Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Terrorist Report: March 14, 2023. This has been a daily, non-stop attack for over 2 months: every 2 minutes I am watching anything on YouTube the WiFi is turned off and the page freezes. I have to manually click to turn off the connection, even though the WiFi signal appears as being "on" but it's being blocked (doing a Command run to ping on the connection, it's unresponsive and turned off)--trying to stop the increasing red line at the top of my screen, which the terrorists did to my last Dell (expensive) laptop and now they are destroying this 3 year-old laptop which should be in perfect condition--the red line just at the top of the screen shows something is being done to the screen but I don't know how to fix it. I looked up possible ways to repair this before the terrorist try to completely destroy this laptop as they had done to my last laptop, before they broke the laptop before that; all done in the last decade--with me earning circa $700 per month, unable to save any amount for any new laptops--this one purchased with Covid Relief funds or I would not have been able to replace what they broke, before they broke my other wonderful expensive Dell laptop---so trying to download drivers and an updated Bios application---Hacking so bad that I have spent hours and hours fighting to download Dell Support drivers. I attempted to download the SupportAssist app, which helps locate drivers. It was blocked all 6 times I tried to download the app last night--spending over 2 hours fighting as the app was frozen just as it was about to install. I then cleared my system this morning, required 3 hours+ to reinstall everything, and upon completion, I had to attempt the same driver download assist program 3X before it worked. There is a long list of drivers I have to install, and now it's been 5 hours of waiting as the system is turned off, the drivers won't download. They are blocked and I sit as the cursor spins upon every single click for anything on the hard drive or for software applications. I'm still waiting now.//Hours and hours of screaming at top rage in teleportation, upon waking, hours of abuse hours of hate hours of threats hours of insults hours of me finally reacting and screaming at the ever-enlarging pit gang celebrities--now a German gang of musicians whose video I posted on my Facebook page over 3 months ago, more like 4. Two videos I posted and now it's over 3 months of them ordering me to be violently assaulted in shopping malls--thuggery and violence--nearly hit and killed the last time I drove, nearly hit and killed every time I drive now as the terrorists are flocking into Phuket for their "vacations" of terror if they can get something free out of it and attack someone for a power trip.//Yelling in absolute rage after trying, trying unsuccessfully for all these months just with this next section of bots attacking me, all performing the same ritual based on an algorithm they all use, all behave exactly alike, all are filthy, nasty sleazy violent sickening and stupid and meaningless crap feeding off attacking me never-ending for over a decade now. Before them it was a pair of wealthy Europigape pieces of crap who followed the exact same protocols but more violently as they were poisoning me to death and raping the poison as deeply into my body as possible and making jokes about it and torturing me for fighting to get them to stop, saying I will die if I say no. now this same group of Americans, out of H-wood, who helped bring fascism and Nazism into American mainstream in the last few years, has group of Germans ordering murder upon me for finally being so sick of disgusting and ugly sleazy foul men and women attacking me alongside pit, who is just in abstentia for the Europigapes who were murdering me, except now they are all operating as one group and being promoted into top positions in the world. All my plans for my life stopped due to this and them--they never stop. Hours this morning and afternoon screaming in my most violent way at them and rushing to punch this ugly German creep in the face, trying to smash him screaming in absolute rage after 3-4 months of this ugly scumbag having huge men pound into me from side angles in shopping malls. Months of this going on and on because I put two of their songs on my Facebook page more than 3-4 months ago. They have been torturing me ever since and inserting themselves into my every moment when they can with threats of murder and hate, and then demands that I just simply provide them with this easy huge promotion because they want it. The rest of this group of Nazi Americans with the blacks who are also Nazi fascists are telling me to obey these scumbags because they consider them "superior" (that was Farrakhan). Then pit and his rotten ugly sick wife sitting as usual as a pair watching while I'm screaming in rage to get off me, goddamn get off me at this german thug ugly sick creep who is just giggling as I rush to beat him after months of just saying no, first politely and then with hate and now screaming in disgust. They never stop, and the politicians making nasty remarks as I scream and they are giggling and fully supporting the Nazi fascists out of Berlin. /// What do I have to do to get this group of filth and shit off me? I can't stop them from teleporting me. No politicians will behave like responsible citizens of the United States following law and the Constitution. When it comes to me, they have not only dehumanized me, put me into a stateless category of a non-entity, deprived of any right whatsoever, with no law and nothing stopping them from this sex trafficking brain implant hell they have forced upon me. As usual, pit and his crew are at the Oscars using ideas they obtained from my years of ranting in hate about feminist ideals that they used for their "feminist" movie plot--making millions off my ideas and leaving me fighting to just upload drivers for my laptop so it's not completely corrupted. Every single click results in the cursor spinning for at least 30 seconds or one minute--so slow I sit and finally get up to do things around this room, and then I return to the laptop and it's still spinning and doing nothing. This is after all cache cleared, the system restored, and the hacking begins immediately and the system is corrupted within a few seconds of it being cleared out of old files and etc. I am trying also to download various archived files, and they rewrite the names of the files with errors and etc so I must endlessly go back and rewrite. I can't get a single thing done, not a single thing for any financial or career earnings or potentiality. I spent 6 years taking graduate classes from the University of Central Florida--all I could get into that didn't force me to have to drive (my cars were all broken when I tried to take classes at a university in person). Every single thing is blocked, and these expletives are earning millions from the ideas they tortured out of me. I can't surf the internet even, make any money, and I sit here for hours and hours pounding down and fighting to get even drivers installed on my laptop to try to stop the endless hacking. But hours of screaming today as usual. This is a daily reoccurrence of me screaming and screaming in rage after every night hell of terror abuse skits while I'm sleeping of me being homeless and being raped and abused while not having a home. Every night they inflict the same skit upon me, or abuse and hate and threats and/or rape and violence and death scenes and murder scenes. Every single night. They then insert drugs and stinking fluids--still, into my vagina every single night this goes on and on. Then once I am drugged in the morning, they begin the insults and sit in chairs in a huge set of rows with the next rapist ugly sleazy dirty disgusting "man" abusing and threatening to kill me after days/months/years of torture. They all go on as long as possible until i write and write and write these goddamn posts which are eventually met by another sleazy and disgusting piece of shit joining in and replacing the last one and it goes on adn on and on and on and on and on day and night on and on. Meanwhile everyone is "fighting" for Democracy who is supposed to at least protect my human rights, but they have also joined in to this group of shit to attack me, with pit and shitalina endlessly sitting in front and then going to the Oscars with their shitty banal movies year after year after year after year they have participated--now over a decade but openly in lieu of pig Depp and his shit daughter and then the filthy Europigapes who are in the background, still silent partners with the shit pig apes form Whorewood, instructing them on beating me to death with torture and poisoning and destruction of everything I attempt to do, with shit like Marjorie Taylor Greene making stupid nasty comments after her ape rape of me, and McCarthy sitting with glaring hate looks of black depths of a cesspool in his eyes just sinister and a bigot Nazi--of course, they don't hide their Nazi aspirations but the shit like pit and his filthy wives do hide and conceal what is congealed behind their false displays. -------- So I ask once more to stop this and stop them. I do not deserve endless torture for years and years and years because I was once beautiful happy and competing and winning. I am now stuck fighting to heal my body and watching as the grey streak is covering my head entirely because this is years of daily screaming in rage at disgusting fuckers teleporting me who beat, poison in disgusting ways of inserting stinking sewage water into my vagina with drugs and poisons killing me, then raping me, then threatening to kill me, then calling me "loser" and screaming at me. THe next thing I see on the internet is the pig apes smiling with huge smiles after their next exoneration from testifying and next award and next prize and next lead role and next music award and etc while all I'm doing is cleaning up the stinking filth they order sprayed on everything, cleaning my body of poison as I see my body deteriorated and dying from poisoning and stress that never ends it's going on every day utter violence torture and poisoning and murderous toxins inserted through my vagina into my bladder. Cheered on by shit like all the Democrats and Republicans who for all these years have participated in this hate crime. Not a single politician has come forward to defend me, not one. If Pelosi, Trump Greene, Raskin, Kinzinger, McCarthy, Jeffries, et al have joined in, then most of the crap from Congress also knows. This also includes a dose of MSNBC lying blathering hate operators--YouTube "progressives" (one of whom, who used to plaster her videos on my social media is now one of the main commentators for The Hill YouTube videos podcast) because my brain is under attack and I am drugged here every night while sleeping and my food and water is also drugged and poisoned--trying to not react to this group of musicians who are by now loathsome after months of torture for what? For what? I said no, I was just posting their hate song about not wanting Pit who for a DECADE I have been screaming to get off me as he and his wife cling on and on to obtain endless promotions into Oscars year-after year--non-stop. //The politicians were there of course--the rapist female and the lead of that caucus sitting with the female making snide comments until--trying to "breathe"--trying not to react-but they keep having me nearly killed, I am stuck sitting here as they block my every attempt to do any single thing on this planet, they are poisoning and having me tortured in my deep sleep every single night. There is no law and justice or order anywhere I can turn to for an appeal. //

  ...But it's something like 16 driver uploads and now more than 6 hours later I am struggling to still get them onto my laptop. Every click results in the cursor spinning for at least one minute; if I am lucky 30 seconds but usually I just sit waiting so long I have to get up and try not to scream at the computer, which happens after the endless waiting just to get anything to click one single time. Once I get one click, I have to go through for the next click. Clicking once to download the driver. Clicking another time to open the file. Clicking another time to get it to download. But while the download is in progress, that also takes up to 5 minutes or longer. They have made me wait 20 minutes --8 times--to try to open the supportassist app so I could just begin to try to locate drivers for my laptop. The page kept freezing and crashing while I was in the middle of downloads so I had to refresh and do it again. 6 hours later for 15 or so driver downloads, I am still now pausing to try to get it done because I don't want to go through this tomorrow. It's now 24 hours of fighting to get 15 driver updates for my laptop installed. (I finally turned off the computer last night, did the 3 hours of re-installing Windows, then trying to get their immediate hacking devices off my laptop, then trying to download the install app and going through the process of 20 minutes of the cursor spinning and the download being blocked because the internet was turned off while the download was in progress. They then did this so many times that I had to refresh the page, turn off the computer, turn it on, try the download again. hours and hours later I am still stuck not having the 15 driver downloads.

as I wrote, and no one will stop this or them, hours and hours prior to this internet hell of screaming like I'm trying to kill them, which I wish I could at this point of being nearly killed so repeatedly, my every thought that they can use they steal and block my capability to have my own life, then demanding a BABY out of me and thye have done this for years. They are such life fuck sleazy and ugly repugnant shit "human beings' so-called I can't stand them or their movies or the people around them--much less to have a "baby" with one of these putrid shit fucking whore ugly sleazy stupid apes--
Is there nothing in the US government or society that does not worship Germans and Nazis and torture and sick sleazy life fucker operations like what Musk is being propelled into endless wealth to expand upon, and this group of shit being endless awarded and celebrated for being life-fuck operators lying about their every claim of being benevolent human beings and feminists and for fighting racism?
Meanwhile, all I do is expound upon these principles under drugging and torture conditions while they use truth extraction technologies--so I expound on these philosophies and the sleazy, dirty and ugly life fuck parasites feed off both the torture and then continue to steal my ideas, then making millions off them year after year and calling me stupid bitch and shut up endlessly using subliminals. All kinds of very violent subliminals are pounded into my brain constantly such as slicing my tongue off, when I am cutting something and cooking. Endless sleazy and disgusting hate commentary on every single thing I do by this group of unexceptional shit celebrities and dirty and foul politicians--giggling, laughing and then getting paid in millions to inflict endless torture upon me. They all go off for photo-ops using the ideas they steal from me as they are torturing me, to propel themselves as being original or caring about justice and society. They continue to expand upon a death technocratic regime in which they will hold monopolistic power. No one stops them, they all want to join in.

The hacking has worsened since writing this post about hacking, which is an endless disruption of all service-every few minutes they are turning the internet connection on and off--mostly off. This has been going on for months now. Since the German group began the hate and assaults, along with the MSNBC hate personality anchor, and the list of expansion of more and more of these nasty expletives grows almost by the day. But I can't type or use the internet now it's almost completely blocked for every single thing I do. I can't watch YouTube any longer, no matter what I do to clear out the computer. I can't think and type well because my brain is blocked and the hate is exacerbated by the brain-altering tech. Years of writing endlessly begging online for someone to stop this has resulted in more sick parasites latching onto attacking me. one of them just won a music award in his home--English Commonwealth colony--of Canada who partnered with this group and has made celluloid products as a result which will be aired, after his awards. They just keep getting top awards for participation in this crime, and it's a never-ending circus of greedy and nasty scumbags vying to get a chance to abuse me for their own sleazy and nasty promotion. As usual it's a German faction with American blacks absolutely defending them and insulting and threatening me with the Nazi Germans patting them on the back and allowing them into more promotions. This German group, so unattractive, nasty people, and I am screaming that I don't like them--or "you" to the main pig ape who sits comfortably with the shit group of the pit gang watching and fully supporting whomever comes on so if I finally collapse from years of torture by one fucker after the next, they all will obtain this empire of shit monopoly for their endlessly stupid movies and songs and crap to be held as highest monopolistic mind programming fodder to be endlessly awarded with millions and billions of $$ pouring into their plastic surgery and top "awards" as they lavish love for the Europigapes who are controlling them, who are using them to gain access to America through Whorewood.

I am the only one fighting this apparently. The only one apparently in that whole den of iniquity who cares about America. I apparently am the only one who sees what is happening with this power cartel of fascism and Nazis disguised as benevolence (using my ideas to promote this image for many of them)--

But after years of them making millions off me, I can't even watch YouTube without endlessly having to fight to get the streaming content turned on again. THey are literally turning it off every 2 minutes, without end, day and night--it's been going on for 2 months now.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...