Friday, March 17, 2023

S**t everywhere, both in-and-out: A graphic, gruesome post about detox I undergo, am now undergoing, from poisons trapped inside a hard shell, turned into black hard poisons similar to an internal shell, with black goo fluids trapped under the hard shell--into my back, inside my internal organs, probably for circa 20-30 years (not for the squeamish when it comes to body fluid detail--not for the fettish crowd either)

 Back in 2011, when I realized the extent of the poisoning, as I was so drugged endlessly by internal hard poisons trapping liquid, fermenting poisons (which turn black, the blackest color when I can finally get some of it out, if I can manage to break the internal shell. If I manage to do that, I only get a tiny sliver of the hard stuff to crack and finally come out after extreme exertion--it takes 2-3 days for the soft liquids to finally loosen to the point of elimination--2-3 days of not being able to move mostly all day, sick and stuck not able to think, read, or move).

I am undergoing that, in the 3rd day right now. I had decided back in 2011, when I first realized that no matter what I did, I was stuck with a huge abdomen of poison jutting out (not realizing that I was constantly being re-poisoned by people breaking into my home every night and putting tasteless and invisible poison in my body and/or food.

I thought I would try to provide evidence so I could at least have proof, so accusations that are inevitable of me being "crazy" would have some basis in fact of proof of poisoning. However, I decided it would be too insulting to me on a public level--as having photos of black poison without saving the content could be mislabeled as me being pathologically scatological or some other mental disorder category. With no proof of retaining the poisons that I eliminate, with laboratory break-down, people could assume I am sick and crazy and keeping a diary of my eliminations which I am fascinated with. I decided to not keep a photo journal of the detox process.

I am writing now because I am fighting as hard as I can to break the last, albeit HUGE, quantity remaining as a hard shell embedded into my back.


Hacking is making this as usual nearly impossible to get out. The subject matter is also not anything I want to dwell on, and I am thoroughly sick of writing about the disgusting people endlessly taking turns attacking me, who in my opinion are nothing short of the stinking filth I eliminate through my anus every day or few days--they are just in "human" form. They are all connected to the stinking ugliness that the terror torture 4th Reich, in my opinion, is to the core of it's essence. Every single thing they do is a stinking lie and a poisonous toxic stain on humanity, in my opinion. They claim they are superior to all people and to life itself and part of a universe of superior elite ubermensch. I truly beg to differ and only consider them to be like the stinking fluids I crap out perpetually that they have forced into my body for so many decades.


To fight to continue (I just fought to get a capital "T" in the first word of this new paragraph over 6 times, the hacking is so bad the capital letters won't operate, the keyboard is stiff I must pound down, and my hands won't move to the keys I want to press).

I am doing various types of exercises which one of the (rapist) terrorists so kindly helped bestow upon me (with a quid-pro-quo of "helping" me in return for raping me with the terrorist actors watching on in their usual rows of chairs, giggling as he stuck his penis in my mouth and slapped my face while I was in a constructed, sleep or nascent waking state of inebriated/tech interface "ecstasy" while I was fighting to get him to stop, simultaneously, while in a waking and teleported state seeing my immediate 3D reality in front of me and the nearly ephemeral, thin veil of the teleported hate rape and abuse situation that I could not turn away from because my 2ndary body was transfixed in one, nearly tied down supine position being raped while my actual prime physical body was stuck in a kind of mesmerized transfixed state, trying to turn away and saying "stop" while this was ongoing.

But that was the "price" I was supposed to pay, amongst everything else this person could extract out of me so he and his wife, children adn family and friends could obtain a veritable universe of promotions out of forcing some mind control agenda forced upon me, which I perpetually fight to stop and not have forced upon me.


He did succeed in training me to the extent of being more aware of body alignment, because the hard poisons have literally put my body completely in a twisted, bloated, mutated and crooked body alignment. I need to have the poisons operating at a complete 180-degree oppositional force in order to try to break them slightly, crack the hard shell, and fight to get that cracked area to soften and release more of the endless layers of the hard shell that have accumulated into my body in a labyrinth spaghetti formation for all the 50+ years of me being poisoned and my body retaining most or all of that poisoning.


For the last few days, I was able finally to exercise after the sheer exertion of going out shopping and fighting cars nearly hitting me, people pushing into me and blocking my every movement in public spaces, and having to carry extremely heavy bags to try to protect what little I own from being sprayed with permanently stinking substances if I leave anything in this room while I am away--so I must carry huge and heavy bags with me at all times to try to protect things like the oils I use for cooking, because I can't afford to constantly buy new bottles, and etc.


A "plug" of what felt like semi-porous packing peanuts, but flattened in a hard, almost oblong shape, was stuck outside of my lower orifice after fighting to eliminate the poisons. The poisons are extreme latching-on chemicals. Often the chemicals which have hardened literally stick to my skin if I "crap" them out. One such hard piece was stuck on my lower area and I did not even feel it stuck there but I got it by accident cleaning that area---I realize this is "gross" but for one time only I am writing for all the sadistic fettish crowd--but seriously, I am writing to try to detail what I have been going through for over 10-12 years on a non-stop basis. Because the terrorists exploiting me have instructed the minions around me to continue to inject sewage water and poisons into my bladder via insertions into my vagina, I have had to deal with this on a non-stop basis. They want me crooked, bloated so they can claim I am "fat" and then they are poisoning me literally to death and then laughing about how "ugly" I look and of course how much more beautiful they are--after years of this going on every single day.


So this "plug" of mushy but firm compacted stuff came out. From all these years of this same process going on, because the poisoning has not stopped and the process of hardening continues as long as they keep having this poison inserted into my bladder, or put into my food, or etc. The bloating poison hardens, and a "plug" forms as the poisons then become embedded into little "pockets" of poison that are retained into my body. The layers are then compacted as time progresses and it's nearly impossible to break off the hard pieces, because they are slightly moveable, and malleable. They bend with movement. It is crucial, therefore, to get the ends of the attachments moving in diametrical opposition so the hard pieces break off, at least slightly. I must go through this every day. But for the last few days, after the plug broke off, then the softening process of all the poison that bloated, congealed and then flattened inside this interior pocket under all the layers I have broken off for all these years of the process continuously being continued by recurrent, non-stop re-poisoning--but this is very "old" poison coming out now. The texture of the plug was so creepy I knew it was very old--maybe 20 years or 30--and there is a lot more. As the poison begins to soften inside this pocket area, the black poisons come out, I am too sick to move. I sit in a chair unable to move and I can't read, concentrate or think. I need entertainment but all the movies and tv shows are offensive to me. Most of them deal with death. I don't want to see gore, hate and death while in this sick situation. Otherwise, every click on YouTube brings the face of a terrorist celebrity who has teleported me or wants to or if I click on their video they will very soon shortly thereafter (and some of them NEVER stop). Some of them who never stop are ones I NEVER clicked on in the first place, they just latched on to me, like the poisons do. Like the poisons they latch on and are tasteless and odorless but congeal and become compressed toxins I can't get out unless I diametrically oppose them to try to break them off.

The black poisons, if I ever get to the layers of the deep hard plugs, after a day or two it takes for the black liquids to soften enough and get through all the conduits for me to detox--they then stick to the toilet bowl--even if I flush for a few hours the black streaks remain---that is how much these poisons are capable of internal destruction to the structure--latching onto bone and tissue--my spine is completely skewed. This group (from decades ago and until recently when I was not able to block the terrorists in this condo from breaking in and raping me while I was teleported and completely unconscious, as they would adjust my spine and hips out of alignment and then insert fungus and semen into my vagina--which was rape, not just through the mechanical arms which they are doing now). That is what the A-list celebrities and Trump have been doing to me for years and years and years and being awarded for it. If anything, they are more noxious and disgusting than the stinking, black deadly poisons. Spiritually they have been dumping their toxic waste and hate into me via this hate teleportation contract, some are addicted to it on an energetic and psychological addiction level to the hormone high and the need to vent their hate out upon someone and not appear as ugly and toxic and sleazy and nasty as the poison that they are--this teleportation spectacle of human degradation remains a most popular sport for politicians and celebrities alike.
However, for one day I am providing you voyeurs with a detailed sort of description of the poison, it should sound a little gross unless you are fascinated with scatological details on a sexualized level (some are, I think).
As for the human behavior content, apparently all that I describe is of no shock value to the readers who think that actors and politicians are entitled to this kind of venting toxic hate out upon an innocent target--whom they find any rationale to continue to torture because they are addicted to dumping their psychological toxic waste into me every day, as often as possible. I have been told that I am the "only one" this is happening to (I don't believe it) and if only there were more perhaps they would stop using me as the one and only dumping group for their toxicity and hate which is like poisons that latch on and glue my body, skewing my life and body, twisting everything into a hapless deformed state, and then keeping me paralyzed and stuck while their hate is a poison all in itself. Every day and night this continues, and with the never-ending poisoning through these surreptitious means of mechanical arms entering into my room and the poisoning capabilities that are possible with millions of "gang stalking" terrorists performing every poisoning act possible through all means and ways--I am stuck like this. I am detoxing on a physical level, constantly, the poisons and I am writing about their toxic hate which is a form of detox from the hate that my body literally cannot tolerate to keep retained inside--

I keep writing, they keep poisoning me. More and more very sick and toxic people join in to vent and pour poison on me. Every day it appears to be more and more and more of them, sitting in those infernal rows of chairs watching as the next comes to scream, hit, threaten, violate, rape and assault literally non-stop from one to the next.

People are in such need for this technology that no politician or person in society will do anything to stop this terror upon me, and the technology is being developed to further more victims because the "go-getters" of society need people to torture very, very badly.

So I am writing about this shit today. AS I have been doing every day. I have written about this stinking shit situation more often than I can shit/detox from the literal physical poisoning, because it's so latched on to my body interior. I can't get rid of these people who feed off terror and torture with this teleportation and surveillance technology. Plus they feed off my hyperbolic reaction while I am under non-stop drugging. This is their "drug" of hormone-feeding off abusing someone else and having no legal or societal repercussions.

WHILE I am forced into the never-ending poison detox struggle for my life, the teleportation sessions involve one person after the next screaming in fascist violence into my face, while I can't look away, it's similar to being tied down and getting raped, tortured and beaten and verbally abused while on "truth serum" drugging and tech-brain-altering double-pronged torture systems. The fascists, i.e. Graham out of S. Carolina violently screaming at me, with Greene playing a double-Janus two-faced saccharine sweet with violent threats and sexual assault--hateful, nasty, fake, all like a death goon squad. Yelling so violently at me, the nightly teleportation skits are so violent--the Southerners putting death and murder skits into my deep sleep state with violent yelling into my face while I'm drugged so I react--screaming at them in rage to get off me, one after the other in a non-stop sequence of them. All going off giggling about how much fun it is to "get" the "radical liberal" and whatever else--they undoubtedly use worse terms in the private laughter sessions they all conjointly have after they teleport and jointly torture me--but taking turns, like police taking turns beating a handcuffed person who has not committed any crime, but finally is reacting with anger after YEARS of the same hate going on--now they use my reaction as "Justification" for increased violence. All this lowers all my immune system response to the poisoning, my lymphatic system, my overall body's defense system is always on the brink of collapse from sheer violent verbal and yelling assaults while I am in a sleeping or barely waking or drugged up but waking state while in this room fighting to clean endless stinking piles of goo and filth sprayed and put on every single thing possible (curtains, the walls, the floors, all clothing, my hair my body).

I noticed this morning that the insertions of silicone into my thigh on the right side, just above the patella--to appear like a cyst, has increased in size. Either more silicone was injected while I was asleep, or the leg massages I am doing to try to rid my thighs of the poisons that have accumulated there so my legs look like chunky cellulite covered bumpy logs--(they use to be very beautiful, in my former very athletic lifestyle of daily 2 hour exercise--for years + bicycle riding and walking and going out dancing after the 2 hours of exercise per day). Now, for over a decade I have not even been able to do simple stretches, until recently after a bit of help in stretches because my body became so out-of-alignment that I could not bend any longer).
The skin on my hands look like poisons have been lathered on them--it's worsened even though I have taken more steps to heal the skin. I have been put out by literally falling unconscious due to the harsh detox and my loss of healing capability--so I fall into a deep, healing sleep after detox either after exercising and then detoxing more of the black chunks latched into my back, with the black thick syrupy liquids pouring out and sticking to the toilet bowl or my body if I finally get a bit out--and so ill I pass out and am unconscious. Every night I put gloves, layers of socks, with rubber bands tightly wound around my wrists to stop the insertion of metal objects under my cuticles and fingernails (some of which are now permanently mutilated from years of this going on every single night). My feet the same. My head I wrap in 4 layers of materials wound around and fastened and knotted to stop the insertion of mechanical arms under anything that is slightly loose--because I tried to protect my head for months and my hair kept falling out until I wrapped layers and layers of protection around my head so no mechanical arms, no matter how thin, could penetrate. The result is no oxygen to my scalp which requires oxygen to heal--and during the day I must also keep my head covered with a huge plastic wrap so that from behind they can't spray more toxic hair-destroying chemicals into my hair while I sit in sickness unable to move, in front of this laptop, struggling to use the laptop; too sick to read, think or concentrate on anything).
But.....these are just descriptions and there is much more to the daily struggle to not be  poisoned and tortured to death. The celebrities and politicians think this is a jolly good time for the good ole boys and girls to vent their hate out on "radical liberals" and "Jews" and upon "me" while I continue to fight every day for my life. For all reasons I have stated above and in the next post and in all these posts I have written for all these years. It goes far beyond just wanting promotions for personal gain. It's toxicity runs so deep it's a societal problem. I see this in the killings of unarmed citizens and in the mass slaughter of innocents who then must immigrate desperately to foreign countries to try to survive the poisoning of their societies by what used to be my own society in what  used to be called "Globalization". I just call it all The 4th Reich by now.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...