Saturday, March 11, 2023

Beyond Good and Evil at Gatorwood Apartments, Gainesville, Florida. Hungry ghost terrorists at The Gatorwood Apartments, Gainesville, Florida--the site of the "Scream: The True Story (2022)" killing spree by "The Gainesville Ripper"--where I used to live, long after the murders. If the hungry ghosts remained, they turned the usual terror psychopathy into a veritable creep show of sordid living conditions due to stalker terrorism. It was the creepiest place of attack I have lived in, almost--in retrospect it's truly hard to tell as where I'm living now is a bit creepy as well, as was the last place, and the last. It would appear that hot, tropical climates is very bad for stalking targets as the creeps can loiter outside indefinitely, sleep outside the target's domicile and venture into the target's living space very easily due to the tropical heat, inspiring insect-like penetration. If there are malevolent ghosts or evil "spirits" or a death tragedy, it appears that manifestation of death energy is somehow more imbued into the spirit of the attacks.

*Written over one hour after having struggled to pound out and backspace and retype and try to think clearly while the page was frozen constantly being turned on and off--at 40:00 into the video below ("Scream: The True Story") I am listening to the first murder victim of this Gainesville murdered (who was from Schreveport, LA). The first murder of Rollins was in Schreveport--and the former boyfriend of the first female rape and slaughter victim speaks to the man making this video presentation. What he recounts is eerily similar to what I experience whenever I am using my butcher knife-and I have written of this in a post very recently: the "subliminal" voice-to-skull technology, used by either the people out of H-wood, Congress or their proxy terrorists in the rooms adjacent and next to and above and below mine---on all sides, perpetually attacking me with subliminals, burning microwave torture, etc--but they insert "slice off your tongue" and I can "hear" it. They are trying to induce me to cut my body with my knives. I know that when my body was bloated almost to the breaking point with mind control drugs, I literally could not block these "commands" and I would literally physically move and do things that I had no connection to mentally--did not plan, words came out, and it still happens, that are pumped into my brain. This is not an "evil" force from the "spirit" world, it is mind control drugs and technologies used as a deadly interface. This former boyfriend of the first victim was the result of a stalker predatory killer whose father and family were involved with law enforcement. The killer was physically abused and terrorized by his Sheriff father, and when reports were made to police about this Sheriff's abuse and physical violence of extreme brutality towards this son, who later grew up in this Pentecostal environment, to claim he was "Satanically" possessed and went out killing people. I know that these "commands" can be done with technology and drugging. Because this information remains concealed and silenced, people can still cling to Medieval notions demonic or Satanic possession when they are more akin to being drugged and under brain-influencing subliminal technologies. Law Enforcement probably has access or knows a lot about the misuse of these technologies. I believe that there are many other similar instances of people becoming "crazy" and believing that they are possessed by "Demons". It has made for excellent H-wood "horror" genre movies. 

"Scream: The True Story (2022)". ScreamMoviesFanForever.  November 7, 2022.

Student slayings were college town's darkest days

According to this article by The Gainesville Sun, which should have the absolute "facts" about what happened to the apartment where the murders took place--but I can attest that I lived in that complex in 2002 and the building was NOT demolished as shown in this photo. I saw no police cars or heard nothing about a police "training" facility in the apartment complex. This situation was one of coordinated terrorism aimed at me, and I did phone the police and got someone from the sheriff's office for the Alachua County area--who yelled at me that I was "lying". The attacks were in my home, were sickeningly disgusting. I was drugged and poisoned very badly with slow bloating and hardening poisons--murder intended absolutely by these actions. Disgusting things were put in my room for no reason. If Gatorwood Apartments had turned the site of the murder into a police training facility--at the edge of the complex, and I walked around and looked and saw potted plants, nothing amiss, it looked like a rented apartment on the ground floor next to the wooded area (supposedly this slasher serial killer was living in the wooded area--homeless, and stalking the tenants with his surveillance of this ground-floor apartment just at the back of the complex--where the little path on the side cuts into the deep and dark wooded area, just before the alligator pond, which leads to a road that leads to a more rural field with a road (where I also used to live at Bridgelight Apartments). There was also a fire department station across the street which blew fire alarms on the fire trucks so loudly that the entire complex resounded with booming sirens at least once per day. It was a very beautiful, wooded kind of hell hole place to live with a lot of sordid characters who "looked" and said they were Christian righteous people (and that I was a "sinner" for some reason they would not detail or explain).

Gainesville reaches 30th anniversary of student murders By Cindy Swirko, The Gainesville Sun Associated Press • Aug 31, 2020 at 8:22 am


I am rather loosely using these "spiritual" terms about "evil" and "spirits" and "manifestation". Florida has a lot of highly-charged religious people along with their communities, praying and operating for both "good" and "evil". There are a host of enclaves of ritualistic and sacrificial religions such as Ile Ife, and there is the sacrificial religion of Christianity, which can induce great sympathy and kindness in the "true" believers but hostile murderous hypocrisy in those mishandling the "cross".
Gainesville is at a kind of crossroads between "The South" and a far distant junction into Miami culture. It's remote enough to be a swamp rebuilt in shaky ground. It is both healing and at the same time deadly, as the energies intermingle and unless you are alert to how gang stalking operates, the stealth with which the black magick practitioners operate can be highly concealed. From the little 30-second clip I got on "The Gainesville Ripper", this man claimed that he was inspired by "The Devil" and/or "evil" forces to perform his grisly deeds. As for my personal predicament, in that Beyond Good and Evil atmosphere that Gainesville can be outside of the religious affiliation identification so many adhere to--I was chased by gang stalkers of both "black magick" Caribbean following with animal sacrifices and blood sacrifices and I don't know what other kinds of sacrifices--to "Christian" gang stalkers who made direct reference to "fattening" me up (before the bloating poison made a wreak of my body, and I believe these "Christians" were partially responsible or wholly responsible). These would be the Neo-Nazi "Christian Identity" personalities with ties to both Evangelical and white Aryan Nation identification. I spent some time with both factions, as being so drugged up and invited while I was stuck in partial paralysis, they appeared like the religious sheeple in wolves scant attire which was unveiled at the slightest of pretext for attack upon me--into vicious deadly assault on the drugging and gang stalking level. Such was and undoubtedly still is Gainesville. Being a target of terrorism with technologies, drugs, rape capabilities--you will discover a host of human sacrifice and murder groups which hide under various "religious" titles. Gainesville is replete with them. The entire community is cloaked under an atmosphere of heavy, Spanish Moss drapery--creating a kind of submerged swamp air at night which is not refreshing. The whoopola of the college students at night is not like "fun" "partytown" which Gainesville has been made out to be. It sounds like bloody murder being screamed by drunken basturds looking for a fight. In the shrill daylight of all-consuming heat, they walk zombiesque in completely empty-face intent on going to classes. That is the college students. The town is surrounding the University of Florida, the main attraction to the entire town. I found it difficult to find an intellectual community that I could reverberate around and despite it being an educational-based town, the main thrust of the education was and is in science and technology. Robotic drone personalities with evil lurking underneath and racism and drunken revelry to unleash the controlled exterior made it a place where I had no problem getting down to studying for the GRE entrance exams into Grad school.
But Gatorwood Apartments, which was a place of attack similar to the place I am now living, disgusting filthy things done, creepy, eerie, but somehow my reaction in that atmosphere of dead animals being left on naturesque, bucolic tree-lined pathways I used to walk, next to the alligator pond, away from the rushing cars and roads of SW Archer Road and 34th--the terrorists left dead cats, and people would sit on the little pathway outside of my 2nd storey apartment patio lookout--sitting staring into my window for a few hours, when I first moved in. I responded in ways that were near crazed as I spray-painted the walls and wrote graffiti on the walls. The management told me, amongst the other bs they lied about as they helped get their promotions for providing keys and opportunity for the terrorists (and there was a French flag flying in a room next to mine on their balcony--I assume now that it was part of this French contingent alongside the Italian who have been following me out of Miami Beach to obtain this contract, which provided them with a tremendous amount of money and influence as they sopped up every bit of cruelty and violence and slow murder against me in the process). But things aside such as perpetrators who are still attacking me three decades later--from my years of living in South Beach--Gatorwood Apartments truly was a place that spurred me to leave Gainesville forever. It pushed me out as I had enough of the dark energy and the seesaw of black and white magickal people praying for their purposes for "good" or "evil"--sometimes converging together to attack me all for "evil". I moved on to Portland, Oregon and lived in yet another horrific terror situation, but not as dark and creepy as that one complex, which I got from Craigslist when I was living in a rented room in a Nazi woman's house in Germany (who had participated in the 3rd Reich, was rich and "important" and thus probably a bit or quite "evil" and perhaps assisted in the murder of more than a few victims of the 3rd Reich). Then, with internet search, unable to find any apartments which allowed me and my cat to move in immediately, from overseas, I obtained this apartment with full welcome of the people who performed their own terror act upon me in disgusting, very dark ways (talking about Jesus and going to Church the entire time, and about how "some people are sinners" implying me, for some reason). I was also told by the management who had been working at Gatorwood during the killing spree by the Gainesville Ripper, that ever since the murders there has been a waiting list for the very apartment where the murders took place--at the edge of the wooded complex, where there is the thick wooded area that eventually leads to the Alligator pond, where I sometimes would sit in the grass looking at the peaceful alligator sitting waiting to devour something in the pond and the manicured houses that surrounded that pond. It lead to the road that was in front of the apartment complex I had lived in a few years prior, Bridgelight Apartments which were my very favorite apartments I have ever lived in all my life--so there is this "good" and "bad" vibe persistent in much of Gainesville for me. All-in-all, I would say that Gainesville is a very beautiful little college town but you must beware of the lurking predators hiding under the placid surface--alligator style. With spiritual badges of honor, some of the evil don white robes but practice in black magick. The truly "good" people I met in Gainesville who followed in the path of treating human beings with compassion, love and respect wore decent clothing of no particular identification. They were gentle and caring and unpronounced so you had to have conversations with them to gauge what they were--and hopefully still are. Good, decent people who actually helped me because they were against the evil of this hate organization, the Nazis, the black magick supporters of Neo-Nazi culture, and etc.
I know that Gatorwood Apartments, where I lived circa---(trying to remember approximate dates) August 2001-December 2002 (?)--long after the murders of the 5 college students by this Ripper "possessed" serial killer, but not too long after the spirits resumed their traipsing of the grounds of Gatorwood to bring an extra foul substance to the stalking I endured. It was a place of such creepiness but bright and built around the edge of a kind of cleared-out foresty area--kinda swampy. There is a little lake not far from the grounds where alligators lurk in the green waters. There's a 7/11 not far, on Archer Road. I lived not far from Gatorwoods in a very beautiful apartment complex but I got this one apartment--two bedrooms, huge, a view of trees, balcony, washer dryer, carpeted, etc airy, bright, fresh breeze--but the attacks from the terrorists on all sides of me were dark, disgusting and foul. It was one of the most foul atmospheres I have ever lived in.
Because I do not like "horror" genre movies, I ignored this new "Scream: The True Story (2022) " movie and I have never watched any of the Scream franchise movies either. I only read today that Scream is about the Gainesville killers.
I spent years driving past the painted wall (forgot the name of the road, my memory is very blanked out now about Gainesville and it's roads and names and places--it wasn't a very spectacular place I have lived, it was a place where I got myself together enough to venture on out to attend grad school. I was also poisoned so badly I am still trying to recover, more than 20 years later (but the poisoning has never stopped).
Yet this apartment complex was a non-stop series of creepy attacks from various people that, upon reflection, has left me with the barest concept that "spiritual possession" or "evil spirits" can "haunt" a place, or people within that place. The spiritual "battle" between "good" and "evil" in the spirit realm appears to be a legitimate reality, when I think of all the greedy, sleazy and rapacious and sick and stupid people I have rented homes and apartments from, all these years, the layers of sickness that accompanied this place, Gatorwood Apartments, were sort of shocking to me. I was put into a daze of drugged out hysteria, and I really believe that the resonance of "evil" was lurking around that place. This same resonance remains surrounding the "auras" of the people who attack me. The longer they "allow" for this sort of "evil" to penetrate into their greedy and sleazy, grasping and rapacious personalities (or lack thereof, as the longer they are seduced into this kind of violence the more they appear to lose their personalities, until they merge into one dominant sick and persistently evil and sleazy sick personality typology).
The only reason I was accepted and decided to live in Gatorwood Apartments was because I was overseas and had no idea this was the place where a mass killing spree had taken place. I was, in fact, living in the house of a German Nazi woman outside of Stuttgart, which I also discovered by chance from an apartment searching company in Stuttgart. I got this apartment in Gainesville by looking at Craigslist while in Germany, and I had never taken any interest in the killings and murders that had happened back before I even moved to Gainesville in 2000. I therefore didn't know that the apartment complex was the very place of two of the murders; just as I did not know when looking for a short-term rental situation in Stuttgart which would allow for me and my cat (not easy to find a place accepting my cat) with a garden. I got into this rental situation under the name of another woman who "rented" out the property, but it was instead inside the large house of an 80+ year old woman who, with wealth and entitlement, had been a firm establishment in the Nazi Party in Stuttgart. That is another whole story, but one "evil" living situation begat another "evil" rental living situation; and the "nice Evangelical" old Christian woman who attended political meetings inside the "Church" of Evangelical association, who formerly was of the anti-Christ movement of the Nazis--who supported obviously mass murder. This supporter of "Evil" or the Nietzsche "epiphany" that Beyond Good and Evil is the place of attainment in Stuttgart--which begat for me, after fleeing the bad energy of the cloaked Nazi which came out with snarles eventually--only to run into the welcoming Christian arms of another death living situation, dripping energetically with the murder residue of bad energy in Gainesville at Gatorwood Apartments. For both living places, I had no other options (the terror operation makes sure I have no options except to move into a terror situation of stalking/poisoning/rape, etc).
What transpired at the Gatorwoods Apartments was a kind of schmorgasboard of attacks which were in reality, not as deadly as other places (such as Pensacola, where my life literally was almost destroyed physically in yet another car accident murder attempt and very awful things happened in that place as well). But the creepiness of the attacks in a kind perverted sleazy and disgusting set of attacks happened at Gatorwood.
Maybe I am just exaggerating because every place I live turns into a near-death trap with disgusting attacks from this sleazy and morbid disgusting hate group and organization. They always have minorities to clean their stinking filth for them or minorities to pour and pump their filth and hate upon and feel "clean" afterwards.


**Correction to the post. Hacking is so awful that it takes me HOURS to write a few paragraphs. The internet is constantly being turned off, the pages freeze, I can't click on anything the cursor just is frozen--this happens constantly.
In watching this documentary which is, I admit, ridiculous in the "spirit box" technology and the fantastic product of scare reality show entertainment that is not convincing at all (a joke) woman describes the word I could not recall from my conscious memory--PENTECOSTAL. Yes, that Southern tradition of religious zeal, zealotry. The people who said they were going to "fatten" me up were Pentecostal. They took me to their Church. I had never been to a Pentecostal Church located on the outskirts of Gainesville, Proper-- and I was exhibited in the front row by the person I just wanted to see if I could rent another room from (every sick situation of Nazi and religious black intention came from my attempts to simply rent a room or apartment somewhere--while I had no information on the place or people--always from abroad or just arriving in a new spot or town). I am trying to remember the name of this blonde woman (in her early 20's) who I contacted through her add in The Gator looking for a roommate to share her apartment. I was put into an Italian mafia woman's place where she was outright "evil" from first glance. I had no options and this woman offered to take me to her church. Being bored, new in town, and curious I went with her. Speaking in tongues, people were creepy as Hell in that "church". I was taken to her very wealthy home with her Southern parents and told that they were going to "fatten" me up. That was when the real murderous poisoning began and has not stopped ever since. They used terminology that fits into Christian Identity (that Jesus truly was preparing the way for white Christians to take His place as the favored of God--white supremacy with black people also in attendance). I was, of course, attacked by black people who sat next to this woman (I am trying to remember her name, it comes into my memory and then is gone--the mind control is as usual blanking out my memory).

Pentecostal black practitioners and people practicing animal and perhaps human sacrifice of the Ile Ife/Santeria/Voodun traditions that carry up into Gainesville out of the lower regions of Florida where Caribbean culture abounds (lots of animal sacrifices and probably human sacrifices in Miami Dade County, for example). That culture also lives in Gainesville, and from the first month I moved to Gainesville I was initially SURROUNDED by them--black and white, all performing the same murder operation upon me. As usual, I had to "fight" to get the parasites off me, from clinging on for their promotions and for their feeding off human energy and life force and flesh and poisoning and raping and destroying for their pumped up sense of righteous selfhood in their covens and groups and religious practice ceremonies--it's quite open in Gainesville if you are in the subculture environments, outside of the usual rhetoric that pervades all the religious identification. Once you get into that submerged world, it becomes a trip down into archaic tradition based upon blood sacrifice. I consider Christianity to be based on human sacrifice and blood sacrifice as well. It's only a matter of how the interpretation of that sacrifice should be considered. Some take the wine and bread of Communion to be a holy spiritual replacement for human and blood sacrifice and they live up to the standard of respecting the sanctity of life and love for others.***:)

Oh yes, her name was/is Cameron--that woman of the Pentecostal rite association whose mother and father said they were going to "fatten" me up (for the kill). It was absolutely a premeditated murder statement. They absolutely were part of a "Satanic" cult, or something following the "Left-Hand Path" of human sacrifice--very much like Nazis and their genocides and etc. Because of the extremity of religious identification in "The South", these issues are much more pronounced in that region of the world so I had to look into the jaws for a short few years of trying to get out of them--and I'm still working on it. The "Dark Force" that is beyond Evil has seeped into so much of American Society.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...