Sunday, March 5, 2023

Grab your popcorn bucket and leave your other hand free for titillating mental masturbation.//This is a post on hateful, pornographic sexuality and violence. The suitable theme for the range of movies, tv shows and pop song genres in our current zeitgeist, outside of the endless murder genre that abounds: //I am exposed on a daily basis in teleportation and in society at every corner, angle and moment with The dregs and remnants of the "feminist" movement, in my situation of teleportation rape, abuse, insults, dehumanization by men and women so fully engaged in the porn culture, domination, power and control--by women having me raped and tortured so they can obtain ideas for their "feminist" media output because they are essentially "forbidden" to be seen studying feminist literature or actually imbibing the essence of the meaning. Instead, they support violence against women because of the endless "subordination" of my race and gender, even if some of the women are part of a culture that is vying to push my group below theirs for white supremacist pornographic rape culture--rape as a means of "humiliation" and subordination. The roles in the movies are by rote pornographic and by now there are no critics making or writing criticism of these movies in "feminist" terms any longer. The women attacking me and being promoted for it are #me 2!" members, who only fight for membership of the non-rape by rapist members' members as they forget about the former feminism that once created positions where women had the chance to even speak on these issues publicly. In other words, pornographic mentality rules in the teleportation rape and torture contract out upon me. The women participating who "represent" "equality" for women of their various skin tones and shades, have fully adopted the pornographic enabler mode and are thusly being put into leadership position for their submission to male domination and rape and death threat culture. They fully contribute to the paradigm and act like the men they claim they are victims of. Some are "lesbian" and some claim they are loathe to feminism or lesbianism but when in the teleportation hate crime situation they fully conform to the expected roles of enabler for violent pornographic exploitation of me---all done for power-over and nothing to do with sex or desire. All is the effect of a pornographic culture. --------------//In my situation, the worst insult that these terrorists of the celluloid mind programming spectrum claim is that I am not a polished product of plastic surgery and diet thinness, the worst crime possible in their opinions as they throw hate at me, thus rationalizing the violence against me as being justified because I break the demands to appear as a sexualized object of titillation, unsuccessful thus and deserving of rape and hate. The bulging poisons that these women ordered to disfigure my body are used as justification for the men to make grabbing motions at my poisoned, bloated breasts like claws, to rape and slap and punch and beat me because the pornographic display models they bring to taunt, hate and giggle as the men rape and beat me in front of them, and thus they are plastic surgery models with millions of dollars creating this image that many women cannot afford to re-create, and thus selling fear and self-hate to women with a tinge of the demand to be pornographically accessible. The men grab at my breasts like their hands are claws, screaming that I am a "loser" as their wives and children chime in, more loudly than the men but not as physically violent (most of the time). Even the "lesbian" who plays the titillation porn object for men to delight in as women have sex with other women for the camera (a huge pornographic meme) follow suit. All is derived from pornographic fantasy libraries that have been ingrained in all their celluloid-produced brains. -

 "Not in my neighborhood w/Andrea Dworkin". feminist vhs archive. May 7, 2021.

"...There is a sexuality that is purported to be 'naturally' male in pornography. That is aggressive. That is violent in many cases. That certainly has to do with treating other flesh as a 'thing', I think, I think that men have a lot of trouble with intimacy. And I don't think pornography helps. I think pornography serves to drive a wedge between men and other people."--John Stoltenberg, National Organization for Men.

Dr. Sharon Sutterfield, Director of the Program of Human Sexuality, University of Minnesota Medical School. "Pornography is fantasy fulfillment. Uh, that's what it's designed for. The notion that the bulk of pornographic content is violent is ridiculous."

Andrea Dworkin, (based out of NYC) co-author of anti-pornography ordinance, Minneapolis, MN.

"You can't make a distinction, when you talk about pornography, between sex and violence. In pornography, sex and violence are one word, they are one act, the are one point of view. I have seen pornography as a violation to the civil rights of women....I have discovered from my study of it (porn)...that there is an intellectual fog surrounding it, protecting it by those who want to protect it. Then you start looking at what it is, and what it actually does. It is a process of subordinating a whole class of people. Civil Rights means you can't do that. You can't, by someone's position at birth, assign them an insubordinate position in society. So the question is, why does everyone think it's okay to do it when it happens to women and it's called 'sex'?"


As for the videos posted below concerning drag culture, expressed as a mockery to feminism by the long extinct critiques of culture who were of the "feminist" make-up and activist subculture era--(so long gone, replaced by the false pieties of the furies). I include those because for some reason, the increase in pornographic indoctrination via mind programming in the entertainment media is also replacing any sort of analysis of gender roles, now forbidden and almost nearing a death threat if exhibited or published or vocalized (any gender role analysis that isn't dedicated to furthering racist and 4th Reich pornographic mentality and iconography). The discussions of yore, 40 years ago, were held after revolutionary times in the U.S. as relating to riots against the Vietnam War and Civil Rights--bunched together and then pitted into one "radical liberal" group by the "search and destroy" death squads which are now called, lightly, "gang stalking" groups. Hearing these old discussions and critiques brings me to a point of wondering if all of the people involved in the protests and discussions were all covertly assassinated, as I suspect Dworkin was, or are they all brainwashed like Stepford Wives?
What happened to the mentality that could pull down the pants of rape culture and expose the taped wiener to the thigh of male dominance through violence, a prop for political and societal control using any prop necessary to appear huge and tough in a manly way? I am not pitting any support or adversary against drag culture, I am more for it than against it but not clear on if I should call transgender people the sex reassignment they are striving for. The political ramifications of this trend for sex re-assignment and gender-bending is so threatening it is absolutely part of the sex and rape/power continuum that confronts me in the form of death-threat mongering rapist hateful men and their women sitting comfortably, mostly smiling, in the background watching with smug assurance that the years of them playing their good girl bad skank roles have paid off, as they watch me being tortured non-stop they feel lifted up and entitled. Add the skin color dimension to that and you get not only women playing the porn roles but also of watching as the "Jewish" race gets the treatment they have been screaming in rage that they have gotten for centuries (but Jews have gotten it for thousands of years).

It's amusing to watch the Raygun video and hear commentary that doesn't come up now in the serious tone that is presented in this 80's video of interviews with women, mostly black, suffering from the Reagan-era "trickle-down" economy. One of the women is a white, apparently "middle class" woman. I think in our modern iteration, she has now become a viciously hateful MAGA proponent, absolutely thrilled that I am being blocked from all economic opportunity; more for her and her husband as they claim that one day all the whites will inherit the planet and everyone else will have to be the rape and pornographic victims of their brutal and violent men-folk so they don't have to bear the brunt any longer. Shoving it off to the easily ignored and silenced victims like me. The movie star who has been gloating and smiling after ordering my body to be scarred up, poisoned so badly I am covered with marks of poisoning, being scarred after being sliced every day for years, hair skin face body all ravaged my life turned into an endless fight for survival and to stop rape and violence and get any support. The men who join in are all on the same tangent (as these hate bots always are on the same phrase, the same reaction, they are all absolutely programmed from the same one-central centrifuge of power): but because my body is now damaged visibly to the point that it's hideously deformed and broken down, the skin has been doused with permanently damaging chemicals they are covered with liver spots from my body being so badly poisoned I have been stuck literally fighting to detox from stinking, hard and black poisons endlessly being poured into my body as I fight to rid my body of it. That I am not thin and plastic-surgery modified not blonde not with pure white skin and not playing a submissive "minority" minion role is the only excuse they need to mock and insult how badly deformed I am and thus not an immediate porn object for approval. The penalty is near-death and the person who has ordered this, who has fed off the violence because being "beautiful" is her one and true path to power and the more she obtains, the less she has to rely on physical appearance once and if this contract is finally obtained she can at least age a bit instead of having to rely on being a sex object for her "power" image. That I have been bereft of my health and beauty from years of torture and mutilation and poisoning has engendered not just NO compassion from the 99% who participate, but hate and actual violence for not appearing as a fashion model svelte and plastic-surgery modified for their porn approval for their masturbatory sense of male domination over women who MUST comply. It is, in essence, grounds for execution in their opinion. The only aspect of life that the women use to get the rapist and violent men to side with them is that I look and appear destroyed from years of their ordering absolute destruction upon my body which I have not been able to defend myself from. The men protect their porn images and while they all attack me for not appearing like I'm a dieting and thin blonde woman or of that ilk with plastic surgery facial modification and breast augmentation and etc---and they torture me for not "thinking" in the mold of silenced and kind of stupid, accepting minority "girl"-and thus the term "bitch" is endlessly yelled at me, "loser" and "nothing" and "shut up" but they keep asking me for ideas for themselves, including the rapist men, to steal for their output.

Because my brain is so encumbered by brain-altering technology, hacking blocking keyboard function so I must pound out every word and backspace and re-write as hackers block and delete and rewrite while I'm in the middle of struggling to get my ideas out--I can't elaborate further on this set of concepts.

It is sex combined with violence. It is power and body and woman-shaming. It is also racism for various races to attack someone who is not obeying the programming as they do and are under demand to do (under threat of death).


"Women's voices vs Raygun (1984)". feminist vhs archive. October 19, 2021.

What the feminists who commented on the drag queen "fun" of dressing up as women had to say about the denigration of women therein: the gender roles that women are forced into upon threat of exclusion or death, is to be as fragile, sexually accessible, non-threatening, wistful and breakable but sexually enticing at the same time--accessible sexually--is taken as a kind of take-on/take-off show for men to imitate and make "fun" of in "drag". They can take the "fun" costumes off and then resume their male dominance roles easily if they want. One of the famous "drag" costume "queens" of H-wood attacked me a few times viciously, yelling in my face while I could not look away, teleported, in a deep sleep-his pretext was that I was attacking "blacks" for having called Oprah an "Aunt Jemima" and thus I deserved years of rape, torture and violence. Obviously all the "blacks hating Jews" of the last few decades in the media is a huge component of his inner, if not outer rationale. Although I expressed endlessly for the years of Oprah having my body and home poisoned as a response to that one time I called her that name, in hate, and I never considered it "racist" it is actually an observation of how black women like her and the men too are working WITH racism. This is part of the loyalty/disloyalty subject in the next section (below). In essence, all are working to protect white male rape and domination hegemony, or call it plantation society if you will. When it comes with endless Awards presentations and parties and lead roles and millions of dollars and the "best" plastic surgery to reconfigure his face, then he's all into it, as is Oprah. All hugging and bowing to the white bigots who are busy raping and abusing and obtaining these technologies for purposes of furthering the backlashes to racist "progress" and in particular "feminist". That this black male makes mockery of women and is delighted to participate in rape culture, alongside Oprah, using the pretext that I called her an Aunt Jemima for her participation in racism, after YEARS of her participating in this hate crime against me before I had even spoken to her--so she had no pretext to rationalize her violence as a co-conspirator until I hissed these words, under "truth serum" mind control, while sleeping-_I was not 'able" to control the rage, in other words. Years of torture from blacks encircling me later, along with Farrakhan, defending extremely anti-Semitic Germans who have just been pried off attacking me (but not really, they all remain in the audience watching me get beaten and abused by the next round, using every excuse and rationale, but always pointing to how my body is huge, not "sexy", broken down, as they continue to have me maimed, never stop the abuse so I can at least look placid and somewhat more "attractive" rather than screaming in rage with my huge grey streak in my hair by now from poisoning and torture that has literally been inflicted upon me every day and night for over a decade without stop, every day and night. But gay--gay and drag queen--as "alternative" and something "respecting" women? I am absolutely uncertain of that and I find that the feminist critique of the drag men laughing about playing the gender roles is apt--that it's a joke to them, that the oppression of women is something they perhaps play in like a playground of mockery. They are excessively robust in their open demonstrations of sexual fetishness and accessibility sexually.

Otherwise, my experience of drag society is from my uncle being the publisher of a gay (LGBTQ) Magazine from Arizona, and having worked for that mag in it's infancy back in the late 1980's. Like the "feminists" I have always encountered, the drag men participated or remained silent about the drama that was surrounding me concerning being drugged and then raped while sleeping due to brain implants. I can also add that no group has ever come forward to be actual decent human beings in that regard from any group on the planet (i.e. Christians) so, regardless of group identification, it truly takes an independent personality to rise above group affiliation and become a human being. I found that many of those who were most supportive of me had no outrageous group association and were more withdrawn and outside of flamboyant exhibitionism (Christians are sometimes exhibitionists). Regardless, I do not condone or condemn drag queens or Christians I just look for people who can break outside of the pornographic mold that has molded mindset of humanity for so long. Taboos are akin to pornographic restraints that people yearn to break in their secret lives. They remain ensconced in pornography whether they are in the strict guidelines of religion or the loose and wild froes of sexual "liberation".

"Lesbians and feminists on drag queens 70s". feminist vhs archive. March 9, 2021.


"Heartbreak--Andrea Dworkin". feminist vhs archive. April 26, 2021.

 "Pornography Andrea Dworkin 1991". Robert Jensen. November 17, 2011.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...