep sleep, then still in that state, being shifted to this ugly disgusting man from MSNBC uncle blow morning ho--who by now is so repugnant that he makes even ugly and sinister Maddow seem pleasant in comparison. Her fake smiling eye look into the camera is most deceptive with evil lurking underneath. P lease note I am using "Christian" terms of "good" and "evil" today because they are all righteous and seemingly following the mindset of "good" versus "evil".


He then created a skit where I was put in yet another homeless situation, and I was trying to fly out of the U.S. to Thailand. he had me then working with very poor Thai women who were driving these dirty shanty motorbike structures where they have a dirty part assembled into the motorbike to transport people or dogs or nasty filthy things--it's very common. I was waiting for him and his group of ugly, dirty men to arrive to have some kind of transaction. It was this creep handing me something (I don't remember what, some item small enough to fit into his greasy dirty ugly hand) handing it to me, saying it cost $2. I had one dollar in my hand and I gave it to him, and as he walked away I realized that I had underpaid him so I told him to wait as I handed him another dollar. But at the onset, when I had given him the $1 he had the terror group put in my hand in the first place--as they blank out my consciousness to create these situations, I saw that once he took the $1 but had told me it was $2, and I had only paid him $1, he walked away with a smug look of satisfaction--I now only gauge that he would have claimed that I was a "dirty Jew stealing money" in the Nazi phraseology that pigs like him have adapted in their lifetimes of being bigots with open racism in places like "Good, Christian Pensacola". After I gave him the second dollar because I was not ripping him off, he began yelling at me, pushing at my body in threatening ways, that I had only paid him $1, the sleazy and greasy dirty 2nd hand car sales trick--he showed me $1 and said I had not paid him the second. I had already screamed at him earlier after the man dying in front of me skit to get off me as I tried ot kick him in his groin and tried to slam him in the face with my elbow---he continued, of course, But I had tried, and tried and I have been trying to get him off me now as he sits with the repugnant whores of Babylon Whorewood and is working to install fascist Nazism into the media, as deeply as possible (for America to be as f**ed as possible by fascists posing as "Christians" and "Liberals" and "woke" and "Make America Great Again" and et al).


I finally was so sickened by the odious presence of this pig ape scumbag ugly screaming threatening and intimidating with violence, death threat creep so I handed him another dollar. He then unfurled one of these fiat pieces of paper which had the picture of one of the celebrities who has been backing this operation for over a decade--but who is not at the forefront. Not wanting to give more attention by verbally naming another scumbag who WILL get even a higher promotion if I detail how sick and disgusting he/she is, I will not state his ugly name.

But this money-theft stealing trick was such a low-handed whorish tactic of yelling about someone ripping you off because they are "Jewish" or whatever. If I had not given him the right amount as he walked away with a smug smile, he would have later claimed I was a "dirty Jew" stealing money from him, taking that line directly from the Nazi playbook (which Americans have adopted so well, or perhaps that came from the Americans and the Nazis stole it from the Ami's?). After handing him the correct amount, with that "Christian" goodness of doing the right thing, with a kind heart, because I was in a deep sleep in one state and being teleported to another, and acting in accordance with just dealing with some shithead creep who is "famous" for his blathering bs act still I wasn't trying to lie, screw him over as he was doing to me and is doing now. As I stated, I woke up yet again with stinking substances coming out of my vagina, so they are murdering me again with toxic shock and poisoning and torture to both block my immune system while poisoning me as deeply internally as possible. The mechanical arms entering through the movable panels and cracks that literally line this horrid studio from floor to ceiling.  Having spent more than 2 years trying to block all the cracks and panels, the terrorists just go into this room every time I leave and pour stinking filth everywhere and then rip and remove all the blocks to their mechanical arms. I must block the door so completely so they can't enter without having to literally break and destroy visibly the blocks--so it's a very dangerous situation. Thanks to all these "feminist" and "anti-racists" and "Christians".


I then spent another 3 hours earlier before going to sleep sick from yelling at MAGA and Republican apes about the pig actor who has ordered so much destruction to my body via the hate master-slave Nazi/slave operation, that my entire body is covered with scars, blemishes, poison that has hardened into my body so I am huge and crooked, literally my spine is completely skewed due to it, have been stagnating internally and dying from poisoning as they have pig whores mostly out of Europigapeland who are hormonally grown through Nazi hormone enhancement who pound and rape the poisons that shitalina has ordered put into my body. Her endless refrain for years has been pigs and ape whores from all the walks of politics and celebrity shitworld to yell at me that she is so much more "beautiful" than me. This skank has been feeding off torture forced out of me, and making movies literally every single year for the past decade out of ideas she has stolen from my writings and my thoughts even. 

So the former female rapist and the opportunistic leader of the Republican House were sitting using the mind control "truth serum" effect to harangue me for HOURS as I screamed about hos this ugly sinister whore has been having my body  mutilated and poisoned--my hair is gone I am mostly bald from having reacted to the German Nazi pig scum who was pounding poison as deeply into my body as possible (he's over 6 feet tall) as this whore swiped his face with love watching on smiling as the pig kept raping the poison into my body. Finally calling him a pig, they had my hair permanently removed with chemicals as it fell off suddenly in clumps and after more than a year and  a half the rubbery scalp still will not grow hair back. My body huge and crooked and deformed--my face sagging from hate and depression from nightly and daily abuse and hate as one celebrity piece of sick shit aftrer the next, with politicians sitting next to them, lapping up the excess of media attention by participating---

yelling that this ugly parasitic whore from Babylon, who has been putting out movies about her being righteous based on ideas she tortured out of me, for years, a decade along with shit pit who has done the same--

now they have another creep actor who I wrote of, but not calling his stupid name which I hope sinks into oblivion soon because of his one role imitating someone or something

but, the yelling and violent morning ho from MSNBC is now absolutely and violently attacking me replacing immediately the rapist MAGA "Christian" and the Republican "Christian" leader and the "Feminist and anti-racist" Nazi whore of Babylon England who is there as an operative for the Crown of England trying to divide and conquer as all of these whores from Babylon converge upon me.


So I handed this pig ape creep the $1 fiat piece of celebrity-plastered paper, as he then did the cheap and tawdry sales pitch of stating quickly with hate, rushing at my body in rage and violence, that I had ripped him off, while he was using violence and threats to steal this "money". Trying to finally get rid of him, as all I am doing when I can actually think clearly is scremaing by now to get off me, calling him now day after day an ugly old man, a piece of crap, yelling and trying to smash him and hitting him to get off me. As he keeps going and going. I handed him the money finally to shut him up. The ugly men who were there working with him, who look like the whoremongering ugly Nazi men here in Phuket who exploit the little brown Thai girls for almost nothing in payment ($20 for an entire night, the price has never changed in all the years I have lived here while inflation has skyrocketed--I rent my motorbike from a "happy ending" massage place in the tourist area so I am around this atmosphere and lived in that very tourist area so I know what they are doing, just to let the shit people reading this understand the culture of this place and why and how I know about this--as I spent a few years endlessly going to these $10 massage places in desperation to have the hard poison these pigs poisoned me with broken by massage--and I can now no longer afford massage because of the financial block this group of billionaire and millionaire politicians and celebrities have forced upon me by blocking and blacklisting every single thing I do and try).


This is why they are smug and posture as "superior" while they call all the endlessly growing homeless encampments in America just a pile of "losers" who they actually want to see killed surreptitiously so they can obtain MORE AND MORE AND MORE.

They are trying to put me into that category by the poisoning, but still are trying to provoke me to obtain ideas so they can appear like they have any compassion or originality at all. They rely exclusively on the algorithm protocols this organization supplies them with, along with brain-altering drugs, brain-altering technology and millions of opportunists of all races, creeds and socio-economic status following the exact same protocols for a unified, type of COMMUNIST approach to their master-slave oligarch status.


Please get that ugly, seemingly Soviet-style fascist Nazi KKK KGB operative "Morning HO" off me--he's really and truly anathema to the United States and he and his bigot blonde wife with their nasty fake cheery "I'm a Christian" facade with the "All-American" boyish "charm" is an absolute deception. This is an old man filled with nasty and dirty sleazy racism out of the old South who, like greasy and "Christian" Senator Graham and the rest of them want lynch mobs to regain ascendancy for terror operations. Behind them all are pieces of shit like Oprah and Farrakhan and Alice Walker who rub shoulders with these fascist Nazi pig apes while they all sit together for an ever-enlarging terror operating with me screaming in hate while being teleported, either awake or in deep sleep--that they are filthy and disgjusting. That a rotten parasite who has ordered stinking sewage water, and bloating hardening poison inserted into my vagina and as deeply as possible into my bladder every single night for years--while having objects inserted under my skin to appear as cysts, while having my hair destroyed so badly so that the scalp is damaged and hair is gone, permanently--my skin doused with chemicals that make my skin appear like it's been curdled with acid--they tried to knock my teeth out, they have inserted objects under my fingernails and cuticles for years, they sliced inbetween my toes every night for months--I must sleep covering my body and hair with layers of objects wound and tied with rubber bands to try to protect what is left--they keep yelling at me that this filthy ugly parasite whoralina is so much more "beautiful" as she gets endless power and sexual titillation from watching as pigs and whores rape and beat and poison and mutilate me--now for years--and she's still coming out with movie plots based on ideas she had tortured adn stolen out of me--for her ploy at being a "feminist" and "compassionate humanitarian" what an ugly sleaze piece of utterly ugly sick shit that is. 

I am working on "ignoring" them but this ugly morning ho creep is a most fastidious parasite. When I use these terms I really and truly believe that he is a fascist Nazi communist soviet operative who is a slick and polished Dirty Jew in behavior--every single thing these filthy dirty greasy grabbing Nazis claimed that the "jews" were is exactly what these greasy, lying and dirty pig apes actually are. They then use the media to endlessly promote blonde Nazi as the "most beautiful" using these means. Filthy whorealina is one example of this. I am truly beautiful, my body as been maimed under her orders. She sits in silent gloating after she operates with the ENGLISH CROWN to hand these media promotions to the greedy and dirty radical fascists of both parties and politicians and celebrities. This pig ape whore also has connections to France, as they also use that sleazy ugly skank to infiltrate the US. The only thing these dirty bigot filthmongering scumbags of Congress and Whorewood are interested in is having mansions and castles handed to them in Europigapeland as their "reward" for being trained in fascism and implementation of these technologies. South African Apartheid fascist bigot Elon Musk is fully there, threatening me and handing out these technologies and developing them with the full blessing and participation of your "leaders" the dirty Nazis of whorewood and whore-congress. What a joke, what a sick joke.


I got into a huge ranting state: after clicking this site off, I realized that I had meandered into hate ranting but not written what I had intended to say, and I will not re-read this post to see how badly the hackers have rewritten/deleted most of the text.

Dirty morning  ho/blow/schmo, right after he first tried to pin the lying and stealing "jew" label on me, as I handed him the correct amount of money while they had put the wrong amount into my hand while I was in a blanked state of consciousness, just prior to being put into "alert" (deep sleep teleported) but in the other "state" wakened by these pigs to be put in the middle of this hate skit--telling him to wait as I got another "dollar" out of my purse, as I handed it to him he began yelling at me that I had under paid him--as he pressed against me intimidating violence, and he is so loathsome to me in the first place that any contact is nauseating and repugnant, I handed him quickly another dollar so that he would go away as quickly as possible. Having played his cheap and greasy dirty Nazi trick of stealing "money" from me, his dirty ugly old man friends--as I wrote above, the types who exploit the impoverished here in Thailand--the ugly middle aged men with their rotten wives just as this creep from MSNBC has at his side every day in his fake presentation about "Democracy" with her rambling at his side and his black side-kick prop sitting in the circle discussing how he's fighting "racism" (but fully participates in this hate crime against me, just like Angela Davis--sorry, I had written Alice Walker because my brain is so blocked in memory, the keyboard is so blocked it's nearly impossible to write and think my brain is under non-stop attack I venture into hate ranting with expletives every time I try to write clearly without excessive emotion).

Angela Davis has been fully incorporated into this attack as well. Me calling ole Aunti Oprah an Aunt Jemima has been an excuse that so many famous blacks of the media who yearn for promotion have used to attack me with death threats and violence saying that it's ME who is the racist ,not these black whores who join in with Nazi white supremacists making genocidal Nazi statements at me so they can all get more awards every year, on and on, without end. AFter they attack me, these blacks who are threatening my life are then put into awards categories, lead roles, tv slots, etc and honored by Euroopigapes every time they go to buy Europigape fashion in Europigapeland, where they are welcomed with red carpet VIP status. That is after they attack me the flaunting of them is more visible in the media and in the awards and lead role and tv show and grammy and etc categories--


But, the ugly men who were with this ugly dirty old man from morning ho-show--they said, sighing with relief after I paid this pig creep the dollar he ripped off from me--"finally, you are doing what we want"--or something to that effect. It was a sigh of relief that I was "submitting" in other words. I said immediately that morning ho blow is a CREEP and I was "paying him to go away"--because he is so repulsive on every level, I had to make a split second decision in this state whether it was worthwhile to argue and have my life force and energy sucked out even more by this filthy dirty pig ape attacking me by yelling or fighting to get him off me, that they are polluting my body an dlife and to get off me get off me-after a decade of them going on and on after the Europigapes were poisoning, raping poison as deeply into my body as possible every night, sa ying they wanted me in a coma, after stealing ideas from me--one of them connected to the English Crown and is now handing this most violent and racist cheap and dirty whore pigalina this contract as all these pigs and apes of congress and the media flock around this disgusting ugly skank to obtain their roles and opportunities--so she is a pivotal point. All the pig apes of white supremacy claim they are "half English/half German" or some such American variety and thus, when they attack me, they are actually fighting for American white culture which is intimately interbred with Europeans who they want to help train in Nazi fascist indoctrination. I am seemingly this one person in the world they must all converge upon every day and night in order to get me to "submit" to their false claims that they are "superior". I keep fighting this with no help or support from any single person on the planet--and those who formerly supported me died far too early and young, one of which was Prince who was killed two weeks after I tried to contact him to get away from these pieces of sleazy and dirty ugly shit and move back to Minneapolis and try to get some kind of decency from Prince--if that would have been possible I don't know but I assume it would have been nothing similar to the repugnant disgusting dirty Nazi shit these pig apes inflict upon me every moment they can. This ugly sinister evil (using the "Good Christian" terminology now) this EVIL morning ho/blow scumbag is violently attacking me now because I very quickly rejected yet another rotten piece of shit celebrity creep who wants this contract. He has sat back smirking as this blow ho from MSNBC has taken over the role--from his years and years of experience of being a greasy and lying cheap and dirty operative for the worst factions of foreign interference into American culture and life--which is very much a possibility that he is a Soviet operative but he's very highly skilled and trained at manipulation of a mind control sort, even before the technology.l He is a very murderously violent and hateful sleazy and cheesy and greasy dirty parasite, like filthalina his partner who is always at the center of this hate crime--because behind her is the English pig ape who has been coming after me since I met him three times for less than 20 minutes each time, because he lived across the street and began stalking me--in London--who has not stopped handing out this contract of destroying me but stealing creative ideas which he is still profiting off, with filthalina being handed the centerpiece role of destroying my body calling herself more "beautiful" having every pig scream at me that she is more beautiful as they all get their promotions while I fight to heal a decade and even more decades of destruction of my body and life--fighting every day with insults and hate while this whore feeds off the power trip--but now another group of shit and dirty radical Nazi Communist/Socialists who want a centralized control system, automatic assurance that their monopoly remains only in their hands--every single thing that communism and socialism promises for the block of actual real market capitalism and all turned over to a centralized authority--which they all want to consolidate with themselves being put into endles monopolistic lead roles--you can see very year it's a rotatoin of the same disgusting actors with the dinosaur actors in the background who have literally been in control over the shitty and deteriorating Whorewood movie line-up of crap and bs for almost a century by now--

in Congress it's so much destruction to the country that everyone acknowledges that the country is on the brink of turning into an outright fascist Nazi state.

So..dirty ugly old men with this morning ho parasitic creep--I was not "submitting" to this piece of rotten blathering hateful ugly crap, I was paying the whore $1 to get him to shut up and go away finally. I hope he will NEVER return. cAN SOMEONE get this next parasitic piece of pig excrement off me, the endless lineup of most revolting corrupted sleazy and dirty foul pig apes is a repulsion I can't describe how ugly they all are. Can't anyone ever stop groveling in deference to foreign interference in US politics an dculture and stop allowing filthy ugly pigalina to endlessly attack me just to watch as my body is breaking from stress, poisoning and torture and mutilation because I cannot defend myself against these mechanical arms breaking into my room and they have blocked all money so I can't move to any place where I could marginally afford to stop all this endless assault on my body? Cna't you ever ever do anything people out there--are there any people out there?


After having gotten up from my last "mind-control' induced ranting session--I "forgot" to write that the plants I just bought for my patio, after having spent 3 weeks hurting my body putting strips of cloth tape to cover the fraying lattice structure that the terrorists pour water on from above to destroy it, etc--after stealing the beautiful rows of flowering vines from me--and no orchard in Phuket area in my vicinity -for over 10 miles in all directions--absolutely have no flowering vines. I went to one place many miles away after spending the entire day driving around being nearly hit from all sides by all kinds of people--something pig pit and whorealina began at least a decade ago, with Musk of course, he's very much into car accidents but that is another story--the keyboard is now so hacked I can barely type on it and my brain is under attack so my fingers iwll not move as I try to fight to pound out

I was attacked by the last orchard as they handed me sagging plants they said were "vines"--after the usual stalking questions the bots all repeat because this is a centralized system where these expletives all copy and repeat the exact same protocols because it is something akin to a death squad Nazi/KGB structure of hegemony, monopoly and exploitation--but saying the same triggering questions, as my throat was remotely constricted I choked on the words I tried to say under mind control suffocation--the threat micorchip implant forced my laryhx to constrict--which is something that is done while I am eating or drinking on a regular basis)

The plants have been mostly killed by now, after just 4 days upon having struggled to get something I really wanted but was taken out of every single orchard in this district by the terror operation. All the friendly people who formerly had sold me flowering vines were replaced by smirking Thai young men (on the lower ranks of the ladder) saying with smug stupidity "no speak English" for an area with mostly English-speaking tourists and expats as they cater with deference and servility to them speaking only English).

But now that I got something, they are killing it. My cat has been stolen. All of this because I am not "submitting" to men who were poisoning me to death while raping me literally night after night and stealing my ideas, having my home made stinking, broken and filthy, and being promoted into lead rank and position for it--that was Europigapes out of Italy (but by way of Miami) and London --both of these pigs I avoided when they tried to force themselves on me--now they are still clinging to this contract after more than 4 decades from one and 3 decades of the other--with this group of filthy shit out of Whorewood, filthalina and pig pit, who have gone on only for one decade non-stop.

But my "punishment" for continuing to fight for my life and not "submit' is even to not be able to buy flowering vines and if I finally get something resembling vines, hacked off by this terrorist woman so they were almost dead, but I could not see exactly what she had done and I have no experience with such plants--and now two of them are browning and one is withering and nothing is growing it's just slowly dying--the plant next to it is also with dying brown leaves--the other two--one is growing and the other is barely doing anything. THey are poisoning the plants using mechanical arms from above, below and to the side of my patio. 

My "punishment" for trying to not "submit" to shit people who are so blank and sleazy and sick that they have to torture me to obtain any original idea. They have maimed and broken my body so filthalina the ugly parasitic skank can feed off the endless power trip of being "beautiful" while being handed endless years of plastic surgery modification--month-after-month you can be assured she gets some plastic surgery botox crap filled into her ugliness-as she continues to tgell her pig Nazi men to threaten to kill me, like the Republican pig whores who are attacking me with her smiling and smirking as they inslut me as I yell that they and this govern ment has handed shit like her drugs and weapons to destroy my body and life--yelling about what a sick system they have created while they keep insulting how I look as I yell in rage at this injustice. That no one will stop. Everyone complies, submits or says nothing and allows them to continue indefinitely on and on and on and on. I feel like I am the only person actually fighting for Democracy left on the planet. Those who claim they are fighting racism still comply with the nazis to attack me (by remaining silent, or just looking the other way) Everyone claims they "don't know" what is going on. This is a  global operation and so many people participate it's unbelievable, except to you reading this who are part of it and already know.

But I can't even get plants to cover this huge structure I made so a beautiful flowery vine structure would make this ugly stinking dirty filthy place beautiful. The Thai woman at this shop told me "Thailand no have flowering vines"--I ignored her as she began to spit while she was talking to me because she had to say sick and stupid things and look and act disgusting in order to get a promotion by the Nazis using their throat constricting tech while she asked me the usual list of questions that are none of her business, while I was under "truth serum" effect after having been completely traumatized by cars almost hitting me from within inches as I drove in the middle of the lane with cars  nearly hitting me on both sides simultaneously.


This last part was hacked and copied/pasted into the middle of the above huge rant--the violence of ugly dirty morning ho is so violent I am writing in a haste of rage I am outpouring because it's really toxic waste that this ugly sleazy dirty creep is pouring into my consciousness as if he is "superior" for doing this. Their behavior is seen as some kind of 'supermacy" elitism and thus to be rewarded. That I respond with kindness, love even to some of them as they threaten, attack and mutilate and torture me--but it increasese if I say no after years of complimenting pigs on the intenet in my posts written under drugging and duress-they rush to teleport me alongside the group of shit from whorewood, and they mutilate and abuse and rape and beat and threaten to kill me alongside them just because I have said their art was decent or even good. This has been going on for so many years that by now I can't watch a tv show about news content and not get violently attacked. I watched this piece of shit from MSNBC because he had election coverage, and his expertise in manipulation of politics and rhetoric made his presentation of how elections work every enticing for me to click on, not assuming that it would mean he would terrorize me only because I clicked on his shitty tv show, even though I realized he was a part of that group with Maddow the stinking dirty creep who with vicious hate participated in attacking me. her glib smiling smirking tv demeanor was completely gone, just like this filthy ugly dirty creep morning ho who is a most formidable ugly creep dirty old man, violent and an expert at mind programming via his crappy news show--connected to Uncle Joe your dinosaur leader of the 4th Reich fascist group--which is why both Trump and Biden are handing their dirty and ugly operatives to attack me on both sides--like the cars always constantly hitting me from both sides--

somehow my "submission" to this group means they will all be rewarded for being "successful" mind operation fucks and whore parasites worthy of being put into higher ranks of the operation. I try to fight this and not allow it to happen. Will anyone ever honor this instead of joining in? Does anyone actually care about a system where people have a chance to live in privacy? They can not only monitor your thoughts but dictate your body functions and kill you instantly with these implants. Can't any of you people out there ever begin to fathom what kind of stupidity they are and the nepotism and hate they will unleash the longer this is allowed to continue?


I tried to re-read this post--I got "lost" because the hacker terrorists literally deleted parts and repasted them in the middle of other sentences. This is somewhere in the middle of the post. I was describing the modus operandi of morning ho blow schmo but they pasted what pigalina was doing to me--into one absolutely confusing very long paragraph that finally I could not finish it.


Of course, both "Parties" are fully participating in this hate crime against me and all of Whorewood is as well, to one degree or another. Society is attacking me likewise or doing nothing. i am writing just to try to get this most odious hateful scumbag morning ho off me because he's a very vicious and violent expert at screwing with people and loves doing it. His show is anathema to Democracy and Christianity, as are he and his wife and his crew. It's a sickness that has overtaken Congress and the media. I appeal to people to get him off me, and all of them. THey are never pried off me and the same pigs come back later on if they are pried off. Can't anyone ever stop this shit from going on and on. I am fighting to not allow this group of shit to get away with this sick crime any longer or ever again. It's like I am committing the crime of the decade by not "submitting" to these fake sinister evil pieces of shit and their power grab over politics and the media. 


Now, why do I say that I believe Morning ##$$**f is an operative of mind control programming, soviet style manipulator and gang stalking/lynch mob advocate? Well...he said two things that gave me this indication. One was as I attempted to write above, that I "submit" to his coercion of mind control by submitting to his "you're a lying 'dirty jew' type smear campaign which he did in teleportation. Either way, if I had not given him the fiat $1 he would have used that as pretext to say, "See, she's another money-grabbing Jew"--and because I honestly gave him the correct amount after he walked away with a smirk, because I had inadvertently underpaid him because of this enforced skit of teleportation--after I gave him the money he just came out and said that I was ripping him off as he took away one dollar, in this "edit" and blank-out sleep state, then "waking" me up to seeing only one dollar in his hand, as if I had "stiffed" him (like a "dirty Jew"). Because I didn't play into his game, he began using the mind control tech to force this situation. Because I handed him another $1 the men (white men) who were with him on this expedition of mind attack teleportation torture brainwashing, then sighed and made it appear as if I were "submitting" to being controlled, lied to and just accepting it. That is their goal. As my father, brother and siblings and family has likewise done and I have witnessed this repetitively, when the white Nazis come with insults, anti-Semitic remarks my family members smile meekly, laugh with the abusers, and then go along with every command to destroy both themselves, our family and then whatever else. In other words, to "submit" to whatever denigration, destruction of beauty, health and the murder that the Nazi white supremacists want, and "demand" with the backing of this centralized, highly organized structure behind them (Communist, Soviet style or Nazi style, there's very little difference. The only difference is that the Nazis usurped Communism with Uncle Joe and had the "equality" fighters killed off in their "Cold War" and with Nazi Concentration camps, where they also had Spanish Civil War "political prisoners" who were subjected to torture and brainwashing and murder, but this is almost rarely if ever mentioned in the Jewish-only victim stories that proliferate, just so people don't forget which targets the Nazis want killed off now, the political prisoners are rarely or never mentioned as brainwashing and torture victims, and most of these were "Communists" but those who fought to stop Totalitarian despotism economically and otherwise, they are dead, in the process of being killed off, and that is why the "Progressives" who participate in teleportation have been put "into power" in Congress but they all follow the centralized Communist/Soviet/KGB/Gestapo style of domestic terrorism aimed at eliminating people like me but stealing ideas so they can continue to promote their brainwashing enterprise that America is the "Land of Democracy" and etc --blah blah blah).


The other way I realize that Morning $$##**f is an operative is that he has been yelling in hate about my music taste. It's not "normal" and he's yelling about how "cool" my music is when I listen to punk music. In hate, of course, derision. When I sometimes happen upon light Jazz he yells in hate that "finally" I am listening to something "normal". Let me not go into detail about how Uncle Joe Stalin killed off alternative music and put neo-classical musicians into Gulags or had them killed off. It was dangerous to have music or art taste that went outside of State mind programming boundaries of "normalcy". 

I write all of this in a very exhausted and drugged up state. I had planned to do many things this morning and woke up "late" in my terms, tired upon waking from screaming both for hours prior to going to sleep at Greene and her leader in the House, and then with Morning ##**$$f sitting glaring and fuming in hate in the row behind them, with the actors sitting on the other side (like in Congress, the Left and the Right of the despotic 4th Reich unanimity in Congress). Then subjected to psy-ops torture and what I consider to be the remnants of Stalin-era psychological torture to inflict trauma and to "break" the "will" of the target. In this teleported state I absolutely cannot be silent and not engage with highly undesirable people feeding off attacking me (for promotion, for energy, for a power high, for a sexual high, etc).


"KING PLAGUE--Ave Plague". Cristian Crispen. August 8, 2018.


Constant and continuous hacking pervades all and every click, search and act on this laptop (every single laptop around the planet is thusly monitored and blocked and hacked everywhere I go to find any single computer that operates at least seminally fast).

The grey streak of hair is growing, in what appears a daily aging process because after more than a DECADE of non-stop poisoning and torture every SINGLE day AND NIGHT, of trauma, poisoning, always nearly killed and hit by people pushing into me and and my food and water stinking and fetid and foul and poisoned and stinking--must fight to protect every single thing and I still can't accomplish much with this drugging/poisoning that NEVER ends. Too exhausted this morning upon waking not just from the energy-sucking parasite who is on your tv screen or laptop screen putting up the front that ole Uncle Joe in the Big House wants you to believe (they are going to indict someone very soon, justice will come soon but just keep waiting we all care is the message that has been relayed by that channel for over 2 years). The good ole boys club can't actually indict one of their own, even if the other good ole boy in "power" is part of that same group/club and death squad system.
The mind control propagandists on the tube all help to enforce this mind programming. They are now rushing at me in a revolving circuit of famous celebrities and media experts at mental manipulation--
the grey streak in my hair is growing and growing. The years of poisoning, not able to buy medicine, endlessly fighting people who only drain my youth, health, beauty and everything they can steal is now gone--as they go off laughing, being celebrated for it, they all look vitally refreshed from this torture--energy-charged and uplifted you can see the sexual glow of hormones derived out of torture. This is one of the extra "perks" of the promotions that the 4th Reich is handing out. Years of me fighting this every single day as they endlessly ask me, in torture teleportation conditions with drugs inserted into my bladder along with stinking sewage water, hardening/bloating poisons and whatever else (I was formerly raped while in a deep  unconscious sleep, they also put my hips out of alignment so my hips are embedded in a huge poison chunk of stinking hard chemicals which I fight every day to get out--they sit in chairs insulting how my body looks while I am fighting to do this. I have been collapsing literally from poison detox so I have to go to my bed and fall into a drugged and toxic shock sleep without being able to shield my hair from the chemicals they spray while I am unconscious or my back is turned (they had been spraying it into my hair from behind while I sit in front of the laptop. I must cover my head with plastic every single moment possible when I am not moving to try to stop this destruction of my scalp and hair).
Murder, it's murder. My yelling at this group every day, for hours every day, going on every day, for years--as they sit in their chairs, insult yell at punch rape and threaten me in front of my face for having responded finally to near murder with rage after years of fighting to get their leaders out of Eurp-a-land who were doing the same thing, but on a personal level, one-on-one. Now it's a huge group taking turns but with the pit couple at the forefront. People who had raped, beaten adn attacked me in the past come forward occasionally, once they had obtained that year's Oscar or top award (this year no exception, and the current expletive attacking me out of H-wood is yearning for a top award so it's now more grey hair, my body dying from stress, the pig apes going off laughing, glib and turned on, hormonally-charged and elevated in energy out of it as I fight every day not just to heal from years of the recurrent poisoning, years of writing on line to get anyone to stop this or help me to no avail as it's never stopped--officially sanctioned at all highest and lowest levels of society. 
My warning went left unheeded. Everyone wants and truly yearns for a fascist Nazi society if they are endlessly entitled to do what they want and get millions and entitlement for it. Nothing I write is either a surprise or shocking to any of the expletives attacking me. They have been doing this to the general population on a covert level but on a massive scale for so many years and decades.....

I don't want to continue to spiral into old age from the endless truth serum interrogation that these parasites use to feed off ideas I scream out while under torture, or from the hormone highs they all obviously get from power tripping and violence which turns them on, massively, endlessly they can't get enough of this violence drug that teleportation "entitles" them to torture without recrimination from the corrupt and nasty sleazy politicians who make their promises and then pave way for their constituents to also indulge in rape, pedophilia, sex trafficking and racist murder and torture--that could entail blacks teleporting, drugging, raping Jews because whitey has told them to turn on Jews but follow the Nazi creed--or Latinos turning on Asians, and Asians turning on Jews--all have their groups--the group which will remain untouched, so they believe, is the white supremacist group. The politicians are all drooling to partake of this contract. The blacks can't wait to get promoted into the fold of white supremacy while publicly claiming they are all victims of racism. The Jews can't wait to do the same. 
I'm sick of this enlarging grey streak of hair, not having access to health care even though I am in a place where I should be able to afford it. I am struggling just to pay rent and food--the place the expletives want me, struggling on the brink of death endlessly under death threat to submit to their orgy of hate and murder and the destruction of society so they can have their 4th Reich colonized America infiltrated completely by the foreign influence of fascist Nazis imported into the US by way of Whorewood and the U.S. Congress totally under the sway of this power group which has taken over all. I find it tragic, they can't wait for the system to be enlarged to the point that any resistance to them will be met with state-sponsored assassination in the form of covert murder technology and death squads. Btw, that is what happened in the Tennessee lynching by the police of blacks with their white officer telling them to get that disobedient black male because he fought to not be tasered and defended himself. It is the perfect example of this power diametric. No one thinks I have the capability to examine and state exactly what is going on. I am ignored on such a massive scale and threatened endlessly for writing my posts and torture for writing them while the celebrities continue to scour them for ideas. They keep abusing and torturing me to obtain this reaction for that purpose and for their sexualized power highs. The politicians come giggling and laughing, they can't wait to unleash violence upon me, calling me ugly and ugly filthalina is more beautiful they claim, all giggling and then insulting me after obtaining ideas out of me. The list of these sleazy and nasty politicians is ever-growing. The celebrities attacking me has been at least 70 by now over the years--those on the top rungs of the celebrity lists. 

Zero support from anyone anywhere at any time except so secretly I have no idea it has happened. 
I don't want this grey hair to expand and my body to be abused to death any longer. The other option is to fight for a system that apparently no one is f-ing interested in, that of freedom of speech, thought and action is no one is being hurt by your actions. Freedom to try to pursue an economic path to self-sufficiency as the icon of Republicanism put forward by Adam Smith, the economist who is akin to a Founding Father. That is covertly blocked from me and they are now demanding a sex trafficking slavery out of me with murder as my ultimate reward for years of being so brutalized. 

I fight and no one appears to be concerned very much or see the obvious threat to society. Everyone goes along, especially if they want to belong to the Haute Living clique. The only thing H-wood is selling is the attempt to fit into the Haute Living categories along with fake and false sentimentalism and sexual titillation that depends of screwing someone else over and pushing someone else down. Ugly filthalina has a lot of work to do in order to continue to do this to ME for years every day in order to achieve this power-over sensation for her sexualized titillation that this contract has afforded both her and her hubby--both so turned on by torture and violence and this power high it's a definite beauty treatment. It's what the aristocracy relied upon for centuries, which the Europigapes so desperately want to replace after crushing Democracy through these same expletives in their mind programming capacities as media representatives.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...