Monday, July 17, 2023

Master Cleanse day #3 terrorist report/cyber terrorism. *This post was so badly hacked while I was in the middle of writing it that the hackers literally hacked my cursor to middle sections of paragraphs while I was fighting to pound out letters--words have been altered, etc. It's hard to read, I have correct it at least 4 times already and I have to walk away to try to "remember" the ideas that are being blocked from my consciousness while I am under non-stop "mind control" attacks from their tyrannical torture tech endlessly blasted into my body and brain--more murder. More silence and more applause for the perpetrators of this violence. More never-ending non-support for me, more endless prizes and promotions for the pieces of shit attacking me.

 I know that my food and environment are being polluted with mind control drugging and subliminal hate messages that are constant with every insult and curse they can endlessly repeat--the pig apes in the studios next to mine, ordered by the filth from Whorewood, applauded by the expletive executives and the politicians of Congress-wood-swamp-Dark Money Inc.


I surf YouTube to try to see ALL the predators hacking their videos on my channel--my real reason is to find and discover information to try to figure out a way to destroy all the millions of enemies I am surrounded by in the death squad/gang stalking terrorism that is being sponsored by those above-mentioned or facilitated-by or funded.

I surfed today, after writing a post triggered by detox, as horrific poisons are surging to the surface of the interior of the huge hard shell of cemented poison with liquid pockets of stinking, vile substances trapped in all recesses of my body possible. The huge, ugly contortion that they forced my body to appear as is cemented into a horrible square-pear shape and I can do absolutely nothing until I work with all my life force and strength to try to figure out how to break off incremental pieces through fasting and exercises that pull all the poisons in every direction latched onto my spine, into my skull extending to my feet and it's not just excruciating, but when the poisons finally soften or crack off in tiny pieces, they explode internally into a huge stinking mass that I must get out by eating copious amounts of food so the adhesive poison at the cellular level will latch onto this heavy food in my intestines as to eliminate them--it takes up to 10 hours after gorging on heavy, fattening food. Then I must sleep while I am tortured by the filth of Whorewood and their poisoning sickening partners and politicians giggling and laughing and screaming and insulting and grabbing at my body and raping and applauding and complimenting the whores and pig apes who feed off violence, are titillated without end, on a huge hormone power trip, and transmit that into sexualized "humanitarian" concepts that they also steal from me out of non-stop torture while I am in this most vulnerable physical state--as they keep having poison inserted into my body, I'm drugged up literally every single day for that slow murder effect.


So I surfed after writing a post on Facebook about this bulbous ancient dinosaur with a cheery psychopathic disposition, claiming that she is of a most pleasant and cheery disposition. Her inclusion in this violence against me, even while she's putting out dumb movies about The South and inter-racial coupling and gospel choirs all with black and white and all comin' together for a sunny gomer Pile type barbecue at the end of the Happy ending dumb movie--her playing the compassionate but critical junction between failure (them) and success (her) in the movie. This mediocre movie played constantly on my cable tv where I had no tv guide, along with the pig apes from Whorewood I have been writing of for years who then spent years teleporting, raping, poisoning, abusing, insulting, stealing, destroying, mutilating, having my body nearly killed, hit by cars, animals killed, as they stole ideas from my writing and my thoughts and included them in their blockbuster movies according to contract--giving me nothing but more torture, more destruction of the scant I can afford to pay, as they also had my money stolen, my body raped in one state of teleportation while they teleported me and abused and raped me in another--simultaneously. And more and more, and when I fought to get them off, they had my body mutilated, and severed and my uterus partially cut out and all money for health care stolen and blocked and all access to earning money blocked and my cat stolen and animals I loved thereafter killed and taken away--and on and on-my hips and spine put out of alignment--every day as the rapists would insert semen and fungus into my vagina--my hair mostly gone from chemicals they put on my hair after I fought for over a month to get some huge disgusting Europigape to stop teleporting and raping me violently while they were poisoning me non-stop as he pounded the poison more deeply into my body, had me so badly drugged I could not figure out how to balance my bank account--when I called him a pig and hit him finally after 6 weeks of this going on and on as I said no, the pig whores of whorewood hugged him--the whores who stole my ideas about feminism, about Sleeping Beauty--absolutely thrilled and loving hugging and sexually swiping the pig on his cheek lovingly as he was beating, raping and murdering me and when I screamed finally in absolute rage, being murdered, for the 100th time to stop, screaming in desperate rage that he's a fucking pig as I tried to punch him and screaming--they had my hair mostly chemically damaged so my scalp was like bald rubber and the hair would not even begin to grow back for more than 6 months--and it's still mostly gone after maybe 2 years later I can't get it to grow back (and won't take dangerous drugs to try to get it to grow back because my liver and kidneys are under far too much strain to take potentially deadly hair growth pills which have actually damaged people in the past under research and studies). 


Can't anyone PLEASE have this situation ever stopped? What the FUCK is WRONG with the United States that it's so depraved and sick to allow this to go on and on and on and on and awards and deals and prizes handed out, even when it has been proven how sick they eventually become, the public continues to love gang stalking, the government continues to hand out these drugs and technologies, the politicians keep blaming me for not allowing the shit whores to suck every single thing out of me with my complete acceptance and obedience--

They never stop, I constantly am fighting for my life. This detox I am under now I have been doing non-stop for over 5 years--as they kept poisoning me anyway so I became even more poisoned the harder I worked to rid my body, the more shit they poured into my body through my food intake and from insertions of stinking sewage and poison into my bladder and vagina--laughing as I ran to the toilet sick --they teleported me. These are whores who have stolen my ideas and turned them into movies celebrating them as if this is what they are--

Now writers are striking in filthy dirty Whorewood and the actors' union is as well. This situation has extended far beyond my own personal exploitation by the shit that are being groomed through Nazi protocols into leadership position--affecting slave labor, sex slavery, murder for anyone who resists or says no, theft of ideas, property and destruction of property and life for anyone they don't like who won't go along.

yet still, no one can associate my situation with the "greed" the greedy actors are claiming that the execs they all obey and follow and know about my situation (I believe the President of SAG-AFRA has known about my situation for a very long time but has, like all the rest, gone along because she gets contracts and more roles for her silence--so the greed has trickled down completely but the situation is so egregious that I read writers are forced to work two or three other jobs just to pay rent or have any kind of solvency--in addition to writing for the pigs, whores and shit of Whorewood who are sucking out every bit of lucre possible--not a single one who has stolen my concepts or ideas has paid me a cent, they have instead forced me to perpetually repurchase items that are constantly being sprayed with stinking permanent laboratory-created filthy substances--yellowed with sprays that won't come off--stinking, broken constantly. force me into such poverty I can't afford a doctor. Inserted silicone into my body under the skin to appear like cysts--round and semi-hard in creepy weird places. I can't trust a single doctor to remove them nor can I afford to do so. I have No health insurance, as they have cars constantly nearly hit and kill me while I drive.


And yet, this is fun and funny to the filthy pieces of shit from Congress and from Whorewood.

So with global warming I can only state that I hope a huge sweltering tsunami floods the shit of whorewood and wipes them away--their studios, their shitty enclaves and mansions

the result of the conspicuous consumption they have been whoring off to the stupid dumbed down public

**this is the non-sequitor part of another paragraph that was hacked and inserted here-this regards the bulbous ape skank from The south who hacked her unwanted sick face and video onto my youtube channel today. I reacted because I am being drugged while sleeping and this was in the morning, as I search the internet for what is going on in the endless debacle of the deterioration of the United States by this Nazi/Mafia cartel. this should have been included in another part of the post about this woman and her movies about being so loving and kind and open-minded and not racist as she for over a decade has worked alongside the rapists and Nazi-spouting haters in mutilating and torturing me--the blonde bigot with the fake positive cheery voice that sounds like the Chipmunks on crack--singing her country crap songs--and obtaining plastic surgery and endless roles since having participated in this endless violence against me. Not exactly cheery and positive, but like all the putrid Nazis they feel so much better that their sagging careers and breasts have all obtained a lift by the 4th Reich promotional grooming hate organization handing out the teleportation to at least 200 celebrities and by now at least 20 significant politicians in the Senate and House and of course the US President and other presidents operating behind the scenes--and their VP's--This sickening singer I refer to once more: She hacked her disgusting music video while I was surfing for  outdated old music of the disco materialism genre. This 70's disco era really helped to deter the sheeple away from the protest era and into a materialism "greed" era, the "me" generation and the yuppie Wall Street era-- The Reagan "trickle down "economics disaster which is now the mutli-trillion dollar US Debt--then loosening of restrictions for big biz--and all the Dark money pouring in, which is mostly responsible for this endless tyranny that the technocrats are forcing upon me, to the utter delight of the parasites--so the cumulative effect has been the pig apes I am dealing with, most Reagan-era pollutants of the public consciousness--their induction into mind control programming now operates in conjunction with the climate crisis-- a worsening of the climate crisis and a desensitizing effect for actual real love and substituted it with quick and easy sensationalism which is now a combination of pop culture of sadistic psychopathy and sleazy pop music all devoid of any content other than a few sound bytes of information (stolen from older artists--and in one case, stolen from my writing) most of their output revolves around selling sex and inputting fascist mind control through their gyrating genitals on screen, and/or their gyrating genitals underneath the robes of "august" power in the halls of tyranny formerly known as Congress.


I became in a flurry of sickness, and nausea not just from detox but in seeing her disgusting face and boob job and disgusting fake psychopath Southern Bigot KKK Nazi/Mafia personality forced like so many other blobs and putrid skanks on my internet--at the point of absolute disgust every time they force their putrid videos on my YouTube channel after a decade of torture and violence and being hit by cars and my body huge and poisoned and them torturing me and blocking finances and stealing ideas and abusing me every single night in my healing sleep mode so I can't heal and am dying as they go off being applauded and my shit government keeps patting the shit whores on their greasy dirty backs

so they put a video of a woman being tortured (to death they claim) in videos from Mexico. The video they put looked like a Dark Web authentic torture and assassination video--I was so drugged I watched some of it, just to see--it was one of those "short" little 50-second clips from Tik Tok or the Dark Web. I felt the artificial sexual stimulus of the tech as I was induced through subliminals, poisoning which is always injected into my body while I sleep so most of my life is spent trying to not die from poisoning and trying to get out of a daze and sitting sick from poisoning in front of a laptop because my brain and body are so ill I can only sit and I need to divert the sublininal hate attacks by the pieces of shit who come and gather to abuse and insult me every single morning in one form or another in the teleportation ---sometimes I can "see" them sometimes I "hear" their ugly stupid dirty voices (your A-$$ hole celebrities the mafia goons the plastic surgery porno skank rape cheerleaders and the writers and directors who provide you with an endless slaughterhouse of murder and revenge flicks).


These inhuman, sub-human pieces of excrement are so inhuman and inhumane that I can't believe that this crap has been cheered on for torture and attempted murder non-stop by my shit government for decades. I know that my parents were crushed under this system and eventually, slowly poisoned to death as they obeyed and followed every order implicitly. They were just poisoned to death with abusive Nazi and Mafia spouses in order to avert the terrorism that I am being inflicted with--with hate, violence, death threats coming from so many Senators and presidents and House of Rep scumbags it's appalling and I have to wonder how any attempt at an insurrection was not attempted long ago instead of just in the last few years. Now the filth and shit of this organization is coming out into the open, but not so the shit attacking me in all their executive roles and aspiring to be execs once the dinosaurs die off who have trained, groomed and applauded them (the older Western actors who rode horses before color tv was popularized with analog tvs--these are still alive, are handed festivals, and are grooming the next generation of Nazi 3rd Reich children into the 4th Reich.

One of the greasy sleazy filthy stupid apes has spent half it's rotten life in profiting off attacking me, has been feeding off it since early adolescence and can't stop and has been instructed by it's filthy ape pig cartel with endless support from every government official all of Whorewood and et al--that this is "normal" to torture and rape and steal ideas

so I am disgusted thoroughly with the lack of any kind of protection for me whatsoever from the entire planet as I have gone around the world 4 times trying to find any place where this shit is not attacking me any longer.


As I wrote about global warming in conjunction with El Nino, exacerbating the problem, I can only hope that Nature will wreak revenge and stop all this techno-terrorism that stupid and subhuman scum has forced upon the planet with endless poisoning and pollution and hate and greed and sleazy and life-fuck paradigms that are being taught every day in the name of consolidation of power and luxury (aka the 4th Reich, "globalism", "development" etc).


I just want you greasy sick disgusting pieces of shit to stop hacking your putrid selves, faces, movies and all that you force into my internet so I don't have to see you--and to stop teleporting me, goddamn what will it fucking take for you pig whore apes to ever stop? Maybe global warming will wash you shit all away as tsunamis and earthquakes and floods wipe you out like some curse from Jehovah in the time of Noah's flood? All the years of you selling your sleazy filth in advertising to get people to feel ashamed of their bodies unless they conform to your standard--as you have been poisoning and mutilating me for years and then screaming at me that I am not plastic-surgery modified as you are, that I am under torture, sick from poisoning which you never stop having your filth apes inject into my vagina, my bladder, my food, my ears, my hair, my furniture--every single night while I am asleep, out of this room, or while I am in another part of this sickening filthy studio which you have sprayed with filth every single day multiple times a day to continue to profit off destroying me while sucking and stealing everything from me I have ever attained while screaming that I am some Loser'

And so your advertising about your fashion is just more of the impetus that causes people to feel insecure so they buy and buy and buy the worthless overpriced crap which they throw away into a huge global dumping ground as more convenience is necessary for people to try to emulate your filth and wealth while you are applauded for bringing death and destruction onto the planet.

I hope only that the mess you have absolutely helped to create washes you away with the rest of the destroyed planet instead of you flying off to Mars once your Nazi 4th Reich pig ape Musk creates colonies on that lifeless planet.


Can't you stop putting your filthy ugly faces on my internet and trying to trigger a reaction? Can't you fucking pig whore apes ever stop torturing and teleporting me? Can't, after a decade of me writing as Trump and the Clintons and Obama and et al the list is so long I always "forget" to mention very crucial politicians--all just participate in one form or another--get their tv deals, get more mansions, go off laughing at parties while I remain fighting to heal as they order more violence inflicted upon my body so literally all I do every single day is fight for my life to heal, as they continue to attack me to death with stress, hate and abuse

and yet still no one, not a fucking person can stand up for me? Not one single fucker in Congress not one single whore from Whorewood nothing, no one?


The terrorist hackers inserted part of this post into a paragraph while I was writing--and while I was searching for the blinking cursor, it disappeared as they hacked the place where I had been writing into a different spot--so the paragraphs are now jumbled up and the post is entirely re-arranged--I can't re -read this--this is ranting. I am extremely sick from the lower levels of detox as this huge block of poison just remains in my body so hideously deformed--broken and crooked toes, mutilated fingers

and the shit whores can't stop attacking me, they won't fucking stop attacking me, the shit from the government won't do a fucking thing to goddamn stop them

please, God, create waves of death in global warming and destroy this group of shit--divine retribution

Friday, July 14, 2023

Unbelievably disgusting.

 **Hacking is pretty bad, I write this at the onset. This is going to be a pure rant from the endless hate attacks, crimes and poisoning and my body is so disgusting from decades of being poisoned but shitting poison out non-stop for over 12 years as the expletives are out buying multi-million dollar properties for having torture me since well before 2013--non-stop and they go on every single night

but I have been shitting this filthy black stinking poison the shit whores from Whorewood and their minions have re-poisoned me with since they took over this contract. While stuck in semi-paralysis or utterly sick and really dying, they have tortured me to obtain ideas about sexual trauma so they can come out with the endless movie rotation about violence against blonde Nazi rape cheerleader actresses who "rise up" against violence to overcome the pig ape men who also participate in this hate contract out upon me. The pseudo-semi-"feminist" statement is that these bigot Nazi women or the black nazis are so strong and agile and can overcome the pig men (who they cheer on as they beat, abuse and rape me for them and them all).

But I have been fighting 100% to rid this poison out of my body. The Nazi organization has a complete surveillance apparatus including thought-reading so they know what I will buy. The pig ape whores from Whorewood have laughed and called me "loser" perpetually as they have my finances completely blocked. The sleazy filthy politicians laugh and support and fund it all. The sleazy and stupid dumb whores from Whorewood are then propped up by the politicians as they operate hand-in-hand for more glossing of intelligence over the population.

I remain looking at Craigslist in the United States and realize I can't survive there or will be living in utter slum chaos because of the poisoning, the block to my finances the block to my internet the gaslighting the blacklisting and I am always so sick from poisoning and my spine fractured my body crooked part of my uterus severed out most of my hair chemically destroyed they tried to knock my teeth out they cut gum tissue off my jawline for months, cut into my cuticles for YEARS every single night while I slept, they sliced between my toes, they smeared damaging chemicals onto my skin, they stole my cat, they killed cats I took in and loved, they killed a frog I let live on my porch, this is the whorewood scum pig apes you all love and cheer on. I remain with my body looking like a square peg on some fractured battered body--I can't get this filthy poison out, for over 12 years they have repoisoned me on a daily basis while torturing me 24/7 so I would be either in a coma or in a perpetual state of nervous breakdown. My years of writing about this have resulted in the shit whores being promoted, operating as "humanitarians" for the United Nations, being celebrated by Europigapes in their endless jaunts to Europigapeland for their movie premieres--I have been assaulted by at least a minimum of half a million Europigape tourists and ex-pats here just in Phuket alone since this group of filth and shit from Whorewood began an endless assault upon me.

I look at my body and it's utterly disgusting from what the pieces of shit have inflicted upon me. Every single day I see that they have bought a new multi-million dollar apartment or mansion or have received more accolades or lead roles.

They have never paid me a cent for the ideas they have stolen.

Have never repaid me for years of ordering my property constantly sprayed with permanently stinking substances, having my property broken so every month something I rely on must be replaced--on my sub-sub-poverty income

The politicians who join in have obtained endless interviews and attention immediately after they begin to assault me. They get tv shows, become writers in Whorewood, documentaries are made about them, and they all give zero to me in return except to live in a perpetually stinking broken down room, everywhere I go they have my home made stinking and disgusting and foul and dirty ina way I can't clean

but my body is so disgusting to look at, the black poison remains stuck into my abdomen after 12 years of fighting to remove it once I figured out by myself, with no one ever informing me, that I was being poisoned to death.

But the abuse they have inflicted upon me, and they are still doing it every single night I am sleeping and more intensely every single morning--with abuse, power-over skits, homeless skits, murder skits, rape, violence and people can't get enough of cheering them on and leaving me to  literally beg constantly for years for my life for someone to intervene and fucking stop them.


to actually let me live in fucking peace for once instead of me being killed every day like the death of a million billion slices of endless hate and violence endlessly inflicted upon me for no fucking reason except for racism.

to have endless blacks from Whorewood and everywhere else come at me like vicious violent nazis under the instruction of white supremacist Nazi fascists attacking me with violent hate and negativity and insults so they can be promoted by white pig apes and still they claim they are victims of racism.

to have jews do the same, and so many other races and people

with no one, literally no one coming to support me openly, not once not a single human being on the entire planet.


I just want the fucking pigs who have attacked me to be forced to pay me for this endless violence, for the hate and negativity they have forced into my body and life, for a chance to heal and not be poisoned any longer to death, for them to be forced to pay me so I can buy my own home and get the fuck away from most of humanity but still live in a decent way around society in a place that is safe so I can be fucking alone and get rid of parasitic shit people attacking me in my own home. My cat returned and this shit stopped. find someone else to fuck over mentally, emotionally and sexually you fucking pig ape whores reading this.

How much longer must I beg and beg for them to be stopped, for some kind of decency shown towards me, for anything to ever stop endlessly fighting against murder, rape and torture and abuse from a bunch of shit scumbag parasites who have completely taken over the planet so I have nowhere to turn for justice or peace

but to have my own home, with a large picket fence, my cat, a garden, a car so I am not stuck in dire poverty because all the years of studying for a Master's Degree I was being poisoned to death to stop me from having anything whatsoever

and poisoned my entire life as well

not a single apology from anybody except for one person who had physically assaulted me and then went on his f-ing way to promote himself railing against technology but doing nothing for me whatsoever afterwards--like payment so I can live in peace, like fighting for human rights, like anything--nothing

I am sickened in having to see black poison stuck underneath a huge bulge in my abdomen with a huge square shelf of hard-as-rock poison embedded into my entire back--I have the shape of a square block and it's hard as cement and requires years to get out. In addition I am still being abused and tortured in teleportation and I have been writing these posts waiting for some humanity from anybody for over 6 years and still no one will do a fucking thing but try to exploit me.

Utterly disgusting. All of it. All of you.


I tell these filthy ugly stupid whore pigs that I wish them death and that I find them repugnant and disgusting every single day they teleport me. They go on and on and on and on and get more prizes, awards the more they attack me, the more violent and abusive they are--this is the shit A$$-hole list of celebrities I have been writing of for years who are only celebrated, endlessly portrayed as wonderful happy smiling fucking pigs in these magazines and in the United Nations, welcomed by pig shit like pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Bernie Sanders, with RJK, Jr. making disgusting sleazy commentary at me and smirking about it--after I had said I wanted a goddamn alternative to the Biden Nazi terror team of Democrats along with Raskin and of course Kinzinger--so onto the Repugs the list is very long-Trump of course being a most violent violator but the pig ape whores of Whorewood who have been torturing me to obtain ideas about trauma-based sexual exploitation so they can come out with "sexy" movies about Nazi blonde women who are victimized is just part of the utter disgusting situation that is overall confronting the United States and the world as it slips into decline of all life quality with a few pig pieces of shit living in utter luxury while the climate and the environment and the government and the planet slip into death and despair and destruction.


Still, no one can fucking see that my situation is something unique to you fucking whores reading this my situation is just another victim and teleportation and "entitlement" for these pieces of filthy and nasty shit with me fighting for my life, literally against violence and poisoning that no one ever stops is just "normal" and no one can get involved.


It's not that I want to be away from all humanity, as I wrote above I need my own home with protection and security, if that is possible and these fucking whores who have stolen ideas from me and used me as some vehicle of sucking ideas out through torturing me--should be fucking force to pay me for this violence so I can goddamn     LIVE IN PEACE.

And find people who are not shit whore pigs who are attacking me for their dirty filthy promotions, as I have been forced into my entire fucking life. Can't anyone have a shred of decency and try to support me?

Thursday, July 13, 2023

For the past ten years--10 YEARS--I have been writing posts, first on Facebook, then on my blog---about how this contract out on me, teleportation, torture, MK ULTRA, rape is enabling fascist Nazis into power. I had to spend a few years observing the interactions between the performers and politicians to understand that Mafia plays an integral role in American politics, which is inter-connected to Euro-p-a fascist Nazi cartels which operate under the guise of "Democratic" Constitutional systems. //The real wheeling and dealing atmosphere is something like a stinking brothel atmosphere of indulgence in every proclivity towards corrupt practice on all and every single level possible. I can't express right now the meaning of this word "corruption" which is far to generalized a term to use in this context. Seedy, despicable, sickeningly parasitic, vile, deplorable, some adjectives that scrape the surface. //For all these years, I have only been tortured for my writings. Since the onset of my posts, so many it's uncountable almost--I have written extensively on future prognostications that have indeed come to pass, with dire consequences not just for political balance in a bipartisan political system, but for the environment and for human rights on a grand scale.//The many people I have written of have tried to over turn the US Government, have been embroiled in personal scandals (which they blame me for somehow in their self-exoneration from all guilt and responsibility, the hallmark of their criminal mindset as a collective as they are certain that their being above all law pertains to them indefinitely and absolutely without question). //I wrote about how Trumps environmental policies and politics will bring about destruction for the planet. I was tortured without end for writing a critique of his policies in the most broad terms as I was drugged and hacked. Now America is crumbling under the weight of dire environmental collapse because the preventive measures that should have been enacted long before Obama, Bush, Clinton et al was never decided upon and the stance of the Republican Party towards environmental protection was instead reversed when it should have been increased. (more below)

*This post, like every single post I write, has been hacked, words have been deleted, grammar deleted, parts of sentences deleted and then re-strung back together again. It is so hard to just pound letters out I have left all the mistakes in, as rewriting after what has taken so long to pound out, backspace constantly and rewrite as hackers block key functions--I have left it with all the typos and idiosyncratic mistakes created to discredit my writing--it's confusing in parts but is not due to my negligence or inability to type or write correctly. They are absolutely attacking my brain while I write as well with their mind control tech so I can never get my ideas out without ranting into hyperbolic rage and ranting*(**. I'm still waiting around for what seems forever for my government to stop that as well. They can't even stop the Mafia actors and Nazi actors (black, white, "activist" and "radical liberal") from endlessly going into feeding frenzy murder mode with poisoning and mutilation of my body non-stop for years and years so all I do, literally, is fight to not get killed, not be murdered if I submit, not allow them to screw me over as this organization has done for all my life.


When I saw that the black actors of H-wood were viciously yelling at me fascist style along with rapist white supremacists, as their children were then ushered into Europ-a-land halls of fashion modeling fame and fortune while they were teens, along with the white supremacist (drug addict, alcoholic, abuser rapist and his spawn) and glorified for their participation, I wrote excessively that blacks in the media (that were participating in this crime against me) were helping to bring Nazis into power. Alas, they made photos standing with pig-sniffing-the-air postures of hate into a camera with the blonde Europ-a-'s standing next to them, and as usual, these were not "nice" photos they expressed "entitlement" and "superiority". I called one of the most inclusive of white supremacy "couch casting" personal promotional gain--her career spanning decades and having intercourse with one white supremacist in particular who has utterly ushered in fascist white Nazi supremacy into the US and around the world as well, encouraging absolutely fascist dictatorships around the planet---but calling her a 60's Black Panther label for blacks who sell-out to the white plantation system--brought about sexual abuse from her, her friends, blacks and whites, and the white supremacist Mafia. Now that Affirmative Action has been stopped by the actor who chose and put into position the court nominees which decimated Affirmative Action--the group of white fascist Mafia Nazi celebrities who put that one person into power so their entire monopoly enterprise in H-wood which has existed since the Reagan Era and some before that--would be ensconced into an absolute empire without any struggle for power or position thereafter.

And this same group, that these black people surrounded to obtain their "fighting against racism" roles in movies,   has created the conditions whereby equal opportunity is now an extremely degraded proposition but the movies will still be pouring out, with these violent criminal actors endlessly being handed nationwide tours expressing their rage in "ghetto" parlance how they are dismayed at the "government" which they fully participated in, which destroyed Affirmative Action. But they all will be part of the media 4th Reich brainwashing entertainment/media cartel which has almost MORE power than the US Government at this point, as they "control" who and what gets advertised in news interviews and photo ops and etc.


I wrote about this, was tortured by almost every prominent black media personality who also yearned for power and promotion. One of them is now running for president, making it a long list of US Presidential candidates who have violently attacked me. Senators on both sides of the bipartisan system have likewise come to insult, giggle, laugh, smear and besmirch me along with their presidential candidates (mostly those who lost to Trump or Biden--from my vantage, it's almost the same whether Trump or Biden wins or loses but, in actuality, it's far worse for me if Trump wins as he's violently homicidal whereas Biden's influence is a slow poison and murder to death softer version of the Trump influence on the crazed cockroach actors and their politician "friends" sitting alongside the violent and disgusting criminal enterprise of the Mafia who, after more than a decade of the performers coming to rape and torture me, they have inflicted truly sinister and violent mafia to try to "break" me into doing whatever it is they are constantly trying to destroy and suck and drain out of me (to death).


I have been warning, writing, trying to urge people, begging people to listen to stop this to stop them to help me. Helping me apparently is not on anyone's agenda, but perhaps my years of warning that these expletives are puppets through which foreign hostile interests are using as conduits for nefarious criminal pursuits. In exchange for assisting in helping foreign hostile enemies infiltrate the United States through the media, through "joint" "artistic" endeavors and global partnerships with backers from all walks of life from all countries and H-wood is like an open portal for all to walk in and get a free green light to control the American public and politics because it's supposed to be "just art" or "just telecommunications". 

My warnings have now, in this sense, come to pass as well. There was a hearing, I think it was Congressional but I am very much under the influence of mind control and torture--but listening while endlessly cleaning and preparing my day, listening to something about one of the Biden accusers claiming that the Biden family is a crime family; and this source is a paid informant of the  Chinese Government who has violated the Espionage Act, a liar, a criminal, but used as a legitimate source by the Republicans against the Biden Administration. This is one clear example of a hostile foreign party going through one of the portals of media and US Government (absolutely inextricably intertwined in our media empire age).


I am still bereft of support, help as I must beg constantly for someone to stop the violence and murder of the Mafia, through which these "famous actors" all operate to endlessly gain front lead roles for decades--all in a combination somehow, for some reason which appears to be a non-stop feeding frenzy upon my body, life, ideas, and for a "baby" for some sick and disgusting contract they are all feeding frenzied and hysterically to obtain out of attacking me for a decade now (many have been attacking me for much longer than just a "mere" decade, Stallone being one, Depp being another, Trump I think for at least 20 years as there were strange signs while I was living in Miami back in 2006--) 

So I must beg, and get attacked by the candidates all vying for president of the United States so they can obtain more, and more, and more as they are mostly all already billionaires but it's never enuf, so I have to beg the lower ranks, but they all fall in line and I remain writing and warning and asking for this sick murder to be stopped. All I do is shit poison out this group injected into my food and home and body--all I do is write day after day about violence and torture and poisoning and rape and warning about what I see and perceive to be extreme threats to the US, to any kind of system which isn't an absolute power/murder cartel with no human rights left if they get their way. To the silence of the void as I continue writing.  Trump, Hillary Clinton, Michael Bloomberg, Oprah Winfrey, RFK, Jr., and last but not least, nasty and sleazy (towards me) not a "brother" Cornel West. All US Presidential Candidates or president chosen but not elected by the popular vote, all have attacked me. To whom can I turn? I write and the pig apes mock and belittle me and joke about how 'no one cares" and "ain't no one gonna do nothing" said the black rapper who is now on tour promoting his "gangster" accent which he never uses in teleportation sitting next to the white supremacist folk who instruct him to punch me if I tell them I do not consider them superior or elite or better than me, and endlessly "NO" to being raped, beaten and poisoned and drugged to death while some sleazy parasite feeds off the power high, being ordained as a "leader" for incorporating the old ancient racism and murder paradigm combined with modern technology; disguised through media photo-ops and plastic surgery and acting coaching as being "progressive", "Liberal" "feminist" an "activist" or just working for "freedom" (the Nazi slogan is "freedom" to do whatever the f you want to anyone if you can get away with it as law will only apply to them and never to the targets).

Still, after the Insurrection attempt, after the Depp and Heard Trials, after the Pitt and his wife trials, after so many obvious signs of violence emerging from the people involved in this criminal enterprise of teleportation, mind control and torture--as they go berserk with power and excess of "freedom" to do whatever they want, the people responsible for protecting the civilian population, as I am one, not a criminal, not a threat, just working for my career and staving off rapists when I finally figured out that this group of pigapeness is trying to force a sex slave status upon me while stealing ideas from me non-stop because they all conform to the mental  boxes and socioeconomic designations of antiquity, based on white male supremacy--that they constantly try to force me into while when I had a chance to compete and was only completely poisoned but could still function somewhat, I kept on progressing and fighting for my graduate degree, a career and they poisoned and put me in accidents (this group, and these celebrities and politicians ever since) and poisoned me into a huge, deformed physical shape, paralyzed as they were abusing me to death using these technologies. This case has still be silenced, ignored but many people join in on obtaining their promotions nevertheless (many from the US Government and it's media affiliates).


They continue to rail about the consequences of the travesties committed by those who have become deranged and power-crazy after having access to this technology, and yet, all the warnings none of them heeded and they continue to allow this to fester as a canker on the US--this technological system of mind control and torture which makes people crazy for the power they have always desired but are now obtaining over other human lives, exceeding former slave imprisonment this is torturing people for their very thoughts and having access to raping and killing someone by the press of a button without any forethought, just upon impulse or whim.

When I call them pig-apes it's because of the degeneration of human critical thinking that becomes absolutely apparent if you see them without the greed lenses of promotion and celebrity that all the participants are blinded by---as their myopic vision only extends to the point of their own personal gain. That is the case in every single instance and I find that they have been chosen for top position due to their absolute incapability of understanding anything beyond a mere grabbing power self-fulfillment they have no higher standards except for what they can purchase and appear as (to be as fascist Nazi Europigape as possible with entitlement and "aristocratic" power to murder people upon whim, which this tech enables them to do).

My warnings about dire consequences have been met by non-stop throngs of people sprinting to be next in line. They continue to be promoted by whatever sinister agency is responsible for the actual and real nominations of the power structure.


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The teleportation and MK ULTRA/Death Squad goon technoterror complex inflicted perpetually upon me is A Gangster's Parasitic Paradis: Has De-Venereal Disease's spawn of his spawn died from a fentanyl overdose or not? I'm referring of course to that criminal psychopath Hillary Clinton pawn who operates with the Gotti Family, and the Brooklyn pizza-gate connection out of Brooklyn by way of Los Whorewood by way of Italian and Europigape mafia and criminal GmbH of the 4th Reich--that so-called "actor" who plays himself in every movie and like all of them, is not '"acting" but representing their psycho-component of the Mafia/Nazi 4th Reich to impress the sheeple of how gloriously "fun' it is to unleash psychopathy and violence and crime and porn and sleaze and ignorance onto the world so the 4th Reich can operate with stupid and ignorant components of society, otherwise called "civilians" who are main operators of the death squads. It's all programming. Drugs and sex--they imbibe iit in their daily lives, unfortunately they don't die from it. So pls tell me if that putrid pig ape's spawn of his spawn actually died because they hack and h ack into my internet to force their filthy dirty stories and faces into my awareness, only to teleport me immediately if I see the articles hacked into newspaper and magazine online sources--and they attack me for having read the article or even for having seen it.

 "BETTE DAVIS SINGS I've Written A Letter To Daddy--Whatever Happened To Baby Jane". TrueMotherFckingVids. February 6, 2012.

The decrepit, rotten and disgusting ugly old man has been feeding off this contract for the past 5 years. Unending psychopathic sickness and filth and sleaze pours out of the ugly hole in his ugly putrid face, and he sucks out my life force and does everything possible to inject me with hate, poison and drugs to elicit a response so that filth bucket Hillary-Clinton, Donaldl-Trump, Joe-Biden-endorsed criminal enterprise of the Mafia muscle for the Nazis out of Brooklyn can continue to gain access to Oscars, whether for the utter crap they crank out and have been doing (with Joker being the most notable, ideas stolen from me which they tortured me first in order to suck out and drain out of me, then continued the torture and abuse going on for years afterwards, after obtaining an Oscar for it--the lead actor going after me --still, with another new movie which looks like a farce of psychopathic imitation of a personality that was vibrant not a droopy and kind of sad sociopath on the verge of a nervous breakdown psychopath full-blown personality in real life)

ANyways---De-filth venereal disease, like the Spawn of the actor who tortured and raped me from 2013 until now, and because I fought back and "something" happened to the pig ape which coincided iwth me screaming, after years of rape and poisoning and mutilation and torture every single day non-stop 24 hours a day--that I hoped he was destroyed in everything. A "bad" thing happened him (not nearly bad enough) and the pig ape sent a cluster of ac tors to come and torture me for the next ten years. Something "bad" happened to them eventually, after about 3-4 years of having me raped, beaten and mutilated tortured and they stole idea after idea from me; in fact, every year they came out with ideas they stole from me (plus a host of others, like The Handmaiden's Tale, which I wrote of at least 1-2 years before it came out, as I wrote about the conditions of this torture scenario and the 4th Reich and the pig apes came out with a tv show, torturing me and abusing and poisoning and mutilating and torturing me to death having me hit by cars endless violence--on and on, after they stole the idea which won them awards and seasons of absolute $$$ and fame and they continued to torture and rape and beat and abuse--and extract ideas

So pig ape Deniro, ugly filthy dirty old sucking life-fu** parasite--praised by the politicians who desperately need and require disgusting filthy old men of a prehistoric disposition to wreak their rape culture, criminal exploitation, and rape culture because the Dark Money donors need to ensure there is goddamn NO deviation from the Millennia of geoncide, sexism, racism that has kept these worthless lifle-f** pig ape men and their putrid women in "power" for centuries, and thousands of years of the same racism and sexism. 
Determined to cursh America and take it over while keeping superficially a "Democracy", they have employed for DECADES half a century the filth shit of DeVenearial disease and the rest of it's filthy and foul ilk

But back to the theme of this post. After YEARS AND YEARS and years of me both writing about the torture and violence, murder attempts with cars hitting me, poison inserted into my vagina, ears, hair, food, sprayed on my clothing every day, on furniture, etc and tortured by this filth parasite who feeds off violence--literally can't wait to unleash his violence upon me, a desperate domestic violence scumbag rapist who loves torture and rape and crime--endlessly patted on his greasy pig ape back for it--a drug addict, an alcoholic (or Pesce told me he had been ,and as they are like "brothers" I know that Pesce didn't enjoy his alcoholism alone)

Every day feeding off violence inflicted upon me, as my body has aged, broken down, this ugly pig ape has gotten a new pedophile relationship and a baby--because he IS a life-f**K parasite and has been feeding energetically off abusing me for years and years an dyears and has been handed Oscars and endless trips to all festivals and awards ever since. Nothing daunts him, and I write about how vile and filthy he is, he just gets more applause from the shit governing the United States and there is no change of this ever in sight.

So I wished the ugly putrid parasite death, and for his entire family as I screamed this fighting to get this filthy ugly parasite off me--screaming in rage trying my best to kill him as I was teleported to this putridity once more--that was about 3 weeks ago. The pig ape has since been hacking news articles on every single newspaper, in multiple series of the same story, that his grand-spawn filth shit died from an overdose. he then put the ugly pig ape's face and videos on my every search for a few days along with his rotten spawn who is "sad". I now realize this is a hoax, as I told the shithead pig when he began torturing me for his son's death--saying I did something to create it by my tarot card reading and because I wished it. This was all of course done in teleportation, where I can't turn away. AS I try to do with the shit pieces who teleport me, I began very calmly saying I don't believe it. The fascist greasy pig ape parasite began yelling and threatening me, I reacted in this hypnotized state and after YEARS of deadly and daily poisoning, putridity from this piece of disgusting sinister evil shit, I began yelling and I still told him I don't believe it. Finally after one week of the pigs from Whorewood sitting in the rows of chairs as putrid DeVenereal Disease assaulted me once more, I "believed" that this may be true because this story of his putrid spawn-spawn was plastered on every single newspaper, everywhere, they hack instantly into my every newspaper search and by the tim I scroll down the page, the shit of these filth bucket pig apes is hacked into the news feed.
I had to scream and yell that I had nothing to do with his son overdosing and if anyone is the problem or fault it's he--ugly putrid De Venereal Disease for having been a role model of drug addiction and stupidity. I yelled the obvious that is apparent, if this were a true story, that obviously I had nothing to do with his   spawn-spawn dying but how I wish it were true and for the rest of that shit group and their filthy dirty spawn.
The same parasitic energy-draining sucking out of my life force is endless by the filth spawn of Depp who is another rotten and filthy ugly old man--completely partnered with the greasy mob from Brooklyn and making a movie with the filth creep who starred in Scarface, so famous for it's psychopathic enthusiasm for drugs and murder and violence and gangland activity in Miami---with an AK 47 shooting spree at the end (my death murder capital culture loves that clip from the Nazi/"Illuminati" movie director Oliver Stone who has featured so many of these terrorist goons now way past their shelf-life who are attacking me to gain more notoriety and movie roles and entire empire out of this contract out on me, so they can feed off people, steal ideas, rape and torture indefinitely as "leaders" of mind programming industry that Whorewood is, alongside the creep politicians who are likewise like Baby Jane far past their prime and absolute pundits for rape and torture when it comes to re-inforcing Nazi and Mafia culture of discrimination disguised as people "of color" and "women" being put semi-lead positions, but not too high and if high, always underscored by decrepit rape and racist politicians like Joe Biden--absolutely smitten with this echnology, along with his Democrat Party leaders, along with the endless former Trump and Republican leaders, along with the death squads of America now called 'MAGA" and Neo-Nazi (but still Mafia is a term mostly left omitted from all news sources  but they are ever-present in all operations on all levels of society on a global scale).
So, in order to feed off my life force, suck my energy out, feed off it, and get more promotions, the pig apes have hacked story-after-story into my news feed. The spawn of Depp put endless bad reviews about that creepy tv show which elicited a response out of me, but a more theoretical analysis on my part, very badly written as I can't think clearly while my brain is being suppressed by technology and as always, hacking blocks keyboard functions I must rewrite and pound down endlessly every word to get anything out.
the spawn of these filthy pig ape whores "learn" by the parents how to have "success" and they are being trained into the old world concept of destroying human beings and feeding off their energy, life force, rape and theft, oppression and discrimination and the American component of all of this is that they have been stealing ideas from me in order to create a "humanitarian" facade about how much they care so they can instill these "values" of dirty old men who long for the day when there is no more abortion, Affirmative Action, and freedom of thought, expression and movement except for them, and then they can duel it out amongst themselves with courts that obey the law, only for them. That is currently the conditions they have forced upon me ("they" meaning all above-mentioned entities along with the unseen forces that control them, who are probably glorified for being wealthy and untouchable legally or visibly).
So begging to get them off me for years and years and years has not worked. I wish them death and destruction, so they post false articles endlessly on my every search showing that what I had "wished" for has come true. They then come to torture and rape and beat and abuse me endlessly blaming me for the fake stories they created for trying to defend myself. The shit US Government continues to allow these dinosaurs go on and on, their younger spawn now emulating but with more vigor and determination that they are "entitled" to this archaic "entitlement" "aristocratic" "right" to violate and torture and steal with absolute impunity.

so please tell me, oh long list of people out there hacking into my post to wonder about how you too can participate in this crime, how you too can get a free never-ending promotion and money wealth and media attention prize for participating--wondering when you, too can obtain a victim to teleport or a micorchipped victim to abuse and vent your hate, misery and suck the life force out of so you can be sexually energized as the pig apes I mention all have been--
but I write and write and when I watch Whatever Happened to Baby Jane I just imagine how much that character would have jumped for joy and been promoted for having dumped and poured her psychopathy onto anyone who was teleported--and her awful acting skills would have been promoted as well--by this organization.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Terrorist mental, physical and emotional Death and attempted Murder report: Heart-breaking terrorist report//how to "break" hearts using technology.

 Besides the non-stop poisoning with intention to murder me in a most disgusting way with poisons literally suffocating and paralyzing me internally--inserting me with poisons injecting me with poison, every single day for years and years and years; Beyond the pale of the sexual abuse and violence that many are flocking to participate in with teleportation, I am referring in this post to heart palpitations and nervous system exacerbation which is a prelude to a deadly cardiac arrest situation paired with manipulated situations using systematic discrimination and blocks to finances or survival (health care). The network is so extensive of this terrorist organization that it's impossible to bypass and one must navigate it's thorny tooth-genitalia without Vaseline. You will be screwed by artificially-induced heart palpitations and nervous system while you are being screwed over with telecommunications blocks, financial and health  attacks so you will be screwed to death but not smiling as you go down into a heart attack while being screwed--. ("ha ha"). 


The sheer level of stress that this organization forces upon the target is enough to shatter immune system, and heighten nervous survival response which I can feel breaking my system down while it's happening--I can feel after I resolve the issue the terrorist org created so I am in a panic constantly for financial survival--but while trying to "fix" all the damage as I try to go online to reach people to stop their endless threatening block to my survival, let's say in this realm for this context, financially. They turn off the internet just as I am copying and testing and locating information I need to assemble to make a report or have clear information while I am online talking to a (terrorist) agent.

I had pages open on my browser in order to have immediately at-hand information I needed to clarify FOUR MONTHS of attempting to open a simple Savings account--which had blocks for every single transaction along the way. From  the mailing of the signed application form, to information-gathering, to applying for the banking process, to having the mail not registered as being received and a hold put on my account with completely absurd responses from the lower-levels of the bank online chat service (terror agents) who told me that the reason I could not access my bank account was due to my cache, the system is "down" in non-business hours so you can't access your account, the creep wrote and after one hour of that, I was told that there is a hold on my account because the letter I had mailed and it was delayed two weeks, was not registered as having arrived and I had to mentally prepare for all kinds of endless struggle to re-mail it once again across the planet (costing me by now over $25 to just send a letter to this bank)--. Then, needing to phone the higher-level departments to try to ask again to not be discriminated against (this bank also rescinded the application deadline by 3 weeks while I was struggling to be strong enough to go out and print out the application form and mail it in--I was in so much pain and home-bound from poisoning, as usual I always am in that state)--and it's gone on and on and on--and today I saw I still could not access my account. I struggled and struggled and finally resolved to phone the bank at the executive level--which is not instantly accessible to anyone, I had to complain for weeks before being given the department phone number--I opened 5 screens to have information ready and on-hand, and just as I was about to phone,   the WiFi turned off, and went on, and turned off over FOUR times while I sat trying to recover my information. The wifi was turned off just as I was making the phone call, so I had to clear the cache, as the computer was operating so slowly due to malware that I had to wait just to click on each function to clear, ever-so-slowly, every part of cache removal. I had to turn off the router and the laptop and restart and etc--just as I had all the windows of information open, they turned off the laptop. Once I finally made the phone call, all the information I had on 4-5 tabs on my browser which had been open to the correct information when I made the call, disappeared once I reached someone and looked for the information. The system was hacked, the information gone and I sat on the phone with my brain being blasted into not being able to think clearly as I stumbled and was shallow-breathing with my heart racing/palpitating and I could not "remember" what I wanted to say as my cognitive functions were being blocked by the tech. My voice also went, I began to choke as the microchip implant in my throat made it constrict constantly so I was coughing and unable to speak.

 What I could not "feel" was that my heart was being remotely and artificially-rendered into a frantic palpitation and my nervous system and memory functions were almost wiped out. After I turned everything on and off, unplugged everything, had to turn it all back on, I then opened the system as the wifi was once more turned on and off repeatedly while I was fighting to restore and get this business situation cleared up. The bank put a block on my account, although I had done everything correctly, they had done everything incorrectly including endless false information and lies, outright lies and stupid information that obviously was sickeningly stupid and wrong--what can I do, I never know if there is a legitimate agent so I have to go through the entire pretense. After something like one HOUR of being put on hold and waiting while in the chat mode with this bank, they finally told me upon repeated request for them to perform a function for me or help me because I did not know there was a hold on my account, finally after ONE HOUR of asking questions about this most basic problem, they finally "looked" and discovered I had a hold. 

I had to try to phone the bank and of course, the system was hacked, turned on and off repeatedly for another hour so I could do nothing but fight to clear the system and get into it back again.


the entire time my breathing was extremely shallow and once I discovered that the bank had somehow not registered the action I had taken, so the hold should never have been put on this account (they also committed a crime of discrimination against me, if I were in America I could sue them but I can't now)

and etc

but the tech was like a precursor to having a heart attack. I could feel my chest under pressure like it was caving inward but not severely, but enough to be dangerous. After I finally got everything done, once I hung up and got done what should have been done weeks ago by this bank, I felt the palpitations and the pressure on my chest and the nervous system heightened effect understanding that this was 100% due to external body manipulation by microchip implant interface with remote technology and other various carriers of electromagnetic (or whatever source the energy is) of literal "heart" breaking effect--heart attack conditions artificially induced.

I personally know of someone who had a fatal heart attack on the day he was leaving someone, and she had interest in their joint bank account as he was leaving her and wanted to retain the house they both financially paid into, and take away the property and money--and he had this "heart" attack and I believe he was killed by the tech I am referring to as this person who inherited all this money and property has used this and various other mind control technologies upon me, as well as handing it out to many in her inner circle (the terrorists always engage multiple groups and friends in their attack system).

It's heart-breaking. Otherwise, I could give a damn about the people inflicting this upon me, as it's not breaking my heart if they go away.


Plus, on the "domestic" front, I am ordering many healing modalities from an online source because I lacked a mobile phone for so many years due to the last one I bought which was way out of range for my budget of sub-sub-poverty with my money being stolen literally from my room while sleeping--every month--for years/decades

I ordered some tea tree oil to try to heal the mangled nails on fingers/toes--the courier stated online that the package would arrive "today" for the past 3 days. i was accosted by sarcastic and rude Thai people phoning me when I never requested any assistance by phone, telling me to wait for 4-5 days for the delivery which stated "will arrive today" every day, and they essentially were telling me to wait every day for a delivery which could arrive anytime from 9 a.m.-8:30 pm. I have to unbolt my front door with the 4 locks I have, take away the things propped against the door, take out the items stuck into the door to stop it from being opened from the inside. I have to dig out the backpack buried in 4 layers of plastic bags with rubber bands and strings tied securely with knots to stop the mechanical arms from spraying putrid permanently staining odors on everything, and destroying ripping and stealing and making it all shabby, ripped, threads hanging out, etc

It's great physical exertion for me as this kind of bending over and doing all this lifting and work is very tiring due to the hard poisons endlessly latched into my system.

While it's all going on, while I try to get an answer as to when the delivery will be and trying to "demand" politely but firmly that they should stick to the day a package is stated to arrive online as being the day it actually arrive--

and the entire time, while I was struggling with people lying to me and being rude and stupid , my brain was blocked form thinking clearly by remote tech interface with microchips in my brain, and then my heart was beating and pounding, I could feel my nervous system shaking, and I felt my body recoil from the shock in a very deadly way--

This is being used and will continue to be used against people to murder them or break them down. I'm still trying to get anyone shocked or alarmed enough to care by writing about this endless void of inaction by those who believe they are only going to gain endlessly and forever by participating in this hateful system of murder and destruction (oh, but not for YOU--no, only me and people like me, not YOU no you are so beautiful and special not YOU--referring to the people who laugh about the misuse of this tech that is bandied about like candy to drug/sex/work/money/torture/S&M addicts).


Meanwhile: the expletives who probably ordered all this violence upon me (the heart palpitations and systematic discrimination is violence, indeed) teleported me once more to yell and threaten me because they had misfortune in their lives and they are blaming me. In this "truth serum' effect where I can't turn away, can't stop talking, find them abominable and disgusting as I scream perpetually to go away and die--they never go away, they are addicted to the hormones of torture and violence and all the money that is being thrown at every low-level operator being put into highest bs-operator position in every capacity on the planet.

Demanding that I "care" about their personal misfortunes after they have been poisoning and abusing me to death for YEARS YEARS AND YEARS without end. They are now blaming me for having wished them total destruction after YEARS AND YEARS of non-stop poisoning intended to paralyze me and violence and torture that has gone on for years intended to kill me from stress, poisoning and whatever else it's just never-ending.

I screamed that I hope they are destroyed, and something "bad" happened to them because of their life choices and nothing I wished or said. But they now are trying to basically become an Inquisition upon me that I am some kind of "witch" who created these problems and they are threatening and attacking me because something--one thing after years and years of them causing non-stop hate, bad horrible physical decay and destruction, killing animals I love and take care of, destroying my property having me beaten and raped


but when I try to fight back by screaming I wish them and their partners total destruction, and something happens, they come at me threatening and yelling that I did something to cause it. I then try to kill them by hitting them in utter rage, more heart palpitations, more of my adrenal glands completely out of whack, as this one person is a toxic dump-wasteland of black ugly sinister energy, a complete parasite on me as they all are

and never goes away and is constantly coming after me to suck out my life force and feed of hate, negativity and violence so he can go out and spawn and f** because he's so energized from it

these filthy dirty ugly old men and their creepy women

and so they are attacking my heart and nervous system and instructing the most gleeful scum minorities to attack me as they all giggle and are feeding off it--while my body is under non-stop technological attack so it's literally impossible for me to be stoic, calm, centered and not on a teetering edge of heart muscle damage and more of my body breaking down as they do every single day with violence and torture using all these "heart" breaking technologies (literally breaking the heart muscle). 

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Trump=Giulianni=Gotti=The Godfather celebrity pigape crew=Mafia. This is an add to my last post which was such a haphazard release of morning torture after teleportation "mind control" which is just a bunch of sick and stupid scumbags performing their hate and torture fantasies while "professionals" like Elon Musk join in and torture me too. Ostensibly they are supposed to be somehow "superior" yet I have never seen anything but the lowest ignorance put into lead roles--playing psychopaths and skanky "feminists" if they are performers and playing compassionate fighters for Freedom yet in private absolute psychopaths and skanky non-feminist rape cheerleaders of the most despicable. I have to add to my post that it was the Gotti family which first pursued this contract, along with Pesce. Dirty foul skank V(D) Gotti sicced both her nasty son to rape me and then had Pesce's brown terrier nearly attack me viciously after a few years of asking me for ideas, having my room sprayed with toxic stinking filth as I was tortured by them. Because I said no and no and no and resisted and I didn't understand what utter "garbage" this group really is, although they try to claim it's me and not them (I would never behave like the crap that they are and what they do is an abomination to me, consisting of the fecal consistency that they ALWAYS without fail demonstrate in their every action, speech and if they don't appear like this on a celluloid screen it's due to script and coaching, a performance that lasts a few hours on the screen. //I have to add that it was Giuliani who indicted the psychopath Gotti the "teflon" scumbag from Brooklyn, part of a cartel which terrorized and terrorizes Jews and whatever else they can afflict with their ugliness and stupidity with violence and intimidation and threat--for decades I know my family has been assaulted by the 'Italian-American" mafia when they lived in Brooklyn. My family did all they could to get out of that disgusting environment that these pig apes turned into an emerging filthy and degraded disgusting place of trashy filth--(perhaps their neighborhoods are "clean") but they, as this organization always does, makes sure that people they are targeting live in filth and despair as they claim to be superior. They hire the targeted group wanna be fascists and hire them to make their own neighborhoods dirty. I lived under a microcosm of that very effect and I know a damn lot about it, personally. //so this is not just about De-venereal disease that filthy ugly sleazy criminally insane defunct rotten parasite, it's his entire crew. I have to add that while Giuliani did have Gotti put away, I can assure you readers that mind control has been around a very long time, and in the end, it's Giuliani who is now under severe criminal liability due to his utter corruption in the ensuing years. I suggest that Giuliani may have been drugged and/or under mind control, which can turn people 180-degrees into something they actually abhor. It's possible, yet the connection I am trying to make is a continuum between T-rump and the Gottis. To state that #45 is indeed inter-connected to the

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Vince Foster and more about ...While cleaning my toilet bowl yesterday, I heard through the "voice-to-skull" ("V2K") technology, "Why don't you lick the toilet bowl?" and it was coming from the cesspool personality you all adore for his theatrical criminal portrayals of smug thugs and muggalugs--Deniro, the endless filth bucket scumbag which Clinton, under the jurisdiction of Trump, sicced on me after she screeched at me in rage and hate after showing me a mansion, never telling me anything but asking me for advice on decorating and on Schubert's Winterreise which she planned on having performed at this house because I wrote a post about it on Facebook a few years ago. Ever trying to present herself as an international sophisto, with her full need of criminal organizations like what DeNiro promises her and has delivered. I was subjected to over 4-5 years of Deniro and his bosom buddy Pesce hissing out statements like that, endless poisoning with sewage water and deadly hardening/bloating chemicals inserted into my vagina every single day for YEARS while the pigs were handed Oscars for the years that they tortured me. Movies about murdering bigoted hateful filth creeps which were applauded by the audiences needing ever more psychopathic murdering scenes in movies because their levels of drug-addiction to violence in movies is ever satiated by a slew of such movies that are cranked out year-after-year and deemed "the best" by the "critics" and these designations are NEVER changed. The pig apes remain being put into lead power positions in the media entertainment fascist Nazi Mafia 4th Reich programming entity always interlaced with the politicians. I can list a host of politicians who have eagerly participated with filth actors i.e. de-venereal but every psycho scumbag I mention seems to only be applauded and awarded and promoted more if I write about how heinously psychopathically fascist and Nazi criminal Mafia they are, what they support (this crime syndicate combined with government). this pig ape is so integral to the functioning of government that although this piece of excrement has been an integral component of the T-rump empire, which media and politicians openly declare now (not before the evidence showed but now, when it's "safe" as a cacophony chorus of the same sentences by all are bandied about in media "expose" stories) that this is a "crime boss". But, look---nothing happens but more promotions for the lower levels "players" who put #45 into his fascist "throne" of nepotism, despotism and all the "isms" that go along with that slated 4th Reich role. They are kept in place, the politicians so desperately require criminal factions to do their dirty work (Clinton who put de-venereal disease into my contract and it was after her violence that he appeared, under contract, to violently assault me for the bigot women who have sat giggling as the men raped and beat me. They got a most sleazy, dirty and hateful bigot with all his "minority" chicks he spawns with and marries and sleeps with, but still absolutely a racist scum shithead creep absolutely adored and desperately needed by the leadership of America so he remains spewing his filth and hate upon me as often as he can, and every day that rotten and degenerate scum filth parasite gets more deals for himself and his dirty disgusting family in Brooklyn and everywhere else they have been handed mansions--undoubtedly in Italy for having been thoroughly indoctrinated by the Italian fascists into how to "hate" "Stupid" Americans and how to create genocidal and Holocaust conditions in America with the pig ape fascist mafia from Italy making a "swap" so they come to control America through these greasy and filthy stupid idiots (truly they are the "stupid Americans").//Since WWII the US Government has partnered with notables like Lucky Luciano of some sleaze greasy filth family in NYC to become a liaison between criminal enterprises in Europigapeland after the "fall" of fascism and Nazism, keeping it alive and well and living in America but underground, and in the movies! The attack, vicious attack, upon the Jewish population by this "Italian-American" mafia quotient has been so vicious, with so much backing by law enforcement and the US government, that even black activists like Spike Lee made a few movies about this theme. Almost jumping in joy to participate, Spike Lee then attacked ME back when Obama was in office to get the favoritism of the 4th Reich, or lets' call it the 45th Reich at this point---and thusly transferring racism against blacks to racism back to Jews but t he brunt placed on this one group. Thusly, so many "Jews" (i.e. in Government spewing bs about "Democracy" while laughing and mocking me in front of the celebrity squares as they instantaneously obtained media promotion and a "get out of 4th Reich death contract" card free--by attacking me. And so, indispensable to one-and-all, from Piggary Clinton to the US government to the thugs of Congress of all skin colors, religious superficial affiliation (in title and name only)--I am the one and only target of hate and the filth mafia out of NYC has been so endlessly remunerated and praised and put into power as they play roles of being "Jewish" men and violently assault me to knock down any person of that group, which I have also been ousted from as they never welcomed me in the first place without huge caveats of inclusion into the obsequious slave slot that the fascist Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich demands of them, to which they comply completely. I was not raised with that group outside of my parents who I left at a very early age as they also tried to pound me down under orders from the very top of American society, trickling on down, to crush and destroy me. //But the enforcers who are praised for spewing hate and filth and violence at me--also when a German pig ape violinist was raping me brutally, beating and raping me and threatening and saying I will go to Germany with him and he can't "wait" to have h is friends and community beat and break me down---(implying that) as I fought and struggled to stop the rape, I asked and wrote about it for over one month as this pig whore would not stop. Finally I screamed at this filth creep to get his filthy pig piece of meat off me and tried to smash his ugly sinister face in. Finally someone get the filthy pig whore creep off me, but De-venereal disease came punching into my face. They then made my hair fall out for the next 6 months with poison in my shampoo, the caps and gear I tied around my head they got through, as they are crafty in inserting mechanical arms into everything--the hair loss has been permanent the hair will not grow back. The poison absolutely scarred my scalp. The greasy pig De-venereal disease with pesce has been coming at me making sinister and foul, stupid and violently sleazy sexually abusive commentary at me for YEARS and violently assaulting me/hitting/punching and endlessly inserting these types of torture-condition hate sentences at me. Hugged by whores like Anne Hathaway who made photos nearly hugging him, the women of this whore group adore this pig ape and hug and kiss him for his disgusting hate attacks upon me, and they gave him a dumb stupid Asian skank as his spawning partner as he is showed somehow that he is a virile desirable man with a woman half his granddaughter's age as his partner--handed to him by the 4th Reich. I am accustomed to seeing this mix of rotten disgusting violently sleazy old pig ape man of the 4th Reich coming at me to destroy me with a granddaughter age Asian woman lovingly and laughing helping the pig ape to attack me. This is the backlash against feminism, but of course, piggary Clinton desperately requires a criminal faction to support her every media interview posturing as a "feminist" always running on the platform of "helping" women, as always, with a dearth of obedient "good" brown-skinned women as the typical entertainment prop to display how "woke" they are--

 Can't anyone ever get this piece of stinking sick psychopath greasy filth off me, and his group behind him, so smug and posturing like fascist aristocrats for the crime roles that have been the "award-winning" plots absolutely encouraging crime in America. But the poorer and the minority are put in prison for life for emulating this behavior, while the pig ape shit at the "top" of the pile of shit that they have turned American culture into are endlessly promoted for this behavior (piggary Clinton for example--with Trump handing her the tech to accost and torture me for her, because they are taking turns as I fight for my freedom, for the concept of "Democracy" which I am ONLY using as a term people can identify with--I mean a society of people having a chance to compete and win without having to bend down and obey some bigot scum whore who demands that only THEY get to "win" by default due to white supremacy and racism---including the minorities who participate in the violence they also get preferential treatment)

As I was never informed of this organization my entire life and it has always been concealed until T-rump brought it out into the open, and now they are stating in the media that T-rump is a crime boss--but the pig apes who put him into power like the real crime venereal diseases sell-outs handing America over to Europigape fascists to infiltrate and destroy from within--that group of shit that de-venereal disease represents, as their liaison just like Lucky Luciano with endless "blessings" from shit like Piggary and don--

Can't anyone ever not participate in this violent death culture and get that rotten pig ape off me and force that technology out of his snout and pig clutches with his filthy group behind him and everyone hugging and kissing him for his violent filth attacks upon me as representative for them?

The blonde Nazi models who must pose as being "sweet" or "woke" or "sexy" for cameras so they can't demonstrate how disgusting they are and how ugly and sinister and greedy and whorish and racist and full of shit they are==so they hire this shit de-venereal disease to infect me with the most vile and disgusting endless--day after day, commentary while I am cleaning my toilet, while I am in the shower, as they inject objects under my skin to appear as cysts (round silicone injections under my skin in various places)--sewage water laced with hardening poison injected as deeply as possible into my bladder through my vagina so every day I was urinating a stench of stinking liquids--as they laughed, made fun, insulted how deformed and "fat" my body has become due to their poisoning and repoisoning as I fight constantly for my life to get them off me.

The list of "woke" celebrities piles up despite the attempted murder, hate and racism of this filth greasy group (including the racist Jewish men, especially the man all with their blonde wives, whether dyed and Jewish or just plain bigot white trash they married so they could participate in the 4th Reich--fully programmed to hate "Jewish women" --as they probably label me as, but I am condemned by Jewish men and women alike--and have not participated in the diaspora or it's religion all my life, except as investigatory in nature just to see what all the hype is about; I see it is mostly a social club for the majority of the people who are not Orthodox)


**Correction, I used a word in the wrong context--I wrote somewhere above the word "dearth" but I meant to say a swarm--the opposite. My brain is under severe attack every time I type--the keyboard is blocked, hacked and too stiff to type on. I must pound down for every single key to appear--I mean pounding with all my hand strength my fingers pounding down as hard as possible.


The pig ape de-venereal disease still has, at this moment, access to this technology. Because I wrote about his vile filthy comment about the toilet, as I am brushing my teeth this morning, I "hear" endless commentary about the toilet. The pigs increase the attacks if I write about how disgusting they are. They promote every piece of sick and creep crap who attacks me. How can I ever get anyone to stop this if I don't write about it--for years, and years, and years, and years--as I write and and write and fucking pigs from the media steal and steal and steal and steal my ideas and I wait and wait for a single one to not be a fanatical unit component of this 4th Reich sleaze filth organization to come forward. All the shit creeps I have written of, a huge segment and increasingly they are exposed as being violent and incompetent--but still, the structure remains. 

How long does the US Government require a criminal organization to push candidates and actors into lead roles and to enforce hate crimes for them on the sly?

I urge people to listen to the William Cooper Hour of the Time lecture series on WHITEWATER and his expose of how sinister the Clintons really were back in Arkansas--they were coached and trained to perform as credible intellectuals and feminists and progressives in some capacity by the acting community which also coaches the politicians. Back in the cocaine sex orgy and murder days of Governorship in Arkansas, with Piggary acting as the legal corporate crime syndicate corrupt partner with her hubby (while LIVING with a man she eventually, it is alleged, had murdered--Nance, or something like that--it's so hard to type, so slow to surf I can't look it up it's too time-consuming) but she has been accused of killing one of her partners (who she did live with, was her lover!!!)


Hour of the Time podcasts titled "Whitewater" and you will hear the intimate details that were documented by the William Cooper team, which I can't find online, all the sites Cooper once had are gone, there is one site, but the real documented information appears to be gone or you must pay (which of course I can't) to get even a semblance of the information--not sure if it's available.

LISTEN to what a sleazy foul criminal Piggary Clinton is and has been--she still is. I have been exposed to it. After piggary began her assault upon me, and brought De-venereal disease to infect my daily life with his mental illness, he is a true disgusting foul and vile personality endlessly adored because he pours his former drug addiction, his psychopathic violence upon people whom the government instructs him to attack violently for them--as piggary has done with me--because I am fighting for "women's" rights and my right to live in peace. That is all I have been doing and the reaction is endless violence to be subjected to being raped, poisoned, poison raped as deeply into my body as possible, the pig ape shit from Congress, Obama, Biden, Trump, Clinton(s) all having me surrounded by thugs, whores and shit to enforce this mind control program because it will give them more mansions (living next to the Trumps, in Obama's case) and etc.


After having walked away from this mind control torture spot where I fight to type despite hacking blocks to the keyboard function, my brain swirling under "Havana Syndrome" effect (to just place it into a context, I think what I experience may be worse than the purported effects that have been identified--and ignored and discredited).


Vince Foster--that is the name of this male that I was struggling to remember in name--came as I was in a different spot in this room, my hands wet so the electrical charge afflicting my brain and body was changed somehow in some conductive capacity. As I am not even a neophyte in knowledge of electrical conduction, I can only try to write the little I know that there is "grounding" there are various types of shielding and etc.

Vince Foster was the "lover" of Piggary Clinton who was later, it is purported, murdered upon instruction of aforestated corruptician who has ensured I am sliced with knives while sleeping inbetween my toes, that began after she had her yelling and information-sucking experience of then being promoted with her own tv show about "fighting for women" with the few non-threatening brown and black women featured in the clips with piggary shoveling the K-rap about how she "cares" with her daughter in tow.


What else? The hateful voice of de-STD-Nero is lowered in volume and filthiness, but still ever-present as has been the case for years and years and years, long before Covid and this pig has been going to the Oscars along with Pig pitt for all these years of them sitting and rushing at me, punching abusing insulting having me raped beaten and tortured. I also forgot to mention, as I did for a long time, Keanu Reeves has been heavily invested in this torture and rape contract, has raped me and then immediately afterwards threatened to kill me. He was handed lead role during Covid in movie after movie (4 lead roles in 4 movies at least during Covid when all the theaters were closed and few actors were engaged but he somehow obtained all these prominent roles after raping and threatening to kill me, pig style, with de-STD and pig pitt and filthalina--all have stolen ideas from me and tortured me to obtain ideas ----and with Reeves, who has been going along for the ride for a very long time, he may have--I stress "may"--stolen the idea of rage from a pet being killed or taken away by an enemy for no reason other than a power trip based on my years of writing about my "daughter" cat La Moux who was my one and only, which they stole giggling and laughing as I cried to return her, back in 2013 as they raped and beat and tortured me and then actually tried to have me killed in a horrendous near-death truck incident--where I would have been brutally killed with a truck plowing my body over--that is what filthy pig Depp and shit Heard tried to do, as they have since been cheered on by Europigapes in their festivals and awards ceremonies and the shit spawn has been handed nearly every single goddamn thing possible on the planet for her promotion with full applause from all the rape and porn people of Whorewood absolutely fawning over all the energy they have sucked out of me, the ideas they have stolen and used in fascist Nazi/Mafia pretext for their shitty movies with death and hate and porn sleaze as the main themes which sell--my ideas just a few ornamental props but because they are so "radical" they shocked people in the brazenness--I got more torture for having these ideas in the first place

and then they sicced filthy de-venereal disease upon me. This ugly and foul old man sucked my health and youth out and imbibed it for his dirty old man porn self--I swear this was an energy vampire situation with the cocaine addict, alcoholic and whatever else turned this filthy vile pig ape into the foul and dirty criminal parasite that he and his ilk are--sticking their ugly pig ape faces up because the US Government has literally paid them and sponsored them to promote their own fascist Nazism with blonde worship in the movies and trickling down into culture.

Enforced through death squads which span the entire planet and technology now extending into space via satellites with torture and covert assassinations the new "fun" games for psychopath criminal performers to pour and dump their hate and racism and violence upon the innocent only for more and more and more and more for them and people dying in the streets for the piggary like Clinton

speaking of which, it was Piggery and her corrupt England-produced 4th Reich "Democrat" hubby who created this death squad criminal justice concentration camp for minority culture in their Crime Omnibus bill of 1994 (I was living in Germany at the time and had no access to the news in English except for Stars & Stripes broadcasts which only mentioned the Clit-ons in their bid for power for presidency and nothing more. I had no idea what they were, but I was disappointed when I saw the ugly hateful fake broad smiles as they waved to the cheering crowds once they were elected. 

So they absolutely promoted criminal enterprise in America for them and their ilk, but have created a system of the dumbed down, drugged up impoverished poor and minorities who watch these mafia movies, try to become as "gangster" as possible with the help of their "brothers" like the "ganster rap" parasites Ice Cube, now on tour angrily denouncing the power grid which he has propped up and fully engages in and absolutely supports white supremacy and Nazi pig apes from Nazi countries in Europigapeland--absolutely a sinister fake. But they all promote "gangster" culture with the end result of the people brainwashed into following this creed end up with life sentences under the sentencing guidelines that fascist Nazi Mafia Piggary Clinton helped set-up. The effect is that they control the crime and are "allowed" to get away with almost anything and everything, which Trump admitted to many times but the slick greasy creeps like piggary keep it all very hush and mum, good at lying and as representative of the false opposition to fascism, a perfect dirty and foul skank endlessly put into the limelight for her corrupt machinations disguised as "feminism" as her bs line into the fake "compassion" industry that the "liberals" are selling.


So the psychopath de-venereal disease has mocked the grey hair he personally made sure to have forced upon me with daily poisoning into my bladder, abuse he and his bosom partner pesce poured upon me for HOURS every day, multiple times a day, while sleeping death and homelessness skits, every day--after they used my ideas (or De-venereal disease has done this along with Shit-negger the Austrian fascist who has likewise obtained a documentary, a tv show, his rotten ugly son being put into movies and deals and deals and deals as they get Pelousi to threaten to mutilate and kill me, as SHE gets Covid money diverted to her neighborhood club party projects, and AOC gets slots at the Met Gala for participating along with the other skank creep nazi models of the Whorewood 4th Reich establishment)

and it never ends. 


Next time I am cleaning my toilet, I have to over-ride the sick and stupid disgusting commentary by the shitstain parasites, who have put grey hair on my head after having most of it chemically damaged to the scalp--it's stlil mostly balding over more than 16 months--they may fun of the grey hair which they caused (they literally dyed my hair so the roots and shaft were killed, these ugly horrid streaks are at the very back of my head--I see them when I brush the underside of my hair and let it hang down as I bend over to brush it from underneath and I can see a single huge streak and this streak has been put into my hairline with the hair never growing in this area--all to damage my self worth, to make me so bloated my body is horrendously deformed, like I'm a huge, fat and broken down person. My skin completely damaged, my toes all broken, my fingers mangled under the cuticles, my spine fractured and covered with hard chemicals--and I must bend and clean under the sink at the most brutal angles for my body and they do this every time I leave. It is so painful I am nearly paralyzed from the exertion but I must do it otherwise the fungus grows, the stench goes all over this area of the tiny cube where I live, and the boards are sagging and breaking from water absorption.

I can't leave this room just for that very reason, that I can't bend and clean this more than twice a month--I am so fragile by now from all the poisoning, hard chemicals, and torture and abuse and stress and etc. Like sick psycho scum they make fun of the damage to my body--that they ordered as they laugh and go off absolutely puffed up on power, feeding off abuse and tortured, bloated with a sense of grandiose power, hormonally charged, sexually titillated by it....

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Terrorist Report: July 4, 2023. PLUS "F**ck You England" (CollegeHumor) & "What to the Slave is the 4th of July" (Frederick Douglass)" & "If Shakespeare Wrote a Play About Cereal (CollegeHumor).

"F**ck You, England". CollegeHumor. July 4, 2014.



"'What to the Slave is the 4th of July?': James Earl Jones reads Frederick Douglass's Historic Speech". Democracy Now! July 4, 2023.

This next vid is just charming and fun---combining America with England, no mention of slavery or freedom here. I never want to remain on the dark and ugly emotional and mental path that the terrorist specialists in mood mind f** are fighting to produce in me. They want to have me broken in every way. I try to find some humor and it takes a very long time every day to get the poison they inject into my body out because they have to force a reaction out of me. Years of begging for this torture and hate to be stopped has done nothing but provoke a countless stream of steaming piles of politicians coming to join in. What's odd is that the people in this video present an intelligence I have never seen in any of the very famous people teleporting me. Odd that, they provide no breakfast of champions but somehow their fruit loops keep winning a tempest of awards---with love's labor lost, their rape culture provides a kind of suicidal pact between foe's suffocating under a star-crossed stellar canopy made of plastic surgery reusables molded into the shape of glow-in-the-dark starz.//but what it truly signifies is an actor, strutting his plastic surgery upon a state-stage, filled with botox, sound and fury, signifying nothing.

"If Shakespeare Wrote a Play About Cereal (improv challenge)". CollegeHumor. March 2, 2023.


More mutilations on my body are apparent. The terrorists sliced into my right index finger and cut into the blood vessels, a few weeks ago. The nail won't grow back in the area that they cut deeply into under the cuticle. It' s now half hanging onto my skin on that finger and it's flapping off and won't grow at all. They have done the same to my right large toe, and for over 4 years if the nail grows, it is raised above the skin and loose, and has grown into something like a layered calloused and ribbed huge half-off blackened nail. If I cut it, (I must use a special nail cutter for this) more than half the nail comes off and only the stub at the very cuticle remains. It barely grows back and takes a few months to reach a horrid black grown state, half dead (mostly dead). It almost crumbles off when I try to cut it and is loose. They have just done this to my finger. It simply won't grow back. I can't use the finger nail for any basic hand activities like opening anything. They have cut into the middle fingers on both hands so the cuticles are literally cut below the skin and almost nothing remains of the cuticle. The fingers are enlarged and swollen and red. They would lift up my thumb nails so they were yellow and calloused. I have to wear layers of gloves and other objects to try to stave off the mechanical arms cutting into my fingers and toes, but if I pass out from toxic shock I fall into a deep sleep (while in this state, they close off my throat sphincter muscles while I'm in this healing deep sleep really needing to sleep and heal, as they force me to choke and wake up constantly) but when I do fall asleep, they put me "out" and cut so deeply under the cuticle that they are killing the nerve endings and the nail won't grow back.

Of course I can't afford to pay for any doctor and I am stuck with these deformities, and they have just added more to the huge list of problems they forced onto my body--with me not able to pay for any doctor or basic health care, but I struggle to buy things to heal and can barely afford anything. 


the terrorist celebrities continue to plaster their movies, faces, news articles on my every search. If I even scroll down and read the article, they will "know" through the thought-reading and non-stop surveillance. They then teleport me IMMEDIATELY because any goddamn thing I click on is an avenue of exploiting this contract. They demand that I "care" about their personal problems, their movies and always threatening me, hitting me and abusing me to get me to say that I watch their k-rap or care--because t hat is the contract of "Mind control" and now it's not programming it's just threats and violence to get me to say that t hey are great and their movies and they are wonderful and I care so much about their lives, which of course I only want them to go away and vanish and don't care about anything about them except that they are GONE permanently so I can live my beautiful life without their filth and hate and ugliness perpetually forced upon me. The "Me Too" women who have stolen ideas from me, sit as usual in the chairs on their filthy brains, and say and do nothing as their husbands rape and beat and threaten to kill me because they all get promotions for this behavior. The politicians sit watching and observing and sometimes participating as if it's a clinical trial but really like it's a rape orgy party that they are all invited on a personal basis to indulge in to see what free deals and media promotions they can get out of acting in this manner as well (or doing nothing but sitting there and being paid and promoted for offering advice and protection to these psychos attacking me). 

AFter they do things like stab me with knives, or they make some skit of stabbing me and then raping me (they are thrusting something like a knife above me downwards and then sexually assaulting me) they begin to yell the ideas I said when asked by them, years ago, why I don't "like them" as I said these things under  hypnosis, while asleep, and after they had stolen my ideas, had me mutilated, poisoned and drugged me went on and on and on and on and they are still going on and on, the same terrorists, the same nothing from society, and they use any trigger to get more and more and more and more out of attacking me using any device and pretext possible.


I have to never watch their movies again. If I see their faces or names I must scroll down and squint my eyes to not read anything about them, just so they won't teleport me and rape and threaten to kill me because I have been saying, telling them, explaining to them, that their rape and abuse is not sexy, they are not cool, I never liked them or their movies very much, I don't like them, until it's now screaming I wish them death, trying to kill them as they punch and rape me and stab objects into me

only because I watched a movie or read an article or did anything that brings attention to people I never read anything about, watched their movies because I was drugged up, never liked them

and now it's like never-ending hate and torture and abuse from some creeps who are extremely violent. I write and write and write and write and write and write and have been writing about how sick and disgusting they are, and they are NEVER stopped and are always being advertised, cheered on in places like France and Italy--especially--but always cheered on in America--

It's like I can't watch the news, watch any news clip or get tortured by some tv news anchor--can't watch a movie, can't read an article, can't read an online newspaper--can't watch any movie with any living actors any longer and I can't watch political debates  or interviews with political candidates--all I mention have been avenues of attack by what is now a list of people attacking me that is so long I would try to write it and inevitably forget at least a few names, if not a few dozen. All because I clicked on something online, watched a movie, watched a news interview, watched a candidate, clicked on a photo on my Facebook page, etc etc they jump to get into this contract. They ask me why I don't like them, after maybe 5 years of their non-stop attacks, I can think of a lot of reasons why I don't like them. They are now making stabbing motions and sexual violence because I told them I don't like their movies, I don't care about their personal lives or mishaps. One of them who is extremely violent and a black energy parasite upon me has asked me to congratulate him on his personal life, or mishaps--I keep telling him first politely and quietly as he goes on and on and on and on and on and attacking me asking me over and over and over an dover in this most vulnerable state why I don't care why why and I go into how violent he is and finally, in the "truth serum" state I go into al lthe years of violence and torture. For THIS he gets rewarded. He then threatens me because I wished him and his group harm, death and destruction after YEARS of torture. Something bad happened to him, and so because I read tarot cards, suddenly I am a "witch" and I did something to cause this. Threatening me with murder, death, destruction, killing my cat (which they stole in 2013), demanding that I care about some misfortune in his life which was put on my internet newspaper reading (Huffpost, which I read every morning to get a very quick perusal of the basic McNews) and because this article was on the list I scrolled down, and I read ONLY the headline--I was teleported within the hour (in early morning, as I am doing my morning routine, and the drugging of the previous night inserted or injected into my body while I sleep, is fresh, the "truth serum" effect and susceptibility to hypnotic suggestion and lack of boundary is very fresh in my blood stream (another form of being poisoned to death) as the parasites latch on, dig into trying to obtain a reaction of hate from me, as finally I begin to rush at them punching and trying to kill them. They get excited, happy and the pig apes get promoted for it. 


This goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. On this July 4th, I write for the nth year in a row about the Constitutional void and the illegal and hate crimes that have been endlessly supported by a President, two House Speakers, many House Reps, Senators, and an unbelievable number of celebrities in that degraded part of America which fans out it's filth through electromagnetic currents distributed by technology that has covered the planet in an electric grid that is akin to a prison matrix of control. It appears that higher intelligence is no longer necessary to run the circuits and conduits of these mind control portals and only replications of ideas which can be cranked out are left as the centrifugal force of this vortex of parasitic incompetence --as I have seen being in this field.
