MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
No one will ever stop this *(?!) violation of my body, life, privacy my thoughts my body my ideas--stolen, abused and deformed mutilated--grey hair now from years of poisoning and murder attempts and torture without a day of it ever ending. After my nth series of posts yesterday about the violence these expletives are continuously inflicting upon me, as usual the response was to bring in another sleazy abuser who was screeching "loser" at me and abusing me to the point that my body was breaking down--that was last year, almost exactly a year ago--her father made physically violent gestures at me, then threatened to kill me; had me hanging off a helicopter for writing something in rage about their mutual screaming vicious hate at me for having done nothing but defend myself and finally screaming enraged hate sentences that probably were implanted in order to "justify" more violence against me. The daughter obtained a recognition from Haute Magazine afterwards, and is back as they all are to get more and more and more and more awards and deals out of just endlessly abusing me while i am helplessly in this room doing morning routine things like putting the layers of clothing away--it takes me 90 minutes to 2 hours to put everything away because I have to wrap my body with layers and layers of clothing, rubber bands and strings to stop the previous YEARS of mutilation--I can't tie anything strong enough around my torso and even if I try, the terrorists use the mechanical arms to insert tiny little mechanical arms and they put stinking fungus into my lower regions so I must sleep without any protection fro that area--which is nightly inserted with fungus, stinking sewage water, poisons that are murdering me invisibly/internally and mind control drugs so once I wake up from teleportatoin skits of murder, rape and torture and abuse, they begin hours of hissing insults at me. When I respond more things are broken in my room, my plants killed--and I can't stop responding due to what the technology is doing to my brain--opening it up like a sieve. After the people who were outright murdering me via poisoning were also stealing ideas from me, they have handed this contract to Depp and his daughter is endlessly attacking me, as she also did this morning alongside the vicious half-Jewish terrorist and her father and then it was endlessly as usual pig pit and filthalina--all I did was fight for my life over a decade ago to stop people from raping poison into my body after poisning me, then when they would not stop after 3 years of asking them in emails and phoning them in drugged and dying hysteria--I called them "pigs" as they were taking turns--the English scumbag out of London who is associated with filthalina and her English mother also out of London, and then the Italian connected to Stallone who is working with Mafia out of NYC (alongside Trump). They continue the theft of my ideas, torturing me for fighting in my defense, and one politician after the next has rushed to join in, insulting and threatening to kill me, demanding that I provide them with some "baby" as they don't even say verbally what I'm "supposed" to do, I'm just "supposed" to go along with whatever they demand without resistance. They then screech at me and rush at me violently and have my body further poisoned and mutilated, my drinking water infused with sewage water, they have my body further poisoned, and they all go off laughing with new promotions, endless media exposure--and the bigots i.e. from the South are violently threatening me. Pig pit and shitalina are both "white trash" from the South now endlessly turned into icons of "class" because of plastic surgery, along with Depp and his former French wife, now they are "elite" because of their intermariage with Europigapes and I am "nothing" because of being born into a Jewish heritage and actually not conforming to the racist agenda all my life; and thus, not being a gold digger and not doing what it took to live in a nice gated community but abused without end, I am now living in a stinking filth zone the pig apes constantly order their minions to spray with black and brown goo and fungus and filth--(this has gone on for decades but now I live in a stinking filth zone whic I can't clean due to the paralyzing poisons they keep inserting into my vagina and bladder along with hardening/stiffening/bloating poisons--every single day, on and on. That is ALL I have ever done to these disgusting people--who are just like the millions and millions of similar creeps around the world I have been attacked by-they are nothing special, nothing "glamorous" they have been handed endless money and nazi modification of their features because of their adherence to Nazi protocols and to this system, from which they are deriving an empire by using me as some symbol of hate in which to dump violence upon every moment they possibly can. So after having betgged yesterday again for hours in a silenced and unmet series of posts, I got the sleazy and dirty daughter of Depp who has completely obtained her entire career out of attacking me for the past decade. Welcomed with lavish open arms by the Nazis of Europigapeland and the same force controls Whorewood. Every time her fake and stupid movies are about to be released that piece of skank shit comes to violently abuse, have me spat upon, have shit pig mjen rape me who love the blonde Nazi piece of crap because that is all they can see in their greed and Nazi paradigm. My beauty and health so battered by now all I do is see how much damage they have inflicted upon me, which they then blame on me for just being a "nothing bitch" and ugly instead of the talented and beautiflu happy person who never wanted any fucking thing to do with any of them--the wealthy Europigapes--I was so desperate for help I asked them for help after they did things like hand me drnks and then try to rape me. The Italian scumbag out of Miami would spread his ugly huge hormone growth legs and sneer in hate at me, and then insult me as I avoided him. But he came after me for YEARS in Miami and I was in thaialand, so desperate to stop the stalking and I thought it was coming from one of the 2000's scumbag stalking terrorists--so I phoned him one time asking for help--under drugging and mind control--while I was in Phuket. That piece of shit began increasing the torture to murderous levels, had me poisoned so badly I am still dying from it, has had me raped and tortured while stealing ideas from me non-stop, along with his French partner who has attacked me for years alongside this ugly disgusting creep--and they are in the background now with these same actors coming after me repeatedly--the Depp family has not stopped viciously and violently assaulting me since 2013 when I simp,ly wrote one sentence on Depp's Facebook page admiring his movies. , after Graham was abusing me, after pit and shit and gang were abusing me, after non-stop shit peop;le have latched onto abusing me every single day. I called one of them a p[iece of s hit and she had a gang of English shit scumbags violently yelling and threatening me--for months--half a year. Her ugly disgusting huge hormone growth pig boyfriend raped me for about 1-2 months and used violence against me--years prior to me calling her a piece of shit. She obtained and has been obtaining ever since promotions every year into lead roles, whereas I had not even really heard of her before she and her boyfriend began this assault upon me. years of the black woman I called one time an aunt jemima after she has sat hugging, schmoozing and adoring the white trash pig ape pit gang and acting group of filth who have not stopped passing me around--this one stole an idea I had written of so she could star in a movie which supposedly depicts her as having this concept ingrained into her greedy and lascivious public personality (privately a greedy and sleazy disgusting parasitic energy parasite having been trained into the Nazi fold). //This morning and last night subjected to more teleportation stupid as hell skits with me repeating actions that I never would do if I were awake. Waking up to hearing insults that went on for at least 2 hours instead of 4. I tried to ignore this putrid creep who was screeching insults at me for months with her disgusting father, who grabbed at my body (instead of rape, he accentuated how deformed my body was via the poisoning by the Nazi shit sitting next to this "jewish" father/daughter team of trashy Nazi billionaires--she returned--insulting and insulting as pig pit and shitalina sat in their usual chairs watching as I responded to the insults trying not to engage with these putrid people I detest beyond comprehension. They do something to my brain using this tech where I can't stop talking or resonding. It's impossible for me at this point. My gray hair, along with the permanently balding spot, along with the layers of liver spots from shock, stress and poisoning, my broken toe, my body deformed and huge with poisons they keep inserting into my body to keep me paralyzed so these pig ape whores can endlessly attack me to get more and more and more awards for demonstrating that they can fuck over, steal and rob someone's ideas and thoughts and then destroy that person's life and creativity by endlessly calling them "stupid bitch shut up" while it goes on in an endless lopp--hissing into my inner ear. My living situation a complete stinking toxic filth hole, my finances blocked so badly I am always on the verge of destitution and homelessness with no ability to earn a single penny. They call me "loser" for it and the same shit people were sent to attack me once more last night/this morning. Can't anyone understand that this inhumanity is more than just a violation of someone's privacy? I don't want a completely covered balding patchwork of grey hair and balding spots to grow any longer- this is murder and it's been going on for over a decade by these same scumbag parasites. Is there no humanity anywehre to stop this? I write begging for humanity, for help, for compassion, for justice for law for support--I get the same fucking pig whores coming back every day and politicians trying to violently threaten me and when I respond with rage and begging for the next rapist scumbag shit politician to stop yelling murderous rage into my face and having my home/food and body so badly poisoned not just the grey hair but my body completely shriiveling from toxic shock as a result--begging daily for this hell to be sotpped. STop these pigs permanently from doing this any longer I've been subjected to ungodly torture for ove a decade due to t his Nazi group hating me for having b een beautiful, winning in athletic events, being a very competent and happy person--their Nazi racist agenda is so pronounced that they must break me visibly and in every way before I either kill myself to end this because I can't kill them--or I just break psychologically--and I believe that murdering me is the ultimate goal and it has been attempted many times from these same shit whore pigs who have also had me raped, tortured nad beaten and poisoned on a non-stop basis for over a DECADE. Where is there any justice in Americ a when will anyone ever stop this? --------Will someone somebody please pleas pleas please please please please stop them please stop this murder of me p;lease stop tghis rape and torture please--they are killing me please stop this fucking endless violence they keep coming at me when they need a boost for Oxcars for their movie awards season for the promotion of their movies and political careers--they never stop they kee pgoing for over a decade over and over the same shit actorfs going on and on and on and on getting Oscars year after year-- The technology and society allowing this to continue indefinitely has not only put Trump and fascism into power in America on a visible level, but I am unable to get any support so I can't defend myself with evidence, I can't get any single person to stand by me-- please stop this non-stop torture. Please stop them. I know that Biden is also counting on one or all of them to help him win the next election so he and Harris are both fully supporting this violence against me. It's a never-ending rotation of people I find so disgusting and foul I pray for their deaths every night to stop this. Why has America turned into such a hellhole fascist country that ALL politicians do nothing, all of society will not support me and they keep applauding covert assassinations and murder like this? Rape without end because I am not willing to be abused and raped and drugged and poisoned to death without resistance? Goddamn that no one will do anything ?! Will you ever do anything. What the fuck will it take for anyone to ever stop this? I repeat this same line every few months in fucking desperation to not have to see these putrid rotten fucking pigs ever again---waiting and waiting for some semblance of humanity out there----to respond finally--without being more sleazy and stupid foul parasitic fascists gladly participating. ----------- As for disgusting Depp and his filthy , ugly sleazy daughter--who will now obtain a huge promotion as she has been trying to obtain for her upcoming next celluloid skank role--he was raping and beating me. I kept writing in desperation to him on Twitter to stop raping me and teleporting me--I told him I wrote on Facebook that they were destroying my body, that I had poisoned trapped in my body and needed to heal. They kept up the contract of raping and then physically torturing and poisoning me--never stopped--2 years later I was screaming to get off me as he was still going on pumping poison as deeply into my body as possible while Amber Heard watched on with glares of hate in photos or huge smiles--putting this crap on my social media and whenever I looked up who and what they were as presented in the media. The dirty filthy daughter went from having no career to endlessly feeding as a vampire skank on torture and abuse of me, literally pumped up on hormones and a power high--endlessly violating and abusing me because she's a disgusting fascist Nazi with French Nazi parents and family member who absolutely are in favor of genocide and destruction of the US. Infiltrators and usurpers. They are so championed by this group and the men who come to beat, abuse and rape and insult me with vicious yelling into my face--the blonde Nazi bigot skank who feeds off torture--and so she's never stopped--it never ends with this putrid Depp family and Elon Musk--who partnered with Heard after her punch from Depp (I have no doubt he beat her, whatsoever). Elon Musk has since partnered with Trump to build a n empire and they all keep coming at me like vicious fascists demanding I immediately submit to being posioned and abused and destroyed without any resistance. They keep being handed free promotions by this global Nazi group. They can never get enough and their projects are so amply funded and financially backed that every few months they return either because their last project has failed and they must abuse me to gain more, or they are beginning a movie or tech project and need approval or whatever--they never stop taking turns and coming back. I beg and beg for this to be stopped and just another one who has viciously tortured me to the point that i begged and begged online for them to be pried off me--they just come back after the next one and the next one takes it's turn doing exactly the same things as the last--following orders, following protocols. I beg for torture and mruder to be stopped--the white supremacist pig ape whores are so sexually excited by this that they can press a button, rape and beat and torture me, poison my body deform my body steal my property and get PRESIDENTIAL approval for it. This week Biden made a public statement about Greene who had raped and threatened and attacked me in a psychopath way, just as Graham had done, and then this disgusting MSNBC anchor who is nothing short of a KKK lynch mob fascist bigot---with his rotten wife--literally I am not using exaggeration-viciously attacking me verbally and threatening with violence so they are replaced the next day by the pig whores who had done the murder operation and destruction prior to my begging to get the next gorup off me--as I pepetually beg and beg for something to stop this every day for a DECADE. They keep getting awarded for my desperate posts. Can't you ever make this stop you people reading this? Are you all so overjoyed that fascism is going to take over the United States that you can't stop this onslaught of fascist technology or these disgusting, incompetent on the real level necessary to responsibly handle these technologies without creating mass violence on a genocidal scale? Obviously that is the intended goal of Biden with his never-ending incapacity to pass legislation except to help people like Pelosi further grift off bills she passed when she could exploit she did. It is astounding how corrupt and disgusting they are, and how much they are truly working to create a fascist racist-based dictatorship with technocratic despotism, surveillance and torture and murder death squad operations. Fully condoned by ALL of Congress, all members participate in one way or another. As far as I can tell, the gamut of politicians is by now huge that I know are involved. If they lose their seats in Congress or the Senate or the Executive, they are immediately replaced by a similar version of the same thing (Biden=Trump in the good ole boys racist bigot club).
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Terrorist mutilation report: I am writing this to get the stress out of my psyche, because 15 years of writing about it has only produced scores and dozens and hundreds and thousands of more terrorists rushing to attack me; they have to wait in line sometimes. The physical, ongoing mutilation of my body. Ongoing daily mutilations of my body repeated nightly and daily while I am unconscious, teleported and in deep unconscious comatose sleep state (my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" sleep body and transported to the teleported semi-physical body. Apparently I appear "whole "in tangible form to the people abusing me viciously murderously every night while i sleep to their gleeful sadistic feeding frenzy. My body is ravaged, put out of alignment, mutilated parts severed out damaged stinking liquids poured into my hair, body my skin is doused with horrid curdling chemicals---
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