Thursday, March 2, 2023

All the Freedom and opportunity "promised" as America, the Land of Opportunity. Europigapes and their American Nazi Black, white, Jewish, et al., minions fighting to stop The American Dream from happening to me, as a symbol of "jewish women" they abhor and want to turn from a happy, beautiful and successfully competing person in society to a whore using poisoning, drugging and mind control technologies and systems, based on old KKK lynch mobs and Nazi genocidal methodologies and political and now entertainment propaganda.//Yes, the American dream is still alive but only for white supremacists and their minority minions who conform to the racist agenda, otherwise death and destruction will be inflicted without your knowledge or awareness through these subtle, undetectable poisons, groups, technologies with full affirmation of the highly racist and sexist societal leadership who have fanned out in various subgroups advocating for "Left" and "Right" righteousness a la Americain.// Death and destruction by inserting microchips, poisons and hate and death into anyone, their brain, their consciousness and their body for the furtherance of a Nazi white supremacist world order. But Wow..."no one can care" about me because I'm not a celebrity, I have been poisoned so I am almost paralyzed, my finances blocked so I am not even financially self-sustainable, and...thus, deserving of homelessness and torture for not allowing ugly pig ape whore men to beat and rape me alongside their vile and disgusting female partners. I once competed and won and was beautiful and happy--now years later....from never-ending violence and begging for help or support, now sick and my body degraded and stuck with stinking filth and abuse surrounding me, silence from all authority figures only more and more coming to attack me--and this morning I wrote this post (below) after more HOURS of non-stop abuse and death threats in subliminal terrorism via technology and teleportation violence and the physical threat I live under, poisons and drugs inserted into my vagina every single day (into my bladder) and my food and water and etc...///but..Wow, my vagina and bladder were not penetrated by mechanical arms breaking into my room while I sleep, through the cracks and tiles of the walls/floors/ceiling-to inject drugs, poisons and sewage water into my vagina as usual--or maybe they just injected poison and drugs but not the sewage water. It is almost like a miracle that no stinking sewage water was not inserted into my vagina and bladder for one day, after YEARS of writing about this it's a true miracle that someone stopped at least that aspect of terrorism and murder upon me for one single night. Can it last for more than one day?//. However, as these people latching onto promotion by torturing me without end to my death, as I fight continuously for my life begging for someone to intervene-for years now over a decade--I was subjected to deep sleep teleportation skits about abuse but not near death, people being "killed" in traumatizing skits, no one screaming with fascist violence into my face while I could not look away or yell louder but still, it was abuse and the man who was raping, inserting stinking sewage into my vagina and bladder in order to force no resistance to being raped by him as he slapped my face and then called me "bitch" --and so instead of the fascist news anchor, the people have just switched the terror attack to the last person I tried to get rid of, but he was my attempt to get rid of--as I have only been doing for years--pit and his wife and company and all 70-100 of top celebrities they have included in non-stop nightly terror. This man out of Latvia is, as they have been doing non-stop for years, making endless surveillance/voice-to-skull privacy invasions of my life by commenting on every single thing I do, endlessly blathering on while I am in most intense concentration and focus on exercise stretches in order to save my own life by trying to pull and rip and break the huge mass of solid-as-rock structure of hard poisons that his buddies sitting alongside him had ordered put into my body for the past decade--or longer, as I am certain these same people have been onlookers to the last pair of rapists out of that Disneyland paradise Europ-a-land they all clamor to obtain promotions and more mansions and estates for their participation in fascist Nazi indoctrination and infiltration into the U .S. via the media and politics for mind programming purposes. I was subjected to him constantly making comments about my stretches but then simultaneously calling me a "bitch" throughout the entire length of my very serious and strenuous, highly focused stretches which must be done in a perfect alignment in order to create the pressure to break the poisons. I can't just "stretch" and elongate the muscles I have to have perfect alignment so the poisons will break or fracture. Otherwise they are also a bit malleable and stretch along with any stretch I do in any direction unless I am completely working in oppositional and crosswise perfection. It is extremely difficult to do as the poisons are being pulled in every direction against my spine, my shoulders, into my hips, etc. The entire time this man is calling me a "bitch" and then instructing me to pull my arms back for this alignment. By now I have enough experience of his training to not need this any longer. While he's calling me "bitch" and then having my home made stinking and filthy as he's done non-stop for over the past 4 months or so of his terror campaign, I am finally so exasperated with all the months of telling him to go away that I rush to hit him. The relief I had this morning of hoping that all these hateful and violent people had just tried to murder me with stress are perhaps gone, only to have the same deadly stress sensation of someone who has been slapping and raping and calling me bitch as the blonde Nazi actors who have watched as their fathers/husbands and these Germans rape and beat and abuse me, all smiling and giggling as this man is laughing with them then turning at me snarling with hate, slapping, raping and abusing me and my home has been a stinking foul mess for the entire time he has been put into this contract.

*hacking inserts and deletions permeated this post--I tried to correct hours later, after the initial drugging wore off, but I could barely even use the laptop after fighting to write the corrections--hacking, DOS, freezing of the laptop, deletions and rewrites of my post--as usual, again, non-stop, every time I write, non-stop never ending--


"Who you callin' a bitch?"--Queen Latifah (Unity)

"Queen Latifah--U.N.I.T.Y. (Official Music Video)". QueenLatifahVEVO. October 7, 2009.

When I talk about the grey hairs that have emerged, this is happening only in one spot, and these hairs were turned this color after Trump, years ago, had me poisoned so my hair was once more falling out in the front of my forehead--turning white as well, I believe the attack on my hair shaft(s) and follicles has included something that may have completely drained the hair of it's ability to retain it's color. I don't know what types of poisons are possible but scientific research has proven that all kinds of destruction are possible using drugs and poisons and diseases. But this was in reaction to me telling an Austrian actor who, as usual, had a black American male "fighting against racism" always with theatrical "rage" and hip hop lyrics, punched me in the face for saying that I don't "need" their approval for my analysis of Mozart's composition. For saying that, they had me punched in the face by a black male from LA who is famous for his anti-racist activism. The Trumps then had me inserted with a very serious virus, which I think may have been covid-19. This was 2 months before the actual emergence of the outbreak. My hair turned white in front of my forehead, I felt like I was dying and my body was crumbling--symptoms that people claim they experienced from Covid. Since then, my hair has been doused for not being able to handle a huge German male pounding poison as deeply as possible into my body via rape in teleportation. I was also raped non-stop every night by the terrorists--I believe they were the Russians that lived down the hallway from me in this mostly empty building--so there was almost no one else in the hallway living on my floor (or in the building--all has been emptied so this crime can not be reported or documented). But I told this German man NO repeatedly. The H-wood group, which embraced him, he was hugged, lavishly embraced of course by Pit's murderous and parasitic wife who has not stopped feeding off me being raped by men who are giving her compliments as they beat and rape and insult me for her approval and the English Crown backing her in destroying everything about me while stealing ideas from me so she can appear as if she is not so disgusting in the sordid reality of this situation and undoubtedly outside of her coached posturing that everyone is so enamored with that no one will even stop her or any of them from this non-stop murderous assault upon me. 

They must get their endless promotions and deals out of having at least one rapist or violent murderous abuser who has assaulted me in every criminal way possible to endlessly inflict some kind of destruction upon my life, every moment of every day.


I must make this attempt to also ask, beg, request, whatever--that this hateful Latvian man be finally pried off his exploitation contract out on me. Oh, he and his wife/daughter or something that looked like the photos of them I have seen--threatened to kill me because I am only telling him that he's disgusting to me and towards me (but using more harsh cursing language by now, perhaps induced by mind control and drugging because I can't keep calm any longer as they rush at me to call me bitch and rape and slap and threaten and poison me after much longer than a decade of it).


My internet of course is packed with the faces of the people who have been and want to be and are and have been part of the terror campaign. I can't open a single page or look at any streaming or news media or entertainment site without them hacking themselves into my vision and perusal of what is happening. AT this point I can't watch any more news commentaries or shows without having to try to not watch one source for longer than one day and then blocking them to try to stop the endless violation of my life by the opportunists who are waiting for me to make a single click on their pages, sites, videos and thusly to join in on the endless violence, rape and torture campaign for their personal and collective promotion and "fun" at having a victim to torture in perpetuity with no recrimination from the government, any legal source, society and they are all just flooded with admiration and awards and promotions for it instead.

But I must ask again, please get this sinister person off me with his group. Please get these sinister people  off me forever let me live in peace finally how can this be impossible for anyone to actually try to negotiate with those who are supposed to ensure that people are not tortured in their homes every single moment of their lives and have some kind of protection from? I am not a criminal I have done nothing to them--please get this next rotation of rapist violent criminal off me, and the next one, and get them ALL off me please!


All of this violence is due to my attempt to defend my basic human rights. After YEARS of torture, where I was pleasant, never used terms like "pig ape" and "whore" about these pig ape whores, I was pleasant, had no idea what kind of sick filth they were doing to me, thought they were human beings instead of low-life scum--after YEARS of seeing what was going on, after YEARS of torture that has gone on non-stop because I finally became outraged back in 2011 when I realized that the 2 Europigape filth pig whore men who were teleporting me were poisoning me to death and watching happily as they were killing me and also getting undeserved promotions and also stealing concepts and sometimes verbatim--particularly the English one, who handed this contract to sleazefilthalina the whore pig skank married to pit--they are essentially still married but living apart, not officially but in real-life terms they are still a union of shit operating as a team. The Italian one with his French partners in business who have gone after me for only 30 years and are still behind the sluts and pigs and whores from Whorewood and Congress--but they are delighted, I can't express how much support they have received and how many of these dirty and stupid pieces of shit have happily defended this type of murder/poisoning and theft of my ideas. All of them have fully participated with full consent and promotion of the US Government. the US Government has fully participated now in a growing number of politicians who all follow this contract with glee and delight as well. The facsist ones from the South are violently murderous when they assault me. I "talk back" instead of bowing in submission to their insults as they begin to insult me--and indeed, every single one of them has begun it's torture exploit of me with an insult to my face. The Europigapes who first began this assault upon me sexually abused me as soon as they could get without arm's reach. Abusive, insulting and threatening, I avoided them. 30 years later from one, and 40 years later from another, the American whores, pigs ape and pieces of shit are flocking to mimic and repeat without end this same Europigape fasist Nazi torture of me, along with deadly poisoning that has never stopped--so they can be awarded by the fascist Europigape shit that obviously controls them. the violence inflicted upon me was "because " I didn't immediately "allow" people to insult and sexually debase me. The people who date raped and assaulted me were "friendly" as a  pose before the Europigapes got their fascist Mafia organization to put this contract into even US Presidential hands. Now it's a feeding frenzy of shit scum who have human appearances who are endlessly coming after me to get their next free promotion out of this sickness. I called one of them, a black skank whore an aunt jemima because her stupid tv role, which I never once found admirable or worth time watching, not once in trying to watch her most banal and in my opinion stupid black woman endlessly comforting white trashy Nazis with their problems like the aunt jemima that she is--and then absolutely attacking me hugging with love the white trash plastic surgery whores of whorewood and then violently assaulting me bringing on a never-ending growing list of famous black "activists" in the process because me calling her a bloated product of slave plantation society makes me racist. I never used that "n-word" that the people these stupid and rotten black whore pig apes are sitting next to who are blatantly racist. No, I have been in marches protesting racism against blacks. None of these whore pigs have done anything remotely the same for "Jews" or anything else except for their one group, besides endlessly pandering to white Nazis for approval.

the white trash Nazis have had me poisoned and beaten adn raped for finally reacting in rage after years of being loving, polite and being sexually exploited giving "love" under murder drugging situations which these pigs are now enjoying watching as I fight for my life perpetually still they are sanctimoniously welcomed into the highest rankings of power and money for this Nazi contract which is now a replication without end of the same torture protocols of raping, poisoning, inserting stinking objects into my vagina, having me raped, my hips and spine put out of alignment and then poisoned with hardening and bloating poisons, my hair gone my home stinking and my finances all blocked as they call me bitch and loser perpetually when I fight to stop the rape and violence and murder. But I must explain this for years and still there is NO ONE who will even defend me or protect me or stop this. It is never ending I scream in rage into the internet every day to try to get anyone to stop this sickness and it's never happening. Goddamn. I can't wait to see American bombed, destroyed, sinking in global warming destruction and people just killing each other off at this point. Fuck you all, I can't continue to endlessly state how sick this is.


Hours later, after falling into a deep sleep after exercise because I was indeed drugged the night before while sleeping by the mechanical arms breaking into my room through the panels and cracks in the walls, from the rooms above/below/on either side--inserting with precision from these mechanical arm instruments handed to them by top intelligence agency-funded (probably) private firm technologies--insertions of poisons and drugs into my body. The hateful ugly man who attacked me for hours, in sleep and then upon waking, every moment possible as I was putting things away, so non-stop his hate and endless "bitch" hissing at me with intermittent "friendly" comments (their tactic is to viciously assault me, then play "nice" then abuse at random moments with deadly insults and threats and hate and "bitch" "Loser" "stupid" etc and very violent subliminals I can hear, such as when I am using a knife to cut objects while cooking, they say and I can "hear" it that it would be great to use the knife to cut my tongue off--they do that every time I am cooking. I feel a depression from endless insults about every single thing I am and do--the sagging body parts from the poison their cohorts ordered put into my body they use as humiliation points of reference about how ugly and thus worthless as a human being I am--as only plastic surgery and money makes anyone superior in their mentality--or wealthy or those not poisoned and mutilated by technology and government-sponsored poisons every day for decades, as they have done to me.
But this man, this horrid ugly sinister person who is the only person of that group who has made any attempt to heal my body, they have all been working to damage and destroy me; the "price" for his unasked for and always rejected "help" has been abuse, rape and violence and insults and humiliation in front of the ape pig whore group laughing as he slaps my face and sticks his penis in my mouth for all the applaud and giggle at as I am drugged and unable to get away--in teleported state. Always drugged up, with so much stinking sewage water pumped into my vagina I really thought I was dying from it and I probably was. This went on and on as I wrote about it to this void and blank audience reading my posts every day and observing how the widening group of fascists and genocidal psychopath Nazis are growing in power and accumulation of top positions in both government and in media entertainment and "news" propaganda.
this man took over the technology from the Brooklyn mafia actors (from The Godfather, from those Mafia death movies, now some work in "comedies") but one of them glared in violent black-eyed hate calling me "bitch" as I wrote about it, because I have always been fighting this murder contract upon me instead of just succumbing as my family has done--to their eventual slow-poisoning deaths--so I am only fighting back.
This current terror rapist who I wrote of today--writing in hysterically drug-induced ranting hate--the hackers re-wrote my words so there were constant typos and misspellings---I just spent 20 minutes correcting this post but undoubtedly no matter what I do, hackers just re-insert mistakes and delete and alter words after I publish.
This ballet dancer terrorist has made movies---only a few of them, and his main thrust into the camera has been of him screwing women over literally and then figuratively as his main focus in life and power tripping. He loves to mentally and sexually manipulate women. It's the theme of his every movie plot, about himself as this playboy prima donna and women submitting to him being unfaithful and abusive because he's this prima donna ballet dancer. This has been the theme of the few movies I have watched of him--

and it appears that this must either have been his demand for his performances in the movies, that he play this fantasy role which he undoubtedly has played every day of his height of fame in real life--thus imitating it "on stage" for film--but now his fantasy of screwing over and abusing a woman with accolades of his Brooklyn and NYC Mafia promoters--his district, his "crib" zone, the NYC zone of nepotism and from all I know of NYC, having been there, my family from there, it has really completely been taken over by Nazis and often those wearing Jewish identities--like the publisher of that famous newspaper and his half-Nazi daughter--extremely vicious in defending Nazism. In other words, fascist Nazis has completely taken over NYC, and this bigot Europigape has fully been welcomed with a huge arts center in order to inculcate, albeit through the "liberal" fascism of various branches of the "left" wing of the neo-Nazi movement in America such as through Hillary.
But he's having a great time playing out his fantasy of forcing himself on me and forcing this old power-manipulation of women in the form of drugging me into an induced, drugged sexual "desire" state only so he can abuse me and then play the S&M hate games he thrived on when he didn't have access to the drugs and technology but was young and virile and a famous personality who played such hate games so often they are ingrained into the fabric of his tattered make-up.

But calling me this name is what the NYC mafia "Italian-American" bigots who called me vicious names, made insulting comments about my body every single day while they ordered poisons inserted into my vagina, stinking with rotten substances eeking out every day as I fought to get enough strength to not sit in paralysis every day, all day. The only thing I could do was try to do Master Cleanse fasting every month just to be able to get anything done to try to have any movement in my body--they were murdering me, pouring this stuff in, having my literally physically raped in this building because I could not, at that time, begin to stop the people breaking into my room and they are so clever about how they go about it that I didn't know how or what to do to stop it for years.
They can "read" and hack my thoughts, they destroy all the protection I try to make on sub-sub-poverty income, block all finances so I am stuck in one place and then poison me into paralysis so I really am stuck. It's amazing that I only have one huge grey streak where Trump ordered poison slathered into my hair instead of an entire head of grey hair--but most of my hair is gone by now just from fighting to not be raped to death and abused to death WILLINGLY.

this is a non-stop line-up of celebrities and politicians waiting for their "turn" to get their own huge million dollar promotion out of raping and insulting and poisoning and abusing me slowly to death.

When I wrote that it was a miracle that for one day the stinking sewage was not pumped into my body, I mean that literally that the greed and sleaze of America has reached a stage by now that it's a miracle if anyone can have any humanity beyond the free flesh torture and rape bounty that this contract out on me provides both the women and men who feed off it and can't ever stop exploiting it--not for a single day. They can't stop the abuse and violence for even a single moment of my life they must have this contract out on me. Already they all own mansions and yachts and private jets but they must and must and must go day after day to ruin my life on a daily basis so they can have more. To even stop one facet of deadly poisoning and torture is like a miracle that these sleazy and meaningless shit filth whores can do this is a miracle to the greed and stupidity that they truly are on every "real" level behind the masks of the s hit that is covered over by plastic surgery and the money that provides for an aura of "respectability".
Their need to become as violently aristocratic in Feudal black era days of oppression so great upon those they want to dehumanize, call subhuman and eventually kill off and steal all property rightfully earned--the endless formula upon Jews for centuries in Europigapeland- is now something like "The promised land" for the fascists and bigots now attacking me. The southern fascist bigots all posing as "liberals" (as in the media anchor I wrote of yesterday, of lynch mob mentality utterly racist and using blacks as props to the fake presentation that he is a "reformed" Nazi bigot from Pensacola) but---firmly and murderously dedicated to instilling such abusive degradation upon me, Jews, and whatever else--as they all are
and of course the government is also fully dedicated to doing this as I fight and struggle to stop the dehumanizing and deadly assaults upon me--any defense, any comment I make is grounds for more poisoning. I was being poisoned long before I began to fight back. The thing I did was to compete and win and be beautiful and happy. It's now endless torture as I write and write and the pieces of shit are laughing because no one will even come to defend me in any way--I beg and beg online as people read my desperate begging posts to please stop the next pig ape piece of shit as it's just being passed around like a game for shit to be promoted--the fantasies of these sleazy sick parasites of power and control--in this case the Latvian fantasizes of the days when he could fuck and fuck over women and men in his position of drama queen in theatrical atmospheres--now being able to replicate this drama fantasy but with a twist of macabre sleazy filth and sick pornographic murderous tactics of inserting sewage water into my vagina that was so dangerously toxic that I had to submit basically to save my life. Writing about it for days, then weeks, now months, and he's still there "allowed" to go on and on calling me "bitch" for fighting back after YEARS AND YEARS of this--I did NOTHING to deserve this, this is only a racist genocidal group who demands that I agree to being poisoned to death and raped by a succession of anti-Semites of all races and ages for "free" while they can steal all ideas and all I have worked for and studied for, for their own career aspirations, they get then promoted by this general network with huge awards for this social engineering situation using the new technologies and poisonings along with the millions of pieces of shit working as death squads all over the planet--obviously now elected into office in government at highest levels.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...