Monday, March 6, 2023

*Most of this post includes hacking insertions and deletions--half-sentences deleted and then strung together, etc** If there were any real respect for "Democracy" by the "leaders" of American society, these criminals attacking me would be forced to pay me for damages to my body and life, and the ideas they have stolen. Instead they are paid in millions for parasitically feeding off stealing all possible and from disfiguring and poisoning and destroying me.// ** The usual hacking applies--I am not going to rewrite, I was checking it now for a few minutes. Appealing to anybody to protect me is futile, I have asked and asked and written adn begged and gone to police and tried to contact politicians who only jump at the chance to get involved attacking me--with vicious hate they join in and then are showered with interviews for news shows and media presentations for being "fighters against Trump for Democracy". But I really and truly am being parasitically fed off of every single day by these celebrities. The people who have gone on for years have literally sucked my health and beauty out of me, and have blossomed in ways that only parasites can do. They look refreshed and absolutely changed from over a decade of non-stop sheer torture and murder attempts upon me that they are promoted with millions of dollars worth of beauty treatments, contracts and media attention. I remain silenced, asking and begging for horrific torture and poisoning to be stopped. I remain begging to this moment after more than a decade of this. Every year near awards season, which goes on for half the year, the violence increases to the point of endless murder threats and rape and beatings and non-stop hours of abuse every single day by endless rows of celebrities and now politicians join in--the MAGA Republicans like Greene are high on a power trip, the leader of the House has joined in as well insulting and siccing Greene on me. The celebrities sit smirking, smiling. The "formerly Republican" MSNBC anchor, by now a revolting ugly prick in my opinion with his ugly rotten blonde wife, acting like Greasy Graham the bigot KKK Senator from S. Carolina--yelling with vicious hate and violence when I told this next actor creep that his stupid movie and he meant nothing to me, I don't give a damn, and I was so viciously attacked by the white supremacist that it was almost death from shock from his screaming in violent threat into my face--for hours, day after day until just yesterday I got Greene back to calling me "bitch" for him, and then threatening me in a deadly voice of violence--by now I am screaming and rushing at them trying to kill them and I am so weak and sick all I do is flail my fists at them as they sit giggling or sitting stern but really having a party afterwards. I remain begging online for someone to stop this insanity for the TWELTH YEAR IN A ROW. Non-stop begging for rape, abuse and torture upon me to be stopped. People just think this is fun and a wonderful game of hate upon me for trying to compete, being beautiful and so they have raped, beaten and ravaged my body insulted me and tortured me every single day every night every morning as I struggle to put away all the layers of clothing I wrap around my body with rubber bands and strings and etc to try to stop the endless destruction of my body--but I can't put on something around my waist that will protect that one orifice so they are inserting poisons into my body that way. They deleted the sentences in which I described this below and turned it into half-deleted strung-on sentences. I have avoided writing explicitly about this for years but at this point, I am being very specific to try to get any single person to have an iota of any decency to stop this or protect me from this endless insertion of bloating/hardening poisons combined with mind control drugs and sewage water inserted into my vagina and bladder so I am dying from poisoning while they are shocking my immune system with really violent threatening abuse and skits in teleportation of people being killed in front of me, people raping me in teleportation, people raping me whenever possible when I am in a deep sleep as they break into my room and leave without leaving evidence--etc etc. When will this be considered a crime by anybody of the body politic of America? Instead of a chance for a promotional opportunity by joining on in? When will Hollywood stop awarding these sick criminal parasite who won't even stop attacking me for a single day because every day they attack me is probably a few thousand $$ for them, awards without end, and they must break my body and spirit and they feed off torturing me. They literally never stop for a single day. I beg online have been begging online because no law enforcement or person in society will even talk to me seriously--they are all instructed to insult and demean me and I am stuck fighting for my life perpetually. //I'm writing my posts with rage and death wishes today because it's nearly the Oscars, and the expletives who have attacked me for over a decade have turned the violence and abuse into a crescendo of hate attacks upon me so the next creep can "win" an award--supported by MSNBC bigotry anchors screaming as proxy terrorists for the relaxed scumbag actor who is featured in fashion magazines. As I peruse the magazines just to open the pandora's box of what appears to be masochism for me to have to see piece of shit after piece of shit being honored as culture's heroes in photo ops and articles about their movies and tv shows and political and modeling and pop music aspirations. they come at me like a flock of vampire bats with screeching violence as they then get awarded. They sit in huge smiling reclined postures and modeling postures with huge money poured into their every artificial appearance as possible. I have spent another entire day, after TWELVE YEARS of fighting to rid my body of poisons that this same group of shit has ordered to be poured and inserted into my body--huge bloating poisons, huge chunks of hard poison embedded into my spine as a result. Daily all I do is fight to rip and break off a tiny little next piece so it will soften after hours and then eliminate in what is a stinking sewage of poison that these pig apes have ordered inserted and poured into my food and body--my living environment in this paralyzed state made more toxic so I breathe in poisons and have it inserted into my body and the people and things surrounding me are constantly attacking me with deadly violence on all various levels of existence. The celebrities are giggling, laughing and their entire careers for a decade have been foisted by this contract of endless violence upon me. Politicians and the bigot rape hate white men who scream in violence at me as I can't look away, can't stop talking to them although I try to remain silent--the technology literally forces me to react--they scream murder and death at me (that they will kill me, it's now constant that this is going on) cars are nearly hitting me, my body is so poisoned it's a miracle i have not died from it--and I see the pig apes who have participated in this crime enjoying endless top level money/awards/prizes every single day and year--and so the hate is at a crescendo for me to hand over this "submission" contract--the people who participate are just showered with awards and prizes for their programming duplicity and hate and Nazi adherence to the continuum of the 3rd Reich into the 4th.//But I am constantly, endlessly, yelling at pig pit and filthy shitalina that I wish them death, that they are pieces of shit I hope I can kill someday. They continue to try to force a "baby" out of me and are endlessly attacking me with the next line-up of white bigot shit parasitic politicians--Greene, McCarthy and that ugly sick prick creep anchor and his ugly blonde wife with their black panel of Nazism backing them--viciously, extremely viciously attacking me with hate and mind control programming which as I wrote earlier, they appear to have been well-trained in and are sort of "experts" at. These politicians are all very adept at mind control and lying and exploitation. I am just one person not trained in mind control sitting here fighting this injustice and this destruction of the United States--apparently people are so intent to see a fascist Nazi dictatorship arise in the US under the guise of "Democratic" "fighting for woke/feminism/liberal/Republical/Make America Great" mantras that I am the "criminal" that is endlessly under attack as if I have committed the greatest crime by fighting for my life against white nazi pig men raping and poisoning me to death and now their successive whore blonde nazi wives, children and friends and then more white pig ape nazi men more black hateful anti-semitic people more and more and more--endlessly on and on--as if I am some huge criminal they are converging upon to break and crush like a group of corrupt cops attacking an unarmed and innocent victim of state-sponsored terrorism. //nothing I ever write works to stop them or obtain any support system or protection. The pig ape criminals just continue to be put into lead position, I remain sitting here waiting for anything to stop this--years and years and years have gone by it's never ending terrorism every moment they can converge to attack me--always when I am sleeping, or just waking up after having been drugged by insertions of deadly drugs and poisons into my body. My body is now covered with liver spots and marks and blemishes because they are also breaking down my immune system. My cat was stolen and that was the last loving thing I had next to me--and they just continue with non-stop violence at me. I perpetually now am fighting for my life. Dirty, ugly and disgusting s hit that these creeps are, they remain as the top celebrities and politicians in America. It is unbelievable how sick you all are to allow this to continue to fester and you all still support them and leave me begging for my life endlessly. ============ Of course, the politicians, now top level on the MAGA side of the herd fence alongside the "liberal woke" Dems-the politicians are viciously assaulting and trying to lie, steal and attack me with yelling hate, threats, the woman in the group of politicians calling me "bitch"--forcing a tarot reading out of me, as usual, all they steal is "for free" because I'm "supposed" to be a "slave" serving and obeying and being raped, poisoned and beaten and abused to death without so much as a murmur of complaint or resistance, and all they steal from my years of studying in grad school, classes on feminism, being exposed to literature all my life growing up in a University setting--all they can extract through drugging, murder poisoning and torture and then telling me I'm a "bitch" when I fight back--the woman calling me this, then using mind control and all the drugs and sewage water and poison they perpetually, every night, insert into my vagina so it's stinking--urinating due to poisons inserted into my bladder every night--poisoned non-stop to death and abused to death. Screaming in rage at them, screaming once again that I wish them death. They smile in delight that they are obtaining more promotions for making my life as miserable as possible using teleportation, poisoning and drugging. I try and try my best to not react. I am alone perpetually in sickness due to the non-stop poisoning that never stops. I can't get it out. I have been fighting to eliminate poisons from my body for over TWELVE YEARS every single day. They poisoned me so badly I could not move, finally, and did Master Cleanse detox every single month for over 3 years and I was so poisoned that I when I began to try to stretch after marginally having a bit more flexibility over the poisons that the years of being too poisoned to stretch or move--they kept pouring hardening poisons into my food and water to the point that after years of fighting, just in the last few months, chunks and huge blogs came out from just simple stretches after YEARS of fasting and detox. So much poison has been inserted into my body, with me protecting my food but just stinking fluids pouring out of my bladder/vagina every day for hours just running to have to get it out--shitting out piles of stinking black and brown poisons--for over a decade non-stop--and much longer. Before the celebrity pig whores it was just "normal" American citizens part of this hate group. All medical practitioners knew what was going on and deliberately lied to me and told me that I just needed a bit of iburprofin (basically, denying me health care and leaving me to die a slow death). ---------------- So the politician are acting as proxy terrorists for pig pit and pigalina and the rest of their crew. The actors who are now sitting in the rows are up for Oscars, who pasted clips of their movies all summer in a terrorist cyber hacking exploit. Every day my YouTube pages were covered with clips from the movie that the next white male bigot terrorist is vying for top position. Because pig pit is going to profit off this acolyte which he included in his 300+ group of celebrities who have attacked me over the past decade; all obtaining Oscars and Golden Globes--this also includes directors like Tarantino and the Italian-American mafia actors and directors (take your pick of the most famous ones, they are all included). ------------ So yelling at me, now the MAGA and Republican top leaders are raping, threatening, the woman of the bunch of them is using mind control to get tarot readings, trying to lure me with the combination they all use of being "nice" alternating with death threats and physical violence, rape and abuse and endless yelling. The next thing I see is these same pieces of crap being awarded and getting top attention in media, in outlets that all have the same material but different names--the conglomerate similarities just proves that there is a central control over the media and the information is just spread out in various avenues of seeming variation. I used to work for The Arizona Republic and I was sickened in a way by how the "news" was taken from either AP or Reuters and then just re-written by the "editors" who also then sexually harassed me whenever possible (I worked in the Editor's desk area but in a very "low" sort of "rookie" journalist position, a few steps up from fetching coffee for the editors but on a journalistic level). But I saw how uniform the media was back then. The same people are being promoted in one magazine after the next, on the very same day. Also, the pig apes are hacking into my internet and inserting themselves as often as possible into my every news and media outlet possible. My YouTube page is endlessly packed with politicians and celebrities who then participate in the teleportation contract. I am supposed to appear "delusional" and "crazy" if I report this, because I click on their videos and thus they can claim I am crazy and have delusions of grandeur for wanting celebrities to rape me while I'm sleeping, and beat and abuse me as if I love them for it. All my life I never looked at these inane magazines and for the duration of this ten-year and longer hell attack upon me, this is the first time in my life I have ever, ever focused on celebrity pig apes--I never liked them. But they can claim that I am so dazed and mentally ill that I am fantasizing of them teleporting me in my sleep and being hit, abused, insulted, my ideas stolen and the whores who latch on stealing my ideas about feminism, but put into sexualized and "glamor" context with sleek sexual posturing--and I must be "crazy" and suddenly, for the first time in my life, just yearn for these pieces of crap to teleport me and rape and abuse me because they are such "superior" celebrities. I have politicians coming to vent their "power" over the helpless citizenry who they plan on fully attacking in the most vulnerable of the population--one day. I appear to be this protocol. They lie to me and claim that I am the only one who has survived brain implants. Lying as usual, I can only surmise that I have been an independent person of the celebrity and political brainwashing spectrum--at least as much as I possibly could--but unfortunately that was not much--but I think those fully ingrained into their system cannot survive the force and pressure of this group--and thus, if anyone else has survived this, they are more like zombies or extremely damaged and not appearing nominally functional--as I appear to be. I am so ill from poisoning I am disabled and unable to function. They don't stop the hate and violence upon me. Latching on forever, they won't stop. But it's Oscar's time and so the politicians are working now to enhance Trump's run for president. For the past 2 years it has been Democrats coming to pump up their media careers when trying to implicate Trump for the Insurrection--but mostly for their promotions in media while they are flaunting their "Democracy" bs blathering K-rap for public approval (ratings--they hope to rise to higher levels in everything from advertising like AOC and her modeling aspirations and media and Hillary Clinton in her tv show and the Obamas in their book publishing exploits and tv show exploits and Graham in his avoiding testifying exploit and media attention and on and on--Greene is now attacking me every day--and the same people--pig pit and filthalina are sitting next to one another in a loving partnership of attacking me--together, it's a bonding ritual for them on a daily basis now. And the next pig from pig pit's attempt to round up celebrities into a huge corporate media empire is attacking me, with MSNBC anchor bigot racist KKK fascist yelling violently, absolutely violently at me, for saying I don't give a damn about this shit actor, his movie and to screw off--(around Greene the f-word is pouring out of my mouth because she is trying to discredit me by having it inserted into my subconscious while they are violently threatening my life and slapping and calling me "bitch" and yelling and etc etc--on and on, it goes on still for hours every single morning, from the moment I wake up from a night of sick and stupid foul teleportation skits of hate, rape and violence and homelessness and murder, to waking up to hate, insults, endless comments on my body, every single thing I do, the pigs sitting in rows smirking as they get media promotions that are off the spectrum -- never ending, no politician will come to stop this. Celebrities line up for their next chance if given an opportunity. Whites first, blacks at the back of the rows and the back of the line. They are brought up when the white pig apes need extra violence inflicted upon me. ----------------------


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...