Monday, March 6, 2023

Newsweek--March 6, 2023. EIGHT people, very famous, are prominent in the news--photos, articles--pertaining to Oscars, tv shows, political careers, gossip/political activism on both "Right" and "Left"; either with callous greedy exploitation or outright vicious threats and hate--I counted eight, but I think I am blasted by brain-altering tech and there are more--I must count again---all have teleported and raped/tortured and participated in rape culture exploitation using this teleportation. All are featured as society's "heroes" or of being "important". Every single one of them is featured in movies, political passage, etc with anti-rape, pro "Freedom" and human rights fodder for media and political consumption. This is just ONE DAY and every single day EVERY SINGLE DAY on almost any and all media publication for public consumption relating to culture I see at the very minimum 2 but usually the baseline is 3 terrorists who are famous for their anti-corruption, pro-Democracy-, pro-Feminist/anti-rape culture Me#2 etc pronouncements, representing the "Free" American culture. All, in actuality, fully support rape culture when it happens to "me" a "minority" who is not bowing to white supremacist culture and allowing for rape and abuse to be poured on me without resistance because I try to compete and win and often do when not drugged with mind control drugs, encased in my body with layers of hardening/bloating internal suffocation chemical poisons that are so hard I can pound my fist into them and feel nothing in my back--all along my spine on both sides, down into my hips, into my skull.--all inserted into my body through colorless and odorless poisons inserted into my food and bladder-- to every top latch of my lymphatic, endocrine system by this group for utter "control" over society. All have sat or watched through mobile phones or their dark web portals me being raped, beaten, and tortured and information extracted. All fully support this. The list of names I have written of for years---you can exclude the Sports section as I never venture into sports news so I don't get any of those types--look at the "liberal" and the "fascist" and the intermixture of them on this page--or really, from any day now as every day I look at any news source at least 3 are listed on media outlets like Newsweek, People, USA Today, Time, Rolling Stone (including, of course, The Rolling Stones or the main duo of them), et al

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