Sunday, March 19, 2023

I've been so ill from detox for the last few days of unending sickness that I am staying awake because I'm sick of sleeping due to being sick. Watching Swarm and amazed that it's much better and fascinating and so good that I've watched the episodes in complete disarray. Began with the third episode, then the 5th then the 7th and I'm on the 4th. It's good in that no matter which episode I watch, I'm not really missing out on the storyline as each episode stands alone as a fascinating piece of the overall patchwork of another sex/murder celluloid product, which I am against and sick of seeing as the representation of society. ------ I finally decided to look-up which celebrity this "true" story was based on and saw that it was one of the black Nazis who have assaulted me in protection of a German rapist. I thought that the sleazy and hateful subject matter of a fractured woman seems to be out of the crack in the abyss from which these actors fly out of when the are not in their domesticated wealth luxury grasping conniving plans of monopoly and deferring to white supremacy. ----------- I realize that perhaps many people know this, but a "Beehive" has been alluded to as a symbol of "The Illuminati'" and the organized system of holographic worker bee society. Allusions to the husband of this black nazi making the pyramid and his association with "The Illuminati" have been referenced in "conspiracy theory" videos on YouTube very often. As usual, no mention of the white Nazi supremacist celebrities and their affiliation with "The Illuminati" is made in the same sort of light as the black celebrities. -------------- I can only state that while, as usual with most of the celebrities attacking me, I never once liked one of her songs, nor that of her husband except for that one about the 99 B**tches and a problem is not one--- nothing she has ever done has impressed me, but her former "girl group" song about survival was something I liked when it came out; I liked the group and not her in particular, and only for that song. ------------ I find it not unusual that a morbid show about psychopathic darkness of a spiritual morbidity is associated with this character personality, who claims she has a duel personality spirit living inside her which comes out when she's making her most sexualized stage performances with a violent gyrational twist. I always thought of her as a product of white supremacy cultural indoctrination of blacks into white mainstream society. How much worse she is in real life to that assumption than I had surmised. I also took the cue from one of the very white supremacist terrorists who attacked me on South Beach who claimed she "loved" that bee hive leader of the Illuminati/Nazi organization-and I guessed correctly that if this white supremacist bigot loved that singer, then the singer had to be a comfort to white supremacy in the disguise of being a "strong black woman" making waves for "black women everywhere". ---------- now here is a story of a black women played most wonderfully in a psychopathic "evil" way by an actress who I do think is a better artist than the symbol she is supposed to be a kind of mind-controlled psychopathic serial killer honoring and dedicated to, like a cult leader. The stories are all amazing, the shots, the photography, the sets, the kind of "female" presence is amazing and I felt that this series touched on some aspects of my own life in being an "outcast" (but not in killing people or wanting to kill people) but only in the sense of being on the "fringe" of society and living a kind of life that is "free" of restraints (which is infuriating for the terrorists, that I could adapt to this level of independence--thusly they poisoned me with hardening poison to keep me paralyzed and thus stuck in one place while they torture me). --------- As for Billie Eillish--(not sure if I spelled that correctly) oh how she played a most annoying "spiritual" "white girl" fake parasite feeding off the vulnerability of a target/victim to exploit and try to churn into a brainwashed groupie dedicating her life to the group. I have been invited and then slightly involved in something similar to that white girl "spiritual" domestic scene and I experienced some of the very same atmosphere. I also discovered some of them were equally annoyingly fake and some were racist and some were threatening terrorists from the Nazi organization. As I wrote, I was "invited" there so it was a set-up in the first place. I lived a few blocks away from this house when I had almost no money and they had monthly meetings with food and discussions and it was a meeting ground for artists and musicians --all female. It was very "familiar" to me, and Eillish played the part well. She too, I believe, has been one of the terrorists involved in a more collateral way to this terror contract out on me. But she played her part well, despite not being an actor. I thought she played her role better than many or most of the actual blonde "actors" (female) who sit around jeering and giggling as their husbands and boyfriends and male partners rape and abuse me as they applaud and "love" them for it. =-------------- The show and the other actors is truly done exceptionally well, to my taste of outrageous living on the fringe of society moral story depiction. It's a story about brainwashing and social isolation as well, played in part by those who actually are participating in these types of actions so they can actually brainwash people into becoming zombies dying to live if only to have a kind of contact with them through a mobile phone or laptop screen as a substitute for disappointing human contact. They are helping to usher in mass murder also through their actions, although they would probably shrug in denial or disregard for the consequences of their actions. It's a series of stories befitting the general atmosphere of death and addiction to celluloid and deadly disappointing humans playing these "goddess" and god-like characters. The "goddess" worship cult of white women, like all the characters in other parts of the series, all form a coalition of forces that are deceptive, dark lies wrapped in fantasy projection and based on luring people into providing energy to the "bee hive" of the group feeding process of feeding off the money and loneliness and grasping need of the hungry ghost "fans". The mind control and trauma-based conditioning ensures an endless supply of drones and worker fans supplying $$$ and adulation to the false idols placed on precarious clay bases which ultimately prove to be deadly illusions, creating zombie murdering fans willing to do anything to find an iota of humanity through contact with a hive of other mesmerized worker bees supplying nectar (money) and energy (life force) to dead souls gyrating as icons of life and glam and mystery forces (effete and dead and based on fantasy celluloid manipulation).

 It is very hard/impossible for me to write my thoughts completely due to the attack on my brain as I fight to deal with the hacking attacks--

this black female singer and her husband both used anti-Semitic hate slurs at me using genocidal death language after I tried to get a German white male rapist from beating and raping me in teleportation. I finally had to resort to calling him names and fighting to get him off me. Anytime I referred to his precious Nazi country in realistic terms regrading it's nascent Nazi empire exhibitionism, he punched me (in teleportation). The black "fighting against racism" married couple then used Nazi slogans of killing Jews and sending me to a concentration camp. Since then, as before, they have not stopped "winning" top awards for major awards ceremonies. 

This is so typical for those of the "minority" oppressed groups and I have seen it so often that there is not a year or ceremony that goes by without at least 5 black people and other "minorities" being awarded or featured in photo-ops as being part of the "in" crowd. 

One very hostile and death threatening "Jewish" male just got awarded some honorary title by Time's year list--and like the Forbes lists for most important people, they are those who attack me put into "top" leadership projections for the endless monopoly of this group to propel it's most false promises for the disenfranchised to look up to for hope for their lost sense of reality and selfhood.

They are all such false constructs that the violence inherent in society is depicted in this show Swarm very well. The fractured murder impulse is being indoctrinated into the public by "celebrities" like these symbols upon which Swarm is based.


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